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You must name five good things and five bad things about Gurps.

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You must name five good things and five bad things about Gurps. If you can't do either, you can't discuss Gurps
Man, sure is a lot of GURPS today. Wonder why.
Only need 3d6 to play
Sourcebooks for everything
Flexible point-buy character design
Can adjust power levels at character creation simply by changing the amount of starting points
Steve Jackson Games isn't a shit compnay

The sourcebook you want is out of print
Character creation takes forever and minmaxing often results
Combat is cumbersome, actually any action resolution is cumbersome
Sourcebooks aren't meant to be universally compatible with each other, often leading to contradictory or bizarre results
Nobody plays GURPS
Is this the hot new meme?
>SJG are one of the few game companies I have no problem giving money to and it has one of the best fan communities of any RPG.
>Can do realism, which is actually what a lot of people want in a system and very few provide. If it works in real life, it will probably work in GURPS.
>Writing is good, witty but not silly. Editors actually do their jobs. Indexes let you find what you want.
>System encourages interesting characters and unusual settings.
>Characters can start competent and still develop in interesting ways with virtually unlimited potential for growth.

>Trait lists are intimidating for new players as are the 'rules for everything' sourcebooks.
>Balance is virtually non-existent despite the bean-counting points system. Some traits are simply better than others for the same cost and equipment doesn't usually cost points but makes a huge difference in how effective you are.
>GURPS Magic. A horrible mess of a book which uses a completely different system to all other powers in the game, with even less balance and the worst art I've seen in a published work.
>Tough shit if you prefer hard-copy. I was lucky enough to get most of the 4th edition books when they came out, but anyone who wants to start now either needs to pay a fortune on ebay or work from PDFs.
>GURPS Lite, which used to be an excellent little playable system, has been reduced to little more than a preview of the main books in 4th edition.
> d6s
> realistic way of handling weapon ranges / moving targets
> damage is fairly realistic
> rules for everything
> feels old school


> too many rules
> advantages are autistically over-detailed
> way too simulationist
> only one playstyle (can't do heroic HP bloat D&D very well)
> health as a stat fuck that shit
-You get HP from STR
-You can literally pick or drop any of those rules you want
-Why are you playing gurps if you don't want at least a little simulationist
>>>>only one playstyle
>only one playstyle (can't do heroic HP bloat D&D very well)
200 points of Ablative DR = 200 points of bloat HP.
>You must name five good things and five bad things about /tg/. If you can't do either, you can't post here.
I've never played it but everyone I know that has always shits on me for playing D&D. That alone is enough to make me hate it.
>Can be used for almost anything
>Has great chargen that allows you to make almost anything
>Has amazing source books
>Has good realism but can also be tweak for a more heroic campaign
>Lots of rules to sorts through to figure out what you want
>Hard to learn as a GM
>Chargen takes a long time
>Planning will often take a long time
>Not very balanced.
How about saying five good things and five bad things about five good thing sand five bad things kind of questions.
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