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/ysg/- Yog-Sothothery General

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/ysg/- Yog-Sothothery General

General OP Image Tryout Edition

This thread is meant to inspire Lovecraftian /tg/ (like Delta Green and CoC) and discuss Lovecraft's works for inspiration along with anything else that fits into this genre or takes place in the Yog-Sothothery.
>Previous Thread:

>The Texts of Lore that Men were not meant to know:

>PDF Archive:

>Call of Cthulhu

>Atchung! Cthulhu

>Pulp Cthulhu
>Flash Gordon's Space Opera


>Recommend things to put in the next OP
>Please create a new thread when the Bump Limit has been reached and we are in the Lower Pages or if the old thread dies.
>If you don't, Nyarlathotep will shitpost in other threads
Anybody know of any good play-throughs and or podcast things of Delta Green on YouTube and what not? I wanna see how the game plays out, and maybe be amused.
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The Unspeakable Oath podcast on Itunes is pretty good and has a fair amount of Delta Green stuff.
Spotted on the Chaosium official forums.

I don't know about you lads, but I'm triggered as fuck.
Yeah that is a pretty shit homebrew rule thing, they obviously don't know how extra-dimensional brain rape space squid monsters work.
>in the Call of Cthulhu forums
>doesn't like Call of Cthulhu
>plays D&D 3.5 instead

That's like going into an ice cream shop and complaining about their lack of steak options.
What an absolute pants on head retard.
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If I post some premade characters I whipped up for my new group can someone review them?
>that pic
How does being familiar with deep ones help against ghouls?
Incredibly dumb idea.

Anyone have any scenario ideas for this scene?
Abso-tootely, Anon.
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>unspeakable, unfathomable, eldritch, mindshattering HORROR!!!!
>sea anemone
This is what is so loathsome about Lovecraftian fiction.

>I found a ooky pitcha and it makin me feels sos why dontcha tell me yoor fannahseez bout playin een a gaym ovvit
>I love bein NARPfag
THIS is what's so loathsome about Lovecraftfags on /tg/
>That greentext

There comes a point where you're no longer mocking anyone and are just writing unintelligible gibberish.
The whole idea of CoC is that you don't grow stronger in health/san, just skills.
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By what margin can somebody miss the point?
Bound by mutual pacts of grief and rage from the dissatisfaction of their lives, a group of strange dreamers who only know each other from the internet and from their selves in the Dreamlands go on a road trip of self-discovery. In the Forest of Mazzak-Zoon they find their paths obstructed by hungry void-shrimp eager to eat their memories. The trouble individuals must decide if such a thing is worth it or if they should continue to the next road stop.
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Unspeaks of hidden blade walls, eyes following...

What is everyones opinions on the different CoC systems, like Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Achtung! Cthulhu, etc? Do you exclusively play one or the other? How do they stand up against each other?
That's stupid though. Obviously you would feel less unnerved by something after prolonged exposure to it. What's missing the point us that in Lovecraftian fiction the bit that makes people 'go crazy' is not the presence of the Scooby Doo monsters, but the realization that their world is a hollow lie. You either make peace with that fact and no longer have a possibility of going crazy, or you can't handle it and break like lily-livered scum.
I'm a big fan of CoC, Delta Green, and Cthulhu Dark.
I've never played Achtung!, Nemesis or Tremulus.
I despise the Gumshoe Trail of Cthulhu for the most part. But I have added ToC's Drives and Pillars of sanity to my CoC games because their really good.
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Yes but seeing the monsters can also have that effect.
You hear a legend about monsters in the woods and creatures that can wipe mankind out.
Then you see the creatures in the woods that violate all laws of earthly nature and can inferer that the creatures that can destroy the earth must also exist.
San Check
Oh hey, JanessaVR, what brings you to 4chan?
You and your bro move over the road. A weird construct wants to drive along.
You now have to decide if you want to cross it immediately or investigate closer first. The second may invoke a san check.
Damn: *to let it cross immediately
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Anybody know when the Delta Green main rulebook comes out?
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I'm making a game with some eldritch themes, revolving around the main characters christian religion.
Plot of the game is the classical "Get all the pieces of the mc-guffin", more specifically "The lamb of god" asks you to find the pieces of "the good book".
Now, the game then moves similar to myst with you travelling through books and portals to find all the pieces of the book spread throughout time and dimensions.
During the way you meet lots of people who also tried to tap into the eldritch (but without the help/approval of an elder being, i.e the lamb of god) which in one way or another screwed them over massively.
Now i need tons of help with the story and theming, would this be a good thread to do that in? Will come back in like 8-9 hours after sleeping and check if there's an interest.

Pic related: The lamb of god. Will also bump more images from ingame if there's interest.
(Not selling stuff, game is years away at least if it ever even gets done, don't have patron etc etc so calm down)
i think this would be the right thread
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Yep this would be the place.
oh wow, didn't notice the mediafire links last time this was up. Doesn't seem to have the Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion though. Anyone have it?
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Alrighty then.
The story as i have it right now:

Player wakes up in a dark void, gets recruited by "The lamb of god" to gather the pieces, everything fades to black again,and you wake up in what will be known as the "Safe-room", a bunch of furniture again set in what seems like an endless black void.

In here you find all sorts of weird artifacts, and any you find during your journey will also be put here. But the most important one right now is the huge book in a corner. Upon closer inspection the book opens on its own accord, and if the pages are studied closer the book collapses on itself : https://webmshare.com/aDNqz

Ignore how the church looks in the webm, the picture attached is how it looks right now.

In this new place (happening to be around the year 1920, its undisclosed what time the player is from) you find an abandoned small "village" which would probably be identified as some sort of explorers base, if it wasn't for the church. The only traces of people you
find is blood splattered on some of the floors and beds.

In the building marked with a name along the lines of "Edward Sigmundsun" you find a ton of weird objects including: Scales, scorpions preserved in jars, fishes hanging for drying, odd bookstands in the form of a half horse half fish and a zodiac. But the oddest thing is a huge rock in one end of the building with a rotary lock on it.

The code is found by finding the doctors house and find his list of dead, here you will find apparent information about some cryptic plague that killed of most in the village. Here you find the dates of alot of people: the important ones are however the dates where Sigmundsuns children and wife died. If you cross-reference the dates of their deaths with the zodiac "objects" found in the hut, which upon closer inspection have numbers scrawled onto them.

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Upon opening the lock, a long section of the rock splits open and reveals a new book, which upon being brought back to the saferoom (which can be travelled to by hunking down in prayer) it can also be used to travel through time.

If you do that, you find yourself in a huge metallic room with the floor covered in rocks. In the far distance you see a single candle alight. When you get closer, you can also identify a body, which turns out to be suffering by horrible burns, without a doubt dead. The body lies next to the candle, which is one of many standing in a circle that could only have been put down by the body using its own blood. For now you can do nothing with this circle: but the body carries a key which allows you to escape from the village once you go there again.(There's a wall and a gate there which blocked your path to an eyecatching lighthouse).

In the lighthouse there'll be a undecided puzzle which leads you to the top where you can relight the lighthouse which A opens a path over a frozen lake and B there's a copy of the magic circle the man died next to, but this one has markings in certain parts (a smart man will see that the marked spaces correspond to which candles to light).

The whole point of the game is : NO HINTS. To find out what the plagues was, or to get a hint, there won't be any flashback cutscene, no character explaining it to you. You have to search the building closely: find mining tools strewn about, studying the doctors (vague) notes about the plauge and its timing the tool inventory kept in the storage building.

Same goes with the man found in the odd metallic room, and the lock puzzle. No hints.
Now the thing i really need is details to add to (so far) these three locations: How do you hint that the plague is supernatural without shoving it in the players face?
What unsettling sounds / things can i add to the village?
What could the puzzle in the lighthouse be? Etc etc. Also, please shit over the idea, need feedback.
What are your tips for making investigations heavy on social interaction interesting and exciting?

Have you tried making your players roleplay auxiliary NPC roles during scenes their main character is not participating in?
>Obviously you would feel less unnerved by something after prolonged exposure to it.
By being changed by it. That is "going crazy". That's the point. It's not becoming normalized to you because you are stronger than it, it's stronger than you and changing you. That's how cosmic horror works.
>What are your tips for making investigations heavy on social interaction interesting and exciting?
Make NPCs varied. For every good police officer, there's a bad one. For every just one, a corrupt one. Every diligent one, a lazy one. Every strict one, a laid back and relaxed one.

Remember to keep them on their toes too. Every so often, have an NPC call bluff on a PC who may be bending the truth, but just so often that it's surprising.

>Have you tried making your players roleplay auxiliary NPC roles during scenes their main character is not participating in?
No, because more often than not they barely manage to rollplay their main character. Giving them a disposable NPC to play without indepth knowledge of the character is a waste of time.
Are there other CoC RPG focused podcasts than MU Podcast?
Some time this year I think (and I hope).
there's a bunch

>Here we have a concept drawing for one of the attractions at our "Lovecraftian Park". The giant arthropods are actually from series 7 of our genetically engineered "eldritch horrors". Both are male, while the car has been painted to match the coloring of a female of this species. The males will approach the car willingly, nuzzle it, and fight for dominance in front of it. The effect on the passengers is terrifying but, the males will not attack the car directly so the passengers are in no danger so long as they remain in the vehicle.
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