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https://www.kickstarter.com/project s/cmon/a-song-of-ice-and

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Is it though? Because GoT sucks.
Hold on, let me find all my fucks to give...

Sorry can't find any.

Love the show, but I have zero interest in a game nobody else will play.

I like the minis
Nice to see a Cmon game without 400 exclusive items.

rather just buy the boardgame for that money though.
Good for conversion bits, or as props in an rpg, but i'm not fucking collecting them to play this.
It's sad when I know I'll get this just for the trays even though I could just get those online by themselves.
>Kickstart game
>Fuck over retailers
>Offer zero support to the game
>Kickstart a new game 4 months later
nope nope nope nope

could be used in age of sigmar for low fantasy army


Quick rundown on CMON ripping people off?
>could be used in AoS
I thought you were trying to shill the game, not turn people off from it.

This isn't a shill thread, this is a discussion thread.
Reminder that Zombies are ridiculously OP.

They would be if the game gets enough people playing it for Others to be a playable army.

But if the hundreds of thousands of dollars thrown at this game go down the drain we won't even get Stannis.
PLEDGED!! I have bent the knee
I love ASoIF, but most of the miniatures are boring. Maybe give a try with Perry miniature but the rules looks basic as fuck.
That game needs more Baratheons, though judging from how succesful the KS looks we will get them soon enough.

I also need Victarion Greyjoy

They've announced Howland Reed who isn't in the show except for one scene.

Since Boltons are in it follows they would do Baratheons and Greyjoys, who else are they supposed to fight? Victarion would be great, the way the show splits his character between his niece and Euron is disgraceful.
Well, the minis are luckilly not based on the show
Nice looking miniatures, I like that they're not based on the awful show but rather the decent books.

Yeah it's almost as if the armor designs are realistic and not high fantasy megapauldron monstrosities!
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I hate a lot of what the show did but what they did to the Greyjoys is among my personal least favourite.
The big one that comes to mind for me is Wrath of Kings.

The game is really fun objected based skirmish game sort of like a weird mix of Warmachine's army size with Malifaux's objects and alternating turn order. Unfortunately The sculpts are also pretty great and visually interesting.

Unfortunately since it's a CMON game it has basically no retail presence, which means that unless you actively push for a scene to grow it won't happen.
They came out slightly better than the Martells..

Martells in the show? What Martells?
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>yfw ironborn succeed in their quest to rid Westeros of bad pussy
The Fat bastard is a huge vintage-minis collector, isn't he? I seem to recall reading that he even started ASoIaF as a kind of fanfic for his collection of vintage medievals.

Yeah, never heard of it before.

ASoIaF minis have a better shot of drawing people in because it's a popular setting for normies and fantasy fans alike with a popular tv show. But it's not likely to eclipse any of the big players in tabletop wargaming anytime soon, it's not like 40k isn't also a popular setting that happens to be designed for the tabletop game instead of the other way around.
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Everyone backing this game on KS is getting a maester mini who looks like fatso. Makes you wonder if he is going to contribute to this project just so he can delay releasing the next book to paint a High Seneschal up as a self-portrait.
>their badges of office consist of a ring, rod, and mask made of the particular metal symbolic of their chosen expertise
>Fat Bastard's are made of lead
>his expertise is being heavy, dense and worthless
Im really digging the look of both the Starks and Lannisters.

I just hope they will sell characters separately in the future
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there's a third House too, apparently you only need 20 miniatures to play as them
I thought the Boltons are just mercenary characters

they are
perry brothers make historical, and their miniatures look fantastic.

The problem i find whit those is that each one of them looks like the same guy in a different pose.
Perry Miniatures will look tiny next to the characters from this game

Gregor is a big guy.
for you.
Was HODOR part of your plan?
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>wakfu furry game
Are you surprised it didn't catch on?
The miniatures look extremely bland.
What's wrong with you? Discounting the source material the minis look fine, and that's what matters. You can use them for anything else you like.
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>They followed George's vision and not the show's shitty visuals

That's enough for me to support this shit. Literally the only thing they got wrong is Robb's hair colour, but that's alright.
pretty much

this would be a great retail game, too
At least Euron killed one of the dumb snakes. A rare ray of light in that shitshow of a serial.
..what did you expect?
>muh miniatures
>monopose troops
Fucking lmao. Just buy historical plastic kits and mash them together. Looks way better than this trash.
I actually really like the semi-realistic style of these miniatures. Though they could do with more variety in poses. But desu, GWs Lord of the Rings stuff was mostly monopose and pretty cool
>Cmon ripping people off
They don't rip people off so much as completely drop support.

The thing about Kickstarting is that it cuts out the "middle man" that is retailers/distributors. This is indeed very nice for some types of products (RPGs for instance), but games like this NEED retailers to host tournaments and meetups. As a store owner, why bother hosting tournaments for a game that everyone buys somewhere else?

I like Cmon's games and miniatures, but they really need to learn to work with retailers instead of competing with them, if they ever want to make tournaments/organized play work.
>Eric Langâ„¢
>Knights who say fuckâ„¢
Pfffffffffffffffffff Ahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah
I was actually thinking on this just for the miniatures. Then, I checked my email and those glorious bastards at Reaper are doing Bones 4.
Sorry CMON, Reaper has my heart... and my checkbook.
Did you not realize that Historicals are realistic?

And if you want a little less realism add the frostgrave boxes.
Interesting looking miniatures?
I dropped my pledge today when they revealed that expansions would cost more than a box of 40K. $35 for a box of 12 dudes is way too expensive.
Thank god they look good, and not the horrible armor they wear in the show.
>Bones 4
I will never get off Mr. Bones' wild ride.
no one will.
And it will be glorious!
My only goal in life is to have a box of Bones show up for me at my funeral.
Bones life sized casket, estimated delivery 2041.
Its kind of bullshit this needed a kickstarter. Kickstarter was for projects that couldn't get funded the traditional way, while GoT is a sure thing that will make bank.

Its cynically subverting kickstarter's original purpose.
Kickstarter isn't a bad idea for businesses that want to put out slightly riskier projects or make something slightly larger in scope than they could have afforded to make originally. Low risk, decent reward makes this the smart choice, particularly with the increasing acceptance of kickstarter in tabletop.
>Kickstarter isn't a bad idea for businesses that want to put out slightly riskier projects or make something slightly larger in scope than they could have afforded to make originally
Sure, but we're talking about the most popular television show and fantasy franchise on earth right now. It would be like kickstarting a LoTR or Star Wars war game. Completely pointless.
is that blonde girl Jaime?
Not really, risk is still reduced since you can get the capital you need to actually produce the miniatures without having to worry about not being able to shift units.

Selling something before you make it is pretty much always the preferable option for a business.
>love the show
How? its gotten so fucking shit.

What did they mean by this?
Kickstarter locks out retailers, though, and games like this need retailer support to stay relevant and alive.
Kickstarter ensures that retailers won't take this game seriously (how can you compete with buying direct), and thus a community will not develop.
Kickstarter wasn't originally intended as a means of direct distribution, it evolved into that over time. It was always meant to be a source of supplementary funding.
If they had gone 15mm with it I would jump on it. But they would also need to have different armies that have different play styles to mix up the gameplay and make it interesting. Human army A vs. Human army B gets boring fast. What If I want to play White Walkers vs. Oldytime Nights Watch armed with obsideon? What about a Targaryon army with dragons and shit vs. Dornish troops or Dothraki?

With 28mm armies there's no fucking way we'll have any huge epic battles either, not only would it cost a fortune, but the table space most people don't have. Don't even get me started on terrain shit.

Oh and Naval battles would be sweet too, Greyjoy vs. Lannister fleets anyone?

This whole kickstarter just looks like a way for Dark Sword to get rid of some miniatures.
aka you can tell everyone that you fucked his cute little ass and he's not allowed to refute it otherwise he's breaking the rules of the game.
>buy some gorgeous Perry miniatures
>download medieval ruleset of choice
>fluff to taste
There you go, an ASOIAF miniatures game made the way you like, for a fraction of the cost and hassle
This is actually a great idea.
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There are plenty of people than use perrys and other historical minis to make ASoIaF miniatures. Some are extremely cool.
Simple really. Bad taste, plenty of people have it. Its why so many still watch it, despite people teleporting all over the place.
>15th century men at arms in full plate with massive heater shields

Or maybe it's just you
This would probably be a good deal more popular if they used the show designs for the models. Reddit nerds would throw huge amounts of money around for that kind of thing.
It can't be. I agree with him.
it would also look a lot more shit as the show designs have been on a steady decline where armour is concerned, and didn't especially start at a great point.
Yeah, echoing everyone else. Check out the Lead Adventure fantasy forum, full of people using historicals and similar for ASOIAF.

Fuck idiots who preorder or crowdfund or whatever. It might seem like a bargain or a noble idea at times, but often all you're doing is looking like a big fucking dumb greedy consumer with a sign on you saying "I'll buy shit before I've even ascertained the quality or longevity of it".

It's why modern wargaming companies are ADHD-addled, like Mantic or Spartan Games, whilst more traditional ones like Perry our Foundry are chill and just put stuff out.
No its really fucking shit. Just accept you have bad taste anon. Nobody will hate you for it, just pity you.
I'd really like a Gregor Clegane model in my Empire army for Warhammer so I'd want it to be fuckhueg
I think the first three seasons were really solid despite numerous flaws. In S4 they made a lot of mistakes. After that it went to shit and since then its more like a satirical comedy
What do you define as interesting? I mean there is not that much you can do with low fantasy. Except some general medieval knights and soldiers.
Frostgrave stuff is fucking ugly. All of the Northstar production looks like it was made in the 1980s
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Wow, that's just like your opinion, man.
Nice paint doesnt change he fact that those models are crude.
What happened to the greyjoys?
Sidequestion, what are the best cost-benefit minis to use as props in a ttrpg?
You dont want to know
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Even with an average job I like them. At £1 each with a load of options, I'd rather buy a few sprues of these than whatever dull, monopose, armoured tin men people like GW are making at exorbitant prices.
Nice try, GW
GW is light years ahead of Northstar in technology and quallity. Design is subjective, but the miniatures are incedibly well made

Considering gunpla stuff hasn't had moldlines for years, I wouldn't go wanking off about GW, even with their newer sprues.

So you're autistic enough to be bothered about "technical quality", but only up to GW's average effort? Strange person. Enjoy your price gouging I guess.

>GW is well made
>monopose characters with flash are $25
What is Gabe doing in asoiaf?

Anyway Lotr game was a success, why a GoT wouldn't?
I think its gionna be a success. Popular background, the rules seem fun and not too complicated. The easy rules and preassembled coloured plastic miniatures will make it accessible for non-wargamers.
I've waited so long for this but after watching the BoW let's play, it seems really shit. Could've just been the host, but damn

I mostly pledged this so I could paint the miniatures, I suppose if the game sucks, they are universal enough to be used for something else

I just want to see how it ends. That's why I watch it.
This. Cheap generic miniatures are nice. I don't really care about the game.
I was honestly considering backing, but BONES MOTHER FUCKING FOUR BITCHES, is right around the corner.

I think I might literally start selling blood to pay for it.

I get the distinct impression you guys dont actually work with bones models. I purchased some of the models because the designs were neat, but holy fuck is bones material garbage.
They take acrilic paint pretty well in my experience.

I'm a shit painter, though, so if you're a major hobbiest ymmv.

But it's unlikely that the minis from a board game Kickstarter are going to be amazing either.

>But it's unlikely that the minis from a board game Kickstarter are going to be amazing either.

You've probably got a good point. I've backed a bunch of miniature heavy board games, but ive never been one to feel like they should be painted (although the others would prolly be sexy all painted up).

>I'm a shit painter

I feel that a good rule of thumb is that everyone thinks they could be a better painter. The people who think they're great painters (99% of them anyways) are deluded and they paint to tabletop standard at best, or try to sell their shit as pro painted on ebay.
I'm think these minis will be easy to paint. Starks are all chainmail and leather and the Lannisters are red tabards and platemail. Though I think the white tabards on the Starks might be a pain
What's the size on these? If the actual prints come out as nice as the renders, I could stand to have some more generic medieval miniatures.
They are 32mm or 28mm, not sure.
They aren't great minis, hell in some cases the faces rival Relic Knights, but what they are is cheap and varied, so I buy them to be the main source of minis for my groups' D&D sessions.
They've said 32mm from eye to base.
Nice, I like 32mm better
15mm is best from a pure cost-benefit. Reapermini's Bones line is best price for 28-32mm.

for human sized models and smaller, Bones minis are a pain. The interaction with primer means you need an airbrush, and the mould lines often run over detail that will be destroyed on small models in order to remove it. Where Bones minis shine is for larger models that would be prohibitively expensive in metal or resin, and in the price point. Most people will take 3 soft detailed orcs for $10 over one crisply detailed orc for $10.
Either Bones, used or 15mm.
He killed two of the sneks and captured the others and will be presenting them to Cersei in tonight's episode.

spoiler tag you cocksucker
Eh, it's pretty obvious it's going to happen even if you didn't see the leaked images.
Besides Snape kills Dumbledore Vader is Luke's father Jesus dies at the end of Passion of the Christ

Haven't seen anything. I tend to wait until the last episode of the season then just grind it all. I should know better than to be in this thread desu, but I'm curious about what people thought of the KS.
I like the idea of it and a lot of the minis look nice, if rather simple since they're coming as a single-piece. But Cmon just has a shitty reputation, as many in this thread had mentioned. If they didn't have such a poor reputation for support for their other games, I'd totally buy into this thing.
I like the minis. Shame they don't come pre-painted.
>pre assembled
How is it Wakfu or especially furry at all? It is a spiritual successor to Confrontation, which is what a lot of people signed up for.
>Shame they don't come pre-painted.
Considering that pre-painted miniatures look like garbage (Yes, including X-Wing), I would say that them not being pre-painted is a good thing.
Who's the painter?
This is a shameless copy of WHFB.
The demos CMON held were all trash.
The armies are like 14 inches apart and theres none of the terrain tiles that come in the box on the table.
>This is a shameless copy of WHFB.
What's that?
Ancients tell the story that it was an amazing setting that for decades was the king of fantasy wargames, and that it was ultimately destroyed by its evil father because he favored his younger, dumber child.
Underrated truth.
Movement trays are a copy now?

They have been a thing for ages most historical wargames work with movement trays.
If anything its closer to War of the Ring
>still assblasted about some dumb game nobody remembers
Why does a GoT product, a license which has millions of dollars, need a kikestarter?
Its not made by HBO.
>minis come unpainted
Why do you care. If you want them prepainted at no extra cost you obviously don't give a fuck about the paintjob quality.

Do you think OP's is an "average" paintjob? You would probably need to pay several hundreds of dollars to the artist for just the minis on OP's image.
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I desire that Catelyn model and the Lannister infantry looks neat, but fuck if I'm giving them a dime before their shit is out.
What mini range are these models? I see some frostgrave but what else?
>an amazing setting that for decades was the king of fantasy wargames,
If by King you mean an old decrepit invalid sitting on his throne and shitting his pants, sure.

WHFB had a decent setting but it's community and the market for it died a long time ago
And instead of injecting life and youth back into him by fixing the rules and downsizing the average game back to 1500, they chose to euthanize it.


Because Westeros is anacrhonistic as fuck.

The book describes all these renaissance steel plate assholes butchering each other, but then you have "boiled leather" nearly as common as you have the steel plate tincan armies.

Dont even get me started on the "Other continent" shit which is even more inconsistent

They're from a huge 50+ page thread on Lead Adventure by Captain Blood.

Nearly every mini there is a kitbash, mainly between Perry Agincourt Plastics and Frostgrave Cultists, with lots of heads from a plethora of kits. The only ones I can remember/see distinctly are a few Gripping Beast Saxon Thegn heads.
Oops, meant to link this post >>54627248 with this anon >>54625781
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>GW is a decrepit corpse upon its throne defended by delusional fanboys

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