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Transformers 3rd Party General: BFG edition

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Thread replies: 323
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Old thread >>6014651
What the fuck is that.
Eh, I don't really like the look of the official Devastators. Too many hollow parts, weird combined proportions, and the UW version is more expensive to get here in the UK than second-hand Hercules. I can see the appeal (very G1 accurate, surprisingly poseable combined mode etc) but...nah, he's not for me.
Fuck that is the first 3rd party combiner I'd really want.
TFC's Poseidon, it'll have 6 members so you can turn one into a gun.
Are they all sharks?
I'm not into Transformers but this guy is púre 90's badassery.
Wow I can't believe Tfc actually made something I eventually want.

No, this was just made with the members currently out, since apparently they're swappable.

And they're pure 80's.

i really really want the lobster one
5 modes for each guy. If they pull this off in terms of stability and the new combiner ports aren't shit, they've got a home run
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I want just a Scylla deco version of this mold.

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Got to admit, I knew Gravity Builder was supposed to be big but he matches MP Star Saber with KFC Simba attached in height.

Only real complaint is the ratchets on the combiner ports for the leg bots are way too fucking tight. Needed to use a screwdriver to get them out.

Other than that, I'm really glad I got rid of Green Giant for this guy.
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Mp scaled my dudes.
considering FT just revealed WW is in production I say he's going to be a spring release unless Grimmy is ahead of him.
It'll be interesting to see what GC have learned from their dino's.
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I just love how big Victory Saber is.
>"MP" Headmaster
>face doesn't get hidden

Into the trash it goes. So much for FT being amazing. They fucked up the most easiest thing to do that even Toy fucking World did right.

He becomes the center of attention in whatever display you put him in.
I would like to keep him in that mode but he is so big, I have no space in my shelves for him in that mode.
I have to say I'm actually surprised. Even MT managed to hide the face on their HM.
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>Sovereign or Grindor isn't first
>The shitty headmaster goes first
>It will be spring of next year before I see any of the good shit I'm interested in

Which of toyworld's headmasters had a faceplate cover? IIRC none of them did. Only Fansproject, Maketoys, and Perfect Effect have done so.
Oh shit, it doesn't I thought Toyworld did.
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God damn, both modes look so clean. Someone else must have designed this for them. Gcreations dinobots are a kibble nightmare.

The design shouldn't be impossible. Generation Toy's is turning out quite nicely as well. I think this one is going to be a tough call if you're after an IDW prime.
>tough call
Not really, one is voyager scale, one is mp scale.
Oooh, white and red looks good for prime... Someone should do it more!
I've been trying to find a pic of Sir Daniel Fortesque holding his arm as a weapon as a reaction, but god damn google does not want to give me a picture of that.
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Pick your poison /toy/

I went OG on this one
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Let's talk when not-Primal not-Prime is a thing though.
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For the record though I think Primal Prime would better with more slavish G1 colors.
Which one is supposed to be Voyager scale? I thought they were both MP scale.
Transart for me. I like how its just an upgraded version of the original toy.

PE went ahead and did their usual magic and made the alt modes look like garbage.
Comparison for their robot modes as well?

They are both MP scale.


Weren't their dinobots garbage? Have they released anything not bad?
But the altmodes already look like garbage
When is Iron Factory god ginrai coming out?
I would also buy it in standard Beast Wars Primal colors. But that's good too.
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FT Lupus review by Peaugh

Not even half as creaky as Grinder, thank god.
>can't hide his face like a good Headmaster

KEK if Maketoys could do it, why can't they?

>Ughhh.... He's... alright. A little basic but he gets the job done.

This is most negative review I have ever seen Peaugh give to any toy.
Well after playing with Grinder where he was giggling like a little kid. Lupus is a real let down.
Clearly you've never seen his Airachnid review then.
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>The literally who headmaster revealed at TF con a few months ago in Chicongo is being released first
>Before the long awaited update to Grimlock and finale of the FT dinobots
>Before the gorgeous Galvatron that has spent a year and a half in development that could finally put the outdated tyrant to rest

>that almost hour long review in the related videos

who the fuck is gonna watch you talk about a toy for an hour
yeah but what will be the better figure, tho?
Oh shit, Planet X's WFC Starscream is in stock on BBTS. Hopefully we'll see some reviews soon.
>Weren't their dinobots garbage

I own the whole set. Their no where near garbage but, they aren't spectacular either. They improved with each release and for a freshman company released a decent set of toy accurate G1 Dinobots. If they hadn't had to make sacrifices for them to combine they'd been even better.

People are bitching about grimlock because he's just a better mp and not crazy redun version with complex enginnering.

People are bitching about weirdwolf because his headmaster is apparently low tech.

People are bitching about carnifex because he's not blue purple enough.
What? I forget the name, the little kegends stormbringer optimus with god bomber armor guy, if that helps.
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>People are bitching about carnifex because he's not blue purple enough.

is maketoys pandinus good?

Considering getting him since I had the original energon toy and I loved the hell out of that thing.
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I fucked up. I meant Sovereign but said Carnifex.

Nah, his prototype has been around since Toronto.

Transart is so fucking small though. It's gonna be the same size as MP Primal. OpOp is supposed to be fuckhuge.
Transart on the left.
I wonder who drew those few frames of Piranacon, it reminds me a bit of Masahito Yamashita's art. Maybe it was Shin Matsuo?
that's one of those old Big Lots shrunken KOs
the molding on the transart one looks really bad to be quite honest famalam.
Has anyone made show-accurate claws for the takara blackarachnia that came out last year? I checked around shapeways and couldn't find anything, but I know people give their stuff weird names half the time.
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Were the issues with PE Leonidas just an issue of bad QC, or engineering problems?

Tolerances. Too tight or too lose. The small parts on it will break like the tail assembly. Something was wrong with either the arms or legs assemblies that broke the joints too. Standard Fare Perfect Effect from my experience. Looks amazing but falls apart in your hand. Aranea was the same way despite how gorgeous it looked. I'm really hoping they pull through with Primal considering everything is nice and beefy on him.

Being unable to hold the big diecast head up is just shit design. The joints needed to be better.

Maybe I lucked out but the only problem I had that's ever mentioned is the tail being flimsy, and they give you extra connection joints to replace any broken.

Jelly af. I wanted Xerxes bad but couldn't pull the trigger because of QC scares.
Thanks, I was just asking because Neoart (that company that did the MMC Feral Rex KOs, which fared pretty well) is KO'ing him.

If a lot of issues were just QC problems, then maybe this KO can be even better.
Well the KO company Neoart(?) is doing Xerxes, Leonidas, and a EVA-01 color scheme.

So maybe they'll end up having better QC. Their Feral Rex was decent.

I would totally consider a KO of him if they fixed his shit.

Even if its the same quality if you can get it cheaper then its probably worth it.

Fair warning, the lion mode is kind of doofy. I mostly bought mine for the robot mode.
I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it
Hopefully not-Tentakill can balance out Big Bite's colors. I actually like the uniform color though.

One problem with the combiner is that the head sits a little far back. Apparently the usual suspects are alredy working on upgrade parts.
Biggest issue with not-Snaptrap is the beast kibble and the back shell. It doesn't look like his arms have clearance to move his shoulders forward...
Also not-Tentakill will apparently come with a few parts to extend the ankles of the combined mode and arm locking overlay pieces for the shoulder ratchets so the combiner can hold the old man out as a gun. All the bits turn into a large gun.
Fuck. Now where can I get £500 from in a hurry. Actually make that £1000, I want Gravity Builder too.
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He was the the only g1 combiner I owned as a kid that I had all the members of.

Really want this but it's tfc. These new combiner ports better not fucking suck






Neoart pls makes KOs of this next.

Alternatively, it becomes like Feral Rex and most of the components can be bought cheaply loose.
Wow. TFC really has turned it around a couple years ago I would have thought they would have released these extras as a separate kit.

I'm actually looking forward to their road ceasar, hopefully they won't be like PE where their releases are usually one step forward two steps back.

Well, TFC kind of fucked up with Hades. Hopefully this thing is FINALLY their turning point into being a decent company.

Not hedging any bets on it, but it'd be nice. I mean, shit, if KFC can start to get it's shit together, anyone can, right?
If you had shown me this a couple years ago and told me TFC made it, I would've called you a fucking liar.
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Could it be for the first time since Herc TFC have finally gotten their shit together?!
Quality looks fantastic. Shame this is a terrible combiner to choose when getting their shit together.
>"got their shit together"
Top leliel

But Piranacon is amazing. Shit, none of the combiners are really that bad except for Computron, and thats only because that motherfucker is a blob of red and little else.
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>Also I want to mention that all color will be molded plastic parts (with the exception of the face, they are painted). I really hate paint on a TF figure. But I know lots people out there do like paint. So I don't know, I can only do what feels right to me I guess.

>t. Boldforms facebook

Somewhere, a Bobby screams out in anger. But seriously what the fuck?

Master made also has virtually no paint but their amazing quality and fit and finish more than make up for it.

Boldfirms first release was hot fucking garbage so no paint was less of an issue.
I look at Piranacon and see a poorly designed blob of animals that just don't mesh well together. Compare it to Predaking, where it just clicks. I dunno, maybe it's just something that's not up my alley, I think it might be that it looks more like some sort of crab-creature than a robot that turns me off.

I honestly prefer plastic molded in the colors it should be rather than paint. Paint chips, scratches, etc. To me molding everything in the colors it SHOULD be is a greater effort than just shoving everything into one color and slapping paint on it.
ultimately it should be both. Red parts should be red plastic with red paint, that way it has that beautiful finish, but if their is a chip or scratch it's barely noticeable.

Isn't gloss injected plastic a thing though for that nice finish?
>I have shit taste
Sorry to hear that, anon.
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This makes me unreasonably happy
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Fuck why did I laugh so hard.
No. It has a very different look and feel.
In a perfect world, everything would be molded in the appropriately colored plastic but we live in a world where companies will mold several details into one piece (understandably so in many cases because budgets are a thing) so sometimes, we do need to see paint on certain parts to make those details properly stand out or get them to be the correct color.

The reason you see a lot of bitching about a lack of paint is because Hasbro has been skimping quite a bit lately on figure budgets so we get large chunks of details that are just a flat color and things get drowned out by the rest of the part or they just end up looking cheap.

Or we get figures like Brainstorm. Who has more paint on him than 2-3 other figures combined, for no apparent reason.

How they allocate their budget is fuckin' weird at times.
oh sweet jesus i have never laughed this much when watching peaugh's reviews holy fuck
I probably know the answer to this already, but are KOs of 3rd party figures ever any good?

Saw this oversized model on Ebay for under $20 shipped and wanted to get one because Goldbug
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Would help if I posted the figure

Also saw a black Terminus for about $20
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would you /3pg/?

If he's good, yeah.
You tend to get what you pay for. If you just plan on playing with them once or twice, then posing them and leaving them alone, KOs are generally fine and dandy. Jinbao Feral Rex comes to mind as "Okay for a little while, then maybe stop touching it so it doesn't start cracking".
Given I collect TFs that look good rather than how close they are to some awful G1 designs, god yes (if it's good).

Loureiro just put up a new animation for KFC Simba

Really hoping they will come with all weapons. I want a sword for Ceres damnit not just the claws.
Yo an EVA 01 color scheme would look sick.
Son if you don't want a salt-powered robot I'm not sure what level you're on because i would've passed it years ago.
So I'm getting my second 3P figure, I'm really excited for him and I think he looks great. But I wanted to ask, what's the general consenus on Maketoys stuff? Are they considered good? The only other 3P I own is ManiaKing because I was so desperate for a G1 looking Galvatron.
Meant to post a pic, Rioter Despotron.
Maketoys are top shelf. Easily one of the best companies out there.
Yeah there are a few 3p KO companies that are decent, but you won't be paying less than $50 for their versions.

Wukong is pretty good their Warbotron KOs were actually an improvement over the originals at half the price.

Neoarts Feral Rex was decent as well.
Not my favorite combiner, but that looks bad ass.
I was reluctant to pick up Computron due to QC issues I heard about. He looks pretty decent, does anyone have input on how good the Wukong Bruticus is, and if there's anywhere I can get them all? Looks like tf-direct has them but figured it can't hurt to ask you fine folks.
He's gonna be huge compared to 6 inch figures, so maybe

Maketoys is one of the best long running companies that have consistently put out solid offerings for years. Their weak point tends to be transformation tolerances and over complication that makes transforming things a chore. You also have to dig their design choices which isn't a problem if you like the look of something.

Each figure is its own beast so never rule out bad q/c or a dud, but I would have more faith in MT than I would a lot of other companies.
>and over complication that makes transforming things a chore.

Granted the only Maketoys I have owned are Green Giant, Computron and Battle Sentinel but I wouldn't call any of those a chore with the exception of not nosecone

Got some examples?
I wish they had done a picture of his robot mode next to bruce, because that guy's already on the short end for 6" stuff and trying to eyeball height between modes doesn't help. But yeah, he's 100% gonna have scaling issues with the average six inch figure, which is kind of a misstep when they could have had built in comparability with a ton of other toys. Even neca's HOTS line is closer to 6" than their usual 7", so he'll probably look oversized next to the most likely official overwatch toys.

All of that's more of an annoyance than a dealbreaker though, this guy's still a day one preorder for me. I'm hyped through the fucking roof.

Not-Chromedome is a pain in the ass
Not-Lightspeed is a clusterfuck unless you memorize how the arms work
Not-Nosecone is an explosive clusterfuck despite being my favorite
Almost all the Defensor bots have their points of frustration.

I don't think anything will be as bad as Daca's skyfire or FP Diesel, but they are more chore than fun.
I just bought a lone strafe because I love how his altmode looks, does he hold up on his own?
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Yes. It's the best figure from the set. He's deceptively simple and sort of parts forms with the weapons but he's damn fine looking in alt mode.

I don't care for how big the leg wings are and the translucent weapons, but it's not detrimental to the figure. There is a trick to getting his legs to collapse/pop out so make sure you heed the instructions for it.
Are there any good Autobot combiners on par with Feral Rex? Maketoys Computron looks decent but his barbiedoll waistline coupled with a torso as thick as a cassette tape turn me off pretty damn hard.
Guardia is fucking amazing. Fiddly to transform but solid in all modes.
At first I wanted to go "Gayyy" because I'm a 14 year old edgelord at heart, but it does look about like what you'd expect for a quality Autobot combiner. Definitely looks better than anything else I've seen on the Autobot side, I'll take a look at some review videos, thanks!
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>Grinder is "soon" and he looks great
>Know my autism will demand he have his companions
>200 bucks a piece

>the original energon toy

Oh boy.

I am old.
Quantron is good if you don't mind one of the bots being a fiddly mess (talking about sonic drill). Gaurdia is good too but bare in mind that Axel is prone to breaking around the handlebar area. I've seen countless ones on ebay with those parts being busted.
How are the Gigapower dinobots? I really like their size and aesthetic more than other offerings, just don't want to get flimflammed.

>I like to play with my toys too
>I am old.
>don't even know what most lines are because you grew up with G1 and a tiny bit of Beastwars before you were too old for toys.
They did add an extra set of handlebars I'm sure with one of the later figures which was kinda nice of them.
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>I don't need it
>I don't need it
>I don't need it
>Energon Scorponok
>Original version of the character

Oh wow stop making us feel old.
Yes you do.
For a CHUG collection, Hercules or Gravity Builder? GB looks better made, but Hercules is a more manageable size and considerably cheaper.
Nobody wants that pieceo fshit. Joint tolerances are awful, color in person is off and cheap looking, and you need upgrade kits to fix it. GB is miles better and had about 2 years to modernize. IT looks good in a 3 modes too, unlike Herc's weird lanky proportions and deformed vehicles.
The one you posted is like 140 though.

He is the outlier. Even the now old swoop and snarl figures are still 200.
Hercules doesn't need any upgrade kits? There's one available but it makes the figure look retarded.

The joints do suck, though. Someday I'm going to look into tightening him up.
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I'll wait for the reviews, but color me interested. This is a pretty sweet Cliffjumper.
Green Giant. Gravity Builder is too big for CHUG and Herc is hot garbage.
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Sarkstarter funded. Didn't make it to the Armada sideways color scheme and paint though.
Why the fuck do Grinder's proportions seem to vary so much between different photos? Some photos like this one have him looking perfect with chunk in all the right places but then others make him look super lanky with these long thin thighs and a big bulky chest and feet. I've been so on the fence about this guy but every time I think I want him, I see one of those pictures and it turns me off. Then I think I've decided not to get him and I see pictures like this. What the fuck gives?
too bad armada sideways was the only color scheme I was interested in. She won't get my money unless these end up in the clearance bin.
That chainsaw gun looks cool. Ridiculous, but cool.
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A lot of early photos don't showcase that his arms collapse in to shorten them in robot mode so he was left with lanky kong arms.

His thighs are thin but no worse proportionally than the official MP-08.

He just looks thinnest from dead on I think.

He does have a barrel chest and big boots though still.
They're quite pricey but come with a fair bit. I want Otomo just because he's a red bike and comes with a buster sword, but I'll pass on Spector General. No real reason to get so many of the same molds.
Im still boggled as to why those chinks went with the metal flake paint job. Fuck that glitter looking shit.

You mean the gunmetal on the black parts by his head?
Hahaha what the fuck.
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This is extremely close to the Costa art with only a few colors being off. What's impressive is that they managed to hide all the wheels in the sculpt and keep comic proportions accurate to a fault. What's interesting is that they tried to get the grey bed of the truck art accurate when that shit is near impossible to translate from comic to toy. The articulation range looks superb to boot.

But that head sculpt tho. That shit is really is killing it for me. Those antennae need to split. The helmet bits next to the mouth plate need to be angled.

I can't help but really like the Generation Toy one too. The more stoic inaccurate proportions work better for me in general than the Costa Exaggerated ones despite how bang on Gcreations has got it.

idk I want one but I don't know if I could justify both.

And for comparison, here's how the Generation Toy's matches up with the MP.

Note the proportions and sculpt differences. GT's has visible wheels, but I don't think they hurt the design.
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It would help if I attached the image.

see >>6031212 and >>6031259

How fucking retarded do you feel now?
>it's a weird Leg Squid instead of a nightmare kraken
Ah, well, I knew anything too G1-divergent was a long shot.

Well, what did you expect? People want CHUG stuff with their combiners a lot of the time. If they didn't make him weird legsquid it wouldn't be CHUG.
You're saying Classics Mirage or Nerf Megatron aren't CHUG?

Nerfgun Megs happened because realistic guns and children are a no-go as far as toys are concerned anymore. Thats why tank Megs is even a thing. Classics Mirage is still a race car in the same style.

Just like keeping Tentakil a weird legsquid is still keeping him CHUG.
My point is that CHUGs update and modernise and often change designs. Turning Tentakil into a slightly less doofy squid wouldn't be outside of those boundaries.

Well, we haven't seen anything other than a silhouette. The only weird part is the legs, and given everything else in Piranacon has legs when it shouldn't, thats just normal.
Agreed. Seacons already, on average, look pretty stupid - and the outlier in the direction of terrible design is Tentakil. Giving him a touch-up would help mitigate a weak link in Piranacon.
It would have been weird if they chose the last member to be the only one they change up the design with though.

All of the Poseidon alt-modes have been pretty faithful. I just wish they made the colors more like the G1 toy, but I understand why they went with colors closer to the cartoon as the G1 toy colors are quite intrusive lol.
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>and the outlier in the direction of terrible design is Tentakil.

I always loved Tentakil. His G1 figure looked pretty badass. I hope this combiner turns out good, I might start collecting him once all the reviews are in for a fully combined complete figure.
I always liked G1 Tentakill as he reminded me of a megaman villian.
>you were too old for toys.

It looks like English, and yet, at the same time, it's some kind of foreign gibberish.
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You never had parents tell you you were too old for toys, man? You never even heard the expression before?

Honestly not sure if you're trolling, or making a joke, or actually never heard that before.

Now that you mention it, he kind of does.

Man I hope this set ends up good and not another abysmal fucking failure come completion.
>You never had parents tell you you were too old for toys, man?


And of course I was slightly overplaying it, but seriously, you're on /toy/ and you unironically use the term 'too old for toys'? At least our toys cost a few hundred bucks at most and fit in a closet.
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I'm sorry Galvatronfag looks like you're going to be waiting a little longer.
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Looks like the chest flaps fold in somewhere to get you some range.
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Here's some consolation though.
I want him cause of all the 5mm weapon shenanigans, like, I'm sold on NotMixmaster's drum becoming a shit ton of missile launchers that can be placed anywhere on him.
The alt modes look way better than DX9's Hanzo.

Dx9 seems to exist in a state where they release things first and only to get shit on about a week or two later.
That seems to be DX9's business model; somehow get wind of what other 3Ps or Takara are working on then quickly release an adequate but not perfect version on the market. By the time the other companies even release prototypes or test shots, most people have already bought or own their version.

DX9 Hanzo will be out within a month or two.

This will be out three years from now.

I swear to fucking God if you agitate my autism I will shitpost this thread into oblivion.

He looks good though.
>only three years

Talk about wishful thinking.
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FT needs to change their name to "we love us some prototypes". This is getting ridiculous.

>Grey prototype

>Estimated Release date two years from now that actually turns into three+ years maybe if we get around to it

Fuck off fanstoys.

How many fucking prototypes does FT have going right now?
>Man I hope this set ends up good and not another abysmal fucking failure come completion.

I think we are in the clear at this point, as tentakill is coming with a bunch of parts to fix peoples criticisms of combined form.

The only way I can see it fucking up is if tentakill is literally the biggest piece of shit riddled with QC issues, though we'd atleast have the other 5 members.
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>The only way I can see it fucking up

Never forget the cycle.

This is mostly true since the torso tends to be released as one of the last bits of a combiner. With Neptune we're past the critical point of knowing if the legs and joints hold the weight of the figure thanks to the limbs being interchangeable. At worst the arm ratchets can't hold up another bot in gun mode.

But we shall see. Ironshell looks to be one of the best executed torso bots if you can get behind the alt mode.
>At worst the arm ratchets can't hold up another bot in gun mode.

So far he can but its just really hard to get him to keep it up, but tentakill is coming with some add on pieces which will the arms more stable for the gun modes.

From what it looks like it locks the ratchet in place so you can't move the arm without taking the piece off. The combiner can probably two hand the gun if the bulk doesn't get in the way so who knows.
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Got a bunch of new bots today. Bet you can't guess which one else is my favorite.
ooooh, how's hundred-dollar starscream?
Snaptrap is cool. Turtle mode is solid.
Lets see
>Omega Supreme
and a silhouette of Devestaor and a render of Hot Rod (which I think is a dead project).
Bot mode is cool too. The shoulders are a little hindered by the back pack, but you can untab it and cheat a little. This is my least favorite design of the entire team, so if this is the low point, I'm pretty happy. Couldnt care less what the combined mode is like. If its great, well, bonus for me. If it sucks, no big deal, I bought it for the individual bots (which have all been great so far).
IF Scorponok is amazing, no surprise there.
His guns and neck joint are tight as fuck which is a little scary.
He comes with an adapter for his hand so that he hold regular 5mm weapons in his hands.
Scorpion mode is just OK. IF prioritizes bot mode over alt mode in most of their releases so nothing new here.
So, this kinda came out of nowhere. I had no idea it was even slated for release this month.
Ive been waiting for a Starscream forever. I like the character, but I hate the G1 design.
I gotta say, hes really, really, really good.

Normally Planet X does something with their bots that puts me off, but this is just about perfect. He even has a butterfly joint in his elbows.
Forgot the pic.
Some of the tabs in his chest like to come undone, but other than that, hes awesome.
The instructions are NOT awesome.
42 steps, all on the same fucking page. Also, at least 3 steps are missing.
WTF Planet X?
$100 fucking dollars for this thing, and you can't give me some bigger pictures? There isnt even a youtube video out yet.

Its not even in that hard once you figure it out, its just that the directions are next to useless.
At least jet mode is awesome. There are 4 5mm ports. Two on top near the cock pit, and two under the wings.
Oh it has landing gear too, so no need to go threatening any designers loved ones or anything.....
Guys, tell me something bad about Pandinus. Convince me not to get it for myself for Christmas. Fucker looks sweet, he has no right being that flexible / posable for something that huge, and he scratches my "big bad skullfucker" itch as far as a collection piece goes. They picked a fantastic shade of purple and green too, actually feels like a bad guy rather than some fashion show (looking at a few iterations of Devastator).
>Guys, tell me something bad about Pandinus.
Sorry man, can't help ya. Him and Utopia are two of my favorite figures.
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Get him. He's amazing. But wait for black Friday. I can almost guarantee he will be on sale.

If you come across a good deal during Black Friday go for it. Check the usual places.
All I can think of is BBTS and TFSource, are there any others? Also thanks guys ( >>6031785
and >>6031786
), you're dissolving my wallet.
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As someone who's never played Overwatch but thinks this looks great, wtf am I missing with the transformation? Do the tank treads just partsform right off the figure for robot mode?

Yeah. Bastion has no tread parts on him anywhere. they just magically appear when he goes tank mode.

Perfect candidate for partsforming.

Nothing. His tank ultimate was added last minute as his first ultimate was a crock of bullshit they got rid of in beta. He kind of just shits the treads out of the shin armor in the game while the rest of the leg widens out. The treads bits aren't actually part of his design in the other modes.

Looking at the figure the entire waist piece seems to just pop off below the torso and the tread pieces are entirely new parts. It's probably the best way to handle Bastion without compromising the fuck out of all the modes. At least we can probably get a gertank mode out of it.
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Is he worth 25 bucks?

No. Get Gen. Springer instead, or wait until someone makes an MP one you like.
As weird as it feels to say it, no, he's sort of a mess. I think he wouldn't have held up well, even if it weren't for generations springer coming along and taking his lunch money. If you're looking for a g1 version, lord knows there're plenty of better options in the pipe.
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GT's looks so much better. GCreations' take has some really fucked proportions. Granted, >>6031249 has a serious case of Katoki legs.
I'd be all over this thing if it was a damn deluxe instead of a voyager.
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At least he's not MP scale.
>Rubber tires

The coolest shit he does includes the gun holsters and transforming with the weapons in his hands. The alt modes are actually really cool. The transformations are pants, the diecast weighs down the figure and eventually strips its knees from working, and the overall bot is just not there. Also he tips over because lol no heels.

He's worth it if you just keep him in his alt modes but only that.
Why don't you get the official one then? I never really found that to be a bad figure.
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Fucking this, Primal's original colorway was GOAT and should never have been abandoned.
CHUG designs in MP scale is the worst thing to ever happen from 3P.

I already have it. It's decent but definitely could be better.

Works as a pretty nice display piece though.

>CHUG designs in the mp scale are the worst thing ever

Welcome to the new age motherfucker. CHUG is going MP and MP's are going full retard.
>Xtrans on suicide watch

>A grey proof of concept that looks great but won't be released for literally 3-4 fucking years

Consumers btfo
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Looks like FT is going to release Spreem in two parts.
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>I don't know what a proof of concept is
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Take with a grain of salt but the FT rep said we can expect Galvatron near the end of Jan and Grimlock after CNY.

>Ever releasing anything ever
Lupus in December, Sovereign in January, Grinder in February. That sounds pretty good. If only they could keep releasing a figure each month...
That whole thing about companies intentionally fucking up their figures so that you buy additional upgrades or fixes bundled with another release is really starting to make sense. There's no reason this part should not have been the default on Ironshell. Instead its another fix part taht will come with not-Tentakill. The sunken head is something you catch in the rendering and design phase.
Pushing the head forward makes it look a little bigger and much better seeing it side by side. Especially at angles.

I think I'm keeping Big Bite as an arm though. Looks too good make him pull leg duty. Him and Nautilator are the only two without gaps in the forearms so far.
also finally another teaser for thousandcuts
I really don't think they should have been afraid that no one would buy the last figure after completing the combiner. This was the one everyone wanted to see anyway. No need to hold back parts or dangle that carrot.
>That whole thing about companies intentionally fucking up their figures so that you buy additional upgrades or fixes bundled with another release is really starting to make sense.
Man, shut the fuck up. At least they releasing upgrade parts. Not like Takara or Hasbro would ever do that.
>ball jointed looking tentacles

Aww yeah. I'll probably end up buying this even if I don't get any of the other figures. It's hard to turn down a tentacle monster.
>That whole thing about companies intentionally fucking up their figures so that you buy additional upgrades or fixes bundled with another release
Oh yeah, you mean that stupid shit made up by some random guy 3rd parties confirmed having no idea who he is? Stop being so naive kiddo.
I like how bbts listed the price of everything else outright in their solicitation email, but you had to click to see how much he is. Looks like 470 total, and I have no idea if that's reasonable or not.

Not that it makes much difference, but I'm pretty sure those are just swivel-hinges.
470 total seems fair enough I guess. Same amount of material you'd get with a combiner.

Well, most combiners are around $300-600 and range from a foot to I don't even know. How big is this Omega going to be?

20-21" at the head.

Then yeah I'd say $400-600 range is probably "normal".

Still way too much for an Omega though. It doesn't need to be THAT FUKKEN BIG. Realistically, how many people are going to shell that much out for a giant robot?
Yes, it does need to be that big and plenty will buy it. Go be poor somewhere else.
Anyone remember the name of that upsized Warbotron Grimlock model kit KO?
At 25 maybe
>Instead its another fix part taht will come with not-Tentakill.

Who gives a shit? It's not like they are making it a separate add-on kit like they used to do in the past. Not to mention it's coming with a figure everyone wants anyway.

I am seriously considering just fucking my shit up with a 400 dollar 3A starscream purchase. Plenty of people have deep wallets in the collector's market.

Also if I dump pics of said starscreak would I do it in the official thread or this one? It's a third party licenced figure.

Either/or. Since it's both official and also 3rd party.
It's an official product. The term "3rd party" completely lost its signification when it comes to TF.
>The term "3rd party" completely lost its signification when it comes to TF.

Just had a terrible flashback to when third party transformers initially hit the scene, with majority of the threads being derailed with people arguing about the proper definition.

The white night brand cuckolds in the other thread call everything without the "Transformers" title a knockoff so it's not like the vocabulary is important.

I don't personally care about the thread division anyhow. It's stupid that people get so principled about IP infringement when we're all on the consumer side. I don't get why there's two threads at all.

I'll probably share in both.
I'm looking for something, if I may ask. Can anyone recommend me an easily available IDWish styled Prime? Preference for Cybertronian mode. What can I look at?

I apologize, I'm trying to look myself, but it's difficult not being familiar with the companies, and then the different names of the figures.

Thanks in advance.

Planet X Jupiter

Striker Manus.
spark toys alpha is awesome.
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Iron Factory Supreme Commander is a legends scaled IDW Cybertronian Prime out soon that takes his design from Stormbringer comic. This is the closest thing to an IDW Cybertronian Prime.

Spark Toys has a Dreamwave accurate Prime from the War Within about the size of MP grimlock. Not IDW, but still from a comic and Cybertonian

Gcreations and Generation Toy are making MP scaled IDW Primes Based on Costa's artwork. Both are months from any release though. Both are posted further up in the thread. Both are from IDW but are based on the earth Truck design


Transformission is doing a legends scale model kit for the same Costa design but you'll have to wait until the entire combiner it goes with comes out. Earth truck design

Planet X Jupiter is about to drop a voyager scale Fall of Cybertron Prime. Cybertonian and not from a comic

There are upgrade armor packs for CW Voyager Prime that turn him into comic style Optimus Prime without having to take any pieces off after you attach them. Beelzeboss's is art accurate to Prime's current CW look in the comic and there is an additional kit coming to improve other things. SND's take makes it leader height, retains and improves the combined torso mode, and is based on the older Costa art. IDW but earth mode.

Toyworld Orion has a really pisspoor take on IDW costa Prime. Only worth mentioning since the black repaint actually works out. IDW but earthmode.

Striker Manus from Maketoys is a stylized Cybertronian Prime worth mentioning because its rad.

There are more primes but this is the rundown for what you wanted.
>still no kiss player figmas
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>Sovereign still isn't out
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Honestly I might buy this one just as a standalone. I really don't have the space for a full combiner but I do love squid monsters. I'd love if they did a Scylla deco. I like her colors more.

I actually wish the deco was a little bit more exact to the Seacon's. Theres a lot of grey in these ones that wasn't there. Like the first guy they released, pretty much all of his grey is supposed to be a different color.
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Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I think I'll go with Striker, while not exactly what I had in mind, he looks really cool. Really love the dual axes.
Galvatron anon here's something you'll like

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He's excellent. My only real peeves are that the elbows aren't double jointed where you would expect them to be, the visible pin really bothers me on the arm, and he really needed a good bit of forward toe tilt to pull off some of the dynamic stuff he's capable of otherwise. He's got the crunchiest of abs.

There's even a black repaint on the way as well as an entirely new mold for Powermaster Prime if you are interested in them. Megatron is next in the release order though.
He's good, damned near my perfect optimus, but keep in mind that he's got balance issues. He basically has no heels at all, so he tips backwards easily and you might have to work at posing him a bit. Slightly forward leaning stances are his friend.
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>keep in mind that he's got balance issues. He basically has no heels at all,

You might not have the ankles adjusted properly. I had a lot of issues with mine until I realized the feet could be folded down flatter than I had them. Granted, its still not perfect, but better than it was.

So how is that Starscream? Do you feel it's worth the price tag?
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I really like this jet mode. The transformation is easy after you do it once, but holy shit, that first time is a bitch. The directions are completely worthless.

Yeah, I saw a review on this thing that showed it was 40 fucking steps, on a one sided sheet, with each picture about the size of a fucking DIME, and it was missing steps to boot.
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>So how is that Starscream? Do you feel it's worth the price tag?

Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: Thats such a hard question to answer. I personally thing all 3p bots are overpriced, it's just the price you pay for buying small production run toys. Personaly, the IDW and WFC designs are my favorites so this was right up my ally. Also, the articulation is fantastic and accessories and top notch. Id say if your fan of the design and the character, its worth it.
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>Yeah, I saw a review on this thing that showed it was 40 fucking steps, on a one sided sheet, with each picture about the size of a fucking DIME, and it was missing steps to boot.

Yeah, that was me.

The irony is, its really not that complicated of a transformation, you just kind of have to figure it out for yourself the first time.
The hands, forearm and wing mounts are all 5mm so they will work with Iron Factory, Master Made, and MMC, and most Hasbro weapons.
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For got the pic.
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Probably one of the best things Planet X has put out so far.

Goddamn you take some nice pics Anon. And I like the FoC/WFC designs, I just don't own any of'em except for a FoC Voyager SW. However, I'm also lacking a Starscream that's not a Legends too, and the MP looks really unappealing for several reasons-Price, all of the problems with that mold, etc. It seems like the MP Seekers are just shit all around, especially for their cost. I like my lil' Legends guys, but it is nice to have something a bit meatier and bigger. I'm not a scalefag either, so I'll collect anything I think looks cool.

How big is that one, looks like it's Voyager-ish to me?
Can the gun integrate into the forearm like in the game?
>Goddamn you take some nice pics Anon.
Thanks man!

>How big is that one, looks like it's Voyager-ish to me?
Yeah, about voyager scale give or take.
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Fucking hell Planet X. I already wanted your OP and Trypticon. Don't make me add this to the list too.

I do wonder where they will go with this line in the future. Megatron and Ironhide? Kind of want them to tackle this overlord tho.
>Can the gun integrate into the forearm like in the game?

No, the handles flip down for some reason, but I cant find anyway to mount them other than the 5mm port on the back of the forearms.

They'll probably just cover guys from the games.

>Thanks man!

No problem, I always like people posting pics. You take some nice, crisp clear ones too.

And fuck I posted in the wrong thread.
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Why the fuck they didn't start with Ironhide and Ratchet after they finished up the dinobots I will never understand. Prime and Screamer already have toys so there was no need for a remake immediately despite the scale issues. Ironhide and Ratchet have fairly easy to do alt modes and robot modes while being no brainer remolds of each other. Plus they featured heavily in both games. But no we had to get a poorly thought out Paddles and a FOC Preceptor of all people first.

Now they have Trypticon in the works which will eat their budget for the next year while they shit out seeker repaints because that's the obvious thing to do.
>that overlord
o my dick
Holy shit that Overlord looks great.

I'd also find it hard to resist a FoC Megatron.
Fuck if MMC did Overlord in these colors I'd have bought it in a heartbeat.

More pics here, if people want to see more.

So, how's Generation Toy notJazz?

If you dig the style and are okay with redesigned G1: It's fucking magnificent.
What about dx9 take on Rodimus Prime?

Better than the old MP by a mile if you want a Rodimus, but not really the greatest toy ever or anything. Someone will eventually, definitely make better.

And if you want the best Hotrod, just grab the new MP.
It looks like the hands can flip into the forearm, have you tried attaching the butt of the gun where the hand normally would be? The butt looks wierd so I figured it could maybe latch onto where the hand was.
Hey all, I recently purchased an MPP10B, and I love it to bits. However, the research that I did before hand got me into the whole third party scene, and even though I wasn't planning on getting another figure, would anyone know about any good Sunstorm figures, 3P or KO? I've had a look at the Classics/Henkei KOs, but I was wondering if there is anything else.
New thread >>6034849
i got to play with that cyclonus at skullface's house today. he already doesn't like it but i thought it was pretty awesome
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