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Anyone played this? It seems amazing, but I rarely, if ever,

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Anyone played this? It seems amazing, but I rarely, if ever, even see it mentioned. Also very hard on the roleplay so I imagine it won't appeal to rollplayers, minmaxers, and thatguys.
It is probably too narrative for many gamers here.
can i get a basic outline/synopsis OP?
That's where you are wrong.
Not OP. It has a pretty unique system for setting up interpersonal conflict during chargen and resolving those issues during play. It's set in a weird bronze age setting though which nobody gives a hoot about. Which is why it is probably never mentioned.
In very simple terms the setup is something like this:
>the GM sets the setting (the tribes of Israel in xBC, the infernal planes and the 7 demon lords, heaven after God mysteriously fucks off, whatever, I'll use the inferno one for the example)
>each player proceeds to make up and state the character they will play (e.g. "I am a high ranking demon" or "I am one of the lords of Hell" or "I am one of the mortal souls sent to hell")
>players and GM weave a net of relationships, desires, etc. with other characters (e.g. "my high ranking demon is the left hand of the lord of hell played by Anon" or "the damned soul wishes to earn favour with the high ranking demon to improve his predicament")
>everything is done at the group's discretion, deciding if it is feasible and fits the setting

The game itself is divided between Drama scenes and Procedural scenes:
>Drama scenes are when a player wants something from another player (could be as simple as a weapon, or something more complex like respect)
>drama scenes are called by players in turn (e.g. "I wish to gain more respect and trust from the demon lord that I serve and feel I lack")
>this is mostly verbal sparring and there's a lot to it as these are the main meat, but the gist of it is if the player who is being asked something of does fulfil the request, he gets a token (this is so that players don't stonewall eachother)
>Procedural scenes are everything else, for example a PvE or PvP fight
>the system is simple, the better token you spend the more cards you get, players take turns drawing cards and describing what they do, highest card wins

It's insanely flexible and applicable to just about anything, however if your standard P&P like D&D is LotR, Hillfolk is more like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones, less about your group vs the enemy and more about interpersonal relations. Someone described it as social PvP (player vs player, not character vs character), which is pretty accurate.
>It's set in a weird bronze age setting though which nobody gives a hoot about.
I find that setting very interesting but that's probably just me. Either way, it has a lot more settings in it, the bronze age one is just the one they decided to use as main setting, for some reason.

The system is so flexible and requires so little prep and work that I don't see why people wouldn't make up whatever they want themselves. There are no battlemaps, player tokens, or character sheets.
If you want any even semi-interesting settings you have to buy the Blood on the Snow expansion.
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There's a similar game by the same company called Skullduggery. The difference is that Skullduggery is meant for relatively quick/fun games while Hillfolk is designed to be more of a traditional RPG.
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>Pelgrane Press
Not even once
My problem is that it took like 2 months just to get my purchase shipped. Had to email them 4 times about it.
You guys think this could be played online? Finding willing people is hard enough, finding willing people that live close enough for real life sessions is harder.
So basically, it's this:

Call me a furry faggot, but I've always wanted to use this to run some kind of Lion King style animal drama.
I think it being able to run fucking everything is one of the biggest appeals. The vast majority of books, movies, and shows fit the system perfectly. Could run anything from Harry Potter to Fate to The Thing.
Anyone got a pdf?
>It's set in a weird bronze age setting though which nobody gives a hoot about.

That's why Robin Laws suggests that you can pull the Drama system out and bolt it on top of any other game you like.


Here we go, on uploadmb dot com:

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