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/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General

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>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove, contains all official 5e stuff:

>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:

>/tg/ Character Sheet

What are the best and worst classes to play in Curse of Strahd?
>/5eg/ Discord server
I would argue GOO Warlock from a flavor standpoint because it's not that kind of horror and Ranger from a mechanical standpoint for worst classes.
Reading AD&D Ravenloft, do you think it would be fun to have the "Power's Check" in the 5e CoS?
Can you elaborate? I have heard this mentioned in regards to Death House and making a sacrifice, but I don't know what it is or how it works.

This damn thing kills all discussion here.

Then go in there and discuss.
/5eg/ seems to be the same amount of discussion to shitposting it's always been.
Well, whenever the PC purposefully does an evil act or aligns with evil forces they (or DM) roll a percentile dice.

On 100 (or 95-100 for truly heinous acts), they attract the attention of the dark powers. There are 6 Stages and at each stage the PC gets a Reward from the Dark Powers but also a Punishment. At the 6th Stage they become a Dark Lord of their own land and become an NPC

In CoS, at the Amber Temple, the PCs can choose to enter into pacts with certain Dark Powers and gain rewards and punishments, but I like the more global and gradual effect of the Powers Check

Too lazy anon. Too lazy.
Alright I have a question regarding the Amber Temple in CoS. I know one of my players will do this if it is possible, and I'm fine with it if the rules allow it, but, Can someone make pacts with multiple, or ALL, of the Vesitges trapped in the sarcophagi?
What would you think of Invocations for specific pacts?
>Undying warlocks get access to Animate Dead 1/short rest
>Fiend warlocks get the Old Black Magic spells 1/day
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This month's survey is up: http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/dd-survey-march-2016

>At this stage, we’ve begun considering what the first, major mechanical expansion to the game might look like.

What do you expect to see in such an expansion? What do you *want* to see? Will splat hounds continue to be piss babies over 5e's "lack of options" no matter what we get?
Thanks guys.

The first session is going to be generic "meet in a bar" into a kidnapping rescue against cultists using bandits as a front kinda scenario. I've fleshed the surrounding world out to some level too in case the players want to go exploring before taking the plot hook so It won't be railroaded massively and I've taken steps to avoid the other stuff mentioned so I should be good to go I guess. I know i'm asking a lot but if there's any further recommendations you guys have I'd appreciate it. I'm really excited for getting this rolling and don't want to fuck it up.
It doesn't say you can't, but it's impossible to both be a vampire and a lich.
Open to the idea, but let's be honest:
The Old Black Magic spells are awful.
That sounds like it could be fun, if a little difficult to balance. Expands the versatility of the lock without having to actually expand the base spell list or the expanded spell lists of the patrons.
I didn't think of those two conflicting, though it makes sense. As for the rest, I guess at least one of my players is bound to become an eldritch abomination who sold his soul to multiple malevolent entities. Sick.
Shadow demon is worth it.
You become an NPC under the control of the DM for like all of those though, right? Are you letting them retain control? Usually this question answers itself in the form of "well they aren't pcs anymore so they wouldn't make the silly decision"
OBM spells are actually quite powerful, but risky. If you're a conjuration wizard, dropping a 8th-level Conjure Lesser Demon gives you 32 minions who all get +30 hp.
Glad to know someone else likes the idea!
>What do you expect to see in such an expansion?
Prestige classes, a rebuilt Ranger, full rules for the mystic
>What do you *want* to see?
Expanded naval/siege rules, more Warlock invocations, an absence of the fucking Satire bard.
Will splat hounds continue to be piss babies over 5e's "lack of options" no matter what we get?
Of course.
They can get the Dark Gift from as many vestiges as they want, but all punishments are cumulative and they need to make a DC 12 CHA save every time or they become evil NPCs
>Prestige classes
They shelved the idea for the foreseeable future. Iirc it was like a 60/40 split with the majority not liking the idea of prestige classes in 5e at all.
I didn't say they weren't worth it or powerful.

My group didn't find them interesting. I ended up giving them back their spell choices.
>What do you *want* to see?
Mystic and a well-done prestige class could be cool too.
How about some fucking attention to Ranger
I'm more than a little relieved by this.
Ah, okay.
I normally play wizards so I just collect every spell I can.
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What're your opinions on allowing Warlocks to automatically gain the spells in their expanded list, similar to the Cleric's domain spells or the Druid's circle spells?
It's a big buff to a class whose greatest weakness is their lack of versatility. I'd force them to give up armor and weapon proficiencies, and maybe drop to a d6 hit dice.
>making bladelock even more useless
Shiggy diggy.
Don't be a cunt
My fix for Warlocks
>automatically learn language associated with patron
>automatically learn spells from expanded list
>invocation spells are 1/rest instead of using a spell slot
More archetypes
Alright, sorry about that. Warlock already seemed quite strong, and I wasn't sure how to add this feature in a balanced way. Sorry for the That Guy moment.
Any advice for players who have Monty Haul DM's?

My DM's is usually pretty great, but he has a glaring weakness for players doing anything that either fleshes out his world or rule of cool. Unfortunately, what this means is that players can get magic items at level 2 or 3 by killing magical beasts and skinning them, or by pandering to a few of his favorite tropes when crafting an item.
An example of this is allowing us to skin a Blink Dog and make armor or cloaks out of it and gain it's abilities. He'd probably let you get away with some game-breaking shit like auto-flanking attacks or ranged melee strikes if you'd fluff it enough, such as adding Blink Dog leather and running it along your sword's blade, or making the bowstring of a bow out of it's intestines.
He claims this will all be balanced out with harder bosses, but we've steamrolled everything thrown at us so far and I'm honestly a bit worried that this is going to be the trend.

I'm always a fan of making classes more appealing for players. I like seeing my players get stoked to play something.
Is this a good way to progress as a Battle Master? Race is Minotaur from Warterborne Races. I'm going for the Polearm+Sentinal thing. The other two party members are a rogue and some other fighting type character that I forget.

Maneuvers at 3rd lvl:
-Precision attack (honestly not super against swapping this for something else.)
-Distracting Strike (for allies)
-Evastive Footwork (For when I face a boss and think I'll need some extra ac)
-Goading Attack (for allies)

4th lvl feat: Martial Adept (to give me those above two maneuvers and extra dice and shit)

6th lvl feat: Sentinal

Maneuvers at 7th lvl:
-Trip Attack (for allies benefit)
-Rally (for healing purposes. No cleric, its also a dark sun setting so magic is Bad Mmkay)

8th lvl feat: Polearm Master

Maneuvers at 10th lvl:
-Commander's Strike (To help rogue when he comes into his own)
-Pushing attack (Might be able to cheese this with the 'cant com towards me, cant disengage' combo of menacing att later.)

12th lvl feat: Great Wep Master

Maneuvers at 15th lvl:
-Sweeping Attack (probably a lot of hordes at that point, knowing my dm)
-Menacing att (went with this last because being scary makes more sense at higher levels)

Probably gonna dump into attributes after that or get Tough.

Thinking MAYBE I should swap rally with precision attack, or put pushing attack and menacing attack closer together.
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I'd recommend asking him to grab monsters from Fifth Edition Foes (in the link below), with special attention to cadavers, fen witches, witch grass, spectral trolls, and slithering trackers. All of these are low-CR monsters with incredibly potent tricks up their sleeves.

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Dude... it's like you're looking into my future. You just described my downfall as a DM.
So warlocks are weak? Huh, must have misread the class quite a lot. Then I'll probably just let them auto-know patron spells and languages associated with patron.

That'd be Sylvan for Fey, Deep Speech for GOO, Abyssal and/or Infernal for Fiend, Celestial for Undying Light, and... what do Undying patrons speak? Draconic, maybe? It's popular among magi...
It says they have to make Cha saves or turn evil, and then the evil character may become a NPC at the DM's discretion. I'd be in favor of letting them keep the character.
You don't really need Martial Adept that much. You're going to want to raise your Strength to 18 or 20 at least.
You could let Undying choose any language
I'm going to let them maintain control (unless lich or vampire) UNLESS they fail like 2-3
Precision attack can be good for when you really need an attack to hit, great with GWM so you can get the extra damage more reliably.

Goading is pretty much just a worse version of Menacing.

Distracting gives advantage once, while tripping gives advantage to any melee attacks until it stands back up, including any of your own attacks which you'll have quite a few of.

Dunno how well no ASIs until past level 12 will go, having a decent strength score is pretty important for just hitting people competently.
Makes sense, as it's already the weakest patron.
Biggest problem is convincing him to use them though, or just getting him to raise the encounter difficulty. He sent a CR4 monster against a party of 8 Level 2s and expected it to be a challenge.

To get an even better idea of how far my DM will go if you make an interesting idea, he was willing to let me home brew an entire alternate magic system (based of Wuxia movies) that only my character would know, because he liked my character concept that much. All I had to do was pitch the spells to him before adding them to my spell sheet.
What class/archtype would you guys reccoment for a single hand blade user with a repeater crossbow secondary weapon? We are treating the repeater as a normal crossbow with more shots between reloads and slightly reduced damage.
Assassin Rogue.
Swashbuckler Rogue multiclassing with Battlemaster fighter. Take the Crossbow master feat.
Duelist Fighter
Has anyone run Suits of the Mists? It's an Adventurer's Leave module. I'm considering running it, or parts of it, as an intro to CoS for my group to give them a level or two before theu get into things.
Has he read the encounter building section in the DMG?

Different anon here, do you think this is feasible to pull off as a Palidin?
I want to see an Advanced Faggotry Handbook with character options like undead races, classes and archetypes that revolve around having minions (beastmaster rangers, summoners, necromancers, enchanters). I want to see options that give some kind of mechanical benefit to heterochromia and having a literal fairy godmother. And a character archetype that revolves around self-cutting.
You could, but you're giving up a lot by not going two-handed.
You can sneak attack and/or use maneuvers at range. You can't do that with smites, son.
I'd assume so. Like I said earlier, he's claiming that this is just the training wheels and shit is going to get intense later on, but when one of our characters just got a magic bracer that allows him to teleport his arrows after they've been shot (from the aforementioned blink dog), I'm worried about how much a difficulty spike can fix that.
I mean, that's the type of item that lasts an entire game. There's no point in any universe when that will not be useful, and that was from the first magical beast we've encountered.

It's like the 3.5 Druid problem all over again. Any special ways he has of countering those items will just be slaughtered and stolen to make more powerful items.
It doesn't break anything at all, and warlocks need a few more advantages.

They tend to suck in total castable spells too, without a truly unreasonable amount of short rests.
>What do you want?
Full release of the Mystic class.
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Bladelock fiddling guy here with "v2"
We did more fiddling, please report concerns.
Just give Bladelock an Invocation like the Eldritch Knights War Magic
>mirror fighters four attacks as a cantrip that scales regardless of class
Way to not address the problem and create a new one. And if you really wanted a pact of the blade cantrip, it should allow you to take EB too.
Great, now I can make a 1 level dip into Warlock in order to get a Fighter's level features. There's no way this will be bad.
please actually read it before commenting

There's also the unwritten (but implied) assumption that ES is only attainable by picking the Pact, as it doesn't mention adding it to lock's spell list any way other than taking the pact.
"Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature"
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>10 War Cleric
>5 Vengeance Paladin
>5 War Cleric
>9th lvl spell slots
>3 attacks
>8th lvl cleric spells
>Find Steed
>Misty Step
>Vow of Enmity

Why is this a bad idea?
Yeah, I'll add that to the cantrip.
Wew, level 3 then. Great, I'll get the rest of the good shit from the horrifingly-frontloaded Warlock Class, then slide outta there in time to not miss any of the best shit from other classes.
Why aren't you taking EB? It does more damage at that level and only requires level 2 for maximum effectivity, and doesn't require you to use CHA.
I mean bard trading Full Casting for a greater array of non-spellcasting class abilities (maybe a bit of rogue or BM stuff with new songs), that said on a RP level, I tend to be very sparing of my spell slots whenever I play a bard, which comes in handy when we really need those spells and our "smart" caster players blew half of them on a single orc.

Maybe I'm just jealous of panache
Ok fine, I'll grant you it's only three attacks and you need to reach 3rd instead of just 1st. But it's still too much for too little, the pallock is even more ridiculous this way.

How about a later game invocation that allows an extra attack with a pact weapon per round, similar to haste?
>and doesn't require you to use CHA.
scratch that, that's wrong. wasn't thinking.
So is a Dex-Barbarian a viable thing to do?
Im thinking of playing a Barb 8 / Rogue X
Dex based attacks don't get the rage damage bonus, so it's largely pointless. You can go rogue-barbarian but it needs to be strength based, wielding rapiers.
how do you guys feel about the eldritch knight?

solid class? pointless? kinda want to make one
>What do you expect to see in such an expansion?

Warlord , Psion/Mystic, and Totemist as base classes. Maybe a Summoner, too, since the beast conjuring playstyle is one of the things 5e just isn't doing well.

BIG push for more archetypes for the classes that got shafted, since it's absurd that most get two while the Wizard currently has ten. Get every class up to a minimum of four archetypes (counting PHB ones, of course). Add support for all archetypes (more totems, maneuvers, metamagic, etc).

Give every class of weapon a feat, just like Polearm Master.

Round out the elemental selection in spells so that things like Acid Dragon Sorcerors don't suck so much. Also, try to focus more on INT, STR, and CHA saves rather than making everything about the big three.
I know that rage damage doesnt get added.
Does the huge defense boost out way to damage loss?
Is thieves tools and a reliable skill monkey the only reason to have a rogue in the party? Outside of autocrit surprise, their damage output is awful
I find that spells rarely come up unless I want to lightning lash to get an enemy off a squishy, or to cast shield; but I'm only level 6
If you really want to stick to dex, just go for three levels barb for reckless attack to get sneak attack anytime and bear totem so rage actually does something useful.

Basically, but other classes aren't going to quite match the skill monkeying and only a bard will get you expertise.
I think at level 7 you get war magic or something where you can cast a cantrip then also attack
Considering the only skill monkeys that approach Rogue are Bard (one skill less, no thieves' kit, expertise) and Ranger (one skill less, has another mildly useful kit instead of thieves' tools, no expertise), it's not like a skill monkey is worthless.

Spells that imitate skills are extremely limited.
Reason I was asking was because I wanted to roll a Vengence Palidin, hoping I could pull off an inquisitor-style character :(
Just do a paladin with some appropriate skills, you don't need to be a rogue.
Also, Rogues are the only ones who can get Expertise in thieves' tools. Bards cannot take it even if they have the proficiency.
I'm not trying to go for Rogue, just thought building a pistol+sword wielding character sounded cool after reading about Oath of Vengeance

Also this is my first time building a 5e character
Tower's still white, Anon.
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Rate and hate Powers Check for CoS 5e
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spells to steal as a valor bard?
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Bladelock V3 fiddling.
Changes: Ripped out some of the progression in the Cantrip, put it into an invocation. Unfortunately this now needs 2 invocations to be about damage on-par with Eldritch Bolt, but at least you have a slight push? And people can't dip 3 levels and get a bunch.

Making an invo for war magic is decent, but I want something that makes the warlock less dependent on MCing or needing an abundance of Strength, if they desire. Plus, that turns him mostly into a guy that just taps with his weapon, and then bolts for most of his damage. Not very blade focused.

That doesn't mean what you think it means.
Is it a bad idea to go single blade with an open hand in general?
Oath of Vengeance, either Urchin or Criminal as a Background. The main issue is if you wanted to go all in for the rogue shit, your best possible build for this is a dex paladin (rapier and a ranged weapon), but unless it's been errataed, Paladins can only multiclass with high strength.
It's pretty much just a worse version of 1hander+shield.
Do you have spells with somatic components, do you have a feat or a class feature that gives you an advantage going single-weapon fighting. If not, ideally, it's a bit suboptimal, which doesn't mean it can't be fun considering the difference between suboptimal is 1 point of damage in 5e vs dying horribly in 3e.
What if I use a net in one hand or something like that, I wanted to do the whole one hander thing but not if it gimps you.
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>tfw my group is going to disband and I don't think I will be able to play for a while
oh well
Alright, I haven't played D&D in a long time so I'm not fully accustomed to 5e, thought I was gonna get screwed over.
>If you already know Eldritch Blast, replace it with Eldritch Strike.
For what reason?

>you can push the creature 5 feet in any direction.
All you need to say is push 5 feet, otherwise you're just sliding it, which is honestly kinda weird.
That depends on what weapon you use in your other hand. One-handers are generally for when you want to use a shield, when you want to use two-weapon fighting, or when a class feature or ability forbids you from using a two-handed weapon.

Note that you can't use two-weapon fighting with ranged weapons like the net.
I see. I had read about Close Quarters Shooter fighting style available to Palidins and wanted to see if I could build a character around that
How do you handle artifacts in your campaigns, DMs?
>For what reason?
To prevent a person from getting both a really good melee cantrip and a really good blasting cantrip. Feels like it might be too good at that point. You're giving up your ranged might for melee might, unless you're willing to dip into your spell slots.

Yeah, it's a slide. I was just avoiding the word to avoid triggering anybody, and I haven't seen it used in 5e anywhere else - just "push" and "pull". The fluff would basically just be a shove/pushback as result of an onslaught of an attack, or something. It's inspired by the Repelling Blast, but since it's any direction I just halved it, and it's still once/turn.
Hi, new into 5e guy here, been on /tg/ for a long time but never bothered to read this general because I never played 5e till now.

Small question, I'm a caster, and I have spellcasting focus...how do I cast spells? I mean:
Spell has Somatic and Material components and I have spellcasting focus in one hand and the other is occupied with a weapon. Can I cast it?
Spell has Material only components and I have spellcasting focus in one hand and the other is occupied with a weapon. Can I cast it?
Spell has Verbal only components and I have spellcasting focus in one hand and the other is occupied with a weapon. Can I cast it?

Is kinda hard to understand the spellcasting focii rules.
Paladins generally revolve around novas using their Smites, which can only be applied on melee weapon attacks. Funnily enough, this means you can't Smite with unarmed strikes either.
They are either practically unattainable or the focus of the campaign.
I was kinda hoping having one free hand would allow me to have more control of my blade like higher hit chance or better chances for evasive maneuvers or grapples.
what page of the dmg/phb talks about spell scrolls?
An unarmed strike is still a melee weapon attack, see the errata.
You do need a free hand to grapple.
I don't see the sense in punishing a melee warlock for choosing that option. Remember you're basically away the warlocks only ranged option.
Spellcasting foci are not ever relevant unless you cast a spell with a material component, in which case you do not need to provide those components unless they have a listed cost.

I can't quite remember, but you may also be able to cast somatic spells with a hand otherwise occupied with a focus. Hopefully someone can help confirm or deny this point.
DMG 200
You're right. My bad.
Yes, Yes, and Yes, in that order.

Focus replaces Material component.
You can use the same hand for Somatic as you do Material.

Third example is irrelevant, you do not need to have a free hand for Verbal only spells.

You could not, however, cast a spell that had Somatic and Vocal only with your hand occupied by a focus. Put the focus away and you're just fine though.
thank you, Dylan
They still have Chill Touch and some spell slots (although, yeah, they're very few) so they aren't totally without ranged. It's more of just a trade-off to get easier, stronger melee power that uses charisma.
But I did write that part back when Eldritch Strike had Eldritch Bolt tier scaling (4 attacks and whatnot), so it might not entirely be necessary anymore.
Ok, thanks, the last one meant to be Somatic only, but you already answered that too. So basically spellcasting focus only work for V,S,M and V,M and M spells, in any cases with V,S or S I need a free hand.
Glad I could help, anon.
Look, it's a poor deal unless you were turning the warlock into some kind of melee combat monster, and even then you'd be screwed over here and there. The opportunity cost of the pact itself and investing with invocations is plenty.
Wait, so would wielding a two-handed weapon prevent me from casting spells with somatic components?
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>tfw group is falling apart because of a guy's GF not liking how things are DM'd (her not getting special treatment) and guy's sister gets "bored" after thirty minutes
>no replacements for those three in the foreseeable future

I hate gaming with couples and their family.
No, and this has been addressed in sage advice. You can take one hand off the hilt or haft, and HOLD the weapon without wielding it to cast, then return your hand to it when attacking. Taking a hand on or off of a 2 handed or versatile weapon requires no action and is not considered an item interaction.
You can just take one of your hands off the weapon to cast.
You can hold a two-handed weapon in one hand when not actively attacking with it. That said, if, for some reason, you don't want to take the second hand off, then yes, you wouldn't be able to perform the somatic components.
>group is falling apart because of a guy's GF not liking how things are DM'd (her not getting special treatment)
I think you're playing with That Girl.
Note that you'll be without your weapon for any attack of opportunity that arises before your next turn.
That's what I thought, but I'm new to D&D and the post made me worry that I may have misread something. That would be a really stupid thing to be mistaken about in the middle of a battle.
Okay, think about it thusly: I'm not letting a Fighter have a ranged and a melee weapon because I want the Fighter to have stronger, easier melee power that uses Strength/Dexterity.

Doesn't that sound stupid? It's not even like a Bladelock doesn't also have to invest in Dex or Str for their defenses, so you're not making them SAD.
Pretty cool. The biggest problem is the formatting, so it's very well thought-out.
charsheet anon here. Has anyone done any field testing of the sheets? Any problems you've come across, or things that are inconvenient?

Personally, I found it pretty annoying that CoS likes to use EP for Strahd's own local currency.
>Stage 2 punishment turns you into a furry
oh god no pls I'm sorry
That's why its a punishment
We don't really care about fancy backgrounds and font do we come on
Newish DM here. A player in my game (someone I did not know previously) is a pen and paper veteran, and it was brought to my attention that he has been fudging his rolls. What is the best way to confront him about it? He is friends with 2 of the other players, so I don't want to break up the group over it, but I am also not going to look the other way about it.
Sit right next to him at the table
I will if it comes down to that, but I am not looking to catch him in the act and call him out during play. I want to handle it outside of the game, but I wanted to see if anyone here had experience with this sort of shenanigans.
Request that everyone roll towards the center of the table where everyone can see. If you don't want to directly accuse him, say something like "It'll be way more exciting if we can all see it tilt between 20 and 2!"
If you sit right next to him then he will stop fudging
Well, confirm it with your own eyes, if you haven't already.

Then, just talk to him about it.

Would it be better to talk to him directly, or address the group as a whole with something like "it's been brought to my attention that some of you guys might be fudging rolls, etc etc" to keep it more anonymous (though I would also be making a deal about it to the group as a whole, when not everyone is privy to the fudging)? It is a group of 7 players btw, so making sure he sits next to me every week would be kind of a pain, not to mention obvious that I find him problematic, and thus I would much rather nip it in the bud.

fuck man, I just don't get why player feel they have to fudge rolls. kills the fun for everyone at the table.
I fudge rolls in my current campaign because our new DMs stated purpose is "to kill you" and he regularly has us fight creatures half a dozen CR above what we should only for DMPCs to appear and save the day

do you do this
Tools and items of great import, that beings of great import use.
No, I don't. I am running CoS straight from the book. It was our first session doing Death House, and they fought the animated armor and the nursemaid specter. Both enemies rolled last on initiative. The armor got one turn (missed both slams) and the specter was killed before it took its turn. And two of the 7 players were not present that night. Literally none of them have taken damage, it baffles me that he is already fudging rolls. I have not made any threats to kill the party. The only thing I have said regarding difficulty is that areas of CoS will not scale to their level, and can be potentially deadly if they skip over a lot of content.
Oh well then just watch him unblinking while he rolls and sit next to him
Yes, absolutely. You can even just use them as-is from the AD&D book. Fear/Horror/Madness checks would need to be changed to like... Int, Wis, and Cha saves maybe, but that's it.
>as is
Well I went through and changed most of them to be more 5e like
>Undead just fucking ignore you
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
AD&D's powers check seem more forgiving than later implementations. Which is kinda ironic.
No, undead ignore you for one round - whenever they try to attack you and only you - after which they can roll again the next time they attack, and only half the time on average. The other half, they're immune to the effect for a day.

Clearly far too powerful. Needs a nerf, yep.
Ivory tower I think
How do you mean? I'm curious, the powers checks for things people do are fine as they are, IMO. What exactly did you change?
Changing things like specific saves vs spell effects, rewards/punishments which are already available at the Amber Temple, spells which don't exist, spell use numbers ETC ETC
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You convinced me, by the way. We initially started trying to make bladelock better/"more-viable" and while I think it can thematically fit that they trade in one power option (EB) for another (ES) I decided that there's no reason to make them worse overall just because I made (or am trying to, or whatever) one of their pacts not relative trash. Especially because the ES has its own cost to get (not a ritualist tomelock, invocations, whatever).

There's no real way for me to see what effects it could have without a bunch of playtesting that I clearly can't really do, but, hey.

Attached is what we have now. My buddy and I are pretty satisfied with it.

He means Ivory Tower but he thinks it means that I'm making tons of changes without having any idea what I'm doing and should stop, or something weird.
Why not have Eldritch Blade allow them to cast a spell with a time of 1 action or lower as part of their Attack action, so long as they make a melee attack? Make them into something close to 3.5's Duskblade.
I would like to see more classes/archetypes drawn from 4th edition, at least in terms of flavour.
But.. powers checks didn't really do that? It was like, you'd get one for using necromancy, murdering dudes, breaking oaths, things like that. Failing a check was just a d100 roll, and added up to getting 'dark gifts'. There's no specific rewards/punishments that I remember, or specific spells that are cast/granted to you.

By Eldritch Blade you mean Eldritch Strike? So it's kind of like War Magic? That is a fix. The only thing is that'll basically turn them into hitting dudes with a weapon as a sort of addition to Eldritch Blasting them (Probably. You can of course use other spells.)
We'd rather them be focused around actually hitting and dealing damage with the pact weapon, and being good at it themselves. It's a little bit more work, but, eh.
Check out the AD&D Ravenloft Campaign setting book page 18
Wait uh, no. You think ES should exist and also trigger a spell? That'll be a bit much.

I dunno how the Duskblade operated, by the way.

>Eldritch Strike

Wow, this is kind of weird. That's the exact same name I gave to my current pal/lock's homebrew cantrip, though it and the other buff me and my DM worked out for bladelocks is mechanically different from your stuff.

I just joined the thread now so I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but if you want I could share the houserules in use for my character, and the slightly different houserules I'm using for warlocks as a whole in my game.
Its funny that in AD&D the Vistani potion is actually real while in 5e its a snake oil
Which one? The one called "Campaign Setting" doesn't have anything like that on page 18. In all other sources, even the 3e one, it's a percentage check based on a specific act, modified by a couple things, then the GM thinks of an appropriate scaling 'dark gift' if they fail it, and eventually they turn into an appropriate monster.
Yeah man, post whatever you got. Like to see how other people handle it.
You have any thoughts on what I posted?
Duskblades got to "channel" certain spells into their attacks, so that if it hit the spell would activate. Made them super fun to play, as it gave them ghetto maneuvers. Imagine hitting someone with a sword with a force spell in it, and launching them back 60 feet.

Also, you might want to rename it, Eldritch Knights have a feature with the same name.
Domains of Dread, I think it's in chapter 5
Well, the difference is that the castle itself has a poison mist around it, which the potion is for, and jack shit will get you through the mists otherwise (except maybe Vistani actually taking you through but they won't usually do that).
I was just looking there. It's a percentage roll, man. For instance, if you cast a level 1 necromantic spell in an unprovoked assault which results in murder of an neutral NPC, that's a 5% check added up. It's not supposed to occur every time they do something like that, but it's meant to be always there, waiting for them to inevitably fail their checks as they do evil things.

I might be reading this wrong but Eldritch Strike turns your weapon's damage into Force, right? I think that's a bit redundant because pact weapons are automatically magic and if I recall not many creatures should be resistant to that. Also, I don't think giving a pseudo full caster like Warlock a third attack is a good idea, a bit too much.

The way I had it for my Eldritch Strike was that it functioned like GFB or BB, dealing the weapon attack's normal effects in addition to scaling 1d8 Force at 5th level, and if you had any invocations that normally buffed eldritch blast they would also buff this attack (+cha mod damage, use with Reach weapons, pushing). Additionally, we changed Thirsting Blade to kind of function like War Magic in that one of your attacks could be a melee attack cantrip or touch cantrip so there's more incentive to actually attack in melee instead of throwing blasts.

That's in the game I am playing in right now, I'll get to the houserules I'll be using for my game.
I'm taking it from the 1990 version not the 1994 version. I prefer 1990

I'm using it -- I love it.

Only constructive criticism I have is that there's not a little field to enter Inspiration points.
Man, I really hope Duskblades get ported into 5e. I'd try to do it myself but I have no clue how to balance them to be what is essentially a melee-range spellcasting DPR class and not just have it look like a stronger, arcane version of a Paladin.
I'm using it with new players and the way the skills are split up by attribute is really helping them out a lot.
Haven't run into any shortcomings, other than them placing things in the wrong place because they're used to the standard sheet's layout.
You gotta give them a highly limited spell list. A few spells that would work cool with the concept of striking things, and a couple of basic damage cantrips that would give some flat damage or change the type of their weapon.

Honestly, it'd work great for Warlock. The short rest thing means they get their "maneuvers" back quickly, they can change the damage type pretty easily, and their small spell list means less work to balance for.

Their main goal should be melee ranged utility or damage, since they can easily switch between the two at the cost of being real sqiushy. They can do alright damage, and do alright at most things really, but shouldn't be the best at anything.
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Let me correct myself, when I say 'touch cantrip' I mean a touch attack cantrip like shocking grasp.

To start with, I give all Warlocks proficiency with medium armor and a few martial weapons (longsword, rapier, scimitar, shortsword, whip) to make them more in line with other classes (plenty of domains have heavy armor and/or martial weapon proficiency, and druids get medium armor, shields, and a few weapons).

When you select a pact at level 3 you get your pact's respective 'main' invocation for free (it's not really a choice in the first place if you would be retarded to not take it, this lets warlocks have more room to select the other less used invocations). Obviously, Voice of the Chain Master and Book of Ancient Secrets slot into this easily but normally Thirsting Blade has a pre-requisite for 5th level, so I've completely changed Thirsting Blade.

Bladelocks gain proficiency with shields and all martial weapons, and at 5th level they just gain the Extra Attack feature. Normally bladelocks can only extra attack with their pact weapon, which doesn't let you do stuff such as say grappling and then attacking. One of these two attacks, if done with your pact weapon, can instead be a touch attack cantrip or melee attack cantrip (like Eldritch Strike, which I am still using)

I'm also letting bladelocks use their pact weapon as an arcane focus by default.

These are all a work in progress, and obviously they might not fully fit in any game because they almost assume some things like weapons existing that potentially require proficiency that 'proficiency with martial weapons' does not provide, like exotic weapons.

These rules may make warlocks a little less unique but I am happy with them right now.
First time playing DnD here, so this may be a dumb question. I rolled my character a a human monk, and got lucky with 19 total dex and 15 total wisdom. I am trying to play a monk that uses just his hands and quarterstaff, so no other weapons. When I hit level 4, should I just take stats, to get 20 dex and 16 wisdom, for 18 AC and +1 modifiers, or is there a feat that would be better. I was thinking that martial adept might be strong. Grappler also looked good, but I only have 13 strength.
Oh, that's literally like what I was talking about here:>>46257125
That's pretty good.
Hey man, i know you might be attached to that, and I don't want you to take this badly

But I would not use that if I was playing bladelock, nor would I allow it at my table

Bladelock, and warlock in general is perfectly fine
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medium undead, unaligned

AC 9
HP 46 (7d8+14)
Speed 20ft. (40ft. all fours)

STR 16 (+3)
DEX 8 (-1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 3 (-4)
WIS 6 (-2)
CHA 4 (-3)

Prof +2
Saving Throws Wis +0
Skills Athletics +5
Damage immunities poisoned
Condition immunities poisoned, frightened, charmed
Languages - 1 (450xp)

All-Fours - If the Boneless is prone then its movement rate becomes 40ft. and does not incur the usual movement malus from being prone

Multiattack - The Boneless can make two Slam attacks or two Constrict attracts against an restrained target

Slam - +5 to hit, 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning and the target becomes grappled, escape DC 13. If a target is hit twice in the same turn by Slam then the target becomes restrained
and grappled by both arms. Each arm needs to be escaped individually. Each arm grappling a target reduces the total number of Slam attacks which can be made in a turn by one.

Constrict - +5 to hit, 11 (3d4+3) bludgeoning damage
Mobile or Alert are good for monks. Higher stats are probably better to start with, though.
dex and wisdom
That's not a bad fix, but let me clarify via an example attack.

Level 20, you have +5 CHA and +5 STR, wielding a greatsword (2d6 damage). You have Thirsting Blade and Lifedrinker.
You make your initial Attack action with your Thirsting Blade. This is 2d6+5(STR)+5(Lifedrinker).
You then use the second attack from TB to cast Eldritch Strike. As part of ES you attack again, causing another 2d6+5+5 damage. After that, you do 3d8 Force damage from the scaling. I'm not sure if +CHA adds to each of those d8s, or what, but I'll assume no at the moment. You then apply other invocation stuffs - you shove em back 10 feet, or whatever.

Stat-wise, 2d6+10+2d6+10+3d8 is ~47.5 damage. For reference, what I posted is 46.5 (with +5s) at level 20, and Eldritch Blast is 42 (also with +5s)

Overpowered, or what? General feel is that bladelock is weak; check this thread for other such feels.
Problem is that Eldritch Blast basically does more damage than anything a vanilla bladelock can put out, and doesn't require a Pact investment, and only 1 invocation.

The Profane Soul archetype for the Bloodhunter homebrew class essentially allows you to put a spell into your melee attack, though I think that you only gain that feature really late and the entire class looks a bit underpowered and boring to play.
There are several good feats that you can pick up but I would say postpone them so you can get the 20 dex and 16 wis at level 4. Better ac and damage will pretty much always trump a feat, especially at low levels.
Other than summoned weapon as focus I would not allow any of that either to be honest

No offense
Get that Goblyn out here, buddy! Or ravenlloft elementals, Animators, stuff like that!

No offense taken, I'll readily admit that I could benefit a lot from getting more experience with the system, I'm still in my first actual game and we only play once a week.

Maybe starting my own game this early was a bad idea but all of the planning involved is fun. I don't even have a warlock in my game so most of this probably won't see use.

Tell me what you don't like about it if you want.
I disagree that it is weak, it's actually my favorite archetype and plan to play it as soon as someone else fucking DMs for once

Anywho, PAM and GWM bladelocks grossly outdamage all other archetypes at level 12. People don't seem to realize how much of a difference STR+CHA mods make when added together, it's a non-neglegible source of consistent damage
Combine with armor of agathys and/or fire shield and it's even more than that
GWM gets STR+CHA+10 ×2 every single turn, plus more on a crit

I dunno man, I feel like people arent being creative/are underestimating the class so I would not allow any "patching" of bladelock unless it was something super minor
I know one anon tried brewing up a homebrew for them a while back, but everyone kinda lambasted him for it because, well, homebrew.

If memory serves the homebrew gave them mostly Evocation spells and a few other types of damage or small buff spells, scaled their spellcasting to 6th level and they had both a 'Arcane Smite' ability and the normal "channel spell" ability at a higher level.
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All this Bladelock fiddling made me want to whip this up to put on display the changes I've made to a few things in the game I'm running.
Criticism (constructive or otherwise) appreciated.
I looked through the Curse of Strahd book at my game shop but I didn't see anything about new class options.
Are there any?
Just a new background option, that's it. It's a book meant mostly for DMs to run, because when you want to be a dick to your players, you run Ravenloft.

Even experienced players who know they're going into Ravenloft have to be careful; a couple of bad die rolls and the game quickly takes a turn for the worse.

all EK's are going to choose out of opting out of evocation, but that makes me wonder, what would be some good schools to get as an EK?
>The Introduction of CoS dedicates a full page to maintain its thematic tone
I'm in love.
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medium aberration, neutral evil

AC 14 (natural armor)
HP 28 (5d8+5)
Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 7 (-2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 9 (-1)

Prof - +2
Skills - Stealth +5, Perception +3
Condition immunities - frightened
Senses - passive Perception 13
Language - Understands Common, but cannot speak
CR 1/2 (100xp)

Spiderclimb - The Goblyn can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check

Telepathic Link - The Goblyn aware of the location and direction of its master and all other Goblyns under it's master's control while on the same plane of existence.
It's master can command it and other Goblyns telepathically. They will only attack on command, but will defend themselves.

Goblyn Tactics - The Goblyn has advantage on attack rolls while its target is within 5ft. of another Goblyn

Multiattack - The Goblyn makes two melee attacks, only one of which can be Bite. Bite can only be used if the Goblyn has advantage on the attack roll.

Claw - +5 to hit, Hit: 5 (1d4+3) slashing damage
Bite - +5 to hit, Hit: 9 (2d6+3) piercing damage
What about anything that isn't a dual-feat halberd/glaive build, at any other level?
How well do they do there?

Transmutation for Enlarge/Reduce and Enhance Ability.
I would allow the invocation, would not remove thirsting blade though

and magic weapon, unless your DM hands out magic items like candy
Speaking of Warlocks, would you let a GOOlock not actually have a Patron and just have them be a spooky Psychic person?

Why not?

Make it more in line with the Bladesinger, Valor Bard and Favored Soul Sorcerer who all obtain Extra Attack at level 6.
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>All-Fours gains 40 movespeed
jesus christ that is terrifying to imagine
>intro on how to run it
>chapter on how to get players into the adventure and info about the BBEG
>chapter on the campaign's setting
>chapter on the hub town of the campaign
>chapter on the most iconic part of the campaign
>chapters on specific areas the campaign will go to
>chapter on the campaign ending
>appendices of character options, treasures, and NPC stat blocks

Curse of Strahd confirmed for best-organized 5e adventure.
No face-bite???

In my game I would allow patron-less warlocks for any patron type as long as they made sense. I feel like if your DM isn't as reasonable as this then they aren't going to bother doing patron interaction anyways.
What you want Charisma damage

I was thinking about having a Bite while Grappled, but it was too similar to the Boneless.

Add the Grappled condition, escape DC 12, to the Bite Attack

Honestly, telling your DM WHICH kind of Patron you wanted (Fiend, Fey, GOO, etc.) and letting the DM handle who it is should be standard.

You might go level after level, receiving boons and never being contacted by the Patron. Suddenly you have a twisted, David Lynch-esque dream while sleeping one night, where your Patron finally decides to make its presence known and it asks you to do it a direct favor.
Yeah man.

Have them start upright, knee deep in crypt water, and advancing like slow zombies at the players. They will probably either confidently advance or pull back to use ranged.

Then the boneless let out screech and drop under the water and all the players can see is a rapidly approaching ripple
Get that permanent face mangling u p in here! Bring the true Ravenloft feel of horrible AD&D-ness!

There's a lot of cool RL critters, and some really weird shit too like the viruses or zombie fog.
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Zombie Fog.pdf
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I actually made a zombie fog a while back
Wrap them around an animated skeleton so it seems like a zombie at first. The party approaches, they then split apart into the flesh and bones, both of which attack separately.
Well let's say it's a greatsword at level 12, no feat. That is still (STR+CHA+2d6)×2, which keeps up with blastlock

Let's say it's before level 12, yeah you miss out on CHA but at those level EB is only 2 beams, so neglegible difference, plus you have stuff like agathys which makes you a porcupine

The only issue I see with a bladelock is a dex lock, and that one can two-weapon-fight his way into extra hex damage
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and I thought the skeleton it jumped off of was scary
Also if the material is consumed, the focus can't be used, the actual material must be used
How do i make a drow backstory without being a Drizzt clone? I have no idea why a drow would be wondering around on the surface willingly otherwise.

I want to feel the gold ol-fashioned racism that can only be experienced by a black skinned elf.
That is correct.

Sleeper agent of the Spider Queen.
You could simply be an exile/escapee of a fallen house, or maybe you had to escape assassination from your rivals and you will return one day. Or you could be a heretic who worships Eilistraee instead of Lolth.

Or maybe you were on a slave raid to the surface and your group was ambushed by dwarves and only you escaped.
Cool. Hearth Fiends were pretty neat too, or the SINGLE GREATEST CREATURE EVER: Uncle Skeleton.
Yup, and shield proficiency too
They also only get medium armor, don't have a default magical weapon, can only use certain weapons, don't have the best cantrip in the game for distance fighting when needed, etc.

Not trying to be contrarian, just feel things balance out. Who knows, maybe your DM agrees with you, but this one doesn't

Drow Matriarch that barters and trades goods with some seedy surface dwellers.

And what better good than worthless male slaves?

You and some of your bros were sold into slavery to a bunch of ruthless D&D RACE THAT LIVES ON THE SURFACE. All chained up and being whipped, forced to march.

Suddenly a group of DO-GOODER NPC'S THAT THINK SLAVERY SUCKS come in and kick some slave owner ass. They take you in for x amount of time, where you gain enough life experience to become a level one PC.
I kinda want to do a Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral GOO warlock that's the body of your typical power hungry CE warlock villian who got his mind eaten by the thing he was trying to summon and is just being meat puppeted around by it, but the Old One itself isnt "evil" and just wants to learn about the material plane like some excited puppy.

The whole alignment thing inherently doesnt work very well for that kind of thing though since it's supposed to be alien by nature.
>Killing people by accident since it doesnt know chopping off an arm can be fatal to mortals at first
>not getting how such frail creatures are still alive despite breaking so easily
>absolutely no idea how to do social interaction (at first)
>accidentally causing psychic damage trying to communicate before learning that it's normal telepathic "voice" is like getting slammed by a psychic brick wall to squishy humans

Feels a bit too speshul snowflake though. Might be better suited for an inherently stronger system like Exalted.

I AM the DM in question who uses those rules. Eldritch Armor exists as a means to allow Strength based Bladelocks to do their thing without feat/multiclass taxes.

But I understand where you're coming from.

Thanks. Now i feel like I can do something now that I got some ideas.
You're actually just a wood elf with a disguise kit and think Drow are cool.
I absolutely love it, and all of my players so far have, but I really do like to use electrum pieces. Do you think you could (re?) add them?
A bladelock with a greatsword at 12th with maxed cha and str and hex (4d6+20+2d6) does ~41
An eldritch blast with maxed cha at 12th with hex (3d10+15+3d6) does ~42

With spells like Hunger of Hadar and Evard's black tentacles to push things into, eldrich blast surpasses a bladelock's ability easily.

Or you could just scorching ray, which as a fifth level spell and hex will deal (12d6+6d6) ~63 fire damage.
I swore PHB has electrum pieces in it already, and shows conversion tables for what an EP costs to convert to GP.
There's a drow trading interest called the Horizon Syndicate that makes frequent forays into the surface world.
>That doesn't mean what you think it means.
That you shat this onto a piece of paper without considering the practical considerations of what it means in the context of the rest of the system?

Unless Anon's making an oblique reference to the Blessed Virgin, that's exactly what it means.
Then by all means, do your thing, my man

What I might do is modify the free mage armor evocation, since nobody uses it anyway
Two birds with one stone, yeah?
Maybe ignore armor proficiencies
nah, that isn't what ivory tower design means.
Related link (4e, but the fluff should still be relevant):

I removed them because they are rarely used, described as ancient currency or something to that effect. Unfortunately, CoS uses them a lot as Strahd's minted currency in Barovia. I will make a sheet with an EP box sometime soon.
You are a godsend anon.
They're about as rare as PP.
It did.
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Blood Elemental
large elemental, chaotic evil

AC 12
HP 114 (12d10+48)
Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)
DEX 12 (+2)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 3 (-4)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 6 (-2)

Prof +3
Damage resistances - acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons.
Damage immunities - poison
Condition Immunities - exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Aquan
CR 6 (2,300xp)

Blood Form - The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space
and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1
inch wide without squeezing.

Water Dissipation - For every 5 feet the elemental moves in water, or for every gallon of water spashed on it,
it takes 1d6 necrotic damage and its maximum HP decreases by the same amount.

Multiattack - The elemental makes two slash attacks

Slash - +7 to hit, reach 10ft., Hit: 10 (2d6+4) slashing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Con save, on a failure the
target is drained of some blood and the elemental gains HP and increases its HP maximum by the amount of damage done by Slash.

Smother (Recharge 4-6) - One creature in the elementals space must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target
takes 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. If it is Large or smaller it is also grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends,
the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breath underwater. The elemental can attack and move normally and the grappled
target moves with it. If the saving throw is sucessful, the target is pushed out of the elemental's space.
The elemental can grapple one Large or up to two Medium or smaller creatures at one time. At the start
of each of the elementals turns, each target grappled by it takes 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. A creature within 5 ft. of
the elemental can pull a creature or object out of it by taking an action to make a DC 15 Strength check and succeeding.

>unable to breath unless it can breath underwater

you probably copy/pasted this from a water elemental but I'm pretty sure a fish couldn't breath in a tank of blood
Bladelock doesn't lose the ability to cast scorching ray, and can grapple/drag/shove people into things too with a good str score
After using their spell slots on armor of agathys, fire shield and hex? Not to mention bladelocks cap out at this point whilst eldritch blast can look forward to another 1d10+5 at 17th.
Bladelocks must max two ability scores, spend two invocations, be in melee, and suffer defensively unless they multiclass to just briefly touch the scaling damage curve of eldritch blast
But could someone with a Water Breathing spell? Writing "unless it can breath in blood" sounded weird

The spell says you get to breath underwater. Not in blood, not in molten mercury, and not in gravel.
>because when you want to be a dick to your players, you run Ravenloft.

Oh, fuck. I've got a friend who wants to start up a Ravenloft campaign next month with none of us have played 5th before.

My plan was to make an Ash from Evil Dead-esc Ranger. Another friend has a halfling rogue crossbow specialist. Another friend some kind of spell caster, he usually prefers clerics.
It's a give and take, you spend the spell slots to make you better at melee or you spend them for other stuff, same for the invocations and such. If you multiclass for armor then you dont want to use agathys and such so that just takes you down a different path, same for most other choices

Not really in the mood to look further into it right now, but I'm sure something else offsets that extra EB beam
Our party has been sitting at level 3 for weeks. We're barely getting ~200 exp a session.
OK amigo I'll change it
That's fair. I gotta get to sleep anyways. good talk.
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How do you get your players to READ THE FUCKING BOOK? And what point should you get mad at them for not reading it?
3 of the other players should be gnome rogues armed with kitchen utensils
Same, cheers
From day one, if they haven't read the book you gotta punish that shit
When they don't know what to add to their attack
That's within reason. Level 3 to 4 takes ridiculous amounts of time in comparison to level 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. It's possible to make the leap faster but it would probably require a deadly dungeon crawl. What campaign book are you playing, or is it a DM made campaign?
Tell them to read it or your not going to help them figure out shit. If this leads to a character deaths, then so be it.

You should get mad when they don't know what their proficiency is.
DM made campaign. I'm just wishing we'd get to level 4 because I'm extremely squishy at the moment.
So I noticed Curse of Strahd has a large amount of NPC's that can be cured from some ailment through a casting of Greater Restoration.

The problem I see is that it is a 5th level spell, meaning the PCs don't get it until level 9, near the end of the adventure. Long after these NPCs ate relevant.

Should I just hand out scrolls of Greater Restoration amongst the treasures?

Found that PDF some anon made for the Duskblade port from 3.5 into 5e. It's probably broken, but could be a decent starting point.
The price is too great for any sane player to use
I fully expect one of my players to go against my warnings and try anyway
But the other artifact I gave one of them hasn't warmed up to him yet, so he has no idea how powerful it really is
That's perfectly understandable. He may be holding back exp or monsters in general because the next dungeon he has planned won't be a proper challenge at level 4, or maybe there's some other reasonable reason, Idk.

Also, What class are you playing? Squishiness is usually not fixed with a couple of extra levels, since you will be fighting stronger enemies as you level.
Sounds about right if you're just doing a couple "medium" encounters. 5E leveling is quite slow by default and EXP really doesn't reflect difficultly.

Pull more crazy encounters, get some hirelings, scout out for a cave full of hundred Grimlocks, smoke em out and funnel them into a bottle neck. Or ask the DM to give you the total EXP multipliers, RAW it says the players only get the stated EXP.
My wizard might die soon, help me with ideas for something fun and crazy (yet not useless in combat) to reroll into
Halfling Fighter/Paladin mounted combatant, protects party members by jumping on their shoulders.
What is the most comprehensive Forgotten Realms sourcebook? 1e? 3.5? Or do they sort of build off of each other?
I'm 7 sessions in some of my players still forget to roll for each attack they make.

They all dual wield (because it's SUPER COOL) and after making their first attack I remind them they can attack again, and every time they go "OH YEAH!" and then just roll damage for the second attack.
Or I'll ask them to make an ability check or saving throw and they'll ask "wait, which dice is that again?"
I'm a year and a half in and players still do that
Wild sorc


Assassin/vengeance pally

Battlemaster archer

Cleric of death
Abjuration wizard mountain dwarf or a any class (barbarian is my personal pick) with tavern brawler and the alchemist tools proficiency who constantly makes acid vials and alchemist fire flasks to use in combat.
You could allow Lesser Restoration, Lay on Hands, Remove Curse etc
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>DM'ing spring break D&D one shot with premades
>nearly dozen people
>most of them total newbies to 5E
>teaching everyone like a fucking professor
>everyone gets it
>player of SIX of my regular sessions
>asks me what plus to hit is half a dozen times

I've never be so close to jumping over a table and punching someone in the face before.
Somewhere I read about a druid build that took the tavern brawler feat and used a ladder as an improvised weapon. I forget exactly how it worked, but it was actually pretty decent.
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Calling all DM's for thoughts on this: Why not take +'s of all magical items, and move away from handing out items that are just straight stat improvements? Only introduce magical items into the game with utility effects or variant forms of damage, i.e. give the weapon a +1d6 cold damage, but no +1 to hit. Don't give your party the cape of +1 AC, but the cape of mountebank or something along those lines. This allows you to accurately map how hard your party is going to hit at X without having to worry about magic items skewing it too hard, and makes the magic items more fun for the players as they're more about unique interactions instead of just straight stat increases.
TL;DR: no +1's or Your Con is now 18 items, more +unique types of damage, +you can cast x spell, +you can do y thing
Por que no los dos, anon?
Straight stat improvements can be fun to have, and "unique utility" items can be boring/annoying. If your players agree that they don't like straight stat improvements, then obviously sure.

But I wouldn't act like it's somehow an objective truth that we should move away from straight stat improvements, and I wouldn't try to force it on players if they didn't agree. It would be like ruling that nobody should play a Champion Fighter because it's too simplistic.
Can a creature whose lungs the zombie fog has entered continue to make saving throws once it begins to suffocate, or is it shit out of luck?
Nah, I think it's a pretty important distinction to make if you want to choose the Undying Court for your patron as and Undying warlock.
Mi negro

Variety is the spice of life anon
Just finished DMing a session.

>Two griffons overturn the bus (magic bus) party is riding on and kill the driver
>I mention it's raining out
>Player asks how hard
>"Just pouring. Huge thunderstorm."
>"Do we get disadvantage?"
>Shrug, say yes, everybody gets disadvantage on everything (including the Griffons)
>What follows is a hour-and-a-half fight full of people trying to jump on the overturned bus, failing, slipping, missing attacks, and critically fumbling
>Party is literally in tears from laughter by the end of it

From a game play perspective it was kind of shit, but I thin it was everybody's favorite session so far. So many memorable moments.
These are actually quite good changes.
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The biggest reason to go bladelock, for me, is the free magic weapon. But even then, I usually multiclass into other martial classes.
I agree with you strongly, but it is important to give them magic items with abilities they will want to use all the time if you go down this road. A +1 longsword is boring, but it is significantly more useful than a trident that lets you talk to fish while you are in a desert environment, for instance. Its better to get a boring item than it is to get one that feels bad to own.
All I want for christmas is a two-handed finesse weapon, the only example of which is the sun blade (or moonblade, but that's being awfully generous as it's a legendary item.)
And racially and alignment restricted to boot.

>not being a thief
5e's already somewhat moved away from +foo items, though they still exist as per tradition.
It's sentient and won't serve you unless you abide by elven ideals.
+foo items?
Does anyone else feel Strahd's spell choice is weak? Feels like he should have more. I worry that my players, who are notorious for steam rolling over difficult monsters will easily defeat him. Especially since at least one knows basic vampire weaknesses

don't worry you're already a rogue
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I just feel like there is no inherent 'fun' aspect of a +3 longsword. What's COOL is a radiant sunblade that deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage and maybe has the ability to detect angels or something like that. By moving towards unique forms of damage and utility effects, the 'awesome' aspect of magic items becomes more awesome.
At the same time, you keep with the spirit of 5E's Bounded Accuracy, which I felt like +1/+2/+3 magic items were always against the spirit of.
This allows you as the DM to more accurately balance encounters and whatnot and still have the players ABLE to miss sometimes, since you KNOW they're going to be rolling +X at this level and don't have to worry about breaking a character because they have a +4 item or whatever.
Strahd's not the kind of person to fight the party head-on. He's the sort of person to hit-and-run with fireballs.
A player of mine rolled up a monk to replace his warlock. He was a sun soul monk so instead of extra starting gold I gave him a magic shortsword that, once per day, can deal radiant damage in a line as a big solar laser beam. He loves the shit out of that thing.
What you've just said is "blah blah blah, here's my opinion". And it's fine for you to have an opinion, it's okay that you don't like +3 longswords. How it seems like you're wording though is, that you seem to think what you're saying is an objective truth. Like you've used a mathematical formula for fun to determine that X is more fun than Y, which isn't true.

Me, I personally don't like special snowflake weapons like you just described (radiant sunblade that deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage and maybe has the ability to detect angels). Give me a belt of giant strength or something anyday.

The overall point being, people will like different things. You shouldn't force your players to do one or the other if they don't agree. Give options for both.
I'd be happy with a "magic" item that's just a regular old longsword that also has the finesse property.
Pretty much. Honestly I'd trade most or even all of the pluses for a weapon that does something nifty. 5E is an edition that actually feels like should stat Orcrist as a +1 Sword of doing fun shit instead of a Sword +10 of Twinking.
Bard with 6 con.
You mean a rapier, anon?
Can't two-hand a rapier.
I was thinking something more along the lines of an entire class of uncommon weapons, perhaps "elven" weapons, that are identical to weapons without this property, except that they have finesse. They'd be similar in rarity to magical items, I would think.
Could actually give a purpose to mithral weapons I guess
Good Lord. Honestly, outside of valor bard and stacking AC like a madman, there is no way to save that my friend. You would be best off to become full support lore bard and hide in the furthest back line.

On a side note, outside of that health issue, how is bard treating you as a class. I'm considering making my next character an aristocratic lore bard.
I hereby declare that the spear and the longsword be finesse weapons forthwith

Rejoice, mortal
Why would you two hand a rapier when you go buckler and rapier and be a duelist?
I don't want to two hand a rapier. I want a finesse weapon I can two hand with a 1d10 damage die and the great weapon fighting style.
Valor bard. 17 strength thanks to racial modifiers. I was thinking of taking the Tough feat. That would put me at 23 HP at level 4.

Bard's alright. I kinda wish the class felt more like an actual performer, and not just a spellcaster with a buffing/debuffing/thunder damage focus. Maybe something like being able to switch between various songs that keep a constant buff going while I'm playing?

I'm mostly enjoying it because of the roleplay/noncombat stuff I wind up doing.
One of the bad guys tipped me a GP because he liked my limerick.
I think a 1d10 2-handed finesse weapon would be a good regular martial weapon. Just make it not versatile so it doesn't end up just being a better longsword.

Otherwise I guess you could just get a longsword crafted really well or out of a rare, light metal.

I mean, 1d10 reroll 1 or 2 can't be too much different from 1d8 +2, right?
And it still leaves the big smashy 2h stuff to the strength guys because it can't benefit from the second effect of GWM
Yeah, that sounds reasonable. I'd be more than willing to settle for that. I doubt Wizards will add anything like it anytime soon, though.
>Bard's alright. I kinda wish the class felt more like an actual performer, and not just a spellcaster with a buffing/debuffing/thunder damage focus. Maybe something like being able to switch between various songs that keep a constant buff going while I'm playing?
In a way, the bard unique spells work a lot like old songs,it's just that having them as spells instead offeatures has the same effect as w/ ranger unique spells; at least paladin's special mechanics are baked into smites and auras.
Another int-based class, it's the most under-represented stat.
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