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Newfag GM, how do I not fuck up playing the Lost Mine of Phandelver

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Newfag GM, how do I not fuck up playing the Lost Mine of Phandelver with my friends?

I drew some shitty maps on graph paper, made tokens for all the NPCs/monsters the characters would face, and tokens for the characters my players wanted too. We decided we weren't going to use the pre-made characters, BTW. I got a bunch of index cards for simple rules that I need to memorize, like everyone's passive perception and to keep track of initiative and damage and stuff. Our first session is set this week.
You'll do fine, you've obviously done plenty of prep. Just be flexible, keep in mind it's your friends first time as well, and try and keep things moving along rather than trying lots of lolfunny stuff in the tavern.
thanks anon.

I'm worried that they might be hesitant to roleplay though. Like they'd call each other "Bill" instead of "Thidrek", and talk and plan stuff mostly OOC.

Another anon here. Your players don't have to refer to each other by PC names, unless they want to. It's helpful to get people in the game and roleplaying, but it can get annoying pretty fast if it's a "mandatory" rule.

If they care about each others characters, they'll use the names. Otherwise, don't sweat it--just let the players play.
oh, alright. thanks anon

Regardless of how much of /tg/ hates badwrongfun, you're only fucking up if no one has fun.

As long as you and your friends are having a good time, you're doing fine.
Keep loot small and simple, don't go off the rails giving gold exp and magic items left and right.
Your new so I recommend sticking to the book, don't go off in you own direction and forget the plot.

I made those two mistakes when I ran that game
Just remember to relax and enjoy the game, as long as you keep an open mind and an idea of how things will progress, the rest will fall into place.

On the subject of talking ooc, generally I've found it best not to set any rules about rp. Like >>50049285 said; if they want to talk over plans or dividing loot, or what options to take, heck if they just want to comment on the goings on, let them. Try to encourage rp by offering bonuses on social checks if a player has a good argument, or even just a very in-character argument. Remind them that rp encounters are encounters too, and that they should focus on the aspects of the game they like the most, not try and aim for rewards.

When it comes to rules you only ever need to know more than your players, if you don't know a rule feel free to make up a judgment on the spot based on what seems fair. If you look up the rule later, just use it in the future. Also never, NEVER, let a player convince you to break the rules for them, the more they ask, the worse of an idea it is.

Also I would personally recommend steering away from modules or any premade adcentures, while they don't need as much work, they make it harder to think on your feet and can be stifling to both your creativity and the players'.

That's all that comes to mind, if there's something specific, feel free to ask.
I'd like to join a group but I can't play online without a mic, right?
Roleplaying is something people settle in to. Its more important to just enjoy and keep things moving than to stress about every little thing, but my experience of new players is that sometimes they kinda just founder and don't know where to go or what to do next. Some people like to be lead by the nose, some people like to have a big sandbox to play in, and many (in my experience) think they want a sandbox but praise the lord when an npc comes along and tells them what to do. You'll get the hang of it, and so will they. I've never run a module from a book or anything, so I can't give you any advice for that, sorry.

Have fun brother. All you need to know is if you and your friends are having fun, then you are doing it right.
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