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/pgg/ - Paizo Games General

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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also known as /pfg/, Pathfinder and Starfinder welcome)

Outsiders Edition
Talk about cool, wierd, scary, and otherwise interesting expereinces and interactions you have with Outsiders. How do you like your Outsiders? And how do you implement them into homebrew settings?

Link repository, could really use an update: https://pastebin.com/PeD1SMUZ

Current Playtests: https://pastebin.com/quSzkadj

Old Thread: >>53648021
>How do you like your Outsiders?

Physical manifestations of virtue, prayer, fear and terror. If an Angel is made out of Good, I want them to *literally* be made out of the Virtue of the world, their form and functioning altered depending on what that Virtue is.
inb4 cuck-anon starts bitching about page 8
Reminder to bully nerds who want to play gun-wielding shrine maiden awoos
I want to use the Outer and Esoteric dragons more often. They're WAY cooler than the normal chromatics and metallic dragons. I guess Metallic dragons would also be cool if they were ACTUALLY made of metals, and went up to like, Mithril, Adamantium, and Oricalchum dragons and shit.
Why are all of you so thirsty for big confident bara men? Is it because no one will touch your female characters?

Gun-wielding shine maiden awoos must be protected by voluptuous provincial yokai fox-women with fantastic magical talent!

>big confidenet bara men

Rory ruined that meta. He was the last, most infamous bara.
Gun maidens don't make any sense though, dude.
I was always thirsty for big confident bara men.
Because I can't find one IRL. ;_;
Guns make more sense than a sword. A lot less muscle mass needed to shoot a gun than sword/hammer someone
Okay fine- I still want Fox Tits to use her witchy fox magic on me!
Humanoid, but with a mentality that is definitely not.
Okay, I'm at a crossroads with my concept, being that of the redheaded Vigilante who seeks to restore her family's name. Either I play it straight, with her Vigilante identity being a 'loyal retainer' of her once-noble family, or I can make her a Consumed Vigilante. In the latter case, she would claim to be that 'loyal retainer', carrying out the last wishes of 'his' mistress. Both options are ways to represent redemption and the restoration of prestige, but I'm fine with either one. What should I choose?
Still doesn't feel as thematic as bows or something. Guns are for nobunaga types
Realistically you probably want to go for a Trait that hasn't been taken yet, since Argent is probably going to want only one member of each trait on the team.
Because it's a passing fantasy. Confident golden-boy types are nice, but they don't usually get picked for games by good GMs because they've got no place to go for development unless you go out of your way to break them down.

By contrast, almost every big muscular male character that got accepted to a game had some kind of mild edge to him, or a shameful secret, or some sort of significant character flaw. Not as sexy, to be sure, but you can do a lot more with that character that isn't just "And then the world just decided to shit on you. Again."
Well, if we have a little ambition...

They're plenty of spaces for them to occupy. They can be a mentor to one of the other player characters or even a Han Solo type.
Which haven't been taken yet?

Literally who?
Where is a good place to look for players?
It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't believe you. Can I get a link on that?
Bows need literally more strength than swords. Real life archers were BUFF as fuck. Moreover, breasts get in the way of archery.
Hence, gun maidens is the most sensible female archetype.
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Maybe not thematic in low fantasy, but 'lady gunslinger' is a pretty common thing.
Not here.
What are you looking for in players?
>He doesn't know who Rory is

look at this fucking newbie
Mentoring is for NPC relationships. And Han Solo types aren't "golden-boy" types.

Big confident bara guys, unless they turn out to be shitheads like Rory, are pretty much going to be static characters. Your "Han Solo type" would be more likely to be occupied by the team's Dexfag Rogue or resident edgelord.
there are fifty fucking outsider subtypes, and only the same few keep getting support
fuck it
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Entire worlds that were made into bio-mechanical machines left after completing some purpose to their own devices.

Follow the post chain.
Just give me a fucking shonen anime protagonist for fucks sake
>Shitheads like Rory

How's he doing anyhow? I heard he missed the last session of DG2.
So were we just bullying the "Child of a wolf-god" anon last thread?

It doesn't matter where you look there are always going to be bad submissions and people who can't get along with groups. My advice is to make a survey test 2 gauge which kind of personalities would best fit your play style and what you're looking for in a group then start using that to weed out people you woulsn't want to play with.

I've had as many bad players as I have good players from; tg, suptg, pfg, gitp, rpg.net, we forums and enworld, among other places.

If I had to pick one that I felt was arguably the worst though it's probably /tg/. The anonymity has food a lot of them into thinking they can just flake out and drop out of games whenever they want and I'll find more later without any sort of repercussions to shity behavior and being unreliable building up a reputation around them.
We did what we always do: Shitpost about nothing and make nonsense assertions!
>he thinks Rory is relevant
look at this fucking loser
I was gonna make Loke a wild hermit because he p much was, but then he spent 60 years becoming village grandpa and casting from his ki pool so i couldnt justify it anymore.
Also + carry weight on a 30 str giant lel.

I don't pay attention to other people's games as I'm usually busy playing in my own.
Mostly managing to keep his head down, but still managing to fuck up massively here and there (bamboozling with a popular meme game for instance).
Affected by something that gives you a boner =/= In a relationship
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I want to protect that anon from your shitposting!

> you aren't allowed to have relationships among player characters where one relies on the other or takes advice from them

You have such a narrow concept of what you can and cannot play it's really laughable.
You want to look up Sleep then, that's pretty much his schtick. Matter of fact, he's already playing one in RotJR.
Mandate of Heaven - 3 [Yamaguchi Yuudai, Yīn Sūn Báisòng, Yin Xue Hua]
Shrine Maiden of Paradise - 1 [Língmèng Qīng]
Seeker of the Grass Cutter - 2 [Tsubaki Higashiyama, Koji]
Celestial Dragon's Disciple - 1 [Mira "Mia" Covinus]
Wild Hermit of the Mountains - 1 [Shosouga no Kazuki]
Wisdom of the Sake Jar - 2 [Huan Shuang, Loke Laufey]

So Bureaucrat of the High Court is completely untaken, while Wild Hermit's app is basically not there and you might be able to get it in anyway. Shrine Maiden and Celestial Dragon are probably a lot harder even though they only have one person because everyone seems to like foxtits and Argentum seems to personally like the knockoff Reimu, but you can obviously risk either if you think you've got a solid app.
I mean it's not like you can have a shit app and get in anyway since there's not enough players for every slot, but it might help a little.
What's the difference between a god and an outsider?
There's two hermits actually
I ignored Maximum and the Monkey King because they can't play.
It's just that "mentor" implies a lot more baggage than relying on each other and taking advice. The latter is something I'd expect of any PC-to-PC relationship that isn't explicitly a rivalry.

The former is more like a relationship that's defining one party as superior and the other as inferior, whether strictly or mildly so. That's a lot harder to pull off between PCs, since they're supposed to be equals and peers in terms of power level (unless the GM is being a shit and favoring one of them).
A statblock
Gods are exceptionally powerful Outsiders with a spark of divinity within them, divinity being a substance or state.

Your sempai basically. Kamina and Simon, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, Jon Snow and Fatty.
I'd also imagine trait mechanics kinda help things along. If you're a class with a Ki pool, then Wisdom of the Sake Jar becomes invaluable, and if you're going to ever touch a Katana then Seeker of the Grass Cutter is a no-brainer. This probably hurts a bit when some characters look like they'd make more sense with a different trait, but took the other for mechanical reasons.

Aside from Mira, what characters do people even like?
Ensoulment posting feels like it's drowned out JttW. It's kinda nice, but at the same time it's hard to get a good picture of it.
Well at least he's not a constant shitter
Are we ready to give Aurelia a guaranteed spot for Ensoulment yet?
Nah Sleep adds a bit too much edge

I'm looking for a Semi, ya know

You're looking at it wrong.

In a 10th level gestalt, a gunmage isn't the issue. the issue is that you're trying to put a western spin on it when you don't need to. Chinese wuxia is about perfecting yourself and your skills. Using a gun and magic with that gun isn't an issue. We're talkign about a culture where women were seen as equals not because they were women and equal, but because their efforts matched the efforts of the culture they lived in. It didn't matter that a woman wasn't capable of being as strong as a man or have as much stamina. The very effort they put into increasing their skills, their stamina, and there strength are what earned them this respect. They were equals because they worked hard to perfect their abilities to the point they could achieve, and the pushed past that.

Your gunmage isn't a person trying to make guns better than swords, or trying to obsolete swords. Your character is perfecting his personal skills using a weapon he prefers, in a method he finds challenging and exciting. The magical aspect is his chi, or qi, and his ability to use his gun to eliminate opponents and defend his capability of fighting is what really matters. that it is a bizzare or unusual weapon isn't an issue - they had people who used sharpened coins as weapon, and made things like the flying guillotine! A gun will get odd looks, but if your warrior is an expert and is striving for improvement, THAT is what matters in wuxia.
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>JttW has traits

O-Oh, I didn't know this... Well, looks like none of those work for my concept! Wooooooo.
>his head just fucking disappears
wtf i love monks now.
You haven't seen the last two Bestiaries or something?
Deku* damned phone posting
If you're asking me personally
Foxtits > Totally Reimu > Koji and Loke > Yin Xue Hua > the rest
One Touch Ki Power and Ascetic Form Style, anon.
Sleep seems to have added edge to later characters because Rubio didn't get memed enough until the Shayliss episode.

Rubio, by contrast, is about as classic shonen protagonist as you can get--bold, optimistic, kind of stupid, real himbo type of guy. Though if he's not doing it for you, try Drifter and Etan.
as someone that's watched this
extremely high level stalker with steel serpent and weapon ground adaptation improvised weapon
I fucking hate campaign traits.
She's cute but garunteed? Not with that schedule
I was not asking you in particular, but your thoughts are appreciated. If only you knew.
Still, the shrine maiden angle seems to have a little too much connotation to it. Maybe the awoo-god child could have been abandoned by her mother, and then found and raised by a hunter, who teaches gunfu and tells her to use her magic together or something.
What? That's not what I was saying at all. I love campaign traits and I think they're lovely for figuring out a character concept, but none of those fit my concept and I'm not too invested in joining that campaign to rejigger the character.
>Drifter and Etan

But Etan isn't a human bean!
Ask Argentum if he'll add a trait for you, he's been open about lots of shit also you get FREE LEGACY WEAPON
What does that mean?
So we come to the real reason: Being a picky motherfucker is why you haven't found anyone yet.
Legacy Weapons are weapons that grow with the character, kind of like how Starfinder allows you to upgrade existing weapons to be on-par with end-game equipment.

And it's more than just enchantment, Legacy weapons turn into pseudo-artifacts.
>Reading FotJR greentexts
Somebody on that team really has it in for Rubio. Do Sleep and the GM have history, by any chance?
Just my personal complaints with male chars
Where would this be found?
Can anyone give a rundown/TLDR of the current Chalice apps? I think the app process closes soon!
What do you want out of a male character then?
The assumption was Corwin wanted to take care of his boner by putting it in Valeriya.
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>no shitpost summaries of JttW apps yet
It is entirely possible to have a shrine maiden dedicated to the gun.

She uses a gun because she was having serious issues with then local spirits that were tring to invade her temple grounds. Her arrows, for all the rituals and skillsshe had, were not harming the too-quick spirits. she would find bundles of arrows wrapped in vines outside the shrine gates. She was trying to hunt a particularly malicious one when there was a crack of thunder and a gout of flame and smoke, and the spirit was dropped to the ground and wailed until it vanished. The weapon the passign hunter had had caught the spirit and slain it....what kind of weapon had such power?

As she learned the way of the gun, she learned to channel her magic through it, and became an even stronger and more potent defender of her shrine with new magic and strange weapon in hand.

Innovation is not anathema to wuxia ideals.
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It's a scaling Unique Item that eventually goes artifact tier at high levels.
Check Lingmeng's sheet for her Legacy Weapon.

R8 (Level 16): Lingmeng can use Magic Danmaku at will as a Swift action, using her character level as her caster level. Magic Danmaku is a Magic Missile that scales to 20. Magic Danmaku creates so many force missiles that even Shield and similar effects cannot stop them all, and any missiles in excess of the normal 5 slam through regardless.

You get a custom one for free unless you mean the stuff Argentum is basing it off, which is pdf related.
Well shit by that logic Etan and Rubio are already married.
Face it, we're not that bizzare for 10th level characters.
Homolove is the only true love
Just because their dicks were in the same person does not mean they're in love! The comment mentioned hooking up, and you don't need a relationship to hook up.
Apparently a shonen protagonist like the one from BnHA, except confident, tall, muscular, without character depth, with no flaws, and...

The anon basically wants a dildo with a training dummy attached.
This explains nothing on how I'm supposed to make a Legacy weapon.
You don't make one, you make a character and talk with Argentum about it.
That happened a few days ago.
This looks dumb and fun. Is it? If so, what it is?
Some chink cartoon
Thunderbolt Fantasy.
Can't wait to see what kind of NPC Hecate is going to come up with for JttW.
Thunderbolt Fantasy. An entirely puppet 'animated' anime

Pretty much a perfect example to sell people on either PoW or Wuxia, or both

Anon you seem to have issues with buff attractive guys turning out to not be shotheads with a tortured past.

Perhaps you are projecting just a little?
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Hey, is one of the great mysteries of Starfinder, besides what happened in those couple hundred years of missing memory, what happened to all the white people?
Fuck off.
Realistically I'd like to see more hot blooded shonen/mecha protagonist characters, guys with a lot of drive

Secondarily i'm a sucker for the 'cool guy' archetype, you know, the guy thats a bit darker than the rest of the heroes but has a heart of gold when it matters.

Unfortunately I see a lot of /pfg/ guys as being DUTIFUL KNIGHTS MUH LG OD/ZS shit that just bums me out and does jack-all for me.

I did like Sleep's Dragons2 guy a lot, for what it counts for.
I care more about good stories than good people.

A PC I'd be happy to spend a day with is usually not one I'd want to hear a story about.
>Yamaguchi Yuudai
Dick delivery nodachi REEEEEE
>Língmèng Qīng
Angry shrine maiden
>Tsubaki Higashiyama
>Yīn Sūn Báisòng
Just Another Sappy App In The Thread
Tons of Swords
>Mira "Mia" Covinus
"Is that a wakizashi in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
>Jun Fan
Sleep plays an old man, but he's still a dick delivery system
>Wen Yijun
Sun Wukong but he's not even a monkey
>Shosouga no Kazuki
There's nothing here
>Yin Xue Hua
>Bai Santaizi
>Herald of the Twilight, Loke Laufey
I preferred Tom Hiddleston in this role.
>Huan Shuang
How much you wanna bet she's got a big dick?

>Unfortunately I see a lot of /pfg/ guys as being DUTIFUL KNIGHTS MUH LG OD/ZS shit that just bums me out and does jack-all for me.

That's pretty much just Captain Slow.
You don't seem to really look too closely at the characters you're talking about. And you spout terms like "shonen", "mecha", and "hot-blooded" without really quantifying or understanding what they mean.

And more than that, you say you don't want edge but then you say you want a dark cool guy.

Ulfric was supposed to have barely-restrained anger issues and he was defined by being dutiful to his family and community. I'm betting you just glance at the character art for apps and don't really look any closer.
Got a spot of new homebrew: The Haunted Brawler. Unlike normal brawlers that have to rely on luck and pluck, Haunted Brawlers are backed up by the spirits of ancient masters that grant them combat prowess - at a price.

Comments are enabled, so feel free to do so. I feel like there's something else I could add to it, but I'm not sure what.

And CountSuccula, who I'm not entirely sure isn't just Slow on a sockpuppet account.
>Dick delivery nodachi REEEEEE
He has a dick socket with him too
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What helps turn characters into memes? Conversely, what helps prevent characters from falling into memes.
Well, considering Golarion is missing, all the white people were on it when it vanished.
if you're a meme player you are just a meme
>Angry shrine maiden
Don't forget her octopus!

Blind luck
You could always just PM HIM if the character appealed that much.
Celebrity primarily.
Not really, they have to make a meme before they become a celeb anyway.
>More Love for the Medium and Brawler

Looks good to me anon
Tommy boi was ok but he wasnt fucking loki for shit dawg

Meme up Golden Chalice apps.
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You made my night, anon, thank you.
Join the discord cabal. It is the only way.
It works both ways. Sometimes you're a celeb just because someone meme'd your character until the GM couldn't help but bring you on board, sometimes you're a celeb because you got in as a darkhorse victory.
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>Angry shrine maiden
>Mira in general
>Sleep plays an old man, but he's still a dick delivery system
>I preferred Tom Hiddleston
>How much you wanna bet she's got a big dick?

You're pretty okay, anon
Kěyí tū qǐ

make 1 good character that people really like

(Examples would be most of the RotJR crowd, Rinka (who was a RotJR originally anyways), Rory (Though more infamous in his case) Overlewd peoples)

You're now a celeb.
notably celeb-status only happens on the current 'big' pfg game, so PLD, Overlewd, Blingmaker, And RotJR are our main celeb makers, Dragons2 to a lesser extent.
>Sleep plays an old man, but he's still a dick delivery system
Sleep is running a game on Thursdays, he can't even play. What's DDS about that?
but im in overlewd and im not a celeb
>Kěyí tū qǐ
What this mean
Well not EVERYONE who gets in becomes a meme whoever you are.
We didn't get a single celeb out of Overlewd despite Succula's efforts, though I think it did bump Wist from B-list to A-list even though she didn't get in.
You're a celeb to us!
Wist is divine.
Speak for yourself.
You're right, Overlewd was a bust celeb-wise

Plenty of people make apps that people like, and are forgotten with time. Unless if you are DHB, you need the power of the cabal.
Anon it goes the other way around

You become part of the cabal by BECOMING a celeb.
Succula is basically a celeb-player in the same way Slow is, and 4916 is a meme even if the character is literally who.

Other than that, it's mostly Umbranae's player being a meme-sink, and that doesn't really count since they also play Calsicahedrix.
succs record is fucking awful tho
>even if the player is literally who
Derp, had to fix that.
god Umbranae/Calsihedrix are just BUILT FOR SEX aren't they
Probably trying to be a meme magnet again like BOSS
You shill yourself, network with the cabal, then become a celeb.
Not him but
>Kěyí tū qǐ
My best guess is 可疑突起 which roughly translates to suspicious / doubtful protrusion.
He also applied to PLD, and from the sounds of it he's just been trying to write his way out of his comfort zone.
What's this picture from?
If we keep on memeing, I'll app a Rostland Bravo for Ensoulment.
I once had my players accidentally open a gate to the Cerulian Void of the Maelstrom by accident. they were freakign out at their measly 7th level character being confronted by a kekatar, a being that is nearly a god among proteans. It studied them with it's many eyes, and they tensed, ready to fight for their obviously short, miserable lives. It spoke to them, and they nearly attacked.

"Please close this gate. You are letting all the order in."

Then it left.

They still wonder what the fuck happened, three years later.
a who?
You'd be better off with a Dashing Thief
Too late, meme quota's full for ensoulment.
Sybil's art for EotFC is really cute
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The joke is that it's absolute garbage.
Slow's a celeb because he has a good track record, a background and one popular meme character.

Succula plays probably the least notable character between the two Overlewd groups except that he name dropped himself a lot and he's doing it again now. Doesn't even have incest memes like the other guy.
I mean, more feedback would be nice too
At least the character art's appropriate.
>meme game status celeb talk is only about games where menesters applied

Really activates my explosive runes senpai
Lucius? I kind of wanted Lucius to get in for sister stuff desu
Did Broodie suck the last of the memes away?
So there are several single city, or mostly one city, adventure paths (CotCT, CoT), why aren't more single city /pfg/ games? Why does everyone jack off to globe trotting?
I look forward to seeing the rest of her app. I wonder if Rinta and her will cannibalize each other.
More like lesbian it up with eachother
Oh, yeah. Absolute trash. Press F to salute the Swordlords.

Because there's only so much you can do with a single city, and it doesn't feel very adventurous to just lounge around your townhouse for weeks on end. That way lies "comfy" and the death of your campaign.
Depends on how difficult you want to make this for yourself. Consumed is less trouble, but more risky for your character's well being. Straight would be difficult because changing identities is difficult in a party of nonvigilantes.
I honestly liked Ryoko better than discount Priscilla
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I saw what happened to people who unironically self-shilled their apps. Why the hell would I want to do that shit?
I could run one, or write up a setting that's /pgg/ inspired. Have some meme characters or those inspired by then make up the setting :^]

Blow up city with demon invasion. Kidnap people they care about and drag them off to the Abyss.

Problemo solved!
So what does our maximeme meme team look like?
See, I think that's bullshit and used by uncreative GMs to try and gloss over the fact that need 'exotic' locals to breed interest in their setting. Sure, a city of 50,000 would be hard, but 300,000? Easily a full adventure in it and the surrounding area.
Honestly I did like Ryoko too, but I felt I pushed her as far as she could stretch conceptually and she still wouldn't fit in the game as a party member

Aurelia has more room to grow and conceptually fits in the game better, I'll probably do an editing pass later.
Swordlord's cloak seems okay, +5 more AC on top of the normal cloak of resis---
>75k more
Rory please
Whatever Broodie submits
r20 Rando
But that's not a city adventure then, that's an extraplanar adventure.
You're an actual retard and are proven incorrect by the fact CotCT can function.
I mean if you have the gold +5 insight bonus to armor AND +5 to all saves in one slot is pretty hot.
But, I'm not a meme. Never have been.

No no, you start with a city adventure until 9-12, THEN turn it into an extraplanar adventure.
Do you think Broodie will get fed up and bin Aurelia too then?
>5 girls and Jericho
I don't know but at this point Broodie is more of a meme than his characters.
CotCT takes you out into the wilderness and down into dungeons. It is also a published campaign as opposed to one made up by /pfg/-goers.

If /pfg/ tried to make a city campaign, it would degenerate into being Friends: Golarion Edition.
>Dick delivery nodachi REEEEEE
>mfw my last four applications had no nodachis in them and this meme still sticks when it finally fits the setting and I still need a polearm for Piercing Thunder
IMOUTO IS NOT FOR LEWDS! I do have confirmation that Allanz did want some hot ara-ara action though.
God its true.
I hope the snake eats the mouse.
So 9-12 levels of the PCs in their house and going
>rolls around
>lemme smash
>who drank the last ale? I specifically left it labeled for me to drink later!

>with this schedule
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is this the worst feat in the game
It's called a hemipenis.
It never takes you farther than Magnimar and the majority takes place in the city, the wilderness around the city, and dungeons near or in the city.

If you up the city population to 300k, like Absolom, it's easily enough.
It's up there.
Sure, anon

Wannabe half-orc dom

>Brandon Quarrel
Muh freedom, heck slavery

Roll20 randomer that didn't read app guidelines. Generic.

Roll20 randomer that didn't read app guidelines. Edgy as heckin' darn

>Lenore Nightingale
Creepy Plague Doctor in Hot Desert

>Acheron Driftwood
S A L T Y, also desert pirates that are in the sea

Marmite blessed and cursed by the gods with great power and a generic, shitty backstory

>Siopareet Kaur
Smol, evil human that probably has the best background so far. Smug.

>Odessa Casilieris
Muh brother, muh prim and proper, muh maybe the backgrounds are better from here on out

>Ravyn Winter
Goff emo who hates preppies and loves da darkness

>Asmund Rohrbach

>Havoc Ko-Bull
Oh yes daddy give me the longer one

Ugly gobbo thief kidnapped by older woman and becomes magic

Arrogant little green football. Bloodbowl expy

>Delnora Costigan
Alcoholic, backstabbing bitch with daddy issues

>Walter Costigan
Looks after alcoholic, backstabbing bitch. Also has daddy issues and sees dead people

>Tarkus Talgran
SUPERARROGANT psionic guy with helicopter parents

Delusional and cute Gypsy Kobold

>Ishan Niraj
Desert dwelling thing that can't make her mind up

>Emilia Franz
Highly gender-confused thing (Bitter and withdrawn, with a somewhat innate hatred of the humans who took his family from her). Hates humans even though she is one.

>Rainyday Tamarnell
Social-drinking, perverted half-elf with a highly lewd dad.

>Laila al-Massoud
Pent-up woman who likes masks and magic.

Soldier Guy

>Adder of the Sands
Muh equality. Kidnapped and trained by a bandit chef. Hates violence. Kind of snek themed.

>Kayne Orkin
Capitalist with violent tendencies. Likes to brood.

>Jessup Kruegen
Arrogant, playboy psionic fighter. Has a big fanclub.

Not when Monkey Lunge exists.
Shhhh, my players browse this board!
You're a meme to me, anon
>Monkey Lunge

this actually provides a benefit to your niche combat style no matter how little

this actually provides no benefit to the niche style its trying to cater too
You do know that nodachis are in the heavy blade AND the polearm weapon groups, right?
I think you're thinking of a different game. Curse of the Crimson Throne takes you into the fucking Cinderlands, all around that area, and then all the way into the fucking Hold of Belkzen. That's OUTSIDE VARISIA.
>it doesn't stack with improved combat maneuvers

Wouldn't that mean whenever you do one you would provoke an AOO

Why does this exist
It's stuck with you. Sorry buddy
Read it again, Monkey Lunge does not actually do anything because it takes a standard action and ends at the end of your turn, not the beginning of your next turn. The only way it can be triggered is if an enemy has a readied action to move through your threatened squares triggered when you activate Monkey's Lunge.
it improves it for the rare chance that you can attack as a swift (with path of war) or readied action


it provides an actual benefit. this feat just flat does not

>Calyst Korombos
Oh wowie I guess we're not privileged enough to see this guy's backstory huh it must be really good gosh golly

>Hamza ibn Fahad
Typical swashbuckler. Very rich, likes to party.

Noble from unspecified country that isn't detailed at all. Kind of self aware, but references his alignment. Boo

>Neelu Aria
Merfolk that was part of a harem. Lived in a nonportable bathtub. Icy.

That's like saying story that starts out in Nevada has some parts that take place in Arizona and a bit in Mexico is "globe trotting".
It's certainly not based in one city--and it's better for it!
Paizo doesn't assume Path of War when they make feats and I'm pretty sure Path of War wasn't even published when monkey lunge was a thing. I'm probably wrong on that part though.
Yes, I do, which is why I so often grab them. Nodachi gives me discipline weapon for all Scarlet Throne, Black Seraph, Piercing Thunder, and Primal Fury, which is what I go with most often on warlord builds, and similarly in ODZS builds, except replacing PF with EG
Ein is a good one but he's mine!
Which of DHB's characters do you find most attractive?
Just remember it does make you a faggot
Monkey Lunge debuted in... the Sargava setting book, I believe, which was released in 2011.

even then, the fact that this costs two feats and a higher bab puts it above monkey lunge
Essa a cute
Name all the boosts that actually attack someone in PoW that aren't already ranged, there is literally zero.
minute hand

its not a boost but its an attack as a swift action
LoBaF tonight. Who are we shipping currently?
Minute hand dood
At that point, just take reaching blade stance and save yourself the shit action economy and the feat.
good for you, thats not my point

the point is that aldori artistry is worse than it.
No one here thinks monkey lunge is good, dood.
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Why is smol such a best? Gamze/Essa best girls by far. MElf and C@ move over.
Shanan x Harpy
Gamze x Orlan or Haleen
Iolanthe x Tentacles
Aida x Kassim
Essa x Gnobody
Hmm, you're right. I'll go with the social route, then.
I missed the last greentext, what happened?
>not shipping MElf/harpy
Yeah. Question is, how bad are the other Aldori feats?
Who in LoBaF are virgins? We know Iolanthe isn't at least.
Every feat with "Aldori" in the name is shit.
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Not great, anon.
Nice broken game you cucks have here. Just too prove it look at this fucking unstoppable character I build a monk/fighter with 42AC at LEVEL 5! there is literally no possible way anything in the DMG can deal with this ludicrous character made entirely with your retarded ass rules. He's untouchable, literally, his touch AC is still almost 30 TOUCH AC. I can declare him king of pathfinder and no one can say anything because with the rules of this game a level 5 character can be FUCKING INVINCIBLE. WHAT NOW PGGLETS!?
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Really not great.
Wayne pls
Spells that don't target AC exist you idiot.
Let me see the sheet so I can make fun of you for being wrong.
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Show your work.
Hold person into CDG.
10 bucks says he doesn't realize that wearing armor negates the monk's AC bonus and has a dex limit

Award winning GM
I ship Orlan/Haleen, just to be cruel.
I think I prefer/pgg/ers
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I ignore you because you'll never actually play Pathfinder, nor do I believe you ever have.



So the irony is that using a dueling sword the vanilla fighter way would actually be better than trying to fight like the Swordlords do. That truly is sad.
Vanilla fighter using a dueling sword and Crane Style.
Also, there's no monsters in the DMG, moron.
I don't think this is the real Wayne.

You're a phony.

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There isn't even a DMG for PF, it's all one rulebook.
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Let's not fucking do this. Let's go back to talking about celebs or characters or shipping or some shit.

Tell me about Essa's dynamic with other party members or something.
>Let's not fucking do this.
Why not. It's a lot more relevant and a lot more fun
who are your favorite up and coming celebs?
Essa's a CUTE! CUME!
Essa has I-cups. It is known.
Essa is basically a 40-year-old hard-drinking professional, except as a young lady who pretends to be a man.

What I'm saying is ship her with Iolanthe
>In the practice of measuring the size of US commercial broadcasting and newspaper audiences, cume, short for "cumulative audience", is a measure of the total number of unique consumers over a specified period.

I didn't know Essa worked in broadcasting.
There are no such thing. The cabal is like nobility, in that the new blood will never be the same.
Halfling Monk 2 (Monk of the Iron Mountain)/Fighter 3 (Tower Shield Specialist)
Attributes: 10 Str, 20 Dex, 13 Con, 13 Wis, 13 Int, 9 Cha
Traits - Defender of the Society, N/A
1 - Crane Style
3,5 - Improved Natural Armor
Monk 1 - Dodge
Monk 2 - N/A
Fighter 1 - Shield Focus
Fighter 2 - Cautious Fighter
Mithral Breastplate (4200)
Mithral Tower Shield (1030)
By crafting the equipment yourself using craft(armor), the cost is reduced to 1/3, or ~1750.
Amulet of Natural Armor: 2000
Ring of Protection: 2000
Armor and shield enchanted to +1: 2000

It's doable, obviously not by someone with the real Wayne's system mastery, but that was also clearly not the real Wayne.
tell me /pgg/, tell me of Essa's fetishes.
Tower shields can't be mithral unfortunately they're made mostly of wood.
Making new rules for fictional games.
Saying you CAN'T make a tower shield out of metal is pretty silly, anon.
Not so, actually.
That does sound pretty cool.
To be fair, apparently its not that hard to get into the Cabal Discord if you know the right people.
Then make it out of darkwood, which is even cheaper.
I've done it before, it was alright.
It broke 90 AC
Wow that's really fucking stupid. Tower shields are made mostly of wood one being made of metal, even mithral would be comically unusuable.
I like Foxtits in JttW
Mithral's the one metal that would make sense, considering it's supposed to be much lighter than normal metals.
Still heavier than wood.
They're a cool person. I hope things go well for them.
Shit, that's pretty good. What was your class?
garbage build though, that character would do fuck-all damage and could just be ignored.
Lemme think... If I recall correctly it was Fighter (Swordlord or "Aldori Defender" as it's called now)/Monk (MoMS)/Unchained Rogue/Duelist

And then if I wanted to "cheat" I could add in Kineticist (Wood element) and Fist of the Forest, which would have boosted it's AC to high 90-low 100s, Touch AC in the 60s.
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>its not even inaccurate
Is this a meme?
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>What I'm saying is ship her with Iolanthe
How would that even work? Who would be dominant?
Let's say I want to use Stupendous Strength and Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting to dual-wield tower shields. What class would this go best with?
A class on pathfinder game design
>dual-wield tower shields
For what purpose?
Fighter to grab the AAT option so that the ACP doesn't screw up your skills.
One with four hands so you can use a weapon that's not shit.

Also, you can eventually take Shield Mastery and become immune to all penalties to attack rolls from any source ever.

Good point.
Right, but you're not getting double the AC bonus or anything.
Ok, so let's say you become the wall, nothing can kill you. Why would any enemy attack you? What good will you do to your allies by being fucking invincible? Can you do anything besides have a great AC? What about touch AC attacks like firearms or spells? What good is your wall then?

What do you even intend to do with your combat actions?
Its a houserule to get double AC from shields, unless you locate that one specific magic item shield that has a luck bonus instead of a shield bonus to AC.
Stupendous Strength allows tower bashing with tower shields.
Ok, so how much will your piddly bashing do?
Dunno, I'm not the dude trying to build this, I just interjected.
Yes but are they cute?
d4, since you can't put spikes on tower shields.
Hit people with your shields. There are certain martial arts stances that allow you to deflect rays and other spells or effects (even bullets) with shields as well. You could also two weapon fight with shields, not losing any AC if you have shield mastery
Assuming tower shield bash damage is 1d10 (one step higher than a heavy shield) then 1d10+ strength +more bonuses, +more if you get a spiked tower shield. The possibilities are endless. (Also more than one attack if you go twf routes)
see >>53656845
But a light shield does base 1d4, and a heavy does base 1d6, so a tower shield would do 1d8 right? And who said you can't shield spike tower shields if you gain the ability to bash with them.
I have no problem with people waifufagging characters since they're made to appeal and all, but waifufagging players confuses me.
Light shields do base d3 and heavies d4, anon.
Tbh, the build doesn't pick up until you get to +11 BAB and greater TWF+shield master, where your full attack from BAB alone becomes (plus haste), +11/+11/+11/+11/+11/+10/+1
Spiked bashing shields aren't the best weapons, but they're far from the worst, either. 2d6, 20/x2

Note that Stupendous Strength allows bashing with a tower shield as if it was a heavy shield, so the damage doesn't increase. It does remove the attack penalty from tower shields, though.
>build doesn't pick up until ELEVENTH
>games fucking die before 6th
>doing a 1d3+1 with NO ITERATIVES at eleventh would be better.
Promemetheanfag says hi

Choose the path of dad over the path of power
Promemetheanfag, Promemetheanfag! Will you be my friend?
No, but I know a musclegirl who will
>doesn't know that shield spikes exist
>doesn't know that the bashing property exists
>doesn't know that the already-mentioned feats mean you're already getting extra attacks at a -2 from lower levels

The shield thing in particular is just a gimmick to mix with Shield Mastery, but the same feats work fine with general silly "dual-wield two-handed weapon" builds too.

For example, if you have a way to produce or recharge chainsaws regularly, you could combine it with EWP (Chainsaw) and dual-wield chainsaws from level 2 or so.
>1d3+1 with NO ITERATIVES
how does that happen
Promethean/preservationist alchemist with NO FULL BAB MARTIAL CHARACTER
>if you have a way to produce or recharge chainsaws regularly

/tg/! /tg/! Please tell me if there's a way to do this! Now I want to play multi-chainsaw doomguy.
You don't know about my kasatha wielding one nodachi in each hand as a double weapon, anon
>Shield Spikes
Benefit: These spikes turn a shield into a martial piercing weapon and increase the damage dealt by a shield bash as if the shield were designed for a creature one size category larger than you (see “spiked shields” on Table: Weapons). You can’t put spikes on a buckler or a tower shield. Otherwise, attacking with a spiked shield is like making a shield bash attack.

No spikes on tower shields, bucko. You bash as a heavy shield with stupendous strength. That's a d4.
Wizards with technomancy and that one ability to recharge batteries with spell levels can help you.
Can't put shield spikes on a tower shield, retard.
Soulknife emulate melee weapon?
Also can't put Bashing on a tower shield.
Does that come with full batteries if it's a tech weapon?
So you take a bashing spiked heavy shield and you staple it to the front of your tower shield.
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Soulknives generate their weaponry in full working condition and will all charges and ammo prepared. Creating automatic guns as a soulknife is one of the only ways to even use automatic weaponry.
>Real life DKS-501
WHERE did you find this I need it
Got a question.

>Anaconda's Coils (belt)
>Grants +2 Strength and +2 bonus to grapple checks.
>Grants the wearer the constrict ability for 1d6 points of damage plus the wearer’s Strength modifier.

>Final Embrace (feat)
>gain constrict damage and grab special avility.
>attack deals damage equal to your unarmed strike or primary natural weapon melee attack.

>level nine monk.
>strength: +6
>Monk's robes, deals 2d6 punch damage.
>deadly grappler, increases light weapon, natural attack and unarmed strike by one size, now deals 3d6 damage.
>grapple damage: 3d6+8, 3d6+12 with power attack.

Does that mean Final Embrace basically doubles that damage, to 6d6+24, half punch and half constrict?
Literally green lantern then?
Doesn't work out like that. The lower bonuses on your later iteratives aren't a penalty, they're just a lower bonus. Shield Master doesn't negate the decrease in bonus, since it's not a penalty.
Sorry bro, I saved the image from /pgg/ a few weeks ago.
He doesn't have preservationist, since the party has a real summoner in it.

>how does that happen
A caster complained about a 1d3+Int Acid Damage touch attack fired from a crossbow, and got a knee-jerk rule that it couldn't be used to full attack. Done after Rapid Reload had been taken.
what's a good mesmerist build? I want to channel my inner weaboo and build mechanically, Itachi Uchiha
Why the fuck doesn't he get a retcon on something? He's a fucking alchemist, you could DM-fiat some sort of rare concoction that changes everything for him.
It does, because two of those are from the improved and greater TWF penalties, which are denied. There's a +6 and a +1 there for a reason, those are the iteratives.
Yeah. One of the builds I've been waiting for forever to have a chance to use is an Android soulknife fluffed to have hard light projectors in its body for a technological bent to the classic ideal of the soulknife setup. Plasma sword and a gravity rifle are all you really need to be amazing.

if you have Fool's Errand as one of your available disciplines, you can literally create anything out of hard light.
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I coulda sworn it was preservationist.

Either way, Promemetheanfag, my heart goes out to you.
Huh, so it does. My bad, I had assumed you were negating the penalties on the primary hand attack.
>dual shield niggers getting btfo
Fool's Errand best discipline, all other disciplines need not apply.
This is actually one rebuild down, as again, we have a real summoner so I had to drop Preservationist and resort to trying to jury rig some homebrew nonsense together. Trying to talk to the GM (and the party) about what they're okay with has been like trying to catch wind in a bottle though. HOPEFULLY I can ask to drop a discovery to get a "Fast Acid" so I can full attack, as well as another to have more than one energy type at once. I'm not too confident though.
Why are you still playing with these clowns?
Let's be fair, dual shields are viable if you have three hands and a bunch of spare feats. That's not too hard to pull off.
Dual TOWER shields on the other hand, yeah that's just retarded.
I'm surprised nobody made a Geralt type for Ensoulment.
Been meaning to play El Sheddai, how is it?

visually stunning, interesting method of story telling. mediocre game play.

Gets a solid Okay/10
Has your characters ever gotten pregnant in games, /pgg/?
Tell me stories!
Because no matter how much of a joke Shattered Star is and how much my fellow players will stumble and trip over their own classes, the GM is still good and doing his best, and the roleplay itself has gotten pretty good. That and we're more than halfway through, so I'm morbidly curious to see whether we can finish the whole thing, and if we can't, then to see what finally gets us.
New thread? >>53657793
In kingmaker, my tiefling sorceress had the highest charisma out of the entire group (her base at level one was 22, plus another 2 for fiendish sorcery). The result was that I was the best pick for a ruler since my charisma was always going to be jacked through the damn roof.

At one point, to prevent a war and expand the realm, she married a king from another kingdom. Her first son was born in the intermission between modules.
Does being a gnoll priestess of lamashtu with the jackal mask count
What about the gameplay is mediocre? I'm sadly not too experienced with action games that aren't Soulsborne, so where does it fall shot?

>Page 7
really nigga? Why can't you be more like the majestic stallion of an OP who made this thread?
No, because I don't play as girls all that often. I just don't feel I have the right mindset or frame of reference to be able to properly roleplay a female accurately or effectively
Over the course of one campaign, my PC decided to settle down with an NPC she fell in love with and got pregnant from him. She was relegated to a role of a player-controlled NPC who interacted with the party later on, but I otherwise rolled up another PC for adventuring.
It was cute as hell.
Not the same guy, but it's not bad. Repetitive, but I personally enjoyed it.

We'll the combat can get a little samey, considering that's the primary focus, its a bit of a demerit.

But that's the only real gripe i have.
I say we need a new proper thread instead of that other one.

Ask and Ye shall receive

>anime again

beggars cant be choosers

new thread

Three of the 4 are writeoffs and can easily be ignored.

the knight one is just one or two dudes bumping it
>oh no, it's that pregposter again
Knight one doesn't have an anime OP.
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It's not autistic screeching, it's a fact.
Yeah, but Armor has actual discussion in it.
There's discussion going on in the Knight thread too, though.
>12 posts with 5 IPs
>40 posts with 14 IPs
Really activates those almonds, eh?
Meme aside, I'm just pointing that there is discussion going on there. It's not with as many people, but it is there. Chill.
Did you miss the part where there's another thread? That's already over 100 posts?

thread's garbage.
>my thread was deleted while the fetish thread wasn't
no justice here
Thread posts: 376
Thread images: 30

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