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Batman Miniatures General /bmg/

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Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 28

After some discussion on /awg/ I've decided to start up a dedicated thread. Tried to post some links but the system marked it as spam, so I'll follow up in a separate post

Question to start conversation: People who play, what do you play? People who don't, what would you play? I play Batman mainly, but I have the 2 player starter, most of Law and enough to play Green Arrow with a lot of options, and I have played Teen Titans a few times
I wanted to play joker real bad but then found out they made him broke as fuck. The minis look pretty though you had good experience with them?
Links for more info about the game:

https://www.knightmodels.com/downloads/ Official downloads, FAQ, tournament rules and erratas included

knightmodels-store.com Official store

The Arkham City Limits Facebook group is the official one, but I find the talk on there borders between interesting and retarded shit-flinging mixed with stupid misreading of obvious rules
Tell me about Bane, why does he wear the mask? And more importantly which of his three versions are good?
I see these minis all the time at my LGS. Is the DC universe game more or less the same thing with a higher power level?
Mechanically all 3 are in a good place now, the latest errata buffed the bigger 2 so that they're really tanky when they juice up on Venom or Titan, depending on the version. He goes really well with Slipknot or Professor Pyg, because they give him ways to quickly remove whatever Bane smashes the fuck out of. Slipknot is what I'd lean towards, because he's half the cost and way faster, so he can run objectives too (although Pyg brings healing and his 3 Dollotrons for activation control and grabbing things for Bane to hit)

Joker in general isn't really broken, it's what Arkham City Joker in particular does, and how he tunes up his crew while also being able to swarm the board better than anyone else. The other variants are way less seen but the likes of Killing Joke and Ledger are still really good, just not AC level

The DCU game is a different ruleset, with an easier set of rules to pick up. The 2 games are different in that DC is a d8 based game, and BMG is a d6 based game. Rules for both are pretty well balanced, the main system being that the better guys are expensive as fuck

Is joker really that good?
Absolutely, Joker is a top tier crew in general. The damage output is great with cheap access to axes and chainsaws, while the amount of cheap bodies allows you to always hit the 12 model cap in tournies and still be able to capture objectives. In certain scenarios Joker is worse off due to distance and actually having to get to objectives, but all the 'objectives in the middle' scenarios Joker excels

Keep in mind though that you can be swarmed just as well by Two Face, Penguin or Black Mask, who have better direct combat buffs than Joker.
What can Killer Croc do for a crew and who does he pair up with well?
Never heard about game itself, so few questions, does it have different factions (different Gotham gangs and families, Bat-family, JL, Titans etc) or just good vs evil?
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I can't justify another minis game, but if I could I would probably run one of the evil factions. Probably Scarecrow, as I always liked his gimmick, but maybe the Parliament of Owls (though I have to admit to being a fucking casual here in that I've never read a comic with them).
For heroes, I could only play Adam West Batman. What are his rules like? Can he "BIFF!" and "KA-POWZA!" his way out of anything?
I noticed they have a Watchmen section, but nothing in it. What gives?
I really like Hawkman/Hawkwoman but they seem overpriced for what they bring to the game. Is that accurate?
Different factions. The 'good' factions, like Batman, GCPD, Green Arrow, etc and the 'evil' factions like Joker, Penguin, Bane, etc. share a few models between them (Cops and Mercs respectively) but they also have a lot of models only they can take.

So a Batman crew can take Batman, Nightwing, and a bunch of Cops, while a GCPD could take the same Cops, but couldn't take Nightwing or Batsy
Hawkwoman is fantastic.
Being able to drop anywhere on the board and murder someone is great, and Hover makes her really hard to take down without guns.

Definitely not overpriced, although taking both is a lot of your eggs in one basket
>What can he do
Pop up out of sewers and eat mooks

>Who does he pair well with
Anyone really, he does his own thing for the most part
The cheaper Suicide Squad Croc isn't as good at killing though, and is better at bullying isolated minions and pushing people away from objectives.
What makes Hawkwoman better than Hawkman? Just the lower cost? More efficient?
But can he go toe to toe with Bane or other big Strong guys?

Also are the rules for characters with the minis or is there a book specifically for characters?
Pretty much. They're both good, but Hawkwoman is that bit cheaper and that extra point of Movement is really useful.
Adam West isn't as tough as other Batman figs, but he can use BIFF POW to deal extra damage.
The models come with rules.

He can probably take on Bane, although Titan Bane would give him a run for his money.

If he can get to Batman he'll put the pain on him, especially if you can make him easier to hit by knocking him down or outnumbering him with a mook. Batman is crazy maneuverable though, so reaching him can be a problem. Croc is strong, but not especially fast.
Oh, and the rules for models are also free on the Knight Models website, and on the army builder:
Thanks man I appreciate it
Thanks anon. People I know who play this game speak any highly of it - "Better than it has any right to be" is what I hear - and I'd like to get into but but because I don't wanna invest much to start I'd just like to try out something with my favourite characters at first.
Yeah. the game is surprisingly in-depth and fun, although fuck me the models are expensive
For your first point, Owls are a pretty good gang to play if you absolutely want only them. They have a special rule where they can only use models of their affiliation (so no generic prisoners or more flexible characters like Catwoman or Killer Croc) but they dish out a world of hurt.
If you want to read up on them they start here: http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Batman-The-Court-of-Owls
Continue through here http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Batman-Night-of-the-Owls
And wraps up here
They pop up a bit later during the Robin War and Grayson stories but for the most part they're the (quite amazing IMO) introduction to Gotham in the New 52

The Watchmen are similar in their rules, although a recent licensing issue means they've pulled all the movie minis off the store (fingers crossed they'll just do a comic version for each of them so they don't have to fuck with the movie license)
Oh shit, do they have the characters the Watchmen are based off of? Nightshade, Peacemaker, The Question, Blue Beetle, etc? I'd actually be more interested in playing that than the Watchmen.

Models are individually expensive, but I can go on the internet and spend 25 quid on a 200 points crew for demos or maybe 50-60 quid on a 300-350 point crew with decent model numbers. Or just buy Heroclix and use the free online profiles.

Only thing that really pisses me off is the way Knight Models is releasing the rules; no free rules, few rules on the cards and the expansion book system combine to make it expensive and awkward.
>but couldn't take Nightwing or Batsy
Kind of stupid, but okay, where I can download rules, missions etc.?
Oh yes. A bmg thread. I am going to be all in this when its not 5am
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I would be totally into this game if they had a Batman '66 set. The old show is a perfect setting for this kind of game, with its colourful gangs and chaotic fights. But I understand that the market demands a focus on the latest movies and comics. I hope it's successful as a game so that perhaps they might put out a '66 line later on.
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Also joker has had a reputation of being easy to pick up, colouring many opinions between two beginners that his crew is overpowered.
With experience it gets better and this boost drops.

Too roughly explain the game:
The game is normally based around objective but taking out henchman and normal models also gives out points.
At the beginning of a turn you distribute AC and then each players alternativly activates one model.
Now distribution:
Hawkman has 7 willpower and can divide them between attack, movement, defense and special (up to his value).
In a turn one can move 10 inches (some trait change this), use ability (like fly high, poison ivy mind control....) and attack once.
For attack you throw X Attack dice(x being the counters in attack) and try to hit people on their defense. They can spend defense counter to try to block the enemy on his attack. (Weapon and character traits can grant rerolls or +1's).
After that the attcker must confirm the hits with rolls on his strenght + a single special die.
In hawkman case he deals 1 stun and 1 blood, if a character is filled with stun he is knocked out and if he is filled with blood he is dead. (Cops can turn a knocked out character dead by applying handcuffs)
And here you are fucked.
Rules are not free.
My book is lent out do I can't do shit but http://www.critskillpeople.com/bmgwiki/ has most rules, mechanic and missions.
Really hope this game starts to get more traction. Lucky enough here in Australia to have a few places stocking it, player base though is fairly small compared to what I'm used to.
OP here, whereabouts in Australia are you? I've been running tournaments in Sydney for a couple of months now, with another 2 planned before October. Sydney crew is growing more and more as the year continues, although it's still under 20 dedicated players
They have Adam West Batman, at least.
I'm close to Brisbane. We have guys playing it up here but alot of them are alao pretty invested into Malifaux and Infinity.

I think some of the more dedicated guys might be coming down to Sydney in October for an event actually, hoping to join if work allows.
That would be great to see, MOAB is September 30th-October 1st. I think a few from Melbourne are interested as well, which I'd love to see happen. I'm also tossing up with the idea of running a thing at Cancon in January if you're unable to make it to MOAB
>no best batgirl
For someone starting out which crew is better between Two Face and Black Mask? Or are they much of a muchness? Having a look at the builder they have pretty much the same options. I want mobsters and street thugs.

They look pretty similar in terms of points in box and expansion options. Two-Face is a bit stronger than Black Mask himself, but his goons are weaker too. I'd choose based on what you'd prefer to paint or in terms of whose fluff you like better.

Depending on what you're looking to do in the game, you could buy Arkham Knight Batman and have 2 equal 150-point sides to start the game with, or go looking to expand your crew to 200 or 300 points.

There's also an Organised Crime faction featuring the Falcone family, three of the four models in the starter pack can slot right in to Black Mask or Two-Face's crew as well. Plenty of options if you like suits and tommy guns, it's just that having lots of weak mobsters hits the wallet harder than a couple of strong models.
Wait is that a Huntress in her traditiinal slutty-costume?
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I need the last of the Suicide Squad models to be released. I know amanda waller will be a part of a 4 pack blister with three henchmen.
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Yeah they do alot of comic miniatures.
Organized crime would be only mobsters.
Black Mask has a bit more street thugs, while Two-Face has a bit more madmen (also sugar should come in a month or 5)
Both share a number of models together;
These include Boris and Tom; the mobster of Falcone and Branden. (Who can take corrupt cops with him).
Stylewise Two-Face is very much based on the games, his minions looking like either the arkham madman or the armed construction workers + spice in fetish gear.
Black Mask are nearly all well dressed and he has special access to the Grim Reaper.
Like >>54032838 mentioned Two-Face his a stronger by himself.
Both have ability to improve their crews and kill their enemy ranged but less tricks like Joker, Ivy or Scarecrow.
Both crews have the means to build shooting forces (Two-Face can have more guns in general though) but overall I would say Black Mask is a more aggressive force.
Fazit: Go for style
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> no playing BMG
I seriously need to paint the rest of my models. right now, only the suicide squad box models are painted.
has anyone played with the new nightwing? I love the rules of the old nightwing and the only issue is the model itself but I have no idea how the new one plays
It's weird to think of Waller being a combat unit.
she's not but she is the leader of the suicide squad that will probably play like the non combat court of owls model and the other 3 henchmen will be a part of rick flag's special forces crew
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A friend gave me Black Manta, how is he in this game?
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there is no "good" or "bad" models. He can play in a joker crew as a free agent and a leader of the Suicide Squad. he can focuses on killing and taking out models from the wing. with stealth and his death ray allows him to always go after the enemy.he is expensive reputation-wise but he has 8 endurance which is on the extremely high end of the spectrum.
Well the Carmine Falcone is also probably on the same level.
Other non-combat character, Alfred (Not new 52 or Gotham version), Commisioner Loeb, Lex Luthor and the two Court of Owls people.
Have only faced him once or twice, but he is a combat character.
Kills most henchman easily, can take potshot with his gun, and can actually survive gunfire unlike most of his similar priced friends.
Otherwise this guy is right, though why mention joker? He can actually be a Free Agent in most crews
I mentioned the joker because it was the only crew I knew for sure he was a part of beside suicide sqaud
Unknown means everyone can hire them, though Hates: XXX, limits this
Otherwise hero-builder is pretty accurate, thought the last release isn't in it
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>Batman Miniatures General /bmg/
>after all this time

Batanon here, I guess I'll drop the title now.
Thank you very much for creating this thread, I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. :D
Mind sharing with me what kind of case is that? I've been looking for something similar for my models.
This general is a great fucking idea and I'm proud of you OP. But next time please remember to put this link in the post:


And for all the newer players, this is where you can find all the cards/rules, and it also tells you which models each crew can take.
Thanks for the writeups anon. The game itself sounds super cool. I wonder how the DCU and Harry Potter game will pan out.
it's actually the suicide squad game box with two blu 1.5 inch foam tray laying side-by-side. the trays were too long so I trimmed the short end a tiny bit to set inside the box.

the suicide squad terrain is under the trays.
Thanks based anon. Now I might actually start researching this game :)
Oh sweet thanks for the info. Now I might just skip on trying to find a case, since I've been planning on buying the suicide squad set anyway.
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The Urban Apocalypse terrain by Battlesystems. EVERYTHING is modular and the scale seems to be perfect for BMG models.
I think I'll buy a set and stick some Arkham City posters on some of the walls.

P.S. every single room/floor/building is accesible, this shit is genuinely impressive.
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Just print out a few of these and I'm set
ah shit, forgot the link:
The DCU (and marvel) I have been playing fot a while.
I understand why people call it simplier then batman but I actually like having a game which one can finish under an hour.
The multiverse Idea is great, but it does make people anxious to see more conversion of current batman miniatures.
Never answered OP so I'll go:
Started Two-Face and went then Batman.
Got Penguin and non-Harley hechie Joker.
Got then Law forces, followed by riddle Riddler. Got the wonderman crew but still waiting for models.
Sadly I also have most of the marvel shit.
DC universe I have just a wide assortion of minions but got Lex in the mail.
>70 quid for a few card buildings

I dunno m8
>a full gaming table, complete with a gaming mat and modular buildings that you can transport in a backpack/bag/whateverthefuck and then assemble in 10 minutes before a game
>for only 70 quid

Look up prices of GW's gaming table accessories and then tell me this is a bad deal
How much does a crew cost? I tender locking at models and thinking they were cool but the cost was ridiculous.
Depends on which one you want to play.
You can go for a 3-4 model "elite" crew with just superheroes, which is gonna cost you 40-50 pounds, since most single models go for around 14 pounds. A normal gang consisting of, say, 7-8 guys you can buy for around 50-70, since you can buy a 30 pounds starter with a leader and 3 henchmen + 2 boosters with 2 guys in each.

You really don't need many models to play, and if you play it smart you can get a full crew for a relatively low price.
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As a sidenote, I know that 14 quid for a single booster with 1 or 2 guys in it is quite steep, but most crews will have less than 10 guys (even at tourneys the model cap is 12).
Plus the models are fucking amazing so I feel like the price is at least justified in some way.
its super expensive in my country like my god 1 mini = 2 day of work in normal pay
It can't be that bad unless you're selling lemonade in Ukraine for a living.
west poland?
unfortunately poland its a shithole for mini prices and ts close to ukraine
Pic related is 30 pounds, add to that the AC Batman for 14 pounds and you have a fun crew with a fast, melee oriented leader with tons of gear in form of Batman, a useful sidekick with the ability to call down a fucking helicopter to shine light on enemies, and a handful of henchmen with decent survivability and good firepower, to grab objectives.
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just for comparison, i run a batman crew in local tournaments that never has more the 6 models.

pic related
Fellow Pole here. Check out Vanaheim.pl, they offer some pretty good discounts there.
You can get a complete and playable crew for around 220-300pln.
Or if you wanna start small just buy a 150pln starter, you can play smaller games with it just fine.
Yeah there's a decent number of Melbourne players. I don' know if I can be stuffed driving all the way to Sydney though lol

They're nearly identical

Knight of Dice have some pretty baller terrain. None of that card shit either, all lasercut wood.
yeah i know ut for that price i like to have few more minis i will stick wth KOW or aos i think, but this game still looks awesome
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> Knights of Dice
yeah, that shit is dope
>They're nearly identical
damn, it would almost be an upgrade with the new one having agile an 4 movement, but explosive gel is really good to have as a leader which I think the old one is better at.
Does it have best Bat in it?
> terry mcginnis
> best batman

he just one of those shitty batman clones
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>for that price I like to have a few more minis
Oh God my sides
Hey man, you have to admit that the BMG minis are crazy expensive.
>BMG minis are crazy expensive
Expensive, yes. But not crazy expensive.

Pic related is 100$, that's fucking crazy expensive.
I find it similar to Malifaux, where the pricing may also seem higher for the individual models but you don't pay for options you won't use like GW, and you need way less models

Pretty much everything released for AoS is crazy expensive, the only things that are somewhat reasonable in comparison are the new boat dwarves.

How do you find Batfleck? He's my main Batman, and I feel like the best way to get use out of him is to get stuck in and act as a tarpit while still smacking down (go to is 4 tokens each in defense and attack)
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no joke?
I guess I'm just comparing it to the Infinity wonderland
They're kinda huge though. Like, bigger than a Khorne Juggernaut big.
It's almost like they have to pay off the cost of the new injection molds
Fuck you
You mean like literally every single other company does? Compare Wyrd's prices to GW's, Wyrd are much higher quality without adding lolrandom detail for a fraction of the price

I also don't think a Batman Miniatures thread is the place to be defending AoS or GW, maybe you should go back to the AoS general and shill there?
Just created a pastebin with the links in it for future generals, may as well post it here now too


If anyone thinks I'm missing anything in there let me know and I'll add it to a new one
I found him to be way better moreso if he is a leader.
10 points for 1 WP, 1 movement, ability to reroll dodges on (3+), situational teamwork and also the ability inspire if one wants him as a leader is amazing
I actually start shifting from the true batman leader (cyborg) to him.
Batfleck is the one batman I trust to beat any person unconcious.
If he can batclaw smartly, or gets stuck good he is beastly but he can also be so bloody slow sometimes.
Modern is my goto Batman though, I am a comic fan and I like fast models.
Modern Age is amazing, and his Robin is nuts.
Disarray is one of the best abilities in the game, and giving him Martial Arts training makes him super hard to dislodge from an objective.

I'm partial towards DKR Batman though. MC4 and Arrest is excellent.
>How do you find Batfleck? He's my main Batman, and I feel like the best way to get use out of him is to get stuck in and act as a tarpit while still smacking down

Sorry it took so long, had work stuff to do. This is pretty what I use him for. to get into the thick of it and start kicking the shit out of people. that list in particular is an allcomers list that has only a real weakness to wonderland gang control shenanigans.

The rest of the list is Electrocutioner is the sewer model that targets backline or winger henchmen. with batfleck and electro ko'ing people red hood can kill any ko'd models and be a good winger for taking out stragglers and going to the batsignal.

delta is the defensive center piece that contests objectives and with handcuffs can make arrests. gcpd is for hidden deployment, arrest and getting to objectives up-field and alfred is the delta's backup. it's a pretty consistant list and fun to play if you like tactical variety.
Yeah Delta with a Whistle is probably the best henchman in the game.

I've had a lot of success with:
DKR Batman
Nightwing + Martial Arts Training
Delta + Whislte + Magazine
Detective + Whislte
Agent Ron + Magazine
Agent O'Connel
> Dynamic Duo
These are the only models I can say are power creeped. Grayson robin is an upgraded damian wayne and batman is the steroid version of the animated version. and they both get perks for being played together...

I mean just Arkham Knight Bats is 15 rep cheaper then the dynamic duo... disgusting
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yeah, whistle delta is soo good. here is what the list with equipment.
The BMG miniatures are 35mm, whereas Infinity miniatures are 28mm. I can cut them some slack as the models are bigger, and you need less of them then you would for Infinity.
actually the cost for the models, from what I under stand, divided by 3. the modeling (Knight Models), the rules (a third party actually created the rules for the game) and Licensing fees (Warner needs its cut yo)
You're not wrong. I don't play the Duo for exactly that reason
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bumping with the most annoying crew in the game.
Fuck anything and everything that has Mind Control
What is the standard game size as far as reputation and funding goes? I want to try putting together a list to see what I would want to buy. I was thinking of trying the Wonderland Crew as their playstyle sounds like fun, and they don't sound like something that would be too common. I am not entirely sure what I would want to get besides the starter set though.
300/1000 or 350/1500 is usually standard
Standard game size is 350 reputation and $1500 funding, that's what tournament's usually are at. Wonderland don't have much in the way of unique stuff at the moment, but they can still use any of the generic stuff (prisoners and most villains without their own crew)
Any word on a new scarcrow leader model for this game? I would love to have a scarecrow army but don't really like the whole militia/army feel of the current joker they have.

Would also love more poison ivy stuff but I shouldn't hope for too much....
Sounds good, thanks for the advice. I will probably get Pyg and friends for activation control and see what else interests me.

Not a fan I take it?
Of Mind Control? Fuck no, that rule is incredibly annoying.
There's counters to it, although those counters are pretty hated in themselves. Ice Flash on whatever has it usually shuts down the gang hard, and Leadership is a great rule for preventing your own stuff from being Mind Controlled. Hatter's also costs 3SC (although he gets a VP when he gets it successfully) so any way to change his markers prevents him doing it.
DKR is the other side of the batman.
While he hasn''t gotten acrobat 4 is so high, he can get really far and arrest makes in really independant.
Yeah that is true.
While I know a mate who says Animated Batman has a place as a cheap leader while still strong, I'll still go with modern.
Unrelated but fuck Ice Flash with a stick.
No counter or protection except to be nowhere close to it.
Ice Flash is hard to counter, but there are counters out there. Sonic fucks it up (reduces his special so he can't do it unless he has 4 special) as do things that move around markers (can't remember if you can move special in any way though)

I'm playing a game vs Freeze tomorrow with my Bat Crew, trying Canary as a means of countering the Freeze shit
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New guy here, just got into the game recently and I'm in the process of creating my first crew.
So I've got a questio: I 've recently bought pic related, as a sidekick for my Batman crew.
Any opinions/experiences with this guy? From what I've heard he's pretty difficult to use, but can be pretty deadly if used correctly.

Also what're your opinions on more elite-ish crews with a lower model count? Is it possible to pull off?
I was thinking about running AC Batman, Red Hood, Damian Wayne and 2 cops for grabbing objectives/doing stuff.
That version of Red Hood may surprise you in that it's an amazing close range damage piece. Getting him into combat is slightly more of an issue, he's not massively tough but he's tough enough to usually get into combat quite easily. I'd recommend the 2 smaller blisters of cops (you can probably fit all 4 comfortably in 350 rep with the other stuff you've mentioned) and test it out from there.
I can help you out more in the morning if the thread's still up, otherwise I'll make a new thread and give you some more in depth advice
>Ben Affleck
Batfleck is a more affordable option than arkham origins batman, which i used to run with great effectiveness. Thanks to batfleck being cheaper and electrocuioner, it has allowed me to run a better list.
I just hate cuck snyder and his pet garbage, thats all. Also why Cpt. Cold model is so gay?
>Wonderland Crew
Play this bastard pretty often. The Mind Control can be pretty annoying at first but if you play smart you can bait him to chase something to mind control while the rest of your crew does stuff.

He actually can do pretty well even without the militia (the Brute is solid though). The upgrades he has in the latest book really let you increase his threat range. Crazies and prisoners with a gas mask and the Secret Lab upgrade on Scarecrow is ridiculous.
The model itself though lends pretty well to other styles of Batman, could easily pull off a Nu52 or Rebirth look.
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Ok thanks for the advice. The thing is for now I was planning on playing a 300 rep game, so I can only fit pic related into it.
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but I did the math, and yeah, 2 extra cops make it exactly 348 rep points, so once I find some cash I'll buy a second blister with cops
This is actually pretty cool
Hey so I bought the Suicide Squad box set and like 4+ of the models has casting issues. I set Knight a thing about 2 weeks ago any idea on how long it will take them to get me my replacements?
I'm assuming you bought directly from Knight Models? They're located in Spain, so I'm guessing another week or two. But they're cool guys, so I'm sure you'll get your replacements for sure, maybe they'll throw in something extra as a bonus (they sometimes do that).
From experience cool people, but holy hell they take long
Canonically I know that Mr. Freeze tends to be a loner, any suggestions for two free agents that would work with him thematically?

(not counting killer frost and captain cold )
Deadshot or deathstroke would work as nerve under his employ.
Black Manta or catwomen potentially as a co-conspirator.
He'd shy away from any of the more psychotic rogues.
Mercs that is
i was wondering when the rules for them would be released. to be honest, I don't like the idea of some of the models that were designed to the DCU game being playable in BMG like Lexcorp (specifically with this lexcorp trooper) and the wonder woman crew. i mean... why? sure wonder woman has been a part of gotham but the rest of the amazons? no
I think the intention with Flash and Arrow was to expand beyond Gotham and these crews, along with Grodd were for that?

Honestly I'm all for it. The crews and teams released are so different mechanically it adds something that forces you to think and play differently to the norm.
funny, the new wonder woman rule just came out for BMG. yup, make even less sense for me.

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How good is the Riddler and his gang? I have always loved him.
Is there fan rules for putting CIA in the game?
Riddler is insanely good IMO, either version is more than viable. Arkham Knight Riddler with the bots plays his own game, and if you don't shut it down he racks up easy wins every time. Modern Age Riddler completely changes the way the bots work, and plays a much more Riddle focused and denial based game. Support wise he is great too, can fuck up the opponents plan by moving objectives around
There probably is, haven't seen it myself though. I'm working on some custom cards at the moment, mainly for Beast Boy though
I just want to refight the Plane scene over and over again. So i need to find rules for CIA, Dr Pavel and maimen.
>Riddler is insanely good IMO, either version is more than viable. Arkham Knight Riddler with the bots plays his own game, and if you don't shut it down he racks up easy wins every time. Modern Age Riddler completely changes the way the bots work, and plays a much more Riddle focused and denial based game. Support wise he is great too, can fuck up the opponents plan by moving objectives around

Is everything he does pretty complex or is it easy to understand? I am new to the game and don't want to start with something too crazy.
As >>54060629 says, for a while now they've been expanding out of Gotham with rules for the other cities (personally hoping for Bludhaven rules, although they'll be 95% the same as Gotham). It's an issue a lot of people have, especially with things like Superman and the Flash supposedly imbalancing the game, although they're not actually that good and without more expansion it stagnates the game.
Arkham Knight Riddler plays a really simple game, "shit out clue markers, get points". His bots, the ones that place the markers, are more fragile than other henchmen but they score points so much easier it doesn't matter much. Modern Age Riddler is more complex but still fairly easy to pick up, his only issue is you need a shitload of riddle objectives. If you make custom clue markers you can use them as riddles though, because Modern Age can't use clues at all (he replaces the "drop a clue" rule on the bots with a rule that makes them more versatile, and pretty punchy)
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Thoughts on the "The Batman"'s version of the Riddler?
>make even less sense for me.
Gee I wonder
Oh, i getvthe hype but 240 for a mounted model? Add the 52point amazon model and boooommmmm... 2 model crew... Seriously why? The dcu rules are fine and i migt actually get the amazon models. They look great but i won't be playing bmg with them.
Holy shit that costume suck ass. Just like the "actress".
Do either Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom work well in a Bane crew?

Trying to stick with AC or Origins Bane, DKR isn't enough of a Big Guy for me.
Here is a list builder for bmg

Both are playble in a bane crew
>work WELL
I know they CAN work for him, chucklefuck, that wasn't the question.
The point of my answer is for you to PLAY and find out, chicken shit.
> c..can you help me play good senpai?
>Just buy a bunch of random fucking shit without knowing how the game works
>What, you want to make informed decisions before dumping a bunch of money? LOL FUCK OFF NOOB
I've noticed people on /tg/ lately being unreasonably hostile to new players asking for advice. Across multiple threads for different game systems.

Did I miss a memo? Do we hate new players now?
> does want to buy models
> stat cards a free and available online
> traits and general rules are available online
I would buy those shitty excuses if this was 40k or warmahordes but not a game where the rules are available online for free. Just use a proxy and try them out.

He's not a newer player. Tg is getting tired of people asking for stupid amounts of "advice" like what is the best models, how do they play, do i hold the measuring tape with my left or right hand, i don't want to be embarrassed around the people that give zero shits about doing something new so can someone hold my hand. It just gets to a point where you have to ask, when do you encourage people to do it on there own?
But I am a new player. Like literally new, like I discovered this game a few hours ago when I saw this thread.

Maybe this isn't the game for me though, I doubt playing with people who can't even answer a simple question about how two models interact would be much fun anyway.
The DCU game is far better, IMO. BMG has a fine licence but long set up time and the strength of horde over elite crews really hampers it as a game.
Okay, the game isn't for you but miniature gaming is a hobby and not a job or a rehearsal for some show. Its just a hobby. Playing the game and learning about what things do and how to make them work during an actual moment in the game is where the fun is.

Here's another reason why i think maybe skirmish objective base are not for you. You want to know how two models work together but that isn't the right question. The correct question is what can this model do. That would help you more.

Both zoom and rev flash are spedsters and can be used to rush to objectives the are in you opponents deployment zone. This allows crew who field them more flexibility on what objectives they bring to a game. They can take out henhmen but need to be careful since the can fail a paradox roll and go bye bye for the game. I would recommend rev flash since he has scheming and "i know what I'm doing" in case you fluff the paradox roll
> bmg has a long set up time
Yup, absolutely true but horde crews are not a problem. This game doesn't suffer the infinity problem. In fact most of the problem models in the game is borj, a 50 point henchman, and the most expensive henchman in the game. Professor pyg, a 90 point free agent. Don't getme wrong, a hordes army can work but is really easy for any crew to handle
I'll answer your initial question. Zoom and Reverse Flash are fast threats so could support the crew in that sense
They're also quite expensive rep wise and typically Bane's crew is also on the more elite/ rep intensive side of things so you'll likely be playing with a smaller crew which has its own cons.

A funny synergy does exist though. If you get the right equipment, you could potentially set up a titan and venomed up Zoom. 10 unblockable attacks with rerolls on the damage.

Best idea is to pick up the Bane starter and his henchmen boosters play a bit with those then feel out what gaps you notice in the crews capabilities. Best way to figure out what Free agents work for you.
I like DCU, but miss the preplanning element in BMG. Makes BMG the better in my opinion, but I can definately see people preferring DCU.
Do be honest I don't recommend speedster for beginners.
Firstly they are all a bit underpowered and require experience to be used well. They will mostly act as a glorified objective graber a role catwoman and other can perform better.
They also require you having the flash and arrow book.

Bane though can make the best use of them, venom injection and the lab make him actually deal good dmg.
What's the difference between this, their DC minis game and say, Heroclix?
Its a hobby miniature game as opposed to a collectable one, so no blind buys and the models are better looking, at the expense of being more expensive and requiring assembly and painting.

Can't speak much to game play as I've not played clix.
Besides the obvious models and d6/8 also some foundamantal things.
Heroclix is gridbased movement, and throwable objective are not as varied as in dc.
Heroclix rolls not often per turn but a success makes a lot of damage.
Heroclix has some very personal abilities but most often they move in a similiar area (keywords).
Heroclix is often killpoints based and dc objective.
DC has alternative activiation and all models will activate, Heroclix has some planning here.
Heroclix has Marvel.
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