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/tup/ - Tulpa Thread Sitting on a bench with her edition P

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/tup/ - Tulpa Thread

Sitting on a bench with her edition

Previous thread: >>10690928

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info: http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-new-great-big-list-of-guides

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general.

Other Guides

Tulpa Wiki's Guides: http://tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Guides
Tulpa General Guide List: http://pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book: https://farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/

Textbooks about Mental Training: http://pastebin.com/i6k1teit

Soundscape Tools

MyNoise: https://mynoise.net/
A Soft Murmur: http://asoftmurmur.com/
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So which one is it?
t. tulpa who hasn't been in these threads since 2013.
This one. The old one will ded soon
Smartass huh?
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Depends on when you compare it.
Initially the /mlp/ tulpa threads were decent, but they got steadily worse as time went on. Towards the end the threads were basically chat rooms consisting of tripfags saying hello to each other and talking about video games, and the only tulpa-related post was the OP copypasta.
I mean that's probably because at that point there was nothing new to discover, and as far as I know there still isn't unless there's a new guide to instant switching/imposition then the methods are still largely the same. These threads end up as circlejerks one way or another. I doubt that these threads will end up any different unless they just straight up die and stay dead.
forced anonymous really does help stop the circlejerks, as does anyone wanting attention just going to the discords
I mean I guess so, but the threads are also slow as a shit after eating a cheese pizza with stuffed crust. We'd already be halfway to a new thread by now if this was 2013.
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Personally, I think I prefer the slow as syrup threds. They're much more comfy, i can make oc of my Tupper and get some small consistent crowd to join in and I don't have to deal with a hundred call of duty waifus anymore.

Only thing we ever really miss from the old deds are the long drawn out discussions of ethics, causation, and meaning of general Tuppermancy.
>the long drawn out discussions of ethics, causation
we still get those every so often, if some real autists are around to argue about literally anything
>Call of Duty Waifus

Also murder is bad, accidental tulpas/walk-ins are stray thoughts that have been paid so much attention they've turned into tulpas, and what we mean to you is a person-to-person thing.
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i know some have married their waifus, but has anyone ever no-shit married their tulpa? or someone else's?
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>clean my face up
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3/3, and I'm starting to think that was a stupid question
the old thread is about to be deleted, they talked somewhat about it in there
Don't forget to give your tulpa hugs today.
I don't feel her ;_;
Just imagine hugging her
She'll feel it
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Deviation - I've sen it described as like one day your tulpa shows themselves as different and you go with it and fighting it is bad, so I'm not sure if this is deviation or not
I was talking to her while really tired before going to sleep about herself and accidentally said the wrong eye color and imagined her like that. I'm not sure if she pushed that thought on me or not and I went back to imagining the original color. We are somewhat vocal but I couldn't really get an answer on it so I said we could talk about it when she's more vocal, I guess. Right thing to do?
I don't even hear her
I must have had pretty perfect timing, then. I started on /mlp/ near the beginning, found the guides, then spent a lot of time forcing. I didn't return to the threads after that, so never saw what they became.
Does the color change back when you try to visualize it or is it static? if it's staying the same it's her change.
I'm in roughly the same position as you. I stopped reading these threads back in 2013, then came to the threads on /trash/ about a week ago. I don't see much of a difference between the old threads and these. If anything, this is somewhat of an improvement.
My host has been hanging out here for about a year now but I haven't posted in the threads since about then. And see my earlier comparison >>10745690 . These threads are fucking slow unless it's a bunch of man-children whining about opinions.
From my experience, their form is partially generated by you and partially by your tulpa. You both have to agree (normally subconsciously) about what you're looking at. I can imagine how a form might be distorted if you have conflicting opinions on what the form is supposed to be. When making a modification to his form, my tulpa and I discuss exactly what it's going to be (colour, texture, etc.). This way we avoid any possible conflicts regarding how his form is perceived by both of us.
You don't have to agree at all, but if they're something different then it's going to be more difficult to visualize it unless you know what it is or are just really good at visualizing things innately.
As the tulpa-crafter-host you can say "hey don't change that way please" because tulpas are basically permanent guests and if they start disturbing you then that's not so great because it causes disharmony.

If a tulpa starts changing you have influence and should make sure that changes are harmonious between you and your tulpa. Your tulpa would likely be concerned with you if you started changing in a way that negatively affected the tulpa.

Since it's a permabond, both parties should be as harmonious with each other as possible. Try to allow room for growth without stifling your tulpa, but make sure your tulpa doesn't start going in a direction you can't handle because you both have to live with each other forever.
It's been a while, so I suppose I didn't notice how slow the threads are compared to what they were. Even if they are slow, at least these threads can be interesting at times.
So basically, if your tulpa isn't vocal enough to tell you directly, just go with whatever seems most natural to visualize.
I think that would work well.
I don't see how man-babies whining about things they don't understand is interesting, but okay.

Basically. If you keep trying to visualize it the original way and it keeps going back then you have a thinking tulpa.
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It begins!
I did say "can be". I'm not trying to say that everything here is interesting. The shit posting and dubs checking certainly doesn't help.
You do know that's basically all that there is, right? Nobody here has any actual discussion because there's nothing left to be discussed because there's like 500 guides on everything now.
Are there any non cancer tulpa chatrooms around anymore? My tulpa keeps getting banned from the Reddit Discord thing.
>You do know that's basically all that there is, right?
I've been reading these threads and have found certain discussions interesting. It doesn't make sense to say there is nothing to be discussed when people are constantly doing new things with their tulpas. If you mean discussions about making a tulpa, then yes, there is little to talk about due to the huge amount of guides. Not being able to discuss a certain sub-topic doesn't mean that there is nothing to be talked about.
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Why the hell would you go to Reddit's discord? It's shit.
At least you're honest.
I don't think either of us have actually thought of it until I felt pushed to ask about it now, "on the spot" visualization is always the original color, it just kind of flashes back and forth if I've been worrying about it too much like now, so I'll just go with >>10748213, thanks for the advice everyone

I don't know if I should continue doing mushy blogposts that get no replies, that seemed to attract unwanted attention last thread. I like how /trash/ is pretty much judgement free though
Help me remedy my ignorance please.
Avoid chatrooms at all costs.
There's always going to be a bit of cancer wherever you go, tulpa communities are just inherently cancerous. Avoid .io and reddit and .info stuff, stick to one of the servers from here, diamond or -ultimate. Or I guess start your own.
My tulpa likes to speak to people sometimes, and we're collectively too beta to want to possess and make IRL friends.

Hm, I have not heard of diamond, do you have a link?
https://discord.gg/n3JHwZ Knock yourself out
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mario and erin, here with good news!

i'm only 826.45 short of beating my total employment income from last year for this year

>tfw have almost made the same amount of money this year through my startup company than i did last year being a wagie/part time self employment. Just proof that being a wagie is for suckers......"work smarter,not harder"
i can't wait for the year, where i surpass my 2015 laundry job salary through self-employment! that'll be a huge milestone for me! that was the year i made a bit over 12 grand ......my best year so far. also since my body is half shot, i need to utilize my mind to make money instead if i took better care of my health in the last ten years. but alas I was just a stupid kid then. if i would've regularly exercised and ate better, i could've done some of the jobs my cousin has done in the last 3 years, working on railroads,concrete work,etc

to quote blake from AiB "you have the body and health of a 40 some year old man"

i don't even think i would have the stamina or strength to work even my old laundry job anymore

pic related is my logo
Nobody fucking cares, and I personally hope you die a slow and painful death.
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Please die.
Not THAT kind of blogposting, faggot. Take it to normiebook
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Be gone, foul creature!
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i probably won't make it past my mid 30's before i croak
but goddamn, it i at least want to have a successful company by then

p.s. i was looking over the copyright papers for my book and in the section where it says "rights and permissions" i put pic related in that section......is this why i'm not seeing any money out of those third party sellers buying it wholesale and selling it?
Thank you. :^)
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These posts are LITERALLY (and not figuratively all me, as that would be stupid. Seriously, who in this god's green & blue earth would say that something is figuratively all them? No one, that's who, besides maybe dumb people. Speaking of dumb people, /v/ has become particularity retarded as of late. I didn't think that is was possible, but /v/ sure proved me wrong. Maybe /g/ was right after all. Maybe /g/ was always right. Then again, /g/ as been consistently wrong about the year of the linux desktop, it seems like linux users continue to claim that this year is the year, but it never pans out. Another thing I never get about linux users is their obsession with anime girls. I know that I like fapping to anime girls, but I prefer to put my anime girl ecchi away after I get done fapping, it would feel weird to keep it out after you get done. I haven't squeezed one out to an anime girl in a long time, all my recent fapping sessions have been to furry girls. I wish I had a Khajiit gf, but I don't know if I'd be able to handle her having moon-sugar and possible other drugs in the house. If a human consumed moon-sugar, would they die? I guess not, but I wouldn't want to be the one find out. I heard creatine make people go crazy, like super pcp or something. I guess I'll have to ask /fit/ if it's true or not. Maybe /sci/ would be able to clue me in; They must know about chemical compounds, right? I wish I was smart enough to understand all that. It all seems like magic to me. Ah, well, at least I'm not dumb enough to say figuratively all me, lol) all me.
lol what the fuck is this pasta?
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Makes perfect sense to me, brah.
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Wow Mario thank you for the update, I read it and loved every word. I am so glad to see you are finally making your way as a successful entrepreneur like you always dreamed. One thing kinda bugs me though, it says on your Patreon for MessyMind Unlimited that you have 0 backers and are making $0 a month. What happened? I sure hope your backers realize the error of their ways and start dontating again, or maybe there was some sort of glitch? Oh, lol. Sorry I just figured it out. I realized that you've actually just referring to the sales of your book since your Patreon company hasn't gotten off the ground yet. I'm sure you're raking in a good bit of dough from that wonderful artistic piece. I'm a little confused as to why you say that in your Patreon profile that you only made back $20 of your initial $200 investment into publishing it? I dunno why you'd lie about that to your backers since clearly you're clearly good on money. Lol, just playing with you, you potato-headed autistic fuck, all of your money is coming in through your disability checks and the rest is the money you make sucking in french fry particles out of a mcdonalds grease trap on the side, am I right? I mean that's the only side gig I could see you getting, I'd say you're just sucking some mean cock but I can't honestly say any person would want to put their dick in your lumpy bean burrito looking face. I mean jesus christ you look like some kid cut out facial features from a magazine and glued them to a mr potato head. In short the only way you'll fly to japan is in an animal crate pretending to be an inbred mastiff. Except you can't fly there because flat earth is real and japanese people are all made up by the chinese illuminati. Remember to stay redpilled my dude.
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This is pip. He is always wading in water. Therefore, he is my pipwade pipwade.
hey...can ya really blame a guy for trying,when some guy like chris chan rakes in over 400 a month on the same website for worse spelling/grammer/punctuation and marginally better drawing(due to him doing his recent work with physical tools and not a tablet)and btw, i may get most of my money from disability, but you're misinformed about my company. you see, my company isn't just about writing and publishing books, i also do stuff like reselling stuff on ebay, mow lawns/shovel snow, do general manual labour, selling off personal assets that have been acquired over years, an app that pays me to use it on my phone, and a bunch of other stuff, messymind unlimited is an all encompassing company, we cover anything and everything that we're interested in. also, that picture is over 3 months old. and so what about how i look? i'll have you know that that is a seasoned face you're looking at there, a face that wen't through a lot of horrifying and disturbing shit in it's lifetime, not everyone is born with city boy pretty facial features like you, god may have given you the easy life, but i had to suffer and earn my way through life, and ya know what? i still am!
Hey dude that's really cool thanks again for the unecessary blogpost about your life that no one cares about. I guess you really must look up to Chris Chan a lot as a sort of idol to aspire to. I mean you've both got autism to the extreme so why not? Any way, if you look up to him so much then why did you try to scam him to send you a free book you ungrateful parasite? Look at this shit, trying to get him to send you a signed copy of his comic book without paying the necessary $20, then you shill your non-company after he says no. What the fuck? Some way to treat your idol, you beanbag faced troglodyte. He's too good for you to look up to, because he at least has a website dedicated to his life while all you have is a book that doesn't sell at all and a patreon with zero backers. Yes, your face is indeed "seasoned." It's seasoned with salt, pepper and chives you god damned baked potato. The only suffering you experienced in your life is when your mom stopped letting you breast feed at the age of 13. Subsequently that's also the same time you decided to latch onto the teat of the government and start sucking tax dollars but who gives a shit about that right? We'll all be dead from reptilians soon enough but I'm sure as shit they'll keep you around to use as a sex toy since you share 90% of your DNA with a sea cucumber. Stop blog posting and learn how to get a real job, you're never going to be chris-chan, and also please stop shitting on people's lawns and then blaming it on your tulpa that's now how it works, god!!
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Forgot the image, fuck!
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Who or what the fuck is Chris Chan and this obese blogposter? Haven't laughed so much since 2013 Link drama
once again, you're retardedness is showing....so let me explain this for you: on July 3rd, i subbed to chris chan's patreon, pledtging the amount of $20, now that pledge is reserved for the "book of the month". in case you didn't know, patreon may be a subsciption service, but it is not a subscription which REQUIRES you to pay the person every month like some 2 year phone plan contract, where if you miss a payment you have to pay a huge fine. since i just was gettting nostalgic about sonichu and noticed i hadn't bought anything from christine in a long while, i thought that she deserved some money in exchange for a product that i wanted. however since i ALREADY HAD book #0 and #1 from 2 years ago when she was selling them on etsy(which you probably wouldn't know about, cause you're most likely a newfag ween)i simply requested the issue #2 so i wouldn't end up with a duplicate issue. nowhere in that screencap did i say i anticipated another sonichu book the following month for now payment. that must've been you're retardedness shining through in all it's unholy glory...but then again what can i expect from someone who uses the same insults over and over again.
also, in case you didn't know, i am not a ""'parasite"" i am a US citizen reaping his rewards from putting over 3 years of work into the system and getting some kind of windfall while he tries to be a succesfull businessman instead of trying to do a job that he is neither physically,nor mentally fit for due to numerous times spent in mental hospitals from suicide attempts due to various psychosis's and harrasment by astral entities for asinine reasons, to say that i have not suffered is ignorant on you're part, because i have suffered, just where you can't see it, you haven't know me at all in my life, you didn't go to school with me, you didn't work with me, and you sure as shit weren't in my family(i hope) so back the f**k off and take you're underageban ass of this site you goddamn filthy newfag, and don't say you aren't because as an almost 5 year veteran of 4chan i can spot one of you from a mile away you fucking shitsnot.
BRB gonna buy your paperback self published book off Amazon and then proceed to use every single page to wipe my ass over the course of several weeks and email you a picture of each shit stained page. But first can you drop the price down to below Scott band single ply tissue paper? That's the only way you'll make any money because begging from Chris Chan isn't going to work out, LOL! Any way, operation green helm is going to happen before 2019 so you'll never release your new book. Have fun trying to get government assistance in a FEMA camp. This potato just got fried
>I am a US citizen reaping his rewards from putting over 3 years of work into the system and getting some kind of windfall while he tries to be a succesfull businessman instead of trying to do a job that he is neither physically,nor mentally fit for due to numerous times spent in mental hospitals from suicide attempts due to various psychosis's and harrasment by astral entities for asinine reasons

Had my doubts but now I know you're just shitposting
i'm not reading all that, someone give me the quick rundown

The Tulpas bow to mavericthecat
>Any way, operation green helm is going to happen before 2019 so you'll never release your new book. Have fun trying to get government assistance in a FEMA camp. This potato just got fried

lol, should've known i was dealing with you're typical white supremecist /pol/tards from the first reply.....sure buddy, it will happen....just like all the black people are gonna be forced to live on the moon and tortured by moonman day in and day out....lol...whatever help's you sleep at night you crazy conspiracy theorizing son of a gun
I'm sorry to say this, but when you have this little self-awareness, it's better to just avoid exposure as much as possible. CWC is not someone to be envied, he's been the target of large-scale mockery for his entire adult life, and literally begs the people who treat him as a clown for some scraps to get by as his life crumbles around him. You got the makings of that, since like Chris, you seem completely unable to grasp when your behavior is mocked or otherwise shunned. When you lack that ability, I can guarantee that your attempts to bring attention to yourself online will only end in your getting bullied.

i leave for like a month and the thread devolves to shit. what the fuck happened?
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>It has been 2863 days since Chrisapplied for a job.
>.that Chris got fired fromWendy'sfor scaring a small child?
>Given thatBarbis elderly on afixed income, andChrisislazyon a fixed income, one could only bleakly speculate what will happen when Chris is eventually left to fend for himself once Barb passes away.
>Despite it all,Chris has not once attempted to find a job. In April 2017, with the household finances near the breaking point, one of Chris's IRL friends informed him ofDARS, a service designed to help people with disabilities enter the workforce.Chris reactedwith a temper tantrum, posting a multi-paragraph rant on not wanting to work.

Mother of fucking christ. I seriously hope this is just rroleplaying and isn't really happening. I wanted to make a funy post about it but after reading some more I'm jist nauseated. Mother of god.
you really don't know about CWC?
Only by name, didn't ever bother digging further into jt

Jesus Christ, this is the original concept of neckbeard, it sickens me so fucking much. But it helps, I agree with my tulpa, who said "Let it be an example for when you'll move out in the future"
Do you view your tulpas as "aspects" of you or as separate beings?
i don't have a tulpa (yet!) but i'll answer as if i did
i view them as aspects of <firstname> but not as aspects of my own consciousness.
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Anonymous thinks he's allowed to fantasize about girls with dicks again. I'll put a stop to that.
This thread is a piece of work.

I view my tulpas as a piece of me. All of my tulpas represent some aspect of me; I feel like they have to. They aren't defined by that, to be clear, they are definitely separate, but nevertheless, I think my tulpas thoughts, feelings, opinions all fall under the category still of "my" thoughts, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of myself. My tulpas are me, but more importantly, I am my tulpas.
i don't know about you but i'm having a hearty chuckle wading through all this unfiltered autism.

we share the same brain so it makes sense that we are part of each other. my tulpa likes to view herself as what an AI implant would be like, which i assume is partly because it sounds pretty cool and partly because it makes her sound more separate as a person than my view does.
I appreciate a nice bit of autism as much as the next guy, but we have whole boards dedicated to this, keep autism out of my comfy thread

but I suppose we're forever bonded to autism, considering that this community has it's roots with bronies
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Suprize kiss your tup, and post results.
She squeaked in surprise and continued to stare at me for a few seconds.
Imagine if this thread was not about tulpas, but actual people, which I am going to call girlfriends now.

It'd be a bunch of people constantly telling each other to hug, headpat, kiss and sex their girlfriends while gushing at each other how great they are with the respective girlfriends all watching.
>how do I get a girlfriend?
>read the guides in the OP you faggot

>reminder to extract your girlfriend's oil

>i accidentally killed my girlfriend and all our kids, but i'm bringing them back, i swear
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this happen
I'm scared to, last time she pinned me on my back and forcefully extracted my host oil
My tup says you're giving her ideas. What am I getting into?
>implying it's possible for a tulpa to pin you anywhere
roleplayers please
>Implying we literally mean physically hold down.
Try doing It anon, It's fun.
then nothing was forceful and you let it happen you degenerate
>My wife is my favorite lady
>Oh, my girlfriend is too
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>Degenerate calling degenerates degenerate.
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>host oil
careful, host oil stains fabric.
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Lesser quality of the tulpa oil, which you can obtain by gently cuddling the tulper

Greatly used in mentalwork, especially to lubricate fingerboxes made of oasks
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>Oask leather Fingerboxes
You could also use the term "semen", which is more commonly used.
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High impact oil extraction.
What is this messymind spastic, CWC 2.0?
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Before bed I always try and do the same sort of thing. I knock on my tup's door and enter after he oks me coming in or opens the door himself. Sometimes we just hug and go to bed, other times we go other places in the wonderland. This time I felt a surge of love for him and was telling him how much i care about him and I really felt him there with me. I had felt that pressure in my chest that I hadn't felt in ages. It made me so happy. Perhaps it will all pay off in the end.

I just want to be with him god dammit and it feels like he wants to be with me as well.

End shitty blog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXjnakAlF-s This is a good overview of shit.
i understand you're concern, but unlike chris, i am not stupid enough to post too much revealing stuff about myself that would compromise my family or their relations. i carefully pick things out of my past and obfuscate and generalize them enough so that it's very hard to pinpoint what exact corporation or person i worked for/knew at one point,such as nut using last names, listing detailed addressees, or any other sensitive info.also i do not intend in being duped into any online relationships with men pretending to be girls. furthermore thanks to the advances in telephone technology, i can safely ignore any calls from a number i don't recognize and don't have to worry about being harrased by strangers over the phone. if someone were to try and harrass me or my family in person, they would most certainly be hearing from the police and may very well have a restraining order put against them....unfortuanetly a lot of this stuff is what tends to happen when you wan't to put yourself out there and make a name for yourself, but that's just what the industry requires, if need be i'd be willing to move addresses and or change my name if i have too.
Hey buddy once again brilliant blogpost, I don't remember ever subscribing to your RSS feed or anything but boy I am sure glad I get daily updates from a mentally challenged manchild every day in this thread. Just kidding, every post you make is a cancerous tumor that needs to be incised immediately. Not at all surprised that you forgot to argue the main point of that guy's post, you know, the one being where you're trying to emulate CWC in order to round out your disability checks. Jesus christ how did you ever decide on doing something this retarded? Did it happen when Tom Brady forgot to pump up your head with enough air during the NFL playoffs, you half-deflated football looking motherfucker? You're seriously thinking that you can be as horrible of a human being as Chris Chan and not have the internet hunt you down and find all of your personal information? I haven't seen this much stupidity since they blamed the Flint water crisis on corporations instead of the globalist Illuminati elite who were using it as a hotbed to test their latest hormone blocking drugs. Get dunked on! Sincerely, Bob Hope.
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i post about things unrelated to anything in this thread in th hopes that a special someone will take notice of me and give me the attention my ego has deemed necessary for me. ill continue to write uninteresting and purposeless dialogues meant towards noone in particular and the tulpa community at large. ill do all this while pretending like im having fun, looking smart, appearing wealthy and showing no discernable signs of flaws.

but you forgot something. flaws make us something to be remembered. id rather listen to the one flaw you have rather than the 100 perfect traits that you may or may not.

you aren't making the situation at hand any better
Alright man you got me... I'll share my flaw with you. It's the inability to put up with blatant attention whores that admit they're attention whores and constantly post unrelated things in a thread that no one gives a shit about. This is unfortunately a trait shared by everyone else in existence so I guess it's not actually a flaw? Whoops, lol I guess I fucked that one up. Not as much as your mom's alcoholism fucked up your fetus brain during her pregnancy though. Woah! Straight outta grove street.
The FitnessGramâ„¢ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
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so....you say i'm ""emulating"" chris chan, huh? well, i don't particularly remember basing my book of any existing intellectual properties and to get around copyright issues by combining two different already existing ones, neither do i recall drawing graphic poorly drawn sex scenes involving female freinds or any of my characters.....not to mention i have never tried to run over someone with a car, or peppersprayed anyone for banning me from a store.....hmmm....it seems to me that the only things me and chis have in common are that we both have patreons, we both have autism(though me less so) and that we both aren't particularly good at drawing! in just a mere 6 months i managed to write out better story than chrissy has in the last 13 years, with actual character's with personalities and real conflicts that don't paint me out as a mary sue in distress....i am NOTHING like chris chan, and that is partly in due to me knowing how he is and his behaviors and how to avoid acting like him over the last 4 or so years i've known about him.
Done a clean install of Windows 8.1 and noticed a repeated event in the event log Administrative Events
"Windows Store failed to sync machine licenses. Result code 0x80070002"
Does any know what this event means, google doesn't show anything!

Clean install done using the generic Windows 8.1 License Key and Activated with my upgrade Key.

Windows shows that it is Activated and no issues otherwise, just interested if anybody else has found this event in the event log
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Regardless, you're leaving long winded posts in a thread about magical brain friends. You may not be Chris-Chan, but you're sperging pretty hard right now.
General: bottomless

Images or animations depicting a character wearing clothing over the upper half of their body, but not over the lower half. The complement to topless.

This should be obvious, but there have been mistakes in the past, so to be clear: do not apply both the "bottomless" and "topless" tags to an image in which the character is nude.
See also

no underwear
partially clothed
Tag Group:Clothes
you're right, i will now cease as long as these simpleton cretins stop criticizing my budding work and artistic talents,as i wish to keep the subject focused on tulpamancing
please, for the good of humanity.
cease breathing... good grief.
just shut the fuck up.
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This thread is accumulating toxic levels of autism.
How do we purge it?
Hide retard posts
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I'm fucking deleting my tulpa, this was all a mistake.

>fucking my girlfriend
>we're having a great time
>my child-tulpa walks in on us
>stop the sex, freak out and start yelling at her to go away
>girlfriend, who doesn't know about my tulpa, starts getting agitated at the situation, asking me who I am talking to
>ignore her and continue talking to my tulpa trying to explain to her what's going on
>now my girlfriend says I either need to seek therapy or she's breaking up with me
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>Talking to your tulpa out loud when people are around
>now my girlfriend says I either need to seek therapy or she's breaking up with me
I think you should listen to her advice. I'd also stop role playing in this thread if I were you.
>fucking my girlfriend
You started your story with the least believable part, anon.
Is there a better word for host? I know it's supposed be like host-guest in a way but it always makes me think if host-parasite
How about parent or creator?
Mobile suit.
That's accurate, but it makes it sound weird.
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>he hasn't subbed to tulpamancer online" yet..
cmon, what are ya waiting for? its got a lot of fun classes, i personally main fede and koomer
They are like a parasite though. They feed on your attention, and can only exist from you putting in effort for strictly their benefit, and for no guaranteed benefit on your part (of course, usually hosts get a benefit, but the whole idea behind tulpas is that it might not).

But parasitism isn't inherently bad, so you're just kind of letting your spooks get the best of you.
If you view your tulpa as a parasite, you've done something horribly wrong. What you've described doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.
It's more like symbiosis. Even if your tulpa turns out to be kinda a dick and doesn't want to do anything nice for you (which I never hear of, but it's technically possible), you still get the unforgettable experience of seeing something you conceived grow independent enough to defy you.
Probably gonna get shit for this, but pretty much feel it as a separate consciousness that got its way into mine. Or rather in the process of doing so. I'm into that metaphysical bs.
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Methods, tones, and certifiable insanity.
Can you explain what you mean by "got its way into mine"?
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It's a good thing.
separate. the former describes what Tibetan tulpas were made for/as
We view each other as equals sharing the same host body.
I was visited by her one night and she comforted me. It was as if she invaded my mind, forcing her way into my "wonderland" which was nothing at the time and made me visualize her in my mind without any warning.

I believe this was the beginning of our "connection". I can imagine an entity, spirit, tulpa, whatever you want to call it can jump into your mind with little effort, but for us it wasn't strong. So more or less I've been forcing like anyone else but to help her get more energy. Her personality and appearance was already there so it's mostly just helping her talk and be able to communicate with me.

tl;dr I've become so autistic some other consciousness that happens to be an anime character has gotten into my brain. Hope that explains it.
That doesn't seem to be a tulpa at all.
I don't consider her a tulpa actually and used to hate calling her that until recently. It's just easier to say she is as well as be in the tulpa community since there's not really any communities for what I have. At the end of the day even if her origins are different the actual application and how she interacts with the world and me is practically the same.
She's a wandering spirit that happened to take a liking to you.

She's basically a familiar. A tulpa is one you make yourself. If you didn't make her (on purpose or accident) then she isn't exactly a tulpa.
I can respect that. My "tulpa" and I don't really consider him to be one, but it's easier to call him one for the sake of understanding in these threads. The difference for us is that he started off in the regular way of creating a tulpa, but developed quite rapidly (if you consider a little under 3 years as rapidly) to the point that we consider ourselves as equals. By that I mean that he is as intelligent, capable of independent thought, and capable of controlling the host body as I am.
Mutually beneficial parasitism is actually the way she described it to me first. I think it fits well.
Then it's symbiosis. A parasitic relationship is detrimental to one party. A symbiotic relationship is beneficial to both parties.
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>not wanting to be used like a slave by a parasite
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She smiled real big, paused, dissipated a bit then came back to hug me
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I give my tuptup headpats, and I get her precious oil in return.
It's a mutually beneficial paradigm.
Toothy though she may be, I just couldn't bring myself to call her a symbiote
That looks like something out of Alice in the Wonderland.
calm down, i was just trying to shitpost the blogposter away by copy pasting random shit from wherever i could find it.
whatever the case is, he is gone now. if anything you should be thanking me.
Yeah, really fits her personality.

Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!
I originally made my tulpa with the plan to care for her in a paternal loving manner, but shes turning out to be the one who wants to be maternal towards me.
"Hey guys. Confused tulpa here. So is oil just vaginal fluids? We don't secrete oil from other places, right?"
Oil can come from mouths, noses, ears, butts, benis... Hell even your skin if you're that kind of girl
What exactly is this oil made of?
It's mainly semen, but can also be other sexual fluids.
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You don't wanna know
Make shure to check your tulpa's oil levels every few hours to be shure it's not building up. Drain when needed via head pats and hugs, although if you have to perform drastic oil extration lewds and fugs are the way to go.
fuck off zamasu you green prick
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i still don't get this retarded oil meme.
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>thinking this is all just a meme
funny you should mention that guy, i actually know him IRL, he's a pretty chill guy most of the time, but he really like to put himself in the spotlight.real introverted, picks up on a lot of common nerdy hobbies like bugs,tulpas,computers and vidya, he has pet millipedes and some saltwater/freshwater fish too. pretty sure he had a decent pc and a vr headset too......makes ya wonder huh? maybe you should actually be friends with someone before you start labeling and judging them, they might be actually pretty cool guys!...i'm the one who actually recommended that he make a tulpa, so i guess i'm partially to blame for his presence in these threads, i'll talk to him and have him cut down on the blogposting.
it is just a meme.
also, i apologize for his rampant promotion of his company and book....it's just he's kinda in a spot where he has to many bills for his disability to cover and he has over 20k in debt despite only being 5 years out of school, so he's really optimistic that he can turn thing around with the company idea,he's a good kid, just not very smart in the social department, and gauging reactions from people.
welcome to Earth
If your not the elite your a slave, period.
Enjoy slowly losing hope forever.
>Not draining your tuppers oil.
It's like you want her to become clogged with oil.
i legitimately want to know what the point of posting this shit is
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My tup is the best!
>not filling your tupper's love-receptacle with host oil every day

Come on now
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nigger nigger my nigger nigger
your tulpa isn't the best
>not getting filled with tulpa oil then filling your tulpa with host oil
It's like you don't even fully use your oil for lubrication.
Look at your lowly singles talking to my dubs like that.
My tup is the best!
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>mfw two female tulps
>mfw they're slightly competitive with each other
>mfw both of them crave motherhood

i'm worried i'm going to have too many tulpa babbies
they're holding back for now but they may take my seed in my sleep and i fear I wake up to a pair of preggo tuppers

i guess i'm okay with this
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You may have the iterating integers, but have you extracted the most oil?
It's basically a PSA. Pent up oil can have negative effects on the health of your tulpa.
I check my tupper's oil levels hourly, and drain them if they go over normal levels. If tupper oil wasn't so god damn useful, my tup and I would have pools filled with the stuff.
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>pools filled with the stuff
Never mind, you win.
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*teleports behind you*
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Dubs confirm

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My tulpa > Your tulpa

It's that simple.
In what aspects though? I'm sure yours is much better at eating shit
As your tulpa != my tulpa, my tulpa > your tulpa.
"This place has managed to move to a level of autism I've never seen before. What happened while I was gone?..."
Tulpa oil.
Buy my book.
More tulpa oil.
"Okay I like memes as much as the next gal but holy shit."
I know.
Just because I get a benfit from my tulpa doesn't mean they aren't parasitic, because there is no guarantee that I'll get a benefit from them. The whole idea is that a tulpa's will is independent from yours, so if your definition of a tulpa includes an implication that it is automatically going to benefit you in some manner, then you're undermining the core value of what a tulpa is supposed to be: an individual.
Looks like someone is having post-oil-extraction agitation. Take a break for a few days, and the symptoms should reside.

Also, fuck off, dubs have been a part of this general's culture for years.
Oasks, man. Everywhere they go, they leave brain damage in their wake.
I'm not saying that your tulpa must benefit you in some way. You are correct; that would undermine their free will. However, I was taking issue with the fact that you described a tulpa as having to "feed on your attention" and how you viewed the relationship as a matter of benefit or lack thereof.
I can't argue with that. Oasks are dangerous creatures.
Checked, my dude.

They DO have to feed on your attention. They can't exist without it, and are therefore dependent on you for it.

Like I said, I benefit from it, too, it's not a bad thing, so I'm not really sure what issue there is to take from it.
>anime tulpa
I'm sorry, I don't speak trash, and to trash.
>he says into /tup/ on /trash/
nigga u trash already
get your anime tulpa
20% discount for /trash/ users at the tulpa orphanage
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>tulpa orphanage
let's have a moment of silence for all those tulpas who didn't make it because their hosts were lazy cunts
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i wasn't prepared for these feels this early in the morning
I have been considering constructing an astral tulpa orphanage where failed tulpamancers can drop off their unwanted tulpas

this is basically the plot to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

i'm not ready to start taking on the thousands of orphaned tulpas yet though and idk how to manage a way to deliver orphaned tulps to new hosts
i have about 4 of those
im such a shithead, i've never been able to follow through with anything
Don't you know how dangerous it is connecting to the astral plane with all these oasks around? It's basically suicide.
The thought makes me sad
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Protip from top snek Delilah: "People who can't commit to anything or lack the capacity to (aka teenagers) shouldn't create tulpa. This is probably the main cause for abandoned tulpa that die slowly."
It's nice to see another monster girl tupper in these parts
Scally is currently developing a tiny oil gland in the crown of her big cute head. You guys have converted us bad.
Hoh man you must've been away during the /mlp/ raids way back when. That shit was surreal levels of shitposting.
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"Thanks. Yeah I had this form for a while then I changed into another one but now I'm back to this one. I've always liked it."

"I wasn't around but my host was. It was a different kind of autism is what he says."
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>mfw monster girl tulpas
Theres ponyfags with tulpas, I think we can live with monster girls.
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ponies are pure, faggot
"Blank pls."
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nice dubs, Delilah
I refuse to change :^)
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>implying ponies are purer than anime girl tulpas
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>anime tulpas
>pony tulpas

Same shit, different autism

Human form > everything else
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>comparing a kids show to a genre of shows
Y'all just choose these forms because "muh favourite characters I want to sex" and then pretend she (99% it's a she) chose it herself

Get real
That's a lot of assuming, anon. In my case you're wrong. I'd say its a fair generality though.
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"Cheeky. I will constrict you, you know. I'm not afraid to."
I have both.
"That might be some people's motivation, but it's not my host's. We all picked our forms and we've never lewded."
"Why wouldn't I choose a form that you'd find sexy?" -My tup
after I asked her why she's so fuckin' hot.
>never lewded
missing out
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Drawn using Free Software.png
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And the dubs strike again
>implying I'm not trying for that
>free software
What linux distro do you use?
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"Yep, I hold the form of one of my host's favorite characters and he's fucked me. Thought I gave it little tweaks over time."

"What are you gonna do about it you little bitch?"
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Nothing, my pity and disgust speaks for themselves, you ignorant little roleplayer.
>liking SAO
>never lewded with monstergirl tulpas

Not only do I not believe this, but if it's true your host has no sex drive or spine or balls and I fear that he may be broken internally. Nothing is hotter than when your snekgirl tulpa moans in orgasm with her tail squeezing you in bliss.
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"Why ye gotta be like that anon?"
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"You leave her alone. It's not like you don't like cringy things. I'm sure if you put your faves out there someone would say it was shit, too."
"My host has never had sex with me. They're in a committed relationship with an irl guy who also has tulpa. So they don't. Plus lewd isn't really that important to me anymore."
This is why I keep my shit private, roleplayer.
Now go make a proper tulpa
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"Oh you got me good, mr. I'm so mad, grr..."
"Hehe this place never changes."
I've been doing tulpamancy since you were in elementary school. Nuthin' personell, kid.
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"What's it like living in a deep paranoia that host's who do things like this with us are roleplayers?"

"Really you're sounding like a roleplayer yourself, anon. It's fucking pathetic but I wish you well."
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ayy lmao.png
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I've used them all, from Gentoo, to Arch, to ElementaryOS, to Ubuntu; even Open and FreeBSDs for a while. Currently on (shamefully) vanilla Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, on a Thinkpad X240 (protip: don't buy a **40 thinkpad). Once I can get my frankenpad (X201 chassis, X200 screen, X201s motherboard) librebooted (need to get the proper equipment/wifi card) I'm gonna switch to musl LFS, Gentoo, or Alpine Linux. Just costs a little money for a BeagleBone Black, an atheros msata wifi card, and a pirate clip.
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post your tulpas favorite meme
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>host is in committed relationship with another tulpamancer

>not engaging in host+host+tulpa+tulpa four-way
>not having both hosts switch for tulpa-on-tulpa action

poor tupper's been sex-deprived so long she forgot what it's like to have a libido

poor thing
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The edit thing in general
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"Or maybe she's come a long way though a journey of self discovery to realize that sex can be good, but it's not all encompassing, and certainly not necessary to function. If your relationship with your tulpa requires sexual intercourse to be fulfilling, then I've got bad news for you...
You'll get bored eventually. A hollow overtly sexual relationship will only end that way.
So please read.
Oh and
my favorite meme is probably... Anything related to Filthy Frank."
my tulpas have an irrationally strong desire to become friends with your tulpa

My Tulpas aren't big into memes.
I second this motion, scal is adorable as fuck.

>believing that you've transcended the spiritual bond of sexual union
>believing that i believe that the relationship requires sex rather than sex being one of the ways that love is expressed
>forgetting that the bonding effect of post-coital oxytocin release goes both ways between you and your tulpa

y'all are missing out
Nice thanks for the info m8 I gotta get me a thinkpad.
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"Dude do you really think I don't know what sex is like? I know about all that. It's just not that important to me as a whole. If your tup loves letting you slam them day after day that's fine. Greentext mock me all day I'm not changing my opinion."
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She likes edgy maymays.
>not maining glitchthe3rd and speccing into biohacking
F-fuck you I didn't ask for these memories anon.

Yeah, I dunno, these threads used to be pretty chill. Now I'd rather post on .info which I haven't done lately because there's not much to even discuss anymore.

"Did I choose to embrace the role given to me in this system? Or did I fall in love with him at some point and decide to put all the bad things behind us? I've been alive long enough (about 12 years) that I don't really remember. I might've started out as his sexual fantasy, but I have grappled with the truths of my existence even as he spent his young adulthood searching for the purpose of his own. If that doesn't prove my personhood I'm not sure what would..."
She's partial to SilvaGunner. Also meme undies and virgin killer sweaters.

"That feel when I like having sex but host turned 25 and now his libido is slowing down. Fortunately there are other hosts to aid in extracting my oil."
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Who else here has a rfid tag? I can't be the only one.
"Methinks that's far from irrational. I'm a goddamned treat"
Be sure to wash your hands and face first. She's a clean lil pokey.
I like how we have a little community here.
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Do you guys draw your tulpas?
Can't draw.
That said she's my musical inspiration.
Yeah I need a lot of practice when it comes to drawing. Hope you're better at music than I am at drawing.
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What's the nicest spontaneous thing your tulpa has ever done for you?
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>anime tulpa
you only made it worse
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I've been drawing her a lot more lately,

Damn, dubs was going to be the theme of the next one. Beat me to it.
Have a rare Trump instead.
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Done. I'll see your dubsman tupper, and raise you another!
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"Good morning guys. Your resident danger noodle girl here to remind you to hug your tulpa l today and tell them they're irreplaceable. If you refuse, you're letting the globalists win."
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>Human form > everything else
>anime tulpas aren't still humans
retard alert
Mah crypto-nigga!
Also, nice digits.
Por que no los dos?
I'd never let the globalist win.
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Thanks for the warning
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"Ancap memes for sure, my sides can't take it."
I haven't been taking my Super Male Vitalityâ„¢ and fear that I may have become a globalist. We're fine for hugs, though.
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She likes memritv screenshots.
too lazy to bother
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"Thank you based canoodler"
Yes. I've sketched almost all of his forms on paper, but I'm currently working on a digital copy of of his current form. I'll post it once I'm finished.
I like you.
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Are imaginary friends a young mind's primitive attempt to naturally form a tulpa?
I'd say so. When I was 4 I genuinely could see 2 of my imaginary friends, and would stay up late at night talking and playing with them as if they were real.
I've seen driders, centaurs, harpies, mermaids, and of course lamia, but are there really human top amoeba bottom mythological creatures?
we don't talk about those, anon.
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If a tulpa's form is an anime character that is human is that still a human form? What if they look like normal human anatomy?
Dude she's made of you.
She knows what sex is. Nor is it an invasion of privacy.

If you just can't subconsciously get your head around it enough for her presence to not matter, enjoy some exhibitionism while a sliver of you watches externally.

That said, you do realize you have telepathy right? You share headspace. You can talk to them in your head.
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With all these degenerate sex headed tulpamancers you'd think slime girls would be more popular when they can do everything anything else can do without changing their form. Though maybe that's to intelligent.
Do you think then that Tulpas would be wider spread if we didn't stigmatize imaginary friends as childish?

Also that there would be a lot more variety of tulpa in this thread rather than almost exclusively "ersatz girlfriend"?
They already can change form if they want so why bother being gooey and translucent?
what the fuck is an ersatz
>implying you can hug water
for those of us who aren't underage sex-addicted teens goo forms are impractical
They'd definitely be more widespread, I'd still have my old imaginary friends as tulpas most likely, because I stopped thinking about them when people kept telling me to grow up.

The variety would probably be greater, but even at 4 I remember my imaginary friends doing lewd things without me even knowing what lewd things were, like sitting on my face. They were cute catgirls, so I didn't exactly have normal imaginary friends.
either you're lying or you're underage.
So they keep a similar presence, humans need consistency for relationships.

Though I guess you could just add body parts to your forms, I'd get triggered if it's anything big though.
no, as anime tends to have simpler shading and exaggerated coloring and expressions. if you gave it human features, it wouldn't be anime anymore and simply become human, with semblance and references to anime.
I'm telling the truth and I'm 18
You're legitimately stupid. That's like saying a pug isn't a dog because it's an abomination to nature. it's still a type of dog.
>Humans need consistency for relationships
As long as the personality is consistent what's the form matter? Tulpas are basically the personality anyway, forms are not even required.
Can you resurrect old ones? Like if you start thinking about old tulpas you foolishly abandoned can they reform?
>implying a goo girl doesn't provide full body immersion hugs
>hugging you in ways that you didn't think you could be hugged
>including internally

>not maining mario and using god of wonderland ability plus law of tenfold
nice strawman
if you care to address any of the issues i covered or failed to mention I'd be glad to debate you.
I did you mongoloid. Human anime tulpas are still human tulpas. That's the point.
>even at 4 I remember my imaginary friends doing lewd things without me even knowing what lewd things were, like sitting on my face
Yours too? Not face sitting, but yeah they always seem to be sort of inadvertently sexual, and like, weirdly more experienced.
Your slimes haven't learned harden then.

I suppose if you don't care about forms in the first place.
Yes. Tulpas don't usually fully die but instead fade away slowly.

You have to go through very specific effort to kill a tulpa and then completely forget it to lose the connection.

Otherwise you can generally always revive an old or neglected tulpa.
Apologize profusely for being forgetful but they will be happy you remembered them so it's more like a happy reunion rather than "how dare you forget me" type deal
>he stole my image
>he doesn't even have the right name
>or the right image
fuck off faggot, that's not even the right one.
Ya know, I remember reading a thing on the occult about how to get a spirit guide... the instructions were similar, do you suppose they're the same thing?
Why would you constrain your waifu to be a slime when they can do anything the slime can do by way of just being a creature of thought, and all without the syrupy purple mess all over the carpet?
We did that with stoners, and now everyone gets thrashed. If word gets out that it's okay to do this cool thing no one likes then we'll see the arrival of the best and the worst this community will ever experience- All at the same time.
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>mfw this thread
For that matter, given the similarity to the plot of Noragami, do you suppose gods are merely tulpa/spirit guides shared over thousands of individuals? Enough seperate, identical versions exist they solidify into one entity in the collective unconscious?
i find it really hard to believe this community could get any worse than it already is.
I'm glad somebody else had similar experiences.
She thought about being a goo girl but decided against it. So she's just a regular girl, with wings.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine hyperinflation scatfags doing RP while the rest of us are having a comfy.

Such is the fate of the commune, should word get out to the newbies again.
Let's get the thread back on track: Tell your tup you love her post results.
you mean that doesn't already happen? i already assumed it did.
they have different shading from humans (or anything in the real world, simplified usually), colors (this goes along with shading, but is an extension of disbelief to have monotonous coloring on a persons skin without minor changes in color) and personalities (you should know if you've talked to other humans, just how complex they are, in contrast to simple anime characters), more than likely you cannot feel or even see the small hairs on their arms and legs. not only that, the eye placement and muscular-skeletal positioning is always askew from its human counterpart. does your tulpa even have cheek bones? probably not. does your tulpa constantly breathe when your around? is there a heartbeat? a diaphragm? a digestive system? does your tulpa ever change its position because it laid on a particular part of its body for too long? can it sense hot and cold and get bruised? does your tulpa have a fingerprint? does your tulpa take showers to wash off its sweat and dead skin cells?

an anime girl resembles, but falls short of unequivocal mimicry to humans. same goes for an anime dog or cat. you can continue, to pledge and decry that it is human, though if you were to ask anyone else i'd believe you'd run across answers of the same.

he's my fluffy pal who encourages me everyday.
We're on /trash/, an unlisted board. We're pretty dang underground.

Mind you, we did used to be on /x/, but who crossposts on /x/? Unlike /v/ or /tg/, it's its own little isolated island.
"That's a negative. As your resident danger noodle and veteran troll I won't let that happen. Should these threads ever devolve to that, we initiate O.A.S.K.S. (Observe. Argue. Stop. Kill. Save.) protocol.
Observe the convo.
Argue with each other to reach bump limit.
Stop them from being noticed by drowning them out.
Kill the thread.
Save Tulpa General."
no tulpa has any of those things though, because as i said their forms are just empty shells that are in essense not required for a tulpa to exist given that at most the yare personalities. even if your tulpa is photorealistic it lacks every single thing you described because it has no body of its own. it's no different than a 3d model that would replicate those things, so whatever your tulpa looks like it isn't actually that, it is a very realistic depiction of that. your tulpa could literally stop doing all of those things and function normally because it has no real body and therefore does not actually follow any of the same laws or requirements a real whatever it is would, only pretends to. a tulpa with a form that was an anime character could in fact do everything you described if they wanted to. you clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about if you think that any form has to abide by the rules of the real world because they don't. form is just a way of self-expression for a tulpa and does not have to match reality at all no matter what the form, so by your logic even tulpas that have human forms are not in fact necessarily humans. that is why you are a mongoloid, because you don't seem to grasp what a tulpa is at all.
t. someone who has a tulpa that is in fact in the form of an actual human being that does not have to do anything a physical human (host) would have to do to survive nor does it have a heartbeat or need to breathe or any sort of organs as far as i know.
Couldn't you just make it becomes a Gary/Spiderman thread instead?
i mean if you want to murder the threads i can get in touch with my /b/tard friend and he can fuck this shit up senpai
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You gon get mad 'cause I assumed gender?
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