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I want to run a campaign in the Heroes of Might & Magic setting.

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I want to run a campaign in the Heroes of Might & Magic setting. Which system would be best?
The classic answer, but this time for real - GURPS.

Because you need to handle multitude of races, magic types, species, rather broad differences in technology and what not.
>not Reign
I was afraid of this. I've never been able to understand GURPS.
Start with GURPS Lite then.

I don't think it's the best choice DESU, unless you really, absolutely want to stat everything.

Might and Magic is a somewhat generic fantasy world setting, you could run it in just about anything,
I was just going to use Pathfinder or something, but if there's a more appropriate choice (thinking of the different magic systems and all the skills) then I'd use that.

All memes aside, Might & Magic setting and Pathfinder won't mix at all. For simple reason.
It's Might & Magic, not Absurdly Overpowered Mages.

While the option to use GURPS is also pretty extreme, why not try Savage? It should nicely cover all the bases, offer considerable game balance for everyone and it very easy to learn and play.
I guess you could run it in Pathfinder using Spheres of Power to stand in for the Vancian casting.

I don't really like 3.PF (I prefer basically any other D&D), but with a lot of third party and houseruling, it could work.

I'd use Strike! but I'm almost as bad as a GURPSfag when it comes to using my pet system with everything...
>It's Might & Magic, not Absurdly Overpowered Mages.

I mean, there's army sized fly and dimension door spells... not to mention stuff like summoning lik 90 earth elementals with a single spell and mass revives.

It's just that Might heroes also have the ability to make behemoth slaying badasses out of a dozen pikemen somehow.
Probably means Savage Worlds.
My only experience with Savage Worlds is Deadlands. I'll find a pdf and give it a shot.
Yes, the game was created with the superior asian intellect in mind from the ground up. It's going to be huge in China in the near future.
Keep in mind that there are aliens, space ships, space guns and archangels are robots and devils are aliens in this setting.
>tfw no forge faction in HOMM III
>archangels are robots
They are?
It's already one of the most popular tabletop RPGs in Singapure, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, so...
Is there any system that handles leading entire armies? Otherwise it'd be closer to the Might & Magic RPG experience.
FATE then.
I thought they were just a different flavor of alien to the devils. Like, angel/devil was two aliens who happened to be at war out in space, and that war extended down to the heroes world.
GURPS actually has an entire book dedicated to mass combat. There is even a pyramid article for using a hex based mass battle system to go with the book, similar to HoMM.
Use Heroes 3 and for the love of god don't touch anything made by ubisoft
You talk like summoning 90 earth elementals is supposed to be overpowered. Let me set you straight, it's not.
If you feel like something older, the AD&D 2e setting Birthright has 'you are king, do stuff with armies' as its whole draw.
I don't really know what the angels are. I don't know of any connection to the Ancients, who were the ones at war with the Kreegans. The Destroyer from MM8 was an anti-Kreegan robot, and Corak and Sheltem were robots, but none of them were angel-like.
>you can summon 90 earth elementals
>or you can deal 1700 damage with Implosion
Direct damage a shit when you can bless fat stacks of Titans and haste your 1k goblins across the board.
As already the other "anon" said, direct damage is shit when you can just mass-bless, mass-haste, mass-slow or whatever else mass-something.

The impact mass-haste has on combat is something no amount of direct damage can reflect. Same for mass-bless and mass-prayer

Besides - daily reminder berserk is one of THE most powerful spells, since you don't even need to fight your enemy units. They will kill each other.
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