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80 years have passed since the truce in the Northern Wars, or

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80 years have passed since the truce in the Northern Wars, or the Dwarven Wars. In that time, the Danelings and the Thorinlings have had a somewhat stable alliance, solidified further by the spread of Easterling settlements in the Northeast.

The Celebrimbori have taken the refugees from the sack of Thranduil's Kingdom and given them a place in the foothills of the Misty Mountians, West of Lothlorien. Kingless and broken, they wander the forests in the ever-eve, yearning for a leader to take them north and cast out the Dwarven invaders.

The Haradrim have pushed far enough North to enter into the considerations of the Dol Amrothi, who recently absorbed the remnants of the Bardings, who were pushed South by the Thorinlings. Dol Amrothis is stronger for it, but with the Gondorians soon to be displaced by the Uruk-hai, their ability to respond nimbly to a Southern incursion is somewhat in question.

The Halflings have carved an enormous empire out of Eriador from the holdings in the West of the Cirdani to the Southern Misty Mountains.

Former rollers with the matching TripCode get priority. If they do not show up by the 2nd Mupdate their faction will open up.

No faction can be eliminated; if they are kebbabed, a remnant will be placed in the holdings of their closest Kin Race and they will become envassaled.

Factions and their leaders:

Celebrimbori: !!stuZpp9Llo1
Thorinlings: !jW6nLKIRE6
Halflings: !!AXJwqEGl8YK
Cirdani: !!kkCDXDI0Xrp
Harradrim: !fCZZjWQ1W.
Danelings: !739/lMOEAU
Easterlings: !!E7Qcg2Ynp6K
Uruk-hai: !.CzKQna1OU

Open Factions

Sindar (V)
Bardings (V)
Dol Amrothi
checking in and reclaiming

also, bump this thread for players
Magni is going outside for smoke, but will return. His only dream is rebuild the wonder that was our glorious city of Moria in the Misty Mountains.
got you

checking in
Can I get Gondor?
hey guys
Im back, going to make some coffee. 1 or 2 more and we begin?
sounds good to meh

I can play

Any color and location
Realised I don't need the trip
>tfw have to look up more LOTR-lore
pick a faction bro
you mean that tingly feel good in your netherregions?
Well I'm not going to masturbate to this thread if that's what you mean

Pls put a relevant Leader Name, your faction and a tripcode. need these to be counted.
Fill the land, to the North of the mountains.
Rolled 84700 (1d99999)

We're playing with dice right?

Attack Minas Tirith
Magni orders his men to keep an out for aggression from the Forest Nolder forces, but if no battle comes from them we will march to fill the gap in the misty mountains, spilling north through the gap. Let the contruction of our city Moria begin, but keep an eye out for the Balrog and please awaken it again!
>Defend>fill the misty mountains
*please dont reawaken it
with those keks?? bet yer ass!

If a player forgets dice, i am taking the post number. no takesies backsies. no "pls OP take post instead of roll #

Fill in the unclaimed Ts between the blessed forests and the shitskinned interlopers.

you have murdred and displaced elves, King Muddy knees...
Great. I love the dice feature.
Waiting on Rohan: My Life as a Steward of Gondor

5min warning
I will have you know I am of a pure Aryan cough, i mean Durin bloodline. I am Magni III, formerly King of Erebor and newly crowned King of Khazad-dûm and all Dwarven kindred. I will not force war upon you, but most certainly will finish it. If only you had seen the plight of elves in their former leaderless state. Oh how far they had fallen. Even with the blessings of our arrival those heathens chose to roam in exile rather than bow before their rightful king.
Do not test me, half man.
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The Noldor spread North, coming into contact with the ever expanding Thorinlings who are consolidating control on the Eastern slopes of the Misty Mountains.

Gondor has a new king. His first act is to expel the Uruk-hai and reclaim the throne in Minas Tirith.

In the cold North, a new king of Goblins has arisen...
Our people were here long before yours and will exist long after. If you push us, we will fight. But remember, the taller you are the faster you fall. Gravity is our bitch.
Fill Forodwaith.
Rolled 11015 (1d99999)

Glory to Gondor! Now that my people have claimed their rightful land back, it is time to head for Mt. Doom and cork it up.
Rolled 54992 (1d99999)

We shall fill the gap in northern Rhovanion and spill north into Forodwaith attempting to cut off the expansion of the goblin from the west and shoring up our northern flank. However, we wish no conflict with them. Should the southern human heathens decide to attack, we instead will counter their aggression.
>Magni, King of Khazad-dûm and all Dwarven kindred
Rolled 77458 (1d99999)

Fill in the lands West of the Misty Mountains. Harm not the inferior races... their height *cough* i mean lives are short enough as it is.
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The Gondorians begin their campaign against the dreaded Uruk-hai.

The Goblins and Dwarves are nearly within bowshot of each other.

The Elves march North.
Rolled 80893 (1d99999)

Now wipe those Uruk-Fuckers out forever. I'm going to wear a Ring made in Mt. Doom on each finger
Continue the raid on Forodwaith.
Rolled 50257 (1d99999)

The goblins have come too far east. Magni orders an all assault on these ghastly beast. Push them west where they belong and leave none alive in territories north of Ered Mithrin
Rolled 31869 (1d99999)

Charge into the Dwarf scum. Thranduil shall not have died in vain!
We offer peace. Will you not go west and south into unsettle/unclaimed territory?
I accept.
We will lay waste to these heathens in the south from hence forth.
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The Dwarves attack the Goblins, who were peacefully expanding in the far North, and then immediately sue for peace.

The Noldor march against the southern Dwarvish flank, putting them in the peculiar position of supporting Goblin expansion.

The First Men continue their assault which carries them to the roots of Orodruin.
Complete Western Forodwaith.
Rolled 62122 (1d99999)

When Mount Doom is taken. Reach for the Gondorian land and fill up everything white
Then expand South.
The groundlings have already obliterated 2 races, and that was after they kicked their own Race Kin out of their rightful homes for greed, dooming them to wander the plains as no dwarf should.

This is the half man you are getting into bed with. Our people share no love, but we could share a mtual hate for these pitiful creatures.

If you join me in subdoing them, i will help you conquer all of Eriador...

Slay the Thorinlings for their crimes.
Rolled 67855 (1d99999)

We march head strong in the Celebrimbori aggressors south of Erebor and push them down the east of the forest.

good roll
waiting on Goblin roll
the do not fall for this heathen's tricks. The Danelings were led by a Slavic imbecile and our kin view it as a blessing that i am their current king. as for the elves.... come on.
he rolled
link to Mupdate next time pls. counting first post.
you ever played the map that has the ring power in it?
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The peace between the Goblins and Dwarves holds fast, giving the Goblins control of much of Forodwaith and the Dwarves a single front war.

The Gondorians invest Mount Doom and begin to consolidate their holdings in the West and South of their ancestral lands.
Go South, along the Misty Mountains.
Rolled 26419 (1d99999)

Great. Now expand to the north - without attacking active players - and fill up more white
Rolled 41271 (1d99999)

Into the Dwarvish ranks. Slaughter the scum where they squat!!!
Rolled 7787 (1d99999)

We do not wish to war with the Forest Nolder but if they wish to continue this ware we will dish it back. Otherwise, fill eastward peacefully to the south of our kin in the east
3D PALI!!!
It would appear the forest favors your presence. Can we come to an accord? I have needs that beckon in the West...
Will you not have peace in our time?
I think he just wants to make the game interesting
we offer peace, we only ask that you return holdings you posses to us (west of the forest) restoring our north south border to prewar status...
A counter offer: let us make the Mirkwood road our border, and we will swear to never break this peace in our lifetimes... consider the gift i am offering...
we possess the road and will not cede it. we possessed it before war and our offer was that you return those 2 Ts connecting the road to our western flank, as before this war
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Then we have an accord.
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The Elves and Dwarves sign a treaty of Peace.

The Men of Gondor expand North, bringing them into contact with the Rohirrim and the Noldor.

The Goblins begin to fill Eriador.


I am going to take off in a bit to run and grab a drink. I will possibly be on later tonight. Remeber, this game will go on and on down from the post where it came from, so hold on to your TC. Not leaving yet...
Rolled 55061 (1d99999)

Noldor expand their hold West of the Misty Mountains. If the treacherous goblins attack, defend. Any spill goes into the leaderless Halflings.
Rolled 31584 (1d99999)

As Gondor has used the almost endless resources of Mordor a new Ork-Army marches under Gondors flag. Thirsty for blood they attack Forest Noldor and leave none alive
Rolled 82782 (1d99999)

Magni, satisified in this new peace orders his men to befin consolidating eastern territories south of our kindred. If all unclaimed land is fill then spill to the northeast and fill those empty tiles as well.

Will you continue tonight after you leave or should i get a game going after you leave bro?
Magni contemplates this tenative peave withe the Forest Nolder... He bitches of our fight with elves and slavic dwarfs, yet seems more than willing to slaughter peaceful and helpless halflings... it perplexing to his dwarven mind and now with gondorians invading from the south... is more beneficial for his people to break this peace and continue the war?.... would his honor suffer from this betrayal of peace...?
Your call. imma do 1 or 2 more updates. you can take over here or do a different one. Imma post the map as it stands when i stop in the /qst/ thread. if you pick it up, just make sure to post the map you end on.

i am really liking how serial risk is turning out. we need more rollers tho.

if i come back it will be late.
Better get a part of the cake now because you'll be next bruv
Such is the way of men...
if you are gone we would only have 3, so i might do a europe risk on pol for a while. i love this game and wish we did have more players. i loved WWIII too. we need a senpai of like 10-12 in a skype circle or something. that way we can get shit really going

Where is gobby???
Kek. If you look closely it looks like Gondor has penetrated Mordor with its dick. THIS is the way of men

>do a europe risk on pol for a while
There was one earlier today. It got deleted. Mods on /pol/ are the worst
Getting into to character.... "bring it faggot"
yeah i was in it. night (US) seems to be much better. i have hosted there at night several days in a row without getting snipped
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With Gobby gone, i will post this last Mup'd and prepare my balls for the 1% chance a girl's nose will be mashed into them.

Sorry Gondor Bro. Go to the /qst/ thread and leave a post with your TC and you will get priority when it picks back up again.

...which is why i jumped to /tg/ for risk bread. Global 3 says nothing about risk. they will let Shillarys shit up the board but heaven forbid people use 4chan to have fun. fuckin joos.

The Gondorians and there conscripted Uruk-hai march North into the unsuspecting Noldor.

The Dwarves consolidate their gains and let treachery into their rotten little hearts.

The Goblins melt back into the mountains after expanding their kingdom to the largest it has ever been in history.

Hopefully see you niggerfaggots later.
i will smoke a cig and post a thread in pol in about 15 minutes guys
I'll roll later

See you there
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