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Warhammer 40k General

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Space 0Din is da profit of Gork an' Mork - edition

> Codexes


> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
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This thread needs bingo! The free tile for today is, "Tau fag bragging about 5 riptides in a casual game"
Friendly reminder that I'm still looking for input on my Sisters of Battle fandex.

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For the first legion!
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This general's coloring page is an Imperial Knight.

Let's see those houses!
More like worst legion
I just want you to know, that I skipped the fluff, but it looked nice at a glance. Also, I think it needs SPECIAL fire weapons that set them apart from all other factions fire weapons. Every faction in the entire game can take Flamers and Meltas in some form, but sisters are THE FIRE FACTION, PURIFY ALL OF THE UNCLEAN, THE HERETICS, AND THE WITCHES IN THE FIRES OF FAITH.

Give them shit like Assault 3 hand-flamers, Melta-BEAMS(Like, give them 9" S8 AP1 BEAM) for their transports. They need better flamer and melta options than all of the other factions. Also make their generic flamers and meltas have +1 strength, say it's a special rule along the lines of "Blessed Fire"
Give me a few 40,000 years in paint.
Also, you need options to turn your Cannones' into BEATSTICKS. Rosarius STANDARD. Options to take Artificer Armour, Storm Shields, big-ass banners.

Give them options to buy access to more Acts of Faith, so the canoness has options.

Reduce the cost of the Rhino to 35 points. a 6++ does not justify it costing 5 points more than other rhinos. There's also literally no reason you should ever take a Rhino if the repressor costs the same.

+1S to Flamers is a good idea. I'll take it under consideration. Melta is already more than powerful enough with the pen table being what it is.

I might add a few more options to the Canoness, but I think her existing base and accessories point costs are fine.

I was planning to increase the transport capacity of the SoB Rhino to 12 to represent the much smaller size of human women compared to Space Marines. 40 points is a fair cost for 12 transport and 6++. The Repressor costs 75 points, as does the Immolator with its updated loadout.

I haven't done anything to Formations yet. I probably won't add any new ones, just fix the existing ones.
Also, I wanted to thank you for your input. I appreciate it.
Daily reminder that after the next IA book chaos won't have anything loyalists don't have a better version of.
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Slanesshy party knight
At least chaos will inevitably win :^)

if this causes carnac to shit up another general, I apologize in advance
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>IA book chaos won't have anything loyalists don't have a better version of.

Its not our fault that traitors decided to leave. Maybe next time they will understand that choices have consequences.
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Hey guys
Getting into the game

Orks or crons?
Are you a WAACfag?
If yes, crons.
If no, whichever you think is cooler.
Just checked and noticed the vehicle point discrepancies. Updated point costs:
>Rhino: 40 pts
>Immolator: 75 pts
>Repressor: 75 pts
>Dominator: 145 pts
Chaos gets fuck all in next IA. Soon these motherfuckers will be stomping up the table in 40k, and there's nothing chaosfags can do about it. Maybe you traitors should have thought about it before you betrayed the emperor and turned mars into an Irradiated hellhole for 10,000 years. Adept Zeth was my waifu, and you took her away from me.

Orks, and go download the Space 0Din fandex at the top of the page if you actually want to have fun.
>01010011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100100 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00101110 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01010011 01110000 01101001 01110010 01101001 01110100 00101100 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101001 01110100 01110011 00101110

01101110 01101111
Orks are very weak at the moment but if you love conversions you should go for it.
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01111001 01100001 01101100 01101001 01110011 01110100 00100000 01001011 01101110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00101110 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01100101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101011 01100101 00101110
I'd say crons. But go with whatever you enjoy more.
Just know orks are shit right now, and your only "solution" is a mediocre fandex

You've been spending to much time in /hhg/ curzefag, your mind appears to be stuck in the past of 40k. Ironic for a nightlord.
Marines, eldar, daemons, tau are the waac choices. Crons are only low high teir now
How long before Space 0din does a Chaos fixdex
>Soon these motherfuckers will be stomping up the table in 40k

Unless they get a point reduction, they aint stompin shit. They are pointed out for 30k
Who cares? No one is going to allow fandices at pick up games.
Why? His work isn't nearly as good as people like to believe, it's just that anything would have been better than the GW ork dex.

Even a book that's just filled with litteral shit would be better. At least that way you know exactly how bad it is from the getgo
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01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101001 01111010 01110101 01110010 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110100 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100011 01100001 01101110 01100101 00101110
Get with the program anon. There's lots of gamestores that are now outright banning the GW orks codex in favor of the Space 0Din fandex. It's not fun to table an ork player 28 times in a row. Fun is having a whole game of Push and Pull, where you have a fight on even footing with the orks. Where you charge orks and they die, then the orkbro charges stuff and your stuff dies.
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>Implying I'm not coming back to destroy your loyalist bussy
Loyalist Genocide when?
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The last one was during around 30k but now is reduced to third wave black crusading which is a mere cancerous fragment riding on the virtues of the first crusade.
Come now space odin, no need to hide ur nametag. Just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully it will pick up.
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100001 01110011 01101000 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00101110 00100000 01010101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101011 01100101 01100101 01110000 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00101110
>There's lots of gamestores that are now outright banning the GW orks codex in favor of the Space 0Din fandex.
No there's not. That would upset GW very much, and we could say goodbye to spaceodin and all fandexes, due to fears of lost profit. Or at the very least we'd see GW actually try and remedy the situation with the ork dex.

Absolutely nothing of either of those natures has happened, and so "lots of gamestores" are not doing that.
I'm not space 0din, I'm raptors anon. The guy who tabled an orkbro 28 times in a row before space 0din came and brought fun times to orkbro's games.

The new score between me and orkbro is 2 - 2 by the way.
>we are now playing risk with updated models.
Crons are on a level with SM, Tau. Eldar are above all because it's CHALLENGING to build a balanced army, but with the others you at least have to try a little.

Daemons rely too much on luck to be above mid-high tier.
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Scoria, time's changed. We'll flood you with bodies not until you're dead, but until you're bored with killing guardsmen.
From a rules perspective sure. But that's not what we see in tournaments.

So were both right I guess. "Practical" vs "theoretical" as the 30k ultramarines would say
Additional fixes:
>Dominion Squad cost corrected to 65 pts
>Artificer Armor and Jump Pack added to Canoness equipment options (20 pts and 15 pts, respectively)
>Penitent Engine side armor reduced to 10, HP reduced to 2, points cost reduced to 60. This makes them more vulnerable to hull point depletion but less vulnerable to exploding and more dangerous in combat for the same points.

I'm currently debating best way to increase the strength of Flamers. Army-wide special rule? Faction-specific wargear? Special rule for Dominions and Seraphim?
A baneblade is now 240 points, how does it now fare against other SHVs
So question regarding the Fist objective Indomitable Defence:
Does it keep generating points each turn after the turn it's generated?
Or is it discarded once it's scored once?
I suppose if you only want to see IG field baneblades.
Why does this seem like something i want to happen.
i think both are cool, otherwise i wouldn't be asking
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Why is Johnny so pixelated in the OP?
Better than no legion
>Emperor's Fury Superheavy Company
Fully intended, so that someday an anon such as yourself would get flustered about it and try to fix it.

Everything according to the magazine's plan.
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>Everything according to the magazine's plan.

Huh... and I thought Johnny was the sneaky git!
>a 6++ save isn't enough o make something cost more
And into the trash.
I guess it depends on your definition of WAAC. Beyond the literal words of the acronym, that is.
>Space Wolves go on a stealth mission
>Brings out the banner with "Covert" written on it

Never fails to amuse me
You see, the enemy isn't expecting a covert team to be carrying a banner. One moment this enemy squad is advancing on your base then the next you have espionage.
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What does this have to do with Johny? All i see is some ork bikerz.
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Tyranid/GenestealerCult/Necron 1993/2000 pts
Hive Fleet Detatchment-1025
Hive Crone-155

Genestealer Cult-600
Patriarch Ghosar-115
Magus Orthan Trysst-65
Primus Vorgan Trysst-75
Favoured Disciples-85
Faithful Throng-110
Purestrain Princelings-30
Brothers Aberrant-120

Canoptek Harvest-368
Canoptek Wraiths(6)- whip coils- 258
Canoptek Scarabs-60
Canoptek Spider-50

Any thoughts, anyone?
>I'm currently debating best way to increase the strength of Flamers. Army-wide special rule? Faction-specific wargear? Special rule for Dominions and Seraphim?
AoFs for each unit that can take flamer equivalents
One to ignore armor, or force rerolls of successful saves. One to reroll to-wounds, maybe a Canoness with a flamer-equivalent can have an AoF causing ID with it
For what purpose?
What's the second most competitive Space Marine list after Gladius? Something with Skyhammer?
>Necronid army

Its in a local league
League is both maelstrom and eternal war missions
I guess the purpose is kinda to win?
have you ever used wraiths and Flyrants?
>AoFs for each unit that can take flamer equivalents
There's a Flamer in the Ranged Weapons, Special Weapons, and Heavy Weapons lists. Pretty sure there isn't a single unit that doesn't have access to any of those. Also, every vehicle other than the Rhino can take a flame weapon.
You don't get it

Unless you forge me a narrative real hard, I'm not even going to try to point out how your list can improve
Sky hammer spam isprobably #1.
Wait, Repentia can take flamers too?
Ah, you're right. Good call.
>Pretty sure there isn't a single unit that doesn't have access to any of those

So that's what, 3 units?
Not that guy but I love me some forging.

Tyranids are fighting (army) and oh shit, necrons awaken on the world for a three way. But their tomb is fucked up so they decide to use some techno magic to tame the Tyranids for their uses in place of more necrons. The nids, seeing that they can't consume the necrons anyways, don't really go after their new masters and instead just obey and mostly keep nomming dudes.
>Battle Conclave
Four units. Maybe I should replace the optional Storm Bolter with a Flamer.
why though?
What if a canoptek swarm was found in the mines of Ghosar Quentis was acclimated into the hive mind, first tamed by the telpath Genestealers loyal to the swarm?
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Trying to put together a 500 point Grey Knight list so I can get in on some games and learn the rules of the current edition. I got 400 points for the basic models. Any suggestions for gear and upgrades?

Nemesis Strike Force Detachment

Librarian 110

Terminator Squad (5) 165

Purifier Squad (5) 125
I'm sorry for the eyesore. I legitimately am. Besides looking like an abomination what should I change?
Yeah I like to think that they can have an avoided rivalry since they can't gain anything from each other
Tyranids cant eat living metal, unless they can
Necrons quest for domination of the universe, but the tyranids aren't native to this universe
ML3 Libby w/ staff
Halberd Terminators w/ Psycannon
Falchion Purifiers w/ Incinerators

Is that too many points?
Kek, I'm not even posting tonight--got a BAC of .45 chilling with some Guinness & Jameson.
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>Necrons quest for domination of the universe, but the tyranids aren't native to this universe
Cron's can't do much to the outside of the galaxy, and there's nothing but Nids and possibly Orks out there. The Crons only care about this galaxy.
You want to put at least 1 more mastery level on the librarian, or if you're going for sanctic take the liber daemonica relic instead as it costs the same but has the rerolling 1s ability.

Terminators need a psycannon for sure, but other than that you can skimp a little on them.

Purifiers aren't deepstriking so they should have a transport rhino and an incinerator for double the purification.

I think all that comes to 100 exactly.
I'd use a darker green. The scheme is good.
Don't you need two Troops?
I am sorry, my mistake
I forgot if the lore was multi galaxy or multi universe
But regardless the point remains, they aren't mutually exclusive
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Really now? Here I thought that I'd use too much black.
The strikeforce detachment doesn't.
That's just under 500, so it works I'd say. Does the Terminator with the Psycannon lose the nemesis force halberd, or can he have both?

As the other anon said I armed the Purifiers with falchions and incinerators. I don't think I'll have the cash for a transport Rhino this month, so is there another unit I can play the power armor Grey Knights as?
>I forgot if the lore was multi galaxy or multi universe
Nids are multi-galaxy eating anywhere from at least 12 to 1000 at the maximum. But you're right on the exclusive part.
Terminator can have both, the Power Armor guy only gets the heavy weapon. He's actually right though, you'll want a Rhino. Take Force Swords on the Purifier Squad and stick them in a Rhino, should come out to 500 points exactly. Proxy the Rhino until you can afford one.
I wish I had better access to Relic blades, I wanna kit my veterans out like knights.
Also, you could swap the Purifiers for Interceptors until you get a rhino, they're not as good as purifiers but they're better when you lack transport
So for the Rhino I just tack on 35 points to the Purifier squad?
You can swap out both the stormbolter and sword on the same model, but if you're not giving everyone halberds (and really, you don't need to) then it would be better to put the halberds on other models so you don't have all your eggs in one basket.

You could maybe proxy the purifiers as interceptors then for the mobility, a walking unit that wants to be close by the enemy units is really ineffective. Plus shunting 30" then putting templates down is always fun.
I could have sworn they were from an entirely separate universe and some how came through the warp.
Maybe it was just me being high, but I always thought it was cool if they didn't have to follow the chemical and physical laws of this universe.
Like they were actually a sci-fi abstraction instead of a xenos regurgitation
>Order Sevrin Loth to lead my Librarian Conclave because the model is cool as fuck
>Forgot to order his sick force-lightning hand along with his body
>have to wait another two weeks for it to arrive
Would Clear red go well with simple white color? Trying to figure a paint scheme for my Atrapos.
On the topic of Grey Knights and Librarians, is there a Terminator Librarian mini that looks like a Grey Knight? Or do you have to just glue a book onto the back of a Terminator?
You can use one of the SM librarians and paint it leadbelcher or you can take a terminator/paladin and give it a bare head if you have a spare.
I'm going to hope that you love this army as much as I do. I'm also going to pretend that you and I know each other and are good friends. Bearing that in mind I am going to give you advice based off of my opinions and experience having played this army for several years now. This will be pretty long and I hope you don't get angry at me, I wanna be friends and I want the fandex to be good. I should also note that I currently think that the codex is of an acceptable power level albeit lacking in flexibility as well as options. I don't want to see what we have change I just want more unit types (If I am wishlisting for geedubs).I am going to skip fluff because thats less important and more flexible than the crunch so I am starting on pg. 14 (according to google chromes numbering system)

Wargear (First glance):
Ranged weapons-Plasma pistol and inferno pistol points costs were good, have hand flamers be costed similarly at ten points both for consistency as well as value. They may seem bad but at 5 points per I am worried about people flooding the board with them. 10 points seems reasonable at first pass.
Melee weapons-no complaints
Special weapons-raises flags but I assume that access to that list will be limited. Acceptable assuming you're responsible
Heavy weapons-seems a little cheap. 15 might be the way to go, be careful
Vehicle and relics look more or less the same and also fine.

Not a fan of most of these Ideas. We are VERY fire oriented but aren't special. SoB is about being in between guardsmen and spehss muhreens. Special rules are fine special wargear not so much. Space marines are still more important and often just as well supplied or better than we are, special guns don't make too much sense. However we are still WAY ahead of guardsmen in supplies so keep that in mind IE points reductions are okay but keep it sparing. Most of our value is in having large blobs of 3+ armor. More dudes than marines and better saves than guardsmen.
Taking a terminator, giving it the warding stave and as many books as you can find should work, but the proper terminator librarian models work fine with grey knights too.
>"Dude what the fuck man"
>"I don't know what happened! It was like this when I got here!"
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>book is open on his head
What page is it on, you think?

Sounds like you want the Nids to be Bydos.
I love old art. It gives us the best reaction images.
Anon, I love you. No homo.
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I think this guy's face really is my favorite.
Same guy from >>48085642

Rosarius standard isn't necessary dropping upgrade cost by 5 would be nice though. Armor and banners are good, shields are questionable. A Canoness doesn't hide from heretics. Buying acts of faith is a little radical, not sure I like it but I could be convinced (Maybe).

>Reduce the cost of the Rhino to 35 points. a 6++ does not justify it costing 5 points more than other rhinos.

It's absolutely justified. most players would pay that tax on almost all their vehicles if they could. It is pure value.

+1S flamers would be an excellent act of faith. Take the formula for our fast attack squad, change their act of faith and weapon access options and make them heavy support. Suddenly you have scouting heavy flamers at S6 in an immolator maybe adjust their AP if you really want to just make sure to compensate in the points department, maybe make it an upgrade.

Changing the carry cap of the rhino will confuse people who are used to "Rhino" meaning "Carries 10 dudes" maybe consider changing the name, buffing the points cost and calling it something else maybe a Taurox clone or something. (This one is more for maintaining game unity than anything)

I'm moving down the Fandex now not sure what page I'm stopping on I'll probably make notes as I go. I hope this is going to be helpful somehow.
Can you enlighten me on Bydos?
I have no idea what that is
Okay, so is this Grey Knights Nemesis Strike Force going to serve me for a bit while I save up for more models?

HQ 135
Librarian 110
- Mastery Level 3 25

Troops 195
Terminator Squad (5) 165
- 5 Halberds 10
- Psycannon 20

Elite 170
Purifier Squad (5) 125
- Rhino 35
- 2 Incinerators 10
The normal Librarian doesn't really look very knightey. Even with an armet and ailette and gray paint he wouldn't really match.
I can just find that they are a superior force to all of the 40k universe and impervious to chaos

I meant Bydo, sorry. Bad guys R-Type. Pretty nasty.
The old termie lib was better for GKs that's for sure, but that guy isn't much worse after swapping the pauldrons and giving him either the open hand or a grey knight stormbolter.
You get around to reading the rulebook and fixing Chorus of Faith yet?
Hmm, from what I found they are pretty cool
sorry to ask anon
but any thoughts on the HFD+GSC+CH?
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I want to thank Canada for leaving their pennies in the US so I only had to use a few US pennies to do this
also started my army today but i already posted that in the WIP thread since they aren't done
Is there any way of getting the Transcendent C'tan model without buying the entire tesseract vault? Are there any good models for conversions to make the C'tan?
hey quick question, Should i take a hell-hound or a secondary Russ? i have 83 bucks and a hole in my vehicle slot.
Pretty sure that was the other guy. Mine just sticks to simple fixes for obvious problems. My goal is to make it more dynamic without making it significantly more powerful. My target power level is C:SM without Grav or Formations.

That's a good list for starting out. I played my first games with almost the same list when I got back to 40k a year ago. There's a bit of a wysiwyg problem though. Your 5 power armor GK kit only comes with one incinerator. You probably wont get any shit because of proxying but you could drop the other incinerator and buy a hammer for your Librarian. Just take the hammer head piece from PAGK kit and glue it to the Librarians staff. Doesn't look too bad.
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fuckin hell the focus on the camera decided to die. re-shoot here with the figure the store owner gave me also in it. I'm rather proud of this gift of a first gen gaunt and will honor it forever. I'll give it a hat.
Does the Terminator kit not come with an Incinerator?
>6++ cost more

5 points, max
Yeah, the Terminator kit comes with an incinerator and I'm not using it for them. So I suppose I could just stick it on the Purifiers.
Same guy typing this for a 2nd time (Sigh)

Celestine through canoness looks fine and mostly the same. I like that canoness can have dual pistols. Good stuff
Hospitaller- Make her AoF buff the FnP she gives. Make it's use happen after she or her unit is declared as the target of a shooting attack but before rolls similar to a Jink. Make her cost 50 points and give her access to special or ranged weapons lists maybe both. At 25 pts per model spam of them becomes a concern. the points buff and weapons option makes her feel less throw away.
Priests- I don't like the 0-3 change, 0-5 seemed fine and curious as to why it was reduced. Also access to the ranged weapon list gives him access to dual pistols, not appropriate just leave him with his old list of options, you didn't change the plasma gun and that is what matters anyway.

The conclave looks ok but I never use them personally so my opinion here is less useful- Gonna skip over it (Sorry I can't help here)

Battle sister squad-I like the change to the ranged weapon lists and your use of it the more I read. Great job so far.

The frateris militia seems to be out of place. They seem very guardsman-ish I would advise looking to chaos cultist, Crusader squads in Black templars and tempestus scions for guidance on how to handle these guys. It seems like you want some holy Villagers with the 40K equivalent of pitchforks. They seem unfleshed out at this stage so I won't pass judgement on them until the move forward.

Rhino seemsnormal

Repressor-has some issues with repair (it isn't a rhino mostly a typo type thing for the WAAC to argue about). I haven't been to the rules bit for it so I am going to assume that the assault hatch lets you charge out of it? I like it if so but just make it an assault vehicle and increase the points cost accordingly. Because vehicles can pivot on the spot freely before or after moving the actual hatch used won't matter. (If I'm totally wrong on what that bit does ignore this part)
Funny, because 5 points is exactly what it costs.
I know this is not really the place but:
>How does AoS play compared to 40k?
>Those new Sylvaneth models look great, but is there a 40k army that plays like them so i have some idea

I'd hate that such models are wasted on a shit system
Watchmen Dr. Manhattan toy.
Holy shit, Mafia is a stupid drinking game & my friend is nailing all the racist jokes (he's black).

I'm considering swapping armies to Necrons, because SPACE TERMINATORS. A far cry from "5+, The Codex" & "Remove Shovels Full of Models Each Turn, The Army."

Enjoying the Lovecraftian vibe of running them as incomprehensible globocidal deathbots.
Huh that's a pretty neat idea, it'd probably be a lot bigger than the actual model but damn it would look pretty badass towering over the board.
>I'm too stupid to follow simple conversations
Thanks for the input.

Since the main part from that box that people want is the C'tan, you're probably not going to find it for sale on eBay for cheap. That whole box is basically "buy this C'tan and pay for the rest of the shit".

You can try using the other C'tans as a Transcendent one.
More of me

Looking at the Immolator and WOW. The weapons are too good. I like that you maintained the Holy trinity of bolter melta and flame but I think there should be a points hike for it. Maybe leave the old loadout and make each one of the new weapons (Excluding the multimelta) cost 15 points. Leave the TL Multi melta as part of the "Free" kit options and maybe invent a melta canon that shoots 2 small blast melta shots 24 inches or something? Either way it's too powerful at it's point cost Immo spam would be a little stronk in my opinion,

The strike fighter is a little all over the place. It says it's a fighter but it's for transporting and it has grav chute insertion and a bolt canon on it with options for a melta canon. We need more flyers. Trying is good, but implementation matters. My advice, just make it a transport. Take a valkyrie and modify it's properties a little. Toss the Lascanon for a multimelta leave the heavy bolters as an optional upgrade and let it drop fire bombs if you want it to (Pretty sure there's rules for napalm bombing runs in an apoc book somewhere) We have the avenger strike fighter and porting it from FW to the codex is great. Two flyers, one for transport and one for shooting shit is plenty enough for me.

Celestians look pretty normal

I should note it is 2AM and I am tired as fuck. I'mma go as long as I feel like it and probably resume tomorrow if I remember. If nobody is looking for me I probably won't post again, Last thing we need is more namefags

Instead of Rage on repentia squads consider Rampage. Works better mechanically even if the name isn't as fitting.

Seraphim are way too stronk, Too many weapon options. Cut it from 2 seraphim per 5 to 1 per 5 and we are ok. Imagine a max squad size seraphim squad with celestine at the front tanking wounds and deepstriking without scatter thanks to a well placed couple of servo skulls. Actually, maybe it isn't that bad. (They are my fave unit after all)
I've been debating this one pretty heavily. She's intended to be the primary source of saves for Repentia, who now get a 3++ instead of the 3+ FNP, and I'm kind of wary of letting them use a double AoF to make themselves unkillable for a turn, especially now that they have an Assault vehicle.
I didn't actually change him from the 6E 'dex I started from. Dunno. Maybe I should delete that line?
>The conclave
The only thing I changed was the ability to take a Repressor (which they already could; it's a FW model so it's not featured in the GW codex)
>The frateris militia
Chaos Cultists were kind of my inspiration, but I took the rules from the Inquisitiorial Acolytes. They're intended to be cheap bodies with boltguns for people who like that kind of thing, or a minimal Troops tax for people who have something specific in mind.
I upped the transport capacity to 12 to help justify the 5 point increase compared to SM Rhinos, and to give a reason to take it rather than a Repressor or Immolator (it now fits a full squad of ten plus a Priest and Hospitaller)
Oops, I copied the page from the Rhino and modified it to fit the Repressor.
>assault vehicle
You're right, I handled that improperly. Assault Ramp wargear removed, Assault Vehicle special rule added, access rules left unchanged.
>points cost accordingly.
I think it's already costed fairly for use as either a mobile firebase or an assault transport, and there's not really any units in the codex that could use it as both. Repentia won't take advantage of the fire points, Retributors won't take advantage of the ramp, and no one else can really abuse either.
>pivot on the spot freely
They'll have to present the AV10 rear armor to get the maximum charge distance, though. This encourages the fluffy method of Tank Shocking a unit and then Assaulting out.

Thanks for the help, I've been trying to get another set of eyes on this for days.
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I skimmed Dominions and all seems pretty well but I am getting dead fucking tired.

Exorcist- Fixed it's biggest problem by letting them be taken in threes, Maybe compensate for the ability to bring NINE of the things by increasing unit creation tax a little maybe an extra 25 points at most. Also, when I started playing the army I thought it shot small blasts, it seemed really cool to pepper the battlefield with a bunch of stronk as fuck small blasts. If we are making a fandex anyway I would like to request that you give me an exorcist with +1 or 2 to all armor values that shoots 2d6 small blasts of Str8 Ap1 as a LoW choice and call it a Banexorcist or something. Make it Apoc only for all I care I just want an excuse to use a model in the case at my shop.

Penitent engines seem to be in better shape but consider making the incense cloud give them shrouded instead, it will help their survivability if played well and keeps your original idea which I like considerably. Their biggest problem on tabletop is closing the distance from deploy to combat, they do well in close combat but are a waste of points in the current codex because they can't get their. Shrouded helps a lot. Fleet would also do them some good although i'm not sure if walkers can have fleet at all to be honest. They need mobility or survivability is my point.

Retributors seem to be dandy but Slow and purposeful seems to be odd. not sure if I dislike it I would want to playtest it first. Could be a good idea.
made a 500pt Tau list of
1x Ethereal
3x Crisis suits plasma,Sheild, stims
x2 8 man strike teams
and a broadside with HY missiles and smart missiles

i wanted my XV8's to distracted by being hard to kill and still have some nice range. then let the rest of the army pour on the dakka.

My idea was to try and bring the other weapons up to par with the Multi-Melta and make it an actual choice. Heavy Bolters and Heavy Flamers are pretty much garbage weapons that no one ever uses. I hiked the price of the model by 15 points (from 60), including for the TLMM option. Keep in mind that it's a dedicated transport that can't be taken separately, so there's a minimum 40 point tax (Militia) on each one. And while its weapons are strong, it's still a Rhino, so it suffers from the same issue as the lasplas razorback: it attracts a lot of fire that it can't really deal with.

It might need a few more points tacked onto it, but I'd like to playtest it. Maybe I'll just take it up to 80 for now.
>Strike Fighter
It's more or less a flying Immolator. The idea is that it drops a squad over an objective and then hangs around to support them. The guns are a little different from the Immolator to make it function better as a flyer. It gets a choice between the Avenger on the existing FW Strike Fighter (which comes with three lascannons for about the same price), a Multi-Melta (because muh trinity), and a Torrent template to turn it into a baby Heldrake.

>Celestians look pretty normal
Actually, they should play significantly differently. I gave them Artificer Armor, which, combined with their 6++, makes them almost into Terminators, and (meant to, just changed it) gave the entire squad access to the Melee and Ranged Weapon lists. Now, for a mere 33 points per model, you too can have S3 T3 Assault Terminators (with bolt pistols!).

I'm not sure Rampage is a good fit for them. Their strength is really in being able to shit all over a Knight or Land Raider, and they won't benefit from Rampage there. If I were to change it, I'd probably make it Furious Charge.
Their weapons allowance from the base codex is 2 per squad (max size 10), so 1 per 5 would actually be a nerf. I'm not really sure 2 per 5 is really that overpowered
Hospitaller-Certainly a valid concern. Consider the points cost invested to put it together and be really scary. Consider the opportunity cost of using two once per game abilities and also consider that precision shots can take her out as well as you have a chance to fail either ld test. I think it is pretty fair. The assault vehicle bit makes it less risky but smart opponents will blow up the AV 13 vehicle then shoot them while they walk. It'll be rare and unfortunate for them to make it to CQC and have both abilities up their sleeve. they'll most likely have to burn it to stay alive. I would still test it before deciding either way. Personally I don't run Repentia too often but I HAVE run blobs of 20 with an attached sanguinary priest. It's a solid tactic, try to keep all units you "Could" attach an independant character to in your codex as well as the ones outside of it and the ICs that can be added to your units.
Priests- I have the 7eth ed update and have been playing with it long enough it is my "primary" sisters knowledge database in my head. in the 7th ed one priests have a slightly expanded gear list and can be taken in 0-5. I pair them with 5 sister strong immolator squaded sisters for Zealot and a plasma gun (+ the 2 meltas from the squad).
Conclave- Not a unit I use that often leaving it is probably the right call at least on paper.
Militia-I like your vision for them, they still need fleshing out but you are headed in a good direction. While typing this the word Vassals sprung to mind might be another option for their name if you aren't too set on the Frateris Militia.
Rhino- The 5 point increase is for the invuln save and trust me it is the MOST points efficient tax in the entire game of 40K. A single crappy save is better than no save and invulns can't be denied. It is amazing and I am LOADED with anecdotal evidence of games won on the back of that 6++.

Rhinos cont. shortly
The carry upgrade is nice but could easily be a point of contention for people who have been playing forever and "Know what the carry cap of a rhino is" My argument for keeping it at 10 is mostly political. By leaving it at ten you keep the codex in line with other codexes thereby increasing the odds of general acceptance and widespread use. Also cheap boxes with an invuln make a great screen for more important units.

Repressor-Happy to help

Assault vehicle-Glad to assist you

points cost- Fair. Leaving the points as is won't hurt I was only thinking of 5-10 points anyway

Pivoting on spot- Presenting that rear armor would matter a lot less if it is disgorging it's payload anyway at that point it is far less threatening/ important than the things inside it IS a delivery system after all
>I'm not really sure 2 per 5 is really that overpowered
because the Inferno Pistols option more than doubles the cost of the model (compared to tripling it in the base codex), and it's next to impossible to get 5 models within 3" of a vehicle anyway. And your other option is 50 points worth of hand flamers, which are still just hand flamers. They won't kill T3 6+ shit and deader than they already would with boltguns, and anything else will just laugh at them.

Pretty sure I didn't change anything rules-wise. I fixed the points cost since I posted that link, though. They're now 65 points/unit, same as the base codex.

I dunno, I don't think 1200 points of Exorcists is really optimal. I guess I could limit it to 1 or 2 units per CAD, but I think people will do that on their own.
I like this. It might make it in.
>Penitent Engine
I took the rule from the Sydonian Dragoon from the Skitarii codex. Since I last posted the link, I've reduced the cost to 60 ppm (!!!) and reduced the HP to 2 and side AV to 10. They're now significantly more survivable than the base codex thanks to their save, and more resilient to Explodes (you'll have more models for the same points cost/hull points number, so fewer hull points lost with every Explodes), and even more dangerous in close combat (25% less buck for your bang, and it's tough to hurt AV11 in CC anyway).

My main problem with them is that the turret thing works okay for Devastators, who usually end up with Lascannons (effectively infinite range on a standard table), or Grav-Cannons (which get Salvo and are still better than Gravguns even after moving), but it doesn't work nearly as well when 2/3 of your options are Heavy weapons. Before they were only really worth it if you took 4 Heavy Flamers in a Repressor for spamming the shit out of Rending templates, but now they can actually be scary when armed with Heavy Bolters or Multi-Meltas.
Casual list
>Combined Arms Detachment
120 pts - Chaos Lord, Terminator Armor, Mark of Tzeentch <Warlord>
63 pts - Cultists, 8x Autogun, 1x Flamer
63 pts - - Cultists, 8x Autogun, 1x Flamer
124 pts - Chaos Terminators, 2x combimelta, champion combimelta (costs more because csm), Chainfist
30 pts - Chaos Spawn

400 pts total

The terminator lord and the terminator champion have swords
The other terminator has an axe.

or are 2+ saves in a 400 point game considered uncool?
How effecitve are Pathfinders with railguns?(Markerlight role passed to Skyray and Markerdrones).
Immolator- Looking back it might be fine. Where I'm at the bundle of taking 5 battle sisters with 2 meltaguns and a plasma priest in an immo with TL multi melta is pretty strong if you can bring multiple copies of it. Four of those bundles can wreak havoc fast and still leave room for a little seraphim celestine combo squad at certain point values. I'd wanna play test a little too in your shoes.

Strike fighter- at 60 points I think it's probably too good. That said I don't play Elysian drop or anything so my understanding of valkyrie support is lacking. I'll admit my opinion here loses value but just at a cursory glance it looks worrisome

>Celestians look pretty normal
>I gave them Artificer Armor
I sure as shit missed that one. That's a fucking wake up. I like it. I really do. I mean, it sucks we're T3. Putting us in termie armor is points inefficient. It's still better than Chaos termies OR chaos Chosen which your celestians are a comfy middle ground to both. I like it. Might need squad size adjustment but probably not.

Repentia- I see a lot of deathstars at my shop as well as a good number of blobs of all varieties. Rampage would help there. Repentia are a unit I don't run very often either so consider my opinions half valid at best but I haven't had any luck killing armor with them. The can and usually will earn their points back when chewing on termies though.

Seraphim- My sleepiness is showing and you are dead fucking right. For some reason I thought they were max squad size 20. My B.

Seraphim pt 2- See above, however I should note that with their mobility they can pretty easily get in range for melta even if they can't just the Str8 AP1 can be enough. Also 8 hand flamers can probably kill a tac squad with volume of fire alone. (I also know it would be hard as hell but imagine casting misfortune on your target first functionally giving them rending)

Dominions- Cool, just sleepy posting if it's same stuff it's groovy
>Consider the points cost invested to put it together and be really scary. Consider the opportunity cost of using two once per game abilities
True. For 50 points, are we thinking FNP 3+ (66% chance) or rerollable FNP (56% chance)?

Ah, I did reduced the number for 5 to 3, mainly to prevent DCA-spam, now that you can take Assault transports for them. Cheap Power Swords at I5 with rerolls seems too easy to abuse.

I like it, but Frateris Militia is an existing in-universe term. I'd prefer to use that than create and justify an entirely new Ecclesiarchy force.

I dunno, there's been a million times when I've wished I could fit just one or two more people in. My justification is that it's already a different model (Sororitas Rhino vs Rhino) with a different points cost and access to a different wargear list, and it makes sense you would be able to fit more Sisters of Battle in a given space than Space Marines (7 foot tall demigods in inches-thick armor vs 5-6 foot human women in form-fitting powered armor). Once again, since it has no FOC entry of its own and can only be taken as a dedicated transport, there's not really any allies shenanigans you could pull with it.

True, but it's just a thing. If you could assault out of any part, you'd still be turning to present the side armor. I think the way it is now is suitably clear and makes sense looking at the model.
>Where I'm at the bundle of taking 5 battle sisters with 2 meltaguns and a plasma priest in an immo with TL multi melta is pretty strong if you can bring multiple copies of it.
This is actually a nerf for that. You can already take that exact combo for 15 points cheaper. I just added the Flamestorm Cannon and Assault Cannon (think TL is too strong for the asscannon? I'm undecided without actually playing it) options.

>Also 8 hand flamers can probably kill a tac squad with volume of fire alone. (I also know it would be hard as hell but imagine casting misfortune on your target first functionally giving them rending)
I've got no problem supporting a combo like that. If you're casting a power on an enemy with an allied Psyker from a different unit and then assaulting it with a unit that give a lot of cheap, weak templates, that's just smart play. It's shit like Conclaves taking the Gravhammer taxi service to twinlink/invis their own units that bothers me.
Christ lad, put page numbers on the damn thing.
did we talk about the power weapon cost issue already?
>Christ lad, put page numbers on the damn thing.
Good call. I'll add it to the to-do list.
>did we talk about the power weapon cost issue already?
It's been mentioned it before, but I'm not really sure how to handle it. They're the same weapons that Codex: Astra Militarum offers for the same cost. You buy S with the price of the model and you buy AP with the wargear. The AP is still the same. I guess just take axes or mauls instead of swords.
>Strike fighter- at 60 points I think it's probably too good
Hah, sorry. That was a remnant of the page I copied from. I upped to cost to 145, and I'm thinking about making that 155 or 160.

I'm uploading all the changes I've made since the start of this thread now, I'll have a link in a couple of minutes.
It matters a lot less for AM (though its still a grinding issue), as they dont really have any assult units (sans bullgryn, who arn't T/S 3), wjere as the SoB do have a bunch of them. taking axs is still a losing game, because you are only str 4 then.
Forge world have a handful of examples where power weapons are 10 pts for hoomies, and fists are only 15pts
I'll look into it. I don't have a problem with Seraphim being weaker than Assault Marines, for example, but they should be able to take Tactical Marines pretty handily.

Here's the link with updates:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B85e0VhuwajQMDFCWUI5QVF6WTQ
How does a newbie start with Tyranids, do I buy a ton of small units, a lot of big ones. Its interesting to me the different kinds of paths to take. But how do i pick said path.
>inb4 buy 5 flyrants
its not so much about hitting the enemy hard and fast as possible to win the game immediately, I want to be able to play, and play well, winning is always nice. But I also enjoy just building in general.
Exorcist- We play 1850 at my shop and while 1200 may not be optimal, I think that 750 points of exorcists (6 of them) could be. it still leaves room for some flyer support and enough troops and independent characters to hold objectives.


Penitent engine- Dragoons is unfamiliar to me but still fine. Be careful because the changes you made are favorable to spam of them (Not inherently bad). This kinda de-incentivises people to splash them if you need many of them to be effective. Also the cost of buying the models with $$$ goes up.

Retibutors- They're mostly a defensive unit anyway when I play them so lack of mobility didn't hurt. Not having space marine toys sucks but I don't mind it because they aren't Holy trinity. SnP shouldn't hurt my strategy and doesn't make yours OP so go for it.

I was leaning towards 3+ it is once per game per model so spam will be expensive and not guaranteed.

Priests- They have two roles in the codex being pseudo fearless and a melee buff for troop choices and the other role is conclave. I am just worried about the safety of role 1 if you change it to 0-3.

Vassals-Then may I request a line of flavor text calling them Vassals? It just sounds nice and I agree with your points on that one.

Rhino-Fair. I don't run them anyway so I guess you have a point about their value being skewed.

Nerf- I think that putting stronger guns on it is a buff. To make up for the increased points cost I'll take points from the people inside because the gun up top seems more effective anyway. not too familiar with those particular weapons though so i may be overvalueing them.

Psychic shenanigans-I also have no problem with it I was just trying to keep the cost of hand flamers and taking them en masse in mind. I have a buddy who plays Orks and I hurt him bad enough already.

I like what you're doing and hope to see more of it. I'll try to pop by the general tomorrow if I can but I've gotta sleep- good night
Spore Mines, Zoanthropes, and Flyrants are the only good models in the codex. Buy a bunch of those if you want to play the game, and buy whatever looks cool if you're just into the miniatures hobby.
Its a bit of both, I was already stuck between marines and tyranids because the marines have some really kick ass forgeworld stuff. But the nids are somewhat unique and remind me of things i'm fond of (halo, deadspace, Alien)
One of my main things is to not enter battle and just have an ork player absolutely destroy me before I get to my third turn.
I have to say, using hit and armor save modifiers really changes how the game plays for the better.
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humm, doing pic related might be an idea: separating rules and fluff makes it clearer, as ATM, its quite easy to miss
>Exorcist- We play 1850 at my shop and while 1200 may not be optimal, I think that 750 points of exorcists (6 of them) could be.
I agree; I think 4-6 is going to be optimal for most armies. I'm not sure I want to penalize that by limiting it to one unit per CAD, since I don't think it breaks the game. Normally I take 2 CADs with 5 Exorcists between them at 1850.

>This kinda de-incentivises people to splash them if you need many of them to be effective. Also the cost of buying the models with $$$ goes up.
I think it makes it better to splash, because you're only spending 180 points on a unit of 3 rather than 240, which means it's easier to take as a distraction carnifex (one PE isn't a distraction, it's just free kill points). You're right about the cost of models, though. I'll think about this one some more.

You can always take a second CAD. Do you take a Priest for every Battle Sister squad? I usually just take one or two and try to avoid CC with most of my army. We're a lot better at shooting than stabbing.

Heh. I don't think anyone runs them. At least now they maybe have a reason to exist in the codex, between the capacity buff and the Immolator price hike.

>Nerf- I think that putting stronger guns on it is a buff.
The Twin-linked Multi-Melta is one of the weapons it already came with (TL Heavy Bolter, TL Multi-Melta, TL Heavy Flamer). I increased the cost for all three options, and then buffed the Bolter and Flamer to bring them into line with the strength of the MM. If you're taking two Meltaguns in a TLMM Immolator (which is the way I normally run them, and the only way I've ever seen them played), nothing has changed except for an increase in the points cost.

Thanks for weighing in.
I'll take it under consideration. I think it'll be a while before I start cleaning things up; for now I'm just trying to kludge together a functional ruleset.
I have decided to build a wyvern for my renegades and heretics army, but I cannot decide what secondairy weapon I'm going to have mounted in it. I'm thinking of a having the flamer, but what do you guys think I should add?
Also, another reason I limited them is because I don't particularly like how the game pretty much ignores the issue of Leadership entirely, with ATSKNF, Fearless, and Stubborn being on everything under the sun. I don't think limiting the proliferation of Fearless is a bad thing unless it affects the army's ability to function, and it's been my experience that it's entirely possible to play and win with fewer than 4 Priests.
Can it take a Multilaser? Multilasers are always good. Goto did nothing wrong.
>not too familiar with those particular weapons though so i may be overvalueing them.
Assault Cannon is 24" S6 AP4 Heavy 4, Rending
Flamestorm Cannon is Template S6 AP3 Heavy 1

The weapons on the flyer are reversed:
Avenger Bolt Cannon: 36" S6 AP3 Heavy 7
Inferno Cannon: Template S6 AP4 Heavy 1 Torrent (12")
Go the flamer to help mitigate your sucktastic BS without paying the extra points for training
I use the flamer because I keep my Wyvern in cover and out of sight, so I never use the Bolter. It wasn't pleasant for the deep striking Blasterborn-filled Venom when 2 Wyverns both had flamers on it for self-defense.

I wish IG vehicles could have hull-mounted Multi-lasers. Chimera firing 2 Multi-lasers? I'd take it over ML+Heavy Flamer.
Autocannon/HB chimerae for days
Difference is you can snipe the priest to take away fearless, can't snipe ATSKNF
True, but snipers are garbage and no one takes them except as a "I have no idea what the fuck to do with these troop tax scouts"
Also, Priests are ICs and pass LoS! on a 2+.
I have been looking into creating a renegade army. But not make it chaos oriented, instead I was thinking of creating a Necron cult by using guardsmen and skitarii kitbashed troops to use next to my own Necron army. But is this possible? Would it work in lore and fluff, etc?
Dude biting his thumb is amazing.
What Tyranid units should I get next /tg/. Anything but Forgeworld is good, can get a few boxes as well. I hope its not just more flyrants
>inb4 pyrovore, maleceptor/toxicrene
Nah too shit
The Nid drop pod perhaps?
Frankly it sounds dumb as hell. Necrons dont care what the fleshbags do, apart from a few senile Overlords. Are you the same guy who thinks necrons and Tyranids go well together? That said, feel free, but it won't be a particularly powerful force
The Davidcameron is a gorgeous model, and the Stonecrusher 'Fex is good too
>Would it work in lore and fluff

No, why the fuck would you think it would.
>The DavidCameron is a gorgeous model...

Closest thing to a Necron human army you can get is an Ordos Xenos radical Inquisitor and his retinue who specializes in Necrontyr technology.
IIRC there's some stories of overlords that like having subraces take fealty to the necrons, not sure how it works though.
>anything but forgeworld
Dimachaeron. I wish I could get some
I don't have enough nids yet sadly. I started with nids and switched to admech once they came out because nids are shit but fun
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>The Davidcameron is a gorgeous model
So can Scions that take a Taurox still deep strike or do they lose the ability to do so?
They can, just not while in the taurox. The taurox can be held in reserve with the scions or placed on the table empty.
Does it say that the scions give the Taurox deep strike or does the Taurox have the deep strike rule? If not then no.
How does twin-linked work with blasts?
Reroll scatter and distance.
Re-roll scatter

Read the rulebook.
When should you take gauss or tesla immortals?
There's basically no reason to take tesla immortals.
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For your consideration.
As IG how big of a deal is speed when playing with Tactical Objectives? Would I fare well with using standard Chimeras for ObSec? I could throw in 3 to ferry my Vets in games below 1500 points while the rest of the budget is spent on LRBTs, a Wyvern and a Hydra.

I forget that the only fast transport I have in this codex is reserved for Scions.
Hey /tg/, got a friend who really wants to play Death Korps of Krieg but obviously Forgeworld prices are unacceptable, especially since he's thinking of having tons of men. So, are there any good suppliers of cool WW2-style trenchcoats and gas masks please?
I'd like some quick guidance. I'm trying to work out a low points all comers list with some Black Templars I picked up and I was looking for something that would pose a threat to vehicles and can decently harm infantry in its spare time. I'm kinda leaning towards a stormtalon with a skyhammer missile launcher but would that be too dickish at low points for some people to handle?
Buy them from china (start at reddit yoyhammer)

If you're playing objective IG, platoons are better than veterans for holding.
Chimera have a tendency to have their side armour exploited when playing too aggressively.
20-man blobs with a commissar if you plan on going to ground will hold most things just fine. Take a priest if you're expecting CC opponents.
Wargames Factory shock troopers are a good source for long coats. GW bits should go on them quite easily. Alternatively look into making Steel Legion alternatives, paint their masks with a skull motif and call the Kriegers, because that's how they were before FW started making them.
Terminators are not OP, no matter what points level you are playing at. Weight of fire alone makes Terminators meh at best, especially when you only have 5 Terminator wounds. Grey Knights are a little worse because there is literally only 2+ in their entire army sometimes. Their entire army is in your face and you have to deal with it quick. Your army on the other hand is sinking a number of points into more or less useless Cultists and also lack the ability to deep strike turn 1.

Depending on what you are facing you might want to consider power maces, I´ve heard some people have a lot of success with those.
Can confirm, power maces wound most infantry on 2+, can concuss monsters, and its AP eats xenos and guard all day if your meta has a lot of those. I really wish more kits came with them.
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Want to make a catachan astra mila- I mean Imperial guard army. In your opinions are the basic guardsmen models like pic related terrible or alright? Are there any third party sources or converting I can do to get around them if they're bad?
I expect shooty armies from both sides of the knife-ear family, not so much CC in my group. Would the blobs do well against Eldar? It was an interesting experience seeing over a dozen Guardsmen drop dead each turn from AP5 poison despite most of them hiding in ruins, and how good Flickerfields can be at shrugging off S7-9 weapons. On the bright side, of my 2 vehicles, I lost 0 HP.
Go ask /hhg/ about, say, the idea of FW making conversion kits for Indomitus suits for power and combi-weapons (say, for HH). I'm sure you'll find tons of people who'd agree with you and not a single person will call you a retard baby who can't into making it yourself and needing to be spoonfed.
Thats actually a great idea, thanks. I'll make a note and drop in after work to ask.
Why does the Thanatar look ok, but the other small dudes look just horrible.
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> lots of game stores.
See attached
the paintjob on those models fucks them up, look in the codex and u can see some well-painted models from the same sprue that looks totally kick-ass
The models themselves are pricy, but not awful if you know how to paint eyes.

I get flustered by them because they're not wearing armor and I REALLY like my 5+ save. It makes no sense to me to get an armor save with nothing more than your rock-hard abs!
I guess the saying 'meme fags of a feather shit post together' is sadly all to true.
IRL this will look like shit.
>defending gw ork codex
Fuck is wrong with you
One dude made an improvement >>48085677
Looks great anon. Nice Draigo conversion
> REALLY like my 5+ save
>like saves
Anon how often in this game do your Guardsmen EVER get your armor save. Not counting when your chimera gets blown up.
Unless your a Vetmera player like 90% of Guardsmen players or something
Not a problem with your paint program.
I mean the scheme in general.
What's wrong with the scheme?
>thinks I'm defending GW
> when I'm really just saying how much your name fagging, thread ruining, spamming poster shits are fucking cancer.
Majority black model with spots of jarring different color. Nothing to smooth the transitions in together, not just choosing one good accent color, the fact that the scheme seems somewhat lazy to begin with
That just about covers it. This is a generalization from my experience, and as such will get shoot to pieces here but ...
From what I have seen, most people using any kind of paint scheme tester program are shit painters IRL. I have never seen good painters fuck around with them when they can just test it on a model.
Let the hate begin
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I suppose I should have not went with so much black. Maybe it should have just been the torso and legs.
I'm not Odin nor do I support fandexs I just think you're a retarded fan boy if you think the ork codex doesn't deserve some change
>just test it on a model
Yeah, I'm sure most people have a spare imperial knight to test their paint schemes on.
I go for grenadier vets most of the time, yeah. What I mean is that I just have trouble liking models that don't feasibly represent their rules on the table.
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So now that Scouts got a buff, should I pick up a squad for my Blood Angels army or should I stick with 2 tac squads? Will be playing against squishy CSM and slow ass daemons of nurgle.
Fuck, every time I pick up the model and look at it I'm like "you didn't turn out THAT bad" but every time I look at the pictures I took of it I spot every single fuckin mistake. Didn't realize the top of the hands weren't painted.
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How does this look for an all comers 750 point guard list?

Company Command Squad with an astropath and master or ordinance.

A bare Primaris Psyker.

Infantry Platoon consisting of two squads with a flamer in each, a triple lascannon heavy weapons squad, and the platoon command squad where the primaris psyker will be attached.

Forward Sentry Vet Squad with two meltaguns.

Armored Sentinel Squadron with three missile launcher sentinels.

One Basilisk.

The idea is the astropath and primaris psyker both roll off divination for prescince and sit near the weapon teams and basilisk to babysit them and make sure they hit with a little extra punch from orders along with a chance at perfect timing or forewarning.

Company Command sits in the back with its psyker buffs, orders, and S9 artillery blasts to provide support.

The infiltrated melta vets try and threaten the toughest enemy armor or provide a roadblock to delay enemy mechanized units before they get cracked open.

Platoon Command acts as a secondary source of orders and some bodies to protect the primaris psyker.

Regular Squads either move up to secure objectives in midfield or bubble wrap if the enemy is deep striking.

Lascannon teams get twin linked by the psykers and focus on enemy transports or threatening vehicles.

Armored Sentinels run up a flank and assist in knocking out damaged transports or hunt meq. They can also harass light infantry after transports are down.

Basilisk eats anything that ends up footslogging or helps down hull points early game.
As well as neatening up, I'd put a green wash into the eye sockets. The white looks a little odd, while spots of contrasting green can look good with red,
needs more pieplates
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I didn't buy any sadly. It's not even white too, it's ushabti bone. If I can get today off I was planning to go back to the GW store with my friend and buy all of the paints I skimped on and pick up a white primer from walmart so the red doesn't come out as murky. I need white, my own black (was going to share paints with my friend but.. I need my own set of shit), some kind of blue for my lightning claws, power weapons, etc, an orange I guess.. I'm just gonna buy all the shit from that How To Paint Blood Angels video and just suffer my wallet being empty.
In that case the sentinels could be dropped for a special weapons squad with three demo charges, the basilisk replaced with two heavy artillery carriages with earthshakers, the vets given another meltagun, and the company command given an autocannon.
Do eldar uniforms and armoir still look the same in 30k or are they different like power armour
>power armor
Other than that Eldar have worn the same armor since always.
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There's probably some differences. Remember, the Fall had only happened fairly recently, the whole Path system may not have come into effect on every craftworld let alone the spreading of the aspect shrines and establishment of the guardian citizen militia.

I remember one short story (The Eightfold Path, I think) where some eldar were trying to kill Angron in order to improve the future (i.e. it was a seer-driven action) but when their ship got boarded the eldar were all fighting with dark eldar tech. Whether that's representative of eldar forces at the time or just BL getting their shit wrong again is up to you though.
I find it weird Eldar look like they have the dinkiest paper mache looking armor and weapons yet actually put up a fight in W30-40K. Like some how I feel like the t-shirts Orks wear offer better protection than the shit Eldar wear. I'm assuming it's cuz their shit is.. psyker infused w/e but.. again, a thick skinned Ork seems more believable to me than the shit they wear.
The current tech level of the Eldar is the same as it was 10k years ago. Eldar are convinced of their superiority, why would they improve on what they deem perfect? Also they go above and beyond the Mechanicus when it comes to relic retrieval, willing to burn star systems to retrieve a super sheshul helmet.
Why is 1850 such a common army size? It seems like a massively arbitrary number.
How do you kit out your DA company veterans, /tg/?
Think it's a hangover from when you couldn't use a 2nd CAD until 2000 points, so tournaments went slightly under 2000 to prevent this.
Normally people go by increments of 250. 500, 750, 1k, 1250, 1500.

In Europe, most tournaments and even normal groups stayed at 1750. But I guess people wanted to have a little extra room for upgrades and such at that level without leaving space for a full extra super heavy, so they tack on 100 points. Not QUITE that arbitrary, just a little.
Maybe it has something to do with power balance between armies? It might be around the level where every army has a chance to feild an effective force.
1500 is the only worthwhile point size to fight at.
Can, not ICs, 4+
Snipe is more that just with snipers. You can snipe just by moving into position so that the priest takes the first wound and since sisters tend to take min squads, it's hard to hide him
2000 and 2500 are good aswell. Reduces the effectiveness of some formations and armies and lets some extra wiggleroom.
Fixing snipers:

>15 points (maybe 20?)
>only one per squad
>gain split fire, or better yet, make the model an independent character that can only join and leave his original unit
>gain rending on 6+
>Strength X changes to Strength 8 vs non-vehicles, stays Strength 4 vs vehicles
>always have precision shots
>whenever a sniper is shot at, he automatically goes to ground

>Taking priests in min squads
I'm a sisters player and there's no reason I would do this. I take priests in units of 10/20 battle sisters.
Oh, and they get Pinning back and people only pass look out sir! on 6+
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30k Slaaneshi possessed-style bolter
How about just rolling to wound using user ballistic skill, AP4, Rending, Str X as it is now, precision shots on a 5+, pinning, -1 to look out sir. 5pts, maybe 10?
Thats some shitty ass rules.

Yes, Sniper Rifles as in Imperial weapons do need buff since they feel very lackluster. But thats just bunch of over-complicated shit.

Easier fix that slightly fixes their garbage-status, gives them clear role and wont make them "3rd Edition Alaitoc"-tier cheesefest:

>Sniper: Weapons with these special rules always hit on 2+ (unless firing Snap Shots), wound on 4+ and have Split Fire, Rending and Precision Shots special rules. In addition, Look Out Sir! rolls against wounds caused by Sniper weapons suffer additional -2 to their roll.

There. Ratlings, Imperial Guard Snipers, Scouts and Eldar Rangers suddenly are way more usable and have clear role as IC snipers and monstrous creature slayers.
Why buff chance to hit and not chance to wound? That doesn't really make any sense.

My point was to design something intuitive around how a real sniper would actually work. i.e., it's generally one dude and his spotter that are supporting an infantry squad or targeting a specific enemy.

Yours is no less complicated but is harder to understand because it's further from what most people think of when they think of a sniper.
Do you know why Grav and D-weapons are hated?

They ignore their targets toughness. Stuff the units have paid for.

If you ask me sniper weapons shouldn't have had S:X in the first place. Thats just overall bad game design.
I enjoy parking my 60 point Rangers in cover and picking off plasma and melta gunners to make back there point cost.
S8 is ridiculous though. Why should sniper weapons wound so much better than, say, a bolter shell? A bolter shell is still a seriously nasty weapon that does massive damage to tissue, it's just that 40k has a bit of an inflation problem.
Exorcists-I think I failed to convey my message on this point. Exorcists are really powerful and being able to take that many might be too powerful. Just imagine two cad's of exorcists on a skyshield landing pad with some militia to keep people from climbing onto it and maybe some seraphim to push enemies from cover.

Splashing engines- It incentivises list splashing but actually buying the model is another thing. In a vacuum it's good in practice though I don't want to buy that many of them personally (Even if GW made them as cheap as Killa Kans)

>Do you take a Priest for every Battle Sister squad?
Yes. They give zealot and war hymns are almost guaranteed to pass (I take veterans) The nearly guaranteed hymn means that they re-roll armor and invulns in cqc or they can re-roll to wound (with zealot giving them re roll to hit for the majority of the time they will be in combat anyway). It makes the unit much tankier than it looks for cheap AND it gives them a plasma gun which we otherwise don't have. It reinforces the idea that we are an army of special weapons and specialists.

Rhino- fair points might be good.

Nerf- I think that I really just don't know enough about the other guns and where they are found, implemented and costed in other codex to evaluate their use properly from a design standpoint. I think that your implementation seems to stack up pretty well. I think it is OK but I would like to see it reworked so you had the option of the original list and could pay for the upgrades. Maybe a 5 point increase from the base cost, free access to the TL HBolter, TL M-M and TL-HFlamer and the abilitiy to pay 10 pts for the canons?

I also don't like that a bunch of armies just ignore LD. That said we are THE Leadership army. Space marines are disciplined so they all get ATSKNF (Which needs to be nerfed real bad) and sisters get high LD on all our stuff and the only ability that I know of that operates exclusively with LD.
Maybe S6, then.

The point is to have a special weapon that can actually snipe normal dudes and reliably kill them while still being able to (with some luck) harm bigger creatures and vehicles.
Post songs that Noise marines would find appealing
I also don't like that everyone and their grandmother has ways around LD but if everyone else is doing it and it's benefiting them we'd might as well too. Plus taking a priest per squad is as Holy as Doomguy's antechamber and gives much needed plasma.

I do it all the time. He adds a lot to a squad and is pretty cheap. Zealot means they don't even have to roll for morale, it also means that they can ignore pinning AND they hit more often in melee. War hums means that they can either A. Re roll saves and be tankier than my opponent expects or B. Hit harder than normal. Trading two troops units over the course of 3 turns to an opponent's HQ deathstar blob is absolutely worth it. Because while the Holy light of the emperor is keeping those girls alive far longer than they should be, the rest of my army is actually getting shit done.
>20 pts 48" S:X AP4 Heavy 1 Rending, Pinning, Deadshot, Turbo-Penetrator Rounds

>war hymns are almost guaranteed to pass
You know war hymns are on the models leadership and not the unit, right?
Priests are Ld7, so it's roughly a half chance to go off.
Can anyone here tell me why we stopped having a Battlefleet Gothic general? I liked scrolling through while I'm at work
I wish 40K had some awesome looking models like Age of Sigmar does.

Orks in particular, they're so boring to look at and play.
Nothing stopping you from starting one.
>Just imagine two cad's of exorcists
That's well over 2000 points worth of just Exorcists. Any game where you field that many is a game where your opponents are throwing around 10" D templates like they're Oprah Winfrey.
>on a skyshield landing pad
You can only fit 5 Exorcists on a Skyshield. Maybe 6 if you're a tricksy hobbitses, now that the weapon is turret mounted.
>free access to the TL HBolter, TL M-M and TL-HFlamer and the abilitiy to pay 10 pts for the canons?
The Bolter and Flamer are garbage weapons and I can't understand why anyone would ever take them. The TLMM is too strong for its points cost and turns SoB from a self-supporting combined arms force into a tank-hunting allies faction. You can still take a squad of MM Retributors in a Repressor (now they can actually hit things after moving) to fill your anti-tank requirement.
>That said we are THE Leadership army.
That's kind of why I don't like the idea of studying Priests all over the place. One of the most flavorful strengths of the army gets outshone by a single cheap auxiliary. With 0-3 you can still take enough to get the job done, but now you have to think about where you put them to make the best use of their rules, and you get to actually see SoB leadership in action. I'd rather buff base sister Ld if necessary than give everyone Fearless.
*Stuffing in
I'm on mobile and that's too much work.
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So what are the shoulder pads with suns on them? I don't remember the codex ever mentioning them.
Thousands Suns.
..."has to take a Leadership test and it includes models with different Leadership values, always use the highest Leadership from among them."

I'm not seeing where he is going wrong. Is it a special rule or something?
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>mfw there are imperium lapdogs in this thread RIGHT NOW
From Astra Militarum:
>War Hymns: A Ministorum Priest can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each
Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of
the following war hymns to immediately take effect.
From Adepta Sororitas
>War Hymns: A model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.
From Inquisition
>War Hymns: A model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning
of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose
one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.

You use the models LD, not the units.
>taking sisters in anything not min squads
This isn't 30k son, sisters are MSU or go home
Calling it now: next edition is shaking up the system. I'm including the full bit from BoLS just so people can see the CSM stuff too:

> SadPanda chimes in his take on what is occurring:

>In response to this quaestion:

>“Thousand Sons only need one boss man. Ahriman is finecast. Magnus will be plastic.”

>He then went onto say went on to say:

>You’ll have a plastic Ahriman before you’ll have a plastic Magnus. Probably painted in red though.

>…As I was told (though it might be nonsense), the earliest sessions to start work on a new edition led to the decision to not update (for the most part) the Tau Codex and no longer re-do older books. Apparently they actually had more thorough rule-changes for the Tau, scrapped them, but still printed loads of not-new Tau Codex books because the printers were already booked, leading to the hybrid old/new Codex that is the Tau book.

>But they are definitely working on a new edition. It just won’t be released in 2016, not least (as I heard) because they want to move the story and need time for that.”

Tau had a full codex update ready to go but they scrapped most of it. That tells me the next system is likely throwing out how the game works currently,nor at least enough of it that a full update would need to be redone again anyways.
Why has the god of change existed since pretty much the beginning of time? If he were a real god of change he should kill himself.
Guys? I'm thinking of buying some more and not a very experienced player yet.
Which one is your face? You appear to have several.
Correct. Which is why the Sisters Relic that lets you autopass War Hymns and Act of Faith tests is so damn handy.

I run Squads of ten instead of Immospam and they do fine like that. Mostly because the first time they get shot I'm not losing my speacil and heavy weapons (7 Bolter girls goes along way to help).
Death is final.
Generally in 40k you're best giving a unit one job rather than making a jack of all trades. So, what job do you want your veterans to do? Or: what can you currently not do with the rest of your army?

>plastic Ahriman
>painted in red
Well, Prospero's the next 30k book coming later this year, and that would make a good crossover model (usable in both systems) to release around the same time. Seems feasible.
And it's from Sad Panda. Dude is one of the two most accurate rumour sources we have ATM.
Gotta be honest, they are pretty shit. I have a squad equipped for CC, one with plasma gun, combi plasmas and plasma cannon and the same with grav.

You're better off making them a command squad and giving everyone a specialist weapon.
It's not the unit taking the test, it's the model.
So I need some brainstorming help because I am super shit at naming things.

I started a Dark Eldar cabal and am raiding the Scourge box for bits (legs for the Squad characters/Archon, helmeted heads for everyone (the long pony tail looks great on a Reaver champion BTW) and I'm stockpiling their weapons for future Scourge and Trueborn Squads since they have a nice collection).

So basically they've nicked a Crone World (aka the places Craftworld Eldar farm spirit stones) into a pocket of the webway and host their hunts on it and have a kind of bird cult thing going on (they like taking shiny trinkets as trophies and have the whole Scourge helmet with feathers look).

Any suggestions for names?
Kabal of the Shattered Sky?
Well id love for something that could challenge the enemy command squads and elites. I'm thinking they get where they need to be in a rhino.
>they are pretty shit.
How so? How do they compare to the vanilla counterparts?
I want to add an extra 250 points on to my dark eldar army, what do you suggest, /tg/?
I've got an archon, succubus, 20 warriors, 5 incubi, 3 reavers and a raider.

I could get another start collecting kit or I could get a talos and chronos.
The way I see it, it just has to look good on the tabletop. Nobody's gonna scrutinize every miniature you paint because of tiny shit. Frankly all that's buggin' me is the eyes, but I can't complain cause I never get that shit right.
That doesn't sound half bad.

Seriously, I had nothing.
>Can, not ICs, 4+
>Special Rules
>Independent Character
If they weren't ICs, they wouldn't be able to join and leave units.
You could always do something with Shrikes, birds that impale their prey on torns as larder, courtship ritual AND territory marker's pretty damn Dark Eldar like.
>I could get a talos and chronos.
They would as some variety to your army and the model looks pretty damn awesome and fierce so it's probably take fire off your main force.
So /tg/ i just quit my job what do?
Take up blacksmithing.
Oh that does sound interesting. My brain kept going back to crows and magpies mainly because they like to steal shiny objects.

But that idea sounds more interesting.
I'm assembling a lot of Meganobs, so far I've magnetised one so he can be both Tellyporta/KMK mek or regular nob, but I'm stumped about the others, I'm leaving the hands loose for Shoota/klaw or Kill saw, but as for the Kombi hands is it worth the work to magnetise them to allow shoota/skorcha option or should i just stick with kombi shoota?
But other guardsmen are clearly not wearing armor, just clothing. You could argue a great coat like Valhalla, death corps, and steel legion are all woven with armor in them maybe but plenty of other guardsmen are clearly not. Tallarn have thin rags, Mordian have dress uniform, so really the guard armor save should not be worrying you. If you want to think of it another way the jungle fighters are way tougher and stronger than regular guards but that isn't represented in their toughness or strength, so they get the same armor save as clothing despite not having any.
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It's colours ain't flashy but it's pretty metal with it's black eyeliner.
Oh, looked up the bird. Some neat options for colors too.

One has white, black and grey (I was already looking at using white armour and black for feathers and an ethereal blue/white for hair).
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The African Shrike doesn't look bad either.
Me too, but you can argue they have more advanced tech. Still though the traditional elf style is glass cannon. Strong offense, very mobile, but fragile. I think eldar are so unbalanced right now because they're strong offensively, mobile, but also resilient. It's too much.
How does one start black smithing in this day and age?
Same way you did back in olden times: practice and get gud.
Yeah, he's never been wrong. So since he said we'll see a plastic Ahriman before a plastic Magnus.. that contradicts what Atia said..

To be honest, I'm caring less and less. I have no interest in 40k beyond painting, modeling, and reading the fiction. When a new edition gets released, I'll give it a chance. I must admit though, I don't have high expectations.
GW just doesnt have it anymore. The creativity is almost completely gone from their studio.
Look up brake drum forge, it is a cheap way to get into it. from there just acquire good scrap metal and practice. When they redid the train tracks near my shop they just threw the old spikes to the side of the tracks and let them rust.
Buy welding and cutting equipment; start creating metal structures and art.

looks interesting so far, currently I shelved sisters after the ebook codexes removed most of the interesting options and turned them into oatmeal soup (also power creep)

one thing that comes to mind: you might actually want to reduce the cost of celestians a little, 2+/6++ is strong, but 33 pts/model is the base cost of Grey Knight Terminators, who get all the benefits of terminator armor, a force/power weapon, and are S4 T4. reducing it to 28 pts/model or even slightly lower would still be reasonable.

also: where did you get the page backgrounds from? I've been working on a few custom datalslates and homebrew for inquisition stuff, and lack of a decent page background/header is all I'm missing.

on the subject of formatting: the options lines in the current dataslate format is simply a right tab stop with a dotted leader, otherwise the format on your pages looks correct.

so far I've done 3 games of playtest with attached after getting some feedback on it locally and from here a few generals ago, so far it seems to be quite reasonable and if anything far overcosted. personal teleporter was more points but it was pointed out to me that regardless of the other benefits, it also means you may fail to arrive from reserves if deep striking (as happened in playtest 3). other major changes since last posted: rampart shield can now only be taken with a melee weapon.
Mangus is supposed to be part of Fenris PT 2. They could release Ahriman before that.

Regarding the stupid creativity, I don't see it so bleakly. Then again I am pretty accepting of most of the stuff they put out.
>Mangus is supposed to be part of Fenris PT 2. They could release Ahriman before that.

I don't think that's what he was implying.
Did they ever redo the lore about places like the Agrippina sector falling (mostly) to the Death Guard or the Scarus Sector falling (mostly) to the Orks in current times?

Also, would Eisenhorn or Ravenor still be alive by the time the Crusade hit?

>1990 called

They want their punch line back.
Considering the red armour comment it makes me wonder if another Heresy Era board game is coming out. One with Thousand Sons and Wolves perhaps?

That's be one way to see Ahriman in his old red armour.
since I derped when attepting to link to other posts beyond the first: the 33pts/model is in reference to the in-thread conversation. Grey knights codex may still prove useful for comparison because as a general rule they're a large number of points for very few models, and generally represent the upper limit of what is reasonable/viable to pay per unit and still have an army worth talking about.

Did this to a full army of nids I sold a few years back. Was with Swedish crowns so I didnt loose much though, heh.
Either way, it looks like Atia and her rumor about Fenris 2/Magnus and plastic Daemon Primarchs - was incorrect.
Im guessing Fenris 2 will bring a new 1k Sons kit, and that's it. The plastic Daemon Primarchs will be part of the next edition, September 2017.
Man I hope the new edition doesn't begin when my senior year of college does, I won't be able to play for at least a year.
For space 0din and or anyone familiar with his fan dex;

For ere we go, when you roll the ld for initiative 4, is it their unmodified leadership of 7?
If not, I think you should consider changing it unmodified. If not you're basically just making orks I4. I think people will be more accepting of the codex honestly. Loving a lot of the new stuff though, my bro and I are gonna do an ork on ork game soon to try it out. Thanks for all the good work!

>Be me
>humming a good song
>having a good glass of jägermeister by my side
>live is good
>click picture......

Like seriously what the fuck anon?!?
I stopped my humming and was scared for life. You can do better, unless your a retard or have Parkinson, you can do fucking better!
Like literally, every time you take time to paint a Space Marine, repeat in your head "this tiny plastic model cost me $4....". Watch some YouTube, and read some tutorials, and Ill give you a tip straight away, stay inside the lines. Yes, that simple, like a kids color book, just stay inside the lines, and your of to a good start!

I'm not trying to be mean, but honest to God, that thing... like, improve, now!
>good glass of jägermeister by my side
An empty one?
The new edition is all but confirmed for September 2017.
Leadership checks always uses the highest score available, so it's an 8 if you've a Nob in the mob; 9 if he has a Bosspole.

Thanks, duders. Have fun!
>Teleporting knight with Instant death D weapon with +1 initiative that gets better Sanctuary.

Knight players have a hard enough time as it is without people trying to force this kind of shit. We don't need to out eldar the eldar.
Welp, guess I'll be checking here to see how it goes while I'm working on my license to teach.
Sisters have been "all but confirmed" every year since 5th.
>Knight Justicar gets +1 Invuln
>Sanctuary gives +1 Inuln
Who the hell is willing to playtest your 2++ knight?
>reducing it to 28 pts/model or even slightly lower would still be reasonable.
Someone suggested earlier reducing the price of power weapons to 10 ppm. I can do that or reduce the price of Celestians to 16 ppm (or both, I suppose), but both options have effects outside of Celestian power levels in close combat. I'd rather test things first before I change anything, unless I can get a consensus on a better starting point.
>also: where did you get the page backgrounds from? I've been working on a few custom datalslates and homebrew for inquisition stuff, and lack of a decent page background/header is all I'm missing.
It's from a 6E codex someone posted in a thread a few days ago about reworking Sisters. He's also got a fandex in the works built off of it, but I didn't really like the direction he was taking it, adding a bunch of "wow, wouldn't that be cool?" units rather than focusing on the problems of the codex.
>on the subject of formatting: the options lines in the current dataslate format is simply a right tab stop with a dotted leader, otherwise the format on your pages looks correct.
I'll get to formatting eventually, but it's not high on my list.
Cunts tend to flock together so I'm not too surprised that he got people to try his cheesemobile.

you forget that the ion shield only covers one facing, and has much the same problem as any other knight does, you shoot it from multiple angles and it can only fix the problem from one direction. in 2 out of 3 playtests it has not even come close to earning its points back since it was attacked from multiple directions and destroyed as a result, the same tactic that kills normal knights dead.

in the third test it was run as a standard crusader, with only the base tax added, and in that case it did damage but was mostly a non-factor in a game decided by objectives behind intervening LoS blocks.

perhaps think before rushing to judgement?
Why did you feel the need to make a whole new variant just for your special snowflake knight. Most people do awesome kitbashes where they have their own custom weapons and armor modifications but just field them as a normal knight, but my guess is you are going to be fielding either a stock knight either primed gray or painted gray like a grayknight, then play it as "Count-as" my special snowflake knight.
Atia has a 100% batting avg with rumors too AFAIK so this may just play out to "someone got bad info".
>If they weren't ICs, they wouldn't be able to join and leave units.
You're really over-hyping a 2+ though. Ask people who field termies how much they trust their 2+s. The fact that Sisters can lose their fearless and other fearless troops (Cult CSM, Space Marines, Tyranid MCs) can't still demonstrates that it shouldn't be nerfed

Pick one.
Rule for War Hymns says the priest has to test, not the unit. Because it's not the unit you can't sub leadership values.
>Welp, guess I'll be checking here to see how it goes while I'm working on my license to teach.
oh so young and full of optimism. I was in your position about 4 years ago and then I worked as a TA abroad and realized how much I can't stand kids. hopefully you get a lot of experience in the classroom before you apply to grad school.
>perhaps think before rushing to judgement?

Your shit is still dumb for what it is.

>Muh imperial knight which is da best at everything
>*teleports behind you*
>*Use force glave and cuts nurgle and korne and 30 demonprinces in half in one swing*
>*Tips ion shield*
>"Nothing, personel kid."

Just because its overcosted, doesn't make it okay to field.
I'm from a large family and have worked with kids for most of my life.

I'm aiming to teach at the high school level anyways.
as stated in previous general, everything on that page will have actual modeled parts, the original thought behind making the sheet was because I am putting a ton of work into the conversion, including replacing a good chunk of the armor plate, new faceplate (all done in CAD and 3D-printed), and full paintwork. I decided to see if I could come up with a set of rules to match the level of conversion work, and see if I could make it reasonably balanced while having a different flavor, and fitting the army it runs with and is a centerpeice for.

can't charge after deepstrike, or after shunt, you can do the exact same thing with any regular knight and strategic warlord traits. is subject to all of the major weaknessess of the current knights, while costing 30-85% more and is only better at one thing: fighting daemon engines or greater daemons.

you seem to have a chip on your shoulder, I'd love to have a rational discussion, but you don't seem to be interested.
Did you forget that you gave the Rampart shield a base 5++, improved to 4++ by Sanctuary?
>is only better at one thing: fighting daemon engines or greater daemons
>rational discussion

Come back when you have your head pried from your ass.
ok, you've just taken a set of options that relegate it to melee only, remove all of the powerful shooting options, and mean that sure it will kill units in close combat, but now has to get there. meaning that at minimum it will be absorbing a large amount of firepower for 2 turns simply to close, in an army with very little effective means of removing enemy anti-tank beyond close assault. playtest 2 was exactly that scenario against dark angels, it closed to melee once, killed a single unit of ravenwing knights, then died from mutliple-angle anti-tank fire. 4++ helps, but it isn't the magical thing you seem to think it is. a standard knight in the same scenario would not have closed, a baneblade in the same scenario (same rough points cost) would have died about the same time while inflicting significantly more damage.
So what isn't considered a cheesy fuck army composition when playing as eldar
Why are we so hostile towards an anon playing homebrew with his playgroup? I'm sure he'd have no issue fielding it as a regular Oathsworn knight against people he didn't know.
aspect eldar or guardian (not heavy on the jetbikes) force
I'd actually like to know, the entire reason I'm posting it is for constructive feedback, same reason 0din and sisters anon are.

if someone still absolutely hated the thing when presented with the sheet before a game, it's fully magnetized and can be run as a regular oathsworn knight. the goal is to make something that fits the conversion and army flavor, and balanced enough that it's not unreasonable to play against. the entire time I've been working with it I always look at it from the other angle: "if I were playing my regular marines or IG, would I want to play against this?"

next two playtests are exactly that, two games I'll be taking IG and raven guard against it.
>Ask people who field termies how much they trust their 2+s.
I play Termis, and you cannot possibly imagine how not afraid I am of having my character sniped out of the unit. Also, that's just more reason for ensuring Sisters aren't reliant on their Priests.
okay ill try my best /tg/ thank you for guiding this young pupil
Playing toned down Eldar:
Don’t spam anything, even if it’s not broken, it’s boring.
Limit use of Wraithguard units, exclude D-scythes entirely.
Limit yourself to one "heavy weapon" per 3 windriders.
Leave the Wraithknight in the display case.
Forgeworld notes:
Even though the Lynx is now a Heavy support unit, treat it as a Lord of War (1/army, 0 below 1500 points)
Because he brought it to class with him instead of leaving it at home.
you mean because I actually wanted constructive feedback on balancing from a wider audience beyond the small group I play with? no wonder no one tries to make interesting new things for 40k, when it gets this kind of reaction.

even the current official stuff put out by games workshop and forge world was some game designer's "homebrew" once.

so lets look at it from a different angle: you've seen the base concept, and the types of things that are/will be modeled. what rules and costs would YOU give to them.

in my case I had the concept and dug around in both the standard and forge world knight entries looking for rules to modify/reuse. the glaive and warblade are both weaker and more expensive versions of the castigator warblade and the shock lance. the incinerator is the acheron weapon with standard psyflame bonus and a 35 point increase for passing the str 7 to str 8 threshold.
what program did you use to make this? i have some dataslates for old chaos superheavies but they would look nice done like this (and also give me some drive to finish my lesser brass scorpion)
>because I actually wanted constructive feedback on balancing from a wider audience beyond the small group I play with?

Remember where you are, there's no moderate criticism here, did you expect more than "it's OP broke shit you retarded cheemonger"?
File: ExposedFormatting.png (115KB, 776x1008px) Image search: [Google]
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straight word actually with the header pulled from the digital grey knight codex and cleaned in photoshop.

Titles: Caslon Antique allcaps bold
other text: Garamond

format is usually title bar and points in the ring, then unit composition, then the statistics table (just simple table, garamond 10pt with borders off and using a text box for background)

main body section is a 4-column format, with column 1 being wargear, warlord trait, special rules, then fixed psyker powers, in that order. column 2 is used for explanation of any special rules unique to the character or unit (unless there is room in column 1), and if there are none then column 2 is used along with 3 and 4 for unit options.

entire sheet is single space with no preceding or trailing paragraphs, and options are a 2-step outline format, with the points costs using a right-aligned tab-stop with a dotted leader and a preceding space.

image attached with the formatting exposed.
File: InquisitorXerem.pdf (1B, 486x500px)
1B, 486x500px
both 0din and others have gotten decent C&C before, and while there was some hate in the previous general where it was posted, I did actually get decent C&C then as well, which is why the post with playtest updates.

forgot to add, if you can provide a file with the details I have some free time and can format it.

attached is an example of the character format, written by both myself and 3 friends who weren't satisfied with the current inquisition codex's ability to represent magos biologis inquisitors (it's literally just a smash together of the magos dominus and xenos inquisitor entries with a point hike), you may recognize the name from Heart of Rage.
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So lads I want to know if it's worth getting back into 40k or GW games generally.
I stopped collecting and painting around 10 years ago and haven't followed the releases much since, so is it worth it to get back in?
Am I going to be wasting my money on a dying game? I don't want to drop 500 pounds on the game and then have it die in 5 years or so.
If I do get back into this then what's a good starter set to get? I'm most interested in 40k but fantasy is also an option.
Well to be blunt, 0dins work is mostly "just" an amalgam of what everyone been saying about what wrong with the Orks codex since it released with a couple of new gimmicky weapons sprinkled on top.
Well right now IS a pretty good time to start collecting, since there is a line of Star Collecting! packages, offering very reasonable saving on models and even a play as is formation.

The game itself is... well quite divided, balance between high and low tier armeis is a low, but on the other hand if you find a cool playgroup there's loads of cool if not powerful options to play with.
but taking the time to put it all together and make sure it works well with itself and integrate all of the competing visions for what orks "should be" is no small task. feedback on what works and what doesn't is pretty important if you're taking mostly-existing ideas or playing with entirely new ones, since things that work well in one application or area of the game's design might not function well in another.

in my case I'm not just seeking ideas for points balance, but also alternative rules options I may not have considered that may function better in practical play.

one of the things that has always fascinated me about 40k is the sheer amount of unused design space. it becomes pretty obvious if you dig into the black library works or into the current RPGs available, and see all the things and ideas that can exist. why not take advantage of that as players and add to the fun? things don't always need the "official rules" stamp to be enjoyable for both sides to use, for a long time forgeworld operated on the 'opponent's permission' system, yet still saw wide use for the flavor it provided, because in large part the rules they provided added a lot of flavor without heavily affecting balance (there are always notable exceptions). while a single person can take fun ideas and concepts and write rules for them, without playtest and constructive feedback the results will always be limited by that single person's biases and experiences, and with boards like this we SHOULD be able to actually have constructive discussions about it and leave the egos behind along with the names and trips.
The point was people didn't rag on it because they felt it was more someone putting their collective grumbles into a single file than some random person making shit up.
People don´t yell cheesemonger without a reason. Behind every fairy tale there is a true story. All you really have to do is translate from internet flaming to constructive critisism.

>You are a fucking idiot your speshull snowflake knight has the firepower of a dakka knight while also having a fucking strength D close combat weapon.
Becomes: Option y is too powerful and probably needs to have a points cost increase.

While it is somewhat regrettable that it is the norm to communicate in such a harsh tone, I think there is value in learning to discern meaning in the hateful shit which is thrown around on the internet.
>Am I going to be wasting my money on a dying game?
the game has been dying for 20 years
except that translation doesn't function because it doesn't have that at all. or have people actually forgotten what a psycannon even does.

if the hateful shit made coherent sense I'd still take it into account, but so far only about 2 of those posts have had any coherent logic or insight I can glean from them.
People are dying from the day they a born.


Kids these days.
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