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Flames of war general

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Flames of War SCANS database:
---Includes our Late War Leviathan rules!
Official Flames of War Free Briefings:

Current /tg/ fan projects - Noob Guide &FAQ, and a Podcast
Quick Guide on all present FOW Books:

Archive of all known Panzer Tracts PDFs: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/nyvobnlg12hoz/Panzer_Tracts

WWII Osprey's, Other Wargames, and Reference Books
and, for Vietnam.

--Guybrarian Notes:


Panzerfunk, the /fowg/ podcast.

[Vimeo] The Fallen of World War II


http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=1949 the Azul Division: no longer linkable off the main page

Which army do you play the most?

what actual country are you from?
We reused the image? Boo. Boooo.
From the last thread: it might be a stupid question, but does Battlefront make an SdKfz 251/1D Stuka zu Fuss? I can only find one based off the Ausf. C chassis.
Plastic Ferdinand coming from Zvezda.
New thread, new update to this Upgrades, Funnies, and Balance supplement for the brits.

Cromwell upgrades reworked into general "Cruiser upgrades" table, similar to the American Sherman upgrades. Now limited to one per platoon, but no limits on the number of platoons. Anyone with Challengers can replace some of them with Fireflies for a points discount. Nachtjager Challengers (the only ones in Challenger platoons, and the only ones late enough in the war) can have some upgraded to the uparmored model. Armor bonus increased to +2 because an extra 1" or more of armor plating on all forward surfaces is a 1/3rd or more increase in protection for both cromwells and challengers.

Canal Defense Light once again disorients targets, applying +1 to hit and preventing them from spotting or lifting GtG. Effects disappear if daylight rules are in effect.

>Ideas that I didn't implement
The books and websites I found mentioned instances where welded-on tracks on cromwells resulted in one surviving multiple hits from a PaK 40 while one next to it without such protection was destroyed. Applique plates giving +1 armor for +10points were considered for this, but I figured it was better to not include for now.
The other thing I had considered was allowing Challengers to drop their RoF to 2 for -10 points, since there are a number of instances where the second loader was used to fill in for the crew of other tanks. I figured that might be hard to track, and combined with allowing firefly replacements (which was taken straight from the 15th/19th hussar's war diary) might make the Challenger and Firefly too similar on the battlefield.
Finally, I had considered making the VIIw have Wide Tracks, but the change from 14" to 15.5" wasn't significant enough.

As always, feel free to tell me how badly I'm fucking things up, particularly with the new stuff.
PSC are still making 25pdrs in a kickstarter, go give them money if you play brits or are thinking of doing so.
Here you go:

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Sherman Tulips:
>Developed in March 1945, and only seeing service in April, the Sherman Tulip was a rare weapon system, but a devastating one. Some German officers even complained that they were a violation of the Geneva Convention.
Up to half the Shermans or Fireflies in your Guards Armoured Squadron may be upgraded to Tulips system for +25 points per tank.

ROF: 1. Range: 16"/40 AT: 3 FP: 1+ Notes: One Shot. Bunker Buster. Tulip

One Shot: May only be fired once per game.
Tulip: Armoured Vehicles take saves against top armour, platoons hit are automatically pinned down, may not fire in defensive fire,

Basically the same Rules as the Sturmtiger.
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Rate my friends map?
I had been thinking about how to add those in. What I had in my head was pretty similar. My initial idea had it at FP +2 and using having a higher AT, but suffering a flat +1 to hit unless the opponent is dug in. MG nests and such are fortifications, so they're always hit on a skill test anyway. I also didn't have the "no defensive fire" thing, which seems pretty harsh.

Main problem, no matter what, will be costing them appropriately. Devastating one-shot weapons that are probably hitting non-bunkers on 5s is tricky.
Oh, derp, just realized you meant "you may not fire the Tulip in defensive fire" not "Enemy hit gets no defensive fire". My bad.
Fuck that no, RP-3s have a 27kg warhead. It's got more HE in it than a SU-152 shell. They're FP+1.
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A list costs about $500 (mostly because of massed artillery and its crew)
>18x152mm guns
Yeah, that'll set you back a couple hundo.
What's changed in the Grey Wolf revised?
Very Nice, have seen it in their 2016 lineup together with a couple of big cats.
Any word on which month Ferdi is coming?
Not actually a whole lot. It was mostly rules to bring stuff line line, like new Armour Car formations, changing the Sturmtiger rules to the ones found in NUTS.
Oh ok. Speaking of german armored cars what's the most frugal way to procure them? Zvezda has 222s but most lists seem to require 8-rads

A lot of people seem to like Forged In Battle. They have a decent range and tend to come out cheaper than BF. Cons are that they are solid resin, often one piece, and offer minimal customisation (often even to the extent of not being able to easily add a vehicle commander).

Additionally, their vehicles are modelled with integral bases, which some people don't mind, and others seem to viscerally hate.
Oh. None of my other vehicles have bases, so that's kind of a turn off for me.

PSC pumas and hummels and sFH18s when?
Are we ever gonna get a book on Russians/Chinese in the early war far east or Commonwealth/Dutch forces in Burma/the Pacific?
Well, Rising Sun is for your EW Far East needs (no Chinese thought), and Commonwealth and rest of Pacific armies should be released through DLC lists anytime soon... still, there will be no Chinese lists afaik
So, I've managed to largely avoid metal figures until recently. I've got some of Battlefront's metal infantry, and because I'm a cheap fuck I got QRF guns. I also had a resin jeep or two, which had a very small amount of metal parts.

I'm prefacing with that because basically I wasn't expecting battlefront metal stuff to be anywhere near as shitty as QRF, but that's very much the case. Loads of flash, parts that don't quite tessalate with the resin, a couple of pock-marks, fat, chubby details... The hull MG just looks like a brick that comes out of the MG port. I wasn't expecting plastics to be both cheaper and better than the metal equivalent but I guess I was naive on that.
Christ, the two opposing track bits are slightly different shapes.
Chich kit did you get, and HOW are the tracks different?
Churchill VII. One track's flat and one track's curved. Looking at photos, the curved seems to be the correct one, but the curve track has a "dent" in it where the surfce of the model's all pushed-in looking, and it's covered in small holes that look like they were probably bubbles at some point.
Yeah you'll probably want to get in touch with Battlefront Support and they'll get you a replacement.

1) Too many buildings, use about 1/4th less and use much smaller ones to represent built up areas. They should be closer to the middle of the table as well. If you are going to have a town or other built up area on the table it may as well be the focus.

2) You wooded areas are too many and too small. Group them up to form fewer but larger wooded areas.

3) Get more door mat for crops/tall grass and do much the same thing with them that you should do with the wooded areas.

4) You need more linear obstacles, usually this means fences and the like.

Over all strive to make the table look like something you would see IRL. That looks like you threw down a bunch of random garbage on the table like you were planning on playing 40k and not FoW.

Some general rules of thumb for this:

Humans tend to cluster their buildings at crossroads,or the intersection of crossroads and rivers/streams/water features.

Roads tend to follow the path of least resistance, so rather than taking them right over a hill they should go around. You should also put down some roads even if they may not effect gameplay. It looks better.

Anywhere were humans have settled for more than a century the landscape generally gets shaped by humans into grids. They need not be perfect squares (most of the time they aren't) but it will always be there. These squares are generally bordered by fences and other barriers to denote property lines or keep various animals out or in.
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A good amount of terrain, but the distribution seems a bit unnatural.

Already out apparently.

And frankly not looking too bad, either.
Good quality... for zvezda
Are scout platoons worth it in a LW grenadier list?
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awwwww yiisssssss

definitely gonna pick a few of these up for shenanigans
Usually, Armored Car Patrols are better, but those are not alwasy available, and you ALWAYS (well, almost) want recce.
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If I wished to play LW british armoured (not canadian), what would be the best list to go with?
Yes, but particularly if you have tube artillery (i.e. 10.5cm or 15cm) for rockets and mortars Recce is not as critical, but still very useful to reveal GtG, etc.

Scouts can also be a cheap platoon to chuck into reserve so something more useful can start on table.
Do you have a specific preference between the 4 main tank options (Churchills, Comets, Cromwells, and Shermans) for your list? Or are you just looking for the most mechanically powerful list across all 4?
Let's go with the non-infantry tanks. But Cromwells, Comets or Shermans are equally fine.
For Cromwells, the 15th/19th Hussars in Market Garden is about the best and most fun to play. In Overlord there's also the RV Desert Rats/7th Armoured, but BF nerfed them too much.

For Shermans, see the lists in Overlord. The Market Garden Shermans list for Guards, 11th Armoured and the Canadians are OK, but the Overlord list are better IMO since they can access a Breaching group to become Always Attack. Road to Rome has different Sherman lists, 6th Armoured and the South Africans for instance can take 76mm Shermans, and can mix in a few Fireflies and 105mm Shermans too.

Comets are too expensive to work on their own IMO and work best supporting other lists: Lorried Rifles, Armoured Cars or the SAS Squadron all can take 1-2 Comet platoons in support and this approach works much better than a Comet Squadron.
Which one of these would be best and/or most offensively british?

And how gimped are the Desert Rats? Something about Reluctant Veteran charms me (or possibly the masochist in me).
As a cromwell lover, I can elaborate on what this guy said. There are essentially 5 different Cromwell lists.

>Overlord: Desert Rats Armored and Armored Recce
The Desert Rats list is RV, has integrated fireflies/challengers, and can get a Breching Group to give them Always Attack. The Armored Recce (coming in Guards and generic flavors) list is CT and has no fancy options except that the cromwell platoons can Disengage and have Cautious Movement. Both have a bit more varied options on infantry and armored car support than the later lists, though the artillery is generally trained. Desert Rats is easily the better list, and used to be one of the top lists in the game back in V2.

>Market Garden: Guards Armored Recce and 11th Armored Recce
The two lists are almost identical. Both have basic Cromwell platoons with the option for a Challenger for AT work, and the support options are the same (and all CV, for both lists). Your support tanks can slap on Duckbills (wide tracks but slow tank), and your lorried infantry get a +3 save when riding on your tanks instead of the normal 5+. You can also get some American paratrooper support. The big differences are in the Recce options, Column Platoon, Luttrell's Platoon, if you've got the Guards re-roll, and the veterancy of your combat and weapons platoons.

For the Guards, your combat and weapons platoons are CV, and you re-roll company and platoon morale tests for those platoons (Combat, Weapons, and Brigade) that are Guards. You also get the Column platoon, which is an amazingly flexible platoon that you can choose to be Universal Carriers, 3" Mortars, or 6pdr guns when you deploy. You have Stuarts, UCs, and the Houshold Cav (armored cars that can disengage after shooting) for recce.

Desert rats are pretty gud actually. They have Cautious Not Stupid which means if they weren't shot at last turn they get to reroll checks to unpin/unbail. Because they're RV they're a lot cheaper than standard, so just generally avoid a situation in which they have to take a Motivation test and you're golden. Take armoured artillery instead of field guns, they're unpinnable.

Reluctant Veteran is one of the better ratings in the game due to the discount it gives you, hell Reluctant in general is pretty solid if you can avoid taking checks, like having tank platoons of two tanks, like in the Jagdtiger list.
For the 11th armored (which is the 15th/19th Hussars), your combat and weapons platoons are CT. You can get Luttrell's Platoon, which is a platoon of 2-6 nicely cheap Cromwell CS tanks with a warrior who lets them re-roll the first range in attempt and re-roll tests to unbog within 6" of him. You have Stuart Jalopies, Universal Carriers, Dingoes/Humbers, and the Inns of Court (armored cars that re-roll failed Disengage tests) for recce.

Neither of the Market Garden lists is outright better than the other. 11th Armored you have more firepower and tanks on the table because you're cheaper, but the Guards are more reliable and flexible (if you DON'T take the Column Platoon with them, you're an idiot). Both are quite usable.

Only one Cromwell list here: B Squadron, 15th/19th Hussars. Everything is CV, and you lose some listbuilding options from the MG version (Luttrell is gone, as are the Inns, Motor/Pioneer infantry, Heavy Mortars, and Stuarts). However, you can now get Wasps to burn everything, and your Cromwells and Challengers have been split into their own platoons. This gives you some flexibility with your smoke, since you can now fire the Challenger platoon then use the Cromwell platoons for DFS the enemy. It's not hard to make an army that can be both this and the MG version of the list. You've still got the Lorried Rifle infantry and duckbill-optioned support.

Overall, pretty much all of them except the Armored Recce list from Overlord are usable.

They're still good. RV is a pretty powerful rating, because it's almost as cheap as CT, and the best defense against motivation tests is not getting hit in the first place. All your Cromwells and Challengers having Protected Ammo helps as well. They're just not as absurdly good as they used to be.

I know it's bad form to bump your own question, but fuck it. Does a Ausf D Stuka zu Fuss exist?

A bit of a dig through the online store doesn't give any indication of a D-version.

Although I think you might be able to order the little baggies of Stuka racks, so you might be able to use them with any Aus D halftracks you have.
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Can't wait for the West Germans.
Brits or GTFO.
I always loved the Bo105.
So god damn cute.

Brits are supposed to be next for Team Yankee after the Krauts.

I'm guessing probably right before Christmas.
Are flamethrowers worth it in a pioneer platoon?
Depends on the country and the size of the pioneer platoon.
I'd say "yes" more often than not - but it's important to know when those 'not' times are
depends on what you want the pioneers to do and what their platoon's size is. For example an assault pioneer platoon with SMG's will want them more than some rifle platoon defending a point
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I think it's better with zvezda's pz 4 rather than BF ones as their tanks are without zimmerit, and romanian t4s are almost without shirzen as far as I googled.

How do you think about this?
Comparing Sextons to plain 25pdrs, why would I want to get the Sextons? Yeah, they're more mobile, but they cost significantly more points and they're really thinly armored. It honestly seems like they'd be more vulnerable to enemy fire than the guns alone.
OTOH, if that rifle pioneer platoon has to attack, they really, really want flame throwers.

It's a "meh" medium tank swarm, can't hold a candle to the med tank spam of the big 4. Issues: you're stuck with no AT over 11, no "anchor" tanks, no fun little quirks, no zoom moves, and all your tank squads are 3-strong, plus random ratings can and will fuck you every now and again.

Sextons are pretty trash TBPH, it's worth paying the points to make your artillery mobile when it has Breakthrough gun (Priests, Wespes) since that allows them to gain a secondary role. 25lbsers should say on their turntables, dug in, preferable in cover.
The large advantage of Sextons is that they can't be pinned. Unlike dismounted 25pdrs.
but they lose the 360 fire arc, work against you for mobile reserves, and cost sooo many more points.
>It's a "meh" medium tank swarm, can't hold a candle to the med tank spam of the big 4.

It's a fairly standard tank list with none of the bells and whistles of German or American tank lists.

That being said, the Panzer IV is certainly a solid medium tank. They'll hold their own against most other medium tanks, but will need side shots on any of the heavier stuff your opponent might bring.

>Issues: you're stuck with no AT over 11,

11 is not the best, but it will work. It'll do the job against the front armor of things like Shermans, other Panzer IVs, and T-34s. And it will do well against the side armor of Pershings, Panthers, or Tigers.

>no "anchor" tanks,

The lack of a Panther or Tiger is a downside, but not a crippling one.

Unless you come up against King Yigers or the like. Then you might be boned.

>no fun little quirks, no zoom moves

You don't need Jumbos Lead The Way, Detroit's Finest, or Stormtrooper to win with a tank list.

Yes they're nice to have, but you most certainly don't need them.

>all your tank squads are 3-strong

That is a bit of an issue, but if you're down to only one operational tank in a platoon, that platoon is probably boned anyway.

>plus random ratings can and will fuck you every now and again.

That's less of an issue with Elite than it is for the other categories for random Skill and Motivation.
Hey lads, so I noticed that battlefront makes a box of 4 plastic 251's, and also makes a box of 2 plastic 251's

the 4 costs $37, the 2 costs $15

is there any reason to buy the 4 box? As far as I can tell it's all the same sprues.
They come with AA MGs, which (combined with being tanks) makes them much more resistant to infantry assaults. It also gives them a greater resistance to enemy aircraft hitting your backfield, especially if you upgrade them to .50s. Your observers start as OP tanks (normally a 10pt upgrade), which gives them a machine gun and greater speed on the turns where you're using your AOP to direct fire.

If your meta is mostly infantry, Sextons provide some nice advantages for ~25% more points. If your meta is mostly armor, you might be better off with the base 25pdrs unless your opponents are really defensive (and the extra AT 9 shots would make a difference).
You get decals with the 4 box, but not with the 2 bo. Dunno if that's worth $7 to you, but that seems to be about it.
*Best Germans
The sexton also doesn't care about pinning.
Bids on the 25pdr KS seem to be slowing down.
Well, they are at almost 3 times their initial funding goal. I'd say that's not too shabby.

And there are 11 days left...
Yeah, I'm a bit worried we'll miss out on the sextons.
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it looks to me like my FLGS is just not getting in tanks.

so, who here /tanks/?
My local club's been occupied by folks for footie so I haven't had much chance.
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say that in 1985 and not online and see what happens
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why not getting into a game that you only need the cards? although i think the game need better advertising.
Not him but are they selling the cards separate? Me and my group have all the tanks already.
I'm thinking about it. I follow FoW but never got into it (time, friends prefer board games, etc.). Tanks might make more sense for my schedule and gaming group.

Is there more to it than just driving around in circles shooting each other?
From what i know, no.
I thought I saw something up for pre-order on The War Store that makes me think they will eventually be releasing just the cards.
>so, who here /tanks/?
My FLGS only got two starters since demand seems to be way higher than expected, but I played a pair of test games using the owner's copy and some already-painted Sherman Vs and StuGs that we had on hand.

It plays nicely and I'll certainly be picking up a starter once my FLGS gets more in stock.
It'll probably become an excellent option as a quick half-hour filler game when we don't have time to play a "proper" battle in FoW or other systems.

>Not him but are they selling the cards separate? Me and my group have all the tanks already.
The starter kit contains cards for all the tanks in the first wave (including Brits and Soviets) and a ton of upgrades.
The only things not in there are nation-specific crew members for non-US and non-German nations.

>Is there more to it than just driving around in circles shooting each other?
Yup, very much so.
In our test games, both swift maneuvers while fighting on the move and stationary fire from a good position proved very useful.

Assuming you have a solid amount of terrain to allow maneuvers while still having some open lines of fire, there should be plenty of tactical options.
>The starter kit contains cards for all the tanks in the first wave (including Brits and Soviets) and a ton of upgrades.
What are all the tanks in the first wave? And how long till I have ny Cromwells and Challengers?
US: M4A3 (late), M4A3 (76mm), Pershing, Super Pershing.

Germans: StuG, Panzer IV, Panther, Jagdpanther.

Brits: Sherman V, Firefly, Cromwell, Comet.

Soviets: T-34/76, T-34/85, SU-85, SU-100, ISU-122, ISU-152, IS-85, IS-2.
Basically all the BF plastics, right?

Which one one hand is a very smart move.

On the other hand, the absence of the Tiger is a sin.
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If I ever get so fat that I have to ride one of those fucking things, somebody please shoot me and put me out of my misery...
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>tfw your average rascal is carrying more weight than your apc's

dont worry buddy, we live in MURRICA, I've got ya. even if my "arsenal" is considered one step below a Nuclear weapon as far as New York Law is concerned.
So you've got a rubber band?
Or a 2x4 with a nail in it?
no, he's got a penis

a polish single shot 22lr that was converted from a German Mauser. It looks big and scary though so theyd probably think it was an anti tank rifle

One day eagles I'll have to figure out a way to come up there and get a game in with you. Always wanted to fight a paratrooper army, Ive never seen one in person for some reason
>be polish
>don't like Russians Cuz communism
>don't like Nazis because fascism
>don't like brits because backstabbing fags
>don't like American because generic
>don't want to play poland because my army did more shit as a guerilla force than an actually army
What do?
Play infinity.
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I hate myself
play Finland....alternatively Japan, those genocidal bastards deserve some love too
You could play the free Polish forces that fought for the Allies?
You can play the resistance, or at least the Warsaw Uprising bit of it.
Or canadians
Or hungarians
Or romanians
Or....I'm out of nations
Wait, greeks and netherlands and norwegians.
Play Nazis anyway

then you can be happy even when you lose
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>A Polish player who intentionally runs his German army into the enemy guns every game as revenge

fund it
Hungary or Romania?


French Colonial?
Poles did a lot of fighting in North Africa and Italy though. They were instrumental in the Siege of Tobruk.
Question. Let's say a platoon of tanks gets assaulted and eventually goes from a full platoon of 5 to 4 tanks, all of which are bailed out during the assault. What should happen? My opponent tried saying they'd break from the assault away from the assaulting team...closer to my board edge. He eventually just took them off the table, as we were looking up the rules for a while. Am I just blind and dumb? What specifically happens in that instance?
The tanks have no active tanks, they're all destroyed.
Your wording seems a bit unclear, I assume you're saying it goes from 5 intact to 4 bailed and 1 destroyed?

Well, assuming they fail their morale test to counterattack that assault round, they automatically break off directly away from the assaulting platoon. Yes, that can be towards your board edge or other teams of yours (as long as he doesn't end up within 4" of them), they're only concerned with getting away from the infantry swarming them. However, if he is unable to get a team more than 4" away from your assaulting teams, he loses that team. In this case, all his surviving teams are bailed, and thus aren't able to move at all. They'd all die automatically when falling back.

He's right about the direction, but that's irrelevant because his tanks aren't able to escape and auto-die.
I'd do it with soviets as I hate them more but then I'd just be playing them normally

Thank you, that's what I thought. What sections would that be under in the book? I honestly couldn't find the verbage that said that.
Alright got another MW battle, this time its 1700pts. Figured it was time to represent and brought my Hungarians.

Dont worry they stole all the Krautnology, 1/2 the list totally isnt German tanks I swear.

I'm not crazy about it, a couple platoons are a bit understrength, but its the best I can come up with given the circumstances. If anyone has ideas for different things to take Im all ears.
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Ditch the AT guns, buy more Marders use the points to bulk out your mortars, then use Kampfgruppe to give you your ninth platoon.
Any of you lads ever lay hands on a zvezda JU 87? How hard will it be to convert it to a G?
Got one, you'd need to mod the hard-plastic canopy and add gunpods form scratch.

Probably easier to just buy BF's G.
oh right the canopy, fuck
wish I'd asked last night when I was ordering shit
thanks anon
Ok lads remind me to order from PSC in a week or so after the pound plummets sufficiently.
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You may handle air intake and guns, but canopy is very hard to convert.
This is my G converted from zvezda B, and I didn't do on that canopy.

thank you meine Freunde
If you wanna buy stuff from the big UK manufacturers, I would say to strike now while the Pound's in Freefall from recent events.
>Ditch the AT guns for more marders
I could get one more marder, I only own 3 for some damn reason

>bulk out mortars
thats all you get. Its the only two stand mortar platoon Ive ever seen in the game. Should still smoke just fine right?

I think you missed the part where I'm playing Hungarians.

Dont get me wrong, theyre valid points, this list is just weird. Its the Hungarian corps troops PDF, which is the only way for me to run the more modern German tanks (and more importantly, the 149mm howitzers) For example, every Hungarian unit you see is maxed out. Its the German ones are understrength.

If the mortars wont be able to smoke right, Ill probably drop them to get the 3rd Marder in.
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Holy shit they actually did it. Those crazy brits actually did it. My Murrican side cant help but love misplaced rebellion, but I cant help but wonder if theyll end up regretting it.
>Two mortars per platoon.
Wow that's pretty bad. It'll still smoke, it just won't hit nothing.

>Hungarians can't Kampfgruppe.
This is what happens when you don't play flames of war your rules leak out of your brain.
We will and pretty much immediately.

It's going to be a pretty bitter I-told-you-so.
How do you paint treads?
Depends on the Tracks. German ones were primed in their Red Oxide which would probably wear off quickly from general movement.. British/American ones were mostly black rubber with some having metal in them. So you'd generally paint them and then wear them.
so its official then, theyre fimished counting and everything? That seems awful quick.

I figured you guys would at least have a recount.

Dont mortars get a reroll to hit though? Honestly I mainly brought them as a dirt cheap platoon to up my count more than anything

>this is what happens when you dont play for a while

Dude dont feel bad, up until my game with c3v last week I hadnt played for over 6 months.

And now Im back in and exclusively playing a period I own almost nothing for. I have to take all my Late War stuff and cram it into lists where its way too much overkill.

For example, last week, I had 3 StuG G's halt an entire tankovy singlehandedly for like 3 turns. They just refused to die. Of course for 510 points they damn well oughta do that but thats just an example of what Im working with here.
Mortars do get to reroll their first attempt to hit. Plus they're good for removing nests.
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>so its official then, theyre fimished counting and everything? That seems awful quick.
>I figured you guys would at least have a recount.
Distressingly, yes.
What happened with the GuP FoW thing?
They actually did it. The Brits actually did it. They left the EU.

Well, that little island nation once ruled the world.

I think they'll be fine. Once people stop freaking out about it anyway.
>I think they'll be fine. Once people stop freaking out about it anyway.
This is the average Brexit voter
Britain is fucked
You can vote for something while still not expecting it to matter.

Its a protest vote. Like voting 3rd party in the US election because you don't want to vote for the Fascist, the Socialist, or the one under Federal investigation.
Bartosz lost the root files of it and then has been since trying to work on a second edition. Plus TANKS is out and is a better Medium for it I believe.
There's no third, here, and it was a 1-person-1-vote deal. There wasn't any kind of boundary shenanigans that meant we had safe seats, or anything. It was a straight-up "how many people think we should leave vs stay".
Seconding this.

Tanks seems to fit the style of GuP's tank battles much more than modifying FoW would.
Paint them Boltgun Metal, wash black, dry brush Boltgun.

Weathering's an entirely different problem.
sadly, these 'people' would benefit from living in a socialist environment.
>they vote republican

USA under socialism is gonna be an outright living joke.
they are brit-americans plus, though....

what happened?
TL:DR: Britain voted in a Referendumb to leave the EU. David "Goddamn I love Ham" Cameron resigned. The pound is in a touch of a major slump at the moment. The referendum doesn't actually mean anything in the short term, it'll take at least two years plus for stuff to happen, if at all.
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>what happened?

A disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... Mass hysteria!

But seriously... The UK voted to leave the EU.

You'd think it was the end of the world based on what I'm seeing online.
I'm going to find Bill Murray, and make him charge you five dollars every time you use that line one of these days Eagles.
With any luck we can fund T-Shirts or decent microphones or something.
What can I say? I love that movie. And I love that line.

As for microphones for Panzerfunk, a decent quality mike is only about $20 - $30.
Personally I prefer painting tracks with tamiya flat earth and dry brushing wheels, then wash with black+red brown.
I think tracks should be stained with dirt, unless the tank is displayed in museum.
Rule Britannia motherfuckers! Well done Britbongs!
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Does this mean we should all be putting in PSC orders?
>inb4 Scotland leaves to rejoin the EU and the United Kingdom essentially dissolves
When the Scots voted to leave the UK their main argument was that they could survive on North-Sea oil...

The North-Sea oil has dried up pretty badly since then. An independant Scotland would have wealth similar to Romania.
Scotland...it was only ever about the welfare teat, wasn't it? Sad.

Go ahead: join the EU and ultimately fall into ruin with it: the sooner it happens, the sooner decent Scots can begin re-building.

Britain has had the courage to show the rest of Europe it can be done. Can, and will. Who's next: Greece? France? Portugal? Italy? Ireland? This is only the beginning.

> Does this mean we should all be putting in PSC orders?

Yes. But we tend to do that anyway given they do better stuff.
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Pic: the illimitable Ritterkrieg doing PSC Panzer IIIs, which are suddenly on my "to buy" list.
>Yes. But we tend to do that anyway given they do more stuff.

Fixed that for you.

BF's stuff is excellent. As is PSC's. The only real difference is that PSC has a larger selection.

Also, speaking of PSC, how will this drop in the GBP effect their current KS campaign?
BF's new plastics are excellent: a lot of their resin and metal stuff suffers from very poor QC.

No idea on KS, but the supposed doom of the Sterling is being exaggerated.
Well, you know how it is. The financial sector tends to crap itself with enough force to blow a hole through pants, chair and floor at the drop of a hat, so now that somethign which will most likely have some actual consequences has happened, well...
>but I cant help but wonder if theyll end up regretting it.

Nah, just as they left because they imagined the EU was the source of all their problems, they'll just find something other than their decision to blame for any problems caused by leaving. Possibly the EU, with an even split between those who forgot they left and those who blame the EU anyway.
>The pound is in a touch of a major slump at the moment.

Actually, it"s already recovering, and it's growth seems to be accelerating. The dip was just panic trading.

Hell, the FTSE has already recouped the losses from the start if ttading and is *also* strengthening.

Past the initial panic, Bonglad is actually doing better than before.
Go ahead and track it live. As of the moment I write this:
>1 British Pound equals 1.37 US Dollar

That is shit. Sure it means *only* a dime's difference for a dollar on small shit. But on a large scale it's the equivalent of saying "Hey UK... That loan we gave you for 100 million dollars... You now owe us 110 million instead, not counting interest."
it was 1.36 an hour ago and it's 1.38 now
Those that were all for it won't regret it. But it most certainly will not be the silver bullet to all the problems they had, real or imagined.
And it will probably make more minor fluxuations throughout the next hour. We can't say it's recovering until the end of the day, provided it actually does. It will fluctuate over the next few hours like that.
Irrelevant: those problems now stand a chance of being fixed, within the shackles of the EU there was no chance.

One step leads to another, there is no easy way.
true, especially since I just noticed it's back to 1.37 now
Yeah. Best part is, once we figure out how the game works we can write up cards for tanks that don't have plastic models. The game needs Tigers! It'd be fun to throw in Chaffees, too.

I'd be willing to use them in the GuP setting, but they'd also be useful to people who aren't into it.
>see that there's a panther/jagdpanther TONKS kit
>realize they make platoons of plastic jagdpanthers

No, it's completely relevant. The UK has now lost it's ability to reap all the rewards of the EU, and be a fucking cock about it as they have since they joined. Yeah the EU is a beuracratic mess. This will not solve any of Britain's problems, and will only make it harder to actually stem the imaginary tide of immigrants.
If I put a panzershrek team and a MG team into a half-track can the tank escorts choose to fire the panzershrek or MGs?
>Also, speaking of PSC, how will this drop in the GBP effect their current KS campaign?
Not much, if the GBP recovers (which it already is). KS determines exchange rates on the end date, so there's still more than a week before things are final.
I think the funniest thing about the whole UK Brexit deal, is that Google reporter a sharp up-spike of searches in the UK about what the EU is. It was literally the second most common search result in the UK last night.
"Blimey, after I eat this eel pie I guess I should pop on over to the internet and do a quick searcharoo on just what is this thing I voted to leave."
and to top that off, can they shoot with their panzerfausts?
>and will only make it harder to actually stem the imaginary tide of immigrants.
How is having complete control over that going to make it harder for them?
Watch Scotland leave only to find the EU is dead when everybody else leaves and Germany finds itself alone with a bunch of dead beat welfare nations attached to it.
For starters, UK based border controls while part of the EU are in Calais. Good luck convincing France to allow them to stay there, and not be pushed back to Dover.
Navy, guns pointed at nigger ships, and an announcement saying "Turn around or we will open fire!" in arabic.
>We 'Murica, nao!

Yeah, because that never got the world to hate you...
You know, it’s actually nice to see that wargamers aren’t all from the same political side.
French border controls are in London and at Dover. I think they'd rather they stay there too... we get all-sorts flying into Heathrow and getting on the train....
Yeah every wargaming forum out there is tearing itself apart right now.

You could make a post about basing techniques and within 10 posts it'll devolve into Brexit arguing
Well... not Warseer. They'd just ban you for going 'off-topic'.
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And yet again FoWtg proves itself to be a place of civil discussion.

I do my best not to talk politics. It usually doesn't end well...
Could we talk about fow?

I'm tempted to get into team yankee with the west germans but I have zero feel for how the starter set would play. Are two choppers ok or do I absolutely need more? Am I fucked without inf?
If it helps, my only possible opponent so far wouldn't bmp spam.

Ps I have lewd thoughts about leopard IIs
Having an opinion is fine, unless we're talking the crab-bucket that is social media. It's when people mistake their opinion for objective fact, and/or want to act like a piece of shit towards other people without any recourse, that's where the problems are.
> If I put a panzershrek team and a MG team into a half-track can the tank escorts choose to fire the panzershrek or MGs?

Yes, but at the usual penalties for moving.

and to top that off, can they shoot with their panzerfausts?

If the half-track is stationary, then I believe they can. Try the FOW forum for clarification if it's really important to you. In my experience these things are hardly worthwhile.

> Navy, guns pointed at nigger ships, and an announcement saying "Turn around or we will open fire!" in arabic.

That is a plan. Britain has the Channel for its first line of defence, they only have to start using it again. Sink a few ships attempting to violate the defences and others won't bother with the attempt. It's what the EU should have done when this whole (purposefully enacted) migration-invasion began in the Med.

> Yeah, because that never got the world to hate you...

Who cares if the world hates you? So what? "The world" does not have Britain's best interests at heart. "The world" will not ensure the survival of the British peoples and British culture. Fuck "the world".

North Korea might be hated, but it remains undoubtedly Korean, not some you-must-take-turd-world-immigrant-invaders-and-lose-your-homeland c u c k e d country.
I'm not at all interested in Team Yankee. As a long time Soviet player, Berlin was lackluster, and a huge disappointment. I lost a lot of my drive for FoW, and have mostly been focusing on another (spessship dogfights) game. Also I had a falling out with a buddy who I used to play FoW with, and that cut dow the potential friends to play with from 3.5 to 1. The LGS has some of "those fucking guys" that I'd really rather not deal with, so no dice there. And of the last buddy who plays, he's burned out and we haven't had a chance to hang out since our favorite gaming bar closed down.

Tanks looks somewhat interesting... But I'd rather play spess ships.
Given all the racism I'm discovering this place is more depressingly like the rest of /tg/ than I believed.
Nobody has really played the West Germans yet (play-testers excepted), so hard to say right now.

On paper the Leo II is a beast and will probably be awesome in the game, but very expensive and few in number.

The infantry with Milans look better than their US counterparts and I think will be a worthwhile investment.

But really, I'm waiting for the book: from there we can get a much better idea of things.
I'll be picking up the West Germans myself when they come out.

The helicopters will require fitness to use well, but then so do the US Cobras.

As for the Leopard 2s, they are currently the best tank in the game stat-wise. But they pay for it in points value.
>The helicopters will require fitness


Fucking autocorrect.
>Who cares if the world hates you? So what?

The world hated Germany in 1942.

>c u c k e d
I love how you can now tell who on 4chan is under the age of 21 and living in the backwater hills, just by how frightened they are of polygamy and big blac dick.
When people in a hobby are all on the same side, the conversation tends to become an ugly echo chamber and it becomes an unwelcoming place, even to people on the same side but not as extreme. Then the hobby gets vilified by a large group of people and that puts its future at risk. But I think we’ll be okay here.

As for FoW, I’m really happy about the Tanks release, though I wish its name was less generic so that it’d be easier to Google search. Let’s get some homebrew rules going – we need Hungarian and Italian rules! Maybe an EW edition.
>The world hated Germany in 1942.
The world has also variously hated every single country that did anything at one point or another. "The world" hating has nothing to do with if something is good or not.
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Cool. Sounds like they'd be exactly what I'm after!
Since the Bo105 and Leopard II was also used by the swedish armed forces, I might even paint them as such!
>with Viggen for air support!
>Let’s get some homebrew rules going
Need muh challengers. Pretty easy though: Take a Comet, reduce armor by 1, maybe increase attack by 1. At a guess, call it 26 (29 if extra attack) points.
>The world hated Germany in 1942.
So what if they did?

75%+ of "the world" did not give a damn about the Brexit vote, they have more than enough of their own problems and issues to focus on. But you can always spot the libtard who in his overweening arrogance presumes to speak for "the world", an in his ignorant naïveté actually believes his opinions represent those of the majority of the world's people.
You'll have fewer tanks than the Soviets and the Americans because Leopards cost more points, but they'll be excellent tanks.

Plus you have Marders, Jaguars, Pumas, Leopard 1s, Luchs, Geppards, etc as support options.

I really like the look of the Jaguar, partly for its Forward Defense rule.

I'm a little surprised they started reusing WWII vehicle names.
Stopped reading at the ad-hominem fallacy. Step up your game, /pol/.
The world also hates the US, and they've continued to prove themselves to be a clown-show of a nation. Oscar Wilde said it best, "America is the only nation to go from barbarism to decadence, without civilization in between."
I would love to help come up with homebrew tanks rules, but I dont have any of the rules to base it off of.

Is there anywhere that has a scan of all the rules and cards? I would be down for taking care of the Hungarians

I am buying the West Germans too.

My initial plan is getting by with a strong backbone of 5 Leopard 2's, and using the rest of my points for support options.
It's too early for any of us, really. But I have faith in /fow/!
The tanks rules are available for free on their site.

They also have pics of all the tank stat cards.
The US, especially during election years, is a god-damned three-ring shit-show.

As for having civilization, I'd say we had our moment in the sun between the end of WWII and Apollo 11.

That was when we were at our greatest. Everything after that has been a bit of a disappointment.

>surprised they started reusing WWII vehicle names.

No creativity.

Just look how long they've stuck with the Large Cats naming theme.

Tiger, King Tiger, Panther, Puma, Lynx(Luchs), Cheetah(Gepard), and so on... The only cat they haven't used is the Lion.
There was in fact a Löwe design, but it got shelved in favour of the Maus project.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feels that TY Soviets (dunno about USA) are poor equipment-wise? So many things are not there - T-72 variants, T-80, T-64, SA-6, Mi-8, BRDM, mortars... I sincerely hope they expand the range and game with at least some of it in the future.
I believe that's the plan.

They just had to start somewhere, so they got started with the kinds of units mentioned in the book.
The good thing about Warsaw Pact is that they all use the same stuff so any extra Pact nations are going to add to the Soviet lists also. Well except czechnology but that's probably coming last.

Definitely, the fact Warpac books let them expand for all the soviets is going to be an advantage.

Having said that, it probably wasn't a great idea to release two NATO countries in a row.
That was something that bothered me as well... I thought we will get something between West Germany and British, at least a DLC list or two with new equipment. But all we got were Afgantsy and then nothing in foreseeable future... That Warspac book better be good.
If all three NATO books are veteran MBTs with thermal sights and vet infantry with borderline identical tracks I'm going to flip my lid.
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For the T-35, how are they going to handle that? It's got three main weapons. Could you have three cards to represent the two 45mm guns and the 76mm gun? Each with their own Health and small amount of upgrades?
Yeah that is something that made me a little mad when i saw that they weren't going to release something between West Germans and British.

Russians need the "german treatment": the cool toys, a lot of variants, being one of the best armies in the game and bla bla bla because they are the only enemies in the game, unless people want to play Americans vs British or West Germans, etc.

That is why i am going to wait for the next Warsaw Pact book to see if am going to play the game or just buying the miniatures.

I don't know how to feel about brexit, i alway liked the concept of EU and i am pretty sure brits have their reason to vote that, but when i start reading things like: " now we are saved! all our problems were fault of the EU" and "it is time for kick those filthy inmigrant from our country!" like they were the new MURRICA make me feel a little disappointed. Damn It hurts to be the only facist that hate the xenophobia.
>Bad guys

Eat bag of dicks, capitalist pig dog
>being one of the best armies in the game
Well, between them and the US, I've always seen it swing between "the two are balanced" and "USSR OP as fuck". Never "US is OP".

We'll see how and if the germans upset this.
But i just said "enemies" not bad guys, and i am planning to play russians that is why i said i will wait for the next Warsaw Pact book.
Russians are not of being enemies tovarisch
well that is true i am really sorry tovarish
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Good job you are fine example to motherland I be giving you only two years gulag
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17pdr "Pheasant". When was it phased out of use? I can't find a clear answer to this anywhere. Were they used in Italy? NW Europe?
To my understanding they were probably used in Italy, but phased out in Italy. In Europe most of the Divisions would have been equipped with proper 17pdrs as the 25pdr carriage wasn't as suited to dealing with the recoil.
>We'll see how and if the germans upset this.

The West Germans seem to have by far the most options and the best opportunities for combined arms.

I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing people say "West Germans OP. Please nerf."
Personally hoping to see the Nona so the Sovs get a mortar carrier.
i like you.
>it probably wasn't a great idea to release two NATO countries in a row.

unle4ss maybe the Soviets are the most competitive army ever in a BF product.

WG's will seem OP, but they will not have the weight of numbers the T-72 glory-horde has...
Does anyone have any experience with Old Glory models? I was thinking of sourcing my Tiger IE's from there because you get four for 19USD, instead of buying them off Battlefront (3 at 14.50 each)

I'm building a Hungarian Harckocsizo Szazad (Tank Company) if anyone's interested, list is as follows.

-1 Tiger IE (Zimmerit)

Combat Platoon 1
-2 Tiger IE (Zimmerit)

Combat Platoon 2
-3 Turan II

Div. Support

Assault Pioneer Platoon
-3 Squads Rifle/MG
+Replace Cmd team with Cmd Pzfaust/SMG team

Motorised Rifle Platoon
-4 Rifle/MG squads

Motorised Artilley Battery
-4 105mm leFh18 howitzers
+3-ton trucks

Total Pts: 1415
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my experiences were not great
PSC has Tigers. I think they come in a box of 5 with the options to make a few different variations.
Are there good options other than battlefront for Hummels or german artillery?
Ahhh. Thanks anon, looks like I'll give em a miss.

I would but I'm not much a fan of plastics. Prefer my armies resin and metal. Couldn't tell you why, something to do with the satisfaction of weight.
Wow. Very wow.
Plus I believe it doesn't come with an option for Zimmerit.
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After Brexit
I had a thought in the shower about re-crewing guns. That, basically, it should be a thing. Clearly, gun teams would need to be re-costed as a result because they'd suddenly be harder to kill. But I think it might work nicely (and would certainly strengthen small gun platoons, allowing for fairly-historical one and two-gun additions to other platoons).

Basically, I'd give guns a sort-of-Warrior check, but based on firepower. On a successful firepower roll from the attacker, the gun, its ammo, etc are all blown up. On an unsuccessful roll, it's just the unlucky crew who've been filled with shrapnel, but the gun is still usable, and any infantry team within command distance may be removed instead, as those infantry rush to re-crew the gun.

Does this make guns too survivable against small arms? Maybe. I was thinking that, as a trade-off, Gun Shields could be simplified, and just make the gun team save as an Infantry team (always 3+) instead of the 5+/3+ split we have now.
What movies/tv/documentaries would /fowg/ consider required viewing?

Band of Brothers and the Pacific
Saving Private Ryan
Cross of Iron
Das Boot
Ice Cold in Alex
Sahara (not the Clive Cussler adaptation)
Downfall (for that one scene)
The Longest Day
The Dambusters
Generation War (Unsere Mütter, Unserer Väter)
Battle of Britain
A Bridge Too Far
Bridge on the River Kwai
The Great Escape
The World at War. Mostly because it was filmed when most of the Generals and Soldiers were still alive.

My rule of thumb as of late is to distrust anything that has been made in the last 20 or so years. While there is a lot of new information being declassified all the time, at this point a lot of newer books and documentaries are just starting to repeat the myths and fallacies of older flawed material.
The podcast Hardcore history by Dan Carlin.
The wwII episodes make for great listening while painting.
I'll second most of the recommendations so far. Although I personally didn't think The Pacific was all that great.

The Bridge at Remagen is also a good film to add to that list.

Also Black Sheep Squadron (if you can find it) is an excellent drama/comedy series about Marine fighter pilots in the pacific. Lots it really good dogfighting scenes between Corsairs and Zeros.
>My rule of thumb as of late is to distrust anything that has been made in the last 20 or so years.
Actually, the older stuff has-
>at this point a lot of newer books and documentaries are just starting to repeat the myths and fallacies of older flawed material.
Carry on.
>The Bridge at Remagen is also a good film to add to that list.

>During the filming in 1968, the Soviet Army invaded Czechoslovakia to reinstall a hard-line Communist government, forcing the film cast and crew to flee to the West in taxis.

Goddamn, you could write a war film about that war film.
As an Eastern Front guy I don't have much of a choice, the good stuff is younger than I am. Still there's some nice Cold War items out there, like the shitstorm in Hungary after a German officer's memoir badmouthed the country's contribution to the Axis. All sorts of vets came out of the woodwork across the globe to call him a faggot.

Unfortunately Putin is working aggressively to shut down honest study of the Soviet past. I know there are a couple mass graves that the government is still refusing to look at. I feel like this might be the last full year of reliable Russian sources before we go back into the old times.
Well, I should have said Primary Sources more. Which tend to be older these days. Excepting a few, a Primary source from someone who was there, can't be beaten. Death Traps should be ignored though.
>Goddamn, you could write a war film about that war film.

Hasn't that been the premise of an actual film?

I feel like I've seen that somewhere before.
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Your SdKfz 140/1 Aufklärungspanzer 38(t) needs a beefier hull beneath the turret.

S&S Models makes a kit, but unfortunately it's only for 1/72 scale kits.
Am I missing something here?

What's so impressive about a turret swap?
>want to order delicious plastic/resin/metal plastic to help failing British economy
>check won't clear

Goddammit I need to fill the void in my filthy capitalist heart by buying more models, this is driving me crazy.

Also, since Im having to wait a bit before I order, does anyone have experience with the PSC Panzer III kits? I mainly need the later models (M and N's) Are they high quality and, more importantly, are they one piece tracks?

I'm also on the fence about whether I should wait for the 15mm Rso/pak 40's to come out. I want them so bad but its always such a damn crapshoot on when they release models.
>more importantly, are they one piece tracks?
They have pictures of the sprue on their site. Just make sure you're getting the J, L, M, N kit, not the F, G, H.
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>ausf FL

You know you've got too many variants when there's a Florida model
Would the T-80 or T-90 be in the timeline for Team Yankee?
T-80, yes. T-90, no.
If so, i Vote large amounts of military aid / refugee in the States for Marqod and PanzerLehr.
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tropic thunder.

goddamn it Putin, don't make me go all Leopard Barbarossa on your ass!
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yeah it need a hull mod like this. Sorry for the image for ants though.
Yea I realized that after the first guy replied. I was just looking at that picture a bit ago actually

probably gonna slap some plasticard on there to raise it up, think that'll work?

Thankyou for the offer. But firstly, I think my job is fairly secure for a while; and secondly, I'm planning to travel to the States on business in the not-too-distant future, and I suspect that even joking about things like that can get my official Visa revoked.

And that's just the far end. I'm pretty sure I don't want someone at my end to declare me a defector. That probably doesn't end well either.
Yeah, pretty possible, just don't make a "deck" of plasticard.
The other option I'm considering is saying "fuck it" and just not bothering because I'm lazy and then could use them as a regular 38t if I wanted
>I'm also on the fence about whether I should wait for the 15mm Rso/pak 40's to come out.
You mean these: http://theplasticsoldiercompany.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_22_24_50&products_id=1222
Yeah you can always do that unless you play with a "rivet counter", i am one myself but i just care about my own stuff.
Can someone give me a comparing pic between Zvezda, BF and PSC of the cute Panzer 38t? please
PSC do better ones for slightly more is the summary. BF only make metal and resins, the metal of which will look horrid and blobby compared to a clean plastic.
I suspect I'll be perfectly fine here in the Netherlands.
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Here's the S&S Models kit. Just get some plasticard, put it on the sides and on top, and you should be set.
I love it
>to help failing British economy
Its not that bad lol im sure we'll be fine.
>PSC Panzer III kits
I bought some a while ago.
Look good, one piece tracks, go together perfectly and very satisfying to build, and unless there is some rivet count-related fault that im missing I cant fault them on anything.
hm, so the side of the chassis kind of gets extended over the track guard

i know that, but i want to see how different their size is.
Tried to reply >>47969991
What is point for point the best German tank?
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In Late: Stug

In Mid: Panzer III L or Panzer IV f2

In Early: not to much experience there but i would say panzer 38t
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2016-06-26 12.47.46.jpg
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Spotted today at Tankfest; presented without comment for our (current) glorious leader.
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So I went to Tankfest, and I found waffle zimmerit on what I assumed was a Sturmi
given the logs and the paintjob thats what it appears to be.

Damn I'm jealous, I want to be there so bad.
What's the best book this company has put out?

Good thing about Finnish tanks is that there really weren't that many of them, so finding info on their serial number alone is easy.
Best how?

Most interesting? Most historically accurate? Widest variety of lists?

It really all depends on what you're looking to play.
What's the difference between the Tour of Duty infantry battalion and the Tropic Thunder battalion? One just seems cheaper.
Tour of Duty (plus Brown Water Navy) has replaced Tropic Thunder as the up-to-date version of the Nam rules.
That'd explain it.
Most interesting I guess
There was also the concrete armour on the front which seemed pretty common for Finns at the time.
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Posting general Tankfest pics.
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Cheese Sandwich, now no longer in blurrovision
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Water based Schurzen
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Panzer III wheel, with best colour visible.

There are a lot of interesting options. Personally I liked the anon who was building box upon box of Zvezda M3 Lees for a tankovy company. I think he could field at least 24?
>with best colour visible.
You mean "chewed up concrete"? Always a nice colour, that.

That depends somewhat on what you find interresting. I like Market Garden, but if you have no interest in US Paras, british or Canadians, it won't be very interresting to you.

Surely you'd put gasoline in there to get sexy explosions when hit.

The EU would flood it with money to make membership appear desirable. Scotland would be mad to not try and capitalise on this.

Fucking hell a Scottish nationalist is the only person holding this entire country together it's ludicrous


the courage to destabilise our nation in which literally everyone except the political class will suffer to a greater or lesser degree
Having just lost one of it's biggest piggy banks, i'm not convinced the EU is prepared to shower Scotland in the cash it needs to survive as an independent nation.

*especially* given how low the oil price has tanked. It'd be as bad a milstone for the EU as Portugal or the Balkans.

And saying only the political elite is going to benifit is grossly dishonest. Go as your local cottage industry farmers how they feel about not being allowed to export without conforming to painfully expensive and unnessecary EU regs designed for much larger companies, but used to tar everyone.

>the one with the Japanese general is talking about comfort women and how the officers had first pick, whilst the current Japanese government is actively denying these women ever existed

these records need to be preserved to try and reign in the second global rise of fascism
>your local cottage industry farmers

sorry I don't know any of those three
I have always been interested in the Germans, I love the look of the German artillery and armour. Not fussed on fighter planes
Because the EU killed off all the rest of their livelihoods and drove many into bankruptcy, yes.

Your shipment of cake has arrived, Marie.
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Grey Wolf is my favorite in terms of just how insanely varied and deep the book is. It has army lists for almost anything you can imagine, as well as a good amount of history and scenario minded stuff like armored trains and all the street fighting stuff.

It covers the Eastern Front in 1944-early 1945 and covers Germans, Germans lite (Hungarians) and Romanians. Its awesome and easily my favorite for Germans.

Close, and I mean CLOSE second would be Desperate Measures, the last good book Battlefront ever made. It is best for tank players though. You can run cobbled together tank companies with a different tank in ever platoon and two different Commander tanks. You can have run down training tigers crewed by students. You can even have Tiger Ace Hetzers crewed by veteran tiger crews. Let that sink in, TIGER. ACE. HETZERS.

Those two will cover all your German needs for Late War. The Eastern Front absolutely dwarfs anything that happened in the west or Pacific and had some truly incredible battles. Eastern Front for MW is also a great choice, but it doesnt have nearly as many lists.
That... Doesn't really narrow it down a lot. By necessity the Germans are in most books; it really only rules out a couple of the LW ones like overlord/market garden/red bear.

Try Grey Wolf or Atlantik Wall. They've got the biggest sheer mass of print in them at the very least.
Wasn't one of the arguments for Scottish independence that they'd get out of the EU?
This is what I'm looking for, great post and my thanks
Back when the oil price was high as a kite, yes.

These days they wouldn't have the cashflow to survive as an independent nation without significant subsidy.
Correction, Grey Wolf has Finns, not Romanians (so a few elite woodcutters that will cut you for looking funny at them instead of a horde of badly equiped) farmers who would rather be home
Oh the irony...
Is Pacific treated as a separate era or can it be mixed in with EW/MW/LW?
It has the same points standard as EW, though ideally, you would limit your choice of units to what was available in late -41 at the latest (so no running around with Sherman 76s)
Separate, but it's vaguely equivalent to EW and the books provides LW pricings.
whoops, my bad. I was talking to a guy about romanians the other day and I guess I just mixed them up in my head
Are you thinking Early, Mid, or Late War? I'll be honest, unless you have a pretty big flames community where you live, you'll have trouble getting a MW game in.

new thread, bitches!
>And saying only the political elite is going to benifit is grossly dishonest. Go as your local cottage industry farmers how they feel about not being allowed to export without conforming to painfully expensive and unnessecary EU regs designed for much larger companies, but used to tar everyone.
Farmers were one of the biggest beneficaries of EU grants and migrant workers. I've spoken to my local farmers; one of them told me hoped they didn't leave or they weren't going to have anyone to do picking.

"Some people would say you could get local folk to do it"
"Then they're idiots, nobody's interested."
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