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BJD/Asian Doll Thread: Welcome 2017 - Edition

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Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 85

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Last thread >>6058659

/toy/ - bjd.buyfags.moe
/jp/ - dollfaq.buyfags.moe

Doll news and company list:

WIP Database/Height comparison:

Doll magazine scans (patterns!):

Common sealants for faceups (there are more, but these are most frequently used):
>Mr. Super Clear Flat/Matte (UV-cut is preferred)
>Testor’s Dullcote (tends to get dirty easily)
>Citadel Purity Seal
>Zoukeimura Finishing Powder (it’s a spray by Volks)
>Liquitex Matte Medium (airbrush)

The general population of /bjd/ are anti-recast or are pretty much neutral on the subject.
Stop beating the dead horse every thread by asking.

Our threads are mostly dedicated to Ball-jointed dolls and other dolls in the Asian market.

Thunderbolt Fantasy is puppets. Not BJDs.
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Recap of last thread:
> BJD horses and where to find them
Domuya made one, else no luck

>A short history of Gutterface
Yes, she really used her blood. Yes, really.

>Fairyland releases centaur, person receives warped body Same old stuff

>70cm body issues and what the fuck is wrong with DZ' quality control
Also wtf DC and the new centaur they made

>Masturbating with dolls and other tales from the past
Female edition

>Fuccboy Knight made by LUTS
Got better with the new face-up, that armor is still the best part though

>Wonky Ringdoll faces and how disappointing they are on owner pictures

>Culur's doll is way better than Kayke's, still has quite a few issues to work on though

>The curse of the Soom Dia

>Etsy reviews is the best place for horrible doll pictures

>How to deal with customers that suck without telling them to fuck off
Conclusion: weasel yourself out of it somehow

>Poll: how much does /bjd/ spend on their hobby

>How to style wigs
Stay away from human products, don't apply while wig is on the head, let it dry
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To kick of the thread, what are your plans for 2017?
Hope for a certain re-release?
Major change in your group?

I just try to get a body for my rolling head and hope that the perfect doll is finally released for a certain character I have in mind.
And painting, lots of painting and finally taking more pictures again.
I'm hopefully getting my first resin BJD this year (my dolls are all Pullips/Azone dolls right now). I've finally given up all hope of getting my hands on a Nobledolls Raspberry. Leaning towards either Unoa or Iplehouse for brands. I like Iplehouse's aesthetic more than Unoa's, but posing and being able to find clothes are both really important to me. So yeah, finally going to take the plunge.
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I just realized I wrote "kick of" instead of "kick off".
Next time I start the thread when better rested.

Congrats anon!
No clue how and if Asella re-releases her dolls, but you can sometimes be lucky and get a Raspberry second-hand.

If posing is important to you both Iple and Unoa are pretty meh choices.
Unoa bodies are pretty outdated, but dressing them is pretty easy. I had one myself in the past, and at least for me they worked better as hybrid.

Honestly, go for the aesthetic you enjoy the most.
I have a few dolls that are shit posers and/or hard to dress (incl. one Iple guy), but at the end of the day you mostly look at the face.
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So are scene dolls generally looked down on?
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I honestly prefer well made colorful scene dolls compared to baby decora bois with awful customization.

If I had to pick one trend from the last years the scene dolls would pretty high on the "okay" scale, compared to the awful decora/gore ones we have now or the female goth dudes in the beginning.
Thank you so much for the link! This really looks like it will help style my Len wig (....when I get it haha)
I fell in love with a Sadol suit in a Star 70 size because it's the closest to my boy's sizing. However the only problem I have is that my doll's shoulders are 13.5cm wide while Sadol's is 12cm. Obviously the suit will be made for the 12 cm shoulder however I was wondering if Sadol's outfits are made with enough give to squeeze my boy in them? Sorry if my question is stupid I never bought anything from Sadol and don't know about their sewing habits.
>Damasquerade always kinda pissed me off but damn i feel bad for her, that's one of the most fucked-on-arrival dolls I've ever seen

Sorry to hear that anon, but you can't be liked by everybody. Mostly all I do is post my own dolls and do my own thing, so whatever.

My doll's pretty messed up, yeah, but it wasn't the postal system or heat (hasn't been an overly hot summer so far). I've had several unrelated DZ dealers contact me and I've emailed the company, but no response yet. Cool they're looking to help so actively but the very direct attention is a bit disconcerting.
I'm hoping to win a Volks Lorina in the re-release.... or spend the rest of the year saving up to buy it from someone who will no doubt price gouge the shit out of me. Damn the downtrodden dollary-doo!
Its available from Yahoo Japan...
With the yen being weak currently, its the best time to buy.
2000 - 3000 usd is the going price, depending on full set or not.
Yes, but it will be cheaper by about $1000AUD if I happen to win one straight from Volks. I also want one that's been cast more recently, as opposed to the ones from 2011.
Mainly dont focus on the base of the wig unless you absolutely need to.

Ausfag here, and I dunno if you can 100% blame the heat, coz while the heat is pretty fucked up, I live in a very small house without AC (i know, fucken poor) and I haven't had any issues with new dolls warping. The heat this year hasn't been as bad as other years, weirdly.
I wonder who posted it; Auspost has never once in my many years of buying online shit given me trouble.
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I wanna wrap up all my dolls, most of them are all missing one "key" element (like a pair of eyes or a particular wig) as well as shoes, jfc I am ppicckky with shoes because I want proportions to be spot on, so I wanna get on that, and save up for my first SD doll.

Hybriding could work, but if you're getting your first it's probably better not to bother.
Really, just buy MSD clothes that DON'T say "slim" and your clothing choices for Iplehouse should be fine.
I want to finish out the last of my dolls for the particular story line I have going. And also get some nice lenses for my dslr
I wanna finish making my own doll. Been going good, but no where near complete.
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what was the most cancerous bjd doll you ever see in your life
pic relate fucking furries they need to ruin everything even bjd
shit's gonna get hotglued so hard
I would have been accepting
but they called it "Furry"
so there is no questioning it's intentions
Fucking furries.
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I vote for Freakstyle Salome. That bitch cannot sculpt a face to save her life. The body was disgusting looking too.
Another vote goes for Twigling Ingenue. That face looks like a creepy horse ape hybrid blowup doll.
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I had both here for commissions, they are actually pretty fine (just very different).
Honestly preferred them over same face mouthbreather russian or generic french artist look.

I personally would pick pic related.
Or anything Notdoll released, except for the Citron Rouge (which was still weird).
Well, congrats on your lack of taste I guess?(Freakstyle is a skilled sculptor too but her faces do tend to have a bunch of "who farted" going on so i understand the ribbing she gets)
>bjd doll
This part makes me think you don't actually care about these/usually look at them, and just googled 'furry bjd' real fast to come in and make a shitpost
Do you ever decide to look up the Japanese tags for a doll and wonder why you've never done that before? I don't mean to be a weeb, but the quality of these dolls is so, SO much better than the Western community's dolls. Currently going through Picco Neemo hybrids, Blythe (it's amazing what eyebrows and a faceup that isn't covered in fecal mat- er, "freckles" can do), and Doll Chateau. DC's has an especially huge difference. Instead of babby's first bjd, the dolls have character to them. The faceups are clean. There are no fucking fur wigs. I'm going to be up for a while looking through these pictures.
Hello Darkness, my old friend.....
Can anyone recommend lenses for a canon t3i that would be best for doll photography? I want to get better with my camera, but thought it would be nice to get some feedback from actual humans and not some random website postings. Thanks in advance.
I think Japan somehow managed to avoid growing a community of the snowflake attention whores who don't really care about dolls.
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>snowflake attention whores who don't really care about dolls
Yeah, part of me wants to think that these shitty owners are just struggling to learn about a hobby they're really excited about, but you're right. If it wasn't dolls, it would be some other relatively niche hobby, like lolita. They just want to be super quirky cool. There's no care to detail. They just want to get in on a hobby in the cheapest way possible.

Lesson learned, though. I'll just go through the Japanese communities. Instead of finding cringe material, I'll find inspiration material. Pic related is by far one of my favorite photos (Little Byul/Dal heads on Picco Neemo S bodies).
Depends a little on the size of your dolls.
I personally used 50mm and 35mm prime on crop, sticked to the 35mm in the end because I mostly own SDs and it was possible to get a lot closer with it.
The 50mm just forced me to walk back too much and you never managed that nice portrait aesthetic.

However, I owned the old types of these lenses, i.e. 50mm 1.8. I (with metal mount, not the full plastic they nowadays sell) and the old 35mm 2.0. lens.
The latter is not pretty but definitely a nice one that I loved using for everything back then.
If you can afford the new 35mm IS USM 2.0, go for it.

On full-frame I now stick to the 100mm L 2.8. Macro, no looking back.
Unfortunately the 35mm is now too distorted and the difference in quality is just too obvious, I still use it sometimes when I need more space though.
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>no fucking fur wigs
that's a nonsensical indicator of quality and, also, not true
They definitely have nicer furwigs though
Adding: used a 1000D (Rebel XS) first, switched to 550D (Rebel T2i) afterwards and nearly always used that one with the 35mm lens.

There are definitely shitty looking, badly customized japanese/asian in general dolls.
However, you have to keep in mind that the ones we actually get to see are of course the nicer ones.
We are not part of their community, part of the local meet ups, don't speak their language, aren't at the root of it.
We only get a very filtered look, and the ones that are nice enough get popular out of their own country.

It's the same with the russian dolls. They have lots of perfect, realistic looking dolls customized by skilled people.
If you check their forums though you see you have your lazy, shit looking dolls too, they just don't make it out of there for us to see.

I do agree though that the mentality is probably different, but they also are a lot easier for them to buy and they are surrounded by cute and pleasant things from all sides.
Of course that influences everything.
Lots of the western Blythe owner for example are old women who most likely know the original Kenner ones, of course they prefer the "natural looking freckle mouthbreather in knitted clothes" aesthetic compared to sweet lolita.
We also don't even know if their dolls have weird/shit characters, because they don't talk about it or we don't understand it.

Agree (even if I am sure the white wig is edited on the picture).
There are nice fur wigs, most people just buy the cheapest ones they can find and are shit at styling them.
Just pulling that thing over a doll's head and hoping for the best doesn't work.
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Oh my fucking god, those godawful 'Pons.
I agree with you on Notdoll's stuff.

You see a lot of the "mistakes" on Y!JA or Mandarake listed under "junk". Trust me, there have been quite a few fugly ones out there.
>pic related had been on Mandy for a couple of years
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so it's cancerous cuz its ,,furry,, this meme need to die
Yes. gtfo and yiff in hell furfag
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if you make a bait at least make a good one
wouldn't it be easier to wipe the head and sell it as a blank one
I think that nearly every time I open a for sale thread with a badly painted doll.
Blank is always easier to sell than badly painted, at least the buyer knows then there are no stains hidden behind that horrible paintjob.
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Seriously, that one isn't even that bad, at least the lines are clean and it doesn't look like it has a rash or something.
But I agree, Mandarake/Y!J is a great source to see ugly customs/destroyed dolls.

It's the same with cosplay.
The ones you see are the perfectly edited pictures of, often bought, costumes.
Have a look at regular photos taken on conventions, with people just walking around, and you see there's a lot of mediocre/shit stuff too.
It's just pure logic, being born in a certain place doesn't mean you automatically have experience.

Just imagine you live there though and hate the pretty cutesie, polished anime look.
I bet there are people who hate it and longingly look at the well customized gritty, realistic more western looking dolls and think all the local customizers just have zero imagination.

(I do admit though that I prefer the nice asian Blythe customs over western ones.
Pic related, fav japanese customizer, Milk Tea.
Western Blythe are just boring to look at and you can only make so many mouthbreather, freckle dolls with frown and no eyebrows before it gets too much.
Even the skilled ones are all the same looking or totally obscure)

I think that's a silicone doll's head. So not only can it not be wiped/repainted like a vinyl, it's probably been jizzed on too.
I want to believe most of them will get better, but I think it's definitely an attention whore when you see somebody who buys a crappy cheap doll with zero research*, and decks it out with the very cheapest possible shit without any apparent planning.

*Because if you look around, you can usually find something much nicer for around the same price, or less. DIM was selling minis for $150 last month.
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That is actually a very lovely Blythe, which is pretty fucking rare for me to say. I hate the "shiny-faced no eyebrows freckles galore" look.

It's hard to justify that when you see plenty of cancerous Minifees (probably recasts) and Soom Dias-- which are arguably better than anything shat out by Resinsoul or Hujos.

I agree with you, though. There are many out there that aren't that expensive, but people like to kick out the "muh special skin color" argument or some shit.
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Milk Tea does gorgeous full-set customs, unfortunately they always sell for several thousand bucks on Y!J.
At least her sets are worth it, compared to the 2000$ freckle monsters you get in the west.

Due recasts and more and more cheap companies it's easier to attract the "I JUST WANT A DOLL!!!1" crowd.
However, they tend to not stick around for forever.
The newbie ones who buy what they like tend to stay, mature and get better.

Location and other collectors really make a difference too though.
If I look at my local collectors it's just super hard to get a nice looking doll.
Customs are expensive, there are barely inspiring local people, most face-up artists are shit or closed, many of them don't speak English.
Unless you import everything, send out your doll far away to get painted and manage to widen your horizon through non-local communities you will forever be trapped in the shitty looking, boring hell.
Too many people in this hobby are not only lazy but also easily scared, unwilling to risk things, have zero creativity and are stupid as fuck.

Can't say much about "why not buying from other cheap companies".
I bet some of them did do research and still went for that cheap AoD because they know someone who owns one too and now know what to expect.
Fuck. I nearly ordered a DZ back then because of that, even though I still did do a lot of research.
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Do they make any good quality prime lens?

I use iphone 6 for quick photos and a 35mm prime lens (51mm effective) for better photos.

It lets me take pictures at around 30cm to 100cm away from my doll with a decent frame.
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no crop
big file size

I'm no help, but where's the wig from? Is that a Volks wig?
yes, I think its one of the newer, recent releases in Volk's wig line up.
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It was a little expensive but finally I got M14.
Who is this, where can I get her, and how much would she cost me?
I could be wrong but she looks like the Lorina. Idk if she's even available right now but a friend of mine got just the head for $300 + a trade of unknown value. Good luck!
>Playing with dolls
>Switch eyes around just to see what they'd all look with different eyes
>Put one of my OOAK eye sets up to one doll's head
>Beautiful, perfect, absolutely stunning
>Except for the eyes are too big
>Can't just buy them in another size because artist only does one of each design
>Can never be satisfied with doll's original eyes again

Life is suffering.
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More of Kaykes... Thing.
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It is volks' Lorina.
I, uh, am pretty sure that unknown value is pretty high.
Lorina is one of the most expensive heads.
Just checked, there's one for 1280$ on DoA and she always tends to go for four figures.
It's honestly cheaper to lurk Manda/Y!J and catch a "cheap" fullset.
There is some skills there. But the result is uncute.
Maybe with reasonable lips and bigger eyes...
>bigger eyes
wait, that's the one that's supposed to be fat?
Nope, it' the one she started before the fat one.
You know, I actually don't hate the torso. It's not that overexaggerated Enaibi pear shape. It's cute and subtle. I don't like the arms (shoulders look very off, not to mention the hands) and the face looks to be on the retarded side. Like really, really on the retarded side.
This might be a really stupid question, but if I put some gloss varnish on the painted eyes and lips of dolls, do I put a MSC layer over that too?
No, don't spray anything over it. MSC will mattify it and lose its effect. Gloss is sturdy enough to hold itself and not get dirty. So you don't have to use a protective layer over it.
That is good to know, I was worried you'd have to spray over it too and never really get it shiny.
Thank you.
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No problem senpai!
Digging the frostbite hand aesthetic.
When was Archer released?
Is it a new Volks DD like len's body?
I don't think that's a DD, it's a super dollfie with custom outfit. Volks sometimes does stuff like this for their displays.
Not a DD, nor any release. Basically just one (resin) doll that Volks dressed up for an event so DD owners could take fun pics of their Fate girls hanging out with Gil and Archer. They did that with the guy from Macross Frontier too when DD Sheryl and Ranka were released
Looks derpy. So far not a single male animesque doll has been looking good.

I think Choo is planing a Lelouch doll which may fit his current derpy style. Even Lelouch hairstyle looks very much like the standard short wig. A good design to base a doll after.
Does anyone have a Dreaming Doll Airin? I want one but there doesnt seem to be many owner shots of her.
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Men in Black.
Except rather Men and Woman in Black and Red..
Srsly anon, why the stands?
Just looks lazy and I doubt they can't stand on their own.
Probably because carpet??
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There were two problems. One was the carpet. However, the second problem is an issue with I have with the SD17's ankle and hip joints being too loose without wiring or suede. They can stand, poorly as is.

>anon risk your really expensive dolls just for me Im such an autist I can't handle stands111!1!!

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With proper balancing even dolls can stand on carpet. It's not like they are doing some crazy pose or anything.

Yeah, I bet they shatter when they fall on that comfy carpet.
It's not like anon balanced them on a bridge across a river or something, and I personally just think the stands look silly as fuck (and it reminds me of those incredibly boring fashion doll forum pictures).
This is giving me anxiety.
WTF is that pic?! I'm about to have a mental breakdown because of it.
Falling can fuck up their faceup or break a finger (the latter even on carpet, yes, and since there are more than one dolls the former could easily happen too if they bump one another.

It's also about a million times easier to set up a multiple doll pic if you can have them in stands.

I've seriously never seen anyone complain about stands being used before, or at least not with a 'stop using them' angle.
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Thats actually a really neat doll. Probably helps that i adore hairless cats. How are they? Pipos, right?
it's not mine but it is a pretty cool doll. I just love the cat's face.
The whole shooting is pretty crazy, I yet have to find out how they took some of those pictures:
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Just me or is this kind of creepy? I get what they were trying to do but those anikao masks make me uncomfortable.
Are those dolls or humans dressed as dolls?
Humans dressed as dolls.
The one in the middle is a person wearing a Volks Williams mask.

It's currently popular again, there's this one "girl" (honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's a dude) doll that gets posted around at the moment.
Tried to find it but no luck.
Take this nightmare fuel instead:
These are fucking terrifying.
was it rape
Some people are fucking mental. WTF is this shit. Is this how outsiders think of this hobby?
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I...I have to admit I didn't watch the full video before posting.
Fuck, the ending is worse than I thought from the beginning-mid part of the video.
Those arms are way too short.

I know Pipos makes a mature sphinx boy.

I love when Volks does their own Animegao. It's so much less terrifying than the ones they do for anime like Precure.

I see a lot of companies in Grorious Nippon doing that. Pair the fact this was on a cruise or event catered to collectors. The discussion is probably better left for >>>/cgl/
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I just bought this beauty.
Are lilycats artdolls directly available or do I have to wait weeks for it to be made ?
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I took the plunge and got my first doll. The slippery slope beings. I have to say, I'm really happy to own such a pretty doll. I can't get over how incredible she is.
> "This doll is in stock and ready to ship. "
Lillycat Art Dolls are artist cast in a OOAK tone, so the doll in the pictures should be exactly she one you'll receive (she's already made).
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when will this trend end?
Thank you.
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This trend of people you don't like doing things you don't approve of?
Probably never. Maybe you should just leave the internet entirely if it's bothering you.
Wow, that was really unnecessary.
I don't even know who this person is, but what I meant was the trend of "Everyone is a boy" its fetishy and gross.
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You mean that "trend" that has been going since the beginning of this hobby?
Honestly, if there's one thing has always been there and will always been there, it's the feminine guy.

Keep in mind that our view is pretty fucked anyway.
To regular people probably 98% of the dolls look like women.
I even had people, not jokingly, ask me if my bearded EID dude is a woman.
wecome to the shadow realm, jimbo, say bye to your moneys
What, girly nonthreatening boys?
Going strong in the hobby since like 2003 so...probably not anytime soon. don't like, just skip past.
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I had to wait for mine, but she was preordered.
Grats, fellow Jolie owner! The legs take getting used to because they sometimes like to flip around at a moment's notice, but damn are they beautiful. Some sueding at the hips would help remedy that.

Never. It never ends. It's been around since the beginning of the hobby, like >>6113359 says. Just the sculpts change. People were being gloriously butthurt over people mistaking their CP El for a girl. Because apparently it's logical to assume a pretty doll in a dress is a boy. /s

Seriously, though... was there ever an El that wasn't a crossdressing mess? There's always going to be THAT sculpt that people use that trope for, and Dia is probably that equivalent for the past several years now.
I feel like if it was at least a decent looking girly boy (like lpslck's shinjiro or xxoo_b's rsdoll guy whatever his name is) then it wouldn't me much of an issue but these just look so...Haphazard?
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I know a few that are either just a little androgynous (i.e. wear male clothes, but have long hair) or totally "boring" young guys with casual clothes and a fur wig.

There is this one El I remember by bread17.
He was on a Unidoll body which back then was like the most manliest, beefiest body you can get.
Pic related is him.
I thought back then he was like the most manliest doll ever, now I see him and he looks like a regular anime bishonen guy.

Also Dia isn't the girly trope choice, he's totally the "troubled scene emo dude all the girls are craving for" sculpt.
I think nowadays people pick one of the Switch guys for that.
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Pic related again, I think she got a Spiritdoll Proud body for him in the end.
Feels weird to see him again.

I still really like El, but I'd probably make a long haired guy out of him too.
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What's with the patreon trend recently? I've seen three youtubers set up bjdl/doll story related patreon in the past couple of months. And why do they expect people to pay them so much exactly? One of them asked for a 1000 eaglebucks pledge for putting the donator's name in the story as a minor background character. What the crap?
These people are delusional.
In this week's edition of GUESS WHAT TREND ANDREJA STARTED THIS TIME, Patreon. I actually don't mind Andreja's Patreon since her videos are actually decently in-depth and, confession, are how I learned how to do faceups. There are also exclusives and it's kind of the sort of content Patreon exclusives are made for, I guess.

People who are just roleplaying with their dolls, well, if people donate to them, good job. But they shouldn't expect it, and it's something I've already unfollowed a few people for.
Is dollshe really worth the wait? I'm considering getting the Amanda since I have a friend's 30% coupon + the 30% off they're already offering... But that waiting time is really really killing me...
I really like Andreja video.
Beautiful hands,a pleasant voice and she shows a lot of her technics.
I don't own a dollshe doll (yet) but I own a venitu, and as far as the quality of the resin, i would say its worth it. i ordered an arsene for a LLT neil head last month, and I have my fingers crossed that i'll have it before july, but i realistically don't expect it any sooner. many people have already been waiting a year. however! some of the older dolls, amanda in particular, ship WAY quicker. i have seen multiple people say they ordered amandas and got them in a little over two months, the standard bjd wait time.

I've got five dolls and out of them, my Dollshe Saint is still my favorite.
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I wish the quality of their patreon work was like Andreja's. These people just offer a one time thing and instead of a monthly content, they just give updates. At least Andreja makes monthly exclusive tutorials and Anne Pecaro creates detailed story telling videos. These fools like The Doll Scholar on youtube just shamelessly jumped on the ebegging train while skipping on producing quality content in return.

>pleasant voice

I can't stand her overly cute way of talking. She reminds of that one weird living doll girl that cgl talks about all the time. Same accent even.
I admit, I'm one of her patrons.
She's posted one or two legit vlog style videos, and she talks a lot less high pitched and forced and I prefer that waayy more to her fake happy go lucky "adowable" video voice.
Call me crazy but I prefer real people.
I really wish bread17 hadn't backflipped out of the hobby into who knows where.

Her sites are all down now too, the other day I tried to find a few pics of her fantasy faceups to show a friend looking for inspiration and the only surviving ones were of a single faceup on her bjdcollectasy interview. (Other photos of them must exist, of course, but buried among forums and other crap.)
I really love Kayke's new doll desu, but I wouldn't want to buy from her, since I've had such a bad experience with her :(
Anyone else had that?
Look it up on archive.org. These days they have a surprising stash of small time websites.
I like cute people...
By imitating her I manage to pull one decent MH repaint. Maybe some day will I have the courage to touch one of my blank bjd head.
Genuine cute people are fine, but her voice is 200% fake and it's annoying.
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If you want one, yes.
Their resin is nice (even if I am not a big fan of painting it), quality is top notch.
And as other anon mentioned it, the already existing dolls tend to ship out quicker.

This, she doesn't come across as genuine but as faking her cuteness for brownie points.
"Look how cute I am, just like my dolls, tehee".
I do agree though that she at least puts effort into her content, but we had that discussion already when we had the Youtube community topic.

Personally the whole patreon shit makes me angry.
There is one thing to get money for commissions, but for providing content that was always made for free since the hobby started?
How would a hobby look like where all resources are behind a paywall?
I bet she profited of free tutorials too, why does she think she's better than the truly kind people who share their experience for free?
I know that this takes time and is hard work, but either do it because you want to help or just don't.
Don't help just because you want to squeeze more money out of people.

And the ones that want money for basically doing general hobby stuff (i.e. talking about their dolls and stories) are just crazy.

Man, same.
There are still some pictures on her livejournal: http://geniever356.livejournal.com/
Some of the face-ups are from like 2011 and older, and they were and are still crazily good considering that time.
Her soft airbrushing and the super fine lines, crazy shit.
Would really like to know how far she'd be nowadays.
Goddamnit, Bing Yu SP from Angell-Studio could be so cute, but they had to go and make her a mouthbreather.
I have never even heard of this person before ( but I am fairly new to the hobby ) but wow this is some quality work!
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She definitely is one from ye olde days (I actually read her encounter with Gutterface in 2007 on DoA yesterday).

A lot of face-up artists from back then didn't age well, like illness-illusion and Belladonna...back then people would pay serious money for one of their "Delf head on B&G body with smokey eyes and emo look" dolls.
If you look at her stuff now it looks pretty bad (but good for back then) and both didn't get that much better throughout the years.
bread17 however had really great face-ups and if you look at her works from back then they are still nice.
She had a clean, very fine style, with thin lines and airbrushed blushing.
It's not a popular style nowadays anymore, but still nice if you are into that aesthetic.

Nowadays we have messy shit, more attempts at realism, waaay more blushing (both with realistic and non-realistic styles), that artsy "looks like a painting" style and the boring pencil cutesie look they all copy from Andreja.
You can still find the more classical look with asian customizers, but they tend to go for a more dramatic look now (i.e. super long and fine lashes, glitter, colorful blushing).
>I bet she profited of free tutorials too

iirc, Andreja has actually said that she didn't make enough money from youtube to justify her schedule of one video a week, so she moved to patreon where she got more than the ratio google adsense offers.
I think this style really needs to make a comeback. Simple but clean and versatile. too many people have that raccoon smokey eye thing going on and its so...boring? I am personally more into the realistic look (like Xanthi and Pearls of Danube) but I personally can't paint like that but this is something that no matter how you style your doll, it could work.
>Andreja has actually said that she didn't make enough money from youtube to justify her schedule of one video a week

I actually meant that in a
> I bet she profited (learned) of free tutorials (made by others who shared their experience for free) too
way, not that she got money from her own freely provided content.

It's not like she needs it anyway, it's not her 24/7 job and she certainly isn't poor.
She just saw a way to get more money for doing something she would have done anyway because it's part of her hobby.

Her look is a pretty natural, easy-going style.
If you just want a pretty face on a doll it was perfect, but of course it totally lacks in details/texture/realism etc. and doesn't really tickle out the best from a doll face.
Ugh crackupmadness' new smartdoll has a pacifier and crippling anxiety. Not cute.
Andreja's videos are cheap as fuck on Patreon, though. I honestly expected it to start at $20. The highest tier is $5. $5 for your highest tier isn't someone trying to pull a fast one. It's someone who legitimately wants to keep making videos, but those videos aren't free to make. It's more than just an image tutorial, you know? If you can't spend $5 a month to get some exclusives, then you probably need a job. And a different hobby.

>There is one thing to get money for commissions, but for providing content that was always made for free since the hobby started?
Digital art is further down that path than dolls are, let's be real. There's really nothing to worry about.
Of course it's smarter to start with small tiers, lots of bjd people are either poor or unwilling to spend money on anything but dolls.
She still gets 2000$ a month for doing her hobby and doing something she always did.

I want to improve my photography, and pre-order those Marus from Fingertip Dreamland when they come back.
Exactly, most of my patreon pledges are either 1 or 2 dollars, save for a good friend who gets 5. But thats no more than 15 a month total.
Lots of tiny patrons is more effective than only a few larger patrons
Private websites are dying off as more people move to top 20 social media, and now everybody at the top of those wants to be paid to post. The whole internet has a cancer, almost everybody thinks they will get rich off box openings.
Sorry, I think I keep forgetting to make my point. I don't know what's wrong with me today. What I was trying to get at is that, yes, she's always done this, but she doesn't NEED to keep doing it. She could stop. Maybe the effort she has to put in isn't worth just doing it for free anymore. She doesn't have to keep making videos. If less than $5 a month guarantees videos for the foreseeable future, then I think it's absolutely a good idea for both the viewer and the creator. Viewer gets to help their favorite creators while feeling like they're getting ~exclusives~, while the creator doesn't have to worry about how they're going to put together the next video because, ta-da, the viewers have already fixed that problem. I just don't think it's really a problem. Worst case scenario, the people that >>6116847 is talking about (people who aren't even putting out good content, just videos) get like $30 a month, if that. Whoopie. No one is making you donate to those guys, though, and hopefully they'll get the hint eventually.
And I messed up again. Sorry.
>I just don't think it's really a problem.
It referring to the Patreon trend. The people worth being supported will be supported. People trying to leech onto the trend will make pocket change at most and then give up.
Same to both of these. I believe they will have another release when she finishes her 2 eyed cat as well!
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I just discovered Enchanted Dolls.
How can someone hold that much craftmanship skills ?

However I'm probably too poor to buy one.

I wish more BJD makers could use porcelain as it doesn't yellow.
Lol you're pretty naive aren't you? Porcelain doesn't yellow but it definitely ages pretty bad. It also is very fragile compared to resin so expect the very expensive doll to shatter any moment unless you only display it behind a cabinet in a very loose stringing.
I have seen 200+ years old china in museum and the colours are still vibrants.
I agree it is extremelly fragile, but it's not as bad as yellowing to me.
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Don't the procelain dolls made in a bygone era all have faces that are filled with cracked lines now?

>pic unrelated
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This one looks pristine.
I'm thinking about buying a doll, I really like the iple dolls but honestly it's like 650$ and I don't know if I'm ready to spend that kind of money. Like how do I explain it to people, I don't even know if I'll be interested in this?

Quality porcelain well cared for ages better than resin anon. I know you don't want to hear it but resin is a shitty material to make keepsakes out of and artists use it because it has relatively low production costs and is more physically durable. If you want to see how bad resin ages just look up Japanese garage kits from the 80s.

why explain it to anyone? it's your money and your hobby if you want it to be. you don't gotta explain shit. but if you're not totally sure then don't spend $650 on a doll. you'll just end up selling it.
The only person that knows how much I paid for my doll is my husband. I don't advertise my hobby or how much I pay for anything unless it is relevant.
If you aren't sure if you'd like to join the hobby yet then lurk more.
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So what's the consensus on these "smart dolls" what do you guys who've been doing this for a while think of these? I'm like just two paychecks away from buying one.
flat faced.
/jp/ can tell you more.

i think they're cute, that's about it. they're not very popular in these threads
pretty much this >>6117919

they only look good when photographed from a front-facing angle. the face sculpt has no dimension to it.
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Honestly, I'm more annoyed by Danny Choo himself doing "muh daughter Mirai" schtick. It's pandering to the lowest common denominator of weaboos. However, I am pretty happy he's at least willing to experiment, even though his dolls are literally sameface, different colors.

If it's your first doll, you probably won't see many flaws. They're more readily available than Volks in any case. Their clothes are high quality, but are rather pricey. Bear in mind you can always buy clothes elsewhere or DIY if you have experience.
I'm mad that the doll that son of Jimmy Choo, THE Jimmy Choo, has like zero good shoe and fashion options.
Jimmy Choo shoes a shit.
What would be a reasonable price for a basic faceup on a yosd?
Also if you know anyone who does nice face ups for an alright price, let me know.
Well hey thanks for the input anons. I really do appreciate it. This will be my first doll purchase and I'm really looking forward to having one finally. I'm gonna go with the Chitose Tea colored version.
SD have beautiful skin tone. I really like their cocoa. As it has some bluish undertone that make it more pretty than the brown other company deliver.
I rather like the smartdolls.

You're right.
It's too tomboyish normie.
The major problem I see with porcelain is that you'll be stuck with the same factory feceup forever.

But it's not a problem for me.
I'm in love with these! It gives me motivation to work hard at my job so that I can buy one soon! Yeah I dig the cocoa skin tone too, but first things first gotta have my tea skinned chitose!
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Depends, some artists don't even make different prices for different sizes (I am one of them).
The increase in space on an SD means more to cover but it's easier to work with, a YoSD has less space but is more difficult to get right because everything is so small.
And alright price depends simply on how much you are willing to spend for a "nice" face-up.
Any info on what you think of as nice would be helpful too.

Honestly, just check DoA/Google/Flickr and co. for artists and pick a few you like, just be prepared that most of the nice ones are closed/rarely offering slots/asking definitely more than 20$/maybe not even in your country or even your continent.
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Sio2's done it again. HNNNNNNNNNGH!

The joints on that thing don't look like they'd function well at all . Also unjointed torsos are shitty
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I was thinking something very plain like this
Really that plain?
That guy doesn't even have lashes, yet alone any other details.

In that case I'd honestly tell you to just do it yourself, that's at most thirty minutes work there (maybe forty when you glue in upper lashes).
Not worth sending out a head for that or searching an artist who's open.
An artist's style and the majority of work depends on the details, it's also that part you really need to work on and get better.
Blushing can be done by the newbiest newb that ever existed.
None of the SIO2 dolls have properly working joints or are heavily jointed at all.
Most of the pictures of Faun dude are 3D renderings too and Stacy's showed a few of the printed parts in her shop.
He also seems to be pretty small again.
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Lelouch and C.C. smart dolls
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C.C. looks naked.
Can tell from the nose this sculpt is not going to be great
Lelouch and CC design are derpy enough to make good Choo dolls, IMO.
Way better than this sad excuse of a Spike Spiegel he did, but still not great probably.
Story time? I'm a little apprehensive about buying from her myself.
>do it yourself
Anon, you're assuming they have a few things already. Where are they going to get brushes, paints, paint thinner, pastels, and sealant? By the time they buy all of that, they're already past your average faceup cost. THEN you have to practice getting everything just right. Not everyone does a good job on their first attempt. It is absolutely worth sending the head out.
Everyone else has had that. Where have you been?
What you see is not what you will get. She puts in more effort in her own dolls than the ones she's selling. Your doll's faceup will be rushed, if it even gets to you in the first place. I can't remember how long the delay for the first doll was, but it was a WHILE. Of course, mental illness uwu was her excuse, so none of her little tumblrina followers even called her out on it. My friend is the one who went through the Kayke BS, so I'll need to ask her for more details. This is just what I can remember off the top of my head.

tl;dr- Flaky salesperson. Delayed in shipping, rushed in actually working. Spend your money on another doll, please.
Honestly I'm way more annoyed with the trend of "I'LL DRAW YOUR DOLLS GUYS" or "WHICH DOLL AM I" in that group. Like I honestly wish the mods were more strict with keeping it just doll pics/discussion.
Thats a pretty wide generalization about porcelain. Just like how there's many types and grades of resin, there's many of porcelain. Like sure if you made a doll out of fine dish china it would be pretty delicate but heartier stoneware type? It would be pretty solid and hold up to being strung fairly well.

Honestly the only real drawbacks to me would be that mods would be more difficult to do, more care in faceupping would be needed to avoid damage, the cost would go up, and they would be heavier. It would actually be lovely to get a limited edition version from some other companies though.
Actually that depends on how its finished. I've successfully wiped and repainted porcelain dolls before. It just has to be surface acrylic painting on a smoothly finished/sealed doll, not fired on color. Cheaper dolls almost always use the surface painting, but I've found that some higher end artists only fire in the blushing, because its just an easier and more controllable process to surface paint.
Whats wrong with drawing dolls? Or is it just that its not entirely on topic in the group?
I finally got an Instagram, who should I follow?
Nope, I am assuming they want something like on the picture.
Which doesn't need paints or thinner.
Look at the face-up again, it's just blushing and glued in lashes.

If anon would have wanted a full and detailed face-up I wouldn't have told them to do it themselves.
But for a face-up like pic related they need sealant (hardest to het and most expensive thing), two or maybe three pastels (that face-up is just red and brown, always the same shades), gloss, three brushes (one for glossing, one for bigger blushing, one for detailed blushing).
Maybe some upper lashes if anon wants those, and I bet they have some mild glue at home already.
That is at most 30$, maybe a little more when they have to order the sealant from far away and/or anon lives in bumfuck nowhere and can't get anything in a local arts and crafts shop.

If anon ships out a head they need to pay shipping twice AND the face-up fee on top.
Depending on where they live they might have to pay customs too.
Honestly not worth that little blushing.
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Thanks, I'll think about it a bit more

On a side note, I googled this >>6117915 and saw some working stuff on the guys channel where they could be moved and programmed. I'm pretty sure they arent sold that way but I know there is an open source android called poppy who I could probably modify for this. He mentions wanting to create 120cm doll. Is there a bjd I could start cramming stuff into that is near this size, preferably relatively cheap able to be ordered in just unpainted parts?
Forgive my inability to comprehend Google Translate Engrish- but for the Dollyteria site, on listing that say "Sorry for your inconvenience but please use the inquiry mail. " Does that mean I should use the "inquiry" button to make sure the item I want is in stock?
Will they be able to respond to E-mails sent in English?
Volks is currently doing a slightly weird thing where they release one at a time dolls in that are porcelain-ish (maybe? It seems to be a new material they developed with durability similar to resin but color-lasting and texture similar to porcelain.)

Maybe if it is successful they will produce it on a less limited basis; considering how nearly every other thing Volks started doing eventually spread (the ranges of 60cm, ~40cm mini, and ~65cm extra large size which are now used by hundreds of companies spread from them, after all) maybe it will allow this material to become widespread among BJD makers.
Unfortunately Danny Choo (owner of Smartdoll) is that type of person who likes to tease and start marketing ridiculous early on something that isn't even close to being done.

The actual point of Smartdoll (hence their name) was to have a robotic doll that could do simply stuff.
After a while Choo started selling the bare dolls, while still claiming to work at the actual idea of Smartdoll.
Later he announced that his plans were too big and 60cm robot doll won't happen, mostly because due to a lack of space and other issues to get the thing to work.
He then talked about the 120cm version and how he will aim for a robo release there, but I am still not entirely sure if that wasn't some weird April 1st joke (he talked about how the doll will have a flamethrower for example).
There is still no 120cm version, and that Mini Doll he teased hasn't been released either.

However, you can get the regular size with an USB Hub in their stomach now, which makes Smartdoll a pretty expensive and kinda creepy device to stick stuff into a doll tummy.

To get down to the core of your question:
there aren't many dolls that are bigger than 75cm.
You have your odd 80 and 90cm guy, and of course there are Dollmore Lusion and Trinity.
However, those are neither available cheap nor in parts.
BJDs are also made of resin which means that just a 70cm Iple EID guy is already 3kg at least, a 120cm is heavy as fuck.

What you also need to know about BJD: they are generally not cheap and/or available in parts.
Some companies do make kit events/offer kits regularly but that is pretty rare.
Painting also, unless you buy a full-set that isn't offered in any other way, is not included.
Pretty much the basic setup of a BJD is strung together, unpainted, not cheap.
Adding: Smartdoll and Dollfie Dream are made of vinyl and technically not BJDs (at least when you go buy the definition of resin or maybe porcelain, strung with elastics and having joints).
They are pretty light because of that, but they have an internal skeleton which also fills up their parts pretty well.
Hence why it isn't easy to cram something in there.

So you either get a vinyl doll, that is light but lacks space and is only available in 60cm or smaller (most of them are pretty thin too), or you get a big resin doll that offers more space but is heavy af.
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Apparently there is a Taiwanese show with BJD like puppets.

>Thunderbolt Fantasy is puppets. Not BJDs.
But they look a bit like BJD. So I though it was a bit related. But sorry if it's too off topic.
I would never watch it, I was terrified as a kid by the dark cristal and the thunderbirds.
They're a type of Bunraku-doll. They might have strings, but they do not have ball joints.
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Well that sucks, desu I saw that usb charging thing and it's a pretty lame modification. I saw what he said he wanted it to do, automated management or some junk. I looked into it and could definitely get something pretty cool working, it just looked like it would take a while to create. I think its going to be the project I've been looking for to work on and show off at my maker space. Kind of cool that I can just integrate this into something I'm already interested in.

This little robot guy is what I want to put inside a doll, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auRRxwHLyGo unfortunately it's dimensions aren't specified. I'd need something slightly larger, if the dolls dimensions or recasts of parts can be bought and I can get something to practice on before trying anything for real, I really want any end results to be polished things.
How the fuck can it even move?
Cut shit up to allow parts to move? Controls are external and there is a small python library to script movements? There are two tiny cameras in that upper part of it's head? I don't know what you're asking for https://youtu.be/RKug7PdS9Gs?t=92
Skip to like 1:40 to see it move
Show me a blueprint of the skeleton. Is it control by gears? Air? How do the meachnics work. And cutting up shit and putting computer chips with wired attached to each other does jack shit. Im asking for a remote controled robot here
>links to some unrelated robot thats way too big for a love doll skin to slip over

Looks like it can barely do anything anyways lol
lol here is the documentation, ( https://github.com/poppy-project/poppy-humanoid ) you aren't getting a remote controlled robot, just a really kickass one. It's also expensive even more so after buying actuators and parts. On top of that it doesn't look user friendly. Honestly dont go this far. At first I was thinking arduino and a pi for controls but we'd need a larger body of we wanted to start shoving things in for a remote controlled robot, on top of that robotics aren't advanced enough to were things can effectively walk on their own but the way it moves is a huge deal and that part where it can walk with assistance is pretty impressive.
I was talking about Danny Choos smart doll. He talked up a big game about having an ai controlled waifu doll that could move around and do things, like poppy,,, but smaller,,, , yet nothing came of it.

Lol no, nothing about ai moving around and doing things is realistic. A lot of the stuff written down wont come true like the weird pepper spray, taser, chobits thing for a while. My guess is the AI was that application on his tablet that looked like a waifu dating sim. Honestly though , no it's been 2 years and I haven't able to find much in the way of news on it. My guess is he realized it was hard, wasn't interested in the technology, and gave up
So, Granado is going to start making Vinyl dolls...
I am curious if they go for their usual aesthetic or if he will have a more anime-esque face.
Also, the cost.

At least he will be more of a man than the one by Smartdoll or Volks.
I just fear he will look a little off with the currently existing girls.
Can tell from the Smart Doll logo this sculpt is not going to be great.
I hope vinyl becomes a trend, at least it self destructs slower than polyurethane resin. And bobobie could make a $50 mini, at least doubling the world's shitty doll population.
I wasn't able to find this issue when I Googled it, but my Google Fu might just be weak.

I used watercolor pencil for my doll's eyebrows on this most recent faceup. I sprayed it with sealant, let it dry as I normally do, and when I went to remove a bit of glue that had found its way to my doll's forehead, guess what the fuck came off with it? The eyebrow. Redoing the eyebrow isn't really an issue since I wanted to do a few things differently anyway, but what went wrong? What did I fuck up on? The sealant I was using was Testors. It's currently 50% humidity here and 72 degrees, so I don't think it's a weather issue. I'm just so confused. This has never happened before.
What did you use to remove the glue?
Pili style puppets aren't BJD (and I'm pretty sure there's a separate thread for them, or at least there was.) They do have a similar aesthetic, though.
...Water. Am I retarded? I thought the sealant was supposed to protect the watercolor pencil, but now that I'm typing this out. Jesus Christ, I'm a fucking idiot. Thank you, anon.
Fairly new to bjd stuff and sorry if this starts another furry hate tangent, but I've been wanting a bunny girl doll for a year or two now. How's Coco Tribe's quality? Didn't see anything in any of the guides.

My shortlist right now is them, Zuzu Delf, Dearmine and Pipos, and Coco Tribe is the only one I haven't heard much of anything about.
I mean, yes, the sealant should have protected the eyebrows from water, you aren't retarded.
Did the sealant maybe not dry properly? From humidity or something?
Maybe it was the humidity. I might have been cutting it a little close with the humidity. It was 50%, the can says to spray at under 60% humidity. Thanks again, anon. I know this is such a newbie situation to get myself into, but I don't really have any doll friends and this thread is the only doll community I've ever been apart of.
the sealer could have trapped some moisture underneath so it didn't bond properly and wiped off when you applied pressure to it. I find humidity needs to be a lot less than 60% for sealer not to fuck up.
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I'm new to bjds so I like lurking to learn everything and see everything I can but I need help understanding something.

What is so appealing about this doll? I just can sort of get weird aesthetics even if I don't like them but I just can't wrap my head around this.
Some people like wierd shit, but more importantly, whoever's making these really likes them.
What country are you in?
Just as an fyi, Australia hasn't been suitable for spraying for a few weeks.
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From personal experience it's usually not enough to do one layer of sealant to fully protect something.
Had to find that out the hard way with acrylics too.
It's best to give it a layer, let it dry, and give it another layer to make sure it's really safe to work on.

I am not used to Testors though, I only use MSC and Purity Seal.

Try Coco Riang, they have an incredibly cute bunny named Tobi.
Was the shit on LDoll and several of my friends got one, and he has a cute sleeping face too, pic related.
They also have a bigger rabbit and some other animals.

Coco Tribe has been around for years, but I am not sure how active they are anymore (last news post was a year ago).

To be honest, some of the artist dolls are just weird as fuck and you don't need to understand them.
Some artists like to do that kind of weird shit and that's all there is to it.
That doll is actually just exaggerating the already pretty over the top popular french doll body type (wide hips, small tits), just with a big head on top.
You could also ask why people like the russian anorexia model mouthbreathers or the french ones, or why Doll Chateau is so popular.
>It's best to give it a layer, let it dry, and give it another layer to make sure it's really safe to work on.

Different anon here; i give it two proper thin coats when I'm satisfied, then 24 hrs after that second coat has dried, I give it a coat that is "technically" too heavy, but I haven't had a problem with chipping since.
>why people like the russian anorexia model mouthbreathers or the french ones, or why Doll Chateau is so popular.
I love them all.
I also love the super realistic iple doll.
And I'm warming up to animesque doll.
Similar here.
When I like a layer, I let it properly dry for a night (to make sure the paint is really dry).
Then sealing it twice to make sure I can't wipe something away when I need to erase something close to it.

I also like lots of different dolls, but the russian/french artists ones I just can't stand.
Probably same like with Andreja, every new artist now copies the frenchie aesthetic and the Russians all do it because Enchanted made big money with it.
Enchanted makes big money because of the level of craftmanship skills she puts into her dolls :
sculpting, porcelain casting, sewing, carving, embroiding, wig making, and I'm convinced she does all that metal jewelries herself.

She's on another level than most doll artisan.
Yeah, but there are a lot of those russian artists who copy her style, put in the same amount of extra work, do porcelain casting etc. too and look incredibly close to her works.
Basically like her first works probably looked like, it might not be the same quality but it's close enough.

I doubt they do it because they all accidentally like the same style, they do it because it obviously brings in money.
I'm fairly interested in her copycat since I'll never have enough money to buy her stuff.
Believe me, while they are cheaper they are not really cheap.
They still cost several thousand dollars and tend to be sold right away.
Like this one:

I just had a good laugh though because Bidoll/Rafael Nuri has some works that remind me of Marina's.
At the same time Rafael is a total bitch who screams she's being copied and threatening a lawyer every time someone does something she did in her stuff too.
I still remember how absolutely disgusting she behaved on the Dollfie Dreams forum.
It's pretty but she's clearly a copycat. Pretty hypocritical of her to complain about presumed imitators.

And still too expensive for me.
I won't ask how many dollars legit enchanted dolls costs.
She's currently whining on how she's being bullied by another russian artist, and I have zero pity for her considering what a rude bitch she was for years.

Like, here's she threatening to get a lawyer because someone used crystals in a doll:

And the DD drama:

(FH dolls has a few earlier pieces that look like Enchanted too, but his newer stuff has a lot more own character. Same for BiDoll, but still)
>I won't ask how many dollars legit enchanted dolls costs.

One of her simple models (Salome) went for 26000$ on ebay four months ago.
Her Cinderella was 76000$, but included several pieces made of sterling silver.

However, compared to regular BJDs, those very detailed porcelain dolls are supposed to be full art pieces.
Not to mention that many of them come with lots of extra stuff (like the metal pieces, outfits, a detailed wig).
You don't buy a doll, you buy a posable piece of art that will pretty much end in a glass cabinet to never be moved again.
I know that she also sometimes sells resin versions, but no clue how much those cost.

Have to admit though, the way she paints faces is a little meh.
yes. The faceup is a little meh. You can see her hand isn't as steady as Andreja or the god of face up aka Noel Cruz. It's a bit messy, but still good.
Her costuming is amazing, however. Too bad most of her dolls are naked.
Have you seen her over-the-top Pompadour wig ? It blew my mind.
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>Coco Tribe has been around for years, but I am not sure how active they are anymore (last news post was a year ago).
Oh shit, yeah, I should really check news posts before I get into a store. Not only is the last news post a year ago, but the one before that is talking about how they're behind schedule.

The most frustrating part about doll shopping is how everything's always out of stock. I kind of want Pipos's Isabel too, but that Topaz dress is always out of stock.
I can't unsee it.
This fine doll has a vagoo on the forehead.

Holy shit, if this puts their aesthetic in a lower price range I'm going bankrupt.
I also hope more companies will make the investment in vinyl/abs plastic dolls. I'm sick of yellowing and 65cm dolls that weigh a fuck ton.
Holy shit. This is a VERY expensive hobby anons! I thought buying scale figures was bad enough, but dolls are just another beast entirely. You guys must be good with money or have really good jobs. I'm impressed. I've gotten kinda bored with statue shit recently, just in the sense that I can't really pick em up and pose them or cuddle with em, have them hold stuff, so a doll really would fill that gap for me.

Shopping second hand can really cut down on hobby costs. While there aren't really any truly cheap dolls you can get dolls cheaper if you are on constant alert for good deals.

Are you more into resin dolls or the dollfie dream anime aesthetic? I find that resin dolls are easier to get at a discount than dollfie dreams that never seem to really come up cheaply unless they are pretty much broken or seriously stained.
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Yeah, definitely a bit more on the vagina side than the M side tabbies have.
I'm more partial to the DD anime aesthetic as you put it. I'd be so happy if I could find the Yoko doll at a decent price. Yeah I'm gonna begin scouring Mandarake on a regular once I have enough money saved up. I mean I'd love a brand new Smart doll, but holy shit, $600 plus buckos is quite a bit of money.
I don't think you'll find Yoko for anywhere near $600.

Maybe the head only.
Keep in mind anon that most doll collectors pay more per doll but own a lot less than the usual toy/statue collector.
Owning 15 BJDs is already quite a number, especially when they are 1/3 ones.
We spent 600$ on one doll, you buy 10 small figures for 60$ a piece.

So it's not that much more expensive, we just tend to keep it at smaller collections and many of the people with really big collections have been at it for years.
Like I have friends with 60+ dolls, but they also have been buying them since 2005.

Not everyone is good with money or has good jobs.
There are "cheap" dolls, people buying bootlegs, people being helplessly in debt, people who are just really cheap and save money where they can (more about that later), people who basically have a shitton of layaways going at once and so on.
Of course some really have so much money but they tend to be in a minority.
Keep in mind that the hobby is pretty demanding too, which usually means it's the only hobby people tend to have.

About saving: there are good and bad ways.
Good: waiting for events and discounts, buying second-hand, lurking Manda and co. for dolls that need a bit of care, hybrids (expensive head, cheap body), learning a skill to a point you can sell it for extra doll funds, keeping it to an amount of dolls you can comfortably 'care' for, properly learning things at the side so you can do them yourself someday.
That way you can get a nice doll that doesn't look like shit.

Bad: Cutting corners everywhere, buying bootlegs, buying the cheapest shit you can get all the time, refusing to ever pay for a service even if you honestly suck at everything, always only buying cheap dolls even if you like more expensive ones more, only buying cheap materials for crafting, never finishing a doll.
That way you only get a doll that looks like shit while coming across as needlessly cheap.
Like, this hobby is expensive, that's just how it is.
Honestly, if you'd love a Smartdoll just stop buying a few statues/figures for a while and then go for it.
Yes, they are expensive (DDs too), but it's better to get that one big thing you really want than buying a shitton of pieces that are just okay.

Try to not buy anything else for a while and try to pump yourself up for the purchase.
Have the doll as desktop, maybe make a damn jar where you put in the money.
Sooner or later you will probably reach a point where you stop thinking about the money.
I mean, I often grind my teeth when hitting the buy button, but when I see the dolls in my room I am just glad to have them.
They make fun, look nice, can be customized to my will.
I'm in the US. Wow, that's gotta suck, especially for anyone doing commissions.

>From personal experience it's usually not enough to do one layer of sealant to fully protect something.
That makes sense! I've always been pretty adamant about spraying multiple layers BEFORE I start the faceup (I do not want to be the seller of a stained head one day), but I never thought to take extra care after. It's just never happened to me before. I guess I'll keep this in mind for next time, though! It's not the end of the world if this faceup isn't permanent. I'll probably want to wipe it in a few months anyway. I can't figure out what kind of face I want this doll to have.

Thank you guys! Going to do all of this next time to make sure I don't wipe off another eyebrow again.
I actually collect animu figures as a side hobby BECAUSE they're cheaper than dolls and I can get a fix frequently haha

>Wow, that's gotta suck, especially for anyone doing commissions.
Yeah, I'm pissed, I have about 6 heads/fantasy parts all waiting to be sealed and I just cant.
Also its been 35+ degrees for close to a week now
my actual cat has one too, it's common for those hwat the fuck are they called type of tabbies with a few realy thick stripes instead of many thin ones
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I bought pic related about 10 days ago. I know it's a small doll, and not the best, but I'm pretty excited. It's the first doll I've bought in about 3 years. And I first saw the sculpt when I was in high school. I'm happy I finally bought him.
Well, I think it's cute if that makes you feel better. I've always wanted to get more animal dolls.
That is adorable. Where did you get him?
When my girl gets good at pleasing my cock with her new tit plate I may buy her this as a pet
Has anyone successfully used the "invoice yourself and pay with the card" method of transferring Visa giftcards to your paypal?
I got a shitton for my birthday and Christmas and have my eye on a doll but don't want paypal to fuck me over for "suspicious activity" or some dumb shit like that.
Cute! I'm not sure who would disparage this doll, it looks perfectly fine.

You're looking for the /jp/ doll thread buddy
Thank you! I like animal dolls a lot.

Camellia Dynasty. They have a little horse I'd like sometime too. I'm not very impressed with their human sculpts, but the pets are adorable.

Thank you! I will post when he arrives. Processing time for this company is about a month, so I hope to have him in a month or so.
Usual aesthetic. The photo in >>6122105 is of the stencil they're going to use to mass produce airbrushed faceups, so that's their first vinyl sculpt you're seeing.

Same. This feels like a complete game changer.
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Soo did PintSizedPalace scare Denali wind outta the hobby? I don't particularly care about either but i hadn't seen the latter in a while, since PSP "visited"
Honestly I don't know whether it qualifies as on topic or not, as the mods seem to play fast and loose with that (for how much they gripe on Den of Angels). Its more the sheer volume of posts that's annoying, since they're exactly the same thing over and over. BJDA is really really bad with the copy cat attention whore shit. Its the same kids jumping up and down waving their Resinsouls at anyone that will look their way, and the exact same type of art over and over too. I haven't seen so much baby's-first-manga since Deviantart circa 2006.

I know its probably what 99% of Tumblr is but at least I can filter the shit out of what tags I see there.
Actually there is a large scale vinyl skeleton doll pretty much exactly like a scaled up SmartDoll. Its made by Obitsu. Be prepared for about $2000 shipped though.

Honestly a mannequin or even a rubber/silicone sex doll would be more cost effective at that point.
Its funny you say that because I've gotten way better deals on DDs/parts than on my resin dolls. There's two factors to that though I've noticed. The bjd sites with a higher female population will have them cheaper (Den of Angels and similar) where the vinyl-only sites will be more expensive. And on those sites, you will find a much much higher price cut for any small damage (and pay attention to pictures because often they overblow it). Last one I bought like that, it was a DD base body described as having a broken neck and staining for $120. When it arrived the "staining" washed off with soap and water and the broken neck was just loose. Add on the blank head and commissioned faceup and its still under the price of buying just the body brand new. Plus you can buy replacements for parts, so stained fingers or toes, or even an actually broken neck piece can be easy fixes for $30
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What's more mysterious to me is how Denali immediately after PSP's raid started selling a bunch of stuff, even her beloved Soony's body and then vanished without a word.
It's obvious that both Denali and her husband were uncomfortable with PSP's sudden visit in the youtube and instagram videos. I wonder if something went down between them. I mean PSP did make a huge mess in Denali's house. That woman has no shame whatsoever.

On another note, her faceups are disgusting I wouldn't be surprised if all of the commissioned dolls are stained in some form or another.
Sorry, I don't want to derail the thread with drama talk or anything, but I am extremely out of the loop here. What happened to Denaliwind?
So Pintsizedpalace (Swandzz on youtube) force begged Denali to fly all the way to her city and crash at her house as her birthday gift. Denali tried to be nice and accepted even though she admitted that she really didn't expect PSP to actually (be crazy enough) to do it.
So naturally they end up making collab videos at Denali's house. If you watch those videos both on Swandzz and Denali's channels you'll see how uncomfortable Denali is and how Swandzz literally trashed Denali's house (there were candy bar wraps EVERYHWERE, she didn't even bother to wrap her futon and just left it in the living room)
And ofcourse PSP was indirectly talking bad aboit Denali's husband and how unsupportive of her hobby he is and other trash (obviously he was uncomfortable with this random grown woman crashing at her house but PSP is too dense to notice).
PSP was acting really psychotic in that video kept saying how much of a close friends they and now they're BFFs and stuff while grabbing and manhandling Denali's dolls without permission with her cheetos smeared hands. She said how she's planning on visiting Denali more now that they're friends and such.
It's really good cringe material. In comments of one of Swandzz's video, she admitted that they recorded more videos that Denali was supposed to upload on her channel but she didn't.
I'm also really interested in this because it was so out of left field that they would even be friends and something seemed really off about the whole thing... but denali's been quiet and I dont think PSP has said anything about denali at all either so.
I saw it on FB now, the head they used for the first one is Uranus.
Which is on one hand cool, because I like Uranus, but unless the doll is cheaper than their resin versions I doubt there will be much interest in him.
Staining is still an issue with vinyl dolls, and I doubt his face works with the usual anime aesthetic.
I wonder if that had something to do with it; she felt like she had her privacy invaded because of a hobby and decided that a hobby wasn't worth her personal life? I can't recall her being so inactive before.

Also I don't understand how PSP is so popular like.. jfc her dolls look like.. for lack of a better word, shit.
Maybe she had some kind of midlife crisis after being around the physical incarnation of tumblr. I'm a bit passive myself, I would hide before having to deal with pure tumblr adult.
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It's like with any other person with shit looking dolls who's still somehow popular: people surrounding them are a) equally shit, so they can boost each other in their shitness or b) not in the hobby, so they have no clue what a properly customized doll looks like and/or c) they are still way too young and are into that aesthetic (often combined with a) and b)).

If you look at the people who comment their stuff or are fawning at it you'll see it's trash, newbies, kids/teenagers from outside the hobby and so on.
I mean, being popular can be nice, but unless you are unironically into that shit it's just annoying because those kind of followers are worth zero.
I'd rather be less popular and would acually be followed by quality people who can write sane comments.
My fav part was when PSP was making fun of Denali's healthy lifestyle while shoving cheetos down her fat gullet. Typical tumblr fatass.

Was it a DDII body or a DDIII? If it's a DDIII that's an amazing deal but if it's the old body you can't buy replacement parts anymore which is why those come up so cheap all the time. I've gotten old DDII bodies for $50 but if they ever break I'm up shit creek with no paddle.
Lolita here that just got into BJDs and bought their first doll. I'm laughing over how weirdly similar the community is here compared to Lolita.

>typical noobs that think 100-200 is a lot of money for a good product.
>recasts are as aggressively hated as dress replicas.
>there are bjd "itas" that aren't "real" Bjds if they're not resin
>have people asking dumb questions like "how do you glue joints??" When you can just google the tutorial.
>Resinsoul is basically the equivalent of Lolita's bodyline
>bad pastel trends
>femboi trends

I could go on but it's somehow made it a lot easier to adapt to this community and learn things quickly.

As a noob I have a genuine question. I keep reading that people's dolls are floppy because they're too afraid to restring them or use hot glue. Why is this exactly? Is there something I'm missing? I took apart and restrung my first doll fairly easily so I'm not understanding what the big deal is.
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does anyone know an artist that makes more realistic face or other types of articulated dolls (not abjd) that are more realistic.

i'm an artist and i looking for a doll to pose i try different types of doll but so far none of them are good, pic related (the ability to stand up ,limited articulation etc)

i was thinking of buying a bjd but all seems to have that semi anime emotions less face and and that over exaggerate pancake balloon boobs
i really appreciated if you could help me out
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Anon... there are worse out there...
>pic related

Choo could probably do it, but it's probably too much work. I mean, sure, what he's asking is probably unrealistic right now or not what he wants. "Daddy, you have a phone call~ tehee~!"

This guy has done the animatronics, no excuses.

Everything I've heard so far about CocoTribe has been positive.
Or talking about how she lives in the middle of nowhere which, true it may be I'm sure Denali likes living there since she seems the adventurous type. She looked very uncomfortable when PSP brought that up.
iplehouse with small boobs?
I think PSP also brought a lot of attention to herself she she kept self posting to TBJDC

The hobbies are very similar. Instead of BTB, we have True BJD Confessions on Tumblr.

Honestly, people are just afraid they're going to hurt their dolls and are too scared to try something new. When I got my first doll, I took her apart again and again to get used to her. It resulted in some chipped wrists, but it built up some confidence. Honestly, they just have a weak excuse unless it's something over the top complicated like a Fairyland doll. When my dolls start getting floppy in the legs department, I just pull up on the knot in the head, tie a new knot, then snip off the excess elastic.

Hot Toys look more realistic and are 1/6 scale. There are quite a few options out there for them, though they are pretty pricey.

As for BJD, Iplehouse, RaccoonDoll, Granado, and Dollshe try to be more realistic looking.
>As a noob I have a genuine question. I keep reading that people's dolls are floppy because they're too afraid to restring them or use hot glue. Why is this exactly? Is there something I'm missing? I took apart and restrung my first doll fairly easily so I'm not understanding what the big deal is.

Lots of new BJD owners (and to some extend older ones too) tend to be spineless, whiny, constantly anxious and easily scared.
Because of the price they are scared shitless to do something on their doll, because even the easiest task seems to them like a recipe for disaster.
It's the same with all the ones going "I'm afraid to damage my doll when painting them myself".
Unless you refuse to read tutorials and ask questions before you do something risky there is no reason why something should happen do your doll.
Stick to safe materials, tested ways to do things, read tutorials, ask questions, watch videos and everything should be fine.

It's also funny because I bet those people all own a pricey smartphone, laptop or similar.
Don't do anything you wouldn't do to that thing (i.e. shit everybody tells you not to do) and your doll should be equally fine.
Vagina head?
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I doubt there's a BJD out there that works as a model for art.
They are often highly stylized and even though they have lots of joints they can be difficult to pose.
And even if you get them to pose, there's no guarantee that they actually stay in that pose (DDs are better in that regard).
How "alive" they are highly depends on the skill of the customizer and person who takes the photos too.
So even though the doll might look alive on photos you might still think it looks not like that in real, especially if you don't have the time and funds to get the doll to look as good as possible.
Spending several hundred dollars on a drawing model is not really worth it.

Your best bet would probably be to get something like the Figma Archetype.
They lack a proper face, but they are cheaper, smaller and better to pose.
I just read through this and it's quite a ride. Thank you for posting.
Oh, well that answers that. I thought I was doing something wrong to make it too easy... But she stands easily and poses well as opposed to being floppy when I received her so I guess not.

Another question since I know you guys will answer honestly. What differentiates a "good" doll as opposed to a "bad" doll, appearance and taste-wise?
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No biggie, I still remember when it happened and I was just staring at the screen every time Rafael posted.
She got a huge ego.

>What differentiates a "good" doll as opposed to a "bad" doll, appearance and taste-wise?

This honestly depends on personal taste (and also experience), but in my opinion I would describe it like this:
a "good" doll is clean, well put together with care, time, money and effort.
A bad doll is dirty, looks like a hot mess and like their owner gave no fuck/is too cheap/unwilling to admit when to stop.

The taste part really, really depends on the person.
Some people will always think Resinsoul is shit, even if you show them one that has been customized well and looks really good.
Does more realism make it a good or bad doll?
Does it have to be a creative concept or is "just nice looking" good enough?

Honestly, as long as the doll doesn't look like shit, wears nice clothes, has a proper face-up, is clean and well presented everything is fine to me.
Everything on top depends on taste, personal style and sometimes even context.

Like those artsy, paint looking face-ups are not everyones cup of tea, but with the right doll it can look really cool.
And sometimes the millionth squeaky clean Andreja clone in basic etsy clothing can be boring as fuck, even if it's a mostly nice looking doll.
Or to put it in lolita terms: imagine a nice coord.
It's pleasing to the eyes when all parts come together, are clean, well presented and look good/work well when combined.
It doesn't matter which style it is in the end, because even if it's not your type you can pretty much determine when it's a good or bad coord.

It's the same with dolls.
The basics are always the same, and everything else is pretty much taste and depends on the collector.
Some prefer gritty realism, others simple "doll" faces; to some creativity is more important than the execution and so on.

(Okay, there are enough collectors who think "clean" isn't necessary either but, uh, we ignore those for now.
They are probably not the ones who should be asked what makes a good doll.)
>What differentiates a "good" doll as opposed to a "bad" doll, appearance and taste-wise?

Well, look at it. Does it look good or shit? Taste is also important but irrelevant for that question.

These look "good", but not my taste.

These look utter "shit", and also clearly not my taste.
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Adding to this idea, does anyone ever look at their dolls that they put plenty of time and money into and think they still look bad because you're too picky or unsure of how to style them?
>Tfw I have several of my dream dolls, spend good money on nice clothes, wig, etc when I can
>Never feel like they're "coming together" well enough
I feel exactly like this ever since I started the hobby. IDK but it puts in such bitter mood when I feel like a failure after spending so much time doing their faceups or making wigs and then it's turns shitty (don't get me started on the clothes). The picture in this post >>6114355 is one of my dolls. After years of practice, tried to do a simple faceup, and it looks like muddy shit. The wig isn't as good as I expected either. I might as well savour a cup of bleach at this point.
What's a good sewing machine for someone who wants to get into making doll clothes? I have a bit of experience using them but it's been a long time so I have no idea where to start.
While some people were mentioning Andreja's videos, can I ask if anyone actually really dislikes how she talks? She's so slow and while i get articulating tutorials, she seems to be talking to babies or something and it makes her videos so slow and boring to me.
It was DDII, but it was before DDIII was announced so that was the current model. I did recently buy a nude DDIII limited, which I guess when you take away the value of the head alone I probably paid $180-200 for that body and it was in much better shape than the DDII.
I'm going to suggest non-playline action figures in 1/6 scale. Hot Toys is the top of the line, but there's plenty of cheaper competitors and imitators (and bootlegs lol). You can also kitbash them, they're largely compatible so purchasing a head from one brand and a body from another is possible. Theres even companies like Phicen making seamless silicone bodies with no visible joints.
Your hands. I shit you not, everything is easier, more efficient, and less dangerous (all of my sewing machine related injuries are doll related) by hand. What scale dolls do you have? It's going to be easier to recommend a machine if we know what size we're talking.

That's actually a really common complaint. I think even some of her fans can't stand it. I think it's kind of cute, but that might be because she sounds like my grandma with her high pitched voice and heavy accent.
I was planning on working mostly in 1/6
Yes, absolutely do hand sewing then. You CAN use a sewing machine, but it's going to be very frustrating to do so. Consider that you're not putting in a whole 1/6 garment under the machine. You're putting in parts of an already very tiny outfit. If you've already got a sewing machine, see if you can make it work, but don't go out to buy one if you're only making doll clothing. It's just far more of a headache than it needs to be, and it's horrible when your machine decides to eat up the tiny sleeves or something.
Fuck me sewing 1/6 on a machine is a nightmare. I don't know how people do it.
Adding, I do a lot of 1/6 sewing and do a lot by hand, but a bit by machine. You do need to re-learn how to sew at that scale if you are experienced with human sewing. Everything gets simplified. No setting in sleeves, do the flat method and sew the sides all in one. Same with pants. Japanese doll books are really great at showing this well. Also get some tear away stabilizer (newsprint or magazine pages work in a pinch but will wear down needles a little faster fyi) cus it will save you so much stress when trying to do small bits that will get sucked in the feed.

I don't have a specific machine to recommend but getting one with a nice stretch stitch has been invaluable to me, as is one that has some kind of finishing/serging type function (mine folds the edge just a titch when zigzagging).
do you do hems and other decorative shit where the thread is visible by hand too? Any tips for getting your stitching to move from "horrible shit don't look any closer" to "aceptable"?
Not same anon but practice and go slow, and have a pack of new needles on hand. My grandma used to buy cheap check fabric like gingham to practice with to get your hands used to the spacing and tiny stitching.
I make a tiny scratch in the needle about the size of the stitches and use that to measure it. If you do it right it becomes pretty fast.
Scroll up, people brought up already that they dislike her voice.
It's not even the pace, for tutorials and because she has an accent it's better that she makes sure to talk slowly, but it's her fake cuteness that is so annoying.
Combined with the slowness I get why it feels like she's talking to a baby.

I'm deep in that hole, and I hate it about myself.
I have good looking dolls, put great care and time into then.
I got praised by the companies/artists who sculpt them and won company contests too, have actual great collectors tell me they like my stuff, and overall they look better than most dolls.
Still I think they look like shit, are boring, could be way, way better.
I hate my photos (which once was what made the most fun for me) and spend way too much time looking at other dolls wishing mine would be as cool as theirs.
Perfectionism sucks.
I'm glad my friends can stomach my mopey moments.
That horse has stolen my heart. I've been saving up for a new doll or a body or a floating heat, but that might get pushed back now.
I know everyone always says "Go for the expensive stuff, it's worth it" when it comes to faceup materials, but what are your favorite brands/sets?
I want to git gud and am looking for a "starter kit" more or less of good quality materials to learn with, mainly looking for recommendations on pastels, acrylics, and brushes that anyone can offer.
I believe the tips were,

1) Don't use Testors stuff
2) Use Mr. Color (Tamiya) or Vallejo (If you can afford it)
3) Cheap Brushes - $2 for 10 brushes... I throw them out as they are worn. Disposable.
4) Pastels - Volks has them for like $8 a set? They will last you a long time. Then you need sand paper for like $1. A pastel kit from a art/hobby supply store could cost you even more because they include too many colors that you won't need for a face up (like $20/kit).
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I'm a faggot with cheap pastels (Mungyo), but that usually means less evenness and more layers to get my desired result. I get my brushes online and it tends to vary. I think my current set of brushes were kind of tossed in with a Volks order I had. As for acrylics, I'll admit I was a pencilfag, but I used liquitex thinned with water for the eyeliner portion.

Now I try to send my heads out and commission people that are less shaky than I am. (Which explains why I have something like 6 blank heads that need attention.)
Don't save on the sealant, the usual stuff is often shit to work on (because they are actually supposed to be just for the final layer to protect your drawing) and ages badly.
MSC, Purity Seal, the Zoukeimura spray from Volks is the way to go if you don't have/want to use an airbrush.

For pastels, I had a Faber Castell set in the very beginning.
Hard as fuck and very chalky, had to grind it myself and had the same issues like other anon mentioned (uneven, too thin coverage all the time).
Switched to buying single Schmincke pastel sticks after a while and never looked back.
Soft, pigment rich pastels really do make a difference so maybe instead of buying a cheap set full of colors you don't need spend a little more money and get a few quality sticks with proper skintone shades and a few extras (black, brown, red, blue are good extras).

Brushes don't have to be fancy.
Get yourself a few soft hair round brushes for blushing, one more stiff, blocky shaped (but still soft/flexible) if you need more control and a few thin ones for lines/gloss.
Doesn't have to be the smallest size, you just need one with a pointy end and wide enough base for it to have some stability.
Look at the Games Workshop detail brushes to get a feeling for it.
You will need a few tries but then find a company that works for you.

Gloss can be any regular one from an arts and crafts store, just use water based.

Acrylics are a personal thing.
Cheap ones can work, some prefer pasty over more liquid ones etc., just thin your paints.
I personally prefer the more liquid type and use the small Mr. Hobby Aqueous Color glasses, add a bit of Liquitex flow aid to it and it's perfect for my way of working.
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I definitely advocate schmincke pastels. They're what I would call delicious in terms of art supplies.

If you go that route of buying individual colours for things, Xhanthis video has some good recommendations for Americans including shops to buy from.
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Do you guys think clothes for a 65cm luts would fit a 68cm ringdoll? Sorry this is my first doll and the clothes don't have measurements listed.
I second this on Schmincke. I have used a couple different brands and they are by far the most pigmented and soft.
As for acrylics, I use the golden brand high flow acrylics and they're great. You would still need a thinner or flow aid (i use liquitex) but they're very affordable and pretty easy to get.
No idea, but I ordered that doll.
Just because of that costume + the armour.
Height isn't as important as all the other parts (circumference of chest, shoulder width etc.).
Outfit says it fits SD17 too, Luts has measurements for their bodies on their website too.
Just compare the measurements of the intended Luts body with your body in question and you know whether it fits or not.
thanks for the help! Unfortunately it's sold out. I hope it restocks soon.
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thank you so much for your help i'm gonna go for Archetype + the newer models tend to be more realistic
Heads up, or heads NOT attaching in this case: Just tried to order MNF neck adapter from Shapeways and my card was declined because it can't do overseas transactions. Even though they say Made in NY! on the site, they're actually a Netherlands company.
Has anyone dealt with dolkus? I have a doll on layaway with them currently and I keep hearing really bad reviews...Should I be worried?
They have offices both in NY and the Netherlands (NY is their headquarter though).
As far as I know US orders should be shipped from the US though, maybe they want payments to their Netherland facility because of tax reasons.
Thanks for the clarification! I assumed that if their HQ is in NY payment would also go through there, guess I was wrong. They really should make it easier for people to pay them.
>Sale on 12:00 15th December (Thursday), 2016 ~ 17:00 16th January (Monday), 2017

Sorry anon, the outfit was limited so it will stay sold-out.

No problem, glad you found something fitting!

I heard mixed things about them, but they have been a reliable dealer for quite a while now.
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>someone paid for this
>someone actually got money for this
>they think it looks great too

What the fuck.
I bet a local toddler would have done it for free.
Do you think people who rave about getting something like this for their money just straight up lie because they have no spine? Ew.
Wow. I just finished my first faceup and if looks HORRIBLE. It's still not as bad as this. This is some impressively terrible work.
Why is it so fucking shiny? And why does it look like the eyebrows were sharpied on?

Oh lord.
Even the cat purse in the background is judging hard.
I think they used Pintsizedpalace's advice and used the Mod Podge spray as sealant. heh
The maker and buyer are both toddlers.
It's a recast isn't it? There is no way a respectable luxury doll owner would let this travesty happen to their doll...
This makes me so angry
My faceups are better than this (objectively, I'm not like the best but I'm not the worst) and I'm unwilling to open commissions yet because I don't wanna put shit out into the community.
Apparently that's not an issue.
Even if the artist says it's their syle, that still looks uneven and unprofessional at best. There is no evidence of skill whatsoever. I hope the owner doesn't really like that shit.
It gets shiny when you spray too much sealant. Happened to me a lot when I was a newbie.
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Tried my hand at making eyeballs today and they came out pretty good
Fuck your doll is cute anon.
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Thanks sempai, she's almost 8 years old
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I was just reading over someone's rant post on IG and they were saying that they had been sending an ungodly amount of emails to them and getting nothing, and then shipping was very very delayed etc. I haven't any issue with email responses, but I really hope it doesn't take me a year or something ridiculous to get my doll....since it's already from Loongsoul and I know they're sort of so-so when it comes to buying through dealers. So I'll hope for the best, I guess.
Waiting a year might happen, not because of Dolk but because of Loongsoul having crazily long wait times.
Depends on what you ordered but they are slow as fuck, add a dealer and it gets worse.
I got the ghost lin with no extras. just the nude doll. So, I hope that helps my case a bit. Some people were saying that the AC wait time was about 4 months.
wud purchase. let us know if you open an etsy shop or just wanna do paypal sales with your buddies on /bjd/
Aww thanks anon, I think I'm a ways off from making anyone sellable..the eye by itself is pretty ugly, but once I get a couple more tools I'll be able to make a better mold and maybe start selling.
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>When oral labia turn out looking like vaginal labia...
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on the topic of old dolls it seems my 1.0 has developed jaundice

pupils might be too large but its looking good so far

jadepixel may be less shaky but she has trouble adding depth
I hate the doll but I actually really like the color palette? Do I have shit taste?
New thread

cute af
If you fucked a vagina head would the uterus and intern reproductive system be part of the nasal cavity and the nose stuff or be inside the brain?
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