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Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

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Thread replies: 342
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Newcomers friendly Edition :3

pastebin.com/vv6y7fLu (embed)

>army builder

>General's Handbook pdf

>OP image album

Old thread: >>51250574

>Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
how do stormcast do in low points games? nobody seems to play more than 1k where i am and that limits a lot of armys
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Remember the day GW blessed us with the Tzeentch Kunnin' Rukk
So, haven't really played AoS much, but one rule thing I've been wondering about: it's legal for a unit to shoot while in melee, even in Matched Play. Does that balance out well? It seems a little funky to me, since ranged units still oftentimes have melee weapons, and although the melee weapons are sub-par, I figured it was to balance out the fact that they have a range advantage prior to getting charged.

But I've read that ranged units are mostly pretty poor in melee without the ability to shoot while doing it. Can anyone elaborate from their experience?
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They even gave us a Kroak BTFO formation
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ding ding ding
its balanced. theres literraly no problem with it.
Yes it does. Add this to your list of questions that get answered when you actually sit down to play the game. Its usually a long list.

They do alright, most armies kinda suck at low points. Games get too swingy at that level imo.

Dracoths are sick at 1k, I underestimated the breath attacks once, that was a quick game.
Ugh, fine, I'll launch the old spiel...
Yes, you can shoot into melee, out of melee and from melee to melee. Yes, this is by and large balanced because most ranged units either suck balls in melee or pay a premium for the ability to shoot and fight decently. And because of how LoS works they won't shoot anywhere once the fight has started, assuming they haven't gotten their teeth kicked in in one go.
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All right, thanks anons.
It's perfectly balanced. Ranged unit shoot only in your turn while melee weapons are used in both turns. Ranges are usually much shorter than other games, so ranged units are usually at risk of being charged right away. Also, with very few exceptions, ranged unit cost much more than the melee equivalent while being much less damaging.
Alright, proposing a Khorne list for review. Tell me what you think. I know i'll never manage to make them competitive, i'm just trying to get them to be decent at this point.

Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
- General
- Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer
Bloodsecrator (120)
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe

10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
10 x Bloodreavers (60)
- Reaver Blades
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
5 x Chaos Knights (200)
- Ensorcelled Weapons
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline

1 x Skull Cannons (180)
1 x Skull Cannons (180)

Total: 1540/2000


ding mother fucker
Khorne is competitive if you get sayl and Skarbrand.

List looks decent, take Glaives on knight tho, its the superior option by far.
Oh, all right. Thanks for the breakdown.
So I know we have that thing of suggested 1000pt lists, but what would a good 2000pt list for Dispossessed look like?

1 Warden King (general) 120
1 Warden King 120
2 Runelord 160
1 Cogsmith 100

10 Warriors 100
10 Longbeards 140
10 Longbeards 140
10 Ironbreakers 160
10 Ironbreakers 160
10 Irondrakes 220
20 Quarrellers 240

1 Gyrocopter 80
1 Gyrocopter 80
1 Cannon 180

2000/2000 points. Playing around in scroll builder. I have probably...most of that, with a few exceptions. Figured basically IB in front, longbeards grumbling to give reroll 1s to wound, other ones to let me put out 2 grudges giving +2 to wound. Warriors and quarrellers screen the cannon, gyros for mobility. Thoughts?
I agree completely, and its the same with Summoning. It's not reaching into your ass and pulling out an army that is twice the size of your opponents, It's deepstriking and countering, which makes it have it's merits.
>10 Warriors 100
>10 Longbeards 140
>10 Longbeards 140
>10 Ironbreakers 160
>10 Ironbreakers 160
>10 Irondrakes 220

you are asking for your army to disappear. 10 wont even hold a charge of anything.
A thundertusk can sneeze on you and you loose 6 of them, except 4 will get you nothing.
A Slann will kill your army in 1 turn, plaguesmog formation and any formation that deals damage to each unit in an area will kill you easily.

It's actually a good list if you get them together

No quite the opposite, you NEED melee to win in age of sigmar.

A list full of slow moving melee is doomed to failure though
I have in my possession a Orc and Goblins Army from 6th ed. Is it any good in AoS?

Black Orc Warlord
Orc Big Boss with BSB
Orc Shaman

>Core Troops
50 Orc Boyz w/ additional hand weapons, 3 sets of command (champion, standard, musician)

>Special Troops
15 Black Orcs w/ full command
5 Orc Boar Boyz w/ full command
2 Spear Chukkaz

3 Trolls

So how does this look? Worth a damn?
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Okay, silly idea.
Take this batallion with the Changeling, 40 Pink Horrors and 90 summoning points. Fill up the rest to taste. I'd recommend lots of high-damage magic and ranged attacks as well as the 27" unbind trait for the LoC.
Place the Changeling right in the middle of the enemy army during deployment.
Cast Mystic Shield on the Pink Horrors, maybe use Lord of War if you're feeling saucy, and then swap the Changeling for your 40 buffed horrors.
Deploy them in a way that binds as many enemy units as possible in the most awkward way possible. Really fuck up his pile-in moves and such.
If anything dies, set up a unit of Blue Horrors screened by the Pink Horrors and continue. Same goes for Brimstone Horrors when any Blues bite it.
That's roughly 200 wounds your opponent will have to chew through before he can do much, and that is ignoring the damage that many horrors could do. Meanwhile your army can comfortably start shooting, casting and maneuvering for at least a turn or so.
Any unit that is at the brink of deach you could also yank back out again and try to heal with Fold Reality while dumping Flamers or Exalted Flamers in their place.
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How does this look for a friendly games 1k list?

Grot warboss - 80
Prodder and Squig
Bellowing Tyrant
Battle Brew

Moonclan grot shaman - 60

Moonclan grots x40 - 240
Spears and Shields
Grot Flag
Bad Moon Icon
Gong Basher
Nets x6

Moonclan grots x 20 - 120
Bows and Slittas
Grot Flag

Moonclan grots x20 - 120
Stabbas and Shields

Grot Spider Riders x 10 - 200
Whoops didn't mean to quote you anon
its nice enough, you juste need e behemot squig / dreadmaw or even a stonehorne to add the punch you need to get through the new things in AoS tho.

Knight vexillor
Knight vexillor
Lord celestant (your general, reckless trait with the obstinate blade)

5 liberators
5 judicators

5 retributors

980 points

Use 1 vexillor to pick up the celestant and 1 to pick up the retributors, plop both down near the enemies big scary unit/monster. Use the celestants command ability for +1 to hit 9" bubble and charge both units into combat. The retributors blast to ashes goes off on +5 now and you've pulled off a turn 1 charge. Most people will choose to go second hoping for the double turn, but with a list like this you go first gladly and deliver a space marine style alpha strike that hours would be proud of
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How should I build my Acolytes? Two swords or Shields?
so does gaunt summoner's summoning count towards point total? ie its total fucking shit godawful
I don't understand the Seraphon Start Collecting bit.
Yes any additional models you might place on the table during a game must be paid for and no gaunt summoner is great, possibly bringing in 3 units per turn but definitely 1. You use the gate to bring on the big daemons with high casting value and use his 2 spells to summon little shit

I know nothing of the crunch, but those shields are beautiful in my opinion.
You may just have find a nice combo.
Like the first guy that put on foot on a new land, you have to name it now.

it looks really good, especially since you can switch them again with new units for the rest of the game, definetly a gunline Hard counter
The big model in the box costs the same as the box itself, making the rest of the stuff free.
Well yeah but that is amazing while the rest of the squares seemed bad.
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It's not bad, actually. Here's a possible interpretation.
Five of the blackorcs are surplus right now, since 'ardboys can only be taken in multiple of tens.
Also, you'll probably want to upgrade then ten boys unit to 20+ sooner rather than later. Some arrer boys wouldn't be amiss, either.
Do they have bingo where you're from?
No the meme is that its what people buy because its cheap then when they actually get to play seraphon they understand its basically the 3 poorest choice of the army, all bundeled in one box of mediocrity.
any half serious seraphon player will never use them, because literraly every thing else in the book is gold.
Warriors are always good

Guard are meme tier nonsense. Too weak to mortal wounds.
Fuck me forgot the Fanatics.
Five for 150
As a seraphon player I did the huge mistake of buying 3.
For the same price I could have got a much stronger eternal starhost, bastiladon, stegadon skins... you name it.
I ended up reselling them for 30€/each to cut down the cost. I lost money and time for nothing.
if you're paying for the points how is it any good at all.
Oh gosh, I am really bad at naming things...
Err, the...uh ...Kairic Horror Shuffle?
So that's why theres so much 2nd hand Seraphon SC box literraly everywhere..
*puts 1200 points on the table* oh boy cant wait to get tabled by deepstriking stormcast before i summon in a unit of pink horrors. summoning a unit of pink horrors is op so it makes sense.
Shields seem totally shit. a 6++ is lame

But getting to hit on a 3+ with basic melee troopers is pretty sweet.

Seems they allow you to have one hand weapon and no shield too, but didn't include a bonus of any sort
this would probably be my 2000pt kairic list

Ogorid Thamau ...160

Ogroid Thamau...160

tzaangors ...360

tzaangors ...360

kairic acolytes ...280

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160

skyfire ...160
And if you aren't paying points, how is it not totally broken? People like you are the reason we pay points for summons
or limit the amount you can summon for free. its absurd to think slowly bringing in a bunch of weak units is overpowered. theres a reason it never ever ever shows up anywhere near tournament scenes.
Summoning is a double edged sword still in its scabard, no one said you have too do it, if you're playing against stormcast it's probably not a good idea to leave too many points off the table
Both, the idea is that you hit with the two swords/Glaives and allocate the wounds on the guys with the shields.
>Protip: Because you can mix weapons 40K-style, give some of them shields, and whatever weapons you want to the rest. Put the guys with weapons in the front, so they get to be more killy, then when it's time to allocate wounds, place them in the guys with shields (their rule says the models with shields are the ones who get the extra Save). That's teamwork for ya!
You have a point the only middle ground I can see is having them come in automatically at the end of turn 3, following the rules for sigmar deepstrike (9in from an enemy) that is a mechanic I can definitely get behind. "Hey you failed casting for 3 turns, heres all your shit" but me playing 2000 points and you playing infinity is definitely not fair as seen in 40k and fantasy
Plus having them come in at the end of a game turn means you may get to move them before charging by winning the roll off
How many units exist that can have different weapons within them in this manner? Typically you pick either all swords, or all shields, etc.

If these guys are the only one then expect an FAQ to fix this typo and build them with double swords to be safe
'Ard boys can do this too if I recall correctly.
>How many units exist that can have different weapons within them in this manner?
Sorry, but I don't know myself right now as I haven't bought a box yet. Perhaps a clue can be seen in the offical pics of the units.
The little spider grots can too, they have the netters and a faq said "some" was 3 in 20 can have nets.
I can believe that since switching weapons is their whole gimmick in WHFB.

Pics on the site seem to go either all with one or the other. but the wording checks out you can do this RAW.

I'm just saying normally like Skaven or undead pick between sword and shield or spears and shields for the whole unit. could be intended or just small error.

I'm inclined to say an error because the scroll also says you can have acolytes with just hand weapons and no shield...but of course that gives you no bonuses and you would never do that. So that seems like bad writing
So I can't mix blades and spears in clanrats unit or give shields some of chaos warriors a runeshield when the rest is running with chaos hand weapon in each hand?
So really it looks like it all depends on your take on the wording right now. But once you get the box and see how many spare weapons there are for each Acolyte, then you'll be able to figure out how to equip them.
Depends on the warscroll

Read the Description

Awesome, thanks!

Why arrer boyz? I thought orcs were just good for getting into melee?
So "some units are armed with X while others wield Y" is pretty clear. How would a unclear wording look like?
Savage orc Arrer boyz can put out an absurd number of attacks. a unit of 30 does 90 attacks for only 300 points and they have 2 wounds a model
They also rarely hit anything at 5+/4+.

The average wounds per turn is depressing.
Something like this
That's why you set 'em up with buffs. 90 attacks a turn is nothing to scoff at, even if they rarely hit
Please tell me tzeentch is getting a second release?
>Please tell me tzeentch is getting a second release?

greedy much?
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Finished another clanrat
Huh, it's clear for me
>Orruk forged Choppas and Smashas (one weapon in each hand), or
>Orruk-forged Big Choppas (two-handed weapon), or
>Single Orruk-forged Choppa / Smasha and an Orruk-forged Shield
What is the problem here? Maybe I don't understand something, english is not my prime language
Have any idea for bases?
No clue yet, as this makes 3 out of 47 done from the Spire of Dawn set. I'm thinking maybe some kinda astrogranite rock look maybe, but not sure still.

swap them to round bases before you get any further. they will eventually phase out square bases completely and you're better off swapping now than later.
> I'm thinking maybe some kinda astrogranite rock look maybe
Are you me? I will be painting 2x SoD next week and I decided to use astrogranite. I was thinking about Lustrian Undergrowth but can not find any good pic of base covered with this paint only
Oh don't worry, I plan on doing that. The only reason they are on square bases is because I bought the Island of Blood set in 15, not knowing they would re-release it, cus I wanted a skaven army. They are just on square bases temporarily.
I think we even talked before in these threads about Skaven because I recall another poster mentioning two SoD sets they had.
There is a problem with round bases in SoD. You have to cut of a lot of extra plastic from models to place them on oval and big round bases, like Ogors or Aelf riders
>because I recall another poster mentioning two SoD sets they had
Like dozen other Anons, m8 - they were out of stock after 24 hours
>I was thinking about Lustrian Undergrowth but can not find any good pic of base covered with this paint only
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>cut of a lot of extra plastic from models

not even hard
Huh, I noticed this video but skipped it - no Lustrian Undergrowth in title. Thanks Anon, at least I know that astrogranite will be a better pick - Undergrowth looks like a shit
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What colors/washes do I use to replicate this?
I don't feel like skilled enough to cut of this little rat from Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team and oder small parts
I'd say a mix of Zandri Dust kinda dark yellow/mustard colors and a bit of Cadian fleshtone. As for washes, maybe Agrax?
So wait, I've missed the last few threads, has the new novel been posted yet?
Wtf is wrong with a scar vet or old blood on carno?
My store plays with measurements from the bases, but my clanrats, stormvermin, and plague monks are on 20mm square bases and have a 1"-2" melee range. I don't like modelling for advantage but is it fine that they can effectively attack in two ranks? I don't think they could do that if they were on 25mm circle bases
Is this game good yet?
I would use flesh tones then yellowish/reddish washes
its literally shit in a sea of awesome leaders
Well that fucking blows, it's one of my favorite looking Seraphon models.
Any specifics? I haven't bought any paints yet.
Hey, I'm interested in getting into the game and was wondering if any of you could tell me a little bit about these armies, like their strengths and weaknesses and such. So far I like Skaven, Seraphon and Daemons. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
try "HOW TO: Painting The Curse Of Nurgle" on gogle
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so why are all of the mortal cults pretty easy to field but the daemon hosts like minimum 2000

Do you mean battalions?
because they have been around for 30 year so they have to push people buying the new model.
if the baitaillon for deamon were as usable as the arcanite one, i wouldn't have to pay a single cent for this release because i already have a fuckload of deamon and the whole codex leaked here.

Now however i have a budget of $600 to complete arcanites because it is what is the most efficient on the table
I mean i expected this but i didn't expect them to make the daemon ones unplayable fucking 2 lords of change required
yes the big battalions
The changehos is actually super cheap, since brimstone are 40points for 10! (you need to buy new models tho)
even if you you take a bunch of min size brimstone it's still 1200 minimum just for the start of The Host Duplicitous
this is a bataillon composed of warscrolls tho, they are expensive in every books
There's expensive stuff in every tome, ever see the ironjawz brawl? It's minimum 5 batallions. Gw likes to make some stuff for very high level point games, ever see the spear of sicarius? Without upgrades it's over 2k
nice colours
but they made it so you have to play daemons in high points either one costs 1200-1300 minimum and if you do minimum its a terrible starting point while both of the arcanite big battalions give a solid base that you can add one or two more warscrolls to
Thanks bro
because its a mega bataillon, the ironjaw, beastclaw,fyreslayers and sylvaneth megabataillon cost that much if not more, a sample eurlbad is much more expensive and a complete eurlbad is 25 000 points...
A complete Eurlbad is just under 25000 Points. The difference is equal to the cost of a full unit of cats though so you could use that?
Nice, this really helped. Thanks.

Also, what's Kroak+Vortex filth?
I really want to use some Chaos Warriors in a Tzeentch army. Worth it at all? And a Chaos Warshrine?
chaos knight could be awsome, varanguard can have a niche.
Chariot are always top
Slow ass footslogging chaos ? shit tier.
was meant for >>51270348
read the kroak warscroll and vortex warscroll on the Aos app where everything is free, pretty self explanatory
So I'm thinking about going with Khorne Daemons.

I'll be getting two starter boxes and was wondering if I should run my Bloodcrushers in two groups of three or one group of six and if I should have a giant blob of Bloodletters or multiple smaller units?
I'm thinking more to use them as an anvil and faster units as the hammer.
I assume this is how it works, but I have to pay the points cost for the blue horrors my pink horrors would split into during matched play, right?
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did GW ever make a Chaos Warrior model with the same helmet as the one in pic related?
characters are from that old Mark of Chaos video game
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Should I do this?
>Realm of Light Khorne followers?
Finally, some Warhammer stuff I can get into.
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>Wood Elves - High Elves do it better
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I wonder if there will be any new factions in AoS soon.
Playing Necrons and Nurgle is fun because unkillable, but i seek new vistas
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Has the Tzaangor Enlightened warscroll been posted yet? Only thing I haven't seen yet.
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>new factions
>when there are a billion split factions already
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Just give me a proper Vampire or Lich King themed Battletome and i'd be happy
Especially if Best Boy comes back somehow
Or this?

I want to see TK come back. I can actually afford them now, but there fucking gone.

Goddamn it I just want to run an army of snake monsters with Khalida at the helm, which was impossible in the past because ALL WIZARDS ALL THE TIME and anyone who wasn't a wizard was a wasted lord choice.
>Literally RoL vs RoS
Pick which one sounds cool in your head and roll with it senpai
Well have to see, frankly new GW is pretty cool some maybe a small similar faction is lying in one of the unexplored Realms
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My store had two of the Battalion boxes for months after Tomb Kings were discontinued. During the last week, I kept having to fight myself between wanting to buy them because they're neat and going away forever, and trying to remind myself that I didn't have the money at the time.

I really hope GW releases models inspired by Tomb Kings, though. Their Egyptian theme is way more interesting than the "generic undead" aesthetic that most of Death has.
>tfw started tomb kings in october 2016
Life is suffering
I am having trouble staying motivated to work on my army. I've been working on and off for two months on it, cleaning, building, and converting the models, but have yet to start painting anything. The only people in my are who play do so on nights I work late.
So are chaos knights good?
Glaive equipped and with 2 squads of 5 or 10
You guys put at lot of faith in one guys opinions of the factions
bigger unit are better for synergies, smaller units are better for combo charge and tactical options.
There no bad way to field, each have strength and weaknesses
How can I make a competitive Chaos list in 2 weeks? I have the half of the Sigmar starter, Gorechosen, another Skullgrinder, and Skarr. I've also got SC Nurgle and an exalted chariot of Slaneesh.
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Except it's not one guy opinion, he just happens to have made the photo because a lot of us were to lazy. he is mostly right and I only disagree on 1 point

Thx, anon! Here is pdf of DoT.
add Sayl and throw a big scary unit with him.
thats literally it
Holy shit its that easy?
They are sweeet
This. Guards are absolute garbage against mortal wounds. My guard unit if 20 was killed in 2 turns by 3x3 khorne skull crushers. And in later turns skull reapers picked the rest of them.

BUT if your opponent doesn't have mortal wounds they are simply amazing.
Wait shit, I didn't know he was FW
yes, best thing to throz is skaarac, followed by Skarbrand, followed by 40 khorne berserker or any nasty unit like glottkin, tamurkhan etc
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Yeah throw Skarbrand and laugh
stop being retarded and use Eternity warhost then
I'd do it if my tourney wasn't in 2 weeks.
they are pretty fast tho, if you are in europe they probably send it tomorrow and you'll receive it next week

what if i wanted to maintain the purity of my fluffy Khorne list and not take a filthy sorcerer. Am i shit out of luck?
if you think about it the slaughter priest is pretty much a sorcerer anyway
Then fucking muster your inner rage anon. Are those magic faggots keeping you down? Kill em all I say! Sorcerers and shooty shit are for faggots.
I live in the US, no telling how long that would take, plus I thought FW was backed up on all their orders?

I...but...it's...okay you have a point, but MUH FLUFF yeah you're right. I'll probably break down and do it, and just keep it in reserve for when i'm playing power gaming cunts


So what your saying is, when they field a sorcerer i should just scream blood for the blood god and then hit them? Like a properly autistical cunt.
That is exactly what I am telling you anon.

But i like some of these people anon.
Yeah not sure about the US, they are only slow on order they have to actually cast, Sayl is pretty much always in stock afaik
Anon, Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows.
Neat, I'll have to grab him eventually then
As long as it's not magic. Khorne hates magic.

Dammit you're right....SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE
He is literally posting it as a single player as his post in the photo starts with. You disagreeing with only one point could be similarities in what you play and face.
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>mfw after 30 years of Genius level planning, tzeentch will finally become the best god on tabletop and the fluff
I play death only, I face pretty much everything.

What are you exactly disagreeing with ?
it is your own fault for choosing a horde list

73 models in a 1000 point list? ~135 in a 1500 point list? What in the hell were you thinking?
You look new to the AoS general, this guy just put together the same things people were repeating in every single thread, it's much better than wasting 50 post?thread saying the same things.

Also, that's the point on opinions, i don't see why you are butthurt about this while it was the ONLY answer the guy received, easier to critic when not helping at all i guess ?
why having a guy repeating things from his point of view different than a guy linking a pic with another one's opinion he agree with ?

You make no sense
>looks like a shit
Emphasis on the "a". It literally looks like green diarrhoea.

The only thing I could see it being somewhat useful for is scummy swamp water, and even then, it wouldn't look very convincing.
I have been here since before the end times. I am not meaning to appear butthurt a rough guide is pretty good. I just find some people take it as gospel
Email Forge World's customer service. If the painting guide isn't included in one of their masterclass books, they'll generally be happy to tell you how they painted it.
Well, that hasn't stopped 40K from getting new mini-factions every few months for the last 2-3 years...
better than nothing at all tho, the guy still hasn't recieved any other answer

makes sense to me
Yeah my response was out of context to the question being answered by the post. I was just talking directly about the image.
here's my problem looking for a paint scheme:

tldr: me, being a fag

for my new sylvaneth army (which does not exist yet):
a winter theme is absolutly beautiful - blue, white, silver-ish
but it comes with this dead-sleeping-lifeless-tree feeling
but I want a all-positiv-life-blooming-feeling

what do?
Pick one.
don't mock me, it's the nearest of an existential crisis I can get as a wargamer
If you want to pull it off well you should commit to one of the ideas.
use a white theme and snow, and ultra bright little red leaf and fairies and all the shit on sylvaneth
dont only use white, use very bright color on some details it will still fit the snow theme without being boooooooring
Paint them in a all-winter scheme, but add little colorful bits like buds or leaves here and there.
The first signs of spring breaking though, basically.

thanks, that helps
maybe some kind of glow effect from the inside
i never did this before but at one point or the other we must learn all
It's a pretty poor wargame but a sort of ok skirmish game. Like, Mordheim and Frostgrave are better but if you need to knock out a game real quick this is decent enough.
I really wish the Warscroll Builder would re-organize their shit. Most of the stuff is still listed as part of their old army organization schemes and by their old names...
Welcome in 2017, esteemed time-traveler. How did travel from 2015 treat you?
The first one
like what ?
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>MFW all batalions form DoT cost around 40-80 pts when beeing so retardly OP
>Name 3 op bataillon.

Only the Tzeentch Kunnin rukk is ''''''OP'''''' and it basically uses way overcosted units
>use an image form the game where battalion have literally a negative cost that makes people able to field 2500 points of admech in a 1850 pints list
Not him, but I'd really appreciate if they'd split the old factions into their new arrangement, i.e. Swifthawk Agents/Phoenix Temple/whatever instead of High Elves, as well as shifting legacy warscroll to the bottom of the list and marking them somehow.
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Tzaangor Enlightened should really cost less points when not mounted on Discs. 160 is about 60 to high when not using those.
That said, I don't get why they even have that option to go without. Skyfires and Shamans don't, so why do they? And why aren't they just a seperate warscroll?
same reason freeguild general/vampire lord are the same points on foot and on horse
I cant see why you wouldn't want a disk tho, unless the foot version cost 1/3rd.... and even then i can't say no to a 16' move flying unit than can rearcharge more easily than everything in the game
Well I see a use for a general/vampire on foot. The extra attacks are nice but you are a far bigger target.
Can't speak for him, but I have six useless Tzaangors from Silver Tower that are begging to be converted into Enlightened. I'm just stumped how to get even semi-decent looking disks, because there is no reason field them without...
Early in the fluff guess what was used as disk..
You can buy 6 screamer, they will also look MUCH COOLER than those on disks
Nah, for heroes it's pretty clear. Being a single model that's easier to screen and has a smaller footprint is a distinct reason to give up some movement and a mediocre attack profile. But that doesn't hold water for a semi-elite melee unit.
The only reason I can see is that they become Daemons, so they get extra damage from a lot of Seraphon abilities.

Even so, I would take the Disk 100% of the time.
Hmm, that's actually a neat idea. I have a box of Screamers sitting around, but I've never used them since they are nothing to write home about. Once the Skyfires/Enlightened are out I'll nab the leftover spears from assembling the Skyfires and work from there.
Thanks for the advice, anon.
If they were, say, 80pts unmounted I'd try to hide six of them in a Tzaangor+Ogroid blob, since they are easily overlooked and pack a lot of punch still.
> not recognizing superior 30k, the only other good TT wargame GW makes besides AoS
Absolutely Pleb tier

Discs actually still are Screamers, they've merely been transformed.
even then i'll probably get them on disk to counter gunlines.
A group of 30 tzanngors + ogroid hardly need any help
30K is only superior because everyone has the same army and solar auxilla is way too fucking expensive $$$, wait for them to release more custodes and cheaper armies or old eldar and the shitstorm will start.
Eh, true enough, I guess. Just spitballing here, I honestly don't get why they even have a dismounted option.
>dwarves managed to stay £20 for a box of 16 all this time

how did they do it?
>>dwarves managed to stay £20 for a box of 16 all this time
>how did they do it?
Less plastic bc they're small :^)
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I just modified the Tzaangor Enlightened warscroll for units that are on Discs.

This way you can read the warscroll at a glance without having to check that ability text to remember the differences.
> same basic army, that share a lot of similar rules and mechanics so people get the basics
> still have ways to introduce a radical shift in play style, with its own advantages and disadvantages
> awesome scenarios and well fleshed out campaign system
Hmmm... I am sensing some similar themes here...
Right, but he unit can be equipped with whatever combination of those weapons you like. They don't all have to be the same.
LEADERS Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
Command Trait : Ruler of the Night
- Varghulf Courtier (160)
Artefact : Tomb Blade
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
BATTALIONS: Abattoir (60)

how does this look for a 1000pt casual list? I'm worried that the abattoir battalion might be a bit much at 1000 points but I could always just switch it out for a Crypt Ghast Courtier to babysit the ghouls.The general plan is the cyrpt flayers stick with the Vargulf to give him some protection and the crypt Haunter stays with the pack.
I always liked the idea of white/bone coloured Khorne, that gradually get red with the blood of their enemies.
Anyone got the clan skryre formation rules?
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List idea. Just pop the gautfire scorch, and go to town with those mortal wounds. You've also got an archspark voltik with one cannon with two shots and a retoll, the arch warlock, an extra engi (outside battalion) and some melee stormfiends because why not.
Every army since the GHB has been getting relatively cheap battalions.
I hope they go back and reduce costs for other armies. None of the Seraphon battalions are worth their points.
>List idea. Just pop the gautfire scorch, and go to town with those mortal wounds. You've also got an archspark voltik with one cannon with two shots and a retoll, the arch warlock, an extra engi (outside battalion) and some melee stormfiends because why not.
> Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)15:23:36 No.51274729 â–¶
>Every army since the GHB has been getting relatively cheap battalions.
>I hope they go back and reduce costs for other armies. None of the Seraphon battalions are worth their points.
I mean, most battalions so far have been awful. And the ones that were good are broken. Seems very binary desu. I'd like there to be actual choice.
They should hire some tournament players to write new competitive-focused battalions
>They should hire some tournament players to write new competitive-focused battalions
I mean, they are actually speaking to the community nowadays, so it's not impossible. I'd be wary of having really strong battalions, I'd just like to see battalions that buff average units up to being good.
Wake up AoS-general-senpai...
Honestly id rather have every faction have equally mediocre battalions than some of the stuff a player might come up with

>i get +1 to hit for units in this battalion if they withing 6" of 2 other units in the battalion
>okay, every unit rerolls all hits and wounds and all wounds are 3 damage if I pay this 60 points
Can't wake up.
No shaman? Do you not want your skyfyres to hit on 3 and mortal wounds on 5 s?

Also taking two thaumerturge for what?
Also no command trait
Nurgle release when? I want my Plaguegors! Or at least being able to put a keyword onto beastmen
Here's an idea for bases that might fit the Skaven theme
Pestigors you filthy casual
I'm sorry sempai, must I commit sudoku now?
Why the fuck do the orcs look like goddamned green-skinned spess muhreens?
I want all the cult gors, desu. I'd love to see Khorngors come back too.
What rules/changes would you like to see if the add all the variations of gors?
I was thinking about that, as it would fit color scheme wise lol
Then go for it! I alway have the problem of overthingking, and then I get nothing done. If you get an idea, go for it, don't wait around to long
Make Khorngors fast, with bits of metal scales on their bodies. Khorngors Ascendant as brass-coated ones; inspired by the old Brass-coated Minotaur of Khorne. Maybe mount a version on Juggernauts. Keep bovine theming on heads or make them dog-like.

Pestigors with a long reach that is them using barbed intestines as a weapon? Toad-like in body. Spray attack?

Slaangors that are covered in jewelry and finery, big flowing capes. Make them
Scaled and serpentine.
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New Rumour Engine and wow, it's clearly 40k
So lore wise wtf is going on in this setting?

Is it a new world? Is it all in the warp? Is it just intergalactic shenanigans?
They did an awful job at explaining it, but essentially it's Norse mythology now with how all the realms are on the ash tree and converge at certain points
I gib my bet for sister of battle bolter
Anyone know if there are community rules for different heroes in gorechosen? I wanna see some Order heroes get torn apart in the ring.
Only Khorne ones, i think they were in a White Dwarf but I can't remember which one
Oh well, I was hoping there was something like HoR.
Search for Age of Sigmar Mordheim in Google.
Anyone read City of Secrets? What did you think of it?
I want Captain Arika Zenthe to dominate me
did all the contents in the disciples of tzeentch book got leaked allready?

if not i can scan you some stuff.
Hello based anon. The allegiance stuff and battalions got leaked. Nothing else. Are there new stats and points costs for existing demons?
dont got the generals handbook at hand right now but i can just rundown on all the points with the next post.

did all spell lores, artefacts and formations got posted aswell?
Not recognising LoTR, the absolute best game GW makes besides AoS.
Yeah spells and artifacts were. The battalions/formations were too I think unless you mean something else.
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>based anon
>"Raziel !KW8ygwXVgw
unit type min unit size -max unit size, points, battlerole
daemons of tzeentch
Pink horrors 10-30 140 battleline
herald of tzeentch 1-1 120 leader
herald of tzeentch on burning chariot 1-1 200 leader
herald of tzeentch on disc 1-1 120 leader
blue scribes 1-1 120 leader
changeling 1-1 140 leader
kairos 1-1 340 leader, behemoth
lord of change 1-1 300 leader, behemoth
blue horrors 10-30 50
brimstone horrors 10-30 40
bruning chariot 1-3 160
exalted flamers 1-6 120
flamers 3-12 200
screamers 3-12 140
aether-eater host 40
changehost 60
multitudinious host 30
omiscent oracles 60
overseers fate-twisters 80
the eternal conflagration 40
the hosts of dublicitous 50
warpflame host 30
I think yes. This is what was leaked.
Hmm looks like everything stays the same, was hoping for a flamer buff or something.
slaves to darkness:

chaos spawn 1-6 60

tzeentch arcanites:

kairic acolytes 10-40 140 battleline
tzaangors 10-30 180 battleline
curseling, eye of tzeentch 1-1 140 leader
fatemaster 1-1 140 leader
gaunt summoner 1-1 100 leader
magister 1-1 120 leader
ogroid thaumaturge 1-1 160 leader
tzaangor shaman 1-1 120 leader
tzaangor enlightened 3-9 160
tzaangor skyfires 3-9 160
arcanite cabal 50
arcanite cult 60
alter-kin coven 20
cult of the transient form 60
skyshoal coven 80
the pyrofane cult 80
tzaangor coven 40
witchfyre coven 60
It's Chaos.
They're the ones with naked clips.
Now the question is how to get cool looking spears?
>clearly 40k

seen you post them a few times now.

your test models look good, but when are you going to paint them in assembly line?

you basically minimalize your painting time by not having to wait for paint to dry if you do each step for your 10 minis by the time youre done with 10 nr 1s paint should have dried
Why are you lying though? Everything was leaked yesterday. Allegiance abilities, relics, traits, battalions, path to glory, point values, everything.
>but muh warscrolls
Warscrolls are on the fucking app.
Is it in the Mega yet? I thought the book wasn't out until this saturday?
Would Tzeentch allegiance work with Slaves to Darkness units that can get a mark of Tzeentch? Mark is chosen during the set-up.
Yes. The great thing of Slaves to Darkness is that they easily fit into any God allegiance.
So I was thinking, if I picked up some chaos knights what could I do to make them look more khornish? Besides just paint scheme, I'm talking like conversions. Any thoughts? I was thinking switching heads maybe, but I kinda want to do something about the sheilds.
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is this list any good? will teleporting a celestant on foot and 5 rets do much, the celestant doesn't seem too strong like
More spikes?
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What's AoS General working on?
It works or it doesn't, in 1000 points smashing something very threatening before it even moves can be demoralizing. In a game against sylvaneth I killed his tree man wizard when he chose to go second and he never got to attack back. The archers took care of a branch wraith that was deployed too close. We were playing 3 places of power which you need heroes for and I killed all of his and more of his points on turn 2 so he quit
Goddammit. Someone need to be retarded to lose three places of power playing Sylvaneth.
Currently nothing, saving money and drive for Dwarf blood bowl and steamheads.
We did roll for the mission, he thought his list could cover most of them. To be fair he rolled extremely poorly for his saves and I rolled admirably, i did 12 mortal wounds with the retributors to durthu thanks to the celestant and the judicators hit and wounded with every roll
It's not a point of rolls. All he needed to do was to screen Durthu. It was just bad strategy.
Do you think it would be possible to get a combined arms slaves to darkness/Tzaangor thing, with fatesworn warband? I think you can just about squeeze it in but would it be worth it? Rend is really good, but you have to have a lot of marauders to make up the 9 units and still fit a LoC, 20 Tzaangors, a shaman and skyfires
So stuff that's not in the Warband:
LoC 300
Tzaangor X20 360
Tzaangor Shaman 120
Tzaangor Skyfire 320

Fatesworn Warband 120
Ogroid Thaumaturge 160
Kairic Acolytes 140
Marauders x10 60 (x8 480)

I feel like Tzeentch can make due with just inspiring presence if doing pure Arcanites, partly because you can do a skyfire backline blapping heroes and devastating monsters while you have a horde of tzaangor Coven hit hard and not run.
Is it possible to make creation tabels for armies in AoS, much like there are for 40k?

You mean like the roll a regiment tables on 1d4? Theoretically yes, if we took the time to do it we could.
There's one for the Stormcast in the OP resources, but that's all I've seen.
personally i'm really liking the look of the basic acolytes for tzeentch. What does everyone else think? The ranged attack looks pretty good to me, especially with the formations.
Now i will say though, if you doing a combined list of arcanites and demons, you want Lord of Change in there for command buff cause chances are you have a few casters and Tzeentch casting is dirty.
Ok question time. I have seen the skyfires being overhyped, but aren't they just a faster, squishier version of Prosecutors with Javelins? 6 Prosecutors cost the same, have the same wounds, better saves, better damage output but they are a little slower and have a little less range.

So why there is all this hype about skyfires while I never heard talking about prosecutors?
LoC's Beacon of Magic only affects Tzeentch Daemons though. That reduces its value, I think. It's still good, mind.
I'm really digging them, between the aesthetics of the models, and their usefulness on the table, I have the urge to start a Tzeentch mortals army.

But I'm committed to Stormcast at the moment. I'll probably start on some Kairic Acolytes once I've gotten to 1,000 points with the Stormcast.

You think they'd do well? I really don't know too much about the game so i can't really say definitively how they'd stack up, but my gut tells me they look solid.
You have to use those low destiny dice on something, battleshock seems worth the ones
please re-read both warscroll, skyfire have twice the wound and deal mortal wounds on 3+ while also having much greater range and sppeed
Its good for the Shaman and Gaunt Summoner which are much wanted in an arcanite daemon list as they can cast two spells. Throw in some Pink Horrors for extra generations on Daemon Spells and even then if all you ever use the pink horrors for are shield and bolt, then atleast you aint wasting that spell on one of your heavy hitters.
I don't know how they'd square-up in a tournament, not my territory, but in a typical friendly game, they'd do pretty well, without going overboard. 4+/4+ with two 20-man blobs being able to shoot twice per turn, plus having 4+/4+ melee attacks, while still doing said shooting attacks while in melee, sounds pretty good to me.
>24" range is barely better than 18"
>d3 damage at -1rend or even d3 mortal wounds is worse
>one guy with 4 wounds is the same as two with 2 wounds
>minimum range restrictions don't matter, and neither does melee or the plethora of buff options
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I'm thinking of using a converted Queek Headtaker as my Warlord because I love the model, but I can't decide whether to run him with a pair of Barbed Blades, or cut off Dwarf Gouger and leave a Warpforged Blade.

Is there any significant difference between the two options, or are they more or less equal? And duel-wielding Barbed Blades does give him ten attacks in total, right, or am I reading it wrong?
they can come in use there, but I think like changing a save roll on an enemy that could cause just enough damage. For example, take skyfyres. You roll say 2 mortal wounds, and you did 4 damage. Its a hero who has 5 or 6 wounds and is essential to your enemy. You roll to wound and get it and the enemy rolls an improbably 6 to save. Destiny dice it to 1 for the chance to kill it. Or if you run any form of daemons, getting a 1 on battleshock to return d6 pink horrors.

Sadly, nothing. I have so much backlog at the moment. Just for AoS, I have a Sylvaneth battalion in waiting, plus about 60 Glade Guard I never got around to painting from my Fantasy days, some converted way watchers that only exist in the old warscroll, various heroes, a 16 Dryads, and converted treekin to paint yet. At least my old fantasy stuff is primed.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's aos. Leave it as the original queek and run him as a warlord armed with whatever you like. Nobody's gonna care in aos
prosecutor are shit tier and cant move 16 to 25 while dealing mortal wounds at 24"
Because the range and movement increases matter
But muh WYSIWYG!
Yes, you are reading that wrong. Two Barbed Blades gives you the Barbed Blade profile and the ability to reroll failed rolls to hit of 1s.
Warpforged Blade is clearly better. In fact, it is a outright fantastic weapon, especially since it can be coupled with a shield.
Is the LoC worth it? It looks like it got a pretty major buff but no one is talking about it. Also, are Knights worth adding to a Tzeentch list? I have a blob of 20 Tzaangors , a Gaunt Summoner and an Ogroid already. I'm not sure what to add to it. I like Slaves to Darkness and ideally would like to add a Lord on Daemonic mount, some Knights and perhaps a Gorebeast Chariot, but I'm not sure it works.
It's got a major buff in being slightly tougher and getting that lovely gatling stick, but the rest is the same old faithful. He's a good caster, a good shooter and a good commander. Despite everything, he still has no business being in melee.
You could probably add some Slaves, but I don't see what they would give you that Arcanites or Daemons can't do better.

160 points of both.

Skyfires have 12 wounds with a 5+
Prosecutors have 12 wounds with a 4+ rerolling 1

Skyfires do an average of 2 wounds to a 4+ save unit, 3 if there is a shaman nearby. This is including mortal wounds
Prosecutors do an average of 4 wounds to a 4+ save unit

I can understand the fact that 10" effective range more make the difference, but, as I said, skyfires are basically squishier, faster prosecutors with on average half the damage output.

Their ability to do mortal wounds is vastly overrated.Even wihen buffed with a shaman nearby chances are that the shaman spell will do the same mortal wounds.

I just fell that all this hype will amount to nothing once people start actually playing them.
>Two Barbed Blades gives you the Barbed Blade profile and the ability to reroll failed rolls to hit of 1s.

So there is literally no point in taking dual Barbed Blades over even the Barbed Blade + Halberd combo? That's pretty rubbish.
Barbed Blade + War Halberd gives you both weapon profiles. Yes, it's odd at first, but that's how it goes.
thing is, people will be getting 6 to 9 skyfires, not 3.
If you can't see why 9 skyfires dealing mortal wounds on 4+ and hitting on 2+ is much superior to prosecutor i can't do anything for you
How do they hit on a 2+?
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This is comparing equal points. For 9 skyfires you can take 18 Prosecutors and everything still stands. Even hitting on a 2+ the average damage becomes the same of those prosecutors.

9 of them hitting on 2+ and doing mortal wounds on a 4+ seems very good, until you realize that it's basically the same damage output of 2 Thundertusk for a enormous unit that it's going to be deleted by anything teleporting in melee with them or greatly crippled if the enemy manage to snipe the shaman.

Why not just take Hellcannons then?
stop using logic, it is a waste of time

tzeentchfags genuinely believe that Skyfires are the greatest unit ever and they will counter the entire meta single handedly
>If you can't see why 9 skyfires dealing mortal wounds on 4+ and hitting on 2+ is much superior to prosecutor i can't do anything for you

It's literally the same average damage of those points used on prosecutors, except less because are not using the points for the shaman and using the command trait.
While a probably good combo I think it's a waste to not use the tzeentch allegiance only for that command trait.
How are Disciples of Tzeentch looking, /aosg/? And what should I buy for £100?
If you are doing a slaves to darkness/Arcananites list with like Chaos Knights and some of the Battalions like Tzaangor Coven, or the one that allows you to take Skyfires, you might not end up caring about tons of spells or your heroes are non-wizards. But something I can atleast think of, not sure if it's fantastic though.
>Belt feed on a sidearm

40k niggas be crazy...
Is it possible to make the Tzaangor Mutants be Icon Bearers, Brayhorn or Twistbrays?

Seems like a good option to have the Twistbray be a Mutant for the +1 to hit with extra attack.
Yeah /k/ would have a fit
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How is this even viable? You don't have enough battleline models. Your 9 would go down in a snap. I rate shit tier.
Why is this game so Waac? It is worse than 40k almost...

I thought the GHb would be roughly balanced casual games, which it did for a while. But no the casual scene is pretty much gone.
How are blue scribes? With firestorm of tzeentch on a 2+ they should do pretty good?
No it isn't 40k is a mess at the moment.
So I was just thinking here, but wouldn't a couple bloodsecrators set up next to some skull cannons be some pretty decent range? I mean the cannons are khorne units so the bloodsecrators could give them extra attacks. Drop a pair of bloodsecrators down next to some cannons and they'd have three attacks apiece. This seems like a good idea to me. Am I stupid?
They get the additional attack in the combat phase

auto include for me, especially near a Spell thief LoC
It's gonna be sweet when reality crashes on this FOTM tzeentch players
butthurt that stormcast don't even make it to RO32 ?
Well consider this though. More attacks would allow them to make the shooting attack in melee combat they get for causing wounds with the cannon's melee.
Don't play stormcast but please continue
Which skryre enginecovens are best in your opinion? Archspark voltik looks decent, and gautfire scorch looks fun, but I don't have much ingame expierience.
Do we know prices of the new Tzaangor stuff?

$ wise I mean
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Just got my Chaos Hellcannon from Chinaman

Good quality shit, was originally planning on using it for parts, but now I'm tempted to use it in a chaos army.
It's cheaper than the current box that has a sprue of chainswords and bolt pistols ... like 5 euros/bucks or so.
Any place I can get all the maps of the mortal realms that's been released so far?
pics of gtfo
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Neatly packaged and everything
neat man, which chinaman did you go for
Z, simply because he's got the biggest catalogue. I only plan on usin Chinamen for when I want an OOP model, anything else, I'll either get Ebay or directly from GW.
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I faced tomb kings for the first time today. I thought it was just a shitty meme but HOLY SHIT it's real

Those snake knights are overpowered as fuck
It had settra, snake knights, some wizards, and a big flying sphinx that did like 12 damage with one of its attacks

He flew across the entire board with chariots, snakes, settra and the sphinx turn 1 and nearly tabled me
I love how everyone ignores skaven questions.

It really would be nice if at some point in the future they clarified what exactly the cosmology of the Mortal Realms is.


September 2016.
I've seen a couple posted around, but I haven't found a lot, they aren't on the booru either.
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