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Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 385
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This Edition

>Death Guard faction focus: Strategems, Relics and Warlord Traits

>Konor Campaign

>GW FAQs (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-Anon!)
First for the Drukhari!
With this, and assuming a points rebalancing, does the Dark Imperium Lord of Contagion become viable as anything beyond a Typhus proxy?
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First for krumpin' da panzees dat cut in front o' da rest of us!
First for this thread losing out even though it's better edition.
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We'll be back one of these days.
What kind of defeatist attitude is that citizen?

Don't make me report you to the nearest authorities for a proper attitude adjustment!
Make it the better thread.
Administered via authorized Attitude Adjustment Tool*

*power maul
>Can't even link right
>doesn't even use the proper format for the link to new thread
Fuck of and die.
now heres the new thread
consolidate for reals this time
So not that I'm complaining that the campaign's extended so I can get to play it twice, but is Loebos 10 days when every other week was just, well, a week?
Fuck off and die.
Because who wins it, gets the campaign win. What's wrong with you? Can't you visit the site?
To give Chaos as much time as possible to win.
>implying I'm not already aware of that bullshit reason
You'd think they'd at least have it last for a week AFTER the Death Guard codex came out so Death Guard players could make an actual difference on the campaign.

>To give Chaos as much time as possible to win.
Well Chaos has done a rather impressive job failing at it so far.

I mean, we're already less than 12 hours from what would be the normal end of the campaign, and Chaos is still losing.
Inb4 "They win on points because they still have control of the engines!"

Come on, Amerifags, pull your shit together.
>Come on, Amerifags, pull your shit together.

LoC isn't that good with that, I would say give that to a Noxious blightbringer or a malignant blight caster or even a TALLYMAN or even the blight grenadier that has appeared in white dwarf
>Come on, Amerifags, pull your shit together.
>Chaos is barely holding onto the US as it is
If they pulled that shit, the outrage would be extreme, especially since these campaigns are impacting the plotline now (supposedly).]

I honestly want Chaos to get curbstomped here so GW shuts up about them for awhile. They've kind of left the rest of the factions hanging in limbo here (see: the entire Octarius War has been going on for 112 years now, and with Hive Fleet Leviathan essentially gone, it's probably time to wrap that mess up.)

I'll be absolutely livid if they declare the Tyranids the winners of the entire Octarius war just because the bugs got their codex first. That'd be bullshit of the highest order.
Any tips for a competitive world eater army?
Heu guys, does any of you happen to have a link to download the v8 codexes handy? I've been looking for them but only found the indexes so far
I miss the Armageddon campaign...

I don't understand why just because it's Nurgle trying to invade Ultramar, they can't have something like a bunch of orks just roll in out of nowhere and win the whole thing.

If anything it will double down on it. The Konor campaign is suppose to be the advertisement for Ultramar round 2 and the Death Guard codex release. Looking at the BL Dark Imperium narrative novels on the release schedule, they all heavily feature Chaos.

Even the Devastation of Baal novel says that Chaos is the far greater threat in the Tyranids and it coming for Baal as the Tyranids nom it. We need to teach Xenosfags a lesson. WE need them to job some more. I am gonna email GW right now.
>I honestly want Chaos to get curbstomped here so GW shuts up about them for awhile.
Anon, I'm terribly sorry, but GW's narrative for the past decade has been 'Chaos vs. Imps, with Chaos victory a foregone conclusion.' They're not pulling back from that now even if it kills them.
Nurgle's gift is the most broke ability in this game
I would kill for an Omnicopeia campaign, since the Skitarii and Admech Divisio have been invading Hell's Teeth for it or part of it against unspecified xenos for the entire timeskip, and they won't let any Marines anywhere near because this is an honour war for the STC. You could have it against Tyranids for flesh vs. steel, or Dark Eldar, and when the Admech eventually recover it and stash it in a vault somewhere it won't break the setting other than maybe introducing some cool enhanced beepboops or something. It would just be a glorious war of billions dead for war's sake, and no "heavy losses" on either side because the Admech can rebuild and most of the Xenos don't care.
No bullshit stakes or Primarch wank, just straight up Rule of Cool battles over loot.
The Ultramarine have defeated the Arch Arsonists Waaagh! just before the events of Rise of Primarch started up. You think Orks would magically reappear after the Ultramarine whopped their asses?

Only factions that logically should invade Ultramar are the T'au and Sautekh Necrons who have axes to grind with the Imperium but that won't happen because xenos especially the Necrons are written shittly. Personally, I blame the xenos players. They enable this crap.
Why the fuck do we never manage to get a decent fucking thread?
It's 100 years later and nothing changed. Time to face the facts. The Admech lost. The Omnicopeia wasn't even on the planet just clues to its whereabouts
B-but we need to sell big models, anon! Big, hideously overdesigned models!

Our teams have worked day and night to carve tiny details on every individual angstrom of this Space Marine's armour! Buy 20 now!
There's a power vaccum and enemies proven capable of a good fight.

It's the MOST likely time for Orks to pile in.
Do better.
>All the Orks are gone
Orks LITERALLY grow on trees, anon.
>Hating GW for trying to make money

Fucking commie piece of shit. GW is on the upturn because they know what they are doing. They know that bending over for people who play niche armies will only hurt the profits. And it's your faults because you refuse to vote with your wallets.

I am willing to bet that you have a marine army. If you do, then you are part of the problem that you're bitching about.
They're good at night when the kids are asleep
I'm a long-time critic of GW's 'Every individual atom must have meaningless shit etched into it!' design philosophy. Deal with it.
>You think Orks would magically reappear after the Ultramarine whopped their asses?
Actually, YES.

I believe there's an old saying in the Guard: "If you see one Ork standing out in the open, don't shoot him. All his buddies are probably waiting around the corner." I'm paraphrasing, but the point is: the smurfs beat the Arch Arsonist's Waaaagh!!! 112 years ago. So what? A) it's been 112 years. The Ork population in the Arch-Arsonist's domain has regrown (and probably double if we're being honest about things), and B) They're the biggest race in the galaxy by sheer population numbers. It doesn't even need to be Ghazzy, it'll be probably lots and lots of Freebootaz lookin' for a good scrap.

>Personally, I blame the xenos players. They enable this crap.
Yes, because 'muh Chaos vs muh Marines' all the time' is such a wonderful use of 40k's many factions in the universe. You want that sort of thing? Go play in 30k.
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I heard somewhere that the DG fight the Tau fourth sphere, how did that go? Where can I read about it?
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Literally nothing was mentioned about it in the new lore, so you could assume anything from crushing victory and a recovered STC database stored away, a defeat, nothing actually being there or a glorious bloody war that goes on to this day between eternal forge engines chewing up planets wholesale to advance heedless of losses and marauding alien monsters hidden from the sight of the wider Imperium, especially since the Admech don't exactly share their STC news bulletins. Bring out all those random Admech organizations scrapping among themselves for a piece of the action or the loot, electropriests haloed in the Motive Force smashing into ranks of howling abominations, etcetera. It could be metal as fuck, and nobody would give a damn who won afterwards and you could just rejoice in the carnage.

I know which is coolest.

They could always go back in time to just after Fall of Cadia and tell the actual story then, like they did with all the other campaigns.
looking at that picture it didnt go well for the Tau, especially with Mortarion being around, he might be one of the weaker primarchs but I dont think the Tau have built the Anti-Primarch Battlesuit yet
Imagine being a young Tau dude, being told your entire life to spread the greater good. Then you see this.
Must be terrifying.
Let me see, it's the literal new poster-boys of the bad guys versus a Xenos faction.

Yeah, I'm sure the Tau win.
>implying GW wants to bring up anything related to pre-Gathering Storm lore right now
Yeah I presume the DG fucked them up. I want to see Mortarion fighting a pack of great knarloc in some artwork, that would be cool.
Of course not, and they'd never do a proper campaign without it being centred on a Primarch and his Marines vs. another Primarch and his Marines at this point.
I was just outlining a scenario I thought would be cool and would have a good reason to completely leave out boring marinewank.
No. Why? Because the STC being recovered would have been a game changer. No, they have lost.
GW need to stop making every campaign INCREDIBLY PIVOTAL. It gives the game away immediately. Now if the STC had contained the plans for the God Emperor's Holy Sprocket Wrench, it might have conceivably gone either way.
I call him a commie and he goes on another tangent. Hey, prick, vote with your wallet. If you have a single marine model in your collection then you are criminally involved in the direction of the setting.
Maybe you should deal with GWs bullshit instead of crying like a bitch for a long time, idiot
I literally just explained that they would have shoved it in a vault and carefully analysed it for taint for fucking ages like they normally do unless the Archmagos in charge happens to be really suicidal. That was the whole point, it was just a convenient mcguffin to stage a fight around and then maybe result in one or two neat fluff mentions later on.
I personally agree with >>55258968, you could use any other random STC for my idea and it would be the same, I just thought I'd jump on a current one that was already set up.
So what's the best way to equip a SM captain in a gunline army?
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I haven't bought a single model whose direction I disagree with. I swear to God. Happy now, cuntbags? Am I intellectually pure enough to be in your presence?
Keep him cheap, leaves more points for gunsss
What does that even have anything to do with you being a whiny faggot?
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>If you don't like it then don't buy it
>I don't buy it
>W-what d-does that have to do with anything
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>Salutations, Guardsman! The so called “Tyrannic Menace” has been defeated once and for all on Macragge, thanks to the brave efforts of the Ultramarines. We’re sure that if Roboute Guilliman still walked, he would feel nothing but pride at the Imperium. Let our efforts here stand as a warning to our enemies never to assault Ultramar again!

Interesting to see Zoats get a mention.
in 30 years aniversary everything gets a mention.
Zoats, Squats, Genestealers who are not nids.
What does /tg/ think of Grotzookas?
Where did I tell you to not buy it? I told you to fucking deal with it instead of whining like a little faggot ass bitch. But go ahead and keep stuttering and crying. Only you're stupid enough to think others would imply you bought models then complained about the shit you bought. No fucking shit you wouldn't buy models you've been a long time critic of. We're telling you to shut the fuck up.
It was said said right here, you blind cunt:
>Hey, prick, vote with your wallet. If you have a single marine model in your collection then you are criminally involved in the direction of the setting.

If you're not him, then fuck off and shit up another thread. If you are him, then my God you're insanely stupid to even forget what you fucking said.
Not very good. Pick literally any other option.

>didn't deny owning a marine army

Alpha legion zerkers
Jesus Christ, you ARE blind!
>I haven't bought a single model whose direction I disagree with. I swear to God. Happy now, cuntbags? Am I intellectually pure enough to be in your presence?
I think it would be better if it had some AP, even -1 would be good. Problem is stuff like Rokkit Launchas and Kannons never hit.
>lies through his teeth, expect us to believe him

Nobody accused you of anything the fact you got defensive when you were told that if you have marine models problem means you are part of the problems, means that indeed you have a marine army and you are the cancer.
You have no argument left so you fell back on 'I know you're lying' like you're fucking psychic. You lost. See you around, cuntbag.
No, I have one. Your defensive reaction is evidence enough.
You fucking quoted me AND him you stupid piece of shit
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I play orks, tau, and necrons. Never bought a single marine model. I bought and used the morkanaut in 7th ed, with some great succeses and spectacular failures, I only own 1 riptide that I've never used under 1500 points, and never run a necron decurion or wraiths in 7th.

>plays tau
>bought a morkanaut instead of building his own

Tell me more about how you're not a part of the "GW keeps making retarded large models" problem, because that's even more endemic than marine spam. Even AoS is all about it.
I guess I'm guilty of liking having 1 large centerpiece model for my armies? Morkanaut for orks, riptide for tau, and monolith for crons.

None of which even come close to the over designed models that has everyones jimmys rustled recently.

And i like the way the naut looks, I already have plenty of looted/custom vehicles for my orks and didn't feel the need to do that one.
>I'll be absolutely livid if they declare the Tyranids the winners of the entire Octarius war just because the bugs got their codex first. That'd be bullshit of the highest order.
The Tyranids were always supposed to be the eventual winners of Octarius, though. The whole point of it was to buy the Imperium time to find a way to deal with them, the 4th ed Nid Codex always said it was eventually going to backfire if they didn't do something with that borrowed time because once the nids finished eating the Orks they were going to have a stupid ton of biomass and highly engineered monsters using Ork DNA.
Should be Not!-frag cannons.
They'll gave a lot of biomass true, but the warforms will be almost entirely adapted to anti Ork combat.
Hopefully leaving them vulnerable to imperial tactics and armaments.
For like one battle, lol. The Tyranids don't normally overextend their adaptations, they keep about a 70%/30% mix of "stuff good at killing previous encounters resistance/legacy stuff that performed poorly in previous encounter but might prove to be superior in the next one" according to Xenology.
What exactly makes this the better thread again?
If I remember rulebook's part about nids, they lost and Leviathan was destroyed. New HF (Hydra i belive) is trying to eat remains of destroyed hive fleets(Behemoth, Kraken, Leviathan).
Subject is spelled properly and not trying to poach posters with failed crosslinks.
Less than a hundred posts and it's already shitted up

Abandon thread you fucks
That was the Baal tendril. The last significant tendril of Leviathan is the one still wrecking Octarius.
So assuming no age of darkness, when would you say humanity reaches the approximate technological level of 40k?

Y 2500?
Why are Lootas the best Ork unit? If they shoot anything but 1 shots each they fucking wreck shit up and are the bane of necron vehicles. I'm starting to bring 2 squads of 12 (in trukks) to every 2000p game I play.
There's no simple answer for "technological level of 40k", it varies from place to place, organization to organization, and so on.
>232 posts
>~40 of them aren't memes, bait or replies to such.
AFAIK there's been no official lore about Fourth Sphere yet. Gonna have to wait till the Tau codex arrives.
I dunno where you read that. 4th sphere vanished, but it's disappearance is a mystery. Could be demons, could be time/warp shenanigans, could be separatists/chaos Tau. We don't know.
>literally losing North America to brimstone spam

This wasn't how it was supposed to end.
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I lost his head, how should I rectify this situation? Suicide?
Buy the new Citadel Skulls box, replace head with skull.

Celebrate epic custom Lord of Contagion.

Tau will probably misunderstand the Heretic Astartes as being some terror elites deployed by whoever the human emperor king is supposed to be, while Farsight will eventually learn the truth.


If they got wiped out by fucking Mortarion of all people, then the Ethereals are going to cover that shit up.
>LoC isn't that good with that,

He's a more expensive, fundamentally worse Typhus without it.

Daemon prince is probably the best candidate
Anon, just insert a marine/csm termi/skull, I believe in you
Replace with a different head? It's not like most people who don't play DG themselves evenl know what his head is meant to look like, and most kits have a few spares. Alternatively,use a sensor package and paint rusty for cyborg Nurgle, or a skull or something.

At least you lost a component that you can easily replace. I'm missing some Skitarii legs and so far my cunning plan is to have a hatch on the base and have the Skitarii Ranger from the Dunecrawler turret sticking out and aiming the Arquebus along the ground from inside his convenient cover. All his friends will be jealous that he gets actual defences.
Leave him headless
Looks cool like that
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>340 Skulls
>that has everyones jimmys rustled recently.
i've been annoyed with it since 5e/7th ed warhamms fant.
i had a
>there's not enough bread and butter in this game
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Problem for you maybe. I love giant fuck-off models. I own three knights and two titans and plan on buying more. I'm starting a stormcast army just so I can use that stupidly large dragon they have.
It's a great model, shame they didn't add an open wing option. It would look incredible.
it would also be impossible to transport that wingspan would be ridiculous
Well, some good news.

the nearby store has a "Start Collecting" set for Necrons and a box of Immortals, all that's missing is a box of Lynchguards and my bro's B-day gift will be relatively complete... now all I have to ask... what other gear is necessary to construct the models? can it be stuff like nail clippers at least? maybe also some simple model glue? or are the models in the boxes all snap-fit?
The SC! sets are not snapfit, you'll need plastic glue. Also yes you want clippers (not nail clippers those wouldn't work at all, you need like wire cutters) and a hobby knife for scraping off the mold lines. The guys who run your local store should be able to help you out with finding all of that.
it looks too much like a contruct
I get that it tries to 'fit' with the overall stormcast style, but I much prefer the older sleeker dragon
I'm a huge fan of the Stormcasts with the birds/gryphons.
Clippers, a hobby knife if he's old enough or some files if he's not, and some plastic glue. Don't buy GW, go to a hobby store and get stuff that isn't stupidlt over priced.
>or are the models in the boxes all snap-fit?


You'll need a hobby knife. Scalpel-style. Some nice flat-cutting side cutters (sprue cutters) also help a lot. Needle files are nice, but not not necessary. Plastic cement for any plastic to plastic joint, get something needle-nosed (like pic). Superglue if there's anything but plastic (resin doesn't count as plastic for this purpose). PVA glue (the white stuff you use for wood) is nice for doing bases.

Then there's paint (including primer) and brushes of course.
Gork or Mork?
>could be chaos Tau
That's a thing?
>heat assassin spam is the new hotness
>decide to take 5 eversors in my GK/stormtroopers inquisition army
>proceed to see them murder a full 100 conscripts over three turns
Jesus mates, that was the single most badass thing that's ever happened. They literally cleared the way for my army to stomp in, and only one of them died

Are gunlines the way to play Marines now?
No, and yes- marines are best going full operator and being able to melee and shoot you to death. A few heavy hitting shooters plus some choppy melee is the best general setup
por que no los dos?
The armour and pose make it look too stiff.
I hope you can leave it off.

the plastic 30k marines have very few extraneous details.
So why does everyone hate Ultramarines so much? From reading the lore, it seems to me Ultramarines are the premier chapter with the most distinguished performance record other than MAYBE Dark Angels

They were present at basically every major conflict and distinguished themselves...

Am I missing something?
Say you have access to the Betrayal at Calth stuff, Dark Imperium stuff, a Repulsor Tank, FW's Gabriel Angelos, the Blood Ravens Librarian from Overkill that you're fielding as a normal Librarian and an additional psyker in the form of a Primaris Librarian.

The opponent you generally find yourself facing brings Ta'unar Supremecy Armour (3 of them). How would your kit your guys so he can stop rubbing it in your face every time he beats you and brags to the rest of the group about how he is undefeatable even though he only plays new guys to the hobby?
Hows this list boyz?
Warbosses and Nobz go in the same wagon.
200 points

War boss power Klaw x2
19 Boyz, 1 Nob PK x4
Nob Squad, 2 PK 8 Big Choppa

Warboss PK
Battlewagon, def rolla X5
Internet memes, plus they receive an outsized amount of attention in the codices.
Ignore it.
This was my list btw. I didn't think it'd be anything crazy, but hot damn did it melt the guardfag

Vanguard detachment: grey Knights
>Paladin ancient
>apothecary with relic hammer
>5 Paladins
>6 interceptors
>6 interceptors
>razorback with lascannons
>razorback with lascannons

Batallion detachment: imperium
>scion prime
>scion prime
>command Squad with plasma guns
>command squad with plasma guns
>taurox prime with autocannons and battle cannon
>4 WRRRRYYYYYversors

Their was the perfect combo of punching to shooting, and it all went perfectly. The only thing I'd change is drop one eversor and grab a vindicare so I could snap away Commissars and commanders. But yeah, turn one I had three right on his blob charging from out of LoS, the fuckers downed like 40 nerds in one game turn
Boring, jammed down your throat excluding of loads of other interesting groups, and given plenty of crutches on the tabletop are some things that come to mind
So how big is the Gabriel Angelos miniature?

> crutches?

Other than Silly Gilly what do they have? I'd wager their chapter tactic is worse than Raven Guard or White Scars at least. Against a shooty army it's probably the worst CT in the book...
Because they're a bunch of Mary Sues who have been constantly described by objective narrators as the best chapter ever. GW was slowly scaling back the snowflakeyness until their Primarch came back. Ultimately it's boring when one flavour of space marines is just flat out the better than the rest. Everyone should have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm not even butthurt, I don't play Imperium.
The silly thing is that they were described that way literally since their first codex.
People who complained about the 5e codex really showed how little they knew of the history of the game. It's not like UM players run around screaming how much better they are than everyone.
>The Tyranids were always supposed to be the eventual winners of Octarius, though.

Only in the minds of idiots like Inquisitor Kryptmann.

And ho boy did it backfire. The Imperium's made goddamn Ork vs Tyranid meatgrinder on the planet Octarius. One that's been creating super-Orks from all the fighting going on.

>The last significant tendril of Leviathan is the one still wrecking Octarius.
I'm sorry, if the Tyranids haven't been able to beat the Orks in 112 years with the Swarmlord on-planet, you're not wrecking squig-shit. You're bashing your bug-brainz against choppas in futility.

Not that the Orks really mind the Nids willingness to fight nonstop. Octarius is tied with Armageddon as 'da best place to come find a good fight' right now as far as Orks are concerned these days.
I haven't put mine together yet, but he's a decent size. Here's a youtube video that might help you get a better idea of scale:
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is this a good deal for 30 bucks?
>still hasn't sold out

Has the ADB meme finally come to an end?
>People who complained about the 5e codex really showed how little they knew of the history of the game.
Not at all. Just because something has always been around doesn't mean it isn't obnoxious. The reason the hate became so pronounced in 5th edition is because the wank levels became unbearable. The Ultramarine superiority went from a few references to an entire Codex jerking them off. (it was literally an Ultramarines book that got resounded at the last minute, as I think you probably know)
>Ultimately it's boring when one flavour of space marines is just flat out the better than the rest.
Honestly, people wouldn't be as cranky about the whole thing if the Ultrasmurfs were the only official loyalist chapter for the Imperium. But since they're only one of 8, it does get kinda irritating to have them shoved your face all the time. That was part of the charm the Beast Arises novels. It focused on the Imperial Fists and not "Muh Ultramarines" for once.

30 bucks for all that, especially if it includes the Deffkopta?

Buy literally as many of them as you can.
>The Ultramarine superiority went from a few references to an entire Codex jerking them off
You mean like the original SM codex?
You mean the same people who were offended when they found out jokaero EXISTED?
It seemed people were more mad that the tone of the game was changing from what they were used to, back to what it used to be. All the codices around the time of C:UM were written similarly, extolling how much better X force was than all others. Ever see the 2e Eldar book?
Doesn't have any customization options, just warning you now. It's the Assault on Black Reach Orks for the most part. However, worth it for the AoBR Deffkopta alone.
>You mean like the original SM codex?
The original SM Codex didn't spend more than a paragraph congratulating the Ultramarines and 40k has changed in every way since then. The problem isn't when a Codex says how great it's faction is, the problem is when a Codex spends the vast majority of its lore pages saying how great one particular facet of the faction is and how no other space marines should even try. The Ultramarines make every other chapter look incompetent by their very existence which is why they are disliked.
>Doesn't have any customization options, just warning you now
Yeah, the customization options (barring kitbashing) is pretty lacking. Even with the Deffkopta. That said, the AoBR Deffkopta is vastly superior to the one GW sells online (which if I had to guess is STILL THE FUCKING METAL MODEL. I mean, it's not as bad as what the SoB have to put up with, but get your shit together Geedubs).
>The original SM Codex didn't spend more than a paragraph
Try the entire first 2 pages talking about how the UMs are the finest SM force the Imperium has, with uncountable victories, one of the most prosperous holdings in the galaxy, are renowned the Imperium over for their skill and courage.
And the book is full of blurbs about the battles they have won flawlessly, even against incredible odds.
It's what made the Battle of Maccrage exceptional, that the unstoppable Ultramarines not only met their match, but was losing, badly.
>40k has changed in every way since then
No, it changed in 3e/4e when the lore got overly grimdark trying to ride the 90s extreme fad, and people who only knew 3/4e style continue to bitch about how their 40k is turning shit, when the first real paradigm change happened right before they discovered the game.
It's poetic justice, to me.
Yes, yes it is.

Most of the Build + Paint sets are pretty good value.
I'd have jumped on the Dread + Termies box in a second if they weren't inexplicably the 2nd edition plastic Terminators instead of the Black Reach ones.
Spiky elf brethren help me, I am building a list and am throwing in a haemonculus. It says in the index that
>This model may take items from the Weapons of Torture and/or Tools of Torment lists.
Is there a limit on how many items you can take? Can you take however many items you want, just pay the price in points/power for them? I realize it would be excessive to just take one of everything, in either points or power, but I just want to be sure I understand.
But does he still power up Poxwalkers?
If the answer is 'no', AND he is still more expensive, AND he cant be another psyker, then he is still worthless. Which is annoying desu. I dont generally like Special Characters, but there is no other way to toughen up muh zombies... I almost wish Typhus didnt either. Then it would be less of an auto choose....
But they are back In Age of Sigmar :^)
Does Aura of dread stack?
Pages 111, 112 , 113
– Aura of Dread
Change this ability in all instances to read:
‘Units within 6" of any enemy
must subtract 1 from their
Leadership characteristic.’
im not getting anything different scale wise am i?

i hate to have them be the size of a dime
>Try the entire first 2 pages talking about how the UMs are the finest SM force the Imperium has, with uncountable victories, one of the most prosperous holdings in the galaxy, are renowned the Imperium over for their skill and courage.
Which only proves my point about how obnoxious they are and why so many people dislike them. Just because they were always the super duper bestest doesn't change that fact. The Wardex was just brought it to the forefront which is why the hate ramped up. This conversation, like the Ultramarines, is boring now. An anon asked a question and I gave him the answer.

>why so many people dislike them

Internet people with as much validity as fake twitter accounts.
They're in scale with the 40k stuff. The only issue I have is you can't really change the load outs.
Honestly, Suicide is probably the best recourse. Be SURE to mention 4chan in the suicide note though. /tg/ in particular. Say D&D made you do it.
Nope, the Nobz, Boyz and Warboss are all 1:1 scale with regular models
>has a couple Black Reach Orks and just checked them against normal models just to be sure.
>likes old and busted dragon
Shit taste confirmed
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just wanted to say to my nigga if he's here
how's the 'grime'core
Somebody is arguing that the Any bit means that it stacks.
Somebody is a fucking retard.
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Have you tried reading the index?
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Fuck, my bad. Thank you, anon.
It's cool. You're not the first.
Had the same issue with the champion weapon list for chaos. Looked through that bitch forever to find that stupid side bar thing.
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I'm gonna do what everyone else does and convert some AOS blood warriors into Berzerkers. Should I use the default axes they come with, or buy some chain weapons from Anvil? They're the only bitz I need to finish the conversion and at this point I'm almost tempted to just be lazy and leave the regular axes on, but my autism is nagging me to go the extra mile and wait even longer on it.

I was also considering getting chain spears from Anvil instead of axes for more My Dudes potential. Does anyone have any experience with those bits?
Their preview pics don't really give me enough to go on in terms of their size on a mini.
Anyone know the line of rumors on what's being released next model wise?

>Death Guard drops with new tonk, termies, and mortarion
>Admech codex rumors say possible flyer with release
>Eldar with nids there after
>Possible new plastic regiment release with AM codex drop

What we gonna get after? Orkz?
D&D the game or the GoT show writers? The latter would be a plausible reason for suicide
Go with chain weapons, anon.
I just googled Anvil Chain spears.... They are not that small. Their example mini is a NOT Space Marine in 28mm Heoric, and it looks fine.
Also, when in doubt, always go Your Dudes. That should never even be a question man
Oh snap do BOTH.
You might even make the news. Or get that fat ass to finish his fucking books.
Didn't they also say Nids on the page that said Eldar and Guard are coming?
I think GW said daemons and Thousand Sons are getting something "soon" but who knows how close that is. I just want my spells and stuff.

Yeah nids re getting a new dex. There's a fucked up part of me thats wants that to come with a plastic hierodule but... I know that'll never happen.
yeah they did. Next month. With three in one month i would guess no new models, probably just a repack of the Ynnari models into single kits, for 30 to 40 bucks each
Look for it harder anon. I remember losing some pieces from time to time, and even though it usually takes a while it's worth finding those pieces. Don't give up!
If that doesn't work though, use some other guy's head.
In the Damocles book shit starts whispering pretty often to Shadowsun, they've been setting it up for awhile it seems.
I dislike them and am not the anon you're responding to. That work for you?

Ok, ADB.
Chaos Beepboops When?
I want my Dark Mechanicum

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>ADB thinks chaos will win

Oh sweetie how cute. I think you have it wrong though.
I just got the talon of emperor kit. How should I model my sisters of silence?
Papa nurgle laughs at your quest for biomass as you will merely get infected too
>entire world of Chaos Undivided
>Tyranids come by
>Chaos spawns greater daemons of all 4 flavors
>Nids still win.

lmao chaos in shambles.
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>I killed myself rather than see whats those hacks do to /ourguy/ next season

The truth is Chaos will win, technically.
The joke is the God Emperor's inevitable death to Drachnyen will simply free Him from the shackles of the Materium.
The Ruinous Powers know this, which is why they want to keep cockblocking their heretical servants as long as possible. But its not working anymore because Abaddon and the Primarchs keep doing their own things.
what are the necron units that are actually viable?

I wanna get the start collecting but not if its gonna be bad
Unfortunately I lost it on my lawn after priming, and I didnt notice where it dropped. I've lost entire arrows under the grass on that cursed lawn
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You mean this list? The one with the clear and obvious page name in the index? Or the entire page devoted in actual CSM book with similar notation?
And nothing of value was lots... Now fill the hole with an actually good helmet
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>It's gonna be another of those "who wins" threads
Oh boy...
Alright, when I get paid Friday I'll splurge and get myself their chainspears and the gun attachments for some WYSIWYG.
Was it on carpet? Take a flashlight and hold it down so the light's shining parallel to the carpet. You should be able to see its shadow. Alternatively, walk around barefoot for a couple days and you'll surely step on it eventually,
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Yeah man

Either Guardsmen or Brimstone Horrors
Oh shit, hmm. Rest in piece, I guess. If you want to use that same head still you could look for a bits seller, maybe they'll have it. Unless you want a different head. Good luck regardless.
>All of these "who will win" idiots still not realizing the Orks have already won just by existing

We iz livin' our win condition. You gits haven't even come close yet.
>still using the index.
Typical cherry picking chaos scum.
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I was looking for an entry that said "champion equipment" chill sperg. I was trying to let the guy know it happens. Your really smart and have a huge dick we get it Jesus Christ.
Yeah it's in there too chaos fags use whatever's best out of the two is what I was getting at.
Dark Mech will suck because the incompetent GW writers will just make all their robots daemons missing the entire point. Daemon engine are their own thing imagine if we had Abominable Intelligences, as in proper Iron Men along with dark skittles. Its too good an idea for this timeline.
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Is the Repressor as OP as it seems and should I get one?
Fucking GW cunts.
wow these are gorgeous. Where di you get them?
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Wrong pic.
The most armour I've used is Rhinos and Razorbacks. So inform me if possible.
Z recasts my dude. 30 Sisters of battle and Canoness Veridyan, Battle Sister with Imaginifer and a Hospitilar cost £32
Those are just the standard SoB models...
Gib recast sisters pl0x

Can you give us the point costs? Looks like a more close range rhino. I'd wager give it 2 Heavy Flamers and load up some meltas inside it.
doesn't seem that powerful for a rhino with 3+/6++ and a heavy flamer
see >>55263964

>2 Heavy Flamers and load up some meltas inside it.
That was the plan really. Shield it with some Sisters with a Hospitilar. Get close, unpack the melta and go spare with the flamers.

Two heavy flamers can wreck house at close range.

I could fucking figure out why they looked so weird, and its because they have no backpacks.

You are a brave soul. I've heard his Sister's were dumpster tier.

You're missing the part where it has six firing ports.
Try page 117.
Shh. Just let him be salty.
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Aye, I haven't primed them yet.

>You are a brave soul. I've heard his Sister's were dumpster tier.
Honestly, they are hit and miss. Some are fine some are shit. But I only play with friends and at 3 foot even a not fantastic sister looks fine if painted. And 30 of them (each squad of 10 gets a storm bolter and flamer) plus a HQ and a Hospitilar and Imaginifer for way less than £1 per mini is the best possible option. For like £50 I built my fluffy ground force.
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All ebay sellers have available is the whole model itself, and while $6 isnt too much to waste, I wouldnt feel right having a whole figure wasting away to only use its head. The head was probably my favorite part of that model, too...

I better pray to the grandfather about this.
Hrm, yo close, yea. They're definitely Z. No matter what I do, I can never get ride of the shine some of his shit has.
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Oh my, that's unfortunate. If you really want you could always use the body of the other one for conversions or something, anon. It would be unfortunate for you to be missing out on something like that.
Well, good luck regardless of your choice.
I just decided, "fuck it, I want more toy soldiers"
oh right, they changed fire points

dangerous, but not OP still
>dangerous, but not OP
Time to get a Repressor then.

Are they good? They seem bad. Especially compared to Tankbustas.
Thanks mate, I was thinking of keeping the body for future conversion work if I go that route.
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Hey I just started Tyranids!
I'm really excited to play space bug dragons, what is top tier in 8th edition? If I want to go into tournaments what do I need to purchase?

I have the get started set, a swarmlord, 10 termagants, 10 hormagaunts, 1 carnifex, a bunch of warriors, and a single squad of raveners.

Is there a certain large creature that's mandatory for high end play? Thanks for all the advice!
That's fair. Z is the best way to about that because he's so cheap. I've had some great things from him and some not so great things. It's amazing how widely he swings, and I've been leery about getting sisters from him. Part of that reason is I have a fully metal army already, so the difference would be obvious. However, I've not felt the need for more weapons until now, and $10-14 for a single gun is painful. I have I think 4 Heavy Flamers, 3 flamers, 8 meltas, and like one or two storm bolters. The biggest thing I need are the $12 superiors holding the bolter arm out so I can add combi-weapons.
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go for it. the most OP thing i've seen is chronus in a predator near a captain/chapter master with killshot stratagem activated; fucks my shit up. i've never seen a GUO get made into mush so fast
So with Death Guard getting their own codex, how long till we see an Emperor's Children entry?
possibly within the next few years but GW doesn't like slaanesh these days. fuck i want a plastic noise marine kit because that upgrade kit is terrible and finecast
Slow your roll there Slaanesh.

EC JUST got legion rules in the CSM Codex.

Khorne needs his turn and loyalists before we can think about you
Exocrines are fantastic.
EC and WE will probably get supplement books if anything, and probably not for a while.
>tfw 3 hurricanes are coming but all you want to do is build up your AdMech army.
I have an email from an old CHINAMAN inforgraph that used to be posted around here quite often that I'm very certain was accurate at the time. Has he changed his email at all lately? Asking because I'm considering getting something from him considering his catalogue has a lot of products that my usual go to ccon doesn't have.
I'm having a hard time staying below 2k points

+++ RS (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [117 PL, 1997pts] +++

+ HQ +

**Chapter Tactics**: Ultramarines

+ HQ +

Captain in Gravis Armor [7 PL, 137pts]: Boltstorm gauntlet, Master-crafted power sword, The Armour Indomitus

Lord High Commander Carab Culln [10 PL, 200pts]

Magister Sevrin Loth [7 PL, 140pts]: 1. Veil of Time, 2. Might of Heroes, Smite

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 149pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle
. 6x Intercessor
. Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword

Scout Squad [6 PL, 90pts]: 5x Camo cloak
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle
. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 105pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Storm bolter
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher

+ Elites +

Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]

Cataphractii Terminator Squad [24 PL, 305pts]
. Cataphractii Sergeant: Grenade harness, Lightning Claw (Pair)
. Cataphractii Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter
. 3x Cataphractii Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist
. Cataphractii Terminator w/Heavy Flamer: Chainfist, Heavy flamer

Primaris Apothecary [4 PL, 68pts]

+ Heavy Support +

Land Raider Crusader [16 PL, 316pts]: 2x Hurricane bolter, Multi-melta, Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Razorback [5 PL, 112pts]: Lascannon & Twin Plasma Gun, Storm bolter

Repulsor [16 PL, 320pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Auto Launchers, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2x Krakstrom Grenade Launcher, Twin lascannon

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Amen to that. If it wasnt for the death guard make over, i would be painting noise marines by now. Fucking GW hating slaanesh as usual.
If it's orky, it's good.
considering that we got thousand sons last December and now death guard less than a year later. I wouldn't be surprised if we get major update for both emperor's children and world eaters within the next 2 years
plop a nurgling in there, make it look like he's piloting the armour
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>is presented with perfect opportunity to make epic conversion
>contemplates suicide
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>not being a based rogue trader
>not breaking off from the shitty Imperium asap
>not fucking off from the Imperium and forming your own comfy colony on the very fringes of the galaxy, far away from any insane shit that can get to you

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How Do genestealer cults play? They look cool and they have some of the best lore, but how are they on the tabletop?
hey /tg/,
got any interesting primaris conversions?
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>tfw you have a 2000pt army and you're barely using the models you have assembled
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That's because you're spending time doing the right thing and painting them first, right anon?
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Not that anon but I wanted to chime in and say that people who play without at least a tabletop standard make me sick.

I also make myself sick because I can't stop buying Warhammer.
Oh God no. I'm painting them, but it's a slow process.
The start collecting is fine. I prefer immortals over warriors now, but they're not bad or anything.
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>tfw you have a larger Lord of the Rings warhammer collection than seen in that pic
>tfw it is just collecting dust because nobody plays that dead game here
>tfw you now also own 3 different 40k armies

where did it all go wrong ...
What is the cheapest way to build 1k or 1.5k of orcs in a month or so? Will there be black friday sales or anything like that?

Also, this is what I have currently wysiwyg

1997pts 6CP 108PL
Battalion +3CP
Night Lords

+ HQ +

Chaos Lord with Jump Pack
Lightning Claws x2
Claws of the Black Hunt

Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings
Hellforged sword, Warp bolter
Diabolic Strength

Sorcerer with Jump Pack
Bolt pistol, Force stave
Prescience, Warptime

+ Troops +

Chaos Cultist x30
Pistol CCW, Shotgun

Chaos Cultists x11

Chaos Space Marines x10
Pistol and Chainsword
Plasma Pistol and Flamer
Icon of Vengeance
Champ w/Plasma Pistol and Fist

+ Elites +

Chaos Terminators x10 - Slannesh
10x Combi-Plasma
7x Lightning Claw
2x Power Axe
1x Power Maul

Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought
Chainclaw w/Soul Burner
Butcher Cannon
Havoc Launcher

+ Fast Attack +

Warp Talons x5 - Tzeentch

+ Heavy Support +

Havocs x10
Autocannons x4
Champ w/Combi-Plas

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino
Combi-Bolter, Combi-Plasma
Havoc Launcher
and by that I mean what boxes should I buy for a halfway decent army?
typing up the battle report for my weekly wednesday game
You playing against Raptors or just some marines that live in mud?
The marine squad looks like it is cobbled together from a number of different kits from different era's. So the latter, most likely.
How do you run your immortals? How many units?

It's thematic.

If you're looking for whether or not it's viable, the only viable Ork list is Green Tide. Even in casual games you'll struggle with that list.
I only have three, two with tesla, one with gauss, all 10 strong.
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How do you guys feel about this for a list?
>250 point tax for 2 HQ and 2 screen units of basic marines
>2 10-man Bolt Rifle Intercessors
>3 AT kitted repulsors
>Bobby G
That's how I was thinking about running mine if I ever got into Necrons. Need that new book to fix some of the units though and add more flavor.

Slaanesh is getting a focus next year in AoS. 40k is a logical extension of that.

New soundmarines, fulgrim, and other troops to go with it I'm guessing.
The core is there, but the aux units are really lacking.
Not him, but I fucking hope so. Slaanesh and the EC are the only part of Chaos I really want to play/have a part of. 1kSons are pretty based, but I already play GK, so another elite psyker army is off the list.
Not him, but an EC lore fan. Should I keep my slaanesh fund stockpiling or start buying things now?

Each time I suck a dick I put a few bucks in the fund.
Are Tyranid raveners and red terror any good how do they play I can't find battle reports
Hello fellow slaaneshi deviant
It's time to play "guess the sub-factions and their '""unique""" bonuses!"

>the sneaky sub faction is especially hard to hit. Enemies more than 12 inches away shoot with -1 to hit.

Guy's don't believe me completely. It's a rumor from NOVA.

I want demon fulgrim, EC sound termies, and new sound marines as much as anyone. However, I really do hope it happens. The EC and slaanesh need love.
Edgar Allan Poe Guard.
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Alpha Legion

are these chinamen asking how many individual orks I would like to add to my cart or how many squads?
Just say 100 either way.
I am considering it. I guess I could resell any extra china orks
Technically correct, but you're missing the point.

This will be applied to every sneaky sub faction.

There will be sneaky orks that get it.
Sneaky hive fleets
Sneaky tau
Sneaky Ad Mech

So take your favorite sub-faction, and guess what super interesting and """unique""" bonuses they'll get!
What does 1000 points of IG look like in 8e?
>think you're buying 100 boyz
>buy 100 squads of boyz
>1000 orkz show up on your doorstep
all jokes aside is it retarded to trust these chinamen, and what should I expect to show up after I order?
>slaanesh is getting the focus next year

you shut your whore mouth, i don't need this false hope
>working on random CSM Brigade
>troops obviously cultists
>realize I can fill FA slots with Dreadclaws
>fill one claw with 2 squads of Plasma Havocs
>One claw with 2 squads of Rubrics with Soulreaper
>Final claw with Murderfists Contemptor

Why does this sound like so much fun?
>what should I expect to show up after I order?
GW's copyright lawyers with crowbars and baseball bats in hand.
I haven't heard many horror stories but you shouldn't pay anything you aren't willing to lose.
200 infantry models, 4 tanks, 6 characters, and at least 7 cp.
I figured I could get an ork army started by dropping 30 bucks on chinese boys and ebaying the rest

Well let me put it this way. The fate of slaanesh is going to be decided in AoS next year. Now, like I said it's a rumor but people think he will come back and sit back upon the pantheon and get a release. If so they will cash in a release for chaos too in 40k. Meaning you guessed it with the current trend. Fulgrim and the like.

Just take it with a massive dose of salt.
At best you'll get cancer from exposure to their shitty molds. At worst you'll be out $100 bucks and have your credit card information stolen.

Obviously you should go for it.
Be still my heart, fulgrim my love will be here soon
You can't really go wrong with orks
Worst case, they turn up and pieces don't fit, so you bust out the green stuff
But generally it's pretty good
Its way better than the White Scars one.
Expect to get fucked over without an agent. If they think they can take your money without sending you the product they will do it.
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The regular hardback and ebook came out at the same time. GW didn't pull it's old 'ltd only' for 3 months trick this time.
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Just sent my order to Chinamen, 300 burgers for
>Gargantuan Squiggoth
>2 Squiggoths
>Kill Bursta Tank
>2 Supa Kannons
>2 Heavy Mortars
The IG bonus will probably be generic stuff lik the old regimental doctrines, I'd like to see something like

Storm troopers- Deep strking units can advance and fire after arriving

Infantry regiment- Destroyed infantry units can come back from your table edge on a 5+

Recon regiment- Sentinels and veterans/scions gain +1 to their save when in cover

Mechanized regiment- Infantry units can disembark normally even after their transport moved, Leman russes may fire after advancing.
>1000 orkz
>still lose
maybe I will get one of those giftcard VISAs to outfox them

my main problem is figuring out how to order this stuff because it looks like you need to go through someone like >>55265223 said

I think this site called superbuy does decent agent work based on what I read
>Infantry regiment- Destroyed infantry units can come back from your table edge on a 5+
This will be a stratagem, copy/pasted from the chaos codex.
I'd not care if you counted them as both a chainaxe and sword. I've had great experiences with Anvil though, their tac gear is great for Raven Guard and successors looks.
>Mortarion hits on 2s, probably rerolling 1s
>his weapon is very likely to be at least S10, rerolling wounds thanks to his aura

So Morty will be kinda good in melee, huh.
>Ey Boss! We'z 'eard der was a Waagh! 'ere. Dis da place?
How are you getting him there?
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A Lad of taste I see
Warptime, duh.
Does anyone know where I can get a transfer sheet with lots of white Marks of Slaanesh and chaos stars for shoulder plates? There's so few on the standard CSM transfer sheet in white it's embarrassing
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I only got one game in so far, which I lost. I like them, but I was stretched thin due to my opponent wanting a larger battle, and I didn't really have enough stuff for 1750 pts yet. I wasted a good 300+ pts on Tyranid allies (which I also didn't have much of) just to fill out the cost. Things like aberrants weren't very effective in combat, but they were hard for the enemy to put down. Acolytes and their heavy rock weapons tore some guys up, but didn't get to hit the vehicles I really wanted them for. I forgot my Primus gets a free reroll on the ambush, so he came in bad and lost his whole squad, if he had gotten in I would have done better (and since I'll remember the rule, he WILL get in next time). The real hit of the army was a good ol' Primarch with 15 genestealers, ambushing in to a central building and then charging out in the next round. The killed the terminators, the landraider AND the assault squad that charged them. If I had gotten proper back up for them, I could have prevented them from getting caught out in the open and murdered by heavy fire.

It's a fun army, but smart ambushes are key. 5+ saves are pretty unreliable, and you want as many genestealers as you can get. I'll say more once I have a few more fights in with them, and I'll probably expand my force a bit.
He's just as fast as a regular daemon prince. It's not like he's that slow. And Warptime exists.
Biker Mob aint bad either
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All done typing batrep up. I'll wait for the thread to turn over before posting it.
He might keep some form of that mini-teleport ability his 30k version has if he's lucky.
We know his abilities, anon. DttFE, mortal wounds aura, -1T aura, invu skill, DR and probably a reroll aura. And reroll poison wounds in melee aura from his Warlord Trait.
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Gentleman, how do we fix the Magnus problem?
Nerf him, and also don't run him if you want to play Thousand Sons unless you and your friend have a situation set up that would allow him without being too unbalanced.
How would you nerf him?
Worse than skorcha-Nobz.
I'm new to this whole thing.
From the codexes I see that many models can have alternate weapon setups.
Am I supposed to buy those things somewhere and put them on the miniature somehow?
Let's say for example that my guy has a power sword, but I would like him to have a power fist, do I just clip off his arm and swap?
What about relics?
Not too sure. I feel like ramping his price up might be a good way, that way he's still strong but not as cost efficient and only really worth in much larger games or something? I wouldn't know best how to balance and change things like statlines myself.
Depends upon how anal you want to be about it. Some people play "what you see is what you get," which is nice because it's clear exactly what's on the board, but difficult because of modeling reasons. Other people just say "this model is going to count as having X equipment" and people play pretend about it. So it depends entirely upon who you're playing with and how the two of you want to organize your game.
There should What model are you working with?
GW is moving in a direction where the box provides all the options you need, and in the case of "the whole squad is going to take this upgrade" they give you at least half of the weapons. You might need to buy, find, beg, or make more to fill out the group.

You are expected to put the proper weapon on the model to make it easier to identify during the game, but some people don't care. Just keep in mind it's more polite to do it properly than not, but sometimes you don't have a choice if GW didn't give you the parts and nobody is selling them.
Miranda Irene worked very well for me in the past. Communicative on some specific queries. Fine resin molds. I may be developing cancer in 4 years, but it was worth it.
It's a relief to see the watermelon cartel finally being broken up on pueblo planet.
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Are tervigons and gaunts any good at all now with the new rules for reinforcing the unit?

>you are expected to wysiwyg your army

I have been playing this hobby on and off for 18 years, and never once have I ever been expected to have a wysiwyg army, and never once have I expected it of another person. I have yet to meet the person who demands my tiny plastic toy men represent the right KIND of tiny plastic toy men for our tiny plastic toy men game. Maybe one day I will meet this walking abortion, but that day has not yet come.

You should want to wysiwyg your models because it is cooler and easier on yourself, not because people "expect" it of you. Those are people you probably don't want to engage with at all.
>he knows he should be aiming for WYISWYG but goes on some long ass spiel about his personal anecdote anyways

Don't give bad advice to new players.
thanks I will look into it
>I have been playing this hobby on and off for 18 years

And not a single tournament attended eh? You do realize if your army is properly modeled, you're not going to get any situations where people say something about it.

Go play an IG army with 120 lasgun models but 20 of them are actually autocannons/plasmaguns and see how far you get.
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>Hive Tyrant is no longer available
Are we getting a new model or something, do they expect us to just use the Swarmlord?
It's probably getting re-packaged.
And before someone mentions it's temporary, they have a different notice for "sold out online" and the other temporarily out of stock models don't say "no longer available."
If you're not going to WYSIWYG, then why bother with counts as? You seem pretty chill. Why not just use the model admits modeled? You're not a lazy WAAC fag are you?

If a guy showed up at my store and wanted to play a game, but was short models and wanted to use quarters and dimes to stand in as marines, I would let him. Because it's a game, and it's not a big deal. I expect us to have fun, not to perfectly represent models.

I've been to three tournaments my local stores have run, and honestly didn't find the much fun even though I placed in one. This game doesn't seem well enough balanced to played at that level unless you are willing to chase the flavor cheese of the month, which defeats the whole point of the hobby for me. I like my armies and the experience of playing them on the table, not "winning" the mathhammer. I do admit seeing some of the stuff the pro gamers who actually convert their stuff is pretty cool, though.
WYSIWYG makes it easier on everyone and there's no reason not to do so unless it's a situation where parts are difficult to obtain, which does happen. But stand ins and counts as should only be a placeholder solution until you can model your figures properly.

You're right. Burnas are terrible.

As >>55265511 points out, if you want to run Burnas, Nobz with Kombi Skorchas do the job way better. A Burna Boy is 14 points. A Nob with Kombi-Skorcha is 36. However the Burna only does D3 shots instead of D6, so to get roughly the same average number of shots as a Nob gets, you need two Burna Boyz. That brings it up with 28 points vs 36.

So what do you get for those extra 8 points? Quite a lot actually. You get a 4+ save instead of 6+, +1 attack, +1 strength, need to cause 2 wounds to remove a model as opposed to 1. You're firing at Str 5 instead of Str 4 and you get Ap-1 instead of Ap-. You also get 2 Str 4 shots per model hitting on 6's.

Burnas do get Ap-2 in melee, but you can do the same with Nobz just by giving them all Power Stabbas for 4 points each.

I don't dispute it's a good goal to have, I do dispute that it's "expected" of you. If someone "expects" you to show up with perfect wysiwyg models they seem like kind of a douche to me.
>If a guy showed up at my store and wanted to play a game, but was short models and wanted to use quarters and dimes to stand in as marines, I would let him. Because it's a game, and it's not a big deal. I expect us to have fun, not to perfectly represent models.

That would arguably really fuck with los, and I'd rather not have to remember which quarter is the marine with the heavy bolter just because someone was too lazy to come up with a list that fit what models they actually own.
Why is everything twice as expensive on the US online store?
I pity you burgerbros
Compared to which currency? If you want to pity anyone pity the Aussies.
Depends on the context I guess. For a random pick up game or someone wanting to test something out I don't normally mind reasonable substitutions ("these scourges have dark lances etc") but facing the same guy week after week or in a tournament environment where they haven't made the effort makes me disinclined to play them.
Euros. I know the dollar is a bit weaker, but your prices are way higher than that difference. Bongs must really hate you
where are you finding this for $30, anon?? Amazon? eBay???
It's rough being an ausfag. The biggest problem to me is it makes it so hard to convince friends to pick up the hobby. I've got the money myself and don't mind spending it, but I can't blame anyone who looks at the price tag and says "fuck that"
A box of Cadians is €23, which comes out to ~$27.50. They're $29 on the US store. A squad of Intercessors are €45, ~$54. They're $60 on the US store. There's a bit of a difference but everything is hardly doubled.

Compare that to NZ where a box of intercessors are $115 NZD, ~$82.50 or ~€69.
I just keep painting even though I have no desire to play the game
This post is fucking awesome and made me laugh!
I found them for 35 using google shopping, but desu I don't think the deal is that good
I do a lot more painting than playing myself, though a few more games would be nice. So long as you're having fun anon
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>shoot 15 S6 Ap-1 missiles
>assault Stormraven
>Hit and Wound on 2s
>2d6 damage with AP-5
>Consolidate into meaty cargo
>engage angry feet
>heal damage
>shit d6 S8 Ap-1 d3D fire on everything
>continue to river dance on meat
>Heal more wounds
>finally die
>shit out 20 Berserkers
>death cannot stop the rape train
Totally worth 300pts
How does plasma + fist for a contemptor loadout sound?
The Deffkopta alone is $33 retail, the 5 Nobz are another $25. It's not that bad a deal.
>why is the price $X?
I'm not going to read 650 pages now
>playing with people who use FW cheese in 8th edition

>warhammer art
>No grimdark instead bright with tech thingies

That's not 40k. 40k humans are grim and dirty, the reason why alien/chaos is so colourfull by contrast.
Reason why space marines flare up, since humanity is all smudged in the background, in the filth and decadence of the Imperium
Muh special rogue trader keeps his robes clean
So what is FW cheese
Elysians are up there for sure
They mentioned on Facebook that Silence is one of the best horde-clearing weapons in the game and that Morty will chew through entire Conscript squads with ease so. There's that too.

I expect it does D6 damage and extra damage spills over like the Flail.

Oh great, so now even if I bring Green Tide I can expect to auto-lose vs Death Guard lists. Sensational.
You probably deserve it

Yeah, fair call.

I'll just keep plugging away with my Dread Mob. I've got 180 Boyz painted but it's just too much effort to play.
Given how many lists auto lose against green tide it's hard to sympathize
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>play against green tide
>about an hour into game
>still T1

Frankly I just want a balanced Ork codex. I've got over 10,000 points of them, been collecting since 2007, and I just want some variety of choice. So much of the current Ork army is just garbage and the only effective build is spamming Boyz.
The adjustments in Chapter Approved might help.
Typical WAAC Ork player
Just take all tankbustas. I don't know if it'll win, but it'll sure be something.
FoC is actually just about done. Waiting on codices Admech and Tau first
Also raveners are good, the red terror is not good, but he's cheap and buffs raveners.
This is extremely inconsistent and can mean all kinds of crap, from reboxing because of a change in base size, to new kits, or just the site seemingly just displaying the wrong message.

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>Looking at Tyranids LoW from FW
>Don't like them
>Realize with GSC I can take a Baneblade
This won't be good, but fuck will it be fun.
Do you even play?
>Magnus with Death Hex and Smite can murder Morty, most durable Daemon Primarch, in a single turn
>PL 20 vs 23

>WAAC Ork player
What a time to be alive
dark eldar or clown eldar?
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Both are good. Dark Eldar if you want a force you can continue to expanse with new units, harlequins if you're wanting a more self contained force is how I'd look at it, but there's no wrong answer
Plasma or Bolter sponsons? At 2000 points I'm thinking of just relying on Punishers/Wyverns for what I'd use triple Bolters on in smaller games but maybe you can never have enough S5.

Pask, Punisher +Lascannon, 2 Plasma Cannons, Stormbolter
Tank Commander, Punisher +Lascannon, 2 Plasma Cannons
Tech-Priest Enginseer
Tech-Priest Enginseer
Battle Tank +2 Plasma Cannons
Battle Tank +2 Plasma Cannons
Executioner +2 Plasma Cannons
Executioner +2 Plasma Cannons

Tank Commander, Punisher +Lascannon, 2 Plasma Cannons
Tech-Priest Enginseer
Master of Ordnance
Very easy list to beat. You won't have much fun after a few games.
Is two Dunecrawlers enough serious anti-tank weaponry for a 2k match or should I pick up another SC box and go for three? Normally armies tend to drop a couple vehicles into a list rather than main them here, but they're usually Land Raiders or Leviathan Dreads or similar big smashy things.
Admech seems to only really have this one option for anti-tank, which is basically about 2.5 lascannons. I can't help but feel that despite energy shields and stubbers Dunecrawlers aren't quite on the level of las-preds which IIRC are only about 40 more points.
Rending Claws for Tyrants isn't new, it's really, really ooold. Legacy options from older Codexes tend to show up in the index for people who have old models, and are removed in the Codex
All the time, my store just bans FW
New thread
Correct title
No bullshit
"You can't use our products in our stores"
What a stupid rule

Change command squads to melta
Change taurox to Auto + gatling
Add another identical taurox
Add plasma to scions

Drop some assassins
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