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Dragon Ball Machine Mutant Quest

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Hello and welcome to Machine Mutant Quest!

The gist:

>You are one of two robotic organisms, thrown at Earth starting in early Dragon Ball by your "Creator"

>"Canon" has already taken a sharp turn from the "norm," as you'll readily see, and can take even sharper turns depending on the thread's action/dialogue choices and ideas

>Stats and dice mechanics will be used, and explained when needed as the quest progresses

>Let's all try to have some fun, ok?
I'm game.
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Mount Paozu. Thousands of miles from the world's giant capital city, far away from civilization of any sort. A remote place where fierce creatures rule and normal humans dare not tread. Sadly, you and your brother weren't told that when the creator had you deposited here. Now you're both stranded in the wilderness, with only the phrases "kill the dirty space monkey," "grow up to be blue," and "despise me forever" to go by, courtesy of Dad.

Dad is kind of an asshole, in retrospect.

You sigh and turn to your brother, lamenting your lot in life. And your lack of direction. "Conclusion: We're lost."

"Rebuttal: We're not lost! We just... need to find landmarks! Or something..." he tries to reassure you. Unconvincingly. He focuses his cybernetic eyes to get a better view of the area. This planet's star has not finished rising, so it is fairly early in the morning, you both estimate.

"Entrenchment: Brobot, I'm pretty sure dad's abandoned us here. We are going to live out the rest of our days on some backwater planet. Which might not be long if what he said was true..." you grumble as you play Bemineraled in the corner of your HUD.

"Pleading: Aw come on! He wouldn- okay yeah, he probably did," your brother concedes.

This sucks. Fuck you, Dr. Myuu. Discarding the two of you because you are no longer useful for his war against the meatbags. Oh, you shall show him just how useful you are when it comes to killing meatbags...

But, first thing's first, what were your names again?

>write-in something, why don't you
>Apple Girlington and Window Boy
Threepio and Artoo
BRB and K-N
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Okay, I thought it over for a bit, and decided on two totally original names:
Rock 'n' Roll, our brother of course being Roll.

>Apple Girlington and Window Boy
>Threepio and Artoo
>BRB and K-N
>Rock 'n' Roll
Threepio and Artoo
>Apple Girlington and Window Boy
>Threepio and Artoo
Become drunk space lizard

Rampage drive skybreaker

Waifu the Bloomers

Reunite Goturtle with his estranged father Barturtle

Be the little girl
>Rock 'n' Roll
DBZ names are ALWAYS puns.
>Rock 'n' Roll
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>Artoo and Threepio
>Rock 'n' Roll



As you ponder over what your name was and what it should be, your sibling asks, "Doubtful Question: Well sis, any bright ideas?"

Bright ideas. Right. Well, it's still relatively early. Maybe you could-


Huh. That certainly sounds like a humanoid in danger. And it's not alone, there're loud footsteps chasing after it, headed your way.

>A. Check for Power Levels before doing anything
>B. Cautiously investigate the situation
Our handsome robot body is the envy of all meatbags. She will fall to our charms.
This. Mom never let us.
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>Our handsome robot body
Here's a reference for our current standards of beauty and handsomitude among humanoids.
here, changing my vote to >>46397422
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Roll me 3d20 to seduce, best of three. Roll high.
Rolled 6, 20, 3 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

I got this.
Rolled 18, 6, 7 = 31 (3d20)

Woo first meatbag to join our meatbag harem.
Apparently not.
Rolled 9, 9, 15 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 20, 15 = 40 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 12, 13 = 40 (3d20)

>18, 20, 15
Pretty good, but... well, you'll see.
Rolled 6, 18, 18 = 42 (3d20)

Did we seduce the brobot too?

Rolling to seduce brobot.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Oh, you don't need to do that.

Also, cuz y'all are mean to me,
>1 = Artoo and Threepio
>2 = Rock 'n' Roll
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"Declaration: There are meatbags approaching! I will seduce them into lowering their guards for later purging."

"Confusion: Wait, what? Sis, hold on for a-"

No time for waiting, you rush from the hill you've been standing on and follow the screams and footsteps. Not long before you see a large, purple reptile chasing a-

Another reptile? It resembles a reptile at any rate, blue, peach and pink colored.

While you are examining its physical characteristics, the creature sees you, and shrieks, "HEEEEEEAAALLLLPPP!"

You leap into action, pulling the little girl aside as the reptile almost chomps down on her. Before the girl can form much a reaction, you bound away while performing the universally recognized princess carry, and set her down gently.

"-second," your brother finishes with a look of plain disbelief on his face. "Acquiescence: Okay, so if you are going to seduce your way through all this, mayhap you should do that thing you can do with this Earthling right here to seduce the other Earthling?"

While Brobot talks on and on, you smile and giggle at the somewhat... cute girl. She looks at you with wonderment in her eyes, but is still hyperventilating from shock. Perhaps you could do something to calm down her nerves...

>Initiating ZUKYUN.exe

You press your cold lips against her surprisingly warm ones, and invade with your tongue that has over 300 confirmed wins in battling for dominance. She is defenseless against your attack, paralyzed from surprise, and the other thing you can do with your tongue, face, and body. While she moans in pleasure from the sensation that is spreading through her body, little is she aware of what exactly the cause of that is.

You meld into her body, and assume direct control. Huh, that time, the host did not even attempt to resist. You must be getting better at this! Anywho, your special ability is melding into meatbags and taking control of their nervous system. This was deemed useless since it relied on meatbags.
Acquire more earthling women. They fall to your charms quite easily.
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Hmm, this body feels weird. You briefly wonder why the scaling on your chest feels a little constricting. Time to molt, perhaps? Your brother pokes and prods at your new belly and posterior, scanning its structural whatsamawhosit and the like, most probably.

Finally, he says, "Hypothesis: If you raise and gyrate the posterior at what I presume is the leg-heavy male of the species, then that should induct mating protocol."

"Affirmative: WILL DO!" you shout as you somersault back down the hill at neck-snapping speeds.

Now, this should be simple enough, just gotta... oh, the cape is in the way. Shucking it to the side, you bend over and look back at the dinosaur cutely and demurely, only to find that it is a lot closer than it appeared and


>Oh damn, the MC just got et, who to play as?

>boy now
>gurl still
>gurl still
Punch out of dinosaur's mouth.
Then explore the Earthling's body. Gently. Carefully. She is the first specimen you have, can't afford too much damage. Need to keep safe for later study. Vigorous, intense, sensual study. With multiple Earthling women.
Okay, roll 1d20, best of three for rock'em sock'ems!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

All right.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

woot we pass I think

now time to collect more Earth women!
Little did the dinosaur know that it only held a Power Level of 8 and the girl a Power Level 13, even before you went and melded with her, effectively giving her steel skin. You punch its jaw wide and several teeth out of its mouth, and the poor thing trips and stumbles from the pain. You tumble out of its mouth, and see that it is no longer conscious. Your brother comes down from atop the hill to examine the downed creature, poking and prodding at nostrils, fangs, and dat tail, mmph.

A moment later, he puts his hands together, and with a bright flash, they are formed into metallic jaws, identical to the dinosaur's own.

Your brother has the ability to mimic any gadget or device he scans, provided he has the material and energy to do so. This ability was deemed useless since Dr. Myuu could have several lines of inherently superior robots made that had no need of mimicry.

"Question: What should we do now? Shall we purge this planet of the useless flesh, or enslave it to benefit our own power? And also, which way we headed? Upways, Sunways, Darkways, or Downways?"

>cute girls

>cute girls
lewdbot activated
>cute girls
>cute girls

OP if we're a machine mutant does that me we could be able to create robot futa penis?
We could also create laser guns or something cool.
Yes but robot futa penis for satisfying all the Earth women and ensuring our conquest of the planet.
>cute girls
>The direction where cute blue-haired, blonde-haired, red-haired, or purple-haired girls are
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"Desire: Some of these meatbags possess meatbags. I wish to inquire further into this anomaly. For data purposes. Yes."

Your brother nods his head, and clears his vocal projector, saying "Agreement: I am also interested in see what booty this world has to offer us before we decide."

The two of you head off on some sort of western-ward journey of sorts, and come upon a forest of mushrooms. You have memories of the one forest left on M-2, all of them lackluster, but... Hmm, the size and shape of these mushrooms... For some reason, they fill you with- beepbeepbeepbeep.

"Statement: There is a lifeform ahead. How should we approach this?" your brother asks.

"Derogatory: Tsk tsk tsk," you reply. Common flaw with his model, no initiative, all observation.

>Call out to whatever it is
>Hop on the mushrooms, could be fun, eh
>Lament that you don't have any ray guns
>Hop on the mushrooms, could be fun, eh
>Seduce if Earthling female
>Hop on her mushrooms
Females have mushrooms?
Let's investigate if they do on this planet!
Does Earth have hairy jungles down south? Ho-ho, yeah!
Acquire Earthling females

"Huh!?" the creature grunts in surprise. "How'd you know I was... Nevermind that, just know that I am no female, but the great Bear Thief of Diablo Pass! Why is it called Diablo Pass you might ask? Well all the mushrooms here grew from the remains of a great battle, where these green guys blah blah blah..."

You pay what was supposedly an intimidating speech all of 5 nanoseconds before bounding up onto the top of a mushroom, your brother following you, it being his defining personality trait. To your surprise, the two of you ricochet off of the treetop, the material being surprisingly rubbery. Brobot, of course, scans it for structural makeup, telling you to quiet down your "Exultation: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"s.

However, as you near the end of the forest, you come down and land flat on your face in desert. You try to get back up, but you find that your body cannot even move. You have exhausted your host's reserves of strength.

Wat do?
>"Pleading: Brobot, carry me!"
>Abandon her. "Impersonal: Psssh... Nothin' personnel, kid."
>"Command: Go find some water, brobot."
Suggestion: We should seek further Earthling females. For "conquest." Yes.
I am with this anon. We should find one with blue hair.

Or purple hair.

Or at the very least one that is adept at technology.

Maybe all of the above.
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Are you going to decide out what you're doing with the current host that has passed out?
Regain reserves of strength by thinking of all the cute Earthling females out there. Then locate proper meal. Then find Earthling females.
I'm sure on some planet that may work, but your weak link is: This is Earth.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

What if we REALLY believe in it?
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Pic related.

Why not just order Brobot to do all those things?

Also, I might kill Chi-chi off, I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but it probably will.
What's a chichi
I dunno, something to do with cow udders. Fuckin' japanese and shit.
So you wanna take a nap between a desert and a forest built on decay?
What fuels this, OP?

Salt, or the Foolishness?
I just wanted a goddamn evil version of Tuffle Quest only to have people bringing their lewdness into things, and frankly it's rustling my jimmy-jams.
>"Pleading: Brobot, carry me!"
>Abandon her. "Impersonal: Psssh... Nothin' personnel, kid."
>"Command: Go find some water, brobot."
>"Pleading: Brobot, carry me!"
>"Pleading: Brobot, carry me!"
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Sorry, had to go walk my dog.

You flip over and rest a hand on the girl's forehead. "Intensive Pleading: Brobot, I am afraid I cannot continue any further. If I do, this host's body will give out, and our studies will cease until we may find a new one. You will have to carry me!"

"Conditional Agreement: Hop out of the body, you're walkin'."

"Outrage: Oh, c'mon!" you say as you pull yourself up out of the now-sleeping girl.

"Threatening: You wish to carry this girl in my stead?" Shit, your brobot may be a directionless bystander, but he always has a way of seeing a situation when you try to pull one over on him.

"Surrender: Oh, you're no fun," you grumble as you cross your arms and pout.

"Suggestion: Come on, we can beat the heat if we make good time across this desert."

And then fucking Sandworms ate everybody and they died, or something like that could happen, ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF MACHINE MUTANT QUEST.

>You have leveled up your melding ability! You can now push your host's body to its physical limits.
You seem salty, OP. Will there be more, or was this an April Fools thing?
They say that salt can ward off bad luck.
Well you tried, OP. But you should have expected /tg/ to make things end up this way.
Well, I guess I'll try to keep up the current train of getting a harem of all the Dragon Ball girls for these weird alien robots or whatever, provided they don't all get eaten by Sandworms. Sorry about maybe like, uh, five updates? Endurance has never really been my strong suit.
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