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/swg/- Catgirls in Space Edition

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Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore and everything else Star Wars related

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

What's your favorite race for Jedi /swg/?
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Remove cats. Destruction of Kilrah best day of my life.
Humans, obviously
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No, Luke! Don't give in to hate!
Gorin' scrubs
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Force-powered Sonic Screams recanonized fucking when.
I'm currently playing a shard inhabiting a Droid body, it's always funny to make the troopers think you're a novelty protocol droid while mind-tricking them
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Hey guys my group just got the Dangerous Covenants expac for edge of the empire.

I plan on playing a hired gun heavy support class. Anyone have any experience playing that class?

What weapon would you recommend I start with?
The TFU DLC was too Edgy for me. Seriously, they had Starkiller kill Obi-Wan by tossing him into the Falcon's engines.
it was dumb and edgy but that's what made it fun for me.
depends on how much youre willing to spend, and when you are putting points into barrage and burly

assuming you want to stick with at least a long range weapon to benefit from barrage, your budget option is the sporting blaster rifle from sun of fortune. 8 damage, long range, and being able to choose between stun and lethal damage is a good deal at 600 credits.

the cheapest extreme range weapon is the weequay blaster lance from lords of nal hutta. the encumbrance and lack of stun setting hurt, but the range and accurate quality are strong positives.

the model 77 air rifle from enter the unknown has long range, and outdamages either of the other two on average with its high pierce quality, but only deals stun damage

the mon cal spear blaster is worth considering because it is both a serviceable rifle and a decent melee weapon, with a lot of hardpoints for future upgrades
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>Star Wars galaxy is mostly Humans, then Duros, and then various other races
>every RPG group is made up of a bunch of special snowflake rare exotic races

I know that its nofunallowed but I kind of want to make players roll for the opportunity to be nonhuman to try and preserve the ratio a little.
>mostly Humans
To be fair, part of that is because costumes are expensive and uncomfortable.
>Star Wars galaxy is mostly Humans, then Duros, and then various other races
This is just blatantly not true. Play Uprising if you want to get a feel for how diverse the galaxy actually is, or read any of the books that don't suck.
How about the class itself? Am I mostly sitting back sniping or shooting mass shots from a heavy machine gun?
That's only true for the core, location-wise, and is only close to true in general cause the core's population is so high.
In the mid and outer rims, it's a completely different story, and guess where most PCs are from?
if your gun is capable of auto fire, and you have the dice to hit and activate it reliably, you'll want to go full auto. it isn't quite as brutal as it sounds because barrage only applies to one hit per attack, but with the base damage of rifles auto-fire still adds a lot

odds are you are not going to keep enemies far away from you forever, which is fine. you do plenty of damage even without the benefit of barrage, the extra encumbrance allowance from burly lets you carry a lot of gear in addition to your rifle, you have access to a number of defensive talents, and you still have melee and brawl as career skills
Drunk with my fiancee again /swg/, last time she was my gf. Love you guys.
Is your fiancee an X-Wing? Because otherwise that's pretty off topic.
She might be his Y-fu.
Hard to argue with these points. I guess I occasionally just yearn for a little OT simplicity. Also I'm in a shit mood so maybe I'm just being bitchy.

Consider my previous post tastefully withdrawn.
This is /swg/ there is no off topic.
Fuckin love you too bud
And we love you, random citizen from the internet!
>I guess I occasionally just yearn for a little OT simplicity

The Cantina scene says "hi"
i remember you drunk anon. Did you ever end up playing that star wars RPG with her?
I'd like to respectfully disagree with this comment, since the cantina scene is not the same as the racial makeup of the protagonists of the story. Yeah, they saw a bunch of aliums but the 'party' was still a bunch of humans, one alien, and some droids and not a rainbow of aliens. Anyway, I've already backed down from my previous comment so there isn't much else to say.
Well two of the party are related for starters. Plus in Edge you aren't playing as the Chosen One, you're a bunch of nobodies trying to do the job, get paid and keep flying. Generally the PT does a better job of showing diversity in the Jedi Order/good guys, I was said that the Resistance went back to "white people plus a few token aliens" and the Empire are still too racist to have nonhuman stormies
Admittedly, most of my star wars RPG experience predates the FFG system and featured a lot of rebel operative kinds of games, so a bunch of humans and maybe an alien or two made sense (to me). In the end though, there are a ton of aliens in Star Wars so you can't really be surprised that people want to play them. It doesn't hurt anything, I just would like to see an occasional 'three humans a wookiee' kind of set up from time to time.
We have a topic?
Space Conflicts, if I recall correctly.
That's fair. I usually fall more on the special snowflake end of the spectrum so I've never really wanted to play a human character, especially in a setting with so many sentient races. If it makes you feel better it seems likely that the movies aren't going to buck that humans+1 alien formula anytime soon
If I'm being honest with myself, I think I tend more towards humans because I want to feel unique. In a game where everyone is over the top super special and different, being a guy who digs through space trash appeals to me. I guess I'm seeking uniqueness by being mundane. Though if I ever broke the habit, I think it'd be fun to play a Gran or a Rodian.
I like Kota's weaboo katana hilt lightsaber from the comic adaptation of TFU
Yeah. I went with a successful Skywalker/Ahsoka thing. It was amazing.
forgot pic because dumb
Is it really weeaboo for a lightsaber to have a katana hilt?
I mean the whole reason lightsabers exist is because Lucas is a kurosawa fanboy.
The saber choreography in the OT is pretty much straight kendo.
Sup /swg/ I recently got into x-wing, and am wondering what I should get next.

What I own so far is a Decimator, a Phantom, and 2 TIE/FO's. But I can't seem to deal with my friend's jousting lists, usually with Ten Numb. It might just be that I'm deploying poorly, but the Phantom (Whisper, Vet instincts, FCS, ACD) has never lived past turn 3. it just keeps taking mangler cannon shots to the face from Ten Numb (B wing guy who says you can't dodge his crits)

How the fuck do I deal with that? every game he just flies straight at the phantom until it dies.
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I'm pretty sure it was the Glove of Darth Vader
>I went with a successful Skywalker/Ahsoka thing
Start slow and when he closes shoot past him, when he needs to turn or engage at range 3+ he can't push through 5+ evade dice.

Remember that K turns are a thing but his action economy gets fucked if you keep turn fighting in large arcs.

You are more maneuverable than him and when you can get the right flanking (and understand his movement dial) you can play with him ad nauseam.
Just got to blast behind him in the first few turns, even if you can't engage right away you fuck with is plan and he isn't nearly as flexible.
That doesn't sound like an RPG. It does however sound made of win
Is the plural for "Jedi" still "Jedi," or is it "Jedis"?
I think its just Jedi
It's Jedi. Like they've said Multiple times in the movies.
It's like sheep; it's the same singular and plural
Love you too, anon! May you live forever
Ten Numb is PS8, and therefore 10 with VI, 9 with Adaptability. He gets to shoot before me. I get 2 evade dice since it is a cannon, and then every time that he shoots at me, 1 of his crits is unblockable (and he has a mangler cannon for an assured crit)

Basically, he has Horton Slam follow Ten Numb around, and they absolutely fuck over my Phantom turn 2.
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How is Rebellion?
Or samurai, which its meant to invoke.
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>Hamster eating banana.png
Those tiny little arms on the wookie
Some aliens use Jedis, but that's dialect.
Don't end in his arc, it's really that simple.

You should not try to joust at all, go slow and when he's close enough just fly past him. You are playing into his game.

Once you get past him he will be trying really hard to keep you in arc the rest of the match. Even if he moves after you, you should be able to predict his movements the bwing dial isn't very complicated.
That still doesn't fix the issue of Horton, but i don't think that there is any way to deal with a PS 10 TLT that has rerolls.
>I get 2 evade dice since it is a cannon,

who told you this?
If you are cloaked you get 4, just because he's using a secondary doesn't mean he ignores the extra evade dice.
> i don't think that there is any way to deal with a PS 10 TLT that has rerolls.

Look up Baron Soontir Fel and laugh at the rebel tears.
If he took the title he can't fire outside of ark anymore, you still only have to fly past him.
I'm gonna run a HARDCORE Gungan bounty hunter. He gonna be tall, he gonna be black, he gonna be BOMBAD BEAUTIFUL!

>meesa only have four words for yousa
>big booma goes wheresa?
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he does not take the title.

I get 2 because I am not cloaked. I uncloak, and he shoots me in the face before I can recloak, as his PS is 10.

I'll look into soontir fel. What's a good loadout for him? Getting a focus when you stress seems interesting, but I don't see exactly how it would play out. Just K-turn through people?
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Autothrusters + Push the Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Stealth Device.

Funnily enough, Horton Salm was the man who landed the disabling shot during the capture of Baron Fel.
Sounds good.
Soontir Fel

-Royal gaurd TIE (he can take 2 mods)
-PTL (takes 2 actions per turn and recieves stress for an extra focus)
-Stealth device (4 evade dice until he gets hit, any only if that hit was caused by failing a evade roll- ignoring instant dmg shit)
-Auto thrusters (automatically turns a blank roll into a evade when outside of attackers arc or range 3)

Because an interceptor has a crazy movement dial he can clear a green maneuver every turn and boost/barrel roll out of arc every turn (getting up to 3 actions a turn because of PTL and the synergy with his pilot ability.
>I uncloak, and he shoots me in the face before I can recloak, as his PS is 10.

So don't uncloak?
You know you don't have to uncloak at the start of every turn right, you can elect to stay cloaked.
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Is Force lightning a power any dark sider can do or is it secret Sith Lord stuff only?
Canon, I don't think anyone has done it besides Palpatine and Dooku, both elderly men with a lifetime of experience with the Force.

But it doesn't seem like a secret to me. I'd say it's more like...lifting a massive weight with telekinesis. It's obvious how to do it, but you still have to possess a certain level of power. For Lightning, that level is quite high.

EU wise, no.

Anyone who can access the Force can do it. It's also been shown as a lightside thing if you can do it with no anger or hatred. I mean that's Luke getting his Mary Sue on a bit, but also Plo Koon did like an orange laser version.

The idea behind it is you are letting out all of your negative emotions in a massive burst of power. Sure, Palpatine looks like he's having the best time ever, but that's because he enjoys the torture.

If you do it in the FFG system, you gain a starship-load of conflict, so use it sparingly if you want to get your UNLIMMMMMIIIIIIIITED POWEEEEERRRRR on.
>It's also been shown as a lightside thing if you can do it with no anger or hatred
eh, not quite. lightsiders can use a similar-looking ability that's more like ''force taser'' than the SITH HATE RADIATION that is traditional forcelightning
I'm far more interested in that Spear of Midnight technique that Palpatine did in the EU. That shit's like an ultimate move in a video game or something. Why can't the Light Side have cool stuff like that?
Well, Light Siders can become effectively immortal, so that's pretty cool.
Darth Big Guy can do that shit easy in the cartoon.

Pretty sure when Anakin Solo was going full Jedi Jesus he was like, shooting light out of his hands or something.
Isn't it supposed to be a case of literally hating your opponent do death? Doesn't surprise me that Palps looks like he has fun. Imagine everyone time someone on here has said "I wish I could hate you to death" and then actually let them do just that. That is the smile of immense satisfaction.
Light side has one ultimate technique, and that's the ability to put the right man in the right place to stop any and every sort of dark side scheme, no matter what improbabilities it takes. Next to that, how does blowing tons of shit up compare? It don't even come close
Light Side Ultimate Ability
>Plot Armor
How the fuck do you top that?

The Wook says otherwise, but all that shit ain't canon no more, so what do we care.

Make it whatever you want, Force Lightning Anon!
"Gee master Luke, what are you fueling that lightning with?"

"Um... righteous indignation?" *cute bishi smile*
That was a vision by the priestesses. Sith can't ghost, straight from George. I know what they can do in Legends, but George had his own universe.

Lol it's likely the case tho.

But it comes back to that whole argument over the Force just IS. It's how people draw on it that makes it influence things.

Like I can heal angrily. FUCKING LIVE YOU FAGGOT TAKE MY MAGIC! and no issues.

So naturally I should be able to fire bolts of condensed FUCK YOU at people who deserve it. I.e. people who muderdeathkill.
The Force is a narrative tool first. Having good guys shooting out lightning defeats the purpose no matter how you justify it.

From one game so far...

Empire has quality and numbers, rebels have versatility and better leaders to perform missions.

As the Empire player, I generally had no clue if I was doing anything right.

The Force serves the story. Good guys using evil looking techniques messes with the story.
What rank do think Inquisitors have?
The nucanon has an entire non-military religious cadre as part of the empire's upper echelons. They have no formal rank, but they can requisition materiel from any sector fleet in the Imperial military. Vader is at the top of this hierarchy.
Get the tfo expansion and lambda. Lambda is good against b wings and rebel captive is good for the phantom
Swarm numb with your tfos he cant kill them all
Tie advanced with title and adv targeting computer ripes through y wings
When you get good with interceptors you can take targeting computer instead of stealth device that way you can snipe ships

No it doesn't. Not if there's justification and they are faced with moral issues/conflict. It aids the story if anything. Don't let your view of Star Wars be locked into the films only bro.

Special Asset level. I.e.they get whatever they want when they want because they report directly to Vader who reports only to Palps.

And they scare the fuck out of any Imperial Navy or Army personnel they command.

If you're playing the Empire you have one job - crush the rebels anywhere they appear while hunting down their base.

DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT let them have any uncontested planets. Many of their objectives come from having units on planets or winning battles against you. If you subjugate every planet they have they can do neither.

At the same time you want to expand you own production as much as possible - go after valuable heavy industry worlds and make good use of the project deck to that effect.

Finally, disrupt rebel plans whenever possible - Vader and Fett are great for capturing rebel leaders - even better, turn someone to the darkside and then freeze someone else in carbonite to get the activation edge over the rebellion.
>It's also been shown as a lightside thing if you can do it with no anger or hatred. I mean that's Luke getting his Mary Sue on a bit, but also Plo Koon did like an orange laser version.

It's a very muddy issue, even in Legends. True Force Lightning is meant to be treated with extreme caution and as an "oh shit" button. Just as with Vaapad, its Dark Side nature means that only Jedi with ridiculous self control can use it without falling.

Plo Koon's version is poorly understood in-universe but appears to function more as a Force taser rather than murderous hate lightning.
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>green k-turns

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>Glaive Squadrons are 34pts each
>Marek Steele is the same cost as Vessery

And with that, everything from Imperial Veterans is spoiled.

...I'll take two.
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Oh my...

She looks like she'll be tons of fun.
Steele, Vessery, and Countess are all so well priced between each other, that we're now seriously spoiled for mid-level Defenders. AND we can always just go with a PS 6 Glaive if we just want an EPT...

Guys, I need new pants. Now.
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am i the only one that hates banes orbalisk armor design but likes this one?
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At least his NuCanon armour is pretty cool.

What IS the best way to outfit Marek in the Defender anyway? My first instinct says Mangler, and the articles suggestion of Calculation and X-7 isn't bad either.

...the card art is implying Cluster Missiles. What about them with Guidance Chips, that's got good chances of working.
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looks like shredder
The thing with Defenders after this pack, is that I really doubt we're going to see any "best" way to outfit any of them. Merek needs crits, so you either bank on that without any title and go for the Mangler, or you grab Calculation, or Guidance Chimps and a missile of your choice (Concussion, Advanced Homing...?), or get the D and give hime Marksmanship and a Tractor Kannon... The shit that excites me the most about this expansion, is that Defenders are going to be a wild-card of options. We're not going to see a "Soontir Fel setup" that is clearly the best way to go with them.
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>Guidance Chimps
>It's Sith sorcery, I ain't gotta explain shit.
I didn't mind the look, but the fact that his spirit hung around Korriban didn't make much sense to me, considering he hated the Sith Academy and everything it stood for. I get that the books now fall under Legends but the cartoon gives zero explanation as to why he's on Not-Korriban. He just kinda shows up and then fucks right off, considering he's the founder of the Rule of Two line of Sith I would have preferred if he just hadn't shown up at all and had some other more complete explanation given in some other material.
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Don't bring that grim darkness crap around here! This is Star Wars! A happy universe!
>This is Star Wars! A happy universe!
I know you're being facetious, but I always really disliked this sentiment. This is a universe full of slavery, oppression, and war. There's also a lot of happy, pleasant, comfy stuff, but people who object to any darkness in their Star Wars always seemed to me to be a little too stuck in the Star Wars nostalgia without actually paying attention to the fact that the films can get pretty dark.
They're one of the few parts of 40k that is still legitimately goofy and fun.
Sith ghosts aren't an actual thing in nu-canon, the Big Guy spirit was conjured up to fuck with Yoda by either Sheev or the Priestesses, I forget which.
>That's the joke...

Yeah, Star Wars is not happy-land. The happiest sci-fi tends to be utopian stuff like Star Trek. Which IMO is one thing they got right in TFA... It's not a happy movie.
Which is why they don't belong in Star Wars. We had Jar Jar. We don't need super-space-orangoutangs.
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>Jokaero are goofy
>Which is why they don't belong in Star Wars
Are you the same guy who bitches about 40k grimdark every time the guidance chimp joke is posted? If you are, you're kind of contradicting yourself.

>Not wanting goofy Star Wars
>Not loving Tag & Bink, Kettch, Trioculus, Skippy, or Jaxxon

Plus, Star Wars is goofy at its core. It's a setting where samurai space knights battle with laser swords and mind bullets. Space battles involve knife-fight ranges, lots of noise, and World War II dogfighting tactics. Villains named "Snoke," "Hux," and "Sheev" are somehow still taken seriously by the heroes. The biggest villain in the franchise is cartoonishly evil and enjoys every second of it while spewing hate-lightning from his fingertips. We have Ugnaughts, Sullustans, Selonians, and fish people called the Mon Calamari. This shit isn't serious in the least.
Quit bringing up the Canon/Legends divide. This is one of the places where that doesn't matter.
Inserting a little darkness at appropriate moments is good. Hell, it's excellent because you have literal Dark Siders. The Grimdarkness of 40K is inappropriate in every setting outside of 40K itself.
Star wars has grim moments and bits of darkness, but at it's core, it's still a heroic setting, not a grimdark one
So much this. It's most apparent I think in that spaceship comparison chart. You have star wars, star trek, battlestar, babylon-5, eve online, and even doctor whatsit. And then there's this section of derpy "grim-dark" ships that look like half-church, half upside-down WW 2 battleship. And you think, what the flying fuck is THIS nonsense?
At it's core, it's a spaghettie western. With magic samurai, and spaceships.
Hey man, I like the over-the top flying church or ships made haphazardly out of garbage.

That's why my Decimator build based on ramming is an Ork Looted Decimator
At its core, it's the Hero's Journey.
At it's core, it's celluloid.
Star Wars to me is Kurosawa meets Spaghetti western meets WWII dogfighting movie IN SPAAAAACE
Every story not made by a middle-schooler should have the heroe's journey(s).
But they don't. and that's a good thing.
>not sure if hokey ancient religion or just embedded anti-grav repulsors, magnets, and arc projectors
Spaceships designed with fluid dynamics in mind make me angry. If you're not worried about generating lift or friction there's only one reason to not be using shapes with better volume to surface area ratios, and aesthetics are a stupid thing to prioritize over that. Just put a big ol' shark mouth on your flying space cone.
As far as science fiction goes, it's an eyesore. You have dirty and used rule-of-cool. You have utopian Asimov-esque high-tech. You have gritty spice-fueled "computer-is-bad". Twelve colony robot-war (a.k.a. Alligator on skis). British shark jumping where what something can do is determined purely by what the plot needs it to do. The online-job huge. And then there's... Those things... That look like some kid MS-painted an eagle on a naval boat and increased scale until the jpg was 500 gb in size.
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Except for when they don't...
At its core, it's space KINO.
That is one thing I love about the description of the spaceships in the Expanse series. Aesthetics serve no point, and the main character actually mourns the fact that ships look like flying black skyscrapers because of that.
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>Jedi orbital defense lasers
Man, Legacy had some silly moments.
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I miss it

not great or mindblowing, but it was funasfuq
>Trigger discipline on a gun with no visible trigger
On the one hand, props to her for that. On the other hand, goddammit, artist.
It's behind her finger. Her finger is exceptionally long.
I think it's just hidden by her hand.
It did a good job of mixing old republic and OT setting stuff so you can have your stormtroopers and legions of Sith assholes. I ran a pretty fun campaign in Legacy it's a fun setting.
Do you guys have your players pay for shit like fuel/food on their ships in the FFG rpgs? And if so, what sort of rates/expenses do you charge?

I like the idea of my players having to constantly feel the fear of not having enough cash to keep their ship flying, but I think they might chafe at having to spend credits from missions on things that don't help their DPS. Also I'm unsure what the economies of scale are credits-wise for things like fuel.

I mean, it has a consumables stat for a reason, right? I have players track how much they burn from that and then replenish whenever they feel like they need to. Usually a percentage cost based on the ship and how much they've used, but if varies from place to place. In the Core it's easy to find cheap ship rations and fuel up, but in the middle of nowhere Outer Rim buying up foodstuffs and fuel could be much more expensive.
To cut down on calculation time, my party and I just assume that any cash rewards for jobs are actually net income rather than revenue unless specified otherwise.
>Have a bad guy named Savage Oppress
>Even remotely pretend it's 100% serious ever again
If you're running a grittier game, that focuses more on real life day-to-day shit, then totally do that. These kind of games cane be immense fun with the right kind of players, because it helps to breathe life into their characters and the universe. They have to worry about eating, refueling, repairs, clean water... Whole nine yards. When traveling, you (as GM) tell them how much they subtract from these supplies, and they (as players) decide how much they ration the shit. Hitting port and resupplying, or going to a fancy restaurant, becomes a bigger deal.

On the flip side, if your players are much more casual and more interested in instant-gratification, then this kind of game will seem like too much "book-keeping". Many players would be put off by a game that requires you to manage food, fuel, water, repairs, etc, because it means spending more income on real world shit and less on things like new blaster with +5 damage.

Best thing to do, is talk to the players and ask them how gritty of a game, or how casual of a game, they'd like. If they want a gritty game where they're living paycheck to supply run, then make them pay for everything and deal with hard finances. It leads to a very Firefly, or Cowboy Bebop style game. But if they want to actually be able to afford constant upgrading and new ship purchases, then they'll want a more casual game that doesn't require book keeping. Interestingly enough, there is also the third option of appeasing both sides by having a character be the financial "book keeper" for the group. Droid characters work well... A player who wants to do this, would be the one in charge of keeping track of supplies, while the rest can concentrate more on big damn hero adventures.
This anon is right; talk to your players and see what interests them. Some people really like the extra immersion/simulation, some people care more about the big picture and might find all the extra bookkeeping tedious
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>Savage Oppress
The retarded bits of TCW pale in comparison to the glorious old-timey comics.
... That's awesome.
Oh really? Cause there was one in the movie.
Dugs aren't really orangutans.
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The old comics fucking rocked.
Bud dugs certainly are ________________cute.
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Thoughts on this encounter /swg/ ? What could I do to spice it up?

My jedi PCs are flying to Alaris Prime in their YT-2400 to seek out the lost jedi ruins there. This is set around 8 BBY and they find the forest moon and its wookie colony besieged by a small-ish Imperial force. They come out of hyperspace to a Raider-Class and a Gozanti-class loaded with 4 TIE/LNs in orbit. They're challenged to identify themselves or leave the system. I'm assuming they're going to try to make a run for the surface but other options I can think of them doing are trying to fight the blockade, trying to bluff their way past or leaving to figure something else out. What distance they come out from the Imp ships will be determined by how well they succeed on the astronavigation roll.
If they make a run the gozanti will launch its four ties to give chase. Two directly engage while two stay back in reserve, engaging if the first pair is destroyed. When/if they break atmo the planet-side garrison sends out three more ties to intercept and join the fight, two more LNs and one bomber, which will try to stay at range and pepper them with conc missiles.
If they manage to defeat or some how evade the fighters they'll have escaped and will be able to fly wherever they want on the planet or land for a while.
>Greatest Space-Fantasy Film of All

That's probably one of the best descriptions of Star Wars I've ever heard.
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>Alaris Prime
My brother of Gungan descent.
>Alaris Prime

... I think I'm going to have my players track the remnants of the Dark Reaper.

Remember how the Droids comic led to Transformers being the reason that the Vong left their old galaxy?
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one day
If the Vong are recanonized, I hope Filoni at least has the good sense to also recanonize Scut. Best Mercy Kill Wraith, hands down.
any Wraith squadron recanonization would be a godsend
First heliquisitors, now potential Vong... Filoni better have enough sense to leave out the Vong, it has no place in the nuCanon, and really was the biggest "shit the bed" moment of the old EU. Maybe that and hidden sith empires.

The Lost Tribe of the Sith was...I dunno, I liked it. But I have zero taste.
I'm holding out for republic commandos beyond a possible cameo.

>I just want sev back god dammit.
>republic commandos
Isn't one of Rex's team a former commando?
I mean more along the lines of TOR mmo
Lost Tribe of the Sith was awesome imo, but they way they were handled by that fucking hack Denning in the Fate of the Jedi series ruined the whole thing. They went from being total bad asses depicted on being on par with the average Jedi Knight and the leaders (Lords and Ladys) being more akin to a Jedi Master.

Every time Aaron Aliston wrote them they were competent fighters, but for some reason Denning was chosen to do the finale - where they were repeatedly killed by an 8 year-old girl with a blaster pistol, and absolutely shredded by even mediocre Jedi Knights. What a disappointment.
Delta Squad appeared in TCW, anon. Not for much screentime, but they ARE part of nucanon.
And since the Kashyyyk missions technically haven't been recanonized yet, Sev is still technically alive until specified otherwise.


>Countess Von Fingerbang my new favorite pilot
How did yall feel about twilight company? I just finished reading about the assault on hoth. It's been enjoyable enough so far imo
I find it bitterly ironic that battlefront has a tie-in novel but no single player campaign. Not sure if EA didn't learn from Titanfall or they just don't give a shit
Hidden Sith Empire was actually a cool idea. Having it be run by ultra-palpatine who actually was behind everything that happened in KOTOR and is more powerful than any other character was retarded
His tale is still not finished yet right? Right?!
If Disney, EA, and/or the Lucasfilm Story Group think it's profitable enough, then the answer is no.
Who needs plot when you have BUBBLE SHIELDS AND COOP!?!?- said the EA exec.

And that's where they shit the bed. The president of LUCASARTS really needed to swing the veto hammer more often. No sith or force user should be more powerful than Palpatine, because that cheapens him despite him being the most successful villain in the series' history.
What they actually needed to do is not make a single player games to an MMO but luck getting an exec to look up from his cocaine long enough to learn that
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Dude Palpatine was op in the eu. master of all lightsaber forms.know all sides of the dark side. is proficient in sith alchemy, ow and force storms
Force Storms and Mastery of every saber form are also pretty fuckin' retarded. As is coming back to life.
Yeah.... Ryad spins you right round, baby!

Probably one of the most awesome pilots in the game now, and sitting at PS 5. It's pilots like her, Guri, and Nera Dantels, that keep the PS 4 to 6 range alive.
>cute bishi smile
"Okay! Master Luke, whatever you say!"
The problem is that single player is allegedly no longer as profitable as multiplayer. For most gamers, the majority of time spent on a video game is the multiplayer, as is the majority of discussion with other players. It's simply better business to cater to the multiplayer crowd, barring the few truly exceptional single-player experiences. IIRC, multiplayer is also a lot easier to work with than a good campaign because scripting competently takes time and effort.

TL;DR, if you want plot, go play a tabletop or get into the vidya industry, make your own stellar project, and convince AAA studios that single-player still has a place in the mass market.
It is fuckin' retarded but its still op
Sheev is pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as force power. Excellent planner, piss poor force user. Even his master could manipulate the force enough to cause immaculate births, and Plagueis was not of the power of the sith of old. Naga Sadow pulled a star and all of it's planets and smashed them into another system that someone that had piss him off lived in. Marka Ragnos took on entire armies of force users in hand to hand an kicked their ass. Sidious should be held in high regard for his ability to turn a situation to his advantage, but as far as "Most powerful sith" he is hardly a footnote.
Most Indie games and games from smaller devs have a tendency to be single player. It's profitable, so long as your product ends up popular. Look at Undertale.
He's still considered extremely powerful. He was stronger in the Force than Anakin at his height and remained stronger than Vader throughout.
Naga was powered by his meditation sphere and can't do it out of the bloom. if any thing that sphere was the most op shit ever
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>Sheev is pretty much the bottom of the barrel as far as force power. Excellent planner, piss poor force user.
EU Sith Lord power levels are about on par with post-Namek DBZ in terms of bullshit and consistency.
>Hardly a footnote
>Actually pulled off taking over the Galaxy
>Actually has a movie instead of just an obscure 90's comic book
>came back from the dead and could destroy entire fleets from star systems away (though admittedly in an obscure 90's comic book)
>Hardly a footnote
>Actually pulled off taking over the Galaxy
>Actually has a movie instead of just an obscure 90's comic book
>came back from the dead and could destroy entire fleets from star systems away (though admittedly in an obscure 90's comic book)
I would ask for a citation as to him being a better force user than Anakin. Being overly powerful was kind of Anakin's shtick, it's the only reason hie stayed as powerful as he was after they reduced his force powers by cyborging him up.
That's the point. Starwars is about the ancient traditions of the past. Need a powerful teacher, find an old jedi. Neeed a better teacher, find a 900 year old jedi. The point is Old Stuff>New Stuff. It's just the setting.
and I hate it
Fucking this sooooo much.

"Oh look, we need the villain to be powerful, and be a threat never before seen in Star Wars".
"Should we blow up a planet?"
"No Jenkins, we did that in IV... "
>sun shines through blinds
"Jenkins, I got it. We blow up... A STAR!"

When everyone gets buffed up to frieza, frieza loses meaning and things get retarded.
Way to prove his point there about how stupid EU sith power levels were...
The sphere was massively OP, but it does lend some clout to Yoda saying that the only limitations to the size of objects you can move is the limitations you set yourself. I figure a megalomaniac has a pretty high concept of what they can and can't do.
in a old campain the gm let us drive one of the spheres and then the campaign got so power creepd that nobody of us played star wars for 3 years
Wouldn't be worth going into deathtrap tombs full of evil possessing sith ghosts if they weren't. If you want super-powerful plot devices you have to play up the people that originally made the things. It's always going to be retardedly powerful Sith, or retardedly powerful Infinite Empire.
That Sphere once destroyed a campain i played back in 2005
Or make your own, like two Death Stars, a galaxy gun, the world devastators, and starkiller base.

The empire did just fine making techno mcguffins
Storytime, Anon?

I want my bombers and defenders please.
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I ignored /swg/'s advice to play my all-painted mercenaries list at Saturday's Imperial Assault tournament and paid the price. Instead I took a list that I thought would counter the common Bantha Rider list (AT-ST, elite Stormtroopers, 2 regular Stormtroopers, and an elite Imperial Officer).

It ended up being a very small tournament - six people. There were two Bantha Rider lists, so I was happy with how well I called the meta. But I didn't end up playing either person who brought that list. Three matches, I played everyone except the two people who brought that list.

I went 1-2. I beat a pretty generic Snow/Stormtrooper list in the first round, then lost to a Kayn Somos Stormtrooper swarm in the second round (I knew that was a terrible matchup, but I made it closer than I expected), and lost on a tiebreaker to a Luke/Leia/trooper Rebel list in the last round.

On the bright side, now I'm finished with my Imperial Officers, pic related, and ready to move on to my Royal Guard. Once I get them painted, I can run the 4x4 list that won last year's world championship (before all of the figures it used got nerfed).
We all do. Especially Ryad. I'm looking forward to flying her in an X-7.
I wanna give her Lightning Reflexes and just terrify people. Even I won't know where she'll end up
There's about half a dozen different sources from Legends stating that Palpatine is THE strongest Sith Lord in all of history. Granted, even the latest of them is from before TOR was released, but they're there.

The New Essential Chronology says "Yoda... couldn't defeat the strongest Sith Lord in all of history."

The novel Death Star says "The Emperor was completely in concert with the dark side of the Force. He was the most powerful Sith who had ever existed."

Vader: The Ultimate Guide claims Palpatine as "the most powerful Sith Lord the galaxy had ever known."

"Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure"-- The Dark Empire Sourcebook.
“[The Galactic Emperor] had succeeded where all others failed in taming the Dark Side. He would journey across the universe, spreading the shadow of his rule, blotting out the stars themselves, and taking his Dark Rule to other helpless galaxies.”-- The Dark Side Sourcebook.

The Complete Visual Dictionary says he's the greatest master of evil to use Sith power.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia says he's the only one who was powerful enough to perform vengeance on the Jedi and return the Sith to their former prominence.

TL;DR - claiming Palpatine is weaksauce is straight-up wrong.

The session today may result in my character (and most of the party) dying.

Prepare for sad-anon, /swg/.

He should die heroically though. Saving kids and whatnot.
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>46907333 ok
>be me
>be 18
>playing the d20 edition
>set during the old republic times
>we went all sith
>raiding ancient tombs of yavin
4 for sith artifacts
>as we leave the gm says
>”as you exit the tomb you see a glowing dot between jungle”
>we ran straight to it and there it was the sith meditation sphere
>one of us asked one of our holocron
about it
>the dude in the holocron
didn't know shit
>so one of us tried to drive it and that didn't work
>so we went searching for the plans for such ship
>six adventures later we finally found the holocron of naga sadow
that explained how it worked
>we get in
>the gm said that it multiplied all force powers by fifty
>one of us tried to use telekinesis
>rolled a 15
>he lifted an entire forest from the ground >one of us tried to use lighting
>rolled a 1
>the entire moon was consumed by a force storm
the gm written him self into a corner with this ship that he used the first opportunity to tpk. nobody in the group played with him anymore
Ride forever shiny and beskar anon. What's your character?
The darkside sourcebook written four years prior states that palps is shit. The problem with EU is lack of internal consistency.
Have the pre-gen character sheets from the beginner's game for Force and Destiny been added to the Mediafire yet? Last I checked they were missing. I can't be assed to look for myself just yet.

One way or another, thanks to everyone for contributing to that with all of the PDFs and shit. Y'all are the real MVPs
The only problem with Lightning Reflexes, is that it would only make a bank or hard turn into a K-turn, once. She gets green K-turns on her straight-aways... Give her a Tie mkII upgrade, and she has a whopping 14 green maneuvers, 3 white (one of which is the original K-turn), and 4 red hard-turn maneuvers... With that kind of a dial, you could go X-7 and Juke, PtL, Outmaneuver, Crackshot, Lone Wolf, Veteran Instincts (if you want an edge against PS 5, 6 and maybe 7), Opportunist, or even Ruthlesness just to keep in character...

Lightning Reflexes, and Adrenaline Rush just don't fit well with what she can do.
Anon, I QUOTED the Dark Side Sourcebook. Look again.
Make your next pc one of thosr younglings
Does anyone have a link to old EU/legends novels and the like? Looking for a copy of the Medstar Duology, in particular.
/co/ has a big collection of legends books and comics. Not sure if it's still in their generals copy pasta if it's not just ask in their /swg/
humans aren't more numerous, just more diffused,
also are more numerous in inner galaxy.

Out on the rim, non-empire humans gets way more rare.
>the majority of time spent on a video game is the multiplayer
>not posted by Bethsoft
technically, even jedi have a very similar technique.

so I'd say any dark side, but it requires a necessary threshold of competency that only masters of the Force can utilize, with most non-sith darkside users not being that proficient.
>maarek stele 35 points

Long Live the Empire.
This is EA we're talking about. It certainly holds true for most of their titles, especially since all the sports games combined fuck up the statistics.
depends on the type of game you're trying to run.

if you're in StarWars Rebels style territory, say, playing low level smugglers in the empire era, then yes absolutely. heck that's like half the episodes' plothooks, needing supplies of one kind or another, and coming up with some convoluted plan to either steal them or pay for them.

If your playing something a bit more larger scale, and well-supplied, say prequel Jedis pre-fall going on diplomatic and escort missions that somehow always go wrong, with a lot of political intrigue and plotting going on in the background, then no.rations aren't typically a thing you need to worry about.

There are exceptions of course. For instance, if you're ship broke down in the outer rim, and they won't take your republic credits, and you need to bet the rest of your ship on an anything goes backwater nascar race for the parts to repair it and also some weird slave boy you think is incredibly force sensitive and need to get him in a less dark-side inducing environment, then yeah, you might shift back down to that gritter smallchange matters style. Especially if one of your entourage does something stupid like eat directly off of a food cart while the owner watched and you don't have enough useful money to pay for the roasted frog he ate.


>Q:What do you call a pair of PS9 TIE-Defenders with action economy?
>A: I don't know but I'm getting the fuck out of here
their leaders were called
Here you go: http://www.hungry-ewok.ru/sw/all_books.htm
See, the problem with this statement is that it doesn't recognize genre differences.
An rpg is a completely different beast from the massive glut of shooters out there, and an MMO is a completely different beast from either.
Wonderful case of how statistics can say whatever you want to spin them to say.
No to mention a lot of the people who sign off on this stuff don't actually play games.

>I hear a lot of people play X. Can we make our series Y be like X? That's where the money is.
>Well X is totally different from Y, and Y has been consistently successful for yea-"
>That settles it! Let's make a new studio devoted to make a spinoff for Y that's like X! We'll invest all our money in it!

5 years later

>Ugh this new game was a complete disaster! I guess people didn't really like Y after all

>But surely we can try again with Z
>doesn't recognize genre differences
Neither do shareholders. They only see whether a video game is making a positive contribution to the bottom line. AAA shooters usually do make positive contributions, and the nature of shooters these days pretty much requires multiplayer focus to really capture any significant portion of the mass market.
And that's why indie devs end up making the most creative games.
>most creative
Eh, it's a mixed bag. In terms of raw numbers, sure, I guess the indie scene makes the highest quantity of creative games in a year. Proportionately, though, I'd say it's still roughly similar to the AAA crowd in terms of innovative gameplay. The indie market is still oversaturated with pretentious walking sims, simplistic RPGs, generic survival games, or copies of popular titles with "twists."

Here's a Bomber Aces list.
So I made a list of the minimum exp cost each specialty in the FFG games pays to get the Dedicated talent.

Uploaded https://www.dropbox.com/s/4i5h22ascycdy4y/FFG%20Star%20Wars%20Dedicated%20Cost.ods?dl=0 if anyone cares.

A few interesting things I noticed:
>Infiltrators pay the most of any career, by a siginificant margin, to get Dedicated, and it is actually cheaper for infiltrators to plow through their capstones than to dig through their melee talents
>Marauders are probably the strongest specialty that has to pay so much for Dedicated
>The AoR commander specs have the lowest average cost of picking up Dedicated
>Ace is the only career at the moment with 3 specs that have the minimum cost to reach Dedicated
>Marshal is almost as good as Gadgeteer
Could one become so powerful with the dark side that they become one with it in the sand way obi wan did the light? An angry sith ghost if you will?
Sith Ghosts are a thing, but they were more like echoes trapped in perpetual torment. The only exception is Exar Kun, who ended up trapped as a spirit after a botched Sith Alchemy ritual.
So no evil ghosts traveling the galaxy convincing Jedi to take candy from babies? Bummer.
An element of the Dark Side is trying to force your own will on the universe, so there are evil force ghosts but they are kind of the complete opposite of obi-wan's go with the flow ghost
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>Could one become so powerful with the dark side that they become one with it in the sand way
>sand way
>traveling the galaxy
A bit of a stretch. Most Sith ghosts seen in Legends were tied to a specific location such as their tomb or a Dark Side temple.
Nope. Turning to the Dark Side kinda precludes that.
Barring what are basically just evil echos, no. That's the Jedi's special move.
For the wages of sin is death, and all that
The only one so far is Darth Mar, and he is in Knights of the Fallen Empire, which I really hope isn't canon due to the Valkorion bullshit levels.
TOR isn't canon.
The only good things to come out of TOR were some designs.
I'm both horrified and curious to see how much farther TOR will go since it's legends. Fallen Empire was already pretty ridiculous
Guys, I've never played the FFG rpgs and I've only taken glances at the guide but those skill trees, those are for a particular specialization in one class yeah? You can't take points from other specializations right?
There's nothing stopping you from multi-speccing classes. I just go the idea that it costs more.

I mean, how else do you becomes a Force Sensitive Exile? You have to spec out of your current class into another to do that.

You start with one specialization from one career which you can buy talents from.

you can buy more specializations which gives you access to its talents and skills
To get a new specialization you just spend (Y*10) experience points, where Y is the number of specializations you'd have total once you add the new specialization. And then an extra 10 xp if it's an out-of-career/non-universal specialization.
Darth Mar was fantastic.
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Bumping for this post
I wouldn't have minded it being run by Ultra-Palpatine. These are the old days of power and myth.

The problem was that Vitiate was a total loser. Palpatine is fun to watch. Palpatine is clever. Palpatine had character. Vitiate was a generic demon lord.
Nope, Sith Lords can't become more powerful than they could ever imagine.
Star Wars would've been so great as a political drama about the new Emperor removing the old Jedi order because they were a political threat and remaking the Empire to modernize it..
He probably means Anakin Skywalker.

Which.means dey fugg
>as a political drama
The PT already had a shitload of political drama.
Well yes, I knew that. I was just curious what exactly that anon and his fiance did with that thing
Iirc ploo kloons version is literally powered by his hot blooded desire for justice, he's Phoenix wright screaming OBJECTION only the objection is a lightning bolt in your ass
Not really, no. According to the Wook, he was completely dispassionate and calm. He's basically just a space cop using a glorified taser.
The term would be nobledark
Well that's lame

Windy remains only hot blooded jedi
this is literally what happened
For good reason. Letting your emotions get the better of you is a good way to get yourself, your team, and the people you swore to protect killed. Anakin and Luke were hotheads early in their careers and it ended up fucking them over.
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Has anyone read Lost Stars and is it actually that good?

I'm after a new SW book but I'm not quite desperate enough to get one from the young adult section. What's the level of writing like? Does it feel like a book for teens?
It's not as good as A New Dawn, but it's better than the average nucanon book release. Way better than Aftermath or Dark Disciple, that's for sure.

Jedi Guardian. Hopefully his sacrifice will save the rest of the party. I will be fucking ripped if it doesn't at least give one hell of a sad ending to his story!


That's a good idea. I had a Politico ready for the mean time, but I will likely have a kid grow up to be the next generation of hero somehow.
A New Dawn is good? I have to say my lack of interest in Rebels meant I never paid any attention to it.
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Apparently the new SW comic came out earlier this month but I didn't hear anything. Have people here read it/is it good?
I liked it. It only has Kanan and Hera and how they meet.

but I'm just a giant whore for John Jackson Miller's stuff.

nothing special so far.

Soule is best with established characters. Poe is too flat for his comic to be interesting.
wait that beardy X-Wing pilot from TFA is the kid from Aftermath? That's a surprise.
he's been pretty garbo since he left Swamp Thing imo
Please, his Lando comic has been the best SW thing I've read in years.
That's been a thing since the Visual Dictionary.
Oh is that so? Still surprising to me either way considering how much of a bratty teen he was in Aftermath
to be fair, I haven't read that one.
without giving too much away they do interesting stuff with Lobot

If anyone has three jump masters and could send me a picture of all three of them together I'd be SUPER grateful.


>Q:What do you call a pair of PS9 TIE-Defenders with action economy?
>A: I don't know but I'm getting the fuck out of here
Star Wars Saga PSA: Don't roll for stats, use point buy or array instead.

Otherwise you end up with Fumbles the Jedi and a random-ass desert raider sharing the party with Hellwar the Doom Droid and a bothan with 18s in three stats.
I'm going to play as a sith apprentice (+retinue) in Saga, /tg/. Aside from spamming Dark Rage and browsing /pol/, how do I become as angry as possible?
Berserker-inducing combat stims?
Let your hate flow through you. Embrace what you've already have and more shall follow
Actually start giving a shit about someone, and then have that person die in a situation that's either partially your fault or that you were completely powerless to stop despite being there
>Rolling for stats

Yeah I think I learned not to do that a decade ago
Just saw a single video of X-Wing, am now addicted.

/swg/, is there a scene for this at all in Australia? If so, where do I get into it? Other than like local shops (which are quite scarce around here), is there an online community for around my country?
Imagine Rosh Pennin if he'd known about the events of KOTOR 2 and become a Kreiafag.
I've just started playing X-Wing, and so far I've got a starter set X-Wing, a B-Wing and I'm waiting for an A-Wing to arrive in the mail. I'm planning on getting Rebel Aces next, but where should I go from there? I've thought about getting a Falcon but I have a bit of a tendency to powergame and I don't want to scare off my friends. Considering more B-Wings as they are great but again I'm worried they might be difficult to play against for people brand new to the game.

I'd be very interested to know as well.
>Do you ever think the force is holding us back?
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yeah FUCK the vong, holy shit

Multiple A-wings can be fun casual setup, keep it friendly with Arvel and Tycho while still being pretty decent. Avoid K-wings and Miranda Doni specifically if you don't want people to get kinda salty. Her pilot ability plus TLT is kinda rude.

Corran Horn in his E-wing is pretty fun and can just kill stuff with his end phase double tap, then spends the next round duckin' and divin' dodging etc. The YT-2400 with Dash Rendar is a super fun ship and very very easy to use. Dash Rendar crew card is also nifty.

Rebels in general are kinda the easy modo faction with regen + high turrets in good lists and lots of well rounded stat lines. Not all of them of course- and their tournament results are actually pale right now but that's their general reputation.

B-wings handle like poop but they like being stressed anyway, just don't fall into the trap of running baby b-wings as without good piloting they're very underwhelming.

Also avoid Han solo because he's babby mode but you need to buy the Tantive/should buy it to make him obviously tournament viable- but he's still not that good anymore with the MOV rules. IE: half damage to a big ship, that player "loses" half the ships worth towards the victory count if the game goes to time.

Poe is super fun and easy to use, very flexible and a huge fuckin' pain to kill. New Core set comes with him anyway so if you have the old core set, the new one is honestly alright.

In terms of rebels, fat Ten Numb is pretty fun but isn't insane without the Han crew card from the Tantive.

Don't forget the HWK-290, thing is goofy and clunky but a great support ship and the possibility for rebels are pretty nice. Kyle can feed focuses to the team and Jan can make you roll extra reds, although you don't see Jan pretty much ever.

Y-wings are super decent and are great turret carriers for Ion bullying or TLT bullying.

Scum is the jankiest, but in my opinion the most interesting faction. Rebels is a good place to start though.
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also to double down on my advice >>46920337

B-wings aren't 'OP', or even considered that good really. They're alright ships for the points if you don't take a fat route on the expensive elite pilots- as they can be 51 points easily and HOG list space. Typically they see mostly casual play but do creep into some lists simply because the generic pilots are good filler.

Their 1 green dice really does hurt their longevity though, one of the best ways to be tanky in X-wing isn't shield or hull, but defense dice and evade/focus tokens. B-wings are mostly for fun. You'll notice that alot of the last ships on the board even in multiplayer games is often a Whisper in her phantom or a Soontir in his Interceptor, not the 999 point Firespray or the fuckhuge decimator.

The Rebel Z-95 Headhunter expansion is REALLY useful because the pilots inside it make great filler for pretty much any list that falls into the 80ish points category. Lieutenant Blount specifically has alot of utility in lists and I highly recommend picking him up if not for the casual application of his pilot ability + ordinance and guidance chips. Guidance chips do however only come the newer wave 8 scum ships so do beware of that.

If you splurge, The Ghost/VCX is actually a super solid ship but kind of a meme right now so I don't know if you want to field that. Tons of awesome cards come with it and the ship itself is kind of nutty.

Bombs if you're a bomb person, which personally I have never seen as fun or want to play with- some people love them of course; Bombs end up being a mechanic you see alot at casual tables and X-wing nights and are pretty chincy. The Sabine Wren crew card from the Ghost makes them actually kind of viable.

The K-wing, Y-wing with bomb load out and even the B-wing can hold lots of bombs. Extra munitions is a fantastic card that takes the torpedo slot and allows all secondary weapons that are ordinance to be doubled up on for only 2 points- which is kinda nuts.
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Wow, just thinking about Rosh made me angry. Thanks!
The thing with channelling your anger for a good purpose is that it's still channelling your anger. A Sith doesn't think himself to be evil, does he? As I see it, the Force doesn't really care why you're angry, only that you are, and putting anger into your Forcing will increase your connection to its Dark Side.
Ask a take away owner for a minimum wage job. Alternatively, become a cop. If that doesn't get you angry, nothing will.
I live in Sweden, we don't have a minimum wage, or jobs.

Sometimes I like to listen to people who do have jobs whinge about not being able to afford both a new cellphone and a new wardrobe every year. That makes me incredibly angry.
Using emotions at all is the Dark Side by definition. But you are right using your anger to power it is going to turn you evil pretty fast because you get blinded to everything but your own perspective and are constantly ragin Cajun. It's not exactly clear to what extent you can use positive emotions you could argue Luke used them somewhat, but for sure negative emotions are a one way ticket to Sith lord
People will always find a way to bitch. That's unfortunately human nature.
Try mine, you disable them with ion tokens on your first past, pull a white k turn the next turn to keep them in arc and slow down on their 6 because you can predict their movements and they will be stuck in that loop until dead.


That's just my list repeated back to me.

I also would consider this as an alternative: https://geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v4!s!193:27,-1,-1:33:17:;71:170,-1,-1:33:17:;163:170,-1:27:15:&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron
Shit I copied the wrong link

Stele- VI, TIEmk.2, TIE/D, Ion canon 40
Brath- adaptibility, TIEmk.2, TIE/D. Ion canon 41
Scimitar Squadron pilot- TIE shuttle, fleet officer 19
The worst part is how they kept the same mentality and learned nothing.

>"Oh look, we need the villain to be powerful, and be a threat never before seen in Star Wars".
"Should we blow up a planet?"
"No Jenkins, we did that in IV... "
>sun shines through blinds
"Jenkins, I got it. We blow up... FIVE PLANETS

The problem there is that you don't have an initiative bid, and Fel will shred you if you don't have some way getting the drop on him. It's a good idea in theory, but it also wont work on big based ships unless you have both focusing on them. So, if the guy's running 3 of them because this is what is popular right now, then you've got problems.

Damagewise, I think Tractors and Ions work out roughly the same due to the Tractors dodge dice reduction. We wont know until someone gives it an actual playtest though.
>Fel will shred you if you don't have some way getting the drop on him.

Fel will always shred you, that's why he's Fel. You gotta out fly the player, but that's the case in any defender list.

>Damagewise, I think Tractors and Ions work out roughly the same

That's not why you take ion cannons just icing on a cake, you can literally lock out a ship from the fight and predict where they are going to be every turn and are able to keep them in sight the whole time thanks to the defenders mobility

> it also wont work on big based ships unless you have both focusing on them. So, if the guy's running 3 of them because this is what is popular right now, then you've got problems.

You are gonna have problems with big guys and turrets either way, a single shot of cluster missiles isn't gonna make up the difference. If you want to arc dodge big ships, just take an interceptor or another ship with auto thrusters/boost.
You also live in a country where people have to contribute in order to survive, because you're buried under snow 6 to 8 months of the year. Most of the land isn't covered in asphalt, hence you can actually grow your own food. And even better, big fucking corporations won't sue your ass for sustainably growing crops for your family, without buying their seeds each spring (lawsuit occurs from some bullshit genome claim about their specific seed dna).

Sweden has it's own issues, but it's also got a lot of good still.
Longtime B-Wing player here. They had a hey-day for awhile due to being VERY points-efficient. People realized that for one point more than an rookie X-Wing, you get a monster with 3 more shields, barrel-roll, a cannon and system slot, an extra torp slot (was dubiously useful back then), and hard 1 turns. In short, the "4 Xs" list became "4 Bs". Usually with Advanced Sensors, Fire Controls, or a Z-95 blocker.

Now days, the B-Wing sits firmly in the role of heavy fighter, after a brief meta-changing wave where low Agility ships were penalized by Twin Laser Turret spam. And now there are Autothruster-equipped T-70s, which have considerable survivability. But B-Wings still have a place as a big, tough, heavy ordnance/cannon carrier. Plus certain pilots have really come into their own lately. Ten Numb with Mangler and Vet Instincts is a pricey Soontir Fel killer. Keyan is still a god at knife-fighting, and enjoys some new copilots like Hera. And Nera Dantels is a Proton Torpedo turret. Where they now fail is spamming them. But most ships fail at being spammed... You don't want to spam Y-Wings with TLTs anymore, nor so you spam X Wings or A Wings, or hell even T-70s have issues when spammed. Like most ships, B-Wings work best when you're taking them for a clear purpose, and often times with other ships. A-Wings and B-Wings particularly work well together, but I've also had luck with a Ys and T-70s pairing up with them.

The big meta-crasher this wave has been the Jumpmaster torpdeoe spam, with Deadeye. But after the initial shock, the list has proven to have issues with things like Palp aces, Brobots, or anything quick that can close into that delicious R1 arc.

B-Wings have their place. They're just not the go-to 22pt spammable ship they used to be. They're in a nice spot where new crew, system, cannon, and torpedo options will always benefit them.
Not the same guy, but i've barely seen two months worth of snow in two years in Sweden. It's not the snow, it's the gloomy darkness that gets you. Though it is getting warmer and more friendly for all around agriculture. Mostly the far north has that snow, and nobody does anything there anyway.
Because nobody CAN do anything when buried under snow. You're right though, southern Sweden is friendlier for agriculture, and generally gloomier.
Hey! I'm from the north of sweden... and... well... yeah nobody goes here. 'Tis a silly place.

What about what Team Covenent are thinking is going to be the next big thing: Double Ghosts?
Hur långt upp i norr bor du och är du en supercool arvidsjaur special förces jägare på din fritid? Några vettiga tabletop butiker?
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Luleå. Nix är en programmerare på g uppåt i karriären. Kan rekommerndera Boardgames4U (hette förut Iocus) i Luleå.
The problem to the Ghost is it doesn't dodge worth shit. The best you can do is give it Reinforced Deflectors to mitigate some of the damage it will receive. I don't know exactly the build TC is looking at, but it most likely is a Ghost, with a shuttle attached (Zeb), and a Lothal filling up the rest. Most likely setup I can think of is Autoblaster and Acc Corrector or Reinforced Deflector on the Ghost with the shuttle, while the Lothal has maybe the same setup, or just goes for the TLT. Regardless the setup is looking to throw down 16 hull with no agility, and fly around and/or K-turn back and forth, relying on 4 primary attack and possibly undodgeable Autoblasters when something's close. It seems good, in theory. But the only survivability will be from Reinforced Deflectors... And with MOV figuring in half-health for big ships, I can't see it curb-stomping it's way into a final-4 position. Palp Aces does well because you have to kill Soontir Fel and whoever his friend is, while Palpmobile acts as a cheap way to keep them alive from the stray attack. U-Boats front load a fuck ton of early game damage, but once they spend their load they're just a fat primary 2 turret with an X-Wing's agility. They have issues with high agility, dodgy fighters, because a miss with their torps means a loss in potential damage. I've seen first hand a cloaked Sensor Jammr Guri tank an U-Boat list and shred the fuck out of them by denying early game damage.

Double Ghost will likely be a thing, but I don't think it's going to be "meta-crashing". It wil probably do alright, but lack the MoV capability to be a top-4 list.
I like to think of it more as a blatant money grab than a collapse in internal consistency. I just don't want things to be "DRAGON BALL WARS: EPISODE VIII: MAKE GOKU (LUKE) DO IT".
Or the tenth Doctor route of "ever increasing threats". First it's a planet, then it's the solar system, then it's the galaxy, then it's the universe, then it's time itself... Ad nauseum.

Then 11 rolled around and for one shining season it was good again.
It was never going to keep it up of course, but hey, nothing ever lasts forever.
The War Doctor special was pretty awesome... It's just a shame Eckelston is so done with anything to do with Doctoe Who.
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