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Timothy Tuba is C U T E

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Thread replies: 474
Thread images: 88

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Timothy Tuba is C U T E
Kinda wanna draw some fan art for him
I'm just now watching Part 5 of N. Sane Crash 1 and Ding Dong talking about the fart thing with Coco makes me really regret the fart talk I was doing before.

Ha. Ha.
He likes a big fat tuba blowing hot wind over him it is ok
pain and agony

9/10 cute dinoboy.
he kept asking people to draw that tuba gangbang.
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>Julian used rent money he got from Ding Dong to commission this as a gift to Ding Dong
dont watch the second part
I wonder what Chris ultimately thought of Animation Lookback, which is actually a shit webseries for people too lazy to actually look films up, or in this case, merely read the Wikipedia page which is literally all it is with the awful cringy NC-tier joke/reference thrown in inbetween
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I liked when he sang "Little Dragons, Big Adventures"
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Too late. I don't know who that bitch that's yelling into that mic is but she's annoying.
>it's another Mick being retarded episode
im gonna tweet at him
>not just downloading only the audio
It really gets the hair of my ass frickling because the guy is clearly saying things he shouldn't like his own opinions for something that is supposedly documenting history or saying things like Gary Goldman, Don Bluth's partner since the Disney days is the ''Luigi'' of the duo, you just don't fucking say things like that, it's like calling Ringo the shitty Beatle no one remembers who he was or why was he on the group.
The last half hour got cut off anyways
>tfw no money for the N.sane trilogy
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Are DD and Julian the only good furries?
>tfw no ps4
>tfw can't play my copy without a ps4
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>mfw I forgot to ask ding ding ding brrraabrah ding what does he think about crazy frog
>mfw I forgot to ask dong ding who where what does he think about the best musical genre there is, Eurobeat
I will never forgive myself now.
If he would let Crazy Frog swallow him into a tuba
How does one become sexually attracted to tubas?

How do you even discover that fetish? You have to go out of your way to see a tuba. Like you'd have to go see a brass band.
Julian, Ding Dong, TubaTim and Crazy Frog orgy in a giant Tuba, yes or no?
Tubas are pretty phallic when you really think about it. It's not really floor tile or certificate tier.

At least you see floor tiles all the time.
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As someone that has no idea why someone would be attracted to tubas, just as much as how someone would be attracted to an old ferris wheel or a wooden fence I just don't think too deep into it and rather get anything out of my system by illustrating it as appealing as I possibly can in a non-sexual way
what a weird day
what a gay day
this shit only happens when my internet starts to fuck itself, I swear to god.
>watching him play the game
>1080p no problems
>watching him on the level select screen while talking
>360p and constant buffering
I feel you
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I hope Chris makes more Second Life videos, Star Trek proved the best videos on the channel are just him fucking with random people
What about me
I like watching poopermega play shitty shovelware games. Reminds me of all the garbage ass shovelware I played as a kid.
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He actually did an ama about it back when it was a fresh hot meme. Though this might just be some guy pretending to be him.
His twitter said /b/ posts were usually things yanked from chats with friends

Why do people want to go after him so much
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Now I have to go say hi to him on Discord
I miss talking to that fella
What's this from? Link?

rip ;_;7

ripped like a huge tuba fart ;_;7

Lol this fetish is hilarious.
hopefully the funeee man streams today so i can postpone my suicide.

Why is Tubby Timothy Tuba SO GOOD
Tuba player's body.
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He really has a bug up his ass about the trilogy comparison.
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Why is it so hard to comprehend that remakes are not exactly not going to be like the originals? If they wanted 1-1 controlling then play the originals. This is by a different company, it's not going to control the exact same way,
Do you think vore fetishists ever wonder how people view them when they jackoff to shit like this?
It's almost like he designs games and is interested in this or something.

"there is a big post insisting that not only are the controls the same, the jump arc is actually more lenient in the n. sane trilogy"

He just wants to set the record straight
>tfw no Julian to berate you for not making more money streaming and forcefeeding you cookies.
Kek. Great moment.

He didn't even know DD got $500 before berating him
past couple of streams have been slow to be fair, he was getting like 120 dollars. Once in a while he'll get a spree of people donating more than 20 bucks.
>tfw no fuhni man stream
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>tfw have to play gex 3 tonight

Sex is hilarious when you think about it.
the fuh-nee penis
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>Land Before Time Doodly Damns episode
>Holly's grandpa worked on Land Before Time
whoa that's fucking cool
Some day, someone's going to draw the boys as little hamsters with big adventures and I'll be happy
>they always talk about wed when I watch high
>Being subbed to grumpy dumpies in 2017
Within the Shapiffany hypothetical, the one thing Chris failed to think of was how magical cloning sheds the identity of both copies. How can you magically copy someone and establish the original from the copy? My argument is that they're indistinguishably two different people who are new identities from the original Shapiffany.
Is this any relation to that one crocodile tuba game?
where's the tuba mansley
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why am i not surprised
>all the Youtube comments complaining about them picking apart the animations
I wonder where do you apply for a shill position at Sony or how they employ these people, it can be just normal people that like the game but I'm mostly sure there's shills all over the internet and 4chan is no exception.
It's not a surprising reaction seeing as they have only uploaded crash vids for the past 4 days or whatever. If they cut it up with another series it would be better but theres no denying the crash playthrough is just them complaining and it's not fuhni.
It's almost like he's autistic or something
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Should've gotten Grezzo to do it, they did the Zelda 64 remakes

Just don't make the game feel slower and clunkier to control than the original, why does every game have to play slower nowadays? If they made the Crash Trilogy faster paced rather than slow it wouldn't matter because people would still complain it, but it would still feel better than if it was playing slow

Nintendo made Mario 64 play slower in the DS and it's fucking awful.
Considering they didn't have any source code for any of the crash games, it would have taken a miracle or a hell of a lot of time for them to get 1:1 parity. Some shit was always gonna be fucked up.

Probably why they call it a remake and not a remaster. They could fix everything in patches now though that the autists are out there calculating jump height or whatever the fuck.
>when you don't need to put that much effort into your game when you know nerds will pick it apart in detail so now you have the precise measurements to fix it in your game
thanks ding dong
Well it's Activision, why the fuck would you expect quality control from them?

I doubt they even will patch it but on a purely technical bases they COULD.
why is this thread about videogames
because that tuba faggot didn't stream today for once
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how the fuck do they keep doing it
i assume those are guests but i literally don't know who they are.

This thread is for good boys and not grumpy dumpies.
i-it's nearly identical.
there's even farty vore porn of it too. what does this mean for ole Timothy? have we been bamboozled?
Which is kinda bullshit since they were working directly with Naughty Dog, I don't see why they didn't have the source code especially since the goal was to be as faithful as possible apparently
well they're friends with Roiland who's friends with Harmon who's friends with Thompkins

not sure who Matt Watson and Ross' lovechild is there
the source code doesn't exist. It's like when they made the silent hill collection and all the source code was lost.

People didn't really archive game source code up until the ps2.

Timothy is a separate character from Tuba Croc, but they're both made by Ding Dong
They do have the source code, but according to Andy Gavin either nobody still at Naughty Dog knows where the fuck it is or nobody still at Naughty Dog knows what the fuck to do with it
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Your post inspired me to draw this. Sorry for the crummy quality; I'm not a very good artist.
well shit TIL
please tell me ding dong isn't the one that drew this
its #tinytigertuesday

It is the complete opposite of crummy, you should send it to them
thats so fucking cute

He only knows how to do pixel art, and probably wouldn't use his Ding Dong character for sexual
It wasn't.
That...makes a lotta sense. Hm, does DD talk about it? I figure he would've slapped Wan Wan on it even though he wants it to be free. The update in December said it went from a team of 2 to 1, who else was working on it?

He's mentioned it once or twice, but he sounded like he regretted a few things about it. He felt the character designs weren't very creative, he didn't like the graphics quality or UI design, and he didn't like the engine it was in (Fusion, iirc)

I don't know anything about the other guy who worked on it, though
I'm unreasonably annoyed because i got used to having DD stream during my nightowl hours. im so bored.
Do literally anything else autist
just chill in SGDQ stream until our boy returns
why doesnt oneygays do some gay mailbag shit?
because then people will just start sending them stupid meme shit in their PO Box

just look at what SuperMega gets sent
how do people watch that shit, the people on that are like whatever the opposite of a personality is.
>just look at what SuperMega gets sent
are those worth watching? i remember tbf got sent a ton of valuable shit from lonely autists.
They have/had a P.O box, it was the gamegrumps one.

Most tubers shut them down because they just cant keep up even if they get sent lots of expensive shit. Your house just looks like a amazon warehouse after a while.
They can be pretty funny, SuperMega's actual let's plays are very hit or miss but their live action stuff is usually pretty decent
damn why aint you guys tell me ryan was THICC

i want them to record themselves watching Caligulammph and post it on youtub
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does he have marfan syndrome
I wonder if he's really pant less
He said he has only drawn about two things to this nature

Doubt he would use his Oney Plays persona for porn either
he's straming again
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Gang rape...
oh funi man is streaming.
maybe he will browse the thread again so we can bully him
>bully him
Isn't it the opposite
yeah, you're thinking the /v/ threads that dox him.

I hope he sees the ham-hams
He's arguing with himself again
im getting mad at him for not caring for any animation right now
>ding dong saying waifufags follow shitty/medicore shows just for the things they wanna fuck

is he lurking /co/? because that shit happens so much over there
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>tfw I was one of those morons on /co/ that prowled the short-lived Buddy Thunderstruck threads and saved all the Buddy x Darnell pics without watching the actual show

He read me like a damned book.

(I did eventually watch the show, and I do actually enjoy it, and I hope he does, too)
>without watching the actual show

you're a fucking faggot and are one of the reasons /co/ is one of the worst boards on the entire site

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>tfw too intelligent to enjoy capeshit
Does anyone wanna buy me N.sane trilogy?
Shut up you noncreative drone.
Will there ever be a cure for allergies so that Ding Dong can pet a dog
get ready, boys. He's coming
DD someone drew you ham hams.

jesus, you are weird
let them throw a tantrum because the youtube man won't acknowledge them. if he keeps coming back it's just going to be even more of this in these already shitty threads
just pet a dog and live with the consequences
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I imagine getting horrible hives would cost him a few days of work. Not worth it
what are these animals
dingdong, you missed a /v/ thread about your crash tweet
Fuck autismgamesodonequick
ding daaaang

São Tomé shrew, according to GIS
I bet Julian has a lumpy, cottage cheese ass
DD is gay lol.
3D printed Chris in a suit.
Do you think Ding Dong and Julian hold hands in public?
I miss the days when Calebhart could yell the N-Word for charity
have ya been lookin at #tinytigertuesday?
gdq used to be so fucking fun, it's a shame what happened to it.
That one time that guy lost his wife to a nerd gangbang at AGQD was funi.
I assume so, but not that there's anything wrong with it. By the way they talk I always assumed DD and Julian are a thing but don't want to admit it, but again I don't see anything wrong with either or.
AGDQ died when 2hu plushies stopped appearing on the stream
wait, the fuck?
No you shut up rude cunt
GDQ had to be cleaned up for normies so they could donate more
it happened like 4 years ago.
Is there anything in video games more autistic than speedrunning?
wait wtf dingdong and julian are gay? im unsubbing if true wtf.

stop it

You're right but stop it


He said they were dating in one of the earlier streams, right before stopping the stream

It was like this:

"(someone asked) How did you and Julian meet?" "We're dating. OkayGoodnightEveryone" and then he stopped the stream
What's with all these autists obsessing over his orientation. It's never ever been relevant to the content he outputs, anywhere DD shows up.
remember when Calabhart beat himself up and smashed his chair and his mom had to stop him?
the seat sniffer is classic
Exactly. It doesn't make a difference, either way he's a cool, funny, and insightful fella
how long ago was this stream?
Ding Dong, play my game on your stream
just let the man be his own, jesus.
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It was last year, I think December?
Hey man, do you like any webcomics? Just curious.
I really enjoy DD's sarcastic quips, especially in the SuperMega podcasts.

DingDong, will you/Julian appear on any more podcasts? You guys all have great chemistry/dynamic together.
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Ding Dong would you yourself as a girl?
apparently Ding Dong just said it wasn't real
The guy is picking something up from under his seat.
do you prefer Manga over Western comics?

o fuck i fucked up

please ignore it
Ding Dong can we be friends
Ding Dong, who's gonna be your Best Man for your wedding with Crash, Matt or Julian?
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Ding Dong can I come over so we can watch A Troll in Central Park and Rock-a-Doodle?
What happened at vidcon?
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Ding Dong do you use an rgb monitor?
Hey DD, do you have fun streaming? I know you play games you're partial to, but does streaming actually suck the fun out of it because you have to focus and talk? Or is it actually cool?
Hey Ding Dong, I have an edited version of Rock-a-Doodle without the narration, would you watch it?

The only good thing about Rock-a-Doodle is a certain picture by JMGN
Goldie's more sexy than I remembered, shame that they had to censor the entire film to remove her rack
DD, how do I get people to like me when I actually have autism and am an unlikable cunt?

I wish I was joking
Can I join? I will Bring We're Back! A Dinosaur Movie.

>someone mentioned it in the stream and DD mentioned it
would you recommend twitch streaming to regular folk. It seems like you're doing well for yourself, but you already have a following due to Oneyplays
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Hey Ding Dong, you like Doom?
Only if we watch The Pebble and the Penguin afterwards, just so I can spout a bunch of trivia from behind the scenes
Hell yea it's a deal
If you are still interested about the boogie thing.

He was very submissive towards Anita and even reworded his speech at the end to avoid offending her in particular then backstage she yelled at him.

She apparently felt he stepped on her message which is that "people to get angry and bitter and ready to fight" and Boogie's was "We should all get along and talk about stuff and treat each other equally" which Anita said that thinking was being used to divide people.
Hi DD, you were talking about Kubo a while ago, what do you think of Coraline?
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Ding Dang, You've ever read that Undertale comic where a faceless guy fucks Undyne?
Happy 4th of July DD! Do you love America?
Ding Dong, a developer question:

Do you have more ideas on what games to make while in production on the first, or are you focusing on one project to be completely finished at first, before you start thinking of a new concept or idea?
Thanks for the hot tip, DD :^)

dingdong u are a funny boi and i like listening to you talk
Hey DumbleDore

What is your favorite Ralph Bakshi film?
Thanks for coming DD! You treat your fans so well, you're a cool dude
who is imp and why do they keep getting mentioned in stream I don't watch with the chat autism on
>having a crush on any girl
DD sorry I seem to suck your dick so much. Do you get turned off by your fans liking you?
Ding Dong, are you upset with me for being autistic about finding out who you are? I'll give it a rest, I'm sorry.

t. not ultimatesock
RIP in peace, Cory
Hey Dun Don let's watch Caligula, the fucked up porno Tim Burton never made with Malcom McDowell and Peter O'Toole
i would deadass fuck anita so hard
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Ding Dong do you think Yangus is cute?
I'm only into the dino, can't into the tuba
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>tfw lucky enough to play undertale right when it came out
It alright. It not subtle or nuanced, but it alright.
An artist he follows some people he knows pop up in the streams to watch him play the same level over and over for 4 hours. Octopimp stops by sometimes, Zach stops by some actually well known people show up.
What do you think of Call of Duty zombies?
Asgore's got a big tum, and I wouldn't mind being underneath it
Ding dong, are you a fan of the Warhammer universe/franchise?
>Better give a steam code to some old religious leader he will surely know about steam codes.
Ding Dong what is your favorite Sonic Girl you wanna fuck?
I honestly feel like a shitlord about it
DD What do you think of Youtube Poops?
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What are some lesser-known games that you think don't get the attention they deserve?
you've talked about other fighters, but there's been a conspicuous lack of ARMS. is that just because you haven't played it, or do you think it's not noteworthy?
DD whats sexier than a tuba?
They dont have a switch
most likely avoiding doing ''trendy'' things, and either shit on the game or praise it when everyone forgets about it
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Ding Dong, what do you think about Dunkey?
Ding Dong this is gonna sound really gay, but have you ever shipped two male video game characters together?

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How did you meet Chris, DD?
Also, please cherish this fanart.
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Fuck you, I'll get you one of these days!
Ding Dong, have you worshipped The Thief and the Cobbler today?
Are you ready to talk about your favorite webcomics yet Ding?
Damn Damnation, what is your favorite Chris-Chan saga?
I'm surprised people still post that. Did ultimatecuck already run out of random peoples' pictures?
amir0x is a faggot and pedophile
Thanks for entertaining my questions DD, you're a dude I wanna party with some day!
I once said shitlord unironically in a thread thinking it was just a typical cool curseword to call people until the whole thread piled up on me like I was a retard
But seriously, I feel bad. I'm sorry.
>We went for 30 fps because films use 24 fps but we found 24 fps didn't work for games and we didn't catch the hint

Thanks for that great logic The Order 1886 pr.
Do you like the Wizardy games?
darkgamer and sock in the chatlog
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DD, do you like The Dark Crystal? Have you watched the fan-edit where someone synced the entire film to have the original alien languages and ambiguous mysterious feel of the original story?
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I just remembered, you were going to do an ear reveal, you fucker, you FUCKER
reveal individual face parts so people make horrifying composites of your face in photoshop
Does the guy who you got to pour coke on his feet still have a hate boner for you?
According to Matt and Ryan, they do all of that stuff completely naked. I guess they're just comfortable seeing each other's genitals
Darkgamer to sock
DING DONG I'd rather know your first name personally, you could be ugly for all I know
did you see the guy who wrote your name on his balls, ding dong?
on another stream he said something along the lines of "i am pretty skinny but my thighs are kinda big"
Julian's genuinely cute, you're a lucky man, even if you're not actually an item
he did
i have the same body type. all my weight goes to my fucking thighs.
Dingodungus! Losing weight to DDR actually motivated me to build my own home DDR dancepad.

Thanks dingus!
Oh yeah she activated approving comments on her Youtube videos and then just approved hate ones and apparently none of the game journalists caught on to why she was doing it.
Remember to put shoe on head, Ding Dong! XD
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>270 pounds
"this banjo kazooie run is really cool. i always forget how weird and stupid this game was, it's like antz vs super mario 64 as a bug's life"

How does this comment make you feel?
Bigger autists do.
some anon posted something really creepy a couple of threads ago, but I'm too afraid to post it.
So ya gonna talk about your fave webcomics?
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neokosmos is his favorite webcomic

He already said he isn't a fan of Steven Universe
DingDong: Peer pressure. You're one guy vs an onslaught of internet autists. DON'T POST your photo or anything - low key snooping doesnt really affect anyone that isnt you. It's awful to make a decision like that on stream, with so many people to sway your decision. Please, don't. It's not your fault anything of this is happening. It's the autists' fault.
>3 hours of deliberating whether to post his face or not

He doesn't care guys.
>3 hours
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Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days—it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap?
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Ding Dong, play Sonic 06 on the show.

Can be just the Sonic campaign
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Ding Dong, could be many of your fans live too far away to really approach you in person

I know that I won't, mostly because I'd like to think I respect people, but also because I live in Europe.
I don't wanna be rude but NEVER SPEAK TO ME EVER
hes right though ;-;
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The only way to never have people approach you when you're a semi public figure is to never leave the house, unfortuanately
Oh shit actual photo of DingDong and Julian.
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Fuck you Ding Dong, don't EVER try to approach me on the streets.

Try mentioning Video games or let's plays to me I'll deck you in the face.
Oh fuck don't post it I love the alien avatar.
It's over Ding Dong's two years are over he must leave us now.
I feel like puking
if he posts picture someone post here.
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I just got good at drawing your alien-self
Face reveal gonna force me to change
as soon as he posts it some autist is going to make a thread on /v/. mark my words
Yeah, I still want to draw more porn and fanart of Oney Plays and I want to draw the alien and not some other guy

Julian is already Chris with black hair and a goatee
Ding Dox
Post it on the Sonic general on /vg/, no one will know who's that supposed to be and they'll forget about it or bury it

The people in there are complacent assholes, trust me.
dingdong, i live in your area and if i ever saw you i would probably just wave and say hi.
At least Julian's goatee and moustache are cartoony so it's pretty fun.
Chris is kinda boring to draw because his identifying features are very subtle.
Dox him, not me!

>Acting like he can't keep the avatar
This is stupid.
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if he posts his face im going to shoot up a school tomorrow
what photo did he just tweeted out?
I'll track down and beat up thedarkgamer if you want
DD did you hear Robbie Rotten is gonna die?
his face
Dindong is a Black ginger Jewish man with an jewfro and constantly wears a fez.
count me in too nigga
i bet dingedong looks stinky
Jesus Christ how horrifying
i watched JoJo once to see the funny dank meme poses and homosexuals but it was just two old timey people boxing over a woman and it was boring
nothing happens after that
you were right to stop watching there
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JackoTheTroll (2).png
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Ding Dong, do you read Tails Gets Trolled?
I wouldn't worry too much Broteam constantly accidentally doxxes himself and he has a bunch of angry Muslims after him because he called Mohammad a rabbit and yet he is still somehow alive.
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i miss the romance ;-;
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Ding Dong, do you know what JonTron has been doing lately?

I miss him so much
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here you are ding ding a happy lad
Tails got Trolled got boring when the creator confirmed it was fake.

Broteam is immortal though.
it's better than the Spyro Subway picture
where was this confirmed?
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How is it fake? I think it began as sort of a joke, sure, but what about now when Lazerbot is actually drawing as best as he can?

I follow him on DA, he posts his pseudo-intellectual ramblings and they read exactly like the comic does.
I apologized earlier and then get shitposted for asking a pertinent question, epic
at what part do the memes and homosexuals come into jojo?
"how many teeth do you have"
"all of them"

Confirmed tooth fairy???
Long ass time ago when it was still big on /v/.

Fake as in it's not a work of pure 'tism like CWC's sonichu comics but rather the author knew what he was doing from the beginning and is now just playing up to it.
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This makes me upset inside who the fuck made it





if part 1 bores you
just don't watch the rest
Im on episode 4 so i know what the stone mask does but meh. Ill either skip to 2 or power through another 6 episodes
What kind of little ceasers pizza do you enjoy throwing up?
>mfw ding dong making cum noise
Ding Dong, what about Armikrog?

I know you guys tried playing Skullmonkeys on the show but what about The Neverhood? There's a Playstation version with Japanese audio
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here is dingdongs friend i doxed him
play skoolmoonkies
Will you play omikron nomad soul?
Favorite breakfast cereal? I'm partial to the reese's puffs.
Play Eternal Darkness for Halloween
Do you like Dino Riders?
the Cartoon, not some sort of porn-thing.
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can anyone else confirm that they cant look at mattybraps name the same after learning this onamonapia
Don't know if this was already mentioned, sorry if it was, but are you guys going to play DS3? I know oney mentioned that he wants to play it in the future.
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this thing is disgusting wtf dongle.
Is the We <3 Katamari series fully recorded?
Take it back.
he has varicose veins and a bandage on his tummy
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I hope you guys are happy now.
i sent it to you a long time ago on twitter lmao

Ding Dong would you impale yourself, as in anally, on his belly button?
all those veins evoke imagery of a big, fat, throbbing penis
I bet DingoDongo would like to rub that big outtie belly button thing on Shogungekomon

>"I wish that photo was me"

Ding Dong confirmed Transethnic?
dingdong just jojo referenced!
Ding Dolezal
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Ding Dong, if we see your face are you at least gonna keep the name?
No he's just a big Viper fan
If you push your dick into it hard enough would it turn into an innie and wrap around your cock?
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Ding Dong who has the bigger thumbs you or danny?
Would you wear a wooden medallion of your OC character?
Julian is gonna be mad at you for streaming this long and not making money
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Concept art for Wan Wan's next game
Have Julian animate Ding Dong leaving the planet Earth superimposed over footage of the real man
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fuck you nigger
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>all big round goofball characters are guys
>want cute round goofball girl characters but nobody else wants to draw them

this shit feels so one-sided all the gaybos get the fun characters and I'm stuck with horrendous pandering garbage
Should you read or watch jojo?
reading is gay
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game theory.jpg
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Hey Double D, do you like chocolate? If so, what's your favorite?
Fat people are hideous creatures.
They're making part 5 sometime soon, I recommend reading part 6 and beyond
>i like WHITE chocolate

DingDong is NOT a coalburner
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You're making a rape joke!
Now prove that he can take that navel up his slug alien butthole
They didn't decide the Borderlands guy was bisexual, there was a character that hit on the women character when he revived her, but it would sometimes accidentally happen to the dude characters, and Anthony Burch tried to make himself look like a paragon
Microwaves throw small waves at your food to moisten them.
hope new doodle doods is on fat albert or rocket power
post porn he's never seen now
Ay Dongus, what about Abe's oddysee, I saw the save icon in one of the old videos? Game is fucking amazing
Do Don Bluth characters
They released Hol Horse's dub a day or two ago, you should check it out. Also DO ROCKET POWER
not gay but this is hot
Ding Dong avert your eyes
Cartoony outie enthusiast here.

They're for kissin and playing with not sitting on, you rube.

He's giving his consent.
This one is gross
poor dingle
Yeah, no more porn of Ding Dong and Julian, someone draw Vulcan J. Skunk tooting on Timothy Tuba's dick
Ding Dong makes for a pretty cute trap, just saying.
PSYCHE, theres more
"I like the last two best"
Funny screem Joolian 2017
somebody draw some ding dong x doug walker porn
He is talking about tiny tiger stuff.
ding dong said he liked this one for being "doug tennapel-y"
Do you think Crash and Tiny know not to fart in front of other people, and love to let em rip whenever?
Aren't cat dicks all cheese gratery
You guys should do Rocket Power for Doodle doods
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Julian the stuff you do on FA and stuff is cool, thanks for sharing it.
and even more
i dont think julian drew those
fuck outta here nigger
this. dumb fag crying in twitch chat lmao
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Julian, was Tim Curry attractive as a penguin?
kratosgodofmemes go kill yourself
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Your loss, julian.gif
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Someone draw more porn of DingDong, its weirdly hot
I love how his ears flutter.
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what a fag
What's happening now? I know some retard gave a twitch user the thread link, but what's going on now?
Julian is gay
Bunch of underage fags posting links thinking they're so le epic
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hey Ding Dong I made this
I just checked and some kratos guy posted a link to a drawing
Fuck you for making this I'm sad now
you're posting from the shittiest board on the site, I'll link these threads in every stream just spite you if it gets you that upset
this is too precious.
>seed is the life seed from Neverhood
nice touch
Ding Dong if you show up on a Super Mega video, I hope it's just a second of you looking at a paper and lowering it while the boys walk or run past
who fucking cares if someone links the thread in the chat, it's easy enough to find this thread through a quick google search.
Oneyplays has the deepest lore

Ding Dong have either you or the SuperMega boys played the Hamtaro games on GBC/GBA? I bet they'd be perfect for a SuperMega series
>mfw people calling it sad now

Welp, should I do what the author of Plague Dogs did and include a happy ending somehow?
Julian is gonna be mad if you don't go~

make him reincarnate as a real boy when he does a face reveal.
Nah, I like it like that regardless if it's sad
It's perfect as it is anon just because something is sad doesn't mean it's bad

What if a new Ding Dong grew from the grave?

But then there's another sad twist and it doesn't remember the other two
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>444 posts
Am I too cringy for saying who I am?

Anyway I hope you have a good forth.

trips compel you
>grow a new ding dong from the grave
>it absorbs the remains of the previous dingdong
>grows into a perfect clone with all his previous memories
ding you never said what web comics you like
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is racial segregation morally wrong if both blacks and whites want it?
yes, stop being a namefag
you put to much value into how people perceive you.
>why am i so tired i only sat infront of a monitor all day frantically attempting time trails and hurting my hand

Yes, because there will be blacks and whites that DON'T want it
You don't need to put your stupid username on here. Just leave your reply if you're going to stick around.
I Want to see DSP play this.

Sorry everybody, I'm just a fag.
did he beat the level?
so is either side morally right?
>mfw people are now going to repost this everywhere and I didn't put a signature or blog link on it like when I did the PlagueofGripes ''no way fag'' Spongebob parody
oh boy. I wish I had a twitter I could use, or if the boys used tumblr.
make a twitter and tag him dumbass he'll retweet you or at least like the drawing
Make a twitter quickly
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Julian said you should be drawing their fursonas together
ok I tweeted it


You know this really caught me off-guard, I was going to do one but only when I had enough stuff to post in the first place
To the person or people who are/is making Ding Dong feel like he has to post a picture of himself to stop people from trying to find out who he is and to stop them from harassing his friend, seriously fuck you.

Why should it matter if someone wants to remain anonymous on the Internet? If it's really bothering you that much that you don't know what he looks like then I think you really need help.

Apologies if my grammar sucks.
you have to tag him dummy.
I'll follow you tho, nice art style
Hello Plebbit!
fug I don't even know how to even use twitter
just make a tweet and put @DingDongVG in it somewhere
ok thx
You know he dislikes brown nosing ass kissers like you right? He chose to do it. >>10263404
I hope he retweets it. Can't wait to see everyone's reactions to it
Oh no, muh e-fame
watch your mouth, boy.
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