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Busou Shinki and Bitties General - Canadian Boxing Day Edition

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Thread replies: 402
Thread images: 119

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Read the guide:

Prev. thread: >>6071119

>Megami Device first wave have released
>The Shinki BDBOX figures releasing before the end of the year
>Frame Arms Girl Innocentia and HRESVELGR are up for preorder.
>Frame Arms Girl Anime announced, Blurays come with packed in kits of the featured girls
>Third wave of Desktop Army announced, designed by Yanase Takayuki
>The Shinki kits are kind of in limbo

Where to buy second hand Shinkis:
>eBay, Amazon - generally overpriced, but you might get lucky.
>Mandarake, Rakuten - search 武装神姫 and don't trust listing images.
>Yahoo Japan Auctions, Suruga-ya - you'll need a proxy if you’re not in Japan.
>Taobao - some shops ship international now, so you might not need a proxy.
>Amiami, Jungle-scs - occasionally get some preowned.
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection, and Busou Shinki World too.

Fellow anons selling custom Shinki accessories:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

1/12 clothes like Picco Neemo fit these, but they tend to be loose or baggy.
We need to collect some resources like tiny tailoring tutorials and patterns.
This has some nice examples using hemming glue and tape instead of sewing:

Build your FAGs right:

Muscuto guide:

Pixiv, fg-site, Tinami, Twitter tags:
>武装神姫 [Busou Shinki]
>フレームアームズ・ガール [Frame Arms Girl]

Come chat!
>Discord : https://discord.gg/013XLRIoFo8nvkPZP
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Apparently the red highlighted joints are really tight on this release of WISM Soldier and Assautl, and might require some adjustment via sanding or otherwise.

Keep it in mind while building and don't hamhand your kits.
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thanks, good to know
I don't know how many times i broke a piece because of that reason.
I believe theres another twitter hashtag for frame arms girl just without the ・

which brings up some alternate results. I stopped looking on twitter because theres too much scratchbuilt shit I can never make myself and its depressing

> I stopped looking on twitter because theres too much scratchbuilt shit I can never make myself and its depressing

I know what you mean but I still look at it.
Do you guys mean stuff like this: https://twitter.com/9101925/status/806811111999750144
or builds that involve plasticard and the like?
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Warning of another possible breakage point on twitter.

I mean really, you should be fine as long as you're not hamhands mcgee.
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Yeah, or anything that makes me feel guilty for not getting off my lazy ass more often to build something cool.
Are they forcing these joints like fucking two year olds or is it a legitimate engineering/design flaw?
I don't know if I can go that extreme, but I might start working with plasticard once I get a bit more confident with building FAGs.
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Looks like Karashiina, the comicker for the Busou Shinki ad comic from the Shinki website is on board for Megami Device. They're really pushing this as a successor, huh.

Also megamidevice.com is now a thing
For reference, the shinki comic by Karashiichi, Hibusoushinki

Styrene sheets.
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Look what I got
Those are some coolass boxes.
More Japanese figures need this sort of treatment.
Huh, I retweeted a guy pointing out that MD is compatible with Shinki heads for further reference on the way home but he seems to have deleted the tweet.
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Drilled a hole into an Obitsu joint and managed to get it onto the Megami Device neck. Attaching Azone heads should be easy.
where you get the colour heads
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There we go
do you guys think megamis and frame arms will make appearances in the FAG anime?
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The hands keep coming off of the pegs enough that I'm seriously considering gluing them on, but otherwise the Machinica body is fantastic.
why the reverse torso?
Haven't built the chest pieces yet and the holes look dumb
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We already knew about it from the last thread, but another warning about that T joint in the hips for Megami Device.

This person apparently tried to move the hip beyond the range of articulation without having adjusted the tightness. Recommend shock oil and sanding.
the "world" section on that site really clinches it; the concepts used in the setting for shinkis RE: what they are, the holographic battlefield stuff, etc... fuck, there's even a nod to the "illegal AI modifications" subplots from rondo and battlemasters in there.
Looks good but the neck is too short.
Can suggest me a good cutter over HS guys?
>I'm seriously considering gluing them on
Why? There are few better alternatives to fix it without going full retard and gluing it.
fucking hell people are tearing these things apart.
I'm still putting it down mostly to poor handling by idiots. They can't snap this easy if you're careful and gentle with them.

I'll definitely be making sure the joints aren't too tight when I build mine.
Take a look at the joint design, it's seriously not great.
Shinki hard plastic is ABS. That's lego plastic. Super durable, but can still break sometimes with mistreating.

Model plastic is styrene. Super soft. /Will/ break. /Will/ get brittle over time. Megami Device are model kits, not toys, and need to be treated carefully and gently.
Looking at the sprues of Frame Arms girls, They're a mix of ABS and Styrene. And POM too now, as of Baselard. Not sure what material that particular piece is for Megami Device, but if it's PS, they really should have made it something else. I have a feeling this will be one of the points of improvement we see in the next set of kits with the T joint being replaced by ABS (if it already isn't) or POM.

The notch cut into it doesn't help things at all, yeah. I have a feeling they were designing this thing with more articulation in mind than durability. There's probably a groove that it runs along on the inside of the crotch or something.

That said, if you have a Baselard or Indigo Jinrai, you've got a POM runner in it. H for Baselard, not sure for Indigo Jinrai. Simple fix would be to cut a T out of one of those sprues and maybe the notch as well. That will hold much better.
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Looks like the particular runner the problem part is from is ABS.
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Baselard's H runner.
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Indigo Jinrai's X runner. Would probably be easier to use Indigo Jinrai's because there's a pretty nice uninterrupted T in the middle there, whereas with Baselard's you'd have to trim some bits.
Man now I'm nervous about building my megami girls and I haven't even gotten the kits yet.
If you have bouilt a muscuto this is going to be a stroll in the park.
speaking of muscuto, got my delivery in finally.
Got a bag of extra bits too.
Now I need to get a couple of regular daisy cutters and a yellow santa daisy cutter.
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You are in for a ride m8, I'm still assembling mine.
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already done one
But not painted hehehe.
Did you put the magnets in?
By the way this resin is a bitch, smells like poisonus cancer.
Not yet, havent had much time for model making this year unfortunately.
head, breastplate and backpiece are magnetised.
As for the resin, its easily the highest quality I've ever used. I can only imagine and shudder at the thought of e2046 butchering it with a recast. Quality is up there with volks.
>highest quality I've ever used
Wow, I must be really spoild then.
With the drop in temperature my hands starts hurting and I can't motivate myself into building. Man that sucks.
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Richigo I have a question about the full gear set for shinki's in your shop.

How compatible do you think it would be with a FAG?. Innocentia for instance. I have no shinkis but I like the wings.
I'd need to make a new back adapter piece, watch this space

Will do.
Haven't built anything muscuto
>smells like poisonus cancer
That's because it is. Get an organic respirator when you work polyester resin. Always. The disposable ones are cheap as fuck and last 50 hours.

You have no excuse and your health is important.
You guys make me too scared to do resin kits.
It isn't. Most resin kits nowadays are made using polyurethane resin, not polyester. Polyurethane is chemically inert when fully cured and it isn't regulated by OSHA for carcinogens. It's flammable though.

I don't think muscuto's require much sanding. The main problem is when you create resin dust when you sand. If you don't do that then no problem.
That said, you should still use a dust mask at least. Breathing in anything with tiny particles like that is still bad for you.

carcinogens aren't even really the problem though?

its that the resin goes in your lungs and gets stuck... Unless you have a respirator
You don't need an organic respirator like >>6081705 suggested for something that doesn't release carcinogenic fumes.

A dust mask is enough.

This type of resin is cured with benzene, dude. That's the smell. If it smells like death you need organic rated respirator cans.
It does require sanding honestly
All resin parts have pic related that needs to be cut and sanded if you want a clean smooth result. Also, if you are going to add magnets, as the guide suggest, you are going to produce a lot more dust.
Anyone could tell me where I can buy a muscuto ? I looked up amiami and amazon but didn't find anything on these.
Check his twitter. Best to order from him through email.
Mate, it is in the op.
Open the Muscuto guide and read how to order.

Sorry, didn't see it. Thank you !
>pic related
Any advice besides respirator?
invisible particles that give you cancer like 4chan posts, duh.
There wasn't a pic shown in that post, but they probably mean the casting gates that have to be cut/sanded off.
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Didn't even notice... sorry guys. >>6081800
Here is my 2cents about bulding it:
1) Read the whole guide before you attemp anything.
2) Read the guide again and keep it at hand while you build your figure along with the paper in the kit.
3) Some of the pieces (expecially the little ones) doesnt fit straight with plastic and ll break if you force them, so have a pot of hot water nearby to deep them in.
4) Use cyanoacrylate glue.
5) If you are going to magnetize some of the parts, do it before assembly.
6) Sanding and drilling are going to produce bad smell and fumes, so a mask or respirator can be handy.
7) Did you read the guide? Seriously read it again.
8) Waterslides are bitches. They tear and rip really easly so place them with lot of attention and care.
These are the first things that comes to my mind.
>4) Use cyanoacrylate glue.

Fuck off if you have no idea what you're talking about.
What would you use?

peanut butter and jelly
planelegs get out
Fuck, I just realized how amazing January is.
>Gourai Cu Poche
>Desktop Army 2
>Megami Device 2: catgirl boogaloo
just jumping in here, there is sanding required, but it's actually very little because the pieces are so small.

personally, I use nub clipper, scalpel, then 2 grits of sandpaper and the sanding is very little because the resin is very soft as is, unlike the hard plastic of a gundam. a couple passes will do you a great deal.
I didn't have any problems with those parts at all.

The fucking feet, on the other hand...
Go on...
Was there ever preorder for the second wave of Desktop Army?
What else is there to say? The tips of the feet break off ridiculously easily.
There's a Megami Device holocaust going on in Twitter.
what does that means?
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Hamhands or QC faults?
Not really seeing it desu.
>laser sword

>md puts on helmet

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My planned colour scheme
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>Tfw mom encourages to take more pics in public
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what sort of respirator would be good. I value my life a bit more nowadays and was wondering how not to kill myself. Its a shame how something so beautiful and pleasing to the senses can be deadly and damaging. Also I have no interest inthe bust part what do
Where are her eyes anon?
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Its a wip, Like my life. I need to take care of myself first before everything else
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The design of some joints makes me question ASPY's skills, since he spent so long working on this

No clue why hes doing this, but I guess its helpful

Dont use enamel thinner while washing on bare plastic kiddos
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I can't read moonrunes.
Is that black and white coloration on the break from glue or is the plastic like that? I get the feeling it's not supposed to look like that.
Same to me. Looks like some chemical weakened the plastic.
seems like he was trying to do an enamel wash and it rekt the plastic, because that's what enamel does to bare plastic
Explain me this. Why people try to use enamels on figure models?
MD and FAGs attract a lot of new blood to modeling. They likely knew that other modelers use enamel - but don't want to bother with primer or a base coat since MD are primarily white to start with, so "what's the point?"
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only megamis know this
How's Kotobukiya and Apsy reacting to this plamocaust?
Not at all, because it's really only like 3 people out of thousands?
Can you post some links?
I wonder if i should take a knife to my Bunnylard's bangs to make her hair look like in the art and promotional shots.
Is there a difference between the model and art/shots?
I saw a custom where it was cut short. That looked really cool.

There's no space between hair strands to see her eyes completely, it kind of looks fluffy. Nothing wrong with that but i want her to look accurate, if i get another one i'll leave her intact.

Twitter should have a "Translate from Japanese" button if you're using Chrome. Doesn't help much, but it's at least English
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Is he saying don't push the 'T' shaped part in all the way, so that it clears that circle bit? That's what I seem to be seeing.
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Has anyone seen anything else on this project? I'm definitely interested in it, but haven't seen anything.
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Today was a perfect cloudy evening.

Here are some photos before it start raining.
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This looks nice. I hope we see the same style of hip connectors as we saw on those naked bodies used on something more like these later.
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likewise. these type of things are like my only excuse to buy anime figurine stuff
mildly triggered
literally everyone cuts a T off the tree so its actually a really easy fix

He said to omit the T joint, but carve out the circle in some shape, then put it in later but I'm not sure what it accomplishes.

Sure, they've already shown off a prototype
I posted photos of the prototype from AK Garden a few threads back, don't have them on my current computer though.
In other news, a finished baselard with some detail up parts got sold for 241000 JPY on YJA.

Not too surprising considering what other nicely finished gunpla sells for.
I can probably paint 80% as well as this guy but I havent tried it on figures. Could I sell mine or does this sort of thing only happen in Japan?
You'll never know unless you try anon. That said, if you think it's just the paint you'd better not waste your time.
>Didn't even paint the green bits on the robo wrists
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Removing seams, what else?
Faces completely painted from scratch, etched details and additional parts, silhouette changed with filing.
Also custom machined vernier nozzle replacements instead of some off the shelf drop-in ones, they rescribed the panel lines and added more in some places, applied over 100 stupidly tiny decals from various Hi-Q custom sheets... basically went full autism mode and completely overdid things because that's kind of their shtick. Their previous auctions for Materias and Architect sold pretty high too but not nearly this high.
If there are problems with the durabilty of the Machineca bodies used on Megami Device kits, could Konami be holding back the release of Busou Shinki kits using the same Machineca design until they see how the bodies perform? Especially since we know Konami used to put a high priority on durability with the original Busou Shinki line because they hoped kids would buy them.
Jesus, I remember screenshotting this. Still occasionally check Etsy to see what terrible Gunpla stuff ends up there.
Can't wait to see more of her. Never been too into macross, but then again, I was never into gunpla at all before FAGs. I'd like to see what they do with her transformation.
I wanna make black thick rimmed glassed for my shinko. How do?
Twisty tie wires

I have a sudden desire to see a shinki with googly eyes
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Hey there! Are you enjoying your eff ayy girls?
What is this from
>her eyes
I didn't noticed that before
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I also jumped on this rainy weather to snap a few pics, was fun
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Materia's wrist broke halfway through, so I had to get creative with hiding it :(
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Last one I like
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This guy on Japanese Twitter made a Chinese comic Motoko out of an Megami Device girl. https://mobile.twitter.com/toriyama_toriwo/status/811992030335225856
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Is she going to be our Stefanie Joosten?
That's not just some guy. That's one of the main megami device staffers. Was also the producer fo Busou Shinki back at Konami.
Well shit you don't say. That's perfect because Motoko is the whole reason I like robot gitls
This looks very cute
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This just seems forced. You can tell she doesnt give a shit about eff ayy lmao
>that hand animation
I read this as /fa/
I'm afraid of Konami being right on their hunch that these buyers will not treat them as a once-and-done model kit but as some psuedo-figma/SHF.

With the breakages being reported, they're getting ever closer to their hunch.

in b4 mostly POM/ABS construction and 2.0 re-releases later.
Why should Konami care when the whole thing is Kotobukiya after licensing it from them, moron?
however, it shouldn't be in konami's hands. konami isn't the one selling the product.

neverminding that regardless of what customers do, they're still marketted as kits, with all the caveats that come with that.

and no amount of excuses are going to justify the complete lack of news since last winter. release schedules shouldn't affect prototypes getting painted, either.
if konami is doing anything (and the faggots probably are), it's likely unrelated to APSY's design and more related to the way they keep burning any bridges they've got left.
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Is it just me or is Architects waist joint very loose?
Yeah bit it's easy to fix.

what elder god monstrosity is this?
Last Guardian cosplay?
>This is my fap hand
So i just ordered architect and it's my first FAG, any advice in regards to her?
More pics of cat?
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Be careful with the hair joints, I broke one of mine when assembling.

That is a stunning beast.
Well is it your first model kit?
what are those?
Then you won't have any problems with it.
It's a beginner level kit (About FG level with more parts in gunpla terms)
Just be careful not to hamhand the joints or break the tips off the hair.
I mean HG
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It's a good thing I had practice with Koto's SRW kits, the older Alt Eisen kit is top heavy and has a weak hip joint, and gave me practice for FA:G assembly. Also Apsy's old RaCaseal kit has a weak forearm plastic piece near the elbow, had to glue it back together after it developed stress lines and broke, but it was great practice since it has the pseudo-shinki style construction.

Arnval still jelly she can't pose as well as the Megami Device girls.
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I never bought a repaint and wasn't never interested but fug.. these are out for preoder now.
Why koto is attempting so hard at my wallet? Whyyy?
Where? I can't even see them on kotos site.
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Can I post links?
Well, trying..
looks like they are primarily a wonfes thing and will be available online at a later date. but only on kotoshop.
I'm not really too fussed about ordering these, I was going to buy some regular ones to paint this color anyway.
I like the silhouette, but they really need to get cleaned up before I can tell if I'm jealous or not.
Well, they're WF exclusives.
I beg to differ.


They're WF/KotoshopJP exclusives. You're going to need a middleman unless KotoUS finally gets their heads out of their asses, which I don't think will ever happen.
You might also want to note that >>6086256
isn't links to the kotoshop entry that you'd preorder from. That's the product information page, not the shop page.

Kotoshop page looks something more like this:
It's interesting how Kotobukiya doesn't even bother painting these kits or even taking care of the seamlines anymore for promotional shots.
>isn't links to the preorder
Yes, but I noted that later.

Really? I thought the faceplate was painted.. Does it comes with that iridescent look?
Damn that is nice.
some stuff in koto kits comes prepainted. faces on FA girls, MDs, etc.

they generally seem to have a preference for slapping together a kit off the shelf like that. it's a nice bit of "feet on the ground" factor, I think; they seem to be at ease with the idea of having a relatively even split of people who go all out making kits look cool and people who just want to build and pose the robot(girl). since stuff like faces tends to come as pre-painted parts, it's a fair way to communicate exactly what you're getting fresh out of the box.

and they also seem to love showing off customs, so I suppose they look to that as the "and here's how it looks if you REALLY work on it" form of advertising.
It's probably prepainted out of the box.

They wouldn't have just painted just the visor if they were going to leave everything else unpainted and leave the seamlines.

Unoyo revie
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Got some pics from Ruliweb of Gourai with a Megami Device face.

The hair parts sandwiching the face is all that's keeping the face from falling out though.

Plamoo doing a How-to book on animation for next coming Comiket.
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>catching up on building my baselard since on school break
>see this
>despair and discouragement
Well shit. That is some impressive stuff.

>Materia's rainboots
My heart
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>still no pants
Materia pls.
status of original mission: completely forgotten
>retarded janitor deletes post for no reason

>durrrr wf exclusives

No they're not you EOP retard.

> ●2017年2月19日ワンダーフェスティバル2017[冬]にて、会場特別価格5,000円(税込)で先行販売。


They're selling the kits ahead of the Kotobukiya Shop preorders opening. Regardless, still exclusives to both WF and Kotobukiya Shop and you won't be able to get them unless you have a middleman or forwarding service. Or KotoUS brings them over on a near impossible chance.
Is this color discrepancy a known issue? This is the only photo I've seen with it and the description doesn't seem to mention it
They're Kotobukiya shop exclusives, not WF exclusives.

WF exclusives are limited releases which means once they sell out you're never getting them again.

Kotobukiya shop releases are only limited in the sense that you can only buy them from Kotobukiya, but there are reruns if they do well which is why you can still get the green and white Gourai to this day,
Eggplane Stylet? Monotone Gourai?

The Green Workmanship Gourai was a commemorative kit for them opening a new location, not something tied to an event like Eggplane Stylet, Monotone Gourai, and the upcoming WISM recolors.
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Check the manual, they might just be different materials which might account for why the color is different.

From UNOYO's review linked earlier the shoulders do seem to be in a slightly pinker tone of white.

Best solution would be to just paint the kit.
>Eggplane Stylet? Monotone Gourai?
>Green Workmanship Gourai
Literally still on the shelves in the Akihabara store.
Does anyone know a middleman service for amazon.co.jp, for items they don't ship internationally?
Yeah, in the Akihabara store of Kotobukiya. Not Amiami, HLJ, Hobbysearch, or where else that people that don't reside in Japan could buy them without a premium like there is on Mandarake.

You still need a middleman.
Try Tenso. Cheaper than outright getting a middleman.
2chan thread for WISM Soldier/Ass is up.

Yes, Kotobukiya, where they're still in stock and will remain in stock, that's the entire fucking point, that they're not one time limited event releases like WF exclusives.

My heart thanks you, but my wallet hates you.
Going to preorder Hresvelgr tonight along with a bunch of modeling support goods. I was told in the last thread that HLJ is cheaper overall than Amiami and has the warehouse option which is good in this instance, as the figure hasn't released yet but the accessories have. Yes?
The private warehouse is a good trick to keep in your pocket for any situation. That said, they only let you hold things for two months so do watch out for that in the future.
Good luck buying them without a premium if you don't live in Japan.
Seems to be inconsistent as to which retailer has them for cheaper. It's usually only by a couple hundred yen though.
But Amiami's shipping is more expensive cuz they use a bigger box
EMS doesn't care about the size of the package, they only price based on weight. That said, amiami does have a tendency to really stuff that box with a ton of paper.
How do tenso fees compare with fromjapan?
What do we have here! The one promotional webcomic nobody ever expected to see a sequel of, and yet here we are.

Yes, it's literally the same cast with a few minor name adjustments.
Bike when?
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Anyone else get a shinki for Christmas?
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These two girls. Arnval was secondhand and needed cleanup and retouching but she's still good.
Never ever
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Merry Christmas!
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Theres already a motorcycle:

I had! But I know she ll never bee here before next year...
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Merry Xmas comic anon
[spoiler]cause it's you, right?[/spoiler]
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Holy Autovajin
Anyone else pre ordered the Gigantic Arms Darkness Guardian?
Is amazon jp the only/best place?
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Nuhuh, I'm over here (And my kitchen doesn't look anywhere near that nice, cheers <3)

Merry Christmas all the same. (I'd produce some festive content but I'm feverish with flu this year, have a repost.)
Love the "beyond the scene" shot.
Get better soon anon.
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Nah I'm Custom Lily anon
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Stupid phone
when the hexagear line launches, probably.
It was a simpler time, before Celery arrived and ruined everything.
I didn't get any this year, they're so expensive. Using that money to buy megamis instead. I do own a Bragg Dusk, though. She's the best!
>This is my fap hand
> There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my fap hand is useless. Without my fap hand, I am useless. I must fap with my fap hand.
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Broke an arm.

Good thing the kit comes with six of this exact same bit!
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Painted the shoulder after this photo, waiting for it to dry. Also redoing all the red bits because they weren't quite what I was going for, trying pink this time.
>tfw you get RTed by the official Assault Lily twitter
This seems relevant to this thread's interests >>6087755
It's an amazon jp exclusive so yeah. Best bet is to wait til adter release since that's when frame arms and other koto stuff opens to international orders.
good job
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Back in time for Christmas
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She does get to bring friends
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merry christmas guys
I got an 8K Altlene that came in this week. She needs a little TLC

homina homina homina BONER
>that sheen

Did you paint with enamels? Then that explains how your stuff broke.
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Merry xmas guys, be nice with your shinkis!
Not that guy but is it ok to use Citadel acrylic paints for my MDs? I have some left over from warhams
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And it's done at last.

I use Mr Colour. Everything was primed, the problem was that the coating was too thick and stressed the joint too much.
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Also made the Megami Device head compatible with Azone bodies because why not.
Wow, what a coincidence, I got her for chrismas last year, and her wave sister for my birthday 3 months ago.
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Black wires that hold computer cables together
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Man, thanks for reminding me I've been meaning to make those security guard shinkis out of a zelnogrard for months now.

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Stop right there. There are no women on the internet, it's a wide know fact.
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I knoe, that show's Perrine equivalent.
>"Hey Materia, whatcha thinkin' about?"
>"Oh I dunno, FAG stuff, I guess."
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NAOKI made a Megami Device.
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Aries? Is that you?
Oh hey, NAOKI finally made something good again.
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Merry shinkmas, everybody
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Merry shinkmas!
>handpainting with lacquers

The lacquer solvent in the paint ate the plastic too, by the way.
>clearly not handpainted


Did you reply to his post without actually reading it or are you literally retarded or something?
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Are you living the dream?
Do you not know what primer is?

No, I don't own and proudly display a sombrero.
Not him, but primer won't really help when handbrushing lacquer. The real issues with handbrushing lacquer is that it dries way to quickly, literally within a few seconds unless you are really glopping it on. This causes bad brush strokes, uneven layers, actually pulling up previous layers on your strokes as the thinner eats into them, and lacquer thinner is really bad for paint brushes, especially hair based ones.

I don't hand paint, Mr. Colour is acrylic, and the parts were all primed.

Like I said before,

>the problem was that the coating was too thick and stressed the joint too much.

To be precise I got the ball in but the coat was too thick and it couldn't move at all in the socket, and it broke when I tried to get it out. Pretty dumb mistake but eh. I took care to sand down the ball joints down first after that and had no further problems.
Mr.Color is an acrylic, but its not a water or alcohol based one (unless you were using mr.color aqueus which is water based). Regular mr.color is thinned with lacquer, thinning it with water or alcohol will not thin it properly.
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I always use Mr. Colour and it's never given me any problems. And I know how thinner can make plastic brittle and this was clearly not the case here. I don't get why you're trying to argue otherwise.
Probably a legit autist. My cousin's one too and once he's made his mind up anout something he just argues that that's how it has to be no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
Im actually not him. Just pointing out why people refer to it as a lacquer commonly.

I actually use it too occasionally and their leveling thinner is fucking magic.
Now I feel like getting 3 of the 00 raiser spacecraft things and use the wings as funnels
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I woke up at 3am to play with my shinki and take pictures Merry Shinkimas
I like your lighting, how did you do that. With the black background and just a small amount of foreground visible.
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Give her the "NOPE" neck with the stabilizer she comes with.
I've got Indigo Jinrai and my Megami sitting and waitng to be assembled. I just got a decent set of flush cutters, and I'm waiting on sanding product now... I have to learn how to do it that way, cause I can't do it the old way anymore.

That and a pile of MSG to put together.

I think fromjapan recently reduced their fees

But I've used treasure japan as I think they were cheaper at the time.

Tenso might work for stuff that isnt limited edition like koto web shop stuff
Tenso works fine for everything, the only complication is that you order all the items yourself, so it requires you to have a bit of knowledge of how to order things in Japan domestically as well as have an account at the store you want to shop from. You basically get a PO box within Japan to ship things to and gather stuff there till you're ready to ship everything to where you actually live. Since it's basically cutting out half of the middleman, the service is cheaper.
Practice on the MSG.
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Don't worry anon, Zima is unforgotten.
It's also worth noting tenso operate there own full proxy service called buyee.
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This was my setup: two slickforce softlights (cute 1/12 studio lighting) on top of my PC case. Of course, it's really dark at 3am with the lights off, so the background is black when I expose for the illuminated shinki. I photshopped away the stand holding her. I also had to correct the colors of her face and neck, as you can probably see, it's wildly different from her arms and legs.
Pretty cool, thanks. I might have to get some of those lights
Finally unpackaged my Proxima and I'm so glad i finally let myself get her. She makes a great addition to the team.
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I finally did it bro /toy/
I have a FAG and some modelling support goods coming, but it's a belated one as usually ends up happening with online order stuff in my family.
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I took some photos and tried a gif.
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Didn't turn out so great.
You'd better have a hobby knife as well, nippers are good but just those alone won't cut it.
Actually, that's what I used to use. I'd use an old pair of wire cutters to clip the part out high up on the gate, then trim the nub away with a hobby knife on a cutting mat. I did it that way back when I first did hobby modeling, but that was like fifteen years and an arm injury ago.

The last few months I've been having a bad go with my right hand being numb (the first three fingers at least). Most of my FA Girls have turned out ok, but I gouged the hell out of Basalard in a couple of places with the hobby knife because I couldn't control it properly. Im hoping trimming it down about 95% and sanding it smooth will be easier.

I still havn't finished Baselard's frame, I'm hoping that when the sanding stuff gets here and I get some practice in I can finish it, and maybe do some seam welding(if the model cement and plastic sprue shard thing works hopefuly I can patch the scars on baselard as well).
That's kinda spooky.

Seamlines got you down? Got some gouge marks you wanna fill?

Easy solution. Mix plastic cement (preferably Mr. Cement Deluxe since that melts anything short of POM) and some chopped up piece of sprue and you've got color matched putty!

You're welcome.
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It looks worse in colour, but less threatening.

I think I was going to go with them but then I had to send some sort of documentation or get approved or something first because of japanese law. it was too much hassle at the time as I almost never need to forward anything.
I had to work nightshift on Christmas eve for the 7th year in a row, if anything i'm living the nightmare.
Ayy, saw it on /ss/, fucking grats man

> tfw the gift I got had no christmas spirit in it
Started building my Megami Device, next thing I know it's six in the morning. fml
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I'm not seeing any soul in there.
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Frame arms girl manga got teasers up.

What are the chances of us seeing translations for this?

Also, how'd I miss the manga announcement? I knew about the anime but nothing printed.
More than the shinki manga, since FAGs are proving to be more popular.
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Thicc brows

How did you make those cute little bows?
Slow poking it here, but is Gourai the serious Strarf of the FAGirls?
Well, I've been trying to get a team together to scanlate 2036, since I have the RAWs, but finding people who have the time to is difficult.

Currently trying to get the Megami Device comic that's on Megamidevice.com translated, and even that's like pulling teeth.
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Here's a preview of that, btw. I found a way to get higher resolution RAWs, so this is gonna be redone. I had asked someone to clean the RAWs for me so I can just translate and typeset as I go, but I'm still waiting on them so I'm pretty close to just doing it myself like I did with this page..
Is cleaning hard? I could maybe try picking that up.
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Thanks for the effort though. Everything I like at the moment no one cares to translate.

I can just about struggle though with my bad Japanese, but its still nice to see things translated so they can reach a wider audience.
Check your emails folks, I just got a message from Donimassa asking for my address and whether I want physical or digital.

He's sending digitals on the 30th, and physicals on the 4th.
Did anyone end up finding more taobao links? I'm about to order some other stuff and might get a few FAG related items while I'm at it.
I bought some excess water slides off this modeller, he had indigo jinrai's decal sheet last I checked. Animelab never sent out my faceplates so I'm refunding them.
I ordered my faceplates from the same guy but it didn't arrive yet ;_;
Been stuck at "Arrived at post" for a week
At least he sent out your shit, I should have taken the time to chat with him
Shipping 100g of plastic isn't worth it
This manga is destroying my expectations of the girls


Why is baselard smiling? Why is stylet not 200% smug all the time?
>Why is baselard smiling?
Because welcome to Fumikane "i want to draw girls with deadpan faces and thousand yard stare" Shimada, they probably forced him to design Stylet with a smug face at gunpoint. I dont want to think what they threatened him with to make him design the alternate shit eating grin face for Innocentia
Link? I've been looking for extra decals>>6092214
Weren't Innocentia and Hamburger done with someone else on board? I didn't think he had full say in those.
Really wish I could get the RAWs for that but the thing's IP locked on Comic Walker and Comp Ace isn't one of the magazines people scan on a regular basis.
Innocentia is made by Fumikane
Hresvelgr is made by E-ji

Just 4U
Precisely, I wanted a deadpan thousand yard stare pouty baselard. Its like the difference between Yuu and Ro
Weird, Innocentia is a huge departure from his normal style, then. I mean, she even has tits. I wonder if someone managed to find a gun in Japan they held to his head after all.
It's not like he never draws boobs, he just prefers perflats.
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Days of procrastination and one cut finger later, my MD awakens

On a side note where to get more spare T-joints because I'm scared of it breaking

He draws good boobs though. He must quite like them.
>where to get more spare T-joints because I'm scared of it breaking
There are literally several in your photo.
this should be illegal
And butts
but euro-tan got cuter when she went native.
Finally built my Materia, does anyone have any tips for how to get the torso joint and hips to stay connected? I think there was some easy mod or something I could do, would really appreciate the help.
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Glue the polycap a millimeter or two higher on its peg. You can also try and drill a tiny hole inside the socket in order to push out any air that's trapped in the joint.
Okay, will give it a try! Gives me the idea of trying to cut off a bit of the runner to plug the hole a bit so it will be higher. Thank you!
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look what arrived
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>27000 yen for the lot
>nothing except hands
>not even faces
Do we have someone who is gonna get the Megami Device and FA:G manga raws? Do we know anyone on /a/ that we can ask for this?

Can't translate if you don't have raws.
Was planning on getting the magazine through amazon.jp, but would be better if someone can rip the raws from comic walker cause then we don't have to do levelling or anything.
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That's about what I expected honestly. It was probably just Pony Canyon getting Konami to pull through on a contractual obligation kicking and screaming than anything.

At the very least we got some relatively cheap MMS3s.

Allegedly there are some subtle differences in the sculpt though. For instance Aines' head is slightly bigger than originally. No idea why that is.

Left is new, right original.
oh my god, that's super adorable! even though i have no clue what they're saying
hopefully the animated series is just as cute
Stylet's face when she's trying to go play with Gourai is so, so priceless.
Stylet is adorable and, Hebereke? she's got a nice body.
Whatever you can infer from the pictures is pretty accurate

Blah blah Gourai was made, backstory, blah blah Stylet got rekt by Hres and wants to fight against newbie Gourai for an easy win, master says no, Hres challenging Gourai which she accepts, can't use her hover bike equipment since it needs some maintenance and just rolls with her dual swords, Gourai being stoic
The stylet pouting page, her master told her that they only just lost a match and she needs some time for a rest, then stylet goes all pouty and gets on her head to give her headpats so that she can get her energy/spirit/will(something along that line) back. Her master is touched and says that she's very kind/warm

Muh kokoro
Site is broken for me, can't get through.
Any japanese raw??
Can't translate chinese
We can at least start cleaning pages with that, assuming it's decent enough resolution, but Japanese raws would be ideal.

If you don't mind, if you can translate Japanese, want to help out with other shinki related projects while we wait for Japanese raws? Specifically the Megami Device manga by Karashiichi I'm looking for a translator for.

The shinki discord in the OP has a scanlation section now that I'm hoping to get some use out of. I can handle typesetting and cleaning simple stuff.
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Since we're on autosage as it is, I'll just dump the raws here. You can see it at its source at megamidevice.com. Resolution on pc is lower than on mobile for whatever reason on the website.
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Chapter two. It's just one page. It was the same for hibusou shinki with a 5 page opener and the following chapters being a single page.
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BD box shinkis all seem to have subtle differences in comparison to the originals even to the sculpts. Means they made all new molds for these and not just reused the old ones.

Not sure what that means for us.
Tell me the left one is the new, lie to me if you must.
It is.

Damn son, dat Hresvelgr.
Do you have a site?
You dont need to glue it, just dont put it all the way down.
new FA:G video
Raws uploaded:
Sweet, thanks a ton. I was having trouble downloading the pages.

That said, still need a Japanese RAW for translation. May end up buying the book myself at this rate. Tried checking Baidu for RAWs but can't fish up anything.
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I really love eff ayy girls!
they're at idleshinkiscomic.tumblr.com
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I must say, redrawers and cleaners have it rough
>he does it for FREE
Personally, I'd be fine if they just added numbers to the word bubbles and wrote the translations off to the side since then we'd have something, at least.
gee I want a Stylet now.
I used some Citadel on a custom Gundam that I did and haven't had any problems, and it's almost exclusively what one of my friends uses on his FA:Gs, so I think it should be ok?
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Just received my faceplates from taobao.
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How it looks on Bunnylard

Doesn't feel like resin cuz it's pretty light compared to the original
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Comparison to original faceplate

Probably hard to see in the picture but the color is lighter on the recast.

Paid a total of $36 for 25 faceplates so $1.44 each
Some of the faceplates had this black dot fused into the plastic. (Especially on Materia's)
I'm not gonna bother exchanging it since I plan on painting it but just take note on it.
>There are literally several in your photo.

What anon means is that you cut T-joints out of sprues you have lying around, if you've been hoarding the empty sprues from past kits, even better.
Where do I buy these
From animelab or the other one?
Fucker never sent out my shipment, when did you order?
It's from animelab
Order was on the 8th. Took about 4 days for domestic shipping and it shipped to the US on the 13th so It took 3 weeks total
Did you order like any other website or did you need to contact them to make sure they ship internationally.
I ordered on the 20th, its not even christmas yet
I ordered it on "taobaoring" cuz last time I tried ordering on taobao directly, I had a bunch of problems with shipping and payment. Plus, I can't speak chinese and google trans is shit.
So I find it better to just have a middleman order it for me.

Not a good time to have it shipped
It's best to have stuff shipped at least before 15th (Just my experience)
Then you won't get it till next year
No, I refunded it. Actually bought on the 18th

My other stuff came in fine, but the seller didn't even ship it out domestically. Outbound from China is a different story, I'm willing to let it take as long as it needs
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Just finished fixing and painting my Materia!
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I also meant that I literally made one from the same runner he has on the right there.
So fucking cute.
The Muscuto guide man. Read the OP.
Then dont read it
Thread posts: 402
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