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Busou Shinki & Friends General

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 86

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Read the guide:

Prev. thread: >>5703886

>Baselard preorders mostly sold out
>Green Gourai still up at Koto's US webshop
>MSG Gigantic Arms 01 includes an extra blank face for Gourai and new expression decals
>Desktop Army's 1st wave is still up for preorder, 2nd wave in prototype phase
>Arnval status unclear, a few sites posted p.o. info but no official word from Koto yet
>Strarf and Hresvelgr/Fleswerk still in prototype phase
>No new details on Apsy's Machineca figures or Koto's planned Megami Device line.
>Kind of related, Aoshima is planning a "Variable Fighter Girl" kit based on Macross Δ's VF-31, possibly more to follow

Where to buy second hand Shinkis:
>eBay, Amazon - generally overpriced, but you might get lucky.
>Mandarake, Rakuten - search 武装神姫 and don't trust listing images.
>Yahoo Japan Auctions, Suruga-ya - you'll need a proxy if you’re not in Japan.
>Taobao - some shops ship international now, so you might not need a proxy.
>Amiami, Jungle-scs - occasionally get some preowned.
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection, and Busou Shinki World too.

Fellow anons selling custom Shinki accessories:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

1/12 clothes like Picco Neemo fit these, but they tend to be loose or baggy.
We need to collect some resources like tiny tailoring tutorials and patterns.
This has some nice examples using hemming glue and tape instead of sewing:

Build your FA:Gs right:

Looking for fan art and customs? Search Pixiv, fg-site, Tinami, or Twitter with these:
>武装神姫 [Busou Shinki]
>フレームアームズ・ガール [Frame Arms Girl]

Come chat!
>#vox_plastica on Rizon
there's "big expressive eyes" and then there's "most of my face is eye".
Personally I dig the big eye designs. But then I really like cartoony, exaggerated designs so eh.
I know of one taobao seller that occassionally runs a recast of MMS3rd blanks without the need for rivets or screws. https://shop68300666.world.taobao.com/?spm=a1z0b.7.0.0.BoVtX2

Other than that, it's Yahoo Japan, secondhand sites, or conventions.
Good to know. Thanks anon.
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Getting an ayy lmao vibe off these two.
Yeah those have always looks fucky.
Learn to recast and make your own faces :^)
Who has good guides?
Cyclops shinki when? (whatever happened to that maryceles mod?)
I like them a lot, sorta fae like eyes
With antennae they could be insect-girls
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So if I want to use ethe various 1/12 clothes and what not out there I should get a nude body and use it for that plus whatever shinki head/face I have on hand?
I mean you could put clothes over their normal bodies but it'd look like wearing clothes over clothes. See pic above your post. Using the matching nude body for whoever you want to dress up will look much better.
Depending on the Shinki it may look like they're wearing tights under their clothing, it's hot too.
Don't mention vitulus or that vegan will show up crying about some imagined connection to veal again
Too bad we never got a SERPENT-type Shinki who is also a naga/lamia. Snek Shinki would have been cool.
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Get two Ianeiras and start modding, combining both tails shouldnt take more than a few minutes.
>Floating wheelchair
Sorry I don't want to think about baby animal torture when I play with my shinks :^)

Your /v/ is showing, better do something about it.
And here I though shinkis would be cheaper than my /k/ hobbies. Oh well.
I recommend FigInStock.
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Is Baby Razz worth the prices she usually goes for? I absolutely love her design (2kawaii4me noise marine? Sign me the fuck up) but she is kinda expensive on the aftermarket, and I have heard she's a bit fiddly even by Shinki standards.
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Graffias's scorpion tail has an attachment for turning her into a Lamia. Shit's cash.

You can get her for about 11000-12000 yen if you're patient, and yes, she's worth that price.
It can also be used to make her into a scarrow
Fuck, now I need a Graffias.
I see. Hmm, that's not so bad I guess, better than what her wavemate Sharatang usually goes for anyway.

Fug, I need my Noise Marine waifu. Shame I'm not in a position to be acquiring any more plastic crack at the moment.
Doesn't she have light up LEDs?
She does. Blue. And depending on how you turn the key (shaped like a guitar pick) they either stay on, or pulse quickly like a DJ booth.
I preffer the girtablilu mode.

Admittedly the snek shinki I wanted to have is basically a custom build (tan, redhead, jungle princess motif, upper arm spacers are decorative and look like flowers), but a custom build Graffias looks great too.
> 40-100 Yen
Wait what? Seriously?
>muh /v/ boogyerman
It was supposed to be a joke, Mr. Thin Skin.
Yuan. 100 yuan is about 15 freedoms.
Anyone else want Frame Arms Boys?
>denies bein from /v/ despite using the same terms and memes

Not helping your case, please go back to your parent board and dont come back >>>/v/
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>> "Does this make my butt look big?"
She's also voiced by Hirano Aya. Go listen to her character song.
You're missing an awfully large amount pf entries in that poll.

Pomock, Partio, Gabrine, Renge, Graffias, Vespelio, Murmeltier, Asuka, etc. etc. Now that I think about it, most shinkis have an animal theme or subtheme.
>no lancamento or espadia
bugs pls
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Found these on flicker
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Tsugaru reindeer snaipah, Waffebunny and Dolphin, Eukrante (bird), Ianeira (fish), Schmetterling (butterfly), Fubuki/Mizuki (Fox and possibly bunny), Maryceles and Proxima, the Oorbellen/Zielbellen sisters with their Swan/balarina motif, Literal Kyknos and Alastore for swan and crow, Artille/Lynx, and Raptias/Eagle.

That's all of them. I-I think?
>Kyknos and Alastore
I've never even heard of these before. Holy fuck they're cool.
Does anyone remember this particular renge's name? I think it was marmalade? Shame she sold her.
I think Fubuki and Mizuki were supposed to be Tengu like. at least Fubuki was. Maryceles and Proxima were based off mythological creatures and the Fencer sisters have gems as the main motif.
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>wa-what are we gonna do on the bed, master?
It depends what you mean by based on animals
>I think Fubuki and Mizuki were supposed to be Tengu like. at least Fubuki was.
They were definitely Tengu, but tengu were based on animals - crows, foxes, that sort of thing. So you could make an argument for them being animals in a roundabout sort of way.

>Maryceles and Proxima were based off mythological creatures
It depends if you count those as animals or not, especially since you could just as easily say octopus and horse as opposed to kraken and centaur. Of course, if you did, you should Gabrine and Renge

>the Fencer sisters have gems as the main motif.
They also have a ballerina vibe, based specifically on swan lake costumes, so they are based on swans in a VERY roundabout way.
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Oh wow, worst girl cosplaying as other worst girl
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>TFW you were way too late to get into Shinkis at a decent price.
>Konami trashed the line for no good reason, like so many Jap companies do.

Why. Why would you do this? They sell for so much goddamn money now.
I'm in the same boat anon.
I just look at them robot girl pictures and wish I knew the line back in 09 when I had more money and free time.
Just gotta keep a sharp eye out for deals. The BST thread is a good place to camp out.
If it's any consolation, I just bought supplies to start resin casting, so you might be able to get cheap bootleg blanks soon

[spoiler]I'm also going to try my hand at full shinki kits, but I know full well those won't turn out nearly as good as those jap kits[/spoiler]
not all of them are absurdly expensive.
Partio and the sky-girl line hasn't reached the double digits yet. Most I see partio go for is roughly $70
There are still some cheaper ones. Almost all of them are more expensive than say, a figma, if that's what you're used to, but still some good girls under $100 USD. Just set a FigInStock reminder for your grail Shink.
Start off slow anon.
Had no clue. My fault.
I ordered my first Shinki. What now?
Which one?
Order a second. And a third.
now? you wait. come back when you have her in hand.
Specifically, the alternate paintjob one.
Nigga that's a plane miko, granted she's got bunny ears but it's not the predominant theme.
Thus, subtheme.

Murmeltier has a woodchuck/beaver subtheme and Asuka's a bunny.
Take tons of photos of her. The swimsuit alternate version of Maochao is pretty adorable.
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Marmot, also they are not a defining factor. They are as much as a bunny/marmot as you are a gorilla when you wear a gorilla mask, also dont forget that Fumikane sticks animal ears and tail buttplugs to his girls for the hell of it. There's a reason they are fighter/tank types.
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So, apparently Koto is making a Cu-Poche version of Gourai that they're debuting at AK Garden 10.

Hey, is that one anon who keeps going to these Japanese conventions going to this one, or is anyone here going to make it there?
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Duh, forgot the pic.
Moved too far away from Japan to go to conventions there anymore unfortunately.

So no.

I never went to AK Garden anyways.

We knew about the cupoche for a while now in any case.
They sure do, now that they have the shinki license they should make shinki poches of the main cast at least.
I want a Strarf and Maochao poche
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Is that what it's supposed to be? Didn't know that.
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Yep, that's 'summer' Maochao.
>shinki poches
What's poche mean?
Poche is french for pocket.
There, you have it.
brand name
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I'm going to assume it's a portmantea UF "cute" and what anon mentioned here >>5739137 which appears to be pronounced "pose".

The best part about them is that their heads are compatible with nendoroids and vice versa.
'Portmanteau of', damn fingers of mine.
Yep. The symbol is a lil chibi head in a pocket.
Not sure if want
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Strarf can't get here fast enough. Come here, let me love you.
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>bought supplies to start resin casting
>cheap bootleg blanks
did you also remember to buy a vacuum chamber with a pump and a 80psi pressure pot?
Don't need that for basic recasting with a little practice.
Smooth-on oomoo silicone and 300 resin specifically state that they don't need vacuuming. It all almost seems too easy
Yeah, it would be nice, but I guess that they'll try to seel cu-poches of the frame arms girls first
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Damn you autocorrect!
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Fresh Skin Limbs Append
This is their version of "naked mms"?
The shoes look kinda funny in that flesh color. Do you think they might make feet for them?
Materia is basically their "naked"s, it's just they weren't colored entirely in skintone.

They probably will, given that Baselard has thinner looking feet.
and if they dont there'll probubly be mods for them out by next big doll or figure event.
Funny, that's what I thought when I started. [spoiler]It didn't work out that way.[/spoiler]

You'll be """"okay"""" if you are only making one or two simple recasts, but if you're planning on making it a business you will need better materials which will call for better equipment so you better have a plan to break even.
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>300 resin
>3 min pot life
This deserves a separate reply
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Everybirdie is getting autocorrect'd.
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All it needs is a spiderman with a camera.
So much easier to criticize than to do or to be helpful, isn't it?
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So much easier to wait to be spoonfed than to use your brain.
I'm hoping mold-anon does well desu.
If he fails, I'd still learn from his experience but I'd rather have him succeed so I can just do what he did and make my own molds.
Shut up nerds
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To the anon who sold me Strarf, once again, thanks a ton.
Just got my black and white MMS3rd blanks in, and how come no one told me that they come with chest piece adapters for MMS1 chests to fit on 3rd bodies? I would have bought those a LONG time ago if I knew.
Murmetier was so cheap back then (1800Y)

dunno why i didnt bought two

Looks like she'll be here Monday.
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Shinkis finally got back to me today after a month in transit. Time to open these boxes.
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HAHAAA!! This is so much fun!
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Megahouse's WF exclusive coloration for Sylphie.
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Kotobukiya and Little Armory collaborating to bring you...

Yet another Gourai recolor with a packaged little armory gun.

Gourai Type 10.

She looks a bit tan in the art.
How do you guys come up with the outfits for your chinkies?

>comes in just the colors I wanted to paint my Gourai
>it's a online shop exclusive
Thanks, Kotobukiya.

If they're going to keep reissuing her, I wish they'd do an update on Gourai to fix the weak hips among other issues.


Woah. Out of interest how did you ship all that? The regular post service? I've got to relocate half way around the world soon and I need to work out how to move all my shinkis, FAGs and so on.
Good fucking god I am all levels of jelly
Whoa is that one of each of the shinkis released?
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shinki pics from /o/ meet, pretty much the only time i take pics now.
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Place your bets.
"Silphy test color version" according to the DT-A blog.
Had some moving company do it through a third party. You're likely going to have to do it by post or take them with you via plane.

I wish..
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Put 'em up.
add me on psn - Britterbug22
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For what purpose?
"You came to the wrong neighborhood, baka"
As a rule of thumb should I avoid accessories like clothes that are made in China and Hong Kong?
Not really no.
Nah, just check the stitches and reinforce them as needed.
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Merry is so eager.
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I never asked for this, masta
Looking kinda guro there with all the exposed metal parts.
That looks awesome. I wonder where you can get those?
They're SUPER custom.
Very cyberpunk
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Gabrine arrived today from buysmartjapan. Plus side: nothing missing, no broken pieces. Down side: midsection joint a little loose and whoever had her before me fixed the weak ankle joint problem by gluing both joints into a fixed position.
Try isolating the stuck parts and putting them in the freezer for a bit. If it's superglue he used then it should make it possible to free the joints.
Thanks anon. I'll give it try later.
Just be careful, OK? I haven't tried it myself, and I don't want to be indirectly responsible for Gabrine breaking. Try and get some second opinions first, maybe do a little research. Just don't use any kind of "glue remover" on her- they WILL melt the plastic.

Gabrine doesn't actually have weak ankles. She has super-tight ones that get stuck easily. There's no glue in there. Or if there is, they broke once already. Just be gentle with her and you'll work them free.
>whoever had her before me fixed the weak ankle joint problem by gluing both joints into a fixed position.

Dip her feet in warm water and they'll loosen up, this is a common problem among shinkis with ball jointed ankles
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...Shinkis can have Stands..?
>tfw my Gabrine came with normal tightness joints.
Shittiest camera in the world, sorry (I'll get a better one if I try to sell anything so you can actually see what you're getting) but here's my first attempt at recasting. The painted ones are the originals and the unpainted ones are my recasts. Just started small with an Architect and Werkstra face, but they turned out very well. There were more than a few small bubbles which are hopefully due to my ineptitude. I'll practice a bit more and if the imperfections clear up at all (or even if they don't) I'll try the full body recast.

Long story short, as of right now, my first run was great for personal use, but not quite high enough quality that I'm considering selling anything yet.
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Whoops, forgot the pic.
Well thank god I'm at work and didn't try it right away. I'll try take very close look to be sure there's glue or not.
Looks promising to me.
Just make sure to move them gently, after they've loosened up you wont have to worry about it anymore.
Does anyone here have a custom? Just curious, I pop in and out of the general every few months so I don't really get too familiar with any faces.
The extent of my customization had been metal spacers and flathead screws. I wish I had enough skill to make custom hair pieces.
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I put azone Custom Lily small pigtails on Lirbiete.
I never take pics, but I have a fairly customized Werkstra. (That's her sleepy face there >>5745064 ) Also in the process of customizing the Waffe sisters to have headset-less heads. I don't know what it is about them, but they're two of my favorites and it's a sin that they only have one face each.

Fort Bragg got a re-release recolor with extra faces. Why couldn't they?
Those pigtails would've been better off on someone whos aware of it's own existance, like Altines Rosa.
Ugh I want that combat dress so badly.
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My Renge has a hairpiece and I got got a bunch of laser cut parts from Richigo when he was making them.
The wings and tail are from etsy correct?
Do you just cast pieces to customize or do you sculpt stuff from scratch? Been considering getting into the game but I dunno if I have the skills. I'm an alright painter but I can't sculpt for shit.
I've been using broken/old parts for the most part. For example, my Waffebunny lost a pigtail so I ordered a new one and now use the old one for experimentation. And then kit bashing works a lot. Grab a custom lily, widen the neck hole a bit, slap some cat ears on it, and shove a shinki face into it, or something like that. That gets real expensive though.

Aside from that, it has been sculpting bits from scratch (hair is surprisingly easy) but now casting is giving me a TON more options. One thing I'm planning on doing is recasting Werkstra's front hair piece and giving her straight cut bangs instead of the parted ones, for example. Werkstra would be too expensive and rare for me to irreparably fuck around with before this.
I'll throw money at you. Seriously.
I don't remember. His page was in the OP but it got removed. I think it might've been etsy.
Yup, they are.
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I modded my Howling with parts from a Special Operations Lady SWAT figure. Nothing huge, but I think it looks cool.
Very nice. Which swat figure?
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My postal service is shit and now I can't have my Strarf until tomorrow.
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Special Operations Lady SWAT. It was a two figure MMS2nd line, so it's mostly compatible with MMS1st Shinkis.

Gourai Type 10 is up.
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Speaking of which. Does anyone know if the Little Army guns are shinki compatible or are they too big? It says 1/12th scale but I'm not sure.
How much of a bitch is it to nab one?
jinrai is up for pre-order on amiami again.
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A bit of one...you probably won't ever find a new one, but used ones show up on Jap auction sites fairly regularly (at least a year ago).

It's worth hunting, though, if only for the insane props...the SWAT girl came with a TON of realistic weapons, a special right hand for the sniper rifle that also allows the user to point with melee weapons, plus a Shinki-scale Zippo lighter and carton of cigarettes.
...OK, looking at it again, maybe not a TON of weapons, but a healthy few.
She's actually pretty scary.
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I've costomized every single shinki I have (that's a lie, I still haven't figured out what to do with 3 of them) but this Moosic Spooder is my most involved custom.

(Is it still considered customizing when you refuse to do anything to permanently alter the original shinki?)
Fair enough. Mind giving me what to put it when I try looking on auctions?
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Group picture.
This is a littler terrifying.
Jelly levels RISING
Honestly, I stumbled onto mine because someone mislabeled her "武装神姫". Most I see are simply "SOL" or some variation of it and MMS. I'll see if I can find any info at MyFigureCollection, though.
I'd say so. What's the problem you're having with personalizing the remaining three?

At the rate you're going, you're gonna need to buy a straight up dormitory for all of them.

That guy's vac metal skills are amazing I used to have his blog saved on my old laptop. Apparently it's all painted resin.
Don't you recognize the cast of Dollhouse Anon's comics? He DOES have a dormitory for them, LOL.

And odds are, he either hasn't thought of what to do with the last three yet or prefers them base.
Oh, I've read his comics. It just always looked like a normal house to me. I typically picture a dorm as having multiple bunk beds and the like especially given how many girls he has. For economic purposes of course

Maybe he can get them scarves and hats? That would personalize them a ton.

Currently un-personalized are Edy, my Yda, Lucy my Jusivy, and Leah my Ianeira. I want to give Leah a meme-window sweater, so that one's just logistics, but nothing appropriate has come to me for Edy or Lucy. Lucy's going to be used in a haunted house storyline far in the future, so she needs something cute but creepy. Edy's new, and I just haven't thought of anything for her. She's going to be their Quartermaster, handling inventory and logistics for supplies and the like. (And I already have more hats and scarves than I can shake a stick at, so I want to avoid those going forward.)
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Haunted house? How's about a tiny openable Necronomicon?
That's pretty great
Here's an EBay link.


...HOLY SHIT, this seller's store is great! I'm buying the 1:12 Necronomicon Ex Mortis and a 1:12 copy of "The Joy of Sex" for my Queen's Blade girls, and I'm bookmarking this place for my next paycheck!

Much thanks, Falkimus!
>have had a Graffias for over a year now
>knew about that part and never thought I could make a lamia with it
fuck me I gots to do it now.
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I think Maochao likes her new cat-ear hoodie.

I'm super jealous of how good your Maochao's face looks. A lot of the older shinkis' faces get oily, slimy and indistinct looking as the plasticizes leech out. Mine doesn't photograph nearly as well as yours does.
>Not buying a Handbook of Mechanical Engineering for your shinks.
Wash her face with soap water to get rid of the sticky. Got my Maochao secondhand, the only issue I have is that her knees have some more resistance than I'd like.
how come you dont have a Waffenbunny?

Didn't really like Waffebunny that much. Both the waffe sisters seem kind of gangly to me, and I only got dolphin because I'm a water guy, and her 3-lewd-5-me chest piece is hilarious.
Fair enough.
Actually its the opossite for me - out of all the shinkis ive seen Waffenbunneys been the only one to catch my eye - that and shipping and UK postal charges made buying her and a base body from about £30 to £60.
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Ah, that's my Renge, but I think you have me confused with someone called snowpea who used to post here way back.

I got mine off Mandarake for about 3k jpy quite a few years ago. I see them pop up on yahoo auctions from time to time. The rubbery material does deteriorate easily though, making it hard to find one in good condition.
>statuss: J.E.L.L.Y.
Glad to have helped!

She looks great in it.
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Does anyone have photos from the fella with the twin Starves and their computer-tower doll house?

I miss him. And he seems to have scrubbed every trace of his existence from the internet.

It's a sad time when we lose active thread members.
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This? Found it on flicker. Check last thread or archive for site address.
Just got Murm and Zelnogrard Berig in the mail. Along with Fort Bragg Dusk (who I already have) who are the other girls I need to add to the artillery squad?
Raptias and Artille
Ianeira comes with a big fucking beam cannon and soda can missile launcher.
Arnval MKI has a gigantic beam rifle.
>weak hips
if anything they should fix the neck gap or the fragile arms who pull out of place every time you pose them.
i got a buddy offering me his renge for $150. It's been sitting in his closet since he got her. I'm kind of on the edge about adopting her, would any of you recommend it?
Check her condition before paying up, if her plasticizer is leaking it's worth less.
If you don't care about boxes there was an anon selling Renge for $90 on BST couple threads ago. You can try to see if its still up for sale.
>[email protected]
>if her plasticizer is leaking
I -uh- I don't think I follow

Pretty positive she's completely new and sealed. She's literally been gathering dust since he got her. A loooot of dust

Thanks, I'll give it a
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Hmmm, should be fine then.
Being sealed doesn't make her immune to leaking plasticizer.
I have only ever experienced leaky plasticizer with MMS 1st bodies, not MMS 3rds.

Do it anon. Renge is best girl.
That's adorable.
I have a lot of toys, but only 1 shinki
do shinkis get lonely?
Wait so this plasticizer IS a thing?

What is it exactly? I thought the first anon was just fucking with me like those "Finger Box" threads.
Yes. You must have at least two.
It leaks out under the right conditions. It requires a nebulous combination of temperature, humidity, and time for it to secrete out. One important factor is the composition of the figure. What sort of plastics are injected and how much of each? The quality and variance of these plastic components also play a part. You can easily wash plasticizer away with soapy water. But the more that leaks out the more rigid your plastic will become. These toys aren't designed to last very long. Cherish them while they last.
Plasticizer is a chemical added to make plastic soft and pliable. As the plastic degrades over time, the plasticizer "sweats" out of the figure and it gets more brittle. You'll know it when you touch it because it'll be sticky. You can wash it off but it's likely to come back once it starts. Some figures never have it,, some get it quickly. Exacerbated by things like high temps and humidity, but not necessarily caused by them. It is a mystery. For certain protection, sacrifice a Benio to the toy gods.
Well shit, Thanks guys I'll have to keep an eye out for this.
Renge and most other mms 3rds don't suffer from the leaky plasticizer issue, at least under 'normal' conditions. Ignore the scare stories.
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>Sacrificing a Benio
Leave her alone. She may not be the prettiest but she is pure of heart and strong of will.
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What are these even for? Other then brightfeather with the glasses but those brown things. What are they?
Those aren't shinki parts, they look like PLUM's ears and glasses set. I have them, those are the dog ears. (Also, those glasses are sadly far too big to be shinki glasses. I was very sad.)
The recolors for these two go really well with >>5747991
as a squad.
Depends on the Shinki. My Mizuki Type 2 was WAY happier as a solo than when she had roomies.
Yep, confirming it that those are PLUM "option parts"
Can someone post pics of parts used to give Strarf Mk2 her clawhands? I've got the FAP, isn't there supposed to be a part specifically for that? But there's a million pieces in here, I have no clue which one I'm supposed to be using.
You're getting trolled with logical fallacies, it's not plasticizer; it's release agent. All you need to do is wash it away with dish soap and warm water and making sure to not leave any moisture on the screws and rivets.
I don't have the FAP myself but I think they're squarish at one end (where they connect to the arms) with big chunky round wrists at the other. They go with the replacement arm pieces that can be used to carry the smaller swords in the heavily armoured mode. If you can't find them, you can use the round male-male connector with the pegs on the sides, and if you want it is possible to slot the arm guards onto them to make them look more presentable.
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Here's one assembly I found.
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It's for Lavina, but since she's a Strarf Mk2, it should work.
Which tray is that middle round piece from? Or is it from the little runner? Was trying to avoid having to cut those out.
>If you can't find them, you can use the round male-male connector
But I need a female connector to attach to her upper arm? Unless I'm doing this whole thing wrong

I've washed my Zyrdarya repeatedly, and every summer she sweats and her petals gets sticky again. Plasticizer leeching is a real thing man.
Washing it away is pretty real too.
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Squad goals
Washing it away is a temporary fix. Like soaking yellowed piece in peroxide.
It is unfortunate there is no permanent fix.
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I've seen Benio and the knight type shinki going for relatively cheap on a few sites. Are they just not popular or are a lot floating around?
Just not that popular.
It's the runner. But it looks so cool.
What >>5749594 said. They have really derpy faces but otherwise they have really intricate armor bits and a ton of weapons.
Ah, well I'll keep that as a backup. I know other people customize their shinks, but I don't like doing anything that can't be undone. My Strarf is immaculate. Even the instructions are still sealed and taped under the tray.
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Well, I got this going by dismantling several pieces into smaller pieces, but it makes her arms too long in my opinion and that peg refuses to accept the arm guard to cover it.
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Benio's armor is cool looking but difficult to pose, she's not a looker but definitely looks better in person than in photos.
I have a Bragg Dusk, I'm not sure what kind of personality she has.
>I'm not sure what kind of personality she has.

I havent searched in Nicovideo but i'm going to asume her personality is stereotypical anime American.
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Overkill. Lose the part closest to the hand and then flip those other two around like this. Tempesta is using FAP Strarf's hands built the typical way.
> Status : Muh dick

Fuck, I really need a Mk2 FAP Strarf
I ended up with something similar. Just kept pulling pieces apart and trying to find connectors that would fit each section.
I like how she looks like some sort of Zoid with all that stuff on her.
Any idea what wave Benio is? Supposedly the ones before third wave have seeping issues or am I wrong?
Third wave.

From the box bio for Dusk.


Maker / Arms In Pocket
Type Number / AIP021D

Since 2030 Arms In Pocket was touted as the top maker of model guns and other military toys.
2037, the company completed AIP021, Fort Bragg, which was developed with higher performance weaponry even for shinki development.
True to its concept of a "cannon" type shinki, it specializes in stationary long-range combat using its FB256 1.2mm smoothbore gun which is unfolded from its backpack.
In order to help strengthen its weakness of close range combat, it has been equipped with a combat knife and a small shield.
Because of this optimization, it has allowed the shinki to take a larger variety of tactics.
Though the default AI setting has a serious nature and can be a little stubborn, in the middle of a mission it seems to abide by a creed of absolute obedience to its master.
Bonus Zelnogrard Berig box bio:


Maker / Arms In Pocket
Type Number / AIP035B

With AIP021 Fort Bragg's success in shinki development in 2038, Arms in Pocket developed AIP035 Zelnogrard with the aim to increase firepower.
In order to stay portable and to reduce overall weight burden, Zelnogrard's main weapons' launcher and attachment mechanisms were incorporated into the arms and legs to allow an increase of firepower without sacrificing mobility.
Variation type AIP035B Zelnogrard Berig also further developes the shinki by increasing its defensive capability with newly added shield equipment.
It is possible to reconfigure the shield into machine gun attachments to not only increase defensive capabilities but offensive capabilities as well.
The default setting of the AI is bright and positive, but has a wealth of knowledge of military data and has a slight tendency to chatter on about military topics possibly due to the makers' obession with military goods.
And here are their 'nilla bios.


>A shinki that whose weapons specialize in medium to long range combat. She boasts incomparable stationary shelling potency.
>When she activates her "Shelling Stance" her backpack unfolds and allows her to engage shelling at all ranges.
>A healthy girl who perceives everything (even perversion) positively. However, she can be annoying if a hierarchy is not set, and needs to be told what is good and bad.


>A shinki equipped with various firearms. With enhanced accuracy which allows her to take full advantage of her weapons, she excels at medium to long range shooting tactics.
>She is also equipped with a knife to fight in close quarters but overall prefers to fight outside of an opponent's combat range.
>Lively and super-positive thinking, she is able to make friends with just about anybody very quickly.
>Usually treats masters like friends, but occasionally shows glimpses of a feminine side.
>Very curious and is willing to try various things.
Shit, they are adorable. I'm imagining Zelnogrard interrupting Master when he gives orders to Bragg to give unhelpful statistics and then looking all proud for helping as Bragg gets more and more frustrated since she just wants to receive her orders.
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Is there much of a style different between these two?
Bragg has a cannon chair, Zelno has a big gun for every limb because fuck legs, who need them when you can instead have guns so you can walk AND shoot.
My Zyrdarya has that problem too. Thankfully the figure herself isn't doing it, but all her petal blades do it.
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>>"I'm sure it'll be fine."
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>purposely giving the architect worse ass technology
Why does the world keep conspiring to give me more Werkstras? Just put in a lowball offer for that one on ebay just to see and I ended up with a new Werkstra for half of Mandy's price. Before that, someone happened to put one up on the BST right when I was considering getting her.
Are you the one with the Werkstra Squad
Give me one.
Yeah once you get one, you need more for the tacticool squad. I have about three or four plus the black variant who is the squad leader.
This. Gotta make the tacticool squad.
I propose that your squads are from the same Shinki army.
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This was crazy fun to do! it's awful because now I'm going to spend all my money buying more. fuck.
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don't forget to panel line her, anon

patrician colour taste, by the way
Nah, she's only my second Werkstra and I put in the offer because my first was pretty beat up. I'm going to baby the fuck out of this one.

Next I'm thinking of getting the four main girls from the anime. I somehow don't have a single one of them yet.
They're each expensive as fuck.
Man, I have most of them but I haven't even put any of it together yet lol.
I'm the same. I've only finished my Gourai in standard colors.
Same. My baconfingers can barely handle Revell Snap-Tites, I'm worried about how they'll end up, what with all the customizing and next-level stuff that seem to be required.
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Got Matreia Recently, and got tired right before the limbs.
>customizing and next-level stuff that seem to be required
It's really not required. Just read the gunpla general's guide. Get nippers, a hobby knife, one of those $1 nail files with eight different grains, and a lining pen and you're pretty much set. Anything beyond that is optional.
Yeah, I usually do them as two or three sitting kits. My pattern seems to be head and body, then legs and arms, then weapons.
What's different the limited edition shinkis in the brown boxes?

They're from Dengeki Hobby Magazine. They're in different colors than the original releases, and sometimes come with bonus parts too.
They're the "shinies" of shinkis. Different colors, sometimes little extra hair parts and stuff. For instance, normal Eukrante has pink hair and purple armor. Shiny Dengeki Euk has blonde hair and red armor. Either way, a Good Girl.
Worth it or no?
If you like their color schemes better, sure. It's all personal preference, anon. There are so many Shinkis and variants of each that you really just gotta go with whichever one you find the cutest. In my case, I made a mistake and fell for expensive ones.

They're rarely more expensive than the originals. Just get the ones whose colors you prefer.
Got a new Shink and she's really floppy in the upper torso. The joint under her chest cant hold shit for pose. Do I have to take screws out to get to that joint? It's a ball joint, right? Do I just dip it in future?
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It might be help.
Fock, i put some paiper in joint but it looks like i fucked her screw-thread. Her joints go loose again but i afraid i can't put screws in their places this time.
You're not me
No im not, sorry. But i have this problem. I did all this and now i dont know how to make tighten upper torso.
Unless it's dengeki ach and yda.
Speaking of which, are Ach and Yda worth getting? Yda in particular looks awesome (Ach looks great too of course but Yda is my favourite out of the two).
They are.

Seconded, can confirm. You can do crazy stuff with their trikes when the colors match.
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My mid-building photosession turned weird.
A note of caution for anyone opening up Shinki bodies. There are several clear plastic pieces in the center of the torso designed to maintain friction for the joints. They are easily lost if you're not careful or even aware of them.
>locking her in a box
That's a bit cruel isn't it?
So that's like softcore planelegs?
New thread:
Those boxes are great. I use them for everything. I have them scattered everywhere.
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