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MTG Modern General

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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)



Kaladesh card image gallery (enemy fastlands):
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Tiers are usage-based. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific metagame.
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2016 Worlds Modern Metagame (Decklists):

8 Abzan
2 Titan Shift
2 Living End
2 Jund
2 Bant Eldrazi
1 Affinity
1 Abzan Company
1 Dredge
1 Goryo's Vengeance
1 Infect
1 Scapeshift
1 Thing Ascension
1 BW Tokens

>VERY inbred metagame since this has only very few players. Linear strategies are expected and thus people try to metagame other players, which leads to people bring a deck that beats linear decks (Abzan can beat linear decks), and a deck that beats those decks (Abzan beats Jund).
>Abzan is "Medium Abzan" with Grim Flayer and Collective Brutality. Liliana, the Last Hope also sees a lot of play. Once again, inbred metagame.
We've gone half circle, soon Tron will be top again with all these Jund/ Midrange decks running around. I could actually see Eldrazi/ colorless Tron doing well if there's enough hand disruption. Meanwhile, my janky Tron brews will continue and still lose to my Burn/ Infect meta.
>enough hand disruption
To dissuade RG Tron that is. Also, does Abzan do well against Tron? Everything I said is assuming it has a slightly better than Jund matchup, which is to say shit.
worlds meta game means nothing.
even if it did, jund is already most played deck and still tron is shit and the reason is simply: a bunch of other popular deck rapes it: suicide zoo, infect, affinity, burn, etc.
It's true that it has a bad MU against aggro, but if there are that many people jumping on the hype train after worlds, then Tron could easily top 8 in the next few big tourneys.
I don't think it's a great pick yet, we'll have to see how popular Dredge gets and if the amount of aggro dies down.
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What happens if I have 0 lands out and some effect puts 4 fast lands onto the battlefield at once?
So basically, everyone is going to hoard the SHIT out of the UR fastland.
same thing as valakut: etb effects all see each other simultaneously so they enter tapped
What happens if I have no lands out and an effect puts 6 mountains and 2 Valakuts onto the battlefield at once?

Anon pls don't ask stupid questions and use your brain.
They all check each other at the same time, so they each see three other lands, so they all come in tapped
Valakut is a triggered EtB ability. if this was you could tap them before it went off. For example if bloodmoon was out these still can enter tapped, but scapeshifting into a blood moon doesn't work.
I don't see the issue here, the analogy still works.

The point is that they all enter at the same time, so they all see each other at the same time. Wether or not a trigger is or isn't involves is irrelevant.
But they check as they enter, not when they enter. Before they're on the battlefield there are no lands, and once they're on the battlefield they must have already checked and be tapped/untapped. There is no point where they can be checking if there's lands, and there be lands.
They will enter the battlefield untapped. Read the Scars of Mirrodin FAQ.

>If one of these lands enters the battlefield at the same time as one or more other lands (due to Scapeshift or Warp World, perhaps), it doesn’t take those lands into consideration when determining how many other lands you control.

The Fastland effects are replacement effects, which check the conditions of their clause (how many lands you control) immediately before the action (entering the battlefield). So they ask how many lands you have before they enter, meaning you could now have literally 40 of them enter the battlefield at the same time and all would be untapped.
what a dumb game
Thanks man, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.
I sure do feel stupid now
These guys just got absolutely blown the FUCK out:
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Does this card fit into rug delver? Seems to interact better with goyf than hooting mandrills.
Mandrills can't be bolted.
Probably a meta dependent choice. +1 power and trample is pretty meaningful when you're the aggressor, when you're against faster decks like suicide zoo being able to put this out just as a death touch blocker is useful assuming they don't have battle rage.
>Probably a meta dependent choice
You're literally describing the entire Modern format here.
I haven't played and kept up with the meta for a while so forgive my ignorance. But what has happend to elves?
Is the deck bad nowdays or just unpopular?
The important part of the post is the reason behind various choices.
Elves had some good results at a recent GP, but long tern haven't been winning many events.
Mostly just unpopular, power wise it's probably a tier 2 deck.
>Grim Flayer price spike

You bought your playset before the spike, right?
I'm trying to build a modern deck, I was thinking of converting my RUG delver legacy list into modern Grixis. I already have a majority of the pieces, but I don't want a suboptimal deck. Can someone give me the 10-40 on where Delver is at right now?
>Utility Mythics

Wonderful, as always.
Is Karplusan Forest a viable alternative to Grove for Tron?
>BW Tokens

It's notably worse. Your biggest threat are aggro and burn decks, so your own life total is essential. Meanwhile, when you're swinging you're going to be swinging with 5 or 6 power, so your opponent going up 2 or 3 usually won't change much.

It'll be alright a lot of the time, but when it's bad it will be very bad comparatively.

What? most of those people had it right though
Trample is a god send. This little guy doesn't enable ferocious either. Also can just be bolted. Delve is normally never an issue with goyf
>most of those people had it right though

Only one of them got it right, >>49164542
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>Dismantling a Legacy deck to play Modern
He didnt say he was selling his deck, just taking it apart for staples... I hope
d e a d
t h r e a d
d e a d
Legacy is fun and all but you modern babies need to realize it isn't this perfect format you think it is
And modern is? Just play pauper instead of trying to climb into this rusty shitheap of a format. until something can beat goyf and lili modern will always be a cuck format.
Lmao. Fucking pauper. Good one
Correct, I'm not taking it apart I'm just taking the fetches, delvers, and bolts out to put into the Grixis delver shell and keeping everything else. That way at legact events I have the deck ready to go and at modern events I have the deck ready to go.

But I don't want to take the time to collect the pieces to Grixis delver if it's a subpar deck.
Why do people always scoff when I say I play infect when they play some equally degenerate deck like Abzan company or (tier 1 deck)?
Grixis Delver is Tier 2, and it did win a recent tournament. It's alright, go ahead and get it if it would cost you less than like $50 to pick up what you're missing.
Thanks anon, it's looking like about $100 so I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and build a different deck. I have goyfs, nobles, and Knights, is Zoo any good in the current meta?
Infect just hurts assholes for some people, dont even try to play an infect deck in edh if you hate harvesting salt.
The highest performing build of Zoo right now is Death's Shadow Zoo, which doesn't even bother with Goyfs or Hierarchs.
Do you have any Inkmoths lying around? With Hierarchs and presumably Rainforests out of the way, that'd be the only noticeable cost for building Infect.
Grixis delver is more of a midrange deck than the typical tempo form delver takes in legacy. RUG delver has less people playing it but you may be more comfortable with it. I think it's more fun too
Why do people keep trying to give rules advice when they don't know what they're talking about?
Because most people assume they know how the rules work.
WC stream is up. I think it's standard though. Protip, type harambe in chat.
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I like this. Going into my side immediately.
Great against tron, affinity, eldrazi
I don't have inkmoths lying around but money isn't an issue for me, infect does seem pretty fun desu
That's what I figured, and to be honest I'm not sure if I'll enjoy delver as much without the insane disruption legacy has. Stifling fetchlands makes my dick tingly
Friend of mine keeps saying that tron can easily play around it.
The only thing they can really do is prioritize Ulamog and World Breaker over Karn and Ugin. Being able to counter the spell doesn't feel great when they still end up eating permanents.
first modern playable non land card desu
>bringing countermagic against Affinity
How? I'm not going to counter dumb shit like map unless they're land screwed.

Tron doesn't have room to play around. It doesn't have tricks. Tron just windmill slams big dumb threats
Why not? Not everyone plays in the other hate colours. Hitting any of their big pieces for U is nice
You do know that this is a 1 cmc counterspell against affinity right.
Because it's a very shitty card to draw into. You better have it turn 1 or 2, or it might as well not even be in your deck.
annul exists, family. plus spell snare hits basically all of affinity's payoff cards anyway
If only there was a color that could fill its hand and find the cards it needed to win....

i can't wait to dismiss your cranial plating and watch you weep when you're swinging in with a memnite and a skirge

I'm thinking this card is more aggressive than mandrills, but I don't know how fast rug delver can power out those apes.

I guess alot of the spells in rug delver are redundant. I got the goyfs and the fetchlands. Is the deck fun to play? I really like grixis delver myself, but it's just not great.
To be frank, it doesn't do enough to save you against Affinity to be worth the space in your sideboard. Unless you just have shitty SB cards to begin with, you probably have better, higher impact cards you could be playing for other matchups.
>I'm going to spend my mana in the crucial opening turns drawing cards so I can draw my counterspell

And then what mana are you going to use to cast it?
snare is a mainboard card and rejection is way broader than annul. point is it's good against affinity but hits tron and bant eldrazi as well
My life total?
I think it's a blast. Midrange is rough but sideboard helps. The deck trounces aggro and combo without even trying really
The more obscure cards like simic charm, stubborn denial and Disrupting Shoal lead to some awesome blowouts
Okay, feel free to kill yourself on their behalf.
I guess I could mulligan, I dont know what I have to start with a shit hand and not get that scry
How many copies are you planning on sideboarding that you expect to mulligan freely into it?
Depends on the local meta, zero if zoo, jeskai or jund is huge and 2-3 if trons big. Locally for me it will be a nice reminder to not try to play tron anymore.
reminder to stay hydrated and sit straight. stretch in between games.
>I guess alot of the spells in rug delver are redundant. I got the goyfs and the fetchlands. Is the deck fun to play? I really like grixis delver myself, but it's just not great.
I think the problem with grixis delver is that you'd rather be on Jund. Whereas with rug you are something different. You are playing tempo instead of subpar midrange
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>new deck emerges
>it's fun as fuck

How many decks do you own? What are they?
>new deck emerges
>Bant Eldrazi
>(good) Jeskai
>Kiki Evolution
>BGx Delirium

I could even talk about memes like Mardu and Thing Ascension, which are very decent decks that only need a pro or two to optimize them.
Lmao lol fuckin ebin
I'm currently playing Jund, but kind of hate the lack of counter magic. I'll check it out. Got a list you recommend?
>"new" decks
>same old cards with a new one added
>very decent deck that only need a pro or two to optimize it.
That's a good point. From what I gather rug only needs 1-2 lands to operate properly, right?
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Look mom I posted it again. But seriously here's my list. Only change is -1 leak +1 remand.

Yea, pretty much. I like to have 3 lands but it's often you'll win with just two. Breeding pool and steam vents will get you there. G for mandrills holding up U for denial makes me diamonds
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I honestly don't know that you can trust it against Eldrazi. Anyone that was playing 3 Caverns just might bump it up to 4 because of this.
I'm so jealous of your deck
>tfw no goyfs
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How is basic mountain going to save you?
>My Sideboard card is great if I also have one of my other sideboard cards

Anon, please. Is this the part where I'm supposed to post Nature's Claim and then there's some sort of retarded back-and-forth?

The point is, Rejection by itself is not necessarily amazing against Eldrazi because they mainboard an answer to it that costs them absolutely nothing in terms of Card Advantage or tempo. If you boarded in 3 Rejections and they play a Cavern on turn 2, you're looking at possibly drawing a blank piece of paper up to 3 times that game.
i wish there were viable decks that got to run moon main
>sideboard cards are more difficult to draw than main deck cards
Drawing two sideboard cards, casting one of them first and then holding open mana to use the other is more difficult than playing a Cavern of Souls, you dink.
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Hey I'm trying to break into the MTG Modern competitive scene/wrap my head around some of the concepts.

For a while now my favorite colors have been white and red-- but my friend told me that White/Red as a color combo 'Just never works out'. How true do his words ring?
Tron Eldrazi with Cavern of Souls variant
the only "good" modern decks that are just r/w are weird prison decks that speed out ensnaring bridges and blood moons with simian spirit guides or burn lists that forgo nacatl and atarka's command because ???.
otherwise red and white are generally splash colors for control decks like mardu or jeskai
Ah, so it's less of a traditionally competitive deck and more of a side thing? Alright, that's good to know. Thank you.
Skred is actually a lot better than you might think, propably the most underappreciated deck in modern.
>snow covered mountains arent cheap because of this garbage deck
I just want my decks to have the same art and winter is my favorite time of the year. I just want to be good and have a comfy landbase...

This is technically the best listing I've been able to find.
Ty anon. that fits into my monthly magic budget nicely.
How so?
>only bad matchup is ad nauseum
>lol is garbage because i say
>comfy snow mountain

Well, if you like the old ones:

This is the most cost-efficient listing I've found for those.
Needs to be T1-2 or post a few top 8 finishes before its good. I dont mind the deck but I mind anything that costs me money
I actuallly play r/w with lightning helix, boros reckoner and a lot of removal and pyroclasm affects with 1 of of some planeswalkers to finish.

it works rather well.
Please learn what tiers are
If skred was as good as you want it to be it would be more popular....
yeah, there are definitely cards in r/w that are modern playable individually, but nobody has really put together a list that that does its thing better than any other list. I think one of the main problems with midrange-control rw is definitely the lack of counters or thoughtseize effects to efficiently deal with problematic permanents and possibly the lack of card advantage considering gdd, abbot, and outpost siege are arguably not awful options. as for aggro, theres no reason not to take the more streamlined naya builds unless youre trying specifically to beat them by having marginally less painful mana.
so what's the method to getting around part the waterveil's awakening cost? the idea with my deck now is to durdle with time warp until i have my mana.
You can't get around it. What are you on about?
you know what i meant, anon. how do people usually play the card
Just like you are. The deck just durdles till you have the mana
>1 snap
Please learn how to play blue
"Many Magic: the gathering player ask the question; is it worth it to..."
Gotta hand it to him, he pulls off the Urza-attitude pretty well
>waste hours of your life posting on 4chan?
>tier 1

What happened? When did this happen?
when killing people t3 or t4 became the thing to do or you lose. twin used to prey on these decks, but now the doors are open
Looks pretty sexy. I'll have to give it a shot. >>tfw you sold all your blood moons.
You could play Boros burn I guess,it gives you access to a few neat cards like Boros charm&Helix,and gives you a shitton of sideboard option compared to monored
>let's policeman twin
Please stop
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"The answer is no"
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Anybody know of this card I am looking for that looks like this chick with this messed up metal body?

She was blue and wasn't that powerful but had a great effect, I think she was even 1/2.

From what I remember she was good for the Tezzeret deck I was making but forgot the cards name.
Knock yourself out:

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By casting non-awakened Parts. The main reason the card is so useful is that it's part of your engine while also having a built-in wincon.
Just keep casting extra turn spells until you win. If you're having a hard time chaining them, either your list might need some adjustment or your Luck stat is low.

You'll want over 1/6th of your deck as time spells. Any less than that and you'll find whiffing more prominent.
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I know it's white and 2/2 but I have a feeling you're looking for this?
Did it let you return an artifact to your hand to put an artifact from your hand onto the battlefield?
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Fun card and top tier waifu
>Why do people always scoff when I say I play infect
Why are you worried about what casuals and scrubs think?
Yeah this was it thanks guys for the help

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Anyone else going to SCG Orlando?
How do you guys feel about the viability of RG Breach?

Ive been thinking of cutting the Oaths and a Baloth for 3 Simian Spirit Guides
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thinking of putting emmy in a deck just because because she would be easy to cast. i know this is modern, but pulling out such powerful card without all the work the deck was designed for just bothers me a bit.
So I have a sealed copy of a prerelease Jace, Unraveler of Secrets. Should I try and sell it asap or would I be better off waiting? I have a bad feeling that his price isn't getting any better.
What the hell do you mean it 'bothers you'?

What the fuck?
You feel bad about winning, and wanna do it through "fair" or "clever" means.

You are a Johnny, and would perform absolutely terribly in any tournament environment.
You can buy one on eBay for about $13, so if you were expecting a good payoff you already missed it. The only reason to hold onto it now is if you suspect it might become extremely good in Standard somehow thanks to Kaladesh.
>seth's latest budget magic video where he makes rooster noises before a match

Graham "Many" Johnson
Legacy is perfect.
Taking turns is possibly the queerest deck since eggs

It's not good, it just does queer things, usually the pilot occasionally getting up and jerking himself off all over the table. But mostly just losing to a counterspell or literally any unfair deck.
Hey /tg/. I'd like to know your recommendations for my first purchases if I'd like to get into MTG. I saw some of those 'Deckbuilder Toolkits' and the usual '100000 MTG CARDS' on Amazon, but I have my doubts about them.

What do you guys recommend?
So you mean to say its for fags?
all meanings of that word senpai
Go to a bunch of drafts to learn about the game before you lay down any money for a constructed format deck.

booster draft
Being as you're in the Modern general, I assume you're wanting to play a competitive deck. Don't fuck around with randomized packs or lots of cards, the best way to build a deck is to decide on what strategy you enjoy, select a deck matching that strategy, and buy specifically the cards you need for it.

One other aspect worth considering is interchangeability of cards. When buying expensive cards, it's better to prioritize ones that are good in multiple decks. For instance, buying all the cards to play Affinity is technically worse for your collection than buying all the cards for Naya Burn, because almost all the pieces of Affinity are useless to other decks, whereas Burn would require you to buy lands that can contribute to other decks.

But importantly, before you spend any money at all, play the decks. Make proxies, play an online simulator, or borrow from a friend, but get a feel for the deck you're getting into.
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it's in the top 135!
Thank you for the advice. This seems to be the most sensible choice, so I'll save up a bit to buy a deck I enjoy.
So I'm building 8whack and was wondering if possibly 2x Burn at the stakes might be a decent finisher if you stall out. It'll probably be too slow though. Thoughts?
This isn't EDH. a 5-drop win-more card is going to lose you games when you draw it on turn 3 when you need a Whacker
How much life are you hoping the enemy will have on turn 5? There's loads of 5 cost spells that do 5 damage, and even then they're not very good.
I've seen some pretty decent "value" r/w decks that do fine. Figure of destiny and lightning helix aint nothing to fuck with


But I don't know if it's a good starting place for breaking in to modern, it's a moderately expensive deck.
Burn or infect are considerably cheaper and I would argue better at a competitive level, and would suit your playstyle fine (burn barely features any green, and is about as r/w as you can get)
I would recommend burn, as the other anon suggested, or infect.
Infect is surprisingly cheap for how good a deck it is, running a lot of commons and uncommons that are not very difficult to get. The expensive part is the inkmoth nexuses, the noble hierarchs and the mana base, but you're gonna need the same level of shocks and fetches for virtually any modern deck
There is also a very decent restore balance deck and a lantern prison deck worth checking out, but these are while cheaper considered lower tier, and it's very difficult to play a prison deck without a good knowledge of what opponents will do in the format
There's also one other thing I forgot to go over in regards to buying your first deck. Simply put, many decks have cards you don't "need".

If you're building Burn, you don't "need" Goblin Guides.
If you're building Zooicide, you don't "need" Baubles.
If you're building Tron, you don't "need" Groves.

Obviously you do want them, and it would be good to eventually get them, but if a deck is just somewhat outside your budget, there are options you can usually pursue for driving the price down a little. If you really like the look of a deck but need to buy something cheaper, don't pick a bad deck to buy, pick a budget list of the deck you actually want. It's better in the long run to buy a budget build and eventually upgrade it than it would be to buy a cheap, bad deck and then later buy another cheap, bad deck.
"...play Magic: the Gathering at all?. The answer is no."
Would you say that you don't "need" Inkmoths in Infect?

I mean personally I think that I don't "need" Misty Rainforests in my deck , but thats because I'd rather run 8 fetches over 10, and also fuck the prices.
The difference between 8 and 12 infect sources is pretty significant.
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If I was going to play straight Boros in Modern I'd probably build this. It's ridiculously metagamey and gimmicky, but also ridiculously fun.

But come on, between Leyline, Moon, Sudden Shock, and fat angel butts you can destroy
>Jund, Junk
>Ad Naus
Zoo and Affinity are "kill me turn 4 or lose"

And then in the board you put 4 RIP for Dredge and 4 Chalice for everything else.
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You should consider replacing Glimmervoid before Inkmoth. Glimmervoid is mainly a matter of convenience, as you could afford to run some lands that might cost you life instead, like Shivan Reef. There's not really a good next-best scenario for Inkmoths, especially when the likely "budget" option would be Mutavaults, which are somewhat costly themselves.

The only reason I'd think for holding off on buying Inkmoths is if you expect them in Modern Masters 3, which I think isn't going to drop the price enough to be worth the wait.
Whoops, completely disregard >>49180212, I thought we were talking about Affinity for a second there.

I think the more likely cut in Infect is Hierarch.
To expand on that, you're saving more money cutting 2x Hierarch than 4x Inkmoth, so operating under the same budget you'll cause less change to your consistency from that adjustment.
What's with the mix of Day and Wrath?
Beats stuff like Meddling Mage, Extraction/Extirpate, and Slaughter Games. Regeneration is only really important on Thrun, which the deck can kill with Celestial Flare or just ignore because of Baneslayer.
Anti-Regen is also good against elves with whatever their big overrun lord is called.
too many simic charms. replace 1-2 of them with vapor snag.
I like Copperline Gorge as the budget grove.

Usually, if you need to play it, it will be one of your first 3 lands.
That logic gets worse now that World Breaker is part of the deck.

If you want to add something dumb then add devastating summons. It's so dumb it actually works. 3rd turn, Devastating summons +float 3 mana +any whacker = 10 damage +your other goblins.
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i'm building titanshift

first modern deck I played was a loaned out RG breach deck though.

Not sure what I'll like more but getting an emrakul out feels pretty gross

temporary proxies are:
4 scapeshift
4 wooded foothills
3 windswept heath
2 stomping grounds
1 khalni heart expedition

All the lands I have but are currently in other decks

waiting on the scapeshifts and last khalni heart expedition in the mail
I just realize she is missing most of her body
She has improved upon most of her body.
Buttdevastated controlfag here. Someone hold me.
I just want my archetype to be viable in this format.
Combo, aggro and midrange are doing funstuff and thriving and I'm not mad, all strategies should be able to exist.
Will anything ever change or does wotc have a vendetta against having a good time with counter spells and removal in modern?
hold me
It's a 3 hour drive for me, I'm probably gonna do it but I have to shell out money for a hotel cuz no way I'm driving 12 hours round trip that weekend. What are you thinking of playing, anon?
Vortex Loam, friend.
I just thought of vapour snag against deathshadow zoo and got a chubby.
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>tfw still no Thopters

I'm embarassed to say I've lost to a number of control decks
Jeskai control, esper control even lantern. The only real problems you have in life are infect and affinity, because you counter everything valakut and tron ever do, and eldrazi you can just spot remove all their guys assuming they have a cavern.

I think it's fine for a deck to have weaknesses, it makes the meta like a rock paper scissors and builds a diversity of strategies. What WOTC is avoiding is making counterspells the ultimate strategy that affects all permanent types (notice how other colors only get "destroys artifacts" or "destroys creatures"-never both?) because where it should shine is late game, countering people's bomb cards.
When I'm on the draw and you counter my second spell of the game, and everything after that too, you have to admit that's not a really fun game for both people
The secret to playing control in modern is ________________________________________________________________________________git_gud
>BG fast land
Will BGx be 20% of the meta now?
Only modern deck I own is Burn so I'm gonna be rolling with that. Luckily I have friends in the area I can stay with.
It's not like manabases are the problem with BGx decks. All fastlands do is let you possibly save a bit of life, but fragile life totals are also not the problem with BGx decks.

It doesn't really change much.

Just play U-Tron. :^)
What control decks have you tried and what did you think was wrong with them?
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nice midrange for a slow meta
So how god awful would a tron that uses crown, throne, and scepter of empires be?
>mainboard Goblin Dark-Dwellers with Bolt and Path as your only targets

Exquisite meme.
pure kitchen table bad?

TheSource has a bunch of people in their forums who have tried. None of them ran Fabricate, Arcum Dagsson, Reshape, or Tezzeret though, which is what I think would be necessary to run the combo (they just jammed 4 copies of each artifact in their deck).

The three pieces themselves don't auto-win the game so you'd be looking at a deck that tried to assemble Tron AND the of Empire pieces, neither which would win the game (just allow you to control the board until any artifact hate is brought out). Furthermore it wouldn't do diddly against burn or non-creature-based decks.
I was thinking of going sultai/BUG
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>Automatic 4 of in every deck running white, which will be every deck now that this exists
What sort of horrible meme is this?

The card isn't that good
>4/5 with vigilance for 5 with a built in boardwipe that makes it and another of your creatures survive
Nigger like what?
>your opponent gets to choose what lives

Not that good
I still clears up the HIV riddled boardstates you get in every standard game.
I recommend using the same sleeves for both decks to save time.
The lads hyping it up in the spoiler thread are not Modern players.

It's a worse Tragic Arrogance.
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>den protector

>Hello, I'm Maro
>Mythic rarity is for flavor cards, not for tournament staples

Fucking jews.
Recursion instead of draw, thinking Sylvan Advocate would be better in that slot but the whole thing is a pile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Still waiting to see a Kaladesh mythic that isn't going to be a tournament staple. Seen like 6 so far.

Translation, please?
From >>49180853

When ~ enters play, each player chooses an artifact, a creature, an enchantment and a planeswalker among the nonland permanents that player controls. Then sacrifices the rest
>i dont know any language besides english
>i dont know mythicspoilers.com
>i dont know mtgsalvation spoiler setion
>i dont know hot to google kaladesh spoilers
>i dont know /r/magictcg

gee, stop eating your burger for 20 secs
Cataclysmic Gearhulk
Artifact Creature - Construct

When Cataclysmic Gearhulk enters the battlefield, each player chooses an artifact, a creature, an enchantment, and a planeswalker from among the nonland permanents that player controls, then sacrifices the rest.

Thank you, man. I was looking in the other threads for where it was posted but had trouble finding it.
>Magiccards.info finally updated with Expeditions, Eternal Masters and Eldritch Moon

We were not abandoned.
yeah, it is great news.
it's only missing the old high quality that wotc decided to prohibit
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>He doesn't have his personal source for HQ scans

I feel bad for you senpai, here, have a waifu on the house.
can i have all sets on the house?
It's not about scans, it's about a quality search engine.
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Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a Hydra deck,
if you can, or want, could you please look it
over and see if it can be improved or if it is a good deck overall?
inb4 "It's trash" or "kill yourself" positive
feedback only appreciated, thank you ^.^
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want.

Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting
Not hurting, no. It just seems annoying when the only kind of feedback given is trololol comments, and not something useful or helpful lol, but I do thank you for your concern ^.^
>emojis in your deck description

If I play against you, ever, I'm going to BM.
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You call this hq? Let me show you the meaning of hq.
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Lol, what's wrong with putting whatever I want in my deck description?

Would it be better if I just put "TittyFuck Midgets" instead? XD
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are you guys ready for you new overlord?
That's pretty good to say the least.
Not bad
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Resolution does not equal quality, my friend.

Your "HQ" picture is pixelated and looks like dogshit, whereas mine is nice and crisp.
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tell me where the fuck do you get hd pics like that!
Oh god yes. Into skred you go
Not going to post the links on here, add me on steam.

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>4CMC, not unplayable
>All those abilities
>Card advantage or burn at a +1
>Mana ramp at +1
>Bomb ulti


Is this thing playable in Jund? Maybe it needs its own new red based midrange deck

>Maybe it needs its own new red based midrange deck

Time for people forcing Mardu some more.
The +1s are kinda clunky the first turn you play her. You can use the first one but you'll probably have no mana to cast that card.
On the other hand you can add RR which isn't going to cast much. Bolts I guess but the type of deck to play this card isn't a burn deck.
Good card but I'm not sold yet
>Implying this isn't playable in Burn
Wew lad. You're fucking retarded
burn is a combo deck
No you idiots. Mardu burn.
Chandra Pyromaster had an even clunkier +1, and Chandra the Flame Sculptor's CA +1 (we have options) is literally the ability Pyromaster was played for at 0 stapled to a ton of reach.

Thats not even counting her -3 that can deal with most creatures in Modern and present a "topdeck removal or die horribly" situation.

This is the Chandra Jund needed. And lol at anyone saying BBE would be too strong and Jund "doesn't need help"

>Blue has Jace
>Black has Veil Lili
>Red now has this Chandra
>Green has ????????
>White has ?????????????????????
>what is gideon, ally of zendickar?
>what is tarmogoyf?
>Chandra Pyromaster had an even clunkier +1
How so? It's just a ping with some can't block utility. A shock that will more than likely waste a card seems clunkier.

>the top deck in modern needs help
Ok bud
Been messing around with Norin with a black splash for Bob and Thoughtseize, but I've been getting completely fucked by CoCo decks, are there any particularly good sideboard cards against them?
Garruk, Apex Predator?

>Tarmogoyf the planeswalker
I'd buy that for a dollar.

also >>>>>>>>>"Gideon"
Original Elspeth is pretty solid in white
Torch can't hit lands though, and you have to cast the card immediately if you want to cast it at all.

I'm not saying she's bad, just not quite what you're advertising.
Torpor Orb?

>torpor orb
>in a norin deck
I already have a singleton grafdiggers and two rip in the sideboard, it might be worth it to go to 2/2, but it does seem like a lot of grave hate.
Green has Deathrite Shaman

Remember, Grafdigger's isn't just graveyard hate. It shuts off their Companies.
Am I the only one who is kinda underwhelmed here? Looking at her she just seems like a worse Nahiri to me.

>+1 abilities are really bad the turn you play her. Nahiri's rummaging is more reliable and not sure which decks want the RR ramp.
>-3 is okay, although there's certainly situations where Nahiri's exile is much better.
>ultimate practically doesn't exist because she ticks up really slowly and her minus takes away a shitton of loyalty.

She is a lot more splashable then Nahiri but not really feeling this one. Maybe Jund could make use of her as one of their 4-drop threats, and Skred but thats about it.
The issue with Nahiri is that her -2 only hits tapped creatures, and her +1 doesn't actually generate card advantage.
Plus, the ult doesn't actually do anything in standard right now.

New Chandra drops on turn 4, kills a creature, and is left with 1 loyalty to generate advantage, or just instantly goes to 5 and threatens ult to ult soon, while generating card advantage.

She's good mate
>in standard right now

You might be in the wrong thread.
She slots into midrange a lot better since she doesn't force you into R/W. She also isn't supposed to be your oops I win finisher, she's a value engine.
Nahiri is stronger but needs to be built around, this slots into currently existing decks better than Nahiri did. Not being forced into the worse color in modern is good too.
Pick one.
I kinda lost track of what thread I'm posting in, I have a bunch of spoiler threads open right now. Sowwy :3

To get on topic, she's propably worth as a 1 or 2 off in any red midrange / control deck (Skred Red, Jund, America), I'll certainly test her in Skred.

Definitely has potential.
If she's gonna be in Jeskai decks then it's not gonna be Jeskai Harbinger.

>+1, reveal emrakul

It would be interesting to see if Chandra could enable a Jeskai deck without the Nahiri package.
I wasn't really talking about Nahiri Jeskai though, more the traditional versions of America Control.

Propably not good enought to spawn her own archetype, but who knows, I'm not an expert on red decks.
It's a "Those guys that horde their shocklands/khans fetches" episode.

>sorry man, I'm only trading these away for things like duels
Lmao ass pained poorfag pls go
I really don't see Flame of Defiance in a blue based deck. Her +1 abilities play really poorly with instant speed effects.
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You don't sound any less poor to me, fag.
What's the joke then. Also, it's duals, you mongoloid.
Is this where I go to talk about MTG?

I started doing drafts with friends at locals. It's lots of fun, we drafted from conspiracies and I made a black/green/blue deck, early game play was Unnerve -> that 0/4 blue defender that gives you back an instant or sorcery from grave -> Unnerve to make my opponents lose their entire hand. Shit was fun.

What are good colors to combine with Black? I take it anything can go well with anything as long as you build your deck right.
White has Elspeth, Knight errant
Actually deathrite is stronger having been printed as a creature than a planeswalker for a number of reasons. That said,
>green has deathrite shaman
Glad you're enjoying the game, but the way MTG generals are split up on /tg/ unfortunately doesn't give room for the "kitchen table"-type casual games you're playing. This is the Modern general, where a good deck can run you $100+ dollars easy, even cutting out what you can. It's a format where the game is often decided, if not outright won, by turn 4.
You're more than welcome to lurk and learn competitive strategies and builds, but chances are, not a single card you own outside basic lands would be used in a good Modern deck. I'm just being honest.

Keep an eye on the catalogue and look for Standard threads, because that's a format that only uses recent cards. Meaning they'll be talking about the cards you'll be using. Pauper threads might be worth a look as well, since that format is common rarity cards only. Otherwise you're out of luck. I was too.

For colors, take a look at the back of a magic card. Those five colors dots indicate color relationships. Black is made to work with Red and Blue, but you can still easily make a Black/Green or Black/White deck. Dig up Return to Ravnica set, which was all about dual-color guilds. They had mechanics made to work within their two colors, like the Extort mechanic Orzhov had that could be found on Black and White cards. Still, you can make Black/White work without Extort just fine.
Also, http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Black
Really, it depends more on the style of play you're after. Magic breaks down into Aggro, Combo, and Control decks. Aggro is about getting creatures down fast, Combo about card interactions that set you up to win every time, and Control is going heavy on removal to (generally) clear a path for a few big creatures. For you, probably start with Aggro because you need a good library of cards for the other two. A tip from when I started: Magic is based around 2/2 "bears" that cost two mana. A deck that has four bears out on turn 4 wins more than decks that drop a 4/4 on turn 4. Speed wins.
>Will BGx be 20% of the meta now?
you mean like JUND? The top fucking deck in the meta right now.
jund isn't 20% tho
Jund and Junk account for 13% of the meta now, so that's not insignificant. But I don't believe the fastlands will have a large enough impact on their own to enlarge their metagame share.
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I feel a bit underwhelmed too, everyones nutting and here I am thinking she's just good. I want to like it though.

Torch of Defiance +1 is strictly worse than Pyromaster's 0, but the -3 might make up for that.

Her second +1 might have some use I guess?

I have no idea where this card fits outside of standard. I think the jund argument is kinda stupid, it doesn't fit. But I hope people start jamming it into builds and finding out that jund should curve out more at 4 since we're not running bobs anymore.

Still think flamecaller is the best Chandra.
It's hardly strictly worse. Not being able to play lands is significant, being able to turn those lands into shocks (as well as turning any dead discard spells into shocks) as well as ticking her up towards her ultimate is highly useful. If you really need mana then the second +1 satisfies that condition nicely (although it's not very useful overall). I'd say Torch's first +1 is better than Pyromaster's 0.
People are over hyping it, but it's still a solid card.
Playing her on curve the +1 best case scenario is a shock to them.

On the other hand, T4 Pyromaster +1 is just much more relevant in decks jamming her. In jund for example, you're almost guaranteeing flayer combat damage and then setting up your 0 next turn. You could argue you could clear the way for flayer with Torch's -3, but that's putting her all the way at one.

Idk, even if Torch's +1 is better than Pyromaster's 0 it's not, Pyromaster is still the better card. Keep in mind though I'm mostly thinking about this through a jund perspective, I can't even think of another deck that would consider playing her.
high test
If you flipped a land with Pyromaster, it was a dead flip, and you had to 0 her to do it. If you flip a land with Torch, you tick her up and shock face.

There are approximately zero situations where you don't want to cast the card you draw immediately in Jund. A Terminate later is a Terminate now, same with any creature.
>Playing her on curve the +1 best case scenario is a shock to them

And Pyromaster's +1 is at best a ping to them and killing a useless Snap or token, you're doing less damage to less relevant things. I don't remember the last time the sear effect on Pyromaster has mattered in the slightest.

>In jund for example, you're almost guaranteeing flayer combat damage and then setting up your 0 next turn.

If you're playing Grim Flayer in Jund you're doing it wrong, the Modern meta is not Worlds. Potentially Junk because Junk's CA is garbage, but Jund doesnt need unreliable creatures.

>You could argue you could clear the way for flayer with Torch's -3, but that's putting her all the way at one.

Who the fuck cares about "clearing the way" for your creatures?

If there's any relevant threat on the board across from you and you're topdecking, would you rather topdeck a planeswalker that doesn't deal with it, or one that removes it and sticks around? You can sit there and play shitty combat tricks that dont handle the problem, or you can deal with the threat and leave something behind.

"Clearing the way" for a creature doesn't mean anything when your opponent topdecks a Terminate and blows you out because you duped his Kalitas rather than removed it.
Pyromaster can ping a Liliana
Torch pings Lili for 2, you just don't cast your card if it won't help you.
No, it deals damage to opponent, not player.
That doesn't matter, any non-combat source of damage can be redirected.
Deck is going to get absolutely blown out by Path, Terminate and linear combo. I get this you have Alpha Authority but you're just not playing with strong enough cards to be able to win against good decks.
>If you flipped a land with Pyromaster, it was a dead flip

You can play lands off Pyromaster.
Which is very useful for playing all those expensive cards you have in your hand turn 5 as jund. Even counting raging ravine the average damage you'll get off torch's +1 is far higher.
It lets you build up Kalitas activations, if nothing else.
>Modern Jund
>Activating Kalitas

What the hell kind of games do you play?

If anything, the lands would let you build up Raging Ravine hits, but lets not act like a land isn't the shittest topdeck next to discard.
I've seen Kalitas activations in games where the lifegain is more relevant than having your power split across bodies.
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I feel like she's actually fringe modern playable.

ofc not in top tier decks but I think that she could shine as top-end in brewy good-stuff decks.
art is v cute and seems super playable in standard.

I wanna compare it to Koth, but they're pretty different outside of +1.
>like a deck in modern
>cant buy it because it costs 1 THOUSAND dollars

kek, nice game.
Get a job
>get a job to enjoy a hobby

you are aware that the are more expensive hobbies than mtg right
The mana +1 is to virtually reduce her cost to 2 if you have more spells to play.
ofc, you can always go full retard and collect yachts or ferraris. but these pieces of cardboard are amazing.
>The mana +1 is to virtually reduce her cost to 2
God, this logic is awful.
>yachts or ferraris

People spend thousands of dollars on alcohol, concert tickets, going out to clubs, sightseeing, traveling, etc. That's not even trying to compare it to shit like Warhammer or digital hats.
Go ahead and buy a $1000 yacht.
Feel free to post pictures once you're done.
I'm tempted to sell my burn deck and buy up the difference for Jund. But I don't play all that often, I just really like Jund.

What do?
you should read some more books
What kind of comeback is that even supposed to be?
the guy said there were more expensive hobbies. i said sure, you can always find more expensive stuff like yachts or whatever. and then the retard comes and makes a comment implying i directly compared yachts with magic.
Play her turn 4.
+1 for RR.
Play bedlam reveler?
>i said sure, you can always find more expensive stuff like yachts or whatever

The way you're saying that makes it seem like you're blatantly ignoring everything between Magic and Yachts. Like you think there's no casual hobby more expensive than Magic and the only people spending more money are buying extremely costly vehicles.
wake up and start dreaming about more exciting things than mtg?
The kind of deck playing Chandra is not the kind of deck that will have 6 instants or sorceries in the grave turn 4.
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I really want to make RUG Infect work, but I can't afford $200 in lands or Noble Heirarch. Here's my best attempt, what can I fix?

4 Blighted Agent
2 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Glistener Elf

2 Assault Strobe
3 Become Immense
2 Flesh / Blood (only use Blood)
2 Distortion Strike
4 Groundswell
4 Mutagenic Growth
2 Simic Charm
4 Vines of Vastwood
4 Rancor

2 Blinkmoth Nexus
2 Cathedral of War
5 Forest
3 Hinterland Harbor
4 Inkmoth Nexus
2 Island
2 Pendelhaven
3 Rootbound Craig


2 Apostle's Blessing
3 Corrupted Resolve
3 Gitaxian Probe
2 Manamorphose
2 Nature's Claim
3 Turn Aside
Meh, most of the people I play against aren't quite good anyways, so at least I have something at their level, whereas everything else I have stomps them everytime. Thanks for feedback though :D
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