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LEGO General: Countdown to new Dimensions shit edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 686
Thread images: 151

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Welcome to the Lego General!

Previous thread: >>5715643 → → #
CCBS/Bionicle thread: >>5713737 → → # →
Extra cross-thread arrows in case the next OP needs them: → → →

Lego General FAQ/Guide:

June Challenges:
>Build a minifigure of a Star Wars character that doesn't already have one.
>Build a robot command centre. You figure out what it's supposed to be a robot or command them!
>Build something that's mostly Lego but uses some third party/off brand pieces.
>Build a brick-built wheelchair that looks better than the one in 60134.
>Build something based off of another anon's MOC.
>Fenimiminismninimism- Give your female figs something BADASS to ride around in! Bonus points for minidolls.
>Make a Fighting arena for your two most badass minifigs!
>Go to the Lego aisle at Walmart and startle someone
>Home Sweet Home - In honor of Captain Rex's AT-TE, rebuild a vehicle into a mobile home for your favorite figs.
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Got the last Indominus Rex set at the Lego Store for $100.
My friend's parents threw away his childhood Lego to make space for a smoking room.

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so a month after I ordered, my klocki arrived
I think this is done, at least until we get red mixel joints.
styled mostly after EoE and the tv series, but I gave it a hat anyway
>ordered a pound of Lego from eBay
>package arrives
>one pound of square bricks that reek of shit
You make it sound like that's a good thing.
Got it for $70, niggie. Book store was going out of business.
buy the lots that you can actually see
Sorry about that.
It's okay. I washed them in Dawn.
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>find out that one of my minifigs is worth hundreds
>want a display case for him
>display cases only come in 8 or 16
What minifig is it?
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how's the plastic quality on those?

>1 asshole listed theirs for $800
doesn't mean yours is really that much or that they actually sell at that price
who on earth would do that
>they've sold for over five hundred dollars

fuck me what even is this hobby
damn this looks rad
Has he gotten out of prison yet?
That fig is rare as hell. Only managers in Texas got it.

$1.60 for four orgasm heads? Sold.
>5 hours ago

Shame on you for not linking the this thread in the old one as soon as you made it.
>transblack body with no transblack limbs

I'd like to know what kind of crack these people are smoking
Shen Yuan is one of the bootleg brands almost on par with the real deal
I'm surprised that they're still continuing Lego Dimensions despite everything being overpriced as hell
>I'm surprised that they're continuing to do that thing that earns them retarded amounts of money

People will pay out the ass for representations of things they like, companies shit it out like sugar free gummi bears, news at eleven
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Humanity makes me sad constantly.
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I have 10 of these I keep my special minifigs in. They're really good for a not official Lego product. Just stick a 4x4 plate underneath and they're a perfect display case for a single figure.

But that's wrong though, every Lego store employee whose manager attended the LBR conference in Texas last year or the year before that got enough figures for each of their store employees, using these to role play with the kids who are building in the store. Id say there's probably 1000 or so given out
That's because it is, my hombre. If you remember Ideas/Cuusoo most of the really really popular shit were licensed stuff like Portal, Wizard of Oz and Adventure Time.
you haven't seen the retarded shit video game communities like TF2 are into though
Do you smell with your eyes?
I'm the faggot that linked it. These OP's just keep getting lazier and lazier.
It's uncanny. Properly making a new thread takes so little effort, yet people still manage to half-ass it.
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>buy stupid Stormtrooper thing at Target
>play with it for three hours
>love it
>come home after work the next day
>grandma threw it out

Time to throw out granny too
>lego thread
>its a chinese retarded shit
I would throw that away too.
Wow, genuine Bela Space Fights! How could granny toss such a treasure?
Gizmo minifigure must be mine.
>my granson or daughter is buying bootlegs of stuff that's still in stores and common as fuck

I'd do the same
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Bela is on the higher end of Chinese KOs, stay mad leetists.
Where can I get fleshie heads?
Target doesn't sell bootlegs.

Trust me. My little sister works there.
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maybe if you're stupid and somehow miss fine details like those awful leg/hip connections
No such issues with Bela, no Star Wars tax either.
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>want this set more than anything
>plan to buy it today
>get the hot farts around noon
>shit myself by 1:00
>afraid to leave the house all day
>finally get ass under control
>Walgreens is closed

Aaaaannnd now they're gonna be sold out.
From licensed sets. Check Bricklink.
Maybe it's knockoff Target.
Why is there no trans-white brick color?

Why do you want bricks the color of cum?
Reverse signals, primarily.
Aren't there frosted versions of trans-clear bricks if memory serves well?
There are, but only bricks, not plates or flats which are more useful at small scales.
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Just experimenting with train rod concepts.
Is original set of this Lego THAT good?
I have it and i got it mainly for those Troopers just to play with them around. The set itself is shit...i mean look at it. It's just a chunk of grey plastic.
I guess its usable if you planning to make a boring mech that made of grey metal but still.
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The vehicle itself is based on this Imperial transport design from the Rebels cartoon, but it's obviously way out of scale. It's still kinda neat though.
>fiddling around in LDD making a car rear
>accidentally make a front instead

Hah, happens a lot.
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What is wrong with boomers? Why do they think they can destroy or throw away someone else's property? Weren't they raised to be respectful?

It's mostly just a battle pack so it's popular.
>The vehicle itself is based on this
looks like shit in both versiouns.
Looks even worse in lego version. I guess you just a starwarsfag.
>What is wrong with boomers? Why do they think they can destroy or throw away someone else's property? Weren't they raised to be respectful?
>if i will throw away your toys you will stop being such a BABY
>if i will shoot your muh fvrit pet dog you will stop being such a pussy FAGGOT
basically the boomer logic.
Im so thankful my mother was an opposite of that. However im not from USA and we never had that "boomer" shit so it shows.
Why do you have to go to Walgreens? This is such a weird story.
The vehicle in the cartoon is based on an old Kenner action figure vehicle, hilariously enough.
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You're all too damn young.

The Lego set is based off of this.
Yeah, Rebels is basically a necromancer let loose in the McQuarrie and Kenner graveyard of concepts.
>The site will be down during the maintenance scheduled at June 8 from 1 PM to 3 PM (EDT)

Jesus, what the hell are they doing for 2 hours?

And where can I get my plastic crack during that time?
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There is guy on EB who makes remakes sets as POLICE
Holy fuck I had a good laugh. chceck out this CARGO POLICE
Could you link the thread?
sure: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=133742
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Nevermind, found it.

Can't find this one, though.
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Mini space trucking.
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With a little bit of colour
I'd go space truckin' in that.
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A military version
>A police combine harvester

My sides just scattered themselves across the globe like dragon balls.
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Girly Sporty version. I don't like this one so much.
precious baby ships , too cute for this world.
>mixing grays

How does it feel, being worse than Hitler?
Nacht bad.
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Star Wars and maybe classic Disney stuff has minor chance.

But Marvel won't be in Dimensions in million years.
Good stuff, anon. Any plans to do the other two?
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So how long does it normally take to get creative again once you leave the Dark Ages?

I've been fiddling about in Digital Designer for what feels like hours and so far this is all I've accomplished. Maybe it's the interface, but it just feels less "easy to imagine a thing with" than physical bricks (and mine are still buried in storage someplace).

Should I accept I've lost all of my childhood creativity?
While LDD is miraculous tool, I do think it's still much easier to get inspiration while you actually stare at your physical collection instead of just messing around with mouse and keyboard.

However, it may also be because I never bothered to learn LDD and for most part I only MOCed with Bonkle and Technic back in the day
Do we have any idea what time the new Dimensions sets are being announced?
I'll get little bits of inspiration here and there and end up scribbling a sketch in a notebook, but never for a full thing, usually just things like how to make a set of lights look how I want them to (which is still a hard process because I was never good at the whole pegs-on-the-sides thing).

Never had Bionicles or much Technic stuff myself.
Throw bricks on the gound and look at the pieces. It helps me.
Okay, so we got hints of Harry Potter and Gremlins yesterday from LEGO Dimensions. What do you want hints at today?

I gotta say Knight Rider and The A-Team.

I also hope TTG is actually Telltale Games for Minecraft Story Mode, or Traveler's Tales Games for LEGO City Undercover.
i see your heresy.
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>get odd bits that usually dont go into normal builds
>make them into something random that looks cool
>build something around that cool looking thingy
>find other lego bricks that are cool pieces
>find a way to add them to the build
not my image, i just thought it looked neat
jurassic park sets/dimensions packs when?
and is mad max too violent for lego?
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i see things like this and just curl up and die
mad max isnt getting anything.
Thoughts for today:
Ninjago means 5 Ninja. Go is 5.
Lloyd had a shirt with green 5 on it. And He become 5th, green ninja.
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>licensed shit

no thank you, fuck off Disney fags

its missing something
The wait for a potential Sonic lego announcement is killing me.
Fuck off Chris
>SEGA released a survey for fans asking for which crossover characters they want in the next Sonic game
>fucking My Little Pony on the top
This is gonna be great, especially if it gets even so much as a minor hint in Dimensions.
>Hasbro and Lego working together

found the clueless retard
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I don't recognize this piece. Number?
Let them have it if they go with it.
I'd rather have a clusterfuck of licensed stuff in Dimensions instead of cluttering Lego Ideas with shitty excuses of sets for having minifigs from X or Y franchise that Lego hasn't made before.

This is a nice solution for that and it seems like TLG is taking advantage of. After all the casualfag just wants the minifigs and probably a simple build related to the franchise. Dimensions packs successfully fill that craving.
Licensed shit is better than vehicleshit.
>licensed vehicleshit
that's the worst shit, except when they're iconic vehicles like ecto-1 and the delorean, in which case it's the best shit
what defines vehicleshit?
>its a superhero set
>shitty OC vehicles even though kids are going to buy it anyway

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okay that looks pretty bad with a bunch of stuff you can't really use for anything else

but at least it's got the good treads, not the tiny thin other type they swap between depending on year/set/series/moon phase/color of pants/etc

when are vehicles acceptable?
As >>5721466 said, when they are iconic vehicles, or actual vehicles from the media instead of huge ugly rainbow pieces of shit.
It's part #00225, but it's Kre-O not LEGO
the new volcano theme is a good example. 99% vehicles and one lame volcano made of a couple of burps. almost no scenery/buildings.
buildings in sets like those suck anyway though, they're usually just a door and a frame with ten different stickers applied
That's just because City is trash.
I wouldn't have a problem with the volcano vehicules if they weren't green reskins of other City stuff.

They had some neat City vehicles a few years back- the Unimog snowplow comes to mind immediately (first snowplow in 30 years or some shit IIRC), the RV, the more recent bulldozer. Everything else is so similar though it's somewhat sad- it's nice they've finally made 6-wide vehicles the standard, but Jesus Christ give them different appearances! I can understand Mudguards Go Everywhere On Everything, but is there a single City set that doesn't use trans-clear cheese wedges for headlights?

Lots and lots of real industrial vehicles (which most of the City stuff seems to be now, that and various pickup trucks) use old square sealed beams. Use some tiles! FUCK THESE SLOPES
Ths one :)
Literal fucking reskin. Disgustingly lazy.
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>make it slime green
>get rid of the dozen tools people love for making their own mechanics shops/garages/etc because lego's always suck
You are sadly right as many new sets look like recolored Arctic sets. And oce again the coolest and most unique one is retalier exclusive.
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>the coolest and most unique one is retalier exclusive.
Which one is that? I haven't been keeping up with the new releases.
Uh oh, who let the AFOLs out of their cage?
>implying five year old me wasn't smart enough to see through this shit
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>"volcano explorers"
>only 'volcano' part is a hollow incandescent rock with a crystal inside as if they exist in real life
even as a kid i would have hated this
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Easy with those leaks, Champ. You don't need the legal department suing MS paint. please remove!


That's a pretty neat Chinook but goddamn that 'volcano' is awful, and does anyone really need four balls of fire? At least people who want lots of lime green pieces will have it easier after this year.

There's also a coffee cup in the rescue lift thing, because they slip coffee cups in everything now I guess.
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The cat is out of the box. There's no going back now.
who would even want to explore a volcano?

that's how people die
NEW DIMENSIONS LEAK: City Team Pack (Mudguard and Coffee Cup)
I don't have any Dimensions stuff. Someone get your fucking blue plastic bases and make this.
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>that pussy-ass snake mech

Picked up my mini acklay at the store today. I'm considering buying a few, rebuilding the back a little and using them as mounts.
Thats Chairchenosaurus rex.
Oh you got them already? Nice!
What will be on next one?
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I'll take the case.

I almost couldn't find any new mudguards, but then I remembered that I had bought a ninjago Anacondrai Battle Mech (30291) set that had some. So, I'm proud to present my interpretation of City Team Pack.
Aww, sweet! I heard a rumor,of a fun pack, too! I think it has a sticker with a megaphone.
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The Delorean is utter shit. It hasn't even got windows.
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most non-city vehicles don't have windows, it's the only way to make lego cars resemble real ones
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Superb cockpit print. Will use for LEGO BanDai jets.
When did mudguards and coffee cups become epic lego memes?
i disagree that it's entirely utter shit, but the windows are. if only they would re-release it with custom molded windows...
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A tie bomber, which seems pretty boring, especially compared to the number of useful parts in odd colours you get on the Acklay.
also the Acklay is tan, not yellow, if that hadn't been cleared up yet.
Mudguards did because they get stuck on fucking everything regardless of what type of wheel goes under it and it very rarely looks good

Coffee cups did when someone noticed Lego puts a coffee cup in almost every single six-wide single-minifig City vehicle to take up space in the cockpit
I figured mugs were just a cute visual gag and not a conspiracy.
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Why is it always mugs, though? They have a perfectly good styro cup piece. Wouldn't that make a lot more sense to have on a job site?
Speaking of mugs, does anyone have the life-sized one that's sold at the Lego stores? is it any good?
i do, it's pretty good
it would be fun to have a few which you can stack on each other like real lego but they're expensive for being just a mug
I think it beacame a joke and tradition.
look here: >>5721213

Lego on facebook said they will be making adult sized soon, so I will wait.
Thanks anon!
>Lego on facebook said they will be making adult sized soon, so I will wait.

huh i thought they were already adult size. how big do you need your mugs to be?
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Cant find it now,
It's really a child size.
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>Czaszkowy skorpion
>Nie ma czaszki

IS that even worth to buy for pieces?
don't worry, lung cancer will deal with them.
by the way, it's kinda sad that all human sized lego items like the mug and boxes and salt/pepper shakers are all in different scales so you can't stack them together
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The next one SUPER PREZENT is fucking neat
I'd say so, they're all useful bits if you like bonkles.
>>5721639 <- this is better though
as you get used to LDD's way of building you will get better results. It is way more useful for the ones of us that have a "parts list" in our heads and already have a good idea of what they want to build.

If you want to mess around with bricks to see what happens I think real bricks are better.

>Should I accept I've lost all of my childhood creativity?
Hell no! If anything you can at least become a better builder by learning techniques you couldn't use as a kid!
whoa post more please!
why would they stop producing a cartoon just to make a new one about the same characters with a worse character design?
There was a 5 year gap or such
I figured out how building in it works relatively quickly (just had to learn to rotate things first), but yeah, it seems like that's good for people who already know what they want to make, hence why it's a Digital Designer and not Digital Dump Everything on the Floor and Get to Work.

> If anything you can at least become a better builder by learning techniques you couldn't use as a kid!
It's not just techniques, it's parts, too. From the few sets I've bought since rediscovering how great plastic bricks are, there's so much shit now that I would have literally killed a man to own fifteen years ago.
Something that helped me unexpectedly is building sets without the instructions. Ive gotten a lot better at filling out space and coming up with different solutions in my own stuff.
Shit, I might just try that.
>it's just mudguards all the way down
Holy shit, I'm finding TFA legos for great prices. What's going on with that?
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I guess somebody on bricklink complained the maintenance pic used non-Lego pieces, so somebody cropped the image.

not very well, they're the thicker plates at the top. gg whoever owns bricklink now
star wars sucks
If that includes the Millenium Falcon I want to be you.
>STILL no updated full-sized Bomber
Bricklink really doesn't give a shit about using graphics that they don't have permission to use.

I read a funny post by the LDRAW (not LDD) designer making fun of Bricklink because it still uses LDRAW renderings for most of its catalog items and they've never asked, credited, or thanked LDRAW for the graphics.
How does IP law work in this situation? All of the images are originally derived from LEGO's parts. Do any of the websites/companies in the LEGO ecosystem have a leg to stand on to protect their images?
>All of the images are originally derived from LEGO's parts.
If you draw a picture of a Ford car, you own the picture; Ford does not.

If you create software and create your own 3D models based on Lego elements, you own those models; TLG does not.
BL is live again.

And I have to learn brand new UI again.
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From /biog/ with love
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>riding mongo

>OC reposts
feels good man
Where is the light gray axle from?
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We warned you.jpg
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HEY! You used my guy! Coolerino.
yooo did you take this on earth?

I live there!!!
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Oh boy, I sure do love UI changes!
Everything else I can live with, but both brand new store main page (especially for a seller like me) and the new wanted list will take some time getting used to.
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Why would you play with Lego when you could play with the vastly inferior MegaBloks?
Has anyone bothered to buy any Angry Birds sets?

I got the ship at a rather decent discount, thinking of using the parts for another project. Then I watched Jang's video and I actually liked the cartoonish look.

I'll wait to get home to build it, but I think I'll be sticking around with the original build and wait for another one to go on clearance. Fortunately they are selling rather slowly here.
That mobster's been used for a few reaction images in the last month, anon. Congrats!

I thought about it, but the car I was looking at (mostly for the eggs and the birdfigs) was $15.00 for 75 pieces.
Hey, it's 20€ here. The plane is 30€ and so forth. Everything is more or less one price level higher than in States

And I live in fucking Finland. Gotta love the AB tax.
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Actually forgot this board, and a lego general, existed on 4chan, so here's what I'm working on

WIP Working Matchlock Arquebus / Musket that can fire bricks, adapting mechanism found on youtube. Now just deciding what stock to add and how to go about it. Thinking of some angled Technic bricks that I build off.
Yeah, for that price I can't really justify the part count. But again, it's likely that this theme is going to end in the clearance section, or at least the bigger sets.
>set is $5 off

why does hitlermart do this
>set is $0.02 off
Fixed that for you
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Is this the comfiest set of the year?

Also, do you think it goes well with the Lakeside Lodge?
>90% off

Thanks based Walmart.
Is that authentic?
>Is that authentic?
Can you [toilers]not see[/spoilersontoywhen] the hands?
a chinese group owns BL so that doesnt surprise me
>42052 available literally nowhere
>shipping costs a fortune

true suffering
>sure: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=133742

I now want to make my own CowCop.
Next year: Check out the new Lego City Graveyard set and build the Lego City volcano explorer a nice last resting place.
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D-does noone like my musket

:- (
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>begging for attention
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anyone want to talka bout the limo
we would if we could see it
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not really
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After listing a few new items in my bricklink store, I'm not really as upset as I was. The new UI is actually working pretty well. I did get a few errors that seemed to go away on their own, so that's not ideal.
Well anon, the construction itself is really basic, and we would have to see an LDD/ webm to decide whether or not it was actually cool.

Of far more pressing concern, however, is that you appear to be a newfag. I don't mean how you said that you were new to /toy/; I mean how you've apparently forgotten (or never knew) that one of the first rules of 4chan is LURK THE FUCK MOAR BEFORE YOU POST. This will save you a lot of worry and hassle wondering why everyone is ignoring you.

whats the reference here
Adventure Time

Its ok, I probably should've just asked for critique on my work if I wanted replies about it

Sorry lads, I'll be better next time

But whilst I'm here, make sure to vote leave on the 23rd of June.
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>4th main character is [spoiler]Mr. T[/spoiler]
damn that chair looks nice
>All these new teasers

Red flashing lights when?

Black and red van when?
>teasers for the 80s properties


I just started a store, good that I hadn't been able to do anything with it before the update.
They had a teaser for KITT was at the end of a recent speed champions vid
I like it, but the scale definitely seems a bit off compared to the minifigs. That RV is MASSIVE.
We've had some City ones in recent times that were around half the size of 31052, but they were not nearly as detailed.
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True. It's not HUGE, I guess; the next largest one is the Camper Van and that's still just a van, while the new Creator one appears to be a full-size motorhome so it'll obviously be larger.

At least the size makes sense, though; some of the other recent Creator vehicles are needlessly large to fit a minifig despite still coming with them.
on the other hand, 8-wide without the side doodads means the new motorhome will have trouble fitting on your streets/etc and is wider than pretty much any city vehicle other than the Meme Airport Firetruck
I must say that my favourite minifig-scale vehicle is 31039.
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>sanic the hodgeheg ring
>Q: if you could have only 1 minifig, which one do you choose?
Shit, what'd he post?
Q: if you could have only 1 minifig, which one do you choose?
Sup /lg/,

what is the shittest moc you ever built?
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I needed "a vehicle" and didn't have time to make it look like not absolute garbage
fuck you dad

haha, that's probably the lowest piece-count vehicle that actually seats minifigs i've seen in a while.

Boomers are the worst fucking generation in the US.

>Millennials are next if we don't fucking take control of this shitbox.
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that looks as bad as expected
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He looks fine, Simpsons like moulded head was the way to go! A little sad they didnt make a shark fin backpack piece for him and figs in the future!
>attach blue backpack, attach blue cheese slope to back
Can't wait to mod blue arms on him!
fucking perfect! do they do it in blue though ?
more please leaker senpai
I dont know, I used to build all kinds of shit when I was a kid.
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>sonic with the one ring in lego

I can't handle this world any more
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comrades I could use your help

I bought these things off bricklink. On the left is what I bought, on the right are pieces out of my collection.

The left ones are a little different in shape and the only marking is a copyright symbol; the Lego ones have the Lego logo on the trigger part, and numbers on the other side.

Anybody recognize the clone brand?

or did Lego maybe change the mold?
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This better for you anon?
I don't they do, unfortunately.
Jake looks horrifying.
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It's gotta be a clone of some sort; modern Lego stuff always has Lego and the part number on it someplace, even if it means making it one millimeter long inside the barrel of a thing.
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whoa, new fender piece.
I hope there's a QTE in the game where you have to catch one of them stage diving and no matter what you do, you Miss her and she asks if it's a race thing or lady thing
Its in cars sets is it not?
>McCarthy instead of Wiig or McKinnon

>No Marceline or P. Bubbs?
>mission impossible
for what purpose?
Is this franchise even remotely relevant still with kids today?
bricklink has info on piece variations, if it doesnt look like the variations there then yes, it could be a clone brand.
Theres more than one GB pack!
>sand blue weiners

I don't know how, but I will find a use for these pieces.
Is it the evil ghost dude?
Hey, now we get an Official Tom Cruise minifig!
Theres another pack so likely princess and Ice king!
Not that one.

that one I'm pretty sure only ever showed up in one set: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=93597
That looks awesome!
>Jake looks good
>unexpected LSP
>i expected a giant BMO, and they delivered, along with...blue sausage hands? weird in a cool way.
>lumpy car is kinda boring, but the rest is great
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Is BEEMO using these for his legs?
knight rider, doctor who... mission impossible is not the exception buddy

sand blue dude with... wiener?
Wheres knight rider and mr t?
How else would they get his legs to splay out?
Good Lord, never seen this part before. I've been away from lego for far too long.
Thats because its brand new.
brand new this seasons
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Wait, why isn't Sonic or Gizmo included in these leaks?



Story packs? So that makes 4 types, not counting the Starter: Level, Team, Fun, and now Story. Or is this one of the 'Connectables'?
If a thing included with Sonic isn't one of those ring monitors from the classic Sonic games I'll be really disappointed.
rest is tommorow
Because the Twitter guy who found these pics hasn't found the Sonic or Gizmo packs yet.
checking the set numbers against the old leaked list, the ghostbusters story pack doesn't match up to any of the connectables, rather, it matches "71242 GB 1"


has a beatle badnik!


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You mean a motobug?
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I visited my parents and they gave me a little tub of my Lego stuff from when I was a kid. Some Blacktron, M-Tron, and pirate minifigs bricks.

I am filled with equal parts nostalgia and horror because I found this minifig that I painted to look like a Rebel pilot back before there were Star Wars Lego sets. 10 year old me knew nothing about thinning his paints.
It looks like he's melting.

currently-old you doesnt know how to resize and rotate pics anyway
I only had that lot. Rest is out tommorow for public so just get some sleep!
Not the guy who found the Amazon listings but Sonic comes with his Speed Star and Tornado plane.
Its a checkpoint you doofus
I thought it's adult Harry for a second. Hair should be much shorter.
>speed star
Sonic has never had one of those.
>Speed Star
mr t
He looks like he just survived a crash. You should make scene about it.

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>mr t

Aw hell yeah!
Aaaaaaand with him comes Axl's hair for Nexo Knights.
Now I'm waiting on Gizmo and [spoiler]Rowan's Ghost[/spoiler] to leak

So many fools to be pitied...
All I need is THE MOTHERFUCKING HOFF and im set.

So I guess we're getting an 80s Adventure World.
I need to see the goonies set too!
OH SHIT, didnt even see that!
Goonies unfortunately isn't 100%.

What makes you think we're getting Hoff?
Everyones been saying theres a Knight Rider set.

Cant very well have that without the Hoff. That would be a hassle.
Fucking shame that lego is making these sets based off older movies/tv shows and MEGA BLOKS has the damned rights to classic star trek. Would be neat to get some TOS sets for dimensions.
It'll literally never happen, but I'm going to keep saying that I want some CN City inspired stuff.
Mostly because CN City would be perfect for a big hub world.
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>Speed Star

His car in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed.
Why would he have two vehicles? That would just be a waste of parts.
And if he does, that's a retarded choice on lego's part.
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oh you.png
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Are you implying Lego has some strange fascination with vehicles or something?
Why the SHIT would SONIC of all characters need vehicles. Give him a classic enemy and one of the power up TVs.

Jesus, that would be like doing one for DOOM and giving Doom Guy a tank.
I really want that stilt ghost.
Its a race about driving skill not actually HOW fast they are on foot. Its not that complex
>Set doesn't actually come with any ghosts.
Apparently the big Logo guy is a figure.
Rowans Ghost is in one of the sets!
Anon's talking why vehicles would be included in the set, not why he rides in a car for racing games.
Im not talking about the actual racing game, im talking about the dimensions set.
The actual sets, or the Dimensions packs?

I'm more surprised there is no ghost trap.
The problem isn't even the vehicles, it's that only vehicles are included.
Which is total bullshit.
its the same car. Kids like vehicles. I would have prefered a badnik

You better not be lying, I want his head mold badly.
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So he and the Flash can have a race of course
Shit, I may have to buy that just for the pop can.
It's only fair that way, otherwise Flash would lap him several hundred times in under a second.
Ah, that sucks. I was looking forward to a lego badnik.
Can't wait for the Goku pack to leak!
ok hol up how the fuck are people finding the INCLUDED BUILDABLES without the pictures
Makes sense though, considering the three-stage builds.
I would honestly pay out the ass for a lego build of Trunks' time machine.
info is always found out before pictures!
DBZ would be great for the hair pieces alone. The anime hairs from that mech line sell for too much, except that one purple one.
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I made a thing
Needs to have a classic kung fu movie studio name/logo on it somewhere and a "FILMED IN GLORIOUS 70mm KROMAFILM!!!!!" on it at the bottom.
more leaks..... MORe
Also "LEGO QUESTS -insert number- FILM"
>Honey, where are my red pants?
Just got my hands on photos of all the next wave of dimensions packs saving them now so I can dump them in a couple minutes. It was true all of it.
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Don't fuck this up.
please post hoff. please post hoff. please post hoff.
Those look like bootlegs dude
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Trying to upload the others but it is telling me I am uploading duplicates will just upload them to imgur
all the rest were already posted
Hoff is for the speed champions line.
please pplease please please PLEASE
No sonic but it does have adventure time and some of the others so they are keeping some of them under wraps well.
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thanks for the news buddy
All of those were already posted you late doofus.
FUCK. its just the ones already in the thread. Who gives a fuck about advenSHIT time.
>No sonic
Yeah I notice that now. I had the wrong general open and realized once I went to post what I found in the last general.
never will I not be mad about the metal detector element getting vandalized
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>No Hoff
>never will I not be mad about the metal detector element getting vandalized



Hoff is coming to the speed champions line so don't worry.
probably so the joint between the bar and the flat bit is stronger. New version still sucks.
Source on that?
I need to see him
Right near the end
I just noticed those stud shooter guns don't have any triggers.
Yeah, I dont bother with them. Have accidentally triggered them and lost studs too many times.
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>TFW the nubusters get an entire game shoved into dimensions but the originals only get one level.
Fuck yes.

FUCK yes.

Easy pass.

Eh, cheap Voldemort I guess.

Head might come in handy.

Didn't realize how much I wanted this until just now.
Very helpful. You should post more set reviews.
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>no-trigger hambeasts
It's alright anon we can dream
Wonder if they threatened Bill Murray with a lawsuit to get him to do voice work in it as well.

They probably won't get a new Adventure World though.
True they might just remodel the current one to include the new Chinese house and an updated firehouse. That really fucking pisses me off that they can't afford the original firehouse in the movie but end up getting it in the end.
Is this a whole new pad that is required to use the new packs? If it is thats fucking bullshit if it only comes with the Cuckbusters set
It looks like it is just an add on thing kind of like infinity where they did three new games but the pad was optional.

Looks like another buildable that replaces the portal.
Fuck Dumbensions, post more Doctor Strange
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Does anybody have the Wii U version of Dimensions? Is it okay? I'm finally going to buy in after having seen these leaks, but I only have a gaming PC and a Wii U.

The Wii U version of Disney Infinity was an absolute shit-show (garbage resolution and frame-rate + huge slowdowns for no reason) so I don't want to suffer through a repeat of that.

Posting a neat wallpaper as tribute for an answer.
Wii-U version is nearly as bad as the last gen version and is missing a lot of the livelyness of the open worlds. But it runs smooth and looks good. Just not as many NPC's in the open worlds and stuff which makes getting studs a bit hard.
Thanks anon. That kind of sucks but at least it runs okay. When you say NPCs do you mean important (named) characters or just nobodies you can kill for studs?
Just nobodies you can kill for studs. It is most noticeable in the Jurassic world hub because on next gen consoles a ton of dinosaurs roam around but on Wii-U only specific dinosaurs spawn near the entrance and two other spots.
Ah, fair enough. I can probably deal with that.
I would never buy the Wii U version because of the Disney Infinity thing like you said. I bought that for Wii U for my nephew and it was near unplayable. I can't imagine Lego Dimensions being much better but i dont know for sure.

I bought a Wii U since I didn't have a current gen system. Not too bad. Sometimes you can get slowdowns, but they're rare.
I got mine specifically for one game. Hyrule Warriors. Sunk over 300+ hours into it. Also love mario maker and LoZ TP and being able to run some classics. Once the thing gets hacked itll be even better. Its a shame Dimensions is shit on it, was thinking of grabbing it since I have a bunch of the packs for the figs anyways and the idea of the midway arcade intrigues me.

Anyone know WHY they didnt do a PC release (other than muh piracy)?
should i learn to use bricklink? now seems like a good time with the update and all
Its really good man. Do it, you wont regret it, but your wallet will.
this is how drug addictions happen, isn't it

I got it after a lot of indecision, and it functionally, it works great. The framerate tended to drop every once in a while, but it's far from unplayable. Also, the visual effects might be the tiniest bit less vibrant compared to its versions on other consoles, but it's pretty much the same in every other respect. All in all, it's a great addition to a good console.

It's not shit, but not as good as the other two consoles. The Wii U has some lovely exclusives which is why I chose it too. A PC version might have had some technical challenges.
Also, to add to what I said, be careful. Dont drunk/high purchase. Youll wake up and be like "oh shit, why did I order all these pieces?"

That said, if youre a crafty jew, you can find great deals. I cleaned out one store on there of like 80% of its inventory, random bits I didnt even need, because the guy was selling EVERYTHING for fractions of a cent. Bought like 800 pieces for like $25.
Well, thanks fellas. It sounds worth getting solely because it's not as fucking terrible as Disney Infinity. I will miss the vibrancy but at least I will get off-screen multiplayer in return.

Attached is my favourite MOC. (Not mine.)
Good God, Disney infinity was terrible. Need I remind anyone of THIS shameless display?
>Dont drunk/high purchase. Youll wake up and be like "oh shit, why did I order all these pieces?"
I don't drink or smoke at all, so that won't be a problem if you mean that in the literal sense and not the high of "Holy shit, I can get ALL THESE PIECES."
Even THAT high can get out of control! Thats how I did the store buyout. Saw the prices and just started adding everything. Good thing is, this is lego, so EVERY piece will have a use eventually.
If you're mostly interested in the newer ones, I'd wait to see if you can even play with the older game first. Might be a whole new 2.0 release.

Plus if that happens the first game will go on sale too, so even more of a reason to wait a week and see how E3 plays out.
I heard that they're only planning expansion packs, not a sequel. if anything, now would be a good time to buy in, but only if you're prepared for a rush.
The Lego Dimensions sets are way too fucking expensive. Where can I find them for slightly cheaper?
Wait for a sale. If you're in burgerland almost every retailer slowly puts them on sale and for a good discount. Outside of that you gotta shop around, but S@H seems to do 50% off the old wave when a new one hits for a couple of weeks. I got a few that way, because like hell I'm paying full price.
We need a new thread NOW.
>only on page 3
>still have 50+ image slots left

Get fucked, faggot.
>EVERY piece will have a use eventually.
>just finished making a tally of how many 1x1 round tiles I'm going to get for headlights and gauges and various whatzits
>caught myself going through lists just to see what new parts exist that I didn't have years ago and clicking them even if I don't know if I'll ever use them

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Or a proton pack. It's some kind of handheld thing stolen from Shocker.

I don't even have the game, but I'm getting these. Do people sell the game platform pieces on bricklink?

Hold your robohorses. We haven't reached the image limit yet.
People sell everything on Bricklink. Finding a buyer is the hard part.
>Handheld thing

It shows in the vomit inducing trailer that there are proton packs, pistols and brass knuckles now. Im guessing its meant to be the knucks (as ms piggy uses them in the same trailer). Looks like shit either way.
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I love the idea of IG-88 having several backup bodies. I have a 4th droid on the way for my Bounty Boys and the IG-88 collective, but I need to get my hands on the printed version. So fucking expensive for what is essentially a battle droid in dark grey with a printed round brick....
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I stole some gigs because I'm a piece of shit.
Got 3 of these.
This what karma feels like isn't it.
Send me one, and youll cancel out some of the negative.

Pay it forward my man!
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>not a single squid in sight
>that horrible music
>those loading times
>that shameless copy of arowana mall

You read "Tales of the Bounty Hunters", didn't you? I liked that idea too.

If I ever get to play a Star Wars game, I want to play a trio of networked astromechs. One mind, three bodies. Or barrels. Whatever.

Speaking of which, I acquired my R5-F7 a couple of days ago. A friend had the X-Wing, Y-Wing, and TIE Fighter sets in a box that apparently stood in for a hockey puck on the way home. I reassembled them in exchange for Arfive and Princess Leia. I think I got the better end of the deal lol
The first TFA sets have been out for 9 months now.
Sadly, as pleb as I know I am, ill say it. My extended knowledge of the bounty crew comes from mc chris songs.


I have since started reading up on them and it is fascinating. One cool thing I just learned is that Zuckuss was portrayed by a woman in the movie. Also that one of C3P0s stunt doubles was actually in the 4LOM costume. Seeing the display of it in pic related is insane. Guy had to be even MORE skelletal mode than the guy playing 3P0.
>directed by Chad studswell

Just made a connection.

I know Disney claims they wont connect shit to the EU, BUT......

What are the chances we might see a swoopbike race between a young upstart named Han Solo and a seasoned veteran named Dengar? Also a set to go with it?

Late night. Few posts. Lets rap.

Direct copy and paste of lyrics. This might fail horribly.

Orwellian Corellian a killer for credits
A temper tantrum phantom with the penchant for menace
I got a wicked head cold could somebody call the medics
So many cybernetics hallucinations and head aches
I was a stone cold daddy I was so long gone
Young and stupid I was swoopin' in the swamp with Han
Final lap it's a trap Solo sneaks up from behind
Got a forehead full of flames and I feared to cross the line
Brain was bashed ride was smashed on a crystalline stem
I was fucked, out of luck and I wished to be dead
But the empire scooped me up they delivered me from hell
Filled my brain in hate and pain like a ghost in a shell
They took away compassion and my ability to care
Say they took my heart but it wasn't ever there
And in that very place they put a more persistent rage
Sworn to kill the kid who put his thruster in my face

I will never flake on how you changed my life
(no way)
My minds a machine and its always in overdrive
(watch out)
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I liked it.
cool. All props to Mc Chris. He has a song for each bounty hunter and Han. Most of them are ancient now, but still fucking good. Not to mention one was used in a VERY shitty seth rogen movie and one was stolen and used for that kinect shit star wars game with the dance offs in it.
Han Solo equals pure death metal now.

Would actually love to hear Mc Chris do modern shit for Force Awakens.

Can you imagine how edgy the Kylo Ren song would be? Just enough to be full on goth.
like the Ideas ecto-1
She has proton pack. Its on the shelf.
[email protected]

Email the address if you live in Aus.
Eh. Kinda interested in MI, but won't be paying 30€ for it. Never cared about Adventure Time so passing on those. Will probably get A-Team because having Mr T. figure is so bizarre. Ghostbusters-pack will probably cost like 50€ here. Will be passing on it regardless. Harry Potter is kinda neat, and I liked the sets back then, but probably won't be getting it either.

Also why are the bases golden?

ITS.. ok.
The only thing I'm salty is that the new one doesn't work with mobile at all.
I think the Adventure Time minifigures look great.
I feel like they're definitely going to run the series now, after having made new so many molds (and prints? are the Jake and BMO faces prints or stickers?).

The only disappointing thing is that Finn comes with a generic sword instead of any of his interesting ones.
>definitely going to run the series now
We're getting Ideas-set later this year
Yeah, I was just concerned that the design that went through Ideas was brick-built figures. These Dimensions guys make me think that the Ideas set will be minifigure scale.
A lot of Lego's existing swords would work with those designs. It would require multi colored molds and stuff but I think a lot of them would look great.
rather than brickbuilt figures i'd prefer to have a small batch of sets (a la scooby doo), with Candy kingdom castle, the treehouse, ice king's mountain lair and stuff like that. maybe a vehicle set with the jakemobile.
they would make for some great/fun looking sets and would be popular with kids
That'd be perfect, and you're right it'd make them an awful lot of money.

I'd pay way too much for the Treehouse.

Mystery Mansion = Finn and Jake's Treehouse
Haunted Lighthouse = Ice King's Lair
Mystery Machine = Candy Kingdom with Finn, Jake, and Bubblegum
Mystery Plane = Spooky Set with Finn & Marceline
Mummy Museum = Lumpy Space
The Small set with Finn, BMO and Iceking mech would be nice.
Mystery Mansion = candy kingdom castle (tower with lab inside+ walls with gumball guardian) / finn, bubblegum, lemongrab, banana guard, zombie
Haunted Lighthouse = Treehouse with Jake, Finn, BMO + someone to fight
Mystery Machine = ice king's lair / ice king, finn, jake, gunther, any princess. features jail and drum kit
Mystery Plane = jake car / finn
Mummy Museum = something something marceline
there's so much stuff it's hard to decide what to leave out.
So you can't use a PO box for Bricklink, right?
Who says so? I've ordered to PO box from BL for six months now.
I'm just browsing around and apparently lots of stores don't ship to POs because of fucky things with UPS and USPS not delivering to boxes.
Although on second thought, that makes me wonder how I get any mail in the first place. When I order stuff from Newegg/Amazon it's a fifty fifty shot apparently if it'll go to my box or be delivered to my house.
Just got myself a Lone Ranger set, lads.
How come this series isn't more popular? Figs are cool and compatible with non-fleshies, great parts selection, especially for a boring cityfag like me.
Is it because the movie itself sucked?
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My mind was blown today. I never realised the sets of pins were different friction-wise.

What part blew your mind lately?
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>Is it because the movie itself sucked?

It's also three years old, and active conversation here on the General has died down as of late. You should've seen the way everyone adored the Constitution.
Really? It took you this long?

I really hope one of the bootleg Chinese companies gets their hands on these, along with Portal and Doctor Who. I really want the figs but fuck paying around £25 for bricks worth about £5
They are?

Shit, I didn't know that. That would explain why I never know if something is gonna be floppy or stiff.
For future reference, black pinaxles have friction as well, and light gray ones don't.
I actually had "FROM THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF MASTER SHREEPSMAN QUEST" at the bottom but I thought it looked better without any text.
>no Michael Knight

Shamefur dispray
why the fuck though is the adventure time world the pillow dimension from that one episode?
the playset says 'land of ooo'
>white people music
>fantastic beasts and where to find them dude or whatever it's called
Who's that superman guy thing though?
Also coming is knight rider and power puff girls according to a spiel on some Warner brothers site.
© 2016 The LEGO Group. ™ & © DC Comics. © The LEGO Group & WBEI. © New Line. ™ & © SZC lic. to WBIE. ADVENTURE TIME, THE POWERPUFF GIRLS and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Cartoon Network. A-Team ™ & © 2016 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE TM, ® & ©2016 Paramount Pictures. © SEGA. SEGA, the SEGA logo and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. Ghostbusters™ & © 2016 CPII. E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC. © & ™ Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. ©2016. J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World™ J.K. Rowling and WBEI. Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling. Knight Rider is a trademark and copyright of Universal City Studios LLC. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC 2016. GREMLINS, BEETLEJUICE, THE GOONIES © & ™ Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. (s16)
>Shity movie
>Overpriced sets
>No interesting characters

[danny elfman tuba starts playing]
Gizmo look off without a nose. I still want it. And ET

Way to go, assholes.
I've never used them in joints before, only today started fiddling with technics.
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>Teen Titans Go characters
Beetlejuice and Mr T make up for the necessary evils.
I don't know what to feel about all these IP's. If they follow the trend, most of those won't be getting proper theme, while they would have a lot of potential
This is the only game I play with my six year old and while a lot of these are geared towards me (Goonies, A-Team, Beetlejuice, ET, Knight Rider) I can see him getting on board with Adventure Time, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Sonic and definitely Teen Titans Go - and obviously LEGO Batman. All in all, this is a pretty fantastic announcement - especially as they're simply expanding the current game. I can see Star Wars showing up in wave 3, too, now that Disney Infinity is no more...
>Overpriced sets
Yeah but since they aren't popular couldn't you pick them up on clearance? I see some of them for good prices, opened.
>No interesting characters
>cool and relatively generic, yet unique coats
>bunch of hats for all your fedora trick needs
Come on man.
Can't comment on the movie being shit though, it probably is.
Well, at least this means I can put the original ghostbusters in the new one's story pack.

I kind of want to get the original's level pack 3 more times since you can unlock and swap which ghostbuster you're playing, and get the ecto-1 so they have matching minifigs.
> we're getting lego games for new movies

How do we feel about this?
I'm positive that, despite the potential, some of these would never have gotten full themes anyway. They'll give themes to those they think will fit their regular kid demographic (nuBusters, probably Adventure Time), but for some of the others it's great to just have them in any shape.
FUCK YEAH according to Press Release we are getting MAGICAL CREATURES SETS
i wish i could play lego dimensions but i don't have a console :^(
>There is no PC version annouced
You say that as if it's anything new.
Why would they? 99% of PC games sold are digital only nowadays and the portal is kind of a big deal here
so? they could sell you the portal with a steam download code
LEGO® Ideas Third 2015 Review Results

So much shit is happening today
Think you quoted the wrong post
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>LEGO® City Undercover
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>Who's that superman guy thing though?
Are you F'Real
Is that Ron Swanson?
Yes, and he wants all the bacon and eggs you have.
His brother. Rex Swanson
>tfw you're an Elvis fan

Does anyone have the OG "real authentic lego" hitler image saved. I need it.
That's weird. I remember K'Nex had the license for that.
Jesus, this is second time in the row they let two sets through. Are they getting bit looser with Ideas?
Full press release here:

Highlights from the press release:
>first wave: Sept 30
Ghostbusters Story Pack
Adventure Time and Mission: Impossible Level Packs
Harry Potter and Adv Time Team Pakcs
The A-Team Fun Pack
>the rest of these franchises will be released well into summer 2017
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The LEGO® Batman Movie
The Goonies
Sonic The Hedgehog
Teen Titans Go!
LEGO® City Undercover
Knight Rider
The Powerpuff Girls
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
>16 fucking franchises newly added, for a total of 30
>everything is compatible with everything else, you only really need the first Starter Pack
>new four-player competitive Battle Arenas
>All-new Battle Arenas will offer first-to-LEGO® videogames competitive split-screen local gameplay for up to four players. LEGO® minifigures included in the wave 6 through 9 expansion packs will come with special, golden Toy Tags which unlock a Battle Arena within the Free Play Adventure World of the corresponding entertainment brand. Each Battle Arena has four different gameplay modes and comes with its own traps, special powers and interactive environments that make every battle arena unique.
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>Story Packs - deep, story-driven gameplay around the biggest theatrical releases
>The GB Story Pack includes 6 movie-based levels
>the pack unlocks a new Toy Pad mode
>there's apparently a new Adventure World for the 2016 Ghostbusters
>Fantastic Beasts will have its own Story Pack

It's interesting that the LEGO Batman Movie is in there. Whether Movie Batman will also come in a Story Pack is yet to be seen.
And each franchise gets an entire 3D Adventure world. Don't forget that.
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>No Nexo Knights
This is a little confusing, since combat in the LEGO games has never been deep.
>a Battle Arena within the Free Play Adventure World of the corresponding entertainment brand
Oh! So the pillow world is the Battle World for Adventure Time.
They might be redoing it... Maybe. Hopefully.
I thought that would already be a given for those who would care about Dimensions.

I think the traps and shit could make it interesting.
I think its time to finally pick up the game when target has the 50% cartwheel coupon again.
It was a fat thing. I don't know why she left that one out.
>That TTG Beast Boy
why that face
kids are retarded
because that's the joke?
Because that's the joke.
So you're saying kids asked for heavily stylized faces that will look awful next to the other characters?
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I have real lego people saved
What's wrong with it?
Spike from Gremlins seems to be confirmed
yeah it looks exactly like the cartoon, what's the problem?
I was dumb and expected it to look less cartoony for some reason. most likely because I am dumb.
Also just noticed he doesn't even have leg print,
oh well
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also Raven
>that tagline
Jaws confirmed for the next wave lads.
>Teen Titans Go characters
That beast boy hair+ ears looks retarded, specially considering we already have perfect hair+ears moulds.
i'm going to need a bigger version of that picture to see stuff
Considering that Knight Rider was first teased in a Speed Champions video, how likely is that we'll get both the Dimensions pack, and its Speed Champions Equivalent?
It bothers me a bit that if we get SC KITT, would Hoff be still fleshie or would he be yellow like rest of the Speed Champs-figs?
With all this news I think it is safe to say that this year is going to be a solid year for lego
That would be an interesting question. I don't mind fleshies bit it would look weird in that line if it was the case.
Are they DLCing in the new worlds?
All the packs since Dimensions started are essentially physical DLCs.

Still better than amiibos if you ask me.
So, Saturn V passed ideas review. Does that mean they are going to actually produce this set?

..I thought they choose small brick-count sets only?
They're probably gonna downsize it.
i hope they make it in microscale
How do I get dimensions for a nonawful price?
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i was joking. i'm just sick of people posting fuckhuge sets on Ideas
Saturn V is only about 1200 bricks, actually.
probably yes. That's why we get SD characters in Mighty Micros instead of normal faced characters
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What's that thing in the upper left?
>So you're saying kids asked for heavily stylized faces

Did you just fall out of a clone tank fully-grown?

Kids like cartoony faces. This is not surprising information.
anyone else that's not 30-40 think that all this nostalgiafag pandering is getting old?

i mean sure, nostalgiafags will buy literally anything from when they were children, but it seems like it's time has passed (80s retro shit was more popular like 10 years ago) and does it really sell well overall when including lego's main market?

do we really need 30 80's licenses?
Why are 30-40 year olds obsessed with their childhood?

also it's nice to see sonichu will have a new figure
Sonic photos are fake by the way, the trailer didn't have that and the model in that photo if awful and unrealistic. More coming soon.

Anyone with sense knows the 80's were the shit, not only 30 year olds.
LEGO Dimensions Series 1 Sale fucking when?

I need to get them on sale at the Lego Store so I can get mad points.
Year 3 maybe?
>tfw dimensions will never have starlord for the 3x chris pratt team
>tfw dimensions will never have tmnt for maximum nostalgiafagging
why is this game such a constant source of disappointment.
>sonic's arms aren't blue

>Got the starter pack at 50% off
>Vidya stores are having trouble to get rid of various level, team and fun packs even at sale price

Suddenly I don't feel so bad about not having S@H to ship to my country.
>anyone else that's not 30-40
>think that all this nostalgiafag pandering is getting old?

So you're basically asking if younger 4chins agree with you that they don't care about IPs that are older than themselves.

Why are 30-40 year olds obsessed with their childhood?
If you're in your 20s you will get there... or not, considering I'm in my 30s and don't care that much about most of these.
Sonic's arms were not originally blue and Yoshi's arms were not green. Get over it.
Would hate to work at a Gamestop right now.
yoshi's arms were green in art since his inception, it's just the sprites that didn't have green arms. sonic was depicted with tan arms for years before boom.
essentially i was asking that

but idk, i don't think it's even arguable that out of every generation, 80's kids aren't the most fanatic about anything from their childhoods

i just don't get when the pandering will stop.
this shit doesn't really interest me or anyone younger.

i was in the theater the other day and all of the movies being advertised were nostalgia grabs. I mean even comic/superhero movies are for the most part. no one actually gives a shit about comics anymore.
Who owns the rights for TMNT even?
I'd say less loose, and more that people are starting to understand the basic concepts of what can and cannot work so more viable ideas are being posted. Also helps that people are seeing some of the things that passed which gives more awareness so more people post more so there's a bigger pool of options. That and they've become license whores so that opened up a few more alleys.
Why is there no one talking about the Yellow Submarine that just passed the Ideas review?
Really? I remember seeing Lego TMNT sets as recently as a year ago
Lego had the license 2013-2014, but now Mega has it.
Lego had the rights, then Megabloks swooped in and took them. I guess it wasn't doing that well.
>but idk, i don't think it's even arguable that out of every generation, 80's kids aren't the most fanatic about anything from their childhoods
This post made me laugh, because as an '80s kid, I constantly notice '90s kids nostalgiafagging about '90s media. Believe me, when you are able to afford a house instead of an apartment, you will start using more of your disposable income on things you enjoyed when you were a little kid. The only reason you perceive things the way you do is that the '80s kids are CURRENTLY the most fanatical, by virtue of being the first generation to grow up in the post-Cold War world when day-care centers were drowning in plastic.
>Why is there no one talking about the Yellow Submarine that just passed the Ideas review?
The past few months. They've had every wave on sale for 50% off as each new one came out.

I expect around August/September they'll discount them all again to clean stock.
I'm 21 and already own a house and have a disposable income
liking Lego is as close as i get to being fanatic about something from when i was a kid. It's not really in a nostalgic way either.
and the difference between the two generations is that no one from the 90s is actually indulging or obsessing over things

it's limited to some facebook post about nickelodeon shows and watching a few episodes on netflix

obviously if there were an equal market compared to 80's shit, stuff would already exist to capitalize on it
He already wrote a kylo ren rap.

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>two bricklink orders arrive on the same day
Joke's on you, I had three orders arrive the other day.

And then one of those had wrong hairpiece, which was the main reason I ordered from that store to begin with
I'd say of any generation the "millenials" are the most batshit mixed group ever to be called a generation. They're a mix of everything. From obsessive nostalgia fanatics, to airhead internet addicts, to business oriented people.

It's why whenever someone brings up the term 50 people spring up to claim they "aren't part of that generation". Trying to pin any specific terms past "grew up with the internet" is just a fools errand.

Also, about having a market. 80's kids in general have money, where as the current generation coming of age is dead ass broke. Also they weren't raised on 30 minute toy commercials feeding the nerd portion a diet of toy desire that would never be sated as cartoons had advanced a bit by the 90s.
Just received an amount of money comparable to 200 $/€, I think I'd like to spend a small portion (10-30%) on lego. Do you have anything new and nice to recommend?
Those are really good points and I agree
>I'm 21
Then you're not old enough to be nostalgic about your childhood, because you're not far enough removed from it yet.

I'm not saying this to argue with you or insult you. I'm just stating that your perception will likely change as you get into your 30s.
I think it might actually be parent companies consolidating. spongebob license left lego too. who runs megablocks? viacom might just be in bed with a toy company.
Shit. You might be onto something. Mattel bought Megabloks recently, and I think they have TMNT rights already so they just moved over. Kind of sucks because the lego sets were pretty good, and the megabloks ones are pretty lacking. If I was a bigger fan I'd probably be upset with the quality shift for sake of profits.
King's Mech.
>those Teen Titans figs

DC fans are just getting buttfucked by lego this year.
Another one arrived yesterday, so three in two days.

My condolences on the hairpiece.
I'm only going to buy Raven because not a single decent figure of her exists anywhere else.
meanwhile here I am staring at a couple sellers that are dragging their feet.

>mark order shipped
>shipping label created
>"this does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date"
>three days ago
"I'm not running a business. I do this on the side as a hobby." Best shops ever.
Hey now, I do BL as a hobby and I still take it seriously.

The most I've done is marked the order packed or shipped few hours before actually doing it.
Happened to me too. That was one of the orders I got today.
The flash on one of the bootleg guns should also kinda give it away. All the ones I have don't have the copyright sign and they have a Lego marking. Sorry dude.
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I like the look of this guy.

Thanks guys. I complained to the seller last night, they were cool about it and issued a refund. Even though I'm going to keep/use these pieces anyway.
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I got bored and reverse-engineered Mr. T's ride. I don't have the right colors though, oh well.
Nice B-Team van!
It happens. I've gotten bootleg parts from BL before,but it was an honest oversight. Probably bought a big lot with some bootlegs mixed in and didn't notice before listing them.
Looks like this guy will fit it nicely into a Shire display
So why is there a bit negative general opinion on ninjago sets? They look kinda neat with some fun builds and cheap compared to other sets. I'mostly asking because I've seen that flying red ship being sold near me and I'm torn between that and a star wars set
Trainwreck anon here

Poorfag needs monies
The only good Ninjago set is this one. The rest are meh.
Yeah its pretty nice but I cant find it in a reasonable price anywhere close to me
Others are good (well, most of them), but this one is AMAZING
that one movie where a guy buys a monster from a magic chinese shop, and he isn't supposed to get them wet or feed them after midnight but he does anyway.
>cooking wieners by hand
Absolute fucking madman.
He said upper LEFT, anon

Setup looks good, but you should check out the minifig photo guide
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Alrighty then
So I just got the Pet Shop modular recently.
It's a great build and all, but I was disappointed with the unfurnished brownstone style apartment.
Like, ok, I get it. Making it seem like they're "just moving in" is a great way to save on bricks, but eh.
So I furnished it. Which is how I learned that making tiny LEGO furniture is actually super fucking satisfying.
So check it out, friends:
First floor I swapped out the couch, put in a little coffee table, and changed the end table to have a large lamp.
It's styled off of one my girlfriend and I have in our apartment now.
As is most of the furniture I made, really.
Take out the wall by the stairs and shoot across the room so we can see it all at minifig height!

I can post them all in a couple hours.
Next floor is the best floor.
The kitchen/dining area.
Previously the one with the admittedly cute "wall paint" gimmick, I turned that single stud in the wall into the microwave/utensil rack.
Also a fridge with a lot of stuff stuck to it, because of course we have a ton of stuff on our fridge. Who doesn't?
Simple counters and oven--But forgot to make a sink, and don't know where to fit it organically now.
A little dining bar area, looking out the windows.
And a classic LEGO coffee maker. Built exactly like the other building in this set has.
>Lamp door

Looks nice.
Are you going to make a room for your girlfriend's son?
Wait. I'm sure we will get raven next year seeing they have a pieces in good colors.
They always do this
>Take out the wall by the stairs and shoot across the room so we can see it all at minifig height!
That is a lot more difficult than you might think.
If you guys want, I might just take all the furniture out, since the set otherwise is exactly as the instructions say.
Here's the other side of the kitchen room. Just a simple little bookshelf with some knickknacks on it.
Also the little table by the stairs.
>le epic le cuck meme XDDDDXDDDd
Great, nice, I like it.

Do you have two figures that look like you and your girlfriend?
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Lastly, and most boringly, the upstairs room.
Just a bed and an end-table.
I'm gonna make some sort of chest of drawers or vanity for the right-most side of the room, but don't really have the colors/pieces for it right now.
Is there any reasonable way to have different colored building outsides and insides other than making the walls 2 pegs thick instead of 1?
I do! Also, as a bonus, here's a moving truck I made, as well as an extra toilet and sink.
There's a theme to it all. Can you guess that we just moved?
You can try using snot techniques to cover the outside with tiles.
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>Dimensions totally had he rights to LOTR
>First waves only contain characters we already have minifigs for
>Sauron in the actual fucking game
>No Sauron fig
>No Sauron fig next wave
>No Lord of the actual motherfucking rings in LOTR LEGO

I'm done.
>No Balrog set either
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>That figs
Don't reply to trolls, dummy.
>forgetting her bull

That's hella freaking cute, dude.
Me and my girlfriend are planning to furnish our own pet shop too, unfortunately most of our loose parts are still stuck at our parents' homes.
Indiana Jones was the worst about that.
>No Toht
>No white suit Belloq
>No Lao Che
>No Sallah
>No Donovan
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Yes, building minifig-scale furnishing is the bomb. Building electronics and equipment especially.

Neat. Also
>Plaid skirt

Totally stealing this look for a waifig.
Love this. Especially the reel to reel.

I don't recognize her hair, where's that from?
larry the batista CMF from the lego movie line
I would never expect that Elephant
And lumpy purple blob also.

Can't they just sell them without the computer game?
As in, the figures themselves?
Be thankful the figures and vehicles are not glued and still compatible with existing lego.

Man, the nostalgia meter is over 9000
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Have these sold well btw?

Pretty disappointing offerings. I'd have liked the Nautilus and winter village sets.

That's great, anon. I didn't even know film reel pieces existed. Also that's my favorite waifu of yours. I need to make one of her.
is there an actual bane bigfig or hulk normal fig?
Hulk - Polybag
Bane - Dimensions
Bans is out now as a Dimensions fig. Not sure if he's on another set.
I know dimensions bane is available as a normal minifig. does he exist as a bigfig, which he transforms into in dimensions?
>two cats
>all the plants are dead

No, there's always a chance one might make it in the Lego Batman Movie lineup though.
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Now I can make him meet "Yoda" with Halloween.

Now I can make a SW Senatorial hovering cup with 3 of these guys

I can even make a ET Jedi
Yeah, you're right.
This was fantastic. I thought some of these weren't true, but these look great.
I'm just gonna try and swap their faces to make them look more like the vastly superior old cartoon.
>I'm just gonna try and swap their faces to make them look more like the vastly superior old cartoon.
>the vastly superior old cartoon.
Take off those nostalgia glasses, both TT cartoons are pretty OK for what they are
>oh sweet, cool TV
>it's a STAMP

Looks great though, love the setup!
Yeah there are several STAMP tv-sets from the 70's. I'm still looking for the other ones.
LMAO LOTRfags are so delusional. LOTR were some of the worst selling sets, the Hobbits were the biggest flop in toy sales for sets of a new movie to get multiple waves in the US, and the Dimensions packs sold almost as poorly as Chima
I want this set so bad. I absolutely love the Saturn V, and this is just beautiful.
Perfect size.
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Here's a Sir Handel.
I want it.
Put all the yellow figs on one side of the street and all the white figs on the other, act like you're making a statement.
They just need more buildings. Everything is a vehicle set. You'd think it was a racing theme. Skybound is amazing though. I'd get them all if I had the money.

I always loved that now it's officially in the same canon. I'm still hoping they go to the Green Planet in a future SW movie.
To be honest I don't care about STAMPs, I'm just giving you shit.
I know we're not at the image limit, but if it's all right with everyone else, I'm going to make a new thread. We are past page 6, after all.
What the shit is this oh my god how horrifying please kill it
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Jesus Fucking Christ
Chima DImensions sets went out faster than LOTR around here.



Stop doing this. Wait for the image limit ffs.
>only 5 image posts left until the limit

ask for more leaks, I guess
It's not nostalgia, they are way too different. Of course someone who doesn't like goofy comedies won't like TTG either.
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Image limit reached new thread:


Goddamnit I don't want to fuck Lego people

Stop trying to make me
The thread before this one only ever hit 124 images. It didn't even get the dignity of dying full.
it makes me so mad.
"we're on page 6"

learn to click the fucking catalogue button dickhead.
So is Chris-Chan going to mace someone over this as well?
Or are we just going to see him make a bunch of custom Sonichus?

>Produced by Seth Brickstein
>Written by Troy Blockmen

>When I was, a youngling, my father, took me to Corellia, to see a Massassi band.

>the Dimensions packs sold almost as poorly as Chima
Of course they sold like shit. Like the anon you replied to said, they only released boring assed minifigs that had already been released.
Do you think the LOTRfags were really interested in a Legolas, Glimi or Gollum minifig that they probably already had. But if they had of done a Sauron minifig, every LOTRfag would buy it. So to would a bunch of other fags.
I bet china produces a load of different coloured sonics as soon as this set is out.
>it makes me so mad.
>"we're on page 6"

learn the value of keeping life in perspective anon. If the worst thing that happens to you this week is "someone made a new Lego General before the old one had 150 images", your life is going well.
I dunno, I worked a summer job cleaning those things on a lot once, they're pretty fucking gigantic in real life too, some are down right gigantic and would look big next to even a big rig.
Thread posts: 686
Thread images: 151

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