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Given how their technology works, are Orks the original "meme

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Given how their technology works, are Orks the original "meme magic" species?
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As ironical as it can be it was actually the old slann who pretty much learned themselves and then uplifted other races into how to organise raw chaos energy with a methodological approach of reoccurring concepts (the stuff of memes).
Chaos is literally made of memes and butthurt.
And they do look like frogs....hmm...
>The Old Ones
>A bunch of fat Fucks that spent their time staying at home pursuing "transcendence" (AKA living the NEET life)
>Reproduced very slowly, as opposed to the other races of the Galaxy (namely Eldar), would rather spend time by themselves
>First to Study the Realm of Souls, A realm where the material has no meaning and thoughts and concepts were king and queen (AKA the Internet)
>Figured out to Harness the power of the immaterial through repeated or shared ideas, thoughts, and emotions, and use it to affect the physical world (AKA Memes and Meme Magic)
>Pretty much invented All the first Warp shit, that The Eldar later stole and slapped an "OC DONUTSTEEL" sticker onto, and would become the basis for the best Warpshit
>Their goal was to transcend into Nonmaterial beings would lived in the realm of souls, so that they could spend Eternity doing what they did when they were alive: Shitposting, argueing, and occasionally making some OC

Holy Shit, They're us.
They're Us and We're them.
So the wrecking of the Immaterium into the hellhole it is now, is comparable to the Internet being opened to the general public/Eternal Summer or something?
I'ld say it would be like that, but combined with the /pol/, /lgbt/, tumblr, and Reddit spillover into /tg/ during this election weekend, but on a much grander scale.

Imagine if /tg/ was filled with Edgy /b/tards spamming guro, lolicon, babyfuck, with an army /d/eviants trying to counter them with their own fetish porn, adding horsecocks to everything.

Meanwhile, there is a flame war comparable to the death of the sun going on between /pol/, the gays, and tumblrites, and the Fresh off the boat newfags because someone decided to make 10 "Stat Me" threads on politicians.

All the DrawThreads are invaded by trolls false bumping everything, and faggots from other boards who either draw everything as a "kawaii waifu" or *gulp* a PONIFIED "kawaii waifu".

Every legitimate thread gets derailed by Summer fags spamming stale memes like "I'm Twelve and What is this?" And "Dicks out 4 Harambe". Any time a female is brought up, Even a Fictional one, the Robots starting screeching their terrible battle cry of "REEEEEEEEEEE!"

Nobody's on topic, Everyone's shitposting, baiting, or sperging the fuck out at each other, The Mods are dead, and in some lonely forgetten corner, a quiet, humble, little anon wonders why nobody has posted on his origami replica of a Ferris Wheel.

That, Is the best I can describe the Internet if it were to end up in the same shitty state as Chaos.
>ruining a picture with meme frogs
Damn, nothing is sacred.
so, we're there already?
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Great Scott, what a horrible future.
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I don't care what context is used. I hate Pepe.
Thanks for giving me nightmares tonight.
>Redrawing a giant fat frog as a giant fat frog
Gee whiz, how awful.
But their tech works fine? The gestalt waaagh field only makes it run more smoothly, even without it, It still works most of the time albeit crudely
No it doesn't, their gestalt power is power powerful the more Orks there are around. Remove them from the equation and then most if not all or their tech falls down or ceases to work.

Their meme power is limited and not all powerful. They might think that a messy mix of metal bits that crudely resembles a gun is a gun, but that's where the limit is set. It has to be resembling enough as to make the orks believe that it should work. No matter how hard one ork believes that a piece of wood is a flamer it won't work because the others don't believe on it and because that would be forcing it way too much.
Would that make Reddit the Eldar?

>Always talked about as if equal to the Old ones just because they both rose at about the same times,
>However, are actually nowhere near as good at manipulating the realm of souls as they are
>Lots of their famous shit is actually just stolen from the Old ones (such as the webway) with some of their incomprehensible "runes" (such as "le") slapped onto it and called Eldar
>Operate Completely differently from the Old ones, as where the Old one's were a some isolationist community that gained influence and fame for it's creations, They just focus on spreading themselves across the far reaches and being everywhere and much more noticeable in the material realm (more hyper-meming faggots irl, more Old media coverage).
>yfw "Ork" is a corruption of the term "Troll"
They just became my new favorite race....
Okay so wait, if we're the Old ones, Eldar are Reddit, and Trolls are Orcs. Who are the Necron-Tyr?
it was relevant to the matter at hand
it's not like the original pic disappeared from existence
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