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Dungeon Life Quest (DLQ) 37 - Mocked By An Angel Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 26

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ARCHIVE: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Dungeon%20Life%20Quest
PREVIOUS THREAD: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/45004159/
CHARACTERS AND PLACES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19gNVgtevar647l4ZumUaVH6GlJzvxLlDNKaH8DrQMWE/edit?usp=sharing
WEBCOMIC 'CAUSE Y'ALL ASKED: http://wildwestscifi.net/gallows-humor/13683-gallows-humor-prologue

You are Brianna la Croix, journeyman necromancer, and you're about to ask an angel if she minds being in a snake-woman's novel about you.

This is rapidly becoming an average day for you.
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You trickle smoke from your nostrils and grin. "Well, actually," you answer Lora, "there's this lamia that keeps wanting to write my story, and I wanted to make absolutely sure you were okay with it before I just ran off at the mouth."

Lora sighs and makes the sort of puzzled expression you see on people's faces when they're trying to figure out what to say. "...You told me that no one knew who or what built the Dungeon, yes?"

You nod.

"Maybe that was my problem. Maybe it's time for that to change. And...well, maybe I've had enough time hiding away at the bottom of my hole. What happened between me and the gods is done with and forgiven on both sides. Maybe it's time that I took up a different duty."

"What if your Dungeon needs you?" you ask.

"I've built it as best I can," Lora says softly. "It's time to give it to those it was built for. This place is my labor of love but it belongs to those who live in it. As it should be, no?"

"...You know, I suppose so," you agree, thoughtfully. "How secret are you /in general/?"

"I would prefer that certain details, such as the precise circumstances of my binding, be obscured. Obviously I cannot permit you to transcribe the words of the Divine Tongue, but you may describe it and speak /of/ it. Aside from that? Tell as much or as little of the truth as you care to."

"Scribbles will be thrilled," you tell the angel, and she gives you a little smile.

"You'll wake soon," Lora tells you, a little wistfully. "...It is sometimes difficult for me to hold these conversations together. Despite the aid of my claim and the bindings, your soul wants to be in your body when you dream. Bringing you here takes quite a bit of effort."

"Huh," you note. "Got time for another question?"

"I can try."

> What do you ask?
Eh. Ask her if she'd be willing to sit and chat while everyone finishes off the Baron.

Dunno what else we could talk about real quick.
And reposting in case anyone missed it.

SPEECH THERAPY PART TWO: http://pastebin.com/09uD61Yd
> While we're on the subject, are these talks taking place in real time? Can you choose what part of the night to talk for? Even against a chainholder's wishes?
>what do you know about silence? That fey woman?

I'm curious what Lora has to say about her
> What happens if you're summoned by one of the chain holders while we're asleep? Does "Unconscious" count?
That might not be the best question since we've seen that the chain-holders can listen in on our conversations.

Y'know what? Let's hear some more about the Dungeon.
>Which layer of the Dungeon was the most fun, or the most difficult, to create, and why?

I'd imagine that creating the Cornucopia, a place of abundance and /life/ was quite a bit different for an angel of the Death Choir.

Also, how much do the harpies know of Lora? I'm over here imagining that they have a shrine to the Lady of Ravens that actually allows Lora to listen in, maybe give some advice, in her place.
Just ask about the sleep trick, that should clear things up on both sides
Leaving this one open for a bit while I eat dinner & write the Duchess thing AT LONG LAST.

...Also I appear to have lost the healer fic I posted early on and cannot fucking find it again.
Will being asleep during the fight prevent the Baron from summoning you?

Ah, thank you anon.
>Can you hear prayers?
Threadly reminder that we need to bottle some death
You guys haven't forgotten we need to bring up Victoria and Brigette right?
>Acquire full bottle of alcohol
>Put Lark cigarette in bottle
>Let sit 24 hours
>Serve on ice
>Flavor to taste like it'll make a difference
Actually, it occurs to me that Brigette may have just solved the problem. Depends exactly how that Revert command works, but...
Well we don't know that IC

>The powerful need to isolate oneself for the first transformation was part of lycantheropy. John sassing me like an asshole was not.

My sides


I haven't, but they aren't really "urgent" right now. We need to know most of this other shit for our fight with the Baron; the Victoria stuff can be handled in the interlude.

Also, who's betting Vicky and Bridge end up more-or-less adopting loli!assassin?
True, true. Still, it'll be interesting to see how that unfolds.

I reeeeally doubt Lora would appreciate that abuse of the divine language.
Okay, so, progress update: I've added a fiction section to the characters and places doc. It currently does not contain the Isoldt lewds; I lost the link to those as well. If I find them, they will be tagged; any future lewdity will also be tagged.

This has been a productive fuckin' day. Got the update written, finished Speech Therapy, wrote a race for the RPG stuff. I'm feelin' good.
>divine language is its own punishment
either it goes badly, and Victoria will also MENTALLY regress, in which case FUCK NO, or it goes well, and Lora will let her have that one because she damn well earned it.
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Ah, gentlemen...

>"You'll wake soon," Lora tells you, a little wistfully. "...It is sometimes difficult for me to hold these conversations together. Despite the aid of my claim and the bindings, your soul wants to be in your body when you dream. Bringing you here takes quite a bit of effort."

Not to burst your bubble, but I think Vox might've already patched the exploit.

Given that our soul apparently [i]leaves[/i] our body for these excursion, we may wish to think about how we word this thing. Like, rather than framing it as preventing her from being summoned, ask how this whole thing actually works? Because A) we don't want the Chain Holders to know what we're plotting and B) the fact that our soul leaves our body to do this is actually kind of concerning.
Future reference, this is not intended as a prevention on the sleep exploit which, again, I am tickled rather pink by. It is instead an explanation as to why you don't have literally all night to talk to her.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure the whole "not die" thing works BECAUSE Bri's soul has somewhere to be while Lora works her magic
> Punking me with my own joke
You glorious bastard.

Added, tagged. Lemme know if the tagging's insufficiently explicit/warning.

Ah, I see.

Either way, primary point still stands. Find some way to be subtle about this, please. They can see what we talk about, and an ace in the hole works a lot better if they don't know it's coming.

It's... more explicit than I was expecting.

Almost like you intend to do more, of different enough variety that you felt the need to specify what you did there.

This is not a criticism.

If I'd change anything, I'd go through the various docs/pastebins and add a link back to the main character/places doc, just to make navigation easier.


>NPCs - Corpses

I laughed.
Honestly? It's because I only have experience with tagging on two sites, both of which are dedicated porn sites, so I sorta modeled mine after them.

There, I fucking said it.
Which sites, if you'd like to elaborate?

I recognized the tagging style. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Also that'd better have been an intentional pun.
I'd really rather not. My porn is my business and it's only yours if you're either producing it or actively sleeping with me. I appreciate the interest but I'ma draw my line there.
damnit Vox, now you're just advertising yourself as a boneslut
>actively sleeping with me

The fuck does it look like I've been trying to do here you whore! Put out already!

Just another reason to start actively sleeping with you then.
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It's official now. You've made me a necrophiliac.
Okay. I know I promised the Duchess thing tonight but I've gotta level with you, I'm passing out in my chair. I'm gonna crawl into bed and use the sleep for awhile and leave the vote open in the meantime. Thank you, again, for your patience during my break and for keeping the previous thread bumped and useable.

As always, questions, comments, discussion, feedback, and critique are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!

>patience during my break

Dude, look up Deculture. Or Guide. Or fucking Shoggy.

If we can handle waiting months for them, we can handle you taking a <24hr break.
>Given that our soul apparently [i]leaves[/i] our body for these excursion, we may wish to think about how we word this thing. Like, rather than framing it as preventing her from being summoned, ask how this whole thing actually works? Because A) we don't want the Chain Holders to know what we're plotting and B) the fact that our soul leaves our body to do this is actually kind of concerning.


> Soul /leaves/ body? How, exactly, do these visits actually work, anyway?
Sleep well, oh gentle skeleton!

Astral projection? Astral summoning?

I mean, if Brianna can eventually learn a way to contact Lora during her waking ours, we could deprive the Chain-Holders of their trump card EVERY TIME. There'd probably a huge cost to Bri, that would make it a one-shot or rarely used thing.


Supporting this as well. Seems like a pretty good line of inquiry to get into.
My god has this post gave anyone else a throbbing dong? Cause i get crazy razzeled over scooping shit out of my ass.... oooo I can smell it now.
I rather say, I must agree with the man Dinky. Whilest his vile vocabulary does repulse me, I do become encumbered at this time or that with a raging dong from a thread such as this. In fact it seems that this dong has become so enraged that it has slithered itself up my rectum and into the sanction of my tummy. Quite alarming, to say the least.
Or TwoDee.
We still wait for Shadowruns 2.0.


The best quests don't have Namefags. And this is why.

Vox, tell your tranny IRL friends about the etiquette, please. And maybe we wonèt have all these shit posts.
Guess who's awake early for no good reason and will be crawling back to bed?

In a related story, guess what other set of people is too shy to even post regularly outside of votes, god forbid namefag?

There's not a need to pick fights, anon. We're all friends here. Now I'ma pass the fuck back out and pray that this mildly upset stomach is not food poisoning or the flu gearing up to take me out.
Can the undead even get sick? It's probably just your body complaining about too much caffeine. OR NOT ENOUGH!!

But seriously, get the fuck back to bed and stay there. Your loyal anon's shall keep the thread alive until you return.
I lurk and wait for the quest-storytimes. The Vox is *happy camper**bubble*. Some post *frumple* things. These *silly cows* will *dance* with us until *juice* is obtained. Quest thread will be *happy place* after. Forever after.
See, it's shit like this that make me want to post hurtful, hurtful words. This is "penguin of doom" level try-hard LolRandumb XDXD bullshit.

Fucking. Namefags.
I'm just reminded of Star Control 2. One of the races spoke like that.

It was not a nice race.
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Yeah, as that other anon has said. The namefagging is starting to get a bit ridiculous in this thread. This is another reason why this quest fanbase is approaching tumblr tier levels.
you guys need to chill. I've never played the game, but it was rather obviously a reference.

I only want namefagging gone as much as I want people to stop joking about lewding Vox. Both are fine, both can be a bit much, but plenty of people don't want them gone THAT badly.
>equating sex jokes to namefagging
>being okay with namefagging

This is why you're tumblr tier.
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I think the problem is having a thread up all the time even when Vox isn't running. This may be starting to turn into your average 4chan /general/ where long periods with no new content get filled with farting noises until a new update gets posted.
I'm sorry, what?
Rest in peace, as I have. Because I know that despite our differences, we have one thing in common.
When we die, we'll be Vox's skeleton army. You know, the one that didn't get summoned by him, but summons themselves at will, and pester the caffeine lich for storytimes.
>Damn, I wonder how Vox gained so much power. I mean, Like any self respecting lich I can raise undead armies without breaking a sweat, But for him, they just reanimate on their own.
Wait... Was it one of those stories on the 1d4chan smut list?

I have to read through it again for science now!

/tg/ has corrupted me horribly
Uh, I think you're still in the wrong thread, anon.
Wait, not anon. Whatever. You know what I mean.
Yeah, definitely my bad for phone posts. Deleted.
Not sure what you want me to do about it. I don't control the 'chan - no one does. I'm not about to look like an asshole trying to either. I can ask that folks remain polite and friendly but I'm not about to throw a dog in this fight except to say that you're all my readers and I'd appreciate it if we could keep the friendly, laid-back feel we've had thus far.

But, honestly? I expected to be running this quest amidst a lot worse. As far as I'm concerned we're still beating the curve.

Gotta take care of some things. Votes will be called soonish. I'll be working between 2:30 & 8 EST today.
Honestly, we only had one minor shit storm so far, and the fetch conflict doesn't count because lets face it thats just 4chan banter.
It's mostly the one anon taking the bait. We're not here to soapbox. Also name fags are annoying. And never mention you have friends unless you're okay with shit being flung at them.

Poor Soma and his imotou. Luckily Soma is shit posting king and can handle it.
90% of my irritation comes from the namefagging. That, plus the last threads shitposting made me think it was just people who have never been on 4chan before being all summer and shit.

I mean, look at >>45068807, BQ has a dedicated shitposting IRC for gosh sakes.


Vox, I like your quest. I like it a lot. But I don't like some of your playerbase. I'll try not to shitpost at them, but it's almost reflexive.
> And never mention you have friends unless you're okay with shit being flung at them.

As I said, they're shy folks. Even the one who's /not/ has remained anonymous, because that's kinda what you do. Mostly I'm concerned with moving on.

I appreciate it, friend.

Alright, morning /chores/ are done. I need to go get my paycheck and Prevent Homelessness. I'll be back to update at that point.
Been considering offering the chance to split the party between solving Part Five and solving the Roost sub plot. Thoughts?
Hell yeah, but I hope we get a bigger party for that.

I'd be down for Nate, Bri + 1 other handling New Hell while Amy, Fetch her parents tackle The Roost.
I'd actually want Fetch as the +1 going after the Baron, possibly call in a favor from River to assist Amy.
But Fetch works as a communication system.
Don't forget our shadow! Also our extra pair of hands! As well, there's our extra chickens.

Oh god, we could send them out as a decoy. Imagine it, three chickens standing on top of each other in a robe while our shadow moves the arms and holds out the hands.

We need to give Fetch the ability to telepathically control that mess.
Dunno if Fetch's communication range is long enough for that. The Roost is pretty huge.
> "Caroline, I cannot accept your love. For you see, I was a pile of undead minions in a trenchcoat all along."
> "Look, if you're not - OH MY GODS YOU WEREN'T KIDDING!"

Homelessness prevented, incidentally.
I was assuming we keep Kat with us, since she's the least stable (read: most likely to kill people other than who we want) of the minions. The Helping Hands and Chicken Squires are also great, but secondary combatants.

That's probably the funniest thing I'll hear for the rest of the week.
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Alright folks, part one of the Duchess story. There will be more coming but I want to update the actual thread so I'ma stop here for now.

Your Grace: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1daUhE65meqcmEK8629GGGdpvBajlK89CKl2W21BGSfo/edit?usp=sharing
Is this how Fetch woos the maidens fair?

Actually, now I'm thinking of the entire courtly romance genre, and how much it wouldn't change if the knightly protagonist was a chicken. I mean, when one of the central themes is the impossibility of the romance actually being consummated, one of the people being a chicken almost fits. Just replace all the "I cannot, for I am wed to another man" with "I cannot, for you are a chicken."
Wow, Glen looks nothing like how I imagined it.
Honestly that was a close-enough picture that I settled on after about an hour of digging. Didn't care enough to find a better one, don't wanna ask anyone to waste their time drawing the town.
Suitable town images are hard to come by, If I could draw well I would have a go at it.
Wait, wheres the last part of speech therapy?
Open wide and say: "aaaah~"

Here >>45061552
Your Grace is an amusing read.
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You think, and then hit on what you want to ask about.

"Can you tell me more about these talks? What causes them, who has priority, why my soul's not in my body?"

"That last part's easy," Lora answers. "If your soul was in your body you'd be dreaming. It's something the Fangs Choir attends to -"

"Wait, the /Fangs/?" you ask, curiously. "They bring dreams?"

"No. They facilitate dreams," Lora corrects. "It's one of their more minor duties, as dreams mostly happen on their own, but every now and again a soul gets confused and has to be taught how to dream again."

"...Huh," you note, mildly. "So you peel my soul from my body for these talks?"

"Correct. This room is in the Dungeon. You can find me there, if you look hard enough. The Poet built it to replace the circle I was previously restrained in. She meant well."

"...I'm not sure what to say to that," you admit.

"Say nothing, and let it be what it is," Lora suggests. "As for priorities...I cannot be called while you are here. It would be very difficult to keep me manifest while you are here as well, though the Master could, perhaps, accomplish it. It is one of your rights as the heritor; the right to petition me for instruction and guidance in your new role. Even my binding cannot override that basic right."

"So if you were manifest and I happened to fall asleep...?"

"I would likely return here," Lora agrees. "The strongest calling would be if you were to die. Nothing and no one can prevent me from attending upon your death and conversing with you while I restore your mortal form."

"Iiiiiinteresting," you muse.

"Enjoy your day, heritor," Lora says with a quirked eyebrow.

Your eyes open. It's a brand-new day, and you've got battle to plan.

> Breakfast and war council immediately
> Breakfast with Nathan & Amy
> Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
> Tell Scribbles the good news
> Find River
> Write-in?
> Find River
> Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
In this order please.

>> Tell Scribbles the good news

So guys, we can seriously fuck the baron over by expending our entire life force to necromancy the fuck out of him and then get rebuild by lora if we start losing.
Lora said that the gift of our life force being restored could only be done once.
Expending it all would result in Bad Things happening.
We should maybe ask how our current immortality interacts with our spending life force before trying this. Remember, Lora restored our spent life once, and said it was a gift that couldn't be repeated. I don't know what happens if we spend it all, but it's probably not "we come back with no permanent consequences."
> Find River
Been awhile since we talked to her, should check how her haunting going
Alright folks, that's the final update until I get home from work and get my evening stuff done. Vote'll remain open.

As always, questions, comments, discussion, & critique remain welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!

Also that feel when you realize your playlist for the quest is 90's as fuck.
>Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
>90% of my irritation comes from the namefagging
who fucking cares? Nobody's been particularly unique enough to stand out when they post, although props to that artist guy for not taking a name and perhaps influencing votes.
>> Breakfast with Nathan & Amy
>then war council
>> Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.

Bathe with the bird?
Holy shit, your grace was pretty funny.
She couldn't hold a candle to the cook, though.
Isoldt: Who are you?

The Cook: I'm the cook.
anon, my sides, please
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Three and a half hours and change to call.
"I LIKE this town!"

Never change Vox.
Happy 61st day in a goddamn row, Vox!

>Nov 29th and 30th, Dec 1st to 31st, Jan 1st to 28th and counting
> Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
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Coincidentally, I only namefag when I feel its important or I have something to contribute, usually doodly stuff.

>Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
Sweet, luxurious bubbles. I'm a man, and I fucking /love/ me some bath time. Does Brianna have a spooky rubber ducky by any chance?

Vox, you are my fucking mensch, and I love you like a dog loves a bone.
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Okay, so I'm posting these unfinished because;
A) I want to anon's (and our dear QM's) opinions and ideas before I continue.
B) Work and fucking life in general keep interrupting my doodle time, so I haven't been able to finish anything. /Life is suffering./

For 'Son of Sorrow', I decided to make it similar to a poker card, with one side reflecting Nate's compassion and heroism, and the other reflecting his nature as a Woundseeker.

I've been having a bit of trouble with the other sketch because, well, I am not the best with faces. Like, at all. And trying to make one with some expression and emotion has had me literally pulling hairs out. Amy's face feels off to me, the pose feels kinda weird, and I for the life of me cannot decide on how Nate should look.
Mother of fuck has it really been that long? Who's keeping track?
>> Breakfast and war council immediately
>Does Brianna have a spooky rubber ducky by any chance?
Fetch would probably work, in a pinch.
Anyone that can look at the archive.
You've literally always had a thread on the board.
I can't really complain about name fags who actually contribute. You and Archivebro are alright, since you keep your namefagging appropriate like that.

It's that when people start doing it for their opinions and votes and shit in the quest I get pissy. It calls me to shit post in return .
I honestly do not know how to feel about this. I'm, what, five days shy of a record considered suicidally insane? Fuck. Have I lost control of my life?
Do you want this to be your life?
That's all that matters.
If you want things to be this way and ENJOY them this way, you've not lost control. You're in full control.
Stayed over at work. One hour to call.
You are Vox the Questmaster, and this is your life now.
I think you have NANOWRIMO BTFO by now, that's for sure.
okay, that was pretty good.

>And now, to meet this La Croix person
>Oh, it's nice to meet you, Your Grace. Excuse me while I finish some last-minute business, I'll be with you tomorrow
>Literally kills herself
> Get home
> There is no coffee

What fresh hell is this.

I'm going to go retrieve the caffeine. I will return.
There's been an intervention, Vox.

We watched, warily, as you announced your intention to run continuously until the end of January. Sure, you started fine, but your promises were grand, and none could envision you managing it.

Then, as you proved true to your word, we reveled in the quick pace of a deepening story, with engaging characters and interesting choices. We didn't think too deeply about where your unholy power came from, for we were too filled with mirth.

Now, as your power begins to fade, some of us realized that sacrifices must have been made to sustain this. We pooled notes, investigated the means by which you could have sustained yourself in reckless disregard to your health. Conclusions were drawn, and we acted.

Coffee was the first to go, lich. More shall disappear in the next few days. We're staging an intervention, hoping to drive you into the ground now before you're too burned out to pick yourself back up.

As painful as it is, you'll thank us in the end.
I was resisting the urge to make a similar knock on Vox's "addiction" to questing, but this is way longer.
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Give the man back his coffee, friend. Before it's too late, and you call down the wrath of the lich upon you.
We made sure we couldn't take it back. The coffee is gone, certainly. I didn't handle that part, so I couldn't say how. Others were paid to carry out further sabotage on our behalf. The funds that would have gone to Patreon were useful for that.

It's done. I'd like to say I'll die laughing, but I know I won't. I'm not *that* delusional about what's coming our way.
>"Vox, why are you making quest threads at 3 AM in the morning?"
>"I've lost control of my life"

>Breakfast with Nathan & Amy
and afterwards
>Tell Scribbles the good news
Should I have replaced the coffee bag with the one filled with monopoly money instead? Or would that be going a bit too far?
I think we decided that it would result in unacceptable collateral damage. Something about zombie armies traversing the rural landscape, blighting crops and starving large swaths of humanity.

Y'know. Bad stuff.
Your master plan overlooked the fact that currency can be exchanged for goods and services. I now have energy drinks.

Votes called, tallying, writing.
Ooooooor awesome. brb time to sneak out energy drinks with smoothies.
and you will find that in transit, your energy drinks have been replaced by a healthy spread of fresh fruit!
We can't control everything, Vox.
As you can see, we've made preparations to spite that fact.

Welcome back. Deep breaths, relax. This is a pretty comfy place at the end of the day.
I'm not gonna lie, Amy's lips feel weird as fuck. And you're right, the pose is odd. It's almost like they're restraining her rather than cuddling her, which...I mean, those adorable anime hugs do have /some/ basis in reality? There's only so many ways you can get more than one person to hug a single individual.

Ahahaha, ha. Ha. Hahahaha.

You're gonna like the cook.
make the border peglegs

I'm kidding, don't actually do it. instead of those orb thingies, you could also use the shadow on the other side. Completely mirrored silhouette on the "Hero" side, and acting on its own on the Woundseeker side.
We're "gonna" like the cook?

The cook had two goddamn lines, doesn't have a name, and is already like one of the top five characters in this quest.
I'm torn between my need to say "Mission accomplished" and my need to go, "But /why/?"

Fucking author instincts lusting for feedback.
>Aside from the guards - about twenty, not counting the cook’s disturbing skill at personal violence
>The silence that follows is broken by the throaty laugh of the cook. “I like this town!”
That is literally all we hear of the cook in Your Grace.

It's because the cook is an oddity among a serious scene without breaking the tone.
Along with that by itself, that has been established as common and GOOD in the quest.
It's because very little was said about the cook, and yet he was characterized just as much as Joseph by those same few words.


This is the cook, right?
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You have serious business to attend to today, but after a few days of feeling filthy you have a powerful need to be clean, and there are baths available.

And this time you're helping Nathan, because he was being cute yesterday and also it's your turn so /there/.

It takes less than no persuading to get Nathan to agree to this plan. Amy pouts but flits into her own bath stall without any real complaint; you can hear her soft, happy singing from your own.

"Got plans?" Nathan asks, coyly.

"Down boy," you chide. "I'd love to have plans but I need my mind in a killing mood for today, which is also why Amy is in her own stall and not in here with us."

"...Point," the Hero agrees. "Depressing, but point."

You shrug while the water runs; it's gonna have to be quick, but a quick bath with hot water is still a bath with hot water, which, y'know, goddamn.

"Thanks," you murmur, after a long few minutes devoted entirely to mutual scrubbing.

"For?" Nathan asks, looking up at you.

"Encouraging me to take better care of myself. Respecting my quiet when it needs respecting. And, y'know. For that thing you did in the barn last night."

Nathan sinks his head slowly under the water while you laugh.

The sound of general activity outside says bath time is over, and the two of you dry off and dress in short order. You and Nathan step out to see a contingent of Labyrinth Tribe soldiers, lead by Korl and Lista, stepping off of the elevator in the Shaft. You wave to the minotaur woman, and she bellows a greeting.

"Brianna! Borsh sends his greetings and regrets; he could not join us."

"Why not?" you ask.

"He is pregnant."

"/What/?" Nathan sputters, and Lista laughs.

"He's not pregnant, Nathan," the minotaur reassures, with a chuckle. "No, we were contacted by the Poet and the Caretaker, warning us of assassins. Sure enough, cowards came for us and our noncombatants, and for Lakehallow as well. Her warning was timely."
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"Is everyone okay?" you ask.

"Aye," Lista agrees. "Though the Poet has asked me to pass a message along to you. She says that she has, I quote, 'Fucked up big time' and would like your advice when you're done dealing with the Baron."

"...How bad did she fuck up?" you ask, slowly.

"I asked her that, amusingly enough. She said to tell you 'caught elbow deep in the high priest's wife on his birthday'."

"Oh gods," you moan. "What did you /do/, Brigette?"

"It does not appear to be urgent. Perhaps we should get to planning the battle?"

"Gods, yes, fucking probably. Korl, it's good to see you."

The goblin soldier salutes you smartly and turns to order his men; they march into their own section of the staging area, with the humans, elves, and dwarves of the Mine and the Lichyard staring in vague wonder at them. The goblins move in disciplined groups and begin to take stock of their supplies and lay out bed rolls and temporary fires in short order.

"They're getting better at that all the time," Nathan says proudly. "You have good soldiers."

"They had good teachers," Lista agrees.

> Gather the leaders immediately
> But...breakfast with loved ones...
> But...breakfast with loved ones...
>But...breakfast with loved ones...
Let everyone rest a moment from the journey, keep morale up, and other excuses to hang with the cripple crew
> Gather the leaders immediately
...Yes, that is indeed me anon. Did you mean to post and forget?
>> But...breakfast with loved ones...
Feed Amy, we need to make it up to her for hogging the hero.
>Gather the leaders immediately
We've been doing nothing BUT "taking care of ourselves" for a while now
> Gather the leaders immediately

Time for work.

Also, wow. Brigette, you have a way with words.
Alright folks, I need to go handle a thing, and then I'm gonna call the vote. Be back in fifteen to thirty.

Huh. I guess that makes sense, yeah.
>having a quickie with a john mid-quest
no decency
>> Gather the leaders immediately
We had bathtime. Now it's planning time.
> Gather the leaders immediately
>Gather the leaders immediately
Yeah we should be back in responsability mode.
>> tell someone to Gather the leaders immediately
while having
>>breakfast with loved ones...

> Gather the leaders immediately

For some reason I got very happy at Korl coming back. I wasn't even aware that I liked him as much as I apparently do.

Also /wow/, Brige.

"and for Lakehallow as well"

Well, at least Kells ain't going hungry.
Well that took longer than I expected. Called, writing.
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"What now?" Amy asks, eager to help.

"Now? You and Nate gather the leaders and we plan a small war, which is to say a single fucking battle," you tell her.

"...What should I tell them about breakfast?" Amy asks.

"Tell 'em we're having Whatever," you tell her.

"What's Whatever?" the half-harpy says in confusion.

"It's like This Shit Again, except everyone thinks it's someone else's turn to make it," Nathan replies. "River and the folks from Lakehallow brought some food. I'll see what I can scrounge."

"And I am making coffee," you say firmly.

Eventually you have the necessary components around - coffee, the representatives of your various forces, plates and bowls of hot Whatever, and everyone's undivided attention.

Fuck. They expect you to lead this mess. Of course they do, you organized it! Gods. /Why/?

> Pass the buck to Nathan
> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is
> Open up by asking about your own forces
>> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is
>> Open up by asking about your own forces
For the love of hell anon, what happened to 'choose only one unless asked to choose multiples'?
> Open up by asking about your own forces
>Our situation
Then, afterwards
>Enemy intel
Because Sun Tzu said knowing is half the battle. And that's why a bunch of animals is called a ZOO! Unless it's a farm!
>> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is

Know the enemy, and then configure around that.

Also, passing out now. Later~
> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is

...hmyeah. We have a vague idea of what we got, just by seeing it march in. So knowing what the Baron's got is next on the list.
> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is
>Pass the buck to Nathan
> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is
> Open up by asking about your own forces
> Gather the leaders immediately
> But...breakfast with loved ones...
> Breakfast and war council immediately
> Breakfast with Nathan & Amy
> Fuck it, there's hot baths. Bathe, /then/ breakfast.
> Tell Scribbles the good news
> Find River
> Write-in?
ask the other leaders for options, then take all of them.
Ok, here's my actual real vote:
>Open up by asking about your own forces

Sun Tzu also said know your enemy and yourself and you will win every battle; know yourself but not your enemy, and you will win many battles, but know not yourself, and it doesn't matter if you know your enemy, you will lose every time.
>> Open up by asking what the situation of the enemy is
>> Open up by asking about your own forces
I believe the military term for this is "Sitrep, maggots."
Your tears sustain me, bone slut
>Open up by asking about your own forces
Considering everyone's backgrounds, is ANYONE in the party qualified as generals?
Alright folks, I'm heading to bed. Vote remains open in the meantime.

As always, discussion, questions, comments, feedback, and critique remain welcome and appreciated.

Thank you all for reading and participating!
Thanks for the feedback, my alluring skeletal muse. The original idea was the Amy was cuddled between Brianna and Nate, with the Hero and Necromancer holding hands above her head and hugging her across the chest. It looked better in my head.

Ahahaha! You're funny. The 'orb thingies' are supposed to be roses (a bit of a callback to the date with Brianna on Rose Island, in the Basement), but I didn't put any effort into making them stand out or appear as such. As for a border, I was thinking of a bit of knotwork or maybe some forging implements lined up. Y'know, to reflect his history as a blacksmiths apprentice.

Hey Vox, does that mean that, whenever Brianna gets around to becoming a true Master Necromancer, Nate's gonna spend some time with Harry (or in New Hell, to learn from the badass demon craftsman) to become a full smith?
No contest here
>Open up by asking about our own forces

Rule number one. You ALWAYS find out about your own stuff first. That way, when discussing the enemy, you know what you have available to deal with it.

In addition, self-Intel tends to be accurate, while intel on enemy forces... isn't. They will always surprise you, so make sure you know your troops!

This message brought to you by the US Army doctrine manuals.
I'll buy it.
>Open up by asking about our own forces
...But no one reads those
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I believe it.
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Welcome to Earf!
So tell me? Have you considered suicide? If no, then might I recommend it given my inability to reach through this screen and throttle the life out of you my very self?

How'about you lead by example and show them how it's done first.
I'm alive. Morning's been shit thus far, which, y'know, always a great way to start your day off when you'd been excited about doing stuff. That's. That's just fucking swell.

I'll call the vote after I handle Morning Shit.
What capabilities would someone need to be able to support Shankbird and Mama Shank at the Shaft? I want Fetch with Bri, but being wingless there is probably going to be a hindrance
We should get her the sick ass wraithsteel wings before hitting the Roost.

Pull some Jake Sully tier bullshit
Urgh. Finally.

Called. Writing soon. My endless apologies.
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You take a long drink of your coffee and set the mug down before you stand. You did organize this, and now it's on you. Time to start this party.

"Thank you all for coming. I know many of you traveled quite a bit of distance to help me with this, and, well, you didn't have to. You could have left the Mine to rot."

"We could have," River murmurs, "but we shouldn't. We're all in this together, like it or not."

Lista nods. "These enemies stand united. We cannot do less."

"Well," you say with a grin. "Mostly united. The Baron has been abandoned to die by his allies, which is good news for us. He won't get reinforcements from New Hell."

A general sound of approval goes up from your assembled confederates.

"Alright, cards on the table," you ask. "Who brought what?"

"Given the situation at home, I was uncomfortable moving out with the entire force from either Lakehallow or my tribe," Lista speaks up. "We've brought crossbowman and militia, primarily my goblin pikers."

"My men are eager to prove their worth," Korl adds, grinning toothily.

"Split's citizens are about in the same boat," River adds. "But the Rose Cultists are kinda scary fighters, to be honest. They rolled out in force - whole shrine's here and looking for revenge. Shield-and-gladius style. Something about new weapons down here though?"

"...Yeah," you murmur. "Those might complicate things."

"My Miners are ready to fight," Silence speaks up. "You know us, you've seen us. We're in pretty good shape, all things considered."

In the staging area, the sounds of fighting interrupt your train of thought.

> Send Nathan to break it up
> Send Amy to break it up
> Send Silence to break it up
> Send Lista to break it up
> Fuck it, let it happen
Send Silence!
>> Send Amy to break it up
> Send Amy to break it up
> Send Silence to break it up

Make sure you put votes in green text
> Send Nathan to break it up

The most neutral
>> Send Nathan to break it up

Neutral, human, and should have a bit of reputation with everybody. That's good.
Probably a few of the cousins being shitheads to the awesome goblins. Smack a few around, threaten them with a lecture from their dead grandma, and we'll be good.
>Send Silence
> Send Silence to break it up
> Send Amy to break it up
she'll sort them out, and the others may be needed here

>Send Fetch.

Nothing like having the chicken talk sense into you to shame folks into getting their act together. Worked well with the miners.
Real life ate me. Now dinner is here. Vote extended (further).
> Send Amy to break it up
Shank Bird can handle it.
> Send Nathan to break it up
...Fuck it. Nothing today has gone right or even remotely how I wanted it to. I'll try again later tonight or tomorrow morning. I need to calm the fuck down.

I appreciate your patience.
Dude it's cool. Life happens. We got one post, so that's good. I personally think that we shouldn't assume the Baron won't have any backup. I mean, the best time to attack us would be during or right after the fight with him after all. Especially if all our forces are away. I'd be wary of that.
Never worry man, feel free to take a few days off if life's being a right bitch.
>> Send Silence to break it up
>> Send Lista to break it up
I'm not saying the minotaurs are BAD, but it would be good for them to see how Silence deals with things. Exchange notes and stuff.

No worries mate.
>>> Send Silence to break it up
You do need a bit of a break, you've been marathoning this quest since late November. Before your writing suffers from it, kick back and relax, refresh yourself.
We can wait. Even though some of us won't admit it, we can wait.
Alright folks, update's not happening tonight. I'll hit it tomorrow morning if I can. In the meantime, have a song.

So who wants to bet we'll be hitting 5-8 all at once?

I can see the chainholders colluding to try to take us out through overwhelming force, probably invading and formally taking over (most of) the Roost as a staging area for attacks against us. That'll probably lead us to working with Hunting Talon to unify the opposition murders into a single force capable of actively fighting back against the chainholders' forces rather than resisting them in disparate clumps.

Plus, it'd negate the "go for the chain" strategy if we fought all four actual holders at once, since even if we broke one chain Lora'd still be beholden to the other three.

Plus it'd let Vox work through four of the remaining NINE villains in relatively short order.
>Plus, it'd negate the "go for the chain" strategy if we fought all four actual holders at once, since even if we broke one chain Lora'd still be beholden to the other three.

Not sure it would, actually. In principle, if that were true, it should be true whether the remaining chains are nearby or not. And yet, Lora's been entirely able to kill and collect the souls of those chainholders who've lost their chains. I suspect if it were as simple as "she just doesn't have to follow that one's orders", some chainholder farther down the line would've thought to order her not to kill the other chainholders even after they've lost their chains. I suspect, instead, that her taking their souls has to do with the chains binding both ways, and that the other chainholders can't prevent her from doing it anymore than they can prevent her from talking to the Heritor.

Of course, that's just a guess. And I don't necessarily disagree with the rest of your theory.

I thought about that, but I wasn't sure if Lora would be willing to come out and harvest the soul of the broken chainholder while the others are there, because they MIGHT be able to order around in the time surrounding her harvesting the soul. So they could say "Once you're done with him, kill the cripple" or some such, and she might be forced to obey.
Actually, I've got a different theory.

We don't fight multiple of them because every time a chain breaks, the power released still needs to be reallocated. So if we killed more than one in one go, Lora will get an absolute BURST in freedom to do whatever she wants. It's only after the reallocation that Lora can't kill them anymore.
Damn, if that is the case, I wonder how much does assassins gets paid in this setting, and how good they could be.
Because if we can hit like, three or four at once, we can weaken the rest of the chain-holders real quick and efficient like.
We'd need to find some good assassins first. Given how cutthroat the Roost is, that might be the closest place to look.

Of course, it implies they wouldn't flake on us. And that they'd accomplish something before dying. Scouts and informants would be better, to better prepare us for assaulting the next levels.

If we were *really* interested, we might ask the caretaker, Lora, or our dead family about long-distance curses and divining, to either help us with our search for mercenaries and assassins or do some dirty work on our own.
I'd like to note again, since there seems to be some confusion on the matter, my previous statement that the destruction of a chain returns Lora's unrestricted influence /to that level of the Dungeon/.

Breaking the chain on the Atheneum, for instance, let her re-establish the laws, resume maintaining the wards, and prevent any further perversions of her creation there. As you go down you are gradually liberating the Dungeon but with even /one/ chain on her, she's just as restrained. What's changing is she no longer has thirteen separate assholes bossing her around, and she can't be made to influence the higher floors against her will.

Votes called, tallying, writing.
Hmm, good new intel.
Which means we could strike the last four or three chain-holders simultaneously to prevent facing one uber-boss battle.
so fighting multiple wielders at once is not IMPOSSIBLE, but a probable waste of potential resources(the entire floors) for the enemy.

Or is part of the binding contract that they remain on their floors?
> Or is part of the binding contract that they remain on their floors?
If it is, Bridgette found a way around it. Remember she crashed our party in the Basement.
If chain wielders are on a non-restricted floor (or the floor owner's chain gets broken while they're visiting), can Lora wreck them right there and then?
> Get post written
> Moving cursor to save button in OpenOffice
> Power blinks

>not ctrl+S ing it
One thing that living in a country with power outage surprises had taught me.
>is ANYONE in the party qualified as generals?
Depends on what kind of general you want.
The British General (aristocratic family since at least 1066; highest education from private tutors, knows all the ancient greek stories by heart; lets his men march in rank and file into their deaths, because cover is for the French)?
The Sowjet General (straight communist since before 1917; no education, knows the red book by heart; modus operandi is zerg rush, because weapons are expensive and men are not)?
The French General (very strong back and invincible from his front side because of all the bullet-proofing medals; nasty way of commanding)?
The German General (okay, let's not go there... but at least he's very good at concentrating, because he was officer in a camp once)?
No, we don't have any generals.

Autosave every two minutes?
I thought you were using the autosaving google docs.
>not using a laptop
> Implying I can afford a laptop

Anon I skip meals to /pay rent/. The only laptop I've got is a spiral notebook.

>being poor
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You sigh deeply.

"Silence," you say apologetically, "will you go handle that? Preferably without killing anyone?"

"Preferably," Silence teases, but she gets up with creaking bones and moves towards the sound of the disturbance. You look over the written inventories of the men and equipment you have available and nod before passing them around the table.

"Diving Shadow, can you tell us about the situation with the enemy?" you ask.

"It's not exactly pretty," Diving Shadow admits. "This tunnel here is the only known way in or out. That's good for us; means he can't escape. That's also bad for us, because it's a barricaded, trap-infested hellhole laced with those filthy cannon of his."

"Of course it is," you sigh.

"What's left of his men have pulled back into the Mansion. The structure's not terribly defensible; he built it in a surface style, like an asshole, which means lots of big windows and places to break in. Unfortunately it also means lots of high places for his men to shoot us from. He keeps the source of those necromantic enchantments he was using in the upstairs ballroom - it's some kind of chain, which the necromancer used to bind people to one another."

"...Well then," you comment, mildly. "How do we even /get/ to him?"

"Silence's trick probably won't work. This is his ground and he owns it; it'll be warded against her, to say nothing of buried traps. But I've been talking to Larry and he thinks he has a plan."

"I...could also have a plan," you admit, rubbing your arm where the long cut from summoning Carol still twinges faintly. Amy gives you a look most accurately translated as 'don't even think about it'. "I've also got some talent in manipulating darkness, which could fuck with the cannon operators."

"Could," Diving Shadow agrees, "though if they figure out how to load and fire blind they'd still wreck a large force. If we go that route we'll need saboteurs to move ahead in the tunnels
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"Alternate proposals?" you ask.

"Sappers," Korl suggests. "Take time, effort, possibly detectable, but if we dig fast and quiet, they maybe no move cannon. And if they do move cannon, back-up force -"

"Gets eaten alive by the traps, Korl," Lista says gently.

"...My goblins could do it," he says, with confidence.

You take a deep drink of your coffee.

> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan
> Plan around invoking the ancestors
> Plan around a combination of darkness and saboteurs
> Back Korl's plan
> Barricade the end of the tunnel and just starve them out (Warning: this may take awhile)
> Write-in

> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan

Never pass up a potential plan. Never go in without knowing all the options.
> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan

Where'd everybody go?

> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan
Baron's whole mansion is still underground, right? Could we just colapse several thousand tons of stone on him?
That stone is holding up the Atheneum.

...which section?
> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan

Yeah, we need to know ALL our options first.
Does it particularly matter? Even if no one is currently actively living in that section it still contains countless books and rooms potentially vital to the function of the place, to say nothing of facing down Lora afterwards and letting her know you dropped a chunk of her library on someone's head.
I don't want to face Lora after collapsing that. no sir.

Well, I was thinking, if it was the part that housed shitty romance novels, maybe Lora wouldn't mind losing it?

I'm not being serious, don't worry.
Alright folks, I need to get ready for work. I'll update after I get home, shortly after 8 PM or so.

Also, Gallows Humor has updated at long last.
So collapsing stuff on the Baron is a no-go, but how close is New Hell? The mine generates new material, and we have Larry and the miners to make sure we don't drop a structurally significant amount of stone. Could we work out where the Traitor is staying and drop the roof on her?
> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan
>Mourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan


Um, Press F to pay respects?
Can we drop the Baron's house on the Traitor? With the Baron in it? :P
Hang on there's only one way in or out of the section he's in right? Couldn't we just use fire and physics to suffocate the lot of them without ever leaving the tunnel mouth?

I have to imagine he has hostages.
Not really. One of the options is to just starve them out. The place probably has a ventilation shaft/magic enchantment, seeing as nobody complains about stale air in the dungeon.
The Caretaker was upset they'd taken his assistants hostage -- have we heard anything about them? I guess they might have just been rolled in with the other slaves.
>The place probably has a ventilation shaft
Which would be a potential way in (goblins). We need to know how that place gets its air and who's inside.
Have we considered offering some amnesty to his minions if they surrender? They must be feeling pretty desperate right now and may take a way out that doesn't get them killed.

That might piss off Silence and the miners, though.
We could promise them amnesty AND permanent banishment from the Dungeon, or at least this floor.
>Write-in, combining a couple of ideas from fellow anons.
>"It's appreciated Korl, but the Baron doesn't care about the men he commands. I do, and if there's one thing being a necromancer has taught me, it's to not throw your life away.
>I'm considering some propaganda. If we offer the Baron's men amnesty and exile to the higher levels of the Dungeon, they may turn against him. Even if it only causes dissent among his forces, that's a point in our favor.
>This council is in recess while I discuss potential plans involving magic with Lawrence."

Not too much, I hope? If it is, just go for;
>Talk super-awesome magic shit with Best Bird's Wizard Dad.
Do we also want to discuss the whole 'kill them all with oxygen eating fire' idea?
Dunno how well that'll work, and whether or not it'll blow back in our face. Literally. Plus, we do have the option to use necromancy to create a blinding smog.

I wonder if there's any way to expand or augment Brianna's abilities? So instead of covering say a 20 square foot area, we can cover 100.
What can we do in combination with Lawrence. I can't think of anything that has to do with death and rock except for a graveyard. Skelehands reaching out of the dirt?
>blinding smog.
Hang on could we necromantically enhance a smoke cloud? Could we potentially gas them out of their hole?
I support offering the soldiers under the barons command a chance to surrender

Maybe Silence could echo her voice through the cavern to deliver the ultimatum
Let's just make a zombie army and use that to kill the Baron.
Can someone remember to bottle death this time?
Nice try, but Brianna is a secretly a hero. No zombie armies. But chickens on the other hand...
>Brianna starts carrying an old whiskey flask with the death rattles of every Chain-Holder she's put down.
I'll drink to that!
maybe we could offer to pay whoever delivers the baron to us. If these are mercenaries all we have to do is offer them the right amount
Hey guys, anyone remember that call of duty black ops scene where they used the mine carts as shields against the incoming bullets at that russian gulag?

What if we tried something similar, shoving minecarts full of stone in front of people to set off traps and eat cannon fire while troops moved in behind it?
Not a bad idea, thought I'm worried it won't help much against the canons.
I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to remove vital parts of track.

If they haven't, I suppose we could try an attrition strategy: send a few carts filled with rocks, sometimes within minutes of each other, sometimes none for several hours. If they use the canons on them, that's that many less shots in the actual fight.

Then we plant bombs in a few of them to keep them on edge.

The carts probably wouldn't stand up to cannon fire too well.


Probably the best strategy if we do use the carts.
Been invited to dinner; update will be delayed.
Of course they wouldn't, but they'll stand up to traps and cannons designed to kill people significantly better then people will alone.
maybe we could magic the carts into moving through the tr aps so they can just be shoved in one direction and they'll keep going
Cannons were also used to do thing like break fort walls.
> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan
Yes, static fort walls, its a pain in the ass to move them and the best and brightest have already abandoned ship.
>> Adjourn for the moment so you can ask Larry more about his plan
Larry seems like a good guy to plan a siege with.
>>45112653 >>45113605 >>45115151 >>45115754
The idea of giving amnesty for all that agree to abandon the Baron and leave the Mine is a great idea.
Add a reward for bringing the Baron to us, alive or dead.
Do this through Silence control of the mine.

CHAOS, UTTER CHAOS will be the ending of it all.

This is also a good idea, to do BEFORE the ultimatum from Silence is made.
All of them on edge from the exploding carts, then they're given a way to get out of it.
Yeah. Chaos, utter chaos, will fill them all.
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Back home. Making coffee, then will update.
Yeah! My lurking is rewarded! Also, picture fucking saved.
w-what's the blue stuff in the top cup?

Light/the sky reflecting off of dark brown.
> Blue

> light brown

Are you niggers so Goddamn cucked you fuckers can't even see the colour black?

Look at the other cups and there is a clear progression from straight black to multicultural, er, I mean enriched with cream and sugar.

Light/the sky.

Not light/the sky reflecting off of.

I was saying it was dark brown in either case.
"Alright. Let's adjourn for thirty while I investigate your husband's plan," you say to Diving Shadow, and the group in general. "I need to think on some other details too. Good?"

There's a general murmur of agreement, and you gently tap the table with your coffee mug to signal the break, because it seems like the thing to do. Diving Shadow gives you directions to where Larry is meditating in preparation for the upcoming battle.

On your way, you pass Silence in the center of two goblins, a Rose cultist, and a Miner. All four have large stone hands twisting their ears to hold them in place while people presumably higher up in their chains of command chew them the fuck out. You make eye contact with Miss Silence, and the two of you share an approving nod.

Larry is deep in meditation when you find him in a quiet spot off to the side, though it's not too hard to rouse him. He gives you a warm smile and invites you to sit, which somehow makes you feel welcome despite the fact that 'sit' involves combining your ass with the unforgiving stone of the tunnel floor.

Guess it's the little things.

All four have large stone hands twisting their ears

I wonder if Lawrence can create tremors to set off or disarm any buried traps? Or to disguise any goblin sappers we send in?

Also, Silence is still awesome.
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"I hear you've got a proposal with you and Silence," you begin, wanting to cut to the heart of the matter.

"Yes," Larry agrees. "I've noticed that she and I have similar skill sets. I believe we can work together for greater effect than we could seperately. Alone, attempting to shield an advance from the cannon, I would hit the deck with blood running out my eyes just trying to summon enough stone. Silence can call the stone to her but her fine control is often lacking in strange ways. She wasn't able to quite explain it to me."

"So what's the plan?" you ask.

"Silence calls a wall of stone and encourages it to obey me. We front the charge down the tunnel and push through the cannon, then storm the tunnel. It'll take it out of the two of us and I won't promise /no/ casualties, but..."

"But if it works that's a hell of a fucking trick," you murmur. "Have you gone over this with her?"

"She feels it can work. The only trouble is that as we get closer to his home the stone will obey her less. Though the Mine is hers, that place is his, and he lives and dwells and loves within it. Her influence only extends so far."

You nod, quietly. "...Alright. I'm gonna sit here and think quietly while you go back to meditating."

> Select a plan for the battle


> Offer to spare the Baron's men
> Accept surrender but don't make a particular offer
> No quarter

(You will make a death bottle shortly)
> Offer to spare the Baron's men

Too bad we can't, say, just go over the Barons are and drop a shit ton of stone on him. Or under and collapse his area. Or divert a river through it. Or chuck carts full of explosives from the guns down at his cannons.
>Do some sort of combo with Korl and Larry's plans
>Accept surrender but don't make a particular offer
Slow night. I don't suppose I can tempt folks to kill the thread with votes by lettin' ya know I'm scheming up a worldbuilding thing for the Chosen?
I'm thinking we can have Korl and his goblins dig some side tunnels and perform a flanking maneuver while Silence and Lawrence shield the main force with their rock wall, with some elite Keepers/Rose Cultists acting as vanguard.

And when we finally face the Baron, Nathan and Amy can hang back a bit. The Baron while be overconfident to face us alone, and Brianna can give Lora a nice big bear-hug while Kat throws Sir Fetch at his face (or the chain).

Oh and of course.
>Offer to spare the Baron's men.
Justice will of course need to be done for the men and women who were enslaved and died under the Baron, but most of these men were probably conscripted under pain of death, or similar circumstances.
I could shit post.

What happens if we use our darkness magic on our shadow?
>Accept surrender but don't make a particular offer
>go with Larry's plan

Sheild charge sounds fun, dangerous, but fun
Chosen, as in champions of the gods? Or Chosen, as in, the champions of the Rose Cultists? Both have been mentioned (though with how 'faithful' the Roses are, might be interchangeable).

Also, are there any Demigods that stand out among the crowd? Prince of Thieves, Maiden of Fire, The Traveler, the Old Man of the Woods, etc.
We could probably expand her reach, so rather than grab one guy, she could grab several.

We still haven't upgraded Kat (which I think can wait until Brianna's become an even better necromancer), but I think Vox said that a witchlight upgrade would allow her to travel farther under her own power.

Sounds positively Orky to me.

I wonder if there are any monstrous species similar to Warhammer Orks?
>> Offer to spare the Baron's men
>I wonder if there are any monstrous species similar to Warhammer Orks?

if so, may God help us all...

> Offer to spare the Baron's men
...I do also need plan votes, folks. Right now "go with Larry's plan" is locked in at 2 votes. If this doesn't change in the next 10 minutes that'll be what we go for.
Can we do Larry's plan AND the undermining/sapping plan?
Larry's plan + undermining.

>Go with Larry's plan (and Korl's if possible to combine)
>Offer to spare the Baron's men
The biggest issue with attmepting to combine is Larry's rush moves a lot faster than sappers. You'd be holding the bag with your men still digging tunnels. Sapping takes awhile, even when done at speed.

Like, not that I don't appreciate the sentiment here, but the two people who could make sapping go faster are about to be busy.
alright just Larry's then
>Go with Lawrence and Silence.
>Offer to spare the Baron's men.
Okay. Larry's plan and . . . . Could we get them to make slots appear and disappear at intervals for volley firing?
plan incoming, wait a sec
>do the minecart attrition thing
>Offer to spare, suggest/facilitate the use of the minecarts if they're afraid of canon fire from behind.

>Larry's plan up until the point where they start to significantly weaken.
>Start the sappers at that location
>Push a bit further, letting holes appear here and there
>Retreat and fortify a bit, enough to hide the sappers.
>Start slowly pushing with much narrower shields, baiting them to surround and stalling for time
>ranged units pelt from above the fortified position
Called, writing new thread.
Do the Keepers of Arcadia/dwarven Hallow Clan have anything that sets them apart tactically?

Also, bump.


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