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>itt we post things from /tg/'s past and see how many

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Thread replies: 257
Thread images: 82

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>itt we post things from /tg/'s past and see how many the oldfags remember

The Hamlet of Tyranny.
Red Wall.
*CLANG* What the fuck was that?!
The Sisters of Cleaning.
Living Midnight Bliss.
Ray of Mayo.
King Rogers.
Ruby Quest.
Joan Quest.
Tarrasque Siege Warfare.
Peasant Railgun.
Love Can Bloom.
Wildcards: Sons of the Gun
Gav and Bob

It's not too hard to remember her when a new comic came out last week.
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I know 7 or 8 if those, although I never got into Rubyquest.
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J Dragonraper.jpg
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also Crazy Hassan, Macha the eternal virgin, the original Dungeons the Dragoning thread
Rood the DoorforgedKNOB!
>inb4 Old Man Henderson
thanks for reminding me of that...
tarrasque with wizard levels, grandpa dreadnought, dranon's delight
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and, a ONE
Oh no, not this garbage.
I remember GET IN THE BAG!
man, I've been on 4chan a LOOOONG time...
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Was it really 2012? Fuck, I thought it was a lot newer. Time flies.

Though looking back through my collection of caps, 2012/2013 weren't bad for storytimes. Rivals 2010 for quality content.
yeah, I miss the time I spent running Roll and Tell...not all of the smut was low quality porn either...
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I liked the Engine Heart renaissance in late 2013/early 2014 personally.
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Stairs, mankinds greatest enemy in the 41st millenium.

Plus Creed and Tankred.
Ruined by self-inserts.
so many things are.

Quests in general.

Honestly I still feel /tg/ should have Grandfathered House and spreadsheetsDominion in. Shit was running since 2011, goddamn.
I'm a newfag and I know at least half of these
thats because the oldfags keep bringing up old stuff thats kind of neat.

like the Wal-Pocalypse

or OikBane the wear-boar assassin

there are probably others, but those fall outside of my interests so I don't remember them
Man, I miss Walmart Apocalypse threads. And CATastrophe was comfy af. What else was around at the time? That one setting that had american necromancers with oil dinosaurs fighting nuclear russians and the british crown had a submarine/fae realm... I can't remember the name of it.
Was there ever a time when the Harem Knights were merely silly, or were they always full cringe? I recall being an amused lurker at the beginning, but maybe that's just nostalgia.
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Yeah, it does seem pretty comfy. I remember getting involved in a group that was going to playtest it on a forum.
And then there were literally zero posts on that forum for a straight month. Then a few years later I find an updated version in a PDF thread and apparently there was some kind of major internal schism over making it not a D20 system.

Anyway, fire in the hole.
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I contributed a thing or two and was there from the beginning.
There was a brief moment where it was silly and focused on rubbing elf ears. It didn't last very long. Next thing you know, there's one guy who liked Dark Souls a little too much with a bit of a cult of personality developing around him, races are being introduced by the dozen, and just generally bad fapfic.
But the funny part is that it was markedly unlewd until someone pushed the envelope by writing about milking a cowgirl. The dams kind of burst open after that.
Wasn't boatmurdered from something awful? I know it wasn't a chan because everyone had a name.
it was a dawrf fortress save-game that was passed around between several players.

the resulting fortress was elaborate and horrible and riddled with deathtraps and cages full of deadly monsters
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>A Tarrasque appears on HOly Terra. Wat do?

I think this just served to prove that everything is worse with 40k.
Most of the Boatmurdered art I've seen was made here.
I first read it here.
In short, it's ours now, bitch.

I still plan on one day running a heavily modified version of the Dread Rue Tomb.
>Red Crawler
>Creepy Wall
>Unified Setting for /tg/
Man, Crazy Hassan was the best
I remember the name
Man the story time for this was comfy as fuck.

I miss writefags, so so much.
Some of us are still here.
Although my contribution has been minimal in the long term.
Still here, been here since well before RubyQuest.

Still trying to produce decent content.
you think that's bad, think about every metal aun'shi that never got fielded , melted down for scrap, and replaced with resin.
Devil's Dixie, Dieselpunk, and Deus Volt.

Boatmurdered was Something Awful
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Suffer not the furfag
I come from space!
Post scrotum or gtfo
Heretical Love Quest. That is all.
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Dat Macha Edit.gif
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You are cancer, anon. Not an oldfag.
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Pools closed faggots
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who remembers when these(CYOAs) didn't have a name or category?
Man, Jonias was just what we needed back then after that fucking glittery cunt
1d4chan exists
I'm going to bruteforce through these numbers and see what's the best combo.
>reducing speed
I'd disagree with you if mail reduced speed as well.
Ofc you're going to be slower when you're carrying a 15 kg plate armor compared to 0. But a mail armor is heavier than that.
Full plate armour does indeed make you less nimble. It also makes you overheat much faster, which has indirect effects on your speed from the get-go (you have to pace yourself, seriously, bring water). Does it slow you down as much as people like to think? Fuck no. Does it make you slower than just wearing leather or a shirt? Of course.

Oldfag? These pictures predate /tg/. Some random drawfag did them for warhammer wednesdays on /b/.

.......fuck i've been here too long as I remember when these were new.

Still nobody has posted the techpriest edit of the jack chick tract of the dude holding the sandwich (the infamous "this sandwich is made of shit and aids" or some such).
Aim= 80/100
Damage= 12 (before mod)
Speed= 20


Mail + Sword
Lets see what this combo beats....
Defeats opponents in...
Unarmored w/ any weapon
Leather w/ any weapon
Mail w/spear
Plate w/ any weapon.

LOL yeah, this CYOA isn't bullshit.
>Mail w/sword beats Plate w/sword....
>Sword in anything short of plate beats any of these w/spear.

GTFO lmao
Tfw been here for like 6 years
Been a relatively notable content contributor
No mention of me
According to a script that tried every combination vs every combination, the one that can win vs the most opponents (15 wins) is mail+axe
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Have the upgraded version
Deep Rot was a personal favorite of mine.
>Been a relatively notable content contributor
>No mention of me
Well then clearly you weren't that notable, you self-obsessed faglord
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Made me remember the "we are monsters" meme.
Anyone know where that crap is archived?

I remember 4chan turning 3. Having been here since 2012 does not a long time make.

...godfucking dammit I'm too old for this shit. I remember the days of laughing to this while closing pools, and downloading togi-chan pics on a dsl line. I need to retire...
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The guy who did this died a few years ago. He was a crazy MFer and a good friend.
"The book" has become a much sought-after magic item in our games.
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From the same group. Former gnome was the monkey-bot.
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I have that too, here have one with even more options to min-max
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Rap battles against the Lich
the story of the guardsman and the SoB
Drew the Lich
Mr Rogers in 40k
threads about how Pokemon was a grimdark postwar hell
Captain Hook was hunting a vampire Peter Pan
the tales of Grendel the Adept
the Illithid Bard
Scrooge McDuck
Wasteland Warrior threads
The Sisters of Cleaning
the Drow and the Paladin
8-Bit Dystopia

also, haven't been around lately, did I miss anything?
is Graveyard Shift still a thing?

I could be a newfag that just woke up from a coma who has just heard of /tg/ for the first time and i would still know what Boardmurdered is due to every single Dwarf Fortress community putting it on a silver pedestal and constantly talking about how great it is.

>Peasant railgun

Was this ever a specific thing or are you just referring to the commoner railgun method?

Boatmurdered isn't even a /tg/ thing - its fucking goons thinking they are funny. Remember: never trust a goon.
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Hmm, what hasn't been mentioned yet?
What about
>Deep rot
>Anal circumference
and the related
>DC 80 escape artist anal spelunker
>Rape factory

And some of the newer ones
>That horrifying meatbread thing
>Hobo quest
Speaking of Anal, wasn't that madman with the marbles on /tg/?

Oh yes he was. Thank God for suptg

>warhammer wednesdays
Made me smile. I had forgotten about that. Now I'm sad though... nostalgia's a bitch.
I suppose I should post the sequel as well.

Radio Wasteland
Server Crash
The Butter Golem
Mr Bombardini
The Moustache Luchadore's pickpocket skill "AMIGO, THIS ITEM HAS A MIGHTY FATE LOCKED WITHIN. WILL YOU NOT HELP ME FULFILL ITS DESTINY?" still makes me laugh all these years later.
The Eight of Hate

It is but lets be real here - /tg/ spawned way more quality OC than warhammer wednesdays ever did but I still remember those few moments of purity among the sea of piss that was (and is) /b/.

Remember: moot looked upon the island of /tg/ and saw it was unrelated to his interests. Fuck me I just remembered i've been here so long I missed the drama over Snacks by about 2 weeks.
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>Graveyard Shift
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Eh, I was around for the snacks era, don't recall much of it except for the random bans.
The real question is where were you the day /b/ died(the first time)?
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This was the first thread I ever sat in on after arriving on 4chan. How the time does fly.
>first thread
You'll get no argument from me anon. I missed out on the glory days of Warhammer Wednesday.
They honestly were nothing special, but the people who posted in them liked to pretend they were. They were really just a drop in an ocean of piss.
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>tfw they don't exist
Is this a Clerks RPG or something?
Nevermind, I only saw the last pdf. I'm still confused on how to play.
That's me too.
I don't think I posted before 2011.
I can't verify how long ago I started lurking, it feels like forever.
Eh, I'm a newfag, but I've been here since before OMH was overrated.
My first post on this board was in a Ruby Quest thread. Inquisitor Tom/Lord Sauron has been my GM for over eight years. Papa Aku is still one of my best friends, who I met when /tg/ played Realm of the Mad God. I played in one of Wasteland Warrior's games though not one he ever wrote about, I'm pretty sure. I've physically spoken (in voice chat) with Scriptarius and Grandpa Dreadnought before. Gnollbard is my hero, and Verity my waifu. I was a MR. RAGE poster and Sergalfag for a short while. I regularly participated in the /tg/ movie Livestreams/threads. I contributed a lot of ideas to the Millenium King and Arran'ak threads, the PTA threads, and VELOcity. I helped invent the peasant railgun AND the undead supercomputer. I was around for the original posting of Old Man Henderson and Sir Bearington. I was here when they first started doing BroQuest and Towergirls. The Golden Neckbeard's neckbeard still makes me jealous.

You have no idea how cynical nu/tg/ makes me feel.

Makes me feel like shit.

I've only made minor contributions to the Emperor's Nightmares and Star Krakens and a bunch of other things, but I doubt I've contributed anything significant
you mean, after the creation of /qst/ ?
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>"These are the voyages of the Starship Ent-

My favoritist thing in all of /tg/
>"In the grim darkness of the future, there is only wa-"
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Only good quest.
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Having been shitposting on 4chan since '05 myself, I had to come to accept that I've wasted more than a decade of my life here. It's surreal.

Is it rose-colored glasses or were they really the good old days?

Maybe I'm asking the wrong people because, let's face it, fa/tg/uys are very nostalgia prone. But I used to love this place. Don't get me wrong, I still like it. But looking at this thread, it feels like a lot has changed.
It was a smaller community.

I forget, is 2005 originalfag or oldfag territory? I fall into oldfag myself but originalfags are rarerer than hens teeth due to ding dong bannu of snacks, the fall of SA and general ennui life brings.

neva 4get ebaum.

Maybe the gems of the past just shine brighter because the sand has been sifted away? Could be the climate has shifted. Used to be able to actually have threads about women and black people. Now they're started by and sacrificed to /pol/'s own thirst for attention and acknowledgement.
It was a smaller and better community.
BUT, that said, we talk a hell of a lot more about the good old times than the shit in the past. It's never like the board was fully amazing, we just remember the great things, a few of the bad, and forget everything in between.
The majority of the board has always been kind of forgettable and uninteresting stuff.

4chan's fame came from the fuckls that populated the place before /b/day. Thjat is to say, the day moot banned all the peados.

Take it from me 4chan was great in those days but having seen legit CP posted the concept of "cannot unsee" is spouted by those who have not seen it. Its been nearly 10 years but I still vividly remember my first witnessing to CP (and to a lesser extent, the GNAA) and I drink heavily to forget. The most horrifying part of the CP that was posted was not the content per se, but the normality of the context - it was very much "im boning the loli" in the way you might blow your nose in a tissue.
I like saying this word, fuckls.
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I mean to a certain extent, yeah, but smaller doesn't mean better.

That's probably true, yeah. I'm sure there were days where there was nothing interesting going on then, too. I don't remember them because they weren't memorable.

Eugh, yeah, that's true. I didn't spend too much time on /b/, mostly just went there for YLYL and Warhammer Wednesday threads, but yeah, I definitely saw some shit that I wish I hadn't, extreme gore or otherwise.

You know, it's funny. I'm 27 and have just recently gone back to school for IT. I'm in a class with mostly 17-20 year-olds. The subject of 4chan came up and there were murmurs about "the darkest place on the internet" and "really bad stuff"

These kids have no fucking clue. For better or worse, the Wild West internet of our day and before is gone.
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Nostalgia is the cancer killing /tg/

Killing society in general.
Squad Broken

I'm half a bottle of rum deep, cut me some slack.


Honestly while I enjoyed those "frontier days" of the internet reality is a crushing thing and the days of "lol so randumb" and email addresses of "cuntdrestroyer69" are long gone.

In my line of work it amuses me to see trained porfessionals having email addresses like "[email protected]" as I wals always told to have a sensible email for srs bsns and a joke email for internet shit as you should NEVER EVER give out your real name.

To this day I use a 40k related email address for the likes of amazon, forums and whatnot and a real name based address for personaly dealings (such as job related shit). Man the last 10 years have been a whirlwind of change for oldfags going from total anypnmous (forcewd anonoyous or bust) to the tumblr generation where everything can be traced to your real name.

Gen X vs Gen Y will be one hell of a socialogical sudy in 20 years.
I miss when the warhammer artwork was all over b. Shits been painted shit since I've been coming to this site.
Nostalgia on its own, idle nostalgia,is bad. But the idea that nostalgia presents, a better time, isn't necessarily bad in my opinion. It just depends on whether you try to make society better and how heavily you view your vision through that nostalgic lens.
>But the idea that nostalgia presents, a better time, isn't necessarily bad in my opinion
You'd be wrong.. Nostalgia of a 'better time' is always poison, because the person doing the nostalgia'ing is usually white washing the shitty aspects of that era.

Including y'all on /tg/ forgetting the literally shit spammed across the board like guro and scat dumps and other stuff like that. When people treated /tg/ like /b/-lite or a psuedo-/d/

I remember reading the story a few years ago before I saw it on /tg/. Good shit. I liked it enough to name my Dwarf Shaman after it.
I honestly prefer that to the current board state.
We don't get guro and scat anymore but this place is still basically /d/ lite. Can't go a day without someone thinly (and I mean incredibly fucking thinly) veiling some dumb tabletop question as an excuse to post fetish art.
'04 would be originalfags.
>When people treated /tg/ like /b/-lite or a psuedo-/d/
Those really where the best days though. It was neat all the /tg/ themed smut.
naw mate, 04 is possibly oldfag. Only 03 is certifiable originalfag.
> the board sucks now

Y'all used to blame quests. Now quests are gone, y'all are still bitching about 'back in the day'.

You guys are the cancer. A bunch of old fucks crying about their missing youth.
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Dr. Ass Marbles is a real human bean.
>I blamed quests

Helluva strawman there.

I LIKED quests. I can't believe they were shunted off the damn board.
No. Stop projecting. I always liked quests, for one thing it was the one thing stopping this board from just being /40k/
You quest niggers are merely a symptom, not a cause.

The thing that killed /tg/ was moot "helping" us and assigning one of his idiot mods to watch us. Once all the drawfags got banned or chased off and the board culture suppressed, losers from the paizo community and other fifth-rate /tg/ communities moved in, thinking this would be a hugbox like the rest.
>Once all the drawfags got banned or chased off
Drawfag here.
When did this happen?

Think it was about 2009 to 2010? Can't remember exactly when, too long ago for me.

There was an exodus of all the old drawfags that had been there since the board's inception.
them getting shunted and hating/liking quests are two different things.

there were strong arguments for both sides.
them getting shunted was a neutral option...and an easier option to enforce, and now they have their own board which supports far more features than /tg/ does

mostly all the smut artists
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I can't believe I am in this screencap.
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It comes down to a simple choice.
Let me explain:

>Is it rose-colored glasses or were they really the good old days?
The answer, as always, is both.
There were always amazing times in the past, but not everything was better and a number of things were much worse.
We are very prone to nostalgia. But nostalgia isn’t all bad.
Sharing the best of what’s been is wishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and recycling it for more than it's worth.
Be tolerant of nostalgia but be careful of buying into anyone’s sunny view of the past, especially your own.

>Don't get me wrong, I still like it. But looking at this thread, it feels like a lot has changed.
And it has.
I’ve said it before.
Change happens.
And we can never go back to what once was.
But we can always improve.
We can always make things better.
We can strive to craft great moments now that others will look back on later and forget all the bland and miserable details of today.
Nostalgia for what this place used to be can drive you to create new content, in whatever form that may be.
Or not.
Nostalgia can also be a heady tonic, leaving sitting in your chair, wistful of better days like sad old men on a porch, angry at what they’ve lost and spiteful at a younger generation that flaunts what they never knew.

It comes down to a simple choice.
Do you get busy breathing life into what you enjoy in the hopes of reclaiming some of what used to be great in something new?
Or do you sit and stew bitterly at how things have changed, as they always will, and slowly wasting your life focused on what makes you unhappy?
The choice remains yours.
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>Ray of Mayo.
>Ruby Quest.
>Peasant Railgun.
These things I remember

>Red Wall.
I think I know this one?

Anyone care to explain the rest?

What? /nothing to say about the Nomadic Kobold Camps?
It says "even more furries"

Ah, I was looking at the bottom right. Isn't that map from a setting where some guy kept sticking in is Sergal waifu?
It is the map of the Unified Setting for /tg/ it was hijacked by furries brought in by Ruby Quest.

A slightly old and forgotten classic. Always enjoy rereading some parts.
CLANG was about immovable rods.

What if they weren't locked to a single planet but when immovable were locked to some XYZ coordinate in the greater universe? So it would immediately zip off and in addition, smack into various other objects in existence at extremely high speeds.

So you could imagine a captain at his *CLANG* What the fuck was that?!
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>We be spoonfeeding now
Clang was hilarious. I have no words for when it first hit SS13.

pic related it Hamlet of Tyranny
Personally i miss our namefags, ive never been a fan of anons hooting and hurling their shit at anyone with a name, i'd trade 90% of you niggers for scripty or golen neckbeard or MR RAGE posting regularly again. Mind you I dont miss flare posting, fuck you for making me remeber that was a thing anon.
for the record, I never gave a FUCK about the anti-namefags.

Every namefag you just listed was like syphilis on this board. Fuck you.
So much this.
You stink of sergal posting and 3.5e anon.
I remember MR RAGE.

There are still a couple decent namefags, not even counting the drawfags.
Gropey is cool.

And there is one I have been seeing since I first started posting.
I hardly see him because I don't frequent 40k or whatever else threads he frequents, but very occasionally see him.
I can't think of one extraordinary thing I've seen him post, but everytime I see him post, he's helpful, engaging, and his posts are well reasoned and thoughtful.
I have given him many a "This"
Shas'o R'myr, you seem a decent fellow.
holy shit this was 4 years ago?
I dont have the pictures anymore since ive lost that computer due to shenanigans but I miss some of the old threads where people would draw a set of PCs from a campaign. It as drawn pretty well and updated pretty regularly as the games were played. Mostly I liked following the ones with Deerbutt and the the Affable evil Necromancer who had a Paladin in the party out to kill him.Sure it aint as long ago as some of the stuff but mentioned but it was one of my favs
He means nu/tg/ in general. /qst/ is but merely one component.

My nigga.

I know how you feel.
How did it come to this, /tg/?

The days of a bygone age, lost forever except in song and the writings of our sages.

What can we do to recover such lost glory?

Once, we were gods, but no more.
Only if we allow it. Have we not keyboards? Have we not monitors and internet connections? Are we not they who wrought these miracles in those days? Who, then, is to say a renaissance of glory can not be?
>Rage against the dying of the light
Well, /tg/is good at raging.
>Crazy Hassan is now oldfag content
Oh god I've been here too long.
I don't think it was that but those threads were comfy as all fuck.
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My OC threads keep dying because people would rather argue about which Primarch is best. Again.

Feels bad.

Now that you mention it, there does seem to be a lot less namefags lately. No idea how it compared to other boards, but /tg/ always seemed to have a lot of those, and even if I can't remember most of them, several seemed pretty cool contributors.

Despite all our ramblings about shit never getting done on /tg/, namefags actualy got shit done on /tg/ a lot of the times.

>Dungeons: The Dragonning 40,000 7th Edition
>Car Lesbians
>Time Wizards
Judging by picture and filename, alien threads running for the past few days? Last one 404'd before I woke up, I think. No chance to bump it.

Real talk, I insta-kick anyone who references Old Man Cancerson in any favourable manner. Manchildren and retards do not belong at my table.
>a LOOOOONG time

>some fucking drawfag
That was b&hammer you fucker.

Also not only is he a furry artist himself, notable for drawing rule 63 of every doom monster and metroid boss, but he's now an admin on paheal.
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Also have this snapshot of 2008/2009 /tg/
since 2007

that cap was not a comment on my being here

oh I'd never PLAY something like that. I hard-limit my character back stories to 1.5 pages

Hey, I thought I recognized that art.
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Okay, since this thread is full of oldfags:
Apparently GW made an april's fools joke about a lot of new units in 2011, including a necron megalith, some SoBs, and other things.
Does anyone remember which units were presented?
I'd say 4chan, as a whole, has changed a lot in the last years. I'm not talking about passes, Moonmoot, or something like that, but the people using the site; not to put too fine a point on it, 4chan as a whole seems to be full of fun-hating angry cunts. We always had our fair share of edgelords, annoying PC-pushers, and plain old idiots.

But, lately, in addition to the infestation of tumblr-SJWs and other pests, it seems a sizeable chunk of 4chan's population is made of "stereotypical 4channers": normalfags that come here and act like a living caricature of a /b/tard because of the fame we got in the late 2000s/early 2010s. People barely out of High School that come here knowing of our (admittedly deserved, to a point) rep of being "dark" and "edgy" and "horrible people", and, without further reading/lurking, proceed to shit up the whole place by posting everywhere like a garden-variety 2007 /b/tard, spouting unleashed idiocy and poison, and making the whole thing miserable for everyone involved because they'll disrupt every discussion and conversation with whining and bullshit.

I'm somewhat drunk, so sorry if I'm not making sense,
>infestation of tumblr-SJWs

Are those even a thing here? All I seem to see is blatant trolls and people who want /pol/ to shut up already. I don't think I've seen anyone unironically concerned about pronouns or shit here, at all.
Kromgol the Barbarian.
Bard Dad and Kat.

I have that feeling too, but I think it might be because I'm becoming an oldfag that tolerates trolls less and less.
When I was a student doing nothing all day, they were almost fun in a way.
Now that I'm working all week and that /tg/ is my limited rest time, not so much.
We got rid of some creativity with the quest and smut bans, amongst other things, too. Whatever your opinion on those threads, those anons could write and/or draw, and enhanced a lot of other threads. But it's not like it's the first time.
Not really, it's usually just /pol/ pretending to be SJWs so they can stir up shit. SJWs tend to stick to their safe zones. Oftentimes you'll have one normal person go "I think racism is bad" at which point the /pol/tards will crawl out of the woodwork shouting SJW and nigger.
>Kromgol the Barbarian

That was just a shitty mod trying to force a meme. He was banning people left and right when they were pointing out all the errors on his character sheet, I got one for pointing out he was using 3.x style ascending AC on what was supposedly a 1e sheet.
They are still around, they're just less obnoxious than they were, say, a year or two ago. /co/ was still one hell of a politically correct hugbox the last few times I went there.
Yeah the consensus is more shitflingers and less original thought that is unbridled by traditional nicety's and rules of other image boards. Its being a contrarian for the sake of itself. Though /tg/ is still a safezone, heck i even had a semiamiable conversation about /spoiler/ politics /spoiler/ yesterday. I think more people are treating 4chan as a quick carnival to farm for news and reactions, rather than a community to invest in and engage in discussion with. or i could be talking out of my ass.
in this desensitised age, i think that trying to push social taboos is more pointless than say when 4chan started. Saying dumb shit just cause you could for the novelty of it. Hence the "people acting like idiots attracted actual idiots" or newbies at least tried to ape them.
>tfw the artist now mosty draws r34
Anyone remember Sir Bearington, the bear disguised as a man?
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Peasant Railgun.

Oh boy oh boy. I was talking about this just the other day and came up with a idea for a Pheasant Railgun instead. Bird based artillery is the way of the future.

Still not quite sure how to work it in the rules, but still... the image of a pigeon being passed through the sound barrier and blasting through a red dragon is just too funny to pass up not trying.
What do you mean bear? Sir Bearington is a honored member of this court sir, and I'll have your head for slandering his name for accusing him of such.

A bear. Imagine!
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But OP, do you Catan?
Gentlemen, i bring you, the ballad of Edgardo and a man called squid.
I lost my sides when this appeared in a recent thread about dragon waifus.
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It's less funny when you know what to expect, though.
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Your paltry offering is less than forty moons old
I rebuke the creator of your offering with diminishing satire.
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The Unified Setting was the thing that finally made me realize that design by committee just doesn't work. Somebody needs to take charge and veto stupid shit.

One of the Shas tripfags is still around. Golden Neckbeard was an alright guy, but his gimmick was retarded.

Pic related on the second one; there's like 13 parts now. It gets double the oldfag points because it's drawn by Lolcron.

>drizzt of necron
These are both terrible, and the only debate left is which version is worse.
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Ain't nothin' wrong with /tg/ today that wasn't wrong with it yesterday, for as many yesterdays as any of you lot can remember, and gettin' sappy about it never solved a thing.

Make /tg/ today good by posting /tg/ stuff, same as always.
We were never any good - some few anons and trips are decent and can get shit done, then and now.
Be the solution, not the problem.
Circlejerking is the problem.
Bumping with more recent shit that got done
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Never forget the time /tg/ tried to connect the dots.
and some more, cause this got playtested and tweaked and apparently runs quite well...
What happened?
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Just read the whole thread.

It's a laugh and a half.

Or just spoil the punchline. That's fine too.
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Yup. I mean the first 2 are still on suptg, so I might just restart the 3rd one on a weekday evening. But still...

Read it just the other day. Or days, rather. Long story.
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6 years later that picture still makes me laugh everytime. /tg/ is amazingly bad at connect the dots.
Entropy, anon. Once, there was a lot more of both gold and garbage. over time, both have become less frequent, the gold less shiny, and the garbage less shit. All that's left is meh.
Anyone nostalgic for old /tg/ should remember that had a lot more in common with /tv/ than they might remember.
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If anyone has a screencap of the story written by the trip Isaac about Isaac Clarke from that stay me thread a long while ago, it'd be great if you posted it.

Trying to stockpile my old stories
you say that like it's a bad thing
>I contributed a lot of ideas to the Millenium King and Arran'ak
I fucking love you anon

Can you repeat the question?
>Forgetting Chapter Master
>For Oldfags

I bet none of you faggots weren't even here for Dwarves of Hawaii.
This needs to get rebooted. I want a continuous set of threads discussing this so badly
Then do it yourself.
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>"Are you there...Nisa-san?" was me


fucking flare

you were muh nigga until sergalfag but you're still like "honorary muh nigga".
B^U spam that had nothing to do with /tg/.

Fuck dude, I remember writing some short stories for that. I still stand by that as being a fucking awesome setting with some real potential.

For those who care, I wrote the story about the gun that killed you after a full day passed; it didn't actually shoot bullets, it just left a mark on you and you died after the time passed. Can't remember what card it was based on, it was way too long ago. I reread the story I wrote recently; it's not completely horrible but it still made me cringe a bit.
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In a few threads, I would post pictures of giant isopods, saying I was attempting to take over /tg/ with my giant isopod army. I made a promise that, one day, I would "come again." I highly doubt that any of you will actually remember those very specific threads, but if you do, just know this: I WILL COME AGAIN
depends if you're talking about referencing it in a conversation or in a character concept
For the latter, fuck no, but for the previous you're a cunt. Memes will be memes and people still have fun discussing gnomes
>this image
Shitty memes are shitty memes, and that's one that's hardly worth remembering.
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>notable content contributor
is that happy negro and cockmongler?
>The thing that killed /tg/ was moot "helping" us and assigning one of his idiot mods to watch us
Man, what board didn't get fucked over by mods ? The only one I can think of are /po/ and /trash/
Sadly I don't know much about our current one, but most mods today are pretty shill (except for /v/ and /d/)
>Now that you mention it, there does seem to be a lot less namefags lately
It's pretty simple to explain actually. As a newfag that joined around 2011, I have always been told that namefags are baaad and should be shunned because they are attention whores, but should be tolerated when they contribute to a thread. The problem then was mostly that we were told to lurk before posting, but haven't been here long enough to be able to really think about what you read, and ended up taking some stuff by the letter.
But nowadays, I feel like people who join take this even more seriously and won't shut up about namefags being present (take monotreeme in the soulsborne threads, he's been told to fuck off several times despite him being one of the main people who actively work on these), which makes even less sense. Now, if you add people who come from new boards, it really depends. Ponyfags have tons of namefags because they have tons of shitty smut writers, but it's the only exception I can think of, because all of the other new boards (/aco/ for example) don't have many namefags, unless you go in very specific threads
Meh. Different tastes I suppose.
did I seriosuly type shill instead of chill ? I need some sleep
Ca here to see if you fags posted this story.
Kill yourself.

His name is Grinman.
>getting triggered by anything
fuck off
>triggered by others getting triggered
Not that anon, btw

Step one of a better /tg/ is everyone relaxing and not getting so angry or bothered over every damn thing.
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On the subject of getting shit done, a /tg/ project that went dark for a while has been slowly picking up steam.
>no mention of Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle
I am disappointed.
Thanks anon, I'd spent at least a year not remembering that.

>you are now remembering about his freshly-shaven palms
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>OP's use of the quote
I do not intend disrespect, however, I fail to see the source of your ire.

OP quoted the part where he said stuff, and didn't quote the part where he was referencing things other people did.
He did it backwards.

Instead of:
>itt we post things from /tg/'s past and see how many the oldfags remember

The Hamlet of Tyranny.
Red Wall.

It should have been:
itt we post things from /tg/'s past and see how many the oldfags remember

>The Hamlet of Tyranny.
>Red Wall.
Is that what I think it is?
Where would I find a map of Boatmurdered? Because, well, as crazy it was, it sounds like it might be the right kind of crazy to have as a campaign feature.
>Only good quest.
Terrible taste.
There are tons of good quests.
I like these.
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what kind of project?
a graphic novel?
an audiobook?
something like Jeff Wayne's Musical of The War of the Worlds?
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anyone else remember Deus Volt?;


does anyone have a screencap or remembers the thread that detailed how an analphabet barbarian and a kid wizard were friends and how the kid taught him how to read?
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Is this it?
We were thinking graphic novel/webcomic.
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z >>50156551
>Where would I find a map of Boatmurdered?
It's actually kind of dissappointing since it was before multiple z levels.
Thread posts: 257
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