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Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1658: Flying Castles Are Cool Edition

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>Jumpchain IRC Chat


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Tell us about your homes, jumpers
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Normal Mage Tower adobe to lay in rest before going on vacation.
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Would be a shame if something happened to those castles. They're real prone to explosions if you get what I'm saying.
Does anyone has an image of the Palace of the First Heaven from God of High School? That's basically what I am using.

I fused it with the Tower of Fate, the House of Mystery, the Stand house from Jorge Joestar and some other structures, but the form has basically remained the same since I got it.
i've got a pretty big city I run around in when I go home to bed. It's the warehouse, it's Gotten a bit quieter now that the grandkids have moved out into their own Archology
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It looks like this.

It's kind of freaking huge.
I use friendship perks to sleep on couches for 10-year stretch.
Jumper, the friend that just won't leave.
I live out of my warehouse, like I imagine most jumpers would.
It's like El Dorado, if El Dorado's aesthetic wasn't "Aztec City of Gold" and was more like "Tenochtitlan, build with Aztechnology", which itself sits at the center of my Territory, which is an endless maze.
Despite spending much of my time in this newest world as a Chocobo, it has given Katia and myself a permanent home for the first time. I don't know how I know it'll follow us through the void, but I do, and it will. I figured it's just the Stone whispering to me again.

Anways, it's a simple stone house with a large main room and a bedroom off to one side of the massive fireplace. The door on the other side leads to a mechanical workshop, which Katia has no idea how to work and I lack to fingers to do anything useful with. So for now we pile our treasure in there and hang alchemical ingredients up to dry.

There are large pillows made for lounging all over the floor and thick rugs below those to ward off the chill of the stone in the winter. A pair of wooden chairs sit around a large table, but they don't get much use. I can't and Katia prefers the pillows. I do wish it had a dedicated kitchen though. Just because I've learned how to cook over a raw fire doesn't mean I don't miss being able to use a stove. At least we have an ice box, powered by a chunk of Ice Magicite, so some modern comforts are leaking in.

Outside the hut is a rather sizable chunk of land, not massive, but large enough for a plot of land to grow a small grove of trees and a garden. There's also a pond full of fish that swim around and around in their small world. It's waters are somehow magical and drinking it acts as a pretty decent healing potion. Don't ask me how that works, it took me forever to convince myself to try it considering fish poop in that regularly.

It's small and cold in the winter, but there's enough room for Katia and myself and that's all I really want at the moment.
So... A corrupt megacorporation with a penchant for blood magic and leaving areas suitable only for toxic spirits. But, hey, at least they've got style and good food!
How the fuck shitty Mexico became more relevant than any of the nations the US split into is beyond me.
Can Marvel Magic be considered a FTL jump ?
The drug cartels had better connections than the actual governments. And more money.
Seriously, the governments are largely irrelevant.
No, jumps are stationary objects, anon.
Sad to say I'm homeless. Oh, sure, I'll buy a house or rent an apartment and tidy it up, add some cool things, but I move around to often. Usually I end up "living" in my office. There's always work to be done.
please elaborate.

My house is the Arrow Cross house, In the Foyer there is a statue that looks like pic related and that statue is arrow cross's avatar in what she uses as her human like form to walk around, she's a great house wife and homemaker
Missed the point, but okay.
Do you see the jump moving around? No, you don't, because it's a pdf file.
What I want to know is if the setting can be considered one with FTL tech
I'm currently living inside of some woman's asshole. I've made a rather nice, albeit whiffy, abode using space expansion magic.
Technically it's travelling at the speed of light (or at least about that fast, can't remember if it's slower), considering it travels from some server to my computer when I go to the drive
I deem you mentally capable of considering things, anon. I believe in you.
Oh. Then yes, of course. It's Marvel, anon, just because the jump focuses on the magic side doesn't mean that the cosmic spaceships aren't around. That's obvious.
Jump 1:Fate Extra

My heart is beating.

"This beautiful fox answers her emperors call! Let the contract serve as sign of our fated marriage my lord."

I'm alive. My hand is burning.

"Your call to fate is answered. It's time for you to awaken husband."

Why did I think I was dead? My mind began to race as I felt cold sweat drip off my forehead.

"Maybe I need to seal it with a kiss?" A warm weight settled on me.

That's when my wife shoved her tongue down my throat.

Her name is Tamamo no Mae. She's a fox witch from the late Heian period, my loyal servant, and charming wife. She's also a selfish young women who doesn't care at all for those she doesn't like. If you aren't her friend the best you can hope for is that she never notices you. She'll casually commit any evil for fun.

I of course didn't know that at the time. All I knew was a very beautiful girl was kissing me.

After that she explained the Holy Grail War to me. One hundred and twenty eight masters summon heroes, villains, and monsters from the Throne of Heroes to battle for them in a deadly tournament. She assured me that despite her low power right now the power o f our bond would let us win for sure.

Summoning a servant was supposedly a complicated process. I had done it while unconscious and having a nightmare. The results were less then ideal. Normally a three tailed Tamamo would have had enough power to casually crush most of the other servants in this war. Instead she had come along with only the bare minimum power required to qualify as a servant.

Strengthening the master-servant was my only hope of winning the war. That's how I met Hakuno Kishinami and her servant.
Hakuno had messed up her summoning to, if either of us had a diffrent opponent we would have been doomed. Her servant was a better warrior by far compared to Tamamo. He had a thousand swords and could switch between them at will. Our last fight was close enough that either of us could have won.

He had an arrow in his hand ready to drive it through my heart. Instead he dropped it to create a sheathe of some kind in Hakuno's hands. He must have put everything that was left into making it, he was dead before Tamamo could even hit him in the back with the spell she was casting. He could have won but he also could have lost.

I suppose that's why he decided to make sure his master lived. Hakuno never cried for him. She says he would have much preferred to leave behind someone who smiles instead of crying. That's how the worst two masters of the war became allies. Tamamo wasn't happy with another women being around but eventually she managed to talk herself into it. As an aside Tamamo has decided Hakuno counts as a prisoner of war or a captured maid or something.

The rest of the war more or less went normally. As much as magical wars inside the moon can be normal I guess. Tamamo and I faced many battles as her power began to return. Every day we almost died, every day someone else was doomed, and every day the challenges grew harser. Tamamo became almost untouchable as she gained her full power. She told me once that with all nine of her tails she would become a "being equivalent to the sun".

In the end I killed twelve people. I can justify as much as I want, they agreed to enter this war, they would have killed me, there was no other option, but that doesn't change that they're dead now. Because of that I'm not allowed to stop, I took lives to get to where I am so I can't stop. I destroyed their wishes so I could move onwards to the end of this war. When it really comes down to it I killed them and crushed their dreams so I could get my wish.
>with a penchant for blood magic and leaving areas suitable only for toxic spirits. But, hey, at least they've got style and good food!
...pretty much.
Aside from the high use areas, my warehouse is an arcanotech tire fire.

That's why I tried to murder Buddah. In retrospect I probably have really bad karma. But that's skipping ahead a bit.

After we killed the last enemy servant the SE.RA.PH opened. That's where I met Twice Pieceman and Saver. Twice was a madman. A cold hearted man broken down by his own hatered for war. We fought with words and then with servants. He beat me both times. I'm not as smart as him and he's deeply set in his ways so trying to point out to him that peace isn't stagnation and stagnation isn't peace failed. That's when we realized we would have to kill each other. He believed that if people stopped fighting they would stop changing.

In a way he's correct, people need stimulation to grow and conflict provides stimulation. But there's more to stimulation then war, love, ugliness, success, loss, grief, despair, hate, beatuy, I think all of them can drive us forward. For all I disagree with his ideals he does have a point. There needs to be change but I don't want to see the kind of change a man like him will make.

So we let our servants fight. Saver vs. Caster, Buddah vs. Demon, needless to say I didn't die. Caster was one step ahead of Saver and Twice acting in perfect sync with me to stave off our loss. Then we saw the end of humanity. A chakram covered in a hundred billion lights all of which were slowly drawing together above us. As the light grew from a dim and unfocused light covering seven kilometers in every direction into a single shining beam above me and Tamamo she worked her magic and sent out a simple blade of wind. Enhanced by two command seals from me it cut forward and sliced Twice neatly in half. I don't know if we somehow slipped through his vision or if he simply allowed uus to attack his master but Saver didn't stop the attack. He simply declared us the victor and that we could be saved before leaving in a swirl of gold.

I walked dup the steps to the Moon Cell looking for an answer to how I had arrived there. I was just a normal human. I was from a diffrent world and a diffrent time, I had no body to return to, no home to go back to. I would have loved to stay there outside of SE.RA.PH with Hakuno and Tamamo for a long time but I had to move on. I wanted to see if there was an answer, to see if there was something I could do to not stagnate. So I, an awakened AI, walked into SE.RA.PH.

I asked it how to keep myself from stagnating. And some ancient system gave an answer.

Move On
Electricity alone is slower than light and our copper wires, while highly conductive, do have some resistance so it slows it down even more.
Awakened AI

Servant Tamamo no Mae Lilly (350)
Command Seals
The Faceless Masses
Psychic Dreams (250)
Cyber Creation (50)
Labyrinth Creation (-250)

Brown School Uniform
Unique Garb (-300)

Temper Your Sword (-200)
Who Has Your Back? (0)

True Name
Tamamo no Mae
Best Girl

Template Lilly (850)
Fresh Fruit

Caster (575)

Strength E-->D
Endurance E
Agility C-->A (550)
Mana A-->A++
Luck B-->D (600)

Class Skills
Territory Creation E-->C (550)
Fox's Wedding (Item Creation) E-->EX (275)

Personal Skills
Witchcraft C-->EX (-175)
Shapeshifting A (-425)
Divinity A (-675)

Noble Phantasm
Eightfold Blessings of Amaterasu
on the Weight Stone under the Sunlit Watery Heavens C-->D (-650)
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The more you know, thanks. And this is why i use ansibles. No lag.
I live in my warehouse, mostly. In early jumps it was basically just a big room with some mattresses and a pile of blankets in the far corner. As jumps go by, though, it's become a ridiculous final dungeon type deal, thanks to all the add-ons and dimensional fuckery going on. It's all the best parts of Undertale's CORE, Eggman's Egg Carrier, and Fallout's Big MT, Okage: Shadow King's Endless Library, and the Death Star, with some side rooms that do random shit like "be an onsen" or "TREASURE!", and then becoming more disjointed and chaos and trees and SYMBOLISM as you get further in to the lower levels. Remember: Final Dungeon. Those get weird towards the end.
... but as for where I actually live, that's just some little corner in the warehouse itself, and isn't really very interesting. In fact, the fact that there's a bed and TV and videogame stuff all kindof clashes with the rest of the warehouse's decor. Like someone just decided to start squatting there.
That squatter is me.

> Alright, Evil-jumpers. How do you do it?
Being evil is about doing whatever you want and not trying to justify it. I do lots of campy cartoon villain stuff, interspaced with occasional horrible things and occasional less horrible things, and when people ask me why...

> How do you keep up the villainy,
... I say...

> and how did you turn down that path in the first place?
"Because I felt like it."
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Tamamo Lily, she's like Tamamo but without the jaded as hell courtesan or murder aspects being quite as strong.

Also she has three fluffy tails
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I mean, of course I did.
I didn't even know that was a card, huh.
It's not official. I just like the idea of slightly less jaded Tamamo, more in the sun goddess trying to love humans stage, then the post courtesan killing machine.
The Lilly part emphasizes her softer side and tones down her evil in some ways. She's still wildly excessive and acts on her own whims but she's less cruel about it and more uncaring. Neutral Neutral as opposed to Neutral Evil.
I live in Oboro, which is a place build on clouds.

Had to renovate a little and add modern conveniences when I moved in, but it looks amazing and I can summon it wherever I want. Great for travelling.

Before that, it was mostly just the a bedroom-like set up in the warehouse. It's still basically an extension of my home, what with the appartments added to it from a few jump.

When I want to be less conspicuous, I tend to just live on the boat from CATastrophe or rent some place and open a Warehouse portal in there.
I live in the Tower of Fate from DC Occult, placed in the Dimension Lord dimension from the same.

If i need a viable address on the prime material for some reason i have the Mansion from Charmed that follows me from jump to jump.
Was a WIP of that Transistor jump someone was working on ever posted? I can't find it in the archives.
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Hey guys, I've taken a break from JC and just got back, probably missed out like 30-50 threads.

What jumps did I miss that came out? Any of them particularly notable?
I also saw Creepypasta got an update too, which is cool
Someone is working on Saint Seiya.
First part of the Worm update, some 20-ish threads back?
Jorge Joestar and Soul Eater update. Batmam Beyond. Peter Pan got even more updates. Superman TAS was also updated. We got both NieRs. More Fire Emblem.
We had a pretty good assortment. Asterix the Gaul, Camp Camp, NieR, Peter Pan got some small updates, Superman the Animated Series, Battle Action Harem Highschool, and Night in the Woods.

Someone dropped a Nausicaa Jump into the upload folder that I don't remember seeing getting dropped into the thread. It's a pretty poor effort, looking at it now.

Oh, an Generic Dungeon Crawl got a big update.

>Any of them particularly notable?
No. No Jumps are particularly notable.
>tfw you want 90% of the Cryptid perks
Kill me. Making a build for this jump is literally impossible.
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>No curtains
>not having retractable blinds
Not seeing those either senpai
What happens to your body when you try to possess someone with Possessive from Creepypasta? Does it just kinda lie there defenselsesly, or do you just sorta "jump" into the mind of someone you want to possess?
That's because they retract.
>No. No Jumps are particularly notable.
This is true for all settings but Divinity: Original Sin.
From the way the perk is written i'd say you "jump inside" their body when you possess them.
Cool, will need to check it out. Last time I went there it was pretty much "pick Sting so I can actually kill the big things in the setting".
Nice, I'll revisit Generic dungeon crawl and check out Nier!

Thanks anons! (And Yoro too I guess)
In Alt Chain Builder, how is Companions Spend Their Own CP supposed to work? You roll random perks?
Got another few questions about Creepypasta

Does Malediction have any limit on how strong of a target it can affect, or can it "eventually spell the downfall" of anyone?

What's the level of durability of Inhuman Durability? Could you tank that tank shell mentioned in the perk without any damage to yourself, or would you be reduced to "a few pounds of flesh" and forced to regenerate?

What's the level of telekinesis ESP brings with it? Could you improve those abilities with practice, or are you capped at that level?
most of time i have a comfy house somewhere close to the task at hand. when i need to make myself known though? its this.
Could some kind soul post a copy of this, please?
You make selections based on what you think the companions would choose, rather than on what you or your jumper would choose for them.
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>Does Malediction have any limit on how strong of a target it can affect, or can it "eventually spell the downfall" of anyone?
It's a bad luck curse. Logically, if there's no possible way form the target to die from it, then of course it won't kill them.

Like, Scion from Worm isn't going to get in a carcrash and die, but he'd still be terribly unlucky.

Here you go.

Still needs new powers with the second part of the update, I think?
>Like, Scion from Worm isn't going to get in a carcrash and die, but he'd still be terribly unlucky.
Well, that definitely depends on how strong Malediction is. "Bad Luck" can take a lot of forms. Like a random entity deciding that Scion needs to die for whatever reason.
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Tell me about a time when a new background or form took some getting used to, and how you coped.
Examples to try to kickstart things:
>End up in a non-human form and had to get used to how your new body worked
>Acquire a new sense, have to deal with perceiving an entirely new dimension of the world, trying to communicate your perceptions to other people with no frame of reference
>Robot, find yourself with a mind that views the world differently and lacks things like touch and taste
>Undead, freak out for a moment when you realize you can't feel your heartbeat
>Opposite gender, have to adapt to different social norms and plumbing
>Take a non drop-in origin, find that your background's life up to that point had left them with strong beliefs and feelings that "you" didn't agree with
Thanks kind anon.
Well, as written it gets stronger over time. Consider the sheer unlikeliness, it'd probably take a long ass time for something like that to happen.
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My Jumper looks a lot like image related, it took some time to get used to.
Unfortunately for Scion, he's already under a Malediction. First his partner kicks the bucket, and then not even a century later he does as well. All of this at the hands of what amount to gnats. I mean, they're not even superdimensional gnats!
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Alright so any cool parents in Percy Jackson to be born too who aren't terrible? I do not care if they are weak or not so long as they are not an arse.
Hades is actually a pretty chill guy.
He's not the greatest parent to Nico though, although he's a lot better than most of the Gods about it.
Can I become a Demi-Servany in Fate/Extra ?
No, there is no option to do so yet.
Is there an option to do so in the jump?
Well, the Hindu gods are pretty cool. Most of them are in committed relationships, so being their half-blooded kid wouldn't make much sense, but not all of them. You can be Surya's kid. Like Karna. Don't you want to be like your big brother Karna?
>Don't you want to end up like your big brother Karna?
Am I misremebering or did he not have a lot of tragedy in his life and death?
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Question: Are there any perks like Pocket Dimension from Creepypasta, that let you store parts of yourself in them? Preferably with no growth limits.

I want to make my own dirac sea type thing, but with how fast I grow (think SupCom grade exponential growth) I want to be able to store solar systems worth of NGE Angel-mass.
What incredible magical artifacts are there in A Song of Ice and Fire?
>Incredble magical artifacts
>A song of ice and fire
Anon, I'm sorry to break this too you, but you'll be disappointed. There are some artifacts and things but they are either really minor, really weak, or really vague. And none of the are more special than what you can get elsewhere.
>What incredible magical artifacts are there in A Song of Ice and Fire?
Pretty sure there's nothing incredible. The "magic" in ASOIAF is pretty shit.
A Song of Ice and Fire is very low fantasy, their is practically no serious magical artifacts with the only one that sticks out in my mind being the Horn of Winter which apparently can bring down buildings.

The various materials made from valyrian steel also count as well, but they are mostly just better material than steel and don't have an intrinsic magical properties besides being able to kill White Walkers.
There are dragonhorns which may or may not control dragons. There's an interesting theory that they were actually used to control slaves in Valyria, not dragons.
There are the black roads/demon roads, which you can reproduce readily using modern technology. The ominous looking black stone which is only special by being ominous and could be replaced by concrete easily.
Melisadre's ruby and her illusions and the Faceless mens faces are pretty shitty compared to the illusions and disguises you can get elsewhere.
Wierwoods are vaguely cool but if you want wierwood stuff you can get better elsewhere. Melange from Dune is just as good as weirwood paste without the possible cannibalism or general mystery surrounding it.
Valyrian steel or the falling star steel used in Dawn, neither of which are terribly special beyond being really strong and sharp, easily obtained elsewhere, and being (potentially in the case of the fallen star metal) effective against Others, which is just a bit siutational and again easily gotten elsewhere.

Uh, is there anything I'm missing?
>fought his brothers
>cursed by approximately fucking everybody
>only died because Arjuna fought unfairly and broke the rules of honorable combat
Also got his prized possession (really fucking sweet armor) stolen by a god because he was so fucking pious. (Was that covered already with "cursed by everyone"?) I guess to be fair he got a nice spear in return but damn.
Yo YJ_Anon, any chance that you could increase the number of discounts that Cryptids get on their perks?
Do we have any jumps in which I could pick up 360-degree vision?
Why not use the option to be that kind of Angel in Evangelion?

Alternatively, the Inner World from Infernals can grow as long as you put an effort to make it grow.
Try spinning. It's a good trick.
Byakugan in Naruto gives 359 that can probably be modded a bit to get that last degree. Hero Academia probably has something.
Wasn't the armor thing more 2honorabur4u with the "yo dude you know how you'll give anyone anything you have if they ask while you're praying? Arjuna's gonna ask for your invincible golden armor-skin, you gotta stop him." "Nah, I'm a shiny golden dude of my word, brb getting my skinning knife".
Strike Witches has 1km range "if you could see it you know it's there" total situational awareness, which I guess is good enough?
I was pretty sure it was Arjuna's god dad not wanting his son getting fucking smoked by this tragic yet invincible badass, only Arjuna was so fucking cool about it despite the armor being like the one thing he could say was his that Arjuna's god dad felt really bad about taking it and tried to like "Um. . .right, uh. Well, you passed the test, so. . .here's this spear! A gift from the gods for your incredible piety!"
Karna* was so fucking cool about it
Mushoku Tensei (sp?) has a Demon Eye option that's good for that.
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I've read in several threads about how it's possible to become ZeedMillenniummon in the digimon jump...but i have no idea how one could manage that.
I've read the digimon jump several times and with alot of fantasy i can get to Millenniummon (which is fucking OP on it's own).
What am i missing? Is it just something you can achieve following a certain digimon storyline or is it in the jump itself?
>Wanting to become Digital mnoster Cancer
Anon. Don't. Really. It's not worth it at all.
Use Wikimon. It's valid for the jump and has a lot more of routes.

Also, Zeed is basically Milenniummon dying and being so asshole that he came back to life as literal digicancer. So, maybe get a 1-up perk and kill yourself in batlte?
well, in my jump i have built up so much immunity against corruption/evil that i think i can handle it.
I wouldn't attempt becoming an evil god virus otherwise
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>Wanting to go full evil god

Just go as another god-type Digimon.
What's a good intangibility perk that isn't limited by distance/density/time or other such requirements (like having to hold your breath)?
The one in Death Note?
phasing from x-men movies
becoming a ghost in justice league dark (pretty powerful altform especially if combined with primordial)
> You gain the ability to phase through walls
Doesn't explicitly say that you can do anything besides that, like doding attacks by becoming intangible, sinking into the ground, or simply phasing through things larger and thicker than walls.
>x-men movies
>and stay that way as long as you can go without

That's a good one, but JLG as a jump is way too high-powered for me right now.
That's what Shinigami do, though.
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>Why not use the option to be that kind of Angel in Evangelion?
I mean, I am, but I'm worried about running into size limits in a couple jumps once I get the growth to outmass small galaxies.

>Alternatively, the Inner World from Infernals can grow as long as you put an effort to make it grow.
Huh, I always forget about Exalted. I should give it a go, though I'm a bit wary of the conceptual-level things that could actually kill me.
But I need muh fiat. The perk just says that you can phase through walls.
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Anima Beyond Fantasy’s got you.
danny phantom then?
you get phasing + other ghost powers
your intangibility can still be affected by other ghosts and ghostsattacks though (sometimes atleast; the show wasn't so consistent with that)
Alright, because it looks like a good intangibility perk is actually pretty hard to find, I just dropped Disruption Field and got the one in Creepypasta.
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...Huh. Maybe I /could/ just get a cybernetic neck and spin my head around like a top.

Yeah, but don't you have to activate that, costing chakra and being straining to keep it up?

Hm. Not quite what I was looking for, but pretty nice too.

Which one? None of them seem to do that.

Uh. That sounds good, but how do I get that in the jump?
I'll be on vacation for a couple of days so I won't be here a lot. But expect me to drop a Fire Emblem Archanea Update soonish (Mostly with the Dynasty Of The Jumper-King nerf and adding some scenerios, I'm really proud of the War Of The First Exalt Scenerio even if it gets into fanfic territory)
Yeah, but the cost is negligible for anyone with on the Jumper end of things.
>Uh. That sounds good, but how do I get that in the jump?
Perception is a stat, like strength in DnD, so just level up and put points into it.
Hm, fair enough. I'd still rather have something I can have active all the time without looking like my eyes are about to pop out of my head, and it seems to have a range limit too (a huge one, but still).

But it seems a pretty good option.

That seems... weird. But okay, I guess that could work.
Jumper's, how long is your average jump in terms of the writing you do?
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Was Digger working on an update for Code Geass or did he drop it? I have the need to become Zero before Lelouch and stop a lot of the messed up shit in the series from happening.

And also waifu Kallen.
i want the power of that evil god, not become evil
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Great taste.
Nice, looking forward to reading the scenarios when its released then.

Obviously Gudako was angry because she never rolled any Sabers.
Canonically, Riyo Gudako was only able to roll Sabers

In the Bunyan event, you fight Gudako and all she has are wellfare servants and Lancer Saber, Beach Saber, and Saber
> and stop a lot of the messed up shit in the series from happening.
I hope you're going to put "stopping the assimilation project" as a first priority, because that shit is whacked and basically only Lelouch had the power to stop it, and he only found out about it by accident.
He dropped it and the Aussie crew took it. No word on it since then.
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Reminder that Death is a cute.
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Wish the Aussie crew would pickup KonoSuba again & finish it.
>Which one? None of them seem to do that.
Read the 4th paragraph in the notes:
>Yes, stacking Clairvoyance and Absorption into the same eye will increase the range of absorption. Stacking the abilities into a single eye creates some neat combos, for instance Clairvoyance+ XRay+ Magic Power Eye would be similar the Byakugan with a range of hundreds to thousands of miles
It might not be what you are actually looking for, but this is what I was referring to, I just forgot it was a combo of eyes rather than just the one purchase.
Lightweight-Free . Let's try something new
Adaptable-150 late game jumper, there is a ridiculous amount of situations I've seen before that I am adapted to .
Jumper to the rescue-100 morally obligated to take this
Suggestive bearings free for diva nice charisma perk
Divas revolution-400 discount for diva combined with my actual revolution perks to make things much simpler.
Form-fitting free for diva . Can you say cleaver sleeve?
Bunny diva: complete ultimate male nudity:time magazine-200 discount for diva going to release one a month , so I can copy it via mine craft and use them in another magazine. In other jumps
the plan: lots of wrestling, I have hundreds of years of experience on it as well as strength beyond most people here, also going to do some private detective work and explore the fringes of the unknown as a masked wrestling detective.
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Not as large as you might expect. I grew up in a smallish simple house, that is comfortable to me. It has room for my companions, but the room sizes tend towards the "small" end of the scale.
Nothing stopping you from doing it, anon. Go on. You know you want tooooo

Yes. She is.
It's not like i needed one.
Still appreciated because yes, yes she is.
Val had already read most the LNs.
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Generic Creepypasta WHITE.pdf
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Here's the Generic Creepypasta update again, now that I'm awake and rested. I haven't updated the file yet, but here's the new Global Conspiracy:

Global Conspiracy (400 CP, discount Drop In)- The organization has a base on every continent; giving it a large increase in resources and personnel, but also in responsibilities. These bases have some, but not all of the features of the HQ; things like technology and personnel can obviously be carted between the HQ and the other bases, but things like the wards from the Warded Base and the hiding effect from the Hidden Base aren't replicated.

Nah, there isn't really any reason to up the drawback limit.

And yeah, it can be any Hollywood star.

Yeah, urban's an appropriate choice for biome, and that sounds about right for the effect it would have on living beings.


You "jump" inside their body.

It can eventually spell the downfall of anyone, unless it's removed or otherwise counteracted. However the stronger they are, the longer it's going to take for their luck to worsen to that point. To go with the Scion example, he would have worse luck, but in the time frame for the jump it would be impossible to kill him with bad luck alone.

Depending on where the tank shell hit you, you might lose a good chunk of your body, but the rest would be fine.

It's more poltergeist level ESP than anything; you can drive knives into wooden walls and pull people across rooms, stuff like that.

I don't see any reason to do that.
Nothing bothers me more than personifications of death.
>>It's more poltergeist level ESP than anything; you can drive knives into wooden walls and pull people across rooms, stuff like that.
Oh well. Looks like I'll be taking it mostly for the mindreading and the Genius Loki & Pocket Realm combos.
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Did anyone become OFA's successor in MHA? If so how did you meet All Might? Did you do anything for Deku? How do you feel that you smashed the boy's only hope of being a big hero?
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... does the HQ retain modifications between jumps? Because that's gonna effect my purchases for it.
>Not turning Deku into his world's Batman/Tony Stark
>Not getting him into the Support Hero school mixing mechanical knowledge with his insane analytical abilities
>Not getting him practice first by building things to help his allies, using their own powers and enhancing them with mechanical items
>Not convincing him to move up to making items built to take down specific enemies, and going full Vigilante with them. Taking out big-name villains using just mechanical items.

Deku could prove ANYONE can be a Hero, not just someone with a powerful Quirk.
Not worth it, the power has too many issues and it just isn't worth getting. Especially not when you've got to do a scenario to get it.

I thought that was still a WIP. Has it been uploaded?
One of the Alice jumps gives that for free.
Yes. Also, "members" don't follow you; instead once you get to a new Jump the new people there have the skills, knowledge, etc of their predecessors. The same goes for the Cryptid Squad and the Pet Guards; they've got the same powers, but are different beings.
Why are there so few powerful quirks in that jump? Interesting powers are nice but it seems like there are pretty much none anywhere near Todoroki or Deku's level.
So have a lot of other people who aren't making the jump.
If you are familiar with the Konosuba, then go ahead and give a stab at making a jump. What's the worst that could happen?
>the new people there have the skills, knowledge, etc of their predecessors.
What about genetic/magical/cyber modifications?
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Those too.
Really? Not even centipedes?
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The wild, of course! It likes me now. Thanks, perks!
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Deku was quirkless. His only power is OFA, which is locked behind a scenario. Todoroki's powerset can't be replicated, which sucks but I think NuBee was trying balance canon with OC powers.
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Say what you want about Maleficent, but the Mistress of All Evil has style. I ended up basing my home off of her Forbidden Mountain, because it pulls off the sinister, menacing castle look just perfectly.
With the Glitch ability, what does it mean by "letting you interact with them as if they were actual worlds"? Would a video game become fleshed out with 'living' NPCs or am I merely given freedom to do what I want in the game as presented?
First time having a tail was fun. Learning a new sense of balance took longer than I thought it would, but once I got the hang of it, it was great.

First non-drop-in... maybe I got into "character" a little too quickly. I haven't ever been my old self since then, and I don't miss it too much.

Then there was my first time breathing underwater. Just realizing that I didn't have to hold my breath, and that I could see completely clearly. That was strange.

I'd say the most awkward one was my first time not having legs. I kept trying to walk when I was supposed to slither.
You have freedom to do what you want.
>Nah, there isn't really any reason to up the drawback limit.
>Double perk lines
>Shitload of powers and organization section

Is the White version just white or is a different jump alltogether ?
Double perk lines were already there, and I lowered the price of the existing 300 CP perks to make room for the new 400 CP perks. Buying into the Organization section gives you a stipend, and most of the powers were already there.
It's just white.
It's an SBer, anon. There's no point in trying to reason with it, so don't waste your time.
I wouldn't mind more drawbacks to be honest.
Sure, more drawbacks sound good. Anything you have in mind?
Gonna have to agree that the drawback cap should be higher.

I personally don't like drawback caps at all, but eh.
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Is there any problem that can't be solved by throwing thousands of city-sized angels?
Maybe there should have been a higher drawback cap from the beginning?
>Erotica (300 CP) Uh, okay. Good news and bad news. The good news is, Slendy doesn't want to kill you. The bad news is he's way, way more powerful now. The worst news is, he wants to rape you.
A city being infested with city-sized angels.
Kinda meh for 300 CP, really. Maybe you want something a bit stronger than Slendy?
I think it is due to the number of powers, the jumpmaker wanted to put in a lot of them and that meant that none of them could be really exceptional because any really good canon or OC powers would just end up being much better than the rest of the choices since coming up with that many good powers would be too difficult.
Is it too much to ask to keep your fetishes on /d/?
A protagonist with infinite plot armor.

Being lost in the woods.

Starving to death.

Being brainwashed.
Gonna have to disagree that the drawback limit should be higher.

Personally, drawback limits are my fetish, so it'd be sad to see it go.
I might give more discounts for Cryptids, but I feel like upping the drawback limit is unnecessary considering that the Organization section is not only fully discounted, but gives a stipend on top of that.

One uppity monkey.
See >>54727971

>A protagonist with infinite plot armor.
You just need more angels.

>Being lost in the woods.
Have an angel carry you.

>Starving to death.
Eat the angels.

>Being brainwashed.
OK, I got nothing for that. You should have probably summoned more angels in the first place to prevent brainwashing, though.
That just creates more problems and the angels might just hold on. Also there's not really a city anymore because NO CITY CAN SURVIVE BEING TURNED UPSIDE DOWN
>I might give more discounts for Cryptids,
Please. I have 5 400 CP perks I want, and I do have enough CP for all of them by houseruling the drawback limit away, but I'd really like to be able to take some of the thematic 100 and 200 CP perks as well.
Stalked by your own personal slenderman maybe?
>I might give more discounts for Cryptids
They're already the OTB, don't make it worse.
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It's a magical city of gods.

Also, for size comparison with small thing at the end of the picture.

Also, you just need more angels to deal with the angels.
If Dragon Ball and God of Highschool have taught me anything it is never mess with an uppity monkey.
You already tried this.
For you maybe. Other people have different tastes. Getting your own custom organization is definitely better than some powers you can replicate anywhere else.
Wait what.

Since when?
What happens if I Introduce Mori and Goku?
It's not like it's free points. The higher the drawback limit, the more likely people are to put themselves in danger, which is obviously not desirable in a setting such as this. Risk and reward.
Someone already suggested that? I just meant some cryptid was stalking and trying to axe you personally.

I guess we already have jeff the killer though don't we.
The local multiverse collapses under the weight of their combined reckless endangerment of everyone in the pursuit of a good fight.

We all know Goku is an idiot but did you know that during Mori's original war against the heavens the Sage realm was burning to the ground as as collateral damage from his blood knighting?
>Want to do that in the aSoIaF jump in the GoT version
>Because everyone is so shitty
>But that would mean not visiting the awesome world of the books

What to do. Do you think that I could fanwank me finding an alternate dimension where GoT takes places if I used dimensional shifting?
Yep. >>54732056
Oh I get it, you're retarded.
Actually Mori is disgusted by the way the Monkey King acted.
Use inter-dimensional magic to jump between the two
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>dimensional shifting
I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, so go for it.
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Jump 02: Samurai Jack

Ended up changing my initial group of jumps when I realized I wasn't doing them justice.
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Okay, I'm uploading my Ib gauntlet one more time. If I don't get any negative feedback today, I'm going to upload it to the drive.

I know that Ib isn't the most well-known game, so if anything is confusing, please let me know so I can try to address it in the Notes.

Oh, and just to check, I put the upload into the main Uploads folder and label it as a gauntlet in the title instead of uploading it to the Gauntlets folder, right?
We're /d/-lite. That's indisputable.
[Provides negative feedback]

I'm just joshin' ya, it looks good
>If I don't get any negative feedback today, I'm going to upload it to the drive.
Red Wizard needs food badly
How does the Genius Loci + Pocket Realm combo work? Genius Loci says that you can't leave the place you're haunting. Does that apply to the combo as well?
I would imagine not, seeing as the pocket realm is more like the Infernal internal world dealies ya? So, you never really leave it when you are outside, because it is inside you. Metaphysically that is.
While we're on this topic, how many internal worlds do we even have? There's the Inner World Infernals can build, the Grove from World Seed, Tales of Demons and Gods has the Soul Realm but I don't think it's good for making an actual place, Psychonauts doesn't make a big deal out of it but minds there are pretty spiffy if you have the psychic powers to even get there...
As someone only tangentially familiar with Code Geass, what's this?
Okay, so I'm thinking of giving Cryptids two more discounts on 400 CP perks. Thoughts?

No, it doesn't; I'll make sure to make a note of that.
Well, the Pocket Realm from Creepypasta got mentioned this thread. Then there's Hell Lord from Marvel Magic, and Dimension Lord from DC Occult. I think that were all the internal dimensions we've got.
>Tales of Demons and Gods has the Soul Realm but I don't think it's good for making an actual place
You're right. It isn't actual realm as such, it's just xianxia jargon.
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You'll get used to the taste eventually, Heavens.
I think the jump already suffers from OTB syndrome, and you shouldn't make it worse.
Don't have anything against it. Unless I miscounted there's twenty powers in each price tier, which in hindsight was probably intentional on your part, so you'd have some neat symmetry there.
Are we going to get an update to the combinations pdf too, with the new Cryptid stuff?

I could see I Know+Mark for example basically let you mark those that know about you/whatever you finetuned it to. Letting you track them down.

Or a combination of I Know+Demograph letting you know stuff about people who know about you.

Or combining Ritualist+Spawn to let people summon the spawn.

Or combining Spawn+Packleader to control the spawn over a wide area.

Or combining Enhanced Senses+Emotion Manipulation to sense emotions.

Or even Hyper-realistic doing something to enhance All Smiles and Spook?

>Okay, so I'm thinking of giving Cryptids two more discounts on 400 CP perks. Thoughts?
I think that'd be cool, yeah?
Sounds like a good idea, since it will give a discount on three perks perk price tier and will balance out the drawbacks still maxing out at 600cp.
I don't think any of those are "internal" unless you import an internal realm for them. They're all "external" pocket dimensions that you have a connection to, not something that's actually inside you.
per* not perk.
Sounds good to me. I could go for a 400cp and 200cp discount each too, but two 400s seems nice.
Have you even looked at the other perks in the jump? Because most of them are easily on par with the stuff for Cryptids, especially with the organization "booster".
Sounds good to me. Of course I only build Cryptid but that's because I like making eldritch horror alt forms(well, typically I make Jareth the Goblin King with cryptid) not because the non cryptid trees are bad.
Is there a way to merge with a fictional character? I think Demi-Servant is the only way, but I'd like to see if I have any options.
Go to Infinicon and use bestowal perks.
Why is Cryptid OTB? I've seen plenty of people use the other origins, even before the update. It seems to be a matter of taste, to me.

Yes, but I'm going to be busy the next few days so it might not come out until after the 9th. Also, those are some pretty good ideas, anon; I'll add them to the list of ideas.

Two more discounts, so three 400 CP discounts total.
>going to Infinicon
There are a couple of drawbacks from the Universal Drawback Supplement, but that will start people bitching most likely.
Actually, that might make sense thematically as even though she has a fanbase, she's by no means a mainstream character.
You could use Potara Earrings or being a Half-Gem in Steven Universe (they can apparently fuse with humans, so as long as the character is human you should be good) and then something like that perk for Icons from Soul Eater that allows you to manifest fictional characters. Make them, fuse with them. First thing that comes to mind.
I think the implication is that Cryptids are too awesome. They are awesome, but the idea that they are the only good thing on your jump is a lie. I'll still likely only build cryptids, but I also only build journal entries, the monsters from cabin in the woods, lovecraftian horrors, and the like. Not because they are OTBs, but because they fit my whims.
>Yes, but I'm going to be busy the next few days so it might not come out until after the 9th.
Cool. I'll wait patiently for that then.

>Also, those are some pretty good ideas, anon; I'll add them to the list of ideas.
Are all the Cryptid powers limited to your Cryptid form? Or would stuff like regen/strength/psychic powers work in any form?
What about something like Mutate + Possessive so that you can change a host body into yours withiin a reasonable time-frame?
Because it is. Is there a problem? Are you questioning anon? What exactly makes you think you have that kind of authority, SBer?
Thanks anons, it looks like this is going to happen.
Eh, no actually. The reception here over the Universal Drawback supplement has been pretty positive.
Stuff that's dependent on the alt-form, such as Claws, Ooze, Extra Extremities, etc. are, but things like Inhuman Strength and Durability aren't.

Sounds interesting, but it would depend on what happens after you stop possessing them. Like, what happens to their body, in that case.

You... you want to fuse with a fictional slut? Or am I reading too much into your choice of pic?
On today's request. Anybody know any good jumps with disease immunity/strong resistance
What a terrifying creature.
Harry Potter - Clean Blood.
It'd revert back to normal unless you spent an extended period of time in them? Like, it stops being your "host" at some point and becomes your "vessel".
Let's see, off the top of my head there's Generic Zombie Apocalypse and Highschool of the Dead. There's also Harry Potter. I'm sure there are plenty of others, but I can't really think of any of them at the moment.
She not the hero the chain deserves, but she's the hero the chain needs right now
Shocking, usually the rather vociferous reaction of the thread seems to be rabidly against things coming from that quarter. Well from certain parts of the thread anyway.
She doesn't look that scary, what's the deal?
King Arthur and Greek Myth both have that.
The person becoming your vessel is an interesting idea, if it became permanent. If I went with the other idea they'd have to revert back to normal, since otherwise it'd basically be a way of making clones of yourself, just with the minds of other people.
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Not sure, I think she is pretty cute

Any chance on some more discounts or freebies for the Organisation tree since there are so many things?
Apples of Life from Chronicles of Narnia. Also grant regeneration and stop aging.
Zone-Tan is a porn artist's mascot. I'm not really sure why they think she's scary, other than being able to command a pet tentacle monster.
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Generic Creepypasta
> Age: 37 [Rolled23] (7/8/8)
> Origin: Drop In
> And Then A Skeleton Popped Out [Get a Freebie!]
> But Who Was Phone? [Get a Freebie!]
> Expired Pasta [-300CP]
> Outsider Information [-300CP]
> Non-Euclidean Mind [-600CP]
> Membership [-200CP]
> Organization -
> + Headquarters [Get a Freebie!]
> + Special Asset [Get a Freebie!]
> + “Spy Training” [Get a Freebie!]
> + Informants [Get a Freebie!]
> + Archivists [-100MO]
> + Safehouses [Get a Freebie!]
> + Shell Companies & Products [-100MO]
> + Specialized Containment Protocols [-100MO]
> + Hidden Base [-200MO]
> Pasta Recepies [Get a Freebie!]
> Cult Documents [-50CP]
> Cabin [-100CP]
> Shadow Person [-50CP]
> Original Recipe [Get a Freebie!]
> Weirdness Magnet [+100CP]
> Men In Black [+200CP]
> Foundation [+300CP]

I am almost as old as you are even allowed to be.

So, like... this was basically "SCP-Lite" for me. Running from shadowy organizations, working for shadowy organizations, perks that are mostly taken in preparation for going to SCP itself, except for the one that lets me make things bigger on the inside, and the organization, which is more of a generalized information gathering team who probably all died three seconds into the jump when they were infected by something memetic.

I spent a lot of time running from things, and sometimes shooting at things, and occasionally capturing things.
Also, I have a cabin in the woods! Hopefully it is not adjacent to zombies.
I am as surprised as you. A good surpise, but still...
Eh, I don't know. You already get three free 100 CP purchases in addition to a 500 CP stipend, so probably not.
Odorous+Toxin to have a toxic miasma?

Parasite+Ritualist to have a ritual that drains something from the cultists performing it, or a (possibly willing, but more likely not) sacrifice?

Emotion Manipulation+Parasite to eat emotions? Or could Parasite do that on it's own?

Traveler+Spawn to just burst out of the spawn to teleport?

...How quickly do you make the Spawn anyway?
I recommend being an ascended champion of Hestia. She's pretty much the best thing ever in that verse.
It would depend on how big they end up; if they're around person sized then it would take a few months; half that size a few weeks, half that size anywhere from a week to a day or two.
Oh, but actually making them would only take around a week regardless of end size..
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Reminder that you have shit taste.
Your taste is fine though Death is best Death.
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While your death-waifus are nice and all, the Death of the Discworld is objectively the best.
Quirks can be trained.
I respectfully disagree but they may as well be interchangeable on the best Death scale.
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Spawn + Pocket realm to make breeding grounds inside the pocket dimension?
Generic universal monsters iirc
Have you ever considered the Egyptian gods?
Speaking of Discworld, what do you fight your revolutions for?
>reasonably priced love
>a hard-boiled egg
never forget the glorious revolution of the 25th of may
Prometheus is cool.
If you feel like importing a pantheon, you could be the Autochthon's kid.
Both of these are legit to humans and literally did nothing wrong.
Can someon epost the hoolow knight jump ?
But I've never fought a revolution, anon!
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Hey, YJ. Let's say, for completely hypothetical reasons, I've decided to use Non-Euclidean Mind on a Semi-Truck.
About how much bigger on the inside can I make that, would you guess?
Anon, you're living the dream, you beautiful bastard.
There's your personal Neverland from Peter Pan and Wonderland from McGee's Alice.
If you play it smart it can have infinite space. Non-Eucloidean infinite space of course, but its still infinite space.
I remember ruling that Non-Euclidean Mind, when applied to moving things, would have a lesser effect. I said that a cybernetic arm would have the equivalent of, IIRC, a small room.

If you're using it on the truck itself, as in the "truck" part, I'd say the space of an average house would be possible. If you mean the container/storage part, than it would be a good deal bigger- probably mansion sized, if not bigger.
>use Potara Earrings to fuse with a perfect clone of yourself
What happens?
Er, wait, I thought the amount of space was theoretically infinite as long as you put the time, labor and resources in to expansion. Was I wrong in that assumption?
Considering all the eating perks we have, are there any perks that enhance the size of your bite without the need to make your mouth extra big? Something like Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, where he bites and a "phantom" set of bigger jaws bites what's in front of him?
>Oh, and just to check, I put the upload into the main Uploads folder and label it as a gauntlet in the title instead of uploading it to the Gauntlets folder, right?
Yep. Brutus will take it from there.

Hey, do you think it would be fair to say we can stay in the jump a little past the time we escape from the World of Guertena? Because I want to commit some arson once I'm no longer stuck in there. This game touched on a lot of my phobias, so removing the gallery from existence with cleansing flame would really be good for my psychological state.
You are now a bit stronger.
Well, I ended up getting thrust in the role of one for most of my Final Fantasy VIII jump.

See, I've had this dream for a while of founding a monster kingdom on that moon, which is swarming with monsters. To do so, I used Civilization's Realm of Myths to seduce the moon and treat her as a real person. Then, I chose the MOON as my Sorceress' Knight for the jump. That would make Moon-chan a companion who can come with me. And since the people and features on her are a part of who she is, they'd come along, too.

Unfortunately, Sorceress is kind of expensive, so I splurged on drawbacks. I took the moon one, naturally, but I also took the one that makes you feared as a witch and the one that made Ultimecia your enemy. Nothing could go wrong, right?

Things kicked off with me hijacking the space station to seize Adel. I used the opportunity to announce the independence of the moon; I also stole the Ragnarok and its sister ships, so even if I'm the most loathed woman on the planet, it's not like they can come up and bother me.

I forgot how manipulative Ulti was. Taking advantage of the mass hysteria that a sorceress had seized command of the monster moon (which was responsible for the downfall of past civilizations), and the fact that I sent agents down to seize data from Galbadia/Esthar (to save myself the cost of paying for it with CP), "Edea" united the nations for a crusade against the moon.

So I ended up being a Disc I/II final boss for the heroes. At least things worked out in the end; I'll tell you how when I figure it out myself.
I was thinking of using this in combination with the garage from Superman:TAS, to build or steal semi-trucks (which are the upper limit vehicle size) and using them to magpie shit.
Not that I really need more space, but. Y'know. JUMPERS.

Anyway, I can totes work with this. In fact, that is way better than I thought it'd be. Thanks, YJ!
You're temporarily stronger until the fusion effect wears off
You could probably use the Warehouse's Return option to return to the jump and proceed to wreck havoc from there.
>take off the earrings to make it permanent
>repeat ad infinitum
Remember to never do it on places with eldritch horrors, they will sleep in them and take your shit without asking first.
What's the powerlevel of the other ESP stuff besides telekinesis? Because TK is apprently kinda meh, I wouldn't wanna take it if that applies to the rest of the powers as well.
Well, that seems like kind of a waste, you only get the one Return. I guess I'll just have to save it as a project for post-spark, with all the other horrible things I'm going to burn out of existence.
I thought you got 1 return per setting?
Then you'd be even stronger. Except that that doesn't make them permanent. If you want it to be permanent, become a Kai, then do your plan.
A lot of people fanwank that, because otherwise Return would be pretty useless, but as it is written in the supplement, nothing suggests that you can use it more than once.
I dont know the way it's written is literally just, "You may spend 10 more years in a world you have visited before."
Ace Attorney's jump kind of bugs me, despite my interest in the series. It largely comes down to two things: sidekicks and expectations.

First, it's kind of annoying that the only companion option is a Sidekick purchase, which is a Drop-In branch "perk" instead of a regular companion buy.

Second is that the jump expects you to be directly involved in the court cases. A lot of the drawbacks have the expectation that you are involved in the courts instead of doing something else. For instance, given how you start the jump with a dead body, my plan as a Drop-In has been to escape arrest with the body and then resurrect the victim and help him/her find a new life.

That means, though, that I'll need to go on the lam and set up a new identity, meaning that a lot of the purchases that expect you to keep the same identity such as the office are useless. I'm even unsure if I can safely import my companions as sidekicks, or if their in-setting association with me would force them to go into hiding as well. All because I decided to save a life.
Nope. Back when Quicksilver was still around he clarified that it was a one-use thing.
Oh okay that makes more sense now because the way it's written doesn't give a limit.
I ruled differently in the case of moving things, that since the space moves around it is also limited in terms of how big it can become.

It's a pretty large range, enough to encompass a few city blocks for the scanning/reading/sensing parts of the power and the mental attacking power. The other powers of clairvoyance, speaking to others would cover a larger distance, probably encompassing a city. Psychometry, you would need to see them in person though.
That's also sort of the basis for my home: a giant, refurbished sentient moon filled with a chaotic mix of dungeons, cities, and natural landscapes. I end up setting up a large palace at the center of the capitol that's a crazy mix of all the different fortifications/mazes/structures/etc. that I've gotten my hands on.

But within jumps, seeing as I went with Fairy in Touhou Project early on, I like to set up little homes inside trees like the fairies do in the manga.
The castle I use as a home is nice since I can just pack it up into a crystal and move it around. Also serves as a hub for companions to work off from.
In later jumps is the organization a direct import, or do you instead get a new organization with new members but that is effectively the same as before?

If it's a direct import, can we pick up employees in future jumps and take them with us?
*You're now exponentially stronger.
Not to mention that the jump forgets to give Sidekicks CP to spend. A big reason that companions are useful is that they can buy things of their own. The only thing that gives them a perk is if you purchase Great Revival, which gives them the Logic perk. Really annoying.
I was about to tell you too bad it's the only one we'll ever have, but then I realized you might be able to get away with making a jump based on the newer games, especially since the jump's timeline doesn't cover the newest game. Add some stuff based on the Layton cross-over and the London one and you've got a jump that covers different material.
Was that anywhere even near common back when it was made?

Technically unrelated, but if the only value you see in having friends is what they can buy you may have some problems.
Mr Freeman, you are not always right, but here and now, you are.
RIP Terry Prachett
In canon that's true but you can buy potara earings in Dragonball Multiverse that do allow for permanent fusions, although only once.
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Indeed Anon Indeed
>you may have some problems.
Then we all have those problems. A big draw for getting companions is the stuff they can get with CP to aid you, use them as a proxy or just straight up give to you.
Of course it's certainly better to have a more substantive reason to take a companion, but this on its own is sufficent justification.
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Then you're mostly all set, ignore me and have a saiyan waifu
So would the Spawn be able to get abilities like the Cryptid perks you bought?
I also ended up playing villain (and martyr) in Fire Emblem Fates. A lot of the trouble with Anankos and Valla could be solved if people actually knew about this third party. So I'm going to frame him, and become a martyr in the process.

In the battle where you have to choose sides, I'm going to try to persuade my two families (I'm the Avatar) that someone is manipulating both sides, only I'll be "killed" by a third party (really my loyal cross-jump army) before I can finish.

Using a disguise, I will then call myself tje "Servant of the Great Beast of the Unknown Kingdom" (I'm specifically having my group avoid any mention of Valla/Anankos to be safe) and have special robot troops, made to resemble Vallite soldiers, attack. My martyrship will convince the two kingdoms to unite against the new threat, and I will set things up so that I and my generals "die" in a climactic battle at just the right place to get them to go to Valla. From that point, the armies will think that my troops were "lesser grades" of Anankos' real soldiers and continue the fight against him.
New organization, same as the old organization.

Something like that. I think the way it's going to work is that physical things can be manifested in your spawn, but not things like ESP, Pocket Realm, etc.
T'is not just ONE tentacle monster, tho.

Technically, Zone commands them all.
>Something like that. I think the way it's going to work is that physical things can be manifested in your spawn, but not things like ESP, Pocket Realm, etc.
That seems like it'd make sense. Hmmm, can I give them Stranger or would that be too non-physical?
>Technically unrelated, but if the only value you see in having friends is what they can buy you may have some problems.
Well, I for one think that it's useful for your companions to be able to buy stuff because it helps them keep up with you. In-jump my companions are the ones to choose what they buy; for instance, I always make sure that my fairy companions purchase prank/mischief/fun perks whenever they're available, even when there's better stuff, simply because that's what they'd buy.

I'm perfectly fine with jump companion purchases that don't come with CP, but that's usually for special instances of people native to the jump, like a special creature such as a Moomba from FF8 or taking a canon character with you. Once we're on to the next jump, though, I'll be sure to help them power up with perk purchases. The Sidekicks purchase to me is one that relegates your chosen companions to literal sidekicks within the jump, such that they depend on you instead of being able to do their own thing.
Too non-physical.
Yeah, that could feasibly work...Anyone want to bell the cat?

It probably should be someone who's actually played the games; I'm a little bad with puzzles, so I've mostly just skimmed through video playthroughs and read fanfiction.
The biggest thing I tend to keep in mind is to design it so that the jumper truly believes what their doing is right, and quite firmly believes in this notion.
The chain itself is almost akin to a test of morality. What was an ordinary human being without any supernatural powers, is now given the capabilities of, in time, becoming something far more dangerous and godlike than most people could fathom.
Maybe they become evil throughout the chain due to grief or anger. Or maybe, even before the chain, before they charged headlong into strife, terror and the supernatural, they were already a monster. And Jumpchain wanted to see what a monster could do.
Ah, too bad. I think my spawn would pretty much just get No Face and Parasite then. Maybe Spook if that works?

Sort of unimpressive... Maybe I'll swap it for Memetic or Sanity Damage.
No spook. Yeah, I guess it is more oriented towards physical-based Cryptids. Combos will hopefully help with that some.
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>The big draw to Companions is the stuff they give you.
>Not their company, their personalities, or the memories gathered along the way.

It horrifies me beyond belief that some people think like this and really mean it.
In RWBY is the 15+1d8/4 is a divition or is 15+1d8 or 1d4 ?
I think it is supposed to mean you could use a d8 or a d4.
Don't worry I am with you in this opinion you are not alone.

On an aside how often does the monster survive in a pulp horror film and what is the general plotline of a pulp horror movie (Looking at Generic Universal Monsters atm)
I think you divide the result of the d8 by 4 and add it to 15.
Is there any ability that would allow me to pull off the Avatar + Pocket Realm combo of sending avatars from your own dimension to act for you, but without their injuries being transmitted? One theme of my chain is becoming an Entity, and those things are massive, so something like that would be useful.
>It would depend on how big they end up; if they're around person sized then it would take a few months; half that size a few weeks, half that size anywhere from a week to a day or two.
Could we make them bigger than a person? Like the elephant size you can get to as a Cryptid, or the small house of the Gigantic perk?
>become a Kai
But why? Other than being a purple smug space elf the kais dont get anything interesting do they?
The slash is indicative of a fraction in standard notation, which in turn is just another way of writing division. So it's whatever number you roll divided by four, added to fifteen.
This basically means your age will never be anything other than 15, 16, or 17.
Eh, it's meant to be more of a "minion" option, so without Gigantic that's iffy. A bit bigger than a human (like 8-9 feet tall) is probably fine, but anything past that you'd need Gigantic. If you did have Gigantic, than elephant size/a little bit bigger than that for minions is fine.
You know, technically, the easiest way to go about becoming a Entity-Lite, is to get the Shard Administration perk from Worm. That, combined with creating either artificial humanoids or purely biological beings, and simply give them the powers you want. That way no backlash from the damage, and you gain some new insight if they manage to use the power creatively.
In canon the only way to have potara fusion be permanent is to have it done between Kais (possibly even just Sumpreme Kais and not normal ones, not sure). As was pointed out to me, however, he is using an item from Multiverse, so that restriction isn't relevant
>It horrifies me beyond belief that some people think like this and really mean it.
Did you intentionally ignore the second line or are you just so dazed that people can think differently from you that you overlooked it?
Do you find the abilities they have lacking or have you just neglected to read the DB AF and/or DB Multiverse jumps?
Nah, I'm not into handing out powers. I just like their style & biology. I'll simply use Ultimate Lifeform to Understand Eden & Scion, and then, using copious amounts of mass and energy, transform myself into an Entity myself.
Kids start to worship you and you have to stop them from stabbing their friends like those two girls in Wisconsin, to avoid scrutiny and or mockery of your legend.
It horrifies me beyond belief that drama queens like you exist.
I guess we're both just going to have to live with being horrified, eh?
>Don't worry I am with you in this opinion you are not alone.
Well of course you are with yourself, silly goose.
Ignore the moralfag, anons.
>putting words in anon's mouth and implying implications
It horrifies me beyond belief that people like you exist who would judge someone's IRL worth by the way the play a meaningless CYOA game.
>those two girls in Wisconsin
Oh, I'd almost forgotten that. Fuck up from what I can remember.
Get a grip on reality you smug cunt.
He said "a big draw", not the only. Are you literally retarded, or do you think that having strong and capable allies isn't a reasonable desire? It's possible to desire one without precluding the other.
Jumpers, how long is your average writing per individual jump?

In this chain, evil is less of something I set out to do, and more things done out of desperation. As the chain goes on and I keep finding myself in more dire situations, more deplorable actions are on the table because I've done things almost as bad in the past, and losing that little extra shred of morality isn't worth dying over. Of course, I die and my soul gets destroyed if I die in the chain, so I'm more invested in staying alive at all costs.
You don't have to pay CP for the company, personalities or memories. You get that for free.
You pay import CP so your companions can keep up with you (or at least lag behind at a respectable pace) instead of slowly becoming useless.

I don't know about you, but if i was a companion i'd be extremely frustrated if my friend Jumper-kun constantly got into ever-growing danger i can't do shit to help with, just bringing me along actually weakens him.
Being a burden is no fun.

So maybe you should stop jumping to conclusions just to show off what a great and enlightened person you are compared to all those other dead-souled, evil jumpmonsters who only use their poor companions as walking CP carriers and use your head.
Immersion from Infinicon, plus the dress-up perk from peter pan. Lets you gain a portion of someone's powers by way of cosplaying as them but the longer you play as them the more you become them.

To bypass the companion limit, I use Self Duplication to replicate myself down to the level where the individual clones of me are powerless. Then I use the Girlifying/Boyifying rifle(s) from Kids Next Door to blank my clone's memory, basically stripping them of any resistance to the invasive personality. Then, they cosplay as whomever you want, and you get a non-companion version of that character that follows you.

and if you want to merge with them, well, you can reabsorb the duplicate, gaining everything that's been done to them.
Didn't they try to blame it on Slenderman or something wierd like that?
How is being Moral a bad thing?
>Ultimate Lifeform
Would that work? My Worm-Fu is lacking, but are the entity's biological enough for the ability to copy?
In regards to what I plan to do, I'd rather go the path of just forcing a connection between me and Scion, bully the dude till he just gives up, and when he's just despaired use the Net Terminal Genes+Hacking perks to just gather the information or shards and stuff.
Though I wonder still how cool/dangerous it might be to use Shikiomi Mindscape from Biomega on Edens Comatose corpse
>being on 4chan

Pick one.
It's not. But morality isn't objectively correct, and "moralfag" tends more to refer to a self-righteous cunt than someone who's an actually good example of morality.
Being 'moral' and being a 'moralfag' aren't the same thing, anon. You have google, right? Go look it up if you are interested.

Picked any pockets recently? Conned some old woman out of her savings?
Eat them, and gain their memories (Prototype), Form (Hellsing) and Powers (God of High School).
>Would that work? My Worm-Fu is lacking, but are the entity's biological enough for the ability to copy?
Mostly. They're made of some sort of living crystal. So Ultimate Lifeform's restriction on having to have some similar basis as the powers you're copying would be fulfilled so long as you've got some sort of inorganic biology powers, too. Be one of the crystalline alien species in Ben 10, or something like that, and you'll be fine.
25K for Pokemon, close to that much for Skyrim. Other snippets have only been 1-2K though. So I'll call it an average of 10K words? I like telling a story rather than summarizing.
They didn't blame it on slenderman, they actively believed in and worshipped him. thought stabbing their friend would bring them his favor.

Their plan was then to walk what is roughly a six hour drive, from the milwaukee area where they lived, up to the nicolet national forest where they thought he lived in some abandoned mansion. The sum total of their preparation for this was a couple bottles of water in a backpack.

not, uh, not the brightest of children.
Wait is this a real thing?
Is the anon working on the 3e based Mortals Jump around? How's it going?
That is indeed a real thing that happened. I feel we'll be saying the same thing years later when we have to talk about the clown epidemic.
I'm more surprised the victim survived getting stabbed 19 fucking times, and managed to crawl out of the forest, and was so injured she could barely see or talk. That girl is a fucking survivor. Fuck those shit kids.
This was a real thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slender_Man_stabbing
what GOH perk ?
>still no hidden cryptid in the background.
BAH. Trifle of a nitpick though. Have a build, buddy.

>Generic Creepypasta - 687
Age: 32-years-old
Origin: Cryptid
Drawbacks: Original Recipe (+0); Monster (+0); Foundation (+300); Men in Black (+200)
Final Point Count: 1,500 CP
Perks & Freaky Shit:
-Monstrous Body (Free)
-Contortionist (Free)
-Image Distortion (Free)
-Odorous (Free) - Burnt Cinnamon
-I Know
-Non-Euclidean Mind
-Creepypastas (Free)
-Companion Import x8 (200 CP)

Seras Victoria:
-Origin: Documenter
-Steady hand (Free); RUN AWAY! (Free); Don’t Go Down Without A Fight; The Truth

Adam Jensen:
-Origin: Documenter
-Steady hand (Free); RUN AWAY! (Free); The Truth; The Last Page

Yion Green:
-Origin: Drop-In
-And Then A Skeleton Popped Out (Free); But Who Was Phone? (Free); We Don’t Have A Clown Statue; Well-Adjusted; Affable

-Origin: Drop-In
-And Then A Skeleton Popped Out (Free); But Who Was Phone? (Free); Expired Pasta; The Call Was Coming From Inside The House

Samus Aran:
-Origin: Documenter
-Steady hand (Free); RUN AWAY! (Free); Don’t Go Down Without A Fight; And Then A Skeleton Popped Out

The Substitute Teacher / “Uncle”
-Origin: Cryptid
-Monstrous Body (Free); Contortionist (Free); Leaper (Free); Wall Crawl (Free); Disruption Field; Inhuman Speed; Parasite; Sleep Paralysis

Covert Demonic Dragon - Kasumi Rogue
-Origin: Cryptid
-Monstrous Body (Free); Contortionist (Free); Perception Distortion (Free); Stranger; Skinwalker; Ooze

Eridan Victoria:
-Origin: Cultist
-Affable (Free); Creature of Habit (Free); Compiler of Rituals; Membership
Greed, it is the best power for high speed escalation.
Eat Madara Uchiha.
I might do something like that for the black version, but on white there's not really a lot of places to hide an image. Hidden text, on the other hand... but then I'd need to figure out what to write/link to.
Eat Cthulhu
Oh, and thanks for the build!

You too, Konata!
While that is an accomplishment, how do you fuck up stabbing someone 19 times? If someone survives being stabbed that many times, it's usually because their attacker was trying not to kill them, just torture them.
Could we use greed to eat a defeated opponent's powers without killing them? Like how it worked with Mori's rival? Fox guy whose name I can't remember.
Probably not. It worked that way with Nine-Tails Guardian because it was a charyeok, and therefore a separate entity from Park Il-Pyo. Greed could just eat it and not its contractor. But for anyone whose powers are actually part of them, I don't think it would work.
These kids are dumb enough to believe that them killing their friend was gonna appease a creepypasta entity. These same kids, as another anon said, planned to do this dumb walk over to some bumfuck location with nothing but water with them, when driving their would be 5+ hours.
These kids were stupid as fuck. The stabbing was probably intentionally brutal for slender or someshit or the kids are just that fucking bad at killing(thankfully).
Apparently it wasnt methodical stabbing, it was more of a frenzy of stabs , but regardless the surgeon who looked at the victim said she was "millimeters from death"
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> Jumpers, how long is your average writing per individual jump?
I have this thing where I hate to take up more than a single post per build or it starts messing with my head, so I try to cram it all into 1500 characters, minus whatever it took for the actual build. It is somewhat rare for me to do more than that, and generally when that happens it's usually because I had such a fun time with the story that I couldn't hold back.
Although Kingdom Hearts had the honor of ALSO having a build so huge that it took up an entire post in itself, leaving no room for the actual writing. I think at that point all bets are off.

Anyway, this limitation means that I inevitably leave out a lot of vignettes, side stories, and footnotes that have vividly played out in my head! So those things only exist... in my head.
So there's actually a lot of extraneous material that I never get around to posting, because my writing is pretty much entirely limited to what I post here in the thread, which is just "whatever I crammed alongside of a build" and "whatever I decided to share because an anon posted a question that I liked".

Ah, well.
This was because one of the stab wounds was literally millimeters away from the heart I believe.
They sound like SBers.
I know, I'm just saying, the degree by which they fucked up is actually impressive.
Artery, not heart, and actually less than a millimeter from the artery.
Be honest with me, how many Konata pics do you have?
Can anyone give me 8 jumps around Bleach power level? Gonna try my hand at writefagging and marvel at my terrible fanfiction.
No problem, thank you in particular for Compression + Non-Euclidean Mind.

Shit's gon' be great.
Super important question:
Would being a Cryptid with Intangibility let you hug the Childish Spirit?

Would the Compiler of Rituals perk give you enough spells to let you interact physically with incorporeal beings, so I can hug the Childish Spirit?

I just get the impression that they really need a hug, for some reason.
Seven Deadly Sins.
Mob Psycho 100.
Fate Realta Nua with the drawback which buffs Servants.
Exalted Lunars.
588 in the Konata folder, 84 in the Tsumiki folder, and 28 Kurokonas -- which are a black-haired variant of Konata I never use. Here's one.
I also have four or five unrelated jumpchain pictures, which are really just random pictures people posted in the thread with jumpchain-related filenames that I thought were funny and saved.

I started collecting these entirely because of jumpchain. Because I'd get bored of my current selection and go off looking for more. This is what my life has become.
German Hollow Quest, Bleach, Naruto is stronger but still in the same general magnitude, Seven Deadly Sins, the Celestial-tier Exalted jumps maybe.
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Is there even a single jumper who could take her down?
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>588 in the Konata folder, 84 in the Tsumiki folder, and 28 Kurokonas
Mind Blown.
Can you use Non - Euclidean Mind to create geometries that don’t make sense?
Like a room with five walls all joined by 90 degree corners.
I just slap a big old healing factor on Deku and All Might, then help out a bit here and there.
But that makes perfect sense, you'd just need a really curved local spacetime, or a fourth dimension, but that'd be tricker to pull off.
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>Naruto is stronger
Debatable. Pic related.
That's a no on both counts, but it can go tangible if it wants to be tangible.

Potentially; it'd be harder to pull off than just making something bigger on the inside though.
What the FUCK is that picture supposed to demonstrate? It has some chatter about Ichigo being able to swing his sword really hard and then a big... white, wobbly thingie?

Fuck I hate Kubo so much.
Naruto absolutely ends up having more biggatons by the end of the series. Bleach has it beat out in upper levels of hax.
I legitimately don't know what that image is trying to convey.

I've been told Bleach gets to the point where people are destroying small mountains with the aftershock of their hits but the images people provided for proof of that looked more like small mesas to me...

Not accounting for concept-ball for this because that's a pain in the ass to judge, anyway.
>Naruto is stronger but still in the same general magnitude
I've never used Naruto. Does it get your laundry white?
See >>54736254
Naruto has more explodey boombooms by the end. Your pic is smalltime compared to Naruto endgame. However, Bleach starts delving into FATE-lite conceptual hax bullshit by the end, and is arguably more dangerous if you're a target.
Ichigo swung his sword. A building was cleanly cut. There was no special technique or power put into it. I would have used the page showing the building, but this one has his quote explaining that he just swung the sword.

The issue with Bleach is that we rarely get to see any frame of reference for their biggatons, since the higher end fights take place not on earth.
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Things which don't hurt Naruto, Pic related.
Naruto absolutely has bigger explosions.

Fate never got that retarded with "muh concepts". I think the lcosest NAruto got to stuff like that was Itachi's sealing sword and the Sage's Tools which could do all that word trapping bullshit.
Endgame Naruto could casually destroy the entire Seireitei with a single attack.
Bleach has about the same level of "hax" as SDS, but only at the high-ends. And the high ends for Bleach are really far above the rest of their setting.
The Almighty is way beyond 'lite'. It's basically Gil's Shalibabgrniu on steroids with the ability to warp reality.
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Here's something that's better at showing the scale of that, and other things.
Speaking of, I read the whole series and I still don't understand what the reasoning actually was for Ichigo winning in the end.

Also how final power up with the one horn and shit was the most godawful hideous super mode I've ever seen that didn't come out of a really shitty DBZ deviantart account.
I feel dirty just looking at this diagram.
Man, what the fuck happened to this series. I remember Rasengan and Chidori were a big deal in-universe. I mean shounen and all, yeah, but... fuck.
Just to see if I have this right, you're trying to compare Naruto's end-boss' special attacks to Ichigo's "I didn't even hit the building with a normal attack" at the middle, just after getting his powers back.
No shit they're completely different in scale.
Aizen got asshole in an illusion, also Kubo ran out of chapters and jump forced him to end it.
It doesn't even include the following fight, because that one actually didn't have any big explosions, but the enemy was clearly far more powerful.
Uchiha Madara happened.

Thanks for these you two. Onward to terrible fanfiction I go.
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Part 1 of Rosario+Vampire. Mostly a prologue.
No I mean I've read all of Naruto. Just. It's bizzarre looking back on it.

I guess it's because it was my first introduction to anime as a kid and when I learned about "Shounen Escalation" later on I just didn't really associate Naruto with it.
I think it was supposed to be awful explicitly because it was stupid and irrelevant and Kubo was trolling.

Basically though, it was complete fucking luck. The Almighty apparently relies on actually seeing shit in the future to change it, and Aizen's illusions being weakened/incorporated into his body or something made it so he could active them whenever but not really control what his target saw. So he just kept it active after a certain point and completely fucked up Ywach's perception of what was happening long enough for Uryu to shoot Ywach up with some bullshit silver stuff that allowed him to be killed without warping events into his favor.

If Aizen's illusion made him look like anyone other than Ichigo when Ywach stabbed him, Ywach wouldn't have stabbed him as he was hunting Ichigo and they would have been fucked. And then future Ichigo's son smooshes the remnants of Ywach that tried to manifest in the future so it could escape the current timeline's attention.


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Powerlevels are serious (autism) business anon.

Naruto and Sasuke both got powered up by the spirits of warring demigods and were given power from those demigods dad.

Naruto is a oddly gradual escalation. It's never like one person can't even be touched by the last guy it's more like they just slowly get stronger and stronger until the final battle where shit starts skyrocketing. Even the Kyuubi power up felt pretty natural, we new beforehand it was supposed to be a big fucking deal.
>what the reasoning actually was for Ichigo winning in the end.
Kubo is the king of asspulls
One Piece and Beelzebub are also generally at that level. Also, prooobably World of Cultivation from what I've heard about it, but don't quote me on that.
Just as planned.
In DC, would the 25th Century Security Robot or the Mother Box be the better robot companion? The Mother Box seems to have greater information gathering and storing abilities, but while it's understandably not as powerful as an actual Mother Box, it seems to have much less utility than the 25th Century Security Robot.
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OMG you out-keikakued me just as I was about to post that.
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Did you truly think I hadn't planned for that to happen?
>It's never like one person can't even be touched by the last guy
Well, except Madara coming out of nowhere and absolutely shitting on all of the Page at once. And then getting several consecutive exponential power ups.
Mardukth, are the mutations granted by Chimerical just meant to be generic not-beneficial-but-not-negative side effects of your Chimerical state, or could we design a more specific form of monstrosity for ourselves?
God I fucking hate Naurto.

Everything after the timeskip was shit.
At least it's better than Yhwach's "I could legit solo all of you with just this Bankai but I think I'll undergo about five more power-ups until the author literally writes himself into a corner that can only be escaped by the most unbelievable asspull you've ever seen."
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I will defeat you Hizen, obviously you are Aizen and Hiashi fised together.
My imaginary biggatons are bigger than your imaginary biggatons.

But a real question: Magic circuits and magecraft. Do we have any way, not counting the Worm farm, to get non-Nasuverse people to have magic circuits and the ability to use magecraft?
So is Bane coming out soon or should I just use the old version of the jump?
How would a jumper theoretically go about becoming one of these?
Wasn't someone planning on jumping Dreaming of Sunshine Naruto and pretend to be Aizen?
Take the MC-kun drawback and have Kaguya come out.
I still stand by the theory that Madara was so fucking, massively, absurdly dangerous that they wouldn't have beaten him. He had ever bit as much power as Kaguya but he actually knew how to use it and was solidly not a retard.
So if I used capstone boosted Mind of the Sun to make Exaltations and then pumper them full of divine god juice with Skyfather, what would the Exalts look like?
You might be able to wank some magic bullshit and bio-manipulation with power combination. Cause I think it's possible to transplant magic circuits in Nasu... might be wrong about that though.
Not sure, jumpmaker could show up with a new version at any time. Or he might have dropped the idea entirely.

We haven't heard anything for a while.
Maybe, you could maybe use wish magic to bullshit them into having magic circuits.

Maybe you could turn your flesh into magic circuits with that illya perk and graft it onto them.
I don't know. But that sounds amazing if only for the sheer potential for trolling the shit out of Shikako.

I can only imagine the look on her face when motherfucking Sosuke Aizen shows up out of nowhere and starts referencing the fact that she's "like him" in that she's not from around here.
Well, if you go to Forgotten Realms you can be any 3.5E-compliant race, I believe. Of course, the cost for a race is 100 CP per CR. So it would cost 972100 CP to be a neutronium golem.

Go to Marvel, buy Strength+Toughness+Adamantium+Shapeshifting, and throw any leftover points into toughness and strength. That's as close as you're going to get.
Madara was getting styled on by the time Kaguya came out. And it's not like Kaguya used it badly. Her opening move was straight out of a high level DND wizards book. Instant teleport over lava with the people who can't fly.
Naruto should have beaten Kaguya by gangbanging her into submission with his Reverse Harem Jutsu
Theoretically, you could use the Demon Summoning Handbook from Fate/Zero to... you know, summon some demons, and figure out how to make magic circuits the way Solomon did way back when. But that's, just a teensy little bit, difficult. Getting Mystic Eyes of Demons and/or the Summoning in the Servant Supplement could also potentially be used to do this. You'd still need to do some fiddling to get said circuits to actually channel SOMETHING, whether it's the local magical fields or the power of the soul or whatever else, but if you've managed to make circuits this way you're damn well skilled enough at magical shit to cover that.
I meant the neutronium golem.
Go read some fanfic friend.
I'm sure that's already a fanfic, and if it isn't then you have to write it.
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By default, they'd be be generic not-beneficial-but-not-negative side effects... But if you'd like to, you could also design a specific monstrosity.

With just that Skyfather stuff, I'd personally guess they'd develop something like a Skyfather's big displays of magic, or maybe godly powers appropriate to themselves.
Gonna be honest with you. It probably happens in Lewd New World.
Here was the post: http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/54279116/#54284719
You need the heart of a Neutron star, to pass a DC 9721 Spellcraft check, pass a DC 9721 craft construct, disintegrate, fireball, geas/quest, poison, reverse gravity, and wish. You must be at least 9721st level and use materials valued at 969,500,000 gp alongside 77,560,000 XP.
The market price is approximated at 1,939,000,000
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That's why people appreciate things like Hero Academia now.

For a series to be good and have cool fights, you don't need to be constantly blowing up continents or erasing concepts.
Well, if you go to Forgotten Realms you can be any 3.5E-compliant race, I believe. Of course, the cost for a race is 100 CP per CR. So it would cost 972100 CP to be a neutronium golem.
Also, it's third party stuff, so I doubt you could buy it in FR.
Forgot to quote.
>Farm neutronium stars
>Use magic to create a golem out of it

That's basically it. If you want, you can get magical metals from different jumps and stick it to your golem, and use it as a drone body.
Hows it going Mardukth?

Where the fuck are people getting this supposition on that capstone making Exaltations? The boost says nothing about it beyond that the God who manages Exaltations would love to have your skills.
Yeah, but the lack of those things doesn't necessarily make a good story, either. You can have good or bad writing with or without.
I've seen enough porn to know where that picture is headed.
So I assume you take the crafting perk from forg realms which gives all the crafting specs, then transfer it over to a magic system without levels...
Go to any D&D setting with RAW, create a simple exp farm, grind out functionally infinite levels. Use enough epic-level bullshit and you can eventually make one and transfer your soul into it.

Just be sure you take the time to hide from the gods before doing this. Just in case.
Pretty sure either Heavens or Wukong said so?
It's in the notes.

>The capstone boosted Mind of the Sun lays the groundwork for eventually making Exaltations or
similar of your own, or at least intricate ways of empowering or splitting the soul, though it will
take centuries or even millennia to fully master without ways to shorten that time. If you’re in a
hurry, find their original creator and try to copy their notes, otherwise you will be working largely
from scratch.
Hrm. Bio manipulation is one possibility, I suppose. Though I'm sure I'd also need some method of spiritual adjustment as well, since the od comes from the soul.

That's certainly a possibility I'll have to consider.

While it might be the original method, it's not exactly ideal.

See, the idea I had is that I could introduce magecraft to worlds as a distributed out of context power that, not counting it's long term potential for growth, could be overlooked for a time, especially if a Clocktower-esque organisation is also founded to enforce secrecy.
Check the notes. It gives you the basics of it.

But that still leaves you with several centuries/millenia of work and experimentation, even with Solar Exalt speed at getting good at things.

People seem to tend to ignoring that bit.
... Alright then.

Personally see no reason why that should be a thing to begin with, but that's just an opinion. Thank you for clarifying, anon.
Fuck this response to that idea is so hilarious and brutal.

> "Since when were you under the impression that I hadn't been using genjutsu?"
>Then use her own memories to make her think she just woke up in her old bed, in her old life, as if she had never died.

>Wait a full minute, and then hit her in the stomach with the hilt of your sword right as you turn off the illusion.
Honestly, I jumped Dreaming of Sunshine Naruto just to mess with Shikako. Don't get me wrong, I like her as a character, it's just really fun to mess with her.

>Cool lightsaber you got there.
>Oh, thanks-Wait, what did you just call it?

>Man, that Sai guy sure is weird. I wonder if he has issues?
>Well, I don't know-
>If he does, we should try to get to the ROOT of the problem.
>...come again?

>Wow, you managed to change enough to cause a war to happen between the nations?
I'm impressed!
>How the fuck-
>And you even killed Jashin in the process! I'm proud of you, kid!
You might be able to swing the spiritual adjustment through Kingdom Hearts funnily enough. The heart is pretty much the soul and it does say post jump that it basically becomes that, so, all you need is to get Ansem's notes and it should be fine.
>Nighteye beat the clone without using his quirk
Stuff like this is what really makes me question the "you can't be a hero without a quirk" mentality these people have.
Decently. Kind of feels like I hit a wall in terms of inspiration/motivation, but otherwise okay-ish.

How're you doing, anon?
>People seem to tend to ignoring that bit.

People are ignoring the idea of having to work for something?

Shock and horror!
Madara got styled on by Eight Gates Gai, and he was having a ball, and he got up perfectly fine right after Gai threw out his last attack. Madara wasn't going even close to all out against Gai, he wasn't dropping meteor squalls, pulling out his cloud piercing Sussanoo, wasn't really messing with with any of his other powers besides his fancy new truth stuff.

Kaguya used it terribly by comparison, using immense amounts of power by vaguely throwing disintegration truth energy at them when they got close, teleporting them all over the place which beyond lava world wasn't really a big deal, and she had no idea what she was doing for half the fight. Shit, she actively let them hang back for significant portions of the fight to formulate battle plans and fell for the literal oldest trick in the book at one point.

Space/Time Ninjutsu are supposed to be absurdly pricey, and she was just brute forcing the teleportation of not only herself but others into entire other planes of existence with nothing more than raw chakra. She could have done better by just throwing it at them if that's what she liked doing.
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Well, Exalts can be better than Primordials in most ways, so why shouldn't they make better soul-weapons if given the time? Specially for the guys whose whole stick is to be better than anyone else.

Also, we already had more than enough soul-related science and magic perks that you could make them on your own even without that perk.

Of course. As long as fights serve the narrative, they should be good.
I think people with quirks are just in general a bit stronger than quirkless.
Reminder that Shikako is a good girl and is not for bullying.

She has some alienation issues due to having memories of another life. Having someone she can talk to, who knows what the internet is, would probably help her a lot.
Considering another capstone let's you up and tell Perfection to fuck off immediately, I can see why some people would try to wank using it earlier to justify it's purchase.

That assume only having the tools of a Solar. Not a full-fledged Jumper, who can have their own universes to make their own tests, grow entire races out of their asses and cut down learning process and experimentation of years to days or hours.
He clearly says that his quirk gave him superior reflexes and processing speed. The rest is good training, but he is superior to a human even without activating his quirk.
Dos the doctor who jump have a designated start date, or does it depends on which version you roll?

Because I was about to ask if I could make a new jump since we were now eleven years into the rebooted series.

But no, the jump has an option for the tenth, eleventh, and even the fucking twelfth.
I've heard that theory before.

Have we ever seen a quirkless person do something "mundanely" superhuman? This might be similar to the "is Deku's hair a mutation?" question, can they do this stuff because of a side-effect of quirks, or because it's anime?
Just use one of the spin-offs.
There are enough genius perks in the book now that any good jumper could spend a few days fiddling with the system and learn to pull it apart and put it back together however they like.
Hmm. Good point.

So. Plan to introduce magecraft and Clocktower-level secrecy and dickishness seems workable.

I shall twist the nature of every slice of life/normal world for my amusement.
Thanks Marky mark. How monstrous are Chimera on average? The specific form I had in mind had six heads, spider legs for ribs, grasshopper legs, and four wings (although one set comes from Body Mod and is only a size boost while the other replaces my arms if you're splitting hairs), but I'm not sure that really stacks up to that one Lunar who had tentacles coming out of their everything you posted once.



Well, I guess you'll just have to make a jump for the lady Doctor when that comes out.

I do think the Dr. Who jump seriously shows its age, and wasn't that good even when it was new. I would not mind at all if someone wanted to find a way to make a new one.
>Have we ever seen a quirkless person do something "mundanely" superhuman?
The Illegals old man can do some pretty superhuman things.

>can they do this stuff because of a side-effect of quirks, or because it's anime?
Both. As I said before, Sir explains that his quirk gave him better reflexes. That doesn't explains him using 5kg stamps as artillery shells.
Part of the problem is that actual quirkless are super rare, once the idea is established to give Deku a backstory.

I struggle to remember a single other quirkless in the setting, who actually stays that way on screen.
>who can have their own universes to make their own tests, grow entire races out of their asses and cut down learning process and experimentation of years to days or hours.
Except, aside from the universe-creation... Solars already do that?

They can Craft: Genesis up races out of their asses, and they already cut down years/decades of learning/experimentation to days.

Hell, they could build Vaults of Woven Dreams and make new worlds, it'd just be kinda slow going.
I don't know the spinoffs well enough to make a jump out of them!

Current excuses include doctor who the 1800's, torchwood, and maybe the sarah jane adventures. Think there's a new one coming out focused around Clara's school called 'Class'.

...There's also 'rose tyler defender of earth', but that was canceled before it ever began.
So essentially Solars are already Jumpers, complete with the dickery?
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Jumpers can be DOOM. Solars wish that they were DOOM.

Also, Solars rely on their metaphysics and narratives. Jumpers can min/max metaphysics from dozens if not hundreds of different multiverses. Anything that a Solar lacks can be complemented by using other setting's powers.
I'm doing okay I guess. Making a chain is really exhausting. I've decided to wait and do write ups for all the jumps after I've finished making builds for all of them.

It at least makes waiting for new jumps and updates easier.

I'm really surprised that no one has made a Torchwood jump yet. Kind of want to companion Jack.
Hey, I'll be there for her when she needs it. Doesn't mean I won't tease her, as her friend.
>More "Jumper's dick is the biggest" faggotry.
If you want something different, go to another thread.
That's kinda the point. It's a thing that trends to happen when you have a character that has the powers and skills of a hundred main characters and villains (sometimes both from the same series at the same time) and is thousands of years old.

Even a lazy Jumper gets stupidly powerful just by surviving and existing as long as they keep jumping.
People with quirks can literally do everything someone without quirks can do and more. A quirkless person has no edge, no advantage to call their own, and would need to work way harder than their peers to keep up with other hard working heroes in training. It's this massive combination of social pressure and inconvenience, not to mention the system as its put in place looking down on people without Quirks.

A lot of these kids and aspiring heroes don't even know how to follow their dreams and work towards being a hero without instruction. Look at Deku, he had all the passion in the world but kept getting demoralized by his environment and had no idea how to actually pursue his dream. He was a shrimp with a notebook that everyone laughed at.

It's like. . .you need the Quirk and luck or talent just to be accepted into a hero school so you can get training and guidance in the first place unless literally born in a hero family or something. How is some middleschool kid, even if they dedicated their all to honing their body, supposed to stand out in that kind of environment?
The numbers just make that so strange. Like, if the Quirkless were something like 0.001% of the population, the fact that we see so few of them and the shock of Deku being diagnosed as Quirkless would make sense. But, Quirkless are said to be 20%, which is more common than being left-handed.

Maybe you have older generations dragging the rate down, since it used to be much more common, and the Quirk rate among the Deku's generation is actually much higher than 80%, but I dunno.
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>get Me, Myself, and I from Kingdom Hearts
>get Brains... in Highschool of the Dead
>be a Psion in a D&D jump, get Mind Seed

What else do I need to turn a whole world into me?
Tyranid hivemind. Eat everyone into your hivemind.
You know what?

Sure. I will. Not much to do when you don't feel like you belong anymore. Have fun, anon.
>Implying you will actually go away
Only Jumpmakers get to leave. And most just left their name, but still lurk.
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>he thinks he can escape
I think that's it. A lot the older generations are still around. Especially in developed countries like Japan where you have a sizable population that're baby boomers.

Its rare for Deku's generation to be quirkless. If it was 20% we would see more than just Deku without a quirk. However in his entire class he was only one, he was probably only Quirkless kid in his entire Jr. High. Otherwise he wouldn't of been picked on as much if there were at least other people around him that didn't have a quirk.
What are some good ideas for teasing? All I've got is:

>Show her your swag from other setting, I.E. Hogwarts diploma, sonic screwdriver. Refuse to share
>Go to One Piece before Naruto, refuse to tell her what the One Piece actually is
Quirks are becoming far more common as time goes on, it's an absurdly explosive mutation for some reason. I think it's hinted at that just a few generations ago that Quirkless and people with Quirks are roughly even or Quirks were still more rare than people who were Quirkless.

Deku being Quirkless is probably a surprise because of that, it seems likely that he's part of an extreme minority in the current generation since literally everyone else in his class had Quirks.
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>Jumper in Worm
>uses Malediction on Scion
>random Entity shows up, ganks Scion
>Jumper happy
>Entity begins a new shard cycle on Earth
>Jumper: well, crap.
>Refuse to tell her what the One Piece actually is
That would be EVIL. I love it!
>"Goddammit anon, it better not be some bullshit about friendship or the journey being more important than the destination!
Let her catch slight glimpses of your warehouse full of technology. Have vague conversations with companions about pop culture. Randomly give her buffs/heals during her fights from stealth.
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No problem.

>How monstrous are Chimera on average?
There really isn't an average for that. Each chimera gets a different set and amount of mutations, so they all look different and are mutated to various degrees.

You'd have a lot of big mutations there... but I'd say that should be fine, considering the 5-limit point at which most Lunars consider a Chimera-to-be a lost cause is described as "barely recognizable as having once been human."

Yeah, I get that. Started a new chain for myself some time ago, and already got stuck writing at like jump 4 or 5. Starting off with my own jumps wasn't the best idea, especially considering I kinda wanted to do the Infernals update before going in there.

Now I'm just back to doing builds for jumps whenever they come out.
All Might even mentions that in his Generation (he should be 50 or so) being quirkless was already uncommon, but not so rare as the current day.

Quirks have being around for around a century or less and they already occupy the 80% of the population.
Well, for one thing, telling her about what's been going on back in her world after she died and got reincarnated would be fun. Also would be nice to use stuff like Prediction from JoJo to mess with her.

>The next thing you're going to say is "Wait, is that the JoJo thing?"!
>Wait, is that the JoJo thing-aw, damn it.
I like the idea of having Companions pretend to be other anime characters... or better yet, just having those characters as companions.

>Hello, I'm Sosuke Aizen. It's nice to meet you.
>And I'm Son Goku!
There is Knuckleduster in the spinoff.
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Huh. Lost my name again.
>Starting off with my own jumps wasn't the best idea, especially considering I kinda wanted to do the Infernals update before going in there.
Well you better get working then.

But yeah since this is my first chain and I have like 100 jumps I want to jump I'm having trouble deciding when to jump most of them.

>Well, for one thing, telling her about what's been going on back in her world after she died and got reincarnated would be fun.
>Guess who won the the 2016 election.
>"I want you to trust me when I say I am 100% not bullshitting you. That being said, the South Korean President was the puppet for a shadow council led by a shaman and she- hey come back!"
Some jumpmakers don't ascribe to the whole 'relevant to the plot' idea. Hell some actively loathe making you capable of interfering in the plot in any way. NuBee generally seems to fall into the later camp.
>guess who won the 2016 election

You could always lie. Say something even more ridiculous, and then when she gets the truth out of you she HAS to believe you.

>Ever heard of a gorilla named Harambe?
This seems like an incredibly random, baseless complaint that has nothing to do with the post you're responding to.
Deku is a special case cause he's a Protagonist. If you want to be on Todoroki's level, then buy two LV3 Quirks and combine them with Quirk Marriage.
I'd say "All-for-One when" but at this point, that's just going to become a permanent inconsistency.

He'll work with Valeria and make Soul Eater give you fucking elder god bullshit, but AoO is a sticking point.
MHA seems to ascribe to the idea that your quirk's starting ability completely defines how powerful you're going to be with it, so I doubt that training it actually increases your ability in any way beyond making you better at precision.

How so? The Quirks in the jump are low level hero stuff, hence you're not capable of interfering with the big names through them.
Haha, fuck off and think about how you're going to die someday, faggot.
Thank you for the elaboration. Might be having some reading comprehension failure but... are you saying my particular setup would have a lot of big mutations, or that Chimera in general would? That description only has what I thought was central to the a e s t h e t i c I wanted for my Lunars altform instead of what my first ideas had, so there might be a windfall here for me. Sorry if my questioning is getting too much.

...Also WOW Echinma doesn't look great.
You're going to be miserable at the end just like everyone, despite your vaunted 'acceptance'.
What are you talking about? Have you read the series? Kirishima is like the poster boy for why that's bullshit, he could barely harden his skin enough to defend from a normal punch once upon a time and is able to tank blades that glide through concrete like hot butter after training. Quirks scale up massively with age and training.
>MHA seems to ascribe to the idea that your quirk's starting ability completely defines how powerful you're going to be with it, so I doubt that training it actually increases your ability in any way beyond making you better at precision.

You may want to actually learn about the setting being discussed before joining the conversation. The manga completely contradicts what you're saying.

Quirks are INCREDIBLY trainable. Kirishima goes from being able to make his skin slightly tougher to turning into a living diamond golem, for just one example.
Not me, I'm going to do dangerous shit until I just go splat someday. After that I hope it's just oblivion.
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>implying you'd get the peace of oblivion
>implying we're not all going to Hell
I agree, that guy getting triggered at you is certainly feeling guilty about it too.
At this point I'll just take Limbo or Purgatory.
I said hope, anon.
Tsuyu just straight up learns how to use adaptive cloaking. Invisible girl learns how to refract light into a solar flare. Bakugo learns how to launch explosions like bullets. Best Jeanist is referred to as having a quirk that would be useless without years of training, and he's one of the nation's top heroes.

Not all quirks are suited to growth and training, but many of them are. Even One For All is powerful precisely because it grows over time, not because it was just magical godhax from the start.
God, Doom is a strange one.
>Doom commands that everyone have affordable healthcare!
>Doom commands that everyone get 8 hours of sleep a day!
>Doom commands that everyone wait 1 hour after eating before swimming!
>Doom commands that everyone eat a balanced breakfast!
>Doom commands that everyone floss!
lol just use Ultimate Lifeform
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Didn't you read the sign?
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>not high fiving skeletons
worst girl confirmed
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>Well you better get working then.
...Yeah. I'll get back to that.

I meant that your setup in particular would have a lot of big mutations. Additional heads for example is usually an Abomination (the biggest mutation, 6-points on the 1, 2, 4, 6 scale they've got) by itself for each head.

But taking them all together and just making the multiple heads one mutation (and assuming the spider leg-ribs are big enough to sorta serve as limbs like the similar mutation, instead of just being cosmetic), it'd come to around 20 to 22 points of mutations. Which is about what Echinna has.

At that point, it's mostly just slightly odd that you've got a lot of big 6-point mutations instead of a bunch more smaller ones. But that's not much of a concern, just something I'd noted.

>...Also WOW Echinma doesn't look great.
She isn't the best-looking, no.
>wanting to be some loser who pussies out of being god because he's to much of a fucking bitch to admit he fucked up
Yea high fiving skeletons is good, but all the time?
Dante was an optimist.
Level One Hundred Skeleton with Alchemist should be able to make the Skelly Seal right?
Doom is a best.
Ah, I understand now. Thank you for your time, Mardukth.
Reminder that Gudako is now canon and some kind of lusty eldritch horror in human flesh with a childlike mentality OH MY GOD TYPE MOON HAS ANOTHER JUMPER
>not jumping to fuck with Yamanaka Rin
I mean, good odds she tries to kill you because she's kinda nuts, but she's an easy Therapy no Jutsu target by reminding herself about the last trial with the Rats.
Okay, I uploaded the Ib gauntlet to the drive. If there's anything that still needs to be fixed, please let me know.
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You're welcome. Happy to help.
>>not jumping to fuck with Yamanaka Rin
>Doom commands that everyone wait 1 hour after eating before swimming!
There is no reason why you can't go swimming immediately after eating, it will not make you more likely to cramp. Though you should not engage in strenuous exorcise within an hour of eating a meal, it is not as though you can't engage in a light swim, or walk.
I think I'll do something similar to make Rebecca kill Contessa in the Worm jump.

>Alexandria drives her fist into my chest.
>"Why did you think you knew what all my powers were?"
>The illusion breaks and Contessa looks at Alexandria in horror
>Alexandria is horrified because she thinks she just killed the only hope of stopping Scion
You just made it weird, anon.
While a spicy plan, it's just not as funny as the other ideas. Or at all, really. It's more of a regular twist that's meant to shock viewers.
What if we added sped up camera footage, funny music, and comedic nudity ala Benny Hill?
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Not him but I just want to stuff all my smithing and making perks into an exaltation and spread those around to create the exalted makers.
>lady Doctor
Add a laugh track while you're at it. The kids will love it.
I don't think that event means she's canon, anon.
>Solars wish that they were DOOM.

>gain phenomenal cosmic power
>can't handle it, not even sleep, without losing control

Somehow I think you're wrong.
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>Implying it's going to be any good when the actress herself says she only wants to do the role because feminism
The real tragedy is that they didn't go with
Hayley Atwell
Doom had cosmic power, he found it beneath him.
Thread posts: 568
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