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Dungeon Life Quest (DLQ) 78 - I Meant It About Not Worrying About

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ARCHIVE: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Dungeon%20Life%20Quest
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You are River la Croix, ex-mercenary, and it has been given to you to decide the fate of a mad nephilim.

So you're going to ask her family, because they have a stake in this. Among other reasons.
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"Call the others," you ask Lora. "Assuming they're even remotely capable of what you're capable of -"

"They're not. I have the unrestrained power of the Tongue," Lora points out. "But go on."

"Assuming," you continue, peeved, "I'll ask them to convey us outside of the Dungeon, removing the potential threat from the Master, once you've provided some context. Maybe they can -"

"Help? Don't ask, it'll just be hurtful." The Death Choir shakes her head, a little sadly. "There are beings in my Dungeon that can threaten them, which could threaten /me/ without the Divine Tongue. Three of them hold these chains. I won't be responsible for depriving the world of my siblings, and I can't ask them to risk themselves for me. So don't make them say no, okay?"

"...Alright," you agree softly. "Will you call them?"

Lora pushes Matariel back into his chair - he lands limply, still dazed from her hit - and cuts away a lock of hair, tossing it into the air. The follicles spread, flashing with flame as she calls out five names.

"Domiel. Duma. Erebus. Jord. Sif. You are summoned to attend to family business."

You catch your breath as the five appear.

Domiel is human-sized and even human-shaped, though the similarities end there. His body is all blades and angles, made from stained glass that is framed in lead; his painted face shifts to form a curious expression, lit from within by a liquid glow that serves where blood belongs. His sharp wings are not connected to his body.

Duma hurts to look at. He, she, or it, gives an impression of vagueness; it looms taller even than Lora, wreathed in some form of shadow. Books are shackled to it, and sometimes rustle with secrets.

Erebus, in contrast, is much like Lora; her form is human, though her skin is a dark blue, and you can make out gills on her neck and seaweed woven into her white hair. She has no wings, but wears a sleek breastplate, all of coral.
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Jord's form shifts, almost immediately, into that of an immense she-wolf with reddish fur. She gives you a grin full of cracked and shattered teeth, and it is not friendly. Her eyes go to Seraphina, and then back to you.

Sif is a beauty with hair the gold of wheat, curvaceous and ethereal at the same time, with lustrously green skin and wings made of autumn leaves. She smiles brightly at Lora, then looks curiously to you.

"We are here," Jord growls.

"I hadn't noticed," Aphrael - /Lora/, her name's Lora - drawls. "Matariel came early, as I'm certain you've noticed. His daughter, my niece, betrayed me and aided a madman in enslaving me. Now she has been defeated, and her fate must be determined."

The five look to Matariel, who hangs his head in defeat. "Don't ask me," the Rain Choir mutters. "I've no say in the matter."

"What is it you /want/, Aphrael?" Domiel asks, gently.

"I prefer Lora," the enslaved angel corrects, without malice. "The elf there is a la Croix. I appoint her my executor in this matter. She will negotiate."

Suddenly all of those eyes are on you. You swallow, hard.

> "Has anyone here raised a child before?"
> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"
> "I don't want to guess and get it wrong. Who rules which Choirs, my lords?"
> Write-in?
> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"

Let's get out and get gone before shit goes south.
> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"

afterward we should probably break the chain and say goodbye to Lora, she is a ticking timebomb with that leash on.
Oh sweet god thank you common sense.
>We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?
Seconding. Lora gave us her consent to decide. Break the chain.
> After all that shitposting, we have reached a consensus.

Smash that chain to the ground and bounce.
>> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"
Also, let's not go to Glen as fun as that might be to our crew later.
Vote will be extended while I handle real life, do some dishes, and discover the magic of Eating Food.
I dunno, could lend some weight and credence to the Duchess' position on opening up the mine. As in "the gods themselves are interested, let's exploit what we can out of it".

Good for tourism if nothing else.
imagine it though, middle of the day outside Henrietta is having a cup of tea with the cook, children are playing and harpies are hiding shyly in the shadows of tree's..

When suddenly an armed red headed elf shows up in the middle of the street with 6 celestial's and a knocked out half angel.

"everyone relax, I got this"
the guy has a point, even in the dumping grounds of the kingdom, it was still in her territory.>>48281122
> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"

>break the fucking chain NOW!!
Imagine Bri's face when River gets there with all these celestials.
>Imagine Bri's face when River gets there with all these celestials.

"Hi, sis!"
you had ONE job River

but not really, Bri would be understanding
I'm looking forward to Bri finding out Matariel drowned a village because he lost one person, when she lost everyone.
It took me some time to notice. Then i remenbered Bri speaking about a flood. Fucks sake Matariel how can someone screw up so badly.
Notable: Bri remembers it as a burst dam that flooded the region, washing away her home town. Additionally, the Blind Marshes are /south/.

That doesn't actually rule it out, though. Just means your theory has complications.

Oh man if the village he drowned happened to be Bri's.

I know it's too convenient, but still the pure shitstorm that would go down would be amazing.
Well guess that sinks my theory.
That flood/storm/whatever happened shortly after Seraphina's birth, Bri's flood happened fairly recently, as she buried the victims. Time frame doesn't add up unless Seraphina is literally like 5-10 years old which I find unlikely.
Well all that water couldn't have just evaporated. If anything the river could have flooded from all the water Matariel manifested. But that would be more like the fallout of his attack.
Meh i guess it would be to much of a coincidense.
Doesn't even need to be the same village for the idea to hit close to home.
Angel kids age faster? We have seen weirder halfbreeds before so it is still possible.
> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"
Called, writing.
We can always ask Vox about it.
Whatever. We can still talk shut about petty reactions to losses. I mean, if he blames Lora we can blame him.
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You take a deep breath. "I'm going to do something, and when it's done, can one of you take us to the surface?" you ask. "It'd be best if we do this elsewhere."

"I will," Sif agrees. "There's a clearing, not too far from here, where we can have our privacy."

You raise the chain in your hands. "Lora, I release you from this bond."

The links snap, and pure relief floods Lora's face. "I'll kill her remaining -"

"/No/," you correct, firmly. "Don't kill /anyone/. Why would I want that? Why would /you/ want that? Disarm the defenses, confine or restrain them if you think you must, but don't /hurt/ them. Hellfire, after what Seraphina did to Jewel before she got her wakeup call I wouldn't be surprised if those people don't remember who they really are."

For a moment you think the angel is going to refuse. But then she nods, and fades into the freezing fog that billows up from Cannot Hold.

Sif opens her palm and lets a lily bloom from it, white and pure. She blows on it, scattering the petals, and you find yourself drawn into a forest clearing, with the light shining from above and the scent of flowers on the breeze.

Every eye is on you. Jord takes a step towards Seraphina, and your hand goes to Sleep's hilt.

"Do you have any idea who you're challenging, whelp?" the angel asks, her voice a rolling growl.

"Do you?" you murmur, your tone low and calm. "La Croix have killed angels before. I don't want to do so again, but I will if you force me to."

You hold the she-wolf's gaze, heart pounding beneath your hard expression.

And she takes a step back, and settles down to listen.

<You have their attention> Robert murmurs, awestruck.

"This is Seraphina," you begin, quietly. "Her master calls her the Daughter. She betrayed her aunt, your sister, and enslaved Lora for her own selfish gain. She was complicit in torture, murder, and destruction, as well as the enslavement of the innocent and the decimation of the Dungeon's way of life."
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> "...She needs your help."
> "I have spared her life."
> Wait for their reply
> Write-in?
> Wait for their reply
>> Wait for their reply
> Wait for their reply

I still fucking love that picture.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

if 1
> "...She needs your help."

if 2
> Wait for their reply
>> "...She needs your help."
meh we are out of danger now, may as well get to the point
> Wait for their reply
>"...She needs your help."
> "...She needs your help."
> "...She needs your help."

Juuust to break the tie.
> "...She needs your help."
... I don't really like any of these options. The first kinda goes without saying but just dumps the problem on them . The second hasn't entirely happened yet. The third is waiting for them to do something when they don't even have anything riding on this other than some half mortal daughter of a sibling who doesn't seem to really care about what she's done.

Honestly at this point other than waiting for a reply that isn't even guaranteed to be there, I'd rather
>ask them for their take/point of view on the matter.
> So. Anyone here raised a half-mortal kid before? Because let me tell you no, this is not normal for them.
>I have spared her. She is My prisoner and I am loras executioner. I brought you because you are family and I give you a chance to make a decision. Don't waste the opportunity with grandstanding and threats.
Er, 'executor' not 'executioner'. Means she gave River power to make decisions for her.
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> "...She needs your help."
She kinda does need help.
Phone posting, I don't question the diviner will of autocorrect.
Just fucking stop with the "lol kill her". We had three fucking votes on it, and I'm

I'm actually ready for shitposting round 3! Are you the metafag? Every time you bring this up I'm going to reference Crescendo just to remind you how shitty it is when anons get salty about votes not going there way.
>shitposting round 3!
No, fuck that shit.

Can't we just have some peace and quiet until Vox updates? Is that too much to ask?
Called, writing.

Incidentally, Gallows Humor has started updating again, admittedly still slowly and irregularly. Usual spot.
I guess. Nobody else really seems to be into it anymore anyways.
What part of autocorrect do you not understand? I never said "lol kill her". I said shut up and take this seriously because if you don't I have the authority to make the decision alone. The only shitposting here is you because you keep putting words i in other people's mouths and get angry over what you think is being said.
I'm not sure how you parse English, maybe it's your second language, but when you state autocorrect is responsible for saying execution instead of executor, and then proceed to say you don't question its divine will, that means that your are placing autocorrects statement above yours.

But I'm glad the salty anon us back to play with me.
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We were almost done with this shit.
> "...She, and after what she's done a lot of other people, need help."
>"Matariel needs help too, but a different sort that I'm not sure you can provide."
What I meant was that I can't change what it wrote after I clicked post. I was trying to say that he was right when he corrected me
Vox is kill?
Actually, yeah. I'm kill. Been staring at this posting box since I called the vote, can't focus. Votes're re-opened, and I'll write in the morning.

Thank you for your patience, folks. As always, questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!
>> "...She needs your help."
If it's any help, I was thinking of something like this;
>"She needs your help. She doesn't know how to be human /or/ angel, but her powers are too dangerous to be left on her own."
>"Matty here says that he left her at an orphanage, to be raised by mortals. But how do you discipline a child that can summon blizzards and hurricanes whenever she has a temper tantrum? How do you tell her 'No', when she can hypnotize and bend the wills of others?"
>"You don't need to pretend to be some kind of maternal or paternal figure; she knows who her father is, and I doubt she needs another one like him. Instead, you could offer her an apprenticeship of sorts, to guide her towards a better path."
>"I also suggest that, even if none of you want to take her under your wing, that her powers be sealed until she learns to use them for more than selfish purposes."

I really hope that this doesn't sound stupid or trivial. It's hard to think clearly after a nine-hour shift ending at 3 in the morning.
Welp, River just went up a level in Badass for staring down the Mother of Monsters and /winning/.

Fookin' `ell mate.
>River looks all of them in the eyes, and slowly pulls out the box of Lark's cigarettes, and puts one between her lips.
>Then, completely deadpan, asks them if they'd like a smoke.

I don't know if this would offend Sif and Jord, being so nature-oriented, but I think a couple of them might laugh. We probably need a tension breaker here.
Pre-sleep bump.
>I have spared her life
>she needs your help.
I would be incredibly surprised if Bri listens to River's telling her all of this and she doesn't say, "Wow. I'd say I'm proud of you, but that really doesn't do it justice."

I was thinking more like

> She needs your help

> Matariel fucked up, and when he was confronted by it he had no idea even how he fucked up.

> When her mother died, he destroyed everything she had ever known and everyone she knew in a fit of pique because of HIS pain. He never even thought about Seraphial who had just lost her mother.

> He abandoned her to an orphanage, a young child with powers she had no idea how to control, and he clearly didn't provide a good role model himself on why anyone should control them.

> She's been hurting others, and hurting herself this whole time because she is so very afraid that she is worthless. When faced with death, she couldn't come up with a single reason she should be spared.

> So here we are. Not to punish her, because that's been tried before. But to try and save her so that she can repent. So that she can find worth in herself, and build worth in the world to pay back the hurt and damage she caused earlier.

> Right now, she doesn't need a judge, for she's already been judged. She doesn't need a jailer, because she's already trapped by herself. She needs a family, she needs people who can love her with healthy boundaries.

> Seriously, where the fuck have you all been her entire life? Doesn't matter anymore, it's time to step up, if family means anything at all to you.
I'd rather call them out and put them on the defensive and get them to justify why they should be allowed to take care of her.

Don't want to just pass the buck to Angels that aren't actually capable of helping.
Eh, Matariel aside, Domiel (stained glass angel) and Sif (obviously the Archangel of the Leaves Choir) seem like they might make good parents. Jord is off the list, just because I doubt she'd take kindly to someone who brought such harm to her sister. Erebus (angel fish woman, and probably Archangel of the Deeps) is still an unknown, and Duma (pretty obviously Archangel of Mysteries) is not fucking happening. Holy shit.

Mind you, these are just first impressions.
Yeah, the thing is I could actually see Jord being one of the BETTER parents. She did pick a pack animal as her form, and holy crap are inter-personal bonds important in those. All that alpha-beta bullshit was based on animals acting abnormally due to stress in captivity and people having difficulty telling animals apart.

Also being willing to call Seraphina on her shit instead of just going "Lol, they're just mortals anyways. Let's go drown a village, dying is what they do regardless."
>> Write-in?

> "I need your help in determining a fate for her that will not be a betrayal of all she has hurt, nor place the Dungeon or the wider world in danger from her, nor do further wrong /to her/ than has already been done."
Well, I mean, yes that's the compromising essence of what we want to post.

Where were you last night lol.

> Supporting this little niggas post.

I also feel that we're trying to cram too much into one conversational post. Like, let's have some back and forth here. This isn't a bioware game, we don't have to just pick Blue or Red and then watch the 15 minute cut scene and find out that we chose to kill everyone and drink their blood by choosing to say "I don't think so".
Wait for their reply, don't ask for their help just yet. These are still glorified manchildren when it comes to other mortals.
>> "We'd best do this elsewhere. Can one of you take us to the surface?"
> All these votes after it was called.
>Votes're re-opened
This is better. changing my vote to this.
Well, in that case

> Supporting >>48288379

Let's bully some angels. I wonder if she's actually ever had the people above her called out on her behalf anymore, instead of just feeding into her persecution complex. I mean, her Dad DID get a free pass on killing everyone.


That's my vote. Or at least


> Always vote for combined options.
I'm alive. I'll call and write after coffee.
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Coffee. Called, writing after I wrap this match.
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You take a deep breath. What happens now could - will - affect a lot more people than just Seraphina. It will affect all of the people she interacts with for the rest of her life - people who might be friends, family, strangers.


"She needs your help," you say softly. "Matariel, he fucked up. And he's of no help here because I or someone else is still going to have to explain to him how and why he fucked up, because he still doesn't get it."

"I -"

You glare at the beaten archangel. He quiets himself immediately.

"The things Seraphina have done were her choices. The people she wronged, the blood shed in her name, those are things she will need to confront," you continue, quietly. "She may never be able to make amends to her victims, but she /can/ do better, I think. But the obstacles are great."

"What happened?" Domiel asks respectfully; his voice echoes, like a bell, and hangs in the air with an oddly comforting reverberation.

"Matariel lost the woman he loved. In his grief and sorrow, he destroyed everything and everyone she'd ever known, and abandoned his daughter to be raised by strangers. But what mortal could handle this?" you ask, gesturing to the unconscious nephilim. "How do you discipline a child who can summon storms and raise floods? The first time he entered her life, he took away all that she'd built and exiled her from her home, and that only made her more bitter, more angry, because while she /did/ need to be stopped, she did /not/ need to be abandoned all over again."

Jord and Domiel both glare at their brother. The Rain Choir folds his frozen wings to hide himself from their unspoken accusations.

"She craves glory because she fears, more than anything, that she is worthless, and unwanted, and unloved. Her only role model was the pitiless storm. I am hoping you can provide a better one."

"Nephilim are," Sif begins, a little awkwardly, "...difficult, to raise."
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"They're locked into their bodies," Erebus explains. "They aren't true angels. These forms, we can -"

"Take them on and off, I know," you answer flatly. "And I'm guessing that Lady Jord has more freedom of that than the rest of you, to better understand her duties."

The she-wolf nods, sagely.

"But she's mortal," you agree. "And she'll need mortal role models in her life too. But the thing is...the thing is, she sees herself as an angel, and lusts to be a god, and doesn't act like either of those things. All power, no duty. Does that sound like you?"

Five of them look at each other. Matariel growls something in the tongue of demons that you're pretty sure is an imprecation about your bloodline and species.

"She needs a family," you continue softly. "Not a jailer, not a punisher. A family."

"You're mortal," Jord says suddenly. "What would you do with Matariel, if he were subject to your laws?"

"Lady Jord, I'm a necromancer. I'm already an outlaw."

"Details," the she-wolf snort.

> What would you do?
Well, he murdered a whole village because he got upset, if he was a human I assume he'd get outlawed and executed. Is Jord asking about what the law says or simply what River would do? Up until a month or two ago she'd just have killed him and collected the coin. Now? We don't really know if River is even law abiding or not, the dungeon hasn't really lent itself to explore that aspect of her.
>are we going to be able to give a fair punishment to him? even after his previous failure and lack of understanding of his consequences. I cant think of any other punishment but forcing him to live as a mortal for a few years and be held accountable for his actions when he inevitably fucks up again. But from the amount of time that has passed I am not sure if anyone is around to desire any recompense.
Jord doesn't really mean formal mortal law in the sense of things you get dragged into court for. She's asking how mortals would deal with someone who behaved this way; how would he be seen, treated, punished?

The thing about angels is they embody and enforce natural laws. Their perspectives are different, but the people Matariel wronged most, including his daughter, are all mortal - Firstborn. From an angelic perspective he didn't do anything particularly noteworthy; who knows how many people he kills just /doing his job/, after all. But River's spoken as if he did something that is, in fact, horribly wrong. So Jord wants to know what she'd have done with the man.
I retract this option in light of this>>48293575
I don't know anything about the surface laws but I expect mass murder to be dealt with capital punishment- I don't know how much we intend to play up this whole "I'm trying to be a new person" thing and just say something that will make us the players and River feel good about ourselves.

Still going by the assumption of capital punishment, are we going to toss law and order out the window because we've gotten ourselves personally involved? Feels like we need to know just how lawful River is.

>If he were subject to our laws he would be executed on the spot. Mass murder is an unforgivable crime. What I would do? Capture him and bring him before a court that will establish his guilt and decide on the punishment. In this case, likely only the method in which he is to be killed.
>he was not doing his job, in a fit of rage he murdered and entire town of people. That level of crime is unforgivable, he would be tried, found guilty and summarily executed.

So not a vote, but some musings, here, whie I sort out my thoughts.

Theres two basic forms of reacting to wrongs. Eye for an eye, aka vengeance, aka hurting them back, and reconstrucitve. Making them repair or fix the wrong.

Eye for an eye doesn't work; and is also assumes an equal amount of eyes. Or wings. Or whatever.

Reconstrutive has far better results, and better long term fixing. For both the wronged, they're getting something repaired, and for the wronger - they're gaining life lessons in how to not be a dick. It also doesn't match gods vs mortals.

So whatever I'd go with, reconstructive insomuch as it can be done, in principle, is what I'll be suggesting as much as feasible once I sort this out.
>I understand that mortals may, and do, die in the course of his duties, and I cannot presume to judge him for that. The wind and the rain fall where they must and destroy blindly what they will. But the storm that day was of his own making, for his own reasons, and his eyes were open to those he slew by it.
>The closest mortal analogs to his actions would be mass murder or an act of war, and would be punished by death.
>Sometimes very inventive manners of death, depending on the executioner.

This isn't a vote for suggesting he be killed, mind, just a frank explanation of what his actions amount to. River's an ex-merc, she's probably seen more than one village razed by other means herself.
It's one thing if a galleon full of sailors with wives and children back home capsizes during a storm at sea. It's another for Matariel to selfishly use his powers to lash out at mortals that had done him no wrong.

Remember the conversation Brianna had with Lora, about how if Amy or Nathan died, she's still collect their souls? It's her job to keep things moving, to send the spirits of the deceased onwards to the Sunless Lands. Just as its Matariel's job to direct storms and raise floods.
Definitely need to combine this with any other votes.
The fuck happened to my post? Whatever. Short version.

> Different mortals do different things. We weren't the ones wronged by him, so we can't stand in judgement. The victims, relatives of those he murdered, and Seraphina should be the ones to judge him.

> I will say that one life doesn't pay for all the lives he took. Or even one of the lives he took. Ultimately the questions are can he also do better, and does he deserve the chance.
And which laws? The laws of the duchy? Of the Dungeon? Of Rivers people? In what court?

It could be indentured slavery, or paying a blood price, mutilation, death, exile, rehabilitation and imprisonment etc.
Exactly, we don't know, so I made sure to note that I was speculating. Good questions though, I mean we don't even know if River knows the laws of the area the village was in. Do we even know where it was located?

Vox, do you have anything you can add to this?
So... he threw a fit of rage, and hurt and killed lesser beings in that rage. And then he failed to take up his implied responsibilites when the initial draw no longer was attractive.

People fuck up. And if we scale it back from angel vs man, to say, man vs animals, as peers we'd crtinaly think that looks bad. It would be taken as a sign of trouble.

Then, the question is, how to respond to that trouble? Lock him away before he goes after his peers as well? No. The crime is not severe enough. But if those actions destroyed another mans value, then we would view this in terms of reparation. What must they do to make it right? Thats a more difficult question to answer, considering it was an entire town wiped out in a fit of infantile rage. But however it goes, we also want to make sure they understand /crystal clear/ that that doesn't happen twice, and it's unnacceptable to society.

Thats just the fit of rage.


Thats just the fit of rage.

For abandoning his daughter and walking away? That's hard to enforce in the world of humans, and the lack of love, caring, or ability itself already means we cant just put them back together. Sometimes we just let people live in their own misery of their choices, it cant be fixed, and to take further would be pointlessly cruel, as it doesnt make anything better.
Overall, this is ostracization. Shunning. Sometimes being asked to leave the community. Maybe a demotion, and definitely a loss of trust and character and responsibility. If tere's enough other positives they still bring it balances out some, but it's a very black mark,

If they /were/ available and something /could/ be done, /and/ they wanted to try andmake it right, though, it would be service equal to the debt. Those who incurred cost, caring, spent their lives trying to pick up what he didn't?

One of the rules of trying to do better, is that you can't call your previous fucking up at a wash. You do what you can to fix the impacts your fuckup caused. Even if you cant fix everything, you do what you can.

> His crime was of destruction. So I would sentence him to rebuild.
> At the moment, he doesn't know /how/ to build, much—it's not in his nature. So I would make the first part of his sentence an apprenticeship of sorts, under someone whose nature is thoughtful and creative, rather than capricious and destructive.
> Once he could show, to his new master's satisfaction, that he grasped the fundaments of these, he could begin his true sentence, which would be to rebuild enough that it counterbalanced all that he had destroyed by his act, and then half as much more.
> Given that much of what was destroyed was Firstborn life, I don't know how to put a value on it and determine when that debt was repaid. That's something we mortals are pretty bad at, too. It also doesn't have to be "building" in the sense of actually constructing physical things—but it needs to be something that adds value, joy, and worth to the world.
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Alright, so: got a later start than I meant to today, and now I have to go to work. At the same time, this is a vote that could use some discussion anyway, and there's already been some good ideas expressed. It'll stay open until 11:30 PM or midnight or so, when I get home, and I'll be available by phone.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain, as always, welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!
What's this relativism shit? Like I get what you are getting at but look at it in character, do you think it's reasonable for a human here to go "oh we're basically ants so whatever say you're sorry and we're cool"?
Besides the question was how he would be dealt with according to mortal law, implying we have to treat him as another mortal. I don't think the question was posed this way without any thought behind it. So the angels know that he fucked up but from their perspective it's not even worth a shrug, they want to understand how and why it was bad and what punishment is appropriate because again they seem to have no clue at all.

Or I'm just out of my mind and don't understand what you're saying.
this. better than anything I could come up with.
I think your more right than the angel apologist.
>Thirding this, it's perfect

Ahahahahha. Wow. This is what happens when someone knows a lot of words and not much else.

I feel you. Think you got it on the nose.

Read the question again.

We still voting? I say

> If you want him judged by mortal law, then we need a mortal court. We can have him tried by the Duchess if you want, but mortal law has reason and rules you know.

Damn I would like to see the Duchess' face when he have her try an angel.
Do keep the clarification here in mind >>48293575
So. What she would have done with the MAN? Which man? Not Matariel?
The thrust is that it's not about legalities so much as it's about how mortals treat each other. Angels don't deal in the laws of nations and contracts; they deal in respect, duty, and physics. Matariel failed his duty.
Ahhh. I see.

But law IS about duty, obligation and privilege. One would even say men use law to define those.
Indeed. But if you want to explain that to them, that's on you.
I'm not quite sure how to frame the change of scale in a way that doesn't make humans look like bugs; so there's that. But that was him more kicking a puppy while pissed off; if you take it into account.
If you wanna start judging an angel by human law /as an angel/, fuck, that's an incredibly more diffiuclt question.
>Ahahahahha. Wow. This is what happens when someone knows a lot of words and not much else.

Yeah, I get wordy. In the interest of avoiding stupid shitposting arguments, I'm just gonna leave my thing as self evident. Agree, or don't, but if I need to actively defend it, it's not good enough, so I'll pass there.
You didn't need to post this if you really believed it. Insecure faggoy.
Dude abused his position for personal gain. He's corrupt. More of a Traitor than Lora ever was the smug pick.
I support this post.

So is that someone who is both gay, and not Jewish, then?
Pretty much. IDK, autocorrect didn't catch it so I figured I'd let it roll.
Hour and a half and change to call.
Vox stop playing HQQ and do your own quest mister.
1. What is HQQ?

2. As indicated upthread, I'm still at work. I need to finish up, get home, do dishes, find dinner, tally votes, then update.
Nah, Vox isn't QuestDrone.

Hive Queen Quest, one of two best space opera quests running right now. The other is Death Amongst the Stars.
You should check both out on thread downtimes, they're FUN.
Hive Queen Quest, it's amazing

go read it
Thank ya.
Okay, made it home. Need to hit chores, tally, and write. Might be a bit.
Dammit Vox, I need to be up in 5 hours; you're killing me.
I'm sorry anon, but real life has to come first, and tallying this vote is gonna be a bit of a bitch.
here is as close a tally as I could get, if I missed a vote then it was not formatted properly. But I think I got them all.

execute him

explain (that he would probably be executed)

let the families and Seraphina judge him

sentenced to rebuild (some of these are not formatted correctly)
I generally don't expect seconding votes to be greentexted since they provide a direct link to the vote in question. Thank you anon.

Dishes are just about slain.
I didn't see the post about sentencing him to rebuild. I'm also gonna support that.
no problem Vox, happy to help.
>Seconding the write-ins that:
a) Inform them by mortal law it would have been counted as mass murder and punished by execution,
b) but that mortals know these laws and would know about the consequences. Angels have other mindsets/laws/whatever. While they are not above the law,
c) it would be much fairer and useful to rebuild like >>48294330
so effectively..

you are voting for all the things

with a write in only vote

you absolute madman
See >>48301691
On a related note, are there any particular divine laws concerning 'relations' between Angels and the Firstborn?

What are the various Choirs stances concerning Mortals, in their many flavors?

How much trouble would we have been in if Seraphina was the offspring of the Archangel of Mysteries as opposed to Matariel?
I think the Lich might have crawled back into his grave, but that's okay, he'll rise again on the morrow.
Didn't you say something about a side-quest on /qst/?
"There is," you begin, after a long silence, "some potential debate on that subject. But for mortals, when we are wronged, when we do wrong, it is expected that it will be made right. What 'made right' means depends a lot on who you ask, and what was done, and how the perpetrator feels about it. How the victim feels about it, for that matter," you add, softly.

"You are, for all intents and purposes, the victim here," Domiel points out. "Lora named you her executor."

"I'm aware. Lora clearly doesn't want revenge or retribution, though these are...common...in mortal law. Lawbreakers are deprived of their freedom, loved ones, or lives. But Lora could have had any of those things and did not request them. Personally, I believe he should atone. He thoughtlessly destroyed a community - not just people and lives, but their history, their heritage, their future, swept beneath his rage. He needs...perspective, on what he's done. A teacher, I think, to help him learn what it means to build and create, and to lose what you've created."

"And when he has perspective?" Jord asks.

"When he has perspective, he gives the world something to replace what he stole from it," you answer. "Some of that was lives, and their value is...hard to define. But the act of creation isn't always just physically making things."

The five of them look at each other, then back to you. This time, it's Erebus that speaks. "You said that Seraphina would need a mortal mentor. What kind of person would you suggest?"

> Someone with power
> Someone wise
> Someone kind
> Volunteer
> Write-in?
>> Someone kind
>Someone wise.

Part of me wants to suggest calling on the spirit of her mother Elise, but that might actually be a bit cruel to Matariel /and/ to the poor deceased woman who would see what's become of her child.

So instead, maybe we could ask the priesthood of the Lady of Ravens if they might assist? If the Reverend and Briony are any indicators of how her followers behave, Seraphina would be in capable hands..or feathers.
> Someone kind
>Someone kind

Calling on Elise's spirit may not be such a bad idea. After all, what mother /wouldn't/ want to help her daughter - who she never knew - when she has fallen astray?

Maybe we can do a thing where Elise haunts Seraphina kinda like how Robbert is haunting us?
At SOME POINT I'm going to have a handle on my sleep schedule. I'm hitting bed; votes remain open.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating! And for your patience with me trying to get back into the swing.
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> Maybe we can do a thing where Elise haunts Seraphina kinda like how Robbert is haunting us?

Having your own mother haunting you would be super awkward and embarrassing.
>"Someone who is kind and loving, one who can discipline her without using great powers to dominate, to teach her that raw power is not a necessity for life. As a necromancer, I have a unique solution- I can call on Elise, her mother, and perform a haunting. I bind her ghost to Seraphina and they will be joined in the same way Robert is joined to me and she will stay until Seraphina is strong and confident enough to exorcise her of her own will.
Well, the problem with /that/ is River's apprenticeship is only supposed to end when she's learned enough in the family traditions to banish Robert back to the grave.

The /hope/ is that during these apprenticeship's, any serious character flaws that might be present have been fixed or greatly lessened, but it probably isn't possible with Seraphina, since it's possible she could brute force the haunting spirit out without having learned anything.

Having her be haunted by her dead mom might make things better or much, much worse. There really isn't any way to tell at this point.
> Someone kind
Whoever it is will need to be sympathetic enough to want to deal with her problems. Otherwise I'm not seeing this working out.
>/Oh Sera, look over there! That cobbler boy is pretty cute. You should ask him out to the Spring Festival./
>"Oh for the love of the Raven, Mom, PLEASE stay out of my love life!"
I think calling on her dead mother won't help her with this. Seraphina needs someone who knows how to use angel powers to each her

So, maybe her mom+one of the other member of the choir?
Guess who woke up from a loud noise and saw this?

An angel helping out is already a given. They're asking what kind of mortal should be involved.
do we know anything about her mom? I mean, besides the fact that she liked storms?

God, maybe we should just get some more people in on this. it takes a village....
> Someone wise
>Someone kind
>But firm
Kindness is good but she really needs some rules and consequent guidance.
True, I'm thinking of changing my write in to propose the village Glen. She's been alone, perhaps a community that isn't worshiping the ground she walks is what's best?
Glen's going through a bit of a strange period right now, what with the roosters and the duchess/nobles and so on. I don't think throwing a chainbearer in to the mix would be a good idea.
>> Someone wise

There is much kindness that comes with wisdom, but the wise also know when kindness is not the best thing to use.
>> Volunteer
Alternatively, Glen is used to strange thanks to the Dungeon. Glen might be the only place that is prepared for this.
> Someone who is capable of loving her

I mean, really, that's the important part. Personally I would also add

> Find someone from the LaCroix family to adopt her

There, you have a village of people who can show her how to responsibly use power as a mortal, while not excluding her because of her power.

Like the other guy said, most mortals simply aren't able to handle Seraphim.
> Volunteer . . . the Duchess, or the LaCroix.

Nobility is RAISED specifically with the idea of responsibilities that come along with power. Also give Seraphina some of that validation. They're also usually more in tune with politically motivated adoptions and shit, so they'll be better at dealing with it.

Second best I guess is someone in the LaCroix family. Maybe setting her up with a ghost? Regardless she can't stay in the Dungeon where Dick can contact her. Pretty sure Dick can't leave now that the Gods know about him as well.

I would say have her go to the church of one of the angels, but I don't trust them to not worship her.
If the duchess has this thrown at her it's going to give her some crazy legitimacy and credibility.

This whole situation is already so far removed from reality we might as well go whole hog.
It seems someone did not receive the memo that quests are still welcome on /tg/.
>> Someone wise

Power would be nice, but pretty clearly what we need isn't that. Kind would be good for Seraphina, but it isn't what she needs. Like Matariel, what she needs is wisdom and perspective.

Sorry, posted without reading fully. Little hung over. Changing to

> The Duchess
You know what? Fuck all these write-ins! They suck!

You know who has the longest perspective out of everyone, who helped build and maintain a community for *ages*, who knows the value of balance, and is probably powerful enough to hold her own against a Nephilim if shit goes sideways? Give her to Silence.


I, >>48304563 will also support the Duchess instead of the LaCroix if people prefer that. I just kind of want Seraphina as far away from the Dungeon as possible.
Oooh, that's an idea. But would Silence be WILLING to do this even? She doesn't really seem too big on that kind of thing.

Also, she's Fae not Mortal.

Maybe we could have Seraphina visit Silence from time to time to learn from her?
Being Fae is kind of the point here. She's an alien who's spent *lifetimes* among the mortals, learning how to coexist with them, thrive among them, how to lead them without leashing them, how to be commanding without being demanding. Sounds to me like the most #1 valuable-ass pile of lessons for a would-be goddess dictator, that's for sure. Time spent with literally anybody else is probably a waste and a frustrating exercise in futility for everyone involved.

>would she be willing
I suspect if the archangels swoop up to a fae and say "Hey, can you keep an eye on this nephilim?" the fae will almost certainly say yes.
Why not have Silence just be on hand as a consultant, so that Seraphina can stay out of the dungeon?

Could we somehow magically bind her to not be able to enter it, then Silence can sometimes come up to talk to Seraphina and instruct her while also negotiating trade agreements?
>> Someone with power
>> Someone wise
>> Someone kind

> Volunteer the Duchess

She's responsible for the Mine anyways, right? Being the local ruler? Also, she seems to fit these three requirements already despite her young age.

Hell, it even works with Seraphina's desire to rule. But now she can learn how to rule properly, or if she even really wants to at all but just thought she did.
> Volunteer the Duchess
There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

Wait wait wait wait.

We gotta make Seraphina a Fetch equivalent as a gift to help her regardless of where we send her.
So. We know you aren't supposed to use Necromancy on an Angel.

But, and hear me out, what if - WHAT IF - there was a Seraphim who used necromancy? How would that work? Could we have used that to drain out all the mortality from Seraphina to create a mortal version of her AND an angelic version?

Probably not.
>We know you aren't supposed to use Necromancy on an Angel.
I think its more like specific parts of necromancy, raising and resurecting parts.
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I'll be here to call, tally, and update in a bit. In the meantime, votes are still open.

Have a gift for your patience, from my esteemed comic partner.
Aight, so!

Brother's inviting me out for lunch. I'll be updating when I get back.
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Called, writing, then lunch.
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> TFW 'kind' and 'duchess' tied
> TFW there is no face
You maniacs

You think about their question for a long moment. In a way, they're asking what kind of role model you want to teach Seraphina about being mortal. And she /is/ mortal - the nephilim, rare as they are, are still of the Firstborn. She, too, is a victim of life, condemned to death. A kind mentor can help her through her demons and give her an idea of what it is, besides glory, that's worth living for.

You suspect she's overdue for some kindness in her life anyway. But who? She'd never respect some sweet old grandmother, not at first. She needs someone who's shouldered the burdens of -

You stop, dig out a cigarette, and light it slowly while you mull the idea you just had over in your head.

"I have," you say slowly, "someone specific in mind. Assuming she's willing, that is. I don't want Seraphina to go back into the Dungeon, and the person I'm thinking of will be /near/ it for awhile, but I'm gonna assume that when you folks are helping to teach and guide her, she'll be far away anyway."

"Likely," Erebus admits. "Our duties take us far and wide."

"Like Jord roaming through mortal beds," Sif adds.

"I will piss in every field you sow," the she-wolf growls. "Who, la Croix?"

"Her Grace, Duchess Henrietta of Starfall," you name, clearly. "Someone for whom the question of power and consequence is their daily responsibility. Someone kind, and interested in justice. Someone who, if I'm being honest, could use the implied threat of a nephilim to back her bold reforms."

Domiel gives you a crazed, glassy grin. "Multitasking. I like it."

"Are you sure she'd be the best candidate?" Erebus asks.

"Mortals are rarely certain about anything. But I believe she'd be an excellent one, though she might need a bit of persuading."

"The six of us appearing before her, clad in glory, ought to give everyone the right impression," Domiel muses.
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"You're a sick bastard, Lord Domiel. I like it." You offer a hand out, and the angel shakes it delicately, so as not to shred your flesh with his razor-edged fingers.

"Now only two questions remain," Sif begins.

"Only one of us can take full-time responsibility for the girl," Erebus clarifies. "We rule our Choirs, and leadership is a full-time duty, leaving aside those cases where only our own power can enact an appropriate solution or change."

"So which one?" Jord challenges, her eyes on you.

"And do you want to speak to Seraphina before we return you to the Dungeon?" Domiel asks.

> Which archangel will teach Seraphina?


> Talk to her before you go
> Just go
> Talk to her before you go
Which archangel will teach Seraphina?

> Jord

> Talk to her before you go
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>"The six of us appearing before her, clad in glory, ought to give everyone the right impression," Domiel muses.

This is what dreams are made of.
>> Talk to her before you go
Remind me what the angels domains are?
You never actually asked who did what. You know Matariel is Rain Choir and Lora is Death Choir. The other five Choirs are Fangs, Leaves, Deeps, Mysteries, and Sorrows.
I can't remember or find what the choirs do. It's fairly self evident that Sif is Leaves but what's her business? Making plants grow and wither, the whole circle of life thing?
Mysteries is obviously the creepy bastard, Fangs also fairly obvious, Deeps must be the angel with gills, Sorrows I don't know, and I assume if I read correctly Jord is Leaves. So by this logic.
>Talk to her before you go, and warn her if Bri catches her, she might try to rip her limb from limb for what she did to her kids.

> Which archangel will teach Seraphina?
> "I really do not know you well enough to know which would be the best fit, you should decide among yourselves"

We do not even know which belongs to which choir, picking one ourselves would be irresponsible.


> Talk to her before you go
>I don't know any of you well enough to make that decision. It would be irresponsible of me to choose.

>Talk to her
I also find it kind of funny that a mission that was essentially a milk run: go to place, cast spell, leave is going to end with 5 archangels confronting the duchess. This mission is officially as off the rails as Vox's original assumptions of what this quest would be like.
I switch my choice for whom to this.
>still say we talk to her though.
That would be insanely out of character for Brianna. What are you smoking.

If anything

> Tell her about your own redemption and why you saved her even though she didn't think she was worth it.
> All you niggas got to step up and take turns. Who said she was the only one that needed teaching, anyways?

> Talk to her.
>The Archangel of Sorrows
>talk to her before leaving

Sorrows was the mediation choir iirc, that knowledge will be BADLY needed. Almost voted for Matariel, but I think that's more risk than I'm willing to take no matter how high the potential rewards are
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J/K though I love you glorious bastards.

Not a feasible solution, both because their offer was for one of them, and because in cases like Seraphina's it's important to be able to bond.
> Talk to her before you go
Sif is Leaves I think, Jord is the she-wolf. Maybe you guys want to change your votes since I don't think Jord is the best candidate to teach humility to anyone.

Yeah it seems to be the most sensible option. Leaves should be all about growing life, culling and stuff to maintain balance in ecosystems, it's likely the best way to give her perspective.
He a bro.

Talk to her before you go.
Okay folks, here's the deal: I can either call and update /right now/, or I can leave this vote open until I get home from work. I'm kinda erring on the side of updating after work, because this vote's got significant potential consequences and because evidently I need to cut to Henrietta once we wrap the River end of this up holy fucking shit INTERLUDE IV RIDES AGAIN MOTHERFUCKERS.

Does that sound reasonable?
I'd leave the vote open, just so we can get some more ideas out.

Going with the Duchess isn't really what I was looking for though, I'm not sure how that's going to work out. I know you can make it work though.
>Pointy stained glass man will teach her because he sounds cool

>Just go because I'm frankly tired of talking about her
Only if we pick

> Jord

She seems to be the closest to humans. Better than Nature goddess. Nature is a BITCH.

Seriously, very few living things are actually maternal beyond "Survive to puberty".

Hopefully I posted in time.
leave the vote open is what you /should/ do
update right now is what /i/ want you to do
>talk to her before you go

She deserves a run down
Aight, leaving the votes open.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms are welcome and appreciated. I'll field 'em as best I can from work.

Thank you all for reading and participating!
> I want me some Jungle women, Jord of the Jungle

In b4 Seraphina is at a loss being on the receiving end of being uncomfortable with the horny divine being.

> Talk with her before you go.

It would be nice for her to be left with her life drastically changed and NOT just have whoever did it abandon her to new guardians for once.
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Pic related.
Five hours and change to call.
Jord is the wolf-angel, right? Wouldn't she be Fangs Choir?
Oh yeah, not thinking clearly at the moment. Insomnia is a bitch and the mac and cheese am eating is to good to think.
> Sif
> Talk to her before you go
Old video game from the 1990s, and I think he was referencing how both Jord and Seraphina have . . . implied appetites, as it were, given the reactions from Matariel when Lora first summoned him and snooty McBitch talking to Jord hopping in every bed.

Which is enough to make me vote for u-boats.

> Jord

> Talk to her before you go
> Sif of the Leaves
> Talk to her before you go
The Daughter knows her power and what all she can do - though she needs to learn how to temper her powers and know when to use them when it is appropriate. Nature will help with that more than the beasts of the world.
link your votes
I am sensing a severe desire for proper armor.
Yeah, boy and gee, sure is too bad necromancers can't wear it, huh.
> Jord, she seems to be the Angel most likely to have dealt with Nephilim in the past (given the whole "in people's beds" comment. She at least understands people well enough to bone them.

> Give Seraphina our digits so she can call us up if shit gets wack or she's having a hard time.
Sorry, I've spent too much time out in nature to trust it. Besides, we have the Duchess to teach her how to use power appropriately for mortals.

We're looking for someone to make up for her lack of family, and to keep an eye on her.

Nature is . . . cruel. Violent. Indifferent even one might say. Beasts at least still have feelings.
That's the joke, my friend.
There's Leaves /and/ Fangs, anon. Both are "nature" for a value of that idea.
How's work going?

What exactly is the difference between the domain of "nature" vs "beasts"? Is Nature like plants and shit?

Because I've got a huge mycelium boner lately. They're murderous little spores, I swear the contaminated jars get stronger.
Kill Jester
Leaves Choir attends to plants and fungi of various kinds, especially the ones the gods made on purpose, and are empowered to reveal their secrets to mortals. They are to growing things what the Fangs are to animals and sapients.>>48313908
> Sith then.

I wanna be a Fun Guy.

So, is there like a horticulture & animal husbandry aspect to the two goddesses, or are they specifically only for "natural" plants/animals?
Remember, they're not exactly gods. As the heads of their Choirs they're potent and experienced, but none seek worship and most don't bother themselves about mortals.

That in mind, they help maintain the processes that make agriculture and husbandry possible. Further information is a bit spoilery.
We should have asked for their resumes.
> Jord
> Talk to her before you go
> Sif of the Leaves
> Talk to her before you go
> Domiel. Give her a glass daddy.
As head of the Choir of Sorrows he should be uniquely equipped to help her through her emotional troubles, or so I would assume at least. Also he seems pretty chill.


> Talk to her before you go
Home, dishes, moonshine. Then will call and write.
> Jordan

> Stick around to talk
> Moonshine

> Update

Pick one you Appalachian sister fucker.
Anon, my sister is across the continent from me, in a fulfilled relationship, and definitely lesbian.

Called, writing.
Hey, you said Moonshine, I just extrapolated from there.

> Vox confirmed for being a transcontinental woman who fills her sister nightly.
> Talk before you go
don't be silly anon, the fact that he is a male bisexual lich prostitute is well known.
Kill jester
That identifies as a woman apparently. Otherwise his sister would also be bi as she takes his feminine dick inside her.
If you're too tired just do it tomorrow dude.

It's late, you worked, and Moonshine does have consequences.


The Guy Shitposting about your Sister.
and if you can't trust the guy shitposting about your sister who can you trust?

seriously thought, if your not feeling up to getting the update out tonight we can wait until tomorrow. better a great bit of writing tomorrow than a good one tonight. I think most people have gone to sleep anyways.
Just because I'm a constant and consistent shitposter doesn't mean I don't care.

If I didn't care or enjoy the quest, I wouldn't even be here.

As it is, I just like to combine my love of this quest and my love of shitposting into one happy wall of text.
You take a drag on your cigarette, considering the matter thoughtfully. You have not had the chance to know these angels well, but something tells you that they might be more inclined to talk to one another than Matariel had been. They have an interest, an energy, that is removed from the Rain Choir's seemingly youthful resentment.

Your eyes settle on the she-wolf. "Lady Jord, and meaning no disrespect, would I be correct in presuming that you have raised nephilim before?"

The growl you get back is more exasperated than angry. "Yes," she answers, fixing you with an interested look.

"The first thing you did was move to defend your family," you tell her. "That means something to me, and I believe you can help Seraphina to form real relationships, rather than just the chains that bind master to servant. I would like to ask that you take responsibility for her."

"I accept," Jord answers, a pleased note in her voice. "Will you speak to my niece before you leave?"

"I will," you agree. The other four seize Matariel by the shoulders - he doesn't even try to fight - and vanish. You kneel next to Seraphina and shake her gently, as Jord pads away to give you some privacy.

Seraphina stirs. You twitch your head to avoid the punch you know is coming, seize her wrists, and force them to the ground.

"I didn't wake you up to fight you," you tell her, firmly. "I'm here to help."

"Don't patronize me," the nephilim spits. "Aphrael will destroy me whenever you're done avenging your pathetic sister's grudge."

"No, she won't, though if you keep talking shit about Bri I'm gonna punch you so hard in the tit that you'll sweat milk. Your life has been spared, Seraphina. You are free of the Master."

"Free," Seraphina snarls. There's no real energy in it, though, and she lets out a long breath. "...I won't see him again. He loved me."
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Gods. Maybe you should have let her wake up with Jord. You hope it doesn't take her too long to talk to Henrietta.

> "Sera, he didn't love you. I doubt he loves anyone."
> "Your family's come to help you, Seraphina. We need to talk about that."
> "You have no idea why you're alive, do you?"
> Write-in?
While I appreciate the concern, I was mostly interrupted by a good but distracting conversation.
>You have no idea why you're alive, do you?
>> "You have no idea why you're alive, do you?"
> "You have no idea why you're alive, do you?"
> "Maybe. Didn't keep him from using you though, didn't mean that he was good for you. Remember when I asked you to give me any reason for you to live? Him loving you didn't come up then, so I say let's move past that and help you work on you instead for once."
> Your eyes settle on the she-wolf. "Lady Jord, and meaning no disrespect, would I be correct in presuming that you have raised nephilim before?"

> The growl you get back is more exasperated than angry. "Yes," she answers, fixing you with an interested look.

Called it. Is the best choice.

> "You have no idea why you're alive, do you?"
>Remember when I asked you to give me any reason for you to live? Him loving you didn't come up then, so I say let's move past that and help you work on you instead for once
I really like this part.
Not another vote, just clarifying that I mean that

> "You have no idea why you're alive, do you?"

As a faint, where we get her to wonder why we saved her and then go all

>"No, I mean why you're alive at all. Remember the discussion we had where you couldn't give me a reason to let you live? That was fucked up, so here's the plan to help you find one."

> "Also Lora pimpslapped the shit out of your Dad for being shit at raising his kid. This is Jord, your Aunt. She's going to be helping you from now on."
Yeah, it's usually not worth it to argue with people about whether or not their abuser loved them, they just get defensive about it.

Let's focus on getting her to the point where she can admit to herself that he really didn't. Quite frankly, from here on out it's just not relevant.

I also like

> "Also Lora pimpslapped the shit out of your Dad for being shit at raising his kid. This is Jord, your Aunt. She's going to be helping you from now on."

I feel we should let her know that someone else recognized how fucked up it was what her Dad did since that was one of her major complaints during her break-down.
I know exactly what you mean. I got a good bit of psych education in my registered nursing program.
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> You have no idea why you're alive, do you?
Girl talk real talk? Girl talk real talk.
Can we combine the basic

>You have no idea why you're alive, do you?

with the variations?
Likely, aye. I've taken inspiration from such additions & write-ins before.
Medic training. Dealing with domestic calls, you just want to get the people separated. You aren't going to be able to stick around and fix their shit, that's a long term job, so you get them to move forward however they can *now* and later is another persons problem.
>You have no idea why you're alive, do you?
We get a bit more time to try and fix their shit if they end up in a psych facility. Still too long term for us to try and fix though. Our goal is to instead make sure they know all about all the tools available to them. That way, when they have their own epiphany they have somewhere to turn to.
Oh yeah, my vote's definitely in support of these.

>"You have no idea why you're alive, don't you?"

Aunt Jordie should totally introduce Sera to her cousins..if they're still around.
>Yay! I'm immortal! I get to live forever and..watch my children and all the people I love grow old and die...Fucking hell man!
God damn I forgot how hard that shit hits. I'm gonna crawl into bed and try not to die; votes remain open.

Questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and criticisms remain welcome and appreciated. Try not to chide me about the booze, it's been awhile since I've had 'shine and I already know where and how I fucked up.

Thank you all for reading and participating!
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>> You have no idea why you're alive, do you?
> You have no idea why you're alive, do you?
'S okay Vox-man, I think we've all been there at least once. Though I have to ask, where are you getting your firewater? Mine came from a coworker that made the shit in his tool shed. It was like God's wrath concentrated into liquid form.
>I have no idea HOW you're alive. Do you?
Not a vote. Just a comment on Vox's lifestyle.
Told you so. You can't pick Moonshine and anything else. Drinking that level of booze is a commitment.

It's okay though, you deserve it after working retail on a Friday and putting up with my insistent shit posting.

Moonshine. The hillbillies birth control, because it makes you too drunk to fuck your sister. Or at least slows you down long enough for her to get away.
> All the write ins

That's what I support, mostly because they all agree with everyone voting for the same choice.
> Write-in?
Man I have no idea which is good here.
But ... something about not building a bad temple again. You're going to learn right, and how to build what you want to build that doesn't get the whole world pissed off at you, from your own kind, not just those trying to use you for your power. Thats worth more than respecting some controlling asshole.

> Damn woman, I was going to kill you and I had a better opinion of you than you did. I sure as fuck don't love you, but you clearly need help more than I need revenge.

> And you know, turns out you do have family that cares about you and would be sad if you were gone, and is willing to help. So that's nice.

> But the important thing is to learn that you yourself have value. Not as a Nephilim. Not as a goddess or a capable second, or because of your body. That it turns out just being Seraphina can be enough for people to love you and want you around and that is enough to make it worth living. That people will miss you when you're gone.

And I would like to NOT include >>48319950

Since I don't want to focus on rubbing her face in her past mistakes, or even deal with the whole "Dick loved me" thing.


Point out, it's not really productive to focus on that. Better to just be dismissive of it.
Bump for the lich.
I'm up. Early shift today, gonna shower and then try to kill the thread. This is a really good time for questions or feedback.
your writing times are a bit slow, but I do not know if there is much you could do about that. Also on more then one occasion I have seen you call and write and then change your mind and go to bed. That can be a bit annoying for people who stayed up hours waiting for the post to come, so it might be a good idea to not call until you are sure that you can write.

These are just my personal observations and other people may feel differently I dunno.
I have a question: Why did you breed halflings and blink dogs?
Because she had a feet and bestialys fetish.
I'd prefer to keep my professional troubles out of this.

Noted. Been feeling bad about this myself.
>Vox is a professional bestiality provider
I uh oh okay.
Vox do you need a hug?
It's because we go so far off the rails, and also because he has ridiculously long voting times which results in abnormal amounts of write-ins.

Honestly, he's just not very organized. It seems like he really wants everyone to feel included, but he's not willing to set up a twitter or run survey's for the voting if he's going to leave it open for +12 hours at times.

Whatever, he does it for free. The writing quality is consistently good at least.

But yeah. Massively disorganized. I don't know if he's just unable to comprehend how 4chan works and play to its strengths or if he's just irrationally stubborn.
>>Vox is a professional bestiality provider
Vox, you keep getting better and better
>bestiality provider
That makes it sound like a household service, like internet or cable.

"Honey, the bestiality's out!"
"Oh, darn! I'll call Vox, see if he can send a tech!"
Okay, here's the really short version: wrote a book by the name of Bloodforge awhile back for a whole lot of reasons that were out of my control. The pitch behind it was "hybrid" races for Pathfinder but because /SOMEONE/ had already purchased the artwork to be used in it, I had to design around the art, in addition to a few other requirements from the boss that took some fighting to get removed.

The end result was several combinations that I really don't wanna think about, such as halfling x blink dog, elf x unicorn, and gnomes with /giant evil flesh-cloaks/.

It was a rough ride.
So in other words, you're not only a professional bestiality provider, you're an expert with a wide selection to choose from. Nice.
Aight, so this vote is difficult to tally aaand I can't finish that with a straight face, called, writing.
...no wonder you and XS get along.
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You let your smoke out through your nose, mostly because your hands are busy and you forgot to take the cigarette from your mouth before you got into this - firm discussion, let's call it. You take care that it doesn't go into Seraphina's face.

"You have no idea why you're alive, do you?" you ask softly.

"I imagine that you intend on breaking me and pressing me into your service, necromancer," the nephilim answers sullenly.

The urge to slap her is almost overwhelming, but you refrain. "You're alive because when I went to kill you, it turned out that I had a better opinion of you than you did," you answer, exasperated. "Do you have any idea how fucked that is? Some of the worst scum I've ever known could have answered that question. I live in Split, a town where parents cast their children into the streets to /die/ so the rest of the family could live another day, and /they/ could answer that question. And you can't."

Seraphina surges up with a furious cry, and the two of you roll across the clearing, exchanging punches. Her wings make it clumsy for her though, and though her fist keeps crashing into your shoulder, your chest, she's not much stronger than you.

This isn't a fight, you think, mildly. This is harpy debate.

You roll on top, straddling her stomach, and give her a rabbit punch to the jaw that makes her wince dizzily. You catch her next blow and twist her wrist into a firm lock.

"Don't fight it or you'll break your arm," you warn her. "Are we done?"

"How dare you -"

"Are. We. Done?" you ask, firmly. "I haven't gone through all this trouble not to kill you just for you to die here, Seraphina of the Firstborn."

The title stops her cold.

"I need you to listen now," you murmur. "I don't hate you. Bri might, but one of these days, when you're better, I doubt she still will. There's something the Rose Cult told me, awhile back, that when we make friends of our enemies, we destroy them just as effectively as blades or sorcery."
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You let go of her wrist and stand up off of her. "Your family came to help you, Seraphina," you tell her. "Your aunt Jord has agreed to help teach and guide you. You will also be given over to the care and instruction of Her Grace, Duchess Henrietta of Starfall."

"And if I do not care to learn?" Seraphina asks, warily.

"Then I should imagine you'll have a difficult time. Do you care to guess if you can outrun a maternal-feeling Fang Choir?"

"...You should have killed me," the nephilim says at last.

"Well, I didn't," you say with a sigh. "Fucking deal with it."

You catch Jord's gaze, from the treeline.

> Go back to the Dungeon
> Say one last thing (What?)
>say one last thing
"I'll ask you that question again, someday, and I expect you to have an answer for me."
oh that's good


I was thinking something along the lines of "and stay out of the fucking dungeon" but this is much better.
Alright, fuck it, I can't actively wait for this thread to die, not with an eight hour shift coming down the barrel. Someone kill this thing while I start the new thread up; called, writing.

Yeah. Can't get better than this.
Daily reminder that Silence, despite being the best character in this quest, still doesn't have a doc entry.
> Let her know we called Matariel out on his shit too. And that while he isn't here because of his shit, he was concerned for her.

This just fits too well.

>>say one last thing
>"I'll ask you that question again, someday, and I expect you to have an answer for me."

Seconding this
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