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MTG Modern General

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Thread replies: 355
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>Current Modern Metagame

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Modern sucks.
>4x back to nature

well fuck you too
Are you the legacy shill who is not content with shitting up your own thread or some standard fag who is choking on a 14 inch double ended blue pill?
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So how'd everyone do at their last modern night? Went 2-2 last night, lost against eldrazi tron and abzan playing burn. Got 2nd place tho
Hypothetically, if there was a nonbasic in Amonkhet that said:
>tap: produce one colorless mana
>tap and exert: produce one mana of any color

Would that be garbage?
Yes. They already printed similar in Kamigawa.
You should do 3 scooze and 3 avatars
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Pic for Standard babbies.
Scooze usually isn't that great, I don't often have spare mana. I keep one mainboarded and two in the sideboard for tarmogoyf decks, avatar is overall a much better performer with it's trample reach and buffing for free. Avatar also pumps a 2/2 experiment one to 3/3, it's also pretty nifty to pull avatar from the graveyard with pulse of murasa when you have 3 dudes with counters on field, making it come in as a 6/5 trample reach for no extra cost.
It was already printed identical ones under different names all the way back in tempest
I have a question regarding the new green beaters in amonkhet that give -1/-1 counters to another creature. If i give the counters to young wolf or strangleroot geist when they have a +1/+1 counter does undying trigger?
Legacy sucks even more than modern. I'd tell those faggots how pointless their coin-flip format is but the thread is as dead as legacy. You losers like to shit post. Don't mind me as I piss into an ocean of piss.
Plus counters and minus counters cancel each other out
So they did.
If Young Wolf comes back with a +1/+1 counter and then later recieves a -1/-1 counter then yes when he dies again Undying will trigger again since the two counters cancel each other out
not according to this guy

it should be noted this only works if it's a single -1/-1 at a time. Put 2 on at once and it doesn't come back
uh it still comes back
No it doesn't. +1/+1 and -1/-1 canceling out are done when state based actions are checked, the same time creatures die. It dies while the +1/+1 counter is still on it.
ruling for this?
right there >>52570794
Literally read the fucking thread >>52570794
Modern players, everybody.
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despite being a magic longtime player i've to admit that sometime still miss some obscure long time forgotten rule, but after this >>52570741 and the As Foretold ordeal I can say that this thread have truly reached the rock bottom.
Soul sister curve topper? Pumps pride mates by a ridiculous amount
Nah man
Actual cat tribal.
Run it with brimaz and leonin arbiter
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I went 3-1 with G/B Tron. My only loss was to Bant Eldrazi. Which I lent to the guy. He 4-0'd with it.
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This new deck I've been working with is really good. After playtesting all night with no sideboards, I can conclusively say the matchup with Death's Shadow Jund is almost dead even, if not slightly in our favor, I think, maybe more playtesting would prove me wrong but I don't think it would stray more than 52-48 either way.

Land (18)
4x Arid Mesa
3x Blood Crypt
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Marsh Flats
1x Mountain
2x Sacred Foundry
1x Swamp
Instant (14)
2x Kolaghan's Command
3x Lightning Bolt
4x Manamorphose
2x Path to Exile
3x Terminate
Creature (12)
4x Bedlam Reveler
4x Death's Shadow
4x Street Wraith
Sorcery (16)
2x Collective Brutality
4x Faithless Looting
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Lingering Souls
4x Thoughtseize

That's the deck, I really like it and I think it works very well. If anyone wants to proxy it and test it out and make reccomendations, or tell me some other matchups I'd really like to hear it. I think the problem with Bedlam Reveler, was people were trying to play him in burn, and let's be honest, burn doesn't really need a big card in their hand they can't cast yet. Burn just wants another bolt. And then he just draws a burn spell, which is what you wanted anyways. Drawing kill spells, and flashback stuff, and other fat creatures is the way to go. Reveler into 2 kill spells into another Reveler is insane, just can't be beat. Love this deck, highly reccomend it, and it's only like a couple hundred if you already have the lands, great deck really enjoying it.
/tg/ lets brew Gideon Control! Firstly, lets decide on what colors we should be in - I'm thinking W/U. Also, alongside Of the Trials, what other Gideons should we run? Any other Planeswalkers?
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Which one should I put in my midrange Bant shell?
We're in spoilers season, there hasn't been a Standard thread in days, and the closest thing to a Spoilers General is the "MTG Story Thread," which is just a renamed lore circlejerk.

>make on yourself
I did. Yesterday when some clueless faggot was convinced that Jund wanted Hazoret because it was a "great lategame finisher" or some such.
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Gids is better, but you can't waifu him. Take your pick.
why would we attempt to run this awful standard trash when we can just cast Mapcap Experiment and dig out Platinum Emperion or Platinum Angel?

fuck off
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They are competing for the same slot and Ajani can be much more aggressive.
This deck is slow and clunky. Reveler doesn't get turned on fast enough and he's not big enough even with prowess. I've played this deck all night and it's actually absolute garbage
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Hey, so, I'm sitting on four of these. How do I go about building it into a deck? I had it in Naya burn for a while, but was having trouble with the double red. Infernal Plunge fixed that, but then I was killing my own Nacatls for it, and I wasn't a fan of that. Lingering Souls was great, but slowed me down too much.

Where can I put this sexy bitch to make her work?
I don't think you understand how powerful draw 3 is.
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>4 cost planeswalker
>I had it in Naya burn for awhile
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this is good
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Is this likely to see any play? Drawing a card from a Remand is great and all but this gets around 'can't be countered' and stops the opponent from casting any copies of their goyf/ deaths shadow right?
Aftermath is sorcery speed, yeah?
If so, that kills the card because it has the same problem as Remand, where your opponent just recasts it after it returns to his hand.

Love it. It's going to be somewhere between $2 and $5 because of it. Thanks Wizards.
It's not slow, it plays a midrange game. And define clunky, because it seems to me that the deck functions very well at stripping the opponents hand. There's really nothing clunky, it's all 1 drops and 2 drops. And I'm able to turn Reveler on pretty consistenly. What decks did you play it against?
Seems okay.
>Where can I put this sexy bitch to make her work?
I think she slots into Jund as a one-of, occasionally. Pretty sure she also sees play in W/R Prison.
in early game is still a good tempo
This should be a new meme
Between this and Spell Queller, why are they treating spells like permanents in the way they're interacted with?

All I can guess is that WotC is rewording to avoid using "counter spell" because it triggers Timmies, same way MaRo mentioned that they burned the name Megamorph out, and if it ever came back, they'd just call it Morph, but it gets a +1/+1 counter on flipping.
Are magic players really so easily fooled, that they care more about specific words than the effect of those words?
Maybe, but it's still questionable against Remand. Dual color and all that.

It will probably see play in Bant Spirits though.
I rate it below Kithkin but above ban 8th and 9th edition.
Aftermath doesn't have a speed. It depends on the card type.
No kidding?
So for three mana, it's a Reflector Mage against spells.
Oh wait, Comply is Sorcery.
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The only deck the Torch of Defiance goes into in any number beyond 1-of is Free Win Red

Unfortunately FWR is a complete meme deck
RW Prison lists play her. However I don't like her in that deck personally
The blue Egyptian god card is gonna make monou Tron a very cool thing.
desu I love the spoiler tards who think that these cards are modern playable it's funny as fuck.
does anyone think the new sphinx will make it into living end? 4/4 flyer seems way better than the carabid, thing is you need blue to cycle it

That sphinx alone doesn't come close to being enough incentive to adding a fourth color to a deck that already has a pretty janky mana-base
Pls respond and tell me what is clunky, the only card that could be considered clunky is reveler and I've really never had a problem casting him when I want to
So does anyone know of any nice card shops in the PNW area? I got a new job and moved across the country to just outside Seattle in the Redmond/Kirkland area, I had been going to the same card shop in my home state for years bc there's a healthy modern group with not too many spergy tryhards, wondering if anyone has any suggestions for card shops up here where I can have some enjoyable modern games
Use mana confluence and as foretold/expertise, get rid of cascaders in favor of reunions and looting. That lets you run bolts and push. Even day's undoing feels memey enough.
You should stop.

You're not being serious, right?
You're both niggers who are scared to try new things
You're a retard who has no idea how to brew
Yeah? Show us how then. Show us something you've brewed in the last year.
I remember people saying the exact same thing about Deaths Shadow Jund and Eldrazi Tron
Nobody was saying that about DSJ before the probe ban when online lists started to switch and Eldrazi Tron has been around for a while.

You literally have no idea how living end works if you think those cards would be good in it.
You cycle a lot of creatures until you cast living end for free.

Cascade is the preferred method of doing this because it is consistent.
So why the fuck would you run looting effects you?
>nobody was saying that about DSJ
Lmao yeah right faggot, I remember literally every cuck on here screaming about how it's too weak to burn and other Aggro, clearly you've only been on here for a day
To run removal.
>day's undoing
Yea, let's let our opponent reanimate all his creatures too :^)
So you can have their creatures come back to life?
Pls stop
I was here when that anon posted DSJ after the probe ban you faggot and aside from one or two people sperging you're fucking wrong.

Not to mention when the lists where switching before probe ban and the discussion about DSZ vs DSJ.

>only 2 people were sperging
Nah you're full of shit, I literally went in every single thread and went in depth about how DSJ didn't need probe and literally everyone called me a tard and to kill myself. The fact that suddenly now you want to be a little revisionist faggot means nothing to me, kill yourself.
>I was right and everyone was wrong!
>Y..you w.wwe...weren't even here!!
I was in those threads too you fucking retard and people were telling you that DSZ (not the same thing as DSJ) was dead without probe you fucking retard. Literally kill yourself
Not to mention the fact that DSZ is in fact dead without probe.
No, for enchantment/artifact/planeswalker/land removal
Modern players are the reason that every other format hates modern players
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>tfw I was in those threads too, only shitposting about how DSZ wasn't dead because it just became a better deck

Needs leyline of anticipation. so you can flash in another gideon. I would say WUG for doubling seasons fogs and such
Oh wow you remember me, this one particular anon and what I said, from that exact thread 2 months ago? Just shut the fuck up
I don't remember anybody saying it got better but whatever you say :^)
They already run beast within. Your idea is bad
You remember every post made on 4chan? Woah, you must be like, a genius or something hey?
>I literally was in the thread arguing how probe didn't kill the deck
>i was in the threads too
>only 1 or 2 people arguing that probe didn't kill the deck
just kys
>the absolutely disgusting state of your reading comprehension
What is it like living life as a mouth breathing fucking subhuman?
Fuck off you fat smelly autist. I am certain you have no irl friends and everyone hates you just based on how insufferable you are right now
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1 mana 1/2, prowess, even steve argyle art
>I remember every single thread and discussion on /tg/ and I know exactly who you are cause I have read every single post on the modern general from 2 months ago
Where do you find yourself on the autism spectrum?
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And this garbage
Wow. Who called this? I feel like someone called this exact card.

Alright /tg/, let's see if you're as bad at MTG as you look like

What happens with that fucker and anger of the gods
Never said that I did you stupid faggot learn to read. I do remember the threads post git probe banning and I remember one or two retards arguing that git probe banning didn't kill DSZ ( which it did) and conisidering that this anon said he was in those threads too, it's not unreasonable to assume that it's one of the same people. Nice argument though

Nice argument you stupid cunt
Are you asking if it exiles?
Because it places counter instead of dealing damage the creatures go to graveyard rather than exile.
Are you done throwing a tantrum? We're trying to discuss magic

I know what happens. I want to see if you do.

It doesn't exile, as the mage is a replacement effect for damage
The original post is about DSJ, no one ever mentioned zoo except your retarded mongoloid ass. Please immediately kill yourself you vapid faggot
>hurr nice argument
>people trying to argue with a super genius who remembers every post on tg from months ago
Fools desu
Don't forget your own creatures.
Is this good for Modern? It's just another Swiftspear so I can't really tell

I don't really see any advantage in using him instead of swiftspear
swiftspear haste has more relevance than noncombat wither
Searing blaze becomes very good against fat stuff, your burn can shrink creatures in general, gets around damage prevention/indestructable

Id say its decent, normally swiftspears haste only comes in for 1 anyway
>Delver, swiftspear, this, stormchaser, bedlam reveler?
Could we have a deck with all prowess?
As someone who pretty much exclusively plays Burn, I *LIKE* the card and think it has some nice potential to do wicked awesome stuff.
I like how it stops Kitchen Finks from simply just destroying you
I like how it means that your burn spells will also reduce damage you take
What I don't like is that it doesn't have haste, essentially killing all interest I have in the card.
Might play it as a 1 of in place of Grim Lavamancer or in my sideboard.
Izzet Staticaster, pyroclasm, lavamancer
when would you actually want to see this card in your hand? it's a pretty shit topdeck when hellbent but seems to slow to keep in your starting 7
>when would you actually want to see this card in your hand?
Literally only on turn 1, and even then there is a 99% chance it'll just get pathed or pushed, bolted etc.
Not having haste makes it real shit, and that makes me sad.
Screw burn, this is great in control decks with red.
>The blue Egyptian god card is gonna make monou Tron a very cool thing.
How do you figure, anon?

I guess you can bounce your lands back to your hand to save them? Big mana shouldn't be an issue in tron and drawing a card is always welcome, but I don't really see it in the deck anyways

Disagreed. Control decks with red have terminate for creature threats. The only cards this applies to are bolt and maybe electrolyze. The only time it will apply to combat is when your bolt isn't enough to kill but you're willing to spend the card partially mitigating the threat. Like shrinking a 4/5 goyf or a tasigur.

But then this creature isn't proactive enough for how narrow it's ability is. You're literally just running a 1 power creature with prowess, which is not that strong. Swiftspear is good because it has haste and in the decks that run it you try and get 2 prowess triggers t0 so you can swing with it for 3 and get a bolt worth of damage so the card pays for itself before they can interact and the rest of any damage is gravy.

This guy doesnt give you any of that speed and not nearly enough utility to justify how gimped he is in modern.
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Is this modern playable?
Grixis can swap out Delver for this. Kcommand, bolt, and electrolyze all proc it. And a 1/2 with prowess is better for tempo than a potentially forever 1/1
I really hope not. Free spells are cancer, this game isnt Yu Gi Oh.
Not while DSJ is here but the best list I've seen so far plays like a weird value Twin.
It would need to be enabled somehow. As is, it starts running T4, which is unplayable.
Please stop posting.
Play it turn 3 and you can immediately cast Ancestral Visions or Restore Balance
got the list at hand?
... that is actually pretty neato. It'd also work as a way to cast living end if it ever wound up in hand.
Granted. T3 Restore Balance is alright.
AV is overrated though. It draws 3, memes and all, but it's only worthwhile if the deck already ran AV. I can't cram that into thinks.

8/10 Johnnies approve of the card.
Jeskai Nahiri already runs 4x AV main, and I think combo Twin would've as well. I don't think it's this much of a stretch.
>1/2 that becomes a 2/3 some of the time or 3/4 maybe once a game
>or a 1/1 that almost always becomes a 3/2 flyer

Your choice
I don't think you understand how powerful draw 3 is
the main problem with this is that as foretold wants to be played as early as possible to get value. but do you really want to tap out in modern on turn 3 as a control deck?
what are some ways of distributing -1/-1 counters in modern?
Anything with Wither/Infect
look up cards from Shadomoor/Eveningtide and the scars block.
>tap out
>play restore balance

>Typical control t1 play of removal or serum
>t2 more removal or counter (lol)
>t3 draw three

Yeah I do actually, wouldn't surprise me if this gets banned
also storm with wheel of fate seems spicy
>wouldn't surprise me if this gets banned
I have wanted to build tribal cats for months now, this makes mr so fucking happy.
Hope you boys bought some, my testing has indicated that this is going to be the deck to beat in modern.

>storm with wheel of fate
I now have a boner
The speculator cabal strikes again
Can we just gas the kikes already?
>restore balance
>players go from 3 lands to 3 lands, 0 creatures to 0 creatures and 4 cards to 4 cards
What a turn 3
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>3 lands
you typically play mana rocks with this type of deck so no

>0 creatures

>4 cards to 4 cards
lol Didn't realize making your opponent discard their hand was bad
>not playing greater Gargadon on T1
stop being bad
Yeah how do people not realize that Balance has to be played in a way that benefits you? Artifact mana is the best way to play Balance because then you are wiping lands, not only that but a control deck usually has more cards in hand then an aggro deck so it could end up making them discard. If your opponents on Burn and you balance them on the play you are going to have to sac a land and probably have to discard cards from hand.
I actually kind of want to play Wheel of Fate now, maybe in a UR control deck
decklist? Looking for something new to play with a bant mana base
So the deck plays Lotus bloom turn 1 then waits out the next 2 turns to play Restore Balance. You are essentially letting the opponent have 3 free turns.

In best case scenario, you go island turn 1 into simian simian As Fortold turn 2 into Restore Balance.

Where's your beaters? Sitting in Suspend with 7 counters still on them? Or best case scenario, Nihilith comes out and its a 4/4 you had to set up so specifically from your opening hand.

And at worst, you made your opponent sac 1 land and maybe one or two creatures and discard 2 so you could pump out a 4/4 by using almost every card in your hand.

Do you realize how many specific cards you need in your opening hand and first 3 draws to make this work? It's going to be so jank.
This might end up being the best use of As Foretold. It would be decent in Storm to begin with, because it gives you a couple free mana each turn to go off with. And it also lets you abuse lotus bloom.
2-0-1 with merfolk. just borrowing the deck until i buy a modern deck. 5-1-1 with it overall.
Could also run AV too for the draw 3 but that might be kinda shitty.
as foretold gives me massive days undoing flashbacks
>willingly putting yourself and your opponent into top deck mode when DSJ is the deck to beat

Holy Moly, Batman.
>getting rid of a ton of consistency in the combo deck to possibly get some free mana here and there and MAYBE get a hand restock
Storm will actuallly be the deck to beat when this drops senpai.
If we are running Wheel it'd probably be real shitty considering we only get 1 free spell per turn. We'd have to test it on cockatrice or with proxies to know for sure though.
Storm won't use this, I've been testing it, clunky as fuck desu
I've also been testing it and it's no more clunky then Electromancers
It does nothing except waste 3 mana unless you have a wheel in hand
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Is she good enough for Modern?
Not really. Shes ok if you really wanted to you could run her SB in a Bant deck.
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Is there really need for this question to be asked every modern thread?
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I'm going to paste my list in every thread until someone tells me what is clunky about it besides Reveler who I don't find to be that clunky. Someone tell me what's clunky, guy who played with it pls tell me your matchups, the burn matchup is worse than DSJ yes, but aside from that I still think it's good, especially in the Eldrazi matchup


Land (18)
4x Arid Mesa
3x Blood Crypt
4x Bloodstained Mire
3x Marsh Flats
1x Mountain
2x Sacred Foundry
1x Swamp
Instant (14)
2x Kolaghan's Command
3x Lightning Bolt
4x Manamorphose
2x Path to Exile
3x Terminate
Creature (12)
4x Bedlam Reveler
4x Death's Shadow
4x Street Wraith
Sorcery (16)
2x Collective Brutality
4x Faithless Looting
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Lingering Souls
4x Thoughtseize
Other decks just do more powerful things. You're slow and all over the place. I'm not going to take time to explain every reason your deck is shit. Pls stop posting
What is all over the place? I really don't understand, it's not any slower than Jund or Junk, and it plays essentially the same removal suite as them with superior beaters
>superior beaters
>no goyf
>no flayer
>only good beater is DS
>8 threats with the occasional hard cast street wraith
Realistically if you are in top deck mode against someone playing a Deaths shadow Jund List, what would you rather topdeck, a Grim Flayer or a Bedlam Reveler
Also what is all over the place? Good removal and discard? That's most of the deck
looks like it's only there to enable reveler which is a mediocre payoff
>kolaghan's command
not at its most effective in this shell. you're already running bolt, path, and terminate, so it looks like the only mode you really gain is returning a creature. existing grixis death's shadow uses this card mostly for snapcasters.
not sure what this is doing
>lingering souls
a very good card, but its role is for stabilizing/getting ahead in attrition matchups. given you're running manamorphose, this doesn't look to be your gameplan.

your deck is a slower DS variant, but even with DSJ, which is slow, there's HUGE gains in consistency thanks to traverse and tarmogoyf. even if it doesn't hit death's shadow it makes turn 2 5/6 beaters.
Realistically if you're in the early game what would you rather do, play a threat and filter cards with flayer or have a clunky creature that makes you discard your hand?
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What do you think of my brew?
Mana morphose is to this deck the same as bauble is to DSJ, except you get the card immediately, that's all it is, it cycles and enables your cards, if you could make an argument to how bauble is so much better than it then I would listen.
K Command is fine, it returns a guy, shocks and discards. Consider my bolts as tarfires, I mean essentially running the same amount of targeted removal as Death's Shadow Jund
If you don't understand why looting is in the deck then you really don't seem to understand it well.
Lingering souls is played as a 4 of in Reid Dukes Death Shadow list, it's not just there for grinding, you can apply pressure with it, I really don't think you understand the meta right now.

The trade off from regular DSJ is the late game. I get to the late game. The deck has the ability to close a turn out in a couple turns with a Deaths Shadow Early, and it also has the ability to grind extremely long games with Reveler and Lingering Souls. It's slower than DSJ, but for good reason, and after a few matchups I can confidently say that the DSJ and Eldrazi matchups are favorable. I really don't think your analysis is correct of the deck. Manamorphose is just a cycle, there's no payoff, that's why I think you're not seeing the deck as a whole. You put nothing into morphose and you get a lot out. Really have to disagree with you on a lot of your points, are you the guy who was playing it last night? What were your matchups?
your eldritch evolution payoffs don't seem that impressive to me
Not that guy, but Flayer is a shitty meme, I really think it's trash and as time progresses we see more and more get cut
4 Bedlam is WAAAYYYY too much

I play 2 Bedlam in LEGACY U/R Delver and Even then I occasionally have dead Bedlams. Play Gurmag or Tasigur instead. Or even Stormbreath Dragon

The Manamorphose is also questionable. Playing more Paths and Push's would be much better. There's absolutely no reason not to play Fatal Push.
>bauble is to DSJ
DSJ wouldn't run bauble at all if it didn't play 4 tarmogoyfs and 8 delirium payoffs
i guess i'm struggling to understand why you're putting work into enabling the bedlam reveler when it's not that impressive. it gets outclassed by tarmogoyfs easily. i like the idea of playing a spell-heavy DS list but you're sacrificing what makes current DS lists really strong.
Foster early game is literally just a 2/2 99% of the time
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since your splashing white, and you have those jank swords
It's no Emmy or Griselbrand, but I liked Popping a mana dork to get Rallier, to get back the dork or fetchland to gain CA or value. Then there's popping a voice, get the token, fetch Resto, blinking Rallier, to bring back voice.

That said, I think it's probably worth trying to fetch out Baneslayer Angels and other powerful 5 drops instead of Swords and Stonehewer Giant
Ehh, I really don't find it to be too much when we can discard excess ones to looting and brutality. Legacy Delver is also just playing with way more powerful cards, but the main difference is Legacy Delver isn't necessarily tapout. This deck aims to play all its cards very quickly, and in doing such, I've almost never held onto a reveler rather than casting it
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Why would I play inferior jank shit? Your opinion is shit because your card knowledge pool is shit.
What are the 8 delirium payoffs? It's just traverse?
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well damn, thanks for the lesson.
DSJ doesn't run Flayer, not the non MTGO ones and Reid Duke who has the biggest boner for that card for some reason

Cute brew. I'd try it at FNM.

You're probably going to find yourself a lot in topdeck mode seeing how the deck works, so yeah, 4 revelers aren't too much.

I see 2 main issues with the deck, namely it seems a little bit too slow and its going to fold a lot to graveyard hate. I'd try adding some things to actually make reveler/DS a little more evasive, since they can be chump blocked for days. I know you have a lot of removal, but wasting those on lingering souls tokens so your beaters can get by isn't going to feel good.

Go-wide decks seem to be a little troubling, since pretty much all your removal is targeted. I'd say your creatures are big enough to add anger of the gods or just pyroclasm

Most of these can (and should) be considered in the sideboard though, so I'd say you're alright for now.
3-0 with knightfall, first time playing the deck.
best dsj eldrazi tron some abzan deliruim list

3-1 with UW Spirits, lantern got me

I'm not going to be able to go for a few weeks since I'll be working, which sucks, but that's going to get me enough to build a real deck, which is pretty good

I'll probably end up getting scapeshift and the UR Delver shitbrew that was posted here a couple days ago
I have to say while I did think the elves matchup would be worse, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When you kill the Ezuris and Arch Druids, their Elves are really not that impressive. I find in this current meta, that most decks do not go wide, and if that changed I think I'd find myself running some temur battle rages. In the end though, I did not find myself struggling too hard against Elves, the matchup seemed pretty reasonable, as my removal and discard could keep them away from critical mass. I have not played the affinity matchup, it's why I'm running 2 Kommands right now. I think a couple Angers will find their way into the sideboard for sure. As far as being too slow, it is, but it's really good at slowing down the opponents deck as well. Between the discard and kill spells, I find the game going into topdeck mode for both of us very quickly, and I think the deck top decks really well. It is slow though, the burn matchup is not good, but that's the only matchup I've found to be not that great. I'm sure I will get some Battle Rages in there, thanks for your input.
>UW spirits
Just play bant senpai, it's so much better
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I know, but I'm a poorfag and I'd rather build something else if I'm going to spend big money on it, I've got enough play from the spirits already

If they end up reprinting hierarchs (hah) I'll probably make it bant
>tfw you want to go to FNM but your LGS plays legacy and standard on friday nights
>all the other stores in the area are infested with Nu Males and/or obese neckbeards who never shower or shave.
I hate life. I just wanna play seven lightning bolts for three or four turns for a few hours and make money for doing so
It's weird seeing cards like Faithless Looting and Bedlam Reveler, typically cards for fast decks that don't care about card advantage, paired with grindy cards like Lingering Souls and Kommand.
If you want to avoid Bant, play the Tallowisp version. It actually has some pluses vs the Bant deck such as equipping your Giest easier and some spicy tech.
Needs more Removal
>play the Tallowisp version
What awful advice
If Noble is the only thing holding you back then just swap her for birds, the main draw to green is coco and being able to t2 3 drop into coco is straight gas. You'll miss the exalted and such too but birds grind just a little better with township

>tallowisp meme
>having anything on bant
I honestly feel like Bedlam reveler was never a card for fast decks, I think he was played wrong. I saw him in blue red decks with counterspells, seems pretty bad. I saw him in burn and aggro decks, which also didn't seem great, almost every time I saw someone play him in burn, it would have made way more sense just to have had a burn spell in that position, however he doesn't work in too aggro heavy decks with creatures as he needs to be supported by a lot of spells to be playing him consistently. I think the right style of play for him, is a tap out deck, where what you're drawing off him wins you the game. I think he's a grindy card, I think he's a great topdeck. I think the best way to play him is to play him in a deck that is drawing powerful spells.
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Can I add one to DSJ?
This card is really bad in a deck with only 6 actual mana sources
you can add anything. probably will be shit
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If they were to ban something out of Death's Shadow what would it be? Would it be Shadow?
Traverse the Ulvenwald
They should ban Blood Moon, Chalice of the Void and Urza's Power Plant before they ever ban a card from this deck
Street Wraith
Too new they won't ban it. They should have banned Cathartic Reunion, not GGT
Fatal Push :^)
>answering a question that specifically asks which card is the likeliest to be hit if there ever is a hit = scrub

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Tell me why this wouldn't be good?

>create 3 insects
>put in 2 -1/-1 counters on all creatures
>get back 6 insects just from your own
>Too new they won't ban it.

That's literally not an argument. They ban what hits the deck the most with the least collateral damage as possible.
Because you jump through all these hoops and play bad cards just to get some 1/1 creatures
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hey buddy you got the wrong thread, edh thread is two blocks down
Why would they ban probe then?
Why is Kalitas still so high? He's not even played in anything except maybe a 1 of in Jund
frontier :^)
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Will it ever be possible to make meld work?
Well why isn't collected company 40 dollars then?
Honestly ha weir garrison doesn't seem that bad on its own
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Hanweir garrison is best with this card. If you can ramp Hanweir on turn 2, drop this on turn 3, you're doing 8 - 9 damage on turn 3.

Then add in some bolts, and other zoo creatures, and i think the deck can steal a game or two
The tokens it creates don't trigger raid bombardment
Why cant it stack? When you announce attack, it creates 2 which also attacks, then all 3 trigger raid bombardment.
It doesn't trigger because the tokens are never declared as attackers, which is what bombardment cares about. They are already attacking when they come into play.

All of those mechanics had spice and promise yet they were purposely made weak for god knows what reason.

Fuck you Wizards.
>Wanting Eldrazi to be even more powerful than they already are
No thanks
How is ingest promise or spice?
>not liking tentacles

Commit sudoku
Shut down by Night of Soul's Betrayal and Pyroclasm.
Pretty shit desu, but funny.
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Anyone here have experience playing Tooth and Nail? Is it any good? I've been itching to put together a classic green ramp deck and I have most of the cards for it - I'd just need to get the T&N's themselves and the Planeswalkers.
It's okay. It's a slowish combo deck that gets wrekt pretty hard by bolt and shit, I don't know what you want me to tell you. Decks pretty straight forward and you should know what you're getting into
If it was worded "deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters." (like wither and infect), it would have exiled though, right?
>some clueless faggot was convinced that Jund wanted Hazoret because it was a "great lategame finisher"
literally not at all how that went down. go fuck yourself for telling lies on the internet
Honestly I can't think of a single good home for him outside of UR delver.
>shitting out 2/2 lifelink vigliance cats

Damn, that is pretty meme.
Probably because of the appeal of legendary creatures, they're just cool. Also, EDH.

Cast Anger
Prowess Trigger
Becomes 2/3
Opponents creatures get a bunch of -1/-1 counters(3 each) and any that are on toughness 0 die and go to the graveyard unless they took damage from another source earlier that turn prior to Anger resolving to which they would get exiled instead. Your guy gets Exiled to Anger of the Gods.
>being this ass pained
Coco isn't actually the best card in frontier :^)
>trying to impress anonymous strangers on the internet out a deep, pathetic, need for validation
deck can win on turn 3. that is if your opponent doesent have bolt turns 1/2. or thoughtseize turn 1/2. or path turn 1/2 or any disruption whatsoever. that being said it is a combo deck that can straight up turn into a powerful midrange deck that jams wurmcoils and thragtusks and shit. fun deck just not good against interactive decks
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this is the best i could muster. i think it plays tier 2-ish.

Tiers are usage based
Just tested out on xmage. I liked how the deck ran. Getting out Reveler was way easier than i was anticipating and refueled hands like a champ. The mana base did feel a little clunky. I'm cutting one of the blood crypts for a godless shrine and adding a plains to have some shot at casting white spells against a resolved blood moon.

What does your sideboard look like? I was running this, but I'd like to know what you are doing.

2x Anger of the Gods
2x Blessed Alliance
3x Boom/Bust
2x Grafdigger's Cage
3x Stony Silence
2x Surgical Extraction
1x fatal push
comment on what i said, not how i said it. you understood what i meant
just stop playing pet cards
>needs so much set-up
>bad in a pinch (throw your hand xD)
>mediocre body

just go grixis shadow desu
I had a godless shrine, but it just felt ehh, always want red and black, I don't know maybe I'd cut a foundry for it, I don't know. My sideboard currently is
2x Anger
1x Drown in Sorrow
2x Grafdiggers Cage
2x Celestial purge
2x Painful Truths
3x stony silence
1x ranger of Eos
2x crumble to dust

Mixing up the sideboard currently, but this is white I like for my meta, there's quite a bit of grungy decks and elves and menfolk and a little tron and this has been doing it for me. Mardu really has access to some great sideboard cards. And thank you for testing the deck, I really appreciate it, I'll admit when I first had the idea I thought it might just not work, but you just pump out these powerful spells so quick you're usually playing a reveler with ease. I swear tg is afraid of change or something, they just seem to hate brews

It's not even a pet card, I literally just started brewing with it 2 days ago. And it really doesn't require much setup at all in this deck, we're playing a lot of proactive spells, and they really help control the board. Just imagine if worst case scenario it cost 4 in this deck, cause I've never had it cost more than that by turn 3 honestly.
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Who's ready for disappointment?
Explain how this doesn't get utterly blown out by aggro?
>board wipes them on 3 and kills lands + makes them discard
>dies to aggro lol
it does. people are retarded.
You really think that's how that's gonna work out?
Except it does none of that you mongoloid.
>Turn 3 on the play you cast As Foretold and then Restore Balance. We'll say your opponent is on Burn since thats the premier aggro deck of Modern and follows the normal rules of mana development ie no Mox Opal
>you have 3 lands in play, a sizable amount of cards in hand and no creatures on board, your opponent would have maximum two lands in play, maybe two to three creatures and probably less cards then you seeing as they are on an aggro deck that wants to kill you as quick as possible. Restore Balance resolves you sac a land down to two to equal your opponent, they sac all creatures, and depending on what you played before hand you may have to even discard from your hand as I dont know any control deck that will have less cards in hand then an aggro deck early game. So wow you played a do nothing enchantment and made yourself sacrifice lands and maybe discard cards in hand too all to kill a board of creatures you could have easily dealt with with targeted removal or fucking Anger of the Gods. GG.
That's what restore balance does now. It's still complete garbage.
>3 lands
confirmed for not knowing shit about how balance decks work

kys not even reading the rest
>makes them discard
>aggro player having more cards in hand than a control player on t3 or 4
Lets go through the typical control hand on the play
Turn 1 Land, Serum Visions, go. Cards in hand 6.
Turn 2 Draw up to 7, Land, Counter a spell on their turn
Turn 3 Draw back up to 6, As foretold down to 5 and Restore Balance down to 4
The only way you are taking advantage of the discard clause is if somehow your opponent on an aggro deck has 5-7 cards in hand which in that case their hand was probably bad to begin with. Even if so theyd only be discarding 2 maybe 3 cards and wiping their creatures. And if you are on the play then youre gonna have to sac your own lands which is not something a control deck wants to do. Hell if i had a fetch on the field and lands in hand i may even fetch and fail to find in response to make you sac down to one land as a control deck has a much harder time on a low land count then an aggro deck
How is your opponent going to have more lands then you if you are on the play and have hit the necessary lands for a turn 3 Foretold into Balance? Please explain that to me wise one. Path would only give them one extra land in play so at that point your lands would be equal when Balance was cast and neither players lands would be sacrificed, and the search for a basic on Path is optional so people can just start choosing not to search if they have a feeling itll contribute to a better Balance for their opponent.
Why is it being played in control? Why do you have lands? Why did you counter something turn 2 on the play when you were going to boardwipe?
This, Balance is historically played in decks with artifact mana ala the Moxen since it doesnt wipe those. The best way to play it is to drop a bunch of moxen and empty your hand then cast it and mind twist your opponent. Its also a rare example of a card thats better on the draw.
I know how classic Balance decks work
but how much non land mana is really available in Modern? Chrome mox is banned, you can't use mana dorks, there's no Mox Diamond, no Lotus Petal, Lotus Bloom is too slow, and every other rock is cmc 2+ and not worth building a mana base around.
Its being played in a control deck because thats what everyone is hailing this as, the savior of control. You have lands because you need lands to cast cards unless you are getting real jank and are trying for some SSG garbage. I guess you are right on the counterspell, but if you arent aggressively playing your hand out then Restore Balance is going to make you discard a lot of cards from your hand.
>Why did you counter something turn 2 on the play when you were going to boardwipe?
Because his exampled was against red burn and you probably don't want to be eating a bolt to the face if you can help it? Especially since you're going to be discarding anyway?
This exactly. The only artifact mana worth using is Mox Opal and that requires other artifacts in play. The other mana rocks are 2+ cmc like Mind Stone and then the deck starts becoming real janky
Typically Restore Balance decks play the border posts yeah? Even so, those seem bad.
It was awhile ago, but I went 7-1 at the last event I played in, with Mono-U Merfolk.
Border posts are trash desu.
I mean yeah... that's what I'm saying. Now instead of cascading into Restore Balance that same deck just casts a shitty enchantment on turn 3. I'm saying the deck is shite m8
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>not using vintage-level cards like Borderposts, Opal and Isocron Scepter

BLUE STAFF memers WW@??
Black Sun's Zenith

Seriously, I was just thinking about this earlier today. Play the new snek king, Kommand, and BSZ for sure. No idea what the rest of the deck would be, but at the very least it'd be a fun deck to play.
Because Phyrexian Mana was a horrible mistake and all of it should be banned in general. Probe specifically just turned every deck that played it into a 56 card deck which increases consistency by a fuckload.

It was a terribly designed card and deserved to be hit.
>Ban phyrexian mana
Nice meme.
That doesn't make me wrong.
where does it fall on the scale of "Ban 8th and 9th and Mox opal is a vintage level"?
This is probably the wrong thread, but for kitchen table magic is there an expected format?

is it bad form to roll up with legacy legal at modern or standard power level? Or should I just keep to modern to reduce rules disputes?
Assist me, modern general, I'm going to make a shitty meme deck and need your help!

4x reassembling skeleton
4x tenacious dead
4x drudge skeleton
3x lili heretical waifu (maybe swap to of the veil? Or hell, more spooky skeletons?)
3x death baron
2x carnage gladiator

4x bolt
4x terminate
4x altar's reap
2x grave pact
2x damnation

4x bloodstained mire
4x bloodcrypt
4x mountain
12x swamp
In terms of quality Modern general memes, here's how I'd rate them:
1. Kithkin
2. Not Understanding how powerful draw 3 is (new contender)
3. Ban 8th and 9th Edition
4. Ban Phyrexian Mana (new contender)
5. Mox opal is a Vintage level card
6. Tron is a control deck

If I left any out please let me know so I can update the list.
>skele tribal
needs green for coco
depends on your group. My group at first played by modern rules, but we eventually ended up playing commander 99% of the time. We always respected the limitations of any given format though due to how card power levels play out, especially once we started learning the intricacies of all the rulings.

Honestly just ask your friends you play with if they built their decks around any sort of ruling system, then adjust accordingly.
Kitchen table is dictated by what the group decides is acceptable. This requires conversation, debate, and ultimately a conclusion everyone agrees to. This could be decided by official formats. Just ask everyone what they're playing, the best way to find out for yourself is to ask; form is decided by the group.

This, of course, never happens. Instead everyone bitches and talks about each other behind their backs until a group forms. Some people just keep the bad players around to beat them. It's basically a democracy, which is a bad situation for a game environment.
Talk to the people you play with and build something something of the appropriate power level. If you really have the desperate urge to play the most optimized list possible, handicap yourself by forcing a shit tier card to build around.

It's like EDH. If you bring Doomtide Thrasios to a table of casuals you're not going to have fun stomping them on turn 3 and they're not gonna have fun when you just drop your dick on the table. Same goes if you try to bring some meme worthy all charm deck to a hardcore table, except this time you're the only one not having fun.
depends on your kitchen table. I fondly remember battling my friends in 4-5 player battles with a colorless eldrazi ramp deck that used all the tron lands, cloudpost + glimmerpost, eldrazi temples, and 2 eyes of ugin alongside 4 sol rings, a set of expedition map, and 3 mind stones to power out all the sickest eldrazi I could afford.

Maybe take a draft deck or something and fill it out to 60 cards and see how well that does.
Made a little harder since it's my sisters fiancés group and ive been out of the game a long time. On the otherhand, im probably not going to see these guys for another 3 years.

Ill probably end up building 2 janky tribal decks out of mostly modern then throw in some old ass card on rhe upper end of my ramp.

So, what are the best and stupidist tribes these days?
>Mark Rosewater was born on May 25, 1967, in Biloxi, Mississippi, USA, [3][4] to a family of Jewish ancestry.[5][6]
>So, what are the best and stupidist tribes these days?
kithkin is too high powerlevel for kitchen table though anon
Maybe someone at his kitchen table is playing Living End and will be able to keep him in check?
>6. Tron is a control deck

40% of deck exiles things from board or opponent hand. Rest are cards to play the said 40%. Gee, I wonder what it is if not control, but I guess I'm stupid. You are probably same guy, that said shardless bug is not control deck, but "grindy midrange deck".
shardless is grindy midrange though

t. Shardless player
>40% of deck exiles things from board or opponent hand. Rest are cards to play the said 40%.
Sounds like a ramp deck to me senpai

ramp is a mutated form of midrange
To be fair kithkin is the stupidest tribe and that was the question.
Of course it is. But it also isn't established as archetype for a very convenience reason.

If you want to twist the definition of ramping mana. Ramp in itself was always used to mean generating mana. Deck designed to exile opponent board in itself doesn't mean I'm playing ramp mana, even if you do that to get there.

Was amulet bloom ramp deck? How does
>40% of deck exiles things from board or opponent hand.
relate to that deck in any way?
Contagion clasp/contagion engine

You know nothing about restore balance youre just embaressing yourself
burn is a combo deck
fug, that IS spicy.
As is tron. I mean we ARE playing Wild nacatl with mountain and plains. It's clearly a card combo. Also playing six bolts to face is an obvious card combo and not an aggressive strategy.
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>People use lands to cast spells
>lands combo with spells
>mfw I realize every deck is a combo deck
>assembling a combination of cards that win
>implying assembling 7 bolts and 7 mana isn't a combo
I don't play lands at all. I play belcher on table to kill on turn one, like proper aggro deck does.
>assembling a combination of cards that win
>implying assembling 4 tarmogoyfs to swing 20 isn't a combo
Does anybody else think new Gideon is very powerful?
There is no way to interact with an emblem and there are several other strong Gideon cards. A control shell is going to be very good with him.
Ramp isn't an archetype nor a gameplan, it's a means of executing one. Tron "ramps" to play a tap-out board control game.
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I think he's pretty neat, but from the reactions I got the rest of /tg/ doesn't seem to think so >>52572445
Not really. If you can protect a gideon from dying you can protect yourself, why even bother? Decent against ad nauseum I guess.
Maybe the high CMC Gideons but still, many decks can just go over that and ignore Gideon
The reason you play him is the +1. In a lot of situations it's a better defense than making a chump blocker every turn (which is something CMC 4 'walkers do). And when you want to attack he can become a 4/4.
You can't see that this deck is going to be complete ass.

Did you buy out some of them and now you're trying to escalate the hype so you can ship them off before people realize it's going to be awful? Or are you just this bad at magic?
I'm digging this meme.
>In a lot of situations it's a better defense than making a chump blocker every turn
Not really. Against valakut or a drowner but that's about it. Making bodies can also win you the game without having to risk getting your gideon path'd. And even then planeswalkers which do make bodies see next to no play. It's a bad removal spell against aggresive match ups and a shitty win con against control match ups. The only combo it's good against is ad nauseum, storm, scapeshift and company don't really care that much.
>tron is control

Can modern players stop being this fucking retarded?
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Kithkin Tribal and "draw 3" are fucking trash tier memes. Literally worse than gay lumberjacks. Can we stop already?
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Just pretend he's memeing. It's better that way.
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Kithkin is the best meme we've had in ages and if you don't think its the tightest shit then you can just get outta my face because you a fuccboi
It's literally just making fun of a guy who couldn't take criticism of his favorite tribe. If that is top tier memes for you then I think EDHG should be your new home, you'll find 11/10 shit for you there daily.
>Not really. Against valakut or a drowner but that's about it.
He's better against anything with flying, trample, or unblockable, as well as noncreature permanents. Valakut is the main one, but he also prevents Eidolon damage, for example.

>And even then planeswalkers which do make bodies see next to no play.
Elspeth, Sorin, and Gideon Ally of Zendikar are all CMC 4, which is a big difference from 3 in Modern. The new Gideon provides a comparable effect for less mana.
Gay lumberjacks was top tier desu

inb4 angry stihlfags shit up the thread becuase they bought an inferior product
But anon, the decks only bad match up is Living End!
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>Implying it isn't
>Implying a modern player
>Implying tron doesn't look a lot like cloudpost that people go over same discussion

You probably next come to tell me tron is combo, aggro or ramp.
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>assembling a combination of cards that win
It's ALL combo, anon.
wanna get started in modern. I've been playing a white life gain deck in standard a fair bit and truly love it. are there any life gain decks that are good in modern currently?
Soul sisters. It's not good.
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Soul Sisters is what you're looking for. It'll run you about $400 for the full list. It's not a top tier deck but it seems decently well positioned in the current meta.

Here's the top performing Soul Sisters lists: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/modern-soul-sisters-26495#paper
burn is a life gain deck
Where are the E and we parts from?
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Checks out.
>calling tron anything but a midrange deck

Its motto is literally "I bet I can outvalue you by playing four turns ahead".
No it isn't. It's motto is "I bet I can fuck you in the ass with 10 power cock."
why isnt it good?
It's control deck. You play full set of eidolons and about 22 removals.
whats wrong with it? what would you add to it to make it better?
You make your life grow relative to the opponents :^)
It loses to most decks.

Would probably add another color and cards that drop opponent life instead of adding yours, because that's how you win the game.

I was thinking more about goblins/merfolk, since they have a lot of copies of their key pieces and pro-red (merfolk only)

Also get a basic plains somewhere and enchantment removal, Blood Moon is going to fuck you up hard with that mana base
what would you personally add to it?
Cards like Lightning bolt, Lava spike, Rift bolt, Boros charm, Lightning helix...... of course you have to trim the creature base too a little bit. Maybe cut some creatures for Eidolons and Monastery swiftspears.

Good thing about Soul sister is, that Serra ascendant are quite pricey, so they can be sold for goblin guides.
>Whats wrong with it?
Lifegain doesn't win games, it prolongs them, and the deck looks to capitalize on that. The problem is, there are other decks that do late game better - particularly Tron.
>What would you add to it to make it better?
It's the best at what it's looking to do - be a lifegain deck. The problem is, lifegain decks aren't fundamentally that great in this format.

Martyr Proc and Soul Sisters are the only lifegain reliant decks in Modern

Soul Sisters is aggro, Martyr Proc is control.
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Sudden realization when you are playing soul sisters and you notice 5 soul sisters and martyr of sands in your hands are absolute

>Do nothings
>Soul Sisters is aggro, Martyr Proc is control.
Soul sisters is lifegain, Martyr Proc is lifegain.


Yeahhhh no.

Martyr Proc wants to go long and will loop Proclamation of Rebirth over and over and can win against the aggro decks and can surprisingly beat some other decks this way(e.g Ad Nauseam decks not running Lab Man in the main game 1 and life total too far ahead to die to Lightning Storm)

Soul Sisters is looking to beatdown fast with huge Ajani's Pridemate and Serra Ascendants.

Both decks have a function of gaining life as the main strategy to build towards their wincons but they are vastly different decks. Martyr Proc sometimes goes into Orzhov colour builds. If your local meta is a large pile of Scapeshift, Affinity and Burn decks they will absolutely crush those decks though Affinity can still kill you through Inkmoth. If your format is full of Tron and Lantern instead then you'll have at terrible time.
martyr proc is bad against scapeshift
>Both decks have a function of gaining life

>Soul sisters is lifegain, Martyr Proc is lifegain

Yeahhhh yes.
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>Deck that can quickly go above the life count of max damage that a Scapeshift deck can deal with Valakut
>Bad against Scapeshift

It's clear you do not play Scapeshift.
Add a copy of Varolz so you can scavenge 13 counters onto something for 1 mana.
Pretty much every valakut deck has at least 2 of the titular card, so you can be hitting in the 40s easily then 90% of your deck is 6 damage. Titanshift just gets out valakut's early and shoots down your threats until it can find another titan or scapeshift to finish you off. You can't get the martyc proc combo off fast enough to survive game 1. This match up isn't as bad as tron by a long shot, but it is scapeshift favored.

First of all Titanshift is not Scapeshift(as in RUG BTL version). While both play to aim to kill through Valakut one does it slowly just through playing ramp slowly while the other does it in one combo.

Secondly I disagree on the notion that Scapeshift is favoured against Marty Proc game 1, that has not been the result in a whole pile of the testing I have done in my MTG groups, I tested this matchup about approximately 150 times with a resident Scapeshift player because he wanted to test for rogue matchups he wasn't familiar with and we recorded results and it was about 65% winrate for Martyr Proc. Now i'm aware this is just personal anecdotal evidence and you have no reason to believe me but that's entirely through my experience playing not just Marty Proc but also Scapeshift against it as we swapped and played both sides at times. You can shoot down the threats in Martyr Proc and they will just come back through combination of Proclamation or Emeria Sky Ruin. This is also a deck that runs Ghost Quarters and can play Aven Mindcensors in the main and has done so in the past.

Unless it's running Prismatic Omen(and most don't these days) they run at most i'd say, 12 mountains? You need to land an 8 land scapeshift which if i recall is only 36 damage against a deck that rapidly exceeds the kill threshold of Valakut triggers.
Any Dredge players around? What's your sideboard look like? I'm having a hard time understanding the 2-of everything approach, especially with cards that have to be in your opener or found with the first Faithless Looting (collective brutality/decay/thoughseize) to do anything. I'm thinking more like
4 Nature's Claims (all hate except Yixlid Jailer which no one plays)
4 Thoughtseize (combo, proactive out to RIP)
1 Ghost Quarter (Tron)
1 Memory's Journey (mirror, storm)
1 Darkblast (self-explanatory)
2 Ancient Grudge (")
2 Gnaw to the Bone (")
>Not sideboarding Trickbind to hit Rest in Peace's ETB
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this card is utter shite, remand is far superior and still it is a terrible counterspell. This is just part of the ongoing "counterspells don't let me play magic" idea that timmys have, yet kill spells are completely fine for the lower cost?
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