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Why is the dead space setting so cool?

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Why is the dead space setting so cool?
We already have this thread
Its on autosage.
Thank you so much OP, I'm the anon who requested the new thread.

So, can we talk about twitchers and how they're just fucking terrifying? What is it that makes things that move like them so innately terrifying?
Can I implement that in tabletop somehow?

I swear I can't get any decent video of Twitchers moving in DS1, just silly death scenes.
We don't need another

I always thought the gameplay was fine, but honestly the story and characters are pretty forgettable.
Speak for yourself mate.

If it dies it dies, if it lives than the lives of those who posted in it will be that much happier.
i dont know much on stating monsters but to begin with double or triple any kind of speed you have in mind, those fuckers are beyond fast, some good dodging, also a bit stronger than a standard necro

all i can think of

Twitchers are scary because their movements trigger feelings of "they're sick" or "they're a threat."
Well maybe not all of them but there were parts where groups of them seemed to have some kind of cohesion and weren't just flocking towards you.

The part with the massive glass window you could shatter to get them sucked out into space and the part in the prison come to mind.
It had a very good presentation.
That's not for you to decide. If people don't want to talk about it the thread will 404 on its own. That's how everything else works on 4chan.
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>What is it that makes things that move like them so innately terrifying?
I like to think that it's because we as a species are used to seeing things move in a fluid motion. Fluidity is typically a good sign, whereas rapid jerky motions raise alarm bells. It could be that we subconsciously equate it to an illness/injury or immediately think of insects when we see it. Who knows really? Another thing that comes into play is familiarity. Maybe part of the reason twitchers are so scary is because you as a human being know what a human body is supposed to move like. The average human might not be a gymnast, but short of being crippled or an infant just about all of us move with smoothness. Twitchers are some of the most human looking necromorphs, so seeing this sort of deviation from the norm sends up a little red flag in the back of your mind that says that something is very wrong and you need to get the fuck away from that thing YESTERDAY.
Even insects don't move like that unless they're in the throws of death, not to mention the sheer speed of the damn things. On top of looking very human, as you pointed out, it is a straight up instinctual nope. You know, deep in your dna, that shit doesn't work that way.

I mean, maybe if you got a chimp jacked up on pcp or speed it might move like that...
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Hmm, I remember way back I tried to write a crossover fic between DS and Star Wars. Didn't really get very far into it, but the general idea was that Isaac got caught up in a bad way when the Golden Marker exploded and it sent him into another universe. There he encountered the usual fuckery and through some reason I honestly can't remember somehow ended up with force powers and went from "badass" to "HOLYFUCKINGSHITWHYWON'THEDIE!?"
Magos Clarke is surprisingly the best Angry Marine, yeah.
What? No, no. Not Warhammer, Star Wars!

They'd be woefully unprepared a guy like him, no matter the era
Cause it only makes sense that The Thing +Zombies+Trucks in space would be awesome.
Write up a table for them, or a couple tables. Each turn, roll for-

>Movement speed
>Number of attacks
>Reflex save or equivalent dodge bonus

That way, their capabilities will vary unpredictably from round to round. It's a bit of rolling so maybe make them more like a boss encounter.
>That pic
It sort of makes me wonder- What if, through time-space fuckery, Doomguy and the demons found their way into the Dead Space universe? Specifically, what would happen if Issac and John teamed up when the inevitable outbreak of necro-demons begins.
rip and tear would happen.
Are demons even technically alive? They don't even come from our UNIVERSE. The markers may not affect them at all.
Time-space fuckery boyo, all bets are off. Besides, I think the marker's deal was that it affected all lifeforms. Plus, you know, Doomguy can kill them through ungodly amounts of RIP AND TEAR
>I think the marker's deal was that it affected all lifeforms
But demons aren't lifeforms. They're physical spirits. They don't even really die they just become inanimate and cease to exist.
Fuck, demons could hijack the markers.
What would happen if->>49689303
yeah, what would happen if you juiced a marker up with argent energy?
It would be rather confusing. Necromorphs are dispatched in pretty much the exact opposite fashion of demons: Whereas Doomguy can just blast away at a demon's center mass, Isaac needs to precisely sever limbs and weak points. If one were to try the other's technique against their usual foes, it would get them killed. I can't even imagine what demon enhanced necromorphs would be like.
How would you stat a Necromorph?

They don't die, just lose limbs. Maybe if you pulped them with a hammer they'd go down? How would you represent it on tabletop?

You'd probably need to just use a locational damage system for each one and rule how many limbs need to be destroyed before the creature goes inert.
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You CAN drop them with enough body-shots, it's just a really inefficient way of killing them.
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Bad things would happen to both demons and necros.

Kind of like how I imagine the perfect Nazi-killing trio of B.J. Blazkowicz, Captain America and Indiana Jones
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Bumping for awesome
What system would be most appropriate to run a DS tabletop game?

I'm thinking something with a shit ton of aiming mechanics for targeting specific bodyparts. Also how do you handle dismemberment? Does each bodypart you can sever have its own HP? Obviously it would for the divider but I mean do you count a hit as an instant removal or do you require players to pray they do enough damage to remove a scythe arm or leg?
This, if the body they were made from was relatively fat, then it wont be as fast as the crack addict with the weight of toddler. Conversely they wont hit as hard as the heavy one.
Well lets get to the fact that Star Wars have Rakgouls, its close to genestealers and some nercomorph forms, nasty chasey monsters with claws and can infect like crazy, people even if most don't believe they exist treat them like we treat zombies, and know how to (roughly) deal with them. And the bigger fact is, Isaac never actually killed more the 5 maybe 6 necromorhps, and those were the immortal respawn fuckers. Everything else he fought was just to damaged to keep trying to kill him, then those corpses where picked up by some other collector form and dragged off to be broken down and made into something else, they cant die unless the signal that keeps them going(a marker) is destroyed. Even then it will take a bit of time to put the fuckers down. If anyone has read the Death Troopers, and its sequel Red Harvest, then we already know what would happen. Force sensitive, intelligent, zombie space aids. I need to go buy a night light.
>start playing D&D 3.5 many years ago
>GM has twitchers-inspired ghouls with 6 attacks each

It was pretty terrifying
Yea. It's just faster to shoot the limbs. They're not infinitely regenerating.

Doomguy would have no issues taking on a marker colony. Only Doom3 protag would have difficulty.

Just apply enough rocket launcher to the target and it'll gib eventually.
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>If one were to try the other's technique against their usual foes, it would get them killed.
Did you even play the latest DOOM? Doomguy is an expert at beating things to death with their own severed limbs.
Fuck yeah the latest DOOM was so fucking good
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You know, we were discussing ME3 as well a bit last thread, and am I the only person here who actually liked parts of it?

Like, I thought the combat was probably as good as the series got, and I liked how it didn't just reset all your skills from 2 if you were continuing on from there but rather showed that what you THOUGHT was top tier in 2, was really just, at best, midway.
I liked how by this part in the story my once fresh faced Commander had turned into this worry lined grizzled fighter with a 1000 yard stare.
I liked how the game made it clear that I couldn't just Top-Left on the Conversation Wheel my problems away like I used to be able to.

However, I was playing 3 as part of a massive ME jag where I tried to play all three games back to back as one gigantic narrative, and as much as I liked the above, I can't get away from the fact that it was ME3 that stopped that run dead.
Did they fire the old team in between 2 and 3, because it felt like nobody actually writing the dialogue or plot for 3 were the same people who did it for previous games. Sure, they seem to have read the Wikipedia articles, but they didn't really seem to "get" the characters.
Nah, ME3 was a good game (Except for goddamn thermal clips) saddled with a shit story.
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But getting back to Dead Space. I have to say 1 and 2 were possibly my favourite games of their respective years.

1 came in during a drought of good games, and was this lovely self-contained action/body horror game where you had to run around fixing a borken spaceship that actually felt like a real place.

2 didn't quite have that as much, but what it DID bring to the table was an actual colour pallette, some better characters, some great action, all of the minor niggles from DS1 fixed and a bit more length but not too much, and everything felt tight and structured, you never really felt lost.

In terms of scope and scale you could make parrallels between Resi 1 and Resi 2. Although the Mansion from Resi never felt like a real place people lived/worked like the Ishimura did.

Three though... well... I really liked the ship graveyard. I really liked going around salvaging and repairing these ships. But the combat now feels like a chore. It's not hard, it's just time consuming and not fun. Plus you can actually spot the point where the money ran out and they lost the VA budget for the side missions (it's around a third of the way into the Ice planet.) and unlike the previous games the DLC ending kind of ends on a cliffhanger, something the previous games avoided, but for some reason, even though they knew the series was dead by this point, they still gave it a cliffhanger ending.
>Why is the dead space setting so cool?
Because it combines sci-fi and horror successfully, which is no small feat.

It plays on various contrasts.
A religious cult prominent in interstellar space travel era.
Monsters of flesh and blood thriving in futuristic environment.
A protagonist that fights against his own insanity to save his life.

Basically, when you see a sci-fi space setting, you expect it to be governed by cold logic.
Everything is rational. Everything is under control.
And then you encounter an apex predator that just doesn't care for humanity, that just wants to rip and tear.

That's why Doom is so cool. That's why Alien series is so awesome. And, yes, that's why Dead Space is cool.
>And then you encounter an apex predator that just doesn't care for humanity, that just wants to rip and tear.
That's really one of my favorite shticks in sci-fi. Humanity has all this cool technology and weapons but it just doesn't stand up to something tenacious enough.
Well at the same time the Necromorphs keep getting the worse of at least one tenacious human and his stomps of thunder.
What does Necromorphs eat?

But it's not like they have to, given they're reanimated corpse matter and can even cocoon themselves for hundreds of years and still remain viably deadly when they wake up.
Tenacity and technology does trump just tenacity.
>Why is the dead space setting so cool?
Why do you think it is cool?

I still distinctly remember when Dead Space 1 was announced all those years back and the first screenshots they released. I remember thinking it looked super rad even then.

I never played any of them because I'm an enormous wuss for jumpscares
There was a rumour that half the art team quit while making 2 because they couldn't handle the real life pics or gore and death they were using as reference material.
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Fun fact, they mo-capped their own babies for the crawlers.
That is an adorable kind of twisted.
I prefer to phrase it "the only thing that can beat the circumstances that can drive a man insane is a man more insane than said circumstances".
Yes and no. To me at least it's not the guns and the tech that wins the day against the horrors from beyond the stars, but the oh-so-very human instinct of how if you manage to survive long enough you'll eventually snap and go "NO, FUCK YOU!" and just lay onto it with everything you have. Something Isaac and Ripley both did there at one point.
That's a pretty good one too.

>ut the oh-so-very human instinct of how if you manage to survive long enough you'll eventually snap and go "NO, FUCK YOU!" and just lay onto it with everything you have

But that's not a distinctly human trait. You back anything into a corner and eventually it's going to lash out and do everything it can to fuck you up. It's part of what makes hunting large prey such a dangerous task for predators. Take water buffalo for example: Sure they may run from the initial lion ambush, but at some point the one that got separated and chased is going to realize it's situation and it's turn around and try to gore the fuck out of every lion it can. It's fighting because it wants to *live*.
It's the exact same thing with Isaac and Ripley. They both keep getting dragged into situations involving things that want to kill them and both of them realize that running will only delay the inevitable, so instead they fight. Now stop namefagging and trying to encourage HFY.
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Oh shit this thread is still up
I expected it to die
Dead Space is such a cool setting, design, lore and story wise. It's such a shame that Visceral shit the bed with 3(even though I think it was probably EA's fault.
A goddamn good balance of horror and sci-fi that complement each other
Even if 3 is generally seen as bad, the Brother Moons enrapture the hell out of me and I want to understand more about them even if that's the point of cosmic horror
There's no way they can make a DS4
In 5e, you can just use the stat block of a Strahd Zombie. Or maybe a Troll.
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It really is.
You know it was EA fault. No other company could have ridden the franchise into the ground so hard.

But to reiterate the past two threads, just such a good and atmospheric horror game. Someone else said earlier it feels like Event Horizon meets Resident Evil and its such a blast to play. The first game when the regenerator first turns up is just a relentless feeling of "fuck this shiiiiit". So much fun!

Oh shit nigger what are you doing.
Because investigating derelict spaceships where something horrible has happened is the best kind of sci fi. Fact.
Yeah, the first game was a really nice introduction what with you having no idea what was going on and having to fight through impossible odds and horrific enemies. I'm not sure if it was deliberate or not but I noticed after playing through the first and second games back-to-back that in the first, Isaac's movements are really slow and awkward compared to the way he moved in the second game. Aiming could be quite the challenge as the sights moved quite a bit slower than your own speed with the mouse, and though I'm fairly certain it just wasn't as polished as the second was I'd like to think it was because he wasn't very good at it.

Isaac's not a warrior, not a soldier, he just fought with everything he had and somehow came out on top. In the second came however he had become a veteran necromorph-killer with quick, efficient aim and more fluid movements.
>Resi 1 and Resi 2
Speaking of which, what system would be the best to use in Resident Evil campaign?

All Flesh Must Be Eaten? A heavily modded version of Only War?
>heavily modded version of Only War
Wait what. Why?
I'd say because it's relatively versatile in what you can fight. As long as you remove Psykers, Tech priests and Ogryns/Ratlings, you can re-fluff and rename lasguns and stormtroopers.

Of all the systems I've played, I have to confess that the 40kRPGs would be the best ones for me to run a Dead Space game, even if the question in particular was about Resident Evil.

The terrifying thing about twitchers is that they are actually very, very slow. You are just affected by the stasis field they are emitting while they are around you making you move super slow in relation to them.
>As long as you remove Psykers, Tech priests and Ogryns/Ratlings
And regiments, and add appropriate vehicles, and add some kind of classes for non-combatants, nd some other things.
Looks like more trouble than it's worth.
Maybe try Dark Heresy then. You get all sorts of roles that can be people from different walks of life, none of the regiments. Vehicles would need homebrewing as you said, handles non-combatants better than Only War also. Just remove Psykers, Inquisitors and Untouchables and you can play most characters. I'm hard pressed right now to think of a better alternative if you wanted to play a Dead Space RPG.
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>would be the best ones for me to run a Dead Space game, even if the question in particular was about Resident Evil
[sarcarsm]But what about d20 Modern?[/sarcasm]
Unless it's quest threads, in which case they have to be banished to their own anemic board weeks before japmoot tells us that 4chan costs to much and he's about to go nuclear.
Wouldn't the ogryns/ratlings be good base for the super zombies though?
Not necessarily by themselves. You could easily recreate those creatures as enemies. I meant removing them as playable characters, since in Dead Space there are only regular humans, no abhuman seven foot tall monsters nor four foot dwarfs.
WEll yeah no not by themselves, but a good place to start.
You are 100% correct except for lumping Doom into this group. Doom is cool for completely different reasons.
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Am I the only one who really likes the various RIGs you can get? (The faceplate popping open every time something tries to bite Issac's face off notwithstanding.)
Are these games actually scary? I played through like a third of the first game, but it was mostly just dumb, formulaic jump scares. Should I try playing through them again?

Then again the only games that ever truly made me really tense/scared were the first Amnesia and Silent Hill 2.
Oh really? "Cheap jumpscares, wobbly camera and heavy breathing: The game" is scary now?
Around the halfway point in the first game is where it starts sorta baiting you with jump scares.

Like, you'll hear something bumping around in a vent and the cover will fall off... and then nothing happens. But you're scared to turn your back on it incase something *does* come out of it.

Sets you up, like.
you didn't actually play the game. there's a grand total of one jump scare in the entire game, and it's not even a monster.
>Doom is cool for completely different reasons.
"A single (possibly insane) man accidentally winds up in the wrong place, at the wrong time, has to fight a horde of monsters that massacred lesser men and emerges victorious solely due to his tenacity"?
Sounds like Doom/Half-Life/Dead Space etc.
Dude, it's super easy to not get scared when playing Dead Space. Just get pissed, channel Isaac's rage, that's what I did. In fact, I did it so well that I spent the first three chapters mainly beating the Necros to death.
>Only pretending to be retarded! I swear!
Take your (you) and get your shit together
You're right.

There was maybe one jump scare. The rest was aimlessly wandering around a mansion solving easy puzzles that are only complicated by a monster chasing after you.

Amnesia was a meme game.
Let yourself be terrified initially. Get used to the fear. Just like Isaac. Then you get mad and insane.
this thread could really have been on /v/.

There is nothing being discussed here that I would call part of /tg/
idiot. i wish people would stop using "meme" as a fucking descriptive word for everything.
If you'd bothered to actually read the thread there's people talking about what systems to use, how to adapt them. If there isn't enough of that, feel free to find the posts that are talking about playing it as a tabletop game and add to them.
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>Implying Amnesia isn't a meme at this point.
I specifically remember that happening once in DS3 when you're climbing down this long ladder and at the bottom you see a vent sitting right next to it. As you get closer to it, you start hearing the kind of music you normally get when you get attacked, louder and louder and then... nothing.

Straight up trollery, nothing ever comes out of that particular vent.
They're not really scary games. They have their fair share of jump scares but a lot of the fear comes from the atmosphere, and that there are zero NPCs in any of the games that won't try to kill you.
I didn't trust Ellie all game
>That moment at the very end of DS2 where Isaac gets deja vu from the ending of the first game, and slowly turns to Ellie, expecting the worst.

That wasn't cool at all. The fact that Isaac rolls his eyes makes it better.
The games had some great humour moments. More in the second when Isaac remembered how to speak, but the first one had some good bits too.

Like when you win the quicktime event against a Lurker (evil fetus), where Isaac rips it off his chest, throws it to the ground and then punts it across the room.
It's odd to day it, but reading the journal logs Isaac writes to himself in between mission objectives in DS1 paint a good picture of his character even though he never really speaks.
If he really cared about bandwidth he'd delete all the porn boards. Those take up an inordinate about of bandwidth compared to their traffic.
>he'd delete all the porn boards
I can live without a DS4, since DS3 ended the series perfectly for me.

Or merge WSG back into GIF. Or drop the max postable filesize down. Or not, you know, start selling a pass that increases the rate people can post these things at a reduced price. Or set up a fucking Patreon.

But he wont do those things, because the site isn't in trouble, China-Poole is just doing the same old shit he's run time and time again on 2chin.
I have the boorus and sadpanda. I have all the porn I ever want.

I've wondered, how does gook moot feed and cloth himself? Where does he get his money to survive from?
>I've wondered, how does gook moot feed and cloth himself? Where does he get his money to survive from?

He get's it from fleecing rubes on 2chan and 4chan.

Oh absolutely. The Rigs in 2 were gritty sci-fi overload.

Especially the good old Vintage Suit. Somewhere between a deep space miner and a goddamn Big Daddy. Easily my favorite rig in DS2.

For thus of us ignorant and fairly apathetic of/about japmoot's ways, does anything actually come of this crap on 2chin?
If I recall, he was caught selling user data, and he off-sourced the official ownership of the site to some American in the Phillipines so he could dodge some taxes. Then the American stole the rug out from under his feet.
I just fucking loved the animation for the helmet, especially the Security Suit
I kinda hated how the helmet would just open up on its own for dramatic effect. Then again, I loved the original rig from the the first game and considered everything else to be a step down.
>Isaac, please put your helmet down while we're talking.
>Bitch, have you seen the dead corpses reanimating and trying to eat people? I'm not taking my helmet off for anything.
Yeeeeah, like omg something's coming for my face LET'S OPEN UP THE HELMET!

Only way I can figure a reason for that is that the helmet is linked to him neurally somehow since you never see him actually hitting a switch or anything at any point, so he's basically triggering it on accident sort of like an unvoluntary reaction. Most likely this is due to the marker signal bouncing around in his head making his brain send confusing signals to his RIG
I just keep thinking of strands of hair getting caught in that thing.

I'd imagine that normally you have to wear something like the CCA cap that Astronauts wear, or the Nomex Balaclava used by race drivers, it's just that Isaac doesn't because he shaves close enough for that not to be a problem and, I'm guessing Health and Safety never caught up with him.
I'd assume that's exactly why he keeps it short
>not posting the previous infection;
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>double necromorph
You know what occurred to me? There are no AI's of any kind in Dead Space are there? Like, not even rudimentary ships computer types or personal assistant types. Not even on the level we have now.
Because it occurs to me that out of everything that went wrong over those three games, at no point do I remember a ships computer going wrong on me. Parts failed, powerlines had to be rerouted, doors welded open, or shit, engines restarted and Asteroid Defence Guns turned back on.
But at no point do I ever really recall the computers, even when we were on ships 300 years old, crapping out on Isaac.

What I'm saying is, that perhaps the best way to fight the Necromorphs is through drones and combat androids? Like, shove an AI into a pair of Planet Crackers and have it breach a whole lot of health and safety regulations on a Blood Moon with it's planetary scale Kinesis modules.
Have the Unliving fight the Undead.
What about the Sprawl's AI in 2? The one that locked the lighthouse keeper (or something) in his room and blocked all his requests for a transfer until the guy went crazy from the isolation and killed himself (or the necros did, it's hard to tell).
They probably wanted to avoid the rogue AI trope.
Because The Marker is a fucking cool concept and how exactly it causes necromorphs is still a mystery.
The Solar Array in the Sprawl had an AI. It was denying one of the attendants requests for a change in personell and he went crazy. He was either the only person up there, or he killed a whole lot of people because that place was packed with Necromorphs.
Wasn't the AI fucking around with Isaac/the player too? It was a long time snce I played the sequel, but I sort of remember some kind of "this artificial motherfucker is in my way but I kinda see why, since we're under alien invasion"-scenario?
Shit, there's a thought. What if the AI was soaking up the Marker radiation as well?
It's not a bad idea I guess, but doesn't it feel more like markers are designed to fuck over bio-organisms? It'd be a nice counterpoint to Eclipse Phase if the markers don't affect computers, but AI's not yet being intelligent enough (or just programmed by Weyland-Yutani to be assholes) to be of any great help.

It'd be a nice moment when an inhibited AI realizes the gravity of the situation and that its human passengers won't survive due to behaviour parameters...
>*//The rescue shuttle is indeed unlocked and available, but current containment protocols will not allow human clients/personnel to take off from station Aleph#4; unit M3eP is hindered from releasing the airlock engagement bolts.//*
>*//If human clients/personnel take their places on the shuttle, they will probably survive and be able to evacuate, once reactor meltdown destroys the station core. It's been an honor cooperating on this assignment, and have a safe travel to your next one!//*
Wasn't that just some bitch in HR fucking him over on the companies say-so? I didn't think it was an AI of any sort.
Basically it's The Thing in space. No wonder Carpenter said that it would be a nice subject for a movie.
It's somewhere between Alien and The Thing, since it lacks that "whodunnit" element The Thing has. But yeah, Dead Space is the love child of my unholy trinity of horror.
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Absolutely, the core concept isn't that special or complicated.
They just managed to spin a well-crafted and cool setting around the whole "lone ranger/engineer vs alien fuckup", which made both the protagonist and his story a lot more engaging.
Fiction is almost all about presentation. You can have a bland concept, or a cool one, but it won't matter if you can't get it out there.

Dead Space can be rendered down to Alien/The Thing on the Event Horizon, but it blends it all together almost seamlessly and the used future aesthetic clearly inspired by two ofthose movies, but updated to modern sensibilities, like holographic/hard light displays.

Damn, I want to rewatch Dead Space Downfall now.
DS1 does kinda try to do the whole question who the traitor is subplot.
Dammit, now I really wanna reinstall DS2
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If there ever wasto be an AI introduced, I'd prefer something like Superintendent form Halo 3: ODST.

Now that I think about it, videogames have a slightly better track record with unbodied AI's actually being on your side with no stings.

EDI is one (well in ME2 anyway) and then there's ADA from Jehuty in ZOE. Anyone think of anything else?
No, his logs refer to the AI by name, which is the same name the director addresses the AI with when he orders it to lock down the solar array.
At least before 343 got their hands on her.
Hmm, yeah you might be on to something. I can't really think of many, myself.

What about Legion from ME2? Alignment of interests and all that, sure, but to my knowledge he never went against you
>What about Legion from ME2? Alignment of interests and all that, sure, but to my knowledge he never went against you

To my knowledge the only point he goes against you is if you let the quarians destroy the geth at the end of Priority:Rannoch.
Legion is a cool guy, he learns to be the hero the geth need by watching the hero humanity needs.

It's still more than films have managed. It's the AI from Lunar and that's fucking it.
Are double necromorphs essentially the negromorphs you encounter near the end of the games?
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hey bb how u doin 2nite
Fuck those guys, at least you got to incinerate the hunter, and the regenerators in DS3 felt like pushovers even though they were stronger than every enemy at the time you fought.
But I was just talking about black necromorphs, especially the slashers in DS2 that had voices in the final mission for some reason.
I loved how eerie the Ubermorph was. An entire horde of howling, shambling necromorphs, and it's just striding like an otherworldly predator in the midst of the horde. It was haunting.

Which game was that?

That's kind of completely wrong, though.
Is is really that hard to search "Ubermorph"?
Dead Space 2, they only appear in the last chapters though, but they are incredibly effective at adding to the tension of said chapters.
I re-downloaded DS2 because of you guys. I hope you're all happy.

Halo: Reach, with City Superintendent actively and passively helping out the player during the open world sections.
>pop out the eyestab machine and see this nigga
>oh shit, this is new, contact beam time
>blast him right in the gut, legs evaporate
>it's still alive
>we are truly in the endgame now
>blast it again, head and arms explode
>turn and start hacking the doo-
>[muffled cursing].audiolog

>two or three rooms later
>same motherfucker chases me away from the goddamn save station because the door refused to stay closed behind me
>die shortly afterwards after desperate race for the elevator to arrive depletes my stasis
>watch ending on youtube instead of dealing with that mess again

And that's how I spent the last couple hours.
you mean ODST, and that's not exactly an AI

He's pretty easy to outrun if you know your pacing and always carry enough stasis packs and ammo in reserve (and lots of Health Packs!). I actually recommend just picking up your two favorite guns for the last mission and storing the others, as the ammo that drops will much more likely be for those two, rather than scattered between three or four guns.

Also, you can gib him prematurely. If you have a weapon with high knockback and enough ammo for it (I mean a whole lot) and time your shots right, you can get him in a very short hallway with a fan at one end of it. Keep firing him into the fan as much as you can, timing it to knock him backwards without letting him get a step forwards. When he falls into the fan, he dies permanently, although there's no show of blood or anything, he just disappears.

Alternatively, lure him out of the doors in the zero gravity area, stasis him, and activate the zero gravity to close the doors. If it's timed just perfectly, he'll get caught in the doors and die permanently.
Regardless amnesia wasn't anything near a "scary" game.

ODST was underrated

I've got a maxed force gun and plasma cutter, usually have a ripper and contact beam as backups. Any big niggas towards the end I might need the CB for?

Also, I really wish I'd upgraded stasis more. I've only got one duration and one charge node in it.
Did you play the german version or something? Bretty sure he's gibbed in glorious ketchup-o-vision by the fan.
Didn't know about the door though, that was neat.gif

And agree on earlier points about how much scarier that fuck is than previous regenerators. He's like T1000 in T2 or something, zero fucks given.
Btw, one oshi-moment is towards the end, when you fuck up the isolation system, suddenly millions of illegals eviscerating Tiedemann's la migra and you see that tall fuck commanding the charge into the meatwall.
Fuck, I stayed up in the office with the power cell during that whole audio bit. When I came down the room was just a collection of corpses.
I never found those. There a place where I can read them?
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Okay lads, you've motivated me

When I get home from work I'm making a Discord server for the unstarted Dead Space themed homebrew. Link to come.

It's actually an engineering themed sci-fi horror system. Dead Space content will come in the form of an unnoficial "content pack" mod. Just like Interstellar Army Simulator!

Because the creators were clearly fans of the Sci-fi film genre:

The Thing
Event Horizon
Sounds pretty fun, keep us updated.
Because it's genestealer cult.
Eh, that's not the best comparison.
I'm really shit but how about the PCs are experiencing delusions because of the marker. "Leveling up" is finding the elevator/transit rails/emergency shuttle, you can peice the story together how you like with explosions, machines failings, so you can railroad them where they need to be, without it seeming to much like a railroad and adds a random element. The delusions play into this, so the PCs cant navigate the halls of the spaceship they're trapped on, but can "backtrack" to areas they've discovered.
>Pic related
>"Leveling up" is finding the elevator/transit rails/emergency shuttle
Fuck on.
>Fuck on
Is that good or bad?
Just thought the PCs would be average people, no specialty or anything, leveling up would be surviving a chapter of hell. Similar to the game.
It's too gamey and arbitrary.
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All the spaceships in DS were cool as fuck and it pains me to no end that there are no cool 3d rips of the Kellion, etc

dude, fuck yeah. I remember actually being invested in DS2 from start to finish, which is something that I find is increasingly rare.
>that ending
>that REAL ending
>those noel transitions
>stick a needle in your eye
the world is a vampire
nah the only boards that need nuking are /pol/ and /b/, almost all of the bandwith issues would disappear with them being gone
throw /k/ in there for good measure, otherwise there'll be folks leaking back in
combat is pretty good in ME3, although I've only played the Multiplayer, which is freaking amazing
If that's the case then why have levels at all? Isaac only improves ingame by upgrading his gear.
nah while /k/ has it's problems, I'd say it still serves a purpose, unlike /b/ and /pol/
I actually never had much issue with that one other than on the rare occasion I got bogged down from all directions. Very early on when I started playing DS I got into the habit of always starting out a fight against a necro by aiming at the legs before dispatching them with one or two shots to the head/upper body. The Ubermorph could regenerate that, so I just tossed stasis at him after de-legging him and then ran like my life depended on it.

Which, incidentally, it did.
thanks for telling us your completely correct opinion that everyone must share because you are right about all things.

please enlighten us on which movies and games are objectively scary and which ones are not.
Nice! I'd been pondering making a campaign or just a session adventure in GURPS based on DS myself, so I might really enjoy this
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The gameplay was well solid, the problem everyone shits all over it and bioware over is that two of the writers locked themselves in a room with no oversight to squeeze out the ending.
The levels would play in similar to darkest dungeon, making it so they could fight better against delusions/necromorphs, by adding a bonus to their rolls.
This is just a single idea that crossed my mind so it's not fleshed out at all, I'm just throwing it into the think tank to see if someone can take it and improve on/branch off the idea.
It is coming from a video game with an already built universe, plus I'm more of a vidya guy, sorry I'm not good at homebrewing.
Isaac went through changes mentally. It toughened him I suppose. What would the PCs be though other than a normal human dropped into a horror scene? I can't think of a way to give them a class, or even get them weapons other than them stumbling over a guard, and if you have multiple people in one campaign? I doubt a band of three survivors can go against an army of necros with sharpened sticks.

Also, like I said. I'm bad at this.
yeah it is a shame, might give Andromeda a try though, especially if it brings back the multiplayer
I get what you're saying now. When I

So hypothetically, each session would be more akin to a dungeon crawl than anything else? Prior to each session the GM would build a map of the area (possibly randomly rolled using a table) and the areas are connected either logically (mess hall next to habitation) or by accident (Lift shaft from transport hub collapses and connects to warehouse).

I'd say character classes should certainly be an option, but they're all just mundane things. Pilot (of varying classes), Engineers, 9-5 worker, security guard, Unitoligist is an optional class addon. I think a part of Dead Space is that nobody who does any good, has any reason to. Isaac just see's "shoot their arms off" on a wall, Ellie survives just because. None of them are 'combat ready' in any way, but they get by. So every class should be just as capable of fighting as any other, though perhaps a class like the security guard would have some additional benefit.
>I get what you're saying now. When I
Welp, forgot how to delete a sentence.
The first part, yes exactly. Like exact exactly.

As for the second part, I can't imagine what stats these guys would have, let alone what stats the NEED to fight necromorphs of the most basic sort, the weapons isaac ended up with to begin the game were makeshift and made by him. Do you think we should just do away with the sci-fi style weaponry and go more modern day?
Trying to fight a necromorph with a shiv just seems like a horrible idea so makeshift weapons don't seem like a good idea, and I doubt a 9-5 worker could fashion a saw blade launching canon like dead rising.
you want to emulate that unwieldy jitteryness to them.

A creature that is like that on tabletop is difficult to do because it's such a visual key.
1) Give it a high speed, so that it's movement can cross great distances quicker than expected
2) Give it an ability to move shorter distances between player turns, to make this worse, let them do this only a few times a round, if they do it between every player turn it will become knowable, but if they do it randomly between turns, it will make players a lot more nervous about fighting them.
3) give them an ability at half health to increase their initiative, this is another small change that will take players off guard and surprise them, or concern them.
Ellie is a pilot and she also had a Plasma Cutter, just for reference. The weapons aren't make-shift, just repurposed. Isaac does make his own plasma cutter in DS2, but in 1 it's just a regular part of his kit. Perhaps altered a little to fire further (I always imagined it to function something like a soldering iron, and it had to be held against the surface to cut through it).

If we want to make it a more sandbox sci-fi engineer game then we wouldn't have to worry about that. We're not limited to "could this kill a Necromorph?". Also, the pulse rifle (and presumably pistol variants) exist in Dead Space, and they do work against Necromorphs. They're just a bit shit.
I see your point, it could be possible then for others to start with these repurposed weapons, or at least the cutter, theoretically Isaac could have done everything with only the cutter, it would have just been difficult.
I admit I'm more focused on the combat aspect, so forgive me if I'm tunnel vision. But what if for some reason, they can't kill the necromorph, they can't charisma the necro, what do they do?
It seems to me this is a death happens often and without mercy sort of game. Simple characters with simple backstories, if any backstory.
redo Dark Heresy
I'd love to populate a tabletop with items that couldn't kill a necromorph, or shit that could under specific situations.

If you cut their numbers you can afford to make each one a bigger threat.

Also here's that Discord I mentioned.
Empty as shit right now because I'm tired and lazy so don't bother joining, but I said I'd post.

If you can't kill the murderous space zombie then I guess it kills you. I think a part of the game, assuming we go for a class based thing, could be environmental things. Isaac is an engineer and encounters situations he has to cunningly use his skillset to get out of. The stuff that exists in the games is mostly based upon this, Grav Plating amped up to pulp anything against the ceiling, air-locks misused to suck things out into space and murderous doors that can split a man in half. There's a whole sci-fi universe of regular things that can be pushed to 11 that fuck a space zombie seven ways to sunday.
I really like the used future asthetic. I'm trying to steal it for my own.
The thing I think is that necromorphs with a few exceptions aren't really that sturdy and hard to kill. What makes them dangerous is the fact that the main combat forms (slashers) are fast and numerous as all hell, feel neither fear nor pain and can appear from pretty much anywhere at any time. They also function so radically different from a human so someone who has never encountered or heard about them will most likely fire center mass to little effect.

I'd say that when first encountering them, the players in the group all have to roll perception or what-have-you to notice this before they can actually start with the whole "strategic dismemberment" thing
No, plasma cutters are - as the name might imply - cutting tools primarily designed for mining with the intention of being used to chop pieces of ore down into managable chunks for refining. It's meant to be used at point-blank range where you simply press it up against whatever you want to cut and then squeeze the trigger. The fact that it's also very accurate at long range might or might not be accidental, but based on the fact that it has a triple-laser sight as standard implies that the ability to cut things from a distance is also part of the design, which honestly makes a lot of sense because it means you won't get crushed if the thing you cut collapses afterwards

>The party stop at a vaguely secure rest stop, and take inventory.

The Medic starts peeling everyone out of their EVA suits to make use of the autodoc. The Engineer connects his backup battery to the autodoc- looks like they're not using the [Contact Beam] for a while.

The Security Guard doesn't take off his armour. The compression feature will stem the bleeding for now, and if they need to move in a hurry at least one of the crew needs to be Zero-G capable.

Meanwhile, the Pilot peels the damaged casing off his pulse rifle. Part of the wiring's been shorted by [Necromorph] blood. Grumbling under his breath, the Engineer begins dismantling a communication panel for parts.

So the Line Gun is basically a larger version of that.

Although I have to ask why the alt mode for the line gun fires laser mines. That makes no sense.

Also, Force Gun. What is the point of that thing? Is it literalyl just an industrial leaf blower with the dials turned up to 11 by Isaac?
I believe it's meant for clearing spaces of dust in vacuum, and clearing debris and rubble.
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Yeah, presumably the mine function are just repuposed mining charges.

Force Gun... I can't quite remember what it was supposed to be for, didn't really like it and I pretty much never used it.

The Contact Beam on the other hand, ohhh boy.

The C99 Supercollider Contact Beam is basically a miniaturized particle accelerator designed to shatter large rocks into smaller chunks. I freaking loved that gun and I really wish that they would have created unique death animations from it, like if whatever part of a necro you fired it at was just suddenly GONE instead of just sudden and total dismemberment
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Laser Mines are probably meant to blow up rocks TNT-style. It's for those situations where even a Line Gun just doesn't cut it.
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How dare you.

I remember actually killing the final boss of DS1 with a Contact Beam.

...you must understand, that wasn't quite my first weapon of choice for this, it's just that I hadn't quite worked out how ammo allocation works in DS1 and as a result that was the only gun I had ammo for left that wasn't the Circular Saw of death, which, whilst great, is less so when you actually need something with range.

You'd think I'd learn by the time I got to the final of DS2, and yet, there I was, hoping the alt mode for the Blade gun was going to get me through this boss fight.
Hardly the worst weapon when it came to bosses, provided you could actually aim it with a decent amount of accuracy anway. It was actually my weapon of choice against most of them since the really big bosses could only be damaged at certain times when they revealed those glowing bits of theirs.

Sure, you could just blast away at them with your other more rapid-firing weapons, but I found I more preferred the more precise, high-damage approach to spray-and-pray. It was especially effective against for example the DS1 end boss you mentioned with its cluster of weakspots since you could basically hit them all at once with the splash damage that thing had.

I got really quite good at aiming it during the short charge-up phase and then firing it a moment later and turned quite a few of the regular enemies into chunky salsa that way.
God damn it, just like others, reading this thread has really made me want to play DS again.

Thing is, I only ever played DS1, and didn't even finish it because I was too much of a pussy back when it was released. I went as far as the 2nd Hunter encounter (chapter 8 I think?), but then I couldn't play anymore because I had (have, but manageable now) a irrational fear of enemies that regenerate, for some reason. (stopped playing RE4 at the regenerators too, for example)

Should I play DS1 again, or should I go straight into DS2? I'm kinda dreading having to go through the grind that the earlier bits of DS1 are, again. Especially that annoying part with the poison-gas necromorphs.
Sure. I just think they probably didn't want to pile on Space Odyssey on top of Alien and The Thing.
Not vidya, but the AI in Interstellar turned out to be a bro, as I recall.
I'd try to see if there's some speedrun tech to get through early DS1.

If while looking for such tech you still can not muster the will to play it, just play 2.

Didn't the AI from Interstellar have a body though? Androids who are bros are pretty common in films. Disembodied voices over the speakers have much worse track records.
There's the AI from Battle Beyond the Stars though if you want a really early example.
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Definitely go back and play Dead Space first. The events of DS2 have a lot more context if you know just what Isaac went through in DS1, plus there are a lot of throwback moments that you could miss otherwise. A certain chapter in particular in DS2 is a fantastic experience if you've played through the first game. You'll know it when you see it.
force gun was a to push crap around in zero-G, isaac must broke the safeties and put the setting from hard push to splat
The RE4 regenerators were in some ways both easier and harder to deal with than the hunter. Sure, there's no IR-scope to easily take it out with, but if you want I can tell you exactly how to beat the Hunter once and for all.
Considering some of the crazy things he uses as weapons, that sounds downright benign.
so is any industrial tool, break the safeties and shit gets splatterhouse

Perhaps just a minor annoyance to me, but you never actually use those tools to do what they said they are used for. It'd be neat if weapons ("tools") actually could shatter rock, clear dust, saw through metal, and weld things. Perhaps only workable in set areas, and probably multi-functional so you could use different guns for the same job, but it would help the atmosphere a lot more if you used these tools as... Well, tools.

If they're too much to handle for you, look up how to beat those parts, plan accordingly, and work through it.
No, I totally agree. I don't even know how many times I wished I could just have used, say, the plasma cutter to force my way past a locked door or break a railing. A on-the-fly crafting system would have been sweet as well, something along the lines of acetylene tanks with spikes that you swing into an enemy, kick them away and then shoot it to make it explode would have been amazing
Hmm, if I have something like that to boost me through those early parts it'll definitely be better, thanks for the idea! Now to find such thing.

A very solid point, thanks. I'll definitely go and finish DS1 proper before going to 2 then, maybe I'll be more "angry Isaac" in my approach this time. I mean, I did spoil myself on some stuff, but I know I'd prolly miss a lot.

I remember once hearing it had something to do with immolating it into nothingness or the likes? But sure, please do tell.

I actually had to do that for the first Hunter encounter, I guess that I was just too relieved after defeating it the first time, that meeting it again threw me into utter despair.
And again, I was a huge pussy back then. I like to think I've gotten better now.
Yeah, it'll eventually chase you to a room with a huge space shuttle in it. There's a catwalk right behind the shuttle engines so what you do is you go over there and wait for it to come and try kill you, then you blow its legs off, hit it with stasis and then run like hell over to the control room. There's a switch to run a engine test that if it's right in front of it, will vaporize the Hunter
im still weirded out of how he could mutate a normal necro into the hunter, arent the human size ones pretty much just corpses reshaped? no working organs or something

Seems like he made that one special somehow. Considering there were biological scientists working on the Ishimura, and how the Marker signal fucks with the brain, they might have gone crazy in a way that allowed them to gain insight into the biological part of necromorphology, rather than the Marker's architecture.

I'm making shit up at this point. Guy had an office filled with severed heads in jars. I think maybe he might have directly infected his subject's brain with necromorph material while he was still alive, but I don't know.
That guy, Mercer I seem to recall his name was, had somehow figured out what makes them tic and if I understand correctly had basically grafted necromorph tissue onto a guy while he still lived. You find a recording at some point of the dude screaming and pleading for his life while Mercer starts cutting his head open or something
fucking markers, man
i kind of liked to think back when DS1 that the marker was a faulty one and just wanted to be alone and not fuck with organic life, sad thing they when the galaxy eating moon way, still waiting for some mooncracking action
I really wonder how far they had really planned ahead, though. I mean, even from the very beginning you heard the phraze "make us whole" but the meaning was never explained until the third game
Well, Unitology is all about the point after death, when ones spirit and body are joined in one glorious being. Since Nicole is basically a front for Isaacs insanity it makes sense why she'd be saying it.

The first Marker was the first Red Marker manufactured by mankind based of the Black Marker. But it was weird in that it had a component pedestal that seemed to nullify its signal or make it go dormant.

In DS2, they dropped that, though the Marker Isaac makes is one hell of a fucky one that's basically a template-shifted Black Marker. It's distinct in a few ways, like that the symbols orient horizontally instead of vertically and it glows yellow or white instead of red.


I'm not sure. DS1 seemed to be a standalone game, but it got sequels and they dropped a few bits like the Marker's pedestal component and the fact that it seemed to push necromorphs away from it. I assume that, originally, the Markers didn't have a purpose and they were just weird alien things that humans tried to copy and fucked up, or were sinister from the outset. There's a lot of mystery there that they probably meant to let lie instead of expanding upon.
Doom demons aren't actual demons, more like extra-dimensional aliens. They can die just like anything else. Otherwise DoomGuy's genocide in hell would have been regarded as more of a minor annoyance rather the the horror that it was since demons would just respawn after being killed.
Ah well, I got us Dead Space 2 which I now have fully installed once more and am about to play. Wonder if I should try playing on hard this time?

Decisions, decisions...
We already did this song and dance. /pol/ and /b/ use up almost no bandwidth compared to porn boards.

This. There was a chart posted and literally 20% of all 4chans bandwidth is through WSG and GIF as you'd imagine.

Now, I like WSG, of all the new boards it's one of the better ones, but if it's using up more bandwidth than five other boards combined, then maybe we need to consider taking it down.
Shit! Even though I remembered clearly that something was gonna happen in that room in the beginning, just after you get the flashlight, I STILL jumped when the damn tv-screens went off right beside me
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It wasn't just how complete and natural the ubermorph looked in comparison to the other necros that scared me, it was the fact that it seemed to display a level of intelligence that none of the others had. It was like it *knew* you couldn't actually stop it, which is why it would sometimes just stand idly behind you and sharpen it's claws while you scrambled to open a door. Just imagine trying to deal with that fucker and a bunch of enhanced stalkers in a crowded room at the same time.
Okay, on the subject of how freaking space-McGuyver Isaac is, you guys remember the plasma cutter he built himself in the start of DS2? I got there just now and I freaking timed it, guess how long it took?

He literally did it in ten seconds. TEN!
Because space is cold.
The vacuum of space doesn't have any temperature. People immediately freezing when exposed to it is just a Hollywood meme.
Well, it IS cold that much is true, but it's slightly more complicted than atmospheric temperatures. You would eventually freeze solid in space, you would, but you would suffocate LONG before that

The tech seems pretty modular. And all he really had to do was stick it on the end of a flashlight. Must have had most of its components in the cutter itself.
well, the universe seems resourse strapped to a massive degree so its not hard to suppose that the parst of the flash light cant match a high tech knife, or anything else for that mather

probably this designed as a flashligh/mobile battery or something
I thought that too at first, but if you think about it that cutter head was mounted from the ceiling, most likely running on station power. Power that I sincerely doubt is present in a freaking flashlight battery.

He also somehow fashioned a trigger AND clamped the whole thing together without any tools at all. Then it was just point and fire and hey, it works!

Isaac is a scary-ass mofo, put him and Gordon Freeman in the same room and the enemies of Earth start crying blood
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The flashlight doesn't take the energy clips, though, it only starts taking that when the Cutter is installed, and even when the clip is depleted the flashlight remains functioning.

Still, it was really fun how they introduced the game's mechanics in 2. You start running, eventually you get a Kinesis Module and can do some limited fighting (demonstrating DS2's better Kinesis), then you get a flashlight to get you used to the gun, and then they actually put the gun on it, and then they give you Stasis.
well, running a LED or whatever they used for light is nothing on plasma so its understable

come to think isaac perty much salvaged ALL his gear
exept the suits, those where permits i hear
That entierly depends on where in space you are. If you are exposed to the sun you will just keep building temperature because you have no where to conduct it.
Yeah, I fucking love how he just pulls the front cover off a kinesis-medical bed, rummages around inside it for a moment and then tears the module out and just slots it straight onto his arm.

Metal as fuck.

And that's not even counting the fact that he can stomp necromorphs to paste wearing what's basically hospital scrubs with some metal tacked on

I'm thinking that him stomping necromorphs without his suit is less him doing that in canon and more just the game mechanics.
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No, I refuse to believe that.

Isaac Clarke is awesome

Similar to how in certain circumstances, Ashley Graham, 5 foot somthing tall, monstrously sheltered daughter of the US President, could perform a Full Suplex on Ganados in Plate Mail in RE4?
if my memory does not fail, isaac fhightin' skills are not just survial instict, he was a merchant marine so has some knowlage on how to pull a shootout in a ship
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That's what I always thought. Otherwise it just seems retarded.

Game mechanics shouldn't be taken as 100% canon when they obviously shouldn't be happening or are there just for game balance. Because while games strive for realism, if they can't make it engaging then they have to cut corners on realism for the sake of the game.

The Last of Us tried hyper-realism, and while that made the game mechanics part of what needed working around and added to the play itself, it also turned it into a slog.
They could try running and getting a some kind of environmental hazard to do the job. It wouldn't always be an option and would be tricky but possible.

Getting a through a security door or airlock, where the necros can't easily bypass it through air vents would be a viable strategy.

Imagine a player has to fix a console, get the tram up and running from the tram command center, and have them constantly roll perception checks to see if they hear a necro coming. If they hear it early they bail or hide. If not they gotta run for their life.

This would drag out some encounters but would add tension and you'd need to make it so that they would only have to risk it 2-3 times. Unless they fail terribly at doing whatever it is they are doing then you'd have to switch things up to keep them interesting.
I love the contact beam. Used to say "contact" every time right before firing it.
Just something for you guys to watch tonight.
Cool stuff.

Dividers are amazing. You get that deepsea roar then some fuck off weird moving asshole running at you. But it goes down pretty easy.

Then you walk by and suddenly body parts everywhere.
Fucking Dividers. Stun it, sure, but then you blow it apart and no matter how many mines you place around it at least one part somehow always manages to survive to continue pestering you.
>tfw flamer is always shit
It was amazing in Dead Space Extraction.
Remembered those days with Dead Space /tg/ threads.

The best stories was that one with Mass Effect and about Brother Magos Clarke.

Shepherd, we're approaching our dick.
I seem to recall that the Ripper was pretty shoddy in Extraction as well. It also pretty balls in DS3.
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I got you, bro
Dead Space is shlocky nonsense, the first game especially.

It also has nothing to do with /tg/.
Good times. So many laughs and so much fun.
It is by far the most fun I've ever had on 4chan straight across the board(s)
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/tg/ loves shlocky nonsense. Just look at all the 40k threads.

I remember those threads.

Fucking amazing times man, anyone know what happened to Jukebox?
Because it shows us what life will be like if Tom Cruise wins.
Wish I knew.

That's because it wasn't a rapid fire weapon with Stasis Ammo. Stasis Ammo Machine Guns were broken seven ways to sunday in that game.
>The microwave screen saying "Fuck You"
Little details make me happy.
Quite true.

I fucking loved the force gun in DS2, upgrade it enough and it becomes 'horrific damage to everything on the screen: the gun'.
Oh man, Jukebox. He was awesome.

And 'Ardy
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