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EDH/Commander General /edhg/

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"The Hours Arrive" Edition

Previously >>54202531


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question: What upcoming (HOD, C17, Ixalan) thing are you most excited for and why?
>Thread Question

Well, I got a couple boxes of HoD coming, so that should be fun. Ixalan looks great. I'm not super excited about C17 so far, but they've got more to reveal, so I guess we'll see.
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It's HOU!
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should i buy a box?
i only want a few cards
but it could be fun
I really enjoy opening packs myself. So yes.
Opening boosters can be addicting.
Will we see Scarab God drop in price after release?
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That's stupid and wizards should feel bad.
Depends on whether he sees standard play. If he becomes the next torrential gearhulk expect price to double or more.

i dont think thats a real possibility, all the gods are edh only i think
Then wait for people reaction how popular he will be, if he flops he'll fall down obviously
Kind of depends if commander 17 has a U/B zombie tribal deck or not.
Why don't you think he would be standard playable? He is only a 5 drop, doesn't die to conventional removal, and completely takes over a game when he hits the field.

The big question is if there will be a deck for him. Blue and black are getting a lot of tools to make him work as a control finisher, but whether it's enough depends on how the new meta shapes up.
>Thread Question

Well, I guess WOTC is doing silly and casual tribes for C17. If Selesnya can get cat tribal, I can only hope that I get fungus/thallid/plant tribal.

I only want this one thing, Wizards. If you give me this, I'll buy into standard as a thank you.

well the guy said "if he becomes the next torrential gearhulk", and i dont think thats likely.

not saying he wont see any standard play, just that i dont see him becoming a fixture in top 8 lists like torrential gearhulk

>the big question is if there will be a deck for him


>I was thinking Goblin Tribal Token Infinite Mana Burn, Swarm, and creature destruction.

if you aint spreading -1/-1 counters i dont see the point of playing him. like how does he benefit the channel fireball strategy in any way?
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Is this guy the most Timmy hydra I've ever seen?
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They did already print a shut-off valve.
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umm, no sweetie

forgetting someone?
just give me fucking 5c slivers damn it, it's literally the quintessential MtG tribe
>implying Slivers will ever get anything again.
This art is fucking amazing.
core sets are on shandalar where current slivers are, right? and the sets will remain on shandalar right? r-right?
Bruh that is 4 mana removal in black, a color that has access to fatal push. Even if they did use slots in their sideboard for it, they are going against a color that has some playable counter magic this standard.

Getting rid of the card is a grim proposition. It's the rest of the deck that's in question. Other than Yahenni expertise and fatal push I am not sure what would be in the deck. New wizard that draws cards maybe?
Rhonas looks a bit silly.
do you expect to see parter generals on cmd17?
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I love it because it looks more like he is getting an awkward back rub.
>now neither of us will be virgins
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The face of his monument is also pretty great.
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Some of the comments from Mythicspoiler regarding this card were pretty great.

>"I've never been with another God before. I'm nervous."
>"It's okay, so am I. We'll take it slow."

>Well, he DID get penetrated.
>*sees your stinger*
>OwO what's this?
>glomps you into exile zone uwu
How many cards of one type do you put in a deck before considering cards that only synergize with that type? I'm brewing a Taigam Tron deck with 18 artifacts currently and I'm thinking about putting in some Improvise cards like Reverse Engineer.

i dont understand the art, like did the scorpion god sneak up on him? despite being 40 ft tall?

how did he get behind him and what is he doing?
agreed, there's no conflict making it HOD it was dumb
Rhonas laid him out once, turned to see if the other gods were safe and immediately got pinned. The fucker's quick, and he immediately put his stinger through Rhonas' brain stem.

Except Progenitus is used in Legacy eureka. which is basically a green show and tell deck
Could any anons post some spice for an Anafenza the foremost +1 +1 counters matter?

so progenitus is too johnny/spike to be timmy?
Asking again, Krenko was suggested but are there any other ideas for what deck to give to my literally retarded brother?

i mean assuming you are actually serious here, retarded people cant play magic. maybe just give him a stack of cards with cool art he can look at
How retarded are we talking here
purphoros, so basicly also krenko?
Only if you want to waste money. The bulk of the power in this set is not really EDH stuff, and all the desert gimmicks at rare along with more shit aftermath makes it a pretty easy pass. Just order the singles you want and open something else.

On a seperate note I went to my LGS with some friends last night to play EDH during the prerelease for whatever reason (wasnt my idea), and at the end of the night the store owner's cat brought a dead rat into the store. Thought that was kinda funny.
He can read a card's type, mana cost, power and toughness, and gets simple effects like tapping for mana, plus some other ideas that we've gone over a few times like how phases work, but he's unlikely to ever really get how the stack works.
It's not an all that bad idea. Tokens don't have that many complicated interactions and it shouldn't be hard to teach him "add creature, everyone loses two"
depends, UB torment hurts like a bitch so far
Apparently product codes have to be unique across all of Hasbro.

It's still incredibly dumb.
What's some good spice for this dude? I was thinking about adding paradox haze and training grounds

army of the damned maybe
Mono Omnath doesn't seem complicated
Duo Bruna is also simple
Skullbriar is dumbskull
Kresh, the bloodbraided timmy way
Depends on how you want to build him. Mirror mad Phantasm and lab man are both pretty cool together. Mesmeric orb is good.

If you are just building him zombie tribal just copy and paste and gisa and geralf deck with like 5 different cards though.
Good cheap creatures with ETB triggers.
Good card selection with self-mill or draw+discard.
The good zombie tribal cards.
Entomb ulamog, use his ability to exile ulamog, make a 4/4 indestructible zombie with annihilator 4 and indestructible.
Scratch one indestructible, I'm drunk or something.
Snek ded.
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>tfw his pet hydra mourns for him
One of the great things about him: he synergizes with almost everything. He likes big mana (to eternalize more), Zombie tribal effects, Eternal Scourge/Misthollow Griffin, Eldrazi Processors (Particularly Oracle of Dust and Cryptic Cruiser), ETB effects, and anything that fills graveyards: Mass mill, discard (Your own or others), and forced sac.
Well as Timmy as you can get in mono green.
How many removal spells do you guys run? I'm at ten,and that's including boards wipes

including pic related. The set may have sucked, but damn! did BFZ have some good art

if i'm playing a deck that wants to answer threats, i usually put in about 12-14 generic "answers" which can be tutors, spot removal, board wipes and stuff like that. so basically stuff that doesn't really advance your board state, just answer everyone else's board state.

other times i run virtually no real answers at all, and just focus on winning before anyone else does, like in my maelstrom deck

but then my toolbox sultai deck doesn't really do anything besides try to answer threats. i mean it can win if it wants to, but it's more fun to just answer threats and slowly dry people out.
Depends on how much you wanna try your luck on the Invocation Lottery.
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This guy and yours are the two clear contenders in my mind.
ive been wanting to get into commander for a long time now but I just haven't had any idea of a deck or have had the resources to make a deck, but I finally want to do something. I want my commander to Razaketh, the Foulblooded from the new set because I just really like him. So, my question is, what sort of deck would I make for him? Any specific cards I should run so I can start slowly building into the deck?
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Hmm, I'm in MUD so I'm not sure how many more good removal s I can get. If your 'average' is 12-14 then I might have to change my decks game plan

http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/karn-stax-1/ for those interested
Check out EDHrec. You can even buy an average deck from Card Kingdom
Lol forgot he hasn't released yet. My bad

Crypt Ghast
Magus of the Coffers
Nirkana Revenant
Extraplanar Lens
Gauntlet of Power
Caged Sun
Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Now load it up with general Black Goodstuff and you'll be set.
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Big mana + sac fodder + comboes is the obvious thing to do but I guess you can build him to be some kind of goodstuff/answers control also.

Here's some shit off the top of my mind, easy to work in good cards into it:
>Cabal Coffers (+ Vesuva, Thespian's Stage, Urborg, Expedition Map)
>Magus of the Coffers
>Crypt Ghast
>Nirkana Revenant
>Gilded Lotus
>Mind Stone/Hedron Archive/Dreamstone Hedron

Sac fodder:
>Reassembling Skeleton
>Endrek Sahr
>also Skullclamp fuck yeah

>Sanguine Bond+Exquisite Blood
>Leyline of the Void+Helm of Obedience
Commanders are legal in format from the day of prerelease, and he has a page on EDHrec, just go to sets and choose from there.
Latching on to this I'm still looking for feedback for my razaketh deck. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/razaketh-test/
if you're in colorless then don't bother with shit like scour from existence. it's not worth it. just stick to board wipes and stuff like that
Scour has too much utility for me to ever cut it, plus mana product in is never a problem, so hitting 7 is pretty damn easy. Honestly brittle effigy is getting nixed as soon as I get around to ordering lux cannon
>Thread Question: What upcoming (HOD, C17, Ixalan) thing are you most excited for and why?
None because my favorite LGS is closing, Magic Online is shit and nobody plays Legacy or high power Commander anywhere else.

Fucking big fish small pond shit, so I'd rather not keep eating the breadcrumbs.
All things considered Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger would be an interesting target...if it isn't banned from the format and you can keep it alive for a couple attack runs that is.
Oh hey, just looked it up and it's indestructible and doesn't have the returning to the library if it's sent to the graveyard ability.
I eternalized the same Mulldrifter 7 times last night thanks to Cryptic Cruiser, Oracle of Dust and Wasteland Strangler.
>Queen Marchesa
Decklist? I gotta see this.
>nobody plays high power Commander anywhere else.

Good you're a dying breed and nobody needs more of your shit
That's actually super fucking spicy. Post list?
They already banned Emrakul. Dare they ban a second Titan? Will there be a third Kozy?
Only if the gatewatch needs to kill something through the power of friendship and fire again.
They won't ban Ulamog. It's just a big dumb beater with cast-trigger removal.
Fuck off faggot, not everyone has to play like retards because you refuse to play removal.
>dude infinite mana turn 2 so much fun

Neck yourself
So you remove fucking everything and let the PWs win the war?
High power =/= infinites out the ass
Nigger, not everyone is cancer like you.
I'd still rather see Ulamogs get cast turn three and everyone having a chance to deal with it than spend 20 turns playing shit creatures and everyone losing to SaffronOlive tier "combos" because nobody is allowed to play removal or counters least the autists whine.
Yes, I'm usually winning with pumped tokens or flying lifelink 6/6 Marchesa+Jitte. Managing to get Sorin's Emblem and the Monarchy at the same time is sexually gratifying.
Would running a resource denial package work alongside big mana?
>like low cmc legendaries
>almost all are bad commanders
feels bad
Hope of Ghirapur Voltron is one of my most fun decks to pilot and has won a fair bit of its games.
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Anyone ever build an Ezuri deck? What cards are essential?
I always thought that was him watching himself from the clouds, didn't think it was his monument
There are lots of good low cmc generals.

Vial Smasher
Tasigur (with delve)
Gaddock Teeg
Angus Mackenzie

I can go on and on.
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No. No one has ever built that deck, you will be the first. Good luck Anon, you're really treading unknown paths here.
Fable of the owl and wolf
Fathom Mage
Sage of hours

The deck is a powerhouse if you get it going
The GU and WB decks of Commander 2015 are strange ducks in that they have excellent staple cards that make them worth the investment but their primary Commander is just the worst. For GU counters, Vorel of the Hull Clade or Experiment Kraj are the commanders I'd recommend.
>I always thought that was him watching himself from the clouds
Now that I've looked it like that I refuse to let anyone say that it is anything else
>Vial Smasher
>Cracka Sygg
>Nigga Sygg
>Shu Yun

I don't want to be rude but what the fuck do you wanna build that none of these, mostly awesome, commanders fits your deck?
Gyre Sage
Chasm Skulker
Conjurer's Closet
Deadeye (just works, don't even need combos)

Good choice. Newzuri is extremely underrated and can stomp the yard like nobody's business
If I have at least 20 creatures with Power 3 or greater in my deck, is it worth running Elemental Bond/Garruk's Packleader?

newzuri is 100x better than either of those though lol
are you kidding dude?
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Status: assblasted. Bryanfag would be proud
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>wanted to build Oona filled with faerie creatures and tribal spells
>included stuff like elsewhere flask just for the flavor
>it was complete and utter shit but still fun
>put in a bit of artifact ramp and some mill themed cards
>Put in more artifact synergy cards to help the mill/artifect ramp subtheme
>now it's more artifact than flavor, it's strong but a shadow of what it was

Why must I always do this to my decks?
>I'm shit
Play fucking Rhys the Redeemed, then kill yourself.
Didn't both of them kind of lose?
Yes, Rakdos got dropped into a coma, though it's not because of Kraj, and he's still "alive" as of RtR, while Kraj and Momir Vig are dead. Plus, Rakdos beat down one of the nephilim right before he fought Kraj.
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Pulled a foil Mirage Mirror today.

Is it good in commander? Or does Phyrexian Metamorph / Sculpting Steel do its job better?
Someone will probably figure out some cool interaction. For now the spicy thing to do with it is get a Marit Lage for a land drop and 5 generic mana.
Kraj ate Rakdos and died of food poisoning and Rakdos just went to sleep afterwards because whatevs.
Is there a compilation of all these storys i can read or is it just from card text?
Rakdos is in the Ravnica: City of Guilds trilogy. You can probably find the PDFs of the three books, Ravnica, Guildpact, and Dissension.
Blog post time
>Longtime player who constantly scoffed at the idea of EDH alongside most friends
>Really want to try it out after looking at these threads and some gameplay videos of the past few months
>Buy the Commander Anthology for my friends birthday who always host our weekly play so we can all get a chance to try it (I already had a Kyrios and Tilos deck and my roommate had the Nissa deck but we had never used them prior)
>End up with an old member of the group showing up out of the blue so we split off into a 3 player game and a 4 player game
>Me and my one friend our having a blast, he had been wanting to play EDH for years
>everyone else hated the format
The main complaints were that obviously the decks as a whole were foreign to us but everyone also seemed to hate the length of the games and couldn't appreciate the constant momentum flux. I want to get them to give it one more shot but everyone seems so dismissive of the format.
Should I bother trying get them to give it one more shot or is it a waste of time trying to get a group who already wrote off the format to enjoy it?
EDH is the best format, so if they don't appreciate it find a different EDH specific group
Try out Rubinia and you'll have a deck that will
1. Have cute faerie synergy
2. Never be strong
3. Always draw the ire of new players because your commander actually interacts with the board state

It never ceases to amaze me how many new players refuse to run spot removal in their deck. It's like everyone's in some mad rush to combo off or they're trying to play politics/not make anyone angry.
There's just a huge difference between piloting a deck you know, either from making it or from experience, and piloting a deck that someone hands to you. I'd recommend trying again.
Waiting for others will leave you with a life of want. Make an edh deck and start playing at your lgs if your kitchen table group doesnt want to play.
I've thought about it and probably will, I have plenty of friends who are only EDH players. I really want to share the experience with my kitchen table group though. Most of us are childhood friends and the environment is the most fun.
Funnily enough everyone wanted to play Freyalise because the exact reason of "well I know how to play elves."
What format are you playing when not EDH, 60 card casual? That's rare as fuck nowadays. I love casual EDH and have played for pretty long but still think it's a shame what happened to 60 card.
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That elf deck is pretty mean.
Yeah, elves are simple. Either figure out an easy way to proxy entire decks or just dump your entire collection on the table and let them make decks with dumb synergies.
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How fun is Pic related, I've been wanting to build around him for a while but Ive never went through with it

Build a couple decks specifically as a proof of concept to your group for a fast pace EDH game. Many Voltron decks run or die fast. Or build something jenky and fast like Krenko. But if you and your compatriot want to speed up the game, there are ways. I know that only solves one problem, but there it is.

Holy fuck that thing is swole

Rhonas killed him, or assumed he did, and was all, "Are you not entertained?" Fucker got up real fast, grabbed him from behind and [chittering intensifies] then Rhonas was kill. Poor snek.

Borborygmos Enraged is pretty damn simple. Give him a deck with 51 basic lands, and tell him to throw them at things.
Thank you for this anon
sac based "voltron" commander, pretty fun but like all of the voltron commanders its pretty weak
All three of the gods will probably see standard play. They have great bodies for their cost, shut down a game as soon as they hit the field and unless you're running Crook of Condemnation or countermagic, they'll run away with the game if they sit on board for long.
Have you guys ever used Pucatrade? Or anything like that?

My scene around here is dead when it comes to rares and I have some cash cards lying around that I'd like to move.
>he's only a 5 drop
Well there's your problem. Glorybringer and the various BGx 4 drops are all better curve toppers in their respective decks and colors, and control doesn't want to tap out for 5 mana for their finisher when torrential gearhulk exists.
Last I checked Puca is pretty dead, correct me if I'm wrong though.
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any more backstory for the scorpion god? all i know is he is a fallen god, his name and past was stolen from him (whoa hoooooo-ing in the distance intensifies) from nico bowl-ass mindrape
Each of the gods was given a specific task when Bolas returned. Scorp's was to kill the five remaining gods. That's what I know.
Before Rhonas died, he sensed a small part of the OG Scorpion God trapped inside. Other than that, he's been stuck in a wall for 60 years waiting for Nickle Buttplug's second sun bullshit to activate.
I know what you mean.
Sitting down with a few mates new to it playing

Green goes off ramping with a million mana elves, goblins and making a ton of tokens and merfoke is trying to slap down his combo. And as always I ramp a little, tutor quietly and on turn 5 when they've all reached massive boards I play a single board wipe completely shutting them down.
This happened every game that night and every time they acted like it was the end of the world. When the elf player got critical at one point with eldrazi moument and shroud on all his one million elves you should of seen his face when he discovered that a card called cyclonic rift exists. Right when he went to swing as well.
It depends on who shows up. Overall it is a casual group but about half of us, myself including, play modern and I play standard, so throughout the night we break it off into smaller groups for different format. We also love breaking off into 2HG play groups.
great if you enjoy sweating in your shoes every time he's out on the field with no protections.
Had a mate who tried him. It would be an hour of trying to get the sac outlets up and running to put counters on him only for him to be spot removed.
Just a little too slow and a little too vulnerable
it's stupid strong in games I've seen of late.
the amount of times it was targeted by removal only for it to turn into a land or some illegal target.

Scorpions job is to kill the other 5. Locust was to break down the Hekma barrier and allow all the bullshit from the desert in. Not too sure about Scarab, but his art has him around all the Eternals, and I've seen some cards with him fucking around in the background of the desert. Don't think he's been explained much yet.
I think Bontu also had a job because she was planning on betraying all the other gods to Bolas? And then he shanked her.
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Ever seen this card played in EDH? I know it is a Legends rare but the price is high enough that someone must be playing it.
I've dabbled with it. It's not a bad defense, usually fucks somebody trying to combat step. Crawlspace is straight up better though.
scarab is probably to get the best-of-the-best and turn em into sapphire warriors.

thanks for giving me the skinny on the bug gods errybody
Crawlspace is better unless you're voltron. Limiting everyone to only two blockers is definitely something extra although it's hard to evaluate.
Give me your spiciest rares and tech pieces /edh/
Maralen of the Mornsong + Stranglehold
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Who hurt you
He's in Rakdos, it's about as competitive as Boros but way more capable of bringing everyone else down to their level.
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[Spoiler]Combo players[/Spoiler]
Way to fuck up anon
Story of my life
Warped Devotion goes crazy with a lot of cards in blue: Sunken Hope, Mana Breach, Overburden, Cyclonic Rift, Wash Out, Evacuation, and Sunder for instance

Speaking of Sunder, Sunder + Wheel and Deal is never not funny, but it's not particularly secret.

Moonring Mirror.
Why did they pick fucking cat tribal for 2017? I'm not against it exactly, but aren't there better choices?
Scorpion killed Snek, Birb and Lolcat. But Doge killed it ded.
So Bontu betrayed the Pervert and went to daddy Bolas to show she was a big girl and the last god remaining (apparently Locut and Scarab aren't around yet), so he killed her.
There are a few cat furries who work at Wizards that are VERY vocal about their love of cats
Maybe. But how would YOU explain the love for cats when dogs are ojectively better in every metric
not "Why have you forsnaken me?!" I am ashamed of you anon.

maybe because anytime people are dicussing cats and having a good time some double nigger comes up and starts going on about how dogs are "better" when its just different, apples to oranges. also, they had dogs in shadows over innistrad, 3/1 pooches that are just good for hunting werewolves then getting wrecked. cats in ancient Egypt were dope, regal caracal is sexy and pride soverign is a beast.

dogs are inbred as fuck as a species, and most of their health problems rersult in genetic defects from inbreeding, they are just powered down diluted af wolves

housecats are little critters basically, a different animal than actual big cats. big cats in the wild are fucking dope, huge lions and tigers are among the coolest animals we have on the planet today

wolves are great too and i love doggos but for real, let cat people enjoy cats without shitting it up with your stupid doggo niggardry
Maybe they decided to pick unsupported tribes to make new cards for EDH?
Dragons being an obvious exception, because literally everyone loves dragons.
I've not seen that card, but there are tons of similar effects out there, many of them just better.

Silent Arbiter, for example, is not a Legends rare and can be played in any deck. It's much easier to remove than an enchantment, though,
hour of promise creepin up. should i be worried?
no, it's a garbage rare that other formats don't care about
Thought about playing it in Daretti but could never find any info on it so assumed it wasnt worth it. Unlike Crawlspace, it can defend planeswalkers. Theres a lot of random weird old defensive red cards.
It makes sense to pick unsupported tribes to an extent, but cats seem pretty boring as a tribe for a fantasy game. Why not wurms, leviathans, sphinxes, aven, or any number of other less terrestrial creature types?
Actually its a serious standard consideration. Probably whats driving the price atm
Holy hell, why does this thing not see more play?
Wizards has really been riding the gamers love cats train lately. I remember Maro talking about it specifically.
Probably because it still lets them stop you if they really need to, and the people who arent playing at that level hate it because land des, and it needs a specific deck to fit in.
I'm seeing sold playsets for like $5.
We don't know the other tribes yet (besides dragons). Cats have gotten recent support in Ahmonkhet, so now they're responding to the positive feedback about cats.
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Has maro said anything about when C17 spoilers start?
I feel like a lot of pwoplw who atart commander acticely thought it wqs stupid at dirst. I know I did. Why would I want to play a format where I can inly hwve one card? It fucks with consistency and you cant build around a card effectively and dumb casuals. Now to me all those things are an interesting restriction and I can better appreciate it.
I think you should get to a hospital, you may have had a stroke.
Spoilers are usually a week before relwase iirc for supplemental sets. So figure that.
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I literally raped someone at EDH night this week guys, what singles should I buy for him to make up for it? He plays Gisela angel tribal//
Buy them answers to the bullshit you pulled.
An HIV test
Any damage doublers he doesn't already have.
>dunking on people hard with Zada

I love this deck

Like a rape whistle or some self defense classes?


I don't have AIDs


Cool, I'll try and see which ones he needs and get them to him. I think if I try in person he might be upset right now. Making a big deal over nothing if you ask me.
As usual they live in the past. They've already ran the superhero craze into the ground, now they're going into memes, next year they'll make a set about the election year or something.
Just got into paper with my newzuri deck. It so goddamn fun

>sage of hours
>fathom mage
>gyre sage
>cold eyed selkie is pretty sweet
>chasm skulker

Another anon mentioned deadeye, which sou ds pretty nice although I haven't run it. Myvoloth is the mvp tho, armies of weenies is what makes ezuri a pimp

Also inexorable tide for spiciness
A single "I'd like to press charges" card

Rape is not illegal in my country.
I pulled that in my prize pack today! I already had the rest of the deck put together, too.
Is your country a Wahhabist shithole?

England, so yes.
>only 3% of green decks
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>Slow durdly card doesn't see much play

Oh noooooooo
If it makes you feel better I have it in my naya deck. Genesis is one of my favorite cards to have turn 2 when the hand contains a bounce land and nothing to play. Theres obviously better ways to get it into the graveyard, but just casually discarding it early game is great.
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>Bounce lands
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>Star Trek reactions

I can play this game too. Some of us like 75%
it does nothing against sorcery speed decks
Bounce lands are pretty good, more mana for less cards. Amazing with exploration or burgeoning
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Bounce lands are trash even by 75% standards. Unless you are playing pauper EDH they are just garbage.
>not running Amulet

>Not just running decent lands
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wanna make my waifu more defensive. i tend to get rolled over mid-way through doing my thing, or people fuck with my really hard when they see I'm getting somewhere.
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the only women i can love have no flesh.

etherium is perfection.
My plan is to fill my opponents yard with recurable removal and eternalize their creatures, and use typical blue/black mill to speed up the process.
>tap land
>drop bounce, return tapped basic
>now have a land drop guaranteed for next turn

Are you an idiot? 75% loves bounce lands since they get to use it with Thespian and Valakut for better/more triggers
Only 11 more days until my next payday. Then I can pick up a Flooded Grove and a Flooded Strand for my Simic deck.

Then I can start work on the next deck.
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>lose massive amounts of tempo in the early turns
>but I get a land next turn!
>this is a good thing
>let's call people who play reasonable lands retarded
>+1/+1 countersfag
>don't know the commander that's just right
Ezuri is more like a 2 power synergy more than +1/+1, Vorel feels slow given that unless you bracers and even then, Zegana gives no synergy other than card draw, a U/G locks out support that B/G has and vice versa, ect.
>Apples to Oranges
>Implying you can't compare a fruit to a fruit
I refuse to play white and if I consider Vorel, who doubles counters to be slow proliferate is fucking snail pace.
>Don't play white
>One of the best +1/+1 colors in the game

But seriously, the best most +1/+1 commander right now is probably Rishkar, I made a Rishkar deck and it's a lot of fun.
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>Allways thinking ten turns ahead
>People get mad when you target them

Sure you aren't a threat right now, but slowing you down right now helps me. Killing you early when you have nothing on board helps me. Don't question my tactics, especially when I end up winning.
Got on the meme train, t3-4 people can assemble instawin combos, while you can finally drop your commander/beat face a little with a couple of goblins. Any disruption and air suddenly tastes like dicks, enjoy your CA in monored

At least it doesn't cost a fortune as my other decks that couldn't
>I realise I need to kill other players to win the game
>I'm such a strategic genius
>I'm attacking you because I expect you to play something that is not necessary in your deck
I go for people like that first and fuck threat assessment
Are you seriously this salty about people actually using their attack step?
I've got no problem with that, by attacking I also mean denying resources, destabilizing manabase, removal etc, when it's targeted at you specifically. If you have a reason to not want me in the game (as a potential ally if nothing else), put it in plain words so I can adjust or expect me to go on vendetta streak
>put it in plain words so I can adjust or expect me to go on vendetta streak

Do you really mean you need people to explain they are attacking you with the intent of eventually winning the game? And if they don't you ignore all threat assessment and go on some autistic "vendetta"?

Serious question: is there something wrong with you mentally?
t2 bounceland, casually drop fatty on graveyard.
t3 reanimate with any 1 to 3 mana reanimation spell.

or angry omnath deck with amulet and +1 land drop things.
>Nutting personnel, kid, I'm in it for the victory
>I'm gonna sit at the table silently with a smug face instead of communicating my intentions to others and winning through politics
Pro tour cancer be gone
>Sol ring
>command tower
>simic signet
>Tropical island
>breeding pool
>all the fetches with green and/or blue
>simic growth chamber
>temple of mystery
>flooded grove
>yavimaya coast
>Genesis wave
>birthing pod
>phyrexian metamorph (or similar)
>vor and jin
>green Sun zenith
>birds of paradise
>force of will
>mana drain
>pact of negation
>Mirri's Guile
>Hall of Gemstone (for memes)
>eternal witness
>primeval titan (depending on whether you follow some nerd's banlist or not.
>Sylvan Library
>parallel lives
>Doubling season
>mimic vat
>acidic slime
>avengers of zendikar
>reclamation sage
>sakura tribe elder
>cyclone rift
>snapcaster mage
>pull from tomorrow
>general ramp stuff, token stuff, and good blue things, mana dorks
>akroma's memorial, eldrazi temple, and/or something to give your creatures infect.
>Projecting this hard
Ok, so there is something wrong with you mentally.

Normal people don't narrate all of their decision making processes in the game.
You sound like a faggot I play against relatively often that REEEEEEEEEEEES like a fag because I never let him attack with his Narset, like I don't know what that bitch does and politics his way into screwing the table up.

I want to win and I want to have fun. Letting shit like Narset, Meren, Wanderer, Karador, etc. live just because "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I COULD'VE BEEN YOUR ALLY!!!!!!!!" is unfair to me and the rest of the table. And if the only way I have to get that shit off the table is outright killing you, I will.
>Hey, anon, I think Narset with endless extra turns/combat phases/locks isn't as entertaining
>I can't let that resolve because the game will be over instantly and won't be much fun to anyone

>Oh, well, didn't realise that. I'll look for a substitute commander or tone my list down a bit. If you are going to build something for a more powerful meta, let me know

Yep, communication is hard af.

If I'm sincerely asking you why do you keep kicking me out of the game in the first turns so I have to wait ages until you finish, you better give me something, or I might as well do the same. Either I'm dumb and you'll do good to enlighten me, or you don't want to announce the reason because it's dumb
> why do you keep kicking me out of the game in the first turns so I have to wait ages until you finish

Literally no one said they are doing this. I ask again, why are you projecting this hard? The first poster talking about this was just talking about how it's a good idea to attack targets of convenience when you have the chance. Now you are acting like this person is a smug, pro-tour asshole that aims for you first every game and hates friendship. Which is literally nothing like what the post implied.
>Don't question my tactics, especially when I end up winning.

If you are not the author of the post, we are unlikely to know his implications, so I suggest we call it a day. Best of luck to you
He wants to play Narset at 100%, he also wants to complain like a bitch when we stop her.
He has a right to play that deck, he has a right to be upset, we have a right to ignore him being upset. And that is implied when we shuffle for the next game knowing what's gonna happen.

You may be the one who is impaired in your communications if you have to have your opponents send you a formal declaration of war in order to be able to attack you without holding a vendetta like an autistic dwarf with a grudge notebook.
Is there a reason zombie lords cost as much as they do, other than not getting reprints lately? And do I need them in my mono-b zombie tribal (which wouldn't be above 75% even if I wanted)?
Ghave you mong.
Just run Eldrazi Monument.

zombies are a popular tribe that people like to run, and yeah wizards sucks at reprints.
Your deck is too slow, my dude
For reference
Tribal is just a popular casual theme. It's kind of like asking why sliver queen is expensive. If you are asking if you should get zombie Lords for your zombie tribal deck? Yes, because otherwise why are you bothering with tribal. It's literally the only benefit.
I've just glanced over an article some months ago, that went into great length describing how lords are a wasted slot in tribal decks that even some other utility creatures with the same type would be of much more use. Don't know how true is that, but seems legit

The other benefit is tribal support in tutors, reanimation, life loss effects and what have you
You definately prefer to draw Priest of Titania over Elvish Champion. And in mono-black Coat of Arms is infinitely better than any Zombie lord, specially if your commander is Gisa.
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I recently acquired an Atraxa.

1. What have I gotten myself into?
2. How much money do I need to spend? If it matters I've been a filthy standard player since pretty much Shards of Alara so I have access to most of the things since then.
3. How much will I be hated?
Got a link? I want to read.
I think that even a budget Atraxa deck is going to be about 300$ of cards. Many people's Atraxa decks cost much more than that though with planeswalkers, 4-color manabase, infect/proliferate cards, Doubling Season, etc. If you run comes-into-play-tapped lands like vivids and shard/wedge lands you can make a slower but functioning version.

You will get a little hate but I think the Atraxa backlash is primarily because of how widespread and popular she is.
Losing "tempo" doesn't really matter in a multiplayer game. Bounce lands are used in multitudes of edh decks, so the evidence is against you. If it didn't work then people wouldn't use them.
1. Hope you like big creatures in large quantities, because that's what you're getting.
2. Cost of lands and mana fixing alone for a four color deck containing Blue and Green won't be fun. The staples also won't come cheap.
3. Atraxa gets hate due to her popularity, but in general Proliferate is an excellent ability for board politics if you know how to use it.
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I'm just now getting into EDH, so I don't know much about playing or building, but would this make a good commander? My cousin keeps telling me to build a very specific deck with Ghave, Guru of Spores. Thing is, some of the cards for that deck are pretty expensive and I don't wanna drop a bunch of money on a deck like that unless I'm positive that I'll even like playing EDH. I play standard and legacy, but I kinda want to try EDH. Just don't know where to start or what color deck I should try. My two main standard decks are Black/White and Green/Blue, if that means anything.
Not the first anon, but I recently acquired the Atraxa commander deck and, as a complete noob in the game (played pretty casual years ago and only recently started to play again) are there some cards not included in the basic deck that are usually considered too good to not include them in it?
pretty much

just plain old +1/+1 boosts don't really cut it in edh. best tribal effects are utility based, like tapping your fellow elves for mana or that aura shard sliver for slivers
It definitely has power. Ghave is a strong combination of +1/+1s and tokens. So naturally there are five or six enchantments that double each (sometimes both) of those. That makes your turns super explosive, and Ghave has support in all three of his colors.

Hapatra is more consistent mana-wise, she's cheaper and her mechanic is easier to come by. Commander is about picking your own commander and building your own list. So that being said, pick for yourself. You can always buy some cards that fit into both if you decide to go build ghave later.
Haptara is definitely a good Golgari commander, what with the increase in -1/-1 effects. Some people here have been building her with Amonkhet draft chaff and from what I've seen it works okay. I say go for it.
The Scarab God's role is to actually create the Eternals with his Lazotep-imbued staff.
Hapatra has managed to get into this month's top commanders on EDHrec, a tough list to crack with the fact that Atraxa, Meren, Breya, Yidris, Thrasios, and more, will always have a spot. She'll work.
>dude we agreed, no attacks or removal before turn 16, i'm going to have to exile you from the group now.
Yes it'll be an EDH staple. Snag Coffers/Urborg, Stage/Depths. Its then only card besides Prime Time that tutors for two lands.

Will probably rest as a 2-3 dollar card, depending
Thanks, guys. I just got her in a prerelease box, so I was hoping she would be good for EDH. If I ever do build a Ghave deck, I figure I could with time. Maybe I'll try and make one with her, try out a couple matches, and if I like playing, I'll start buying cards for his deck.
You should run 5c Zada with General Tazri at the helm
>using Aspect of the Mongoose on Zada
It's great.
My guess is that WOTC is banking on casuals who would rather buy a pre-con they find flavourful than a pre-con with sicknasty johnny potential.
Was the first edh I ever made and has grown a lot since it first started....as a kavu tribal
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How's this card?
Do we know yet which other tribals are going to be used, other than cats and dragons?
It's good with sunforger
get ready to shell out some dosh anon, 4 color isnt cheap and planeswalkers usually are not for the good ones

invest into cheaper lands like pain and shock lands before going all out. you have a 4 power life linker in your commander so you can afford to lose a few life from your lands
I'm betting Esper Spirits. Wotc went hard in SOI.

If we look at the secondary commanders for the Dragons deck, we see:
>Cat Dragon
>Dragon Spirit

Seems obvious to me
Inexorable Tide, Contagion Engine, Doubling Season, and planeswalkers (Tamiyo, some Jaces, etc) are all staples that aren't included.
The most important thing about the 4c commanders is that you want very little if any lands to come in tapped. You already are going to have a slow start based on the luck of the draw so making it even slower with tap lands is a big no no.
90 percent of the time it's decent artifact/enchantment hate that gets around indestructibility and recursion, but the 10 percent of the time it stops an opponent from getting a key combo piece seems sweet.
>Just relax bro, I'll spot you for your squats. It's leg day!
Is it better for me to go mardu than to stick with boros?
Anything is better than boros so yes.
Yes. The only thing worse than Boros is Mono White.
Eh, if you want. There are some neat Boros Commanders, and it is possible to build a competitive boros deck.
>Discord is full of furries and /pol/ posters
What a shithole
Don't know about furries, but /tg/ is full of /pol/ posters as well fyi
Would you care to list some wasy that boros can stand a chance at being competitive?
Of course /tg/ is full of furfaggotry, have you seen the amount monstergirls, dragonborn, gnolls, and other anthro races around here?
boros is easily the worst color combo so yes

its called "/tg/ circle jerk" what were you expecting? there is a reason no one wants it in the OP anon
MLD, Stax.

I had pretty good success with an Aurelia deck that wasn't afraid to cast every variant of Armageddon there was.
Discords for generals are inevitably full of furries, /pol/ posters, drama, and bullshit. Since discord requires a username, what you're basically doing is rounding up everyone who has even a slight inkling to tripfag, namefag, and avatar fag so they can have an "identity" on an anonymous image board. You're rounding these people up, and putting them in a chat room.

Of course it's going to be terrible, because those people are terrible.
That's not good enough reason
Post list?
>guy attacks/disrupts guy with nothing on board
>other players gang up on him
>first one out of the game
>is salty and goes home even though he was another guys ride

disturbingly common
/pol/ posters love to hear the sound of their own voice. they are always in desperate need of more echo chambers.

this general has been getting derailed by their bullshit more and more frequently
Remember Vorel can also double counters on lands and artifacts, use that to your advantage

>darksteel reactor, etc...
This is why the discord server needs admins to keep everything in check, so this shit doesn't happen.
This was 3 or 4 years ago, and I don't have the deck anymore. From memory, I'll say that it included Armageddon, Ravages of War (I think that's the name, the Armageddon clone), Cataclysm, Catastrophe, Ruination. I would probably run From the Ashes in it too, since people are extremely greedy with their mana bases, but it wasn't out at the time.

It had every playable wheel effect in those colors, and a large part of the strategy was agressively abusing partial paris to get a hand with artifact mana and a good source of card advantage. I had quite a few t1 plays which were Mountain, Bunch of mana rocks, Wheel of Fortune. Which is basically game ending.

For use with Aurelia, I had quite a few creatures with tapping abilities, that would be untapped when she used her ability.

Bunch of stax stuff to help slow things down, some mild voltron elements to make sure I could kill a person in one turn, all the good tutors in the colors.

Curve Wise, I made sure the average CMC of the deck was below 2, and I think that excluded lands from the calculation.
So if i were to build a Rakdos Lord of Riots am I bound to go Eldrazi or there's something else that work with him?
Artifact creatures maybe?
Do you think New Neheb is viable as a commander or he's better in the 99?
i've never built him but i wonder if you could set it up to run off of self bounce loops. creatures with etb triggers that return to your hand?
Complete ass. If he was 3 CMC cheaper, I would build a deck so hard around him. At 5CMC, he's unplayable. You can get infinite mana combos with 5 mana up, why would I need a shitty, conditional ritual?
I find that Magistrate's Scepter is better. You only have to get one doubling in to get infinite turns.
he is alright
Half of Sliver Queen's price can be contributed to her utility in non-sliver decks as well, I believe. She legit combos off of so much random shit she can head her own deck with not but a couple of utility slivers and be A-ok and playable.
I've always found it interesting that her actual lack of interaction with other slivers (besides making them) is what makes her so expensive rather than the opposite.
I don't use Eldrazi, I use fat dragons and demons.
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What's the most efficient way to play Darien?
four generic mana and two white mana
A commander is only viable if it costs 2?
If you're running mld, take all of the second sunrise and faiths reward clones you can. Super powerful in that list. Float mana wipe the board bring yours back. Get ready to get hated out of the table though.
I play Darien. But I don't really understand your question. Elaborate.
What kind of deck gets the most use out of him
Which creature would synergize wrll with Aurelia?
No, but that commander would only be viable if it dropped the ribbons, lowered p/t, and kept the mana generation, and reduced it's cost to 2CMC.
weathered wayfarer
mad prophet

for example.
I just play soldier tribal with a shitton of anthem effects. I also use all the lands that deal damage to you when you use them. Like nomad outpost for example. It's pretty straightforward but it's a lot of fun. I use cards like deploy to the front and launch the fleet for maximum flavor.
Anon, please kill yourself. You can use Rakdos, he is viable. Just because he's not Spikey enough for you doesn't mean he's unplayable.
Meant to say nomad stadium, not outpost.
oops, I misreplied. >>54233120 is for >>54233050
Second sunrise makes everyone get their stuff back, though.
Anon, please kill yourself. You can use Neheb, he is viable. Just because he's not Spikey enough for you doesn't mean he's unplayable.
you can use skeleton ship anon, that doesn't mean it isn't complete ass.
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This guy good?
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Thinking of putting Anafenza to use with an anti-degenerate control deck, good idea?
I use him in Brago, but I've got enough flicker to get out a seventh of my deck.
Yeah, 4most bears is pretty good. You can also try Ruric Thar.
As with Solemn Simulacrum, it's not good unless you're abusing it, and Solemn Simulacrum is often much better when you are. Getting a dual land at four mana isn't that much better than a basic unless you have Angel of Jubilation and Cryptic Command in your deck, or you're playing four or five colors and you have more dual lands you could be getting than basics.
It tutors up some nice nonbasics, IIRC. Can be alright.
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Rules question:

I have Magus of the Mirror and Lich's Mirror on battlefield. My life hits 0. State-based rule checks to lose me the game, Lich's mirror triggers.

At this point, can I activate Magus of the Mirror before Lich's Mirror resolves to give an opponent my life total (0) and take theirs?

If yes, will Lich's Mirror then resolve after my new life total? And if yes to this, can I stack another effect after swapping life totals with Magus of the Mirror such as "pay x life to do y", to utilize my new life total before Lich's Mirror resolves?

Sorry if I'm stupid and asked this question incorrectly.
Lich's Mirror isn't a triggered ability, it's a replacement effect. As soon as your life becomes zero, a state based action tells you "You lose the game", and Lich's Mirror overwrites that to "Shuffle your hand, graveyard, and permanents into your library, draw seven cards, your life becomes 20.", meaning you did all of those things as a state based action with no chance to do anything before that happens.
Thank you. I knew I was missing something here.

Follow up question: Can I utilize something like Lich/Lich's Tomb instead... when I'm at 0 I don't lose the game, and then proceed to Magus of the Mirror etc?
Yes. If an effect is preventing you from losing the game and your life total is 0 or less, you can activate and resolve Magus of the Mirror, Tree of Redemption, Soul Conduit, or anything like that and it will behave like you'd expect.
Thanks again. Now to find the best mono black commander for this janky unoriginal deck...
Why monoblack? Selenia is the commander you want. There are a lot of good decklists for her that do life shenanigans very well, and very competitively.
come on, clearly you need to play Dralnu.
People like you are who I'm talking about. You get salty when I drop a Turn 6 Craterhoof and take you out when you only have mana rocks open.

"Why don't you attack the guy with the bigger army?"

Because I'd rather 1 v 1 him and he can block enough this turn to stop lethal.
The goal is to have a semi-competitive [[fun]] deck for each mono color. I've already got Slobad for red, Azusa for green. Blue is still a toss up... Ideally I want Chisei to work but I just don't see it happening yet.

In my head, I've got stuff like Magus of the Mirror, Mirror Universe, Soul Conduit.. with Lich, Lich's Tomb stuff. Then Wall of Blood/Nameless Race/Necropotence/Unspeakable Symbol. Wall of Blood and Nameless race in particular work well for 'sac a creature, x happens based on x p/t'. Also some other random stuff like Tree of Perdition, Triskaidekaphobia

Dralnu is a boss but outside of flavor he's not ideal for this janky shit.
You need Angel's Grace, so you want Orzhov at least.
Hmm, I'm not sure that's going to be fun or semi-competitive in mono-black.

Have you considered spellslinger monoblack with Toshiro Umezawa?
>not buying him mld
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>not waifuing sydri with her godlike terese nielsen art
I'm not even an artifag and I know Sydri is best girl for robots.
My bad. I gotta learn to read.
So instead of second sunrise just use stuff that makes permanents indestructible. Boros is garbage without Mld, so just make everyone unable to play the game right before you win. Or they'll hate you.
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