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For what reason dragon would steal a princess? What if he doesn't

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For what reason dragon would steal a princess? What if he doesn't ask king for any ransom?
He's lonely
The Dragon didn't. The Princess ran away from her home because she was sick of being a proper princess. The Dragon took her on because she was the most competent maid she's had in a while.
she makes a nice addition to his hoard

OP just wants us to post that comic where the princess gets turned into a dragon's heart in graphic detail
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Couldn't the dragon just ask the gnomes to build him a clockwork automaton maid?
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Good breeding?
I don't have any ulterior motives, move along adventurers
that's nxtlvl inbreeding
Nah, Cimorene was way better.
her royal magic
He just wants to eat her, for the satisfaction of destroying something widely recognized as irreplaceably valuable and beautiful, and because he's an asshole.
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>What if he doesn't ask king for any ransom?
Then we can safely assume the princess is being stretched to her utmost for the dragon's pleasure.
Boredom, mostly.

Dragons always treat princesses like princesses. It's not about her, really, although the conversation is nice.
To demoralize the humans and make them understand submission. What they put value in, be it gold or flesh, a dragon will take for itself. It doesn't matter how useless a princess is, a dragon will take her and hold her just to assert dominance over anyone else who might want her (such as parents, suitors, a kingdom for which she might be something of an idol). Maybe he'll accept an exorbitant ransom for magnanimously returning the girl, or maybe he'll just eventually grow bored of his prize and have a light snack once the commotion the kidnapping caused starts to die down into the dull resignation of an abused party that knows any effort to better its lot to be in vain.
Princess is the only woman in the kingdom loose enough to bear his children.
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we can go deeper
Take your pick:

He just wants company.

He knows dragons are supposed to kidnap princesses, and now is rather confused as to what he should do next. Unfortunately, the Princess doesn't know either.

The dragon is a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT and dislikes the idea of monarchy. He has prepared several books on the evils of hereditary rule and the virtue of democracy for the princess, in the hopes that she will form a democracy or a constitutional monarchy with a strong Parliament when she ascends to the throne.

The dragon is in love with a different human, and kidnapped the most prim and proper person he/she could think of to train him/her to be a pretty girl while in human form, in order to seduce that human.

The princess is well-known for being highly skilled at chess and he wants to learn how to be better, because the other dragons make fun of him for sucking all the time.

The dragon is depressed and lonely, and is trying to commit "suicide by adventurer." The princess, being of pure heart, tries to talk him out of it.

The dragon wants offspring. Unfortunately, their father never game them the "Griffons and the Driders" talk, and they need the princess to explain how it works to them and their equally-clueless mate. Unfortunately, dragon reproduction is strange and confusing, and even the well-educated princess is having trouble figuring it out.

The princess is also a talented bard, and the dragon wanted to show off his awesome collection of vintage jazz records. The princess is quite annoyed at being kidnapped when he could have just asked, but the acoustics of his cave are really neat, so she's staying to record an album herself (the fact that the dragon is a half-decent studio drummer helps out a lot).

The dragon simply must know where the princess got those earrings, because they are absolutely divine. Unfortunately, when she told the dragon, the dragon immediately set off to procure a pair for themselves, leaving the princess alone.
I like the idea that the dragon just wants someone to talk at for a little while-maybe just a few years or something- as a diversion, but is so arrogant it would never cross its mind to kidnap anyone but a royal, and would never even consider the possibility of just asking.
>For what reason dragon would steal a princess? What if he doesn't ask king for any ransom?

>dragon kidnaps princess
>king tasks heroes to find the dragon's lair and bring the princess back
>heroes enter the lair
>they fight a bunch of bandits, sellswords and mercenaries rooting through the hoard
>after killing the scum, they still cannot find the dragon
>dragon is gone
>princess is gone

The dragon (in his human form) and the princess are in love, and have bailed on the kingdom weeks ago, hiring a boat to a far-away country where they can live together in peace.
The king believes the heroes have bailed on the mission or screwed it up and sends assassins after them.The princess feels bad for ruining their career so she gets the dragon to discreetly help the heroes.
The dragon is her real dad, and after he heard that a significant portion of the princesses quarter burned down last week, the dragon decided it's about time that he took his fatherly duties seriously, secretive agreements with the queen about keeping everything a secret be damned.

MAID: Dragon edition
That has always been my hypothesis, when the dragons aren't just explicitly instruments of evil.

>I'm too big to fit in a throne room and honestly don't care about these monkeys and their politics, but I still want to have some measure of control over them. I'll just take what's most precious to the local authorities (their youngs, and that shiny stuff they love), and then they'll pretty much have to toe the line no matter what I do.
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Why did Jabba the Hutt enslave Leia and dress her up in a skimply golden bikini?
Because he could. Because he wanted others to see that he can reduce a princess and a rebel leader to a status symbol.
those sound like great premises for light novels

not so much for adventure
I understood this reference.

Well, the prompt didn't specify that it had to be a scenario where an adventure was going to occur.

I do think that the "suicide by adventurer" idea could be fun to play in a campaign. The others, maybe not so much.

how does a dragon feed a princess and how does he make sure she never catches a cold and that she's kept clean and tidy?
Is that man literally his own father
Why would a dragon keep a princess locked in a golden chastity belt?
>how does a dragon feed a princess
He roasts cows or other lifestock and gives it to princess
>sure she never catches a cold
By already preparing warm bed and clothes for her
>she's kept clean and tidy
He makes her wash herself under the waterfall
I'm sure it depends on how nice the dragon is. Considering that kidnapping a princess isn't usually a good thing the dragon is probably indifferent to her suffering.

So raw cow for dinner and cold piles of gold for a bed.
what if he keeps her chained to prevent her from escaping and potty breaks aren't allowed?
>He has prepared several books on the evils of hereditary rule and the virtue of democracy for the princess
Better yet, he kidnapped the princess to promote the sale of his books.
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Newfags don't know about the Green dragon's game.

Social pressure. Since time immemorable, dragons have kidnapped princesses. Even when they're comfly awaiting birth inside their eggs, the mother would read her soon-to-be hatchlings tomes about how to kidnap princesse.
In truth, the whole tradition was made up by the Carkhantrous, the first and only yellow dragon, in order to promote his niche book series "Princess Capturing for Draconic Dummies".
The dragon is planning a ritual that calls for a sacrifice of a blue blooded maiden.
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The princess is the heiress of clan of powerful wizards!
The dragon needs her to bind her lineage to an ancient draconic bloodline and unleash the ancient power of the dragon race to bring about the new age of dragons!

She doesn't really know what that entails, but it doesn't matter cause he promised her that if it worked she'd become the super-empress of all the presidents of all the world! And then her favorite captain would finally notice her and then they'd have a big wedding and her dad wouldn't be able to do anything against it!

Pretty nifty huh?

Now I need that old comic where dragons kidnap strong woman to serve as the heart of their children.
For the same reason a dragon steals gold - because someone else wants it and taking it away from people shows your superiority over them. And no, a dragon probably will not ask for ransom because ransom is trade, and trade is a sign of weakness.
is this a manga plot?
I think he just hooked up with both of his grandchildren and two of his great-grandchildren.
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kinda sorta, except it's not really about regular dragons and bloodlines.
I wonder if Hutts could even appreciate the human form, it Jabba could even tell that it was "sexy"

Maybe human girls was just his particular kink that other Hutts actually found super gross
It's a rare and precious collectible.
Dragon only wants to eat virgins and princesses are more likely to be virgin because unmarried virgin royalty would be a scandal any self-respecting king would want to avoid.

Dragon wants to make her ac slave because he revels in the delicious irony of breaking a pampered princess into his wench.

Dragon has enough material wealth but still is consumed by greed and wants to steal things of sentimental value, like beloved celebrities and people's children (princess being both, of course)

Dragon wants to use princess as a tool to get at her father. Maybe he hates the king and by kidnapping and imprisoning her he can cause him anguish. Maybe he wants to use the threat of "I can eat your daughter at any minute" to force the king to do his bidding and be his pawn.

Plenty of great reasons to kidnap a princess.
Does that mean the dragon is going to be really fussy about keeping her in good emotional and physical shape?

Is he going to freak out when she falls and scrapes her ankle and insist on using his most powerful spells to fix it?
I think this is even canon but that it's still a status symbol for the other Hutts.
He islikely to keep her in a golden cage with routines of excersize and measured diet under charm compulsion if neccesary.
I feel like that would somewhat devalue the collectable. You'd want to keep it in its rough natural habitat, ideally it would stay of its own free will (or at least not try to escape often), and a charm spell would be right out as an unauthorized modification.
squats n oats and bi-weekly aerobics?
If you look at the great grandparents to grandparents he IS his own father.
Daily sun walks on elevated plateaus
What reasons would a dragon and a princess have to go adventuring together and what kind of adventures would they have?
He wants to rescue her from a nasty ogre who was going to eat her!
> Needs a maid, human-sized to reach into things and polish things
> It's got to be someone valuable, rather than just a peasant girl, so princess it is
> Princess also attracts potential rescuers, who drop valuable items on death
> She can help keep the peasant girls in line, after he kidnapped THEM to tend his stolen cattle, that he's breeding as a food source.
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Dragons are cishet males so of course they want to RAPE

Very fitting too, since they're worshipped by every edgy cishet boy

Not even kidding. Nearly all mythological incidents of dragon kidnappings in indo-european mythologies are basically the result of considering women property
Are dragons seeking to free strong capable women from the oppression of their patriarchal societies?
Dragons collect hoards for the same reason magpies do: attracting a mate. Females have a good nose for magic; one whiff of faerie gold or ensorcelled shininess and they're gone. That means it's gotta be cleaned by hand.

Princesses are crap at cleaning, but great at managing the small household of servants the dragon needs to maintain his hoard's impressiveness. So long as princesses do a good job of keeping the place running smoothly and NOTHING BEING STOLEN IF ONE COIN DISAPPEARS I WILL BURN YOU ALL they tend to develop close relations with the dragon, even becoming surrogate daughter figures (but don't ask for a dowry).

Having no further need for gold, mated dragons are often as generous as their bachelors are miserly. Their own children are expected to earn their own hoards, as they did, but such custom does not apply to the princesses they'd grown fond of over the centuries, so they and/or their descendants quite often happen into great, if mysteriously provenanced, wealth.

No, these were stories conceived by illiterate retards.

In slavic mythology, for example, Veles kidnaps Perun's wife for the same reason he steals his cattle and money
Princess wants to explore the world and needs a good mode of transportation and a bodyguard, of which a Dragon functioning great at both. Dragon wants a cute girl dry humping his back as she rides him around and any treasure they find along the way (Princess doesn't care about treasure, she's already rich anyway, so Dragon gets it)
The dragon is young, and mistook the word "hoard" for "horde," and has to start somewhere.
Dragon likes to play matchmaker, he hears about beautiful princess, longing for adventure, so he kidnaps her. Then he is mean but not cruel to her so that she breaks from being haughty & bossy & more open to things. Then the dragon kills any adventurer who is too old or ugly or just a dick personality who tries to resue her. When an appropriatly dashing knight come through the dragon fakes its death & watches as they fall in love & spend the rest of thier lives together. Perhaps even letting the new couple "steal" an egg to raise, knowing that the wyrmling will be raised by good people & become trusted in human lands.
Does everything have to be sexual

I do to, but I've forgotten the source. Any chance you could tell me the name?

The dragon shared a cave complex with a few other dragons, but they mostly kept to themselves.
There was a petrified dude who was cursed by a magic bucket, and the cure was well water?
And also a sword that leaked a magic forest, and you had to pick the forest back up after using it?
Also there was a djinn that had *almost* been sealed long enough to kill people, and it was upset that it had to grant wishes instead?
Anyone remember that old thread where princesses swallowed shrunken dragons to lose weight (like the old tapeworm egg method) and have emergency breath weapons on hand?
The Enchanted Forest Series.
Dealing With Dragons is the first book.

It's a pretty good example of how twisted fairy tales should work. All the main characters are blessed with the rarest quality in fairy tale land: Common Sense.
The dragon's parents keep nagging him about the tradition, so he kidnaps a princess every few years to get them off his back. The princesses usually escape, since he doesn't actually care about keeping them.
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>the dragon's true goal is to breed generations of half-dragons, three-quarter-dragons, seven-eighths-dragons and so on until through massive levels of selective inbreeding he creates a specimen that's literally himself but a girl

It's a chinaboo's science-fantasy manga.
There's no dragons, it's about cheating gods and messing with fate/karma.
But that's a pretty good summary of the villain-protagonist's mindset and motives.
CK2 is a hell of a drug.
>The dragon is a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT and dislikes the idea of monarchy. He has prepared several books on the evils of hereditary rule and the virtue of democracy for the princess, in the hopes that she will form a democracy or a constitutional monarchy with a strong Parliament when she ascends to the throne.
I love this one, and I may use it.
From whom will she catch a cold if no other humans are around?
My favorite reason is that Dragons need pretty lady hair in their nest to properly hatch their eggs.
he's bored and needs something to do, so he finds himself a pet.

For a friend
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Why a maid?
I don't get it.
Isn't it obvious? The dragon are trying to build positive relations with the humans and the way to do that is breeding with their women
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>kidnapping a princess without setting up an adorable little open fronted playcastle for her to live in
I too read Dealing with Dragons. It helped me become the gay that I am today.
Panopticon meets dollhouses. I dig.

I thought it was p. good. Parents read it to me about the same time they read The Hobbit. They go pretty well together.
This comic never fails to give me odd boners.

Anyway, kidnapping a princess is like an addiction. Kidnap, adventurers come, you pretend to rough them up a little, play dead. Then the adventurer's leave and you get to hear stories about how big and awesome you are later. You go from town to town, just kidnapping princesses so the bards can unknowingly feed your massive, scaly ego.
This, the dragon will take whatever you like/love/appreciate to prove a point about it's own power, if you don't have gold or a princess it will take that blanket you really like and your leftovers from the fridge.
>adventurers approach the dragon's lair
>he emerges, in a powdered wig, to accuse their liege the king of taxation without representation
>threatens you by saying jet fuel can't melt steel beams but dragonfire can
>he's forced to retreat before the party's attack, revealing the lair is mostly empty save for copy's of the dragon's book
>the dragon defensively says the real treasure is freedom
Bob OReilly, I think.
The dragon has dyslexia and misread his contract to steal something priceless as to steal something princess.
There ARE dragons though
I preferred the version where she was just drunk at the time.
Dragons just like to have things
>She can help keep the peasant girls in line, after he kidnapped THEM to tend his stolen cattle, that he's breeding as a food source.
This is going to lead to the Dragon just kidnapping the entire kingdom, isn't it?
Dragons kidnap princessess for the same reason some people collect figurines: hot glue.
Reason for relationship failure
>Dragon ate human
>Human ate dragon

My sides
>>Human ate dragon
One has to wonder how she accomplishes this
Well, if Dungeon Meshi is anything to go by...
Piece by piece. Dragon doesn't rot- mold knows better.
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>The Dragon eventually kidnaps the king to keep his new kidnapped Dragondom in line.
Point I suppose

>When your attempt to be cute for your waifu goes REALLY wrong
He is his own father, uncle, cousin, grandfather, and great grandfather
It hurts to look at this
>glance at your post
>American Dragon: Jake Long chorus starts playing in my head
>it won't stop
I read some EU book set on the hutt planet and yeah the other hutts all made fun of him for his human fetish and thought it was super creepy
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So John Roger is pic related?
Corrupt one of royal blood into a Drakiana and birth from her a legion of demons.
No, please leave.
The dragon is the princess, she wanted the gallant knight to notice her.
He's cool, he's hot like a frozen sun.
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Call the dragon George.
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>Implying the dragon kidnapped the princess and not the other way around.

Holy comments 666
Every year for Christmas I run a one-shot for my dad and brothers.
This year, I wanted to do a classic "rescue the princess from a dragon" story. But I couldn't figure out a satisfactory answer to this very question.

So, what I ended up doing was that the princess wasn't abducted by the dragon, but rather a coven of hags who were going to feed her to the dragon as part of a sacrificial ritual.
To pat her fondly on the head.
Remember that dashing courtier that was throwing around money but had no titles or lands? The one that she fell head over heels for?

Guess who
He's supposed to be a 1700s-era liberal thinker, not a modern libertarian type. So he's likely quite wealthy himself, since that's the only way he has time to think instead of working all day long.

He also wouldn't say anything about jew fuel.
To hoard her of course, did you think dragons spend those shiny coins they've been stealing? Of course not, they hoard valuables, doesn't matter why its valuable, just that it is.
The dragon was a beloved and devoted retainer of the royal family, guardian of the royal treasure vault. Unfortunately the dragon couldn't stop the collapse of the kingdom to the invading hordes of barbarians/undead/"economic migrants" and so during the siege and eventual collapse of the capital, stole the princess (possibly still an infant) away into the night. At first just to keep her alive, but perhaps eventually to prepare her to reclaim her rightful throne someday.
Prince Ali?
Fabulous he?
To have her sing in his den. He likes to collect exotic songbirds and other pets.
He obviously spent so much time fighting wars he needs nobles to read to him. Why bother learning monkey scratches when kidnapping is so much easier.
Dragons are notoriously prideful beings. Essentially, they think of themselves as living gods.

Humans, it is known, offer sacrifices to their gods, and human sacrifices are generally considered to have the highest value (at least for those gods who accept human sacrifice). And of course, the more prestigious the person, the greater their value as a sacrifice.

So, dragons who don't feel that they're getting the respect (ie, worship) they deserve from the neighboring humans will take it upon themselves to take the sacrifices that are rightfully theirs.

He/She's the real father/mother.
Reminds me of the book in pic related I read when I was younger.

Princess was fed up with being a princess, ran away, found a dragon, and offered to be "captured" by him. She just cooked and cleaned for the dragon, and enjoyed doing it.

And then a bunch of knights tried to rescue her, despite her not wanting to be rescued.

It was a pretty good book, and had some more in the series, but I only read one more or something.
What comic is that pic from? Seems familiar
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So, the Maid(en) supplement?
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It is commonly known that dragons only kidnap chaste and pure princesses. This is a lie. Princesses pay dragons to 'kidnap' them after a fling with some courtier, guard or peasant boy causes the unicorns to stop visiting them and people start to talk. Often things are arranged so that the hero who succeeds at rescuing her will be her lover, giving some leverage in asking her parents for her hand.
Dragons dont power themselves.
Blood is a magical reagent.
Royal blood is even more magical.
Virgin blood is even better still.

So the blood of a royal virgin is magic enough to power even the most firebreathinest dragon out there.
>>Princess is half-dragon.
Priscilla, is that you?
You're forgetting the final combo that results from your logic:

Princes are kidnapping royal dragon virgins.
>What is an opportunistic infection.
There are more microbial cells in the human body than there are human cells. Anything that compromises the immune system has the possibility of setting them off, even ones that are generally regarded as symbiotic (like gut microbes).
Maybe he reincarnated within the body of his unborn child?
Ali Ababwa?!
>I Helped A Princess Look For Prince Charming, But She Helped Me Find A Boyfriend Instead?!
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This is like looking at a chart which explains the NGE ending
>And also I've been reincarnated as a dragon??!?
Plot twist: Dragon only kidnap virgins
The Dragon refuses to kidnap any of the princessess.
Scandal ensue, accusations of the dragon taking bribes are rumored.
Between Dragons the preferred currency is Princesses.
I can see the delicious irony of how a dragon *not* kidnapping a princess would cause greater turmoil in the kingdom.
>The dragon is a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT and dislikes the idea of monarchy. He has prepared several books on the evils of hereditary rule and the virtue of democracy for the princess, in the hopes that she will form a democracy or a constitutional monarchy with a strong Parliament when she ascends to the throne.

I'm stealing this and using it in my next campaign. Thanks.
I might put that in my campaign, actually. I already over-use dragons but the number of stupid history jokes I could make is worth it, I believe.
Well, when you live for millennia you get bored eventually
NGE ended pretty straightforward though, why would you need a chart?
Adventurers spend all their time gathering wealth. They often keep a majority on their person. They are one of the few things that can still give a dragon a challenging fight.

One of the fastest ways to get adventurers beating down your door is to kidnap a princess. She is pretty much just bait.
He's actually her magical tutor.
The bumbling wizard you meet in the town before the dragon's lair is actually the dragon shapeshifted, and the entire town feeds the hype about the dragon to evil adventurers so that they show up and die.
>have sex with your own daughters like 10 times
>no side effects
This is one fucked up anime
It's a magical creature. Virgins magically give it more energy than other creatures when consumed, but only they've been allowed to magically 'ripen' in captivity for an appropriate rescue window.
hot interracial dragon dickings.
princesses love that shit.
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That wiki page is hilarious
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This is all normal, even top of the line treatment when wooing a female dragon, so he has no idea why she keeps whining when he's pretty much providing the lap of luxury by dragon standards
this is fucking amazing, and you can do so damn much with it, especially if the king doesn't know.
Meant to link >>51242709
Kobold servants.
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My players actually asked once (one of them spoke draconic). The answer was that it solved a lot of issues of boredom.
>kidnap princess
>kingdom might offer large sum of wealth for her return; this adds to his hoard
>kingdom might send shitty soldiers to get her back; this adds to his battle trophies and gives him food
>kingdom might send adventurers; this is a challenging encounter that can add great things to his trophies and hoard
>if they're too strong, he knows how to fake his death and at least gets a good fight from it and motivation to git gud
>none of these might happen, so he's got a delicious princess to savor eating if she hasn't taken to him enough to be his servant for a while
Nobody had asked him that before, and he'd had the princess almost long enough to eat, so the group traded a few things for the princess and his word not to kidnap her again.
There's a tiny bit of magical realm if they'd asked about his "favorite" princess, but it never came up.
Humans are delicious. Capturing a princess adds some more entertainment to the usual burn and pillage and has the added benefit of letting those apes know who's in charge.

Let's also not forgot that in the original mythology the princess wasn't kidnapped but an offering to prevent the dragon from just destroying Tobe he entire town.
>how does a dragon feed a princess
Like a bird.
To test your Will by giving you the chance to sacrifice her in exchange for wealth and fame?
The many little known characteristics of draconic ejaculate.
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>the dragon wanted to show off his awesome collection of vintage jazz records
Magic records.
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that's... cute
Pretty much. Eventually, he decides that he needs an entire kingdom to keep him in a variety of food and a suitable hoard, and kidnaps the king.
The king, being a god king, talks to the dragon, and explains to him all the work of being king. All the diplomacy, and all the meetings and paperwork that are much too much for a dragon to trouble himself with.
The dragon ponders on this, until the king offers a solution. In exchange for him and his daughter and the peasants to be returned to their homes, he will graciously extend his realm to include the dragon's lair, and provide the dragon with the royal treasury to add to his hoard.
On accepting the offer and returning to the castle, the dragon is greeted by the royal treasurer, and introduced to the idea of economics. And that he has to let go of some of his hoard in order for it to come back with more, and that it needs to be invested in order to grow further. And that you can't just take from the peasants; you have to provide them with payment so they don't starve and leave you with no animals.
The dragon, just wanting a bed and a steady diet, accepts this. The royal treasury is now guarded by the dragon, who takes human form and wanders the city's markets monthly, inspecting them and making select purchases of the finest livestock to eat. The dragon's hoard is added to the treasury. Or, rather, as agreed, the treasury is added to the hoard because the hoard is much bigger, and incredibly secure. A small 'working' treasury is kept at the castle for investing and paying wages and so forth, but regular exchanges are made with the dragon's hoard.

This is how King Harald the Frugal became King Harald, Dragonwhisperer.
And how the kingdom's bandit problem was stamped out in short order by a dragon, along with border disputes and a coup attempt.
Monarchs come, monarchs pass. The dragon remains, content in the knowledge that his hoard is secure and he has all the food he desires.
>Dragons kidnap princessess for the same reason some people collect figurines: hot glue.

They turn the princesses into glue?
Depends on the world. In the Forgotten Realms, if it were a male, it could transform into a human and breed with her.
The princess may not see it that way.
He existed somehow, and had sex with Bertrada (unrelated at the time) to make himself, then had sex with Maire (Unrelated at the time) to make Idril, the had sex with Gerberga (unrelated at the time) to make Pepin, then had sex with his Idril (daughter) to make Asha, then his son and daughter married and made Isabelle (his granddaughter/great-granddaughter/great-great-granddaughter(if you count his making himself), who he has married.

Other than him making himself at the beginning, it seems pretty straight-forward to me.
It's a euphemism for semen
Pretty much this yes

The dragon cannot suffer another generation of incompetence.

He's watched the Empire's breadbasket squandered by a family of astrologists and imbeciles.

Step one was rather simple; A little bit of of Alter Self makes for the best night the king's concubine ever had. A few rather tragic accidents and curses later, she's the only heir he's ever produced.

Step two was upbringing; Again pretty easy, a little bit of blackmail and a few coins changing hands has ensured the princess grew up almost entirely divorced from her idiot family, and she's grown to a beautiful, refined and intelligent woman. This is where things get hard, because this is when affection turns to greed: The king jumps at the chance to find some powerful dutchy to marry her into, and squander her potential in some sitting room... So kidnapping is the next option.

Considering the general mobility of adventurers, the dragon must use magic to condense years of training, education and philosophy into a few short months. The princess is taught more fundamental lessons in this stage that could not be taught in kingdom: controlling fear, resisting more powerful forces, manipulating threats, humility in the face of defeat, foresight in victory.

By the time the party gets there, the Dragon is well prepared for his "death"; A few simple contingencies are more than sufficient. The bulk of the hoard has been hidden in extra-planar space in an uncharted cave far from the lair. A little bit of flashy magic, get a few good hits in and leave an impressive corpse. The adventurers save the day, take the princess home, get paid and leave.

They don't ever look back, or they'd see a suspicious rash of heart problems in the royal family, the young new queen ascending to the throne and promptly galvanizing the region with the economic influx from the carefully managed influx of the dragon's hoard.

Time spent: Three decades, ROI: 160% and a dragon in the nation's coat of arms.
To attract adventurers. A bunch of magical loot just walking into your cave, ready to be added to the hoard after a quick frying? Sounds like a pretty convenient way to gain treasure.

Because the king has not been treating that girl right, and while the queen has been dead for some time, her old friend keeps an eye on her children.
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Honestly this, though there would be a far more practical way to go about it.
It is obvious that beasts of incredible power and desire for material wealth would of course put a system in place where the wealthiest of local individuals not already dragons would invest money and resources into outfitting singular units as best as possible then forward those units directly to the dragon for the dragon to disassemble and loot. One major problem is that it seems far more practical for the dragon to take princes rather than princesses, as kings would be more inclined to save their heir than they would their bartering tool to other kingdoms and nobility. It appears that the practice of stealing princesses may not actually be a well educated one, rather one developed by trial and error, with the dragon stopping experimentation with hostages without exploring the productivity difference in kingdoms between using their princesses and princes as hostages. This, however, makes sense, as dragons are characterized usually as very lazy, and are likely not to push further into research when they uncover a system that happens to work significantly better than their previous systems.
Additional effects include slightly higher body temperature around the mouth, falling a little slower and controlled, and a purported increase in magical power.
That last one might just be a rumor started by dragons.
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>the dragon occasionally kidnaps the princess to see how she's doing
>when she's going through rough times, sometimes the princess gets herself "kidnapped"
>a few members of the guard are aware of their friendship
>they do their best to make sure they're the ones to "rescue" her
>newbies might seriously injure the dragon, after all
>and the princess would be devastated
They are valuable
I find that gif more erotic than I probably should
I don't think that's an accident.
Nicely done.
lewd things Anon
lewd things
I wanna see a thing where the dragon is the one that gets kidnapped
How does this make sense?

He had Twi'leks which are exactly like Humans except for the heads.
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The comic where what happens to what?
The reduction of something so meaningful to millions of humans to something so mundane and whim-based as a light snack.
Think about it. A princess who's power could sway armies now becomes nothing more than just something to stop his stomach from rumbling. The ultimate display of power over lesser races. Gulp her down and all her supposed royal power is little more than squirming inside.
This tale is nice.
I like it.
That sound's AWESOME. Thread screenshot?
No screenshot but here's a link to the archive of the thread
Nah, I think his father died and he married his own mother briefly, making himself the character that would be shown in the family tree as his mother's last husband. Not sure if the game allows that vanilla but I think the Zoroastrians might be allowed to.
So, not familiar with the "Lives of Lazarus Long", are you?
Noble blood lines actually hold power.
Dragon's eating them actually gives them more powers.

A few setting have done this premise.
I really like this story idea. Would fit in great with any lawful good type kingdom as an origin story for their chaotic neutral dragon protector.
Jab Comix
>who takes human form
aaand dropped.
This is cute, good campaign Idea.
It's simple, Really.

>Dragon Feels sick, No medicine back in those days.
>Dragon has an idea, goes out to find the Most hygenic-looking human.
>Finds some chick in a tower that looks really hygenic. She'll do.
>Brings her back to lair, Casts a bunch of Protection from Heat and Acid spells on her.
>Gulps the princess down like a pill after telling her to cure him.
>Sits still while he waits for her to Ease his sickness.

Grade-A meds.
It WAS an old medieval belief that royals had lay on hands style healing powers, it's not unbelievable the princess had healing powers if your game is like that

And then the PCs have to go in and save her
Strong as ten regular men - definitely.
>Kings tells you a dragon kidnapped his daughter
>when you get to the dragon's cave she tells you why, and where the princess is
>she feels way better now though, so she doesn't need the princess any more, feel free to go retrieve her
>The princess doesn't want to leave
We back to this idea again?
Why doesn't the princess want to leave? If the dragoness's belly is a dungeon quality location it may not be safest place for the princess to stay
PCs being PCs it'll probably come down to who can offer them the best loot, the king or the princess?
>Princess tries to talk the PCs and dragoness into letting her stay
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Might not be dungeon quality. Remember, she's loaded up with a slew of powerful survival spells. The dragon just has to make sure not to eat anything still alive to avoid injuring her.

>"Look, you're getting out of me one way or another, and I'm sure you'd prefer the upper exit."
For there hoards of coarse. A princess is a kingdoms literal investment in there future. They are the living embodiment of wealth and status. Besides when you've taken a lands security, riches, and any semblance of stability whats the last thing you take? Its future of coarse.
>Remember, she's loaded up with a slew of powerful survival spells. The dragon just has to make sure not to eat anything still alive to avoid injuring her.
Point, she probably finds it more hospitable than the PCs

>>"Look, you're getting out of me one way or another, and I'm sure you'd prefer the upper exit."
>Princess tries to order the dragoness to let her stay, when that doesn't work she tries bribing
...you know that's probably human flesh that dragon is regurgitating onto the princess.

Dragons have an obession with 2 things : power and treasure.

By stealing the princess she becomes the most sought after treasure.

/tg/ is overthinking this.
>/tg/ is overthinking this.
/tg/ always over thinks things, that's where it gets all it's ideas
> Gulp her down and all her supposed royal power is little more than squirming inside.
It's interesting how, when talking about a dragon eating someone, people here automatically assume "whole, alive, and conscious." That's now the typical way dragons eat: a vorarephile's fantasy.

Yep. A few months back, a few people took ">the dragon contains a small farming village" and tried to work out how the village and dragon would conceivably go about having that work.
>That's now the typical way dragons eat: a vorarephile's fantasy.
It's a good way though
A bonus for the vorefags and a horrific way to go for the nonvorefags

>Yep. A few months back, a few people took ">the dragon contains a small farming village" and tried to work out how the village and dragon would conceivably go about having that work.
I'll admit that ones a bit too far for me, mostly cause I can't get over the idea that anything could grow in there unless it's a demiplane or something, and if that's the case what's the point?
Though I do love the idea of someone (probably unwillingly) having to use a dragon as their permanent residence
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>A bonus for the vorefags and a horrific way to go for the nonvorefags
>the dragon gains a reputation for devouring his victims alive
>that he is able to do so consistently strikes fear and awe into many
>for a few, they seek him out to test the rumor
>he's happy to accept the free meals
>he knows what they do in his stomach
>but as it has no effect on his food's survival, he sees no reason to pay attention or care
>though he relishes the offended complaints when he eats something or someone else before the first human is dead

>the actions of the few are known to others
>additional rumors pop up of the dragon's mind-controlling powers
>he sees no reason to correct that rumor

>I can't get over the idea that anything could grow in there
IIRC the solution was low-light crops, aggressive composting, and furry-OC-tier glowing insides.
What if someone comes to the dragon buffed up with protective spells?
>Vore dragon with mindcontrol
Would explain why it keeps getting meals, plus it's better than assuming all those NPCs are vorefags ...right?

>IIRC the solution was low-light crops, aggressive composting, and furry-OC-tier glowing insides.
I've seen the idea batted around but I guess I missed that thread, don't remember any of those suggestions
now that's a cute m-66. I did a poor job making her transparent and put it through waifu2x. do with it as you will
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before waifu2x
>Forgotten Realms
>The princess is well-known for being highly skilled at chess and he wants to learn how to be better, because the other dragons make fun of him for sucking all the time.
>>though he relishes the offended complaints when he eats something or someone else before the first human is dead
>Eats two vorefags
>They fug in him

the what now
The latest in science from our top minds, using deep convolutional neural networks and a supercomputer running 9000 computation cycles/sec hidden deep underneath Tokyo University, observe: before waifu2x
after waifu2x
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Aids his digestion. If they're properly disarmed, there's no reason for him to pay attention to what his food does.
They're probably the main meals he gets to savor
Still gotta wonder what happens if he gulps down someone with protection
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they don't get their partner pregnant
Not what I meant but kek
>oh noooo will you rapeeee meee mr dragon!?!?!
>WTF no. I need a maid since my kobolds syndicalized and demanded vacations, ill return you in a month.
>implying the king wouldn't pay to have someone teach the princes/princesses humility and this isn't a generation old deal between the reigning king/queen and the dragon.
>"Aren't you going to ravish me?"
I wonder how sick some dragons are of hearing that from their meals
>Adventurers break down the door to the dragon's lair after it captured the plucky, rebellious tomboy princess
>Encounter is surprisingly easy, dragon is beaten without much trouble.
>The party begins to search through the dragon's hoard, only to find the only magic items are things like doilies that don't get stained, or teapots that fill themselves with hot water when an incantation is uttered.
>It is only then they realize that the draconic translation was faulty, and the dragon they thought was "Sulfura the Destroyer" was actually "Sulfura the Domesticator."
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Depending on the dragon?
Not as much as you'd think
Reptiles do have a tendency to swallow alive.
>> And more.

You know, I'm pleasantly surprised how many vorefags there are here. I'm doubly pleasantly surprised that there are vorefags who talk about it softly, rather than oversexually.
It's kinda... nice.
What weird sex thing is that gif? Is there some kind of train on dragon vore/unbirthing animation fetish scene? Dragon on train extreme insertion?
That's just what happens when somekne who has drawn nothing but furry fetish porn for their entire artistic career tries to do something nonsexual.
Its like when a footfag draws a quick random doodle and the feet and up three times as detailed as the rest
Can I have some more images of hyper-incestuous family trees? I need enough pages to be able to disguise it as a Giovanni clanbook to distribute.
I'd say it's the result of vore being less one coherent fetish and more a blanket term that describes a large number of fetishes that are bound together by one common element, but there's a lot of variety in there.
I'd post something but it's from an adult CK2 mod that has my dynasty as werewolves so I'm afraid I might get nuked for furry.

Inbreeding is the tradition of my ruling family though with the new king proving his mettle by seducing as many of his close relatives as possible, mother, sisters, so forth to produce as many kids as possible which he then marries off. Then he gets down to the business of breeding the next ruler by breeding with his sister, then the eldest daughter they make, then the eldest granddaughter and so forth until he dies of old age.

My current record is for the heir to be the son, grandson, great-grandson and great-great grandson of the previous ruler.
>alright, alright boys put down the poetry
>let talk about micromanaging and macromanaging of serfs
>pulls magic balls showing kobolds working on the mines
It's literally a dragon trying to fit in a train for his commute.
This thread is actually an interesting look at a few different slices of the fetish. On the one hand you have the 'willing, nonfatal' people with the couple talking about a princess who seems to want nothing more than to warm a dragon's belly for the foreseeable future, and then there's the opposite end of the spectrum with the ones talking about a dragon eating an unwilling victim for the ego-stroking sadistic pleasure of reducing the most powerful human in the land to a pleasant but short lived squirming sensation in his gut.
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And the best part is, I'm both of those. Soft, caring vore for friends, thrashing, lethal vore for food.
Go on then
It's a pretty varied range of interests to be sure. I once played a yuan-ti character who had no problems eating his enemies. It was really to play up his alien mindset, that even if the party liked him and he was pretty friendly he was just plain different on a fundamental level and the party did get to see him constrict and devour a few enemies over the course of the campaign.

They actually seemed to find it amusing, as the victims always deserved it, because I'd play the normally straight laced snakeman more like a stoner while he was digesting, lazing about and acting dopey and relaxed. I guess they found it endearing to see him napping on a hot rock sleeping off his last victim.
I get the feeling it also helps that fa/tg/uys by their nature being more open to fantastic scenarios would logically be more open to fantastic fetishes

Bit of both for me
My preference would be something like that dragoness from the dungeon in a dragon thread, willing/dubcon vore by a playfully flirty/dominant pred who doesn't hide the fact getting out may be a LOT harder than getting in (either cause of digestion or long term/permanent entrapment) and prey that enjoys it even if they don't know why/want to
Ego-stroking sadistic pleasure is good too though
I was going to get to play a casually predatory anthro dragon in an ERP campaign but the dm flaked and cancelled the campaign literally 20 minutes before the first session.
What a pity
>YFW you will never adventure with a sexy dragoness who you can't tell if she's flirting with you, trying to convince you to let her eat you, or both, either way the things she can do with her tongue....

can you please stop having terrible opinions
I'm okay with anthro though I do prefer my dragons at least house sized and dragonic, but dragonesses having a hint of curves for the hips are nice
Considering playing an actual dragon would be laughably OP I went with a dragonborn refluff to fit with the party of humanoids.

Yeah, was going to go for a male 'black widow' routine who usually ate his lovers during or immediately after the act.

Not sure how it would have worked out but it would have been nice to try.
If the point of a game is sex, who cares if you're OP? I've never played an ERP campaign, but do they actually involve a lot of fighting?
>If the point of a game is sex, who cares if you're OP? I've never played an ERP campaign, but do they actually involve a lot of fighting?
Just sex ERP games get boring VERY quickly.
And yes, at least going by the games I've played, ERP campaigns involve a lot of fighting, about a 50-50 split between fighting and RP from my experience (and that's RP, not ERP)
It's not describing your PC fuck all session, it's a normal game with lewdity mixed in and no fade to blacks
Well we never got to play that game so I can't say, but from what I was told it was going to be a rules light campaign with actual adventures and a lot of sex and fetish stuff worked into the mechanics and actions, like my character would be eating his enemies or one character invested in grappling who was going to be boning his enemies as he grappled them as his combat focus.
Yeah that's how it is for me. My campaign started as a regular campaign but became more ERP when we realized everyone involved was fine with graphic sex being included. Still a mostly normal serious campaign with characters who have sex on the side as long as nobody is uncomfortable or it interferes with the story pacing.
So that god wanted to play a character who tied up his enemies and then raped them to death?

That sounds fucking weird.
>Rules light
That sort may be different than what I experienced I'll admit, my only frame of reference was lewd circumstances not lewd abilities
Fucking/eating your enemies while you fight them are different from "If you lose to the orcs they WILL rape you" or "The drider NPC has a thing for redheads, guess what's the easiest way to get her help?"
From what I've heard lewd circumstance games tend to last longer, mostly due to less lewd burnout, but I don't see any reason why mechanically sound abilities with lewd applications wouldn't work

RP started lewd for us but that's pretty much how it went, sex on the side as long as no one didn't have an issue with it or it caused the game to become unfun
Until they pass out or submit, not die.

Character was an orc barbarian so that explained a bit.
Dragons are just the embodiment of sin itself so its them acting against the commandments and targeting virgins which are the symbol of purity to sustain themselves.
Forgot my pic
fuck off kike its a metaphor
So... This thread seems full of dracophiles, and we seem to talk about it whenever dragons come up, but how often have we actually run into this sentiment in our games?

Has it ever happened to you?
>Steal a princess to ransom for more gold
>Realize can't write, don't know human throat working
>Princess won't make crying noises
>Knights keep coming to kill you, they don't have much gold
>Can't return to castle to ask for gold because they have catapults now
>Crap better pretend to be chaotic good
Variety indeed.
Personally, I like the idea of A hero, battered and beaten, Lost all hope, getting swallowed by a dragoness, only to find out that they're perfectly safe inside.

Sometimes I can appreciate a playful predator though, toying with the victim long before the victim knows they're really in no danger.
What about a battered and beaten hero being unbirthed by a dragoness who later reveals that she's not actually evil but was testing him to see if he was worthy of being reborn as her half-dragon champion?
For me, Vore and Unbirthing are very separate. Vore (Swallowing, stomach, etc) elicits more... comfort, relaxation.

Unbirthing to me is inherently and directly sexual, so Battered hero unbirthed? Maybe not my thing, but no judgements against anyone who likes it.
I do find the idea appealing, the hero being eaten and sliding down to what he thinks is his horrible death only to be overwhelmed by warm comfort and being healed.
Exactly! He fears he's failed, his life is over, he has to come to terms with his death...

...Only to wake up a few hours later, undigested, surrounded in a comforting warmth. It's a cozy thought, I think.
So since the thread seems to be about dragons and vore for now at least. Idea.

>Dragon king has ruled kingdom for centuries.
>He's brought prosperity, safety and power.
>Bandits are all gone, nobody dares invade, quality of life has improved greatly.
>Dragon king also really loves eating people. Like a lot. All the time.
>People don't actually care that much because the king kills exponentially fewer people than he's saved with all his improvements.
>If you can prove the king ate one of your family members you get a tax break as compensation.
>King will probably eat you if you waste his time with improper paperwork though.

Toying with the idea of the dragon overlord who casually eats his people to the point where live humans are a staple of his diet but his people will actively resist any attempt to depose him because he's actually done a lot more good than harm on a nationwide scale.
I'll raise you one.

>He became king by eating up a horde of invading enemies after they killed the former king
>He still likes to eat humans, but Humanity likes him.
>They feed prisoners to him, the loyal subjects are safe, but murderers, rapists, and other big criminals satisfy his rumbling belly.
>Nation lives in peace.
Sounds cozy as fuck. I can see him wanting to slide down her throat again when he needs some comfort.
Couldn't tell you, have yet to run into one in my time playing

Well I described what I like >>51307627 but I think the big aspects for me is domination/control, mouthplay/encasement, and the prey realizing they kinda enjoy it/can't fight back and giving in either to digestion or being trapped in the stomach long term

Truth be told that sorta thing seems kinda, I don't know, mary suish isn't the right term but in the same ballpark?

Would prefer dragon queen myself but you could always go the religious/honor rout and have it seen as a good thing, if not for spiritual reasons than as a sorta sacrifice self to benefit friends/family materially and boost their honor one
See, you get it! Here.

>Rainy night of battle, Hero has been fightinhg his way through hordes of enemies, low on HP, bleeding, lost sword a ways back.
>He enters the cave, a lightning flash illuminates an enormous dragon.
>He knows he can't possibly fight it, he falls to his knees and closes his eyes, giving up after his brave fights.
>The dragon reaches down, and she drops him into her mouth, he just accepts death at this point.
>She gulps him down, carefully, and lays down herself
>He looks around what he thinks is his final resting place, Sighs and stifles tears as he falls asleep...

>He Wakes up, Didn't expect to
>Listens to her heartbeat for a moment before stirring around.
>She feels this, asks stuff like "You okay in there? You should be healed by now..."
>Explains he's safe, she healed him, kept him out of the cold.
>They become friends, if ever he's in trouble or mortally wounded, she offers to heal him up again.
I'm imagining him being too spontaneous to do that though. The standard death sentence in the land is 'being fed to the king' but the problem with that is that it's so effective you start running out of prisoners.

I'm thinking the dragon is too impulsive with his feeding to keep himself in check. He'll be out surveying his kingdom and just randomly swoop down to snatch someone out of their front yard and gulp them down before flying off like he'd just grabbed an unattended snack bar.

Maybe some kind of belief in sacrifice, not too heavy though. Just a general awareness that if the dragon seldom does anything without eating someone along the way. If you want him to come and inspect something in your town and help you out with some problem then be ready for him to dine on your townsfolk.
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This... This is comfy.
Cost as fuck.

Bonus if the dragoness is kinda motherly and treats him almost like a kid sometimes, if he's 'acting up' or giving her trouble she just swallows him and doesn't let him out until he's calmed down.

>"Don't worry, you'll be safe in there, I promise..."
>"I needed to keep you warm, didn't want you catching a cold on top of all those injuries."
>"Shhh... rest now... you'll be alright..."

And, if acting up.
>"If you're going to be that way, you can stay inside until you learn some manners."
>"You can come out when you've calmed down."
>"Stop fussing around in there!"
He wants someone to talk about makeup and boys with.
I could see it
It would have to have been a really, really awful place before he showed up though, so people are already used to losing family members etc.
Like the previous king was insane and cruel and at least the dragon is just following its nature, or something.
Once he'a been there for a few generations it will probably just br a fact of life.
he stole the gnome princess to make an army of maid robots to raid the local villages
That's the idea. He's been in charge for generations, he's eliminated crime, poverty and foreign invasions for the most part, or at least to the point where it's at least one tenth of what it used to be.

They don't exactly like that he eats people all the time but he kills a tiny fraction of the people who used to die to all the problems he's eliminated. They don't want to see him overthrown because they don't know what to do without him and it would be anarchy without him.

So what if he eats a dozen people a week? The last king killed five times that many and didn't give a damn how many people died from neglect and violence through the kingdom.
The longest direct lineage is only five times, and they consistently get bigger eyes and more uguu looks in general.
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>Thinking about the Knight Realizing he's safe.
>Thinking about the knight just listening to her steady heartbeat
>Thinking about the knight Cozying up against her soft flesh.
>Thinking about her humming softly to him as he heals, The sound all around him.

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>the princess seems to be fine, but the king doesn't trust the dragon
>sends the party to stop whatever he's doing
>trouble is the princess is starting to like the dragon and won't willingly send dragon slayers to meet him
I think last time I saw that question the consensus was the hips.
Just a .gif of a dragon trying and failing to fit into a train car.

Like a dog faililing to stuff himself in a box.
What if it's a dragon king and queen?

>The king doting on his beloved, whispering sweet nothings to her as he pops squirming villagers in her mouth.
Gah, meant for that reply.
Would prefer just dragon queen
It's like the fucking plotline of Terminator only with more incest.
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Okay, now I'm curious what this comic is.
>That comic where he shows her how to work a collar

Pretty cute.
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>For what reason dragon would steal a princess?

To gain villian cred amongst the other evil dragons


Never seen that before actually, where is it from?
The artist's name is sanzo
my understanding of him is the man's a retard who gimps his own earnings to force the scarcity of his works.
Well ignoring gender then what else would you add to the idea?

I'm kinda intrigued and might file it away if I ever do an outright vore/fetish campaign.
Where do you think all the half-dragons come from?
Now that you bring it up, that could make a pretty funny idea for a campaign setup.

>Dragon takes numerous females to be breeding partners.
>Plans to breed army of half dragons to lay waste to the known world.
>Takes highborn women for better genes, good breeding and all that.
>Plan derails along the way to the point where he's enjoying being a goofy dad to his ~300 spawn and his wife-humans to conquer anything.
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Imagine being raised by a dragoness like that, your adoptive mother, after your hometown is destroyed as always and parents slaughtered
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Dragon slave.jpg
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One of ICS/tran4of3's old works
He also did a sequel that implies the princess is still aware

Odd, can find the sequel but not the original, even on his own gallery

Well for the core idea of dragon ruler, I'd go for the pseudo religious honor for the eaten, maybe not full on dragon worship but close, or at least that's what they try to play it up as (some probably do believe, some don't), I doubt the dragon would give them anything for it, if there was some tit for tat going on it'd more likely be of the lowered taxes, no forcing of "volunteers", or just better political favor. I actually don't think the dragon would vore people that often, unless he had a sizable kingdom or doesn't mind depopulating it over the long term, humans don't breed that fast afterall, I'd also imagine it'd be picky simply because it has choices now

Would need to know more about the culture/setting/dragon to toss out more ideas than just generalities like that

If I did something like that I'd go for a dragoness that tries to play up being a god queen to her people, have it have shades of the normal dragon/kobold relationship but also have it more opulent/"civilized", the people are trained to live for the godqueen and have a decent quality of life, enough so they don't really mind just how the streets are kept clean of criminals/invaders or how so few who are called up for an audience with the queen exit her chambers, that she picks a new young "consort" every decade or so to train to be the perfect toy/meal is the greatest honor for the chosen
That sorta thing, though I'm thinking of a large, rich kingdom/empire sort of place

The 3.5 dragonomicon had a black dragon that fucked EVERYTHING in it's swamp ( though noted to not care if his partner survived) to the point when adventurers show up every single creature living there was half dragon, up to things like shambling mounds

Thanks mate, appreciated.
His facial expression makes me think of someone who ran out of fucks to give and is probably just thinking "well, it's better than my life was before".
I remember reading that black dragon story.

And people wonder where the dragon fetishists come from? It's written in the goddamn rulebooks.

Also thread is in autosage, we'll need a new one eventually, this is too fun to just let die.
I'm about to head out, but if someone wants to make another dragon thread I'd probably jump back on when I get back
>Clicks Link out of curiosity.

I mean, I'm not really sure what to feel. Body horror has always kinda scared me, but in the context of this thread, I realize someone probably likes this as much as I like vore, so...

I end up with a strange sense of Empathy, Fear, uneasiness, and Overall confusion.
Well I feel stupid, it was just two pics away
>but in the context of this thread, I realize someone probably likes this as much as I like vore, so...
I DO like assimilation, but more in the Lilium sense than that

>I end up with a strange sense of Empathy, Fear, uneasiness, and Overall confusion.
I do think that's what ICS goes for at times, though from what I've heard of him he's just a cheerful guy who REALLY likes drawing fucked up and sexual transformations
I blame him for my clothing/sextoy/food TF fetish, even if he never really drew that much (if any) of the later two
Ah, ok, I'm thinking differently then. My idea would be for the dragon to be a lot more gluttonous with his feeding and much more impulsive, just randomly grabbing a nearby human, magic'ing their clothes off and gulping them down without a second thought.

Probably have to kinda ignore the effects of the feeding on the population, less interested in a realistic population model and more in the juxtaposition of a dragon ruler being simultaneously beloved by his people while he relishes in eating them on a daily basis.

Probably encourage big families to make sure he has more tasty morsels wandering about, incorporate some of your ideas to have an almost religious act of going to the capitol and making yourself available for a snack if the king is about.
Yeah, "realistically" (I mean we're talking dragons here) constant snacking would cause the kingdom to collapse long before he'd become a beloved ruler, unless there's mind control or they previously envied the dead before he came to power

I actually figured that's what you meant, just wasn't too sure how big of a kingdom we're talking populations back then weren't that large so even a decent sized town could be wiped out by his snacking depending on how much he ate

Though I will admit, while I do prefer my vore to be more intimate, I do love the idea of a dragoness sending an entire nation/people/fantasy race down her throat, person by person and village by village, only stopping once they're extinct
Oh goodness.
>Huge parade for the Dragon King
>He's being led down the streets, thousands of subjects cheering for him
>Parade music, Some bands, Etc.
>A loud and low rumble pierces the parade, as the dragon looks down at his stomach.
>There is a dead silence for a few moments, as some of the crowd back into nearby buildings.
>The poor band in front of him gets gobbled up ravenously, Everyone else runs off
>In a bar, some old man laughs at the terrified people and just says "You shoulda seen the last king!"
Make another Dragon Thread, Anon.
Do us proud.
>Dragon King out and about, studying new infrastructure projects.
>"So you see my lord, this new storm drain will prevent the flooding problems we were having."
>King nods. "Yes, I'd like to rule over a city, not a swamp."
>"This should solve that problem sir, we've increased the capacity and solved the clogging problems."
>King waves his hand, all the clothes fall off a passing peasant woman by magic.
>Girl barely has time to realize what happens before a big scaly hand picks her up and lays her on a big wet tongue.
>Bulge travels down his throat and vanishes in his torso.
>"Now... tell me about the improvements to the aqueduct system..."

>Dragon goes to oversee construction of palace
>Walking around Perimeter, Checking, nodding, His advisor riding on top of his head.
>One Worker loses balance on a fifth story tower, begins falling
>Dragon catches him on his soft tongue.
>"Thank you your high--"
>Gulps the worker down with a quiet "Ulp"
>Slips down his gullet, Dragon sighs satisfied as he hits his stomach.
>Continues walking around with nervous advisor.
there's a dragon teacher thread on catalog already
Link us to the thread too.
>Dragon King swimming in a big lake.
>Can stay underwater for a really long time.
>Movement by the shore?
>Sneak mode engage.
>A human couple making love on the beach.
>How can something so small be so loud?
>Be polite, let them finish.
>Lift head out of water, dart tongue out to wrap around their ankles and slurp them in.
>They're down his gullet before they even realize what's going on.
>Casts his gaze towards tourist beach some miles away, it's so hard to stop at two...

Thank you kindly.
Oh, damn I literally just created one as well.

So where's the vore talk going? Should I just delete the other one?
>Should I just delete the other one?
yeah, save it for later
I did.

I say we keep the vore stuff here until this thread dies, so we don't jump the other thread straight into fetish territory, then once this one dies we can move over there.

I've really enjoyed this stuff but I like non-lewd dragonposting too.
>King Dragon Sitting in his palace, talking to his advisors.
>Nobles come along, their servants in tow, Carrying their belongings
>He is being respectful, Calm, kingly.
>His belly growls lightly, and his tongue shoots out and grabs two of the servants, Pulling them into his mouth.
>He sheepishly Swallows, The nobles all frozen.
>He casually spits out their belongings that the servants were carrying, and continues the conversation.
Good idea. Just polite to wait.
>The next servant in line steps forward timidly.
>Dragon King talks idly with some other monstrous rulers.
>Minotaur warlord, werewolf alpha, goblin chief, all gathered around the table.
>Trade agreements, border disputes, it's surprisingly tedious.
>Dragon casually leans over and scoops up the servant girl with his tongue.
>Rolls her around his mouth a bit to get a good taste.
>Gentle 'ulp' sends her to his belly to join her coworkers.
>The next servant in line steps forward.
>Servants Continue stepping forward, It becomes usual.
>He slurps up a few more defiant Servants, Relishing their flavor.
>Some of the other nation leaders watch the lumps travel down his throad worriedly, and he knows that makes them more likely to listen to his input.
>When the argument starts getting heated, he calmly taps his talons on his belly, Subtly, but the argument starts moving in hia favor.
>Dragon King trying to look interested
>Much pomp and circumstance, music and bonfires and dancing
>Some local tradition he remembered starting centuries ago, doesn't care about the details
>Finally the moment he's waiting for
>The girl steps forward, wearing only a crown of white flowers.
>He takes her gently, making a show of wrapping her in his tongue before lifting her into his mouth in front of the villagers.
>Rolls her around his tongue for a while, enjoying her taste.
>Touches every inch of her with his flexible tongue.
>Lets out a low 'hmmm' noise, and raises his brow.
>Finally gulps her down, slow and sweet, the bulge traveling down and vanishing into his belly.
>"Mmm... delicious." He sighed, rubbing his belly.
>"But she was no virgin... care to try again?"
>Peasant girl arrives at palace kitchen, looking around.
>Chef looks over. "Ah, good you're here."
>"Yep, I'm ready to start work! Where do I start?"
>"Shower first, over there."
>"Yes, you must be absolutely clean."
>Assistant shrugs and goes to the shower stall, stripping off as the tap starts.
>What comes out isn't water, it's some kind of resin, very abrasive and... tastes like lemon candy?
>Trap door pops open, servant girl shrieks and slides down a chute before landing in a big bowl.
>Looks up just in time to see the dragon's mouth descending and sending her to warm dark oblivion.
>Dragon King groans as he rolls her around his mouth, licking the flavoring off her skin before gulping her down.
>Deep 'aaah' of satisfaction as she hits his belly. "Mmm, you've perfected the lemon mix."
>Chef nods through his window into the dining room. "I'll mark it down my lord."
>"Now... I'm thinking... boy... apple."
>Chef nods and tells his actual assistant to bring in the next male 'applicant'.

Anyone still around? I'll make a screencap of all these when the thread dies.
Vorefag #453 here.
Still here
Ah, cool. Liking the greentext?

Any requests for scenes? Or anyone want to do one?
I've been doing a few, will make more, Doing some stuff in the background.
Alright, I think it's just you and me doing them, which I don't mind, this is fun.

Kinda makes me wish we could do something with this beyond just these greentexts but I'm not sure what.
>King dragon Is sleeping soundly, Eye opens to the sound of Someone running
>He sees a few shadows outside the castle walls, Stealthily Slinks over to the disturbance
>Sees two of the castle servants, meet on a corner, one passes a coin purse to the other, and in turn gets passed a sack of NotWeed.
>King smirks. He could use a midnight snack...
>Slips head over and says "Don't you boys know? No drugs in my kingdom."
>Dealer runs, King's jaws quickly clamp shut around him like a prison.
>He swivels his head to see the servant running, picks him up
>Opens teeth just enough so they can see each other.
>He tilts his head back, Dealer tries to grab onto tongue, slips miserably back.
>"Your turn." He says, Tosses Servant straight back into his throat.
>He sighs and lays back, rubbing his belly.
>"Can't do the time? Don't do the crime..." He says with a chuckle.

(Inb4 "kys for those bad jokes")
Make a specific thread on it (on another board)?
Try to start up a game?
Write a fic?
Like what do you have in mind?
Still would happily play a Campaign of this stuff id /tg/ hosted it. I'm already a DM, can't host it myself.
>The drugs are way stronger than the dragon thought and he gets high as fuck
I'm not sure exactly, I just think it's a fun concept and I'm happy to see more of it, might take this to a /trash/ thread instead of lingering here, though post a link in the other dragon thread.

I'm not sure how you'd base a campaign around this but it could be interesting. Just not sure how it would work. Maybe a quest instead? But I don't know about that.

>Dragon starts experimenting with forcing peasants to overdose on various narcotics to get a pleasant buzz when he eats them.
The diffculty with /trash/ is that, like /d/, they make their Vore inherently sexual, rather than I saresay much calmer variations, as seen here.
Besides, We are still on topic: Dragons. More soecifically, discussing the rammifications of a dragon king. Sounds Tabletop enough.
Eh, if you say so. I'd be alright with some exploration of more erotic bits to this but I like keeping most of the eating casual like this, really treating humans as his food source and eating them as casually as food deserves.

I wouldn't have second thoughts except for how /tg/ got rid of the ERP and smut threads.
I think as long as we don't discuss Characters mating, or Detailing genitals, and keeping the vore Descriptions to simple "Wet tongue" or "Soft flesh" Rather than drawn-out overdetail, We'll be fine.
>The servant let out a relieved sigh and walked across the cold marble floor.
>She walked down the long path of white squares until stopping at the young man who waited at the end, looking pale.
>"I'm sorry." She said quietly.
>Before he could respond, a scaly hand scooped him up.
>The king looked over at the other dragon, who shook his head.
>"Checkmate" The king said, before dropping the 'playing piece' in his mouth.
>The other humans watched from the game board as the dragon savored his treat.
>'Ulp' and yet another bulge slid down his throat, before the king spat out the jersey to join the damp pile of clothes in the 'discard pile'.
>Everyone on the board let out a sigh of relief.
>The other dragon, a young brown male tapped his claws together.
>"Best two out of three?"
Worst case I've never gotten more than a three day ban, you could make a new thread though I wouldn't advise going straight to dragon eating if that's what worries you, maybe asking possible ruling styles of various dragons and see what happens?
Or wait for the other thread to go a bit so you're not just taking it over
Or maybe make a /trash/ thread or something and just ignore the sexuality
You got options, not all of them good, but options
>Dragon King overslept, Is very hungry.
>Grabs the nearest advisor, Hungry, and asks "Tell me... How many prisoners are in the dungeon."
>The terrified advisor Stares into the maw, and replies that they'd just taken down a whole gang in the southern city.
>King gives advisor a lick, The advisor's life flashes before his eyes, before he's put back down.
>King heads over to the dungeon, says "Good news! Your sentence has just been reduced," and begins slurping up the inmates one by one.
>He swishes a few around his mouth, savoring their taste, before swallowing the bunch, tracing the Large lump down his neck.
>He continues gorging until he lay, stuffed, in the prison courtyard.
>Looks over at his advisor and asks "Have you considered tightening our laws a bit?"
I'll just move this over to the other thread and hope for the best.

Any thoughts on ideas to run with this beyond just little greentext snippets? If anyone is interested enough that is, I'm having fun with this so far.
I'd transition in, Don't immidiately Jump in with vore greentext, let it flow. Knowing /tg/, it'll get there soon.
Transition how?
Either wait for, or comment on, Something to do with a dragon eating someone that remains on topic to the post.
>The Dragon grumbles as he flies along
>Going to visit other dragons was important
>But damn if it wasn't a long trip, then again it was only because his kingdom was so large.
>Light down below. Oh good, a cozy looking inn.
>Land behind the inn, deceptively quiet.
>Nose open a bedroom window, slither tongue inside.
>Pull out drowsy, confused human a few moments later.
>Groan as he hits the stomach.
>Move onto the next window, it's been a long flight.
>Gulp.... Gulp.... Gulp...... Gulp....
This thread is almost dead, probably won't happen before this thread drops.
Abandon thread!
This was a fun thread.
I want everyone out there to know that you made someone happy today.
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Thanks, glad you liked it all.

I'll be in the new dragon thread if anyone wants more voretext stories.
Not quite my thing but thanks anon
Ah, alright. Well I'm glad you had a good time regardless of what was interesting to you. I did as well.
the dragon is a monster girl(or similar) she is having a buety contest agianst other monster girls
and the human princess was taken to be a non biasd judge.
What can I say? I'm just the sorta faggot who'd prefer a dragoness
But your stuff was great
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