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Boss, I waz finkin'... how do dem humie boyz decide who'z

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Boss, I waz finkin'... how do dem humie boyz decide who'z da boss? Dem's all da same size 'cept for dem marine boyz, and dey's not da bosses of all humies. It just don't make no sense.
Well, the Emperor IS the biggest humie.
And the Primarchs are both the biggest Marines and the leaders.

So... size, still?
Also, they make up for height disadvantages with pauldrons and hats.
Humie bosses all wear bright gubbinz.
wot about dem pointy ears? how do they decide?
Yea, an whut about em greyskinz?
they'z talk n talk til one is left stil awake
as for them greyskinz they got theze eethherials I thinks thatz wut they call themselvez iz in charge
Umiez follow da biggest hat.
Da weakest and da runtiest greyskins get to be da boss. Ta be a greyskin boss, ya gotta be a worthless grot in a dress who'z cannot even lift a choppa and just stands about all day yappin' about big an' good fings. Seems ta me like like da whole lot of 'em are beggin' fer a good stompin', but dat's how it iz.
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>hats and pouldrons

I'm thinking now. Usually not a good thing.
Do grots get bigger by fightan an winnin?
Oi 'ave nevah seen da Emperah wi' a propah hat on.
Wot'z diz about grotz winnin'?
Dem spikey pointy ears or dem boring pointy ears? Da spikey unez pick da spikeyest.
Nah nah, youz gottit all wrong.
Da greyskinz wif da biggest stiks are da boss.
Lookit ere.
Da yellow gitz only got shootas.
Da birdies get small shootas.
Da meks get bigga shootas.
Da white gitz haf shootas AN STIKS.
But da wimpy greyskins haf a GIANT stik, somtiemz a choppa wif the stik.
OF CORSE NOT, YA GIT! Now quit mucking about wit dat finkin´stuff and do somefing propa Orky!
Wot bout dem Shiny Green Skinny Boyz?

How dey decide whoz boss?
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Dis wun getz it.
You'z neva seen da Empera at all ya git. He neva shows up fer a good fight an' just sends dem runty humies to do it.
Wot, ya nevah took a 'umie town? Oi've seen pictions ov 'im, ya grot-minded git.
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>neva seen da Empera
>Empra neva fight.
>Wat kinda Empra nevah fight?

An' how's dem humies gonna know wut he looks like, huh? Dey'z neva seen him eitha. Dem's just finkin' he oughta be right big cuz he's da boss, so dat's what they make him look like.
Well iv each humie place as got a different pic maybe it means e can luk like whateva he wants to? Maby we've zeen em before and just don' now it. Eez a sneaky git e iz
Oi've 'eard 'e's alwayz scrappin wif dem spoiky 'umies and dose spoikey gubbinz dey got wif 'em. Oi say dat'z coz 'e's afraid ov bein' krumped but Oi could be wrong Oi guess.
But if dey need big 'ats to be da boss, 'ov come da Big Boss dun got one, ey? Dot dun make no sense.

Shut it, Greenskin.

My hat was made of pure shiny, it let me see in the dark and could blind the fools that stared at it for too long. Where's your Gork and Mork now?
da Empra got zogged proper good by Boss Horuz but killed em ded

now da empra iz stukk inna shiny killa khan dat cant move and dey ave to feed em weird boyz every day to keep em from zogging everythin
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You called?
Wat da zog? Wat's a killa kan for if ya can't move it? Why'z nobody krumped him yet while he'z stuck dere and become da new boss?
Uh, Oi dunno, probably scrappin' wif sumthin' an' winnin'. 'o iz you anywayz? Iz ya lookin' fer a scrap?
Killah kan dat can't move? But den wot'z da point?
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Mebbe dey left 'im somewhere coz 'e wuz so bloody useless an' den forgot where it wuz, harr harr!
>Boss, I waz finkin'
Dat wuz where it all went wrong, really.
Da kan'z REAL big
'ow big?
Yeah, where have you been you git? You and your brother said you were up for a game of inter-dimension rugby tonight, we've been waiting you lazy asses for the past hour.

My throne can zap demons, and guide my lads through space so they get to war in time. It's powered by a giant grinder full of human weirdboys. If you don't think that's the tightest shit then get out of my glorious face.
shaddap and listen ya stupid gitz fore I crump ya and ill tell ya

da khan workz like a giant weird stikk, he uses it to crump chaos boyz in da warp, like a never ending scrap, and one day, dat kill khans gonna zog up, and den he'll come back wit lods of dakka for a right proppa waagh.
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In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war.... and pauldrons
But if da scrap wif da spoikey gitz nevah endz, 'ow'z 'e gonna come back an' scrap wif us orkz?
ez so orky, he can crump us ere' and da spoikiez in da warp at da same time!

Ding is, he thinks de're a bigga threat dan us! We need to get a roight proppa waagh going and den we get to foight.
Well Oi sayz yer a git and dot yer only green on da out-side!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Evah bin shot to bitz? Youz bout to find out!
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Lemme join in boyz!
Rolled 19 (1d20)

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Oi 'ave a look at diz git.
We are related to...this?
Ugh, impossible!
WE are the chosen of the Old Ones!
Sounds like the pointy 'eaded gitz need a good stompin'
No 'elm an' no pauldrons. Iz dis a boy or a big boss?
We'z should stomp da whole lotta 'em sometime. Dere's only a few of 'em so we'z should be done right quick.
Oi boyz, 'ow come dem purple kaos gits are always slamm' inta each udda wit their danglin' bits?
roight big mate
Dey'z roight tricky to foind. Dey'z ded kunnin' loike dat.
Oi fink its trainin' cuz dey are right puny like. Dey is real dedicated to it too.
Wut'z a gobbo s'posed ta be? Just get back to clearin' dem minefields ya worthless grot.
Orks stole bits of Imperial language and modeled their technology of it since probably at least the dark ages.

Any speculation on what the Krorks were like when it was mostly Eldar and Necron to fight?

They'd been speaking in parody Eldar (since Necron don't even talk) and using looted eldar and necron tech.
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Oi you gitz! Ye're all in me crew now dat yer last boss got krumped by dem "inkwizishun snipers"
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Righto boss!
Day do it all da tim.

Yu tink dat weez shud do it? Ya know, for da trainin.
Rolled 66829723912 (1d100000000000)

Sorry ladz, oi'z testin' me new ultramultimegadakkashoota! It'z got more barrels dan I can count, an' each bullet 'splodes! Jus' stay still, will ya?!
Do wot?
Da slammin wit da dingling bits!
Nah, deys been doin' it for ages but dey still puny, so it cant be any good trainin'. We's don't have any danglin' bits neither.
Wot, loike slappin'?
Oi finks he means loik what we uze taw pee wit! But rammen dem togeda juss souns loik a plan fer a pinchin' down dere. Not even a proppa foight!
Sounds loike dey're just muckin' about.
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>never ending scrap

I like da sound'a dat.
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See dis?

Imma stick you wif it.
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He's always up fer a fight but hez propa serious like a goff but more dan a goff.
Dot'z a lotta text.
Iz alright gobbajaw, I knowz yer not good wif readin'.
Readin' iz fer gitz.
I think it has something to do with there hats

Presumably you crump the git with the best hat and take comand
Why iz you talkin' loik a ponce?
Den there'z the humies wif big chests but for some reason they ain't in charge even though they'z bigga. I think they'z a secret weapon cuz you's can't just kick dem in the goolies like a normal humie.
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>Oi 'ave nevah seen da Emperah wi' a propah hat on.
That's how big his hat is!

>Oi boyz, 'ow come dem purple kaos gits are always slamm' inta each udda wit their danglin' bits?
We has squishy bits for crumping, like this!

>Yu tink dat weez shud do it? Ya know, for da trainin.
YES, I can get you some squishy bits too!
You'z just not kickin' 'ard enuff.
Dat'z good idea, glad I thorta it! Where'z me metal stompin' shoes?
Oi think dere'z a song in dere.
>remote and ancient power
>motivates his long-suffering followers to take on irrational and pointless tasks

They're not wrong there.
>tfw you will never ever win a Gunpla tournament with an Emprah Gundam
still not enuff dakka
nevah change boyz
>black crussade closes on to terra

>suddenly gork and mork appear to help the emprah fight chaos

>he was busy foighting with them for funs the last 10K years to befriend them.
Ya know da big metal fingz they sometimes use?

I've 'eard doze are da Emprah. Or 'iz body. And doze are ded massif.
U WOT, dos are just humie gargants ya git.
Wanta let ya boyz know yer all propa Orksies an' i wund't be da same witout ya
>how do dem humie boyz decide who'z da boss?

Literal dick measuring contests. biggest gets to be da boss. Imperial children dread penis inspection day.
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E´must be a Blood Axe git.
>Boss, I waz finkin'
Is you a Mekboi? No? Then get busy shootin or get busy dyin
Is you one of dem hipin' and hopsin' boys?
Get back out there and get back to crumpin' ya posing good fer nottin' git!
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Oi! Àng about! Da Emphra is wired up in `dis big shiny killa kan chair, right? Well, a propa`kan has wires to yur èad, right? So, if this big shiny killa kan chair is wired to ìs èad then... then da big shiny killa kan chair IS ìz hat! Zog me ! It all makes sense! THAT´S why è da humie Boss! Da biggest hat in da galaxy!
'EY, i tink dis gitz got sumthin' 'ere!
Boyz, I tink I juzt come up wit da bezt new invenshun yet! Boyz, listen up, kuz dis mite be zoggin genius.

An ork.
But it's nuthin but teef.
'ow'd it get to where da krumpin's at?
buy a warbike.
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>"Oomans are pink and soft, not tough and green like da Boyz. They’z all the same size too – no big ’uns or little ’uns, so they’z always arguing about who’s in charge, ’cos there’s no way of telling ’cept fer badges an’ ooniforms and fings. Anuvver fing – when they do sumfing, they try to make it look like somfink else to confuse everybody. When one of them wants to lord it over the uvvers, ’e says “I’m very speshul so’z you gotta worship me”, or “I know summink wot you lot don’t know, so yer better lissen good”. Da funny fing is, arf of ’em believe it and da over arf don’t, so ’e ’as to hit ’em all anyway or run fer it. Wot a lot of mukkin’ about if yer asks me. An’ while they’z all arguin’ wiv each other over who’s da boss, da Orks can sneak up an’ clobber da lot."

According to Gorkamorka, yes:

>Like Orks, Gretchin who are mean, aggressive, surly and looking for a fight will increase in size, though at a much reduced rate. For the Grots working in Mektown and running with the mobs, the brutal repression by the Slavers and regular beatings ensure that no matter how experienced a Grot gets, he’ll always be a very pale shadow of an Ork. Rebel Grots, on the other hand, are positively encouraged to get angry and mean and consequently can get tougher than their ‘tamed’ cousins.

Pic related, a Rebel Grot Head Honcho in the middle, their equivalent to a Nob.
Youz a git, but i likes ya.
'Ow'd you get outta da drops ya stoopid grot!? Get back in der 'n' find be a fat eatin' squig 'fore i krump ya!
Wheez will
Wheez will

Blood on yer face
Ya big diz grace.
If 'es got blud on 'es face, den 'ows he diz-graze-full? Couse dats roit and propa dat iz!
It is hiz blood ya git, not umies!
An' it ain't green!
Hurr hurr, 'ave you lot noticed dot 'umies are all slow until ya put sum ov dere red blood on de outside, an' den dey can't stop runnin' fast?

Eldars were makineg weapons for Krorks with their warpbone material or something,
They'd probably just speak Orkish, like da Beast apparently does in those shitty recent novels. The Eldar language is apparently insanely complex and has like 17 different words for each concept depending on the mood, situation, social status, what you had for breakfast, etc.

Oi, ye gettin it all wrung 'ere! Da Emprah git aint no ordinary boss. He's da Boss! Look, every time we kurmp some of tho's 'umies git, they still come back fer more. Sceramin 'bout that Empra git and all. And when we krump thoes gitz good, and then go scrap ther citys derz alwayz sullz and otha gubbins for dis Empra git oi? Cuz da Emprah ain no ordinary boss. He's 'umie god of good ol' war! Senin' thos 'umiest fer proppa fight when they can't find one 'emslefs cuz they weak and pink and no orky at all. He's dakkind in dis wyrd wapr thing so he can't come and fight with his 'umies but he's still zogging in warp, fightin thoes kayoz gitz an their wyrd deamon things. Hez like Gork 'n' Mork but fer 'umies. Ye get it now? And if most of dem humiez (expect that bigger and spikier) fight fer him he'z gotta be a really big git.
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Wurks on Orkses too.


>“We got some proper fightin’ in this time ladz! There’s piles of ded Humies out there all burnin’ up a treat and their fillin’ up the sky wiv black smoke which is a lot better than that zoggin’ whirly fing wiv faces in it. We had some fights wiv da Space Morons, fights wot the ladz wot fought on Armourgeddem sez was even better than the old days. And da Meks is happy playin’ wiv all da new scrap comin’ in. It’s good to be green, innit?

>Wot else… oh yeah da tellyporta. Da Humies really don’t like us nikkin’ their cities bit by bit and killin’ wots left. Ol’ Gabgrat is havin’ da time of his life breakin’ stuff and his ladz reckon he’s the Prophet o’ Gork or sumfing. There’s a lot of ’em, so I ain’t arguin’. But the Humies reckon they can take ’em, so they send in their Spaceboyz wiv their stupid coloured armour. Hundreds of ’em came outta da sky in dese big fings like metal versions of da roks wot Ghazghkull used on Armourgeddem. Zoggin’ copycats, wot’s wrong wiv a tank eh?

>Anyways each one of dese drop-fings has a mob of Humies or a Dred inside it, and da funny fing is, they aim fer Verdia, in da middle of Gabgrat’s armies! No wonder dey calls ’em Space Morons. But those red ’uns, Bleedin’ Hearts or sumfink, they know howta fight, especially da black ones. Thrukk reckons one of ’em bit out his froat and tried to drink his blud! Must be short of good beer up in orbit and ded firsty. Anyways they gave a good fight alright, blud and lumpsa flesh everywhere – soon even us greenskins woz wearin’ red. Makes yer go faster, dunnit. Maybe dat’s why some of da ladz went fer a bit of a run.

>So it’s been a good week’s fightin’, lads. Keep up da hard work and we’ll show Ghazghkull’s lot they don’t know nuffin about wreckin’ worlds!”
Dim u knowz that they have a orkz warboss in charge of them.
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Why'z the humies own so many planets if dey's all so weak and small, huh? Why haven't we krumped da whole lot of 'em yet? Mebbe ol' Ghazghkull is right and da boyz dunno what dem's doing no more.
An' on 'ow many of dem planets can a boy 'ave a good scrap, eh? Stoopid 'umies 'ave tonz ov planets coz dey're muckin' about wif useless stuffs tryin' ta match us orkz, instead ov just doin' wot we're doin'.
You'z a grot if youz can't find a fight anywhere.
You'z a git if ya settle wif just any foight.
Orks, why do you insist on using such sexist terminology to describe your species? As a race of sentient asexual fungus, must you really subscribe to such a masculinist worldview where you describe yourselves as "boyz"?
Youz a grot.
Da zog?
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I can't read a goddamn single post in this entire thread
"Read" iz dat sumfing humies do wiff dere paper blocks?
da zog is readin' s'posed to be?
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Didn't Aun'Shi cut a Warboss in half with his Honour Blade, and then pretty much kill the entire attacking Ork force by himself
iz you cunnin brutality or brutal cunnin cuz me and sum boys got confused bout that
Nah, gettin' chopped by sum runty greyskin don't sound like da boyz. Dat's just dem grey boyz makin' fings up.
Das becuz ya jus' not as artikyalit as us, ya zoggin' humie.
It's obviously onnadem metalboyz
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Summink fer humies and humie-luvverz.
dem's real brutally cunnin' boyz. Or are they cunnin' brutal?
Da space marinez or da lit'l ones in da red capes?
they is brutal cunnin' ain't they cuz they bein cunnin in a brutal way ya git.
Da green and skeletonny ones.
Oh doz ones! Dey don't 'ave much ta say usually. Even when deys bein' torn apart.

Mabye iz da small 'eads. Deys jus' not smart 'noff ta feel pain. Zame thin' goz for dem space marinez, in my opinyn'.
Now I want to run kommandos. If only they weren't a liability.
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Dat's wot I said!

Da gargantz are bodies fer gork'n'mork ya grot!
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they get stealth, infiltrate, and move through cover for the same price as 'ard boys, which are still overpriced. It could be possible though to park them in some ruins at the beginning of the game and charge out at something later on.

Hell if you really feel like dumping the points they can even take a couple special weapons or a PK nob
And dey'z ded killy
I fink it's a way to make 'em tougha. Dey's always saying dey's gettin' 'ard when dey's doing that, even tho dey's wearin' less dan before.
Maybe dey's tryin' ta smooth dey fleshy bits into 'ard bits. dat's wha' me finks.
No you gitz dat's 'ow dey make more 'umies. S'not right proppa orky, though.
but dem spikey 'oomies ain't makin' more 'oomies wif it. Dere's somefin wrong 'ere.
Watsnik, it looks loik we'z got ourselves a kase!
Dat's just what ya get from a buncha gitz who'z wearin' all purple. Only humies tryin' ta keep secrets wud be dat sneaky.
Sherlork Gonnes and his stalwart companion, painboy Watsnik.
Soooo, basically, shared psychic field of Orks kinda believing that Emperor is looking after humans is what keeps him up there?
Nah, you'z be rong dere ya git! Dey be cunnin' brutal cuz deyz be zoggin purple 'n only da most cunnin' orks kan do dat!
Dis is an ork board, go back ta yer pointy-headed git cont- contain- yer zoggin' board!
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Nice thread you chaps have here.

I'll just be taking it now.
Ya zoggin' wat mate? Ya fink ya can jess' stroll in 'ere and take our zoggin' threa'? 'e'll krump ya, mate.
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>the thread is now a Baneblade
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Back away, xenos scum. This thread was voluntarily gifted to our chapter.
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oy! you nicked this thread from us ya red gits!
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Nah, that's just his Chair, the Hat is what they put OVER it.

>An ork.
>But it's nuthin but teef.
I think the Tyranids beat you to it...
Bumpin' fer da WAAAAAGH!!!
Why the hell was you finkin' again?

Iz respekt yer roit ta say it, but I'l also krump yer fer it!
Oi, get me a whole lotta purple! I gotz an idea for da trukks...
Once a slave to a race of frogs, always a slave to a race of frogs.
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Humans calling other races slaves? How precious. I do hope your Inquisition does not hear of this little conversation you had with all these scary xenos.
Oi, wut if Da Emphrah fought Gork N Mork? ho wood win?
Wut kind'a kwestjon's dat!? Gork and Mork beats da 'umie emperoar, den Mork, maybe Gork, krumps da ovver one...Or maybe da ovva way round. Yoo gotta ask one ov da orkologjanz bout dat un.

Da point bitz is dat just loike propa orkz mash da 'umies da godz krump da emperoar
>realizes an agent of slanesh just turned up

Sir, You want me to get the chainsword so at least we're fightin while fuckin? Purge through penetration?
If were going to die To demons, knife-ears and orcs id rather die with both my swords unsheathed sir.
'Ey boss, one o' dose 'umies got inna camp again.
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>prize intelligence and initiative
>initiative 2
How quantify truly big

Yes there big physically but consider that big in deed and character much greater

This brings into realm of ontological rumination but to be big doesn't necessarily follow that big inherently good in itself

it becomes epistemic drudgery regarding big. Biggest does exist in so much that varying bigness follows that minute amount of bigness defines who biggest but problem becomes nightmare of aggregation to point where water becomes muddied. As such consider biggest orc. Paradoxically there always be bigger orc than him, somewhere, at sometime. Compound that with bigness of character and we turn to more metaphysical bargaining

Big not always mean big as we understand but simply illumination on two sides, bigness of deed and bigness of self. Biggest would have both qualities, but still not necessarily be biggest in size, though this ideal, it impossible to nail down truly regarding definite terms unless it absolute definite.
You'z a humie git. Da biggest Ork is da Ork dat can stomp all da otha boyz 'til dey'z all doin' like he sez.
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