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Im currently constructing a homemade rpg with some inspiration

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Im currently constructing a homemade rpg with some inspiration from d&d and other games, and im trying to make the combat as realistic as possible especially the unarmed one. Any tips or advice you could give me?
Pain is different to HP. Some injuries hurt a lot without actually damaging you much, and vice versa. You should consider the impact morale has on combat; if a bandit has just seen his friend get cut in two or be stabbed and left screaming for his mother he's probably going to run.
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Join the master race.
Why not? It doesnt have to be perfect and I understand that its not going to be because its homemade. Its just for me and my freinds to try and play and enjoy.
>trying to make the combat as realistic as possible
Rookie mistake, kid. Go to the A Song of Swords thread and read everything before you do anything with your game, if "realism" is your actual intent.
Divorce AC from how hard it is to be hit. AC should reflect how much damage reduction an armour provides, not how hard you are to be hit. Then cut down on HP. Yes, I understand what hit points are supposed to be, but I also know what they - a sword can kill, be it wielded by a peasant or a skilled knight. Skill is the key. Do these three things and you're in with a chance for a D&D inspiration and realism, but still playablism.
This. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Or look at Song of Swords if you want ultra-realistic combat but underdeveloped everything else.
Sorry. Honestly my best advice.
Don't. You're not a game designer. Whatever you do make, even if it is serviceable, will basically just be a clusterfuck of three or four with some many problems that you need to constantly patch it with endless house rules until you can't keep track of it anymore. Causing your players to groan for whatever system back.

But if you must, I highly recommend reading as many realistic rpgs as you can. Except GURPS, that fucker is impenetrable if you don't dedicate most of your time to it to pick out exactly what you want and work around the piles and piles of rules. But there are several systems that try to do exactly what you want. I don't know many off the top of my head because realistic combat isn't my bag, but poke around, you'll find a ton. Read all of them. One or two will surely resonate with you. If none still do, try to make your game. By then you'll probably have a lot of ideas and influence from the pile of different books you read and you'll probably be able to piecemeal a decent game.
Start with a good system of NPC/character stats and how you're gonna handle HP.

Visualize several combat scenarios that'd be in the game and take time to really think about what would be a factor within combat. Things like armor, character stats, initiative, the amount of attacks a character can make,ect. After this go into as much level of detail for the different factors of combat, add levels of complexity to the factors that would decide combat like exhaustion or other ridiculous factors like "Palm Sweatiness" or specific things like that. Go for as complex as you want but remember combat should still be able to have a flow otherwise it wont be fun.

You can make up for a lot of simple combat by being articulate and descriptive on the fly and describing individual hits or how an NPC or character looks or reacts to a situation.

If you're going to incorporate magic i'd suggest really thinking it out and making it much more powerful and "magical" than it usually is in RPGs. Make it an actual extraordinary thing. Having a complex system of combat and then having a mage have a practical flamethrower of fire bolts is probably not gonna fit well.
Fuck you guys. Maybe he wants to make it for fun. Not to have a finished product that /tg/ would want to play. Don't be such negative assholes.
>game designer
>an official designation one can have
>not just meaning "has made a game"
When will this meme end?
As in a professional who does it for a living. Working for a company that can afford a lot of effort in testing, market research, a team with experience, etc.

Some schlub can make a game, and it has happened, but generally heartbreakers come from people like OP.

He'll probably try and make something anyway, only to realize that he can't because he does have the skill/experience/money and end up with a DnD/Warhammer homebrew with a three ring binder full of house rules and erratas that aren't as playable as either of the base games. People on here talk from jaded experience trying to make games ourselves.
He asked for advice. We gave the honest best advice. I even tried to be supportive by offering him a starting point.

A health bar/hit points system will never achieve realistic combat, so drop that right away and find an alternative.

One I've been mulling over:

Treat Combat Endurance and Mortal Wounds/Damage as different things entirely.

A character can collapse from exhaustion in combat just as easily as from a severe injury.

Getting hit, blocking an attack, dodging an attack, or even combat options like dashing or attacking all reduce Endurance either a large amount or a trivial amount, rather than just dealing damage.

Make likelyhood of taking a Mortal Wound more likely as Endurance goes down.

Make it so you can only have a % of your max endurance based off of how many Mortal Wounds you have. (Can't fight effectively until injury is healed over)

Magical 'quick' healing restores Endurance, but doesn't cure wounds. Healing wounds is almost exclusively done outside of combat barring powerful magic.

Different creatures of different strength have varying amounts of Mortal Wounds they can take. Non-magical tiny creatures all 1, small are 2, medium 3-4, large 5-8, etc. Enormous things like Dragons need to be Wounded 15 times before they die.
>We gave the honest best advice.
You gave him the worst possible advice.
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