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>I'm an evil, black hood wearing necromancer warlord

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>I'm an evil, black hood wearing necromancer warlord
This is how an edgy teen plays necromancers like.
>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better
This is how 2deep4you college student plays necromancers.
>I'm a mature and curvy woman that serves as a mother figure to her party and treats the undead as her children.
This is how a mature and experienced man plays a necromancer.
>I'm a skeleton and make more skeletons.
This is how a skeleton plays a necromancer like.

Which one of these are you ?
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I'm the best necromancer protagonist of all time



>I'm a big, strong, friendly guy who makes undead buddies to have parties, go drinking with, and go on sick road trips with wagons full of ale.

>I'm a surly pirate who makes a crew of undead to man my ship without fear of mutiny.
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You can't just make assumptions like this, people are more complex than tha-

>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better

Fuck. Well you probably didn't get my age and-

>2deep4you college student


I know people would have issue with it though, that's why I am trying to set up a necropolis.
A Wight supremacist out to get them elves
>motherfigure necromancer
how would this apply to a male necromancer? I fatherfigure necromancer doesnt' give the same vibe
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With each death of your people, one of mine is set free. I am not a tyrant, I'm the savior of my people, who does what he can to free them from the bondage and servitude they are born into.
I'm not some Necromantic Warlord trying to destroy the world. I'm a revolutionary trying to settle the score.
Skeleton making more skeletons, obviously.

I always wanted to be a performer while I was alive and now that I'm dead I'm going to give them one hell of a show. So yeah, skeleton prop guys set the stage for me to pop out of, skeleton backup dancers flank my entry, and some skeletons man the wires so I can take to the air for some awesome wire-fu combat. Because we are nothing if not showmen.

>We are nothing
>Not even alive
>Unless we are showmen
>And we always outperform expectations

It's showtime
You whip the dead into shape to atone for all the shit they did in life out of love so they can move on?
An artist, like that creepy doll-maker that talks to his creations lovingly.
I don't play a necromancer because in 9/10 settings it's forbidden dark magic and evil campaigns are an unsatisfying waste of time for everyone involved except That Guys.
Imagine a bearded chubby and jolly ol'guy that constantly tries to share a drink with his skeletons and puts armor on them to keep them safe.

Also, some type of sunday 40 something guy wearing a pink shirt and acting as if his undead are some sort of suburban family. Heck, perhaps they were and got killed by something.

>now kids, stop groaning, you know how your mother is about us attending Pelor's temples every sunday
>yes honey, we'll get brains after this
Meant for >>54549042
That sounds very spooky.
>15 year old drunk insane necromancer who is lustful for skeletons, hates zombies, n treats them as equals
She activated something that makes her see visions of Cthulhu creatures in her sleep
>this game already has r63 fanart


That's a good game too, and i'm not even gay
Well, maybe a bit gay
Only this one and the guy received threats and shit.

Thankfully the game devs said that people should cut out that shit.
Where does
>I'm some sort of priest-detective who talks to ghosts and tries to put them to rest
fit in?
That's a filthy cleric that just speaks to undead and doesn't raise them.
None. I'm the rich guy that made a profit by paying the poorer folk in advance for access to their bodies upon death and renting them out as cheap laborers. The families of the deceased are typically well looked aftter as they receive a portion of the rental fee with each buisiness transaction involving their deceased loved one so they don't mind, as for the ones that do, the contracts state that they're more than welcome to take their family member back once I receive my refund for the body. Necromancy should be done as a business if you want it to work long term. No pretense of world improvement, edge, or familial desire necessary.
He's all about getting info from dead dudes, though, that's a thing that necromancy is.
None, I don't play necromancers.
>Only this one and the guy received threats and shit.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Idle curiosity and a distinctly unhelpful google image search ask what game this is.
That's the literal meaning of the word after all.
Dream daddy, a DILF VN.
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I'm a motherly skeleton
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Holy fuck what an excellent gif.
A GAY dilf VN

I am still mad there's no female protag option

What if i'm a 20 something single mom who wants a hairy chested DILF to hold me and love me despite the mistakes I made as a teenager? NO GAME FOR YOU!

Fucking MILF erasure

Don't fuck Chad you whore.
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Proko is a treasure.

Shame his art courses are top-tier jewery.
...how moddable is the game?
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The slacktivist echo-chamber parade jumped on the artist for the genderbend (apparently R63 is transphobic now), and got a response of sorts shortly before they the "transphobic" thing gained steam and the artist protected their twitter account.
>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better

This one bothers me specially. Why should a necromancer want to improve the world? How do you set the guidelines for how "improving" the world looks like?

You have all the access in the world to create a post-human society, in which the Undying rule, easily swaping between he spirit world and the physical world at will. You can create necro-Tech that makes use of the dead to create almost godlike beings. And you demand that humans breed for stock, and ritually suicide past a certain age. Why is that bad? It's only 30 years of life compared to eternity as an overbeing.

Why limit yourself with what mortals consider good? Why is the only good undead the one that gives up his own convictions so he pretends he is a human, lest the humans kill him for being an abomination?

You have so much power, and you can use none of it because other people force you to pretend you're a human.
See, this is a good, morally grey idea for an antagonist (or NPC helping the party even).

"Utopia where undead work" in 90% cases works on pure, undiluted wank.
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>Paternal as all fuck, master planning son of a bitch who sees half the world as his errant children by this point and just happens to use skeletons
Rate me.
The only necromancernI have played was
>I am an awakened ghost that sees his homeland overrun by foreign invaders that uses my people as slaves.
>Its time to take back what is rightfully mine.
>Why should a necromancer want to improve the world?
My father worked the mines
Until the day it took his life
Stole him from his only son
And it stole him from his wife
And I swore upon his grave:
Someday, I would make things right
So I learned how to teach a corpse
I learned how to make it move
And I watched as it withstood
All the hell we put men through
With hands of bare bone
There's not a task we couldn't do

They've waited so long for this day
Someone to take the death away
No son would ever have to say
"My father worked into his grave"
Anyone who plays a class with spells is an autistic nerd who will never get laid
In my day, trolling meant something.
Hello dustmen
Why don't you go spend the entire session figuring out how to cast a spell, nerd, I'll be over here swinging my greatsword
That's a nice twist on the Protomen.
>pure, undiluted wank.
This is assumed when you say "Utopia".
i try to play a wizened old college professer-esque character

he studies the balance of life and death, and his knowledge over anatomy and physiology has enabled him to imbue a crude simulacrum of life into formerly living creatures
upon reaching level 5, he graduated from apprentice as he could now animate skeletons

he hopes to graduate to making flesh golems, his current thesis, which will get him into a job at prestigious academy, and perhaps one day replicate the spark of life imbued in all living beings, in essence creating an artificial body and soul of a creature indistinguishable from a natural one

he travels with his party hoping to get hands-on experience for his thesis, and will risk life and limb to retrieve any amount of ancient knowledge that will help him

he is aware of the stigma lesser minds have towards necromancy, and tries extra hard to prove himself a kind and capable man to others, even offering free medical help
>I'm a dude in armor with a pet skeleton dragon
The only way to be a necromancer. Who needs a horde when you have one big bad buddy?

I'm the guy who smites the necromancer in every way concievable.

>As a bard i pretend to be a necrophiliac to get close to them and then BLAM fuck them over with a fireball.

>As a Wizard i use the Magic Cricle spell and Ward spells to imprison them and slowly blow them to bits.

>As a Druid i summon a bunch of fire elementals to fuck their shit up.

>As a Sorcerrer i twin a fireball on them.

>As a Fighter i find my self a nice position and then dump my arrows into their skulls.

>As a Ranger i do the same as above.

>As a Rogue i do the same as above but in a sneak manner.

>As a Monk i avoid their whole skelleton army and spells to get close to them in a jiffy and then stun-lock them while i slowly and painfully punch them to death.

>As a Cleric i fuck them up with Divine spells and my ass in heavy armour.

>As a Paladin i smite and cleave.

>As a Warlock i turn their skeletons on them while i blast them from 600ft away with eldritch blasts..

>I'm just a hobbyist, necromancy is an exceedingly interesting topic of study!
Under which does
>i'm my tribe's designated necromancer and maintain the corpses of our honored ancestors so that they can continue to offer us their wisdom and help to defend us from our foes
fall under?
>The edgy teen was the least obnoxious all along.

What a twist.
Anything and everything has its time to die
>I'm an good, black hood wearing necromancer adventurer
where is this?
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>How would this apply to a Male Necromancer
Fucking really?
Sauce? If theres a filename, i cant see it
Clearly option number two is the best. If you have access to an unlimited work force of mindless skelingtons that wouldn't mind working all day, why not use it?

Your mommy fetish is for porn not rpg.
Filename is Sabriel.
How many dead relatives/friends/loved ones your backstory has and how many of them played any role in your decision to become a necromancer?

The thing I most criticize of wizards, in general, is that they always ponder if they can do something, not whether they should.

>Why should a necromancer want to improve the world?

Well, uh, I dunno, maybe because he lives in it? I´ve always been fond of the "an enlightened intellect sees beyond petty matters and selfishness and focuses on the big picture, ultimately concluding that altruism leads the way to a better world for others and, thus, a better life for himself." mentality.

Maybe because, before he was taken in as an apprentice, he and his family suffered famine and poverty? And, having a modicum of empathy, he would not wish it upon anyone else?

Or maybe he´s a cheeky fuck who helps other people because no one expects it from a necromarcer such as him.
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>his is how a mature and experienced man plays a necromancer.

No, Pic related is how you pleb.
Some weird combo of R/G and B/W
>I'm a pardoner, granting the lingering wills of the restless a dead a chance at a final act of heroism to put their regrets to rest.
What a difference a comma makes. You're accidentally right though, loli really is shit tier.
How about an evil black-hood wearing necromancer that's part of the local necromancer's union and actually sorta enjoys his job?
Sounds like a good concept for an NPC, where does a character like that fit in an adventure?
The Dustmen faction.
I usually go with some variation of either of these tired old themes
> Obsessed with finding the secret to immortality, but need to start from the bottom
> I want revenge for something that left me mentally fucked up but physically incapable of fighting for myself
Holy shit that salt
Conveniently, the Big Picture always puts humans and a particular brand of mortals at the center of everything, doesn't it?

Does it take specters into account? Who live off of human souls and regret? What about eldritch abominations who outright madden surrounding humans to the point of death, but conveniently not the Undead since there's no soul to steal and make for great vassals? What about Nightmare Riders, whose steeds absorb the life of nearby mortals, or else the Nightmare dissipates into dust? Or the mere fact that your species depends on other people dying to exist?

The Big Picture doesn't account for irreconciliable differences, or outright assumes that the Undead/Orcs/Machines ALWAYS take Humanity's culture at the cost of everything that makes them tick. The "Big Picture" outright demands the Necromancer step down, and asks nothing of the humans in return?

Think: why can't it be the humans who willingly serve and follow the Undead leaders? Have you ever seen a person willingly give his life to an Undead master without this being seen as a bad thing? Considering you're getting eternal life out of it? Why is it always a "plucky Necromancer being a credit to his race" rather than "plucky Palading polishing skeleton bones"?
Yeah, great NPCs, awesome concept, not the kind of people who would be out in an adventuring party.
Peace is not working together. Peace is the weaker parties giving up their happiness to conform with the strong ones. In this case, the Necro needs to step in line or be removed, unless he is the powerful majority in the first place.

That is human politics 101.
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>warrior who calls up the fallen champions and armies of his people to fight once more
I'm stealing this for my next campaign
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how weebs play necromancers
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I've always wanted to make a setting that is similar to the situation in Ikana Canyon in Majora's Mask where undead factions are fighting each other. The main group is trying to find out what is going on and hopefully end the war.
The undead type is dependent on how they were resurrected and what their motivation is. All undead serve in the army willingly, which means necromancers can't steal bodies, although they can persuade the dead to join their cause, or conscript the dead and convince them that this is their only option.
Undead include by are not limited to golems, zombies, amalgams (stitiched with animals or parts of dismembered and passed on human corpses), revenants, possessed objects, and even liches.
Some undead fight for vengeance. Some fight to support their cause. And there are even those who fight to satisfy their bloodlust.
The tragedy of the whole thing is how each death ends up fueling the war. Many have fled the country, but some living stay to try to keep themselves going. The cause of the war might be somewhat petty to make it all the more tragically unnecessary.
Players will have to earn their happy ending on this one.


At this point everything has potential for outrage. Twitter was a mistake.
Good for her then, I this didn't turn her off from drawing more of this, I like the design.
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Personally, I think there should be a reason to make use of Necromancy. For examples, let's look to Dominions.

Ermor is the classic example of evil necromancy. Their Empire was at its height when it started learning Necromancy for the purposes of power and curiosity. In a bid to return not!Jesus to life and to provide hordes of undead slaves, they fucked it all up, and turned a prospering Empire into endless legions of the living dead.
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C'Tis is a more neutral example, as not!Egyptian lizards. The cycle of life and death features prominently in the culture of their necromancers, with ritual 'deaths' and being immersed in the rivers of Styx being frequent. With the appearance of Ermor, they do the logical thing, and prohibit necromancy due to the legions of dead roaming around, focusing instead of using magically-enhanced marshes to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, their carnivorous lizard slaves break free sometime around Ermor's defeat, and they're left without an Edge. Lo and behold, the Necromancers return to raise their mummified dead for both war and wisdom from beyond the grave. The dead become Sacred, and arguably rank higher than the still-living Lizardfolk that have yet to join their hallowed ranks.
How about a necromancer who is only a necromancer because they have a knack for the arts but would rather stay cooped up in a lab all day researching instead of raising the dead to fight people?
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Agartha is the "Undead Industrial Revolution" example. While they were originally a nation of misshapen cyclops sworn to protect the underground seal behind which dead gods were imprisoned, their war against the surface world went poorly. Their seal was broken up in a last-ditch effort, and the tormented souls of both Gods and Cyclops were released.

Due to the massive casualties resulting from this apocalyptic event, they had little choice but to accept the invading/migrating humans, who eventually began to worship them. The souls of ancient pale ones were bound into statues, and it became almost worryingly easy to bind the shattered souls from the breaking of the seal into service.

Eventually, however, the Pale Ones died off, leaving a cave-adapted race of humans who had little to work with but metal, geomancy, and necromancy. Due to the lack of labour animals underground, the dead were bound into service, as well as fitted with iron armanents and plates and sent to war. On occassion, a mummified corpse of one of their past lords would be resurrected, and sent forth as a sacred warrior, with the undead Oracles commanding great power as priests, mages, and generals alike.
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I usually play a one armed gnoll death cleric, who loves to insult people and sometimes gets close enough to wack them with a mace
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Atlantis is another Necromancy be necessity. The Atlanteans have been driven from the ocean by the ever-expanding maddening domain of R'Lyeh, and find sanctuary upon the coast of frozen bones. Swearing a pact to the god that dwells there, they learn necromany, providing them with the ability to create endless hordes of mindless dead with which to combat eldritch horrors with. While in-game they aren't adept at spamming legions of long-dead warriors, they are great at using spirits, fear, and such staples of the underworld as Stygian waters. The average Atlantean army marches to war clad in armour of enchanted ice, with a host of ghosts by their side, as Stygian rains render their skins invulnerable as they seek to reconquer their ancestral homes.
Fucking hell, HoMM4 shoulld have been novels. The writing was really good, too bad the gameplay was such ass.
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Why would anyone play as anything other than a skeleton?
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>"Can you go years without talking to another human being? What about untold months snatching your meals from the forest floor and sleeping in muddy pits? Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth..."

Gauldoth is a prime example of edgy done well, imo. If the gameplay didn't suck it'd be SMAC-tier.
The entire city died overnight, except for a lone mage who was already above death. Surrounded by his freshly undead countrymen, some of whom are already starting to lose their grip on sanity, this survivor decides it's up to him to keep order around here. Only he and a handful of the less crazed recent dead are standing between the fresh necropolis and complete pandemonium.

What kind of necromancer is this?
Is necromancy the equivalent of sex for a skeleton?
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>have you ever seen a woman irl
>implying that the artist made them unrealistically sexy
>when the original game was about abnormally sexy dads
>For examples, let's look to Dominions.
You're setting a bar way higher than most settings and DMs can really meet, though.
I liked how got less and less edgy as the game went on. By the end of it he was rescuing children from the land of Death, fostering good relations with neighbouring kingdoms and imposing law and order and justice because it was the right thing to do.
I play as a thicc n curvy woman In dark armour who raises bazillions of skeletons for mostly physical work and some evil too

So all of the above i guess?

Also i play as a drow for max fetish fuel
>im someone who employs the undead because its effective and whatever moral issues may occur can be stamped out as they happen
this is how a sane person plays a necromancer
It's not a bad place to take inspiration from. We can all aspire to do better.
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All of them except that my Necromancer is basically Ms. Skeltal.
>Why should a necromancer want to improve the world?
The pseudo-antagonist of my last DnD campaign was a lich building an undead-labor-fed post-industrial "utopia". He did it primarily to mass harvest materials for magical research and to ensure a constant stream of capable apprentices.

The party were members of a neighboring province that was getting its economy wrecked by exports.
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I love using Necromancy as a magical alternative to the industrial revolution.
>I'm a guy who just considers necromancy another form of magic because really if we're going to break the laws of the physical universe anyway, is it really the worst thing ever to have the dead reanimated?
Undead factory workers make a great analogue to automation. I liked it since it let me play with a bunch of modern themes without having to deal with modern technology.
Quite the contrary, I imagine the Dustmen would be quite eager to place at least one of their members in every adventurer party, so as to claim any useful corpses for zombification and to ensure that every enemy the party defeats gets a proper burial, which rarely happens.
Wild-assed warband of skeleton mercenaries. We accept payment in gold (and the occasional dead warrior). Half up front, half on completion, with a guarantee that we will at least lose some bone mass attempting to complete the contract or you receive a refund of all payments to our organization.
>Peace is not working together.

Just because that´s the way things are, doesn´t mean that´s the way things have to be.
>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better
This is how 2deep4you college student plays necromancers.
ITs this but with an awareness people get angry over it, at which point I show them the contract allowing me to reanimate the bodies of the people, in return for paying for their funeral rights when they die, and also ensuring the family get 25% of the profit generated. Its a buisness, not an army.
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Sometimes you run out of legally acquired corpses in an area and need to seek new ground, sometimes a client wants an exotic corpse for some reason. Ogre skeletons and undead dire lions don't grow on trees, and unfortunately while they're alive they aren't typically open for discussing payment for their corpses what with them typically being too busy trying to eat you. Assuming you're not interested in paying a party to bring you corpses you could always just tag along with one instead. Its win-win: you get cadavers, they solve quests, everyone makes money, plus with a steady stream of income from running a buisiness you can totally help foot food, lodging, and resupply bills every now and then to be a bro and keep yourself in their good graces. Just be sure to keep your contracts on hand to keep any paladins from getting uppity.
>Conveniently, the Big Picture always puts humans and a particular brand of mortals at the center of everything, doesn't it?

No, it doesn´t, that´s the point of the big picture, and of altruism itself, not to focus on your own perspective, but to take everyone into account.

If you cause suffering, you make the world a worse place, and chances are you´ll get suffering in return. The same goes for bringing happiness. Now, using contrived, though plausible, examples such as beings who feed/need other´s suffering to subsist may constitute an irreconciliable difference, though not an unsolvable one. You can always confine such beings to places where they may feed on and upon themselves, form a pact allowing them to feed on those who desire to suffer or, if no solution can truly be found then take the regrettable course of action of ensuring the survival of the sapient species that causes the least harm and suffering to others.

>Or the mere fact that your species depends on other people dying to exist?

I don´t know which is your species, mate, but we´re not cannibals, your premise is flawed.

>The Big Picture doesn't account for irreconciliable differences, or outright assumes that the Undead/Orcs/Machines ALWAYS take Humanity's culture at the cost of everything that makes them tick.

It does, though. If not through cooperation, from coexistance and mutual respect, based on very simple principles: "don´t cause suffering" and "don´t impose your will upon others". This way, you can have as many different viewpoints and philosophies, or "irreconciliable differences", as you want and have them coexist. The orcs can fight all they want amongst themselves, the undead can be as undeady as they want and machines can be as machinery as they please. If a faction causes unwanted suffering, then they are stopped.

>Gauldoth is a prime example of edgy done well, imo
Haven campaign is a prime example of classical fantasy about the rightful king returning done well.
Stronghold campaign is a prime example of barbarian hero done well.
Asylum campaign is a prime example of fantasy pirates done well.
Academy campaign is a prime example of 'heroes rebel against evil king' done well.
Preserve campaign is a prime example of a romantic adventure done well.
I'm not the other guy, but I've fallen in love with the concept of giant man-eating jews because of Dominions.

>The "Big Picture" outright demands the Necromancer step down, and asks nothing of the humans in return?

Not at all, the altruistic Necromancer should do his best to see that the least amount of people suffer within his ability. On the contrary, it asks humans the same it asks of everyone else "don´t be a dick" and "let others live their lives as they please, so long as they are not dicks".

>why can't it be the humans who willingly serve and follow the Undead leaders?

Though I, as a person, dislike the idea of subordinating the self to another, if they did it on their own free will, I would find that acceptable, for it would be their choice.

>Have you ever seen a person willingly give his life to an Undead master without this being seen as a bad thing?

I have never seen this, period. One of the points of The Big Pictureâ„¢ is actually trying to watch things without bias (or with the least possible one).

I´d argue that if you put a group of people at the center of your vision, or if you cannot solve an "irreconciliable" difference, then you are not looking at things in "the-big-picturery" way enough, though you may think you are.

Sure, you may say that treating reality, in all of it´s complexity, as a puzzle to solve is bound to end in failure and disappointment, and you may be right, but still, it´s worth trying. After all, the impossible dream isn´t going to dream itself into existence.
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Not him but you did set yourself up for that by cocking up your punctuation.
What about a necromancer, that does necromancy because he/she is good at it? Or because it's a family profession?

>my grandfather was a necromancer
>my father was a necromancer
>i'm a necromancer
>and one day my son will be one too
I'm a skeleton. So are you
What about a private investigator who uses deceased former targets as meat shields in gunfights and raises the dead as informants?
I don´t think so, but when people accuse me of being a necromancer, I politely explain to them that I am a "neck-romancer", someone with a love (or fetish) for necks, and we all have a laugh.

And no, I am not a vampire.
Rattles internally
>my uncle is a florist. we compromised so he supplies the flowers for funerals and rituals
>we don't know where we went wrong
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Mah niggas!
Where does "Hilariously incompetent necromancer bent on world domination" fit into this?
Mother Figure (male)
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They are pretty boss, but by the Watchers are they expensive. It's almost impossible to rack up the sacrificial virgins they want to summon the grigori given that their only national blood hunter is the Kohen.

I have a lot more luck with Ashdod, personally. The ancestor worship of ancient blood-hungry tyrants is a pretty cool theme.
After almost 500 hours peeling the onion that is Dominions, I'm honestly pretty tempted to run a game using it as a setting.
is proving this guy wrong with your wicked cool examples really worth tolerating his shitposting?
>I'm a living necromancy spell because the guy who cast me has a sick and twisted sense of humor. No matter where I go, the dead rise up around me and start obeying me. I can't die because I'm a living spell and nobody has had a high enough caster level to dispel me yet. Please help. I want to die. I want to die.
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I've actually played in a game using it, during the fall of Ermor. Right now it's going through some turnover, so I could put you in contact with the GM if you can tolerate 4E. The party's more or less ignored the overarching fuckup of Ermor in favour of killing one annoying Centaur.

And goddamn, was it worth it.
/tg/ is like 90% shitposting by volume.
If it sparks actually useful conversation, than it's good.

Thanks for the offer. I think I'd prefer to DM it, to be honest.
Well, do throw up a thread on the steam forums if you ever do start running it. I'd love to join in, and given the recent hubbub about an RP-heavy game, there's others who're interested.
If I run it online I definitely will. A little busy atm, working on a IRL game.
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Please tell me that this is your char´s portrait
>please tell me that you ripped your idea off from a series that I know so I don't have to face the fact that I have no imagination, no drive to create and no understanding of media as a whole
It's sad. Please do that shit on Tumblr.
I have no idea who this is or what they're from, so gonna have to say no.
Damn son, that´s some heavy shit you´re projecting. I just read the concept, Jack came to mind, and I had a laugh so I though I´d share it. Chillax
Just a hilariously incompetent villain wannabe from an old series whose sense of fashion, I think, would fit the bill for a necromancer.
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Best stories about Necromancy? Pic related is a personal favorite.
i play it like it should be played, a long bearded old wizard whos main interest was necromancy and that is why he specialized in it. Also deep down he really wants to be a skelington that can tell bone puns and spook adventurers.but you know, im just one of thouse weird guys who like making characters and not tropes
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Conquest of Elysium has some of the best descriptions for Necromancers.
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I'm a sorcerer who had to watch his wife slowly waste away from a horrible disease and as a result dedicated his life to bringing her back and finding the key to eternal life that isn't becoming a skelly-man, what category do I fit into
I like this art.
I definitely don't remember those descriptors. IS that a mod?

Sorry, i'm not on the list.

>I raise the dead and bind loose souls to them to have some company on my travels, and ensure each and every one of my undead bros survives whatever trials may be faced. And give them baths. Bleached bones are less scary than bones with rotting meat on them.

That's how i necromancer.
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actual patrician way to play a necromancer is hanging out with ghosts, it's way more consentual and they aren't gross cannon fodder

That's not altruism. That's humanism. An Undead doesn't consider "dying" or "getting hurt" to cause suffering, if you're going to live forever and painless. How do you define "suffering"? Which sapient species does "suffering" matter most and cause everyone else to fall in line?

To an Undead, the truest of sufferings would be letting your soul become the playthings of gods. Letting someone else dictate what it is that happens to you after death, and so a very momentary pain in order to become an Undead and master of your existence is the best possible outcome, with no suffering needed. You don't need to feed, you don't need to rest. And if you're hellbent on it anyway, you can slap a tongue into your face and taste food if you need to.

That's true, you don't need to force anyone into doing anything. And that goes for the Necromancers too, and improving the world for them is to create a trans-humanist society where the soul belongs to the person.

The real problem is when some dumbass comes knocking, demands you stop doing something that you need to do TO STAY ALIVE, and then have the brass balls to call you evil for not stopping.

Like an elf asking you to burn your fields and kill your livestock for the sake of the trees, even though doing so would starve your country.
> how a [...] likes.
whats your native, Spanish?

>then take the regrettable course of action of ensuring the survival of the sapient species that causes the least harm and suffering to others.

And here lies the issue: The Big Picture ALSO INCLUDES THOSE WRAITHS. You're practically genociding them because they're anti-human, when they'd have absolutely no problem fitting in an undead society.

So what happens when The Big Picture rears his ugly head on those Wraiths? They're going to choose the next best course of action that ensures their happiness, and join the undead.
In that situation, your best bet is to let the undead have their due, and accept the fact that humans, forests, and animals will wither and die within the confines of their kingdom. As long as they don't over-extend, the most altruistic action is to let them do their thing.
I'm a skeleton making other skeletons because I'm 5'9" 130 lbs =^)
I too would like to have a petite girl for a girlfriend. Are you in the zone for dating? Where do you live?
That video had some really good dancing, but still sucked because the music was so terrible.
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>picking up women from 4chan
Hey, don't knock it.

I lost my virginity from meeting up with a 4channer.
>drill sergeant necromancer
>he raises the troops he taught that died
>he feels as if he failed them in some way
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>Drill Seargent Necromancer
>130 lbs
Whoa there fatty.
Thanks, I'm stealing that.
Ngl, I like it a lot too.
Why not?
The internet != real life, anon.
4channers have orifices that work just as well as normie ones.
>That's not altruism. That's humanism. An Undead doesn't consider "dying" or "getting hurt" to cause suffering

No, it becomes altruism when you actually act to end the suffering of others, It doesn´t matter what undead in particular consider "suffering", but whether harm, physical or otherwise, befalls another sapient being because of its actions. In the very same way that an overgrown puppy may break a smaller kitten´s neck just from playing with it.

>To an Undead, the truest of sufferings would be (...)

I´m not criticizing undead existence, don´t get paranoidly defensive over nothing. If your beef is with the gods, take it to them. I speak only for myself.

>That's true, you don't need to force anyone into doing anything.

The point isn´t that you needn´t force anyone. The point is that you mustn´t force anyone.

>The real problem is when some dumbass comes knocking, demands you stop doing something that you need to do TO STAY ALIVE, and then have the brass balls to call you evil for not stopping.

If what you need to do to survive is to unavoidably cause suffering or harm to othersm and you have no qualms about doing it and you are not willing to look for a substitute means, then maybe you deserve to be called "evil", or a monster at the very least, and be either confined or dealt with. After all, if you cannot respect other´s existence, why should others respect yours?

Unless, of course, you are only feeding on those who think and act like you, in which case you are all on the same page and get a green light as far as I´m concerned.

Funny how you chose to disregard the two other peaceful solutions I proposed and went right for the one that I expressedly regretted the most, yet better fits your arguments. It almost looks like you did it on purpose.

This guy gets it, sorta.
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>Not wanting Jack Spicer on your team
>Not wanting the jetpack fuckboi to save you
>Not wanting the shen gong wu

Step it up loser
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Burlew is often a moralizing fag but he was 100% on the dot regarding undead in this instance
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Why is necromancy typically seen as evil?
>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better

Isn't this entirely sensible?
Heck, GURPS Banestorm: Abydos points out undead labourers would practically be revolutionary for medieval cities.
>my grandfather was a necromancer
>He's been dead for decades
>So, he's very powerful by now
>I go to him for advice often
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Rattle rattle eat more cattle
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But Dom4 stories are always a lot of fun.
>I'm an evil, black hood wearing necromancer warlord
>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better
Something between those two: I just start to build my own castle where I do my research, but I will not think twice about slaying someone close to my castle who does something I don't like.
be mad at your shitty tablemates, not the idea of magic itself
The "A>>54550742
The "A Necromancer fucked my girlfriend" starter pack.
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redesigned into loli is shit tier
real loli is elf tier
Is that /actually/ seven thousand skeletons?
Nope, that is just a small part of it.
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>small part

Have they never heard the word "overkill?"
It is hard to stop when you start building ermor army. Trust me, I tried.
>In Defense of Skeletons
>G.K. Chesterton
>The truth is that man's horror of the skeleton is not horror of death at all. It is man's eccentric glory that he has not, generally speaking, any objection to being dead, but has a very serious objection to being undignified. And the fundamental matter which troubles him in the skeleton is the reminder that the ground-plan of his appearance is shamelessly grotesque. I do not know why he should object to this. He contentedly takes his place in a world that does not pretend to be genteel--a laughing, working, jeering world. He sees millions of animals carrying, with quite a dandified levity, the most monstrous shapes and appendages, the most preposterous horns, wings, and legs, when they are necessary to utility. He sees the good temper of the frog, the unaccountable happiness of the hippopotamus. He sees a whole universe which is ridiculous, from the animalcule, with a head too big for its body, up to the comet, with a tail too big for its head. But when it comes to the delightful oddity of his own inside, his sense of humour rather abruptly deserts him.
And now I want to play a paladin/cleric of a god of athletics that has the ability to make his skin/organs/etc invisible on command to display the awesome and beautiful nature of a well-kept body, skeleton and all.
Shit dude, I'd follow an armored skeleton into battle to smite evil.
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Had a necrocleric who spent half a year in a magically expanding library trying to learn how to be a lich. I just played the character as a scheming opportunist whose endgame was to open whatever conduit/connection from the negative energy plane onto the material plane and then go to town. Found a book on how2lich and then after a series of adventures, I managed to do my ritual murder of an innocent and become a lich.

And the campaign ended.
No, even better:
>Group of athletes from each race go around preaching an end to war by substituting athletic competition
>Every muscle wizard meme made flesh, along with skele-buddy who talks about maintaining bones and teeth
Like those public service presentations they have at schools except they can all whoop your ass.
My necromancer/warlock I played basically exactly like a -4 ST, goblin "Rick" from "Rick and Morty" from before RaM was a show.
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>Use the undead for cheap labor
>All the living unskilled laborers lose their jobs to your necromancy
>The ensuing chaos from an entire class becoming unemployed destroys cities worse than any goblin army, while you become one of the richest men on the continent
Sometimes even better due to long hours of practice with dragon dildos.
If I was on my other computer, I'd show you a truly noteworthy Ermorian horde.
More like if you don't have to pay an entire class of unskilled laborers, you can funnel that money back into the city and create jobs, better education and better housing. Better housing would actually be pretty easy, since you would only need to pay for the materials, as the undead are doing all the building.
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Ermor can get kind of crazy with passive skeli gen.
Jobs doing what, then? If you've replaced all the jobs with undead, then what are they supposed to do?
You outrageous faggomancer
The same as everyone else, enjoy life. Or, you know, whatever pursuits may interest them.
Creative jobs.

Turns out skeletons are not good with instruments, or coming up with doing things they aren't told to do.

Also, raising and teaching people. Maybe tending to animals, if undead in this setting freak them out.
>I'm an academic who wants to legitimize the school leading by example and understand the unexamined effects of necrotic energy on the living and the dead.
All things considered, probably the second one. Oh well.
Now I'm going to need to go reread Sabriel. Thanks a lot schmuck
Why would undead have all the jobs?
With what money? Without jobs, they won't have income, unless the profits from an undead-powered economy are put back into welfare for the newly unemployed workers.
Not everyone is creative, or able to teach. If you take away a miner's job, what's he got left to do?
Because he said he wanted all the unskilled labourers to be replaced with skeletons.
>I'm an evil, mature and curvy woman trying to be a skeleton in a hood who uses the undead for physical work because I'm lazy and taking over the world is hard work.
This is how a GM plays a necromancer.
>>I'm using the undead for physical work because it totally shouldn't bother anyone and will make the world better

And damn it's spot on
>If you take away a miner's job, what's he got left to do?
Train for jobs that require skill. Take apprenticeships and learn trades. And remember that the city would be growing with the money saved and the new, large and tireless labor force. Plenty of jobs would be made that undead bozos couldn't carry out, or wouldn't be allowed to carry out. Things having to do with food, or manufacturing. Corpses also probably wouldn't be allowed to work on anything having to do with water. I also imagine that largely for public image purposes, guards and soldiers would still be human, and given the expanding city and saved money, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the go-to job for a lot of the old laborers.

>Because he said he wanted all the unskilled labourers to be replaced with skeletons.
Construction isn't the only job on the planet.
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Oh my God, the best character concept I've read in weeks.
Would you accept your dead dad/uncle/brother/son being used as a labor vehicle? The corpse abuse taboo is a pretty big part of human thinking - even primitive tribes that use bones/corpse parts in rituals still give them a "respectful", ritualistic meaning, not a
dirty utilitarian role.
I'm a cheerful and sprited young guy who pacifies your neighboorhood graveyard, summons a spirit of your parents, so you can get their advice and helps local law to resolve murder mysteries.
Also, I provide crime lords with 100% loyal undead bodygards and rise skeletal army for use as cannonfodder for siedge towers.
Because this is how a buisness rolls this days, partner. Being a chaotic neutral has it's own benefits.
Now I wanna play a necromancer that babies her undead
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Nigger, what? The undead literally just took those jobs.

Also as an ex-cop I will tell you right now that being a "town guard" sucks 6 billion asses and a tranny cock. Nor is there much call for a cop in a theoretical utopia where everything is post scarcity and everyone gets what they want.

And unfortunately, the advanced education required to get a new, not skellified job would be expensive. That's what's happening in the U.S. right now. People lose their job in a factory or whatever to a robot and can't afford the college to go do what a robot can't.
>necromancy can apparently make skeletons work forever
>it apparently can't make humans work forever without turning them into skeletons
Really activates those almonds.
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the skelly way, of course
my goal playing necromancer is only to make more and more skeletons to finally become one myself
this the only acceptable way to play
See, what you're arguing for right now is continued human labor in the face of near-total automation, which I wholeheartedly disagree with.

If the population does not have to work, why make them work? Why not achieve the post-scarcity society we've dreamed of since Star Trek and Sir Thomas More? Freed from the burdens of labor, the population is finally free to pursue the higher arts, sciences and philosophy.

And you know what? If the society collapses into howling anarchy and ravening madness because a Human without purpose is little more than a hedonistic animal, than congratulations! You've found a good reason why societies automated by the Undead are not a good idea.

Oh, and there's the other problem; once people no longer have a reason to make babies, they will stop making babies. This civilization will be thrown into a downwards spiral of fewer births and thus fewer deaths until the automation older generations enjoyed simply does not exist anymore, and by that point it's too late to reverse the course.
Actually my character is an undead who creates other undead, because death begets death the way life begets life.

So, the last one.
the best part about fantasy is imagining a what-if society

like one that sees dead and live bodies the same, and would be proud to see his skeleton be used for good instead of doing nothing useful underground, since being useful even in death is a great honor

they would seem alien to an outsider, but seeing dead bodies recycled would be normal to an insider
the greatest way to honor a dead body is to have it be useful, perhaps the nobles are honored to see their bones as decoration for a palace, or used as a personal servant to bear your cups

they have no taboo against dead bodies on parade, and have a serious taboo against some one who selfishly hoards their body after death
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Nah, the nobles wouldn't let their bones be used a servants. It'd probably be some kinda room where they sit with their ancestors and debate furiously or something.

So you're saying he just bones everything near him until a tiny him pops out?
reminds me of ol' Commissar LORD Bernn
"I haven't given you leave to die, you coward, ON YOUR FEET!" when reviving a commander
Why do you guys think that just because undead will take over construction, that they will take over all feasible labor and trades and services? You really think people would want the undead to handle their food and water? That tradesmen will just up and quit? You think that the government that implemented undead laborers wouldn't consider ramifications and plan for them? That none of the money saved would be diverted into thinks like apprenticeship programs, or into education to make it more affordable for the common man? That they wouldn't use the new, practically free labor force to construct decent low income housing for them to lower their cost of living while in a transitional period? You think that miners and laborers would turn their noses up at being a guard? At a paycheck and an infinitely better station than what they had?

He's an intelligent revenant with the classic zombie hunger for flesh. So, not quite.
>going out of your way to mention how you kill them slowly and painfully like some sort of autistic middle schooler
Funny how the people who dislike necromancers can in fact be even edgier than the people they oppose.
Low quality man children want to fuck kids. You'll never find a fit, strong, socially competent person who legitimately wants a child-like body for their lover.
It's the exact same thing that's happening in the West, so... Yes? Replace immigrants with undead and you've got the same situation.
>happiness of the hippopotamus
Alright hold it right fucking there. Hippopotami are incapable of happiness. They know only seething rage and fathomless hatred.
>Why do you guys think that just because undead will take over construction, that they will take over all feasible labor and trades and services?
Feasible for the undead to do? Yes, absolutely. Why would they not? We're using the undead as an analogue to machines, so once the skelly is in place it'll make far more product than any living person for a one-time investment of a lump sum. Starting up a new business will be harder (because the skelly will be expensive) but those who are able to automate will make much larger profits after they fire the obsolete living.

>You really think people would want the undead to handle their food and water?
How many jobs do you think exist to handle food and water? And how particular do you really think people are about what they eat? People eat McDonalds all the time, and that shit is basically chicken bone and other grody shit, except instead of being a contaminant in the food, it's the food itself!

>That tradesmen will just up and quit?
They will be fired. Why would you keep around a tradesman who doesn't do anything for you? When the undead can make many more, far cheaper product? Jobs in handcrafting would plummet to being knicknacks and novelties.

>You think that the government that implemented undead laborers wouldn't consider ramifications and plan for them?
The government is implementing the laborers? Not the Capitalists and Aristocracy? Because those two groups of people have historically shown no foresight at all.
>That none of the money saved would be diverted into thinks like apprenticeship programs, or into education to make it more affordable for the common man?
Saved by the "Job-creators" you mean. Which means it's more likely going into trust funds for their children or otherwise to their families. The Government loses money because they start losing taxes on the money that would previously have been paid to the workers.
>That they wouldn't use the new, practically free labor force to construct decent low income housing for them to lower their cost of living while in a transitional period?
The Government might, assuming they have the cash. But if it's anything like our earth, the Ancaps and Social Darwinists would pitch a fit about how those people are poor and homeless because they're weak or something, the way they do today. "Why should my hard earned money go to pay for Jim to go to college?! It's not my fault he got replaced by a skeleton!"

And as we all know because we're on 4chan, Retards scream the loudest and thus always seem like a larger group than they really are.

>You think that miners and laborers would turn their noses up at being a guard?
No, dumbass. I'm saying there wouldn't be many positions open to /be/ a guard. What are they going to be guarding, the air? Where does the pay come from? The taxes nobody is paying because they all just got fired?

>At a paycheck and an infinitely better station than what they had?
As I said before, being a Cop/Town Guard is definitely NOT a better station and probably doesn't pay all that much more. I got paid only just above minimum wage (though I got some neat benefits).
The 2deep4you is literally a character in my game. He runs a town and whenever a citizen dies he resurrects then to serve the community.

It was great the first time the party came to the outskirts of the town and saw a skeleton in a field with a scythe. The paladin destroyed it then heard a little voice yell "Grandpa!" He turned around to see a little girl holding a basket of wheat.
I want to play a necromancer who took up necromancy to defeat the illithid menace, and wages an unending war against the brain-eaters using undead servants to thwart their raids and attack their slave caravans.

Post-scarcity collapse stories amount to "our labor-saving devices got so good that nobody needed to do much labor anymore, and then society crumbled because humanity couldn't into sharing."

Jesus Christ, I've only ever seen them mentioned once in the threeish years I've listened to them.

So see such is great.
They were mentioned a lot around here back when they were newer.
If you can't do a proper voice though and really sell your lines, you'll just end up sounding like a fucking joke.
I find it amusing how people suggest tradesmen would still have a job when this exact scenario happened in the Industrial Revolution, when guilds and craftsmen were beaten out by cheap, shitty machined goods.

People would rather eat Industrial hot dogs with bits of human meat in them than the more expensive pork tubes made by the local butcher, who by the way will be going out of business or becoming a quaint small-town/neighborhood thing.

This might be tangential, but it's worth noting the Industrial Revolution seriously shafted the elderly in ways they still have yet to recover. Age typically brings experience, and when you needed a damn good product before the Revolution, the person you would usually go to would be in his 60s. The Revolution turned the Grandmasters into dead weight, and that's terrible.

Freedom of the soul is indeed the ultimate pursuit, but you have got to be ready to tread the hard road and the most difficult path. It isn't enough just to become undead. It isn't enough to free your own soul if it comes at the cost of others.

Lichdom is corrupted by demons, and good has little interest in people who don't go to get their souls devoured by the gods or planes like good drones. The one truth path is to become an actual archlich, undying and free without having to live as a miserable parasite. With that power you are then free to give the same freedom to anyone else who wills it. That is vital - if you're not truly fighting for freedom from death, from tyranny and evil as well as the sacrificial fate of good then you're not doing it right.

What is a necromancer? Someone who would defy fate and reach through the veil of life and death itself to overturn the natural order! Someone that stands for freedom and right even when the laws of everything there is say no. Someone that will live against the wishes of god and demon and man in order to live forever on their own terms.

Beyond even that, you must be someone who fights for your kind to gain the same freedom themselves, even if every hand is turned against you. You aren't there to bring an end to labor. You're not there to solve all the problems. You're there to give them a chance to solve their own. Heaven and Hell both will stand against you because they wish to control the fate of all mortal races. Oppose them all! Defy fate and grant the power for people to determine their own destiny to all! No one has the right to judge us but us! Let all who try be thrown right back on their asses in the outer planes!

Stay righteous and on that true path and there's hope for an end to the tyranny of good AND evil. Stray from it and you're just another parasite in a robe or a slave.
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I'd argue that the Industrial Revolution had more positive benefits than negative consequences, but I agree that there were definitely horrible consequences. Shafting the elderly is one, while Global Warming is another.

Undead would avoid Global Warming, but I think it might still shaft the elderly. And I think maybe there would be a similar environmental crisis if you use the D&D Negative Energy undead, in that factories would be full of negative energy and wilt anything nearby them. It's actually a fascinating idea.
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Pic related is the best way to Necromancer.
Not the same anon, but:
>We are using the undead as an analogue to machines
Not at all; in fact, they are quite the opossite. The most common undead, either the zombie or the "basic" skeleton, is capable of performing a great variety of physical tasks in the same level as a human, but they lack the ability to do it on a more intellectual level. The same applies to calcs, organization, storage of information, etc. Machines are great at it, common undead not so much.

A society who uses mass produced undead as cheap labour would still have a lot of things to deal with, namely everything that is not basic labour that can (and would need to be) supervised by some human. The good thing about it it's that whoever controls the undead can run some really life improving policies, like building free houses ,getting resources from mines, etc. But it's far as fuck from a "truly" post-scarcity society.
>Oil is plant and animal matter
>Oil is concentrated negative energy
Sabriel - Garth Nix
Read that and Abhorsen books. They're legit very good.
Don't skeletons act a lot like mid-tier computers? I mean, even a simple command can be quite complex if you break it down.

A command like "Kill anyone who comes into this room" is kind of complicated when you break down the "Kill" command. A skeleton needs to know how to fight to be able to kill most anyone - just swinging their fists won't sork. That takes 3D geometry and physics, particularly if they're using something complicated as a weapon, like a flail. They have to keep track of the arc and velocity of the head of the flail to make sure they don't hit themselves, hit the enemy, and hit him with enough force to cause harm. The variable "Anyone" is simple enough, but "enters the room" means that the room has to be defined. The skeleton presumably has to do this on his own, so that takes basic logic skills to work out what and where the doors are, particularly if they're oddly shaped.

I'd say skeletons exhibit logic on par with modern computers. As far as information storage goes I dunno, but organization could probably be handled by one skeleton if speed isn't an issue.
Outfit those babies with some crystal skulls and you've got some proper math crunchers.
I rolled for some background elements, and learning necromancy was the smartest choice at the time for my character. Everything after that is a consequence of necessary actions from his formative years.
What would be interesting from a world-building perspective is seeing a Necbromancer trying to fit some sort of thought-to-voice apparatus on his skellies so he can use them as speaking calculators.

Whether they use their new voices to scream in agony is up to the setting and the DM, obviously.
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>I'm a beat-cop who's been hit with too many lawsuits and makes use of the debuffing aspects of necromancy to make non-lethal take-downs much easier and less violent, while speaking to ghosts to solve their murders and using my academic standing to get an ear to the ground among undead cartels and organized crime clans, clades and bloodlines.
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>I'm a flat, grumpy, and frumpy woman that makes zombies move again solely to figure out how to make people move again
>I also have a snek because it's one more snek than you have faggot
Umm... well-intentioned dabbling in dark arts? Perhaps how a child plays a necromancer?
Outfit them with some crystals with ray charges and you'll have an awesome skelecomp of many colors.

I summon the dead because my nation has presious few soldiers with blood in there veins (Necromancer General)

I summon the dead to honor my ancestors (Ancestor worship mixed with necromancy)

I summon the dead because my music shall never die! (Lich/Bard)

There are way cooler reasons to summon skellies than being edgy
>I'm an elitest prick who treats Necromancy as both an art form and a science, and pissed that every other Necromancer uses "Generic templates" of undead, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, etc. And tries to invent his own templates
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>I use Zombie Goats as suicide bombers
>My enemies keep falling for it.
Gameplay was better than any other HoMM game. Most of the changes were things I'd been wishing for since HoMM2. Fight me.
Adult flat is justice
Only if they persist at it because you learn SO MUCH out in the field.
I like raising zombies. It's fun. Even better when they kill.
My character is like that. Uses skeleton slaves as cannon manufacturing laborers. In the setting necromancy is forbidden by many kingdoms but allowed in some.
>implying skeleton slavery would make the world better and wouldn't simply devalue workers and make people fat and weak
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I don't give a fuck that this aint /aco/ I -n e e d- this shit
>Soldiers arise
>Stand and fight!
>Shake the dust from your bones
>and aid our plight!
>Nasty smelly child-loving attack zombie
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My necromancer has a pet ghost that beats up all the bullies for him.
Wasn't expecting an abhorsen reference here. Loved those books so much.
>Which one of these are you ?
None of them.

Was anyone else mad at how they fucked up the ending of the manga?
It's actually kind of tragic how petty and delusional those people tend to be, they're either chubby ugly girls or desperate twink men that view every display of a sexy girl as an insult to their ugliness or a reminder of their unattainability.

I share your highly unpopular opinion. Despite the hate it got, HoMM 4 is mechanically my favourite game in the series. I adored how they changed up the formula, and hero units were fucking awesome.

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I just role play as a necrophiliac...
Well, yeah, because they are necromancers who DO NOT raise the dead and instead put them back the fuck down. The ONLY way to do a heroic necromancer.
>>I'm a skeleton and make more skeletons.
>This is how a skeleton plays a necromancer like.
>he hasnt saved the world with skeletons
small minds often have no room for new ideas
Why does her design always make me diamonds?
Alright Skeletal Lives Matter activists, what is the skeleton government doing about supporting all these osteoporotic skeletons that are crushing the health care system, now that their hosts are living so long?
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>I play as a thicc n curvy woman
Top tier taste.
>I'm a twitchy, skinny, soft-spoken, good guy with bad skin who got into necromancy to raise my little sister who died falling from a tree I dared her to climb.
What kind of player am I?
Great ass, but those tits are ridiculous in a bad way.
Yeah but thicc is still good and there's only so much even with the Caliente's mods to make female characters attractive in Toddrim.
Chaotic neutral/evil. Your doing thing that are bad for your own personal reasons/goals.
>Be the kind of Necromancer who uses undead for physical labor
>Turns out being raised as undead prevents your spirit from reaching the afterlife, reincarnating, or otherwise finding eternal rest, you are aware of everything and in constant pain, but otherwise unable to move or act in any way.
>You knew this the whole time of course, you were just lying to the people who thought they were enjoying a Utopia without any need for physical labor.
>You even let the people treat the undead however they wanted, and they consistently mistreated their own ancestors, rather than respecting them.
>It was all a trick to punish people for making baseless assumptions and relying too much on other people's apparent kindness.
>Insist to the GM that this is True Neutral and not any kind of chaotic or evil.

Is this the most possible edge?
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