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Monster High/Ever After High General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 85

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>Recent Releases
Electrified: Silvi Timberwolf, Clawdeen, Twyla, Draculaura, Ari. Frankie w/lights and sound, Venus, and Cleo
Collector's Edition: Zomby Gaga, Skelita Calaveras
Party Hair Draculaura
New look signature characters: Frankie, Draculaura, Moanica, Ari
Party Ghouls: Venus, Rochelle, Abbey
Football 2pack: Clawd and Clawdeen
Sports playset w/ Frankie
Casketball Venus

>Upcoming 2017
New look signature characters: Clawdeen, Cleo, Lagoona
Monster Family 2packs: Lagoona and Kelpie, Clawdeen and Barker, Draculaura and Dracula w/playset
Monster Family siblings: Fangelina, Ebbie, Pawla
Garden Ghouls: Cleo, Twyla, Toralei
Garden Ghouls new characters: Treesa Thornwillow, Lumina, Wingrid, Beeanca
Cleo/Ghoulia 2-pack Mattel Shop exclusive

Ever After High/Monster High crossover book in the second half of 2017

>Ever After High news
Back To School Deluxe: Apple, Meeshell, Maddie, Holly
Back To School Budget: Cupid, Blondie, Darling
Thronecoming Budget: Maddie, Briar, Ashlynn
Forgot to include Mad Science Frankie and Draculaura 2-pack(?) at least I'm assuming it's a 2-pack
Cleo is definitely getting the best looks out of the reboot.
I thought that was the old Cleo face?
I think Draculaura and Twyla might be the two pack. They both had those lumpy looking PBJ dresses that match one another. I was figuring Home Ec set with cooking materials or something.
Thought it was the new face
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When does the Monster High Ever After High crossover book come out ?
It's the new Cleo face but honestly her G2 face is much better than her G1 face. She's probably the only one of them that G2 did wonders for her looks.
iirc, early October
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What went so wrong?

Is it the Lesbian tumblr shipping

I think so
I think it was the fact that their story and characterization stopped making sense.
>What went so wrong?
wrong with what exactly?
The original faction thing got tossed out the window. So who was royal or rebel doesn't even matter anymore. Though it wasn't that interesting almost everyone that was a royal was secretly in some way a rebel. Only true royal was Apple but it made her some like such a jerk with her views. What raven you don't want to go to jail forever how uncaring if you don't then I won't have a happy life. Made her seem super selfish.

Changes of characters personalities. Some was good some was bad I think. Like I like how they made Apple no longer a selfish needy person. Didn't like how the changed Blair. At first she seemed like a crazy party girl. Like she would do drugs and drink and sleep with a bunch of guys sort of party girl. They toned her down I guess cause thats' not a good influence for kids.
>What raven you don't want to go to jail forever how uncaring if you don't then I won't have a happy life.
Why do people get this so wrong? The Evil Queen was in jail for in the most basic of words, rebelling.
STAY SALTY BITCH!!!!! accept it you loser.

And btw this is a toy thread, take your saltiness on /co/ cunt!!!!.
Are you still going through this?, like are you really this retarded or are you just a troll?

Don't you know that every serie has a beginning and a ending? EAH couldn't exist forever you dumb fuck.

So why are all the other serie ending? Because there is to much hetero in it?

And btw EAH had a pretty good run, so stop being a homophobic, bacause every serie has its gay/straight fandom, and something this stupid doesn't stop a serie.

And one more thing, stop harrassing people with your bullshit and get over with it you pathetic manchild.

To all the anons here pls don't give this guy attention, this is a toy thread not some /co/ drama shit.

Btw Mattel tagged one of their pics RAPPLE, so i don't think it was the Lesbian Tumblr shipping that made it go wrong.
Here anon hope you enjoy your 3some ;)

Wow, two kinds of people. No wonder why you killed your own fandom you fucking dykes.
Lol everytime i see homophobics going salty makes me happy.
I wasIn't talking about EAH i was talking about that same anon who harrasses people on /co/ just because he is mad that his cartoon has a wide gay fandom, and he can't go over it and has to cry everytime about it.

Like i said before this is a toy thread and i wanna talk about toys and not some drama.
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>you killed your own fandom
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What went so right?

All the Lesbian tumblr shipping

Yeah it was that.
Can't unsee Raven's tiny hand.
...I've been out of the loop for ages but I thought Ghoulia was dead or something? This looks like a new thing with her.
Daring's selfish behavior made him an excellent candidate for being Rosabella's beast. Dexter is awkward but well meaning so that even if Raven were to go the whole evil queen route, he'd made a good Good King. Snow White already showed that she does everything pretty much on her own, so Apple wouldn't need a prince and could probably have one anyway. Darling wants to save people and she saved Apple. But people like >>6405652 tend to ruin everything with forced gay headcanons.
As well as people like >>6405826, >>6405766, and >>6405652

Should have learned a long time ago - Mattel will queerbait you as long as you keep buying dolls. They did it in TeenWolf, they'll do it here. Gullible gays spend money.
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>forced gay headcanons.
Shitpost harder.
>Holding hands automatically makes you a lesbian
I love when tumblr sjws contradict their own principles
There picture screams couples photo.
This is how it's done properly. Nice try though.
>INB4 Some millennial church lady gets all butthurt about shipping.
>INB4 they screech "T-take it to /co/!" Because nobody posts MH/EAH threads in /co/ anymore.
>INB4 they run & cry to the mods because their dolly safe space is being violated with fan art of girls kissing.
>INB4 the mods make sweeping deletions and bannings because this is the new 4chan.

This is why we can't have nice things.
I like the shipping and fanart, but this isnt the place for it, discussions are fine but really this place is meant for the dolls only, I dont really care for the moment though seeing as anything with dolls right now is super slow.
There's a thread on /u/ dedicated to monster high/ever after high if anyone wants to take their stuff there.
That thread has almost existed for a full year, it's sort of impressive
Do you pose your dolls in individual poses that look good or pose them in scenarios together?
For my MH and EAH: basic/signature individual, movie/webisode line scenarios together
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Mattel back at it again
>meanwhile, two girls literally had a "true love's kiss" scene
I think the picture was just there as a nice visual, not as the proof that the gay ships aren't forced, because the proof is the...uh, actual kissing that is canonically proof of true love.
That looks like something you'd find in a Happy Meal.
Looks like something Ashens would make a video of
Wow. They really want to grab that minimum effort award from Hasbro.
That is fucking hideous.
Mattel stop it !!!
Just when you think it couldn't get any worse
>glossy hard plastic face
>malleable matte vinyl limbs

Is Monster High going to be at SDCC this year ?
Nope. They posted to instagram (I think??) that Mattel is focusing on other "freaky fabulous" brands. SHGHC is getting a really terrible exclusive two-pack, but that's all anyone's heard relating to doll exclusives.

I was hoping they'd do another one of the She-Ra dolls they showed off last year, but nope.
SHCHC? DCSHG. I don't even know what that first one was.
>really terrible exclusive two-pack
Wut. That Cheetah was adorable.
They also said something about Marvel and Star Wars toys which is weird cause Hasbro makes them.
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Another de Nile sibling?
Make it stop

please mattel just stop
I would say this is Bratz Babyz hideous, but at least you could change their clothes.
And the Wonder Woman was a rehash of a previous doll with an extra accessory. For an exclusive SDCC release, that's really, really bad.

I also thought that was weird, since I couldn't think of anything Mattel does for either of those, other than the Hot Wheels collaborations.
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These look like boy clothes and they're too big for that ugly baby. How many new de Nile's are there?
Based on the other family releases? Probably at least three.
I made a really ugly laugh, holy shit that's terrible
There was a De Nile trademark a month or so ago, that's probably who it was
The two-pack in the OP that everyone thought was going to be SDCC is a Mattel Shop exclusive. MH and EAH won't be at SDCC.
Mattel has Lux de Nile, Pharrah de Nile and Sandy de Nile trademarked. In the past they also had Dedyet de Nile but they seem to have let that one expire.
Be ready for Stitchlyn Stein next.
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Found Pawla at Walmart today and decided to take a chance on her. She's a cutie.
Shaq called, he wants his hands back.
Honestly she's the only one of the little sisters that I would consider getting, her whole look is cute despite the cheapness.
I'd wait until a sale since $8 is a bit steep for what she is but I'm still glad I picked her up. The new Wolf kids are the only ones that don't feel super out of place in canon to me.
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Heads up - Target is doing their second toy revision within the next two weeks, so new stuff soon and old stuff going clearance.
>Monster High
>new stuff
"new" stuff
I've been hearing that the Garden of Frights dolls have those awful non-detachable, gappy joints like Party Ghouls Venus. Not that I was really eager to get my hands on them, but the outfits were at least an improvement over other recent reboot lines.
It's not hard to be an improvement over something as ugly as the Electrified line
Aside from the shitty snark, it is new stuff.
>more unjointed, uninspired dolls
Boy, oh boy. Can't wait.
This is true. I meant more the one-sided sheath dresses that seem to be the new norm, though.
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The other day I bought the Party Ghoul Draculaura with the long hair on clearance and today I finally got around to unboxing her and I realized she has no arm joints.

What the hell? Was this not supposed to be the pricier doll in this set? I like the long hair gimmick but damn, glad i got it for cheap
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The other dolls in the line are jointed.. I guess Draculaura's budget went on the extra hair.
Reminder that the Cleo/Ghoulia 2-pack goes on sale on Wednesday.

Most of the G2 gimmick/playset dolls aren't jointed. It's stupid.
Anyone know what the pricing is going to be on this 2-pack?
A lot more than it is worth I'm sure.
IMO, it's worth it. G2 Cleo is probably the best looking out of all of them and they did a good job with Ghoulia. It's probably the closest to a quality release we'll get for a while, especially after they revealed that shitty Amazon exclusive Abbey.
Cleo/Ghoulia 2pack will be $40. Abbey will be released mid-November, in comparison, and will be $30.
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That's definitely pre-reboot Cleo face, right?
>Abbey will be released mid-November, in comparison, and will be $30.
That godawful electrified Abbey?
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If you meant this one? Apparently, yes.
I wouldnt spend 30 dollars on that, I'd even debate spending 15 dollars on that, what a mess
Mattel needs to stop trying to make crimped hair happen.
You know what I wish G2 Rochelle had more added details like most of the other dolls got like molded in cracks on her body like her wings have.
Same. I'm really shitty over the fact that they got rid of her clawed hands still.
That looks like Abbey was trying to go caveman and was then struck by lightning but not in a good way.
Anyone buy Cleo and Ghoulia?
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Also, something to note - according to the Mattel Shop description, this is considered an adult collector pack. My guess is that this and other SDCC-ish dolls/packs will be the new adult collector dolls.

Cripes, for a non-SDCC exclusive set, Matty certainly packaged it up look like your typical SDCC exclusive set.

And with this set with the G1 style dolls, is Matty admitting that they done fucked over the adult collectors with the shitty G2 dolls?

For all we know, it might have been meant to be an sdcc set, but they pulled it for whatever reason.
I'm guessing it's like >>6428667 said. It was likely a SDCC set but for some reason they pulled it and decided to go the adult collector line route.

I honestly hope this is a sign from them that they'll actually do adult collector dolls that aren't total ass. Let their fake new audience have G2.
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I've bought one - but my credit card company declined at first. Had to clear it up - it was a new card. Havent gotten a confirmation for it - but i know others have ordered the set.

I also suspect this was an SDCC set, but they probably wanted to get the cash directly and right away. This might be them trying to see how much demand there is for the adult side of this - and if they can make money from it.

As for SDCC - they just released this picture of a reveal coming up.
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I'm guessing maybe Rochelle? But before I knew whether or not this was MH or EAH, I could have sworn it was Duchess until I saw their instagram.
New fall/spring movie? Likely a spring movie considering they would have started doing stuff for a fall one a while ago.
I can definitely see it being Rochelle, looks like some sort of ballet thing, fits her decently enough.
Is that a whip?
I think it's a ribbon

Ya know, for ribbon dancing
Dancing yes, they hinted at it. I see a crown, but cant tell what is in her hand. I also thought it was Duchess - and it kills me that the cross over wasnt done. If Mattel could just right the ship - get the cross over to happen - and give more of a care for designs.. But mattel wont.

They really need to learn to work with MH and EAH at a slower pace with quality stuff - then later maybe learn what makes for a cheaper build around for them.
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>tfw there will never be a white swan/black swan duchess duo pack
>San Diego Comic-Con has started, time for our first freaky-fab tease! Get on pointe tomorrow as we reveal which #MonsterHigh ghoul is lacing up her ballet shoes and taking center stage! #SDCC2017 #EveryoneIsWelcome
I have a sinking feeling that it isn't Rochelle. It looks like there's an ear silhouette on the side of her head, while Rochelle's ears are on top. I want it to be Rochelle though.
>Come back to Thread because I saw Ghoulia and thought she was dead from series
>It's a Mattel Shop exclusive

It's not fair
Watch it be another Draculaura.
That ear does look pointy. God, let it be anyone but Draculaura. Maybe it's Elissabat! She is queen of the vampires which would explain the crown.
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I've seen a few people imply that it's a new character (which would be fucking stupid since Treesa is a flop) but Rochelle would have been a better choice for this anyway. These days, it's either Draculaura or Frankie.
New character? What monster could we be getting that is themed to ballet I wonder

Well, I'd take a new character over another Draculaura or Frankie
>inb4 it's the bland ass ghost
The fact that they said "We're not having an SDCC exclusive this year! Oops!" makes me think this thing is going to be hella slapdash and ugly. It's using the new gapping joints that the other dolls all have in the reboot, too.


Also, putting money on it being Draculaura based on that skirt silhouette. Also, no wings, so not Rochelle.

That's rhythmic gymnastics territory. Watchu doing Mattel.
Well, they're not wrong. It's not a SDCC exclusive. They're doing the same thing they did with Electrified. This is the upcoming "deluxe" doll line.
>We need a new character, guys.
>Let's make a ghost!
>What about Spectra?
>No, but let's use her color scheme.
>Ok, so a purple, pink, and white themed ghost. What's her talent?
>Singing! She loves music!
>But what about Catty, Operetta, and Casta?
>Who cares! Little girls love singers!
I almost feel bad because Ari could have been another cute ghost had they not turned her into reboot Spectra.
Should have just kept her old colors
Ahhhh, I see. Fair enough, then. The comment anon posted above made it sound like it was some kind of surprise exclusive or something.
Operetta was wronged.
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Ballet Cleo will be in arriving in 2018
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Better picture of her
Why Cleo of all monsters? Mattel is really pushing her to be the new music girl, aren't they?
Ugh. Gapped joints, painted on tights, no coherent blending of motifs. Yet another nope.
>ballet Cleo

but will her feet be mangled
Nah, they're pushing Ari as the new music girl. My bet is that since Cleo is royal, they want you to think that royalty is trained in music/dance/art/etc.
Since we're getting the Ballet line that EAH deserved, call your picks now:
Sounds about right, would love if Venus and/or Abbey got into the line
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Looks like the minis will also be getting versions with their pets?
Remember the deluxe ballet dolls that were supposed to go with the budget ones for EAH? Mattel sure doesn't.
OK, for a SDCC item that thing is awful. IMHO the retail Cleo/Ghoulia 2-pack is better.
My bets
>Deluxe Cleo
>Deluxe Draculaura
>Deluxe Rochelle
>Playset/Gimmick/Spinning Frankie
>Budget Lagoona
>Budget Ari
>Budget New Character
It's not an SDCC item, it's just a reveal for the next big line for MH
Cleo just doesn't scream ballerina to me. Nothing wrong with ballet as it takes major athletic skill and mastery of the basics and point but why not give the ballet libe to EAH. A new Dutchess before everything is over would be nice. Or make a SDCC exclusive Prima Ballerina.
They already did. It was a shitty budget line with molded on tops and everyone hated it. There was also no Duchess.
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Cleo/Ghoulia was the scrapped SDCC duo in favor of being part of the adult collector group. Ballerina Cleo isn't a SDCC exclusive, she'll be widely available.
What >>6432496 and >>6432033 said. Mattel gave EAH a basic budget ballet line with Apple, Holly, Briar, Ashlynn, and Raven. There were hints that there were going to be deluxe ballet dolls (maybe Duchess and Justine) but they never happened or it was just a rumor.
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this is probably the closest we'll ever get to a ballet duchess
Yep, they're going to release the original ghouls with their pets in mini form. Kind of cute.
Someone who went to Comic Con managed to talk to the MH crew.
Cleo and Ghoulia were supposed to be the SDCC exclusive but then Mattel yanked the rug out of them while they were getting ready by announcing that they were only going to focus on their licensed brands this year.
Twyla/Draculaura School Spirit 2-pack
Frankie Lunch Playset
We definitely called it then. You can totally tell by the packaging that it was a SDCC exclusive. I guess it works out though because it's more widely available but it's still a shitty move by Mattel.
Can she even sit at that table
This is a weird combination. Should have used someone else besides Draculaura.
So is the animation dead then? If so, nice reboot.

Now go back and finish the crossover movie you jerks.
Looks like her legs are articulated
>great excuse to add a Howleen doll
>nah lets just toss in Draculaura
MH is Hasbro levels of effort now.
Howl-who? You mean Pawla?

Let's just face it. Mattel has killed off the older wolf siblings in favour of low cost babies.
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It's frankie and a new little sister
Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman. Calling it now. Screencap this.

Wow they're really starting to look like Chinese bootlegs.
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>collect frankies
>Every new goddamn frankie is a stiff-armed budget doll with a giant $40 playset... set
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Dracula looks like he regrets his life choices.
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Hold on. Is that apron... Plastic?!?

Just when you couldn't think of the line getting any lower.
>killed off the older wolf siblings
They kept Clawd
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Brace yourself.
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I'm simply dying of anticipation.
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And this is the set they decide to have full articulation on...
But not on this one...

This made me semi happy - but the painted on tights..

I'm guessing no one wanted to up the image of non articualted Frankie with her new little sister. Those electrical knobs on her head are extreme.
Just as bland and boring as expected.
Mini frankie looks more like frankie than frankie does.
I've noticed that the younger siblings in general look more G1 than G2.
So do you think since it was a SDCC exclusive but changed to the online shop that is still a short run? Like there are only like 5,000 to 10,000 units total?
The little sister is cute the only thing I don't like is she's too green.
Is she super green?
I actually want to guess Howleen, only because of the ear silhouette.
Same. I'm hoping it's actually her.
>possible howleen
>no articulation

Okay Mattel

What the fuck mattel
I'll take this over their shitty stop-motion that they've been doing with the dolls.
It's not easy being green
Fucking Christ how could they make it even *uglier*, this shit looks like it was made in the mid 2000's
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So Howleen is officially back for 2018 and she's unarticulated.

But Mattel gets a gold star because they "listened".
Oh god, she has an Able sister's head in her bag!
So Howleen's on a younger sister body now, while Twyla remains on an articulated short body. How does that make sense?
I think this is just an unarticulated doll, I don't think she's on like the Pawla/Alivia sized dolls.
Her body looks on par with the enchantmalswhatever bodies, so i def think it's in a smaller body like this >>6437514 anon said. I still wish with the reboot they gave Draculaura the shorter body to fit along with Twyla (i'm not sure if in the new cartoon Draculaura is the same height as Twyla) - and then just reinstated Howleen as her dolls used to be.

Mattel is so damn desperate to reuse parts - their newer sisters and brothers that arent old are fine with those unarticulated pieces- but Howleen like this is so bland and an obvious retool. My guess is they didnt want to bother building a shorter bodied werewolf atm.

Some one said that the paint up and faces ups for the siblings look more G1 then G2 - and i'm seeing it.

My feeling on this is that they had already planned for the SDCC pair with the design/plan - but not with the amount. I suspect it is on par with all collector numbers - so very similar to the numbers for the Draculaura Amazon piece and Skelita piece. They also probably need a larger pool then an SDCC one to get money - so whatever the usual SDCC size is - they might have added an extra thousand.

Mattel probably pulled MH out of SDCC due to money issues - they couldnt rent out enough space with the MH money and decided to go with brands who could (DC and WWE pushed products etc.) They probably knew this in January or March - and what with their other stuff failing (He-man and Thundercats) - rescaled and rethought a way to vamp up their new combined website launch.
Oh definitely
seeing how far MH has fallen is sad. Why can't we get one last quality line instead of a slow death by unarticulated crap?
That would require effort.
They're probably going to make G2 Howleen Clawdeen's bratty little sister who can't wait to go to Monster High. Just more of a younger version of what she was in G1.
RIP Mabel
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Just crafted this holographic ouija for my shop, finally giving fans the paranormal products Mattel can't because Hasbro owns the rights to ouija <3
Oh that's super cute, Link to your shop?
Well here's to hoping the Ballet line has some good choices

Can I really trust an anon on 4chan? X_x
Psst, my signature is on the bottom left corner of the ouija you can find my shop link if you search that on Instagram
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Obscure 90's Mall Aesthetic
Ghoulia has always looked like trash
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I disagree, but I do think that they have to work on their color coordination when it comes to her outfits.
Wouldn't that just force-summon Spectra to wherever they were playing ouija?
Surely you mean Ari.
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Looks like Fangelica was a recent adoptee.
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Draculaura has such an ugly art model in this pic, i dont remember them giving her such an ugly angular jaw like that. Worse -her sister has a smoother jawline.
And i am upping a pic of a possible ballet dress for Clawdeen.
I doubt Clawdeen's in. It's more likely they used leftover material to mock-up Cleo's dress. They did that with a few other dolls in the past, and made people think River was going to get a second release when it was really just Skelita's Scarnival/Fundraiser Game outfit.
Goddamn shame if true, I'd get the doll in that purple and black dress for sure
Fangelica looks kind of cute in her picture
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>"Drac's fave-vegetarian."
>bring back Howeleen
>make her younger than before
Seriously the fuck Mattel
>Those cute bat ears though

Too bad the actual dolls are mediocre as fuck
She's super prone to wonk eye too.
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It has arrived
Congrats, how they look in person?
Local walmarts MH section is all budget dolls now at the moment
This is cute.
Swap that Clawdeen out with a G1 and it would be perfect.
I saw this. If this is Official MH and not something they "borrowed" from a fan's page, that's just plain insulting, given the Howleen they've announced.
it's from a fan
I think that's from the person who runs Monster High Dolls/Ever After High Dolls/DCSHG Dolls on facebook. Same backdrop.
That at least makes it feel like less of a gut punch.
>Target has a ton of MH/EAH/DCSHG on clearance
>they have wave 3 Raven and Apple
>they had been there for a while
>most of the other stuff had the original clearance price halved
>both are still only 50% off

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These promotional pics make Cleo look less like a big sister and more like a teen mom.
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Little sister
Jesus fucking christ... this is the worst cleo i've ever seen! What have they done to my girl!
>little brother is actually son by Deuce
>stripes represent snakes
The most upsetting thing is this baby chair is really nice. It's as well designed as Cleo's vanity. But that mummy baby is ugly as sin.
I like how stuff like hands and arms are too easily lost and too much of a choking hazard for kids but stuff all those tiny pieces are totally good to go.
Same here.
So what about Nefera?

Haven't you heard? MH is now all about being cute & adorable. And Nefera is anything but cute & adorable.
Indeed she's hot n sexy.

But cute & adorable? No.
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so sexy
Nope, edges have been dulled, corners, cut off.
This shit's not even monster high anymore
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I'm still not over how fucking ugly that baby is
I know we joked about G2 Cleo looking like a burn victim but her siblings look like they're recovering from a grease fire.
It's Barbie with a vanilla monster theme now
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A Target I went to today had Garden Ghouls Toralei and Cleo out early (toy reset starts tomorrow). I guess the wings are detachable but taking them off leaves these two big holes in their back.

Sandy and Lux
My Scene 2 Halloween Boogaloo

Thoughts? This kind of goes along with previous discussion that Mattel's doll brands are tanking from top to bottom. Is the reboot to blame for the drop in MH and EAH sales, or is that trend just inevitable (based on numbers from 2015, pre-reboot, both brands were falling off)?
Not totally sure what to think, I was never personally interested in Barbies, though I thought the diverse looks were cool, they still never were all that interesting.

I dont really know much about how MH was doing before the reboot, I know EAH never did all that great, I wouldnt think that the reboot could possibly be helping anything.
This actually surprises me since from what I've seen people were incredibly receptive to the new Barbies.
MH was doing really good before the reboot. They hit some snags but they were doing fine overall. EAH was doing alright for a companion line but it was never at the peak of popularity like MH was.
>I wouldn't think that the reboot could possibly be helping anything
It made it worse, actually. Part of EAH's charm was that it had the cute details and the very vibrant fairy tale theme. They had to dull it down when the lost Disney Princess to Hasbro to compete. Now most of the girls have same face with these really creepy smiles (the only person that the smile works for is Maddie), Darling went from being this pretty princess who is also a would-be knight to just being a boring princess, and their "collections" are on par with MH at this point - boring outfits that are kind of samey and the budget dolls are incredibly boring as well. EAH didn't need a reboot imo but they got one anyway.
>I've seen people were incredibly receptive to the new Barbies.

SJW's will yowl & complain about a product until the company caves in and gives into their demands. Then the SJW's won't bother to buy or support the company's change. And the product flops. See the flood of SW Black Rei figures, Nu-Marvel, and the Ghostbusters reboot for examples.
No fucking articulation and cheep fashion packs.
I went toy hunting in my local Asda today (British Walmart). Not a single Barbie. They had plenty of MLP: The Movie toys, Shoppies and a couple of Disney Princesses, that was it.
Part of the issue is distribution: hard for people to buy something that is not on the shelves.

Mattel has massively fucked up their distribution system at least in Europe. It's not once that I have seen a store advertise a new Barbie/MH doll and then end up hearing the store never actually got the item in.
Why do the girls have so many siblings now?
Because why be creative and make new fully articulated characters when you can make multiple smaller versions of the main ghouls with less articulation and cheaper clothing!
With the diaries and pictures from the official magazine, people were legit interested in the girls' families for a while. Mattel took this to mean people wanted them to shit out a bunch of Halloween Chelseas when really fans were hoping for stuff like Skelita's brother and Manny's sister.
I only want that milf wolf...

Same here. The closest we got is this custom.

Matty in typical fashion decided to screw the gans in a desperate attempt to hatch a new golden goose. That fell thru horribly and now there's no one to prop them up.

Karma, baby.
Even parents get pissy once they figure out the $8 dolls are hollow and the legs don't bend. The clothes are hideous. Mattel also killed off the Dolls of the World because bloggers went das racist. People used to buy those as nice gifts for older girls. Those horrible birthday dolls are the only "nice" gift dolls left. The distribution is also terrible in the US, and when X item in an assortment bombs, stores rarely purge them. So you end up with a shelf of 20 fat Asians and 20 maternity popsicle dolls.
Also factor in shit like glue head and wonk eye and even the hardcore collectors are going to get sick of Mattel's shit.
they only do ugly dolls with uniteresting casual outfits. They deserve it. especially after what they did to my once beloves monsterhigh dolls.

never listen to sjw.
well, she looks nice
that chair so nicely designed, what the fuck
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It looks like Monster High is reaching Bratz levels of skank and cheap in their doll line now.
>Monster High is reaching Bratz levels of skank
Dont really see the skank part, pre-reboot had way more skank but was way more fun
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I mean...at least Monster High still has feet.

>Bratz levels of skank
>G2 has knee length hems and very safe colors and patterns
You sure about that?
>a shelf of 20 fat Asians

Heh that's real funny. Us asians have shame issues and would never go "Oh, an overweight asian, just like me, I so want it".

The only reason we'd buy that shit is to scream at it to stop eating so much. Get too fat and no guy will want you, stupid doll.
There are at least 2 different fabrics on both of those dresses. We'll never see that from Monster High again.
This, even little girls value articulation (when I was a kid I always hated barbies that had those bent-at-the-elbows arms the most). I know the new haircolors and more diversity of face shapes would have spoken to me when I was a kid, blonde barbies with that same toothy wide-eyed smile get old after a while. But kids know when they're given low quality shit, and less clothes/interesting playsets/accessories plus less articulation makes for a not as fun doll.
I remember liking the bent elbows a lot because you could rotate the arms away from the body and it was an upgrade from the straight arms that could only move up and down.
>notice my Target did their toy reset
>MH moved aisles
>still has its own section
>EAH replaced with Enchantimals
Welp, better scour Amazon for any other dolls I wanted for EAH since it's finally dead
No big stores near me stock MH or EAH anymore. Both are dead. About time too if this is the direction it is going.
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Here's the back of the Back to School Apple set, they actually started doing art on the back of the boxes again? They stopped for a while iirc.

I wonder if they'll only be sold at TRU and on Amazon now or something. My Walmart stopped having EAH a while ago.
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I think the backpack is the only new piece in the whole set.
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>They didn't bother to make a new box illustration, just tweak the old Art Class illustration.

Goddammit, Matty.
They go through the trouble of changing her face to look more like the reboots style, but dont make her look like the doll the set comes with, I dont even know what to make of this
How is she supposed to hold the palette and her tools with those hands?
Is this shit real or a bootleg? That's just her scarnival doll in an art class box.
It might be, but I honestly cant entirely say for certain
Could be a swap out.
person on tumblr supposedly got it for 20 dollars, I'll probably grab it if I ever see it
I didn't know PS2 did Monster High.
It's a weird look for sure, animation would probably be about as slow as with higher poly models, except when they're going for that look, they probably leave it rougher, so that saves time.

Rendering should be plenty fast on any computer, especially since they seem to animate in twos.

Those models look like they could run as-is on smart phones, so get ready for a temple run clone.
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It's "new". The box of the old one had a more classic MH look
They gave Messhell the same pose as Briar Beauty.

Can you tell where did you find that pic?
Are the 17" "Giant" dolls worth getting? I've noticed they are still going super cheap on Amazon.
I got Maddie and she's pretty nice, only real issue I had was the hair being a tad lackluster, but I just curled it myself and she looks great now. I havent gotten any of the MH ones but I've never heard any real issues over them
Thank you
I have the first Gooliope, and she's really cute. The hair was gross, but a quick wash and some talc fixed that easily.
For EAH, maybe the regular 17 inch Maddie? The 17 Hattastic Maddie is kind of eh. For MH, definitely Gooliope.

New show is officially out if you havent seen
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It's a decent fan mace stuff... because it's fan made right? r-right? RRRRRIGHT!!!!?
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That terrible paint job...
What a mess. A 34% drop in sales wasn't enough, they are determined to drive this line into the dirt.
Holy shit that's bad
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SHIT toys
SHIT cartoon show

it's like they really want to destroy the franchise, and I'm not even being ironical, there is no way someone who cares about this brand would do the things like the way are being made, it's crazy...
I'm curious to see if any custom people find a way to improve on that shit. It's so bad.
5 POA... too much effort for a Happy Meal toy
I was thinking about doing it, but the skin colour looks like it's painted on. If you wanted to remove the paint to redo the eyes or something, you'd have to take it all off.
I will only forgive this garbage if they finally introduce best girl Abbey.
Twyla is my favourite chara... This makes me sad... Probably still get her, but I wont be happy about it.
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>Three figure set for a mere $20.
>Fully articulated Cleo.
>Lots of customizing options for this Cleo base.
>Finally, a 1/6 scale doll set that sates my rampant /ss/ fetish.

10/10 set. Will buy!
That's her brother, you sick fuck
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God what a shit set
Such an odd combo, perfect excuse to bring back in Howleen, but nah use Draculaura, Howleen gets a shitty unarticulated doll instead.
Ignore them, /ss/fags are incredibly easy to please and self-aware of their degeneracy.
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According to tradition, incestuous marriages between the pharaohs and their sisters were common. It could have been done to emulate the god Osiris and his sister/wife the goddess Isis and/or to keep the sacred bloodline pure.

In the 4th dynasty (2600-2450 BC), Khufu, the pharaoh who most scholars believe built the Great Pyramid of Giza, had a wife named Meritites who was maybe his sister or half-sister. Khufu's father Sneferu and his mother Hetepheres are also believed to have both been children of the pharaoh Huni. Khufu's son and successor Djedefre married his half sister Hetepheres who had previously been married to another brother or half-brother named Kawab with whom she produced a daughter, the future queen Meresankh.

Looking ahead to the 18th dynasty (1550-1300 BC), Thutmosis II was married to his sister Hatshetsup with whom he had a daughter. Thutmosis IV's second queen, Iaret, was probably his sister although again she was not the mother of his son and successor Amenhotep III. Finally, the famous King Tutankhamun's wife Ankhesenamen was probably either his half-sister or his niece.

When Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy seized control of Egypt around 323 BC, his descendants would continue the local custom of pharaonic brother-sister marriages. This practice was unknown among Greeks and Macedonians, and it earned Ptolemy II Philadelphos and his sister/wife Arsinoe the nickname "philadelphoi" meaning "brother loving."

Here the record is much clearer, with Greek and Egyptian historians giving us accounts of marriages between brother and sister and between uncle and niece ("double niece", meaning the daughter of his brother AND his sister) which produced offspring. Look at the attempted reconstruction of the Ptolemy family tree in the pic. It's open to some debate, but it gives you some idea of how inbred they became.

>TL:DR Cleo is most likely going to have to marry & eventually bang one of her little brothers because Egyptian tradition.
Cleo's the second daughter, though. Wouldn't she have been more likely to be married off as part of some treaty while Nefera takes the toddler d?
that's a lot of bullshit to justify some dumb fetish
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Possibly, but plenty of the pharaohs took several sisters as wives. Just look at Ptolemy IX who took both his sisters, Cleopatra Philiadelphus & Selene as wives. And then his brother Ptolemy X bedded Selene to produce Ptolemy XI and then married his niece/daughter in-law to produce Cleopatra V who was then married off to her uncle/second cousin, Ptolemy XII.
So it's also quite possible that Cleo could get married to some unnamed uncle. Either way, her riding the cock carousel with Deuce will e over once she's obligated to do her royal duties.

It's real history, anon. Lots of royal families down the ages were heavily inbreed. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true.
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>tfw this is the closest MH will get to making a wedding set.
>Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's true
That's a whole lot of gymnastics you're doing to justify your disgusting fetish, anon
>It's real history, anon
and MH isnt real history anon

I wish summer was over.

>Be sixteen for 1600 years.
>Your father made you out parts of dead mutilated cheerleaders.
>Turbulent C-cups.
>TFW when you have to change your oxygen intake via gills from salt water to fresh water or your BF will dump you.
>You and your whole family were buried alive in coffins for several thousand years.
>Must consume endorphins from fresh living brains to mask the pain of your rotting half-dead body.
>Yak cocks everywhere.

It isn't real history. It's a lot worse.
am I the only male that likes Monster High(Gen1 only)?

what I mean is that I have all the movies, webisodes, the 4 main games released on console, I know all the character names and I love Monster High because there's so much history, character and lore in the Monster High universe.

I'm saying this here because I have no one else to share this with. Monster High never had a strong male fan following to it unlike My Little Pony and the Brony fandom, but maybe its for the better so it doesn't ruin the brands reputation.

also I don't like the Generation 2 reboot
>am I the only male that likes Monster High
Yes. You're literally the only one.
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I could say the same to you, kidfucker
new thread

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>gets told how shit their fetish is
>only defense is s-summerfag

It's like you two never peeked in at /h/ or God help you, /d/. So yeah, summerfag virgins who never experienced the joys of shitting dick nipples.
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>he's still trying

Just admit your fetish sucks, keep it in /d/ with the rest of the futa lovers saying it's not gay, and get over yourself.

>He thinks straight shota is the same as futa.

Yep. Confirmed summerfag.
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