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NECA General Discussion

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Thread replies: 350
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National Entertainment Collectibles Association
Frost: Arcturian Poontang Edition
Previous Thread: >>5633877
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hyped for this guy
Me too. Probably gonna display him without that weird mask thing.
Also, tentacles.
just noticed the scar, is he related to Scar's clan? Thought he was a clan leader from another group since it's a Kenner thing.
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Oh shit, I forgot I took this picture the other day. Awhile back someone was very very vehement about the Big Chap reissue no longer shipping to Walmarts. I went to two of my regular spots and look what I found. They definitely showed up within the last three weeks and weren't there before.

So if you need one, go check your Pokémon card aisle.
I told myself that I just need one generic Predator and one generic alien.
>Well maybe Queen Alien wouldn't hurt, she's big and looks great
>Maybe another predator or two so they could gang on the Queen alien
>Maybe another xenomorph or two
>Doggy alien woof woof gotta get this guy
>Maybe Dutch and Ripley too
>I used to have the clan leader toy as a kid, gotta get this guy too

Fuckin mission creep man, why is the toy slope so slippery
Im not a fan of the mask either, but his face his bad ass.
I started with just a Big Chap to put with my alien films on my movie collection shelf.

Now I own almost the full line + a dozen preds. Never even collected action figures before.
That mark is a generic mark meaning you've killed a Xeno. Its not exclusive to Scar's clan.
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I think a simpler explanation is they re-used unmasked Scar's headsculpt and swapped out his open mandibles for closed ones. Anon is right though, the scar is part of AvP's predator lore.
quite lucky they don't have them at any around me
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maybe this has been discussed before and i haven't seen it on the neca site but with series 8 are we getting the young queen and royal facehugger?
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They're part of the 'creature packs' which are separate from the main series, kind of like the facehugger egg carton, I think.

It seems to be low priority for now.
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There was some speculation in the previous thread about whether or not the eye piece on Vasquez would be removable or able to move. I don't think they intend for it to come off, but that's definitely a swivel joint if I've ever seen one.
Oh, good
Agreed. Also, the color scheme. Gotta get this guy.
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So much hype for this figure.
I told myself I was just buying the 8bit dog alien to fuck with my wife. (She had childhood nightmares about the xenomorph). Now I have a prototype Xeno and Celtic pred. Planning on picking up clan leader and the cocoon Xeno, maybe even the red Xeno. I have no room for the figures.
I thought I'd just get Hicks, Hudson, and a Xeno Warrior and be done.
Now I have Ellen Ripley, Bishop, Amanda Ripley, a few more Xenos, a and few Predators. Looking forward to Vasquez, Frost, Newt, Kenner Preds and Kenner Aliens.
This shit got real.
Okay, I'm going to be honest, I sorta lost your point. There are variants, if not intended nor sold as such. So what's your problem?
Oh wait, is that what the deleted post you responded to was about? Uh oh
looks pretty great
the tongue freaks me alittle though
I sure hope it's removable, like the Trilobite's one. What's wrong with the hands, anyway?
>I sure hope it's removable
It is.
Great, now I feel the urge to get that ugly spacesuit Amanda, what's with the new comics being filled with neca figures? The predator one has a couple of kenner preds and now this, it's like an evil scheme to make me buy the figures I skipped.
Oh man, I hope it can swap dicks with the trilobite.
Aren't the hands exactly the same as the other warriors? Maybe they seem different because of the paintjob.
>now I feel the urge to get that ugly spacesuit Amanda
It's actually a pretty great figure. Figuring out how it works, it's a lot more articulated than you might initially think and can actually pull off some decent action poses (weird I know, but NECA just pulled it off somehow).
I would literally set my dick on fire just to have this right now.

The Aliens warrior had chameleon hands. Four fingers, two stuck together each and a thumb. That's just how it's meant to look.
I really wish NECA would do a 2.0 of the Big Chap and Alien Warrior. The lims are fine (though alternate hands would be neat) but the torso's articulation is kinda lacking in places. He wouldn't need much- he just needs a waist joint, a joint at the base of the neck and a joint for the "headrest" so it can get out the way without having to be completely removed.
Yeah I agree about the joint at the base of the neck that would be most appreciated.
>Great, now I feel the urge to get that ugly spacesuit Amanda, what's with the new comics being filled with neca figures?

That space suit has been around since Alien. It isn't a NECA design.
I think Neca would disagree with that.
Any one know of a place to get the Queen on the cheap.
it's on amazon right now for 99 but it ships from China and I don't want to wait a month for it and I with it being from China I am afraid it might be a bootleg.
I can get it for 104 from bigbadtoystore and that's not too bad.
But if I can get it cheaper that would be awesome.
It's very rare to get those things at a Walmart in my experience.
Is it bad that every time I see a Neca General with tons of replies I assume its always shitposting and not talking about figures?

I mean fuck some of you guys most likely have Mutavore and some Cinemachines now but noooooo we are arguing about fucking paint apps.
this a good toy?
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He's one of the best predator designs, his sword and shuriken are badass, but his gauntlets hinder the already very limited elbow bend, so you're not going to get a lot of crazy poses out of him. Also, virtually all them seem to suffer from loose hips, based on the experience of anons here (myself included).

Loose joints can be fixed with future/superglue if you know what you're doing, so don't let that put you off buying it, if you can get it for a good price you should get him.
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All this stupid debate did was reminding me that the concept xeno looks great, maybe i'll grab one next.
Of the future ones, which ones are you guys excited about? I can't wait for Ghost Pred, Scarface and ilegal alien.
>Of the future ones, which ones are you guys excited about?

By 'ones' do you mean Neca figures in general, or aliens/predators? Either way:

AvP Elder
Scarface predator
Ultimate Tech Noir + Ultimate Police Station Assault terminators
Ash vs Evil Dead wave 1
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Look who arrived
Neca figures in general, it's just that i only collect Xenos and preds for now.
I don't like the one on the right at all, but the left one is busy enough to ignore the unpainted netting and I'm a sucker for glow in the dark homeboy at the bottom nohomo
So... who's hoping they make an Ultimate T-850 from T3!?

Wish list:
Resurrection Ripley
Resurrection Alien
Requiem Alien
Pred Alien

Ultimate Motorcycle Cop T-1000
John Connor
Ultimate T-850 Arnold with coffin full of gunz n shit
Terminatrix Skin version
Terminatrix Endoskeleton
"Metabot" Terminator from Genesis
1973 Arnold from Genesis

62 Godzilla
64 Godzilla
98 Zilla
99 Godzilla

Can't wait for that Ultimate Jungle Hunter!
I wouldn't mind a T-850. We already have or are getting Arnold Terminators from the rest of the movies so it'd be nice if we got one more to round out the collection. Don't blame them if they don't, though. I can't see a T-850 selling as well as the ones from T1 or T2.
I can't wait for

Ash vs the Evil Dead wave 1
Friday the 13th part 3 Ultimate Jason
T1 Ultimate Tech Noir and Police Station Assault Terminators
Spiked Tail Predator
Masked Scar Predator
Ultimate Jungle Hunter
Hots wave 2 info fucking WHEN
Some varied sources mention in a few months time.
use the string method to tighten the loose hips
basically just tie stirngs to the hip pegs
Scarface looks amazing.

The wave you posted is men. I don't care much for the Manner designs, and the Jungle Hunter body has been so exhausted I want to puke when I see it.
supposedly they are on the new jungle pred body with more articulations but i guess they couldn't get it out fast enough
I started on nendos. I don't know how I got here.
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>Resurrection Alien
Although i'm not a big fan of the movie i do want that one too, not only it scared the hell out of me as a kid, it would also fill the missing link in my "design evolution" chain.
Are there ko's of the Prometheus Deacon or it's safe to get from ebay?

Also today I bought my first egg carton and the closed ones were so damn bloated they couldn't stand on it's own as the base was completely round, I had to lance them with an insulin needle to get most of the air out. I'm not complaining but is this a common issue with the eggs?

Also, have a mutavore review; he's so fucking gigantic:

And don't listen to what that faggot says, it actually has elbow joints.
The next Kenner wave may still get the new body if the timetables work out
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I somehow like the resurrection aliens, they look all fleshy and mean, it's like an anachronic mix between the classic warrior and the ones from avp. Also they could retool it into pic related, this fucker was my fav as a kid.
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Express elevator to hell, going down!
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So yeah, my Cinemachine Dropship arrived today! Was really looking forward to this guy.

First impression; it's small! Neca had posted those photos of the dropship next to a ruler, so I had an idea of what to expect, but still, it's small! Packaging was pretty neat though, and the Dropship is inside a clamshell that does a great job of protecting it while also making it very easy to take the Dropship out (or put back in).
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The clamshell also does a great job of preventing you from getting a really clear view of the dropship while it's inside the packaging, so I was pretty impressed with the sculpt and overall finish of the dropship once I got her out of the package.

The shade of green and light weathering on the fuselage looks great! While tiny, the dropship does have a decent weight to it and the sculpt looks great too.
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The weapons pylons fold in & out smoothly on study hinge joints, and when you fold in the main pylons they gently snap into place, so nothing is flopping around.

Best of all, you can open up the loading ramp (which securely snaps shut when not vomiting out cargo) and there's a tiny APC inside!
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I know I already said it, but it's tiny! Disappointingly, the APC is also all plastic. I would have thought if anything would be diecast, it'd be the APC, but on the upside it is sharply detailed and it has rolling wheels too. Laser turret does not move, though.
Yeah, i feel the same about resurrection xenos, i'm just not crazy about the movie itself,
Damn, which Kenner xeno is that? It looks awesome!
>The weapons pylons
Are they made of plastic or metal?
Overall it looks pretty neat and spot on, if only the paintjob/sticker on the front lights is a but dull.
Can the turret of the APC move like the big one?
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I have some small gripes (not the cleanest paint apps on small details, landing struts not all being level with each other), but I only really have two complaints. First, there are several areas where too much glue was used, so when the parts were pressed together the glue was squeezed out. In most areas it's just a little bit, but on the tail section there's a pretty large patch of clear dried glue that seeped out between parts. Not the biggest deal since it just shows up as a glossy patch, but I would have liked if it were cleaner.

My main complaint is that there's no retracted landing gear. I wasn't expecting working landing gear, but I was hoping they'd include some swappable parts so you could have the gear up. Back on the positive side, the landing gear is all diecast, including the struts, so at least they aren't super fragile.

Overall, this is a pretty rad toy. Is it $20 rad? Well, there's not a lot of options for good dropship toys, and this one does a good job of hitting all the main dropship features (love that they included an APC). At this size I'd say a fairer price for this guy would be $15, but if you love the dropship (and come on, everyone loves the dropship) I think it's worth picking up for an extra 5 bucks.

Negative, no movement in the turret.
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Wrong size.
Damn, these look cool, and it asks so hard for outside pics on rainy days.
neca sucks horse cock
Aqua Alien, I still recall seeing it on the store and it was love at first sight.
The movie is shit (a perfect example of french sci-fi gone wrong) but has interesting designs like xeno Ripley, the pengina hybrid and said warriors.
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Ah sorry, forgot to answer your first question, heh.

All the pylons are plastic, though they blend in excellently with the metal fuselage. The loading ramp is the other main piece of plastic.

Oooh, that'd be cool.

Aqua Aliens were so freakin cool in the Colonial Marines comic. I never knew Kenner made a toy of them, and I was a huge fan of the line as a kid.
>Are there ko's of the Prometheus Deacon or it's safe to get from ebay?
pls respond, anyone, I'm about to drop $40 on this fucker but I'm unsure.
Where have you seen it for 40? When I looked they were alot more then that.
>thread has 307~ posts
>go to sleep
>wake up
>thread has 69 posts

That's has to be a new shitposting record for Neca General :^)
i'm still salty bout deacon not having shoulder joints
what a piece of shit

Except it has shoulder joints. Just because it doesn't do what you want it to doesn't make it a piece of shit.
Any of you guys know about the NECA wholesale process?

What I am most interested in is what are the quanitites that normal 7" toys are orderable from NECA by the retailers? Do they come in cases of 6 or 5?
I checked my local store for Deacon, its ~37 USD.
Cheers from Europe.
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Since NECA is in bed with Konami and they have a shit tons of Aliens series sculpts, why don't they release some based on Konami's 1990 arcade game? I wouldn't mind a green smartgun Hicks, or some of those weird alien types, like that scrotum alien mid-boss.

It is 6.

Also, do you have a store, or something? Because NECA flat-out says they won't sell to people wholesale unless you have an actual retail store.
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Nah I don't have one and I didn't ask with the motivation to order stuff straight from neca. I am just generally curios to see how much risk the retailer takes when he decides to pick up any given figure.
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So, with AvP new sculpt and Isolation Xeno available i suppose it won't be hard for Neca to pull off a specimen 6 now, did they ever said anything about it?
I know people already asked for the Preds of the game.
I think Randy said they'd get around to making AvP2010 figures eventually but probably not until 2018 at least, their schedule seems pretty full for both lines.
Cool, no hurry, there are plenty of nice figures on the way, i can wait for a couple of years.
I grabbed one Xeno months ago and thought that was the end of it, but once I started making real money, I went to a convention and impulse bought the power loader, the Queen, and Ripley all in like, 2 hours.
Got my Pred wave 15 in from their ebay store. Looks great all over. The ancient and temple pred's masks have a color wash on them to stand out from one another. Blue and reddish brown. Looks good.

I haven't opened them yet though, but I will later and I'll post pics. My T2 video game Arnold should be here tomorrow, too.
I love him
Randy said yes, but after the schedule is clear.

Besides, 6 is just a trivial warrior repaint.
I'm planing on getting the Queen... Maybe bishop... And for Father's day I'm getting a warrior since I don't have one or a variant one yet..
So should I get the brown, black, blue, or red... I'm leaning towards the blue one since it would match the Queen... Is he a solid figure or is one of the other less prone to breakage?
Web I am if I pass the second half of my a+ certification exam tomorrow otherwise I need the spare money to retake that exam
appriciate that
C-C-C-C-C-Come on!
Anybody here own the 24" Godzilla? Worth getting?
I'm pretty sure that's why Kenner Ripley comes with a smartgun instead of a flamethrower, for the inevitable video-game edition.
Huh? She carries the smartgun by default in the game. And Kenner's Ripley has nothing to do with Konami's game.
NECA's Kenner Ripley comes with a smartgun instead of a flamethrower
Arcade Ripley starts with a smartgun
NECA loves those video game repaints.

Put it together, anon...
Huge yeeeeeeeeeees.

I'd love to grab one. I have no idea where I could put it, though.
I wanna read Predator S15 BIO! Who!
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>Warrior repaint

Doesn't look that way to me.
Compare to the Warrior models in game. All their ridges look like that.
I'm not seeing how that isn't a warrior. Can you point out the difference for me?
Warrior repaint with dog alien legs and avp tail.
Those are not dog legs you pleb
AvP warrior retooling + Isolation/Dog digitigrate articulation retooling + New warrior head
How do you guys feel about the isolation xenomorph?
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Any of you guys got the Assassin Creed figures?
I'd really appreciate any pictures of they're legs without the skirt blocking them.
nigga just buy it before it goes away and see how fucking amazing it is with your own eyes. He simply is the best Godzilla figure ever made (also it scales right with PR kaiju), fuck bandai's tiny shitty figures.

Don't forget they might also put the missile launcher from Commando Arnie or some contra guns to make them pass as flamethrowers.

Upcoming AVP Requiem warrior+digitigrate feet.
Actually AVPR needs to happen before they can make stuff from the 2010 game since a lot of shit is taken from there, I even think the main pred is a Wolf recolor.
I like it. Mine had a loose-ish chest joint and his feet could have been made in a way that looked less accurate but balanced better, but he does have a stand, even if it's just reused from Dog Alien and doesn't quite fit. If you liked the game and want a cheaper Big Chap alternative, you can do worse
This man has a big point. We'll probably see a rollout of that in 2017/2018, inbetween all the new Predator shit from Shane Black's new movie.

But yeah, the main AVP2010 Pred (I forget his name) is like Wolf but with dual arm blades and hopefully Lord's mask
>the main AVP2010 Pred (I forget his name)

His name is Dark.
Altair and AC2 Ezio figures were okay but not great since Altair's hip joints were practically non-existent while Ezio's would sometimes have stuck hip joints due to the paint. That said, Brotherhood Ezio was actually good and Revelations Ezio is literally GOAT and the latter could literally carry all his weapons (including the crossbow if you were smart enough to jam it under one of the straps on his back).
Damn last time I checked the thread there were a million posts in here and now it's barely moving. Did like half the posters get banned?
He's okay. Admittedly I did have to tighten his leg joints so mine wouldn't topple over all the time.
Not really, more like a whole lot of the thread got cleaned up.
Well yeah but this thread is barely getting posts compared to usual tho I guess there's not a lot to discuss right now. I would think with a huge purge like that a bunch of bans would come with it

Anyway, sorta on topic but not, but I just bought some shortboxes made by NECA. The $12 they usually cost is crazy but 2/$10 isn't bad
Kind if a lull of stuff atm, Im waiting on predator S15 and mutavore.

I did pick up NES Batman however.
NECA loves repaints.
I just can't bring myself to get excited about s15. After the three in 14 were so similar, seeing a wave that's even more similar just leaves me unenthused no matter how cool 14 was. But there's exciting things on the other side of 15 so there's that.

I love that NES Batman though. I wish I could find more with a similar color scheme, my purple/blue toy shelf is kinda lacking right now.

Why has no one pointed out that those aren't NECA figures?
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I don't have a pic entirely without the skirt, but I did trim mine back. He has generally good articulation.

Hips have full articulation like most of their current figures, knees are double joined, mid caff swivel at boot, ankle tilt and rock, toes can point up and down.

These are the Player Select NECA AC toys, they were short lived and the license went to McFarlane quickly.
Anyone pick up mutivore yet? He looks nice and the articulation seems to be there, but all the youtube stuff I've seen seems to avoid the topic of how frontheavy he is. I'm on the fence, but if he's gonna constantly be shelfdiving without a stand I'll pass.
I still like the 89 Batman figure they make the best.. I both scales.
That and this.
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>smaller than a xeno warrior

What the fuck
Plastic and tooling isn't cheap, they can't reuse that sculpt as much, so costs unfortunately go up.

Welcome to the future.
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Meanwhile, we've got autists complaining about the length of Frost's sleeves, jesus christ.

Yeah I get that, but at $60 they're really limiting this figure to the really hardcore PR fans.

I liked the movie but not enough to drop that kind of money on a monster that appeared for literally 30 seconds then dropped dead.
>muh sixty dollarydoos.
I'm getting real tired of reading this kind of bullshit, the figure is engineered differently from the xeno, has more plastic and weights a lot more (a single xeno weights around 0.90 pounds, 3 xenos around 2 1/4 and mutavore around 4 1/4).
As with Otachi, the price is right.

Well, I mean isn't this kaiju really only for Hardcover PR fans anyway? He's not the first one most would ever think about.
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>No news on Diablo
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>rolled up a little
kek, if the original was a tanktop or at least a t-shirt i'd get it, but that?
>inb4 "slightly rolled up sleeve" becomes the new ""Grid's tail"
I would pray that you'd have something better in your life to worry about than that.
>Still no Neca Jeepers Creepers

And this is why the horror community literally laughs at Neca
> muhbudget
> wanting screen accuracy is grounds for insults

Sure is shill in here
Has anything been said about a shadow Illidan variant?
There's a couple floating around on Taobao from several sellers in-packaging but it seems fishy because they have purple drybrushing on the hair and skin.
Forgot my image
I do recall randy on twitter saying they are bootlegs.
may be misremembering it, but I'm sure I am right.
It comes up so often, what is bootleg what is not that it would be awesome to have a database about known bootlegs.
I saw a bootleg page on some Godzilla site, that was pretty useful.
pretty sure myfigurecollection lists known knock offs and bootlegs

That's neat for a bootleg though.
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So here's my week and a half haul of stuff. Preds are from the NECAstore, Kenner Ripley was from a friend, and Digi-Ahnuld from TRU.com.
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The preds're great. Didn't put the wrist blades in on Scar or Ancient yet cause my cat's an ass and likes to rub against things if she can get to them, which breaks these stiff blades.

So once I get these guys into their new home for display, then they get the rest of their accessories.
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Digi-Arnold is awesome looking too. He's like Mowhawk in that his paint comes off more muddied in pictures, but in real life when you can see the sculpt and the way the paint separates and works, boy it looks great.

My game repaint sub-line continues along.

Kenner Ripley's good too. Would've liked a flamethrower, but I think visually, the smartgun works well enough. I do wish they'd included her power loader closed hand to help hold the handle better. But I got it worked out.

Good stuff overall. Next purchase will eventually be Mutavore.
Does masked Scar come with a closed fist and open palm?

That's kinda disappointing, I would have liked another gripping hand considering Chopper didn't come with any.

What other accessories does he come with?
Scar is the only one that comes with an extra gripping hand. So he can hold the spears or pred-shuriken things.
Oh, so he comes with 3 hands? Cool.

I'm probably only going to get Scar and Temple Guard.

Can you post more pics of them?

Sure, I'll take more pics in a bit.
Wow! Pred's BIO prease!!
Damn, glad they finally packed in an extra hand again. Having to buy all three last time for the privilege of using the swappable hands feature was a real kick in the dick.

Not really, I mean they're all new molds, all new articulation, paint, etc. They all come with tons of stuff, I've said it before, but it's amazing these are only in the $20-22 range.
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Okay, here're the Flashback preds, since they're the most "new" ish. I like the colors used on them. The blue isn't overpowering, and the brownish red isn't either, but it helps make them distinct even if it is or isn't movie accurate.

They come with a bunch of stafs and blades and little tiny, tiny, tiny trophies that are supposed to affix to the hip joint, but they're so small, I don't want to lose them right now, so they're not going on yet.
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I don't think you can "not really" whether or not someone else feels slighted. The hands are already tooled and a drop in the bucket of the budget, so it's not like it would be particularly costly to throw em in there. The display options are painfully limited when you only have a single set of hands across three figures when so many lines would be packing all three figures with all three sets. It's not like they're not going to be reused over and over and over.

But I get all my NECA figures for like $18USD each so it's not like I wasn't gonna buy em all anyway. I just don't like the idea of having to buy more for simple accessories like interchangeable hands, especially when they were already packing in extras before that last wave.
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The back strap still hinders the movement forward with the chest hinge, but you can still get more movement outta them than the main trio.

I think they're good predators. I can understand why most wouldn't want them or feel they're different enough...but I'm glad they're out there. If someone wanted a regular old "any" predator figure, one of these guys would be a good one to own.
>The hands are already tooled and a drop in the bucket of the budget

That's not true, actually. You still have to pay for the plastic and paint used, and those pennies literally add up and can completely wreck the way a wave works. There's reasons accessories or paint apps don't make it out, and it's little things like that that'll do it.
>you can still get more movement outta them than the main trio

Really? How does that work when they seemingly should be equally restricted? Not that you get much movement out of those joints regardless of those back straps.

They're not as restricted by the front strap too, so I found I can get more out of the torso joint than I could.

But then I'm not forcing anything either, cause I'm not wanting to pull anything apart.
Extra hands so some of these can actually hold the accessories they come with is sure as shit more useful than three different lengths of wrist blades. I'm not entirely sure you're aware of how minor those small additional costs are. Maybe the factory NECA uses would be higher, but at a certain point it becomes cheaper to make a shit load and spread the cost over them than it would to make so few. It might not be best short term, but long term it's absolutely more efficient to make a bunch at once to justify the new tools. That tends to be how manufacturing works, especially when you're going to be using the same parts for the foreseeable future. But that's just my business and industry, there's a chance that NECA deals with the opposite of everything else ever.

Either way, it always amazes me how there's a segment of the consumer base who bends over backwards to justify getting less bang for their buck. I never see the opposite when cuts are made and the savings aren't passed on to consumers, but I should be fine with them making more money so I can have less? Ehhhhh I don't think so.
I'm not sure you're aware of how those supposed 'small' additional costs add up. They spread the accessories out among the wave to keep their costs down for a reason.

There's no bending over backwards to justify anything, this is just the reality of things. This is real life. This is how they are, no matter what kicking and screaming you do. Is it great? No, but the positives of the situation outweigh any niggles like "I don't have enough extra hands."

If not getting enough extra hands for every figure means I even am allowed to get these figures finally? I'm completely okay with that. Especially for the pricepoint. When these hit $25 a piece or more? Then you can start expecting even more from them.

It feels like you're attempting to demonize a company over some pretty insignificant issues. When has a toy company passed savings on to customers?

Hasbro has price hikes, and then offer cheaper figures with almost no accessories, far fewer paint and articulation points.

The whole thing is give and take, and at least NECA tries to remain consistent. I'd say Diamond Select and maybe DCC are the only ones keeping the same level of quality going...but even DCC's prices have shot up lately.
>No, but the positives of the situation outweigh any niggles like "I don't have enough extra hands."

Oh, that's what you call "this guy came with accessories he can't hold because he only comes with fists?" That's sensible. They already made a price jump for these waves and depending on retailer ARE already $25USD, so I'm not sure what kinda point you're trying to prove other than mine.

That's cool that you think you can arbitrarily set the standards for when something stops being a good value for someone else though.
>Hasbro has price hikes, and then offer cheaper figures with almost no accessories, far fewer paint and articulation points.

I'm not sure what exactly you're referring t ohere considering the price jump with ML instantly came with more accessories. At $20 they come with way more than they did at $15. Pizza Spidey and Iron Fist would've never come out at $15, and look, those came with accessories that they're already reusing over and over.

Now if you want to talk about Mattel increasing pricepoints without increase in quality or even a decrease, you'd have a point.

The point he's making is you don't have a point. You're mad because there's not enough pieces for you and you think if they just made them ready to use and pack in, that somehow means neca didn't have to pay for the plastic and paints and packaging to include the bits.
I was referring to the Star Wars line. A line that had articulation, paint, accessories, and has now begun to suffer because of them cutting back because of the budgets and costs of plastics.

And I'm glad you brought up MLs, yes, we're getting more accessories and extra bits, and it's great! But also take note that more and more of these figures are missing paint applications on their backs (the Ultron figures as of late for instance, some Iron Man figures, etc, etc). More figures are being cast in the main color, again, to save on costs, the HUGE reuse of the four or five bodies they have saves them on money too. That allows Hasbro to allocate funds and even the waves out.

But even they have to worry about whether things will cost out or not. Hell, Toybiz scrapped the X-Babies and Throg pack ins because they couldn't afford to include them with Marvel Legends...and that was back when those figures were $8-$10!
>You're mad

Nobody is mad. I think it's pretty funny that you think they'd have to pay for more packaging to sink some hands in a tray that's already there. I think it's pretty clear your only ideas of manufacturing costs come from what you've been told by the people trying to sell you a product. I come from more the playskool/children's toys side of things (though my main experience is mostly in printing and textiles), but I assure you, all those piles of extra paint and plastic you seem to think are so expensive are almost a non-factor at the volume they'd be producing them. There is a reason why cost per piece goes down the more you make. If anything, making so few and then doing it over and over is going to be even more expensive due to setup costs, but with NECA not owning their own factory that might be their only option without paying for overseas storage. Either way, it still amazes me how much mental gymnastics you're doing just so you can feel justified in your purchase, even when these are being sold by NECA's own sister company at the aforementioned $25USD pricepoint.
>I think it's pretty funny that you think they'd have to pay for more packaging to sink some hands in a tray that's already there.

Not him, but they do. They have to pay for the plastic trays to be designed and molded to accept whatever else they stuff in there.

Are you trying to compare collector toys with dozens of pieces to Playskool toys that are typically one to two pieces so kids don't swallow them?
It's not more expensive to have a tray that holds spears and hands than it would be to have a tray that holds spears though. They're not doing it for one then going back to the beginning and adding cost to put in the next holes. It's all at once, or would've been had they decided to pack in swappable hands rather than having you buy all of them for the privilege of moving them from figure to figure.


No, but if that's what you got out of that then maybe those are the toys better suited for you.

Anyway, this argument is dumb. If you don't mind paying more for less, that's fine with me, but don't act like anyone else should. Like I said, I already pay less than just about any other consumer would, I'm just thinking about the people who aren't in the same boat.

Besides, who wouldn't want more hands? It's like some of you are happy about it.

So you're acting like a bitch and you still pay less. Entitled much?
I already said I'm thinking of the people who pay more, especially when that price is the one that someone else arbitrarily decided was the price point where it's suddenly okay to want more. Keep up or get out.

It all adds up, and your experience with Playskool or whatever you claim to work at is obviously not the same as working on an action figure line. Hell, go look at how the Four Horsemen have done their lines. They've given everyone as much a clear insight to how things go on as anyone. And even they have to cut accessories or warn that things may not get included as planned. It was like that with some extra heads on the Mythic Legion line, it was like that with the birds. Yes, they're "selling us things" but that doesn't remove the truth behind it.

While >>5657414 is out of line in how he phrased it, but you are coming off as entitled. Especially when you claim to pay less than everyone else. Great, good for you?

I paid $21.99 plus shipping for those three figures, and guess what? I don't feel like I've come out any worse for it. I got well painted, well articulated, pretty damn awesome action figures. I'm happy with my purchase. I don't need extra hands to make me happy with that purchase. You're trying to champion yourself for a cause that really doesn't exist. It's all on you.

Would people want more? Sure. Who doesn't? But after picking up all four Ghostbusters from Diamond, I've got 20 extra hands that sit in a plastic baggy because I sure as fuck didn't need all of that.

I know why things don't get included or get moved to different waves. I understand what's going on behind the scenes. You want to talk about mental gymnastics, all because of what, the truth? You're being combative and belittling in tone over nothing. Over two figures not having an extra hand of all things. Now if these figures start getting painted like Hasbro, or articulation turns these into Hunger Games or Carrie tier, then yeah, that's when things are a problem for what we're paying. Then it's worth rattling cages for.
That mask is a lot redder/rustier than the promo pics.
I'm talking general manufacturing common sense, which applies to pretty much all mass production. Obviously baby toys aren't a perfect 1:1 comparison to NECA, but those small niche 4 Horseman lines certainly aren't either. Throughout this I've been the more calm and least condescending of the anons here, especially considering tone and word choice. Fact is, your "truth" comes from a guy who's directly trying to sell you on his product while my truth comes from someone with no dog in this fight.

I'm not even talking about two figures, I'm talking about the entire wave having "swappable hands" that you only get a single full set of by buying the entire wave. There's nothing "entitled" about thinking the consumer should get more for their dollar when an advertised feature is virtually non-existent without buying into the whole wave.

Once again, someone said when they hit $25, it's a magically a valid issue. They're already $25, so by that anon's standards it's a valid issue.

And just because you don't use your Ghostbusters hands doesn't mean nobody else will, but that's a solid comparison. They use the same hands across every figure, right? Same body too? Just like these Predators do. If anything you just pointed out how viable it is to include the full set across the wave. Hell, the GB toys even have those dreaded likeness rights to deal with, unlike the Predators.

I don't know why some of you take such personal offense to any criticism over this company's business practices, but it's pretty clear that it's pointless arguing any points regarding them here when some anons get so needlessly defensice overy it. We're talking about the company who just re-released the Ultimate T-800 with less paint and accessories for the same price as the original release, but I'm sure one of you will find a way to justify that too.Which is fine, good for you, but nobody gets to act like their standards should apply to anyone else which is usually what happens here.
>while my truth comes from someone with no dog in this fight.

Other than the fact that you're trying to get more for less, when the line can't support itself by doing that. We get bones thrown our way now and then, and it's great, but your insistence that that's the way it needs to be to suit your vision is just, completely out of the bounds of reality here.

Diamond is also a bigger company with more fingers in pies than NECA, I would say. Plus their partnerships with Marvel and things probably give them one hell of a boost.

>We're talking about the company who just re-released the Ultimate T-800 with less paint and accessories for the same price as the original release

Ah, you're that guy, again. I probably should have gathered as much sooner.
>Other than the fact that you're trying to get more for less

More for the same price (or higher since these came with a price hike) is not "more for less."

The VGA Terminator price point:accessories ratio is a totally valid point and example of what we're talking about whether you like it or not.
Why do you just handwave everything away as "mental gymnastics" and "justifying" when it's the nature of the business? Budgets are made, money saved here is used over there. Neca isn't even the only ones that do that.

Do you think those Ghostbusters from Diamond cost the same to produce as their Muppets? And yet they cost the same at retail.

Oh sure, you're getting two or three small figures and a few accessories, but so? Ghostbusters has an absolutely enormous build-a-diorama piece in each package. On top of all those hands, gear, paint, articulation etc. How much do you want to bet the money saved on things like the Muppets went to budget the crazier shit for Ghostbusters? Or even some other line.

That price hike isn't even an official one. MSRP seems to be $21.99, and anything higher is the joint charging higher.
>That price hike isn't even an official one.

It's coming straight from the retailer under the same corporate umbrella as NECA, Hastings (though you can save a dollar by buying online). That's pretty official if anything ever was.
Ultimate T-800 price is steadily creeping up on Amazon/Ebay and it started to sell out on usual online retail like BBTS.

Do you guys think the price will ever stabilize or do I have to snag it at $30 while I can? I'm super low on money right now
This is how I feel. Come to these threads just to look for that. All I see is predator and Schwartz-a-nigger everywhere. Sad times.

Ahhh, this is becoming more and more of an issue lately.

Look, don't put yourself out for a toy, if it's going to really screw you over to buy it, yeah, it's not worth it, wait and see. If it's going to be a week or two before you get paid or something, just wait it out. You could also sell something to help fund the new purchase if you want.
>he thinks Hastings prices reflect actual msrp

Look...no. That's really not true at all. They have the Kenner Ripley for $34 too, when it's actually $21.99 (or $24.99 if you're dealing with TRU's bump up program). Their prices fluctuate like a motherfucker. That's not the actual msrp. Do not think their business association makes that any more 'official' than anything else.
Surprised one of your AVP fanboys actually goes outside to take some nature photography. I like it!
>How much do you want to bet the money saved on things like the Muppets went to budget the crazier shit for Ghostbusters?

Lines tend to have their own set budgets. Cost cutting here typically doesn't lead to more money for there, or at least that's how most companies usually operate. Mattel for sure. Diamond could be different, but I doubt it. I also wouldn't say they're any bigger than NECA. Comic shop distribution monopoly aside, NECA has much greater retail penetration, and they're basically in direct competition with each other when it comes to goofy licensed stuff like keychains or mugs or banks or whatever. Definitely pretty close though if I had to guess. I don't have any real experience here though, just what I've picked up over the years from reading too much about toys over the last thirty years. Experience anon might know
>They have the Kenner Ripley for $34 too, when it's actually $21.99

In-store it was and still is $21.99.

When you buy from NECA's ebay (or maybe it's the "WB store" they run, not sure off the top of my head), the payment goes through to gohastings. When the left hand is selling the right hand's product for X, I'd say that's a reasonable price to point to, especially when the earlier point was something like "at some retailers," not all. I think. Not worth scrolling up to check.

That brings up a point. People think TRU and TRU.com are the same thing, too. They're run by two COMPLETELTY separate entities, owned and operated under a name.

I used to have people come to the store and get SO mad when we didn't carry this or that, because they saw it on the website. It's only recently that they've started having stores pull actual stock from their store to ship out. At least, we did that during Christmas.
>In-store it was and still is $21.99.

Yes, and on TRU's website right now, it's $24.99.

The payment thing is very likely due to the movie and the licensing that they have to through to include the figures for those WB titles. Whatever confusing as fuck loophole they have going. Because then it's not NECA selling an action figure (legal no no). It's Hastings selling a movie bundle pack (legal grey area). I suspect.
Well that's real excessive
On a somewhat related note, Hastings sells the 7" 89 Batman on its own at $99.99. I wonder if they'll ever sell. It's like they found a backdoor into scalping their own product.
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>tfw the Rambo line is basically dead
>tfw we never got pic related

I really want an ultimate old Rambo from Neca :^(
Yup...That's Vasquez, alright
Please, if you remove her hair, bandanna, eye piece, outfit, and paint then you'd NEVER be able to recognize her.
The line would have done better if their Stallone face looked better. I'm not one for complaining about their face sculpts but that one is just not great. He should look like on the First Blood poster.
Ignore the last few pics because the lighting sucks dick. That straight on face shot looks amazing.
I think it got better with each release, but none of them were perfect.
> if you removed all the recognizable things then she wouldn't be recognizable
Holy shit, amazing. I bet if you looked at Ripley without paint, or the hair, or the body, you'd never recognize it either.
I was shit posting.
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At least you admit it instead of continuing to troll for the next 8 hours. Good man. You have my respect, anon

Btw here's a comparison shot, look at that dead on pic and then at this, it looks exact
> jokes
> your head
>At $20 they come with way more than they did at $15. Pizza Spidey and Iron Fist would've never come out at $15, and look, those came with accessories that they're already reusing over and over.
But that's ignoring the fact that retools are way more common now than before.
You're not getting more bang for your buck when they're not giving them the proper body.

So the budget per figure is a lot less than it used to be, despite the accessories being given. Nevermind that BAFs are smaller than ever and are actually being used to introduce a new body.
Cheapo as fuck, especially when you consider they're selling well over a hundred thousand figures per wave (& more for movies) vs the tens of thousands NECA likely sells.

>it always amazes me how there's a segment of the consumer base who bends over backwards to justify getting less bang for their buck
I think most people understand that the only reason we get so many different characters from NECA is because of the common place for retooling. Without that, you'd basically only get what Revoltech and Figuarts release: one or three figures from a license and it's done.
Main characters only.
What NECA does, and other companies who rely on retools, it's why they're able to release extras and supporting characters.

So it's better to get something like this, where the entire main cast is released because of retooling (and blind box gimmick), versus only getting the bunny and chick.

>>>5657371 There is a reason why cost per piece goes down the more you make
You're ignoring the fact that molding a new piece is burningmoney expensive. If it's anything unique, you can't spread that cost over with other figures, making it doubly expensive.
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ultimate stuntman T-800 when?
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So I had this guy for a few months, no issues.

One day he suddenly falls off a shelf, he (and all those he brought down with him, thank fuck I boxed my neca predators an hour before) and when propping him back on his stand he keeps tilting to one side, I can only assume the weight distribution is off and has worn down the peg holes.

What can I do to fix him, or am I cursed to have his legs rotated into an even more retarded position?

I forgot I owned this guy...

Use boiling water to reset the lean. But time will just cause him to droop again, as it's inevitable. You could use a stand or a prop to stick under the arm to help give him more support though?
Can I...keep boiling that leg?

How long should I boil it for?

What stand do you suggest, I currently only have the peg type stands (ie won't work unless I drill holes into him) for use with bandai model kits/action figures but I'm not limited by them
>You're ignoring the fact that molding a new piece is burningmoney expensive. If it's anything unique, you can't spread that cost over with other figures, making it doubly expensive.

Wasn't that in reference to hands that will surely be reused for the next few years?

Except they wont. And then you're assuming the paint matches up,and then you're assuming they want to store thousands of hands somewhere. The whole idea is utterly baffling.
>Except they wont.
And you know this how?
>then you're assuming they want to store thousands of hands somewhere. The whole idea is utterly baffling.

Yeah, a thing various manufacturers do in tons of industries do is "baffling"

And you think your lack of knowledge means anything how?
>You lack knowledge
>No, you lack knowledge
Well, an anticlimatic ending for a boring debate, don't know why i was expecting anything different...

Sooo, why were you instigating a fight with them then?


Can you keep boiling it? Yes, I don't think there's a reason why you can't. I'd personally do it for a good minute or two, just to make sure it really gets reset.

As for stands, I'm not sure at the moment. I kind of wonder if the new NECA stands would work for the Tyrant...otherwise maybe one of those cheap (like, $1) metal doll stands from Hobby Lobby.

It's not perfect, visually, but it might help.
Didn't know NECA already released their Weird Al figure
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Wew lad.


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I wonder if the beer is included in the sale.
Does anyone know a big enough Harley motorcycle toy for Ultimate Ahnold?
You want a 1/10 scale "toy".
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i can never resist neon green figures
i must have this

Oh my God, that's awesome.
Where are these images from? I checked their website and Twitter and there's no announcement I could see from the last 2-3 days.
Fuck, that looks awesome!
> what is image search???


Use some sense
So it's kind of a "thermal vision" alien? That's fucking cool.
Or it could just be a whacky glowing GITD Alien

I'm all for more ridiculous repaints. Pink Xeno plz

Resurrection xenos are best xenos. No more junk yard rubber tubing and dem wide birthing hips.
I did. But I thought there might be a more legit/well known source. Thanks asshole.

> thanks for the link that leads back to the one I found by googling even though I clearly didn't google it
Didn't the 2010 AVP game have a predator vision mode that picked out xenos in that kind of color?
Did I miss the train on getting HotS Arthas for a reasonable price?
>getting pissy over a thanks
alright kid, time for your nap, you are getting bitchy.
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Official confirmation on twitter.
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The films had it too.

Celtic uses it to look at Grid after Chopper is killed, and Wolf uses it throughout AvP Requiem.
Hell yeah, i'm grabbing one!

Nice...very nice.
> calling other people pissy after calling them an asshole first for pointing out how dumb I am

Real sensible and not ironic at all


Sick, this should be super easy to get if Ripley was any indication
The AVP aliens are all pretty fucking legit. Smooth, articulated and nice looking. I picked up Grid at my TRU yesterday - I'm enjoying posing him around more than the Predators.
I wish they used box packing more often. Collector friendly boxes give me warm and fuzzies.
>can't hold anything with those hands
God dammit.
Me too.

I fucking hate clamshells/blisterpacks.

Oy, keep up with the thread. He comes with a fucking extra gripping hand.
Not him, but wasn't some guy kicking up a stink because some of the AvP predators don't come with gripping hands to hold their accessories? There was a whole thing about production costs and shit I can't be bothered to read again.
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a little disappointed by #T2sday this week, I was hoping to see more of the ultimate figures from the Terminator line.

Do you guys think we'll ever get ultimate motorcycle cop T-1000?
Picked up the Alien Isolation Xeno, was thinking of getting Grid or the Warrior but went with this one. It's fucking awesome.
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Thanks, i'm not very good with pics, but i occasionally try when i'm on the farm.
Also, pics don't do justice to how good Neca Xenos look under the sun light.
Indeed, they are fun as hell to pose, imo the articulations are on the same level as those on the Dog Alien.

I'm hoping so, mostly because I want them to include the exploded torso so I can replace my McFarlane figure.
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i hope neca didn't forget bout this line
I dont think so I still see him at MSRP in Toys R Us. If your really fucking desprate I've seen him at gamestop for a 15% markup. I just got mine 2 weeks ago and the Toys R Us I went too last Saturday still had full pegs. I'm in Canada tho.
They definitely did not. They're asked about it every so often and always talk about it emphatically.
Anyone going to try and get the San Diego Comic Con exclusive Newt Aliens figure?
I just got these 3 guys and I absolutely love them. I probably fell down the Pred/Alien series rabbit hole of toy collectors after seeing the Kenner homages - the toys I used to have as a kid but who cares.

Do you guys think the other 3 (Series 14) Preds are worth it if I already have the Series 15s? BBTS had the entire series for discount. They look very samey though
I am actually happy for this. It's the only reason why I even wanted this line to succeed.
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SDCC exclusive
>Bloody wristblades

Fuck. I wish they'd included a set of these with one of the wave 15 predators.

The pyramid hologram looks neat too, it's a shame I don't buy cloaked variants.

Christ, I can't imagine how fragile that'd be due to the transparent plastic cool pic though
The last clear Predator they did has held up great

Wasn't as articulated as the AVP body though.
I don't think a couple extra swivels and hinges are gonna affect it that much. I was skeptical about the last one but I repose it often and it has nothing wrong with it.
The problem is all of them have some cool extra accessories, but all the base figures look samey. Chopper has all those cool skull trophies. Celtic's head is just about getting reused with Scarface.
Wait, don't Xenos not show up on thermal vision?
It's not thermal, it's a vision mode in the predators biomask which specifically highlights xenomorphs, it's used in the AvP movies and some of the games.
Thanks, I guess I'll skip the line then. Is there any particular preds that I should avoid due to QC issues or must have's ? Anything with steady price climb and "get it now or pay the late tax" figure? I'm trying to focus on the Kenner homages line.
the aliens have acid blood remember! so on thermal they are seen as bright green, neat huh?
Cool, i've always wanted a cloacked pred, it's a shame it's an exclusive, will probably cost a lot in my country...

You're worrying over nothing.

That's awesome, I love that they're doing something more with it, too, including the hologram and all. Clevah.
>cupholder for eating italian water ice
that made me want it more
you mean snowcone, right?
Not really. I would avoid Nightstorm and Scavage, they're based on an older body and my Scavage refuses to stand up. I'm probably gonna sell him.

Big Red is expensive but there are a lot of bootlegs; I have one that's relatively good except some of the joints had stuck paint and stuff like that.

Don't pay out the ass for a standard Jungle or City Hunter either since they're getting Ultimate releases later this year with updated articulation.
>bloody blades
>holo map
This has to be the most creative clear pred ever, please tell me they're going to offer it on hastings and tru like the previous years.
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What are the chances for Kenner Alien release?

Bull Alien, Panther Alien, Crab Alien, Snake Alien, I had a lot of fond memories about them. Man Kenner was so good, their JP, Pred, and Alien line were Toys with capital T. They might not have the best sculpt, paint, articulation or whatever but they were fun.
Kenner was cutting edge. Even back in the 70s; their 12'' Alien still looks good.They made their toys into individual experiences; alluring package art, unique designs, it really made you feel like you got your money's worth even if you weren't getting a main character or monster. A toy original release got the same attention and care a movie based figure got.
Pretty cool, but I don't think it'll be worth the 30+ shipping, almost didn't get last years and that had big stupid kenner blades.
>What are the chances for Kenner Alien release?
Probably none outside of redecos for the Warrior and Scorpion Alien.

I wish they'd at least make a mold for the Gorilla Alien so that they could also make the Mantis one.
>Probably none

Yeah, let's ignore that they've said over and over and over again that they're doing Kenner Aliens...
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Why are niggers so mean, anon?
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Maybe it's just your's, mine is quite a refined gentleman.
I heard someone mention in a review that the new masked Scar has a brighter metallic finish on his armor compared to the wave 14 predators.
Not a huge deal but I would've liked them to match.

Can anyone post a comparison shot?
Oh here we fucking go, I can't wait for the 400 posts and reposted tweets about whether it was intentional or not
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I wasn't baiting. I would like to see a group shot of masked Scar with Celtic and Chopper.
Don't let them give you any crap, they're dumb. I'll take a pic of my set tonight after work.

I honestly didn't notice a difference, but we'll see I guess.
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So here's mine. Honestly I don't see a difference. Scar might have a 'cleaner' appearance, not as much of a black wash in the pits of the sculpt, but yeah, they fit together nicely.

This also makes me giddy cause this is the first time I've had all three characters together masked. No thanks to McFarlane all those years ago.
Thanks anon. They look great together.

>No thanks to McFarlane all those years ago.

Kek, I still have my McFarlane Scar, with the giant chopper arm blades and oversized cannon, just like in the movie!

What's funny is I remember those figures came out before the movie came out. Imagine my surprise when they weren't accurate for shit.

And then there was the whole mess with the bases and whether they were going to release the missing pillar pieces, etc.
Chopper looks dark, Scar is light and Celtic is medium. At least how I see it, they still fit together, just slightly different.
McFarlane really went full retard with that line.

>give all predators Chopper's arm blades
>never release Chopper
Bummed no Interstellar :(
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it would be as a tribute to the kenner alien king probibly
Randy doesn't like it so never
I want the flying Queen goddammit! If anything we might get the kenner king or the odd one from the comics.
Also, that king looks like shit, as expected of Sideshow.
Yeah, Randy doesn't like AvP and absolutely hates Resurrection too.
First one is being a massive success and the second one is already confirmed for figures.
If enough people ask for it, there's a chance it will happen.
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Forgot pic.
so with this twitter thing, is the NECA post ontop responding to the one onthe bottom or is the bottom one responding to the top?
Top is the response.

That thing has some beautiful detail to it. I need to see these things in person.
But the thing is that he was asked to do the same sideshow King and that's why he said no. Other times he's said it's possible to do the one from the comics with the royal jelly, rogue or something like that. As far as I know that and the kenner one are the only kings and I doubt they'll go full OC for it.

>so with this twitter thing, is the NECA post ontop responding to the one onthe bottom or is the bottom one responding to the top?

It's a quote like this post but upside down because twitter is a shitty platform.
See >>5650406
So does this mean we will get a King? I think itll be easier to retool a queen into the sideshow version than the rouge one anyways.

Also the description from sideshow mentions the King is canon, is he supposed to be in the new film or something?
If it's profitable, you guys should probably spread the idea in toy foruns and start asking for it on twitter, they have changed their minds about doing a figure before.
I'm...more in favor of a Newborn with articulation on par with the Deacon + shoulder pivot along with movie-accurate face sculpt with the uncut dangly bits and saggy tits. Kenner's was okay, but Neca could do so much better.
>decided to finally break and buy the Aliens lootcrate
>it's sold out

Shit, I hope the Neca item isn't anything spectacular.
Neca said it wasn't a figure that they were contributing, so the fig is from a different company and the neca item is some bit of other merch, which they make a fair bit of.

There is no confirmation of this, though, so until the thing starts shipping we still have to speculate.
It sold out the day of, anon.
Fox will literally approve anything as "canon," don't put too much thought into it

They just approved that shitty audiobook that conveniently wakes up Ripley inbetween the first 2 movies and then puts her back to sleep
Newborn is already comfirmed, >>5667037 was preciselly about it.
Don't know why, but I think I actually like the look of the Predator Scout Ship more than the Tribe Ship. It almost has a more retro Stan Winston vibe to it.
For reference
Most people said it was probably the Molten Dog Alien.
So are we officially done with the first AvP film now?

We've had 2 scars, celtic, chopper, and two flashback preds.

We've had the Xeno and inaccurate Grid.

We have cloaked scar, damaged celtic, accurate scar, and the Elder incoming.

The only other things I can think of are maybe damaged unmasked scar, and impailed chopper.

>tfw no Antarctica Queen EVER
I fucking hated the cloaked figures in the past, but is this a different type of plastic? It captures the cloak effect a lot better than the others.

Also, those wrist blades look pretty cool. I might actually get this.

>cloaked scar
>has scar on helmet

Is that film accurate? I don't remember him cloaking anytime after he marked his helmet.
I understand the sentiment, but I have never felt ripped off by NECA. When it comes to what you get for a $25 price point, I feel like NECA is one of the better values out there.

The only other toy line I regularly collect is Star Wars. The AVP preds are priced similarly to the Star Wars Black series and are in a larger scale (and because preds are taller by default, nearly twice as tall as the black series figures), have way more accessories, and there is a world of difference in the paint app quality and sculpt.

Sure, we don't get as many extra hands as a figma or something, but you are also in a larger scale and paying half the price.
>You're mad because there's not enough pieces for you

You are being more ridiculous than he is.

"Figure doesn't have hands to hold accessories" is a fucking valid criticism if I've ever seen one.
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I'm sure they'll find a way to squeeze more variants out somehow. They could always do a cloaked battle damaged chopper with a hole in his chest and splattered predator blood around the wound.

>Is that film accurate?

Nope, they only made one mold of Scar's mask, and it has the scar on it, so the cloaked figure does too.
Also, Celtic was the one who displayed the pyramid hologram, before he equipped his net launcher. I can't remember if Scar ever uses his wrist computer other than to blow up the pyramid at the end.

Not that it matters, they obviously chose Scar because he's the mary sue predator of AvP.
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This is facehugger friday.

I'm confused about his tweet. I thought this had already been announced and shown off.

Or are they saying it is getting a separate release from the egg. If they can give me this at $100, I'll buy it. Anymore and its not worth it.
>that shitty plastic and paint app

This thing needed to be rubber. It looks like garbage.

>no articulation except for tail and base of fingers

Lol. Just lol.
>cloaked battle damaged chopper with a hole in his chest and splattered predator blood around the wound.
That would be pretty cool actually.
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Are these canceled?

Haven't heard anything since they were announced like a year ago.
If the hole in his chest was large enough to get a xeno tail through, I'd buy that up in a second.
When will you fucking retards realize that no one cares about "subjectanon?" All I know about him is as soon as anyone mentions it the thread becomes a hellstorm of pointless arguing and annoying off topic bullshit. This is why we're fucking anonymous for fucks sake.

Just ignore it and move the fuck on
6 posts buddy. Sure did make the thread a hellstorm of pointless arguing and off topic bullshit.
Try not to be any more of a hypocrite too.
I think the one with the egg is all made of foam and this one seems to be hard plastic.
Any one considering the new thermal xeno?

Thinking of starting a non regular xenomorph shelf what with all the concept video game and thermal onesnwe are getting
You talking about the GiTD one? I'm thinking of grabbing it and the other game one after I got the Isolation figure.
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Yeah I'm not sure if it really glows in the dark I didn't see it day that. It's supposed to be what the aliens look like on the predators thermal vision. If it glows in to the dark bonus if not it still looks interesting.

On another not I have the video game dog and it's a nice figure I was iffy about getting it but I love it snatched it while it's cheap. I also have the isolation figure and it's nice but it doesn't stand to well on its own the knee joints are too weak the stand included sucks. I'm considering getting some act 4 stands.

It does glow in the dark. It's a green plastic normally, but it has several spots on it that have the glow in the dark plastic, so it has an extra sheen in dark.
Would $22 be a good price for the Video Game Alien? My only complaint from what I can see would be the lack of a shoulder swivel but it kinda looks like the elbow has a double-jointed swivel.

I can't really complain about the Isolation stand as I have it jammed in the leg for the pose it's in
>Would $22 be a good price for the Video Game Alien?

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Paid 25 for mine so yeah.

Also I'm super excited I got my queen in today
What's a good motorcycle to get for the Ultimate T-800?
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Ertl 1:10 scale Harley Davidson Fatboy.

Pic related isn't mine but this is what it can look like with a few mods. The guy made the bags himself and took off the indicator lights to make it movie accurate.
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Finally got me a queen! She is awesome and huge! Feels good to have her in my growing collection.
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Except for NECA saying "NOT A FIGURE" you fool
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>mfw they open their shitbox and it's a funko pop or similar chibi vinyl garbage
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Probably will be exactly that. But the whole box isn't one figure. There is more than that in it. I bought it knowing that the "figure" will probably be a quantum mechanics chibi vinyl statue.

I don't care I still want it you can have xenomorph stuff other than what neca makes. And we'll still be getting something from neca too... I'm guessing a cinemachine.. Probably exclusive too or a timed exclusivity that will be marketed up 3rd party.
I'd be happy if neca did include a 7 scale figure and was just tweeting to throw people off and not spoil the crate... Probably not likely though.

So if you didn't want one and didn't get one that's your choice but don't act like those of us who did are uninformed idiots who don't know what we are getting for our money..... Except for that idiot who keeps arguing that we are indeed getting a molten dog figure for certain.
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