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Honest question: How many of you have stopped buying/started

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Thread replies: 401
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Honest question:

How many of you have stopped buying/started pirating RPG books because of preaching like this?
You are the only one climbing Mt. Molehill.
Nope. I definitely stopped supporting any RPG I haven't read first and all wotc products in the three or four years

Eat shit snowflakes
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I don't play rpgs, because I got no friends, and I am a 40k fag.
My plastic dudemans are still pure and free of that sort of regressive garbage.
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>mfw people keep saying that my gender dysphoria is a fetish and deep down I know that they're absolutely correct
fuck off
>implying the eldar isn't the pinnacle of a feminist society after 40,000 years
t b h I wouldn't mind being locked up in a breeding cell by the Farseer.
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I stopped buying books because buying them from overseas is too fucking expensive. Have you seen how the dollar-rouble exchange rates?
Name 3 female farseers from the tabletop itself, and not from shit tier DoW games.

The Eldar society is not feministic. It is highly structured, and you don't have the freedom to indulge in every single one of your heart's desires.
If you do that, you get fucking exiled.

Luckily we'll be stopping all the democrat-fascist policies that our previous government was trying to use to start ww3.

Peace and prosperity, russiabro

Nah, doesn't bother me. The tone is preachy but their intentions are good, it's not hard to ignore it.
I've stopped buying CoD books because I don't like how they explain the system and mythology. I can get a good grasp of it, but my players have a difficult time.
The idea that wizards, vampires or "people made from other people" might not be in a gender binary is the easiest bit to parse.
Hell, Promethean could be used as a unsubtle metaphor for transition.
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>virtue signaling
WoD is unbearable shit anyway, so I fail to see how this isn't par for the course.
It is hard to ignore it when the writers making these books complain incessantly on twitter/forums about how limited their space is, and they can't include all the neat fluff and mechanics people want in the compilation books. But, you know, it was just so important to get that full page "sidebar" in there. Limited writing space and all.

The author of the male pregnancy sidebar was talking in the WoD thread here a while back about how it was so important to include "little things" like that, despite the new Werewolf book being notorious for having content cut for space issues.
I love sucking dick
Non-vampire, non-changeling, and non-oneshot lines are pretty fun.

My shelf is full of old Werewolf, Hunter, and Mage stuff.
I'm strong-willed enough to resist one or two paragraphs of preaching in a product without magically being swayed and my ego is not so sensitive that I'm disgusted by one or two paragraphs of an opinion I disagree with.

I buy something based off of if I enjoy the majority of the content. You need to take a long, hard look at yourself if you were offended by a handful of paragraphs from one page of a book.
To be fair thats CotD not WoD.

WoD and White Wolf were always into the lefty alt-lifestyle punk stuff too but they never actually drank the kool-aid. Comperatively Onyx Path have turned fish in it.
The shitposter actually linked this thread in that one.
You linked this here? Thanks anon.
Mage has a legacy that effortlessly turns you into your "female self", but I'm pretty sure it's been cut because despite being about the fluidity/transition of gender, it enforces in the lore that there is a gender binary, and we all know how bad that is now. :^)
Nope, never. I want to continue to support the industry, so I have a strict rule about not pirating RPG books. The advent of cheap PDF webshops has kind of made piracy obsolete.

You do have something of a point, but remember this is World of Darkness you're talking about. White Wolf have always leaned to the Left. Remember when they turned an RPG about playing as a Werewolf into a screed about Environmentalism and Native American relations? For fuck sake, the big bad's main agents were an evil corporation of environmental rapists.

White Wolf may be gone, but many if the writers who worked for them are still writing oWoD and nWoD material to this day, so SocJus themes coming up should come as no surprise.
Fair, I haven't actually looked into the other stuff much.

Playing confused weresharks exploring the surface and trying to act like normal humans (Hawaiian shirts, beer, flip flops) during spring break sounds like it'd be fun.
Did you love the bit about "Roleplaying the Other"? Did you know you can roleplay as something other than your real life identity? Who knew?! Thank God that was included!
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You don't see me shitposting in a Malifaux thread because I like 40k now. Fuck off or contribute.
Please don't associate leftist ideologies like socialism with trans-sanity movements.

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>everything I don't like is /pol/
whiny teenagers please go and stay go
But then who would be here to insist that transgender people exist and that it's not just a fetish
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> Remember when they turned an RPG about playing as a Werewolf into a screed about Environmentalism and Native American relations?

Humanity/human development destroying the natural world has been a fantasy trope for decades now anon, one that is constantly recycled. It was only natural for a line that developed a lore of "werewolves are Gaia's defenders".

Besides, they went overboard with their stereotypes even for themselves. Remember the "Children of Gaia"? It was all the laughable aspects of the hippies. God that sourcebook was awful.
Why does the alt-right feel the need to engage in perpetual assault on the regressive left wherever it goes?

It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade about how the future of the Western world is under attack because someone, somewhere wrote that zhe and zher are okay pronouns to use.
Literally nothing white wolf ever wrote is comparable to Onyx Path's stuff. The OP picture here is all from Onyx Path books.

White Wolf was lefty but there was only a minority of writers and devs that were batshit insane deluded cucks.

Whom then founded Onyx Path.
Because the alt-right is just as much about identity politics as the SJWs. They're a mirror of one another.
>It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade

Because its an omnipresent blight that saturated the internet thanks to white teenagers gobbling its shit ideology up.
Dunno, I liked the male pregnancy sidebar because it sets the tone of the game well. It's about a different world, you know?
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>Why does the progressive left feel the need to engage in perpetual assault on the conservative right wherever it goes?
>It feels like I can't go anywhere on the internet without someone going on a personal crusade about how the future of freedom and democracy is under attack because someone, somewhere wrote that they think transgenderism is a mental issue.
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I don't think that one is that bad.

It's only bad when you look and see how much content was cut from the new book. I'd rather that have been a paragraph on The Pure, or something.
And now people are eating the opposing ideology up and I can't go anywhere without someone trying to explain to me how niggers and bitches shouldn't be allowed to vote due to their inferiority to the white man.
I hate to break this to you, but society has already done that. Leftist ideologies in America are kind of a package deal. This is an artifact of our binary political system.

If you want to get anywhere politically, you are forced to tolerate the lunatic fringe. This is true of the Left who, in the pursuit of common sense measures like a public healthcare system or improving our social safety net, are forced to invite the worst elements of the SocJust movement. Or the Right, where we have Donald Trump a Social Liberal if ever there was one, having to court people who really honestly believe that a 3,000 year old book of fairy tales is an acceptable guide for making public policy decisions.

tl;dr These ideas are already associated. Deal with it.
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>tfw the other day I saw someone in a plaid collared shirt buttoned up to the neck without a tie
Exactly, now that you know cancerously stupid this behaviour is maybe you'll stop doing it and tell others to stop too instead of picking sides and doubling down on your currently trendy flavour of autism.
please just go

you're not clever or insightful

you're just an underage shitposter

you're metastasised cancer
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Yes, and Onyx Path's writers now control most of White Wolf's IPs.
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>Donald Trump is a nationalist candidate
>announces a plan that guarantees 100% universal health care coverage
>le Drumpf is actually a National Socialist for the Worker's Party
Greatest Timeline
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Alt right doesn't exist.
It is a label the media picked up from a small group of nobodies like Richard Spencer and his buttbuddies, and then labeled everyone who is even slightly right wing but not a generic GOP concervative as members of the "alt right" when they spoke against the current establishment and their left wing narrative.
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Anti-SJWs are actually worse because they use all the same methods that make SJWs terrible but they don't even have the one redeeming feature of doing it for a good cause.
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>they don't even have the one redeeming feature of doing it for a good cause.
subjective statement, not an argument
Alt right certainly exists and people willingly use the label, dipshit.
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>tfw the other day I saw someone in a plaid collared shirt buttoned up to the neck without a tie
I live in northern Minnesota. Is this style of dress uncommon where you live? Everyone around here has been wearing plaid collared shirts without ties for at least the past 30 years.
"Alt right" exists as much as "fake news" does. It's an appropriated phrase used to blanket label anything someone doesn't like.
I think they can do it for a good cause. My issue is that the worst of them use the exact same tactics and are willfully blind to their own hypocrisy.
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Holy shit.
It's a common enough set of politics that it can be labelled, just like SJW is a label given to regressive leftists.

>But SJWS gave themselves that name!

Yeah, and now it's being applied to people that have never called themselves SJWs. Just like alt-right was coined by Richard Spencer and now it's being applied to other people with similar politics.

Deal with it, alt-righty. You've been labelled.
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>northern Minnesota
this doesn't count :^)
Yes, but again, that would refer to the "bunch of nobodies like Richard Spencer and his buttbuddies" not the whole wave of rising right wing movement on the internet.
/pol/ for example, is not alt right. That term wasn't used there and wast majority of /pol/ posters certainly did not refer themselves as parts of the alt right, until the media started blasting the term everywhere last year.
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>having sex with your underwear on
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>go on reddit
>internalized misogyny are used in non-joke manner
>read comments of a woman who already went through transition to male ONLY TO EXPRESS HIS INNER FEMININITY OF FAMME MALE because it feels more right
>go on /v/
>it's JoJoposting or gender politics in games
>go on /pol/
>same as always
>go on /tg/
>this shit comes here

So is there any place safe from politics?
Right. But that doesn't stop people from actively self identifying as "alt right". Just like how "marxist" is a buzzword for the other side but people still self identify as "marxist".

The fact that people attempt to brand everyone with the label doesn't discount the fact that there are people who legitimately use that label for themselves.
I refuse to buy any RPG that doesn't have a section like that in the front. Thankfully that's the way the industry is going.
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So, what does alt right stand for then?
>willfully blind to their own hypocrisy
Most actually aren't. Most deliberately use the same "logic" tactics that their opponents use in an effort to point out the flawed "logic".
There's also no point in taking the effort to make a good argument when the left will just flat out ignore it and scream "alt-right!"
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Leasing it actually, White Wolf is back under Paradox (the guys that make Crusader Kings).

The day of the rope is closing in because WW is starting to take notice of the IP abuse Onyx Path is doing, and the fact that they seem to invest more in selling oWoD merchandise then fulfilling kickstarter promises or making books, and relations between the companies have been eroding quick. WW can any time legsweep all the IPs out from under Onyx Path. Originally they were fine with letting Onyx Path handle the tabletop part of the IPs but thats coming to a close.

Why do you think they renamed their shit "Chronicles of the Darkness" and implement more and more mechanics that don't fit the Storyteller system? While only really promoting Pugmire and Cavalier of Mars? Why did the only really productive members of the company completely fall off the face of the net? Especially considering that most writers are unpaid freelancers.

Shit's been going down hill since last year. Probably when the joint White Wolf and Onyx Path press conference happened and about 1,5 hours of it was nothing but dyed haired dykes ranting about how to lecture white males at their table at the dead silent Onyx Path people and the increasingly frustrated White Wolf ones.
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>So is there any place safe from politics?
Your mother's bedroom. She is as apolitical as she is thirsty.
Yeah, except there is a war within the Alt Right between White Nationalists and Political Alt-Righters. Both claim to be the 'real Alt-Right'.

I kept pirating books, because I don't believe in paying for sub-par products. Nor do I believe in expansion packs and DLCs. Either you sell me the whole thing, or you can fuck right off, and I go to TPB or Demonoid.
>this shit comes here
This shit has been here. All you have to do is go into certain generals (like World of Darkness) where this inevitably gets posted, and the pseudo-goth new-age SJW transfats come out and scream that anyone who hates these sidebars are problematic. Some of these books have been published for years now too.
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> it's JoJoposting or gender politics in games
Sounds fun, can you show me examples?
Yeah, I still take issue with it because it is still hypocritical and I'd prefer people take the high ground. Even using the same tactics to make a point, you're still using those tactics.
Thank God.

Vampire Kings and Uratha Universalis when? I'll even take Hearts of Atlantis.
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>this rugged mandalorian female comes up and slaps your gf on the ass
>what do?
Artificial war between bunch of bandwagoning dipshits like Cernovich and the hardline natsoc larpers like Spencer.

Specer is arguably the "real alt right" because he coined that term and referred himself with it long before these elections, but when the media started using that term, they lumped it on all sorts of different right leaning groups so no wonder that there is this "war".
I don't care for your sophistry, one side is literally Nazis, pretty sure they're the bad guys.

Well of course "SJW" also only used to refer to "the worst of them" and not literally everyone with a left-leaning opinion.

Yeah, thanks for linking me the post I was replying to, but while we're on it, that picture itself is its own perfect counter-argument. It's a ridiculous strawman that suggests anyone who disagrees is "one of THEM". The reason anti-SJWs were able to become as bad as (if not worse than) SJWs is because they never really understood what they were supposed to be opposing and had zero self-awareness about it either.

Yes, when you literally become an SJW for the cause of opposing SJWs, you need to stop and take a look in the mirror.
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Anyone that rabidly declares anyone that disagrees with them to be an SJW, while insisting that their own political views cannot be labelled.

That's a good way to identifying someone belonging to the alt right.
I would love to hear more about this press conference.

Is there an article discussing it or a link to the video?
>Vampire Kings

I'd kill for this.

The VtM mod is nice and all but I want the real deal.
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Enjoy the ride, anon. Enjoy the ride.

>one side is literally Nazis
>coming from the side that actually suppresses though and freedom of speech
>that has convinced the state media to cover their physical attacks on dissenters as heroic
>that try to label and drive people they don't like into hiding

Remember, Adolf Hitler was a liberal. :^)
If it quacks like a duck etc.

It walks like a goose though but that can't be helped.
With exception of 5e DnD, I don't buy those books nor do I care enough to pirate them in the first place.
5e DnD is because while I don't like gender nor race politics, reverse or otherwise, the book still panders to me with its lore and mechanics that I somewhat enjoyed.

My group don't give a damn and neither do I.
any thread about new Mario game, Bowser confirmed from Zeppeli family
Seeing as this is /pol/ thread:
>You won't feel comfortable in America, because you will get doxxed by Twitter autists the moment you say something even remotely incorrect publicly and it will destroy your life
>You won't feel comfortable in Japan, because it has retarded corporate culture that takes in account only how long you've been on the job and not your actual talent, and that's not even talking about their social culture
>You won't feel comfortable in Europe, because of their open-doors immigration policy and the fact that you have to tolerate the double standards of police and the law in general
>various Asian countries aren't waiting for you in the first place and are xenophobic as fuck
>Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are corrupt to the core and totalitarian/oligocratic as fuck, and the people in power there are above the law, meaning you can get murdered or have your business raided and you won't be able to do shit about it
>Indians still don't poo in the loo
>I don't know shit about South America, so I can't comment

Where the fuck do I go now? 5 years ago, I wanted to fuck off to live and work either in USA or Europe, but now my options are basically only Eastern Europe (like Poland or Baltic countries) and Canada.
I pirate everything because these companies are all fucking retards honestly. wotc are blown out cock cage wearing dumbasses who keep trying to market to people who have no interest in playing their games.
White Wolf (or whatever the fuck they're called now) are terrible at what they do, that's why I don't buy their shit. I wish their games were made by a more competent company.
So the world is composed of either SJWs or Alt-rights.

Thanks champ.
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Shit like this is all over the place now. The issue with it and why you're seeing reactive right wing attitudes is because people dislike having fringe politics shoved down their throats and are starting to fight back against the dishonest SJW crowd that tries to silence all opposition with accusations of bigotry.
Just search for Grand Masquerade 2016
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So you're really just putting on your best SJW impression for an audience of disinterested bystanders who just want to talk about traditional games in order to show the SJWs who aren't actually there how wrong they are?

My mistake then that's not annoying at all.
>Anyone that rabidly declares anyone that disagrees with them to be an SJW, while insisting that their own political views cannot be labelled.

Where did you pull that definition from, your ass?

And I haven't posted any of my own political views here yet, but they do have very defined labels, that actually describe what I believe in politically.

I'm a Finnish Ethno-nationalist and an anti-globalist.
Those terms tell you far more of what I believe in than the generic "alt right" label, which is why I never used that label to describe myself in the first place.
A grave.
Sure, if the world is full of people that do nothing but rabidly label their opposition as [XYZ] while declaring that they're above being labelled.
SJWs are neo-liberals while Alt-right is neo-right so it fits only for young cool kids!
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I stopped buying because why would I want 5 editions of the same rulebook with frivolously "updated" mechanics.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still locate a PDF of it and glance at what's changed and maybe take what I do like and use it--an errata of sorts.
>watch the mouse cursor slowly moves towards "post"
>realize the whole screen is zooming and the cursor is my own mouse cursor
Well, I'll get there someday eventually.
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Yeah, those pesky alt-righters better just stop talking and let the SJWs ramble on unopposed because why bother they don't even listen amirite guise?
>I'm a Finnish Ethno-nationalist and an anti-globalist.

Yep, that falls under alt right if anything does.
>playing a snowflake setting
>mad cause it caters to snowflakes
Come back to /pol/ shit lord.
>literally Nazis

You still fail to understand that there are no fucking Nazis, and the more you claim and scream that the right leaning people ARE Nazis, the easier and more likely it is that eventually they will just become Nazis because it doesn't matter what they do or say if they are always going to be labeled Nazis. The modern right is the monster that the left made, and the more they scream and throw a fit, the worse it will get
It's comforting to know that regressive safe spaces are filled with shit roll-dice-see-what-happens crunch and even worse 90's XTREME fluff.
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Life imitates art imitates life imitates art

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People like you are as bad as all the darks trying to move here. What don't you fucks understand about fixing your own country rather than run away? This is part of the reason things are so bad. Good men doing nothing, blah, blah, blah.
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This whole thread and its predecessor was about people being butthurt that things they disagree with get published. Fuck off with your "freedom of speech" you hypocritical cunt

Take responsibilities for your own actions you sad sack of shit. Maybe the right shouldn't have behaved like literal fucking Nazis so much. The modern left is the monster you made ;^)))))

Or you could stop being a petty cunt about it and do the right thing.
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Try going out and travel with your friends to other states or other countries once in a while.
You have friends right, considering you can't enjoy this hobby much without any.

Once you do that, you will find /pol/ and /tumblr/ garbage to be just exaggerated attention-whoring fiction, based on hearsays and jokes. You can to interact with decent people who does not fit both side garbage.

If you never go out with people before, then does it even matter where you live at since you interact with almost nobody?
Which also lead to the question of why are you even in this board, except to shitpost and annoy?
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>Maybe the right shouldn't have behaved like literal fucking Nazis so much
>coming from the side that actually suppresses though and freedom of speech
>that has convinced the state media to cover their physical attacks on dissenters as heroic
>that try to label and drive people they don't like into hiding
Yes, but that still means the Alt-Right is still something. And regardless, just like "SJW" is used to brand anyone of far left politics, regardless of nuance, so has Alt-Right been used.

They're both mirrors of one another, in both how the term was used and their general plea for identity politics.
Maybe, but at that point, the label of "alt right" is so broad and holds so many different views, that it becomes an useless term.

Because as it is, the alt right "movement" apparently is composed of people ranging from hardline neo-nazis, ethno-nationalists, anti globalists, civic nationalists, right leaning gay people like Milo, Trump supporters, and people who are just annoyed at feminists and SJWs.

As a term, the alt right, is fucking useless, because it doesn't give accurate descriptions of your beliefs in any way.
You're welcome to not buy books when you disagree with their content. No one's forcing you to buy books.

As long as you don't insist that those books shouldn't be published because of their content, everything's fine as it is.
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Remember when bringing your weird fetishes to a game was a bad thing?
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I don't have patriotic feelings about my country. It has taken from me and my family a lot, and given me nothing in return.
And every time there is an opportunity to fix things, and I support, the people in power just abuse it for their own gain.
So I'm rather disillusioned about the whole affair, and want to fuck somewhere quiet, where I can work in peace without having to police myself.
Just like how SJW is an equally useless term that's applied to anyone that the alt right tends to disagree with.
>This whole thread and its predecessor was about people being butthurt that things they disagree with get published.
No, this whole thread and its predecessor is about people being butthurt when they buy a "roleplaying" book and find it filled with identity politics, when they remember previous editions that were filled with just the rules, lore, and fluff of the game system they were purchasing.

You're actually advocating for the silence of dissenting opinions as much as you're bitching about it. So why don't you fuck off with your hypocritical virtue signalling. Also, take a moment to read wikipedia and the rise of the Nazi party.
Where are you from and what do you do?
This isn't fringe politics. This is being nice to people at virtually no cost. The people who work themselves up in a rage about it are the fringe politics, and they're the reason you're even seeing this shit made explicit in the first place.

Funny how I never get accused of being a bigot. Could it have something to do with the fact that when I saw a paragraph in the Player's Handbook about how Corellon Larethian was gender non-conforming I just went on to the next paragraph instead of rushing to the internet with alarmist rhetoric about how my hobby is being overrun by the dreaded "other"?

Fuck's sake why is this even an issue?
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>implying alt right is the only game in town to oppose SJWs.
Is her mecha an even bigger motorcycle?
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You are a waste of flesh.
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That looks really good, famlalamama

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Need some water?
It was one or two entries in a huge book. Don't exaggerate.
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>This is being nice to people at virtually no cost
I mean so is letting people believe their a dragonkin at heart in theory but it's far less fulfilling that savage mockery in practice.
Which is why I do not use that term.

I call them either multiculturalists, or globalists, because those are the values they push, which make them traitors to my people (in the case of my fellow finns who hold such views) or foreign subversives in my eyes. Enemies all the same though.
I don't think you've ever been to northern Minnesota, friend.
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That looks nice too.

>filled with identity politics
Literally a single paragraph. That corresponded to the lore. Fuck off you histrionic crybaby.
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Where the fuck is shawarma guy? What have you done with him?
Yeah, lets not discount the numerous thematic changes and watering downs that happened with the WoD20 books, because Onyx Path felt the previous entries that people liked, played, and crowdfunded were "problematic".

Those were just the overt and direct instances.
>He cares about being called a bigot or not.

Here is your problem.
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That I'm less excited about.

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and stfu :^)
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That's nicer.

I hope SJW brownshirts smash your computer.
Except dragonkin has no medical information backing it up. At least trans people have some.

Here's the thing. Most trans people fucking hate the transtrender bullshit on tumblr because it gives them a bad name. They don't identify as trans, they identify as the gender they seek to identify as. They don't engage in the 'multi-demi-queer' stuff.

Most trans people aren't activists and just want to be treated with some level of human respect and decency.

This is like judging gay people from the shit that goes on at a Pride Parade.
Secrets of the Covenants book. Entire Carthian and Crone section.

Or Promethean the Created 2e book, 1/3rd of the book. Because of course a game about artificial creatures trying to become average humans is going to be about them wanting to become MtF lesbians with alternative pronouns.

I get what you mean man, the elf one from D&D is fine, but its not like that in every game line.
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Curry can be as good as shawarma, you know.
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Long grain rice is great with curries and stews.

Okay, let's not discount them.

Wait, it took how many posts for anyone to even bring them up, counting the previous thread?

Yeah I can see it's a real problem.
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Such as?
Well yeah, and trans, the real ones, aren't SJW neither. I have no problem with trans, they have a decease that's actually hard to live with and I think they are really courageous.
I fight against the SJW and transtrander that are using this decease to look "cool".
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What is that, lamb?

Hey, the OP was pretty clear as to what he wanted to talk about. People just hijacked the discussion. :^)
Both sides are assholes. because no one is talking. Fags are shouting at each other to scream each other down

One side brings up issues in accusatory manner.

Other side demises issues in an accusatory manner
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I was more or less arguing the D&D stuff. If a book is FILLED with gender politics, go ahead and make it known to the creators.

But sperging out isn't going to help anyone. It just makes you look like the sort of people the game authors want to ignore.
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Lime is good, but I hate lime flavored stuff. Artificial lime is just nasty.

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Read the book, nigger.
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>baseball bat grip
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Aren't you the one calling the right, Nazis? And you just now start saying don't judge people for a few retards?
>I don't generalise everyone who disagrees with me as this thing, I generalise them as THIS thing, so you see, it's completely different
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I like it when they serve it in the little bowls like that.

> if you find a character's presentation jarring, but not the horrors of the World of Darkness, this might be a thing worth taking a look at
Actually sound advice, as much as don't really like the whole "zhe" thing.
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>tfw I fell for the GURPS meme and it legitimately doesn't have any of this crap
I am glad that Steve Jackson Games knows to keep politics out of games.
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Don't point out his/her/zim/xir's hypocrisy, you'll trigger them!
No, it's more like... it doesn't come up. I have no reason to care. Probably because I'm not a bigot.

I dunno if you find people keep calling you a bigot then maybe

just maybe

it's time for some introspection
Slav, microelectronic engineer, dabbling into polarization optics and medical engineering research while I'm getting my PhD.
I'm also a part-time programmer and sysadmin, but that's rather a necessity in my field than a willful choice.
I'd be fine working as a full-time researcher or an engineer somewhere, but not a lot of countries have the necessary equipment for me to work, (and mine didn't really have any necessary equipment either, until me and my colleagues built it from scratch). So that leaves not many countries.
See here is the problem.

>go ahead and make it known to the creators.
>makes you look like the sort of people the game authors want to ignore.

And you cant really say "don't tell them like a jerk" because they'll consider all criticism as personal attacks and unacceptable and thus a jerk thing to do regardless.

Thats why Onyx Path wrote a page long paragraph about not accepting extreme alt-lifestyles or even being slightly bothered by it a call to "self examine".

To be fair Mage 20 was an atrocious clusterfuck of a disaster from all possible points of view even aside from sjw shit, but still.
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It is frustrating, isn't it? All the same, I love that webm.

That nan looks crunchy.

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I'm just saying, people need to stop acting like having anything about gender ambiguity in a RPG is cancer. Especially when some RPGs have had these shit from nearly the beginning.
>murder, which happens on a daily basis, is jarring
>a mummy who insists you use make-believe pronouns or zhe will kill you, isn't jarring
tumblr logic
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1MB, 260x260px
Yeah, like that. All the little bowls and you put what you want on your plate.

If someone pushes multiculturalism, and globalism, it is pretty defined position, so no, it is hardly a generalization.

In short, traitors who push for more EU integration, more immigration, acceptance of immigrants and their cultures etc.

Those positions are defined, unlike the "SJW" term.
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Nan is your grandma, naan is the flatbread.
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What's up with all the random webms?
But bigot is a made up word to shout at anyone who disagree with your biased views on society. It's really retarded to actually care about this thing.
>murder is commonplace so it is a-ok
Listen anon...
No, I'm not. Stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you is a singular person. I'm the anon who likes nuance and discussion, rather than just shitflinging.
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luck build.webm
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Is that chicken? I used to go to this thai place that had amazing chicken peanut curry. I was so fucking good.

My bad, currynon. Thanks for straightening me out.


WoD has always been world of tumblr before tumblr even existed. Nothing new there.

You buy a horror game line expecting horror. Not 15 pages of descriptions of female empowerment amongst mages while the Brotherhood of Aether renames itself to not offend female mages whom could be full time members of it anyway, before going into how the Technocracy is actually a front of a cis caucasian scelesti.
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You know where the best place to put gender ambiguity in an RPG book is?

Nowhere. Instead, you, as responsible adults (lol) can sit down at the table, and if you decide to roleplay as a tranny bearded dwarf-elf priest, then you can politely discuss the issue among your group of trusted players.

The majority of people roleplaying aren't doing random pickups with strangers. The only reason these sidebars and gender politics are here, is for the author to soapbox a message to the customers.
Nah, he's not me

I also didn't literally do that but I can see how a /pol/shitter with poor reading comprehension looking for an excuse to bitch might arrive at that conclusion.
I can believe and they on,y thing that ever bothers me is any attempt to frame it as not an illness or disorder. Tab A is obviously not going into slot B, there's nothing morally wrong going down in their heads but biology have gone off the rails somewhere.

Accepting that medicalisation and seeking treatment, weather that be transitioning or using psychotherapy to come to terms with your feelings is correct.

Asking me to just accept something in between you have made up as natural because you think liking certain things or having a certain personality liberates you from your chromosomes tickles my actual autism the wrong way.
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This thread and the one before it are completely retarded. So I'm posting webms for reasons. I hope you're enjoying them, anon.

Eh, I don't know how I feel about that.

Do you find the fictional depictions of murder jarring? Probably not, because murder itself is commonplace, and the fictional depictions of murder is even more commonplace.

Having a mummified tranny jump out and demand to be called an imaginary word is, by definition, jarring, simply for the fact that it is unusual and does not happen.
Unironically on point post.
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I'd want more naan than that for that much curry. Same thing for Mexican places, I always want more tortillas.

All words are made up, Anon. That's why we have dictionaries. If we don't write that shit down it doesn't exist. Maybe you could use one.
butthurt tranny trying to spam to the bump limit

as if we can't just post another thread :^)
Thank god I don't play world of darkness, and also am not a touchy safe-space fag like OP.
Truly the epitome of indian cuisine. :^)
Which is fine. If they're actually preaching, actively saying "if you dislike this, you're a bigot" then that is a condemnation of their customers. That is a legitimate thing to criticize.

But it is a criticism of the business. And it should be kept as such.

And acting like jackoffs won't make them change their minds. Even if they consider criticism to be attacks, sperging out gets you an even more visceral, negative reaction. There is literally no benefit to it.
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The jason one was pretty neat. What's it from? I haven't seen all of the billion shitty sequels.
Whenever I dont like a discussion I just leave, try not to behave like a insuferable faggot.
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3MB, 700x392px
That looks nice and simple. Simple is good.

If it's that bad as in your pic, why would I want to use them at all? So not buying vs not pirating makes absolutely 0 difference to me.
Friendly reminder that if you dislike /pol/ you should fuck off back to tumblr and reddit.
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>"Are you white?"
Did they just assume my race?
Aren't the safe-space fags the ones needing sidebars like this so the big bad DM/GM doesn't oppress their character? :^)
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>actual autism
Explains so much, really.
It also proves there is no solution via interacting with the company itself.
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3MB, 1000x426px
Shit, I can't remember anon. Sorry.

That's a tactic.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I like /pol/ just fine when it's one /pol/

The mechanics are decent and fun.
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Well maybe if some people were the same way about rulebooks they don't like, we wouldn't be having this thread.
Autism is an umbrella term and means nothing
>I like /pol/ just fine when it's one /pol/
I know you're new, but, welcome to 4chan. /pol/ isn't a containment board.
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Peppers aside that looks really Irish.

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What the fuck. I didn't know the nWOD had gotten so fucking gay. I mean VtM was pretty edgy back in the day, but we were never total faggots about it.
Irish curry is potatoes and Jameson

I've seen all sorts of players and characters and none of them needed no stinking virtue signal to give them the ok to make their kind of character.
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That's kinda colorful. This webm is in your honor.

Been here for a minute, m8. I just don't like crossed streams.

Onyx Path has been dragging the IP through shit for the past year.

Go look up Mage 20 and Promethean 2e to see some truly fantastic writing.
If you think the thread is retarded, dont break the rules shit posting.

If you think the thread is breaking the rules, try to report it.

Shitposting is the tactic used un /pol/, /b/, /tv/, etc. And I dont want that shitty behavior in muh /tg/.
What, like RULES and MECHANICS?
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Yes, good goyim, keep importing more /pol/acks, we will not rest until every board has the same culture!
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3MB, 960x720px
Again, getting Irish vibes.

That sounds delicious as fuck.

my sides
When White Wolf folded under CCP Games, the liberal freelancers of WW formed Onyx Path and licensed it out.

Paradox now owns White Wolf but may be killing the license soon. I wouldn't expect drastic changes; after all, Paradox is Swedish so they're pretty lefty too, but not to the point of pronoun degeneracy.

And despite their worldviews, they still make games where you can play as literally Hitler, literally sexist Muslims, and literally Donald Trump in space. So here's to hoping they keep the politics out of White Wolf games.
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The whole thread is one big shitpost and mods are doing nothing.
>implying the eldar isn't the pinnacle of a feminist society
It was
Look what happened to them
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That just looks nasty.

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If more posts were like this, I'd enjoy this discussion more.

I think that something like the D&D example, using lore to explain and expand upon something for character creation, is fine. It is one entry.

If a publisher consistently comes back to that well, then they're likely virtue signaling. Especially if they use it for marketing.

I think this comes down to Dragon Age: Inquisition vs Overwatch. DA:I pushed the LGBT issue hard, down to making it central to more than one of their characters AND used it to market their game. Overwatch just recently said "Oh and Tracer is gay" in a way that fit with previous character information dumps.
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sjws on masculinity.jpg
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>saving the western world is not a good cause

I like /tg/ best when they/we turn shitpost into interesting/satirical/hyperbolic roleplaying situations insted of bitching.
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Meh. Not as interesting.

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oh man, there are multiple versions now!
Depends on how entrenched the company is in their position.
>I think this comes down to Dragon Age: Inquisition vs Overwatch. DA:I pushed the LGBT issue hard

Go replay DA2, replace "mage" with "homosexual" and "blood magic" with "STDs" if you think DAI was pushing shit.
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2MB, 854x480px
That looks pretty tasty.

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Me too but there's only so much you can do against overwhelming force

Random webms are surely the lesser evil
>the western world is so fragile it will fall apart because some people are thinking things I don't like
Is this code for "my world view" or something?
>wanting mods to censor threads because they have political opinions.
I'll never understand your kind.
If this thread was full of gore and cp, yes, the mods should intervene, but a political discussion is hardly something that requires mods to nuke a thread and ban everyone.
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>curry 4 antz

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I'm actually fine with the D&D one. I think that was the most tastefully done, given that it makes actual direct lore references.

The World of Darkness books gets people defending it as "lore-y" and "thematic", but outside of rare instances (like Demons being nonhumans and beyond concepts of gender) it's mostly preachy garbage. Especially the one that pretty much says "if you don't like made up pronouns but are fine with demon murder rape you're problematic".
"Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."

Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Witcher
Not to join in on your pissing competition but I do feel I have to point out that cuts both ways.
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this is cute as hell.gif
3MB, 384x288px
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Looks vaguely Mexican.

It was on the downlow. Besides, religion v. magic is a common trope, so even if it is thinly disguised, it has a solid disguise on it.

Dykes the Game: Inquisition was bad, and Andromeda is shaping up to be awful.

Why are you instantly lumping the company into the national trend? Paradox has made games where incest, rape and sex slavery is blatantly obvious.
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Is that couscous?

Awesome. Thank you for sharing.

Isn't it basically the same as "If you think /pol/ is a bad thing you should go back to redd/tumb"? You're just asking something else (the people who disagree with you) to enforce your desired segregation.

But honestly, how about the fact that not everyone finds discussing politics on a mandalay cartography forum to be a rewarding pastime, and those who can have a board where they can do so, and don't need to bring it to everyone else? Isn't that a reasonable sentiment?
Poor Brendan Fraser, his life was consumed by the vagina utterly.
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>Political "discussion"
It's nothing but an excuse for off-topic circlejerking.
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1MB, 1920x1080px
Lamb is fantastic.

Yeah, his life went to shit quick.

My biggest issue was Krem and whatshername the gay elf being praised and lauded by the team at press conferences/reveals.

Like, if you're going to have a gay character, fine. I'm gay, I like seeing myself represented. But the second you use the character's sexuality (or race or gender status) as a marketing push, you're a cunt.
So I'm watching this Grand Masquerade and I'm impressed. Particularly with how the keynote speaker went out of his way to call out bad behavior from the Left as well as the Right.
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Couscous is very Moroccan but there's the possibility that it could be.
>Isn't it basically the same as "If you think /pol/ is a bad thing you should go back to redd/tumb"?
I never made such statement, and I do agree that people who make them are fucking idiots.
There can be no discussion, without differing opinions, otherwise the "discussion" is just a circlejerk.
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2MB, 480x384px
Again, simple but good.

>people are trying to commit genocide against me
>I notice this, and that they're doing it in a very roundabout way
>find other people who agree, gather evidence
>idiots like you still fall for the scam and bury your head in the sand
ok homo, enjoy your somali rape gangs
>Why are you instantly lumping the company into the national trend?
Because their posts and their tweets convey their personal opinions as being on the left. Note that I did praise the company for keeping their personal politics out of their game design...

...mostly. Do you remember the "White Phenotype" mod for Stellaris when it first released? Someone didn't like multi-culti humanity and make it whites only with Euro names, and Paradox shut it down almost instantly. They were eventually able to backpedal and blame an "inappropriate mod description" and it's back up, but it was clear by their posts that they disliked the content itself.

To reiterate: they do a good job at keeping personal politics out of their game. Even if they add in blatantly ahistorical feminism laws to their medieval games.
Plenty of this discussion is on topic, in regards to the writing in the World of Darkness rulebooks.
Keynote speaker is incidentally Dracula from White Wolf. Go mention anything positive about him in the general here and see how all the Onyx Path forum regulars will react, its hilarious.
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161KB, 1868x1192px
Now we return to the more familiar.
>whites & 'colored people'
>whites & 'people of color'
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2MB, 560x480px
Yeah, that's why that pic threw me a bit.

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>whites-only facilities
>people of color-only "safe spaces"
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3MB, 1280x720px
Not even memeing, that looks lewd as fuck.

Someone above did. But the point is, discussion with people who don't want to discuss it- for whatever reason- is futile and only going to aggravate one or both sides.

So if you want to talk, why not go to the board made for discussing politics and all these different opinions you crave? Rather than the board for imaginary fightmans and wizardmans? And further, why are you surprised that people want you out anymore than if you opened an anime thread on /sci/?
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I never knew /tg/ was this cucked. I feel ashamed.
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That looks like some kind of nightmare Jim Henson creation.

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I think shawarma8 is the lewdest one, if I recall. But yeah, kebabs love their white sauces.
The problem here is that many people think that genocide entails mass killings, and don't realize that demographic replacement, which is what is going on in many european nations, like germany for example (link related) is also genocide. The end result is the native population dying out/becoming a minority in their own homeland.


Soviets did the same sort of shit to Baltic countries, with just added killing of native baltics too. Had the soviet union not collapsed, it would have gone on for longer and had far greater effects. There are still quite substantial russian minorities in the Baltic nations.
Paradox real problem is the rampant casualization and Johan never ending hunger for shekels.
I think I'll pass.

To be honest, I've never liked White Wolf's games. They're all too Special Snowflakey for my tastes. I've always preferred games like Deadlands, Dark Heresy, Mutant Chronicles, Call of Cthulhu and the like. Ordinary people going up against these horrors from the depths of space and time using only their wits and the tool at their disposal and (hopefully) coming out on top.
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Ah yes, in much the same way you gathered all that evidence proving your political rivals were led by a satanic cult of sex-trafficking pizza pedophiles I suppose
Because nobody on /pol/ wants to talk about pretendytime politics, and the demographic for the people who want to have this discussion are on this board?
That looks good as fuck.

If the status of a Mongolian cave painting board is part of your identity, then you've been shameful for a while anon.

That looks a little like a donner kebab. I used to get those in Germany.

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>t. I've never been to /pol/ in my life
/tg/ used to be very uncucked back when 3.5 and 40k were the big things. Now that all the hipsters are getting into "retro" traditional game development through kickstarters, we have an influx of garbage.
Nobody is forcing anyone to discuss anything in this thread.
You are here entirely voluntarily.

And /pol/ doesn't give a shit about /tg/ stuff outside of very missunderstood 40k wankery, where they glorify the mess that the imperium is as something we should strive for.
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3MB, 500x240px
I can believe I forgot my webm. Fucking horrible.

Nigga, that's just a grocery store wrap. Don't gussy that up and call it shawarma.
i know.

As an immigrant, i've never understood how one is 'racist' and the other isn't. it's the same fucking words.
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Shawarma, doner and gyros as basically all names for the same thing, just depends on the region you're in.
I am on /pol/ right now. The only pretendytime politics people talk about are the theoretical BLACKED empire rising up and cucking white men out of our women.
>where they glorify the mess that the imperium is as something we should strive for

So every other 40k thread then?
Most black people who lived through segregation think the same as you, anon.
A thread died for this, you monster. It wasn't even a quest thread.

There. Go have fun. Perhaps think about why people are so loathe to welcome you into their boards.
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Yup. Germany flashbacks with that one too. There was this great kebob shop I'd get lunch at.

Huh. That makes sense I guess.

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Yeah, this is the one.
/pol/ is all pretendytime politics for how well it corresponds to the real world.
I don't mind if a person's identity is different from their biological fact.

What I DO mind is fucking with the English language. Under no circumstance will I ever use "ze" or "xir" or other bullshit like that. If you identify as male, I'm going to use "he/him/his". If you identify as female, I'm going to use "she/her/hers". And if you identify as anything else, I'm going to use "they/them/theirs". The last is technically incorrect (it should be "it/it/its"), but I can understand that centuries of colloquial usage have rendered "it" insulting since it generally refers only to objects. Similarly, centuries of colloquial usage have rendered it acceptable, in conversation, to use "they" as a singular gender-neutral pronoun. So I'm going to use that.

And that is the end of my thoughts on the matter.
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teleportation is for pussies.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
Yup. That's lewd as fuck.

In American Leftist Identity Politics, it is racist to segregate colored people from whites. It is NOT racist to segregate whites from people of color.
>t. I've never gone on /pol/
Thats perfectly fine and I have encountered this sentiment before. White Wolf always had a thing for alt-lifestyles and whatnot. Still, I feel its important to point out that its never been THIS bad. If you read some of the old 80s books (most of them) are always rather reasonable even while portraying unreasonable things or extreme stuff, or alternative politics, and always from a gamist perspective.

Onyx Path though seems to reinforce the idea with every release they make that they have simply given up on being a tabletop game company infavour of pushing political ideology.

White Wolf had kool-aid but didn't abuse it.
Onyx Path drowned in it.

Which is aggravating because Onyx Path is shitting all over it and soiling the entire thing. Its the plight of the centrist just tabletop edition.
/pol/ did get DRUMPF elected :^)
>t. I've spent too much time on /pol/
>trans-sanity movement

I'm sorry, but what?
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>t. unbiased observer
Well, maybe.
I dunno, I'm a filthy xenofag, so I never glorify the imperium.
Well to be fair, they did predict the election results, despite global media being utterly wrong about it.
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Basically my thoughts too. Though even I'm hesitant to use 'they' because they 'lack a gender' or some such shit.
>/pol/ got pepe designated as a hate symbol
>lol /pol/ doesn't relate to the real world at all
Aren't half of /pol/'s thread about how an Egyptian frog god is manifesting through weaponized memes to take down the Satanist cult of pedophiles that Hillary's supposedly the puppet of?
I mean, 4chinz gamed TIMES annual polls before. That doesn't mean 4chinz is super grounded in reality and real world practicality.
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Sororitas are hot though.

So instead of shitty rules and/or setting, bad formatting, incoherencies, plain grammar errors and typos, your main rule for buying stuff is whether the short paragraph about roleplaying tips includes gender identity or not? That's your top priority when looking at a rpg?
That's ten kinds of sad.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is a fetish, anon. Absolutely everything.

Mine is repetition
>A thread died for this, you monster. It wasn't even a quest thread.

A thread, that was most likely dead as fuck with the last reply from over 5 hours ago.
/tg/ is a slow board. If you want to keep a thread alive, you just have to bumb it ever 3 hours or so.
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2MB, 1280x720px
It's an exciting time to be alive.

Someone who lacks a gender can choose: "it" or "they". I refuse to use made up words unless I'm writing a Dr. Seuss or Lewis Carol parody.
That webm is fucking retarded.
Those tits would have to wiggle at supersonic speeds in order to dodge a fucking bullet.
Global media wasn't reporting. They were trying to cheerlead Hillary into office by thinking Trump stood no chance and you should just stay home and not vote. A literal propaganda machine.
>/pol/ predicted brexit
>/pol/ predicted trump
>/pol/ is not grounded in reality

It's a sad day that 4chan is more in touch with what normies want than the MSM.
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3MB, 1280x716px
What is this from?
Sometimes you just have to turn into the skid, anon.

Some actually did the math for that, mate.
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2MB, 640x360px
Damn, that's twice now.

No idea.
>>51238050 (OP)
So instead of shitty rules and/or setting, bad formatting, incoherencies, plain grammar errors and typos, your main rule for buying stuff is whether the short paragraph about roleplaying tips includes gender identity or not? That's your top priority when looking at a rpg?
That's ten kinds of sad.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is a fetish, anon. Absolutely everything.

Mine is repetition
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Here you go.
...What. He's bracing the gun on her tits. They're not dodging anything.
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3MB, 800x450px
Watch the whole webm.
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193KB, 404x720px
That's fucking disgusting.
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2MB, 1280x690px
Well, that's all for that folder. Thankfully I've got more than one webm folder.

Love is never disgusting, anon.
Is the salad on the side just intended as a joke?
Only if you know about it. It's like they say in slavic oligarchic circles - "You aren't a thief if you aren't caught".
The one on the far right is the only one that came across as preachy to me. It struck me as agenda pushing and the others just seemed to be inclusive.
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>Love is never disgusting, anon.

Yes it is.
Love, sex etc, are all disgusting and banal animal functions.
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Not sure if victorian or aspie.

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>Love, sex etc, are all disgusting and banal animal functions.
Fuck off, we're full.
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Man white girls are terrible at twerking.
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She's proto-twerking.

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It's dead, Tim. You can stop.
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walesa que.jpg
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Yes. I stopped buying World of Darkness books and actively avoid anything Eclipse Phase or Powered by the Apocalypse because of all the shitty self-insert politics they cram down their readers' throats.

Politicized RPGs suck.
Who is Tim?

Yes, because tuna-fish and sweat is such an amazing flavor for cookies.

Shit like this is proof-a-positive that anime and manga authors have absolutely ZERO experience actually talking to the opposite sex.
More like their target audience has no experience.

The manga authors might or might not, all they care about is what sells though. Pander, pander, pander.
It uses the romanticized notion of bodily fluids.

Yes spooge tastes like bleach and rusty nails. Vag juice tastes like sweat and the water at the bottom of a bag of tuna.

In anime, semen tastes like icing and "love nectar" is sugar water.
/pol/ is truth, deal with it SJW
/pol/ might be convinced of that, I'll grant...
Ah, yes, everyone knows baked goods taste exactly like their constituent parts, which is why cake has the flavor of raw egg and flour.
I stopped buying them because I don't make enough dollary doos to afford them and rent. Being a student makes it hard to get a well paying job.
Looks like some characters from Danganronpa, but I dont anything about it outside of the games.
We don't need this bullshit because tabletop RPG has always been nothing but make believe so these sidebars are pointless virtue signalling. People play this shit with friends and colleagues and usually set their boundaries at their table as they see fit. The game creators or other players have no control over what happen on the level of each individual group.
Dangonronpa. One of them. Don't know which.
Honestly, I have no idea how this thread didn't get pruned.
Nah. The big publishers lost me when I was a teenager because I realized what a rip off all the sourcebooks and splats and new editions really were. Might sound hipsterish, but I really don't want to give Disney, Hasbro, etc any more money.

I try to buy things I use at the table, partly for the sake of supporting living authors, partly to have a sturdy hardcopy for reference.

These pronoun warnings have been around for a long time, in some form or another. Even if it was just "we're using He Him His as generic pronouns because it's a widely used convention in the english language". Too bad it's gotten this far.
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