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GI Joe and 1/18 figures General: Valhalla Edition

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Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 151

Previous thread>>6070978


>>New 50th GI Joe 2 packs and 3 packs still available at some TRU brick and mortar stores and online at BBTS

>>Joecon 2017 is coming and Joeclub teased a new boxset

>>Zombie Lab kickstarter is possibly starting in a few days.

>>Zica Toy's Larry Hama figure KS coming soon.

>>Suits KS 11 days more to go.

>>Hell-screamerz kickstarter, Space - Sci Fi 1:18 figures has been funded.

>>The Eagle Force Returns Kickstarter Campaign has been funded

>>Dime Novel Legends, Western-Themed 1:18th Scale Toy Line Kickstarter Campaign has been funded.

>>Marauder: New MTF accessories and Valkyries wave 1 are available on the Marauders gun runners website, wave 2 will be available in a month or so.

>>Boss Fight Studios: Vitruvian hacks teased series 2, series 1 is in stock, also announced new Bucky O’Hare action figures are coming.

>>Power Team Elite World Peacekeepers new playset (quonset hut) is still missing. Apparently they have a site you can order direct as well @ www.mctoy.com.hk
Reposting some of my old cobra pics

Speaking of Zombie Labs
Nice, very nice.
Exactly the pants I was looking for.
so what will be the release order of Boss Fight studio?

2-bucky o hare

Zombies aren't from boss studio, they just helped other guys with the design.

BFS should go:
-Special Comic KS (only 4 figures + a comic)

Somewhere among these goes bucky o'hare, not sure when cause I don't care and never followed the news.
What this guy said >>6159298

Zombies guys are a different company and they are using the KS route, if they are successful the figures will be released in last quarter 2017 or early 2018.

Fantasy series already have some prototypes, they will release probably the first waves this year and space in 2018.
Zambees isn't a Boss Fight line, just a line they did scultping for, like Marauder or Eagle Force, or Dime Store.
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but anon, I send days ago a mail for Boss Fight Studio and one thing they told me:

"We are planning Series 2, our
Fantasy Wave, for Fall 2017. "

I'm not enlgish speaker "fall" means autumn 2017?

and if this is true, if they will release the fantasy line in autumn... what they will realease this spring? ...and summer? more greek figures?

it seems too much time to wait...
>I'm not enlgish speaker "fall" means autumn 2017?
Yes but that could be anywhere until end of December really.

But again, I feel this strange... what they will do until autumn? more greek stuff? bucky o hare? (the space toys are the series 3 so it can't be)
Well maybe they're going to do a kickstarter for Series 2 in the spring and ship in the fall? Manufacturing takes like 9 months from start to finish IIRC.
Still no backerkits for Dime Novel Legends or Hell Screamerz...
Series 1 wave 6 hasn't shipped and they haven't even started taking preorders for wave 7.

Maybe they'll take preorders for series 2 this summer for a fall release.
I like the figures I've gotten from kickstarter (marauders and boss fight) but the way it's opened the door to fly-by-night operations to take advantage of the fanbase is annoying.
The anon you adressed to here.
Yes fall is end of this year (I'm mildly disapointed by the wait). They probably are working on
-more Serie 1 waves
-Bucky o'hare (which I didn't follow because I don't care)
-the comic KS with the 4 titular figures (pic related)

Also >>6159587, no KS for the next series, they said that already more than once.
Here's another concept for the comic I was talking about.
And here is a teaser.
here some details about the Vitruvian crew and the graphic novel:
That's interesting
Do you thinkwe are going to get a vehicle?
forgot pic like a moron
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You seem like you know what's going on, is the comic KS the same thing as pic related? If not (or even if it is) do we know when this is happening? There are some figures here that I just really want.

And just general notes about the figures, the hips look weird, but do they function well? Is there sufficient room on the ball peg that it can essentially act as a thigh swivel? And do the figures have ankle rockers? I remember reading that some females do but not the males, is that consistent throughout their figures?
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The hips function as well as they do on G.I. Joes. Boss Fight just had to redesign them slightly because Hasbro patented the Joe thigh construction.

>> is the comic KS the same thing as pic related? If not (or even if it is) do we know when this is happening?

The image you've posted is of concepts for their Series 3 Space theme. That'll happen sometime next year, as they've still got Wave 7 of Series 1's Greek theme in the works and later on this year is when Series 2 Fantasy will start with pre-orders/shipping etc.
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>feline alien

this will be a nice line for xenophiles, we ned more alien/beast females
Perhaps, we don't know for sure.
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Okay, we get it, you're a furry, you can stop going into threads and telling people about your weird fetish now.
Thanks to both of you guys. Right now the only thing that's out are the Greek figures, correct?
And the blanks / skeletons / accessory sets
come on, you dont need to be so overactive and boring...

a very weird space/time ship design

I am the only one who find her face strange? lips and nose looks too big
>I am the only one who find her face strange? lips and nose looks too big

I feel like that's intentional. Either slightly exaggerated African features to drive home the idea of "Space Africa" or else to look just slightly alien enough to be not human.
Ah, more kockstarters.

Sure you'll get your stuff after a few factory fuck ups and delays. 4q 2017 is going to be 2q 2018 and then 1q 2019.
She's the crew "AI", so they are probably trying to achieve the doll look, who knows..
There's definitely a Metropolis influence on her look.
Sadly, they forgot this influence in her face, the lack of geometrization art-deco style on her face ruined her, looks like an organic/human, now look the face of the Metropolis fembot, she has an artistic face, but also some exotic statue like beauty, the round end of the face edges of the toy makes it look too organic and in my opinion ruins a nice retrofuture body design

another example
I really really like this picture.
what head is that on the resolute Baroness btw?
MU Aurora
It's never happening for dime store. Only person even working on it now is fucking russel. We know ow how reliable he is.

The lighting is great enough to show how detailed and accurate the sculpts are. It looks almost realistic. despite having practically no paint at all.
what happened to the other guy?
maybe her final colors
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If only she were translucent green instead.
Pretty sure that's a Helicopter, in a box, with a monkey on it.
Apes aren't monkeys.
What's the best Vintruvian so far? Its too expensive to jump right in the line, so I need to order a test to judge quality.
My personal favourites are Stonefist and Telos...

But I need to play more with my all-in.
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Can't go wrong with a standard Spartan or one of the Snake Girls

the gorgons (snake girls) are one of the most original figure in a lot of years, I think all toy collectors should at least have one, female beast/monsters are like diamonds in a desert
It's just an old lanard mold, yeah? Choice of colors are fine.
Cool line glad I found out about this. Big fan of Greek history... There goes more money.

dat sculpting
All the Boss Fight female sculpts have thick thighs and asses.

Good to see a company who wants our money; good looking male bodies, good looking female bodies, even the female warriors have some sexy muscle definition...
not like Four Horsemen orcs...

Maybe the breast needs to be a little bit bigger for my taste.
>>sexy muscle definition...
>>those abs

lol if you say so
well, it work for barbarian/warrior/ork females...
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I mean, after all she is an ork, she is suposed to beat you in battle, take you to her tent to be raped until you die in a snu snu overdose, that's the female ork way to breed (with the soft handsome hummie knights)
Finally a figure with tie and pants, I've looked for one since forever.
Man, I had no idea this exclusive existed until after the were already gone. I would kill for this sexy, tribal brown girl in a thing now.

Wasn't really into the Spartan stuff but this looks cool. I'm also curious as to how their Bucky O' Hare figures will look compared to Playmates line.
Dat bottom right dude
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Marauder Task Force Marines
Ugh. I so wanted a cheap huey. Guess that is not gonna happen.
These guys look awesome, I really love the new arms and legs.
They progress too slow damnit
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Just go with whatever figure looks good to you.
T-Shirt/No Sleeve Male arms have gotta be in the next planned set of releases for them.

Also, that's some hotness. I really need to grab a couple of those dudes sometime.
So here we are going to build the next mc donalds.
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Wrong burger chain.
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That doesn't look too bad, I don't recall seeing Lanard use it in The Corps toy line. Being sold by wal-mart, it should eventually start showing up in thrift stores.

Looks like wal-mart changed their in store brand from Adventure Wheels to Adventure Force recently. This Jeep didn't look too bad. A coat of paint, and a swap to more realistic wheels could look good.
>the twins and the closet gay bbc on it of all people


you know he tore up that cowgirl.
Weird question. But I think maybe not that weird.
Do any of you guys know of any decent and hopefully cheap 1:18 scale doll houses? I want to make a bombed out building to act as a base for some guys.
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Sylvanian Families/Calico Critters. One of the diorama posters here made use of the open section of this dollhouse to make a bombed-out building.
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Fisher Price is a good option too.
New Marvel 2pks announced.
Also Spidey and Vulture
And Dr Strange
I am going to buy the sit out of this movie vulture. Great COBRA fodder right there.
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World Peacekeepers has your back, mang. The figures are pretty garbage, but they've got some good playsets and random bits of scenery.
The movie vulture is rad and I hope it gets a 6 inch.
Yeah, but it's a BAF. Looks awesome though.
The 4" is going to have fans, right? They're not just going to leave gaping holes in the wings?
>The 4" is going to have fans, right?
There is a remote possibility.
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I hope they offer these in a blue variant so they'll fit in with the G.I. Joe zombies
I had started to write that exact thing, but stopped myself because for whatever reason.

I know they apparently made them blue so they could sell them to kids, but the Cobra-tech look of it really appeals to me. These aren't just the "undead", they're created on purpose. I dig it.
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nice pic

what are those panel called?

Where can I find modern gear? Not from MGR. Also, any one have some Boss Fight gear for sale?
>Where can I find modern gear? Not from MGR
There aren't others options.
I kind of agree with
but to a much lessor degree there are

They all have gear to some degree but are more in the alt heads n stuff.

Another possibility is the Fight! Dokuroman - Accessory Pack - if you can find one.
They also go by the name of "chain base" and you can find em on ebay, amazon and a bunch of the Asian mega shops.


I would not recommend tofujesse even if you can find a link.
- or Broken Arrow Toys.
They're also now under the name Doman Base Kits and cheaper.

Correction: maybe cheaper.

The chain bases used to be really hard to come by for a while. >>6174364 looks good though.
Domain Base are knockoffs of the Wave kits aren't they?
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Picked up an ebay fodder lot. And it contained these bodies.

The one on the left looks like the Jim Lee cyclops if it was on supersteroids. The one on the right is nice but I can't place it either.

What figures were these, originally?
Whoa. I figured out the one on the left. Cable with parts form God knows where.

The one on the right still eludes me.

They are cheaper made. Like seriously I was at TF Con and Captured Prey had TONS of the damn things there. Looked over at the darn thing and the plastic is so damn brittle. Like snapping them together would break the damn pieces.
Ah ok. I just remembered someone posting them once before so I thought I'd toss it out there. The legit ones are easier to get now than they were for a long time anyway.

It's the comic series X-Men Origins toyline Sabertooth.

I'll find a use for him. Maybe Namor forearms will fit....
Fucking hell, Michael Rooker should not be allowed to look that happy. That's when the murder happens.
>the arrow is missing
He probably killed the guy taking the stock photo
Left is, I think, a Frankenwrestler, with MVP's torso.

Right is Sabertooth from the Wolverine Origins movie.
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Some random pics of part swaps.
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Man, I loved the Iron Man 2 line.
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whoa resize
These are really great partswaps
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Oh hey, forgot one.

Thanks, man. I love frankensteining new figures.
Okay, this one I don't get.

Looks good, but I don't get the ref.
Hey guys, forgive my newfagotry but I was wondering if there is any good Batman in the 3.75/4" range.
Can you sugest any?
No, Mattel and DC have perenially fucked up at this scale, best option IIRC is a Microman Batman from Japan but his sculpt isn't amazing and he might be undersized a bit.
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>Can you suggest any?
DC Multiverse figures are not so bad, the articulation and sculpts are kinda decent, except the faces
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Heres a little project I'm working on
Hey mod why did you delete my comment? I just wanted to share an experience that was gi joe related.

Anyways my friend is fine, her phone died though that's why I couldn't contact her.

Eaglehawk + 1 DG cobra trooper incoming!

Also, any one who has both ret cobra trooper and 25th/RoC Para-viper put the gear of the former on the later? Pretty please. Before I commit on buying a few cobra troopers.
>Also, any one who has both ret cobra trooper and 25th/RoC Para-viper put the gear of the former on the later?

Do you mean the blue-gray one with the single joint knees?
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In any case, if this is what you meant...
>fucked-up Darklon with shoulders where his armpit should be

>convention set with 9 of the same B.A.T.

They managed to talk Hasbro into 1 more year and this is what they have to show for it
Thor. Cap and Iron Man?
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Microman did do Batman Begins and a Batgirl. And ya they are undersized at 3.75"

Multiverse are not good figures but being 4" they scale the best with Joes and other 1:18

There's also an Injustice Batman and Joker set by DC direct but they are known to have brittle, painted-over clear joints and are 3.75" as well.
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>9 B.A.T. at once


>Can you suggest any?

You could do what I did. buy a Marvel Universe Bullseye, put Marvel Universe Nova Legs on it, and the head, cowl, cape, and forearms from Multiverse '89 Batman. I gave him a Cyclops belt. the poseability is pretty friggin' high and he scales nicely with other 3.75" figures this way. Pic is my custom.

I painted the upper torso black but you could remove the factory paint just as easily.

Not a fan of Bruce as Beyond. I'm working on my own Terry as we speak. But what head is that on Old Bruce?
It's $400+
Thanks my man. But I meant the other way around. The bright blue webgear with the canisters on the para-viper body. A shot of the para-viper with the Parachuting harness from the cobra trooper would be cool too.

>But what head is that on Old Bruce?
Marauders Task Force series 1 head with painted hair.
>>6177697 anon here, thank you everyone. I'll start digging from those hints.
Since you know a lot more than me, can you help me identify this jacket as well?
Arms loo like from the new MGR valkyrie line, but what about the jacket itself?
I don't think I have a picture and I'm not sure where the figure itself is, but I managed to give one of the multiverse Bats the lower arms and ankles from a spare Snake Eyes. Being able to rotate at the elbows and more his feet really upped my enjoyment of him. You could always give that a shot?
It's Shia "Mutt" Labeouf's from the Indiana Jones lines.
I have been looking for this Hummer but not luck at all.
Good catch, thank you my man.
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Planning Operation: Capture the Hawk
"Soldier! Did you make this little house?"
"Y-yes, sir. Is...is there something wrong with it?"
"Wrong! Soldier, it's magnificent. It's going right on the fridge!"
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The calm before the storm.

background: Cobra has learned the G.I. Joe operative, codenamed "Hawk" is training forces loyal to the American aligned President from Cobray, a country in Eastern Europe.

Cobra Intel has also learned that he is in possession of valuable info on the activities of G.I. Joe in the area.

Mission: capture Hawk and get his briefcase.
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Oh shi-


man the battle stations!
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Unloading troops!

I really like this HISS, very much like an SDkfz. I plan to get another one.
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Everybody take positions!
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>Damn, they found us!
>General, take cover.
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sorry for potato pics, I will use better lightning next time.
Second trooper at the back of the IG is carrying a rocket launcher.
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whoops forgot pic.
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This guy is my Sergeant. He's the only red trooper I have right now but I already had an officer so he's second in command.

He's manning the turret on the support HISS because of manpower shortages. Cobra is starting to rise at this point. They are not that big yet.
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HMG emplacement neutralized with rocket launcher!
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Cobra Sarge and the Cobra messenger arrive at one end of the building.

The guy who fired the rocket launcher races to cover.
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More troops come forward. The assault is progressing very well.
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Wait, there's a Joecon 2017? Why? G.I. Joe is dead.
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The loyalist sniper got one.
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The driver of the transport HISS joining the assault. SOP for mechanized cobra troopers.
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At the door
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>wait put on the gas masks, it's gonna be full of smoke from the grenade and the gunpowder
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>Ok go!
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>It's Cobra time!
>Oh no please no.
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Loyalist coming down the roof to help fend off the assault.
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3 KIA from an Cobra grenade.
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Hawk makes a run for it
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Kicking off the table that was used to barricade the door.
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drone view
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Finally Cobra troopers manage to enter. One loyalist surrenders, other goes Berserk!
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another MIA
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>so long suckers haha
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Hand to Hand combat ensues inside. The loyalist believe Cobra turns all the people they capture into drones to fight for them. That's not true, most of them join willingly.
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>stay down Bitnik* scum!

*Derogatory term for Cobray loyalist forces
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Firefight ends. Cobra Officer is radioing the base. All the prisoners are escorted out of the compound.
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Loyalist casualties.
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Cpl. tending the only casualty.
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Jackpot. Found the briefcase
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>do not move joe
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>Commander sir, mission accomplished
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>yes, we've got the bird and it's eggs.
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>here it is sir

>...Or is it?
Pretty epic.

Also, are you a grill?
Or are you just playing in your little sister's room?
The GI Joe conventions were originally created because Joe was "dead".
I've used towels for the ground in dios before too. And also cut the bayonets off of all those AKs.
I love the after action butterflies.
- and yes, I'm entirely serious.
>Suits KS

>From Falcone: Hey guys,

>Unfortunately the Suits Kickstarter was unsuccessful. But we are grateful for all of the support and encouragement we have received throughout the process, and even still after the funding period has ended. That support is what keeps us going. Ultimately these projects are for you guys and we will continue to strive to bring more of these projects to you.

>For Project: Suits, we will reorganize the project, make some adjustments to the models, and try again when there is a better window to launch. We know the timing was not the best and put pressure on contributors. We will evaluate to find the best window for relaunch. We will keep you informed on all updates and reveal more information as it becomes available. Again, thank you for all of your support.

They do need to work on the figures more.
Those elbows look awful and a lot of the faces were very Corps and Power team Elite-like
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I have three 50th Zartans.

One has two right upper-arms :(
Where did you get it?
Local asian TRU. They haven't brought in the new waves of 50th and were clearing off the older packs. Seems like they are getting rid of Joes for good...
What really kills it for me is the rough surfaces, the cheap looking gum and the sloppy paintjob. Looks more like an halfass excuted custom or some cheap chinese bootleg.
They should make those prototypes more appealing to look at.
>elbows look awful

How else do you get double jointed elbows at this scale?
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The newer acid rain figures have double jointed elbows, although they can't bend as deep as the suits look like they can.
They look like 3d printer prototypes.
And you know the finished product will be a lot smother.
So I don't have a problem.
It's more of a marketing thing. The end product will probably look pretty good. /I/ know that and /you/ know that, but it makes it harder sell if you're shopping around pictures of gritty shapeways figures rather than smooth production prototypes.
>They look like 3d printer prototypes.
Exactly. That's what happens when the 3d printer isn't top of tech. But we all know it isn't nothing a bit of sandpaper work won't have fixed. As >>6181906 says, final product will probably be better, but to me it's like screaming "we are a bunch of lazy guys" and that's for sure isn't good advertising.
All things considered I just hope they fix everything and come back again.
>It's more of a marketing thing.
>it makes it harder sell if you're shopping around pictures of gritty shapeways figures rather than smooth production prototypes.

This, A seller needs to see his product through his customers' eyes, all the campaign looks poor designed and not professional, to sell this kind of products seller needs to capture the eye first.
Boss Fight has a new guy up. Looks pretty cool.

I wish they had a yellow female blank. I'd use it and the purple on to make a Scarlett in a skin tight uniform. :/
> Scarlett in a skin tight uniform.
no armor?

It's all in the name. This dude clearly serves as a disposable suicide soldier with two super poisonous swords.
i don't think I've ever seen anything where a berserker is completely naked.
Well, one of the the dispute etymologies of the word says it's derived from Bear Shirt, because they'd strip naked, wrap a bearskin cloak over themselves, and then go to town.
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Bought this and left her twin sister at Otay Lakes Walmart, if anyone wants one in the San Diego area.
I think the next one is going to be exo-skeletons and military dogs. Haven't seen a plan shirt guy yet. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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He was talking about what is going to show up next on the store, not in the working.
There are the rolled up sleeves and the armorless boots, 2 new jackets/armors. No shirt males as far as what showed.

Hello new Chap Mei helicopter.
I just ordered two rifle sheaths and 2 backpacks today. (with pouches n panels. )
I wish they had some female legs in stock and I'm hoping for something "wintery" for the Valks down the line.
Chap Mei CH-53, eh? Pretty cool.
too midgitized.
squat and fat, not good.
Ay yo, second half of the MTF kickstarter is shipping next week.
My girlfriend and I are big S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans and although she kind of acts as my fiscal conscience with some things I think that things are gonna go a wee but nuts when the exos come out. I may become the voice of reason to keep her from purchasing to large of a Duty squad.
>skin tight uniform

Going the other way...
Does anyone have any ideas for Cold Weather Valks and Female Joes?
- preferably not with a lot of part swapping or cost.
I did an order last week. Can't remember any backpack in the catalog..
I would love some spare tinted legs too. Basically you have to order a whole figure and put aside the torso.. It's somewhat a waste.
How long does it takes for them to restock? Each time I try to buy a black male figure it is out of stock..
Looks like The Corps is stepping up their game.

Eh, there's not really a current body for it. Although honestly you could probably slap a female head on any of the bulky winter coat bodies and it would be fine. You're going to lose the female form in almost any good winter gear. Maybe swap out some slightly shorter legs just to differentiate.

Or get white Valkyrie bodies. I can't remember if they're out yet.
Very nice.

For the state of things right now I think it looks pretty fun.

I like the vehicles being a tad small. Bbi vehicles for example are almost perfect 1/18 and look incredible for they are ultra-realistic but they are fucking huge and look boring. Sure I would like to own an F-14 to display it but a Skystriker looks like so much more fun even though it is a caricature of a real f-14, but you can swoosh it around the house and play with it.

I would like to give this helicopter a shot if I find it here.
I'm glad they finally seem to be moving away from the cartoonish headsculpts but if that vest is the torso sculpt and not removable it looks like they're still 2 steps behind.
Iv heard that the Corps Elite are going to be 5 inch and out of scale with pretty much everything.
That sucks. What is even the point?

I hope this doesn't influence joe; if they go 1/12 I will kill myself.
Thats the GI Joe Black series everybody was talking about 2 years ago. I hope that idea has left the table.
I am not fond of this or a out of size "collectors series" and would fuck up buying.
Although Hasbro is starting to drift back positions with new stuff from Boss Fight and Marauder.
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>I think that things are gonna go a wee but nuts when the exos come out.

My body is ready.
>Supposedly 1/18 scale
>Females and males equal height
Why is this allowed? Haven't they heard of sexual dimorphism?
What's a good 1/18 female figure that could work as a post apocalyptic character?
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Zarana and Zanya look the part
Just purchased a gijoe collectors club membership, you guys know how long till I can log into the forums and when the magazine is shipped (I know the figure ships 3/15)?
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does any one know if these are actually gi joe guns? and if so which character are these?

I don't remember seeing them ever, but they do look cool.
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Toy Notch's Lost Planet toyline has the Waysider Femme
>that lazy eye
which AK is that on Zanya?
Those figures are holding their own guns.
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Hiya Toys Predators 1/18 scale
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The one she came with, so the one that's been included with certain Cobra troopers since 25th happened, but with a bit of paint for the woodgrain.
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Well that's unexpected, but really fucking cool.
yeah I haven't bought anything by them yet, but these are impressive so far. Might get at least one.
Same. I'll probably pick up one or two of the aliens then. Maybe they'll even do a battle pack with both.
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Not really considering Hiya Toys guys announced they have the licenses for Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Predator with Dutch and company figures in the works
is it going to be REAL 1/18 or going to be 4 inches? it should be about 5 1/4 inches for it to be 1/18 and so it can tower any human in that scale.
Dunno, does Hiya have scale issues generally? I haven't heard it but people don't really discuss them much.
who's going to be selling these? BBTS seems a bit over priced?
they look a bit fragile don't they?

really fucking excited though. Can't wait for the search team, I'll fucking cum buckets when I see Ahnold.

I noticed the guy on the foreground has the pirate pistol, and others don't, that indicates to me that they are various types and also that it is the Old pred guy from the second movie.

Are we going to see a Danny Glover too? a 1/18 trophy room with a xeno skull?
There is a very good reason why I chose that picture and why I never bought one.
I think it is 2 verison, I see one with a pistol, one with a towel(?).
I heard Hya toys are a bit shit in articulation and paintings, or at least that about marines.
I hope those rumors are wrong, having a nice predator in 1/18 is really too good to pass.
The xenomorph they did was taller than the average MU figure, if that's any help. Whether they scale the Predator correctly remains to be seen.

They have virtually the same articulation set-up as PoC and later era G.I. Joes and their paint isn't any worse than what Hasbro has been doing lately, though that's not saying much.
customs based on Snow Serpent rifle (no silencer)
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We're also getting two Female Colonial Marines from the game
Thanks bro!
>Participating retailers
>ctrl+f "hasbro"
>0 results

What do they mean by this?
Not looking good, that shoulder.
Apparently Hiya is also making a modular wall section you can connect together with the floor stands the figures include.
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The aliens are a bit taller than the joes. The marines are a little short compared to joes.

The marines do not have a movie accurate paint scheme. Actor likenesses are bad. Articulation isnt horrible, but could be better. Xenos could use a better ankle joint. Limbs are thin and the joints a bit fragile on the initial movement.

Not the best, not terrible, price could be better. At $15 would be worth it, $25, not so much.
>The marines do not have a movie accurate paint scheme. Actor likenesses are bad.

Because they are based the game, not the movie.
Well it seems hasbro is present but only showing those stupid midget figs.

Fuck every faggot that buys that shit.
True, but still, the marines dont look so good. The helmets also arent correct.

Maybe now they have the movie license they'll release some better stuff. Who knows. The apc, new aliens, predators and that hallway dio piece look pretty damn good.
>$25, not so much
I've only seen them around $29 online, before shipping and customs.
That's what had refrain me to buy them.
Toyfair hasn't given me much to look forwards to in terms of 1/18 goodness, but this right here is getting bought instantly when I see it. Not sure if he's got a neck-hinge, but if he had swappable hands, wrist-hinges, and an actual ab crunch, this'd be the perfect 1/18 spidey.

Is that a remold of the old Spider-Man Shocker or brand new?

> dat Thunderbolts symbol.

Great... now I want a Superior Foes on this scale.
So for real, no new joe this year?

Just wait till Joecon later this year before you panic.
New York Toy Fair is mostly for companies to sell general release merchandise to retailers. If Joes are again exclusive to Toys R Us and BBTS, then Hasbro may see no reason to show them at Toy Fair.
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That is the "Jim Lee Cyclops" buck.

For referecne t has been sued for these figures in the past:

Jim Lee Cyclops
Half of Drax
Captain America
Commander Rogers
Grim Reaper
Baghead Spidey
Future Foundation Spidey

There's a few others I may be forgetting. The point is it's a gold standard for 1:18 scale poseability, making it perfect for Spidey.
Hoping you're wrong, that buck's on the tall side, but at the same time, don't care because you're right. That is the best 'skinny' buck out of 1/18(unless they dredged up and repaired the Superhero Showdown mold so it wasn't ready to snap from being looked at wrong). Gold standard, for me, is Cat Beast's buck, but then that thing was such shit plastic and they'll never reuse it. Only thing that was missing was a way for lateral shoulder movement and a deeper ab crunch far as I can remember.

Hercules is the highest for me overall though, even without the toe-hinge.
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These "Justice League Action: Power Connect" figures, are they 4"?
How do you store your figures and accessories etc?

Is it wrong to keep them inside ziplocs? does the plastic needs to breath or is it ok to keep them sealed? is the figure going to chemically react with the plastic bag?
Yeah, ziplocs are not good for the plastic in the long run. And plastic does need to breathe every once in a while, so open up your shit once in a while to air it out. I recommend you use a plastic bin with separators, you can get one at Wal-Mart or your local arts and crafts store.

Do you keep your gloves on while playing with your action figures?
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This man knows his sexy female anatomy
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Boss fight fricks right
what is this? a picture for broken neck people?
looks like mecha
Is that a 1/18 mech?
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I'm not feeling it. The school girl is what I most looked forward to. It looks like they built it off of the full women body instead of using a new smaller framed body. And the skirt is really off.
Yeah not great. School girl zombie is a little played out these days anyway IMO.
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Looks like the mech from Lost Planet.
This one is missing the jet pack thing and the shield.
I was never waiting for the schoolgirl.
I like the *almost* Zoe and the Daryl head (If I can get this I can spend more money with less feeling of supervised guilt) and the improvised weapons. The pop-on chainsaw gimmick is nice as well.
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what happened to the images lol
looks like they have started removing anything thats more then just a few days old.

What helo is this?
I think it's a Chap Mei but it has no markings on it.

Sexy chopper.

Also "legs" over there.
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Just got this in the mail.

Can't wait to open them, been wanting a squad of alley vipers since I saw them and last week the opportunity came about.
Saw that spider in a pack with a guy and a vehicle at Walmart today for ten bucks. This Kong shit is economical.


Pursuit of Cobra was a gift from the gods.

How much total? That looks awesome.
one hundred dollarydoos.

But I really wanted them so it was worth it for me.

Also looking forward to an Eaglehawk I ordered from some guy all the way from Canada.

Playing catch up and being in another country is suffering.

Seems like a lot. I looked on Ebay and they seem like they pop up opened for like $10 or so. I guess 100 for 5 at once in one lot is mad convenient though.

I remember someone did some customs of these and I really liked it. Pursuit of Cobra is so cool. I wonder if the weapons would fit Shinkis or FAGs.
Not those blue and orange terrors.
Some people prefer those. I guess it is because it was the original cammo even if it is a bit silly.

Nonetheless the PoC alley vipers look terrific.
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Personally, I like most of the Alley Viper colour schemes.
The Blue-Orange is bright, but high visibility isn't really a downside for crowd control troopers.
Same with the Battle Corps Black/Yellow ones. Which also look like a banded krait's "fuck you I'm full of neurotoxin" colours.

Later, duller schemes, like the PoC/Retalition Red and Black or Rise of Cobra's driver grey and black are more tacticool, but still cool.

Alley Vipers are a top tier Viper design. Laser Vipers wish they were ever so cool.
I also really like the orange and black alley viper officer. I managed to find the SDCC set at an Ollie's last year.
This guy woudl make a nice leader figure for the more tacticool red and black guys.
wait... does the helmet has like a HUD thing molded inside? could you put a little sticker in there for extra coolness?

Yes it does, even the 25th version has it.
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Reminder, because many of you fags didn't buy the vehicle sets, we missed out on 50th Rock N Roll
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We were also going to get Action Man
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Another alternate file card image of the canceled 50th Action Man
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File card art for the cancelef 50th Wild Weasel
I bought them, not my fault. :(
Eagle Force guys revealed a new line: Heroes vs Villains.
Saboteur looks bad-ass
What places actually sell Soldier Force 9?

Also, I just gave into temptation and bought the Soldier Force VIII "Heavybone" Rocket Launcher truck from Hamleys Singapore. They haven't really brought in any new Chap Mei since I first saw them last month. It's as-if they are leftover stocks from Hamleys UK.
>figure with suit and tie
Fuck yes. I have a custom waiting for one since forever.
>now bowtie

These look great, but they still haven't released the Eagle Force figures they've been working on forever, so I'm going to patiently wait, to see build quality, before getting hype for the severely underserved "badass dudes in suits" segment of the 1/18th world.

Those do both look pretty good. Here's hoping the jackets don't kill leg articulation, though.
Are these part of a new Kickstarter?
I'm sad but respectful that Marauder IS NOT doing suit guys.
I mean I understand that they are letting other companies do this (which encourages competition and VARIETY among the "next wave" figure companies - but it would be nice if we could order through one company.
>>6210924 new thread

Possibly, more details will be announced on Wednesday.
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