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Shadow War Armageddon General

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Cult Ambush! Edition
Core rules:

Kill Team rules:

Blank roster sheet:

New mission for 3+ players
Fürst für ze emperor
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So.. After realising my mistake that special weapons operatives can't take basic weapons here's my revamped list. I should add that my local meta is mostly csm and fairly open, large boards.
Plus I can probably give the snipers plasma and melta if needed without remodelling them, since I can probably get away with claiming the weapons are on their backs, under the cameleoline cloaks.
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I like it a lot. Pretty low volume of fire, but other than that seems really neat.
Reposting my Cults list for feedback since last thread died. Not too sure if mostly pistols is bad
How dense terrain do you have? If really dense then a cc focus like that might work. Although personally I would've tried fielding more people if I was gsc.
Having a blast with my very mediocre scouts. I'm becoming increasingly sad that shotguns are awful, though. Frag grenades render the, completely obsolete outside of the very corner case of two models within an inch and a half of each other somewhere between 12 and 18 away
What are some interesting ways to field Gene Stealer Cults?
Bolt pistols aren't worse than shotguns and autopistols are fine too.
Taking all pistols was my way of squeezing in an extra dude, since I'm pretty heart set on taking both stubbers, and a flamer just seems pretty good in general. I plan on playing in pretty dense terrain.
Thanks, I figured as much but don't have really any experience with this
I don't know that there are any beyond just spamming mans.

They're all WS3 BS3, they can't shoot for shit, can't fight in close combat for shit, cost the same as guard veterans per guy and can't get any good misc equipment.
>super sneaky infiltration faction can't get camo gear.
>having camo gear
>and also a huge flashlight on your shoulder
I mean...
>Orks can get a red dot sight, but GSC can't
If a space marine scout can use camo gear a much smaller dude in less conspicuous armor definitely can.
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>Not having a purple flashlight and only fighting Orks
It's like you aren't even trying gue'la
This is actually a problem for me.

I want to run an "elite" GSC killteam, but I can't because you can't tool them up at all.
Just write up a Guardsman list and fluff them as GSC at that point. They're cultists, not elite soldiers
Neophyte Leader - 120
Bolt pistol - 25

Neophyte Heavy - 70
Seismic Cannon - 250
Photovisor - 15

Neophyte Heavy - 70
Seismic Cannon - 250
Photovisor - 15

Neophyte Initiate - 50
Autopistol - 15

Neophyte Initiate - 50
Autopistol - 15

Neophyte Initiate - 50
Combat Blade - 5
As many blasting charges as possible, whilst screaming infidel.
I was thinking about this. Also about Inquisition, with the inquisitor being an imperial noble who has taken up the cause of the proletariat and is the source of their funding.
Looks like i can't read rules.
Does the Skitarii Kil Team ignoring the first failed ammo roll work once for each fighter or once for the whole army period?
>Artificer Weaponry: A Skitarii fighter may ignore the first failed Ammo roll in each game
Sounds like the first guy that fails can ignore it and then it's done.

That's not actually super clear.
I feel the wording is ambiguous, but the intention is pretty clear. How the fuck would it make sense that only one of them got to ignore an ammo roll because they all have special weaponry?
It doesn't need to make sense to be a rule. GW puts out nonsense rules constantly.
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And people pretty consistently ignore those rules outside of tournament play.
>pic related tho
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I want to run a Kroot warband in SWA as I've always had a soft spot for them and love them in the few novels I've read with them in.

What should I count them as? I was considering Inquisitorial?
Genestealer cultists would probably be the closes (6+ armor, start game in hiding etc)
If you could get over having to count your kroot rifles as autoguns anyhow
And get over having bad strength and WS. There's not really a great equivalent for kroot. I'd have said DE but they can't get basic weapons because lolwyches.
>bad S and WS
They'd be the same strength either way, and +1 initiative seems a fine way to represent Kroot being slightly better in melee than a basic 'umie
Initiative has zero affect on hand to hand combat.
Read the rules please
>let's you actually see people so you can charge
>no affect on combat
Come on people
Well you said better in melee
Not gets you into melee
I said represents them being in Melee. When going for a counts-as armies, you're going to have to make some concessions as far as having rules that match your dudes perfectly
doesn't it break ties in combat?
Why did they make the Deathwatch Veteran an anti-ork unit when they knew they will including rules for all the xenos ? Doesn't that make him too good against Orks in close combat and mediocre against other factions ?

Is this a preview of what the Deathwatch will be in 8th, veteran Marines with slight buffs against xenos instead of a stand alone operator army with abilities that can be used against any other army ?
yes, in a tie the highest initiative gets a single hit, but that's fairly unusual.

What percentage of a model has to be GW bits to be kosher for use in a GW store?

I want to make a SAS regiment for use in SWAG (using Anvil Industry bits) and later on in full scale 40k.

Any bits suggestions would be nice too. Currently i'm planning on SAS gasmasks and fatigue arms from Anvil, with catachan chests/legs.
headswaps are usually acceptable, as is shit like 3rd party base scenery and random accessories.

Generally its wise to use actual 40k weapons.
depends on the store, store operators are pretty much allowed to set their own rules for that. My store is 50% GW stuff.
House rule: If you roll a '1' for your 1d3 prometheum after winning a game, you can get a special operative next game for free.

Lets the winner actually get more prizes every time than having a 33% chance of the exact same as the loser.
Meh. If your intention is for the winner to end up with more loot on average, make the loser's prize variable (he gets 1 on a 4-6 on a d6, maybe).
How about you just get 2 for winning and 1 for losing.
My intention is to actually see more Special Operatives, who for the most part aren't worth either the bounty or costing you prometheum when you need the same resource for winning the campaign.
What color should I paint these dudes. Good old purple, or construction yellow?
That's fanon though. Kommandos and Blood Axes use actual* camouflage.

*may or may not be in accurate colors, however.
The core rulebook factions were written with eachother in mind. The others were done as a thing after they realised that they could make some money off of it. Then they found out just how much people actually wanted it.
Frankly I'm not sure why this isn't the standard rule.
Because GW like to randomize things that shouldn't be random, and have things be fixed that should be random.
i think it makes sense to preserve parity across a campaign
it'd be nearly impossible to come back if there was a set number on the victor
You know a primus even has a needle pistol.

Genestealers confirmed for good alternate inquisition.
Played my first game today, Scouts against Genestealer Cult. This is a much more enjoyable experience than 40K. It took us about an hour, and that was with some rules referencing. If GW pulls support for this and sweeps it under the rug after 8th Ed. comes out - they're idiots.
How'd it go? Who won?
What list building program you gais use?
What list building program should I use?
Battlescribe, though they don't have every army done yet.
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I was probably going to win but I had a scout who was in close combat with two Cultists. I decided, since it was my first game and we were all doing stuff just to see how the rules play, to shoot into that combat with my Heavy Bolter with sustained fire. Rolled double 6s, took everyone out of action. Decided for my own team I should probably play Orks. Building a list now.
i play orks, they're a lot of fun.
take a big shoota
also get a red dot sight on every single shoota on your list.
>What percentage of a model has to be GW bits to be kosher for use in a GW store?
Where I live, 100%. If it ain't gw it don't get on the table.
Rules released for real on Friday. Can't wait for a decent quality pdf
I care a lot less about that than I do about them coming out with a FAQ so it's possible to know important things like when to roll for how many wounds a weapon does.

Oh please. Extrapolate from Necromunda or how 40k has always done it (which is after the "roll to wound").

If you are playing with that kind of rules lawyers tell them to go fuck themselves.
hit -> to wound -> armor save (if applicable) -> damage -> injuries
Both editions of necromunda and second edition both have the same ambiguity written in to their rules. To get the actual answer you have to dig up the necromunda errata.

That's fucking ridiculous and there's no excuse for it. They copy-pasted a problem that had to be errata'd 3 times already.

I'd have to go digging through my old books but I'm pretty sure there is no ambiguity in 2nd ed as I never even heard of people having this problem until they started bitching about it in SW:A.

It may be shoddy rules writing but there are still far more important things like clarifying if the Tau sniper rifle was supposed to have a second fire mode like its fluff and cost would indicate.
also bone swords lol
and climbing up shit that isn't a barrier you're trying to cross
Citing rules from older games doesn't help you when you play at your local GW and there's obese tau and eldar playing WAACfags who started in 7th edition in your campaign.

Yeah it does when 90% of the rules are literally copy pasted from NCE which was a modified version of 2nd ed.

Grow some balls and learn to put WAACfags in their place.
Tell them if they can't handle themselves like reasonable adults you won't play army mans with them.

It's a beer and pretzels skirmish game. If you're taking it that seriously then I'd recommend rethinking your life.
While I do just what you say and have done in the past, there can be a time in your life when you don't have the luxury to choose your friends. Maybe you just moved to a new city and don't have any friends atm or you simply have a harder time making friends than normal and have to make do with whatever people allow you into their sphere. In any case there are situations when a rational interpretation isn't enough and you need hard proof and logical reasoning.
hobbies are the only thing worth taking seriously desu

The fact that it worked that way in every other version of that rules lineage is enough for logical reasoning. While there may be ambiguity in SW:A there is nothing solid to over rule how it worked in previous editions. In fact the onus is on them to provide proof that the rules should function counter to how they worked in 2nd ed and Necromunda.
It was a question answered in the official FAQ for 2nd ed necromunda. It's actually a fairly common issue.
Scored the game for 120 bucks. Putting together a scout team now. How are marines compared to other factions?
Should I go top heavy and invest a lot into my leader, or spread it around?
Boltgun on scouts, bolt pistols on initiates?
Thanks in adv
They're basically just outright better than guard.

Are you serious? That's really obnoxious.
Marines are pretty strong.
Sniper + toxic round is an excellent weapon whatever else you end up running.
Sgt, trooper x2 w sniper rifle, toxic rounds?
maybe not that many, it's expensive and you can't move and shoot.
>When something is hard, live with the lowest common denominator
Yeah, nah. Stop being a beta.
that mohawk
where did u get it
I'm serious. While I find it annoying I do understand their standpoint from a business perspective.
Only low life borderline psychopaths worry about the beta/alpha bullshit. While I am lucky to be in a position in life where I can enjoy a whole lot of liberties such as asking people to fuck off if I don't like them, I do acknowledge that some of my fellow humans aren't in such a position. And a group is always stronger than the individual. The lonewolf competitive thinking is just a way for those having trouble working in a group to function somewhat normally.

You must be from the US.
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What do you guys think about this paintjob? Inb4 thin my paints.
Yes, I agree with you. This pop-psychology bullshit alpha bullshit needs to end. When did it become masculine to adopt the social hierarchy of fucking pack animals? Wolves are not cool; they're cowardly opportunists (like all dogs). So unless you want to have more in common with a fucking gorilla than your fellow man, you need to shove your "alpha mentality" up your arse.

This concludes my rant.
t. beta
Ya got me
Is there any point to grab two pairs of scything talons on nids, or better go with talons/claws + shotting arms?
I've never plated nids so I have no idea how does it work. Do they loose extra attack dice for having pair of CCArms and shooting arms?
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I like it.
A second pair of scything talons has a lot of bonuses, actually. I'd take it.
With nids, I don't think you need any ranged weapons besides on the gunbeast. But I've only played against them on a 3x3 table, so that would clearly favor close combat more than 4x4.
I genuinely don't know if you lose an extra attack die for having a basic weapon. I think you should because that's what it says in the base rules, but tyrannids have a ton of exceptions built in and weapons go by pairs so it's kind of hard to tell.
It's just a trendy way of saying dominant/submissive. Don't get your panties in a twist.
The concept of alpha/beta males is completely discredited even in the context of wolves. The originator of the term even agrees and expressed that he regrets coining the term to begin with.

It's just plain nonsensical horseshit.
It doesn't accurately describe any kind of human behavior, particularly not that of two people of equal status arguing about the rules of a game.

You don't win an argument with a person by "being alpha", you win by convincing the other person that your position is the more valid one.

It's like the people saying "hurr just be alpha" have never had any interactions with other humans before.
Deathspitter on your leader, bio-cannons on your gun-beasts, scything talons everywhere else.

A pair if scything talons is only one weapon, not two, so you don't get bonus attack dice unless you have another weapon. Also you lose the bonus if you have a gun, just like anyone else.

Two pairs of scything talons is a powerful, cheap load out that gives +1 attack, rerolls on wounds and +1 WS, it's great.

Also give your leader a Deathspitter, he'll still beat most things in close combat and it's dumb to waste his BS4.

Fan. Fucking. Tastic.

Stealing your idea btw. Once I get the cash :)
So, what's a good loadout for inquisition? Boss with a ss and plasma pistol, few boys with stormbolters, few crusaders with ss and..?
What would be a good ork team?
Crusaders would be good with a plasma pistol and/or power sword ontop of the shield. Power sword is to offset their 1 attack with the option to parry opposing higher dice.

Red dots on all of the stormbolters.

Load up on yer Inquisitor and watch them wreck everything.
The paint could have been a little thinner when applied...looks a tad clumpy. But that major criticism aside I think the scheme is great and I bet he looks amazing on the table.
Man, I'm torn between Inquisition and CSM. CSM get a lot of attacks and good saves, Inquisition has nice toys.
Gits > Bits
Boyz > Toyz
Nobs > ....uh.... bits and bobs?

Just take a bunch of dudes. I ran this for my first game:

>Boss Nob w/ Big Choppa & Kombi-Skorcha
>Boy w/ Choppa x2
>Boy w/ Slugga x2
>Boy w/ Choppa & Slugga
>Boy w/ Chain-choppa
>Boy w/ Chain-choppa
>5xYoofs w/ nothing
>Spanner w/ Big shoota & red dot

The yoofs make for great mobile cover by moving them in front of your dudes in order to soak shooting attacks.
It's not though, which is weird... Maybe it's the clear coat that is making it look like that.
I love it, stick those perps in the cube!
Could be. Spray cans have a tendency to sputter ever so slightly if you don't press the nozzle down completely and sweep the stream back and forth across the minis. I primed a couple of minis once but I puffed out the paint to reach some surfaces that I'd missed. It looked like I dipped the minis in porridge. So be careful to keep the nozzle about a foot or 30 cm and keep it in motion as the stream pass over.
>You don't win an argument with a person by "being alpha", you win by convincing the other person that your position is the more valid one
> win argument by being a beta cuck, and not even refuting their bullshit.

Sly Marbo
Not everyone can discuss rules calm and objectively, and with stubborn people there might come a time where you just have to "force" your way. That is what is meant by "alpha" behaviour.
Beta behaviour would be just accepting plain bullshit despite knowing it to be wrong.
While that is a very simple look at things, you'd be lying if you say you haven't seen those reactions in that situation.
>implying calling someone out for thinking the alpha/beta bullshit is actually a thing outside the heads of some misguided kids on the internet is a discussion
What fucking argument? There wasn't even a point made to argue against. Just some blah blah beta hurr durr
That assumes you have to get into and win every argument and prove people wrong every time you spot it, rather than just walk away from it and choose more important battles like an adult.
Correcting mistakes is not childish, as you are implying.
People learning that you add all your assault dice together instead of picking the hughest (seen that) is such a grave mistake that it will only cause more confusion and unpleasantness in the future.
And this is where picking the fight as you said comes in. No one is 101% "alpha" all the time, most of the "opportunities" to be that are usually missed - and no one is implying to behave that way. However, you disagree with another anon on the threshold on when it is worth to fight.
But when you are fighting, you do make sure to make your point clear, instead of stuttering around and dropping it, right?
Its space wolf scout head bithttp://m.ebay.com/itm/Warhammer-40k-Space-Wolves-Scout-Heads-/120784411222?nav=SEARCH

To all: building a scout team and would like some help. Current list:
Leader w krak grenade, bolt pistol, power sword camo
X2 Trooper w sniper rifle, red sight, toxic ammo, camo
Trooper w chainsword, bolt pistol, red sight, camo gear
Novitiate bolt gun red sight, camo

Am I on the right track?
They say you want more bodies at first and then buy them the fancy wargear after you win a couple.
Of course we're not always "alpha" (I fucking hate that word even though some people would consider me that). But that's the point. Calling someone beta in general because they choose to not take a certain battle is retarded. It's up to each and everyone of us to choose our battles obviously. But degrading someone for not taking the same battles as yourself is like saying someone is dumb for not liking the same flavour of icecream, and that's very childish indeed. And in this case it's about trying to fit into a new group. It's idiotic to go all "alpha" in a new group, because that group will already have it's internal dynamics. So the only rational option left is to "find your place" in the group. Then it's the matter of having to try to fit in. If that group is the only chance you have of being in a group that does what you like, such as in this case play swag, it's not really an option to say "hey fuck you guys, I'm not playing with you anymore" if you want to keep playing the game. I, personally, have the luxury of being able to do that, since there are more than one group in my local area. A person who's new in a town, for example because they moved there to study or something, or who has problems making friends easily, won't have that luxury, so they'll have to "find their place" in the group. And telling someone they're "beta" for not going in all cocky without knowing their situation is like criticising a fat person for not working out without knowing if they even have legs or arms.

Basically what these people do is judge others without knowing them or their situation. That's retarded.
Depends. I do, but not everyone are good with words, or confident enough. I still think they're allowed to play this game though.
>>let's you actually see people so you can charge

doesn't that only matter when charging someone behind a wall?
>People learning that you add all your assault dice together instead of picking the hughest (seen that) is such a grave mistake that it will only cause more confusion and unpleasantness in the future.


>Sly Marbo


You're late. But yeah. :) Love his demolition rule.
Thanks. Any suggestions for starting force? Load up leader, then, bare nubs? Swap out for more novitiates?
>Eversor has a 24 inch charge range
i need to get one right now.
The way these rules are written plus people's experience with other GW products is like the perfect storm of not-actually-reading + assume-something-from-40k

>sometimes it's 1d6 roll over stat
>sometimes it's 2d6 roll under stat
>sometimes it's 2d6 roll OVER stat
>sometimes it's xd6+y reroll highest then take highest then add z
So the deal with New Recruits is they can't help your guys get up from pinning, and they can't Level Up, but if you give them at least some gun and you put them up first, maybe they die first so you save your Trooper from taking the hit, plus since you can only choose to level up one guy after each mission you weren't gonna choose the recruit anyway so it's a wash.
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>"hero" expansion
>no Sergeant Namaan
>Boss Snikrot
You fuckers...
They can't level up until after participating in three games at which point they become troopers.
I see. I read the rules amd theres no way to level them up to regular troopers (ala confrontation)?

@ 1k points its still difficult to get more than 5 bodies in, but, thats with a decked out leader (power sword, plasma pistol, krak grenade, cano cloak). Should i strip more gear from him?
After a New Recruit receives 3 "Mission Completed" marks they turn into a Trooper.
Maybe Ill roll with leader, 1 scout, and 5 novitiates. Give 4 novs shot guns, one a bolter?
You don't want to fight in close combat 99% of the time.

The things that ant to fight you in close combat will beat the fuck out of a scout and you need to stay the hell away from them and shoot them to death.
Good to know, thanks anon
Max half of your team can consist of new recruits, so no.
yeah, combat seems like a heirarchy of bullying if you're not drowning your foe in numbers.
Technically the rules never explicitly state that the Hit Modifiers are applied to Ballistic Skill of the shooter, or to the result of the To Hit Roll? Since they are Minuses it can be assumed that they are to the Ballistics skill
What faction do you guys think is the best to represent Adeptus Arbites?

>I want to get these darn xenos out of ma neighborhood.

No xenos characters...
For sure in the near future. Snikrot not being in this game is a HUGE wasted opportunity.
Literally just assassins and one guard character. It's fucking nothing.
Here are my current gripes with the rules for Shadow War Armageddon:

>too many types of a dice rolls
"Characteristic Test": Roll 1d6, lower is better
"Characteristic Test" for Leadership, aka "Break Test" or "Bottle Test": Roll 2d6, lower is better
"To-Hit Roll": Roll 1d6, consult chart, higher is better
"To-Wound Roll": Roll 1d6, consult chart, higher is better
"Saving Throw" aka "Armor Save": Roll 1d6, High is better
"Ammo Roll": Roll 2d6, higher is better

>Inconsistent modifiers
Some penalties are applied to the Stat before rolling, others are applied to the result of the dice roll.

>Redundant Terminology
Fighters have a "Wounds" characteristic which is reduced when an enemy rolls a "To Wound" and the weapon inflict "Wounds" on them and they lose their last remaining "Wound", unless it was a "Flesh Wound" which means restore their "Wounds"...

>Nonsense Terminology
Why are "wounds" prevented by armor? If you are determining if a fighter has been "hit", you should then determine whether they were "hit" in the armor or if they were "wounded". If you determine they were hit and wounded but then the armor actually goes back in time and prevents the wound, it doesn't make sense.
>"Hit Modifiers" not explicitly stated to effect BS or dice roll result
Since they are all negative and make it harder to shoot it can be assumed they apply to the shooters BS but still this is nowhere explicitly stated. They should be called "TO-Hit Modifiers" since they apply to the To-Hit roll and not to how many Hits are scored.

>"To-Hit Roll" can go to 7+ but "To-Wound " and saves cannot
They use different charts even though the values are almost the same, it would have been more consistent to use the same chart or calculation.

>"Down" condition
It's not clear if a downed fighter who rolls a 1 on the Injury Roll and suffers a flesh wound actually gets up and is no longer "Down".

>"Roll Attack Dice"
It is not explicit that the "Attack Dice Roll" uses only the single highest dice or if all the attack dice are added together. The rules use the term "best result" which which is vague, since other tests use a "result" of one dice or a "result" of 2d6 added together.

>"Higher Up"
Fighters in Hand-to-Hand must be touching base-to-base yet there is a +1 bonus for if one fighter is standing on a platform over the other. How can they fight if one is on a platform? Or does that mean if both are on a platform they both add +1?

>Uselessness of armor
Why even have armor if everything in the game negates it?

Rules for Servo Arm are not universally applied to other creatures with multiple arms.

Tau Drones don't ignore rough terrain, they take fall damage, they are not immune to fear, etc.
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>been accumulating bits to make a Doomguy mini over the last 4 months
Certain elite armies have a special rule:
>In any missions that allow Ork Boyz kill teams to field additional models (such as the Raid or Hit and Run), subtract 2 from the random number
of models that take part in the mission for a Tyranid Warrior kill team.

Does this mean that the orks have less units regardless of their attacking/defending, or that the elite killteam gets less models?
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Probably inquisition.

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Eh, not quite the same since you don't get THE old school Doomguy.
Orks get 2D6x2 sentries or 4/5/6+4 models in the raid.

I think the intention is that elite armies subtract 2 from the second number if they are the attacker, however because of how it never specifies that you can interpret it to subtract from both. Potentially meaning that some kill teams get to field -1 sentries.
So looking at the new one-man army operatives, what missions count as Lone Operative games ?
The mission they provided.
except theres no such mission in the pdf, and i can't find it in the rulebook
The way it's worded, since it is the TYPE of mission that COULD allow the extra orks (even if you are not actually fighting against orks), then the already small army gets even LESS guys, why?
nevermind i'm retarded
It's the other download link on that page.
You can probably find the file for the 3d model of doom guy online and send it to a 3d studio for printing. I was considering getting the TF2 characters printed in 28 mm to use as a Necromunda team.
The attacker is supposed to have fewer than normal models in those missions, but the default numbers would allow elite armies to field their full numbers.
Just download these dudes and upload them to shapeways.
Does the Imperial Guard killteam have a size limit? I didn't see one.
I was asking about something in the cabinet once and the manager at my local GW said "well, I'm pretty sure that there's some non-GW parts in there, but I'll ignore it this time". After looking over the model, I realised he meant the plasticard.

The fucking. Plasticard. Like he was giving some huge amount of leeway or something.
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What do Flesh Hooks even do?

First things first, there isn't even such thing as "Difficult Terrain" or "Impassible Terrain", there is "Difficult Ground", "Very Difficult Ground", "Impassible Ground", and finally "Walls and Barriers". So for the sake of sanity it's reasonable to assume that they meant "ground" instead of "terrain".

Now the book says that "A barrier between 1" and 2" high, and no more than 1" deep, can still be crossed by climbing over but the fighter must use half of the distance they can move to do so." So the Flesh Hooks don't help you if the barrier is between 1" and 2".

Now the book says that "A barrier higher than 2" is too tall to climb over and is effectively impassible", so let's assume they mean that walls and barriers higher than 2" are exactly the same as Impassible Ground. Now the flesh hooks allow you to treat this as Difficult Ground. Tyranids have a Move characteristic of 5", or 6" if they take adrenal glands.

So does this mean that a tyranid with Flesh Hooks can move directly vertically up a wall that is over 2" tall? Or can they pass through the wall using it's horizontal depth as the "Difficult Terrain" penalty to their movement? Suppose a building is surrounded by a 1" thick concrete wall. Do the tyranids move through this wall by using up 2" of their 10" run?
Yeah I already have the files, and have contacted a guy with a printer. I'm still considering though. It's a fun idea, but I'm not sure I want to spend the cash on that particular idea just yet. So many ideas, so little cash. :)

I intend to overwhelm the enemy with guardsmen armed with nothing but knives
Don't be stupid. They can scale walls. That's it.
>does this mean that a tyranid with Flesh Hooks can move directly vertically up a wall that is over 2" tall? Or can they pass through the wall using it's horizontal depth as the "Difficult Terrain" penalty to their movement?
These are both probably the correct interpretation.
Yeah, no. It's ten. It's ten for all the teams unless their team specific rules say otherwise.
It is too late. I have seen everything.
It says they treat walls as "Difficult Terrain" (Ground) which means they move over it at half their normal movement rate.
It's also just a shitty photograph. Which doesn't help.

My local store just got a new manager and he gets his knickers in a twist over freaking Forge World. Who are owned by the same goddam company.
This starting list has done pretty well for me.
Nob - Big Choppa
Spanner - Big Shoota w/ Red Dot
5x Yoof - Shoota w/ Red Dot
3x Boy - Choppa, Slugga

Sustained fire at a 4+ is good, you have 10 guys on the field to start with, and still 4 very good melee troops
Found the Administratum clerk.
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>"Hit Modifiers"
Wouldn't it be the same end result whether it affects BS or the die roll? You'd still need to roll 1 higher for a -1 modifier. Also it does use the phrase "to hit modifier" in the cover section

>It's not clear if a downed fighter who rolls a 1 on the Injury Roll and suffers a flesh wound actually gets up and is no longer "Down".
It explicitly says they're pinned for one turn by a flesh wound. If they roll a 1 on recovery, they go from down to pinned.

>The rules use the term "best result" which which is vague,
It says, "Although a fighter can roll more than one attack dice it is only the best result that counts toward the combat score." The fact that it says "only the best result" pretty clearly means you just pick the best single die.

>Fighters in Hand-to-Hand must be touching base-to-base
You can also fight if separated by a low barrier, according to the rules. I imagine that if one fighter is on a platform but still approximately in base to base range, it works out the same way.

>Why even have armor if everything in the game negates it?
Most basic weapons don't. A lot of other stuff doesn't either. The stuff that does negate it is pretty reasonable considering the actual weapons.

I'll agree that there are some vague rules and poor wording, but you're making problems where there really aren't any.
That's not true. It means they treat ground that is impassible due to being a high vertical barrier as difficult ground.

A tyranid warrior with flesh hooks can cross a 6" high 1" thick barrier as if it was 1" of difficult ground.
Yeah this really bugs me because there are no rules for climbing walls whatsoever.
You'd think a troop would be able to climb up a wall onto higher less than 2" if they're able to pass over a barrier of that height, but there's no mention of this in the rules.
>It explicitly says they're pinned for one turn by a flesh wound. If they roll a 1 on recovery, they go from down to pinned.
It never explicitly says that being "pinned" while being "down" ends the "down" state.
Can you play lone operatives on normal missions like the harlequins?
>Turn the model face up to show this
Down models are face down.
Also a model who is pinned is explicitly not down, as stated in the "Pinned Fighters" section. They're separate states, and the fighter automatically gets up after one turn of being pinned. If they get a flesh wound or roll a 1 on recovery, they're pinned and treated like any other pinned fighter.
>It says, "Although a fighter can roll more than one attack dice it is only the best result that counts toward the combat score." The fact that it says "only the best result" pretty clearly means you just pick the best single die.

It's not clear because in other contexts the "result" could very well be the sum of two dice, such as in a leadership test or an ammo test. It' never explicitly says to select only a single dice out of all the dice rolled.
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Stop. The rules explicitly state 1 die is chosen.
To me, the "only" in "only the best result" clearly denotes that you choose a single die. Especially since other dice in the roll can be used as modifiers on a 1 or a 6. Nobody else seems to have had any trouble in this roll.
In the Leadership section, it says "roll 2D6 and compare the result." Not best result or only result, just result. The terminology is different.
Lol thanks, I didn't even see that.
right, trying my first game of SWA tommorow and got myself a force to try it out.

Went necrons cos i like them and never really had a chance before.

Is the following an okay start list?

Immortal HQ + G flayer+ phase-shifter and shadowloom+ weapon reload= 310
Immortal + g flayer = 160
immortal + g flayer = 160
Deathmark + Synaptic disinegrator + weapon reload = 180
Deathmark + Synaptic disinegrator + weapon reload = 180

This is from just reading the army list and a few pointers from store staff, otherwise i know nothing of the game. Does my list work or am i gonna suffer from not having many bodies?

Also any tips at all for a first time starter?

extra: bought and built my necrons today... man are they a pain to build >.>
>pain to build
> >.>
get a load of this faggot
They should use a different term than "result" if they mean to check each individual dice separately or to sum the dice rolled.
Why is there no Tempestus kill team? Isn't this basically their job description?
"only the best result" though. That's a qualification that says you need to pick one.
Also >>53048429 >>53048429 >>53048429
There's no way to be confused by the rules on this if you actually read them.
I see based on the example, but my point is that the wording is vague. It would be better if they used clearly different terms consistently. The list that says to "pick a single highest scoring dice" is the closest to what they mean, they should have consistently used that term instead of "best result" or "best Attack Dice roll".
Step 1- make an IG veterans list
Step 2- give your blokes carapace and hot-shot last
Step 3- ???
Step 4- Profit

Just annoyed you can't do the same with the Inquisition list because they can't take caustics for some reason (and the ones who do have carapace can't take basic guns).
Las not last, carapace not caustics. Darn phoneposting.
I don't think the wording is vague. The way that sentence is set up, "Although a fighter can roll more than one.." clearly means you don't add the results like you would for leadership, which is explicitly 2D6. Even if it is vague, the exact mechanic is already explicity stated in the step-by-step instructions on the previous page.
>is the closest to what they mean
What do you mean "closest"? It's exactly what they mean. You can't possibly get more explicit than that. It says 1. Roll a number of dice. 2. Pick the highest single dice. I cannot see a way you could possibly misread that. And even if you're somehow still confused by that, the example answers the exact question you'd have. In all the arguments about the rules I've seen in /swag/, nobody has ever had any qualms about this except you.
I'm not saying the SWA rules are perfect by any means and I'll be thrilled when they release a FAQ to resolve some of the actual questions people have, but you're nitpicking a completely unambiguous rule.
>Wouldn't it be the same end result whether it affects BS or the die roll?

Not necessarily because if the "Hit Modifier" is simply an addend to the dice roll, they wouldn't have a callout section called "7+ to hit" because there would be no concept of "needing" a number to hit, you would simply roll your dice and then add the modifiers and then check the "Hitting the Target" chart. If the (dice result - the modifer) was less than the chart you would miss.

This means that probably they imply the "Hit Modifier" are actually inverted and added to the "d6 score" line of the "Hitting the Target" chart, which has the lingo "needed to hit". But it's not explicitly spelled out that way and it seems awkward to list them as negatives but then inverting.
>you're nitpicking a completely unambiguous rule.
It absolutely IS ambiguous because it is explained several times in the rules with different terminology each time. If they had only bothered to explain it once, or if they had used identical terms each time, or if they didn't use the same term to mean something else in a different section, it would be unambiguous.
>If the (dice result - the modifer) was less than the chart you would miss.
Isn't that the exact same as needing a number to hit? You know the BS and modifiers in advance, so you're still aiming for a target number.
I see what you're saying about the 7+ though, so it makes sense you wouldn't add it to the roll.
But I don't think it's an inversion, instead of inverting and adding the number to the d6 line, you take the exact number and apply it to your own shooter's BS and then use the chart as it is.

Either way though it works out to the exact same thing, you still need to get a certain roll or above after modifiers.

It's explained twice in completely understandable ways.
>Pick the single highest scoring dice.
>it is only the best result that counts
"only the best" clearly means you have to choose from all of your dice. As in, the single highest scoring dice. You're making up an imaginary problem that can be solved if you just give the rules a cursory read through without getting hung up on them saying the exact same in different words.
>Isn't that the exact same as needing a number to hit?
No they work slightly differently, because if the Hit Modifier worked where you would roll your one dice, then add (or subtract) the Hit Modifier, then consult the chart, in the case where the To Hit modifier penalty was greater than your BS, it would be utterly impossible to hit, because even if you rolled a 6, the negative penalty would knock the Dice Result down so it was technically below the chart number and you would miss.

That's what makes me think that the "Need to hit" lingo implies that you add the inverse of the To Hit modifier to the D6 score of the chart. Even then on that chart there isn't even a 7+, 8+, or 9+ on the original chart, so it's extrapolated from what a hypothetical player would think, but not technically written into the rules.

Ultimately my complaint is that it's never explicitly states what number or score or action the Hit Modifier is applied to. It SEEMS to only make sense when taken an additional interim calculation that they hint at, but never actually explain.
It's really weird seeing people being dumb with rules and going over RAW RAI and actual definitions and stuff. Based on what I've read of 2e and the FAQ responses for 2e, back then the responses would be "Use your common sense" and "If that's not the intend of the rules, and you know that's not the intent, then you wouldn't do it, would you? that's 'cheating'"

Do what makes sense and don't be dumb and ask for definitions on stuff when you know or can work out with the other player what it is.
I found it, it's in the example on page 32. It's a calculation of "needing" a certain number to hit based on adding the inverse of the To Hit Modifier.

So despite the name it's not a modifier to the "To Hit Roll", it's a modifier of the "Needed result", which is not really a keyword.
I just think it's frustrating that a brand new product made by a company that calls themselves "GAMES workshop" has such sloppy worded rules.
So, how would I prove to someone that you use a Pistol's profile in combat since the rulebook doesn't specifically say use a pistol's profile in combat. Very annoying.
There are some clues:
Page 40 says: "Any very close range shots they are able to make with pistols are taken into account in the hand-to-hand combat rules that follow."
This indicates that pistols are used to shoot the opponent in close combat.

Page 41 says: "Fighting with Two Weapons: If the Fighter carries a weapon in each hand, such as two pistols, two swords, or a pistol and a knife, then the fighter rolls one extra Attack dice. Note that a pistol that has run out of ammo can't be used this way."
This indicates that the pistol must be able to fire ammo to grant this bonus, implying that you are firing your pistol in close combat.

Page 42 says: "If a fighter uses two weapons (one in each hand) then any hits are inflicted alternately, first with one hand and then the other. For example, a fighter carrying a sword and a laspistol who inflicts two hits will strike once with the sword and once with the laspistol."
This indicates that the laspistol is treated the same as the sword, that is, in the case where you would use the weapon profile of the sword, you would use the weapon profile of the pistol.

Taken together it seems the rules assume no special difference between pistols and hand-to-hand weapons.

Contraversely, suppose for some reason that you wouldn't use the laspistol's profile for whatever reason. What profile would you use instead?
Thank you and he seemed to be basing off 7th's editions using a pistol as a CCW and then turning it into a combat blade in shadow war.
They are based in Nottingham.
What do you expect.
>they're a models company
If you failed the ammo check and couldn't fire the pistol, you would not have an extra attack.

This means you would not be using the pistol to be making attacks. And so would solely use the close combat weapon profile, to resolve the remaining attacks.
I think it causes mental bleedover in long time fans where they no longer care if rules are clear, they take it for granted that wargame rules will always be vague as if "arguing over rules" is a valid part of the fun of a game, as if it were impossible for rules to be written clearly and explicitly.
2nd ed rulebook was released with "We'll be releasing the full rules for this sometime" in the rulebook.

The FAQ responses I found had things like "use the rules from Necromunda for that."

If yer arguing over rules yer probably playing with the wrong sort of people. The rules are almost always clear enough that you can work out a reasonable conclusion as to what it's intending.
What's the best ratio of shoota boys to slugga boys?
>2nd ed rulebook was released with "We'll be releasing the full rules for this sometime" in the rulebook.
>The FAQ responses I found had things like "use the rules from Necromunda for that."
That's laughably unacceptable and frankly it confirms what I feared, people have gotten used to zero expectations from an industry leader to write cogent and thorough rules.
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I have an idea!

What if I did my Kill Team as Madboyz!?

It would give me an excuse to paint them up in all sorts of ways, with the Nob as their Minder?
A problem with this is that Toxic Rounds are stupid powerful in close combat because you don't even have to roll to hit.
Toxic Rounds are only for a Sniper Rifle.
I take all my yoofs as shootas and as many yoofs as possible.
You can take them on Needle Pistol in the Inquisition, which means they can be used in hand-to-hand combat.
So be it, the Inquisitor is supposed to be a melee badass.
Needle pistol, but it's inquisitor only.
So 1 model can have toxic rounds in combat.

Im not gonna lose any sleep over a M4 Ws4 model, though.
Anyone know the difference between save mod - and save mod 0?

It seems like save mod 0 is an autowound?
I hate Forgeworld deniers. Turn him in to corporate.
So, despite the balance issues and the strong need for errata, Shadow War has left me with 0 desire to play a regular game of 40K. The only thing SWA is missing is more missions/campaigns which is only a matter of time, and (complete bias) a kill team of Marines so my Templars have a reason for existing.
Same here, I greatly prefer shadow war to 40k atm
GW is gay so I made this.
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Now with fewer errors.

GW didn't even write most of the rules for SW:A. They copy + pasted from Necromunda Community Edition.

And yeah GW have, except for a few exceptions, always been shit at writing rules. You can either get worked up about it knowing GW aren't going to change or you can enjoy the game anyway.
Yeah what I am saying though is this. If you have a company writing rules like that, can you really be confident going ahead and going "Well RAW says this thing which is obviously not what is intended. Let's go with how it's written rather than the intent!"

Are you sure you mean don't even have to roll to hit? Do you mean to wound? How is that much different from having say, a bunch of armour piercing?
They didn't even copy paste from CE. They copy pasted from the fanatic version of necromunda, rules ambiguities and all, and didn't include any of the FAQ or errata updates that already existed for that game.
Yeah sorry, don't have to roll to wound. What I meant is that since close combat is an automatic hit, the toxic round effect automatically happens.
It's different because even with armor piercing, you still have to roll strength vs. toughness. You skip that with toxic rounds.
Still get an armor save, but skipping the to wound roll is a big deal.

Huh I thought it was CE because of the "only one save" rule. Or was that in one of the later official versions as well?
Yeah I was just saying like, if you have a theoretical guy with T5 3+ armour save. Inquisitor hits with a toxic weapon, automatically wounds, but they get a 3+ armour save. If you instead had a power sword or something, you'd wound on a 5+, but they'd get no armour save. It's effectively the same thing in this case. It's not as big of a deal as you might think. being able to auto wound.
Very few troops have a 3+ armor save though.
Everyone's a 6+ on my list.
And you'd still get a 6+ save from the power sword.
Also Needle Pistol has a -1 save mod. And it's S3 so the automatic wound is a godsend for it.
Using plasma pistol in hand to hand has a similar thing where it's just stupid strong because there's nothing stopping you from using the max power profile.
I just think they should clarify if there are any additional rules about pistols in hand to hand because a couple of them are stronger than any melee weapon
I'm not sure exactly what rule you're referring to.

In 2nd Ed 40k and at least the first version of Necromunda you could take both an armor save and an "invulnerable" save (though it wasn't called that at the time IIRC). In SW:A you can take one or the other but not both.
Hey guys

Never played any kind of table top before, thinking of giving shadow war armageddon a go.

Is it a good idea? Seems like it'd be cheap to get into. Are 2 players enough?
That's just copying modern 40k, it has nothing to do with CE.

If they had copied CE saving, you'd have stacking armor saves and "special saves" that negate being hit at all in place of invulnerable saves.
It's very obviously intended for 2-3 players.
Nice one thanks
Games are between two players but I imagine doing a full campaign with just that wouldn't be that great.
Also if you're trying to save money you'll probably just have one army each, which might get dull after a while
It'd be best if you had a least a handful of people to play with, but cost of entry is pretty low so one person could have multiple kill teams without too much money spent.
Not necessarily trying to save money, just testing the waters.

My brother is a big 40k fan, hes read a ton of books and hes into all the vidya, however I think hes too scared of being judged to get into the table top.

I'd like to give table top a go, so I'm going to surprise him with a nice simple game we can give a go. If that works out then maybe it'll spark him to give proper 40k a go.

I work full time so money isn't particularly an issue, I'll shell out some money for a couple cheap armies.
Oh yeah for sure, I'd say go for it. I never played 40k before and I'm loving SWA.
In CE you can stack multiple special saves. You could very plausibly make two separate special saves and then also make an armor save in it.
>better not be any perps in here

Thanks man! Workin on the rest of the team and the Inquisitor. Not quite sure how I want to paint him though.
Very few troops are T5 too.

I was reading according to the venom talon.

Spess Mahrines would get no save, as Power Swords iirc become -4 armour mod in the end.

It doesn't matter what strength something is if it's obviously a poison/toxin weapon.

Plasma Pistols are likely supposed to be restricted to low power in melee combat.
You seem to forgot that you need to actually win the combat phase to actually dealing damage, with the risk that you lost and take the hit instead. While shooting are relatively risk-free.
>looking for perps
>find harlequins
You'll need to shell out for terrain as well or build your own.
I forgot about venom talon, I was just talking about the needle pistol. I guess that changes things since there's an explicitly toxic melee weapon. But either way, toxic weapons seem really strong in melee. Most troops are going to have better odds with their toughness than their armor save.
And yeah the plasma pistols thing shows there should be some clarification.
I didn't forget that. Inquisitor is WS4 and A3, which is good shit for melee. With the two weapon bonus, that's 4 dice, which is an advantage over almost anyone in hand to hand. And then other fighters have to roll to wound, while the toxic weapons skip that.
People are right that the Inquisitor should be strong, though, he is a leader with a hand to hand focus. It just seems like it dwarfs any other opponent in hand to hand besides like a tyrannid.
Actually I could be wrong about the toughness vs armor save. Toxic weapons are clearly a good check on high toughness troops. Never mind.
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Working on some basic guardsmen that can be used for an Imperial Guard or Inquisition list.

On a secondary note, holy fuck does painting suck after a wrist fracture.

To be honest, you'd be better off with triple plasma or plasma with a grenade launcher mixed in. The static fire power of 3 snipers is kinda underwhelming. You will really hurt someone if you wound them, but you have to be super careful with positioning and accuracy can be a problem.

Consider this. If you take plasma, you can outfit them with telescopic scopes later, giving you the range of a sniper rifle while standing still but allowing you to move around and still shoot. I mentioned the grenade launcher because it gives you a decent mass pinning tool for horde targets, though more often than not the ability to pin harlequins, terminators, and tyranid warriors makes the plasmaguns your prime weapon.
Shot in the dark here, does anyone have any Cadian w/ respirator heads to spare?

It's "Preternatural Reflexes" not "Peternatural". Otherwise looks pretty cool.
>motha fucka I will hug you TO DEATH!
>With the two weapon bonus

For an inquisitor, you will most likely bring the SS which negate 2 weapon bonus.

Also if the other weapon is the knife, i'd rather use only one good weapon and get all the hit from it instead.
You're right. I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill here.

Thinking of starting a new army/project to make things interesting. Should I go for a kit bashed SoB list or Nids?
I've enjoyed my stint using my sisters.
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>Been playing IG in this with a few friends to learn the rules before we do a proper campaign
>most of us are guard with a single skitarii player
>Wondering why the hell we're bothering with things like plasma and melta
>Remember I have a bag of Tyranid warriors and some alpha legion at home to mix things up
>MFW I immediately realize why those weapons are so important after building some lists with these disgusting xenos and traitor factions

Damn Nid warriors will be tough to add numbers to, but you get some good firepower to start, especially since I can't find anything that states bio weapons are heavy weapons

>death spitter, scything talons, extended Carapace

>Gun beast 1
>Venom cannon, scything talons, extended Carapace

Gun beast 2
>deathspitter, scything talons, extended Carapace

right on the nose at 1000pts. I feel weird only starting with 3 models but since my Max is 5 I guess it's not too big a deal, especially since we only get pinned by high impact.

Plan is either to get a new strain with X2 scything talons and extended carapace after first game or splurge on a barbed strangler, but odds are I'd wait on the barbed strangler until I have more warriors. It's odd because I can't afford a full fledged warrior as he's 200ts and you MUST spend at least 10 to give him a second weapon. Gonna be rolling on that guerilla table for the leader pretty hard to start from the look of things.
also I just realized nids can't buy reloads.

Fuck me, I roll ammo checks every game and fail them.
Flesh hooks need to be silent. Otherwise that's pretty much exactly a second edition lictor and actually pretty well balanced with the operatives GW made.
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How's my kill team looking?
I changed most heads to cooler ones.
The resin ones are from a 3rd party (i dont remember the name)
The boss one is an ironjaws megaboss head
The other ones are mostly all ironjaws heads

Power klaw

Rokkit launcha

Dakka gun ( the heavy shoota thing)





Stikk bombs

I know about boys > toys but I couldn't pass the power klaw, it's just too epic.
What you posted us basically my plan for my second nid starting KT for when my current campaign is over.

Bio-cannons are not heavy weapons, by virtue of incompetent rules writing they're not actually any established weapon type and exist in their own magical limbo-land where they aren't subject to any rules that apply to weapons of a specific type. But for all intents and purposes (and as is consistent with them all being assault weapons in 40k for the last 5 editions) you should just treat them as special weapons.

Getting an additional body ASAP is worth doing. A new spawn with 2 sets of talons is WS5 with 4 attacks at S4 rerolling failed wounds. That's enough to beat basically anything short of a high WS leader tooled to shit.

Also give everything adrenal glands and flesh hooks when you can, because charging over terrain is funny.
Going from 4 to 3 dice is a -0.12 on average, unless you expect enemies that can parry and have a lot of attacks it's not worth it.
Again, my local meta is mostly csm and fairly open, large boards. And toxic ammo is auto wound.
tell your local meta to get some fucking terrain goddamn
if most of the board is open you're playing the game wrong
Play Skittles until they put enough terrain on the board to go from one end to the other while staying hidden all the time, getting some fleeting target overwatch shoots at worst.

As for the list. Boyz > toyz. You can take more dudes than anyone else, abuse it.

Rokkit also isn't that great due to all the to hit modifiers and only having one shot. Filling the air with lead is better.
If your board is bigger than 4x4 and you can draw line of sight from one side to the other you're playing the game wrong.

You place terrain until there is no more terrain to place or both players agree that there is enough terrain. That's a rule. If other people aren't using enough terrain for your liking they have to use more.
so ditch the rokkit, add 4 yoofs?
I don't think you need two specialists on a starting list and rokkit launcher isn't great with BS2. Get rid of it, get a couple more shootas, get a red dot on the big shoota at the very least. Hitting on a 4+ is much, much better than hitting on a 5+.
It also specifies that the board should be 4' by 4' or smaller. Your local meta is dumb.
My train of thought was that after each mission you can add a new guy with up to 100 points which is impossible with a specialist (rokkit costs 130 by itself).
So I thought it was easier to start with one and then add boys later
You could always burn a promethium to get to 200 if you wanted the rokkit later on, I just tend to think it's a bad investment when you have so much manpower available. And with BS2, I like having quantity of fire over quality.
But I like using promethium to get special operatives :(
I already told them. It's cool though. I'll run with my snipers and then adapt to other metas as needed.
Then win so you can spend 2 promethium at once. Or don't get the spec ops because chances are you'll do fine without it.
Make your list how you want to make it. But I think you're investing in the wrong things because you're relying on a single shot 5+ when you could get several sustained fire 4+
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Yeah endgame is leader with death spitter, Gunner with venom spitter, Gunner with barbed strangler, and 2 warriors with X2 scything talons, upgrading all the fancy stuff along the way.

Adrenal glands is high on the list, but armor saves are higher. Most of the time it makes a big difference in what my meta will be (primarily IG, Admech, scouts, orks) and all I truly need to fear will be plasma and arquebuses.

At some point I'll upgrade guys to bone swords, like my leader, but I don't have the bits for those. I picked up what appear to be the very old warrior sprues, as they only came with death spitter and a single pair of scything claws. At some point I'll pick up a modern box and have the bits for a second venom cannon and bonesword upgrades for other guys, provided the campaign lasts that long.

So a question I had, on missions where there's limited deployment like the raid, do we suffer any penalties to deployment? From the sound of it we just make orks take less models, but it's confusingly worded.

I ask because a lot of the limited deployment missions often guarantee 3-4 models deployed. That's practically my whole team and seems a bit unfair. I guess it balances out in other games like the scrap grab mission but just figured I'd ask.
Ok thanks.
What if i gave him red dot?
What if the enemies have a tyranid or terminator that needs rekkin?
i've been just running a bunch of shootas and have gotten wrecked by nids like 4 times so definitely take the rokkit if you're going against them.
You have to use the Nob as a can opener, it's the only way. With a few ablative Yoofs for the gang-up bonus, he can powerklaw into oblivion just about anything, and if the enemy countercharges? you need a can opener the most against elitish teams, you have more numbers, you could screen him, at least in theory.
A save mod of 0 sounds exactly the same as a save mod of -, because both are effectively nothing.

What has a save mod of 0?
So how's this for a first time theory list?
Vet sarge w/ sword, laspistol, carapace, hotshot - 185
4x vets w/ lasgun, combat blade, carapace, hotshot -?120/each
1x special weapons op w/ carapace, combat blade, flamer - 130
1 special weapons op w/ combat blade, carapace, grenade launcher w/krak - 190
I believe there are tables for what madboys do in 'Ere We Go. You could use them in SW:A if you want to play on hard mode.
If my guys got knocked over because of pinning or down behind a fence, does this increase his cover or completely block him out of enemy sight?
Common sense says yes, but that's something you unfortunately have to agree with the opponent on as it's not specified.
I initially assumed it was a no modifier as well, but it's the sisters single shot anti psyker weapon.
Paying for a strength 3 weapon with no modifier and 1 shot didn't make any sense to me.

The weapon is the condemner boltgun, does anybody have the regular 40k stats?
Nevermind, it's strength 5.
No idea how misread that.
Makes sense not to have mod.
Range weapon do not gain bonus save mod.

Melee weapon with fixed Strenght also do not gain bonus save mod.
>condemner boltgun, does anybody have the regular 40k stats?
One use S5 no AP, psyker suffer peril if hit in adition to any wound.

It was crappy in SW because psyker are rare and peril are not very dangerous.
Well, yeah, the first campaign is on Armageddon. And they just gave him 7e rules too.
Yes. Since cover level is based on how much of the mini you can see from the viewpoint of the attacking miniature.
As others said it could get boring after some games to play against the same person with the same two armies even if you rotate them. But that has the extremely hard to do solution of buying a new killteam (90€ on average so not much compared to a full army) and going to your flgs or lgw and ask there if someone is up for a game or plan one there. T b h this game is easier to get into and play casually with people that wouldn't touch wargaming even with a ten feet pole, and you don't loose much if you don't end liking it. Hell, I mainly paint and the shadow war is what got me to the gaming side (along with aos fantasy related as I'm a filthy casul) as 40k is a crusty clusterfuck in my humble opinion.
90 euro?! Wtf do you buy? Goldplated minis? I paid about a third of that.
Would my Guard list be viable enough not to get stomped ?

++ Astra Militarum Veterans (Astra Militarum Veteran Kill Team) [995pts] ++

+ Uncategorised +

Regiment: Cadian

+ Leader +

Veteran Sergeant [145pts]: Flak armour, Lasgun

+ Troopers +

Veteran Guardsman [85pts]: Flak armour, Lasgun

Veteran Guardsman [85pts]: Flak armour, Lasgun

Veteran Guardsman [85pts]: Flak armour, Lasgun

Veteran Guardsman [85pts]: Flak armour, Lasgun

+ Specialists +

Special Weapons Operative [170pts]: Flak armour
. Grenade launcher: Krak grenades

Special Weapons Operative [170pts]: Flak armour
. Plasma gun: Telescopic sight

Special Weapons Operative [170pts]: Flak armour
. Plasma gun: Telescopic sight

++ Total: [995pts] ++
Should I drop a scope on a plasma gun and go with krak and frags on the grenadier ?
Could be more expensive if you also buy the Special ops. You could choose not to use any special ops but that just mean you simply have 0 option if you fell behind, or you only played 1 game.

90E on average is a little exaggrate. Around 60-80E should be enough for most team, since you usually only found 1 out of 3 special ops really useful.
Well, I guess it depends on if you buy bitz or full boxes.
hot damn,that'll do for an opener. I would get frag over Krak on the grenade launcher but you can always buy those on the first re arm. You should have a good start. Just start spending points on sights and camo asap
Is there any actual good service to buy bits from?
No organised bitz seller that I know of. They usually try to make money from it by buying sets and cutting them up. But if you bid on a lot of low starting bid auctions all the time you're bound to win a couple. The secret to buying cheap bitz is to not have a plan. Just bid a buck or two on everything that allows you to, and eventually you'll end up with a bunch of bitz for pratically no money at all.
Word brother. I mainly paint too, and have rarely played anything. Just a few games of Necromunda a long time ago. This game drew me in too.
Is this good enough to not get stomped? or do I need to cut something?

Skitarii Ranger Alpha+Galvanic Rifle+Red Dot Sight
Skitarii Ranger+Galvanic Rifle
Skitarii Ranger+Galvanic Rifle
Skitarii Ranger+Galvanic Rifle
Skitarii Ranger+Galvanic Rifle
Skitarii Specialist+Red Dot Sight+Transuranic Arabesque
So cut the thing for starting out? Get another gun?
No, you just autocorrected arquebus to a different word.
Ahh blargh, -_-, so how is it for starting out? Do I cut anything?
Anybody know how to pick hot shot power packs in battlescribe? No option to do this
The transuranic arquebus is a bit of a niche weapon, unless you expect to be dealing with nids, nurgle marines or harlequins you might be better off with more specialists with arc rifles instead.

But you'd end up buying the arquebus later anyway.
You select the lasgun and upgrade it like a weapon reload.
Please desist from your namefaggotry at once.
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