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Thread replies: 273
Thread images: 151

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Let's start a brand-new evo game

>Open a creature in paint or whatever and give it one evolutionary adjustment at the time
>describe adjustment and upload new image
>every once in a while the environment will shake things up, some creatures will go extinct

>No silly stuff, those won't become cannon
>No 'catching up' and doing a bunch of evo's by yourself, every creature should go through multiple steps by multiple people
>Evolutions shouldn't be to drastic, but you shouldn't bitch about other players 'not being realistic' either

I'll try to make a tree and/or environment image, but all help is welcome!
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Any takers?
might be fun
What happened to the previous evo game?
any possibly of mutualism?
Posting to announce participation
Why wouldn't there be?
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are those creatures like the starting ones? I never did one of these games before and it looks fun
Yeah these are the starters, pick one out and have a go
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Many of the Klaw evolve hard spines at the sides of their bodies, to fend off predators.
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>evolves semi-trasnparant membranes which improve flotation.
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Bud evolves more advanced root structures.
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>evolves hard protrusions to move through dirt easier
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Evolves hyperdermic needle like protrusion inside tongue. To take advantage of Bud's food bubble.
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Due to moving frequently past the red crystals Gurk builds up crystal debris
Meel cap expands to absorb more sunlight
You are supposed to work from an existing creature, we've got 5 starters for a reason
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ah shit sorry didnt reallyse it wasnt official
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The klaw develops more refined pincers, enabling them to slice prey in half and defend themselves against soks.
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Klaw abdomen segments further to improve mobilitiy
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The Bud develops a waxy coating over the energy storage to better protect from predators.
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A small part of shell extends at the top. Improves steering and efficiency of wiggling.
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Groups of Meel improve their root structure, allowing them to take root near Crystals, Heat Vents or the like.
sorry bro, didn't see this one, it will be added to the tree.
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A weak flagellum evolves for the Sok to steer itself towards prey.
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Several Klaw evolve brightly colored membranes, used to swim and attract potential mates.
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Familiarity with heat vents lets it grow a sensitive skin at the the cap to detect heat. Let's it know the direction where the strongest rays of sunlight come from.
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The Bud improves it's ability for photosynthesis.
food for thought, any evo game on chemoautotroph?
Keep wanting to take part, but have no ideas on how to add.
Needle is now able to shoot further to penetrate tougher bubbles with more force. Tongue now has meaty pincers to grasp bubble better.
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The cap of the Meel curves inwards to trap oxygen and other nutrients.
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Just take one of the things, think "Hmm, what would make this shitty creature better at surviving?" Then add the downplayed version of that
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Gurk Crystalis absorbs more and more crystal materials
>Find a fun looking creature
>Think "What real life thing does this look like"
>Find a thing that makes them different
>Think of step by step mutations to make them more similar

But be careful, they shouldn't become too similar. For example, the Klaw looks somewhat like a crab, lobster, trilobite and a mantis. So if you've taken several mutations from one of these, start taking mutations from other species.

This isnt the perfect solution of course, but it's better than not knowing what to do.
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Filters near back. Filters the nutrients from the water so the fool can have a reason to swim around with an open mouth.
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klaw develop faster arms and a paralyzing venom injecting beak
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Sticky surface on mouth, allowing it to attach to it's prey as it attempts to eat.
Dog eat dog world we got here.
More like a Klaw eat Bud kinda world
Everything can eat Bud NGL. Well except for those Meels. They're kinda wimps. MeelsBadMan
anyone make a tree?
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The Klaw evolves sharp, bony protrusions on its two appendages, which are used to inflict injuries upon squishy creatures or fracture the shells of less squishy ones, by pounding them with their claws. This allows them to inject their venom more easily in the shelled creatures, and generally injure their prey more.
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Bud's leaves begin developing a special kind of chemical. When ingested, this chemical affects the brain of the creature - slowing down movement, causing redness of the eyes, and increasing appetite.
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Bud partitions off it;s storage, to not starve by just one hole
There will be extinction at one point, and I don't think chemicals that cause a larger appetite will do the plant any good.
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First (non-lethal) event!
Ohshit! I wonder what will happen to the Crystak Gurk
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klaw form a symbiosis with bud, eating from one of their storage bubbles, while bud seeds get caught in klaw's spines and are dispersed

If the plants seeds are inside that bulb and can spread through fecal matter - then it may be evolutionary advantageous to be delicious (or in this case appetite inducing). By being pooped out in different areas from the wandering of animals - it spreads. By spreading - more small adaptations are possible. I think that's how it works.
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Gaining a smaller and weaker set of pincers for shoveling food more efficiently into it's mouth
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Bud roots grow fin-like leaves, and become capable of movement.
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Tiny weak appendages to crawl along the ocean floor.
They will probably evolve, or get used to being pushed around. Future events will have more extinction-based results for creatures who don't adapt.

I'm going out a bit, if anyone wants to work on the tree, that'll be great!
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Gurk's crystal protrusions become larger, allowing it to break off more crystal matter when getting pushed around the crystals
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The meel has evolved stronger tentacles with spikes to dig into organic and non-organic material
Hole sprout from shell to support extra tongues that act as "arms" to restrain faster prey and faster ground movement. Needle much bigger and harder to take advantage of tougher prey. Bud's are now killed due to the larger needle.
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Dangling appendages to release seeds into the flowing currents of the yellow crystals.
Are you allowed to just go "Buds are kill?"
Not the species go extinct. But now instead of get some snacks from them and leaving them weakened. It's straight up drink till they die.
sheit, arms and spikes? tongue arms at that.
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The seed sacks take on a light toxic quality to prevent predators from consuming them
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Some Soks branch off from the original population, losing their teeth entirely in the process. They focus less on active predation and more on filter feeding.
Damn, im wondering who to uplift, but all of them go at a fairly even pace.
Arm's don't have spikes. That shit too expensive evolution point wise. The arms are just so they don't get pushed by currents and so they can grab fast moving prey/predator. Hopefully they can drain enough fluids to knock out predators before their shell gives up.
Then branch instead.
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Soks grow smaller, more numerous teeth
Advance them maybe? Adds dynamic to adapt to.
Toothless Soks expand their mouth openings, becoming able to filter more water.
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I'm so glad, I've been craving an evo game for a while and was about to make one.

Some buds catch the currents from yellow crystals with much larger leaves, using it to propel them through the sea, what were formerly roots now catch nutrients from detritus in the currents they ride, being slightly sticky to hold on to said detritus better.
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Here's pic, my b
Evolution isn't about uplifting, it's about adaptation. Each species needs a niche to survive in. Ask yourself what niches haven't been filled yet and start branching on of them into it.
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Two pincer Klaws begin to become more sedentary, losing their thorax and burrowing into the sediment.
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Grows appendages on all sides.
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Becomes less segmented and gains larger claws. Both promote burring in the sediment and lying in wait
Same idea as mine! (>>46522463) Yours looks better though
Hivemind much?
Naw man. It's alright. We could combine them.
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Klaws take in particles of the crystals, and use it to build their carapaces.
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Here, how's this?
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Some Two Klaw grow smaller claws, and begin to focus on extracting nutrients from soil. Their shell changes color to blend in with the soil on the bottom.
Sheit, with all these new Klaws we might need a new tree. Anyone feel machogistic and wanna make one?
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Tail evolves flippers to better propel Klaw after drifting Buds and Meels. Sail increases mobility and steering to turn faster to adapt to changing current. Head increases to lessen time eating.
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Some Gurks focus more on using the tongue for movement, causing them to widen and flatten the tongue. They still feed from the bottom, taking to feeding on Meel in particular. The smaller of these gurks will sometimes crowd on top of larger meel and feast on the top of the plant. Feast is a relative term, as they eat incredibly slowly.
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Sok mouth opening continues to expand. Soks lose flagella, allowing the swirling water to blow them around, thus saving energy.
We picking up steam boys! New branches to focus on untapped resources and the sea is a busier and more competitive place.

Hope a hero rises up and gets on that tree though.
Has anyone ever done one of these with room for more outlandish things, like fantasy monsters or pokemon?
It's evolution. Nothing is fantasy or outlandish. Even the fantasy monsters and pokemon are that way for a reason.
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STicky surface expands over body, allows it to store food whilst it floats
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Pincer Klaw adapt to the rocky coastal areas as ambush predators. Their shells become grey to allow them to blend in
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Meels evolve small spines on the cap to repel the smaller Gurks and start to take on a reddish tinge after absorbing the crystal detritus being streamed around.
Nobody has eyes fool. BTW how do eyes even come into being a thing?
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Some klaw become more herbivorious, losing their toxic venom in their proboscis, rather having venomous spines for defense. These klaw adopt a new warning coloration, and become more docile farmers of the multi-partitioned bud.
Don't you know they smell color?
I'm on it anons
Klaws have eyes, and they make up the vast majority of predatory species right now.
Your a hero.
not an hero, a hero.
Here i thought i was stepping up by working on the plant creatures... I thought you wanted one to become an actual tree.
No they don't. The things in their head are nostrills
Eh aren't those nose holes?

God speed, son.
Aw shit. Well I feel like a dope now.
I feel dumb, but I like my farming klaw colors too much to care
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Sok evolves a sticky appendage to better grasp prey, it is also coated in digestive juices to dissolve the shells of the tougher creatures.
Klaw nostrils have obviously always been able to detect the chemicals in the skins and exoskeletons of other species

We smellin colours now bois
Were you >>46522562? If so, then that makes sense, because they're using the crystals to build their shells.
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Klaws develop longer arms to grab hold of Gurks, extend the arms and rapidly bend them, using the beak to crack the shell and slurp the delicious insides.
I´m guessing he was >>46522914
Synesthesia is a thing
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the green klaw form a rudimentary light sensing organ on the top of their first dorsal plate.
while not an eye, it can sense changes in light levels, and assists this new breed of klaw in finding optimal areas to farm buds

did I do good in starting the path to eyes?
Yeah, that was me. At the very least, it should make it easier to tell our breeds apart in the thread.
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Soks develop cilia along their bodies to detect shifts in the water that are different to the usual current.
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The other guy can do the Klaws.
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After losing the need to kill prey, the spikes on the Herbi-Klaw's appendages develop cells with the purpose of detecting toxic and energetic substances in plant

Rudimentary taste is a go
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A specimen of the Proto Bud evolved a longer stalk
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Swimbuds grow bigger roots, allowing them to constrict things that try to eat them.
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buds farmed by the herbivorous klaw begin growing larger and forming communal networks due to close proximity and lack of threats
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Gurk gains a crystal exoskeleton
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Fucking FINALLY.

The Klaws were a pain in the ass. I think I got all the creatures. I'll keep it up to date and post it whenever a new event happens.
Oh shit nigger

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Gains a new pair of leafes
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Sweet thanks anon! I know it can be a pain, but that's why we need team players like you!

Now shit gets real! All creatures who don't adapt before the next event (in an hour or two maybe) can be marked as extinct!
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Due to constant crystal ingestion crystalline growths appear on the surface of some of the Meels and they begin seeking out more red crystals to absorb
I think you missed this one
I'm actually the one that made that and the brown one. I didn't realize that they were nose holes, not eyes so I intentionally left it off.
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Buds begin to exude toxins to kill roaming creatures, which drift into the ever larger nets they make, to be absorbed slowly by the roots.
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The Soks senses are heightened and the cilia become able to detect temperature changes and pollutants in the water. They also evolve rudimentary fins allowing them to have a faster turn rate in pursuit of their prey
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The Herbi-Klaws develop their symbiosis with the buds further, using the carried bud-seeds to deplete excess energy in. This decreases the temperature in the Herbi-Klaw's body, and gives the Bud a burst of growth when it eventually starts growing.
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Fear the Floatbud. New info in the description
Crystal clods grow a second pair of pincers. They being to use their yellow crystals to push the hot water away, and pull in cool water.
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Advanced stomata filter more nutrients out of the water, while making the roots degenarate over time.
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Gurk evolves a conical shell for Hydrodynamic and larger body mass. Water goes into the vents from the front to be stored inside shellt. The water is pressurized by strong muscles and pushed out from the vents at the back to propel Gurk with a burst of speed.

Constant vacuum with muscles and vents allows to cool the body with rushing water if strays too close to a hot zone.

Increased body mass allows for arms to widen and act as a wing/flipper while being able to grasp prey better.

Eyes develop to see moving heat signatures. The needle is now a drill specialized to penetrating hard exoskeleton.
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The Gurksnail develops a tougher shell and tongue, highly resistant to heat and tough enough to withstand the spines on Meel. They will often park on orange crystals and 'lick' off remains of creatures that got to close and were fried. An unfortunate side effect of the toughening is that the tongue is too rigid now to fully retract into the shell.
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Squeezebuds develop the ability to survive being dry. They haul their ass onto the land.
Seems a bit much to put in all at once
That's awesome, but that's a shitload of complexity to put in all at once.
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The floatbuds roots degenerated to such an extend, that they uproot themselfes after some time and start swimming on the surface of the primordal ocean.

That way they excape potential heatbursts and competitors on the oceanground
While no visual differences, farmer klaws develop fan-like gills on their underside that can regulate their temperature, as well as that of the colonial bud-masses
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bud web.png
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crop buds begin forming gnarled root masses, providing insulating shelter for their klaw partners
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This meel has found itself in a place that limits it's mobility and has thus gotten rid of all but 1 small tentacle. The area it is now in is also often covred in algee and has this has made so that a thin layer of algee os often covering the "cap". Thsi has made it hard for the meel to collect sunlight but it is beginning to form a symbiotic relationship with the algee. The "foot" of the Meel has also changed to match the shallow ocean floor
Did I do good, first time in an evo-game
Ye, looks nice mang
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Carapace widen. Flippers widen. Head widens.

Allows fish to glide shoot through water with extra mobility. Taking giant bites out of Bud and Meel vegetation every pass.

With ever increasing body heat. The Klaw now shoots out of the sea and into the air to cool down before gliding back to the sea.
How often am I allowed to evolve it? Can I only evolve it once?

Shit my bad. Feel free to take away some of the evolution features until it becomes decently paced.
Alright, what downtrodden species need loving?
It's generally accepted to evolve something that hasn't been evoled as much yet.

Also, it's nice to let others have a crack at your evolution. Maybe they have awesome ideas.
Exoskeleton that allows it to survive the heat of the crystals
Ok, got it!
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Meel develop large heat absorbing organs, feeding off of the head from orange crystals. They are mostly filled with water that becomes scalding hot, hotter than what the crystals emit. This acts like an extended fuel source, like a camel's hump.
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Land Bud.png
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You really should explain what physical changes take place allowing a species to adapt. Ex:

The Squeezebuds begin climbing onto land for short periods of time. Before long their pods begin to adapt to retain water. Their leaves become rounded and become H2O rich.
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Develops shovel-like appendages. Klaws burrow deep into the mud, away from the heat, only to emerge when hungry.
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The now larger upper leafes are being enriched by methane, which makes them float at the surfice directly.

The lower leafes start to become heavier filled with mineral nutrients and better water filtering abilities.
As a result of the tongue-leg being to rigid to retract, it develops to be more muscular. The shell develops sharp protrusions, which function as heat radiators, and deter predators.

Bodily secretions of the Gurksnail gradually become caustic.
Now I wonder what the next event shall be...
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Woops forgot my methan pockets in form of the purple spots
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Filterfeeder Sok changes proportions to survive the rising temperatures. The core body becomes smaller, while fins, backfilters and the edge of the mouth expand. This allows it to steer heat away from the body and into the fins, keeping the body cooler.
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Tree 2.png
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Alright, here's the latest version. I added lines to show about when each creature evolved. I believe that the current assumption now is that all creatures on here exist still, some just have evolved to be more specialized, including the most rudimentary forms.

Anything past the red line has adapted to the new environment. Anything that does not have any descendants past the red line will be going extinct whenever OP decides to call it. If you want to do any adaptations of species before the extinction finally happens, then now is the time.

I left the really complex GURK on as a place holder. If you want to edit it so that it's a little more obvious where it's evolving from, go ahead and I'll add it in.
Yaaaaay! I'm so happy it adapted!
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EVO-game Meel.png
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Now the algee Meel has found itself hard trying to form a symbotic relationship with the algee. So it has started to grow itself out, trying not to starve due to the limited sunlight it's now getting.

This Meel is now almost completely imobile as it has turned it's remaining tentacle into a seed pod of some sort, that it will burrow into the ground and snap of it's tentacle to let it grow and wander a little more before repeating the process
The whole point is to give them visual differences.

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Sok that can't beat the heat go onto land, only those with longer bodies and more refined muscles survive. Survive only due to corpes that drift to shore and Land Buds.
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Because of the water streams some Buds develope harden leaves to protect the bubble.
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A strain with in the earth hiddenbubble is better protected against predators or the waterstreams.
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Some develope filter leaves which increases the nutrition filtering.
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Yeah my bad. I'm on it.

I'll make two evolution towards the complex gurk.
Increasing temperature forces gurk to adapt a more conical shell to house larger body mass. The body mass lets the gurk to use muscles to make a vacuum for water intake into the vents to cool the temperature inside shell.

The increased body mass lets the tongue dig underground when not hunting for extra protection against the heat. Wider arms resist pull from current and predator assault while underground.
You better hurry. Your plants don't have a protection against the incomming heat.

Also you don't have to evolve all from the same. As I understand you can modify everything that is still alive
Can someone adapt the algee meel so it survives the heat. I do not want to hog it for myself
Yeah, I've got an idea
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The rooted Buds grow long stalks to get better flowing nutrition in the water and to make it harder for ground predators.
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Multiple buds have been spotted to utilize their root systems to new forms.
Up to several hundred Bud roots seem to converge and fuse together into a "root hive" formation.
This hive regulates nutrient intake and outtake from all its component plants, releasing them when needed and conserving them when not, in purple sections of the hive.
What will come of this new "hive-plant" is unknown.
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As the Floatbuds drift apon the ocean they start to grow beyond the surfice.

The lighter the plants gets by its methane pockets, the more heavy minerals are being stored in the lower leaves. They start to melt with the remnant roots as they more and more share their old function.

The bud lost it's function as a storage. This is now done by under leafs.
The buds sole purpose is now to store the methane to keep the plant upright.
I wonder if we ever get to a point where the most apex creature goes full Tyranid and ventures out to space to find more things to hunt
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Algae Meel.png
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The Algae meels begin to grow upward, creating filter baskets. This has the dual effects of increasing their surface area, allowing them to disperse heat, and create a larger area for algae to grow on.
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The gurk waits just below the sand. The only thing visible is a hint of the front tongue and a pair of eyes. It now has eyes that lets it see crude movements of heat. The eyes help it spend as little time outside the scalding heat and only sprinting forward with a burst of compressed air when there is prey in its sight.

Gurkcomplex happens when his GF breaks up with him and he deletes facebook and goes to the gym.
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Algae Meel develop immunity to Netbud venom and camouflage themselves to blend in with the Herbiklaw's crops.
Alright guys, I'm>>46524598. I gotta go, can someone else take over the tree for me? I don't have time to add everything new that people have made.
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Gurk Exo.png
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Gurk's new exoskeleton weighs it enough to let it not be so easily swept away by the tides created by the yellow crystals and provides a bit of insulation against the more dangerous orange ones.

The muscles in the gurks tongue strengthen and enlarge as a result of the extra exertion the gurk must now put forth in order to move around.
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Some Fourbuds develope the ability to store the waste-air in the buds. This enables them to glide through the water when a stream pulled it out of the soil. And roots anew if it lands back on the soil.
I just want some diversity.

And let the heat come. lol
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The bud getts encased for protection.
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The Klaw develops a filter for the nosehole to trap methane from dead Buds and some water in a pair of sacs just behind the head.

The methane lets it glide in the air for longer periods of time while the water allows it to "breathe" out of the water longer.
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The decreased roots grow into light net to catch nutrition or small larvea.
Sadly, no. These threads usually never get past primordial
The mixture of red and yellow crystal cause a chemical reaction that makes Gurks very kawaii.
But will Sempai notice her?
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The Sok's tail becomes wider and more powerful, allowing it greater control over its movements.
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The tounge developes protuberances to swim away from the heat.
Except for the "primordial" series that made it to a kind of preindustrial biopunk civilization sim.
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OP here, the event has been ended.
All creatures before this post >>46523450 are no longer alive and therefore not accessible to evolve from.

I'm loving the evolutions so far! I'm not going to be lurking for a couple of hours and I wont make the tree, but the evolving can continue! I will limit my own job here to the poster of events, the rest is mainly up to the group.

YOU, yes YOU can take up the brush tool and make the next tree!

In the meantime: what should we name our world?
>what should we name our world?

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Some Sok grow shellnubs to protect it against the heat.
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The Sok develops light and movement sensitive nubs to help it locate food.
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Other get hardened segments against the heat.
Didn't OP just say that one was extinct?

>what should we name our world?
How about Crysalis?
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Prehensile Gurk.png
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Kawaii-urk makes several new friends and evolves a prehensile tongue in order to hug them.

Filthy un-kawaii Gurks use this ability along with its enhanced muscles to grasp and potentially constrict food and prey.
In a series of unprecedented events, the mysterious red crystals shake things up, and a new creature pops into existence.
>No silly stuff, those won't become cannon
Not really, since i made them before his post was posted/visiblefor me.
That's not how the game works buddy.
That's why I included a serious version and merely added the other one as a joke.
no bully rulewhoring pls
How about the >>46526219 evolves from >>46526102

If you >>46526219 give him a nautilus shell or mouth tentacles, i will evolve him as the step before your nautilus.
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The Landbud's leaves grow thicker to protect it's water supply. It's fins move to the bottom of it's vines to become feet.
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This thread needs to become recurring. This is fun and I can't wait to evolve this new world.

Good night and don't forget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMjQ3hA9mEA
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vision klaw.png
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The klaw and the colonial bud continue to form symbiosis, with the klaw's light sensing organ developing into a blurry eye that can see in black and white. This new vision gives it the ability to sculpt the web-roots into more complex designs. The poison secreted by the bud-systems has also been absorbed by the klaw, and makes the toxin in its spines more potent.
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In an amazing feat of chance, a Bud took root inside a cracked Orange Crystal. Though the future of this species is uncertain, through successive generations a colony has been born adapted to the super heat within the crystal
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this is best i could draw at such notice
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The crystals forms leglike tentacles.
The Sok's membranes becomes thicker and more developed, giving them even more powerful navigation ability.
It's not rulewhoring, you're literally going against the purpose of the game. And that while you have so many different options to evolve from.
Ok, this is fine.
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Come on bro. I Just evolved to get away from the hot ass fuck water. Now you gotta heat up my air too? Fine.

Glaw evolves a longer and wider body since there is less pressure on it as it stays away from the deeper ocean. Extra sets of fins sprout from the side to catch more wind. With the extra surface area and heated air. It is now able to catch thermal winds to fly ever higher and longer than before. Cooling itself at higher altitudes.

Using the altitude to dive deeper in the ocean for Buds and Meels and using the sails to turn sharply in both air and water alike.
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EVO klaw.png
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small, segmented spines with a large degree of muscle control form on the klaw's claws, giving it greater dexterity in order to form burrows within the root systems of the expanding bud colonies, safe within the cloud of toxins that few other creatures can penetrate
The Hive will rise!
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The fin enlarges.
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d6)

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The Sok's sensory nubs become simple eyes.
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The heat-crystal thriving Bud's toxicity has totally disappeared and buds became extra soft and nutrient rich, filled with hundreds of tiny highly durable seeds. Though a thriving colony lives under the crystal's surface channeling the thermal energy to drive complex metabolic processes at no calory cost to the organism, Bud's stems extend far out of the hot-to-the-touch crystal dangle their bud's tantalizingly too passing-by predators. The feeders will digest the nutrient rich bud and disperse the seeds as they feed on other crystals, thus spreading the organism. This once lonely colonized Bud has now sparsely spread all over the ocean.
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Crystalines Sok.png
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That perfect.

And the cystaline sok evolves mouth tentacles to propel it through the water.
Burrowing Klaws manage to dig themselves onto the land.
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the root hive clusters have strange effects on their inhabitants, the klaw
fertility of the inhabitants kicks into overdrive, spawning countless new klaw, all dependant on the bud-hives for food and shelter, while the klaw plant patches of bud-hive over swathes of new territory to accommodate the burrows for their new numbers
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The head shell increases
How big are these creatures in regards to say, an average human?
Judging by their file size,
I'd say pretty small.
Is anyone on a new tree?
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The eyes are more developed and are now better at seeing the changes of heat in the water and differentiating water from prey.

The tail vents elongate. Increasing the amount of water to propel the gurk to with a faster burst of speed. There is less time for prey to react to an ambush and the strike range is increased.
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The second pair of pinchers grow sails to increase the water/heat exchange
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Tree 3.png
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Jesus Christ, I can't believe that not a single one of you lazy niggers bothered making a tree while I was gone. Here you are.

This shows all extinct forms, and anything that managed to evolve from them. Beginning Fresh Chart...
Thanks for the chart Anon. And I was hoping the Algee Meel I started would grow into a tree-ish thing at some point so we just have to give it time.

Also have some relaxing music fitting for this thread:
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The pinchers arms enlagre to grab prey better.
The bud-hive use their clusters to secrete chemicals, influencing their klaw residents. When in danger, the hive secretes chemicals that cause aggression in the klaw, when the hive is ready to drop seeds, it secretes its chemical that triggers an artificial mating season in the klaw as described above. Herbiklaw and Hive Bud are now symbiotic to the point of requiring the other species to survive.
I remember that game.
It was my first ever game disappointment...
Bud Ships and Klaw Tyrants when?
Once we hit sapience.
I'll see your Spore, and raise you a Pikmin.
Excellent choice. I fucking loved that game. It broke my heart that they never made a true sequel...

Also: Everyone, please make sure that you're replying to the form you're evolving from. It makes treekeeping much less of a headache.
>herbiklaw and hivebud become one organism like the man o' war, essentially forming different organs
>continue to acquire new "organs"
>form a giant super-organism with multiple species making it up
make it happen, I unfortunately have to leave
With the Crawlbuds and Burrowing Klaws, these guys are gonna need something to compete. Who's got ideas?
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develops sticky spines on dangling appendages that can catch and slowly digest passing nutrients and corpses of dead creatures.
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Some Gurks evolve into streamline body.
Using the needle to impale or crack into shells of prey.

I made him a little bit more primitive since he seems to be too evolved in an instant.
all hail our new hive overlords!
guy who originally made the farm klaw here
interesting turn of events, mind control plant that forces creatures to take care of it
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The Meel soaks itself with water and manages to achieve buoyancy and floats around grabbing and ensnaring things with its' legs
I really want to make those dangling things eyes, but the jump from seeds to eyes kind of defies all logic. I just like the design.
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2 Tree 1.png
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Wew! Alright, here it is. This is the new generation. As you can see, there's a ton of untapped biodiversity here. Get crackin!

I separated the creatures based on their environment. More snok love plz?

Finally, please make sure that you're replying to the creature that you're evolving from. It makes things a lot simpler for me to keep track of all the different forms.
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I feel like I've seen these in all the evo threads.
Floaty plant bubbles and hivemind plants.
meant this
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Specialized roots form, allowing patches of the hive system to crawl across the floor of the sea, giving colonies more mobility than just klaw inhabitants planting new patches. The search for nutrients and new inhabitants begins!
If you're an artfag, feel completely free to redraw these, as I am a shit, even in paint.
I thought half of the fun was in seeing the shitty drawings paired with detailed and impressively well-thought ideas.
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Some other Gurksnail developes a bigger shell as protection.
Yes, they are some common evotions.
Image limit. GG boys.
new thread coming up, give me a sec
Thread posts: 273
Thread images: 151

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