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MTG Kaladesh Spoilers General

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Thread replies: 363
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Spoilers so far:

Enemy fastlands are confirmed
would it be too much to call that art breathtaking?
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>designated shitting street set
>wizards gives us a canal
>oh boyo
My fucking sides

Well, so much for this thread actually being decent.
>kaladesh is naboo
>podracing from tattooine
>dwarves are gungans
>aetherdudes are jedi

Kaladesh: Return to Star Wars Episode 1
All the new fast lands are pretty cool looking
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>"nonbinary" monoblack energy beings
This set is awful.
>Ethereals from WoW with cool looking armor

I'm failing to see what's bad, unless you let the thoughts of people on tumblr dictate your thoughts.
What is it about /pol/ that makes them run their memes into the fucking ground?
I look forward to the day that everybody who shits all over these threads with complaints about thematic unoriginality in this trading card memepit does an obnoxious amount of magic mushrooms and realizes that the whole obsession WotC has with tinkering with and reiterating upon game design elements applies to the creative team's fairly open process of sticking tropes into a blender and spreading the resulting paste onto cards

the creative division is also subservient to the game design folks

because they don't think that anybody could be autistic enough to expect groundbreaking storytelling from a cardboard slot machine

the story has always been rehash trash and thankfully always will be

balance in all things
Races that break from real-world gender models have been a thing in fantasy/sci-fi since forever, and their reasons for being black are actually fairly interesting, compared to the lolevil we usally get. Don't let the SJW boogeyman spook you, anon.
I was watching Star Trek the other day and realized that if /pol/ lived back then it'd be considered worse than tumblr is now.
they're constantly crumbling artificial lifeforms, I think it makes sense for a tech-heavy plane where people are obsessed with artifice and innovation. I mean shit even the elves are cool with artifacts. those fuckers got mad at me because my tools were made out of wood, once upon a time. if this is the face of social progress, I can stomach it.

who the fuck said anything about nonbinary? have you been browsing tumblr to get angry on purpose? do nongendered robots trigger you? you have a very puckered comfort zone, big boy.
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Here. The response to the tumblrite basically being "Sure, think whatever makes you happy" and so of course it triggered the /pol/acks looking to be offended.
>I'm failing to see what's bad
Not him, but I dislike them because of the fact that WotC made them ""nonbinary"" SPECIFICALLY to pander to tumblrtards, or at least that's how MaRo is acting about it and considering WotC's recent love of 'diversity' it's a safe bet that being genderless was a choice made first and foremost to pander.

>who the fuck said anything about nonbinary?
MaRo did >>49160797
He's openly accepting "yep these are non-binary genderless things with they/them pronouns"
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I really like the first Aetherborn they revealed

I hope they have some sort of theme in common with them that could be a possible build around
It's just what they do. They're a /mlp/-tier containment board at this point but for some reason none of the janitors are willing to put them back where they belong.

Shame, really.

Are you seriously retarded? Like another anon said, they're nonbinary because they're fucking aethereal refuse given sentience, which is a play on an age-old sci-fi trope.

You're pulling shit out of your ass about "specifically pandering" just so you can feel offended at something, which is really pathetic.

A stale joke with no real substance to it isn't going to become funnier because you repeat it over and over again. It's the equivalent of a child yelling a world really loudly and thinking it's the funniest thing ever, and so they do it over and over again because it amuses their simple minds.
>He's openly accepting "yep these are non-binary genderless things with they/them pronouns"
Well, duh, they're sexless energy beings or whatever, it'd be kinda weirder if they weren't.
I think the creative team themselves referred to them as nonbinary at a PAX panel, which triggers /pol/ something fierce. Even though it's an accurate term for the situation, as far as I can tell (they're presumably sexless, being artificially created and all, but seem to partake in the larger Kaladeshi culture around them, where all the other races have a gender model into which they don't fit).
>>You're pulling shit out of your ass about "specifically pandering" just so you can feel offended at something, which is really pathetic.
The only thing pathetic here is how you're so blind to the diversity WotC is trying to shoehorn into every set.
Or did you also like the Black greeks and Blackula shit?

It's hilarious how obvious it is you don't actually know anything about magic, and are just spouting shit you've heard on /tg/.

Also, I didn't realize Theros was Greece. I should go there sometime, it seemed like a cool place with all the satyrs and minotaurs running around.
its not supposed to be funny. If you think that it is supposed to be funny, it is your problem, or do you think that stuff is only postable if they are funny? Or do you think that meme translates to funny stuff? It is a serious problem in India, the place Kaladesh set is based on if you still haven't noticed.

Yeah, and a clear way to talk about a serious problem is to type three words in all caps over and over again like a child, in threads that have nothing to do with India but are about discussing a card game.
>Egyptian set = niggers
>Jungle set = niggers
>Return to Dominaria = all nig now
>wizards just give the fuck up and bring out returnbto return to tavnica and its basically Detroit = niggers

This is now your card game
"They're non-binary attack helicopters yada yada! "
>Uh, sure. Are you going to buy some cards?
"Fuck yeah, son!"
>Oh, we're to-tal-ly being inclusive and like, yeah, brown lesbians, that's breaking new ground!

Of course a company will pander. Do you expect artistic integrity from a business?
>literally unironically supports WE WUZ GREEKS being shoe-horned in
>probably thinks the needless tranny-khan was a good idea too
Please stop playing MtG and go back to tumblr
>Tranny in Khans
She was in Fate, nerd
>Female Ghostbuster
Holy shit that's funny I'm using that

Who could have guessed a /pol/ack would be too retarded to understand that a fantasy setting is not a 1:1 analogue of an actual place?
Will you stop playing?

Thank you for proving my point. Do you have anything constructive to say, or are you going to waste your life posting nothing of substance on a board dedicated to stuff you likely know nothing about?
>Do you expect artistic integrity from a business?
Do you think a business shouldn't be held to any form a standards by it's consumer base just because "Hurr they gotta make profits"?

Who would have guessed a tumblrtard would be too retarded to see that the diversity is being forced by boardroom quotas and serves no purpose to the story at all.
Khans block double nerd

Conspiracy 2: Harambe Boogaloo

Not like you've read any of the stories, since you're just here to shitpost about diversity.
DESIGNATED SERVO STREETS (made of fabricated poo)
>literally unironically supports SATANIC INFLUENCES being shoe-horned in
>probably thinks demons showing up in every set is a good idea too
Please stop playing MtG and go to church once in a while, Anon. My boyfriend and I are getting worried the pagan influences in that card game of yours. He says you were mumbling about 'goat-legged niggers' in your sleep.
That's about as effective as SJWs complaining about representation are for releasing the thousands of Yazidi women out of their sexual slavery at the hands of IS.
Write a goddamned letter you faggot. Teferi was black like the night before it was cool and Echo Mage from Rise is literally Kanye west. Quit fabricating outrage and send Wizards your money like I know you're going to.
Maybe one of these days we'll be able to have a thread that can actually talk about the game and doesn't devolve into shitflinging by idiots. You know, maybe discuss possible decks post-rotation, or how the new mechanics will be, or what we expect out of the rest of the set since we haven't seen much black or blue.

But nah, let's just talk about tumblr endlessly. It's like I'm really on /v/
This, they are including diversity because it sells more than not being inclusve. 99% of the people who plays don't give a fuck, so if they get free marketing on tumblr or w/e because they are being inclusive, that's it.

Are you going to spend less because they are diverse? Are you going to refuse to use a good card because the man is nigger?
>Teferi was black like the night
Teferi didn't come from not!Greece, Greece is a majority white country and during the height of it's bower was almost all white. If you're going to build a set based on the mythology of greece, you don't put in nignogs as regular citizens.
The sad thing is realizing that unlike /pol/, /mlp/ at least seems to do its fucking job.

The thing that always fascinates me about the "pandering" argument is that it rests on the assumption that Wizards doesn't actually care about diversity and is basically just in it to sell more product, because /pol/ assumes that they're the majority opinion for some reason. And that's probably true of the corporate top brass. But look, I live just a few miles from their offices, which are part of the liberal-as-fuck greater Seattle area. I've got friends who work/have worked there, and met a lot of their employees. If you think this isn't something that's coming from the ground level at Wizards, I've got bad news for you.
>commanders in Tarkir
>reprints in conspiracy 2
>Bears driving podracers in kaladesh
if you ain't down you don't have to come back
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>all the pipes depicted in Kaladesh are devoted to transporting aether
>there are no actual water plumbing systems depicted anywhere in Kaladesh

Fucking meme magic
Trips confirm. For what it's worth, I look forward to that hypothetical day. For now, I think energy counters are going to be really interesting. Maybe there'll be a Doubling Season like effect that extends to players?
>Infect count to five gets it banned in modern immediately
How fucking cancerous would that be?

Inspired by Greece is not the same thing as being Greece. Theros is not Greece, no more than Jamuraa was North African or Kamigawa was Japan.
The b/g fast land is straight out gorgeous
The fact you keep replying and is mad about it is enough. All I need is to engrave into your head that POO IN LOO. Until you either reach the point where you don't give a fuck about or explode in madness.
>Do you think a business shouldn't be held to any form a standards by it's consumer base just because "Hurr they gotta make profits"?
My standard is make an enjoyable game, and I still enjoy the shit out of Magic. Still find art I like in the cards. And trolling the fuck out of triggered /pol/tards is just icing on the cake.

I mean, it's like bullying a cute virginal Amish girl by flirting shamelessly with her.
What if they shit in the aether pipes and that's why the aetherborn are going to have an uprising in the next set?
>we haven't seen much black or blue.
Calm down princess, your oppressed black cards are coming they just have to work out the rape and assault mechanics

>Evergreen keyword: Negro

>"If 2 cards with the keyword negro are in play on the same side destroy one and detain the other, negro cards cannot be used in decks that have cards with a white identity"
You don't really want to talk about Magic on /tg/.
If there isn't good counterspells to make control viable (I mean real control not tapout more-midrange control) and also some sort of combo then I'm gonna take a break from standard
Where is it less awful?
Nigger have you been to Greece? There are no white people there, just Mediterranean-colored greaseballs. They're basically Lebanese already.

That's what I'm saying mang.

Aren't most sets planned like ten years in advance? Wizards has been planning on pandering since 2006-- when nobody gave a shit about gay rights, nevermind trans* / snowflake rights?
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I think that energy is going to be a fascinating mechanic to watch play out anyways.

I'd be interested to hear everybody's thoughts on the card/mana value of the stuff.

It's hard for me to wrap my head around, since the value of energy gets warped by what turn you're going to spending it.

I really like the way that it runs parallel to other resources, and considering all the shitposting MaRo does about "parasitic mechanics" I imagine they're being careful with it.
I'm not exactly mad. But 4chan allows me to mock retards without being seen as a bad person. So, I'm really enjoying what we've got going on right now.
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>tap a servo to crew a podracer
>tap that podracer to crew another podracer
>tap that podracers to crew your starship
>we gundam now
>fly to designated shitting street to poo
>Nigger have you been to Greece?
Have you been to ancient greece either?
What a stupid argument to make.
What kind of standards do you want to hold them to? How is having art of brown people in any way a problem with the game? The only way it's detrimental to the product is if you're an idiot like >>49160878 or >>49160885.
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amonkhet reprints?
A FLGS where many of the usuals are GP and PT/Q goers.
No they're not planned 10 years in advance. I don't have an exact number, but considering Shadows was designed to be part of BFZ block, it's not that far ahead.
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>Implying they look different now than they did then

You seem especially upset friend
Here, have a WWILF
Maybe take a break from shitposting if I've hit some of your triggers
He can't relate. And that's very bad because he can't and that's very very bad.
They better have legendary gods in the set
See that's what I'd thought too, but I said the same thing to the owner of my FLGS who's been playing for longer and he seemed confident that it was upwards of seven at least.
>Okay are team we need at LEAST 12 niggers in this set's art for diversity! Start with that vampire there, make him black!
>But sir the color palette we chose for the clothing of vampires is intended for pale skin
And then you get goof shit like this
I like that so far most cards that spend it also generate it somehow, so they can work in a vacuum but get better with support.

They're planned a ways in advance, but not that far. Still, your point still stands, more or less. And to be fair, people would have been talking about gay rights that far back, just with less prominence than we have been now. Trans stuff is similar, in that it goes back much further but only has only just come to the forefront.
Iirc, they have the generic concept for many years before hand(not 10 fucking years though). But only at like 2 or 3 sets before it that they start working on details, so that they have mostly everything ready with at least 1 set in advance.
I think they might know what plane or theme they're going to do, but I'd bet money they don't start doing art/cards until a max of two years out.
Why do you have a bigger problem with the color of that vampire than the overlong necks on those motherfuckers?
Yeah, geez, that totally ruins the set for me. Especially when the /fa/ as fuck Innistrad vampires never ever vary their colors/style of their clothing. I don't know how I can go on playing anymore, my immersion in my spooky scary fantasy world has been completely ruined.
God damn that art style for the armor makes my cunt wet
White armor bitch looks fly as fuck though. Red armor bitch too,to be honest. I can see them being BFFs and sharing an Enthralling Victor's life's fluid.
>>But sir the color palette we chose for the clothing of vampires is intended for pale skin
Solid white clothing on pale skin doesn't work, the vampire was intended to be black.

You are not being triggered to hell and back because of the females on the front line?

What is happening, mate? You should check a doctor out.
>rtrtr is detroit
That made me lol
The rest of the discussion also is hilarious. Why do you get triggered so easily /pol/?
>You are not being triggered to hell and back because of the females on the front line?
No, because they're vampires so any arguments about genetic strength goes out the window when you're probably already leagues stronger than the average human.
I'm basically an aetherborn irl
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She may poo in the street but on closer inspection Depala is cute AF, like cosplay gamer grrl cute

>i will never have a dwarf waifu
>like cosplay gamer grrl cute
So not cute at all on the basis of being vapid attention whores?
If my penis is in them i dont really care about their personality
There's a nonbinary...dude? that plays at my lgs. Seriously dreading going in next friday and listening to him/her/it have little microorgasms talking about how much he/she/it loves the aetherborn and is going to build an aetherborn only standard deck. Seriously makes me rage and I know it shouldn't.
borderline asexual, clawing at life for sensations in an increasingly formulaic world, and constantly falling apart at the seams?

I ask only because I need others to relate to
yes also non binary, they/them/xir

Mind my pronouns shitlord
Oh, so you do understand it's not the real world. Well, maybe we can make something out of you yet.
this is my new general
>hurr this is going in my EDH deck
no this card is shit for EDH but I'm running it anyways

her ability has amazing flavor

she's such a rad pilot that whenever she does her thing, all of the other dwarves are like SHIT THAT WAS COOL so they all show up and bring their sweet rides

read the ability text

because that's the literal ability text and nobody can argue with me on any sensible grounds goodbye
I'm not arguing. I'm convinced.
nice meme :)
They're still sour that their ideology lost in WWII. Now they just need someone to blame for their failures as humans.
He didnt mention anything about playing with the card he said he liked the art

Way to project sperglord
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and I didn't mention anything about his post, I only linked to it because I'm too lazy to download the spoiler image myself
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Why is this thread such cancer? Kaladesh looks gorgeous from an art perspective, and it's nice to have a set where black isn't: Evil Demons, Mindless Zombies, Phyrexians, or Generic Villains. Gender politics aside, the aetherborn have an awesome look and concept.

Most of you need to go back to >>>/pol/
>Podracing and Sandpeople
Its like wizards shot themselves in the foot before to race started
The US election season is boosting the meme magic.
>Why is this thread such cancer?
Because pandering for the sake of pandering is cancer. I'm not mad Aetherborn are genderless or whatever, I'm mad WotC and MaRo are trying to capitalize on how 'inclusive' that makes them.

It's the difference between "Oh also they're genderless, they ARE energy beings after all" and "HEY LOOK OVER HERE, AREN'T THESE NON-BINARY BEINGS SO INCLUSIVE DO YOU FEEL REPRESENTED YET?"

>implying that people don't like star wars

Because this set is Star Wars.

Eastern robe garb, and fancy cars.
I thought that he was holding an ornate scythe.

It turns out that he's just leaning on a railing


>bitches about shilling
>implying that advertising isn't everything

Why the fuck are you virtue signaling on 4chan
That's a pretty ornate railing then, desu. Also good.
Fuck this, I'm going back to Dominaria
You can call it "advertising" all you want but I don't think the non-binary demographic is a particularly lucrative market.
>>>/pol/ keeps a deathgrip on Designated Shitting Streets because it's one of the few things they're right about.
That's pretty savage, son.
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Aetherbound love a good railing if you know what i mean
>It's nice to have a set where black isn't evil
It's a nice change of pace, but I think they really have been trying recently. The black gods on Theros were pretty chill if you don't count Mogis. The Abzan / Mardu weren't /that/ evil and Dragonlord Kolaghan was the least tyrannical of all the flying lizards.

>I'm upset that a successful company in a capitalist system is attempting to broaden its appeal to a wider audience so that it can make a greater profit

u wot m8
People who care about looking like they care, however, are.
>>49161330 If he isn't around you can just all him what he is.
I'm upset their cheapening their marketing and writing to show off how 'progressive' they are, yes.
Tranny-khan was plain shitty writing written purely to pander.
The word non-binary unironically triggers me.
How human sexuality can ever be construed in that way simply baffles me. You either want dick or pussy, that sounds pretty fucking binary to me.

Not wanting sex doesn't count as a sexual orientation.
Eagerly awaiting the set where wizards panders to the most mentalnof the mentally ill special snowflakes and makes jace quit the jacetice league, denounce his spark and go off to live our his fantasy life as a 6yo girl called Jaceoknee and get fucked by strangers at highway truckstops
Pod racing was the best part of the aborted mess that was the prequels.

Maybe I've missed something, but I've not seen anything to suggest that they're taking the White Wolf/Onyx Path line of development. I'd be willing to eat my words if you could throw me some images/links.

Also, like >>49161512 says. WotC is trying to branch out into a market where they don't currently have a lot of clout, which are queers. Us basement dwellers will buy Kaladesh anyways because we're hopelessly addicted to the sound the pack foil makes when you crack it, or the way well-used sleeves shuffle.

But WotC is a business, and they wanna make money, and they aren't happy with just the disposable income of all the 20-40 white males in the western world's.

Theros and Khans were a step in the right direction, but they kinda took two steps back with Innistrad, making Black both Generic Villains and Mindless Zombies.

You could also argue that in RtZ they went back to 'phyrexians' with Kalitas and things like Carrier Thralls.
Us basement dwellers will buy Kaladesh because a land cycle worth 10+€ has been printed

I haven't read tranny khan's story but the mtg lore articles are pretty much all 100% shit and always have been, how do you figure this one was bad because of SJW pandering?
SJW's don't actually support their product. They're just loud on twitter and actively seek out things to be offended by.

See comic book sales dropping hard after attempts to diversify the cast.
I was under the impression that the khan being a tranny was a thing people projected onto the story

From what I recall his / her backstory was basically "my grandmother was the most badass motherfucker around so I'm trying to be like her in every way possible, even fucking clothes"
Write a letter. Maybe they'll hire you.

>Two steps back with Innistrad and RtZ. I pretty much agree with you, but thematically I thought Converge was pretty cool and some of the black Allies were kind of neat even if they were mostly garbage in terms of playability. Innistrad was disappointing in this respect
I have no idea why that was all greentexted. Whoops

>and actively seek out things to be offended by.

Not at all like the fine folk of this thread, no sir.
Anon, being "non-binary" isn't about sexual orientation, it's about gender identity. It's not about who you want to fuck, it's about whether you consider yourself a man, woman, or something else.

Also, as far as "you either want dick or pussy" goes, are you implying bisexuals don't exist? Because some people are into both, which means that it's not technically a binary.
I object to the use of the word Pandaring, as someone who identifies and a nonbinary panda i find your worms problematic as pandas rarely have anything to do with your ideals on world views, please learn to change your language habits and accept the fact there there are pandas out there who do find your intolerance offensive
Comic book drop in sales also coincided with scans being made more readily available and on-time than ever

Honestly SJWs are people who are prepared to fund shit that they have a feeling caters to them - just consider all the patreons. Since the majority of catering to that demographic is actually in flavor, art and stories, it costs relatively little for Wizards to pander to that demographic - flavor and stories are written by low-paid interns, and it's not like it costs more to pay an artist to draw something like Liliana of the fucking Veil as compared to having Aetherborn be of ambiguous gender. It has almost no investment cost and you only need a few people to become occasional players to be a net gain in revenue - and those occasional players will inevitably drag more of their clique into the game.

Whether the amount of attention WOTC is giving them will actually pay off is something we've yet to see. Every new principle of artistic and stylistic direction carries the risk of alienating the older fanbase, but there's no way of telling if that results in a net gain or a net loss of profit. Wizards actually has a pretty high bar to meet - according to Hasbro investor material, every new Magic expansion sold better than the earlier one, so WOTC are actually going to receive a pretty clear signal if their stylistic and artistic choices are backfiring on them.
And as far as alienating the existing fanbase goes, it's important to remember that /pol/ are just as much a vocal minority as SJWs, if not more. Most players aren't going to throw a shitfit about brown people and agender aether-things as they still enjoy playing the game.
I'm talking in general - this goes beyond genderneutrals and whatchahavits

I, for example, really dislike the current trend towards art that's not even attempting to hide its digital origins. A great deal of card art are (what appears to be) hastily-made renders of 3D images (Sin Prodder, promo Spatial Contortion). I've cut down collecting one card of each set to only collecting cards of a set of specific artists I like, which results in me buying far less packs than I would have otherwise. Kaladesh vehicles, while sleek and futuristic, suffer even more from that.
> For now, I think energy counters are going to be really interesting. Maybe there'll be a Doubling Season like effect that extends to players?
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>oh my fucking god double triggers this goes straight into my ur visions burn de--
>read card again
>only on creature and artifact ETB

Oh my fucking god are you shitting me
You two should just get married already.
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>no this card is shit for EDH but I'm running it anyways
me too.

and to be fair, you can do some very silly interactions with dwarves that are already out, like this dude, dwarven recruiter or dwarven patrol.
This guy and Displacer will be fucking nuts, calling it now. Because even if you blink him, he still allows you to play any exiled face down card, right? It says as long as it remains exiled you can play it, not as long as this card is on the field.
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Forgot pic.

ugh i literally cant even right now just ugh
Maybe if you chucklefucks stopped making threads about the poo in loo set
It's okay, women also don't care about their boyfriends personalities' if they have other things going on.
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Go home Pajeet and shit in street.
Guys, hear me out. What if you cast Lashweed Lurker while Rashmi is on your side of the field, and put Reflector Mage back on top of your library and cast it again for free?

Or a Tamiyo/Jace that's low on loyalty, or a Gonti, Lord of Luxury, or something.
>it's about whether you consider yourself a man, woman, or something else.
Your choices are "man", "woman", or "psychological anomaly"
Lower caste peasants = poo in loo
Upper caste gentlemen = defecate in lavatory
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Why is nobody addressing the real white elephant in the room

>hooked noses
>beady eyes
>destroy everything they touch
>6 million of them
>oy vey
Anon, it's more complicated than that. Even if we discount people who simply "feel" that they're the wrong gender, what about those who are of biologically ambiguous sex? It's entirely possible for someone to be born with abnormal sex chromosones (resulting in a variety of ambiguous sexual characteristics) or a mix of male and female sex organs.

And even then, biological sex isn't the exact same thing as gender. What it means, psychologically, to consider yourself a "man" or "woman" varies across culture, time, and location.
>What if you cast Lashweed Lurker while Rashmi is on your side of the field, and put Reflector Mage back on top of your library and cast it again for free?

You are playing UWGR you have probably already lost
>what about those who are of biologically ambiguous sex?
Medical anomaly, nothing more than a statistical error in the population.

>And even then, biological sex isn't the exact same thing as gender. What it means, psychologically, to consider yourself a "man" or "woman" varies across culture, time, and location.
Yeah, no; a vast, vast majority of all cultures all have similar gender roles, and the only exceptions you're going to find are primitive tribes in deep jungles or remote islands, or long dead and failed civilizations.

The assumption, the implication, that biological sex has no effect on gender, that the latter is not influenced and determined (in part) by the former, is utterly asinine.
They are extremely hesitant to give any deck good instant and sorcery support. They have already stated they dont want decks that win through instants and sorcery's. Burn is only tolerated because of the history of magic and young kids like it but it is extremely controlled.

Where are you getting R from?
What? Lashweed Lurker costs 8 or 5GU. Rashmi costs 2GU, Gonti is 2BB, Reflector Mage is 1WU, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is 3UU, Tamiyo is 1WUG.

You're either playing Bant or BUG, two deck combinations that are easily possible in Kaladesh meta. Where the fuck are you getting red from? If you're running Chandra or Arlinn or Ulrich of the Krallenhorde you're probably running RUG.
>6 limbs
>pointy ears
It's the kikes, all right.
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This thing is so fucking ADORABLE

>Filigree Familiar
>Artifact Creature - Fox
>When Filigree Familiar enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.

>When Filigree Familiar dies, draw a card.


So much value on such a little guy. I want him in all of my decks for ever.
Insane value against burn

If you're running green you should be siding in Jaddi Ofshoots but this one is for all colors
Nah Alesha is definitely trans. It mentions how some Orc calls her a man to insult her since she's all trans and stuff.
In standard? Kind of mediocre/bad for other formats. Haven't looked into standard in a while, has it gotten slow enough for 3 mana to be good enough?

I feel like there has to be something that breaks this card, but it's not coming to me. There must be some infinite instant win combo that goes with this (doable with 2 cards), but I can't think of a single thing that would do it.
I never said biological sex has no effect on gender, just that they're not a 1:1 equivalency.

>Yeah, no; a vast, vast majority of all cultures all have similar gender roles
That's a pretty bold statement.

>the only exceptions you're going to find are primitive tribes in deep jungles or remote islands, or long dead and failed civilizations
The implication that gender norms that don't line up with your own leads to the death of civilization speaks volumes.
There is no "gender"
>That's a pretty bold statement.
Go on, toss me a few counter-examples

>The implication that gender norms that don't line up with your own leads to the death of civilization speaks volumes.
Well, all the successful civilizations that I see around me in the present and the near-past have had similar gender roles, and all the dead, unsuccessful, and sometimes primitive ones didn't.
It's not exactly scientific rigor, but still.
Yes, in standard. It's slow enough that burn is viable and the advantage of this card is twofold against burn.

>I feel like there has to be something that breaks this card, but it's not coming to me. There must be some infinite instant win combo that goes with this (doable with 2 cards), but I can't think of a single thing that would do it.

Modern combo elves with Cloudstone Curio. Shit's insane.
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We been hardcasting 7-8 drop shit for the last 2 years without any ramp/not a card to end all in a control shell
man I hate this set so far
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>Is standard slow enough?
This card sees play baka desu senpai
>eight bears is only 8/8
That's dumb


>Modern combo elves with Cloudstone Curio. Shit's insane.

It doesn't seem worth it to me. You'll have already done most of your incidental ETB triggers by the time you'd be playing Panharmonicon, and it doesn't really break anything more than Curio already was.
The exiled card wouldn't remember how it was exiled, so without ~ in play you can't cast it.
>Grizzly BearS
No. Read the ability again - the card being castable depends on it being exiled, not Gonti being on the field.

This follows precedent - if you read at Gatherer rulings for Abbot of the Keral Keep (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=398411), it explicitly says

>22/06/2015 You may play that card that turn even if Abbot of Keral Keep is no longer on the battlefield or under your control.
Does one partner take the other's name when they get married (and if so, is it the husband or the wife)? What role do men have in raising children (some societies will have consider it equally important as the mother's role, others somewhat less, and in some, the father has almost no part in raising his children)? Is it less or more masculine for a man to show open emotion? Is it strange for a man to like sweet foods? Are women expected to embark on careers? What about engaging in sports? In a marriage, who handles the household's finances? That's just a few examples, and they can all vary across culture and history.

As for your second point, confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. The fact that you equate the two has a lot more to do with your inability to accept things that don't line up with your weirdly limited worldview than it does with actual history.
>bear cub
That's because its a triggered ability that lasts until end of turn. New guy has a static function in addition to the exiling trigger, similar to Circu, Dimir Lobotomist.
Hm, I suppose that's another way to look at it. Circu has a separate line of text determining that opponents can't cast nonlands exiled with him, but Gonti only determines that the card is castable as long as it's exiled

I suppose we'll have to wait for the official Gatherer ruling
Cards exiled by him can be cast as long as they're exiled. It's not a new effect.

But WotC really hasn't done shit with it so far. All that's happened was that Maro briefly adknowledged one blogatog corresponder (of which he answers hundreds a month), I'd hardly call that pandering or drawing attention to it.

Read the rulings.
You're welcome. Anything that makes you feel happy.
i heard giving examples of "actual history" instead of petty insults help to convince people, instead of just making you feel morally superior :)
You already got geistblast, settle down sperg
>3 mana for 2 damage
Unfortunately, "petty" doesn't mean "inaccurate". ;)
still means you just masturbate to your brilliant insults, where the historical examples at? :)
I gave you plenty of examples of how gender norms can vary across cultures.

Unless you want me to somehow cite evidence to counter your claim that gender norms outside your own experience somehow lead to the death of civilization. Which I'm not really sure how to do, since A) determining the decline of ancient cultures kind of goes beyond the scope of a 4chan post and B) it's such a laughable idea that it barely deserves acknowledgement in the first place.
Cards in Battle for Zendikar and Shadow of Innistrad blocks that have a 'Whenever a creature enters the battlefield' effect that would work with this with any decent synergy:
>Flayer Drone
>Kiora, Master of the Depths (specifically the emblem)
>Pious Evangel
>Sanctifier of Souls

There's almost nothing in current standard that actually works with this card.
Well, artifacts entering the field doubletrigger prowess
Kalastria Healer and Drogskol Cavalry also have abusable upon-ETB triggers
Are you fucking stupid?
Nothing has ever triggered prowess by entering the battlefield.
...fuck, I'm retarded

I blame insomnia
So, that leaves, what:
>Making Panharmonicon a winmore card for a jank Rally deck that struggles to win let alone winmore.
>Jank synergy 7CMC intro-pack rare
The gear titan or whatever can give 4 more counters.
How about you read the rulings, pal.

>2011-01-22:As long as the card remains exiled, you may still play it, even if Fiend of the Shadows leaves the battlefield or changes controllers.
This. It also work with Fabricate and with the artifacts that give you energy when they enter the battlefield (assumint they are a cycle and not only green).

It has tons of synergy with the sets mechanics.
>Solid white clothing on pale skin doesn't work

You say this and yet there is a white person wearing a white version of that outfit in the very same image.
What is an "enemy fastland"?
I did a quick google search and did not find an answer.
A fastland in enemy colors, rather than the ones in allied colors that already existed.
That's not an edit of Bear Cub now is it?
But one CUB is a 2/2 and yet eight normal, adult bears are 8/8? Are you trying to tell me that a bear cub is twice as strong as its adult counterpart?
No I'm saying that Grizzlies are such embarrassments to the MTG bear community that they have to hunt in packs to be as effective as the average bear.
Each couple of colors are called allied if adjacent in the color pie, otherwise they are called enemy.
>Are you trying to tell me that a bear cub is twice as strong as its adult counterpart?
Why is it about strength? Clearly it's 8 lazy full grown bears compared to one energetic bear cub.
We've seen 4/2 bears on Tarkir, so clearly an angry bear is a 4/2, a regular bear (or energetic cub) would be 2/2 and a lazy bear is a 1/1.
It's 8 lazy bears.
fastlands are basically the lands that have the clause "enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer lands."

the only colors they've been printed in have been the allied colors. enemy fastlands are therefore the other 5 color pairings.
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aw yiss this card gonna be good

if i have two of those artifacts my etb triggers 3 times right?
Your colour pie is wrong then bud, Red and Black are in the wrong spot.
I don't know, doesn't it double up? But yeah it should at least trigger thrice
Yeah i noticed later
>an energetic bear cub is stronger than a lazy adult
Something tells me that you've never seen a bear before.

Each Panharmonicon nets you one extra trigger.
Ah alright but why is it called a "fast" land?
Because you want it to come out fast
Read the card. It's good early in the game.
Becuase it's meant for 'fast' decks that don't need many turns to win.
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these cards were literally made for each other?
Demon of Shady Schemes
Creature - Demon

When Demon of Shady Schemes enters the battlefield, all other creatures get -2/-2 until the end of turn.

Whenever another creature dies, gain E (one energy counter).

2B, pay EEEE: Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefiend tapped under your control.
Players give to each kind of special land its own nickname. Lands that sac to search for a basic type are fetchlands, those who enter tapped unless you pay two life are shocklands, those who turn into creatures are manlands and so on
Oh fucking jesus it curves in, too. Imagine in limited, you get lucky. Your opponent has no removal in hand. Turn 4, you drop your Panharmonicon. Turn 5, you drop your dank-ass Gearhulk and get a 5 mana 12/12. Turn 6, you drop le shady delmon of many wipes and clear the way for your now 8/8 big ass fucker and win the next turn. A man can dream....
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>taking Magic power levels literally

Alright then wise guy, explain this completely unedited card.
That pointy bit can get ya good. They're also crustaceans, so they have that hard, hard shell that needs something like a mallet or perhaps a crab cracker to be penetrated.
And yet cub and bear alike cannot kill it, even though the flavor text clearly implies a 1/1 goblin can.
The "Let's" in the flavor text implies that more than on individual are needed to crack that shell. Squee is petitioning others from the Weatherlight to come and help him pierce the poor crab, perhaps one of the crew with two or greater power?
That's one big fucking crab. Too bad you can only eat its eggs.
How are horseshoe crab eggs?

horseshoe crabs have their blue blood drawn though for medicine
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Remember that a squirrel can take down a 10 feet tall beast
Is this what passes for creativity these days? That all looks like garbage.
Are you sure the art doesn't depict a Battering Krasis after a few evolve triggers?
I knew about the blood thing. So are their eggs used like a roe? I know that mole crab eggs are also edible.
dominarian squirrels are fucking vicious
Holy shit, actual mechanics discussion! It's a fucking miracle

They clearly lost a goblin trying to crack it open.
Being genderless is one thing, but the silly pronouns business is another.

They should just all use masculine pronouns. Or, they should just all use feminine pronouns. Using they/them is retarded.
Genderless energy beings have been part of science fiction since longer than you've been alive, maggot. This isn't new in any way at all.
Being genderless is one thing, but the silly pronouns business is another.

They should just all use masculine pronouns. Or, they should just all use feminine pronouns. Using they/them is retarded.
Likely version:
>Some of them use masculine ones
>Some of them use feminine ones
>The polite thing is to use singular they until they tell you how they identify

Kaladesh really seems like a society where politeness and cordiality is important so I don't think that's too much of a stretch
Hey, I can repeat myself too. Genderless pronouns for genderless beings goes back for longer than you've been alive. This isn't new in any way at all. Fuck off.
They should just all use masculine pronouns. Or, they should just all use feminine pronouns. Using they/them is retarded.
you had to jinx it.
>They should just all use masculine pronouns
That's retarded. They're not masculine beings.
Your argument is weak, and you are weak.
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>Gets a felsteed
>Gets to stand next to planeswalker general
>wearing all white
Why would some use one over the other, when they're genderless beings who shouldn't give a fuck. It's not like you'd ever hear a french apple say "EXCUSE-MOI, I prefer LE pomme."

For a society that likes to be polite, they shouldn't be such dumb fucks that they force people to dance around gender issues with gender-neutral creatures, and they should all just say "Hey, call us 'he' because that's easier and less confusing than your bizarre political correctness business."
>Expecting curry4days funfair
>Instead get this
Why, though? The Aetherborn are obviously there to convey an alien element of the plane. The lore states that they are born out of aether refinement process, which is the thing that makes up the space between the planes. They exist for a few years then dissipate. They're the equivalent of a Shoggoth or something out of a Lovecraft story and I'm pretty sure that referring to them in a form alien to us is a stylistic choice to reinforce that theme.

Who am I kidding they are the vanguard of a Phyrexian invasion preparing to strike
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Because it suffers from premature ejaculation.

Please stop trying to bully lands by brungung up their shortcomings.
And ships aren't females. Doesn't change what uniform pronouns we use for them.

Just calling them "He" is infinitely easier, more practical, and more natural, and if it upsets you, you might be tumblr.
And ships aren't people with opinions on how you refer to them, dolt. Compare like to like.
Karn is an it as well. People might call it a "he" but it doesn't really get the concept of gender since it's an automaton. Meanwhile, aetherborn might not be so apathetic.
"Easier", perhaps. "More practical"? Hollow and meaningless, it's neither practical nor impractical to call them by neutral terms. "Natural"? They're not natural. They don't exist in the real world. Nobody's upset, you're just being colossally oblivious to things that date back past Isaac Asimov because you can't comprehend anything more nuanced than Star Trek humans-with-rubber-on-their-face as other races.
Because as weird as they are, conventions of language shouldn't just fall apart for the sake of recent politics.
"Xe" is also quicker than "they", i wonder why WotC didn't go for that since it frees up design space and appeals much more to the tumblrinos they seem to cater to so much
>People might call it a "he" but it doesn't really get the concept of gender since it's an automaton.

An automaton wiser than most humans, and who's familiar with both genders.

> Meanwhile, aetherborn might not be so apathetic.

Because they have access to tumblr?

>"More practical?" Hollow and meaningless

I get a sense of how dumb you are when you think practicality is dumb and meaningless.

>"Natural"? They're not natural.
Natural in the sense of how languages work, and how around the millionth time the confusion inherent to using the singular "they" would just lead people to say "Yo, I'm gonna call you guys "he" because you're gender neutral and you should be intelligent enough to understand that we're not calling you guys 'guys' but are just using a uniform pronoun."

Sorry to trigger your tumblr again.
"Xe" isn't a real thing though outside of tumblrland though.
Holy shit, do you breathe tumblr? Aetherborn are not sentient beings, they are whatever wizards wants them to be. They just call them like that because they want to cater to tumblerinas and that's it.
And no, they didn't think of how they would like to be called as part of the ambient building, because if they ever gave it any thought, they wouldn't put exposed dangerous aether pipes and fast crashable vehicles in the same set.
>An automaton wiser than most humans, and who's familiar with both genders.
Official word on it is Karn doesn't give a damn about what others think Karn is. Karn does not hold human values or perspective. Karn's "wisdom" is limited only to its own scope.

>Because they have access to tumblr?
Probably because if they got into an argument about what pronoun to use for them like this, they've wasted 20% of their exceedingly short life.

>I get a sense of how dumb you are when you think practicality is dumb and meaningless.
Intriguing way to avoid the point, considering I said it is neither practical nor impractical, and you did nothing to demonstrate any degree of practicality. This isn't even a strawman, this is a completely different man entirely. Who is this directed at?

>Natural in the sense of how languages work, and how around the millionth time the confusion inherent to using the singular "they"
What possible confusion would arise from such a trivial thing? Have you ever seen anyone be confused by this? You're pretending problems exist so you can fix them, now?

Bringing up tumblr remains as hollow as it was before, considering you are an oblivious child who knows nothing of science fiction or fantasy, and can only perceive things through your own lens of retarded internet cliques.
There's no line break in the effect. The effect that exiles a card and creates a condition whereby you can cast it are all one big triggered ability that occurs when Gonti ETBs. If there were a line break and a static ability saying "You can cast cards exiled with Gonti's effect" then you'd have a point.
>they are whatever wizards wants them to be
And they want them to use gender neutral nomenclature. Whatever reasons for that is irrelevant. But since you can only grasp an argument in the context of inane internet feuds, I suppose I will tell you to fuck off to reddit, in the hopes you achieve some degree of comprehension from this post, and stop being a blight on my eyes.
>They should just all use masculine pronouns
>They should
You do know that Magic had an entire African themed block really early on, right?

Magic has always been race diverse. Only a newfag wouldn't know that.
>Official word on it is Karn doesn't give a damn about what others think Karn is.

So, I'm going to call him "He."

>because if they got into an argument about what pronoun to use for them like this, they've wasted 20% of their exceedingly short life.

But everyone else would just say "Hey, we call you guys "He", so let's worry about things that matter outside of tumblr."
If their lives are so short, they shouldn't care what uniform pronoun people use.

>and you did nothing to demonstrate any degree of practicality.

Avoiding singular they's and the inherent confusion they generate is practical. I'm sorry you're dumb.

>What possible confusion would arise from such a trivial thing?

Two Aetherlings. "Oh, look, there goes Brrzzt and Frrzzd. Frrzzd is such a dumb fuck. I wish that they would fucking die."
"But Brrzzt is cool."
"Yeah, I know."
"Oh, you're using that awkward and retarded singular they business. Just fucking call him a he like you're not retarded."

And please, stop being tumblr. If you don't want to be upset about being called tumblr when you're being tumblr, just don't be tumblr.
"They" as in a group.
Welcome to English.
>But everyone else would just say "Hey, we call you guys "He", so let's worry about things that matter outside of tumblr."
>If their lives are so short, they shouldn't care what uniform pronoun people use.
They almost certainly don't. So why the fuck do you?
>Whatever reasons for that is irrelevant
You are the one making up bullshit as to why they shouldn't use specific pronouns. Wizards is catering to tumblerinas like you, just be happy about it and buy lots of products if you want them to keep doing it.
>Using they/them is retarded.
I hope you know that 'you' is the plural form of 'thou', and yet people use it all the time to refer to singlular subjects.

I'm not particularly for or against either way, but I assure you that all arguments you have for why the 'singular they is retarded' are just as retarded as you think it is.
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We Overwatch now boys.
I'm the one saying that "they should use masculine pronouns because I like it better" is itself retarded.
>Tap it to pilot a vehicle
>Use its ability to untap it
>Tap it again to pilot another vehicle

Ghost ride the whip combo confirmed.
Just do your part and refer to these as "It" and not "them". Having non binary races is fine- just don't these inadvertently enable snowflakes that run the whole setting into the ground.
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And that's kind of why you're retarded, especially because you're forced to strawman.

If you don't like masculine pronouns so much because of the inherent "toxicity" you presume they have, go ahead and just use all feminine pronouns.

Regardless, the key point is that "they" is only one step less awkward than "Xe" or "Ze" or "#e", and just choosing either He or She as a uniform pronoun for a genderless race is something so basic that even children do it.

And, I assure you that you're just being stupid, especially because you're bringing up significantly outdated language practices, while also trying to force intrinsically stupid new ones with political agendas behind them.
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You're using the same arguments as people did in the 17th century. They were weak then, they are weak now.
so is anything from this set except for the lands even playable in modern
All I know is, BFZ & Shadow Lands already make land sequencing in standard kinda awkward, these just pushed it to ridiculous levels.

GL to you standard players.

Genderless isn't the same as "nonbinary" which is a term vastly used by tumblr snowflakes. By choosing this word to describe their new race they're pandering to those people. Also, it has all to do with how trannies loved Theros's UB planeswalker.
Apparently, that guy's right, because look where we are now.

If only we had stuck to "thou", we might have been able to keep it so that people like thou would be stoned to death as God had prescribed.
but do you feel included now with the whole race of "muh genderlessness" or do you need to get some more special snowflakes in the block?
So with the Aether revolt...will we be getting monoblack Shatter/Naturalize?

Depala was created by a committee especifically to be displayable by ugly/fat chicks.
Black can't destroy artifacts directly, so no.
i sure hope not, colors should be different
I still dont know how to feel about green artifact lovin
Singular "they" was good enough for Shakespeare.

Do you think you're a better writer than Shakespeare?
honestly, with how much "they" masturbate to their own words, that is a valid possibility
I have no oppinion on those matters. I'm just well versed enough in linguistics to see the inherent bullshit in claiming that there's a correct way to use a word.
>If you don't like masculine pronouns so much because of the inherent "toxicity"
Wow, and you drag this out of left field and deign to call anyone else using strawmen. Are you projecting something, mate? Were you bullied by tumblrites as a child?
I'm sure they dread going to play with a bunch of overweight /pol/tards and actual autists just as much as every other member of any card game community does
Inventor's Fair. Also the chances of there not being some giant robot fatties for Tron and some small robots for Affinity is near 0%
>I actually am not a linguist, just an angry retard on a fucking magic thread on 4chan
>Oh your grammatical history proves me wrong? Well it's just stupid and outdated

Why is every prescriptivist just a self-important teenager on the internet
What does inventor's fair slot into? U(w) Tron? It's too expensive for affinity and most other Tron variants don't have metalcraft active.

Also the odds of there being giant robots is quite high, but the odds of those robots being better than Wurmcoil, Karn, or the myriad of other busted colorless spells Tron already has is significantly lower.
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>That's a pretty bold statement.
Okay, you've honestly piqued my interest. Were there cultures in which the woman went hunting/aquiring funds while the man stayed at home caring for the kids?

Well, sandniggers can. Pic related cl:°)
>this thread

This board was more fun when it was /d/lite and not /pol/lite.
this guy looks great in a emerge deck.
root out just became a lot more popular
It can slot in affinity as a 1 of replacing Sea Gate Wreckage or the 4th Glimmervoid. Yeah, sure it costs 4 mana and tapping to activate, but by the time you want to activate this you will be likely hellbent anyways, just like with Wreckage nowadays.

You don't really count on ever activating Sea Gate Wreckage. It's just in because the downsides of playing it are inconsequential and it might come in handy 1 out of every 12 games. Inventors' Fair will be largely the same, but it seems like it could be relevant in just a few more games, because instead of drawing a random card you'll fetch the one that you need for the final push. And if it wins you once every 100 games, they're still games you shouldn't have won, thus you can include it and rack up your win % a little bit at practically no opportunity cost.
Because you're trying so hard to push SHART IN MART you degenerate street-shitting, beach-squatting, mangrove-dumping subhuman.
Who knows senpai, we could always get our next wurmcoil or Karn (which both come from the Artifact block previous to this one).
I came into this thread looking for the TRIGGERED reaction image with am extra TRIGGERED at the bottom because of that new Artifact, boy am I disappointed
And they were wrong how? Look at where we are now.
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I agree. I'd like to have seen a lot more lewd dorfs, sexy curvy robots or some Aetherborn futa.

Arguing about the races of people in fantasy universes in much less interesting than fapping to people in fantasy universes.
where are we now?
>a small subset of those pushing for change are insufferable pricks
yes but that isn't anything new.
>politicians and corporations are using social causes to look better and increase power/profits.
again sucks but this isn't exactly a new phenomena. people have band wagon-ed off of causes for a quick buck since forever.
It never was /d/-lite, just /b/-lite. And those were dark times, with just as much political bullshit back then.

And there wouldn't really be all that much /pol/ if tumblr didn't keep getting upset and dragging politics here. It's always like "someone makes a joke, tumblr starts spewing bullshit, and then the discussion devolves into explaining to tumblr why their bullshit doesn't work outside their safe space."
>during the height of it's bower was almost all white
fuggg xd grees was bowerful.
This board is everything but polite though :^)
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Summary of this thread and every kaladesh thread:
>Prescriptivists being angry over aetherborn
>Arguing ineffectually about gender/sexuality
>Decent discussion of the actual game towards the end, maybe a bit sprinkled throughout
>/pol/ being angry over diversity
>Poo in loo xd

On the bright side I don't think anyone has actually complained about MaRo in relation to card complexity/power level this thread, which is uncommon
the mechanics look pretty good so far energy counters and crew both look like a interesting limted at the very least.
If you're basing your mental image of Greece on marble fucking statues that lost their paint a couple thousand years ago and paintings from Renaissance fucking Europe you're gonna be wrong about what Greeks look like.
I thought people were too hyped for POD RACING and energy counters to shitpost.

Or was that just in the commander thread.
8/8 trampler for 5 maro tf u doin'
nevermind, i see the thread was ruined 2 posts in by pol/ shitposting

maybe we should just go back to having spoiler discussion in the commander thread?
You may recall, faggot, that Greece is on the Mediterranean, on the other side is north africa. also, theres a reason black people are all over Theros as opposed to say, innastrad. The people from setessia are black, and they send their young men out into the world upon adulthood (as seen on peregrination).
Does anyone have that masked sjw image?
They has been in useage for hundreds of years you faggot. Your grasp of the English language is so tenuous, I'm beginning to question whether or not it's even your native tongue.
I find that people who complain about singular they aren't even ESL, just stupid.

Not to mention that it's been in use for ages before tumblr picked it up.
God I hate that image, it's literally just "anyone who disagrees with me is an SJW", how is that any better than "anyone who disagrees with me is a racist"
I'm going to make a super janky Energy Counters deck.
Idk how you define tyrannical but "randomly murders and eats followers for the fuck of it" seems pretty damned tyrannical to me
It's useful sometimes, but in response to "/pol/ shitposting ruins pod racing" it's dumb.
Likely version:
They don't care because life for them is too short to get hung up on gender identity. Unless there are atherborn that desire fame and glory over selfish hedonism, then in that case they might try to fit themselves in with the fleshbags, especially if one of them strikes their fancy and they want a relationship. I doubt that aetherborn really care about conforming much, but maybe.
Tyranny is an oppressive and strict rule.

Kolaghan didn't give a single fuck about anything to do with the humans/orcs/ainok/etc. She just flew around zapping and eating shit. She's anarachy, not tyranny.
Life fast / die young seemed to me like it was an aetherborn trying to get with someone (presumably a human or some other race that lives longer than them) but then couldn't because they die fast.
Alesha was definitely trans but yes for the reasons you listed. Their grandma was badass or something.

It's just very different from how tumblr thinks of themselves as trans because they want to be special (or in the rare few cases where they actually have dysphoria).
These cards wont be standard legal together
Yes, they will. Once Kaladesh is released Standard will consist of BfZ block, SoI block, and Kaladesh.
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I still don't get how people arrived at this conclusion. All they did was try and tie in her being a tranny with some backstory and personality traits. They only had space to give Alesha a single story solely about her so they did their best. The grandma warrior worship thing is just supposed to be an indicator of Mardu culture and her personality. Besides, didn't Doug Beyer confirm she was trans anyway?
I thought dark dwellers was origins not bfz, too bad the best 3 drop is rotating out with dragons.
I dunno, maybe.

I'm still slightly upset that tumblr spread a lie that Pharika was a canon transwoman.
That's idiotic. Why would you want to restrict the ways in which a player could conceivably win the game? Shouldn't they be broadening the ways players can win, so the game doesn't become stale?
It's idiotic because they haven't said anything of the sort. They have said that specific spells-centric strategies, such as Storm, is very problematic and seemingly inherently broken.
This set looks underwhelming as fuck just like eldtrich moon was.
instants and sorceries should have "good support" but control is a cancerous play style and wotc / rosewater have confirmed that they don't like it and and have purposefully restricted it
>Not liking pod racing
Take a look at this faggot.
It's more of just "stop being a dumb SJW and then getting triggered for people calling you a dumb SJW."

Do you know why you hate it? It's because you're a dumb SJW.
I want the phyrexians and the eldrazi obliterate the fucking gaudy Kaladesh to the fucking plane core.
Show their manly legs, GOD!
>just like eldtrich moon was
What the fuck, Eldritch Moon was the best set since Innistrad.
You want the third block in a row of SPOOKY ELDRITCH HORRORS?

Please no.
Eldritch Moon would have been a lot better without all the Eldrazi.
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>underwhelming as fuck just like eldtrich moon was
Nothing is more underwhelming than this shit.
I want anything instead this!
There weren't even that many. Most of them were non-eldrazi who transformed/melded into eldrazi. Other than Emrakul and the handful of Emerge creatures, I can't even name any non-transforming eldrazi.
If they were only "horrors" without emrakul an eldrazi shit, yes, it would have been a lot better, but the horror thing where fine.
Personally, I'm happy to have a light, airy and garish setting after dealing with Innistrad.

You can always not play for the next six months. Show WotC how much you hate this block with your wallet.
Wait, that happened?
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>I'm happy to have a light, airy and garish setting
Sorry, I can't be more butthurted
That makes you butthurt, I find that sweet as heck.

Different tastes I guess.
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The card is fine, the art... God.
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Not that guy. I like it too.
I have nothing against the setting being lighter in tone. Some of the art, however, looks like something taken from WoW and that's something I can't stand.
what a stellar arguement that absolutely doesn't resort to ad hominiems or make no actual sense. Truly sir I am defeated by your superior intellect and auritory skills, please teach me your ways, I beg of you.
I think thats less a fault of the plane's design (which seems excellent) and more of the awful new art direction which is stressing uniformity. Imagine how great the art for this set would be if we had the talent behind Lorwyn, Visions or Kamigawa behind it.
You are proving anon's point by calling him/her a SJW, even though (s)he recognizes that "calling anyone that disagrees with you is a racist" is a SJW thing to do.
I believe that being anti-SJW doesn't necessarily mean you are a stormfaggot, just like not everyone claiming to be against racism is a hypocritical demonizer.
I think we should give people the benefit of a doubt by assuming they are not extremists until compelling evidence says otherwise. Remember that the greatest enemy of the extremist is not the opposing extremist, but the moderate. The moderate doesn't necessarily have to be a centrist, but they have to try to be fair in inspecting opinions before passing judgement.
but that anon is a SJW and you've just proven yourself to be one too

I mean

seriously? i didn't need to read more than that

get the fuck back to tumblr
I don't know like >>49166668 says there is too much random decorative shit that transgress the idea of a well crafted work to the pasteboard amusement park.
And yes, the art direction is terrible.
WotC discussed the nature of the Aether. It flows through in aesthetic patterns, in curls and whorls and golden-ratio spirals. Most of the 'decorative shit' you see is actually what's allowing the machinery to function.

This isn't form over function, the form is the function.
I just use (s)he because I am not sure who anon is. I guess not doing it is of no particular consequence.

tl;dr You don't have to be an extreme irate faggot to be anti-SJW.
When I say that shit looks like it was taken WoW I mean mainly art like >>49166439 which is precisely the amount of silly and cartoonish while attempting to look cool that I can't stand.
This is lore-wise. In the reality this is only a group of designers adding an stupid amount of gaudy and naff stuff with an excuse.
They could draw the flow of aether in any other way but they chose this.
Filigree has been around since alara. Metal can look primitive by making it thick and clunky, and sophisticated by making it small and minimalist. They are taking it another step by making it artistic, attempting to signify that its sophisticated an a way thats beyond even our own understanding, because magic.
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>making it artistic, attempting to signify that its sophisticated an a way thats beyond even our own understanding, because magic
But It looks like a vulgar chinnese restaurant. Again, they can explain anything about how amathing their designs are, but you have the pics.
Is this illustration sophisticated, artistic beyound understanding?
Nope, is gaudy even ugly.
Learn to English nerd, Them and they have been used to signify singular beings for years
I can only say:
I personally prefer the alara variant of filigree, and the only thing that looks bad in your picture is the dwarves themselves. I dont understand why anyone likes midget races.
I think the twirly shit looks quite nice actually. But that's just me.
>But that's just me.
Yes, just you.
They look really good.
Yeah, like a colorful Esper
Any of you are not murrican?
I'm >>49167698 and German
I'm >>49167684 and French
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