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Age of Sigmar General

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Thread replies: 321
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I love this art edition

Maw Krusher in, Bretonnia out; Imperial Griffons stay, Warsphinx out...

Should I ask them, why that AoS app warscrolls ain't updated like the webstore?
Reminder they have a Facebook now.
What the fuck is a Maw Krusher?
Manticore or wywrm
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new "Free people" knights when?
Order Grand Alliance might be coming soon, so we'll see then what is in store for them. My guess is we will eventually get new kits to represent free peoples but they won't look like feather-capped empire models or medieval fleur de lis knights either.

Everything that has been released since AoS dropped has been models that are representative of some aspect of their patron deity. Every faction has a god, it seems. If the free people are sigmar worshipers, we can expect stars and lightning to be their deal. If they are just 'of the realms' people, maybe we will get Ghur humans who are different from Chamon humans etc, and those would be pretty tight.

He doesn't need it, he's got the direct line as an employee
Battletome: Stormcast: Extremis Chamber coming on top of Battletome: Stormcast Eternals has put doubts in my mind as to whether the battletomes are indeed everything that is and will be for a faction, or simply everything that is right now.

Different bling for humans from different realms would be awesome, even if it was a forgeworld upgrade set a bit like they do for the 30k legions. But, that's obviously more wishlisting than realistic hoping. Still, they've got to replace those ancient empire barded warhorses sometime.
>Still, they've got to replace those ancient empire barded warhorses sometime.

Imagine a unit of knights that look like the last batch of mounted Empire characters GW produced. A new updated unit of human knights on barded horse like that would look x10 cooler than the dumb golden space marines riding their monopose dragons with retarded faces and feet. And you can't have anyone overshadow them.
>If they are just 'of the realms' people, maybe we will get Ghur humans who are different from Chamon humans etc, and those would be pretty tight.
Agreed, metallic Knights of Chamon, savage beast hunters of Ghur, or flaming troops of a firery Empire would be cool as hell. I'm wondering what they do have planned for each human race of the different realms.
It's from BOLS, so who knows if it's real, but there might be a GW designed 'points' system at an upcoming sanctioned event


I am assuming that this will be for that event only, and that they will probably change it from event to event, but this is a little bit of what some people have been asking for (and a little bit of what some people really want to avoid).
That model has awsome coming out of its arse. It looks so much better than any over-designed notSpacemarine.
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how the fuck did we go from that awesome model to this abomination?
It's the "campaign system" that would really interest me about that. If it's true, of course.
>William Tell Overture starts playing
But yeah. That is one seriously dynamic model.
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Horses always beat silly DRAGON SUPER GRYPHON MEGA STAR DRAGON stuff
Have you seen the star drake yet? Dracoths are a work of art compared to that
All the new models are terrible.
Overdesigned or in the 40k aesthetic.

I remember when we were bitching about 8e large kits being too loud visually.

Priestly must be rolling in his grave.
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I hope it's some kind of super simple system that's clearly not an attempt at perfect balance, like counting wounds or something
I mean, I get why people dislike the new models, but its been my experience that the new models are more interesting to casual players and outsiders. Honestly, I think they're cool as well, but I get it.
Meh, the point system might be the ruin of Aos.
I personally enjoyed playing games deploying one unit at a time until one player stops. Its more balanced than you might think and it encourages non-competitive play.
the return of organized play-if true-its really a BIG shot tho.

but i want to see an official point system i'd like to see GW's ideas and everyone can agree upon using one thing and we'll all know it

Nothing will stop you using the alternate drop system

Personally my LGS just counts wounds (80-120 is common, extra rules being 1 formation each, no multiple named heroes, etc.) and while i'm sure some grognard will bring up how this isn't balanced or certain units get too much bang for their wound-bucks we've had plenty of fun games and nothing felt one-sided as of yet.
First, BolS will say anything if it'll get them a couple more clicks so it's probably bullshit anyway.
Second, the "point system" will probably be something like they've done at their events so far, either counting wounds or counting models and putting caps on monsters.
Third, if it's true, they will probably make the system so impractical that nobody will WANT to use it outside that one tournament.
Fourth, by now the fanmade systems have really gotten some steam behind them. Unless GW decide to put point costs on the Warscrolls, everyone will complain about the system being bullshit and not using it anyway.
And fifth, after all their bluster about forging the narrative, they would NEVER put point costs on the warscrolls.
In fact, I was surprised the 40k rules for the Genestealer Cult actually had point costs on them.
They'll probably either come up with some half assed points system that makes no sense, like 40k's, except this one will be even worse because it's been retrofitted into a game that they previously adamantly believed would not need it.

That or it'll just be the "bring X number of models" system that they've been using at Warhammer World events.
>T-The only aesthetic that matters is my run down shit humans.

Look, I loved the aesthetic of the Empire too, but can we stop pretending that Sigmarines are supposed to replace the "Normal" humans?
How salty would you be if the entire Elf range got squatted and replaced with a few new Aelf kits?
Not that bothered, half the range look like dogshit.
Word. People keep screaming about gorgeous High Elf models, then you ask them which ones and then they show you the Spearmen who look like shit. I mean, the new stuff, especially the overhauled Dark Elf stuff looks great, but - and this is true for WHFB in general - they had a tendency to leave shit-looking kits be and instead only add completely new kits with each update so that you end up with Core units three editions outdated.
Pretty happy. Unless the Aelves also come with gorilla hands.
Can we get some awesome dynamic poses?
I'd miss the Shadow Warriors, and White Lions, and, and Black Guard and...
That's actually about it.
So shouldn't they be about the same size as a d&d encounter bookley..
Agree, azyr comp is 10x better then anything GW can do
I would kill for a new knight kit in this vein, especially if they weren't too stormcast lightnin-bolty in design. The Hurricanum/Luminark barded horses could be a good starting point.

The Brets finally were redpilled on their goddess in the End Times, so I don't know how they could go on to survive into the new setting at all, or whom they would pray to, other than Sigmar like the rest of the non-Chaos humans.

I do like the idea of fluffing human settlers' models as befitting their new Realms, green-stuffing fur cloaks and scale armor for Beastmode Humans has potential IMO.

Whatever they do for army building, I don't trust GW not to undercost high markup kits like those Dracoth cavalry. As someone whom plays 2-4 times a month, I've grown to really like Heelanhammer's SCGT comp., & will keep using it as long as it's updated in a fair & open manner. GW's system will be more about profit than fairness.
100% mad.

Add, don't subtract.
Why not ask Fantasy General? They're the only ones buying the old factions other than Skaven.
Wow, that picture; typical generic "epic" weeabooish fantasy.

WHFB may not have been the most unique thing, but it always had a more historically authentic aesthetic, and by keeping to it it was one of the few truly unique looking fantasy settings. And they threw it all away to be a bland and generic.

Guess it was too much work to refine the rules, market WHFB correctly to get new fans, and figure out a way to cut the starter costs. At least the WH videogames are pretending AoS does not exist.
>THE EMPIRE had a more historically authentic aesthetic

Maybe they could have tried rebranding the game to suit the Game of Thrones crowd, but the world has moved on from WFB in their last form. People like epic fantasy. They like big, complex looking characters. They definitely don't like models that look like they were pulled from a Napoleonic historical game.
Battletomes will likely have a baseline that represents where it is now with new expansion battletomes, which Battletome Extremis is, to announce new waves of units.
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People like space marines and not wanna-be fantasy marines if the rumour about BaC outselling AoS is true.
It isn't a rumor, it came directly to us from a credible site.

BaC outsold the entire Fantasy and Age combined range.
Yeah, people like 40k a lot. Warhammer Fantasy was and still is a niche system.
Shit, no wonder Warhammer Fantasy got canned. Next they're tell us that paints and brushes outsold Fantasy.
>BaC outsold literally dead ranges and a pitiful excuse for a game that right now is going back on one of the pillars of its design as a desperate attempt to recoup losses
And even then, BaC didn't sell that well.
According to Gav, plans to can Fantasy were in the planning stage in 7e, meaning they started planning it in 6e, which was the mid to late 90's. Which is before I guess anyone in this thread was playing the game.

Also, I wouldn't doubt paints and brushes outsold Age. I'd bet they outsell Eldar and Tyranids actually though, it doesn't mean much.

Combining a truth with a lie, the oldest trick in the book.

The report said nothing about Fantasy. Zero. Nada. The only thing it said was BaC outselling Age of Shitmar. Notice that there were like 8 WHFB kits in the GW top28 while zero (0) age of sigmar release made it there.

You are quite retarded anyways with this lie shill, I mean how the fuck can BaC outsell Fantasy when Fantasy is non-existent at the time of its release? Really the stupidity amuses me.
Age of Sigmar IS the Fantasy range. Plus the Sigmarines and Khornates.

Its one and the same, I specified Fantasy so he would appreciate the scope and scale of just how many models that one boxed set outsold.
>According to Gav, plans to can Fantasy were in the planning stage in 7e, meaning they started planning it in 6e, which was the mid to late 90's. Which is before I guess anyone in this thread was playing the game.

1) 6e came out in 2000
2) Yes, people in this thread were playing in the mid-nineties (me for one)
3) Citation needed. Even if they were having thoughts about canning fantasy during 7e, the idea that it started during 6th edition is pure speculation.


Literally there are 3 kits in the HE range that are old and bad (Spearelves, Archers, Silver Helms).

I mean, just the top of my head, look up these kits before you are talking nonsense:

White Lions
Shadow Warriors
Dragon Princes
Lothern Sea Guard
Lion Chariots
Phoenix Guard
IoB Swordmasters
IoB Ellyrian Reavers

All are top-notch and better than anything released so far for AoS.
Not him, but its not exactly an unfair guess that if something was in the planning stages during 7e that it may have been in the concept phase in 6e. But its still just speculation.
>Charly says ‘Liberators’! These are awesome – look at the shields! It’s a bit like when I, Servitor-#90И35, plug myself in at night to recharge, blue sparks everywhere! It’s probably not supposed to happen, but the Tech-priests here at Games Workshop Towers are all far, far too busy harvesting information on… something...

Whoever writes the webstore blog posts now sounds like he is having alot of fun.
>BaC outsold the entire Fantasy and Age combined range.

Your damage control is pathetic, if Age == Fantasy why did you have to make the distinction and say Age and Fantasy combined?

I mean I guess that since you are so fucking stupid that can't remember anything you wrote 10 minutes ago you assume all people are so stupid, but that's not the case punk.
K. Whatevs.
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sneak peek of the new aelf releases
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Looks like they decided to un-squat the Tomb Kings!
If he's thinking of the Gav quote I'm thinking of, then 'planning' is really just 'the idea was thrown about'.
The idea that they started planning the end of Warhammer in the nineties is just ludicrous.
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Silver Helms are debatable m8, they really only need a headswap

If you actually photoshop a crosshair on those shuriken weapons like they did with the not-bolters sigmarines that pic is believable.

Oh, and they will be daemons too. Elven Daemons of Azyr, hence the armor.
>Silver Helms are debatable
Swap the head, weapon and shield, and the derpy steed... new cavalry plz.

>Whoever writes the webstore blog posts
>Posted by Lord-Celestant Davydd, He of the Shiniest Armour
>Posted by Servitor #90И35
I doubt there are the names of real people.

Nothing wrong with their weapon and shield, and the horses are still better than the dracoth things. But I guess you'd want those lances to have attached halberds and flails AoS-Style, while the horses being like three times the size of their current one and breath fire.
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>But I guess you'd want those lances to have attached halberds and flails AoS-Style, while the horses being like three times the size of their current one and breath fire.
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posting some dogshit looking elves
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literally disgusting
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their symmetry is not even close to the fyreslayers
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awful core units
>their symmetry is not even close to the fyreslayers

Not all humans worship Sigmar, they could worship any number of gods from the pantheon. Teclis is worshipped in Hysh for example.
I love IoB skaven, wish more sprues to be had..


Aspect warriors >>>>>> generic elves

Bloody Beast could make my Gnoblars look amazing. Most people can't afford to pay Bloody Beast to paint their already expensive figs.
>implying gnoblars bad models.
My taste>>>>>>>>>>>>Your taste
AoS models >>>>> WHFB models

My point is that a good enough painter could make any figs look good.
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I guess there is no accounting for taste
>elegant design vs. clown car

Seems about right.
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>that amazing fever dreamish traditional painting vs the plasticy ANIME digital one
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Frogs are kill

Everything but a few models are sold out on the gw webpage. This is your fault.
>no Slaanesh head

the salt will never fade
None cares, go cry in whfb thread.
Damn those look nice, love the colour scheme as well. So the heads are from which kit or manufacturer?
Both those cars look shit. Maybe use a black hummer for a more 'honest' comparison.
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Apart from the champion, I think they're white lion heads.
Nah only first line with swordmasters heads.
My bad.

WL heads would probably still work pretty well if you want to convert them yourself, it's really all about the topknots.
THe musician is different as well, also the colour scheme does wonders for the models.

The white lion heads would work very well, Anyone know how many heads are included in the box? My bro has got 2 boxes of white lions and a shitload of the HE core in storage.
the millennials have won

whfb has been consolised
This art is pretty raw, but I love it.
Sigmarine ain't winning at this moment.
I really dislike most AOS art, but this one actually is pretty well done.
Seem that Dracothion is far more mightier then Sigmar.
But anon I'm a millennial. I grew up with warhammer all my life, seeing it violated like this is truly an agonizing experience. I genuinely do not know who the target audience is here. It seems the only people who like Sigmar are the GW sycophants who have always been around.
Leaked already.
Leaked too
Really bad color for underbelly.
I reserve my judgement, until examine the kit myself.
>Seem that Dracothion is far more mightier then Sigmar.

Nah, that bitch lizard got knocked out by Gorka Morka.
No, he hasn't.

You better source it.
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>No, he hasn't.

This guy is calling me a liar, wow, unbelievable.
You think I come on here and sully AoS with lying? Wow, truly unbelievable.
Clearly, that is a cheapshot.

So it doesn't count.
Dragon god with a glass jaw.
Remember he also got beat to fuck by Argentine, only managing to distract him for a little while.
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>You think I come on here and sully AoS with lying?
AoS takes its naming conventions from old platform games

I could totally see Drakatoa in some dragon themed collectathon

Not the other guy, but guy, honestly.

Do you have autism buddy? Seriously, do you? Not only are you grammar nazi-ing hard but you're getting hostile over the internet. Calm down and lets discuss this civilly.

When he makes the distinction between Age and Fantasy, its because some sets at the time of BaC were still 'Fantasy' sets, meaning the box art, bases provided, and aesthetic were distinctively something different. Naming the range 'Age of Sigmar' doesn't change the fact that 75-80% of the range are still Fantasy products.

Secondly, >>46082939, if it outselled the Age of Sigmar boxed set that is still significant in the sense that Age of Sigmar got nearly 5 months of advertising in the community as well as a huge release. BaC got almost none of that, with no leaks or rumours coming out until one month prior, and it still outsold the AoS boxed set. Furthermore, the 8 kits you mentioned weren't in the top 10-15, while BaC was #1 for awhile.

It is interesting to note that they now claim all the new AoS sets are the bestsellers while they clearly are not. Lol man I swear, I actually really enjoy AoS but I feel they are pushing it when it doesn't seem to be doing well.

Not that Fantasy was doing well, by the end of my time with that game it had slowed down badly, barely any new bloods, old players not showing up ext.
I'm still waiting on a source for that claim that isn't fucking BOLS. When commenters on faeit consider a site to be clickbait shit you know it's pretty bad.
Would AoS be better if it had BADICAL 90S TUDE TO THE MAX, sick guitar solos for when the Sigmarines warp in, and was in fact a SICKNASTY toy commercial cartoon

>gee Mr Vandus, we sure did have a great adventure trying to save that Ogor!
>we sure did, but remember kids, Sigmar says just say no to ur-gold!
AoS reminds me of He-Man sometimes, that's from the 80s tho. Models with transformation sequences could be fun.

So basically now Orcs may be allies of Sigmar?
That's..strange. And interesting. i guess they are really going to focus on "everything vs chaos". Kinda makes sense.
and this >>46090114 and this
might imply the fact that sigmarines cannot win this war alone(at least, no more)so maybe well get a lot more focus on other factions in the future.
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You'd think if they were going to armour it, they'd do a better job. It's like a suit of armour that only covers your nipples and of course, shoulders. The rest of you is fine, obviously.
>Sigmar answers Archaon's Chaos Warriors with the Stormcast
>Archaon answers with the Varanguard
>Sigmar unleashes the Extermis Stormcast in response to the Varanguard

What will be Archaon's countermove to the Extermis?
To be fair, most stuff is going to be stabbing it from below, it's rare it'll fight something that's taller than it and can hit it from above.

Just look at the official GW stuff then buddy

This level isn't hard to achieve at all and they still look kickass. HE isn't even hard to paint

Saying that these models are bad just plain stupid

Probably some sort of chaos warriors mounted on chaos dragons (alternate kit allows for a two-headed version). For some inexplicable reason the chaos dragon will be wearing a tshir.. I mean protected by chaos armour.

You were right, they have White Lion heads
So is AoS just going to be giant armoured dudes fighting other giant armoured dudes, while all the other factions serves as extras?
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Nice, we didn't even get the last chance warning this time.

Fuck GW
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Wew lad, and I wanted some Grail Knights too
This can only mean two things.
They are being repacked with round bases or some other bullshit or the time of great squatting is upon us.

They probably did not want to deal with the backlash they got after squatting the Tomb Kings

GW are the scum of the earth, expect further factions disappearing without a warning
Doubt it's that complicated, word came out from reputable sources this week that they were disappearing and I think the panic buying just started early.
It's probably due to panic buying.

Still, the end result is the same.
>He-man inspired/themed Stormcast Eternals
That's so gimmicky and hilarious of an idea that it just might come out awesome. This might be something that's up to the side of /tg/ that makes all the SM chapters in order to make into a reality. I can already picture it.
>"I am Vandus, Eternal of Sigmar and defender of the Nine Realms."
>"This is Cringer, my fearless friend."
>"Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic hammer and said,"
>"By the powers of Sigmarion!"
>Transforms into an Eternal
>"I have the power!"
>Points the Hammer at Cringer, which transforms him into a Dracoth.
>"Cringer became the mighty Calanax and I became a Lord-Celestant, the most powerful Eternal in the Nine Realms."
Didn't they do this with the Lizards as well and it just turned out that they were re-boxing and placing them on round bases? All in all in a best case scenario they're finally updating the Bret's by giving them newer models.
Wounds is not even close to adequate as a balancing mechanism.
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>best case

Are you insane? We would have the beautiful models replaced by the dreck they are churning out these days.

Nobody currently working at GW has the skill to replace this model.

Derpy horse bretonia going for new modern cavalry like dracoth. For me, not loss.
Come on anon, just picture how great it'll be.
>Gold plated knight's with dorky helmets and mono-posed horses that lack any dynamic posture.
>Every one of them has terrible rules that amount to nothing and serve as only cannon fodder.
It'll be a nice refreshing breeze of originality that's sooo much better then all the old worthless nostalgic models.
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>The white lion heads would work very well, Anyone know how many heads are included in the box?

16, two of those are without helmets tho (pretty sweet sculpts but without the topknot)

funny but I think the HE sculpts are better than 15 years old aspect warriors. Only Dire Avengers look decent by today's standard

it was obvious that was a troll, eldar players are bitching for new aspect warriors for decades now

And on topknot, I mean plume.

Need a fucking coffe.
You can keep doing that, nobody is going to stop you

A majority of the playerbase wants a real force organization system, though
Am i the only one who doesn't like the old Bret sculpts? I loved their fluff and whatnot, but when I made a small army I ended up using a bunch of empire stuff and some 3rd party bitz instead.
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>thinks bret sculpts are bad
>replaces them with the absolutely horrid empire knight kit that is 15 years old
>a little while
3 days is not a little while.

>they still look kickass.
>HE isn't even hard to paint
They are freaking hard to paint, unless you pick a dark palette.

>mono-posed horses that lack any dynamic posture
Both ain't problem, blightkings kit is monopose and not so dynamic, but still awesome, the problem of AoS release, imnsho is bad palette, sigmarine fslayer, and varanguard look cool on alternative colors.
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fuck AOS desu

I gave it a chance but seriously, it just gets shittier and shittier. GW has to the one of the most delusional companies I've ever come across in my life.
>he doesn't want lightning paladins on dragons
Their cruelty has ended to you, Brets. You're free now.
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>Clash of Irresistible Forces

Sounds like written erotica for physicists
Past tense.
GM got bored, decided to back to fighting everyone and everything. Fucked up all the realms doing so.
Rule of the shield have been added, Vandus killed by Archaon, becasue he left his shield at home.
>glancing at my game shelf
>eyes fall upon this
the master's statues, sky palace, locking himself away to recover while demons conquer the planet..

Shame they've made an effort to stamp out civilization entirely in AoS. I'd totally be down for Act Raiserhammer, with the sigMaster going to all the realms to build up the struggling human colonies before chokeslamming chaos.
I actually agree. The fluff for Brets and the artwork are fantastic, and their army book is one of the prettiest and most thematic things GW has ever put out. Their models just don't really make it work for me - most of the good ones I have seen have more to do with the paint job than the model itself. Not that I expect any nu-Brets to be better, looking at the dracoth cavalry we just got
>Lightning Hammer
I thought this was what they were building towards.
"If the shoe fits, wear it" - GW marketing team

In fairness they are kind of like terminators on purpose, and they're paragons of Not-Thor Sigmar who would run around with thunder and lightning all day anyhow, but I feel you anon.
problem is there's nothing about the regular people, beyond that every faction seems to use them as building materials
Civilization still exists, it's just shattered. Act Raiser is still a great comparison.

>We will switch the attributes before the weapons, noone will notice it
Not necessarily, we just haven't gotten to them yet, at least in the main storyline. Some of the Black Library series has human settlements helping Stormcasts, turning to Slaanesh and then being fucked by Nurgle, and, of course, chaos raiding towns.
>Free Peoples
That's pretty likely a name for the people weren't ran over by Chaos when Sigmar locked the door.
So Slaanesh can grant power from Elf Guantanamo?

What is he, a mob boss passing messages smuggled in the anus of his bride and most loyal servant, Morathi?
>we just haven't gotten to them yet
that's my problem, m89
>So Slaanesh can grant power from Elf Guantanamo?
I thought that the Slaaneshi followers couldn't access the power of their god anymore, hence why some of them are looking for it.
Also I think it's all too likely that either Tyrion, Teclis, Malerion, and Morathi are draining it of it's power. Morathi more so, since she's probably planning on becoming a god herself.
The kingdom fell to Slaanesh because a priest told them about the dope drugs and gimp suits Slaanesh gives out.
Sweet, I hope the rules on the 1d4chan page gets updated.
>Vandus killed by Archaon, because he left his shield at home.
Archaon is gonna hit Vandus again and this time his shield will explode and somehow blind Archaon's third eye.
>I thought that the Slaaneshi followers couldn't access the power of their god anymore

The power of Slaaneshi still flows to his followers. Mortals still get blessed with marks and mutations same as always. However, Slaanesh's presence is not felt.
So Slaanesh is like D&D now where you can worship a concept.
The AoS facebook page is actually answering questions users have - like in a direct interaction way. Somebody even asked about the thunder shield info not being on the dracoth lord celestant and they updated it in direct response to that. Why did it take so long for this new CEO to undo some of the Kirby stuff? Why was this not alongside day one AoS release? (maybe because the hate would have been too strong)

Either way, super cool of them to do that. It's a nice gesture and could go a long way to fixing the problems we see in AoS.
Hey, here's a scenario I made and played today with my Khorne guys against Skaven.

I was the gatecrasher and lost my general early on. I almost wiped out the Skaven before more of them arrived, but they managed to stall and claim a minor victory.
I like the phased entry of units into the game, that's a cool touch.

I don;t know how to make it balanced, but it could be fun to have it so that a certain number of units on the defender's side have to come out of a given dwelling, and if it is brought down, they they are trapped inside/crushed/whatever and can't join the battle at all.

One thing to worry about is if a general is really fast and gets a consecutive turn, it's possible that they could fly/run between dwellings quickly and wreck two of them very early in the game. Either way, looks cool. Maybe there should be a mechanic for regular units to take down dwellings as well? Maybe on a 4+ or something higher. Otherwise it could become a game of 'kill the general' to defend your dwellings.
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Brets are no longer 'sold out' except for a few models. No 'last chance' panic yet, anons. Check the webstore

Yep, you're right. Except a few units seem to be "gone" that I've noticed from a few different countries' webstores (King Louen Leoncoeur for example is gone from UK, USA, CAN, and NZ stores).

Panic buy NOW before they really are GONE FOREVER
Do they only update the webstore when saturday morning rolls around, or can stuff move to the last chance saloon at other times? To put it another way, if they're safe in a few hours does that mean they're safe for another week?
Well then.
>Who's Mitch Cowan?
I don't know, but that Atia bint seemed to think this was reliable so what the hell, repostan.
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Disaster averted

I trust Atia more than I trust BoLS
I doubt anyone in this thread is actually playing, but just in case: How are you guys handeling summoning? It tends to get really out of hand and ruins what could be interesting matches.
Only one summoned unit at a time for each wizard
I like only summoning units that you have in your list to start, so it can be used to replace something that died, rather than spamming several new units. If you're running SDK or Pool or something similar, you could also include your 'to be summoned' units into your points total, but at a discount (50% is a number I have heard) though I have never tried this way before.
"runs pure khorne"
50% of the time they absolutely wreck shit.
We simply don't play with the faggots who abuse it
i put them in the list, usually saying "I have these to summons". if both players can summon then we don't care. If the other guy cannot summon then we arrange before the game how many i can summon total(I only have 2 and i usually field them instead of summoning but anyway).
So I've been re-reading the White Dwarf magazines about the Stormcast releases, specifically the one about the Knights- Heraldor and the Vexillor, and I noticed this chart about the makeup/branches of a Stormhost. It starts off with a Lord-Commander at the very top and under it is listed four temples, the Heraldor, Judicator, Relictor, and the Valedictor. Under those are the Chambers, Exemplar, Harbinger, and simply Warrior. Now interesting enough we still have four branches:
>The Sacrosant Chamber
>The Ruination Chamber
>The Auxiliary Chamber
>The Extremis Chamber
Now, we've already received releases for the Extrimis chamber, that being the Dracoths and Stardrakes, so what exactly are the other Chambers?
The Auxiliary could be made up of mortals that fight for the Stormcast, like warrior priests.
The Ruination could be siege work and cannons, all that good artillery stuff.
Sacrosanct is trickier to guess, but it could be a priestly healing thing.
And what about the Valedictor temple? We've seen the other units of the temples, but nothing relating to this temple specifically.
And what exactly would a Lord-Commander of a Stormhost be?
All in all, I figure that this helps us to figure out and guess what might be coming out next for the Storm boys. Anyone that want's to see this chart can find it here: http://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Stormcast_Eternals
Whoops, didn't mean to link. Sorry about that.

Valedictors will be wizards. Mark my words.
>50% is a number I have heard
From BPS

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>Even MORE Stormcast garbage on the horizon

Are Stormcast the most JUST faction to ever grace a tabletop game?
I like them.
>Lightning paladin wizards
I am okay with this

>Being surprised that the face of the game is going to get a ton of shit
Minimum three more waves of Sigmarines, plus kits to make them look like specific chapters.

At least one may come woth the Order book and squat Brets proper. I feel we need the band-aid ripped off at once on that so the pain stops sooner.
>Valedictors will be wizards
That's exactly what I was thinking as well. Hopefully it'll be something useful, like allowing you to summon more/revive Stormcast.
I think the general idea for the Stormcast is indeed to 'Just Fuck You're Shit Up" on the table, yes. Here's to hoping they make more crazy unit's that /tg/ will cry about.
This, anything else is wrong.
So guys, how has making 'Your Dudes' for Age of Sigmar come along?
>How have you incorporated your previous existing army from fantasy?
>Have you made any new armies and/or back stories?
>Have you tried your hand at creating a new chaos warband or a Stormcast Stormhost?

So are they trying to make them have different chapters like Space Marines?

Fucking GW, they really are fucking idiots
I have my beastmen in the Realm of Life, generally romping through the jungle and tearing down civilizations the way that they used to in the old world. Anytime the free people's cities walls stand, they are out to knock them down and shit on their banners, not much has changed there. The warband is led by a beastlord referred to as The Legtaker, so called because he takes feet and legs as trophies from those he has slain, and severs the rest after the battle so that if you came across the bodies later they would all be missing their feet. This is because he's disgusted by non-hoofed legs with 'knees that bend the wrong way'. I'm thinking of making them Slaanesh followers too, with their own idea of 'perfection' to reinforce this theme. But I haven't decided on that yet.

I bought the stormcast half of the starter set and am just painting them up as Astral Templars, the purple ones, but I'm suing bronze instead of gold and red capes/plumes etc. I picked them because they're the monster/beast hunters who 'are the only ones to enter the gnarlwood and live to tell the tale'. I figure the gnarlwood can be part of the realm of life (or maybe beasts, we'll see) and that way when I have my dudes fight each other during a pickup game with my wife or a friend then there's some 'narrative' to it.
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That sounds pretty good anon, generally fits the bill for beastmen too. Your Beastlord sounds cool and making them Slaanesh followers would add an interesting story about them coming to terms about their missing god, or something like that.
The Stormcast fit as enemies as well, hope you get around to your narrative.

In the 'present' Age of Sigmar my Clan Morbidus chapter live on as the Cult of the Martyr-Rat. Not only claiming to be one of the oldest clans Pestilens but also insisting they carry the ancient remnants of the Creeping Death, the plague that supposedly destroyed the Lizard-things of old, it is through this metaphysical warp-disease that memories of the World That Was linger on in their rotten minds and drive them to spread and sow filth as they always have.

The name and goal is derived from a unique phenomena many of the clan have witnessed through rheumy sighted frothing visions in which a single eyeless Priest clutching a tome bristling with foulness appears among the masses to grasp victory from the jaws of defeat before vanishing. Some say this vision is the Horned one himself guiding the clan towards a lost Plague scripture, others say the mysterious priest is a living manifestation of one of the coveted 13 Great Plagues and he must be followed and seized at all costs.

In game this allows me to use Lord Skrolk and on occasion Nurglitch (proxied as Epidemuis) representing these strange echo's of the past lending a hand to my Pestilent forces. I've been having a lot of fun with it and it removes the problem of special characters not 'existing' in my mind. Working on a beastmen force composed of mostly fun unique monsters too
I like how you've tied in this sense of old and new stuff anon. The ancient disease is a cool idea and using a proxy model is clever.
Thanks man, I'm working on base conversions and painting right now but I have some campaign ideas, especially once a few more factions come out so there's something for them to fight
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Also, what a nice dude, anon. What are you working on/what do you have in mind for your guys?
No prob, hope you get around to posting those conversions once your done. It'll be cool to see, much like another anon once did when he made his own Stormhost. The Forgesworn I believe they were.
>what a nice dude
Aw thanks.
>What are you working on/what do you have in mind for your guys?
I was wondering what to get into once Age of Sigmar started and figured where better to start then the new starter box itself. I figured the Stormcast had potential and decided to start something with them as the story progressed and new models came out. Using whatever information was out at the time and inserting new lore and idea, I made a small Stormhost called the Auroral Warriors that was primarily made of Eternal's whose souls originated from warrior tribes living on the Platinia Peninsula in the realm of Chamon. Their whole story begins when the tribes are facing the onset of the chaos hordes and the sheer overwhelming odds. At first it seems all is going well and the tribes believe they might actually have a chance of winning, then comes a rather powerful Slaaneshi Warhost, led by the Chaos lord Zel'kalao Zhula and his warband, the Enslaved Raptures. With cunning and brutality, the Warhost make short work of the tribes and their forced to flee their ancestral home as the few remaining warriors make a final stand to buy their fleeing tribesmen time.
Each warrior is slaughtered to a man, their souls becoming free and are luckily saved by the hands of Sigmar (Or more likely whoever was collecting souls for him so it doesn't sound like Sue-stuff) and are reforged into new Stormcast. Part of the second Striking now, the small Stormhost seeks to return to their homeland in order to reclaim it for their remaining tribesmen.
That's the general idea I have for it at the moment, I still need to add much to the general meat of the story. With all the new releases, I've been working to fit in the idea of the Stormhost slowly growing in numbers and power as they reclaim their home one victory after another. Including named character and all that, I think it would make for a nice progressive story to base scenarios on and to add that element of growth. I'm thinking of including a Fyreslayer Lodge as well to spice up the narrative and possible Allies/Foes.
Simple for now, but as long as I keep at it I feel like I'll be satisfied.
On another note, I've actually been working on a set of creation tables for making a Stormhost, mostly because I wanna see if it was possible. It's a nearly done work in progress that's of course, heavily based on preexisting tables. But I feel like it'll do it's job.
How do the Brets perform with the change in system from WHFB?

they are squatted soon, so their performance will be 0
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Bring back mein pistoliers Schnell!
>Star Drakes confirmed as old as the first stars

So they are older than the Old Ones and the Slann.
Sigmar's ball, How OP are the Bloodbound?
Shitposting aside, how balanced is this game, especially compared to WHFB (8th or 9th)? Feel free to assume I'm asking under the assumption of whatever point/wound system you use (my LGS uses SDK).
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Even in the art the dragon anatomy looks retarded. That's just NOT where wings protrude from.

There's some passable AoS art, but things like >>46110521 and >>46110532 look absolutely like fan art.

I hope GW hires skilled artists again.
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Honesty it feels like they made it unbalanced on purpose.

If balance is important to you, I'd suggest choosing something else. If you want a quick fun match with your buddies, no matter the odds, this is your game.
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How many bloody skulls do you need to create a heap that can be seen from orbit?
lmao another terrible batch of deviantart

honestly I love the shit they are feeding to you, I mean not only are sigmarines the worst faction GW have ever released, but they are pushing it like crazy, pumping out newer and newer awful models while completely disregarding every other faction

in age of sigmar, you either play sigmarines or you die, there is no other way
I know that the Stormcast are still struggling to find their niche instead of being space marine look alikes, but mugging the Lizardmen and stealing their dinosaurs to strap gold to isn't the answer.
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Is this worse than the Death map?

It is obvious that even less work went into it, they only copypasted the skullpile three times after all compared to the hard work of copypasting dead threes and houses hundred times, but it's hard to beat the Death map.

Goddamn why are they even doing these maps

Not like there ever was a good one
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You know what the Smegmar art and models remind me of? Warcraft.
Any pics of the formations please?
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Goodnight, sweet prince.

That's all the art in the new book. You guy seem to like it.
Don't have time to post them here. I will upload the book in a day or two.
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Can't you have a "quick fun match with your buddies no matter the odds" with literally any other game out there, as well? Nobody is forcing you to play 3k WHFB, 2k WH40K, 750 pts LotR or 400 pts Kill Team.

Holy crap this is hitting new lows. Is there any quality control?
As OP as they need to be to set up the worf effect when the New Shinies turn up.
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Shadowkin and Shroudling Kings when?
The Shroudling Kings must have the patience of saints to teach fyreslayers the subtle ways of war.
>Now, do you remember what we taught you?
>Yes, of course. Move up carefully and silently, don't just charge screaming with an axe.
>Very good. Off we go then.
>Fuck's sake.

There is a reason this game attracts so much criticism, it is actively hostile to the concept of fairness and balance.

Mannfred is going to get BTFO
>can we stop pretending that Sigmarines are supposed to replace the "Normal" humans?
They are supposed to replace normal humans AND bretonians. Stop being delusial
The WD says that lodge adopted some Aelven aspects in their symbol.

I don't see it.
>Webstore updates
>Brets still not in last chance to buy
They're safe for another week then, right?
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Unless the panic buying gets to the point of them running out of stock and deciding not to do another run.

Louen is oop now, very sad.
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According to the new book, Archaon is close to playing his hand. Disaster will soon follow.

Sigmar is running out of time. It's now or never.

What is Archaon planning?!
Taking the war to Azyr.
A big birthday party for his favourite varanguard. There's going to be balloons and cake and everything.

I think that, Taurus do not blame Mannfred at all.
>I think that, Taurus do not blame Mannfred at all.

His second in command does, though.

During the whole journey, he and Mannfred were duelling verbally.

>Hallowed Knights seek revenge on the creature who caused the death - the permanent death - of their Lord-Celestant.

Ramus the Lord Relictor is leading them now, Tarsus the Bull Hearted is no more
I'm calling it, Nagash still holds Tarsus' soul and Mannfred helps release it before dying

>Sigmar orders the Stormcast to capture Mannfred and bring him to him so that he can present him as a gift to Nagash

It's funny because Nagash swore that he will chain Mannfred to his throne in the last audiobook series. It seems that the universe conspires to enchain Mannfred.
They used a positive behavior encouragement system with tiny bits of ur-golds

>>Star Drakes confirmed as old as the first stars
Weren't the the slann already old when the stars were young though? Or am I misremembering stuff?
Anyway, is there more stuff about the actual birth of dracothion, the dragons, or more in general, these celestial beings (the zodiac beasts)?

Also, weren't the stars of the mortal realms born with the mortal realms or are they shining from outside the mortal realms? Because for example the slann reside in the stars now, yet it's strange to think such stars are actual stars dozens or perhaps hundreds light years distant from one another rather than just shining points on a crystalline dome like in old conceptions of the Cosmo.

Shit makes no sense
Maybe Dark Aelves.
My theory is Dracothion = Sotek
Hey all,

Do I really have to "pick a side" in this whole AoS/WHFB debacle? My friend gave me an old O&G army box and we've started modeling without any particular ruleset in mind.

Can't we just play AoS sometimes, or 8th, or 9th? Is that so bad?

You can play AoS if you want some inferior gaming experience. Just make sure you model your force on square bases so you can play real games as well.

You can play AoS if you want some superior gaming experience. If you want to play other games as well you can model your force on square bases. But that doesn't look as good.
No, no need to "pick a side". Play what you want, I've heard of plenty of groups that mix it up on the day depending on what they feel like. Ignore the angry internet people that deal in absolutes.

Remember square bases can be used in either system, but rounds are trickier - if you put you dudes on rounds you'll need to source some movement trays for round bases (they do exist) for playing 8th/9th.

calling age of smegma 'gaming experience' is quite a stretch. let's say 'experience', then it is fine, gaming is a very generous term in case of aos
Movement trays for round-based minis sounds like the best of both worlds.

But aren't round bases 28mm and square ones 25mm, or is that old info? Any ideas for making the movement trays yourself?
People aren't 'picking a side'.

They are just refusing to play an awful, awful system that had no effort put into it and does not even include a proper balancing mechanism. If AoS was not made by GW it would have sunk without a trace after being laughed at for a few weeks.

Never mind that people who enjoyed WHFB tend to dislike the loss of the Old World and the active contempt GW has shown towards them.
There's a variety of sizes, square came in 20 and 25mm depending (small bases for goblins and ungors, larger for chaos warriors and gors for example). Similarly with rounds, they recently switched space marines from 25mm to 32mm leading to consternation over whether people had to rebase. At the end of the day GW don't specify what bases stuff should be on, they suggest the ones in the box but say you can put them on others if you want.

So, basically, put them on the bases that look best to you. Personally, I prefer bulkier models on bulkier bases so the feet don't overhang the edges, which normally means 32mm rounds.

Can't help on the custom movement trays, sorry.
Couldn't you view community balancing as a good thing for both AoS and Fantasy ? GW never made balanced rulesets anyways--so laziness on their part could work in gamers' favor.

In the case of AoS, different SDK/pool systems exist that are much better than any 'points' GW could design.

In Fantasy's case, the 9th Age is quickly becoming the most streamlined, balanced FB game with a healthy community.

I'm not pardoning GW. But it is an idea.
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I just put five models on a transparent plastic paper and cut around it.
easy and fast movement trays
>Is that so bad?
not really, the only problem you could find are different bases, but technically age of sigmar allows any kind of bases, while with other systems you will be able to use movement trays anyway.

Unlikely, sotek has nothing to do with the progeny of dragons.
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movement trays for round bases will result in a larger footprint that a tray for square bases, so it's not like you'd be playing whfb or 9th age or KoW as intended.
The problem is that perpetuates the idea that its acceptable to charge money for a product you did not even bother to finish. Most people correctly expect a game to be functional when its released. Its also made pickup games effectively impossible and devastated existing WHFB communities which has made it hard for lots of people to find games.

And 9th Age is making more and more departures from the fluff in the quest for balance, its alienating a lot of people.
>Unlikely, sotek has nothing to do with the progeny of dragons.

Nothing was known about Sotek except that he was a serpent god.

One of Dracothion's titles is the cosmic serpent.
That's one of those things that only anon's local group can decide on, they may be okay with it or they may not. But my feeling would be if you make a bit of effort to decorate the intervening spaces people will probably be okay, with unit fillers and the like an entire unit is often as much a display piece as any individual model.
At least its not a Storm Hammer
>Listen to the new Mannfred audiobook
>mfw Destruction is confirmed next

Are you guys ready for Gorkamorka?!

No, not okay for KoW or 8th/9th. It does matter who you are base contact with.

Anyways, the point is moot as AoS doesn't care about the shape of the base you use, so just use square bases and you can play all systems.
So square bases would be best for sheer diversity of rulesets? Are there any other fantasy minis games that use round bases?
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>When the Warhammer Age of Sigmar book was released last July it featured this organisational structure for a Stormcast Eternals Stormhost. Look closely and you’ll notice that the Extremis Chambers were mentioned in that very first book, nestled on the right-hand side of the Stormhost next to the Warrior Chambers. See, the Extremis Chambers have been there all along! Of course, this throws up more questions. What’s contained within the Auxiliary, Ruination and Sacrosanct Chambers, and when does Sigmar plan to unleash them upon the Mortal Realms? The future is going to be very exciting indeed.

The release of Extermis chambers were foretold all along in the previous books. There are more chambers to be released at some point in the future.

Expect at least 3 or 4 more Stormcat releases. You guys hyped?
those WoW sized shoulder pads really triggers my autism.
>What’s contained within the Auxiliary, Ruination and Sacrosanct Chambers

Auxiliary - Relaunched Empire.
Ruination - Artillery and AoE.
Sacrosanct - Priests and shit

calling it.

I don't want to get on your back about dragon anatomy but GW tells the artist what to do, so if they say draw the wings in a retarded place then they do it. It doesn't really have anything to do with 'artist skills'

Simple/less crunch =/= unfinished.

Unfinished is when a game dev releases a game with a ton of bugs, or with functions that just plain don't work. See for example: Rome 2 on release.

What GW did was release a game that lacks a lot of the usual crunch of tabletop games. It doesn't have a points system, it's movement, shooting, magic, and combat are all as simple as it can get, but all of these were willful decisions by GW, they weren't accidentally left undone.

I'm inclined to agree with the other anon though - I reckon GW thought that the best people to balance the game would be the communities that played it, and if you look at the dozens of points systems those communities have come up with, it seems that they were correct.
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Looks like something from Doom. I like it.
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yeah they are saving the good art for you 40k babies ayyyyyy ;^)
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so age of Sigmar is pretty much HE-Man
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>And 9th Age is making more and more departures from the fluff in the quest for balance, its alienating a lot of people.

This. I looked up what they did with the Empire and when I saw they're now called the Empire of Shango (?) and worship a bunch of gods that don't even exist in WHFB proper I nope'd right out of there. Just balanced the rules, cunts, we don't need your fanfiction.net tier writing shoved in too.
What do you have against creativity? It's not like GW lore is any better.
LotR and... that's it as far as I know. And as much as I love LotR, I would never play the system with WH minis. It just... feels wrong.

Should he try to raise his arms, he's probably knock himself out with those pauldrons.

Shit, you can have heavily armored guys, but reduce those pauldrons to about 20-30% of the current size.
The fluff is there just because. 9th Age is a way of playing and updating WHFB without running into problems with Games Workshop.

I'm fairly certain few people have even read the fluff, much less care. As long as the rules are nice, we'll have 30 years of fluff to work with.
this guy's probably the only artist they've got for AoS that I consistently like

but fuck, the subject matter isn't doing him any favours. Look at the underbite on those mini-dragons.
Read his post 9th cuck. He doesn't need some faggots fanfics clogging up an already poorly made fanwork. perfect example of why your homebrew is shit.
>Look at the underbite on those mini-dragons.

They look like something an orc would ride into battle with, instead of a Spacecast NotMarine
Not him, but it's glaring that you dare talk about "poorly made fanwork" considering what's been posted in this thread:
It's fucking DeviantArt tier.
People dare talk about poorly made fanwork because the fanwork is poorly made 9thcuck
I'm quite sure you don't know what "cuck" means.

If you want to see poorly made fanwork, check >>46113475
>I'm quite sure you don't know what "cuck" means

I'm not quite sure you know what good fanwork means.

Yea they seriously should have given it scale mail on the underbelly, and popping out from where all the pieces of armor is set. This would give the impression of using layered armor as you should, and would also help covering the more bendable parts of the body.
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Not him, but this looks good enough to me

defined linework, evocative subject, good use of light and adherence to the original material

Not all 9th age artwork is as good, mind you, certain are definitely of a worse quality than the lowlier of AoS ones even, but there's some talent and dedication behind those pieces too, I recommend to wait for the beastmen ones to see what I'm talking about as I know who's one of the artists.
>because the fanwork is poorly made
>AoS thread
Oh irony.
Here's the thing:

If this was artwork from a new company, making a new game, etc. nobody would give them shit. Some people would be like "eh, not my thing", but people wouldn't vomit.

The problem is that GW has set a precedent for great artwork over the past 30 years, and so seeing this switch now is revolting. Truly within the next 5 years I feel like all we will have are devianart illustrations and fyreslayer-style models.

In any case, I fucking wish I could make a rulebook with this quality of art.
I'm not quite sure you know what irony means.
Remind me how they arent space marines, im confused
Considering you dont need 1:1 models for kow I'm not sure i get your point, its by total frontage

They're more similar to the Thunder Warriors to be frank
What is he doing to that Bloodthirster?
My guess is that he's simply taking off the crown it was wearing or he's 'redeeming' it. I think they have that ability now to send souls to Azyr to be be purified.

daemons are pure chaos so how can they be redeemed? we've only seen mortal champions being redeemed anyway.
I'm likely wrong to begin with. What I heard or read was that it was possible for the energies that made up daemons to be taken and sent to Azyr where it was purified. This meant that these daemons wouldn't return to the realm of chaos and regenerate, possibly meaning that daemons could technically now be destroyed permanently in a way.
More info plz!!!

Far better than AoS.

>sent to Azyr where it was purified
Only Celestant-Prime can do so, and one Nurgle Lord reforged as a knight-venator, the funny part is, he retained his memory.
In 40K, where they 'try their best' to have points, balance, and so on, it still doesn't work. Things like the ITC have extensive comp and basically every major tournament has some changes to the rules, restrictions on things, etc. Back in WHFB the swedish comp changed ponts all over the place.

GW knew this - they couldn't balance as well as the active fanbase, so why not let them handle it from the beginning? The one trouble with this is a brand new babby entering the game will not know to look up a fanmade points system and so will have some unbalanced games
>so why not let them handle it from the beginning?
Because it's bad game if players fixing such important parts.
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I am sorry if this is one of those noob FAQs, but pic related is an ability of the fay,but grail knights already have the skill to reroll to hit. Doss it mean i get to reroll twice or what?
That depends on if you're holding a goblet and shouting "For The Lady". If you want to ignore the joke rule then yes, you can reroll twice.
>HE-Man themed Stormcast.
>Skelator as Chaos sorcerer.
There's some potential here.
>Nurgle Lord reforged as a knight-venator, the funny part is, he retained his memory.
Now this sounds interesting, I'm curious about their gonna try to pull with this.
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>Skelator as Chaos sorcerer.
I think it was a set-up for the possibility that Archaon could be redeemed. Diedrick Kastner is still in there somewhere, and still views Sigmar as his god to some extent. If Chaos lords can be untainted and brought into Sigmar's light, then maybe that's how they can stop Archaon.

I don't think it will work (why end the big bad so early in the story, plus invalidate his model) but I think they will at least consider trying it
That's what I am saying - even 40K and WHFB had the players fixing such important parts. Those may well be 'bad games' too, but it means that GW can't or won't balance well. If you know you will fail, why put in all the effort? We will all end up using a fan-made comp anyhow, so this way they wash their hands of the effort and responsibility
Awesome and hilarious, I think there's something here that we can work with. Hell, we can have Eternia in Azyr or Ghyran and Snake Mountain in Aqshy.
The question remains though on where to put castle Greyskull and whether Skelator technically counts as a Khorne worshiper since his head is literally a skull.
>If you know you will fail, why put in all the effort?
Lol, so such large company as GW cannot spend some monies and other resources and hire play testers? More likely they don't care like Bethesda don't care about content in their games since players will make shitton of mods anyway.
But the rules clearly say you can't reroll twice, was this just a joke? Doesn't seem in line with GW's style
>Archaon could be redeemed
That sounds likely, perhaps he won't entirely be redeemed though. Like his good side stops him from doing the final big evil thing and he ends up killing himself. Only for his soul be to torn between the good and bad, one going back to chaos and the other being snatched up by Sigmar to be reforged into a Stormcast.
Daemons don't get send to Azyr.

Only human souls can.
On that note, I'm still waiting for goodsharkar mir to turn up again.
>sharkar mir
What, like Sindri Myr? That would actually be cool as hell and funny as hell to see Archaon get "Sindri'd". Could GW even pull something like that off? Many on /tg/ would quickly say no for good reasons.
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