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MTG Modern General

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Is a mono red RDW list too much to ask for?
>hate blue with passion because fuck blue players.
>be happy to see twin gone
>tron, eldrazi, infect and other degenerate decks start to take over
>already miss twin
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Check out this sweet Vedalken art im making. I am creating it from another image that is not of a Vedalken. Super cool and sexy and cute to boot. I want to rub my hands all over her slender body. Haha. Nice thread.

Is storm okay?
Why not splash white for Boros Charm? And since you're there, why not splash green for Atarka's Command, aka. 6 damage for 2 mana.
This is what you get for being happy your bad matchup is banned. Consider metagame context instead before judging a ban.
Make your own. Just find a bunch of small aggressive red creatures (swift spear, goblin guide, I'm also partial to legion loyalist and figure of destiny) and red direct damage spells, add 20-24 lands and run with it
Daily reminder that storm and storm-like decks are now the only combo in the format
Well that's what you get when you play non-casual with other neckbeards.
>2 arms
Worst vedalken

Building KCI Eggs as we speak, my friend.
Preparing to go 1-3 every week til the end of days.
Remember to practice proper sequencing or your matches will finish 1-0-0 and everyone will hate you
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Official Breakfast Club meeting, everybody else get out

>>tfw you do the totally sick loop-da-loop
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Just play tech that nobody expects.
who keeps posting this?
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>Still wanting 2nd sunrise
Does anyone know how infect is doing in the meta, i have been out for a few months?
is tier 2 that proably will get tier 0, at least on an open meta
very very well positioned with the rise of tron an eldrazi meme decks
Tron is running a certain amount of pyroclasm main board, hold up mutagenic growth for it, among other answers. They're top dog and you are second biggest threat.
Are good blue decks really dead now ?
I can't think of a tier 1 blue deck since the ban
holy fuck, i am glad its not a meme anymore. how is it against the eldrazi deck
Grixis is really good if not tier 1
Is bant viable in the modern meta? I ask cause I want to curve heirarch in to geist and also play things like reflector mage/restoration angel.

Every time I look at it though I realize blinking meme rhino is just so much better. Is it worth splashing black for things like rhino, decay, and possibly lingering souls?
>he posts a memedeck
>wanting based Jeskai
>not Ad Nauseam instant-win
Oh it's your turn? You're dropping Ugin and asking for responses? Well in response, Angel's Grace, Ad Nauseam. Game two?
How does it beat Tron or Affinity?
there is knightfall
I wouldn't call it tier 1 since it has a lot of bad match ups

It's solid though
How do other decks beat tron/affinity?
t2 4/4 vedalken clique is a hellova pain.
It's not unbeatable, I think it's only slightly worse than Tron, which is a fairly good matchup.
yea, but at least it does not have any real auto losses. it looses to tron though and i don't know about the eldrazi deck. what other match ups are hard?
>vedalken clique
What the fuck am I talking about. Vendillion Clique.
Thought Knot Seer is a strong card turn 2, is what I'm saying. They'll also probably rip something out t1 with an inquisition or a thoughtsieze
Some fag desperately trying to force a meme.
It has a pretty bad match up against eldrazi
By jamming Deceiver Exarch and Splinter Twin
>blue cards

For a lot of deck that are not infect but combo related they tend to be very redundant so it can be hard to rely on inquisition.
what does the deck do that hurts it so much
It ramps via whacky lands similar to tron and Grixis Control really doesn't have the answers to stuff like blight herder nor can they remove lands efficiently to fight back

It's kind of bad for the same reasons the Tron match up is
I'm pretty sure the next deck that's going to get banned is going to be either tron or eldrazi. A consistent turn 2 thought-knot is just to difficult for a lot of decks to beat.
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It don't even understand why this is supposed to be funny.
Did some pro player say some stupid about this card or tech cards in general?
Merfolk has been at the border between tier 1 and 2 for a long time. I don't know how Twin ban affected it though.
Too many resilient threats for too cheap is why it's bad for grixis, which tends towards 1for1's until it can stabilize with an angler with remand or something backup.
Grixis control just gets fucked by the new OGW Eldrazi
Inquisition whiffs all the time, Bolt doesn't kill anything, K Command doesn't do anything to stop the opponent and by the time you can cast Cryptic Command you already have 3 fatties staring you down from the other side of the board
Just ignore it and hopefully it will stop.
Grixis is unplayable now.

It lost its best matchup (Twin) and is choked by Tron and Eldrazi. Its fate is like BGx's, but even worse.
b-but w-wizards told me that twin was holding other blue and red decks back
Time to sell out and buy into Legacy Delver.
Twin was forcing a lot of stuff out of the meta but the problem here is wizards decided to ban it right as a bunch of new stuff that is going to affect the format was coming in. This only justifies that article about the modern protour really.
Good Modern players study the format on a regular basis. Wizards doesn't. The closest thing to a viable blue deck is Jeskai Flash, which is actually nicely positionned in the meta: Lightning Bolt spam on creatures is half the meta, and the Kiki combo and your sideboard can destroy the dreaded Ulamog decks.
You know what else forces a lot of stuff out of the meta? Affinity, Tron, Burn, Jund and Infect.

The point of tier 1 decks is they force out shitty meme decks. So yeah Twin is holding back blue and red decks but by that logic Affinity holds back other shitty robot strategies and so on.
Just wait. Eventually they will reprint chain lightning and mono red will be viable.

Hell even just PoP would be great.
what does Infect hold back besides bad combo decks?
What should I drop to add in counterspells? And what counterspells to put in?

Ad Nauseam and control decks
Everything. If you're going to be playing urzatron you should just be playing wurmcoils and ugins and karns and...
I disagree with you about Affinity and Infect, most decks can pack something that shuts them out post sideboard pretty easily.
>Tron, Burn, Jund
I get what you mean. Burn sets the clock, Tron makes the clock irrelevant, and Jund ensures a minimum level of value. In another world perhaps something else would hold that place.
He said BESIDES bad combo decks
Ad Nauseam would not be good without infect and midrange control decks life Grixis and Junk do well against infect.
Modern could really use Retribution of the Meek
>Retribution of the Meek
You just want to lose to a Leyline?
But Tron isn't taking over, Tron was favored overall against Twin (you literally couldn't lose with a combination 5-8 Rending Volleys + Nature's Claims g2/3) and all the braindead aggro+infect that Twin kept in check somewhat steamroll over Tron like fucking nothing.
Infect beats Nauseam, unless that's what you were referring to.

Jesus mate, what's wrong? Is this a cry for help?
This is all over the place. I'm astounded by the decisions here. It's marvelous in its profundity.
Perhaps I should quit magic.
>3x urzatron
Why? Why are you running them at all instead of basic plains?
>no expedition map
Do you want urzatron or not? If you do, then you should probably run the map. If not, why are you running Urza's?
>Cmc starts at 3
What are you planning to do against affinity? Or burn? Or Infect? Or Bogles? Against DnT? Merfolk? Any and every aggressive deck that plans to land a threat turns one and two are going to steamroll you, even through your value creatures.
Looks like a fun casual deck but not appropriate for a Modern format thread.
4 mainboard Darkness with the new "count to 20 before t4" meta says otherwise.
What good decks was twin holding back?

I never get an answer for this

>muh temur
>muh control
Tron I guess?
Wizards has a few 10s of people at most to focus on modern, while also keeping in mind other formats, while the player base is potentially in the 10,000s or even 100,000s for modern alone
>tron favored against twin

not much really, it was holding back tron
It also seems like Twin was preventing cards from being unbanned perhaps?
You know what confuses me about pumaposting? It's not actually in Modern. I mean, in Legacy General/EDH General, sure, pumaposting makes sense. But it's not actually in this format to start with. Why even bother?
like what?
It was Tron 40-60 Twin pre-board, 50-50 post-board. Pretty hard to sneak in a combo post-board because of Volley and Boil.
dread return
BGx decks are preventing cards like Deathrite from coming back

Jund decks are preventing cards like Bloodbraid Elf from coming back

Storm decks are preventing cards like Rite of Flame from coming back

What the fuck is your point?
More like 70-30 given that the only way to play around Rending Volley is to play two Exarchmites in a single turn and keep tron off red and Clique + bolts aren't a sufficient clock vs a t4/5 Ulamog which ends the game on the spot.
Ponder/Preordain are because of storm and wizards hate of it. JTMS is a combination are it being from a standard they are scared of and because wizards just dont think that people could beat it in modern.
fair enough, i could see that because it would give Twin a lot of juice.
how in the hell is that relevant to twin.
If Wizards would just reprint PoP that would help the problem immenesly.

>Legacy Burn
>Opponent turn 1 Leyline
>Play GGs and MS
>Then just go to town with 6 damage multiple PoPs
no, that's delver, and to a lesser extent miracles
I'm a Twinfag and I never felt like it was 70-30 for them. You gotta force the Rending Volley on a flashed-in creature (they have to use most of their mana early, after all) and then sneak in a second one for the Twin.

This discussion is pointless because Twin is dead.
Price of Progress in Legacy is fine because your mana base doesn't deal you 4-6 damage every game. There is no need for PoP in Modern.
>"Stoneforge Mystic is the old boogeyman of Standard's past. During the Caw-Blade era, people were forced to play one of two or three decks in order to remain competitive. During this format, Standard was quite unpopular and had record low PTQs and local tournaments, which resulted in the banning of the Kor Artificer at the tail end of her legality.

In Modern she would not be nearly as powerful as she was in Standard and Legacy. Most competitive players agree that Stoneforge Mystic strategies in Legacy are for fools, but I hope that I and others who support the equipment have proved the naysayers wrong. Unlike in Legacy, Stoneforge Mystic in Modern faces a large population of artifact hate that isn't popular in the older formats, four Lightning Bolts in almost every deck, hand disruption that has every black player salivating as we tutor up our Batterskull, aggressive decks that kill with Infect or have a ton of spot removal to remove the Squire before the game-ending equipment lands, early turn kills that prevent us from setting up our win condition early on, and the list goes on and on.

>Legacy is a more streamlined format, and with the power of Force of Will, we can tap out on turn 2 confidently most of the time. WotC fears the cards that tormented Standard, so it removed them preemptively, but it fails to realize that the game is much different. Stoneforge Mystic decks would come out of the woodwork everywhere and finally create a powerful control archetype, but they wouldn't dominate like they did in Standard."

Why can't Wizards see this?
>and then sneak in a second one for the Twin.
But that's my point, by the time twin has 6 mana for casting two in the same end step, Tron has already won most of the time due to a resolved Karn that starts stripping your hand and threatens a restart or a Newlamog. Even if you're sure Tron's not holding a Rending Volley (after a Clique/peek, they might topdeck one from the former?) they might still have a Claim for which you need to hold up counter mana or an O-stone.
Wizards are incompetent

I have no idea what they are fearing when hardcore control decks literally don't even exist at the moment
Would it really be so bad that people who are dumb enough to do.

>Fetch into shock for 3 damage
>Fetch into shock for 3 damage
>Fetch into shock for 3 damage
Will just get rekt by 6 damage for 2 mana?
Yes because whenimbraindead.dec already wins easily enough as it is and most decks cannot function without fetching shocks up.
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Best mono red card
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I run 4x Boomerang and 4x Eye of Nowhere to bounce my opponents shocklands to hand at FNM

can also slow down tron long enough to drop a crumble to dust

>mfw mainboard 4x blood moon 4x spell snare
>can also slow down tron long enough to drop a crumble to dust
Lol good luck with that with the maindeck Ghost Quarters and a set of Warping Wail in every Tron side from here on.
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>boomerang their ghost quarter

If you boomerang their Ghost Quarter that means they resolve/have already resolved a t4 Karn before your crumble innit?
>I draw perfectly in every game hue
Grixis Delver player here, should I audible into Grixis Control or can I still win games?
Just now saw that Twin got the axe.
I'm so sad I wasn't here to witness the salt.
Look m8 I'm running 8 boomerang effects.
I'm going to have one or two in my opener.
That means that turn two I'm (on the play, I always lose on the draw) hitting their first land with a boomerang. This puts me a whole turn ahead, as they have to drop their first land again. Against Tron this means that turn four, presuming no other boomerang effects and if I get four lands, then I can cast crumble to dust before Tron has even put their third land on the battlefield.
I can then manually keep them from hitting enough mana to cast something threatening with further boomerang and land denial effects.

Spell Snare hits Warping Wail.

I never said this was a good plan
Grixis control will get raped by Tron.

Blood moons main deck mein negro
Doesn't even help. Grixis control is Troy's bitch
Guys, is etched champion bad in this metagame? Should I just switch to Master of Etherium?
Why not a split? See how the format shapes.
>kozileks return
>natures claim pretty bad
protection from all colors family
Kozielk return is Devoid my friend, gets around the protection. But yeah Pyroclasm and Natures claim do nothing to it.
Kozilek is colorless (devoid), Nature's Claim cranial and/or ravager and you're left with a 2/2 beater that Tron doesn't give two shits about.
Oh and Wurmcoil catches Champ.
yes i knew about koz
mox, drums, and citadel means you're not turning off metalcraft. have fun getting blasted by modular boosted champion
What do you think Oblivion Stone, Pithing Needle and Spellskite are for?
>create a powerful control archetype,
This is why they won't unban it, wizards hates control. Which is funny because the SFM decks in modern will be midrange decks, not any more controlling than the Grixis decks
>i am going to have every answer in my hand every game in a deck that does nothing until turn 3 or 4
You just need any one of them, really and two of them can be cast t1.
Nature's Claim and Needle that is.
10 bands

> April 4, 2016
> Jeskai Ascendacy banned
> Add Nauseam Banned

> We believe these decks can hurt diversity by playing solitaire while ignoring their opponents like assholes. Thats why we decided to ban them. But dont worry, you can play Eldrazi Decks that can be bought from Star Jew Games and Jew Kingdom and it will cost you a lung or part of your liver.

God I'd give my soul to see Memeskai Combo and Puke&Nauseam get fucked by wizards.
sure, but natures claim means you are not getting tron until t4 at the earliest. needle doesn't hurt as much as you might think because of affinity's various angles of attack
Is boros ever going to be good
Ascendancy isn't a good deck tho. It doesn't win if it doesn't find the ascendancy.

Remember the Storm Crow meme? This is a new meme but less funny and shittier.
Building the Naya Company list that took 4th at SCG Open Cincinati, why the fuck is voice of resurgence $40+? That shit was like $12 a week ago.
Yes just splash green for atarka's command.
Boros Burn was a thing before Atarka's Command.
At least with ad nauseam you can shortcut and pick your entire deck up at once. it is not nearly as bad as kci or ascendancy.

that being said, i played ascendancy in treasure cruise era, and could pull off a win in around 2 minutes without making mistakes

it's just shitters that netdeck and have no idea what they are doing that ruin combo decks like that
BBD playing Bloom was the most cringey thing ever, he obviously never piloted the deck before.
Does /mtg/ have equivalent of Nekroz?
For comparison of impact : in last year's US and Europe world qualifier, more than 16 out of 32 top players from each continent use Nekroz deck.
yes bloom was absolutely the worst offender
shame since it was such a complex deck to pilot
and it was cheap :^)
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Say that again.
I think it goes in some kiki chord decks. And some people think kiki chord is more viable with Twin gone
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what does any of this mean

Isnt it the same with Ad Nauseam?
I'm asking if /mtg/ have similiar deck in term of playstyle or influence
Standard Affinity had a pretty big impact during it's time.

Ad NAuseam needs only 2 pieces of the combo while Memeskai needs 3 vulnerable combo pieces (cantrip, ascendacy and mana dork).

Thats why Memeskai is a shit deck while Ad Nauseam is a lil better.

Both are shitty decks in the end and I hope wizards ban them for ever
>blasting ravager while a champion with metalcraft is up
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>mana dork
Hah, get a load of this guy.
> 4cmc cost
> Needs to be discarded to work
> Fail the bolt test

Ya, keep trying
Fatestitcher was the only mana dork used in the Ascendancy deck pre-Cruise ban when the deck was at its height.
fatestitcher is good what are you on about
>> Fail the bolt test
Doesn't mean much in Ascendancy, as you can keep playing cantrips in response to the Bolt until you grow out of range of it.

I've seen 2 versions of this deck, the one with glittering Wish and the other one which only use his guy and have control tools.

Which one is the best version?
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They will axe the Eye. I have shown you the future.
I'm not sure I can play Modern anymore, at least not competitively. The prices were always bound to be screwy because of Wizards' special brand of retardation regarding reprints, but the banning of Twin puts the whole format in perspective.

Wizards' argument that Twin was holding other decks back doesn't hold water. If you look at tournament results, especially recent ones, Twin was not overrepresented at all compared to other "staple" decks like Affinity. And banning Twin because it "reduced diversity" is bullshit as well, because the other interactive blue decks just aren't good in the metagame with decks that are either unfair, or fast, linear, and redundant. Splinter Twin being banned doesn't make Temur, Esper, Bant, etc. any better in the metagame, it just takes away a tool for blue to remain competitive.

The only reason it made sense to ban Twin, if you assume Wizards realized its other rationale were bullshit, was to prevent it from showing up in the PT season coverage. That means one of two things: that Wizards is using its bans to promote turnover in the T1 decks, or that they really just don't have a clue about the format. Either way it doesn't bode well for the future health of the format.

Tell me that I'm wrong. I'll wait.
Eldrazi can't win before turn 4, it won't be banned unless it somehow becomes most of the metagame
Aaron Forsythe basically admitted it on twitter, I don't know who is going to argue with you
>Eldrazi can't win before turn 4
Neither could Twin.
And Twin wasn't banned because it broke the turn 4 rule
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MONO RED DECK WINS (to everything but leyline)
Expensive cards are in green

4 T.Swiftspear
>4 Goblin Guide
>0-4 Vexing Devil
>1-2 Grim Lavamancer
4 Spark Elemental
4 Bolt
4 Rift Bolt
4 Lava Spike
4 Shard Volley
0-4 Searing Blaze (can be sideboarded)
>4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
1 Ball Lightning
0-2 Thunderous Wrath
0-4 Hellspark/AshZealot/KeldonMarauders
0-2 Burst Lightning
0-1 Flame Javelin
0-1 Flames of the Bloodhand
Maybe some Abbots or coin flip cards if you're feeling dangerous

2-4 Molten Rains
>Blood Moon
4 Skullcracks (can even mainboard some)
4 Smash to Smithereens/Shattering Spree
1-2 Pyrite Spellbomb or that new OGW card
1-2 Dragon's Claw
1-2 Pillar of Flame
You can choose some other goodies, Flamebreak for example is cool imo

If I left anything out my apologies, this is mono-red burn, make it according to your budget, Goblin Guides aren't needed (placed first at FNM w/o em)
It's a powerful budget deck, again dem leylines suck.
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tfw all my friends are shit at magic
Aaron Forsythe is a muppet, I doubt anyone took him seriously even before he apparently conceded the point.

I'm more interested to hear from people who don't think what's happened this month is a problem, not from those who refuse to acknowledge what happened at all.
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you make the same choice twice?
He's talking about running the strictly worse Nacatl version of Naya burn, wherein you apparently always have 3 attacking creatures whenever you cast Atarka's Command
>big tournament at LGS
>get to top 8
>Tron vs Junk
>manage to win
>proceed to lose to Taking Turns in top 4
God damn it there were so many meme decks
I'm buying two Chokes for this shit

It doesnt matter which version is the best, both are boring as hell to watch.

There are 2 cunts (brothers) on my LGS who play 2 versions (the one with glittering wish and the control one) and fuck them, just watching them playing reminds me of eggs deck. they fucking take several minutes to combo off and the basters just decided to draw the last round becase they were first and second.

I hope wizards ban Memeskai Ascendacy to see both fuckers cry.
tryhards like you are the reason meme decks exist
>Taking Turns
Because I like playing competitively I'm a try hard?
i just want a simian spirit guide/bloodmoon/ensnaring bridge meme deck desu and watch the tears of nonburn
This is the basic idea

What were you playing? Tron?


Get fucked in the ass Tron player
>Taking Turns
Fuck me I love that deck, sorry you got stomped by it though
I just had a stroke
I was on Junk

It's cool, was very annoying at the time though. He shouldn't have gotten to top 8 at all but he rules lawyered his way there.
How much should I regularly pay for a modern deck of 61 cards?
Karn resolves?
Yo, let me see your junk list. I've got one in the wings just waiting for a slight update. Bonus points if you spread it out and snap a picture like one of your French girls.
Modern compettetive should go for around $600-$800. But why 61? I know it's only one card extra but why?
Main deck plus a head start on the sideboard I guess.
>Trinisphere is modern legal
Why doesn't it see more play?
There is no good stax home for it right now. The reason it is powerful in Legacy is thanks to cost increasers and other stax tools like Tangle Wire. You don't have the same set of support in Modern, so no dice.
Wouldn't it go perfectly in an Eldrazi deck?
I have a favorite card I always like to shove into every deck I own when I play, even if it goes over the 60 card standard limit since it has a history.
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No way to cheat it out so that it's immediately relevant. Otherwise too slow and irrelevant half the time.
Can we have some legitimate Burn discussion?
>Is RW viable and does the inclusion of mainboard lightning helixes and less painful manabase give us a meaningful edge in the mirror and vs affinity?
>Why do people insist that nacatl is viable when eldrazi can land early 4/4s and 5/5s, not to mention the scions from herder, or wasteland strangler's kill ability?
>Why do people insist that Molten Rain is a good card to have against tron/eldrazi when we almost never get to 3 mana, and it's only a temporary setback for them assuming they haven't played a fatty by the time we actually resolve one?
>What's the best sideboard configuration for the upcoming meta?
>What do you board out against different matchups?
inb4 mardu/monored memes
They can't cast it faster than any other deck.
Granted, but it doesn't fuck them over at all
Imma give it a try
Ok just making sure

Mainboard spells, sorry for shitty photo bad camera
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What card is that anon?
Main board lands, running bloodstaineds because i don't have all the in color fetches yet
Looks like my list isn't too far removed from yours in its current state. -1 Souls, Tasigur, Sorin. +1 Maelstrom Pulse, Finks, Thoughtseize.

Hows Sorin working out for you?
Speaking of fetches:

Allied colored fetches are back up to $20 each and enemy colored fetches are back up to $50-$100.

Is this just post-ban speculation? Is it likely to go down after the Pro Tour?
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And finally sideboard
Sorin + souls is brutal. I was always happy to see him when he showed up.
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I can see it screwing affinity post Hurkyls and maybe Storm and Jeskai Ascendancy if dropped at the right moment.
>go down
>after Pro Tour
No Treetops?

Fracturing gust? Isn't that a bit inefficient?
I'm more of a yugioh guy but I really want to get into Magic, is there a ygopro equivalent when I can test decks against the ai until I learn to play properly? I would play the official licensed games but they always seem to be out of date and grinding for cards sucks.
Dig through time was banned for making twin too consistant
Not huge on tree tops in Junk desu
And Fracturing Gust is usually an auto win against bogles and infect. Just have to hold out till I get it.
Hey is painful truths worth it?
infect and affinity i guess
Oh, I'm not looking for deck help but thanks, looking for a simulator to fuck around in.
I think so. Need more play testing with it but so far I like it as a 1 of
is a good mardu deck possible or is it doomed to shit brews eternally
Infect? Fracturing Gust against Infect? Have they taken to running things other than Rancor?
Shit brews sadly. Without a solid generic removal spell like how GBx has Abrupt Decay/Pulse, it loses to awkward things.
Thank you very much!
I'm an idiot, I meant affinity @_@
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newfag who played super casually with friends around 2000 here

what's the best way to get back into magic but in a slightly more serious manner? if i were to walk into a shop with like 50 bucks today, what should i buy?
50 bucks can get you a decent burn deck; burn teaches you how to efficiently pilot a deck and when to do things, like "should i kill that creature if it might fuck me later on"
don't buy booster packs
the best way to get back into the game would be to buy duels of the planeswalkers on steam and then see if you still like the game

otherwise you're going to get tricked into buying some fat pack or booster box or shitty, linear memedern deck with your fifty bucks and have jack shit to show for it

t. magic player since tempest
Have ad nauseam and want to get ascendancy combo. Is there another deck that plays more like eggs with second sunrise?
with $50? You can buy one whole Karn
Not even
cheap sleeves and 3 draft admissions

Even the budget burn deck is more than $50

Just try Magic: Duels, its free to play
fucking nobody? seriously?
people just getting back into magic after a decade arent going to win tournaments, and yes, a decent deck goes for 50 dollars; he doesnt need a 300 dollar greed manabase
Burn isn't fun to talk about. It's also not complicated.
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thanks senpai

>tfw was thinking of buying a fat pack for Core 2015 or Zendikar block or something

but muh rares

yeah i just want to have fun at local friday night magic or something while also not having an auto-lose deck
Build a budget affinity deck, then save money to buy the expensive cards.
>It's also not complicated.
can this meme just die already. Just because the deck has a linear gameplan doesn't mean there can't be any depth in the deckbuilding and sideboarding aspects, the aspects with which all of my questions are concerned. You would know that if you read past the first line.
a cheap ish deck is mono green infect and you should be able to get most things for under 50.
anyone want to buy a UW sun titan/emeria deck?
can i see a list
you should consider the pauper general at >>44956749

most pauper decks run around 30/40 dollars, except for the burn decks, ironically

It's this list, but I also have a playset of flickerwisps and other cards to play in the tapout version of the deck like Gideon and Phantasmal Image.
Better off buying a budget deck for standard then.

I think that Atarka Red may be pretty cheap overall without the fetches, atarka's Commands, ot abotts.

Alternatively: http://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-54-26-tix-standard-rallies
Twin has won ever PT.

There is no reason to play blue decks with twin around.

You are wrong. Ebin essay
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do you know what kind of deck you'd like to play?

Because it doesn't hit other things but dorks and aggro.

... Wait.
>mfw there are mouthbreathers at my LGS who actually believe this
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>most pauper decks are $20-$40
>burn is $100

this format seems interesting though, thanks

i-i'm not poor tho, $50 is just an entry point
>Twin has won ever PT.
Twin won the first modern PT and the last one. In between Eggs and UWR won.
>There is no reason to play blue decks with twin around.
False, there's no reason to play blue decks with Tron, Affinity, Burn, Infect, and Eldrazi in the format. The only way you could hope to beat them was by jamming Twin turn 4 and hoping it sticks.

Maybe EDH General is where you're supposed to be? You have about the same level of card quality and metagaming analysis as they do.
Chain lightning is in serious need of a reprint
Modern is not a good entry level format, even tier 2 decks will set you back hundreds of dollars.
What I would suggest is finding a janky brew that looks fun and taking it to an FNM, the level shouldn't be super high anyway unless your area is just that full of tryhards

>There is no reason to play blue decks with twin around.
>Theres no reason to play decks that only beat twin with twin around
1. RW is viable, but adding green gives you Atarka's Command and Destructive Revelry, which are two very powerful cards
2. I don't run Nacatls and I hate the idea of running them, but some people insist that its a "free" bolt. And yes they do get worse with these new Eldrazi decks running around.
3. I don't know how many lands you run, but at 20 lands I get to 3-4 mana on average within the span of a game, maybe even 5 mana.
Molten Rain is useful against the Tron matchup since it stops them from building Tron on time if they did not already have it out. It is also useful against Affinity and Infect for their manlands, and even Jund to disrupt their colors sometimes. Also it burns for 2 damage, and each point of damage is very, very important.
4. Still testing but I'll be running:
4x Destructive Revelry
3x Molten Rain
2x Path to Exile
2x Deflecting Palm
2x Kor Firewalker
1x Skullcrack
1x Searing Blaze
5. Google it, too long to type right now.
Oh fuck, this actually got a laugh out of me. Goddamn forced meme posters don't make this a legitimate Storm Crow 2.0.
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So I've been playing the orzhov eldrazi list with lingering souls and lili's, just put in the thought-knots and matter reshapers and they're ridiculous, and it did very good at out modern tournament last night 4-1

I'm thinking about trying to take out graveyard play though entirely. No stranglers, no sowers, no relics....put in reality smashers in place of sowers and then more hand disruption and spot removal instead of the rest. What do you think? Make the deck weaker or stronger?

that'll teach you for having feelings, dingus

Any format where Blue is not the best colour is garbage
janky brew as in a deck thrown together from intro packs and boosters and cheap singles or something? that kind of thing is right up my alley
Midrage Eldrazi decks that ditch the processing entirely are already a thing, people have been brewing for a while.
Check out the mtgsalvation forums
>Not complicated

Every retard who has never played burn

>"b-b-but you just cast spells and count to 20!"

No, just shut the fuck up you don't know what you are talking about.
No, that will just get you a shitty standard deck.

I mean something like this:
get fucked, memedern player
>4 Inquisitions in the board


>rules-lawyered his way there
fuck yourself to death, scrub

this is competitive Magic, there is no fun here
When I say RW, I mean RWg with the splash for revelry. My question basically amounts to, what's worth more, the slight advantage offered by command, or the earier manabase/helixes?
I run 19 lands but I feel like I should maybe be running 20. The question is what to cut for another land; I'm thinking going down to 1 lavaman, but I'm not sure. Either way, I don't like the idea of trying to disrupt tron, I feel like we should just be trying to race them since it's already a favorable matchup. All they can hope to do against us is stick a wurmcoil, and we have paths, palms, and revelries to stop that.
My current board is as follows
4x Destructive Revelry
2x Path to Exile
2x Deflecting Palm
3x Kor Firewalker
2x Smash to Smithereens
2x Volcanic Fallout
It was made a while ago, it's still a relatively cheap deck
you would think that Wizards would at least be capable of simple logic though
except DTT is busted even without Twin as Legacy made blindly obvious

>all of them still banned
Big fucking help the Twin ban was for blue's playability in the format then

Dread Return is a meme, you dip

I'll feed on your tears once your deck si banned Memeskai player :)
>yfw they banned a red card and blue is so anemic it literally can't survive without cards from entirely different colours keeping it on life support

Thank you based Wizards for making the game heartofthecards.gif and the matchup lottery

Player skill is for trashy nerd games like chess and go, I just want to jam Karns and Ugins they're my favourite planeswalkers :^)
Turn 4 rule is the absolute most idiotic format guideline and anyone who thinks it isn't is probably inbred.
Wrong format, mate
The turn 4 rule is fine, the fact that they want it to be inconsistent for combo, a balance of archetypes and no deck overshadowing others is pants on head retarded
It's the power level I want, where games are long enough without devolving into standard awfulness
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I know it won't win a ton of games, but I wanna play this. Low-to-the ground combo/aggro is my jam.
Get some Painful Truths for god's sake
Commands are far better than the helixes imo.
Also keep in mind that against Tron they can just use Feed the Clan or Nature's Claim once they have a Wurmcoil out. Either can set you back a turn or two.

I'm not sure what your deck is running, but here is my decklist if you want to compare:
Look up junk aristocrats you dip
>most decks can pack something that shuts them out post-sideboard pretty easily
Why are modern players always so incredibly stupid?
Like, I don't think there's a single other format with so incredibly idiotic (in general terms, not Magic) players. Hell, I don't think there's any competitive game with such moronic, brainless statements regurgitated all over every shit-covered website about the game.

No, you don't fucking win against Affinity with your retardedwhitejank.dec (á la >>44984996) just because you have fucking 4 Stony Silences in the board or whatever, hell you don't even necessarily stand a reasonable chance.

Your ability to survive against Affinity is predicated on you actually drawing your fucking hate, and all of you mouthbreathers conveniently ignore the fact that the guy on the other side doesn't just fucking lose if you jam your hate. He has a sideboard too, and because Affinity is actually powerful, it has a far more versatile sideboard. Affinity gets to tune its sideboard to answer the exact threats they know everyone else is running around with against their own deck, while you have to try and answer every degenerate deck in the format.

And even if you draw your hate, and they don't draw any of their myriad responses, you still haven't actually won, you've just slowed them down. Where's YOUR clock?

The way you mongoloids talk about sideboards would be relevant if it weren't for how oppressively poor WotC's decisions with regards to blue are. If decks had better card selection, MAYBE you could make a reactive deck instead of one of the degenerate synergy decks, but "muh storm is unfun".
>salt; the post
He is fabulous.
4 Blisterpod
2 Bloodthrone Vampire
4 Collected Company
3 Satyr Wayfinder
2 Eternal Witness
4 Dryad Arbor
4 Sandsteppe Citadel

4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Young Wolf
2 Saffi Eriksdotter
1 Abzan Ascendancy
2 Saffi Eriksdotter
2 Cartel Artistocrat
4 Horizon Canopy
2 Viscera Seer
2 Orzhov Charm

Your mana base in general ain't that great.
Caw-blade back in Zen-Scars Standard
Cawblade was only 50% of standard? Lel you should try some Khans block constructed. Quite literally 70% of it is Siege Rhino.
Just play rdw in legacy m8. It's cheaper than modern burn.
Siege rhino in the top 8 of the photos when he just came out
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>play against scapeshit with hatebears
>pays the arbiter tax and plays scapeshit
>I blink arbiter with restoration angel.
>he scoops up his shit.
An argument that does make sense is that Twin was keeping crucial Blue cards (i.e. literally just Ponder and Preordain, as in card selection that doesn't suck ass) from being unbanned.

The argument falls flat when Ministers of Netanyahu didn't unban anything, the fucking pissants.
His post is right, you know. Affinity runs 4 copies of Thoughtseize in the board. It's basically the main reason why the deck survives post-board, despite being the most hated deck in the format.
>REB and UEB are printed in Shadows
How great would that be?
>There is no reason to play blue decks with twin around.
That simply means there's no reason to play any blue deck at all.
I'm just having a giggle
not really
it's just an absence of Sol+ lands, and people playing crappy high-mana cards instead of legacy-tier powerhouses
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>Wizards refuses to allow decent card selection in memedern
>Decide to run Serum Visions like everyone else, even though it's bad
>Already feel bad about dropping so much money on bad cards
>LGS only has these in stock

Wat do /tg/? Do I wait it out, or are you able to see past the obvious bukkake scene that's playing out before your naked eyes?
don't buy anything
Magic sucks
if you can find anyone you can play Pauper with, do that
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In a world without Cryptic Command, what would you run instead?
Pauper is a hundred times more powerful and fun than Modern.

Being cheap is just an additional bonus.

Into the ground.
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I forgot one oops.
Stax is like miracles in that it preys upon people playing low cost high impact spells. Trinisphere does nothing against a b/g/x deck when it comes down t3 at the earliest.

Thorn doesn't effect the most importantcard type for modern, but does cripple the most important card types in legacy.

Tax effects need to come out early to have an effect, which can't happen in modern.

Finally, modern lacks a critical mass of spheres, and smokestack itself.
Why would I use a bad card? None of those do anything close to what Cryptic does.
Legacy games last far more turns than Modern, and with far more interactivity.

Setting a win-limit before turn 4 is arbitrary. The problem with Modern is that no decks have any interactivity so it's all just goldfish vs. solitaire and in that situation turn 4 makes you and other casuals feel like you had a chance "if only you'd drawn a little more" or "just one more turn"

It doesn't matter if a deck doesn't beat the shit out of the format 90% of the time at turn 24 by putting an inescapable lock that just takes a while to finish (Lantern Control-style, though obviously Lantern Control isn't oppressive or broken) or turn 1.
You're still losing, speed shouldn't matter.

If a deck wins all the games it wins by turn 2, but only has like a fucking 10% winrate if the enemy has ANY interactivity (Belcher), it's a shit deck and the turn 4 rule banning it out is dumb.

I'm not against the Turn 4 Rule as it is implemented, necessarily, but just against the principle of using it as a guideline.
Do you have a userscript that links to magic cards on 4chan? What with Stony Silence being in italics?
If so I'd like its name if you don't mind, please.
I don't care what arguments you make, when decks like Oops All Spells exist and can kill you before you even get to have your turn
That's not the kind of Magic I want to play
I haven't played Magic for a while, but from my understanding Siege Rhino was played in a variety of decks? In Standard, at least, Block Constructed has always been a joke.

Caw-blade was literally always 4xJace, 4xSFM, 4xSquadron Hawk, a Batterskull and Sword of Feast and Famine, and then you built from there

A dominant 4-card package vs. a 14-card-minimum-nonland package is a pretty big difference, but of course I don't know how Siege Rhino was in Standard
Gotcha brah.

I'm looking towards Next Level Abzan instead.

Nah Brah.
This desu senpai.
>Trinisphere does nothing against a b/g/x deck when it comes down t3 at the earliest
That's literally what I said so I'm not sure if you're just expanding on my point or what
An absence of Sol lands makes it useless in the matchups where it'd be strong because it's too slow, and there are far too many matchups where it does fuck-all

The absence of redundancy and synergistic things like Tangle Wire (and the eponymous Smokestacks) is secondary. It's unplayable first and foremost because the cards can't be cheated out, and even if they could there would be too many decks that'd take a big chili shit all over your cardboard. Even with all the other Stax tools it'd be an anime.me deck.
People like to say that Siege Rhino is run in lots of different decks. In reality all of those decks play the exact same way; tap out for your dumb value creatures.

If you ever want to win I'd recommend doing it. When Blisterpod dies, it leaves a 1/1 behind. When Young Wolf dies, it leaves a 2/2 behind. You wanted a low to the ground aggro deck right? When Saffi Eriksdotter dies, she leaves behind not just one token, but two. How great is that?
Most lists i've seen only play 2 TS in the side, along with 2 Spell Pierces. The point still stands however.
That's the point. Where does a control player go if Cryptic command was never printed. More Rune Snags and Mana leaks? Does control just cease to exist?
mono-green infect. stompy, and budget burn are all decent budget lists for modern. you can also check MTGGoldfish, they have a pretty decent series on budget modern/standard decks
>FNM promo Serum Visions almost cheaper than normal Fifth Dawn ones

fucking kek
This is why I'm glad modern players don't play legacy. Boo hoo.

Turn 1 combo decks are the easiest to disrupt. Spell pierce, force of Will, daze all just win you the game basically.
not great.
Go back to your legacy thread then
There's about as many copies of Fifth Dawn Visions out there as there are Voice of Resurgences, iirc.
the problem with pauper is if you buy paper you'll likely have difficulty finding people to play with, bu if you find that community, or plan on playing online, go right ahead
Ojutai's command is underrated.

Also, I like Logic Knot.

I'm sorry are you in the wrong thread? I'm not sure what this "control" you speak of is. Some kind of brew based on Annex or Mind Control?
>Needing to have sideboard cards against affinity
I play terminate, bolt, Kommand and abrupt decay maindeck, good luck
That makes me want to see an Eminent Domain brew for Modern

Fifth Dawn had such small print run?
> in response of your combo, i cast FoW
> I FoW your FoW, and then win
Shit kind of game ever
Closest to utility is probably Ojutai's Command, but you would probably have to build a deck around it.

Otherwise you put your Nope on the best alternative if yo want a cantrip.
Nah, spelunking in the dank caves of memedern is my favourite pastime.

It's like watching videos of Russian slums with people falling apart from krokodil and such, while they're worrying mostly about which color syringe they should jab into their eyeballs
Its really unfortunate that we got Contradict instead of Dismiss.
>the belcher deck somehow has 4 Lotus Petals, a Charbelcher, Force of Will, a random blue card and also in some strange way a Black Lotus to go off before your first land drop

nice meme, kid
So is eldrazi no longer just a meme deck? is it here to stay?

I have eldrazi parts and I dunno whether to sell them now or keeps
>Dismiss isn't Modern legal

Well Shit.

Mana leak exists then
Why are you playing Modern then? Game is decided as soon as the players are done shuffling. Decisionmaking is nonexistent.

Combo is 2 of the top 18 decks in Legacy.
You've never played legacy, or even looked at a decklist, have you? Enjoy your turbogoldfish tournament
Losing on the first turn in Legacy is quite rare. it happens, but it's really not a big deal.
Danke, senpai
I told someone I play legacy, they look at me weird. "Legacy? Isn't that just a bunch of grindy control mirrors?" they say. I knee-jerk react "No that's actually really- wait yeah, that's pretty much spot on."
I play miracles. And if y mull to 5 and don't have FoW i lose. Or i have FoW and then they have it too. Legacy has too much difference in posee if you are on the draw or on the play
That pretty much is exactly what Legacy is if you play a tier 1 deck, and it's great

If you don't like Blue (what the fuck is wrong with you), you can play Enchantress or Elves or I dunno I guess people like Burn? Get out of my fucking face you miscolored pleb
Familiar's Ruse looks like the most fun, even if it's hot garbage.
I want to cast it returning a snapcaster, and then next turn cast snappy, snap it back and return snappy.

But honestly, probably none of those.
That sounds better than a bunch of counting to X mirrors.

Fact: every top deck in modern is just a counting things deck.

Tron counts to 3, then 8, then Karn.
Affinity, Burn, etc, all try to count backwards from 20.
Infect counts to 10.
Twin didn't count things as much. It was a nice, non counting things deck. And it got banned.
>I play Miracles on Cockatrice
fixed that for you
There isn't a single turn 1 combo deck that runs FoW. Yes, a sneak and show nut draw is going to beat you. That's going to happen once in a great while. You Seriously don't play miracles, that deck has an amazing matchup against all the turn1 decks.
top kek
Sorry if this question comes up a lot.

I'm fucking sick of Hearhstone and decided to pick up a much better game. What format should I look into, and if possible, what colors would I want my deck to be built around for something like control warrior (which builds up a huge shield and can recover from board wipes by stalling with minions that give temporary HP)?
Xmage, i like it automathized
you're probably the kind of guy who thinks FoW is a good card

I'm not sure if you're mulling to 5 to look for FoW (in which case you're retarded) or just complaining that a mull to 5 sets you back in a control deck (in which case ????)
Seriously, in modern if you mull to 5 you just lose. I'm ok with that game being over in one turn rather than 5
>I'm fucking sick of Hearhstone and decided to pick up a much better game
So what are you doing in this thread?
jej, going to that after magic was like going from csgo to doom 1

sounds like maybe white+green would be the colour for you but you'd have to look around and get familiar, game's pretty deep

First MTGO event after the Twin ban, and oh look, half of the top 6 is Affinity.
>Allies deck

To be fair, it probably would have been before the twin ban too.
I don't like FoW but the options are: don't mulligan and loose to belcher/oops all spells or mulligan and get behind in card advantage. the thing is worst if you don't know the deck your oponent plays. A format that is glued by FoW, the only police card, that's legacy.
Pauper if you care about dumb shit like not supporting Israel or owning property, or being able to eat things better than canned beans because you didn't waste $2000 on magic cardboard

Legacy if you have an active hatred of money and good fiscal sense, and additionally get an enormous rageboner when your method of winning is preventing your opponent from even playing. Alternatively, if you're 50 years old.

Standard if you're 12 and like hippos and rhinos and I dunno, squids. It also helps if you have Down's.

Vintage if you just robbed a bank, won the lottery, or were born with the curse of perpetually shitting molten gold

Modern if you really want to play Hearthstone, but are afraid of being called a nerd for playing with pixel cards instead of real bona-fide magic cardboard dollar bills, and don't mind playing something somehow even dumber than Hearthstone. Also more expensive than Hearthstone despite not having any randomness in acquiring good cards.

All cost concerns can be brushed aside if you're Chinese, though.
You're complaining about the least consistent decks in the format. I play ANT, not a FoW deck. I play against belcher every week, and it loses to itself more often then it loses to force.
>ever caring about Belcher
here's how a Legacy tournament goes

>R1 G1, matched against Belcher
>keep solid hand without FoW because you're not retarded and try to play around a deck that makes up .005% of the metagame and is garbage
>G2, G3
>win in 10 minutes because Belcher is a garbage deck that loses if you so much as cough in its direction, spend rest of the time jerking off in the bathroom
>Every Round After 1st
>stop caring about Belcher rest of tournament because it will go 0-X and you will never get paired against it
why are people playing shit decks
Alternately, they drop 8 goblins turn 1-2. You miracle a terminus and they can never recover.
or you Flusterstorm their Warrens
or Mindbreak Trap if you're not blue/don't have any lands in play
or any of the other thousands of answers that can just lie on the board instead of having to be in your hand, even if you're not Miracles, the deck that cannot ever lose to something as dumb as a turn 1/turn 2 deck in a format that has actual interactivity instead of trash like Remand

I seriously don't get how
You hear people who don't play legacy talking about the format and you'd think that belcher/oops had made a top 8 of a large event. Ever.

Can we talk about the real problem of legacy? How fucking grindy it is.
Format Tiers

Casual EDH with friends


Cube, I guess?

>How fucking grindy it is.
You mean the format has large decision trees? Oh no, you have no know what you're doing in order to win! :(
Vintage is best tier what are you talking about?
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but grinding's my fetish

I wouldn't call 2nd place shit

As others have said, why are you running Tron if your creatures are all midrange? Tron produces far more colorless mana than you need, it would be wiser to run more U and W lands. Since you need colorless mana for the Eldrazi ability, use run Adarkar Wastes or Mystic Gate: you will get the colorless but you will also have the option of getting colored mana from the same land.
I saw they have EDH decks on sale at a store near me. That's like the Reno decks in Hearthstone, right? Only allowed 1 of each card you run?

Also what exactly is the difference between Modern and Standard? Just what cards are allowed, or is there more?
Vintage shouldn't be shit if Legacy is God Tier

Vintage is more like Trump tier
>house down payment: the format
Yeah no, Vintage is bad
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>Mfw I play every format except Pauper, Vintage, and Cube
I don't get why you faggots bitch about everything so much.
Is Cavern of Souls that much of a Must Play card in a tribal deck? I mean theres almost no control decks around, and the card is fucking $40 just for one.
Not really. Even with Twin being out of the picture Storm is keeping cantrips banned.
No, the complaint is that miracles vs shardless vs lands matchups take forever. They become draw go, or draw bounce resources off each other until something sticks. The decision trees aren't that tough. They're really interesting when you're both sitting on resources in the early game, and there are different lines to take.
Incremental advantage over the course of a long game vs. clear blowouts after a series of decisions is a fair discussion.

Often in Legacy, you'll have to play for a shitload of turns (especially against Miracles) because there's always a fairly decent chance you can come back even from a pretty enormous disadvantage. This also means games can have long periods of nothing happening where you're just trying to stay alive. It's not very dramatic or exciting.

Wanting games to be over after one player has been put into that aforementioned disadvantageous situation is a fair preference. It's not like it's randomly decided who gets ahead.

sorry if I'm misrepresenting your stance against grinding
10-20 proxy tournament: the format
Modern allows you to use cards from 2003 to current sets; that's 8th Edition to Oath of the Gatewatch. Standard only allows the most recent "standard" sets, which is Khans of Tarkir to Oath of the Gatewatch. They both cost roughly the same to build decks in, so long as you stay clear of BGx (black/green/any other color) in modern, which can net you price tags well over $1000.

Modern is faster and has less cancer in it, aside from the fanbase, though one can argue Standard's fanbase is the purest form of cancer in Magic.

Tl;dr play modern, find a deck you like a mtgtop8.com and toy with it on Cockatrice
>price an argument against Vintage
Ni how?
Couldn't rdw just be goblin guide, monastery Swiftspear, keldon marauders and those die at the end of turn elementals plus burn?
Holy fuck you're retarded
Modern has just as cancerous a playerbase as standard
Always remember though that if you don't know people that play a format you should invest in MTGO, or just avoid the format all together.
>tron player detected

How does it feel piloting the counting deck that is objectively the simplest count in modern?
>not playing Pauper
¿por que?
And it's not actually podless collected in 3rd, but a Knightfall build with CoCo and Chord.
I like all this. But i play ANT. When people ask what im playing, i just tell them that I'm counting to 10.
At least he can count higher than Valve
I don't play Tron, but whatever makes you feel better
Modern is non rotating. Cards from 8th edition in 2003 onwards are legal besides a ban list which you can find online.

Standard you are limited to 4 sets of cards that rotate out every few months.

With the prices as they are right now both formats will cost you a fortune to be competitive at tournaments.

Buying into a Top Tier modern deck is not advisable since it appears Wizards will ban any deck that gets too popular.

Standard sees a constant change in the decks are played because 1/4-1/2 of the deck disappears when there is a rotation. Modern sees refined decks that just get better with the occasional new addition.

There exists budget decks for both formats that will run you $50 or less.
You probably own a modern deck, and ate obliged to play a boring turbo-goldfish format. That's punishment enough
Is that any better than you hanging out here when you don't like the format?
Modern is the least bad of the competitive options in MTG, and MTG is the least bad of the TCGs currently still alive today.
>less cancer in it
I think either Modern or Standard are the formats I'm interested in.

Correct me if I'm wrong - but if I were to build a deck for Standard, it would still be legal in Modern. right?
It didn't cost me a grand
Not really, at least the Modern fanbase isn't making the game actively worse for everyone else by slurping up whatever low power level set WotC shits on their plate
There are some standard cards that are banned in modern
It would be legal but it would not be good.
The power level in Modern is much higher than standard
It taps for any color with no noticeable draw back if you are playing heavily with creatures. It is essentially an additional Sliver Hive/Allied Encampment that protects you from the occasional Mana Leak/Spell Snare/Cryptic Command.
Hate to break it to you...
>I think either Modern or Standard are the formats I'm interested in
well, it's your funeral I guess
You must be 18 to post here
Banned modern cards still in standard are Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise. Everything else is fair game, though.
I see that the next set is slated to come out in April.

Would it be smart for me to wait until then and buy 1 or 2 booster boxes with my money instead of the Gatewatch boxes? That way I could somewhat jump between the two since I'll only be playing with friends?
It would be legal, but it would be unplayable garbage and everyone would laugh at you
and they would be completely justified

that is unless your Standard deck uses actually good cards like Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time. Yeah both those cards are banned in Modern. Sorry.
Don't buy boosters unless you're going to draft.
Buying booster boxes isn't the way to go to make decks and in fact will lose you money 80% of the time
If you're set on entering a format then choose a deck you like and buy singles
Well shit.

Hopefully it goes down a bit then now that Twin is banned
It also fixes mana.

It's like other lands: sure it's not technically crucial for your deck's gameplan in a vacuum, but not using it makes your deck strictly and unarguably worse than it would be with it
Not even just to have a collection starting up at home?

Damn, alright.
The best places to buy singles are channelfireball and tcgplayer. The best places to look at decks in the modern format is mtgtop8.com. The best place to find videos of those decks is YouTube, clearly.
I'm looking to get into modern and I can't decide between 3 decks (on a very tight budget so long term project): Abzan SiegeLiege, WB Tokens, and Death 'n Taxes.
Could someone kindly tell me the pros and cons of each deck?
There's no point in having a collection when you don't even have a functioning deck.
After you have one you can start buying format staples if that's what you're into
90% of the cards in that collection will be useless.

You only need 60 cards for a deck. Unless you are fabulously, impossibly lucky, it is significantly cheaper to buy the exact cards you need from a reseller, than it is to buy boosters hoping to get those cards.
Abzan liege is fun, and they banned sumerbloom, so it get advantage, but still gets bad against tron
death and taxes is hard for begginers
WB tokens is the most cheap, but it's glass canon imo
why don't Wizards just fucking ban Grapeshot then, the fucking bullshit cockeaters. You've already neutered Storm so it's unfun, unreliable and stupid, why the hell won't you just ban it out entirely instead of this cruel mockery, this parading around of Storm's corpse on a parade float of pikes, just show some fucking mercy you kikes
It would be terrible in Modern because a modern deck is built form 13 years of the best cards while a Standard Deck is composed of the best cards from less than a year.

Some cards that are good in standard are just no good in modern as well.

If you are looking for a Standard Deck that can evolve into a Modern deck, Azban Midranage and Atarka Red are your best bets.
Different guy here - I just want to collect cards because I enjoy opening packs. Booster boxes are fine for money wasters like me, yeah?
>cards going down just because the demand has fallen
don't be retarded. If you must crack boosters then draft
go back to Reddit
Generate goodstuff value and out-value your opponents until you win. Terrible against Tron, and therefore terrible in this meta.

>WB Tokens
Swarms the board with tokens. Beats spot removal. Dunno about the Tron matchup but I can't imagine it's good.

See: hatebears. Bad against decks that have access to a lot of mana or that don't do much, e.g., Tron, Eldrazi, or Grix control.
Cracking packs is fun man
But I don't want to play.

I just like collecting shit.

It's the same reason I have a 5000 point Space Marine army. I don't fucking play WH40K at all, I just like the models.
Sure, but you will lose money and you will be left with a bunch of useless cardboard
If you're okay with that then by all means
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>modern is the least bad of the competitive options in MTG
>MTG is the least bad of (literally anything could follow here and it would be wrong)
>hatebears bad against tron
>when they can keep em' of tron for all the game
Spend money, receive fun. Seems fair.
Is this supposed to be clever or something?
I'm not going to be one of those autists that tells people how to have fun, but if you want to collect stuff for the sake of collecting, maybe sportsball cards or something like comics or stamps is more your speed.
>being a technology-hating luddite
Why though.

New thread
I find it fun because there's the "what am I going to get" excitement. I'll buy a pack instead of a soda or whatever.
>parading around of Storm's corpse on a parade float of pikes
That's exactly the point. They want it to be a boogeyman that can justify the fact that they've systematically gimped the color of "mother may I".
Kinda hard being a luddite if you like technology, is probably the reason
I'm not saying I'm good but at least I understand the rules.
Dank, mate
>this guy has 43 patreon supporters
>314 dollars a month
for what purpose
Don't buy boosters you fucking retard
>buying from big vendors
If you're a fatass American, use eBay or the cheapest people on TCGplayer

If you're European, use magiccardmarket

If other, are you even a person? You guys have internet? I mean shit do you even understand English? Is this text legible?
just buy an actual lotto ticket

at least you get to pretend you might actually win something worthwhile instead of crappy cardboard
Why the fuck are you in the Modern general then?

Side-note: I'll take all of those boring excess fetchlands you have, you can have some of my old The Dark cards. They'll never get made again, Reversed List guarantees it!
>tight budget
>playing Magic
Just buy counterfeits from China and actually have fun instead of playing suboptimal jank
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