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>player asks you to play his character's theme song if

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>player asks you to play his character's theme song if he does something awesome
>it's awful

What would be the worst?
Going onto a random website and asking people for advice on a problem with a obvious solution.

Just tell the player you don't like it.
Making threads just so you have excuses to post your OC (again).
Do it anyway. Play fucking Limp Bizkit like he's a god damn professional wrestler if that's what he wants, and if everything works out it will at least be funny
I don't know but I asked my recent playgroup for their themesongs and they all gave me some generic pop rock about teen girl spirit or Scott Pilgrim

They're all great players but wew, just wew.

I just 'forget' to ever play it myself and they've never asked, so everything worked out great for me.
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
One-winged Angel.
Hands down.
Whew lad. Don't you recognize Ribbon?
She in our banner.
Sorry to hear that. My groups have always had good theme songs.

>Party member is playing a surfer bro as a multiclassed gimmick build
>Uses a strange object known as a "surf board" as an improvised weapon whenever not grappling
>Party is holed up in a snowy mountainous area
>Enemies reach us, surfer bro attacks
>Nat 20
>Launches into the first enemy, triggers an avalanche, and snowboards down pay all the enemies
>Wipe Out plays the whole time

>Whew lad. Don't you recognize Ribbon?

The artist who created Ribbon makes pointless threads every day just to have excuses to post their art. This is not new information.
>if two people post ribbon they are the same person.
Whatever man I post Ribbon all the time and I can't draw for shit. You sound paranoid.
Are you retarded?
This is the correct answer.
> This is not new information.
That's news to me. I have a few Ribbon reaction pics in my /tg/ folder, and I didn't realize I would be triggering anyone by using them in the OP.
What if it's the bongo solo version?
I let my players choose a song to play when their character dies. Bear in the big blue house has never been so upsetting.


Ribbon is adorable you faggotron
>DM wants theme music for each character, and theme music for the overarching campaign
>can't really find anything for my character that's both fitting and not-awful so he chooses instead
>it's about as not-fitting and awful as what I had considered
you monster
>character theme songs
Unless the players coordinate and pick pieces of music that actually work together, it's not happening at my table.
Honestly don't care. Character is cute and sometimes her art is good as reaction images or is funny.
Seen much worse, much worse things to be bothered by this.

If some drawfag wants to draw /tg/ related shit, all the better in my books.
>What would be the worst?
Ghost Love Score
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> Fallen Aasimar

> 17th level Hexblade Warlock

> Uses +3 Greatsword/Curse Bringer (Masamune)

I'd allow it.

I mean it's not like it's a bad song/theme. It would just be bad if every lvl 3 dude with a longsword they describe as a katana wanted it playing every time they rolled to hit...

If there character is ACTUALLY badass enough to justify it, then sure.

Although I'd insist on a version where the actual "SEPHIROTH" chants aren't a thing.
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Traumatized laughter.jpg
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I can picture not only this but the player who would do it and it cracks me up
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And also the request, upon death, to have the somber reprise played.
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Have a (you)
I don't think my group has ever done character theme music except in the jojo campaign that gets ran sometimes where there it actually feels pretty cool.

We do usually however have campaign music. Like an intro and outro. One of our newer players has taken to providing background effects or quiet music sometimes
The best part is that that solo went for a minute and a half longer than was originally planned, and at 6:12 you can see the conductor give him a "You motherfucker," look.
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Something that's overused
The only time I had a "theme song" was as a joke.

I played a paladin.

Sound of Da Police.

It went exactly as you would imagine.
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
>suddenly hit with every player character death I've experienced
fucking devastating.
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
If your character's theme song is Rap or Country, we can't be friends.
>not building characters around bad Rap/Country artist stereotypes
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
Whoop! Whoop!
What about Bluegrass?
Fiddy Copper, notorious Drow Bard/Rogue reporting in
Yes. Precisely.
If your character's theme song is from an anime, you have no place at my table.
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>mfw the Explorator in our Rogue Trader game is Techpriest Hatsune Miku
>mfw she plays "Ecclesiarchy-approved uplifting songs" on her voc
>mfw for a pile of mechadendrite she's still kinda cute
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
I play a burly 'Monk' who's a pretty decent guy, but unliked by the rest of the party

Paid off some bards to play:

when i entered the arena after the big bad challenged me to a fight.

The look on the GM's face as my character entered the field (the characters name was Cohn Jena, he didn't get it until then).
But anime has the best character theme songs.

Ah I see that you have figured out my plot. I concede to you this battle of wits.

I'm still gonna post though
Kill yourself.
Get off my website.
No. What are you gonna do about it?
Do japanese fighting games count?
or even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWQs-RfPUjg
Listen to great anime themes and watch you squirm.

no samefaggin pls.

That's why I specifically state that if they want a theme song, it has to be "appropriate to the tone of the game".

As something that could at least pass for something that vaguely fantasy RPG score, and isn't too distracting. Something that uses period appropriate instrumentals, or at the bare minimum is orchestral. No pop music, no electric guitars, etc. etc. Force them to be creative with their song choice.

For example, I had one player ask for theme song and hit me with this:


Despite my anime bias, I dug it and thought it was over the top in a good way. (Considering his character was a grapple build "wrestler".)
Ah I see that you have figured out my plot! I concede you this battle of wits.

I am still going to post, though.
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration

That shit? My jam.
>As the arrow pierced the Lich's black heart, spoiling his ichorous lifeblood he knew that his plans had been undone
>He turned a gimlet eye on his killer in unearthly frustration
That's actually so bad it's good.
Except for the part where it's overplayed to the point of parody, and associated with weaboo belts & leather "psh nothing personnel kid" characters.

I would be physically incapable of not snickering if someone used it.
But then again, you're probably a lot younger than me if you still think it's cool.
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