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ITT: Pokemon Are Real. Universe 2. What's your favorite

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Thread replies: 302
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ITT: Pokemon Are Real.
Universe 2.

What's your favorite non-league region?

Last thread: >>10665940
Well it was China...
>The old man stares dumbfounded at the scene in front of him debating whether to order Huo to attack or wait and see
Orre, ese.
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"Um... Yeah! You talk to them and whatnot! But um... Most legendaries will still like... Want to battle you as a test and stuff! See if you're worthy and whatnot, I guess?"
>Where oh where is the pink psycatte?
>If no one wants to pick up the cat I can always GM the encounter, if you want?
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"You aren't going to get down on all fours?"
>Zygarde lets out a chuckle.
"Yeah, let's go."
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Why is everything horrible PAR.
because arceus is a cunt and missingno isnt in charge
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The Orange Islands are pretty nice.
>Soccerdork: watch an Eevee chase a ball around.

I'm not sure. Something seriously not good happen, Anon?
>A shadow lurches, touches the ball.
>Suddenly the ball slides across the grass like it's on ice.
>Every hit makes it go faster.
>Nerd: about to get home

They will get better.
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They both sound like fags.


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>Up goes an eyebrow
"Are you wanting me to? Wouldn't be the first time someone's asked."
>Shimmy up that last ladder
>The night sky and a warm breeze greet the two once they get to the top of the Bell Tower.
"... at least we've got a nice view if he doesn't show."
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>Quincy is not okay
>His body is tense, he's on his knees, clutching the brush so hard it's being crushed in his hands
>His cloak is billowing with power, and it's clearly not his

>It crumbles in his hands, but what's left is sticking to them, wisps of purple energy floating between his palms and starting to pull from his chest

>The power grows, and the stream of... something flowing from Quincy's chest is growing thicker
It hurts to live.
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>Cinnamon the Eevee keeps bapping the ball.
>Cinnamon does not realize that this is Exceedingly Ominous
>Chances are the Trainer is still hanging around just outside the apartments.
That sounds like depression.
Would you be willing to see a doctor?
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>The ball only gains more speed as it gets bapped across the grass.
>Would Frankie notice the Very Fast Ball Moving At Incredible Hihg Speeds That Isn't Losing Speed?
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>this continues for some time, as the boss stands clearly mid-possession in front of "them"
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Yes it does.

I'm a starfish. In what world have you seen a starfish psychiatrist.

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>Once the ball starts reaching Incredible Hihg Speeds, Frankie notices and freaks out a little.
>Time to do what no good footballer should ever do, unless you're a goalie: try to grab the ball!
"Wait, what the-? Okay, playtime's over for now!"
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>Open the door to the apartment
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>Cinnamon stops playing with the ball and watches, as things have gotten weird enough to be concerning, even for a small yappy Eevee.
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>Well it isn't going to kill Frankie at least.
>It slips out of his hands before landing in the grass.
>Sliding away before the shadow comes in contact with it.
>It makes a nice patch of dirt as the built up speed and energy reacts with the new friction.
>In English: There's a patch of dirt where there should be grass.
>Thankfully the ball isn't melted.
>Okay this has gone on long enough there's some ghost pokemon talking to itself and somebody in front of you is getting soul sucked
>Release a Gengar from a tucked away pokeball

"Yinying can you do something to help this young man?"

>They make a noise of affirmative and points a finger at the stream letting out some reddish purple energy to try and contain it
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>Cinnamon is spooped. Balls should not do that.
>Quick, hide behind the human!
"So... Just kick it's butt. Got it."
>Kira stands up, walking towards it.
>I'm fine with that? Whatever's fair.
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>The rest of the cube dissipates from the pocket, Zygarde assuming the 50% form.
"What? Are you asking me to mate you on Ho-Oh's grounds? Pervert."
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>Oblivion points towards The newcomer in a decidedly in-friendly manner
>this of course prompts Oathkeeper to fly in between the two shoots, in an attempt to keep his boss' savior intact

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>Frankie: weirded out.
>Pick up pupper and ball, head back inside.
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>The energy is contained, and more than that, it's put back where it belongs: Quincy's body
>What's left of the brush turns to dust and loses it's glow
>The crisis is over, and Quincy opens his eyes
"What the fuck?..."

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>the blades both turn towards Quincy at this
>two distinctly different mental voices both reply simultaneously
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>Morty lets out a scandalized gasp, bringing his hands up to his chest in mock pain
"Me? A pervert? Which of us brought up getting on all fours again?"
>He takes a seat on the ground, leaning his back against one of the statues
"Helpful hint: it wasn't me."
(rip didn't mean to kill the whole thing just to aid in some way)
"I'm not entirely sure but I'm guessing it was some sort of soul shenanigans. Do you feel alright now?"
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>Flopped in the couch
>The very comfy couch

"'sup, out to play with Cinnamon?"
"...is that ball slightly molten?"
"I mean... You should probably talk first but um.... Basically!! Good luck!"
>Sun gives Kira a thumbs up, backing up and out of the way
>Mewtwo, level 70.
>Currently not hostile at the moment, so you get the first move.
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"Hellooo! Why does the little fluffball look like it's seen a ghost?"
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>Did you leave the light on?
>It keeps flickering.
>On, on, on, on, stop. On, pause, on on, stop. On, pause, on, on, stop. Pause, pause, pause, stop
Oh has my ghost buddy come back to play some more?
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>Lights are indeed on
>The main room lights keep flickering
"Wait what...?"
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"Yes, and... yes, apparently..."
>Drop the ball.
I'm, er, not sure."
"I-I think that's a 'yes' to seeing a ghost, then..."
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"This is Unova News Network coming to you with a crazed driver in the streets of Castelia! Onlookers are saying he's broken 300 miles per hour and driving a red car. Please be careful tonight, Unovans."
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"Okay, so there's one in each key now, nice."

"My everything hurts, but I'll live, I think."
>Where has Xem been?
>Why didn't Leah do anything?
>Quincy looks at his other two pokemon with disappointment
>Cinnamon is VERY SPOOPED.
>Quick, hide with the bigger pupper!
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>The light flicks back to normal.
>The ghost seems to have left you alone for now.
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>Lights flickering
"Probe, begin recording"

"Ghost buddy?"

"Why us"

>Point probe to also record the adorable fluffball

>Lights stop flickering

>Rolling for if Probe recorded enough flickering
>Lower odds are worse degrees of fail
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"Hehe it'll be alright Cinnamon."
"See? All better now."
"Yeah had a ghostie play a game with me a few days ago."
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"Boss! You have no idea how happy I am too see you..."

"So is he giving the hex back or...?"

"Shut up Bliv! Anyways... boss.. we need to have a talk.. as a team... Like right now, preferably an hour ago.. but right now might work too."
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>Look around, still a bit spooped.
"A-are you sure?"
>Cinnamon's a little less frightened now.
"Good thing Yinying somehow knew what to do, wouldn't be very hospitable of me to let a stranger die in my own home but right now you seem to have an upset pair of keys."
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>Scoop the Eevee up for a hug
"Yes I'm sure, would a liar be able to hug this good?"
(Old man! Dtop hogging all the dubs!)
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>Seems to be a morse code
>Either way, only got an "O"

"Well, if he doesn't get violent we may even have a new team member, in time"

>Light petting
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>Fairypupper magic!
>Happy Eevee noises!
( The Eevee is available as a character if anyone wants them )
>More happy Eevee noises!
(Ray, slight douchiness rn. You gotta stop loading up on characters. You play Rey, Val, the eevee and Frankie. All in the same area.)
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"I agree."
>He looks back to the old man

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, I'll be leaving now, thank you for the tea."
( I'll drop the 'vee as a character after this, this was only a 'hey this Pokemon exists' thing. Honestly I'm kind of reluctant to jump into other groups because my availability's unpredictability. )
(Sorry I'm not saying you need to jump into any other groups I know how your life is. It's more of le reply memes. ANyway have fun man.)
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"That was bizarre, to say the least."
>Join in Eevee Petting Club
I think it's some sort of joke. A cosmic joke, perhaps, but a joke nonetheless.
(He caught the Eevee but I can't muster up the motivation to actually RP more than making the encounter (sorry ray))
"It's all fine but I have a request of you, Huo has recently expressed interest in adventuring again and my body can't handle it anymore and the children here are too young for such a thing. Even if you're just going to a different part of the region I think he would enjoy a change of scenery so would you be interested in taking him along with you?"
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(Mfw the Arcanine folder might see some use)
>Try to make character
>no one bothers to check it out
>new PAR who dis?
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"Or the new normal"

(Which char?)
>Make character
>Do thing
>Character fades back out or gets dropped entirely
like if u cri every tim
who are we talking about
(I just woke back up, you two, so if you want I can have a character/characters interact with you guys?)
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"The new normal. Well, it's not boring, I can say that for certain."
>Pet the team.
"Odd question: if you could take a trip anywhere, where would it be?"
What is the Pokemon video game easier, simpler and less complicated of all?
BW2 OU, or as it's better known, that game with the fucking frog and rain everywhere

Serious answer is obviously Magikarp Jump
>Did you want a reply a million hours later?
"Right, thanks, Sun."
>Kira waves to the hairless cat, making his presence known.
"Mewtwo, I have a request of you."
(Me and maybe that other guy.)

(Ehh I don't want to be a bother or something. I'll probably find something to chime in on in the next few days.)

>Turn xp share on
Is there any pokemon game that even easier than XY?

I hate RPG games

And look for pokemon games where there is no difficulty or challenge
>implying every mainline game isn't just
>play game
>mash A in battle
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"Could be still better. Remind me to confront that guy with the Reuniclus if we see him again"
"Sinnoh, maybe Alola though I'm not fond of the heat"

(More chars is never a bother unless too many in the same action scene)

(Mash that mf like button)
"Not so sure about that."
>Something thumps against the door.
>You can hear someone yelling outside
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"Why so..."

"Uh oh"
>Peek through the door
>Something thumps against the door again.
>You can see an angry looking biker walking up the stairs.
>He has a slight limp.
>Something thumps again.
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"Sinnoh or Alola, hm? Both sound good, for different re-"
>Oh shit.
>Frankie runs over and presses against the wall, listening carefully by the door as he signals to the team.
"What do we got, man?"
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(You're not being a bother man. If I thought it were a bother I wouldn't have offered. Good luck though, don't be afraid to like... Bug one of my characters that's not actively posting if you can't find something)
>All non shitpost (You)s are good (You)s
>You could wait an entire day to respond and I'd still think it was fine
>Sun takes a seat on a nearby rock, his moth floating over with him
"I'll um... Just be here if you need me!"
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"...No? I would like you to come with me. I am an International Police agent and need a good legendary on my side. What do you think?"
>Kira grabs the ball of his Bisharp, waiting.

>You are magic, my man.
"Is it going to stab me? Hold this."
>Kira tosses Sun his backpack.
If you want a more difficult monster collecting rpg go play smt at least those give some challenge
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>Signal own team close
>Yell through the open door
"What the HELL is this racket?"
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>the thing resembling some sort of deformed alien cat fetus glances at the Champ for a second before losing interest
>maybe it knows he's a pokedestined
>maybe it senses Sun is pure
>maybe it's a cat and just doesn't care

>the cat refuses to answer
>maybe it's mute, maybe it just doesn't feel you're worthy of it's time
>who can say for sure
>what you CAN be sure of is it's looking at you with a disturbingly human-like glare of anger
Some of the Pokémon games are now RPG. Try one of the Ranger games, or Pokken if you have the console for it.
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>Damnit man, OOC this is another fire type and Quincy's teamcomp is already bad
>IC, Quincy is interested in a doggo that can speak English, and remembers parts of his other life where he had an Arcanine
>RIP Quincy's chances of being a competitive battler
"I... I think I could, I'll have to talk it over with my team."
>Door is open!
>An Aron with a wallet in it's mouth skitters into the room, positioning it'self in the room near the wall, out of sight of the biker.
>The biker walks up to the door, the limp obviously bad.
"Tell your piece of shit to give me back my fuckin' wallet!"
(Are not rpg)
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>Frankie steps outside to see what's going on.
"Easy, easy. He's not ours, but I'll see what we can do."
>Frankie goes and grabs a Sitrus Berry to try to lure out the steel scuttler.
>I try
>He fumbles a bit trying to catch the bag - the boy doesn't play sports for a reason
"Okay! Um... I don't think it'll stab you? It doesn't really have anything to stab with! Quick question... How bad would it be if I got curious and snooped on your bag?"
>The bag is just being held in his lap for now, Sun's hands crossed over the top in an effort to refrain from snooping
>Sun knows how Psychic cats are, he understands
>Sometimes cats are just uncaring assholes
>Especially Psychic cats
>Never trust a Psychic cat
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>Deceptively fast steel minidino passing through
>Signal MAG to go after it, Magnet Pull may be of use
>Keep Probe close
>To the biker now
"Point one: it is not my pokemon. Point 2: try asking nicely"
(Quincy just needs a broken mon, Like a Blazeiken. Or Aegislash.)
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"Just I think ghostie wants to play and not necessarily be on anybodies team."
(You don't gotta if you don't wanna man)
>Berry is of no success.
>The dino flops the wallet on the floor, staying against the wall.
>The biker tries to shove his way into the room.
>Rolling for success of that.
"Just give me the piece of shit oversized rebar and I'll melt it myself."
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(Boi do you want Oathkeeper/Oblivion to evolve into this piece of shit)
(If I didn't do it, it wouldn't be IC, and I'd beat myself up for not taking a new player into the crew)
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>MAG watches up close, whirring and clicking incessantly
>Magnet Pull not in effect
>Kira sighs, putting a hand to his own face.
"... I can cook."

"All that's in there is some extra food, some documents and a surgery kit."
>Odds and Kira left a plaster hand in there.
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>Frankie gets down on hands and knees and grabs for the wallet, the Aron is officially a problem for later.
>The biker's 'melt it myself' remark makes Frankie's temper flare.
"Keep making threats like that and my team might lose control. Now let me get the wallet."
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>Still blocking the entry, or at least trying to
"Hold the fuck on there."
"Are you even its owner?"
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>The steel dino squints back, making a pretend bite as if to say stay away.

>You grab the wallet, the Aron makes a few noises at you but not much else happens.
>The biker makes another attempt, more violent this time to let himself in.
>Rolling, 1 also succeeds.
"It ain't mine but let me at that sack of shit."
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>It heard you thinking that.
>And it is not amused
>Even though that is 100% true

>the hovering dickhead looks interested for a second, before remembering he's supposed to hate humans
>he resumes meditating and ignoring the unwelcome guests
>roll to flood Kira;s mind with hands
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>Frankie straightens up quickly - just in time for the biker to shove past Stibs.
>He throws the wallet to him.
"Take the wallet and get out!"
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(Needs a shield silly. Aegislash isn't broken, Kings Shield and Stance Change are broken)
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>Shoved aside
>Nerd actually angry now, at the rudeness, at the threats and practically everything else about this biker
"The FUCK is wrong with you?"
"Move a single step closer to the pokemon and you will regret it"
>Probe is readying up for something

>Meanwhile, MAG floats a bit farther from the dino
>Wouldn't want to be a snack
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"What kinda food?"
>Sun doesn't wait for an answer, peeking into the bag to find out for himself
>He wonders to himself for a moment if Mewtwo would hate the laser pointer as much as Nebby does
>Maybe he'll act on that thought later
>Not right now though, he doesn't want to mess up whatever Kira is doing
>Well he got what he wants, but he's still pissed.
"Make a move and I'll fuckin' cut you."

"Shut the fuck up."
>The guy pulls out a switchblade, turning it into the left hand and looking for the dinosaur.

"Come here you piece of shit."
>Scumbiker bends down, the free right hand reaching for the poke.
(I just wanted to say OOC the dino dude switched the reigns to me so he doesn't have to samefag so wait for a reply from the dino too.)
>With MAG out of the way..
>And a biker in it's face.
>It lunges toward the biker!
>Aron used Head Smash!
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"Warned you. Probe, subdue"
>Probe the Porygon2 uses Thunder Wave on Scumbiker
>(IIRC Pokemon on human moves are still 50/50, feel free to correct me on that)
"I can do the unmoving asshole thing too. Ass."
>Kira sits himself on a rock.

'Kantoian and Alolan mostly. I have recipe books back home if you want me to cook you something traditional."
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>Nope, he's not leaving peacefully.
>A little switch in Frankie's brain flips as his pupils shrink to pinpricks and he goes full fight-or-flight.
"Rey, Psychic the kn-"
>That looked painful, as Frankie's cut off for a split second by the sound of impact.
"Rey, the knife!"
>The right hand is either fractured or dust, it's anyone's guess.

>Stibium and Frankie+Rey miss but it really doesn't matter.
>Scumbiker drops the knife and rushes out of the room and down the stairs to nurse his hand.
>End scene.
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>it heard that too
>you have offended the Ayylamo Cat by speaking of That Which Must Be Named
>Cat Trust -5

>roll to psychokinesis that rock into a wall
>off satan trips by one
>jfc dice i'm trying to intimidate the kira not murder him work with me here
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>Bones are not supposed to do that sound, ever
>Good dino

>Glaring angrily at the fleeing scum

"So, uh, what now? Think the Aron got an owner?"
>The steel dino hisses, grabbing the knife to chew on before retreating into the corner.
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>Sylvie exist
>Try to calm down Angry steel dude with fancy ribbon movements
salazzle i need you. im so thirsty please come. im burning up inside and nothings stopping it
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"I'm not sure, but we can check."
>Frankie sighs, and looks over at the steel dino.
"I'm slightly concerned that this situation will have us dealing with legal paperwork, but we'll cross that bridge when we reach it, I suppose."
>Frankie keeps a healthy distance and tries to scan the little guy with his 'dex.
"Easy, there, you just enjoy your snack and we'll find out if you've got a friend missing you, okay?"
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>Tell MAG to float above the dino at a safe distance

"Yeah. What were they two doing up here, anyway?"
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>Just wanted to let you know OOC you weren't gonna get anything much different if you succeeded.
>The Aron hisses and snaps at the ribbons that come close.

>You get no trainer but the database says it must be an Orrean variety.
>Level 25, Impish, Metal Claw, Iron Head, Rock Slide and Head Smash.

>It snaps up at MAG, chewing on the handle of the switchblade.
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stares at you in ribbon.png
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>Withdraw ribbons
"Feisty thing innit?"
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>The champ has three Psychics on his team, two of which are psycattes
>He probably just assumes something is always reading his thoughts at this point and thinks accordingly
>How about we ponder Mewtwo's thoughts on the other cat in the mirror
>There's a pause in the bag search, Sun looking up to watch Kira instead
"Really? You'd do that?"
>The rock shifts and Kira sits back like a smug asshole.
"Are you trying something?"

(I'm surprised he's made it this far.)

"Yes? You're my friend. We are friends, aren't we... Sun?"
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>Tell MAG to float a bit further away

"They seems to be still upset. Or hungry. Do we have any scrap metal?"
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"Well, somebody's got spunk, I'll give you that."
>Frankie: sit down.
"Now how did you get here all the way from Orre...?"

"I'm not sure what's odder - an Orrean-variety Aron with no Trainer in Unova, or an Aron stealing a wallet and running up however many flights of stairs."
>Sit down and watch the Aron.
"You think he'll calm down a bit if we give him some time without everybody being in his face?"
"Or a snack, that might work too."
>Anon sets out with his Riolu, a shitload of potions, and an overabundance of excitement
>He's going to train against the pokemon around Saffron City, even though they're stronger than his pokemon
>Rolling for potential successes
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>The Aron glares at the sparkly fairydoggo.

>The Aron plops the switchblade onto the ground, staring up at Mag for a few moments.
>It keeps a leg on the knife, tapping it and making it rock up and plunk back down.

>It hisses at Frankie before...
>Staring and pointing at the closest brown thing, specifically the carpet or couch.
>iron doggo playing with a knife
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>The Indigo Island Medium is no longer able to focus on meditating
>He's been foiled twice
>By a hhhhhhuman
>maybe he's just overweight or something
>that's not important though
>this indignity cannot stand
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>Affirmative squeaking
>Rey: go looking for an empty can! It's an apartment with two single men, surely they've eaten some form of canned food lately.
>Psych maus: slowly approach, offering the can.
(Indeed. Very cute.)
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"Orrean? Things make a bit more sense now"
"Either way he is clearly upset about something"

>MAG keeps watching and whirring
>He shakes the central magnemite unit, as if saying that he is not going to float down
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Hey PAR! How would a Pokémon on the run get a ride from Lumiose City to Ferrum? Asking for a friend.
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>Sun wonders if Mewtwo knows about the new best psychic cat
>He proceeds to gush about Nebby in his thoughts for a bit
"Yeah! I would hope so, anyway!!"
>Calm down Sun, don't get too excited
>It'll be embarrassing if you fall of the rock
"At least now I have someone other than Silver to hang around!"
(It's cool dude I couldn't think of another 'mon that was really china like so i defaulted to arcanine which references china in its dex I understand and can try thinking up something else)
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>This just in: Smug man gets smugger when afraid.
"Got anything else you can do or is your dominion over rocks?"

"Hopefully they won't send me to arrest Silver."
>Kira shrugs.
"Wow, I can see my house from here."
(You're fine dude, if you really want we can retcon it to another pokemon)
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>Dubs can.
>It snaps the can and drags it into the corner, pulling pieces off.

>Steel dog did the math, mostly.
>It positions the knife, stepping on it hard and flicking it up at MAG.
>Rolling for if it'll actually hit.
(Well call on skitts for me so he can grace me with his china pokemon list if he ever made it)
"Hello fans, it's that time of day for news from your friends here at Saffron 87 point 3 KSCR!

The top story of the day comes after the lifting of a news black out. The police have announced that earlier this morning at 3am they found the culprit responsible for the serial pokemon murders that have been plaguing Saffron and nearby cities. No further details concerning the lone killer will be released or allowed to air until a trial convicts him guilty, but authorities have given a clear message with their press release earlier today that they are fully confident that the killings are done for good now that their suspect is behind bars after 13 confirmed killings and one human homicide.

Even with the suspect out of the way though many smaller communities on the routes out of Saffron are still recovering from the losses and fear. Here on the line with us are two of the trainers who has decided to speak about their losses."

> The show continues on for a good thirty minutes as the two relate their stories.
> Both of them had been alone late at night.
> Both remember a horrible sensation of drowning before passing out, only to wake up to see one of their psychic pokemon cold on the ground, untouched yet dead.
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(China a doggo)
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>what's a silver
>an annoying person
>rolling to force sun to think about nipple grabs

>that sounds like a challenge
>humans probably can't survive getting Psyshocked in the face
>gonna have to settle for getting levitated into the cave wall
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"Careful now..."

"Guess he is indeed hungry"


(Mienfoo, maybe)
Hire a shady guy to meet you near an airport and smuggle you halfway across the globe? That's my best idea, ese.
>Somewhere far from Kanto's shores, a middle-aged man listening online hugs his Alakazam for support.
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"I thought it was just Silver's dad that was in Rocket? Why's he on the arrest list thingy?"
>Sun cranes his neck back to look up at Kira
"Need some help?"
>No dice
>He starts wondering if Mewtwo can mega by himself instead
(Figuring out 150 Pokemon fitting for a region and then compiling that list into image form proved to be incredibly irritating, I'm still only like... a quarter of the way through it.)
(Try an Absol, it's based off of the Chinese Bai Ze, fits Quincy's edgy aesthetic, and provides a Mega evolution for later.)
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>Smacc MAG in the eye
>The knife, or what is left of it is now magnetically attached to MAG
>MAG seems perplexed, if not a bit hurt
(Absol sounds like it'd be fun to play, thank dude)
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"That knife stunt was naughty. Impressive, I'll admit, but naughty."
"Should we keep him overnight?"
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>It glares at Stibium, going back to chewing on the can.

>Dominance over sky Aron established.

>It doesn't seem to have grasped speech itself, but it makes a proud sounding hiss.
>Kira chuckles.
"I've seen dark types do better psychic tricks than you."

"Some law in Johto."
>Kira shrugs, waving from the rock.
"Mewtwo is a bit underwhelming."
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"I'm fine with him staying if he doesn't murder me in his sleep. He really looked like he wanted to eat my ribbons there for a moment."
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>Zappy mouse, investigate!
>Rey carefully approaches, trying to look as non-threatening as possible.
"I can, like, watch 'em, 'kay?"
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"Sorry MAG"

"Truly some individual. Yeah, he can stay just... not in the same room as MAG or Probe"

>Watch it happily munch on the can
>Memo to self: get more can
(Quincy is waiting on his other pokemon for that right now, hopefully Xem makes a return)
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>I have no idea
>It doesn't have a stone at this point

>this cat is horrible out of practice
>he can't do shit
>behold, an enraged cat
>but not too enraged
>that would kill the kira
>One last try
>Confusion on the dirty human
>please dear god let this hit
>also don't let it kill Kira, this is the weakest move M2 can naturally learn work with me here dice
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>Perils of the Warp! 14 Pink Horrors emerge and attack the Space Marines and all glass within 2d10 meters explodes in a shower of-
>I mean psychic feed back
>Psychic Cat flops on the ground with a horrible headache
>He's been hiding in this cave for almost ten years
>he's blatantly out of practice
>it's kind of pathetic
>It gives a cautionary hiss, glaring at Rey.
>A piece of can is spit at the zapmaus.

>It takes a few more bites out of the can, leaving a large sharp edge.
>flicked knife up
>fashioning another out of a can
(Can I say this is the craftiest little fucker ever?)
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>Zapmaus sparks a bit in surprise, but stays right where he is. No closer, no farther.
>Settle in place.
( The smartest Aron )
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(No problem man, glad I could help)
"Maybe this is the younger one?"
>Sun shrugs, flopping back onto the rock with a sigh
>The decision is immediately regretted - rocks are not like beds
"... ow."
>At this point Sun is mostly just thinking thought lines he believes will fuck with Mewtwo
"... This is kinda sad, actually. Um... I can try and find another Cosmog if you just wanna get a Solgaleo instead? They're the best Psychic cat!"
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"Oh well good, thanks Rey."
"He's making another shiv, he wants blood."
>retreat to the opposite part of the room.
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>Watch it bite the can in a decidly not random fashion
>Maybe more cans is not going to be a good idea

"Can you tell what he is thinking?"

(Truly the most Orre 'mon)
>Kira sighs, letting his Steelix out and using it to get back down to the floor.
"If you come with me I'll help restore you to your former glory."

>Kira shrugs.
"What's a Cosmog exactly?"
(There's a reason the Aron is a crafty Orrean fucker.)

>The Aron stares but doesn't do much else.

>The Aron hisses at the two, tearing the about two inch long shiv off and pointing it toward Stibium and the Sylveon.
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>cat has become dead inside
>it slumps on it's rock
>make a half-hearted token effort to psyshock Sun

>mewtwo doesn't even bother responding
>it's too busy sulking
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>Attempt to scan surface th-
>Rey gives the Aron an stern a look as a mouse can muster.
"No. 'Chu stop that. No sharp things in friends."
>All Stibium and Frankie will hear is chittering and squeaking.
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"Is he..."

"He is. MAG, please Magnet Pull away the knife"
>MAG, still with the switchblade stuck on, attempts to magnetically pull away the shiv
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>Threatening the nice human, get in between Stibs and the Aron
"If you wanna attack him you gotta go through me!"
"...or he could have MAG do that yeah that works."
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>The shiv is yoinked but the Aron manages to save it's can.
>It surveys the room for anything that would be of use before grumbling and staying where it is.

>The Aron hisses at the fairycattedoggo now sans a shiv.
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But I don't want some shady guy to drive me around! I mean they don't. They.

(Tfw I realize this chat is frequented by the fucking IP)

I want a.. legal way for her to get to Ferrum... alone...
"Cosmog is like.... It's a little puff of space gas and like... They evolve into Solgaleo but it takes a looooooong time unless you get this special flute and stuff..."
>He offers his dex, which is flipped open to the Cosmog page
"Hey, don't be like that!"
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>Kira walks up and pets the psycat.
>It's probably not going to feel good because he's wearing medical gloves but god he's trying.
"Get up. Get up and come with me or break my wrist, I'm not leaving until you do one or the other."

>Kira turns to tell his Steelix to grab the d-
>Oh fuck it floats.
"...Where would we get this flute?"
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"Oh hiss all you want you angry little thing so long as you dont try and hurt us we won't hurt you."
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>Pet the brave fairypup
"You know, thanks"

"I know you've got advantage but that's some calm"

>Looking at the Aron in disappointment
"No need to be so aggressive"
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>it attempts to throw a rock at Sun
>not even psychically
>just toss a rock
>not even gonna roll
>he's just chucking it somewhere near the far wall

>it makes a noise somewhere between an angry meow and the noise a small child would make if you shoved it in a dishwasher
>this cat is defeated and broken
>on the other hand...
>One last roll
>not even trying with a proper attack
>just gonna
>uppercut the Kira
>if this fails you've effectively got a limp cat noodle flopped on your shoes
>so have fun with that
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>Squeak once and nod.
"Mmm-hmm. Just, like... let's all chill."
>Maus is curious now.
>Carefully try to read thoughts of angery small steeldino.
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".... my apartment? If you want a Solgaleo, anyway! I think Lillie still has the Moone o-"
>I'll give it to you for actually getting evens for once
>The rock weakly hits him in the gut
"Ow. You're a rude cat."
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>Steeldino grumbles before sitting with its back against the wall, chewing on the can.

>You grab a few images, vague and disoranized
>A bag, needles, syringes, pain, pain, silver, grey, black, green exchanged between hands, black, an angry looking man in a biker jacket, an alleyway, a scared looking girl, turning on your owner, a scream and curses ...
>The newer ones come in more clearly, a pink fairy dog, a nerd, a magnet, a soccer nerd and a maus.
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>You uppercut the smug man and put him onto the floor
>He wipes his face spitting onto the floor and scrambling to stand back up.
>He gives a cough, awkwardly stepping closer, no one can see your boner if you make the smugness higher.
"Good one. Are you coming with me now?"

"Are you alright? ...What does the Moon one do?"
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it knows you have a boner.jpg
85KB, 1280x640px

>holy shit I did it
>am happy af
>it's a miracle
>having proved his point, the irritable chimeric abomination flops to it's uh...
>well, it's hovering so can't say his feet
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>Rey squeaks sadly. He can put together enough of a picture to guess what this Aron's been through.
"Bro... I'm sorry. Somebody did some bad, bad stuff, huh...?"
>The fragmented images bring back memories of Rey's time at the Breeders', before the authorities shut them down and Frankie took him in.
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"They seems to be sulking, hopefully something not too bad"

"Got anything, buddy?"
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"I'm okay, his throw was kinda weak!"
>Did you just get a dubsfail for concealing a boner fampai?
>I doubt Sun would notice either way but
>Holy shit
"It evolves Cosmog into Lunala! It's um... A giant bat!"
>Amazing description of Lunala Sun, you nailed it
>The Aron gives a short hiss before going back to the can.
>Rey is probably going to notice something close to a dark typing making things harder to read.

>It squints at Stibium, rising and stepping out of the corner toward him.
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>You're getting a feeling of sympathy and sadness from the psych mouse.
>The strange feeling is unnerving to Rey.
>He scoots a little farther back from the Aron, watching to see what they do.
( OOC, are you implying what I think you're implying? )
>Assume somewhat aggressive stance
"Don't try it little guy"
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>Stibium shifts to a more alerted state
"MAG, get ready"

>Stibs thinks that with not small amounts of anger
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>Aron squints over at Rey.
(Yeah, if you're worried about tripfail rule I'm not using that rule I'm, uh probably going to play it more on how he reacts with specific characters. I might up tripfail rule to quadfails.)

>Given both of them let it, Aron stops in front of Stibium, giving him a headbutt to the shin.
>Not exactly going to break his leg but it has more force behind it than would be pleasant.
>At the very least it seems to be some gesture of respect.
"...Come on."
>Kira tugs on the cat's neck valve thingy.

"That's good. Caves don't make great surgery sites."
>Kira raises an eyebrow.
"...A bat? What type is it?"
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>try and grab the headbutter and put him back in a corner facing the wall for a time out
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>You have no idea what noise that cat is making
>you just know that it's not natural
>Can it be useful for once and pull of an actual move?
>Let's find out I guess
>Attempting another Confusion
>and hoping that base 50 doesn't end up miraculously breaking M2's neck or somehow vaporizing Kira
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17 - 1.png
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"It's just a rock, silly, I don't think I'd need surgery for that!"
>A chuckle and a grin accompany the end of that sentence
"Lunala? It's a Psychic/Ghost!"
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>Shin headbutted
>Painful, but bearable
"Ow...is that how you say hello?"

(That's an interesting take, actually)

"Thanks but, I think that may upset him more"
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>Rey gives a slow, solemn nod.
( Alright, cool! I feel like playing it out is a fair way to play a player character [redacted]. The tripsfail rule, iirc, was mostly meant to make things riskier for players with NPC [redacted] on their team. )
>Rey looks over, relieved that the headbutt wasn't accompanied by a crunching sound.
"Easy, Sylvie. Let him go... I think, like, it's safe."
( >when you forget which image you have selected to post and fuck up )
( This is sadly not the first time I've done this, and probably not the last. )
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>Oh fucking god this is the worst headache he's had in his whole life.
>Kira's legs give out and he clings to the murder cat.

>All Sun gets from Kira is a pained groan and something about wishing he was home right now.
>The Aron snaps at Sylvie as she drags it.

>Aron gives a small nod accompanied by a hiss.
(Cool, cool. IC he's gonna avoid splattering anyone.)

(Thanks man. I might have it possible for him to level up but it'll be way slower than it should be. Like, 10 times the work than it would normally be.)
>Rey gets a small hiss in reply from the steel dino.
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>Oh shit
>it worked!
>Shit, it worked.
>Murdercat hoists the floppy doctor navy man over his shoulder and hauls him to the cave mouth
>the real question is, did that kill the boner or make it worse
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>There's two clicks - Helios being returned to his Pokeball and Nebby being released from his.
>Thankfully, Nebby is a source of light as well... Albeit a harsh yellow-white as opposed to Helios' soft red-orange.
"Um... Where's home?"
>Someone's going to lose this meowing contest and Sun's determined to make sure it's not him, damnit
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"Heh, an improvement on your atittude"
"But it is getting late don't you think? You can stay here, just don't eat up anything of value"

(Gotcha man)
(But for now, I sleep, much like the other two players)
>Kira clings to the cat for dear life.
"Don't drop me. Or-or I'll kick your ass."

>Autistic man with a headache whines.
"Apartment 204 in Saffron, it has to be."
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>Small hiss in reply to the nerd.

(No problemo, sleep well. Thank you.)
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>grip slipped
>autistic man with a headach is allowed to fall a few inches before the cat grabs him and hoists him back up
>imagine a big hug
>but with a deformed hairless anthro cat fetus
>who wants to break your ribs
(You too)
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>Zysnake would shrug if he could.
>Instead he slithers close to Morty, snaking his tail around him.
"Do I need to put you in your place?"
>Sun attempts to be a comforting friend and offers a hesitant pat on the back
"Wait... Does that mean that um... It might not be?"
"Nya, follow me! ... nya!"
>He spins on his heel, patting Nebby's mane and waiting for the lion to create a portal
"I guess we're going to Kira's apartment?"
>Kira's kinda dead from the headache, sorry.
"Kujo? Did you get a haircut?"

>Kira shakes his head.
"No, no. It can't not be 204, that's bad. It's bad if it isn't. I can't stay if it isn't."
>Kira trails off talking about having to keep things organized.
>This is the most open he's been in ten years and it's only because of a headache.
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>Morty quirks a brow at Zygarde, casually leaning back against his tail
"Oh? What place would that be?"
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>can a cat growl?
>this one is
>it plods behind Sun without actually showing any other signs of acknowledgement

Yare yare daze.
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"It would be beneath me. Do you-"
>Zygarde turns its head to the distance.
>It stares back at Morty, the tail coiling around his abdomen.
"What drives you?"
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"Aw, don't worry Kira! You can stay with me if it isn't!"
>He flashes Kira a bright smile, both genuine and an attempt to comfort
"You're being really rude!"
>They're at the apartment, obviously Sun doesn't have a key
"Um.... Kira? Are your keys in your bag?"
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>Kira squints at Sun, there's the pomp he knows.
>Not a hat, nope.
"Don't you...? It should be in my bag, yeah."
>why must this cat be so mean
>it really is the worst psychic meowmix

>shit wrong one
>damn it
>pokeface x2
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>Damn, you've caught him off guard with that question
>He tries to play it off with a shrug, crossing his arms behind his head and using them as a head rest
"Dunno. Probably curiosity or something cheesy."
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"Right, thanks!"
>Sun rifles through Kira's bag until he finds the keys, fumbling a bit when it comes to actually unlocking the door.
>Unfortunately, Nebby doesn't fit through the door, so no best cat bullying worst cat today.
"So um... do you want us to dump you on the couch or...?"
"Even my Espeon isn't as rude as you! ...nya."
>He sticks his tongue out at Mewtwo in a gesture of utmost maturity
"...Didjyou finally hit puberty?"

>Thank fuck Kira didn't move his weird hand statues in yet.
>Hopefully never.
>Everything is organized and positioned to the point of obsession though.
"Yeah, just the couch please."
>He reaches out to tap the doorframe twice, even in a haze OCD matters.
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>The Zyserpent stares into Morty's eyes.
"You look pretty unsure. What, you lacking direction?"
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>You've got (psychic) mail
>New Message: "kys human slaver scum"

Sure. Yes. Your mother is a nice herman beam and I do not wish to disembowel her.
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>After a few minutes of staring off into space he finally responds
".... I guess so. All I really do is maintain the gym, I'm not sure that's really 'direction'."
>The Zysnake coils itself further around Morty, squeezing him.
"Then tell me, what do you really want to do? All humans have some kind of driving force. What's yours?"
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>Is Kira looking?
>You get a grin and a middle finger
"So... Are you gonna like.... Die or go into a coma or something if we leave you alone?"
>Presuming Mewtwo actually set Kira down on the couch, Sun just sorta rocks back and forth on his heels, fidgeting and idly thumbing his Z bracelet.
"...Oh, right. Mewtwo."

"No, probably, maybe. I went to med school, remember?"
>Kira rubs his head.
"Can you get me some asprin from the bathroom? You can watch TV or whatever if you want."
>His breathing picks up a bit, slightly faster and harder than normal.
"I wanted to be the one to bring Ho-Oh back to Ecruteak at one point. But Gold happened, do there goes that."
>He huffs, salt ever so slightly apparent in his tone.
"So I really don't know what mine is anymore. Spite?"
>I think the Mewtwo roleplayer fell asleep, rip
"Right, aspirin..."
>The look on his face says he clearly has no idea what aspirin is
>However, Sun trusts in his ability to properly read the labels on med bottles
>Rollin' to find aspirin
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Nope, it's vore..jpg
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>Zygarde whips back, letting out a laugh.
"So what? You missed your opportunity once. You have decades of your life to make up for what one kid did."
>Zygarde stares back down at Morty, tightening further around him.
"So, you pick up where you left last and make the people here pay attention to you. Not a brat that did it, what? Eight years ago?"
>Honestly you couldn't have missed it.
>The top cabinet has nail clippings in organized boxes, that's definitely not Aspirin.
>The rest of them are organized alphabetically.
"Did you find anything? I don't want to get up 'fumi-kun."
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godly vore, duh.jpg
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>Holy fuck that's some tight squeezing
>His arms would probably be pinned were they not behind his head and presumably out of the coil
>The change in his breathing's probably noticeable at this point
"Not sure I can bring back something that's already been brought back, but thanks anyway."
>Morty squirms a bit in the coils
"Trying to strangle me on Ho-Oh's ground? Lewd."
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>If he got odds I would've assumed he misread the labels or something
"Um... Yeah! I think this is the aspirin?"
>He just grabs the whole box and heads back out
>No time to question that nickname, we've got a nerd to save from a killer headache
>Zygarde looms in closer to Morty's face.
"Idiot. I don't mean that. I mean find a way to get him to stay forever or something. Get the other humans to sing songs about you."
>Zygarde tightens a bit more.
"I can always make you a sacrifice."
>Quadfail and Sun just gives him one of the nail clipping jars.
"Oh, thank god."
>He swipes the box and downs two pills dry.
>He grabs Sun by the wrist, trying to pull him onto the couch.
"Come here, give me a hug."
>He's going to regret this in the morning but for once he isn't that much of a sperg.
"Hmm... I suppoooose I'll have to start planning for that."
>It's getting a bit difficult for him to breath
"Oh? Do tell, what kind of sacrifice? I doubt I have enough meat to make a very good food sacrifice."
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"Uh... Okay Kira, if that's what you want!"
>Sun lets himself be dragged onto the couch
>To no one's surprise, it's been quite a while since he's had physical contact with anyone
>He's a bit awkward with the hug - wrapping his arms tightly around Kira's stomach and resting his head on his chest - but he tries
"See? You'll have stories written about you soon. Why don't you just wave around that you took me out on a date up on the tower?"
>Zygarde loosens up, rubbing his face against Morty's neck.
"I was thinking a blood sacrifice. You don't have any daggers, do you?"
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>Kira has only ever snuggled with his pillows or cats, but god his he going to try.
"You're better than I thought you'd be."
>He runs a hand through Sun's hair, the other placed on Sun's back.
"Because then I get fired from my job for being a homosexual and for Pokephilia?"
>He shifts a bit, bringing one of his arms around so he can trace the scaling along the top of Zygarde's head
"Kinky. I've got an athame in the front left pocket."
"Gods don't have a gender, dumbass. I don't subscribe to that shit."
>Zygarde makes a hiss, rubbing his tail against Morty's crotch.
"Where? I can't feel it."
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>It has been brought to my attention that Nebby was never actually returned to his ball
>He's probably just fucking
>Staring through a window or something
>Sun's a bit confused by that line, tilting his head to look up at Kira
>The champ has soft, light hair - your fingers run through it with little resistance.
>He's also fairly warm. Not quite fever levels of abnormally warm, but he's close
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pfft, that works.jpg
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"Says Mr Masculine voice. Even if you tell them that I still get fired for Pokephilia. It's veeeery frowned upon here, god or not."
>You draw a sharp intake of breath from him, the air being let out in a slow hiss
>He mumbles something under his breath about how'll you'll be feeling if you keep it up
"Do you even need a knife? Your teeth seem plenty sharp to me."
>Amazing, not that Kira would notice.
>He's probably slightly more awake right now so, cue confused man who isn't really going to say anything.
>He clears his throat, away from Sun.
"I just- Aren't you a bit young? ...Have you done this before?"
>His hand brushes back through Sun's hair, in reality he's looking for knots but don't let Sun know.
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>No knots yet, but there's scarring on the scalp
"I mean... I'm not even 19 yet so... I guess I am kinda young?
>He drums his fingers along Kira's back. It's more of a nervous tick than anything.
"I... um... Not uh... Not really certain what you're talking about but... Answer's probably no?"
How is /par/ this morning?
"Awake" is the best I can give ya
Tired af
Psyched out
Tired, Allie and I were out all night, we weren't able to beat any of the pokemon around here, so we didn't even get any experience from it.
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I know the feeling.
I'm going to do a little work today, and take most of it off for Training.
Same. I'm getting coffee started right now, hoping that will help.

>Frankie: fix coffee, make some toast, check that the new Pokemon didn't destroy the apartment last night.
>The nerd is, as expected, nowhere in the apartment
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>Sylvie yawns
"Good mornoon Frankie. Say did you and Stibs ever duke it out for who's gonna get me? Hehe."
>Small steeldino is still in its corner trying to stay awake.
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4 sexual
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I believe in you
Thanks! We'll keep trying, Allie says she's ready to go, so we're gonna try again!
(You're gonna have fun when you see the FC)
You've got a way to go. What'd you say that thing's at, five?
>Ring ring, ring ring.
>From: Unovan Superior Offices
Yeah, long way to go, but I know we can rise to the top!
We just gotta get started, and get past the first hurdle, that means getting past level five!
Which is looking to be incredibly difficult, we just can't win a fight as we are, not here, the wild pokemon are too strong.
What a pain.
Trek down to the Pallet Town area.
>Kira sighs, giving Sun a pat on the head.
"...Well if you need to get up, that's fine. Just a second."

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>Sun nods, but doesn't get up
>Eavesdrop mode engage
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"No, we haven't duked it out yet.."
>Frankie chuckles, and offers Sylvie some of his coffee.
"You have the final say. Besides, as entertaining as I'm sure it would be to watch Stibs and I fight, there are only a few places and contexts where humans can knock each other around for fun without the police getting involved."
Uh, I'll try!
>Rolling for travel time
>"Ahem, with the recent activity of Ghetsis in the greater Unova area we were wondering if you have the time to move to Unova for some time to work on the case and subvert Plasma. We can get you apartment 204 on the 10th street apartments in Castelia if you agree."
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Hiya PAR!
Anyone know where a seal can go to have a fun time?
All you can eat seafood buffet.
>Kira turns his gaze to Sun for a moment.

"...I don't know a lot about the Plasma case but, sure I can pack my bags and move. I'll be there later today."
>Kira groans, laying back.

That depends on the context. Battles are easy to get in Iki Town. Food and fun are at the mall and sex is on the corners.
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Try the Battle Royal Dome! It's fun even if you're just watching!
I think the Masked Royal even has a match today!
>Somehow I doubt Sun has ears good enough to hear what Mr IP man on the other end of the line is saying so
>No context for Sun
".... I thought you um... Just moved? From Alola to Kanto?"
Off a cliff into a bunch of rocks is where, gross water types
part 1: claiming the inheritance via vampirism
part 2: mom supervises two frat guys
part 3: gay roadtrip
part 4: the gang kinkshames david bowie
part 5: squad calls out problematic dad
part 6: priest reacts to gay thoughts by destroying universe
part 7: brokeback mountain but with a raptor
part 8: what the Fuck
Hotel Transylvania 2?
"Yep. Looks like I'll be moving again."
>Sun gets two pats to the shoulder.
"Up, please."
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>fill a saucer with coffee and slide it over to the aron
"Here little dude drink this if you wanna stay awake."
"Heh yeah I was probably gonna have Stibs ball me when he got home from work but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun once in a while."
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>Angriest Dino tries the coffee, wincing at the bitterness.
"...Do you drink thisss crap?"
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>Rather than just let go and stand up like a normal human being, Sun rolls off of Kira and onto the floor, huffing and just laying there for a moment before getting up
"That kinda sucks though, all that moving... "
>He pauses, rubbing at his chin and flashing a smile
"I bet they move you to Hoenn right after you get moved in!"
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"Yes it's delicious! Do you not like it?"
>Kira sighs, standing up and stepping over Sun.
"Knowing my luck they probably will."
>He bends over, scooping Sun up and dropping him on the couch.
"Please don't do that in the future."
>With that he gets to taking things down and packing them away.
"At least I didn't bring much."
>The dino laps at the coffee.
"It tastes like shit."
>Awaken My Cat
>It has taken the liberty of bending the pipes under your sink shut in it's sleep
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"Alirhgt Kira, I won't."
>Sun stretches out on the couch, just watching as things get packed and put away
"So... What's the new job? Mission? ... assignment? Thing."
>Psycat gets a pet from Kira.

"Going to be doing work on the Plasma cases. I really hope I don't have to be the guy that cuffs Ghetsis."
>Kira sighs, packing more things.
"I take it you don't know much about Team Plasma?"
take me by the hand
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>plop a couple sugar cubes in it
"There try it now."
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its david fucking bowie.jpg
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Thread posts: 302
Thread images: 228

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