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For House & Dominion: Civil War [spoiler]Quest[/spoiler]

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House & Dominion Civil War1.jpg
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For House & Dominion: Civil War Quest



You are Sonia Reynard, Baron of Rioja. One small world among many in the House of Jerik-Dremine. From it you control the fates of a dozen others in the so called Smuggler's Run. With your new position you have the opportunity to become one of the most influential people in your House.

It is from this world that you draw your fleets and armies from. Both have seen their share of action with anti-piracy actions, the battle of Magdalena, and the recent lightning offensive into Bonrah space. Your raiding fleets have recently returned bringing with them captured ships and resources.

As the Dominion slips deeper into civil war you and those under your command have been fighting to protect your little corner of known space. You and your allies have taken advantage of temporary weakness shown by House Bonrah and conquered the rest of the DRH1 Relay. In return Bonrah has moved to push friendly forces out of the neighbouring relay where they control more space.

Knight Captain Katherine Drake is your fleet's Wing Commander and is engaged in pirate hunting in former Bonrah space.

Uyi Rna is the General of your Army and has been overseeing occupation efforts on recently captured planets and outposts. This is expected to be only temporary as the newly formed Houses build up their forces.

Wiremu Tama is the admiral of your Fleet. He is working to build up your starfighter and drone forces to make use of newly acquired carriers.

Fadila Saqqaf is your leading diplomatic adviser. Her connections helped stir up dissent on worlds loyal to Bonrah. Now she's busy trying to help shore up those that have replaced them.
C.F. Vanderwal is a former House Erid noble now serving with your intelligence division as part of his parole. After uncovering a number of conspirators in the capital working against you he's been transferred to Rioja, both so you can keep an eye on him and to make use of his experience.

Chide Dlam'ard, the Governor of Rioja is busy with the resumed expansion of the planet's industrial sectors.
With the arrival of smaller arcologies around the planet's capital the city should now be able to support of population of just over 9 million. Construction efforts in the other main cities and in the southern wastes are going well.
Companies rebuilding and restoring infrastructure of the old destroyed cities also seem to be making good progress. As much at 26% of the previous buildings are being torn down completely due to damage to recycle their materials.

Your recent visit to Magdalena revealed that there are plenty of areas of their cities still partially abandoned as a result of Warlord raids decades ago. While a bit run down in places and possibly a nest of criminal activity some restoration work would allow the planet to take on many more refugees.

Did you want to invest some of your own money into the project in return for a share of future income? If so how much?

Sonia currently has around 200 million S available.
Hype for House and Dominion!

Did you want to invest some of your own money into the project in return for a share of future income? If so how much?

I am going to say no on this. Our finances are icky enough as it is right now and and I'd rather our focus would be on Rioja and "finishing" that project first.
Throw twenty mill at it?
>Sonia currently has around 200 million S available.

Can we ask Mike if he'd be willing to send us somebody from his (mom's) company / neighbourhood watch to assess these areas?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

The Advanced Cloaked ship has been officially named the Nocturn Class. According to a heavily classified intel briefing J-D is selling 4 ships each to the Ruling House and Ber'helum. Additional sales to Helios and House Kharbos are being considered.
There is no mention of how many of these will actually have the new cloaking shield installed on them.

Arron suspects there may only be enough available for one quarter of them. Though he doesn't know for certain Winifred may have implied that the House is planning deploy similar numbers of the fully upgraded ships to each major theater. So 2 each to South Reach, the Run and the Homeworlds.

>Can we ask Mike if he'd be willing to send us somebody
He'll see what he can do. Depending on who is available it may be necessary for you to use your influence to get them off of Dreminth.
Roll 1d12
Rolled 1 (1d12)

Rolled 1 (1d12)

>Roll 1d12

Could the special high security ports for these ships use some upgrades or additional funding?
Rolled 2 (1d12)

Good lord those rolls.
Mike has two people in mind but only one of them will be able to get off Dreminth without legal issues. This job is probably a lot more than one person can handle.

[ ] One is fine. Recruit more to help when they arrive.
[ ] Get the RSS legal team to sort this out
[ ] Have an RTS shuttle quietly pick them up (counts as smuggling)
>[ ] Get the RSS legal team to sort this out
Send in the Sharks! Heh....
>[x] Get the RSS legal team to sort this out
> [ ] One is fine. Recruit more to help when they arrive

Dude should be helpful for that at least, right?

Otherwise download kill and clone the other dude? I mean, he's a fugitive anyways right? Might as well let his clone make some dosh, ain't like he's going to achieve nobility anyways

>[x] Get the RSS legal team to sort this out
If we do this it counts towards their payment.
After playing Doom I realised I'd like to see Sonia infiltrate a Neeran city ship and go full rip and tear on them.
I am fairly sure we do not have access to cloning tech.

Dominion terror tactics when?
That's actually murder. Also you don't have ready access to cloning. You have to send a request to one of your allies among the major Houses. Since they're not a member of the military needed to fight in a front line position they would have reduced priority.

>I mean, he's a fugitive anyways right?
>ain't like he's going to achieve nobility anyways
Mike is not amused.
"That's awfully presumptuous. I was never arrested or declared a fugitive yet it's doubtful I would have been allowed off planet before joining the military simply because the local police are suspicious. They're suspicious of everyone in the area and me because of who I'm related to."

>If we do this it counts towards their payment.
I'm sure they wouldn't object provided what they're being p[aid to begin with is a fair amount.

The legal team will get to work and try to get these people out to the Run as quickly as possible.
>because of who I'm related to
Is that still about the thing with his brother, or have new troubles cropped up in the meantime?

How did his mother's plan go anyway?

>Mike is not amused.
"You know how the voices in my head can be, Mike. Rather this than blowing up another ship filled with civilians."
>Mike is not amused.
How's his family doing?
>Dominion terror tactics when?
Well, we have a super soldier serum, a plasma weapon, all we need now is impenetrable armor forged in the fires of hell and a bfg.
The nanite suits probably count as forged in hell.

Newfags don't remember the good old days of technically not committing war crimes.
What if we do it in his sleep so there isn't an interruption in his chain of consciousness (that wouldn't already happen anyways)? Ship of Theseus!
I did enjoy it when we were less scrutinised and able to get away with certain things.
>How did his mother's plan go anyway?
>How's his family doing?

They're doing pretty good actually. It's taken a long time but the area is cleaning up. Getting more Knights and veterans orginally from the region to help look after zones in addition to the building milita / neighbourhood watch programs set up by Mike's mother has really helped.

In another year they plan to begin negotiations with the Lord actually owning the property to set up proper distribution of taxes and the like. It may result in them simply selling off sections of the city to Knights that can actually handle it.


>Could the special high security ports for these ships use some upgrades or additional funding?
Intel is looking after them. You don't know any of the details.
I suppose it's unlikely they'd turn down the money.
The situation in the DRH 2 nav relay is deteriorating rapidly. Ruling House forces are attempting to cover the evacuation of anything of value their transports can recover from their colonies in the region. Ber'helum is doing much the same thing, though they've had more time to act. Orbital industry that can't be jumped or brought to more secure locations are being rigged for demolition.

Your special forces have been conducting their own resource evacuation or sorts.
Roll 5d200 for evacuated funds
Rolled 126 (1d200)

Most of it happened by accident or extreme indifference.

Mike's marriage is going well?

Rolled 173 (1d200)

Rolled 5 (1d200)

Rolled 2, 108, 69, 78, 138 = 395 (5d200)

Rolled 109 (1d200)

Rolled 81 (1d200)

Rolled 145, 53, 17, 156, 12 = 383 (5d200)

Rolled 172, 6, 97, 180, 131 = 586 (5d200)

I just realised I was going to do the roll differently but this will do.

681 million in funds and other resources were borrowed by your special forces in the next relay. It might be a good idea to make sure they get paid before other ideas regarding such a large amount of cash surface.

With other prep work done by your special forces it's time you decide what to do regarding the Bonrah's advance in the next relay. A large force can be ready to go at a moment's notice.

In the survey that was up over the weekend people were generally against hiring a Warlord to launch an earlier attack which leaves the following:

[ ] ASAP. Raid hard then retreat from relay.
[ ] Go ASAP. Limited raiding. Groundwork for liberation fleet.
[ ] Delay until Ruling House/Ber'helum Liberation fleet is prepared.

And now my boss wants me to come in. Fucking great.
Tell him you have the plague.

[ ] ASAP. Raid hard then retreat from relay.
We want to hurt Bonrahs core holdings in the Relay so that their ability to rebuild their occupied territory is weakened. Something that seems like the best opportunity to do right now with their fleets focused on kicking out RH and Ber'Helum. At best we cripple their central territories and buy the others time to pull back more orderly.

We should also ask if anyone wants to come with us. Perhaps that House with the Heavy since we'll probably need some form of mobile supply depot with us. If only we had the Majestic here!
>[ ] Delay until Ruling House/Ber'helum Liberation fleet is prepared.
Unless one of our commanders comes up with a brilliant plan to get the ships in the relay, I don't really see how this will work. Resupplying in DRH 2 is probably another issue, as we have no ships that can support corvettes in the field.
>[x] Go ASAP. Limited raiding. Groundwork for liberation fleet.
>ask if anyone wants to come with us
One of the newly liberated Houses is offering to send an assault corvette squadron. A few of your allies are also prepared to send some mininal amounts of ships provided it's just for raiding. They're not prepared to risk a large force for an all out invasion until the majors are prepped.

>Perhaps that House with the Heavy since we'll probably need some form of mobile supply depot with us. If only we had the Majestic here!
They're understandably reluctant to risk their House's first heavy cruiser.

>Resupplying in DRH 2 is probably another issue, as we have no ships that can support corvettes in the field.
Qlippoth is the only heavy carrier the House can make available right now to support a large fleet so its either that or modifying a Kilo for logistics work.

>Unless one of our commanders comes up with a brilliant plan to get the ships in the relay,
That remains to be seen. Some alternate routes in would require delicate and professional levels of navigation and course correction. You could also come straight in at the nav station but then whoever controls it would have plenty of foreknowledge of your arrival.

I suppose your special forces could disable the stations sensor arrays or pay off the Guild to do the same.
>green arrow going to helios aligned territory
What's helios' stance on the whole idea?
1 vote for each option.

They'd denounce your violation of their vassal's neutral territory. After you'd left that is.
>[ ] Go ASAP. Limited raiding. Groundwork for liberation fleet.
Limited raiding looks like.
Who would lead the raiding fleet into the next Relay?

Baron Sonia Reynard - Your absence from Rioja would be noticed well before your fleets arrival in the next relay. Could probably negotiate with Baron Dante Zvonimir for rights to pass through House Tho'ros space while maintaining their neutrality.

Katherine Drake - This could lead to her being made a Knight Commander later. The most experienced after Sonia. Skilled with both mixed and assault unit tactics.

Kim Yu Chung - A Veteran more experienced with cruiser and battleship brawling. He's picked up a thing or two about most aspects of fleet command. This could lead to him being made a Knight Commander later.

Hera Boosalis - Experienced. Wants to make up for her defeat in Helios space. Less experienced with assault units.

Phas Rah'ne - Experienced and largely undefeated. Less experienced with assault units.

Lyas Cinayk - Probably the most familiar with the region. Little to no experience with assault units.
>Who would lead the raiding fleet into the next Relay?
It depends on what we're sending, as most commanders seem to favour one kind of ship type over others.
>Katherine Drake - This could lead to her being made a Knight Commander later. The most experienced after Sonia. Skilled with both mixed and assault unit tactics.
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Reynard Fleet (Run)08-4032h2.gif
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>It depends on what we're sending, as most commanders seem to favour one kind of ship type over others.
>Send large raiding unit (Multiple mediums, Escort Carriers, support units)

Drake and Kim are reluctant to bring it up but your command ship would probably be one of the better choices in terms of the available Medium Cruisers available.
The Sledge would also be near the top of the list.

That leaves your 2 new Shukhant, 2 Kilos and the Helios to choose from.

Kim is against sending the Helios ship since it will be needed when the DRH 1 relay is inevitably attacked.
>would probably be one of the better choices
>The Sledge would also be near the top of the list.
So... we're not sending it because it's one of the better choices? I don't really get the idea behind that.
They're reluctant to ask for the Outer Heaven because it's Sonia's command ship. Sure she loaned the Bittenfeld to Drake for a bit and her plasma pistol to Ecord one time but this ship is a lot bigger than that.

Would you be okay with loaning the OH to whoever commands the raid?
I'd rather they take the Sledge.
Depends on the commander, I'd guess. Can they afford to get us a new one if this one is destroyed?
>It depends on what we're sending
>Depends on the commander, I'd guess.
You could always change whats being sent depending on who is the one leading them.

>an they afford to get us a new one if this one is destroyed?
You can't buy Neeran ships.
Well I suppose you could off the black market but the costs would be hugely inflated.
It would be faster to send a fleet to the front to fight the Neeran for a bit until you captured a ship you liked. Which isn't practical at the moment for a number of reasons.

We've got 1 vote for Drake and at least one of the several mediums will be the Sledge.
Drake as lead, and Cinayk as assistant. The latter gets the Sledge class, Drake isn't interested in medium cruisers.

The 2 less experienced commanders can take over Drake's current job. Kim will be super valuable once the fighting in DRH1 starts.

Fleet for DRH2:
1x Sledge
1x Shhs... Shhshhsh... Crescent
1x D.Carrier Group
10x sqd M from the previous deployments unless any of these ship types have performed poorly.
1x sqd ACRS

Would this be a sensible setup?
I return! I really want us to lead this expedition. We've done far to little fighting recently for my taste. We need a little fun vacation like this to relax and blow stuff up.

Along with that we take Outer Heaven and the two Shukhants for their added firepower.
And because it looked like things were going to stall yet again I made a quick survey. It will close at 6PM EST. Links are on twitter and the wiki

surveymonkey com /r/ ZHZ57T7

>1x D.Carrier Group
Tama cautions you about sending a full sized carrier on a raiding deployment.
"We do have escort carriers to send with the attack wings if need be."

>10x sqd M from the previous deployments unless any of these ship types have performed poorly.
A few need to be switched out here and there but overall the squadrons should be ready to go.

And a very different view of how to do things.
>"We do have escort carriers to send with the attack wings if need be."

I'm just working with what was on that list. Escort carriers would be fine too, I just didn't see them on the fleet overview. I don't want to send anything but nobody else posted.
Escort Carriers are normally assigned at the wing level and don't really show up. On that note I have not stopped taking suggestions for alternate tactical map icons.

>I don't want to send anything but nobody else posted.
Well thanks either way.

Katherine Drake is being sent in command of the fleet. It will focus on limited raiding and laying the groundwork for a later liberation fleet.

The only Sledge in your fleet will be assigned.

There is a tie vote for the Outer Heaven and the two Shukhant class.
Rolling for it myself. Both Shukhant will be sent.

Are the rest of the items on this list OK? Y/N?
Mission is a go

>On that note I have not stopped taking suggestions for alternate tactical map icons.
For the one that shows wings and the like and different kinds of wings? Cause I could try to throw something together.
Wishing them luck Drake and her fleet head off as soon as they can muster enough ships. She requisitions some minor support craft before departing the nav station. Her fleet begins their jump on schedule.

Roughly five wings plus Mediums and your most modern battleships. They should do well.

The fleet is approaching the point of no return when when you're contacted by intel. Allied long range sensors have detected what look to be enemy ships approaching the nav station in the Centri Cluster linking to your relay.

FTL signatures matching those Eminence and Shukhant class ships are incoming towards the station along with additional smaller ships.

Within the hour long range jamming has begun to disrupt communications with the Centri Cluster.

If Bonrah and Nasidum have pushed up their invasion this could put you in a bad position. Then again you have quite a few allies already in the Relay.

[ ] Try to recall Drake before its too late
[ ] You'll hold with what you have
How long do the respective jumps take for medium cruiser sized ships?
7 days from the Centri cluster to DRH 1 if they still want to have energy reserves.
~5 days between you and DRH 2.
Hmmm... What about the forces the major houses were planning to send to our relay? Are any of them ready?
>What about the forces the major houses were planning to send to our relay? Are any of them ready?
They're currently engaged fighting other actions as they expected more warning. Quick reaction forces can be diverted within the day and will reach the Centri side station in 1-4 days. Others will take considerably longer.
That jamming is pretty worrying, although it might also simply be an attempt to stop us from sending forces to drh2. They probably have a few spies around.

Can we ask the Krath if they would be willing to contact the Rovinar via space magic, who in turn contact the RH to see if we'll have to worry about an asteroid fortress or not?
Actually you still have a line of communications to the homeworlds via other relays, you just have no communications with the area around that nav station.

>contact the RH to see if we'll have to worry about an asteroid fortress or not?
They've seen no signs of a major fleet deployment. They do admit that there are gaps in their coverage of Nasidum and Xygen space. It's possible this fleet launched from a previously unknown black project base.
Okay. Going with
>[ ] You'll hold with what you have
in that case. If it's nothing bigger than medium cruisers we should be able to manage it.

An unrelated questions: has the zeus been repaired yet? What happens to the medium cruisers our shipyard is churning out now that drh2 and the centri cluster are blocked off?
[ ] Try to recall Drake before its too late
Fuck. I was hoping their invasion would be delayed but I guess word got out that we where preparing a counter invasion of DRH2. Or it could just be a move by Bonrah and Nasidum to keep us from going through with this raid but frankly I do not feel comfortable with tacking that risk.
>An unrelated questions: has the zeus been repaired yet?
Yes. It's currently undergoing shakedown trials and other tests of its capabilities. There are a number of concerns regarding it's logistics and the general reliability of Aries hardware.

>What happens to the medium cruisers our shipyard is churning out now that drh2 and the centri cluster are blocked off?
The House they were sold to may still take possession of them but keep them in the Relay until there is a better time to move them. Most of your prospective buyers have territory in the relay anyways so its just added protection for those colonies.
Ber'helum remains the largest buyer with plans to station 6 of them there as part of their local fleet before the end of the year.
Anyone else around?
>>47308324 here
I'm okay with recalling the fleet to get things going.
>[x] Try to recall Drake before its too late
I am still here. Distracted by work since apparently I now have to bring it home as well.
>[X] Try to recall Drake before its too late

I'm here
You hurridly attempt to recall Drake's fleet. They're already beyond what would be considered a safe return distance but their navigators will try to plot an arcing course to bring them back similar to what was done in Shallan space.

Roll 2d100
Rolled 48, 73 = 121 (2d100)

Rollin thunder!
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Roll 2d100
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 38, 81 = 119 (2d100)

Rolled 7, 100 = 107 (2d100)

The fleet reduces overall jump speed slightly then begins a long loop back. Those with longer ranged sensors and more powerful drives are towards the front of the formation looking for anomalies that could harm the bigger less mobile ships and drop them out of FTL.

There are a few minor shakeups and three smaller ships that lose long range sensors and need to be guided back on course but eventually the fleet is headed back to the nav station.

The Guild's reaction to the potential disruption of flight paths by a U-turn a few thousand lightyears wide is one of indifference. They can't do anything about the Dominion's military constantly pulling crazy stunts during the civil war.

Half a day later Drake returns to real space safely within the recovery range of the Nav station then begins damage control, taking stock of the fleet.

By now the Ruling House and thirty others allied with them have launched fleets towards the Centri Cluster side nav station. Two heavy cruisers and 5,000 lesser ships should be enough to relieve outposts near the station or at least determine the strength of the enemy.

RSS informs you that they have the basic salvage work done on the accelerator and could try to jump it out of the system early if you wanted.

[ ] Get it out ASAP so it can be evaluated.
[ ] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters
Great. Has our house considered trying to get the repair contract for the zeus that has been disabled in the recent fighting? J-D should be one of the few houses on this side of the civil war who have experience repairing these ships.

>[x] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters
[ ] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters
[x] Rush construction option

What do they need to finish it up?
>What do they need to finish it up?
It needs to be brought to a major shipyard to be checked over and more thorough diagnostics done on their systems. It's built out of 3 or more super heavy cruisers that were blown up 4 centuries ago then put back together in a new shape and configuration by an alien species you've had little contact with.
On top of that a salvage team has now just made it all mobile.

The engineers expect there will be some technical hurdles to take care of before it can be fielded as a weapon.

Rushing to get it out of the original system it was in could give more time to fix it but also runs the risk of the salvage teams inflicting damage.
>[ ] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters
Keep our trump card secret for the moment.
In that case let's [x] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters
>[X] Wait to see what the allied fleet encounters

In that case best to be on the safe side.
Rather than the 12 hours you were hoping for it takes close to two days before you get a full report on the situation in the centri cluster. The response fleet, including reserve units form your own House like Serth's Dragoons, encountered little resistance. Instead they spent hours chasing down modified attack ships carrying jamming equipment.

The few that were captured intact looked to have had their FTL systems modified to show up as larger ships, or in the case of a few, small tightly packed formations. Meanwhile the nav station had little in the way of military outbound traffic, just the usual civilian transports.

The entire deployment has been an excessive use of force pulling ships away from other areas where some were desperately needed.

People are very unhappy about this entire mess but it has illustrated weaknesses in detection capability in the region. In response the Ruling House is purchasing several squadrons of EC-K's from your House to be fitted for interception duty.

Your recent purchases mean that you have more of the ships in the House than anyone.

1) Did you want to swap out some EC-K's in your all attack cruiser units for more Dusk II's or others so that the Ruling House can get it's ships more quickly?

2a) Tell Drake to prep for her raid again.
2b) Delay until new early warning/intercept is in place.
>1) Did you want to swap out some EC-K's in your all attack cruiser units for more Dusk II's or others so that the Ruling House can get it's ships more quickly?
[x] No

[x] 2a
[X] Yes.
If it is only some then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The sooner we get those fast response ships up and running the faster we can get intel.

[X] 2a
>1) Yes
>2a) Tell Drake to prep for her raid again.
[x] Yes
We need more people to be on interception duty anyways. Also TSTG, are we still low on manpower to pilot our ships?

You allow the sale of some EC-K's from your active attack units to the Ruling House. Dusk, Vengeance types and others will fill the gap for now. The Earl has offered to sell more ships to them as they're produced.

Drake's fleet has finished any repairs that were needed and head out once again. A day after they depart you get more information on how the situation next door has changed.

According to intel Bonrah has been making the most of the delay in any additional attackers arriving by driving their enemies from the nearby relay. Ber'helum has hastened their retreat allowing both their fleet and that of the Ruling House to cover escaping transports near the last unblocked nav station.

Despite a fierce battle the larger ships were able to jump out. They're now headed to South Reach via the back route where they'll join the fleet being formed to retake the region.

Vanderwal approaches you to discuss recent events.

"Our recent "boy who cried wolf" scenario got me thinking. Everyone keeps tabs on heavy cruisers even if they're just ancient construction ships like Exodus uses. Your Exodus has been out of public sight for a few weeks now doing whatever it is you're telling people it's doing. Bonrah has to be wondering where it is, and with your history of deploying it they're probably worried it's going to reappear with a few extra toys."

"Where are you going with this?"

"If you thought a major fleet was incoming you'd pull out all the stops to get your best gear ready for a fight. I'm betting they don't know what that is yet but if it's a ship you'll need to send it somewhere for repairs.
Like say... a major shipyard so close to a trade lane anyone can spot what they're fixing."

That is one of the problems with the Forbearance yard, its lack of secrecy can be a double edged sword.

[ ] We'll need to risk it to complete repairs and upgrades quickly.
[ ] We should move it somewhere secret.
[ ] Other
Wait, what ship is he saying we should repair? Or are we just using the Exodus as a false flag?
The giant Gelsan accelerator array that you have RSS salvaging. The plan is to make it capable of FTL and then use it as a giant weapons system against House Nasidum and Bonrah when they invade.

He is suggesting it be fixed somewhere quiet where the enemy won't easily learn of it. Because if they know about it months ahead of time they may come up with a plan to deal with it.
That will take longer though.
>[ ] We'll need to risk it to complete repairs and upgrades quickly.
[ ] We should move it somewhere secret.

We need to make sure that this Accelerator is fully functional before we reveal it. No use for giving Bonrah warning to counter our ace in the hole or worse yet, have it fail or backfire in enemy space.
Well then

[ ] We should move it somewhere secret.

Would have liked to see it done faster, but I'd rather not lose a very large and costly ship because we got lazy.
>[X] We should move it somewhere secret.
What ever happened to that knight errant force were housing? Are they at least being used as an auxiliary Rioja garrison?
>[ ] Other
We should lay a trap
>Also TSTG, are we still low on manpower to pilot our ships?
Yes and no. Your House has been doing great with its fleet expansion. They could only add so many ships because of what they could support. The annexation of House Erid dramatically expanded what the House military in the homeworlds could support and field. Any concerns of a potential training bottleneck were handled by the sheer volume of veteran pilots available to act as instructors.

In your area you're now approaching the limits of your skilled manpower pool.

Once you start taking real losses you're going to have to start dealing with dropping quality of your pilots. That will mean longer time for new batches of pilots skilled enough to handle assault corvettes.

The accelerator will be moved to a relatively quiet system for its refit and repairs.

A graveyard near Kaartinen has been largely stripped of usable salvage over the years and can be more easily evacuated of non-essential personnel. A team of engineers will be assembled to prep the site.

Of a sort. There were very few Knights with their group, mostly made up of their civilians and support personnel. With their expertise they've helped with the expansion of the moon base to protect the long range plasma weapons they've been working on building with you.

With word that some of their fellows have been reestablished with the help of you and House Helios, the Knights here have renewed their interest in setting up a local chapter of their own. They've sent a request to the Run Alliance that they be allowed to purchase a decommissioned PMC base towards the Rioja end of the Run.
It's within a nebula that has given cover to raiders several times. Even with the addition of the sensor arrays it caused problems for Daska. They would help keep the region clear while they recovered and built up their strength.

If approved they wouldn't move there immediately.
We've got a time skip coming up that will move things into the new year, 4033.

Drake will do her thing, the Major Houses will do theirs. Your forces will try to get hold of the ships they need for your plans and the accelerator array will be moved and prepped.

Will probably stop here for the night. Was there anything you wanted to take care of during the time skip?
>Yes and no.
Can we start a relatively low-key research project on cloning solutions?
>Was there anything you wanted to take care of during the time skip?
As with every time there's a skip, I've forgotten the things I wanted to do and will only remember them afterwards and piecemeal.

Also Vanderwal is the best nigga.
Get to know Darrow better?
I can see it now...

>2 special forces teams outside door
>getting ready to breach into Sonia's offices
>Hey wait, are you with us?
>No, we're Terran Alliance looking SP data. You?
>Ruling House, we're looking for cloning tech
>Another team from Ber'helum announces they're here too
>We're also here for the cloning tech
>Anyone else?
>Rovinar, looking for cloaking shield specifications
>Everyone stop. The Factions Alliance is forcibly recruiting her

Good idea.
Haha. I needed those sides TSTG!
You forgot the Neeran team looking for space wizard loot.

And Becca who is looking for blackmail material of a sisterly nature because she heard we're looking into marriage.
Recruit more bodyguards. With us being a Baron and all, it wouldn't be amiss for us to have a (modest) personal army, so increasing the ranks of our bodyguards by 50% (incrementaly) and taking on 3 or 4 more Men-at-Arms with equivalent equipment to our current forces would be a wise idea. Some armored vehicles and any specialty weapons/equipment requests taken and provided. Hire another Krath if possible.

Conduct a survey of the military expenses we're incurring and what we could reduce with local production. Factory jobs aplenty and improving our supply lines in one blow and we could sell shares/divide costs with Knights in our units to cement more loyalty to us.

Mobile warfare office furniture.
I remember a while back we had the option to develop on-board plasma cell recharging for Dominion plasma weapons - I know we didn't pick it at the time but did it ever work?
Have our techs get a theoretical threat assessment for the Accelerator and begin accommodating it's use into future battle plans/officer test scenarios. As work proceeds on it, we can update it's firing characteristcs so that all our major commanders have a good working knowledge of how it can be best used.

Begin running sorties where units and fleet elements must deal with siege cannons, drone/fighter swarms, new formations to maximize point defense coverage, heavy cruiser/carrier ambushes (attacker and defender), ECM/ECCM exercises between wings and heavier assets (hide and seek?), mixed unit tactics against assault corvettes, medium and large scale fleet engagements, have the Marines focus their boarding training on ships that Bonrah and it's allies commonly use to get them familiar, micro jumping (medium cruisers and smaller), and get our forces more familiar with working with cloaked support units and their capabilities.
If we combine a dozen ber'helium abyssals and the accelerator do we get a giant gravity gun or a singularity launcher?
Probably not.
>Was there anything you wanted to take care of during the time skip?
We haven't bothered vista in ages...
Anon, it's just not feasible with the current situation.
>Get to know Darrow better?
>Good idea.

We don't know much about our mid level knights, the leadership of Ber'helum or the Ruling House in the area either. Same for the governor or balle.
Roll 6d100 for repairs and refits to the accelerator.
Rolled 11, 100, 11, 17, 54, 78 = 271 (6d100)

Rolled 100, 81, 50, 96, 88, 12 = 427 (6d100)

Rolled 18 (1d100)

>Roll 6d100
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 36 (1d100)

Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 37 (1d100)


>100, 100, 50, 96, 88, 78

I think we good.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

RSS at last finishes work on the accelerator and jumps it out of the system. It arrives in the seemingly abandoned graveyard site without incident and repair crews are brought in. Ruling House intelligence provides just as much manpower as you do and soon repairs are underway.

They make surprising levels of progress but are at the same time hampered by the lack of a true shipyard facility. Because of this, or perhaps inspite of it, the major system repairs and upgrades are completed within 4 months. FTL capability and the ability to deploy into its weapons array configuration are both tested and found to be adequate.

It will still need protection on the battlefield but secondary weapons should be able to help with that.

Additional equipment the Gelsan must have used as part of their repairs was found to be salvageable. These could further increase the damage output of the array.

1 = Repulsor boost
2 = Siege array
3 = Bombardment arrays
4 = Torpedo batteries
>2 = Siege array
>3 = Bombardment arrays
What are these,and how do they work in ship to ship combat?
>2 = Siege array
Nice. Should provide additional damage output versus capital ships, something we kind of need. None the less I have high hopes for this weapon and it's ability to fuck over the incoming enemy fleet.

Don't suppose we could install Torpedo batteries on it ourselves to complement the Arrays and it's other weaponry?
>Bombardment arrays
These are weapon systems largely used by the South Reach Warlords. They're a larger than normal phase cannon array with a number of modifications that allow it to punch through atmosphere more effectively for orbital bombardment of surface locations. In a pinch they could be used as light siege weapons for attacking other ships but they're not ideal for that role.

>Siege array
The ships used to build this accelerator were no ordinary super heavies, these were built with equipment to help form a Kavarian siege formation. While their use was banned after the Faction Wars that restriction was lifted to help combat the Neeran.

Siege formations involved several super heavies projecting a single large fusion bottle between them. Using tractor beams to hold formation they could even dump plasma from their sublight engines and any fusion cannons they had into the bottle. A pusher ship at the back of the formation would then direct the contained plasma at a target, usually a station or planet.

The Kavarian Imperium used these to good effect against the Neeran in their last attempt to invade the Centri cluster. Combined with Ber'helum gravity well generators the Alliance was able to pull the Neeran fleet out of FTL where the weapons would be most useful.

You lack a pusher ship for yours, though the repulsors making up the accelerator could partially fill that role. You could get Helios to send a modified Medium to the Relay capable of acting as a pusher ship.
Either way it will not be as effective as the real Kavarian weapon system simply due to having less ships involved.

Do you want to try and make use of the Kavarian siege array tech or concentrate on using the accelerator in the role you originally intended it?

[ ] Accelerator role
[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Use accelerators for boost)
[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Get Helios to send a pusher ship.)
[ ] Sell siege array equipment to Iratar for modern siege weapons
File: Siege formation.gif (14KB, 916x1058px)
Siege formation.gif
14KB, 916x1058px
>Do you want to try and make use of the Kavarian siege array tech or concentrate on using the accelerator in the role you originally intended it?

It's hard to make a choice without an idea how this would impact the efficiency of the accelerator.

Is the fusion bottle more effective against smaller ships compared to the regular kinetic projectiles?

Has anybody considered building a defense platform around the modern torpedo batteries found on the zeus?

Would it be possible to put enough basic ftl components on the individual supers that constitute the accelerator to allow them to leave the battlefield if the structural integrite of the accelerator is compromised?
>It's hard to make a choice without an idea how this would impact the efficiency of the accelerator.
You'd be using it for long range plasma damage instead of kinetic.
Kinetic accelerator would have a much higher rate of fire. Something to keep in mind is that Faction shields have improved protection against kinetic impact. It's hoped that -like the SRL scrap cannon- the projectiles will be large enough and moving fast enough that it won't matter.

>Is the fusion bottle more effective against smaller ships compared to the regular kinetic projectiles?
Neither are that good against smaller ships.They're meant to hit Heavies or larger.
With the plasma weapon I suppose you could just widen the beam, reducing overall damage output.
With the kinetic I guess you could pull off a scatter shot of some kind. maybe like this?
>Has anybody considered building a defense platform around the modern torpedo batteries found on the zeus?
They're expensive and require quite a bit of space so few are looking into dedicated platforms for them. Aries probably has.

>Would it be possible to put enough basic ftl components on the individual supers that constitute the accelerator to allow them to leave the battlefield if the structural integrite of the accelerator is compromised?
Let the separate sections jump out of the array is broken apart? Yes. One of the salvage teams first concerns were preventing that from happening accidentally in the first flight.
[X] Kavarian Siege Accelerator
Wait. Are you saying we just need more ships to power it up to Kavarian levels of destruction?

Because I like the sound of that.
>[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Get Helios to send a pusher ship.)
Would Helios mind if we sell the ship to the Kavarians or Alliance after the civil war?
This is being counted towards
>[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Use accelerators for boost)

If each of those other ships were fitted with the same equipment, maybe. As it is because these 3 are built into a single larger one it would be difficult to add more.
The vote was that the Ruling House is splitting the upkeep of the array with you and they'll buy the rights to it to assist the Gelsan with colonization of other nav hazard zones.

The siege equipment however could be sold to Iratar. Helios would probably be fine with selling the supporting medium to the Alliance.
You wouldn't be buying the Helios Medium, they would provide it as part of their forces protecting the relay.
>[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Get Helios to send a pusher ship.)

A pusher ship is how it's meant to be done so let's do it that way.
[ ] Kavarian Siege Array (Get Helios to send a pusher ship.)

I am not sure I trust the whole thing to be able to push a focused mass of plasma on it's own and not have it all explode in it's face. Pusher seems safer.
Okay we're going with that then.

Was reluctant to move on without getting responses as we'd just end up having to wait for more responses on the exact same question later.

Let's see how well Drake is doing.

Roll 4d100
Rolled 15, 24, 2, 20 = 61 (4d100)

Rolled 37 (1d100)

>Roll 4d100

Should we leave some milk and cookies in Sonia's office?
Rolled 68 (1d100)


>It's one of those captchas with respawning images
Rolled 56, 20, 2, 65 = 143 (4d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Thank you, single roller man.

It's always bothered my autism how you've rolled like this, but I can't complain when it works.
And I certainly can not complain since I haven't rolled a single good roll since back during.... Maelstrom?
A few questions about the accelerator:
-if we pick one of the modes is it locked into that forever?
-how fast can the kavarian plasma mode fire? How big is the projectile?
-how fast can it be jumped away? Does the one we pick affect this?
-These accelerators were used to transit between systems so they must get things moving pretty fast right?
And can we load a scrap ship with antimatter and shoot that? Hopefully get around the "explosion too big to be safe" issue?
>-if we pick one of the modes is it locked into that forever?
No. But switching between them would take time.

>-how fast can the kavarian plasma mode fire?
Minutes between shots. The more powerful the shot the longer it will take.

>How big is the projectile?
Pulse mode 5km.
Steam 1-1.5km.

>-how fast can it be jumped away?
The array will have to be closed down and retracted in order to be jumped. Acceleration is poor. 10-20 minutes at best. Longer if damaged.

>Does the one we pick affect this?

>-These accelerators were used to transit between systems so they must get things moving pretty fast right?
Yes, that's why the option to use it as a weapon was brought up. Its capable of continuously accelerating an object over several AU. Ships will also tend to carry additional fuel or bussard ramscoops to accelerate further once beyond its range.

A combination of solar sails and angled deflector shields are normally used in a target system to perform an aerobraking maneuver, usually around the target star. It depends on the ship. The Norune bounty hunters on their return trip jumped to a second system and aerobraked a second time to bleed off enough speed.
Is it possible to load scrap ships loaded with antimatter or other explosives using the accelerator?
I'm really torn on what to pick.

The plasma mode seems the most damaging but I was really looking forward to grapeshotting an entire fleet and catching some small ships at the same time.
How many shots can we fire with either mode and for general usage?

How big of an escort fleet is needed for it?

Also have we tested on how much damage it can deliver yet? Is there a plan to do a proper set of tests?

How much damage can it take?
Don't worry. We got the space equivalent of a punt gun.
Potentially. You'd be loading them with AM Torpedoes.

Drake's team managed to get into the relay near Helios space. Before departing she'd made arrangements to have the guild disable their long range sensors at the time of their approach.

Unfortunately those on Bonrah's payroll were able to quickly correct the problem and restore the sensors to operation. As a result the fleet's course correction was spotted. Fortunately it caused enough delay that the fleet was still able to arrive at the edges of Helios space and reach one of the nearby trade lanes.

The first few days were probably the hardest, attacks by pursuing Bonrah ships making it all but impossible to strike at any objectives.

During their time in the relay they were eventually able to strike at targets and set things in place for a later invasion force. Not as much as she would have liked but what is there should help.

The raids have slowed Bonrah's progress in solidifying their hold on the region but may not be enough. It has prevented them from a buildup to invade the Helios territories in the region.

There have been delays among your major allies in preparing an invasion fleet to retake DRH 2. The South Reach League considers the buildup a threat to them and have been selling their services to Houses you're at war with in an effort to maintain the balance in the region.

Drake believes that while there is still more that can be done in the region it would result in excessive losses and therefore plans to withdraw. She can leave by way of the back route nav relays passing through Rovinar space, or a direct flight to the DRH 1 relay, though this will require help from special forces.

[ ] Get back safe
[ ] Get back fast
[ ] Get back safe
They are likely waiting for her to get back there or for us to send a liberation fleet to that Nav station.
>[x] Get back safe
>[ ] Get back safe
[ ] Get back safe
>How many shots can we fire with either mode and for general usage?
There is no upper limit, just what time and logistics capacity allows. Big Plasma weapons need a lot of fuel. A scrap cannon will need lots of scrap.

>How big of an escort fleet is needed for it?
However much you feel will keep it safe. You could have the Mercs protect it but they and their super might be better served fighting towards the front.

>Also have we tested on how much damage it can deliver yet?
>Is there a plan to do a proper set of tests?
Yes, but as you can only finish the refit and conversion of the array for 1 type of weapon over the timeskip you will only be able to test fire 1 of those options.
You could spend time refitting it for the other if unsatisfied but that would still require picking an option and sticking with it long enough to find out.

>How much damage can it take?
While built out of super heavy cruiser structure it is most definitely a support weapon, not intended to be at the front of a formation. There is insufficient time or inclination to have it fitted with anti-torpedo armor so it will be just as vulnerable to SP attack as the ships it was built out of. (Read: Very)

Drake will take the long way around.

Writing more stimeskip stuff.

Warning ahead of time; leaving for work around 4PM EST. Will probably get back around 9.
It's occurred to me that we've built a megagun out of 4 supers when we could have had 4 supers.
File: 40k_awkward_moments.jpg (36KB, 450x360px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 450x360px
>You forgot the Neeran team looking for space wizard loot.
Them showing up would be something akin to this.

3 Supers.
It was mentioned that if you'd split the support cost with Ber'helum and they were allowed to buy it after the operation that they would almost certainly do that. More people felt that the RH's plan to help the Gelsan with it was the better option.
>There is insufficient time or inclination to have it fitted with anti-torpedo armor so it will be just as vulnerable to SP attack as the ships it was built out of

How are the PD gunships we sent along with forbearance holding up? Would it make sense to build a dozen or two to protect the accelerator?
I hope we're rigging the Accelerator with a big red button that says 'FIRE' and shout FIRE THE SUPERWEAPON whenever we need to use it.

Veckron beams when?
>Them showing up would be something akin to this.
It could have been republic Neeran looking for more sweet void wizard loot.

Around the same time we get singularity torps.
While expansion work had already begun on the forces of your personal guard following the assassination attempt, you now put more effort into it. Ella, Valeri and Rob Ecord all work with you towards determining an adequate force strength and composition, as well as protection forces specifically for the capital. The last part is a joint effort with the Governor to avoid political problems later.

Once worked out and equipment purchased a number of exercises are conducted with the assistance of Vanderwal and a few newly arrived Commandos. You're a bit wary that the old spy might find a weakness and not report on it but it looks like he's cooperating.

I've got pieces for 2 more posts but they're a mess and need to be shuffled a bit. Will post when I get back.
See you around 9PM EST!
We never took the time to explore our neeran medium like we did with the great devourer. Would it be possible to set a day or two aside for an incognito tour of the ship?

How are the Monitor cruisers we sent along with Forbearance performing? Does the Alliance like the design enough to keep ordering them?

When are our ship destroyer Decis going to arrive?

Isn't Sonia's second heavy closed to being finished?
>When are our ship destroyer Decis going to arrive?
When both Helios finishes development and when Sonia actually puts some money down on them. Majority seems to be against the latter.

>Isn't Sonia's second heavy closed to being finished?

Yes. Roll 1d100 to see how many days they shaved off construction time.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)

We're looking for high or low here?
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)


You've made your position on potential future marriage quite clear to Darrow. While you're not against it, it would have to be for the right reasons and you just plain don't know him well enough. Try to be friends first and work from there is your idea. You'd hesitate to call them dates but the two of you make plans to hang out and take time off work.

As you explain; "I'm normally a workaholic. My idea of fun and excitement usually involve ships, guns, money and life threatening situations."
You don't mention what the counselors think of your mental health.
"I need a break from that occasionally. Show me what passes for fun among your kind!"

Over the course of a few trips you learn water skiing and a few other sports.

Darrow points out he's somewhat biased towards having fun with watercraft and the associated sports since he grew up near the ocean on his homeworld.

Related to nobility a few of his relatives had tried early on to convince him to join the PDF. A few units operated watercraft for patrol duties and it was seen as a safe way by them of fulfilling military service.

"A few civilian ships were shot down by a pirate attack in orbit of my homeworld. My unit acted as search and rescue pulling people out before the ship sank. I remembered looking at the wreck and then back up at the stars and thinking; "What the hell am I doing down here when I could be saving people up there?" So I requested a transfer to the space forces and climbed the ranks from there."

You learn over the course of your outing that while he admits there can be problems with the corrupt and the incompetent he's a strong supporter of the system of nobility used by the Dominion. He's a noble, why wouldn't he be?
That doesn't mean he won't look at the alternatives.

He admits he's unsure about your own low level reforms you've enacted on Rioja when you press him on it. It's not his planet, it's yours, you also have to deal with Terrans.
Sometimes I forget Sonia is a woman and not just a salvaging robot.
In South Reach it looks like your heavy cruiser should be done in another month or so. Winifred and Daska may decide to split the cost of buying it depending on the situation when its launched. As things there take a turn for the worse you wonder if you'll even get a chance to bring it to your relay.

Able to acquire the support of more mercenaries in South Reach House Xygen has launched a large scale offensive. Nasidum and Bonrah have provided what support they can and together they're threatening what the Ruling House had previously considered secure parts of the region.

Winifred and Daska were forced to deploy most of the House fleet in the region as part of a combined counterattack with your allies. Bekka fought in one of the largest battles but her ship was forced to pull back half way through due to damage.
Most of the other ships in her squadron continued on but were later lost while performing an SP Torpedo run. Crews from 3 of those ships were killed.

Losses in general for the House have been high, a result of having to face off against other elite units.
8 of the 20 attack wings now deployed in South Reach have been pulled back to be rebuilt. Out of 1400 ships close to five hundred have been lost. With ship production at current levels those numbers will quickly be replaced. Personnel losses will not be so easy. Even with emergency teleporters crews from more than one hundred ships have been lost.

Other Houses allied with you took similar levels of casualties, though theirs would have been much worse without your sides aces holding off enemy elites.

Ber'helum was unable to assist in the heaviest fighting as they were forced to deal with House Myra when they switched sides.

Kahrbos and their allies were eventually able to bring in enough reinforcements to stall the offensive. Despite some generous gains Xygen now appears to be conducting a withdrawal, possibly as a result of their own losses.
This makes me sad.

I wish we could go full robot.

Darrow seems alright though so far. I would like to take him along on some combat missions though Or force him into a full on "house dad" role where he stays behind looking after the kids and the household and engages in some light Mdom play with us when we go home. Ties us up and pretends to be an interrogator. We mess with him by sneaking around the house until he catches us the first time which is how it all starts, him deciding we need punishment.because that's my fetish. Got a problem with that?
Serious answer to this is no.

It's controlled technology to prevent just any House from suddenly building up a huge clone army.

>Conduct a survey of the military expenses we're incurring and what we could reduce with local production. Factory jobs aplenty and improving our supply lines in one blow and we could sell shares/divide costs with Knights in our units to cement more loyalty to us.
The Governor and Balle are both on the lookout for things like this. Reducing the costs of equipping the fleet, your army and the PDF is a high priority.

I've added a bodyguard section to the Dramatis Personae page of the wiki. If you have some preferably tasteful name suggestions feel free to throw a few in there. Blank spaces have been left should anyone ever stumble upon the names of your two other bodyguards.
I swear I had names for them.

I'll try to cover more of this in the morning.
>I'll try to cover more of this in the morning.
It's really occurred to me recently how lucky we were to meet with Duke Ber'Helum that one time. I think he's probably the most powerful person we've met so far.
I'm curious about who the Houses immediately behind the big 8 are.

Are any of them realistically capable of displacing any of the current big houses if things get... interesting enough during the civil war? Or is the power gap large enough that nothing short of the almost complete destruction of a rank 1-8 house would allow any of them to move up?
I think the on s behind them are just lacking a few things to get that push to become one of the Eight. If we fuck Bonrah up enough we might see a new House in there.
Che'len has been weakened to the point that it may drop out of the Seven.

Ceres and Feron are 2 middle Houses you have good relations with.
Sothos you're on ok terms with.
Talos is allied with Bonrah.
>Count Al'mari Nirium [Dro'all] (Ruling House)
Commander of Ruling House forces in the DRH 1 relay. An experienced commander that has fought the Neeran, and more recently held off the House Nasidum fleet until the Run Alliance intervened. Their loyalty to their House is unquestionable but is reluctant to do anything that might go against the wishes of House leadership.
With the RH largely unwilling to ask for direct assistance against Nasidum in DRH1 the Count followed the party line.

>Baron Baern Usela [Dro'all] (Former Earl of house Posat)
Baern Usela became the Earl of House Posat shortly after a Warlord attack on Rioja dropped the larger of its two moons to the surface. In the wake of the disaster it was decided that new leadership was needed.
Despite a number of noteworthy attempts to save it Usela ultimately presided over the fall and dissolution of House Posat.
An adequate commander and statesman, it is widely accepted that had they been born a century sooner Usela would have been able to substantially improve the fortunes of House Posat.

Earl Chryses Tarse-enic [Dro'all] (Ber'helum)
Recently assigned to the DRH 1 relay in the wake of recent victories, this noble has been placed in command of Ber'helum forces in the region. You've met with them in a few planning meetings since their arrival.
The Earl tends to give the impression that they'd rather not be here, but you're not sure if that's because they'd prefer to be back home or fighing on the front lines. Despite their seeming disinterest has proven to be capable in managing Ber'helum's scattered holdings in the region.
Also seems to be following their House policy of trying to sway the Run Alliance to their side.
>We don't know much about our mid level knights, the leadership of Ber'helum or the Ruling House in the area either. Same for the governor or balle.

Knight Uriel Ventris [Human Male]
One of the leading officers among the ground forces, General Rna has worked with them for a few years now. Currently assigned to special forces. Ventris is a Power Cell and Power armor veteran.

I'm blocked on finding names and developing character profiles for your many many Wing Commanders. I'll try to work on this if I can come up with any.

At this point the commanders of each wing are still veterans of multiple deployments against the Neeran. For the most part.

Alex and the main fleet have been fighting a grueling campaign that shows no signs of letting up. Armor and weapon upgrades to the Forbearance have been a welcome addition and all of them have been used. Repair and point defense ships have been able to give added protection and allowed the hull to be patched quickly in the heat of battle. This has prevented follow up hits from damaging vital systems in most cases. Internal repairs take longer but it's much safer now.

The more powerful Iratar built guns have made the ship a priority target but Alex knows how to keep long range assets away from those specialising in close range brawling.

He's made use of the IFF trick on a few occasions, trying to use it in a different way each time to keep enemy commanders from catching on. There have been cases in other Houses of using the IFF ID's to try and spark duels between aces in the middle of larger battles. This has annoyed Kharbos and the Ruling House to no end.
The RH Drones sent with the fleet have performed well enough but pilots are starting to learn tricks to use against them. Scarabs equipped with nuclear missile racks and chaff launchers have been supporting bombers fitted with powerful ECM. Together they're capable of disrupting sensors and coms so badly that they're nearly useless. It's been able to buy units enough time to get into close combat where they can out maneuver the heavier drones.

Starfighter unit commanders are working on tactics to counter this. So far mixed units with more maneuverable escorts seem the best solution.

Overall Alex likes the new Drones but thinks they're a bit of a niche unit.

Aries stealth fighters are a constant annoyance to fleets. Fortunately there appear to be no dedicated stealth carrier designs yet or it could be a serious problem. For now keeping smaller ships out far enough to detect the drones before they can close to effective torpedo range is the best solution.

Alex gives a generally positive review on the Monitor class Mediums. They have their downsides but are a welcome addition as an escort to ships with less mobility. When fitted with longer ranged Republic medium plasma cannons their ability to provide supporting fire can be impressive. They are vulnerable in their aft quarter where the main guns can't be brought to bear, but torpedo batteries can make up for that.

Exodus is looking up possible upgrades with more fuel stores for the guns, or perhaps even carrier bays.

The Major Houses are considering buying a few to conduct their own tests. Only a handful of these will be from the shipyard in the Run as most will be from other yards operated by Exodus. Likewise any that the Factions Alliance plan to buy in the immediate future will be from Exodus Yards in the Pandora Cluster or elsewhere in the Centri Cluster.
By the time Alex and Xisoth are rotated off the front lines they're both ready for a break. Losses of ships and personnel are classified for now. According to Alex Knight Commander Xisoth did an okay job with his fleet, though he will need a bit more practice with fleet exercises.

Knight Commander L'ak Tenni is sent to the front with Majestic to maintain the House presence there and prevent a serious drop in allied forces.

On their return to the capital both of the Knight Commanders are promoted to Baron. Xisoth gets the world he was promised, the former capital world Edanis, and Alex becomes Baron of Alaior.

In recognition of the growing strength of your House and contributions in recent campaigns the Ruling House has officially elevated Gernot Sigurd Jerik to the title of Count... about 2 hours after Ber'helum declared much the same thing.

Understandably the Ruling House is somewhat perturbed by this.

After it's first deployment to the Centri Cluster Forbearance is being paraded around the House homeworlds to raise morale. It will also undergo a round of systems checks before its return to the Run for a more thorough refit. Or that's the plan.

Propaganda is being spread that it may go to assist House Ceres. Rumors are circulating among civilians that a fleet is being raised to send it to all manner of locations. Few are hitting the mark, or if they are then not for the right reasons.

Do you want to add to any rumors?
>Uriel Ventris
>Power Armor specialist

I'll admit I giggled. Has he fought many blue, plasma wielding xenos lately?
>it is widely accepted that had they been born a century sooner Usela would have been able to substantially improve the fortunes of House Posat.

I feel sorry for that guy.

>Do you want to add to any rumors?

Jerik-Dremine is planning to send a fleet to watcher space to claim some uncolonized worlds perfect for dro'all and humans before the local aliens can manage to modernize their fleet with newer faction technology.

Baron Reynard is planning to use part of her fleet to help House Tujen in return for a limited production run of her custom battlecruiser design in their shipyards.
>Alex gives a generally positive review on the Monitor class Mediums

Perhaps they could replace our Kilos as escorts then? Cause really the Kilo is outdated and no longer fit for frontline combat if you ask me.

> the Ruling House has officially elevated Gernot Sigurd Jerik to the title of Count... about 2 hours after Ber'helum declared much the same thing.

Hah! Ber'helum playing at being the Ruling House already. That aside does this mean the Ear- The Count will now raise us to vice-count?

>Do you want to add to any rumors?
Oh yes. The dominion relay to the north of the Centri Cluster is kind of isolated an rip for the taking.

Oh and have you heard? The JD military is training to take on Neeran fleets and will soon probably send a fleet to the front to once more steal their stuff to empower the house at home.
Extended downtime for MORE UPGRADES
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>Perhaps they could replace our Kilos as escorts then? Cause really the Kilo is outdated and no longer fit for frontline combat if you ask me.

Yes, let's replace the escorts that have lots of smaller guns with the ones that have 4 large ones, that will work magnificently against an enemy that loves to spam fighters and corvettes.

What could possibly go wrong.
>I'll admit I giggled.
I had a name that was similar from a name generator I was using to create a dro'all name. Went to change the spelling of the last name a bit because I didn't like it then noticed it seemed familiar.
Looked it up and decided screw it and just used that one instead.

>Has he fought many blue, plasma wielding xenos lately?

Neeran and the race of Shallans from their space before House forces were recalled.

>Perhaps they could replace our Kilos as escorts then?
They already replaced the 2 kilos previously assigned to escort Forbearance due to those ships being out of action. Fortunately they have assistance from 2 Shukhant.
The 2 that escort the Majestic may be replaced eventually but for now they're well suited to their current job protecting the launch bays if needed.

>Jerik-Dremine is planning to send a fleet to watcher space to claim some uncolonized worlds perfect for dro'all and humans before the local aliens can manage to modernize their fleet with newer faction technology.

>Baron Reynard is planning to use part of her fleet to help House Tujen in return for a limited production run of her custom battlecruiser design in their shipyards.

>The dominion relay to the north of the Centri Cluster is kind of isolated an rip for the taking.

>The JD military is training to take on Neeran fleets and will soon probably send a fleet to the front to once more steal their stuff to empower the house at home.

An additional rumor has sprung up that they'll be acting as mercenaries for the Alliance and being paid in weapons and munitions.

>Extended downtime for MORE UPGRADES

These are all approved. Wild speculation will intensify, fueled at least in part as a result of the continued expansion of the House.
Is J-D still considered a minor house at this point or did we move up the totem pole?
We are on the lower end of the Medium Houses last time it got updated.
Did we ever find any proof that Bonrah was behind the raid on the FA base?
Nothing substantive unfortunately.

On the note of Forbearance upgrades it can be diverted to Helios space to pick up a pair of heavy turrets on the way back for added firepower.

You'd already made plans to acquire 2 of them if Alex failed to salvage any more siege weapons to replace the 2 light siege gun turrets.

[ ] Have Forbearance pick them up from Helios
[ ] Have the guns shipped to the Run
>[x] Have Forbearance pick them up from Helios
>[X] Have Forbearance pick them up from Helios
That way, Helios can put the light siege guns on our decis.

Then we can get our space stugs.
>[ ] Have Forbearance pick them up from Helios
All the upgrades for Forbearance.
>That way, Helios can put the light siege guns on our decis.
While it seemed like very few players were in a hurry to buy those ships you could reuse these weapons to have 4 of them made more cheaply.

I'm going to say that this would have been planned far enough in advance through the time skip that they could be ready by now.

Buy 4 Deci's modified to carry light phased siege cannons?
>Buy 4 Deci's modified to carry light phased siege cannons?
Yes, there's far dumber stuff we've spent money on.
Does Helios have any prototype, experimental superweapons we could test for them?
Not anything that would technically count as a super weapon.

The early model Eminence II's you reserved should be ready. The antimatter generators for their prototype afterburners could probably be counted as a superweapon but good luck getting replacements if you use them as such.

If you manage not to intentionally blow them up and provide Helios with test data, they will let you trade in the prototypes for mass produced versions later.
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Rolled 91, 43 = 134 (2d100)

The Forbearance taskforce makes their way to Helios space by a more roundabout route than normal in order to avoid coming into contact with larger fleets from House Nasidum. Eventually they arrive and new turrets are fitted to the aft heavy weapon mounts.

There are offers to take the Iratar heavy weapons in exchange for more Helios built ones but it would be another month before they were ready. Time you don't have right now. It also wouldn't leave you with spares.

The new turrets and guns look a but like the Volkite weapon on the Fellglaive.

Refits are completed and the fleet sets a direct course to head for the DRH 1 relay at best possible speed. There are genuine concerns that other Houses want to track the movements of the ship. Some out of worry, others because it would be convenient to capture or destroy it far from additional support.

Rolling for possible pursuit.
>91, 43
Oh god plz no.
A hostile fleet manages to track you down!
It's not very impressive.
>hidden condition met
Helios has had enough of this shit and finally steps in.

Half way through their flight to the nav station at the edge of the cluster the Forbearance fleet detects what may be an enemy fleet shadowing them. Well out of potential jamming range they do not immediately report it to the House for fear that doing so would ID them and give away their position.

Closer to the station two fleet groups are detected heading out from Xygen space on an intercept course. Each is lead by a heavy cruiser sized vessel though the types are unknown. While the possibility that these are once again sensor decoys, several Houses have been working on experimental warships. Even RSS has built 3 now.

Before they can close to jamming distance Forbearance sends a signal to fleet command updating them on the situation. All ships then increase to Forbearance's maximum FTL speed which is only a little over J22.

By the time they get within range of the Ruling House interceptor units based near the station the third fleet from behind has begun to close as well. It's quickly ID's as being led by a Talos Heavy Carrier.

As news of this begins to reach you intel informs you that there are signs Nasidum is mobilizing a large fleet. They can't confirm if one of their new mobile fortress are among them but with the way things are going it probably is.

All allied ships based near the nav station are being readied. It doesn't look like the big ships will be able to catch Forbearance before she reaches the station but it will be close. She'll certainly be engaged before they can begin their long jump.

Roll 4d20

See you guys around 9PM EST!
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>Roll 4d20

Are the friendly ships in the area going to jump to DRH 1 with us? It seems unlikely they'll be able to defeat multiple fleets of that size.
Rolled 11, 5, 20, 9 = 45 (4d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

>there are signs Nasidum is mobilizing a large fleet.
Rolled 15, 17, 10, 10 = 52 (4d20)

Dat music. It puts me RIGHT in the mood for a massive enemy invasion. We must play this on the command station of Outer Heaven loudly.

Also, it begins. Let's hope we last the night.

And ofcourse I am once more incapable of rolling.
Rolled 18 (1d20)


I doubt that's the bulk of their fleet. They're supposed to have several of these asteroid fortresses.

Isn't the ruling house supposed to build them in collaboration with helios and ceres as well?
15, 17, 20, 18

That was going bad for a moment there.
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I hope somebody was kind enough to put admiral Rasarm in the freezer after he teleported out.
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Immediately thought of the Neeran when fighting these guys in Doom. Entirely organic, bigger than humans, biomechanical energy shield, etc.
It seems the Ruling House has strengthened coms sufficiently to prevent jamming as you're able to monitor events as they unfold.

The Fleet's arrival within range of the nav station is quickly followed by the arrival of three enemy fleets. Both heavy cruisers drop out within weapons range while the carrier hangs back, launching four wings of assault corvettes. Others detach from escort craft, probably so they could save their power reserves for the fight.

Ruling House ships enter the fray almost as soon as it begins, moving to protect Forbearance.

You're not familiar with either of the heavy cruiser designs the enemy have brought but they're throwing out a respectable amount of plasma and fusion cannon fire. Forbearance brings her heaviest weapons to bear momentarily forcing them to break off.

The two closer fleets pulling away up opens a hole in their line which is quickly filled by the incoming assault corvettes. They open up with an SP Torpedo barrage and escorts quickly move to protect the engines of the bigger ship.

Even with point defense some of the warheads get through, detonating on the armor of the Monitor and Shukhant Mediums.

The shielding actions buys enough time for Forbearance to recharge her FTL. Sublight engines blazing she accelerates to jump.

Continued attacks land the occasional SP hit but nothing near vital systems and the big ship eventually jumps. Escorts follow seconds later. The now outnumbered forces of the Ruling House and their allies jump out in different directions. A few of the larger ships follow your fleet towards DRH 1, most of the remainder head for the Gesaur fleet base.

Sorry have to step out for another hour.
>It seems the Ruling House has strengthened coms sufficiently to prevent jamming as you're able to monitor events as they unfold.

Send them a thank you note.

>You're not familiar with either of the heavy cruiser designs the enemy have brought

Is one of them the mysterious ascendancy refit?

>A few of the larger ships follow your fleet towards DRH 1

What did we get?

>detonating on the armor

We should consider championing Posat for a revival after the civil war is over. If they hadn't helped us to get the armor production deal going, we'd be in a significantly worse position these days.
>Is one of them the mysterious ascendancy refit?
Prepared to be underwhelmed by both of the alternate ascendancy refits I came up with.

>What did we get?
Older models of Eminence, Shukhant and one very strange ship that must have been built out of scrap by the South Reach League from parts of a Heron. Apparently even the Ruling House wasn't one to turn down salvage.

For the moment it seems Ber'helum has dropped the ball. They've failed to bring a gravity well generator to the region ahead of time and are now rushing to get a fleet together that can run the gauntlet of any ships now at the nav station. It's unknown how long it will take for Nasidum to get their mobile fortress into position so they may have time.

Helios fortunately had already moved more ships to the region weeks ago, including the modified pusher ship that will assist your siege array.

The Ruling House has begun massing a fleet at Gesaur which may try to help Ber'helum get their forces through or seal off the nav station after Nasidum's forces are through.

Other powers are taking note of movements by the major players and are making their own preparations. You haven't heard if Helios has reinforced their position in DRH 2 but odds are good that they'll do everything in their power to prevent it from falling.

The accelerator array has been tested for its ability to jump and has done basic firing tests. Intel agencies are now getting the last pieces into place for a full power test firing.

Roll 3d100 for accuracy, power and beam stability.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Roll 3d100 for accuracy, power and beam stability.

>one very strange ship that must have been built out of scrap by the South Reach League from parts of a Heron
Is the ship a cute?
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 23, 25, 51 = 99 (3d100)

>Is the ship a cute?
I guess it looks a bit like the Narn T'Loth class Cruiser? But with a larger center section and outer wings.
Rolled 49, 77, 69 = 195 (3d100)

Sorry for not being as active past few games. Stellaris mp has been eating alot of my time
Neeran Jesus, the RH is getting desperate.

>Dem rolls
Anything we can do to improve these over time?
Rolled 71, 44, 28 = 143 (3d100)

Oh, my bones were too late.
Sounds interesting, we should upgrade it with SP resistant armor, paint it dominion elite ship purple, and see if we can't scare a few people with the new mysterious prototype.

Did Drake manage to be back before that happened?
>see if we can't scare a few people with the new mysterious prototype.
Oh we should definitiely load it with hologram emitters to bloom its signature. Make people think it's packing something WAY heavier than it should be.
I've been watching the Scott Manley play through and he's mentioned a few problems that were concerning to me. Most importantly the problems with getting your underlings to manage parts of your territory and how they suck at it.

I also: Sots2 and HoI3. If you need expansions in order to fix the base game, there is a problem with the base game.

>Did Drake manage to be back before that happened?
Yes, with time to spare. All units have been reinforced back to full strength.

>the RH is getting desperate.
Many Houses follow the practice of mothballing ships until they're later needed. It's how J-D has as many attack corvettes as they do, they were refit from mothballed standard corvettes.

>hologram emitters to bloom its signature.
>see if we can't scare a few people with the new mysterious prototype.
You guy prepared to throw 20 million in holographics at this?

>54, 87, 69
There are some potentially dangerous problems with the accuracy of the beam which will require work. Beam stability could also be an issue as occasionally plasma can be scattered and thrown off course.

>Anything we can do to improve these over time?

Roll 2d20 for the engineers doing a quick fix on accuracy and stability. Best of 2.
Rolled 2, 16 = 18 (2d20)

Authorise a bonus to the team that figures out the most effective solution and gets it done. It's how the SR-51 worked so well.
Rolled 11, 15 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 15 = 34 (2d20)

Like every paradox gsg I don't expect it to get real good until 3 expansions come out
For now it doesn't look like the Forbearance fleet was pursued through their long jump by any larger force. There may be enemy cloaked ships shadowing them but they would be difficult to catch.

As enemy fleets attack the nearby bases and outposts in the Centri cluster less and less sensor and com data is available on the situation there.

Intel has identified the Talos Heavy carrier as belonging to House Sulos which means Knight Commander Myrish Avun is probably leading that particular fleet. Unless of course they've been held back because of suspicious and another has taken their place.


accuracy 65
power 87
beam stability 85

Accuracy of the array has increased though it could still be troublesome. The solution to this as suggested by the engineers is to try to shoot at larger ships.
Stability is now in safe ranges, though battle damage could disrupt that.

Tama wonders what your plans are for the array if Ber'helum is unable to get a gravity well generator to the region. Your deployment was heavily based on your allies actually doing their part. There's still a chance they'll pull through but a backup plan may be a good idea.

>What say?

See you in the morning!
How much effort would it take to rig several mothballed standard corvettes with enough explosives (not sure what the most efficient type of payload would be for the size, maybe anti-matter?) to be used as FTL interceptor fire ship's?

A one use Grav generator that can drag them out of FTL? It wouldn't need to stay on for long, just long enough to make them drop out so that they have to realign/reengage FTL engines.
All those precious moments to unload a massive alpha strike on as many high priority targets as we can reliably cripple/disable. Makes them choose between jumping or committing and waiting for the rest to stop and return. If they run we can probably disable a good deal of them with our assault ships with their high damage/closing speed and if they fight we can put some serious damage on piecemeal defender's and scram when the enemy heavy cavalry arrives.
We could attempt to do a heavy raiding run like we did in the Maelstrom. Just go on a full bash and smash. Grabbing some ships where we can but not slow us to much down. Raiding is our main skill and it sounds like our allies need more time.
You had one job Ber'helum. One job.

>What say?
We will manage. We will endure. The Array is still valuable and useful despite us lacking a gravity well generator to use with it. Just need to get the enemy to commit some large ships to fighting on a planet and then we jump in our fleets with it and ambush them. With any luck they would be stuck between the planet and our fleet and we can lay it in to them and then attempt a withdrawl to a fixed position where the enemy can follow us and die some more.

But really we want that Gravity well generator.
>You guy prepared to throw 20 million in holographics at this?
Is it a good idea? It's always hard to judge if this make sense in-universe or not.
>mothballed standard corvettes as fire ships
Your house exhausted its stockpile before the civil war started. The Ruling House however transferred some here from DRH 2 for conversion work.
They could in theory be used for FTL intercepts, but to deal with enemy attempts to counter them they'd need to either have a 2 man crew (with teleporter) or be guided to their target by another ship.

>A one use Grav generator
>It wouldn't need to stay on for long, just long enough to make them drop out so that they have to realign/reengage FTL engines.
I don't believe you'd be able to rig up such a device in 1-2 weeks.
You might be thinking of trying to project a false well that would possibly trip sensors. Like the Neeran well you encountered on one deployment this could be countered by updates to sensor arrays and navigation computers.
Updates that have already been made to ships serving against the Neeran.

I'm not sure what else would be useful for creating a single use gravity well. If singularity torpedoes were a thing yet (they are not) that would be one way.

>Raiding on arrival
That's one way of doing things.

>Wait for planetary assault
And another.

It may result in more fire being thrown its way than it can handle. That may be a good thing if you're trying to distract the enemy from another objective but you'd probably have to keep it back from the main fighting until then.
Any nearby mining barge we can borrow? We can always try the "ol' large asteroid in the ftl path" trick.
Was going to comment on that last night but wasn't room in a post. I never actually played the original Doom. Hell I think the first real FPS I played was C&C Renegade.

No, most were pulled from the region at the start of the civil war as it was considered too dangerous.
You could jump smaller asteroids and build a rubble pile but that would take time. Time in which the enemy could discover it. Still could work through.
Having some writers block so I'm going to run a quick errand. Be back soon.
>but you'd probably have to keep it back from the main fighting until then
Well, is a good medium? I'm kinda undecided on this. It might work but having one less medium until then could be a problem.
> If singularity torpedoes were a thing yet (they are not) that would be one way.
I did not know how much I wanted this until now.

Cyclonic torpedoes when?
>Well, is a good medium?
It has Republic built plasma cannons. Without them it might be a little better than a pre-upgrade Lance.

With fewer remaining bases to maintain sensor coverage of the nav station and communications intel on that area begins to break down. You still have communications with the Centri cluster via other relays but you don't know precisely what is going to jump into your region of space.

The allied fleet readying to try and reach the station is suffering delays. More than you can afford. What you do know is that a vessel the size of a fortress has reached it in just under 6 days. Nine hours later a combined fleet from the Ruling House, Ber'helum and dozens of their allies.

It looks like the battle for the DRH 1 Relay may just be fought in the Centri cluster.

Roll 4d20 for Alex, Mike and Lorraine trying to sneak a gravity well generator through the battle.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>It looks like the battle for the DRH 1 Relay may just be fought in the Centri cluster.
Keep an eye on the approach from DRH2. Should we yolo a part of our fleet to the centri cluster? The faster ships, maybe?

>Roll 4d20 for Alex, Mike and Lorraine trying to sneak a gravity well generator through the battle.
Rolled 16, 5, 11, 19 = 51 (4d20)

I can see how this is going to go. They will battle it out between eachother. Ruling House and Ber'Helum will suffer heavy loses and be forced to withdraw and then Bonrah and Nasidum rolls in to fuck DRH1 over.

I doubt we'll be able to jump to the Centri cluster and make it in time to help out since that takes several days yes?
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 8, 3, 10, 17 = 38 (4d20)

Rolled 17, 2, 19, 1 = 39 (4d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)


>16, 8, 11, 19
That's going to hurt.
Oh good, Mike didn't die.

>I can see how this is going to go.
Nah that's not how it's going to go...
>Checks allied rolls
Shit, that's very similar to how it's going to go.

>I doubt we'll be able to jump to the Centri cluster and make it in time to help out since that takes several days yes?
Your EC-K's and Excalibur BC's could make it in 4.6 days.
Would jumping them in even make enough of a difference for the battle to even justify jumping them?

Don't do this to me. I can't taking losing DRH1 after all this work.
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>Oh good, Mike didn't die.
We turned back time for that guy, I'd be rather disappointed if he managed to die form one roll.

>Your EC-K's and Excalibur BC's could make it in 4.6 days.
That doesn't seem fast enough.

>Ruling House and Ber'Helum will suffer heavy loses and be forced to withdraw
Let's hope they managed to inflice heavy losses as well.

Does the RH have any defences stationed around the planet closest to the centri nav station?
Will and testament of Baron Sonia Bethany Reynard

Start of video.

"Hi... Mom, dad, sister and tiny Ethan. Things aren't looking great here for us. We are in for some really rough fighting and Bonrah and Nasdium really have it out for us this time. They are going to come at us with all they got and there only a few of us here. But we got to hold the line. There is no retreat for us here. We will stand and fight... and die. I leave everything to my mother and father. My father will take over my company and can do with it as he pleases. To my sister I leave my ship, Outer Heaven for her to take over once she makes Knight-Captain.... Assuming there is anything left of it at the time. I.... I just wanted to say I love you all. I'll do you all proud."

End of video.

Alex leads a unit sent by the House to assist and informs Ber'helum that they'll cover one of the gravity well generators and get it through to the nav station at any cost. It's one of two that are brought in for the battle, preventing the assembled Nasidum force from simply jumping away to the next Relay.

Alex and his fleet manage to give good cover, providing enough fire support that few ships can make a run at their charge. Mike and Lorraine stay farther out trying to deal with problems before they can get within range. Not an easy thing to do in a battle with upwards of ten thousand ships on each side.

This is no longer a fleet battle of the old days like at Yineput where things became less dangerous in the short term the larger and more chaotic the situation became. There have been too many changes and upgrades as a result of fighting the Neeran to a standstill.

The largest ships begin slugging it out at long range with Iratar and Helios siege weaponry, their lesser weapons often unable to get a shot through the hundreds of smaller ships engaging between them.
In its frontal arc Nasidum's mobile base is able to bring 16 of the Iratar guns to bear. Despite this what Supers the Ruling House nas brought in are holding their own. Ber'helum can't say the same for once. One of theirs takes critical damage, multiple secondary explosions ripping the ship apart and damaging its escorts.

The sudden loss of a command ship seconds later disrupts Ber'helum's ability to coordinate their fleets actions and as a result enemy units are able to out maneuver them.

Fleets sent from the homeworlds of the Run Alliance are also hit hard in the confusion before the chain of command rights itself. Eventually a Count rallies the allies and counterattacks inflicting heavy losses on Nasidum's vassals and Xygen's fleet.
During the rally Mike and Lorraine are able to punch through a section of the battle, letting Alex's larger ships escort the gravity well close enough to the station to get the needed nav data by tight beam.

Enough of Mike's ships are seriously damaged, crippled or destroyed that they need to hitch a ride with the escort. Day isn't much better off but Alex manages to cover her retreat. Shortly after the Abyssal and escorts jump the Ruling House calls for a fighting withdrawal.

Given the state of losses both sides are eager to disengage and little is done to hinder the escaping fleet aside from maintaining long range fire.

It looks like you'll have some reinforcements after all, though less than you had hoped for.

Within the day Intel has confirmed that the Nasidum fleet is not preparing to immediately jump to the relay. They're probably conducting salvage and repair operations. Additional Heavy Carriers have been detected leaving Bonrah space to reinforce the depleted Nasidum and Xygen forces. It looks like they hadn't sent their full contribution yet.

News from Helios space is quieter than usual. It is likely they're preparing to act.
>News from Helios space is quieter than usual. It is likely they're preparing to act.
Finally. Now we just got to keep them from going at the Ruling House and Ber'Helum until Nasidum, Bonrah and Xygen are all defeated. Kharbos will probably be happy to help if it only means they will get some attention again from anyone in power.

>Nasidum's mobile base is able to bring 16 of the Iratar guns to bear.
I don't like where this is going. Not at all. I am having doubt about how we are suppose to counter that kind of firepower despite our AM Medium and our latest superweapon.
I think we should ask the FA for help. They're officially neutral but we saw first hand that they didn't really care about that when it came to helping speed up a resolution to the hune civil war.

Maybe Chen can send us a few SP torps?
Repairs to the Merc Super Heavy have completed. It's armor has been fully upgraded and any seriously outdated systems have been switched out in the interest of giving it more surviveability in the coming battle.

Foss has hired on a group of Norune Mercenaries that were in the region looking for work, adding their Medium cruiser and carrier group to his fleet's numbers.

Forbearance will arrive soon with their substantial escort of 6 J-D Medium Cruisers and those from the Ruling House. The engineers will request to take a look at their oddly built medium when they arrive to see if they can sell them some upgrades.

Serth's Dragoons are going to need more ships and crew replacements when they arrive. You could go the more expensive route and get them Dusk II's fitted with afterburners, newest model assault corvettes to quickly fill the gap, or a mix of the two to keep costs down.

You could also just fix up the ships of theirs that survived and fill the gap with mercs.
The end of the Republic's civil war was engineered by a conspiracy between the Dominion, Rovinar, Terrans and Norune Isolationists. The Factions Alliance in its current incarnation hadn't been created yet and thus lacked the charter stating they would not interfere with the internal politics of the Factions.

Though the old FA did provide some ships to assist agents from the other factions they weren't really partners.

The Terrans are already helping as much as they're inclined to but getting outdated ships to Ber'helum via your salvage company.

I think my freezer and possibly my fridge just broke so I think I'll end things here this week while I panic and try to save my groceries.
Either get them all new Dusk ll's with the ABs installed or get them one Dusk ll for every 2 Corvette.

A shame it aint winter where you could just chug everything outside into the snow.
Maybe it's worth just sending a few messages to contacts we know?
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You've got to think big.

Thanks for the thread and good luck with your foodstuff.
I want to subscribe to Sonia's twitter.
All the poor ships and people. We need to slaughter Bonrah, Nasidum and Xygen forces down to a man.

No more quarter, no surrender, only destruction.
>It's a Sonia has brain damage episode
>>It's a Sonia has brain damage episode
That's every thread, though.
>It's a John Avery/Helios negotiation tier brain damage episode
Don't forget to sage your posts.
Thread is archived.

Next game will hopefully be on Sunday but may be delayed by appliance moving. Going to try for 3 PM EST.

Please sage any additional posts.
I really hope Sulos defects like they said they would after we beat them up enough.
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