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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness

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Previous thread: >>54292225
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How have your games featured Dracula? What do you think of his real life history and how would it translate in game, personally i plan to make Dracula a vampire hunter (mostly for irony and the fact he stakes people)
>5th editons cliffnotes
Are you going to call him Alucard?
How many mages would jizz n their girlfriends neck and use matter to make it a real pearly necklace and then fuck yer brains out.

How many would fire diamonds into her?
How many mages does it take to screw a light bulb ?
dont need light bulbs with forces

A Hermetic to conjure a lightbulb, a Unionist to destroy it, and an Adamantine Arrow to buy one at the store and screw it in by hand.
Some insane Zirnitra question: ratings of Supernatural Tolerance from different sources - do they stack?
None. Lightbulbs are evil and authoritarian.
It only takes one mage to screw anything.
And this is why i hate trannies.
Got to cater to the mental illness of .0000000001% of the population instead of keeping a much-loved aspect of British culture... No wonder /pol/ is so popular.
How is this in any way related to WoD/CoD discussion ?
Fuck off retard
last thread was all about why we hate trannies, that is a perfect example.

They are ruining everything, esp WoD/CoD
Well I don't and wasn't in the last thread
How are they ruining WoD ? If anything, you're ruining what you like by bringing a bitter /pol/ mindset to the table
Have you read any recent OPP/WW book lately?
I'm mostly into VtR and CtL, don't really pay attention to release dates
I've heard Beast wasn't good but then again it might be just spazs like you
What books are you talking about specifically ?
Don't listen to word from this thread, they’re all memers, Beast is one of the greatest RPGs out there at the moment. A couple of threads ago, these autists even made a bunch of phoney edits to make Beast look bad. You should just leave the thread and buy it.
I've got the pdf but the intro is pretty dense and I just skimmed over the rest
I'll eventually get around to reading it though

The major legitimate problem that seemed to emerge from it was that Beasts sound a lot more like loners and / or antagonist material
The whole lair business makes them pretty static and I didn't find many plot hooks to exploit as a GM

Do they function properly in groups ?
Any advice ?
Jesus the last two threads have been really horrible.

This one seems to go down the same path.
Last thread kind of blew up mid way through with the Caine comment.
Such a same that my Moonfuckers idea was unable to resolve it.

Though I have to ask...is Space the CofD Arcana best suited to Sympathetic Connections? And how would that mesh with Spirit?
He has pulled this shit in several threads but now someone took the bait.
Anyone want to discuss possibilities for sorcerer and hedge wizard cabals ? (For the Second Sight quasi-splat)

Apostles of the Dark One seem pretty straightforward, you'd probably get some Nine-Anglers as the edgelords in chief, but what are some more moderate theistic satanist groups ?

Ceremonial Magicians should have the Royal Magical Society, obviously.

Could have some kind of NWO/Illuminati kind of organisation that recruits wizards to do their bidding ?

Quite a lot of hunter conspiracies would probably have their psychic departments too

Don't have the books on hand at the moment (I'm at work) but suggestions would be nice and I believe we can make something good out of it
I do, in fact like all of these ideas.

Maybe there's a group that operates alongside Werewolves?

They're like the crazy Spirit followers done sensible.
Oh yes let's not forget about neo-pagans
Wiccan hippies who found some actual occult rituals could be hella fun to play and would definitely work with werewolves

I'm kinda stumped on the voodoo wizards though, nog sure what kind of organization could back them up
>I'm kinda stumped on the voodoo wizards though, nog sure what kind of organization could back them up
Well they're Voodoo, they don't need organisational backing, they've got friends on the other side.

To chime in after the mage butthurt last time:

My stuff is oWoD but i think you can use it in both worlds.

>The Inquisition:

In myWoD the Inquisition has a bunch of sorcerers. They see themselves as gods choosen, granted special abilities to fight against the Unholy beasts. They are mostly preoccupied in aiding the Inquisitors and hunting Vamps and Wolfs.

Ofc they are seen with great mistrust from church officials but their capabilities give the Inquisition an edge it needs.

Reposting from last thread. I think KotE/Hunter is when it started going to shit.

Development of "God" in the WoD:

Vampire "The One Above" with a Caine/Abel story that barely resembles the Christian Version

Werewolf: Helios is probably the one above, also there's a bunch of god-like "incarna" spirits, also metaphysical trinity

Mage: Belief defines reality, outside of "cosmological constants." The world is shit because everyone is despairing of anything better.

Wraith: The underworld is swirling around the toilet bowl of unbeing, and there's a bunch of monsters who used to be like you trying to flush the universe. Resist or Serve.

Changeling: Nothing of value added

KotE: Asia has super special unique cosmology rules that only apply in Asia. Also really really racist.

Hunter: The Cosmological Asia-spirits are now doing stuff outside of Asia, and they want all spoops dead or cowed for reasons.

Mummy: Sekrit egyptian underworld stuff. woo.

Demon: Naw, that shit's all gay. A is for Adam, B is for Bible, now gimme dat faith, or I'll fuck you in da eye-hole.
Well I mean so are vampires. You normally just start them off weak, and together, and with a common goal
I guess you're right
Do Beasts have an organized society though ?

It feels like most plot hooks are just : "o shit heroes are in town !"
This probably comes from the fact that A): Beasts are worse at teamwork than people playing Minecraft, and B): Beast is just a shitty gameline overall.

>Vodoo mages

Well for me that screams:

>Drug cartell led by Voodoo priests

Their American and European holdings mostly operate in coastal cities.


>Royal Magical Society

In MyWoD they are the biggest organization of mages/sorcerers. And the self appointed Government of magical affairs.

They are loosely organized into Conciliums de jure ruled from London but de facto independent.

There are a bunch of basic laws they all try to enforce (keeping magic secret, no summoning of demons etc.) but apart from that it depends on the local councilmen.

Mostly they are embroiled in their own intrigues/politics and in some places other organizations are in charge (ofc the local concilium would never admit that).

Despite their flaws they have the largest collection of occult and magical knowledge and if someone really steps on their toes or breaks the magical laws on a grand scale they get their shit together. They have a small group of enforcers with nasty magical artifacts and top level hedge magic to put troublemakers in their place.
>>Vodoo mages
>Well for me that screams:
>>Drug cartell led by Voodoo priests
>Their American and European holdings mostly operate in coastal cities.
And ofc they have "Zombie" Minions they control with their Magic toxins. An enemy that has access to soldiers with no instinct for self preservation is truly dangerous.

They have three branches:

The ones running the ordinary drug business.

A spiritual branch caring for Voodoo believers.

And a last branch that sells special magical drugs and Voodoo artifacts to other supernaturals and the Ultra rich.

In myWoD they occassionally come into conflict with the Royal society because they reveal magic to normal people and because they are the de facto magical government in some places.
What about Blood Bathers?

Are they from Second Sight or am I thinking of an entirely different book?
Don't ask me fameroni.
I am an oWoD guy.

I have to improvise this shit mostly.
Love all that my man

Thanks for contributing again
If you are interested in my stuff i could Post more.

Btw blood bathers seem to be from WoD: Immortals.
I would very much like that yes
>Btw blood bathers seem to be from WoD: Immortals.
Someone fetch me a blender!

I will find a way to merge Immortals with Second Sight even if it kills me!
Can confirm blood bathers are part of Immortals
Actually those templates can be added on top of another without much tweaking I believe
Most of the work is going to be fluff for the player and dedication from the character
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They are pretty much Goetia aren't they?

Siddhi being "Secret Masters," I assume
>bloodbathing wizards
I see you are a connoisseur of refined pleasures as well

I currently use a body-snatching african witch doctor as a recurring NPC in my campaign

I'm getting overtones of Gurps Voodoo/Cabal
Can I fuck Goetic demons?
I'm pretty sure there's a goetic demon that embodies that question.

...he's a loveable sex maniac who looks like a tentacled oil tanker.

My original idea for my Masquerade chronic was a Cabal of Ghouls that have a few Vamps staked in the basement. They aren't affected by the blood bond strangely.

The reason for that is that their leadership is a (or a few) Sorcerer(ers).
He has deviced a ritual too circumvent the blood bond but regularly needs ingredients from "Living vampires". So ofc the Vamps want to kill them asap. The local concilium wants the same thing and this whole affair kickstarts a diplomatic relationship between the Prince and the Consilium.

Ofc wiping out these cabal is hard. They are a bunch of seasoned Vampire Hunters with Ghoul Powers and hedge Magic backing. Also most of them are aristocrats from the German Empire, so they have more old Money than they could ever spend and every member knows his way around the gun and the sword.
That sounds really cool.

I had thought about using my own version of Risen but body snatching and/or blood bathing mages might be even better for what i intended.
>Dark Eras 2 is trapped in a KS version of Zeno's Paradox

This is why you write the book first and out the draft on the project page, peoole.
I think OPP got gunshy of sharing the draft after Beast, but you'd think they'd do like Scion did and have a finished sample for us like one of the chapters or something.

By their admission, all that exists of Dark Eras 2 is just setting pitches. There is nothing to share. It's going to fund and it's not going to be Exalted 3e 2: Delay Harder but good lord you'd have think they'd have learned.
Something tells me that forming a group of Vampires at the bottom of the ocean would be rather risky.

I don't mean from the crushing pressure or the fact that that there isn't any light, there's Disciplines for that (Auspex, Protean, Vigor, Celerity and Resilience)

I'm talking about the fact you could accidentally end up in Arcadia due to naturally forming Hedge Gates.
naaa, just chill with some ghouled dolphins and ya good
Amazing concept which I'm absolutely going to steal
In VtR there's a blood sorcery ritual from the Circle of the Crone that allows you to suppress bonds of blood so that can easily be adapted
There's also hydrothermal vents.
Ah yes, I almost forgot Animism.

Still doesn't address how one should deal with the Hedge Gates that form down there.
Thanks. I am glad you like my stuff.
1: those don't give off visible light
2: Frenzy isn't as big of a deal in 2e.
3: Why do you think I suggested Resilience?
Body snatchers are pretty cool (and creepy)

The african sorcerer I'm using is a special kind of body snatcher though, he uses rituals that allow for snatching a selected body regardless of the distance, when he dies

The thing is, sorcery is often a family tradition in Africa, where the uncles usually train their nephews to become the next sorcerer
And that guy has been doing exactly that, except he's been preparing them to be suitable host bodies for him ...
So the family has had some incredibly powerful sorcerers for centuries now, except it's always the same guy

For now the PCs don't know about this and he's been mostly helpful (if a bit creepy), I wonder when the reveal is going to be
Probably get sucked in and be tortured forever by the gentry

If it's not the Shadow that gets you
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>1: those don't give off visible light
Sorry, this is the kind of stuff I meant.
There's a book about ocean and other water-based vampires. Blood Dimmed Tides.

My old ST had an NPC from the sea using that book (the prince in one of the cities, actually, and she showed up later in a different city as well).

Masquerade so it doesn't talk about getting to the hedge if you wander too far down though.
>Probably get sucked in and be tortured forever by the gentry
This a thing that happens when you can't stack Major Splats?

Now I'm imagining a True Fae getting depressed because they were unable to have a kid...because the person that got grabbed was a newly Embraced Vampire.
Nope this is a thing that happens with the True Fae in general
Torturing for eternity is just their schtick
Although they'd probably get bored pretty quick with vampires, considering the leeches got no soul
>Although they'd probably get bored pretty quick with vampires, considering the leeches got no soul
But I can see them having FUN with Werewolves...and Geists.
True Fae have True Fun

I remember there were a few sidebars about the effects of the Hedge on different splats, but I don't think the Fae can change other supernaturals into Changelings
They need human souls to work with
>not animalism

This is the photo negative of editing errors in Land of Eight Million Dreams...

There is no level of Vigor or Fortitude that could support you in the Marianas Trench. You're not as bad off as WoD vampires in that I don't think that they ported over depth sweat, so you won't be losing blood past a few hundred meters, but a few thousand meters is going to crush you like the blood bag that you are.
>but I don't think the Fae can change other supernaturals into Changelings
>They need human souls to work with
I was thinking more about how Werewolf Regeneration would make the eternal torture fun for the True Fae and their Cake Spoons.
I'm pretty sure that's what Mastigos do as a matter of course. Bene Ashmedai are all about it and Clavicularius are in denial.

Also, if I remember correctly, Quark, one of the mages in Soul Cage had his Lust as a Familiar (although Vice is usually Rank 3, so...), whom I always imagined looking as Lust from FMA, or maybe Asami Sato 'cause they look almost the same.

But than again, I usually imagine Vices looking similar to the ones in FMA no matter the character in question. They just make a good reference.
What happened to the guy from the last thread who was going to test the larper's ritual? I kinda wanted to watch him call the autist out.
>This is the photo negative of editing errors in Land of Eight Million Dreams...

>but a few thousand meters is going to crush you like the blood bag that you are.
So just use Protean to cheat and go full Vampire Blobfish.
>What happened to the guy from the last thread who was going to test the larper's ritual?
He fell through a portal to the Elemental Plane of Honeybadgers.

Poor bastard.
No but seriously, was the whole thing to trolls seeing who could out-larp the other? Because that would be fucking disappointing.
Well since they're literal gods in their domain they can already make humans regenerate
The Rage though, that would be amusing for sure
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Kinda reminds me of the canon "Young Bloods" gang in V20, from "Hunters Hunted II".

They're a big gang of ghouled thugs and bikers on the West Coast who spend their days hunting down and killing vampires for fun.

To get around the blood bond, they captured a Toreador fledgling several years back and imprisoned him in an abandoned bunker. Every month they need a new blood-fix, they just force the poor sod to embrace some new vampires for them (usually homeless vagrants or anyone else the gang can get their hands on), gives said vampires some blood to fill them up, and then everyone in the gang takes ONE drink from those newly-embraced and newly-fed vamps.

And then they kill the new vampire(s) which removes the blood bond entirely (one can't be bloodbonded to a dead vampire), and then they start the process all over again the next month when they need their fix.

Pic related.
The armenian information spirit appeared before him and informed him about the fact that he's a faggot.
Can you do that to a guy you have a blood bond with?

Well, VtM Gangrel Mariners do just fine living in the ocean... though, they still have limits on how deep down they can go (even with Fortitude), and it's not like the oceans are safe to be in, considering the Rokea and the Chulorviahn behemoths that can REALLY wreck a Mariner's night.

Said dangers might be why many Mariners instead opt for living in the sea close to land, or just dwell in lakes instead... Plus, they get more chances to drink human blood if they stick (relatively) close to the shore.

What, kill them to get out of it? Sure, at least in VtM (I don't play VtR, so I can't answer on that front).

In VtM, if you're blood-bonded to someone and that person dies, the blood bond is destroyed.

Poof. Kaput. Gone forever.

That said, it can still leave emotional scars in those who actually had genuine emotions or feelings for their regnant, and they might end up going crazy or killing themselves.

Others, who hated their regnant, might instead scream with joy and feel great relief. It all comes down to the person and the relationship between the regnant and the thrall, really.
From VtR 2e:
>George and his family have half a dozen Kindred on tap in
>a basement of their farm house. They send the young and
>pretty cousins out to rest stops and all-night diners, hunting
>hunters. While George never meant for his family to be so
>special, since they been around for so long, he’s taken to
>notice the teenagers don’t need so much Vitae to stay special.
>He’s got plans. The next generation, he figures, they’ll need
>even less Vitae. If he plans it right.

As for circumventing blood bond, just have multiple basements and never milk and meet same vampire as you drink from.

Kinda hard to find source of Vitae at the bottom of the ocean, isn't it?
>Kinda hard to find source of Vitae at the bottom of the ocean, isn't it?
Is quantity of blood a way to get around blood quality in Requiem? Maybe they feed on whales or something.
No, once you hit certain levels of BP you just can't feed on anything lower. Animals only work till BP 2 or 3 I think.

To get around the blood issue, you'd have to make your underwater haven near somewhere with people or be an elder with an ungodly deep reservoir of vitae so you only need to emerge and hunt (and hunt a lot) rarely.
Or you commission an underwater hortel for rich twazzocks.

Two pluses:
1): Free food.
2): You're improving the gene pool.
So how do elders get around the Vitae restriction if they don't want to sleep away the centuries? Feeding on other vampires and supernaturals would be a minor death sentence unless you have enough of a power base to avoid reprisal.
Question for people who run Mage the Awakening. I need some advice for my own future game. What's your settings justification on why there isn't uberpowerful mages running around?

I know according to the fluff 3+ degree Masters are supposed to be exceptionally rare but there's no mechanical reason why this must be true.

>As for circumventing blood bond, just have multiple basements and never milk and meet same vampire as you drink from

Ah thats pretty gamey. The blood bond would lead to someone investigating the basement.

Fuck I have overlooked them.

Will definetly give these guys a look. Might use them, to terrorize a nearby anarch republic.
>Feeding on other vampires and supernaturals would be a minor death sentence unless you have enough of a power base to avoid reprisal.
You become a vampire hunter.
There, problem solved.
Good question. Exactly the one which would you expect answered in recent book about vampire elders, Thousands Years of Night. But this is OnyxPath so bad luck, instead there is crapload of useless bullshit.
for 2e id say they are to busy with their own obessions to bother with what others are up too.
in 1e there wer various methods, cruac rituals to reduce your BP (giving it to somebody else i think too?)

Pretty sure there was a ordo dracul thing that let you ignore it?
>Ah thats pretty gamey. The blood bond would lead to someone investigating the basement.
Nah, blood bond makes you really like/borderline love the person you are bonded to, there is no mystical leash that would draw you to some unknown location. If you don't know the person and don't come into any contact, you are fine.
They feed on other vampires. Its doable.
I haven't read it but someone I know was bitching about their not being enough information about elder disciplines (rank 6+)?
Exactly, so my solution of becoming a Vampire hunter makes perfect sense!
I think elders in covenants basically also just use political clout to make neonates bend over and take it from behind when they get hungry. Boo fucking hoo, you have to go hunt on the rack a day or two early.
There are most places just don't have many mages in general. Personally, when I run a new mage game I'm going to restrict arcana to 3 masters will probably exist sparsely but fighting them just seems impossible without altering the rules.

DaveB really fucked the balance of the game making it just impossible to give master mages any fucking stakes.
I've always loved weird blood hacks like this and the Setite vitae beer.

And so does a lot of post Masquerade urban fantasy, since the production and sale of vitae tends to find its way into them.
Whoops my first sentence makes no sense I mean most places just don't have many mages in general.
There are, they just rarely bother to do things that don't have to do with their misteries. in the setting I am running every counselor is at least a second degree master with gnosis above 5, the reason they become counseler its so they can make others do the dirty job of taking care of the city while they focus in ascencion.
They either have disappeared up their own asses, are trying to become Archmages, or they/the Seers kill each other before someone gets that big.

that's retarded if they could kill masters than almost every lower mage should be dead. Pretending they don't exist is dumb it's much better to make it rarer unless the players are going to hit that level.
I'm in the process of making my first Blood Bather, for my first ever nWoD campaign. Designing the ritual is pretty fun stuff.
I'm probably going to fuck it up though, so I'm going to make some more standard backup characters just in case.

Either way Immortals was an okay enough read.
That's true too. In fact there are no elder disciplines at all, just few new Devotions which you can teach your Elders (or anyone else really).
I mean statistically the biggest danger to a young mage is accidentally stumbling into and fucking up some hidden conspiracy of an established mage.
I'm the vampire story-teller from the last thread whose player made enemies with basically everyone in the city the first day he arrived. What would the local vampiric powers do about it in this situation?

I mean, one of those factions is the entire local Nosferatu clan. I have the justification to just outright killing him without him noticing, but that wouldn't be fun. What should I do in this situation if I want to make it clear that this kind of behaviour has consequences but I don't want to outright kill him?
>"I can expla-oh god it's a teenager, look don't ask me any stupid questions, civilisation as we know will be threatened unless I can put this rubber duck in that trombone."
>What should I do in this situation if I want to make it clear that this kind of behaviour has consequences but I don't want to outright kill him?
Aside from chopping his limbs off and shoving him into a fridge I have no ideas.
Dorian Grey master race.
>I mean, one of those factions is the entire local Nosferatu clan. I have the justification to just outright killing him without him noticing, but that wouldn't be fun. What should I do in this situation if I want to make it clear that this kind of behaviour has consequences but I don't want to outright kill him?
Are you sure the players had the same understanding of the setting that you do? That can be the most difficult thing to convey as a story teller. They might not even be aware their actions merit such a response.
It's dark ages, no real fridges.

My idea was somehow make it into an interesting plot about a power war. It's basically what he did, declare war on a faction and antagonize the rest. But I don't have ideas to make the war interesting instead of "you fucking lose, enjoy diablerie".
>It's dark ages, no real fridges.
Which one?

Also, shit.
Nice! Sounds really cool.
It's not a rookie player, he knows what the nosfies can do. I'm sure that was established.

It all started because the character (not the player, I hope) was buttdevastated about the Nosferatu boss ignoring him and sending a mook to talk. It was completely in character, but I didn't imagine it would escalate so much.

If I failed to convey something, that was that the Nosferatu would've been his natural allies if treated with respect.
DV:20 but we remove what we dislike for older editions or V20 stuff.
>If I failed to convey something, that was that the Nosferatu would've been his natural allies if treated with respect.
Next time it happens ask him if his complaints were in character, then if/when he says yes...reveal that the boss was there the whole time under an Obfuscate...and that he's none to happy.
I figured his Lust just looked like him since Sef's different Vices and Virtues and her Daimon looked like her.
just stake the prick, make him make a new character till he's a good boy.

That or if its DA you can skip 100 years or so and unstake him, blue book the other players n give them some exp or sommat and do a soft restart? ie: dont be a prick..
Dorian Grey meets the Thin White Duke was somewhat of a stating point for the character, but it's changed a bit since then. Probably in part since it's been years since I read Dorian Grey.

I don't have the character sheet on hand, but in general terms I'm going the social route. Heavy into Presence and Manipulation, and I'm taking the Ritual effects that give Striking Looks 4 and that magical allure Blood Bathers can get. Also a lot of things that make him hard to kill, but nothing that gives him any real offensive capabilities.
Also put a fair deal of points into Occult, Academics and Medicine. Got to justify him figuring out the Ritual.

Personality wise I'm doing the whole "false Romantic" thing, in that he's someone who outwardly tries to express that he's an emotional and passionate guy, but it's starting to become more of a front for someone who's sliding out of touch with humanity. I've put no points into Empathy to feed into this aspect.
Might want to change this though, I'd not want to play him as some standard "hurting on the inside" edgy emo. That's just boring.

It's still a month or so until the campaign is supposed to start, so I have a lot of time to play around with it. Kind of just adding ideas at the moment, so I can cut away the things that don't really work later on.

Most of all I just want to find a way to play some sort of character like this without being "crawling in my skin"-tier.
Luckily I have backup characters I also think are fun.
There's a version of Immortal that can actually become Dorian Grey. It's the kind who locks their soul inside a handmade object.

They're my favorite of all the Immortals because they're explicitly not le edgy murderer or "wise old asian man" eastern mystics.
What happens if a Mage summons his Vice with goetic summoning?

Do you lose your vice for the duration?
Yes. you better not loose it then huh?
Might do something similar, but with some mid-rank Nosfie.

The boss spends his time mostly chilling and sleeping around in the outskirts of the city, that's why he "ignored" the character. If not directly insulted the other nosfies would've tried to arrange a meeting.
Looks like they just reset the poll.

Go on and cast your votes.
All that sounds pretty prick to me.
Now I can vote for changeling again.
Fuck you. I'm going to be a ghost pirate.
Fuck both of you guys, I'm going to be a necromancer pirate who controls ghosts.
Yeah, the "no u have to be a serial killer lol" tone of Blood Bathers is what I like the least about them, especially since it's relatively easy to play someone who can get by without murdering anyone (although this means you aren't that powerful).

At the lowest I think you can get down to only needing a pint of actual human blood per ritual, which isn't a lot.
Also, from strictly a storytelling perspective, I think it's more fun to play as a parasite, someone who doesn't have to kill, because then it becomes that much more significant if you ever actually do transgress and kill someone for their blood. It's a better "mortal meddling with magic" story than being an insane serial killer from day one.

Playing someone who needs to trick, scam, convince or force people to give blood and stay immortal sounds more intriguing to me than just seeing how many random mortals you can throw into a grinder in a given day.

Half the reason I'm even making this guy is that constructing the ritual from a bunch of tables is precisely the sort of autism that pleases me.

>It's the kind who locks their soul inside a handmade object
Sounds familiar. Who are these guys again?

>"wise old asian man" eastern mystics
That's the Purified, right?

Been a while since I read the rest of Immortals.
I want to be a demon summoning pirate with an undead buddy
>Dark Eras 2 finally funded, still only a hair over goal

We're not getting the Golden Age of Piracy, calling it now.
>Stretch goal dropped to 45,000

Oh wait never mind. We'll get it after all, maybe as the only stretch goal.
Why is the book doing so poorly? In my head its because Dark Eras 1+ Companion was a mess of 1e and 2e. But I wonder if its an actual backlash against their delays, plus the book not having a preview, + a backlash against nuWW and its practices.
Folk want actual books not fucking fluff that 90% of us wont use.

How many of the settings have people actually used? personally i'll probably never use any so im not buying, i'll read them if i get my hands on them sure but spend money on it? NOPE
and desu ive not even read much of DE1 & companion as it is.

Dark Eras 1 took a really long time, even with a draft. Dark Eras 2 is a collection of pitches. In a savvier KS marketplace than 2015, this is enough to be wary. That's almost certainly the most prominent reason. No one wants to wait forever, especially if they have to pay premium to do so.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Dracula's stuff isn't messing with OPP's bottom line as well. After all, this is the first Dark Eras under the CofD name, not the WoD name. That and a lot of White Wolf's choices have made people vocally unhappy. It doesn't matter how many of them there actually is, only that they're loud.

Also, Beast. The last CofD KS was Beast, if I recall correctly. Beast fan and anti-fan alike were pretty soured by that KS.
>finally implement even the basics of spam blocking
>Mage and Geist handily crushing Changeling

Feels good even though I really wanted werewolf pirates, but I guess that it isn't like the material for the era wouldn't let them exist or anything.

But fuck CtL
Eternals. They're buried in the back of the book, but I personally think they're the best Immortal there is. Not very high-powered but you aren't a monster as a result of that. The only major benefit is that you can't be killed while your phylactery survives, otherwise you're at a normal Human power level.
>werewolf pirates
I dunno, maybe it could work?
I find it ironic that Awakening is easily the most internally balanced of any gameline so far produced by Onyx Path.

Yet you asswipes still complain.
But my crossover campaign.
>Yet you asswipes still complain.
It's not the Internal balance they're complaining about, trust me.
I mean most of these eras are a big combination of actual history and weird local magic, so you can apply them across lines even if it isn't specifically for your favorite splat. I just like the idea of running down fat merchant ships as a sacred hunt and the pack as the officer corps of a ship.
Why do people hate changeling so much?
Having run a changeling LARP in the past, its probably because of the unending amount of Snowflake faggots who love it.
Playing rape victims isnt as fun as it ought to be.
I don't think they hate Changeling, they just don't think it belongs in the pirates setting. I always get a lot of support for my Changeling ideas here in the general.
I think the LARP part fucked you over more than the changeling part.
Possibly, but changeling always seemed to draw an inordinate amount of weeb fags compared to say, mage, vampire, or werewoof.
>changeling always seemed to draw an inordinate amount of weeb fags

Oh joyous day, I'm not the only one to have noticed this abysmal fact.
I've seen more idiots with vampire myself, but I dunno. The only lines that don't seem to attract assholes are hunter, demon, and mummy.
Try playing as a non-shit court, then it actually works.
I think Quark's Familiar was mentioned to be a lady.
weebs ruin everything
Does anyone actually play CofD Demon? It's probably one of the best designed splats but nobody here seems to care.
Starting my new campaign tomorrow. D:tD is horribly underrated though.
no u
Most overrated splat is what?

Both old and new

Vampire. Most of the splats do something original or wide-reaching enough to be interesting but vampire has none of that and people still like it.
What was the deleted post?
How exactly?
Don't expect a reasonable answer.
Except everyone at least here seems to hate lost, so how can it be overrated?
This is about the population of LARPers doing shitty things with the game, not about the game itself. I agree with them even though I love Changeling's core ideas.

Hell, I'd go even further to say that most splats attract that same crowd of awful players too. It's so hard to find an in-person WoD game that's better than a weird wank fantasy.
A link to an article about how transport workers in London aren't allowed to say "ladies and gentlemen" or "sir" and "madam" anymore.
/tg/ doesn't represent the masses

I only come to this place because Lost is the red headed stepchild over here

You're joking right?

About the only thing 4chan and the rest of the WoD community agrees on is how Mage is the most popular splat in terms of discussion and even then.
Too powerful for my liking, in my games, i use heavily nerfed Sorcerers . Not to mention all their magic is just namby-pamby make believe. I use irl Occult theories (unlike base game, which is just DUDE, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT LMAO). Not to mention, they got to actually work for their power.

>doesn't know a thing about Mage
Not joking. I saw it when I came to the thread earlier. They're doing it in an effort to be "Gender Inclusive."
>Too powerful
That's kind of the point and theme, y'know?

>i use heavily nerfed Sorcerers
Sorcerers are weak, and would need to be buffed, not nerfed.

> I use irl Occult theories
That's exactly what Mages are all about, it just depends on their Paradigm.

>Not to mention, they got to actually work for their power.
Mages arguably work harder than Sorcerers for their power, not that there is any major difference between the two.
Excuse me for a minute gentlemen...

He's making fun of the anon who explained that he prefers buffed hedge magicians as Mages in his games.
Why is Mage even a fucking splat? They're not monsters.
>That's kind of the point and theme, y'know?
And it's a shit theme
>Sorcerers are weak, and would need to be buffed, not nerfed.
Not in my games, besides, magic users have almost no downsides.
>I use irl Occult theories
>Psuedo science and man-hating is magic
>Not to mention, they got to actually work for their power.
And yet every magefag in this thread LOVES saying how easy it is to blow up the galaxy.

Gets your noggin joggin, huh?
WoD was more about urban fantasy/occult than about monsters.
Why did Conquering Heroes give us Black Manta?
>Vampires, werewolves & witches
>Mummies, fairies & wizards

How are mages not thematically appropriate, you dingleberry?
>people are going to take all this obvious bait
>Psuedo science and man-hating is magic
I don't think you understand how Paradigm functions, anon.

>And yet every magefag in this thread LOVES saying how easy it is to blow up the galaxy.
Only Archmages have the luxury to blow up galaxies, very damn powerful ones at that.

It also takes centuries upon centuries to reach six dots in a Sphere, explicit lore being proof of that.
Because Black Manta is rad
I prefer the REEEEEEE edit.
...you win this argument.
>I don't think you understand how Paradigm functions, anon.
Because it's stupid as fuck, It's not even magic
>Only Archmages have the luxury to blow up galaxies, very damn powerful ones at that.
The fact it's attainable AT ALL is pants on head retarded.
Magic(k) in WoD is based on belief, anon.

Every piece of fiction has their own definition of magic, get used to it.
Oh boo hoo

>"muh archmage blew up your favorite galaxy :^)"
>Magic(k) in WoD is based on belief, anon.
And that's dumb

>"muh archmage blew up your favorite galaxy :^)"
Not an argument
An Archmaster with Forces 9 (which nobody has even gotten near in canon) can't blow up galaxies because galaxies aren't real in Mage. They can fuck with universal forces but that won't effect anything beyond the moon.
>The fact it's attainable AT ALL is pants on head retarded.
Neither is sperging out about pretend wizards and yet here you are.
>which nobody has even gotten near in canon
Exemplars canonically exist in Ascension, they're just not named. They're foo far gone to even be considered human.

>galaxies because galaxies aren't real in Mage
The Voice Engineers would like to have a word with you.

>They can fuck with universal forces but that won't effect anything beyond the moon
I don't know how you even came to this conclusion.
Not sure why I typed that instead of Void. Too taxed out I guess.

Disregard my illiteracy.
>there are people who take this edgy shit seriously
10 years of my p'n'p career, and I thought that I'll never find anything autistic that will make me cringe.
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Forces 9 explicitly targets the universe.
>blowing up the galaxy with bubblegum is very thought-provoking and serious business
Try something other than ad-hominem next time my boy.
But enough of this!

I have but one question....how would one go about playing one of the Unchained in the Dark Age of Piracy?
Also I have a quote for a Demon Pirate:
>"People aren't cargo, mate."
>>blowing up the galaxy with bubblegum is very thought-provoking and serious business
Not an answer.
Well, technically, if those people are being sold and they're being transported, then yes, they are in fact cargo.
You're not an answer!
You see? This is exactly what i'm talking about. Good god, telling magefags that maybe you should'dent be able to blow up the universe is like telling a Fatass Yankee to put down his gun and stop fucking his sister.
Galaxies are in the Deep Umbra, which makes them more abstract weird spirit shit then galaxies as science understands them.
Why shouldn't an nigh-omnipotent Archmage be able to blow up the universe? How is it any different than a 10 dot Discipline being able to Obfuscate the entire planet out of existence?
Doesn't matter. The Tellurian IS the universe. I'm not sure why you're trying to stall the inevitable here.
The Deep Umbra is space, anon.

Forces 9 controls it all.
The Consensus is barred at the asteroid belt, not the moon.

Learn your shit.
And yes, Forces 9 will affect everything beyond that.
>Why shouldn't an nigh-omnipotent Archmage be able to blow up the universe?
That;s the problem, they Shouldn't become omnipotent
> How is it any different than a 10 dot Discipline being able to Obfuscate the entire planet out of existence?
A.that's not how it works, try again
B. Planet is a lot fucking smaller than the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. I think at most, Archmages should be able to affect the planet, not the entire universe.
Oh boy, another thread of magefags that don't know the setting arguing with vampfags who also don't know the setting.
Archmages have to cheese things a bit to become omnipotent before they reach 10 dots or Ascend.

It's not as easy as you seem to think it is.
Magefags actually know their own setting.

It's what they do with that knowledge that irks people off.
Nice moving the goalposts,but none of that really touches on anything i said.
>That;s the problem, they Shouldn't become omnipotent
Why? They're basically just fluff. The chances of a player becoming a fully realized Archmage are slim. Very slim. And no ST would allow this shit in actual play anyhow. So what's the problem?

>A.that's not how it works, try again
That is how it works. 10 dot Disciplines can do whatever they want, with canon examples showing them as planetary in scale. 9 dots of Obfuscate allows you to remove your own existence from reality. Not a big leap in logic to say that 10 dots could do the same for the planet. And again, what's really the difference? That the Archmage's bullshit just has a better reach?
Ask yourself. Why does any of this matter?

It's not like you need to use Archmages.
Who are you talking to?
Addendum: Would you be just as rabidly against a vampire with 10 dots being able to Obfuscate the entire universe out of existence?
>Ask yourself. Why does any of this matter?
>It's not like you need to use Archmages.
Literally how i stared my post, but then a horde of cockhungry magesfags pounced on me
>They're basically just fluff.
Let me make it clear, the writers should not have allowed mages to reach omnipotence, it undermines the very concept of Ascension it self.
Yes i would, there is (like mage) no precedence for vampires to blow up the universe.
>it undermines the very concept of Ascension it self

This is the part where I point at you and laugh from my screen.
>Let me make it clear, the writers should not have allowed mages to reach omnipotence
>it undermines the very concept of Ascension it self.
How? We aren't talking about Awakening.

And again, what's the difference?
If the roles were switched
Disciplines = universal
Archspheres = planetary

The Vampfags wouldn't be annoyed.
They only hate the fact that some old man in space can blow up all existence and shit on Caine's bare chest.
>implying the very concept of ascending reality doesn't come from Buddhism
IE stop giving a shit about the universe, most certainly not blowing it up with bubblegum
Do you mean precedent? Why does precedent matter?
Ascension is akin to Omnipotence, yes.

You're re-aligning with an omnidimensional consciousness.
You're too powerful to ever care anymore.
This. Vampfaggots are only making up excuses at this point.

THEY want to be the best. They hate being second best. Why else would they keep bringing this shit up?
>The Vampfags wouldn't be annoyed.
Yes i would actually would be, guess you didn't read my posts.
Every organisation (clan/tradition etc..) has some sort of basis in myth. None of these state that mages can blow up the entire universe.
Because, Super Satan, this is 4chan and we're all just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
>Yes i would actually would be

you would clearly masturbate til' your dick fell off
>you would clearly masturbate til' your dick fell off
Not relevant at all to the discussion.
>being second best
If only they were that lucky.
>dicks aren't relevant on 4chan

>Every organisation (clan/tradition etc..) has some sort of basis in myth. None of these state that mages can blow up the entire universe.
Okay, disregarding how true and accurate this "basis in myth" thing might be, why does it matter? They obviously aren't strictly adhering to mythology in any serious sense, at all. The games aren't about that anyway.
>why does it matter?
Well since it doesn't matter at all, i guess i'l just go and play Hulk: the Hoganing
>i guess i'l just go and play Hulk: the Hoganing

you go do that, anon
Or you could try actually answering my question.
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Maybe you could try answering mine first. You know what, i getting bored of trying get you magefags seeing the light. So i'l give you 5 minutes to BTFO me before i leave the thread and continue to wreck other dumb magefags.
Where else would one go to wreck havoc on magefags?

OPP is a dud, RPG.net is already full on autism.
I bet you think you're badass, but everyone here thinks you're an utter fucking moron.

Just take deep breaths for once.
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I dunno, but i guess i'l have to ride in the sunset, like the hero i am.
>Maybe you could try answering mine first.
What question? You just said you were going to go play Hulk: The Hoganing. I'm also not a magefag and you haven't been wrecking anyone. In fact, you're losing, and announcing your exit so that you look good running away is very transparent. If you really were bored you would just leave.
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This is premium autism, even for /wodg/
Are these threads still shit? I've been away for awhile.

And what are the chances that Deviant isn't a colossal trash fire like Beast is?

>inb4 CofD is the colossal trash fire
That sounds fun and I want that now. Fanline when.
Reddit? Another /tg/ thread? Real life?
Beast is actually good now, they fixed the shit from the kickstarter version in the final draft and Conquering Heroes chased down the last few aggressively bad ideas.
I don't... believe you.
This is bait, why is everyone taking it?
That's because he's lying.
Have you read the release version?
Not that anon, but yes, I have. Its way worse than the kickstarter draft. The shoehorning in of lessons and the complete rewrite to Beast and Hero origins left the book a disgusting mess with references to things they changed. They made the book worse post kickstarter, not better. The gaslighting 'lesson' bullshit wasn't in the draft and I wouldn't have backed it if it was.
Okay I'll admit that part's kind of stupid but it's really easy to ignore without it impacting the rest of the game, unlike the bad ideas in the draft version which would have had to be replaced rather than just ignored.
This fucking thread.
Why do people not know how to use the fucking reply feature?
What's the problem?
Autists who think they're denying people a (You) if they don't reply to their post
What kind of absolute faggot do you have to be to do that?
Why do these threads freeze for a bit then suddenly explode with activity?
Because it's midday/afternoon in the US and people have lives.
That's the power of autism at work.
Because (You)s are premium currency Anon. If you deny them (You)s then they can't buy food and die, then the shitposting stops.
What reason would I have to lie about that?
>Civil discussion about sorcerer societies
>playing hoi4 kaiserreich, checking the Thread before bed
>autism and larping is even worse than in my Kaiserreich welfare only for the whites AUS run

Good job faggets
CofD 1e vs 2e, which is better?
You're really reaching for an excuse to shoehorn in /pol/ shit.
What happened to this thread?
>What happened to this thread?

They're honestly about the same for me. I like 2e in general, but it doesn't go far enough in improving some areas for me.

My main sticking point is that by the time every line is on 2e, the cracks in the edition will be so wide that it'll be time for a 3e, and we'll be doing this song and dance again.
I would have to say 2e overall, but really only because of little things like Mage Armor and Sight being attainments now instead of spells.
How would that kill the thread though?
What did it leave out most glaringly do you think?
I honestly think Mage was the weakest 2e update, paradox was nerfed way too hard.
Follow the replies and figure it out.
Okay, super autism, but that's normal. I still don't see how it would do that.
I don't know. I always had beef with how Paradox was anyway. The game is about Mages and their power, and yet the system would make it bad for them to exercise any obvious magic, even with no Sleepers around. Now it fits a bit more with Mages having that power but tripping themselves up with hubris, because now Paradox happens when you get too big for your britches (spend Reach you don't have) and if you're dumb enough to break the Veil. So thematically it's good for me. Mechanically, though, that's a different subject. You could definitely argue that Paradox should be more harsh when it does happen.
You're probably right about the no Sleepers thing, but it's still too easy to avoid paradox in 2e.
No not really. Just being an autist i guess.
The difference being?

Personally, I think the Experience system is a ho-hum compromise between wanting a more modern XP system like PbtA or Torchbearer and wanting to keep a classic WoD XP pace. Improving by playing is a good thing, but the game still feels too starved of experience.

Getting rid of the "two dot price for a final dot" in character creation really helps, however, can't deny that.
The spells are overtuned so it's not fun past Arcana 3.
What do you mean by overtuned?
I mean they have so much power it's not funny. 4 is when issues start. 5 is when any enemy who doesn't break the rules just dies because 15 dice plus the ability to make an unmaking spell completely kill someone while ignoring threashold completely was a stupid idea. The game favors the attacker as it always does but the deck is so stacked up against the defender without cheating that the game basically just stops being fun.
The supernal realms reflect everything right?

And the abyss is something right?

So logically there must be a reflection of the abyss in the supernal.

But because its the supernal its not evil or tentacly and shit.

So I'd play it off as something similar to the kabbalistic concepts of Gevurah or Samael (angel of death.) Not evil per se, but more akin to a harsh judgement of evil. Not the abyss itself but the concept of casting things out to the abyss.

Is this a good idea or is it just silly and edgy?
If the Supernal is the symbolism of everything that 'is'

The Abyss is everything that 'isn't
Or what 'could be'
I wouldn't be keen on the change because it makes it more understandable which the abyss shouldn't be, atleast not without warping your soul and mind (and sometimes body) in the way a Scelesti does.
The entire point of the abyss is that it isn't something you fucking retard, read the goddamn books.
I wrote:

>So I'd play it off as something similar to the kabbalistic concepts of Gevurah or Samael (angel of death.) Not evil per se, but more akin to a harsh judgement of evil. Not the abyss itself but the concept of casting things out to the abyss.

I was very careful to say that it did not reflect the abyss itself. Instead it is the concept of casting things out to the abyss.
But the abyss isn't supposed to be there. The supernal cannot have any reflection of anything involving it.
I understand what you mean, but if you can scour the supernal for a reflection of an aspect the abyss you can find answers which is not something one should find regarding the abyss. Not without delving headfirst into it ala the Fangs of Mara.
The Abyss has some scary shit.

Namely the Prince of 100,000 Leaves
It's not a bad concept, it's just that the Abyss isn't what you're looking for. It's a perversion of reality. a place of things that don't exist and shouldn't exist. The antithesis of the Supernal, which embodies reality. So sure, you could have Mages who cast bad guys into the Abyss as punishment, but just by association with the Abyss and fucking with it they would be immediately considered left handed, and there wouldn't be anything in the Supernal about it.
What is its deal?
The Prince honestly should have been a bigger focus in the Boston book. Secret Concord was lame and not main plot material.
>you could have Mages who cast bad guys into the Abyss as punishment,

While that's an interesting concept that's not what I was getting at.

What I was getting at is that something has to define the neat borders between real and unreal.
It's a sentient timeline.

Picture an evil WoD with a goatee.
And it hates us.
So if it gets power in reality, it makes things even worse than the CofD base setting or is it part of why everything sucks so bad?
Well, imagine if that living timeline replaced our own.

Everyone would be evil and have sick goatees.
It makes everything worse. The Prince of 100,000 Leaves is a timeline where Europe lost the Battle of Vienna, Hitler won WWII, and Hillary Clinton is the Chancellor of the American Reich.
The worshipped abyssal entity of a cannibalistic cult that lives in a town right out of a Stephen King novel. The cults goal is to gather all 100,000 fragments of the Prince's chronicle of an alternate history, or something like that, where the world is a brutal hellscape where cannibalism is the norm and cities are made of flesh and blood and fire, or something like that.

It's such a big deal that a Sleeper author who sometimes churns out the fragments in his stories (unintentionally, they get to the world in ways like this) thinks he's a popular author when in reality the Mysterium is buying every last copy of his books.
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>Hillary Clinton is the Chancellor of the American Reich.
>is that something has to define the neat borders between real and unreal.
There really are no neat borders. The Abyss is a big fucked up mess of unreality that may or may not be expanding.
>It's such a big deal that a Sleeper author who sometimes churns out the fragments in his stories (unintentionally, they get to the world in ways like this) thinks he's a popular author when in reality the Mysterium is buying every last copy of his books.

That's fucking hilarious.
How does one fight a living timeline? That's like trying to fight CofD as a whole.

What happens when one side has all fragments?
The alternate timeline embodies the worst possible future for Mankind.
>CofD 1e vs 2e, which is better?

CoFD 2E is just patches on a poor foundation that is CoFD. So it just trying to fix an already sinking ship instead of building a better one from the ground up.

2E has too many bits that reflect the ONE AND ONLY gamestyle CofD authors wants to you to play which might not be compatible to all groups. Aspirations, touchstones and the like are too meta for some groups.

1E on the other hand is simpler and while deeply flaw it is more toolbox in its approach than 2E in some splats. And unlike 2E is a completed line.

Then there is the issue of different splats. Some are improvements from their 1E counter parts others, Changelings, are shit in their 2E incarnation.
New thread
>How does one fight a living timeline?
You don't, really. You can only keep it out. When some dumbshit Mages decided "Hey, let's summon this thing by betraying one of our own and destroying her soul so we can beat our enemies", they instantly got fucked up. One was just noped out of existence, one killed himself, and one lost all of his bones and wept blood, screaming in High Speech until the rest of his Cabal killed him. But to their merit, the enemy they wanted destroyed was erased from existence entirely, along with their house. So something of a win for the survivors.

>What happens when one side has all fragments?
In the event that that happens, either they get put away in the Mysterium's most secure place ever (I think if they're destroyed they just come eventually back in a different form in a different place) or the cult puts it all together and we get to lead lovely lives in "Cha’annys, the Land of the Broken Turtleshell, whose princes impaled the dead on bronze pikes so that their eyes could scan the living for signs of treason."
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