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Warhammer 40k general

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Jamming forks into eyes edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index
Who would win? 100 Catachans or 1000 cadians, assuming they are fighting in the jungle.
The Kroot.
Welp, another general was made the same time I put this one up
Catachans, if they're being led by colonel straken
Catachan are 10x better than kroot. Kroot don't even have big knives.
The only fluff I know of Catachan Vs Kroot, the Kroot absolutely slaughtered them.
But anon, BIG KNIVES.
should i put a transdimensional beamer on canoptek wraiths or whip coils
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Besides the old red+blue, are there any more skin and eye colours among the Tau?
None official, but you can paint them however you want. Remember, they're your guys, not "muh fluff"'s guys.
Different shades of bluish grey depending on the location of their home planets to their home suns.

White eyes.
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For the worst transport in the game.
>paper side and rear armor
>only filthy s5 ap5 weapons
>expensive upgrades
>80 pts
Used to decent, thanks to upgrade that made them count as fast
Upgrade removed, tau tanks confirmed as shit, buy more giant robots
Fuck you GW, I like my skimmers.

They should have a Twin-linked missile pod upgrade. Even Tau basic infantry can bring missile turrets these days.
Thought the worse was the trukk

How many points should it cost?

>12:11:10 hp 3
>2 drones
>burst cannon turret
Truck is fast, open topped and cheap. Can cover 24 inches in a turn, granting you an easy turn 2 charge.
How does /tg/ stand on the whole buffmander hunter contingent debate? A tau player at my flgs thinks it works, but wont try to use it because he doesnt want to argue with anybody over a rule, but i keep telling him that it totally works. thoughts?
It works, bit ITC passed a nerf for it, and people love ITC for some reason.

It totally works.
What's this shenanigans ? Never heard of anything specific with this stuff.
60ish? Maybe 70.

How do we fix Coldstar?

The problem of the Devilfish is that it is better armed and better armoured than necessary for the typical battle-taxi. You want either a battle-taxi or an ifv.
Drop the special burst cannon, and the other gun.
Let it buy weapons normally.
If you want it to be genuinely competitive let it take Iridium armor.
customize-able loadout with some restrictions for balance, maybe get special issue gear too.
Don't know why I called missiles a gun.

Shared special rules that affect whole units. Since you are creating a virtual unit, as RAW, then the rules are shared. That means that you can have the entire army twin-linked, monster-hunter, ignore-cover, etc. etc. during a shooting phase.
you know, ive only recently checked out ITC and reading through it ive come to the conclusion that its one flgs' worth of community homebrewing 40k. doesnt really have an "official" attitude about things.
>not even fast skimmer
>only s5 ap5 in 7.5ed
I like the burst cannon but I wish I could take two of them instead of a missile pod.
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Coldstar bodyguards. Also flying drones.
With the new Nurgle stuff coming out, I decided to put some money aside to get a Nurgle-themed Army.

++Chaos Space Marines++


Typhus (warlord) 230

Daemon Prince of Nurgle (ML 3, Wings, Power armor, spell familiar, Black Mace) 355


30x Cultists (Plague Zombies) 150

10x Plague Marines (Meltaguns x2, all VotLW, Icon of Despair, Champion w/ Gift of Mutation and Power Sword, Rhino) 303

+Fast Attack+

Heldrage (Baleflamer) 170

8x Chaos Bikers (Meltagun, Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, VotLW, Champion w/ Power Sword) 171

+Dedicated Transport+

Rhino - 35


Gravity cushion for when it is forced to make a grounded test.
would it be fluffy to run a non-psyker inquisitor with my guard army and count him as a lord general or something similar.
Thinking of starting my first army and my budget is $300. I like the Iron Hand or Iron Warriors to be my first army, and I want it to be semi competitive. For Iron Hands: predator heavy and Iron Warriors to be Chaos MARINE legion war band thing with maybe demon Prince. Any opinions? Comments? Insights?
An auto pass for grounding would do a world of good.
Betrayal at calth is value for marines.
iron Hands are more competitive.
Other than that, just do what you will enjoy.
>Nurgle Stuff

Where are you putting Typhus? Why are you giving the Plague Marines an Icon of Despair? Why are you giving the champ a power sword? Why are you mixing weapons in the bike squad?

Plague Marines are more cost efficient in 5 man squads than they are in 10.
do tyranids eat nurgle infected things?
Are they tasty treats to them considering there must be at least %50 more bio mass on them cos they are covered in shit and vomit?
Sounds fine, I've considered doing the same since it's cheaper than a lord commissar
Please explain :0
Betrayal at calth is a highly discounted marines box, with good models.
Iron Hands are loyalist, and therefore more competitive.
>Not even 4 feet long
Kroots are all plebs.
I know absolute fuck-all about the fine details of 40k models, but with BoC being a 30k box are there any meaningful differences between the models present and the standard marines?
They have Mk4 armor, so basically they look better/ older.
So, at a glance it'll be pretty obvious that marines from BoC are different from other marines? Or is it pretty minor?
It will be noticeable, but it's not as if mkIV armor isn't still in use.
I see. Would it work well to have them seeded throughout the rest of the army, or concentrate them into specific elite units e.g. Sternguard?
>are there any meaningful differences

They have a different armor mark (4 vs 7, cataphractii vs indomitus, contemptor vs castraferrum), but they're functionally identical on the table and have the exact same equipment on the sprues.

All of those pieces of gear still get used in 40k.
They would be fine as tacticals.
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>$30 for 10 Guardsmen
For what purpose?
>50$ for 10 useless fire warriors
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>$85 for an HG Gunpla
But that actually looks cool.
$10 for 5 of those push-fit Lasgun only guardsmen as well.

I feel like its worth buying used Guardsmen if it means I don't put a hole in my wallet to buy 60+ Lasguns along with special/heavy weapons.
Anon, it looks like it could fall over at any moment.
Well you realize then they are simply a group of players that create house rules for their armies and playstyles. Have you ever tried min maxing under your own house rules? There's a reason they are shunned at my FLGS.

Drop the daemon prince, he's only going to get immediately killed.
The fear icon for plague guys doesn't actually do anything useful, consider removing it. They don't really need a gift either.
The hell drake on it's own isn't going to help much, he's also not nurgly!
Remove the bikes, add 5 chaos spawn with mark of nurgle. Then add a sorcerer of nurgle on a bike and attack to their squad. This will give you more warp charges.

With the left over points, you should be able to fit a great unclean one and 2 squads of plague bearers with icons and instruments. Use the instruments to bring them in from reserve and then chain off the icons for no scatter after the first guy drops.

Your GUO and plaguebearers can kill tanks, you've got backup melta guns, hell your sorcerer can take a melta bomb if he really needs to, everything else will just win through attrition and psy powers.

>Confirmed for not playing nurgle
He goes with the zombies. Not everyone is a min maxing faggot.

The betrayal at calth is 30 marines then 5 free terminators, a free dread/contemptor and 2 free HQ's, one in termi armor. Good deal.
If you focus on taking predators, then mix them between a single twin linked lascannon and ones with lascannon sponsons, place behind aegis line, shoot away.
I recommend you take whatever you feel like taking to kill infantry, maybe add a few melta guns here and there. Depending on your list, you might want some terminators or something that can kill tough stuff that gets close.

Predators are expensive, I recommend looking for some on ebay or something and then removing the paint, if you're trying for the cheap route.
Eh? I think it looks cool, what's wrong with that?
I mean, how good it looks is subjective, yes. But you gotta admit, 85 bucks is ludicrous.
That's not that bad, Valkyries are just a bit cheaper and I have 5.
Comparing GW stuff to GW stuff isn't a good way to establish if something is overpriced tho.

Compare Riptides to Gunpla kits, or compare Valks to a helicopter kit from Monogram or Revell.
Compare GW stuff to FW stuff if you want to feel better about yourself. Yeah you're paying 70 bucks for a Land Raider thats just a giant box, but at least you're not paying 200 bucks for a Spartan tank which is just a slightly bigger box.
But that doesn't help at all. Saying "Yeah, you're paying way too much for plastic soldiers, but you could be paying a lot more!" doesn't make me feel better, it makes me feel worse. In an ideal world, GW's prices would be reasonable, and Forge World would have current GW prices.
Can we talk Only War?
I started playing with some friends, basically we do just tactical combat and we skip any role play.
The problem is, it's really difficult to obtain any piece of hardware that is not standard equipment or it's deemed necessary by the command, and even if you succeed at the roll and manage to get what you were asking for, it's just for one mission and then you have to give it back.
I'm wondering if we're missing something here
>we do just tactical combat and we skip any role play.

How boring.
What is the current opinion on Imperial Guard Elite choices? I have 10 bullgryns, 5 ogryns, 30 ratlings, and 15 scions all unpainted.

Are they worth incorporating into an army atm?
It's quite fun, actually. Unless you turn it comical, it's not like you have much to roleplay when your character is a guard: interacting with NPC is limited since the relationship are regulated by hierarchy.
You just go around and try to kill the enemy, or take some objective or try to run very fast from somebody way too big to fuck with.

>in the captcha there was a picture that I'm sure it's a corner of a photo I took
Ratlings are pretty good, cheap snipers for their points.
Bullgryns > Ogryns
Slab shield bullgryns are perfect meat shields against shooting attacks and can tarpit melee units extremely well. Power maul ogryns are very good with a priest and biomancy psyker to fuck shit up with them but otherwise not worth it.

Scions are for deep striking 4 melta gun command squads with the regular dudes as backup.
Thanks for the advice. For the non-command scions squads, should I bother upgrading 2 volley guns per squad?
Not awarding your men with gear, what are you doing man?
I'm just a player
Maybe we'll get to raid and loot some fuckers with grenade launchers someday
Not really, they don't often survive long enough to make use of the salvo gun and I don't think it benefits from FRFSRF anyway.
:( I don't like the direction this game is taking. It feels like min-maxing is being built into the crunch of the game directly.

I've been looking up IG builds and it seems like veterans in chimeras are the new norm. You put as many special weapons onto as few models as possible and dont seem to bother planning for units to survive. I miss the days of fitting 5 squads into 1 troops choice and not treating an entire squad as the vessel for the 2 special weapons it contains.
That attitude has existed for a long time
>Leman Russ is the worst primarch
>Ultramarines are the best chapter
>Tau are glorious good guys
>Eldar are more Japanese that Tau
>Matt Ward was a good writer
>Newcrons are better than Oldcrons
>Abbaddon is a success
>Imperial Guard is useless
>Be'Lakor is stronger than the Chaos Gods
>Lorgar is the best traitor primarch
>Black Templars worship the Emperor as a God
>Dark Angels are closeted traitors
>Orks are just useless backdrop villains
What about a mix of infantry platoons and artillery? With the Mont'ka artillery formation you can have a company command squad give ignore cover orders to a battery of basilisks, while infantry out in the front can use their vox-caster to give the barrage twin-linked.
That sounds pretty sweet. I have to say I like the new order system. It seems fitting that IG should have naturally weak units that perform better when augmented with a top-down leadership system and cooperation between units.
He said he doesn't like min-maxing.

I once paid $33 dollars on Ebay for one of the old Guardsmen boxes. The one with 20 guardsmen in it. With S&H it came close to $40 total but that's pretty much $2 per model as opposed to $3 per model. Same as the snapfit guardsmen but comes with the sergent/vox/flamer bits that you probably want.

So basically look on ebay there's a shit load of unopened guard boxes and you might even luck out and find a box that doesn't bid too high.
>dont seem to bother planning for units to survive.
That's because they won't survive. This is the edition of ap2, ignores cover, rending armourbane and strength D. The only way to counter it is to kill the other guy first with the biggest weapons you have.
I considered moving away from mechanized, or having a separate list because the formation looked cool. Having an artillery company coat the enemy in ordnance while you send a couple platoons to cover a part of the map in men.

Emperor's Wrath is considered min-maxing?
I decided to try the game out since i like model kits and the 40k setting. Went for IG because i love tanks But i have no idea what to do.
Should i make the auto-canon or the heavy bolter?
Are flamers and grenade launchers required?
Please help me understand IG.
>That's because they won't survive. This is the edition of ap2, ignores cover, rending armourbane and strength D

This feels a lot like what happened to Magic: The Gathering. I remember playing casually in the 90s, then coming back to play during the mid 2000s. The power creep was astounding, there was a card called darksteel forge that made all your creatures indestructible.... platinum angel, creatures costed less and less in exchange for more and more abilities. There was an elf creature whose stats were equal to the number of elves in play, so with some exploits you could turn all your forests into elves and have a 40/40 with trample..... truly terrible.
You do realize that those aren't good magic cards right? They are gimmicky and not really played, but I'm getting off thread, and you're right about power creep.
Alright, if you like tanks, you'll probably want an armored build. In such a case, your tanks are your heavy hitters and the Guardsmen are there to secure objectives and screen the tanks. In this role, they don't need special weapons, but if you have the points they're nice to have, because lasguns aren't all that scary until there are fifty or so in one place. Pick the special weapons to do a job. Autocannons are probably the way to go for the HWS: they've traded a shot (worth considering on a BS3 Guardsman) for more range (good because they can't move and shoot with any accuracy) and the strength to engage medium vehicles. Lascannons have even more strength, but that's a lot of points for a weapon that's going to miss half the time, and your tanks should be doing that job anyway. Hope this helps.
learn to magnets
magnetize the options for guns, so you can switch at will.
Will people look at me funny if I blu-tack the tripod to the base?
If you can get it to hold without being obtrusive, all power to you.

100% Yes, always stick shit to their bases, don't be that guy who's models fall apart after a stiff breeze.

I say go Autocannon, it's better at hurting tanks / heavy infantry than the HB who just gets one extra shot. Try and play some beginner games at your LGS to learn.

Flamers might be better since your 4+ cover save for the formation encourages people to get close and charge your men, but special weapons like that are not mandatory. Sargent uses a pistol / sword.

Give the Commisar the bolt-pistol, it looks unique and represents a nice Relic-pistol in your codex.

Of the four Leman Russ the most all-round reliable options would be the default battle tank or exterminator, the other two are kind of bad and slightly cheaper. Good luck soldier.
A safe choice for the thank is eradicator and 3 heavy bolters. You can just throw it in any IG list on it's own and it will clear away some infantry.
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On the topic of IG, I made a couple lists for 1,500 one other at 1,850. http://pastebin.com/8uJLwDZk

I'm not familiar with how to kit out platoons or if it should be more bare-bones to bring more infantry without cutting into the firepower the artillery has.

So far I've come up with is: The Company Command Squad follows infantry in a Chimera, to safely give orders that Platoon Command can't. The infantry squads from each platoon pair up and combine to form a small blob with a Commissar. Each Lascannon squad hides behind the Aegis, helped by a Divination Psyker, and the artillery aims for targets Lasguns can't hurt.
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/tg/ as helpful as always.
Much appreciated.
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Hey all, sorry in advance if it isn't the appropriate place for this as I didn't see a list thread, nor do i have the copy-paste for a list thread start.

Would anyone mind taking a look at this list and critique it? Basic idea is mobility with all the groups being inside of boxes, but (in the case of the noise) still being able to inflict fairly heavy casualties and sort of being bubble wrapped with the AV. The lord chills with a CC noise group; they can make use of their templates to reduce a group size before charging in and make use of the dirge caster to avoid getting shot up. Melta bombs for dealing with vehicles, etc. Maulers and Oblits just do their normal thing.

Pic = list.
Looks good, 10/10 would play
++Chaos Space Marines++


Typhus (warlord) 230

Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Nurgle, Bike, ML3, VotLW) 150


30x Cultists (Plague Zombies) 150

7x Plague Marines (Meltaguns x2, all VotLW, Champion w/ Power fist+Gift of Mutation, Rhino) 230


Blight Drone - 150

+Fast Attack+

5 Chaos Spawn (mark of Nurgle) 180

+Dedicated Transport+

Rhino - 35

Chaos Daemon Allies:
++Allied Detachment++

Great Unclean One (ML3, Exhaulted Reward) 270

7x Nurgling swarms - 105

That better?
Remove the blight drone, it's not going to do anything but look pretty (or ugly).
Remove veteran of the long war for right now from your stuff, toss the gift of mutation as mentioned.

From there remove the nurglings and take 10 plaguebearers with icon and instrument, and take another unit of them as well.

Just give the great unclean one two greater rewards, and toss extra armor on the rhino. From there add your other stuff back on as points permit.

Should be fine, gives you one damn fast unit, another to back it up in the tank, and the mass of zombies coming behind them.
Turn 2, your reserves should arrive, and in the enemy base. Your spawn charge, plague marines jump out and blast something
Turn 3, everything but the zombies charge. Glory awaits.

Oh make sure the unclean one rolls on biomancy, iron arm makes him toughness 10 which is nonsense.
How would a Tau+demons list work?

I was thinking of doing a shinto theme for my tau stuff, having a backwater sept that treated demons as kami. Would this be acceptable?

Alternatively, going with a space nazi secret weapon theme, and having an ethereal that was actively researching them and trying to use them as weapons.

How hard does this fly in the face of fluff, would you play against it, and how would you build it?
There's not technically anything stopping Tau from falling to Chaos. Its just a lot more difficult due to Ethereal's influence.

Personally, I'd go for a Fringe outpost, maybe along the lines of Farsight Enclaves, or perhaps even a colony ship that jumped through a Warp Storm and got flung far away from the Empire.

I'd probably go heavy on infantry and focus on Khorne. Carbine squads, lots of breacher teams and kroot. Lots of close-quarters shooting.
I'm a new player so I need your advice. Just played a game against Adeptus Mechanicus as Tau, and my opponent fielded a Kastelan Robot Maniple. I had no proper way of dealing with those T8 2+/5++ reflecting robots it seemed, so I would like to ask you what you recommend to do against them when fighting for the Greater Good?
What's the point of bringing an instrunment of Chaos? I thought you didn't roll on the Warp Storm table unless Daemons are your primary detachment?
They'really a 3+ dude, your opponent must have cheated
>Lots of close-quarters shooting.
With come the apocalypse, Do I need to maintain 12'' away from them at all times, or is it just for deployment, then 6'' like the next tier?

Demons can't benefit from beacons or tau deep striking aides right?
Ah shit, I misremembered. They were played as 3+/5++, not 2+.
>There's not technically anything stopping Tau from falling to Chaos.

Its just a lot more difficult due to them having no connection to the Warp, whatsoever. As such, no way for Daemons to commune with them.

Chaos HATES Tau. Lorgar, especially would be pissed, as he hates the godless above all else. They would, probably, constantly be at odds with the Word Bearers for this effrontery to the Chaos Gods.

Sell tau and play Space Marines, so you can just grav the problem away.
You need to deploy 12" apart, but after that you just need to stay 6" away. Its really not that troublesome, and even if you are forced to end up that close, its still only a 1 in 6 chance of the effect.

Neither of them would benefit from each other's deep-striking stuff, though deep-strikinf is a good way to help avoid one eye open.
Are chaos-aligned Tau part of the fluff yet? I think the new Tau with more of a dark side is better for the universe, but so far it seems like O'Shava is the only major Tau figure to think independently of Big Brother.
Instrument allows you to roll for reserve on that unit and if successful, choose a same god unit in reserve and it automatically arrives, no roll needed.

Combine this with chaos icons working the turn you deep strike, and you prepare to own the enemy deployment zone.
>No connection

Its not that Tau have no connection. They aren't blanks, they're just very minimal. To use a metaphor, to Daemons, an Eldar is a chocolate cake, a human is a glazed donut, and a Tau is a dry biscuit
do hellstorm weapons have torrent automatically? people have been telling me they do, but i cant seem to find the page in the rulebook that says so
There are a few mentions, but they don't come up very often. This isn't due to impossibility, but rather just unlikelihood.

Easy enough to picture some isolated Fire Caste with a bunch of Kroot auxiliaries losing their way without Ethereal guidance, focusing very heavily on martial skill, and falling back to their more barbaric roots.
Nope, they work the same as normal template weapons.
>they're just very minimal.

Would demons just hanging out on a planet really register to the tau, would it be feasible for them to treat them like guardian spirts after a warp storm turns away a waaagh or something?

Or would it be better if the Tau just viewed them as tools, while being slowly manipulated by the demons?

Ah, ok, that makes it much easier, thanks!

I haven't seen anything yet, thats part of why I want to build this army
No. Hellstorm is just a larger template. Torrent is a separate thing, and a weapon can have both hellstorm and torrent.

First example that springs to mind is the Apocalypse flamer attack from one of the SoB formations.
++Chaos Space Marines++


Typhus (warlord) 230

Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Nurgle, Bike, ML3, Melta Bomb, Ichor Blood) 155


30x Cultists (Plague Zombies) 150

7x Plague Marines (Meltaguns x2, VotLW, Champion w/ Power fist, Rhino) 220

+Fast Attack+

5 Chaos Spawn (mark of Nurgle) 180

+Dedicated Transport+

Rhino (Extra Armour) 35

Chaos Daemon Allies:
++Allied Detachment++

Great Unclean One (ML3, Greater+Exhaulted Reward) 290

10x Plaguebearers (Plagueridden, Instrunment of Chaos, Icon of Chaos) 115

10x Plaguebearers (Plagueridden, Instrunment of Chaos, Icon of Chaos) 115

That good enough?
Tau are a rather non-superstitiuous people, though extended isolation might make them fall into old habits.

Assuming the Tau managed to kill enough stuff in the right spot (like during a warp storm), Bloodthristers popping up and killing their more appealing enemies is a possibility.

From there, any sort of supernatural rumours would probably begin in the Kroot ranks, and possibly slowly spread through the Tau as well if it keeps happening and they can't find another scientific explanation.
Keep the Blight drone you filthy peasant.
I can only see a Tzeentch demon passing off as one of their AI tricking the Tau. The other gods have nothing to offer to the Tau.
>CSM list
>no Murder Sword

how are you going to murder anyone with no murder sword?
Yea it looks fine. It will be a slightly tricky list to play if you enemy has lots of vehicles, otherwise you should do well enough.

You can always make the daemons a separate CAD, giving you access to the warp storm which can help during certain matches.

>Not posting any of the superior relics from the supplement books

That's why you're still not a chaos lord.
Is there any reason you don't see Tau with prosthetic/bionic limbs? I want to add a bit of flavour to my Fireblade, lost it in a fight or something.

Also what's the role of kroot? s3 t3 i3 makes me think they're not the close combat warriors the fluff suggests they are, but it's not like they're gonna outshoot Tau
In terms of tabletop, Kroot work best as infiltrating snipers. While they're decent in melee, they can't charge after shooting, which means they're better used as a wall to intercept charges aimed at you Tau. If you want them to be better at Assault, Hounds are pretty much the only way.

Maybe they care a bit more about prosthetics with proper aesthetics unlike the Imperium.
Thinking of buying some rapier laser destroyers for my CSM and renegades and heretics armies, can anyone tell me if they have found them to be helpful for them in 40k?
Hey /tg/!

What is the best way to utilize assault centurions? Just built them today and then realized I had no actual plans for them...
Death star buffed by special characters with rules that distribute to the squad
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Quick question. Can I use Imperial Sentinals as replacements for my AD MECH Balastari? I really hate those chicken legged models.
termy chaplain in a land raider
maybe a libby for endurance/invis
As long as it's clear what you're using them as, yes.
According to Evilexecutive's FAXIV, the Devilfish should be only worth 63 points.

Baseline Transport Vehicle + Skimmer: 35 points
2 Increments on front armour, 15 points.
1 Increment on SA, 5 points
4 bolters(Rough equivalent): 8 points
Faction unique ability(Markerlight use): Free

Actual cost: 80 points, for a total of being 17 points covercosted. It's not the worst transport in the game for points cost, but it's surely competing for that title.
So I'm always hearing how current 40k is shit.

I'm thinking of actually trying to get into it as I have one of those 200 dollar Tau set boxes.

Is it shit or worth playing?

inb4 > Tau
>4 bolters(Rough equivalent): 8 points

That covers the Burst cannon, but you're forgetting the 2 gun drones, which are 24 points by themselves, which in the end results in the devilfish being 7 points undercosted.
Which aren't going to matter realistically, since their toughness and jump abilities don't factor in at all to the vehicle's statline. At which point if we count them in, it's just two more bolters, which is 4 more points. So instead of 63 points, it's 67, ergo the devilfish itself is overcosted by 13 points.

If I was in charge of making codexes to sell models, I would buff them to cost 60 points, thus making them undercosted. Since that would make them more worthwhile to take in competitive lists, more players will be encouraged to buy devilfish transports for their collections.
Balance doesn't work like that.
It unfortunately does. Fast Approximate Intrinsic Value is extremely close to the system GW itself uses to make vehicles for factions, and in fact draws from their own system.
Question about first blood:
Two combats on the board. My fist kills a squad at initiative one in one fight, his Hammer kills one at initiative one in the second fight.

Who gets points?
buff devilfish, nerf riptide

make tau more about getting footslogging units around to the perfect position for a hail of gunfire with heavy support from battlesuits than just heavy support supporting more heavy support
If a Rhino came with two free tactical marines that could disembark as normal, should that Rhino be 35 points, or 35 points + the cost of two tactical marines?
The rhino itself should still be 35 points, but you should also still have to pay for the two marines. That the drones themselves add nothing to the devilfish itself except for their weapons is an annoying thing to balance for. I'm not going to question GW's choices, but for the most part fishies themselves aren't worth it. If you want two T4 BS2 bolters, SURE, go for it. That's not going to contribute much to your army though, just like the drop pod's storm bolter.
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Space marines get all their transports for free
Which means the Devilfish is fairly coated, since you're still getting two free drones.

You might not want those drones, and would rather give them up and save the points, but you don't have that option.
Best way to build from the starter space marine kit?

1 Terminator Captain
10 Tactical Marines
1 Venerable Dreadnaught

I'm thinking that either some more Tac Marines and 2 Drop pods is in order, or some Devastators, because I have a hard on for Heavy Bolters.
> Best way to build the Firespear
> Buy a Macro Cannon Strongpoint
> Put the Firespear in the strongpoint.
> Fire your Strength D Apocalyptic Blast twice per shooting phase.
> Fits in a 1000 point game.
>comparing drones to marines
No. the size differnce is fucking massive. The balistari comes on a 105x70mm oval base and the Sentinel comes on a 60mm base.

Not sure on height but id guess the Ballastarii is a lot taller
Hey fa/tg/uys, I'm new to warhammer. I bought the starter set and I like it. Can anyone recommend a good, CHEAP army?
wrong hobby kiddo
try ebay for used shit
Tyranids. Carnifex's are 20 bucks on Ebay, swam units are pennies Flying Hive Tyrants and Tervigons are still pricey, but this ain't a cheap army.

Grey Knights.
>Comparing models that cost points to other models that cost points
I believe the point goes to the player whose player turn it is
So after running it a few times I got a question

Is the Conclave of the Burning one with Nightbringer the Necron equivalent of the Invisible Daemon Prince as far as cheese goes? by which I mean a big nigh invincible point sink that does a lot of damage every turn.

Only time anyone managed to kill it so far was a knight getting a lucky stomp and vaporizing the squad.
Does anyone have any advice for playing mono-blood angels? Like some unit combinations or loadouts that make them not complete shit? I'm aware of the 1d4chan page, but I always get curbstomped when I play with them.
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So which units from which factions are Tau armies allowed to use as auxiliaries? Is it just IG squads?

Is it viable?
Not even close. Most people would even advise against bringing any sort of c'tan. On that note, how about wraiths? are they Invisible Daemon Prince as far as cheese goes? I've never used them and am afraid that if i get some that everyone will be angry
There's no list or anything for them,you just take guard allies, probably minus some psykers.
Oh so any faction can take any other faction's units in as allies? Or is there rules for this.
All death company all the time. You can even make a bound CAD that's just death company units.
There's an allies chart in the back of the rule book that shows what armies can ally with each other and at what level. There's a smaller detachment you can take for your allied force.
Wraiths are only super cheesy in the Decurion formation but people will whine anyways since they are both rule and stat bloated for their cost. They are probably the only squad of multiwound models that manages to be undercosted at old terminator price.

Also I feel like Conclave is great because it makes up for everything that makes C'tan less than other cheese monsters. It's super expensive but the increased toughness, ability to deepstrike, feel no pain, and sort of extra wounds make it much better at doing what it wants to do. Plus gaze of death on nightbringer lets it target 2 units a turn with the second ignoring any stealth or invisibility shenanigans
I think it's time to open up your rulebook anon.
I don't have a rule book I'm just looking to get into the game. Really like the idea of Tau auxiliaries and want to make use of them if I do.
That's what I was afraid of. I usually run a sort of fluffy pseudo-demi company list led by a captain or chaplain as the core of my army. That is, 3 tactical squads, 1 assault squad, and 1 devistator squad with captain or chaplain with a squad of Death company or a command squad escort.
It's at the top of the page.
There's no rules for it. There's allies rules though.

I have a squad of weird aliens that count as kroot. You can just count your IG auxiliaries as fire warriors or something.
Are they any good?
They're a binary army. Either you absolutly crush your enemy, or they destroy you. They don't really have any close games in my experience
Depends on how many monstrous creatures you buy.
>you will never feel the Drop Pod given to the void
>you will never feel the rattling of the chassis as you enter the atmosphere
>you will never see the Macro shells flying past your display camera
>you will never hear the sergeant giving one last prayer to the emperor
>you will never feel the pod smash into the pre-bombarded landing zone
>you will never scream "FOR THE EMPEROR" in unison with your Battle Brothers as the hatches are blown open
>you will never be a Space Marine
Why live?
This is precisely what I do for casual games. I just include only a single demi-company as my base army, and fully kit out all my squads, then take some extra support. Usually my favorite option for casual games is to have a Kitted-out Deredeo in my primary detachment as the sort of Anchor for my army.

It's when I'm not doing casual games when I tend to go overboard, with things like the Pinion Company, multiple supplements, and the utter bullshit that is a shit-ton of high strength Ignores Cover attacks.
They're also t7 not t8
>you don't live in 40K.

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They are fucked defs get them.
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Because you get to feel the honour of dying in the defence of your planet with thousands upon thousands of your comrades, showing the heretics that no matter the odds, even the humblest of humanity will fight until the last drop of blood is shed to defend the imperium of man
>$85 for 3 Crisis Suits, an Ethereal and 10 free useless Fire Warriors.

I do whip coils because fuck initiative 2
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With allies they can be. And as some other guy pointed out, depends on how many monstrous creatures you buy.

I got three.
Step 1. Find an army with a low model count (Grey Knights).
Step 2. Go to a Chinese recaster that charges you based on how much plastic is used. In this case, a low model count means you can fill points to whatever standard you need while paying low cash.
Land raider redeemer/crusader, add termi chaplin, mulch nearly anything. Give grenades and twin linked melta guns, make sure to upgrade to veteran leader.

Please choose one
What army lets me play as elite operators?
where can I get 2nd hand 40k models and bitz thats not ebay?
they're fucking amazing. I think its less than 175pts for 3 of them with militia training in R&H and they destroy most tanks with ease.
Raptors, especially if you get Lias Issodon.
> up to 31 space marines in POWER ARMOUR with Shrouded and Infiltrate
> Chapter master is literally Big Boss as a space marine
> Everyone is in camouflage power armour
> Amazing sniper skill with bolters(Their bolters have RENDING).
If you want to be a real clown faced operator, you go for your Harlequins. If you want to be a real tank sort of operator, you go for Imperial Guard. If you want to be a real elite space man type operator, Grey Knights or Space Wolves.
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Going to my first tournament with my buddy, and this is the list I'm bringing. A number of the missions have major benefits for ObSec units.

Blood Angels and Space Marines--1850 Point Army

--Combined Arms Detachment [Blood Angels]--

*Sanguinary Priest (Attached to Sanguinary Guard) - 100
-Angel's Wing
-Lightning Claw
-Bolt Pistol

*Tactical Squad x5 - 125
-Heavy Flamer
-Combi-Flamer (Sarge)
-Dedicated Transport Drop Pod
*Tactical Squad x5 - 180
-Plasma Gun
-Combi-Plasma (Sarge)
-Dedicated Transport Razorback (TL Plasma and Lasgun)
*Cassor the Damned (Embarked in Drop Pod) - 140

*Sanguinary Guard x5 - 210
-Enarmine Sword x3
-Power Fist x2
-Chapter Banner

>Fast Attack
*Assault Squad x5 - 115
-Drop Pod
-Melta-Gun x2
-Combi-Melta (Sarge)
*Drop Pod - 35

>Heavy Support
*Predator - 125
-Lascannon x2 (Pair)
-Overcharged Engines

--Combined Arms Detachment [Space Marines (White Scars)]--

*Chapter Master (Attached to Command Squad) - 255
-Artificer Armor
-Heaven's Wrath
-The Glaive of Vengeance
-The Shield Eternal

*Bike Squad x3 - 103
-Grav Gun x2
-Combi-Grav (Sarge)
*Bike Squad x3 - 143
-Melta Gun x2
-Combi-Melta (Sarge)
-Attack Bike

*Command Squad x5 - 200
-Grav Gun x4
-Space Marine Bikes

>Fast Attack
*Stormtalon Gunship - 115
-Skyhammer Missile Launcher
>you will never be the jackbooted stormtroopers of a violent and oppressive theocracy
Thank goodness.
Current 40k is pretty good in the sense that new units / armies / rules are coming out at a crazy fast pace.

The issue (which isn't really new in 40k) is that a few armies / builds don't work in the current meta.

Also like all things, most things are fun with a good group of friends. Make sure you find a good stable group before you fork over any $$
Thanks anon, I thought all marines were bright and colourful, glad to see some are sensible.
With how most chapters operate it really doesn't matter how brightly coloured they are.
Yeah, the Raptors are less than successful, so take what they do with a grain of salt.
Reposting to hopefully find more help.
So I am looking to add the Get Started box to my current 1000pt Necron Force. We play a lot of missions and scenarios. The Reclamation Legion was frowned upon when I have been told not to bother with the Destroyer or Wraith formations out of fear of being labeled a WAACo
Below is my modified 1000 pt list with the Retribution Phalanx Formation fit in. The goal is to make my warriors even more durable, however they come back to the Overlord should the unit be wiped out (it has to be the whole unit, correct?) and I am guessing the Overlord will go with my Lychguard unless I am allowed to start the game with him in the immortal's scythe. However, if the crescant gets toasted my warriors will respawn in reserves, right?

>CAD 925
HQ:Vargard Obyron(120pt)
ELITE: 9 Sword and Shield Lychguard(270pt)
TROOPS: 10 Tesla Immortals in Night Scythe(300pt)
+ 10 Warriors in Ghost Ark(235pt)
>Retribution Phalanx Formtation - 575
>(From the Sands, We Rise: If the unit of Necron warriors or Scarabs from a Retribution Phalanx is wiped out, it can return to the battlefield at the start of your next turn. The unit must be set up within 3" of the Necron Overlord from this Formation.)
Warscythe Overlord(100pt)
Triarch Stalker with TL Heavy Guass(135pt)
20 Warriors (260pt)
4 Canoptek Scarabs(80pt)

The only reply last thread suggested I forget the new formation, keep the warriors and add Orikan for a Deathstar. I've read about it but am wondering how effective it really is with no range.
> Less than Successful
If you call, perfectly average record as a Space Marine Chapter, apparently they suck. They're not doing badly, but they're not perfect mary sues.

They act like a chapter of Power-Armour Operators, and their crunch on the tabletop matches that almost flawlessly.

I don't see what you're smoking at all.
As I remember it, they're usually under strength, and they do tend to take a while compared to say, Space Wolves or Ultras.
Can it be done online? Will I have to send them the specs? Will it look the same? Is it cheaper than 3D printing it? ($7/square inch)
How do you get 30 in a sqaud?
Getting into space marine's, good chapters for infantry heavy? Using mostly bolters if possible
check r/yoyhammer
Pissing about hiding in forests when you could be drop podding in pods full of guns then pods full of muhreens which irreparably destroys a large chunk of the planets fauna and wildlife but gets the job done in under 10 minutes will do that.
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What chapter ISN'T under strength? Except all of the First Founding chapters. They've been active since the closing days of the Horus Heresy, and have never gone below 7 companies at any point in their history.

You don't, it's 3 squads of 10 marines. Lias Issodon's gimmick is that he gives himself and 3 other units Infiltrate. Hence having 31 guys with infiltrate, 11 of which have shrouded. I didn't specify that clearly in my first post.
>which irreparably destroys a large chunk of the planets fauna and wildlife
On one hand, you have purging the enemies of the Emperor. On the other hand, you have plants.

Imperial Fists have some bolter related bonuses as their chapter tactics.
I've heard yellow is a bitch to paint, is this true?
>never gone below 7 companies at any point in their history.
Blood angels and imperial fists have went down to around 50 each before. BA spent a long time rebuilding and IF replaced their losses by taking in marines from successor chapters
Just buy Army Painter Yellow as your primer.

Boom. 75% done.
Is that from his warlord trait?
I think one of the Imperial Armour books (maybe Badab War, I dunno) had them as significantly under strength, but I may be remembering it wrong.
Here's the best Infantry heavy chapters:

Main ones:
> Ultramarines
> Imperial Fists
> Raptors
> Star Phantoms

> Space Sharks(Bolter + Bolt Pistol + CCW), Option on getting Preferred enemy: Infantry
> Minotaurs, if you're using Drop Pods, and by extension against other space marines, since their chapter master grants army-wide Preferred Enemy: Space Marines

Yea, he's guaranteed to start with a warlord trait that does this.
It happens during the badab war. The Raptors Comitted 3 whole companies(300 marines) to the Badab War, and lost 70% of these 3 companies. Which is roughly 210 marines.

Keep in mind, having 7 companies fully intact is still "Under strength", but not enough to keep the whole chapter out of comission. They just rotate in the reserve companies and keep operating operationally.
Is that on the gw site?
So, I was interested and looked up the math you put on it, and you're talking out your ass. Land Raiders are considered by many to be awful, if workable with certain units, as is, and you want to bring them up a full forty points.
You're giving other tripfags a bad name, and that means a lot.
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Their companies operate away from each other for extremely long periods of time and when they reunite they share all the tactical doctrine they've grown
You're killing me smalls.
I planned on using lots of drop pods. What bonus do they get?

I'll yahoo it.
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They're fucking losers and crybabies. I'll tell you the real army you should be playing. Chaos Daemons. Real niggas roll randomly on tables for their wargear.
M8 you should really just sit down and read the rulebook, then read the Space Marine codex, then read both again.

Army Painter is a different, but very comparable brand to GW primer.

This is the primer: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004VEO1TC/ref=pd_aw_fbt_21_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SX16X4XRECBTY1MPYW7

This is the paint you'll need to retouch it when you make mistakes: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B007QW3N5E/ref=pd_aw_sim_21_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=41EVViIPUGL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL100_SR100%2C100_&refRID=1RET5P1WV86J0R7QWCJ6
I don't claim that the system is flawless, and I haven't worked on it in several months. I'm currently on a hiatus while I paint up an entire mechanicus army for some people.

I wouldn't say that I'm giving other tripfags a bad name, as I only use this when I want to discuss the system with other people. I'm always looking for input on how to further refine my system, and the discussion earlier about devilfish transports has gotten me thinking about some things.

Believe me when I say that I do take whatever people say about the system into consideration whenever I get back to working on it.
Your best bet for drop pods is actually to use Star Phantoms. They get rerollable reserves(For your second half of the pods), and once per game you can make all of your guns Twin-Linked. They're easily one of the best tactics you can use for infantry-heavy drop pods.

Never buy directly from GW site.
Good idea. Thanks for giving me the jist of it though.

I'll be back once I'm not quite so new.
It can be done online and I have done it online.

>>44867950 <-- what this guy said.
That is unless you're buying finecast. Never buy it second hand in case it's bubbled to fuck and needs to be replaced. If there's one thing you can't fault about GW it's their customer service.
Lol didn't copy right. Check /r/yoyhammer is what your other reply said. So do that
So do shield drones give a 3+ INV for every wound? If a would is sustained does it have to be the one that takes it?

Not buying directly from GW site doesn't mean getting everything second hand. There are plenty of stores that offer discounts.

I do know some items are not stocked anywhere other than GW site though, that's why I've had to order from there once. Normally I buy my stuff from a hobby store in my country that offers -10% from everything GW related. Or ebay.
If a wound is allocated to the drone, it has a 4++ save to wound.
>So do shield drones give a 3+ INV for every wound?

4+, not 3

>If a would is sustained does it have to be the one that takes it?

Yes. The wound needs to be allocated to the Shield Drone, either by it being the closest model or by having it Look Out Sir! for a character.
You can't just go off the math on this, or we'll see nothing but the literal best units fielded, ones that slipped through the cracks in the numbers.
You need to look at what's already there and balance from there. That's why people play the games and make decisions from that. It's why if GW could grasp the concept of a FAQ or some updates to rules in between codexes, we'd not need to try and rebalance stuff.

But for the record, it should be 70 points.

3 increments of armor, anywhere, for 3 points, rounding up for safety.
Times the hullpoints, 3.
Add the passenger count since its a transport. (I double it if its an assault transport)
Add 5 for Tank subtype, 5 For Skimmer (10 if it's a fast skimmer)
Each drone goes for half cost, so 6 each
Burst cannons are normally 10 points, but we'll bring it to 6 for two reasons.
1) A Vehicle needs to be greater than the sum of its parts, especially in Monstrous Creature Edition.
2) We rounded up 3 total points with the armor, so they're free-floating numbers we can use to balance if things seem off.
That's true, I shouldn't have said second hand there. I buy a lot of new stuff from places other than GW too. That said afaik if you've not bought something directly from GW they'll care much less about replacing it for you unless it's royally fucked up.
old bait.
Okay, so let's practice with your method, and see how close we get to some of the other GW tanks. I don't actually want codexes to determine the points value of everything by this, obviously there needs to be things that are within a range of differences from their "Intrinsic Value".

2 Increments of armour for 6 points, rounded up.
> 10
> 30
> 40
Increment of ballistic skill
> 43
tank subtype
> 48
> 50
Even with the floating numbers for terminal balancing, it's produced some odd results. Rhinos in your system are worth quite a lot more in the system I've come up with. Running it through a gamut of other light vehicles, I've found that it tends to favor high results.

I like this system of floating numbers for terminal changes. Let's see what I can work with this to make in the future.
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>Getting coke
>See the red of the can
>suddenly I see the blood
>its the blood of my brilliant plans
>run to computer, sweating profusely
>check rules
admittidly it sounded to good to be true but I still say wurth for massive panic
This picture is great, its like the Tau have a nightlife and fashions among its people just like us.

Snap shots don't matter when the enemy can pump so many of them with re-rolls of various kinds into her, and she dies like a bitch.

Yeah, if I have to buy finecast models I prefer to see them in a store. Usually you can see if it's badly warped or has holes through the blister.

Draigo I ordered from GW directly had curved sword like a goddamn Hammerfell soldier.
I;m pretty sure that's supposed to be a tau version of the gits major :/

Agreed, or I just don;t get finecast at all

Oh boy, you see, I wanted to do Inquisition force but I'm not that good at converting so I ordered a bunch of servitors and crusaders and all in Finecast, it sure was fun to remove all the excess stuff from the models.
> Out of stock

Yes it is. Gonna want to spray that shit on, or get an airbrush. Otherwise white primer and lots of layers of yellow. also helps to muck'em up with battle damage etc.
You don't have an option to avoid finecast with some armies really. Eldar, CSM and inquisition especially.
I'm an Australian, hate GW's store prices and generally buy my stuff from Ebay
But sometimes GW's free postage threshold can juuust make them the better option when all my other choices are from America or the UK
I don't get it. What is this picture trying to say?
Something about cancer I think.
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>the ethereal is also free if you're buying with canadabux
Literally no reason not to buy some of these bundles, if you're collecting the army.
My brilliant plan was to set her up in front of an enemy unit and either she'd charge my first turn or she'd waste a ton of the enemy shots and then I charge.

However then I remembered that Infiltrators cant charge in their first turn
dumbo read the rules for the callidus and forgot you can't charge when you infiltrate

despite the polymorphine entry basically saying it outright with the whole snap shots thing

I feel you ausbro. You have no choice.
12 floating points would bring it down as far as 38, which seems fairly reasonable, considering you're paying almost 40 points for a storm bolter that can take a punch on one side.
However, remember that vehicles, and all very specialized and expensive units, need to be a little better than the sum of their parts, otherwise we'd have Mega-Armored Nobs that cost 117 points per model. (though they are admittedly undercosted as of now.

For a device that serves only to allow 10 marines to move farther, considering Jump Packs are 3 per model and do the same thing while going over cover, hammering some wrath, and deepstriking, 35 points is actually pretty reasonable.
Why have the HH novel releases slowed to a crawl? Is it because ADB is taking forever and it's causing a logjam?

What gives?
Could she assault if she moves on from the board edge? She's not infultrating/outflanking/deepstriking then.
Check out what outflanking is again.
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Nope, refer to bottom left picture
I mean we have to give the poor shooting armies a turn to blast us with full BS BEFORE they get to Overwatch
There is another concept I have been exploring lately though with Intrinsic Value. And that's the reason why despite Land Raiders being undercosted, they're still not worth it to take anyway.

Adding a Land Raider to your list increases the value of the list by 40 points, which may seem like a lot, but you're spending 240 points to add 40 points. That is in and of itself, very inefficient. Right now the most efficient upgrade/unit in the Space Marine's codex is the Grav Cannon, which costs 35 points, but adds 75 points to your list. It's a vastly more effective force multiplier than a Land Raider. But that's also not counting Synergistic effects, which at this time I have no means of accounting for, and I still don't even after having this up for a whole year.

Anyway, good night. I appreciate the criticisms and advice from you, and thank you for your concerns. As always, if you ever have more criticisms, concerns, or requests for assistance with fanmade works, I can be contacted by my talk page on 1d4chan.
Expecting to playing against IG this weekend. 1000-1500 points though probably split the difference since I am not done assembling.

I still haven't chosen a chapter and am bouncinh between imperial fist successor or salamanders. Everything is primed dark green so far but I have a Librarian, Company Master, three rhinos, ten stern guard, twenty tactical marines and a drop pod dreadnaught. Plus I have a storm talon to assemble. My Sterns don't have arms yet.
Forgot to mention he runs like four or five artillery and a ton of infantry platoons. Because of this I am leaning towards salamanders
Do rumors still suggest a Genestealer or Nids release this month?
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It's rare, but not impossible.

Kais in firewarrior get slowly corrupt by a demon and briefly falls under the influence of Khorne, going as far as to yell "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" on page 177

Neither. Space Yiffs are the next rumoured update. Somewhat strengthened by some of their kits vanishing from the online store.
Oh right, giving every Imperil army a model that can 1st turn charge anything it wants with WS8/I7/A4, with either 3+ to wound, or AP2 that can even negate inv. saves seems legit fair. You got to be a real tactical genius to figure out how to use that one right. OMG, getting snap shot because you parked it in front of their army seems so unfair.

Lets not forget it also give a bonus to the army for rolling for "seize the initiative, ignores the Initiative penalty for charging though cover, as well as penalizes "look out sir" rolls.
Why are fire warriors useless?

Is Tau shit or something?
Yes tau suck. Never consider using them.
It's a shitty meme. They're a fairly solid infantry unit for gunlines with rifles and counter-charges with breachers.
They're one of the best troop choices in the game performance wise.
I haven't played since the ig became astra militarum. What does the ultimate cheese list for IG at 1500 points look like? Mech-vets with meltas? How about eldar as well?


Does anyone here even read 40k fiction anymore?
Guard suck, eldar are OP
No one reads HH anymore, you mean.
Try asking in the more relevant thread.
New Cadian detachment is pretty solid its in the MEGA.

Probably because they decided a regular release schedule was dumb so everyone lost interest.

What about Beast Arises? What did everyone think of book 1?

I don't think you need to storm talon at 1k, why not type out a list and post that instead of your collection.

Does he not run any transports because that can be an infantry blob, never seen but had heard of. With his artillery at least some will be wyvern so your rhinos are gonna get popped quick. You can try and land your dread in the best clump of artillery you can find land hopefully Melta some. The marines themselves should be mostly okay. With salamanders you are given a great build-around-me chapter tactic.
Is there a formation for fielding lots of Warriors? I have lots of Warriors to field
The cheesiest gaurd gets now is punisher Pask and Wyvern spam
6 troop slots to a CAD man. That's 120 warriors if you wish.

Hmmm I don't have THAT many Warriors but I will try that.
Can confirm, have lost 60% of s green tide in one turn against that exact cheese.
So what would that look like at 1,500? Something like this?

Punisher w/ Pask, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Executioner w/ Lascannon, Plasma Cannon Spsonsons
Executioner w/ Lascannon, Plasma Cannon Spsonsons
Veterans w/ Chimera, 2 Meltaguns
Veterans w/ Chimera, 2 Meltaguns
2 Wyverns
2 Wyverns
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>implying it takes a tactical genius to field Str D
>implying it takes a tactical genius to line up across the back board edge
>implying it takes a tactical genius to blow 1k points off the board before the end of Turn 1

Probs not a Deathstrike, they're too inconsistent to be cheesy.
>What about Beast Arises?
Feels like an obvious attempt to one-up the HH series.

Wish they'd do a more mundane look at the post-scouring imperium. It's a cool time period.
Yeah, that's pretty much your typical tourney list. The deathstrike doesn't seem to get fielded often, probably because its usefulness is gone after you launch the missile. I think it's a hilarious unit though
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Then he purges himself of the taint of Chaos one page later. He became pure and daemon could no longer corrupt him.

The problem with Kais is that he had mental and emotional issues revolving around his father. This is what opened him up to the daemon lord lord. The daemon lord said because of Kais emotional conflict, he was able to influence Kais alone among all the Tau on the planet.

Under normal circumstance, daemons have a difficult time corrupting Tau especially when Ethereals are among
Jump outta bunk, first thing I say,
"Emperor, watch over me today."
We're in a war, but we're not alone,
Faith and fury will see us home
Kit up, load up, hurry out the door,
Enemy's here, they're screamin' for more.
I hit the dirt, and the shells do too.
We all stand up, there's killin' to do.
Lasguns crack, and the enemies fry
"Emperor's with me, I'll never die."
The Sergeant grins as he looks at me,
"Give it fifteen hours, and then we'll see."

Today's the day, we get out of the mud.
We're charging back, we're out for blood.
Trench warfare doesn't do it for me.
Gotta get real close so I see 'em bleed.
See an enemy stuck on my bayonet lug,
Throw 'em down and see if they like the mud.
Now dig in boys, I know you will,
'Till the next day, when we take the next hill.
Take the bodies and bury them deep.
When the war's all done, then we can weep.
They're off at paradise; we're in the mud.
They'll watch with Him, 'till we are done.
I imagine cutting 10 points in the list, could replace that Deathstrike with a second Vendetta. Or replace the nuke with 2 more Wyverns and have 30 more points to spare, enough for a Heavy Flamer for each Vet and a Pask Lascannon (then use Melta sponsons?).

I'd like to give Deathstrikes a chance, they sound like a fun unit and if there was a formation that uses 3 of them, more reason to take it.

But at least I know what to avoid if I wanted to have a fun game with friends.
GMing a Deathwatch game, a little new to these FFG systems and really most of what I know about 40k was garnered from here, lexicanum and DoW with a few novels gracing my hands.

Anyways, the meat of what I want to know is if there is a good source for me to see the measures taken by the imperium when it comes to planets that have been brought to the "Greater Good".

We're playing Deathwatch so Exterminatus is boring, So is there any source dealing with marines hitting planetside and personally dispatching xenos sympathizing politicians, bringing the local PDF to its knees in surrender and executing them for not fighting to the last man, and reminding the local workforce that the Emperor's light shines to even the most remote planets of the Imperium?
They are decent enough. Almost all their problems can be easily solved with allies though.
Oh, and of course killing some filthy xenos too, but that was a given.
So /tg/ I need some recommendations. I have 155 points left for my dangle army and I've already suped up my other squads. What should I spend my points on? Should shave a lil off and get Belial on to kick some ass? Should I grab another squad of something? I don't have any raven wings but I have 5 DW knights and 5 DW terminators already for deeps trike. What should I do?
Other than that I've got a veteran squad and 2 Tactical squads and a Librarian as my HQ
The Imperium doesn't like destroying Tau held planets anyways since they keep them in good condition and can totally refit them in a relatively short time.

The Torus campaign is a great one. They send in a Chapter to kill the Planetary Governor and then after that failed sent in Marines to dispatch very large AA weapons.

They usually like to target Ethereals and Commanders as well.
Not marines but one of the first ciaphas cain books deals with a planet that has major tau influence and what life is like for the citizens, pdf and high up sympathisers there. Plus is also gives detail to how well guarded tau embassies are. Should give you a fair amount to structure what MUHREENZ would do in that situation.
taros would be an example, though deathwatch are a bit more specialized

The aftermath of the campaign has a stormtrooper platoon and eversor going deep behind enemy lines to assassinate the ethereal and supreme commander. That's the sort of mission deathwatch is going to be doing most of.
they can change out their drones for sms
Try to make your players solve the problem with no violence unless needed, or make create problems and put blame on the Tau. The civilians will be more likely to turn on the Tau.
Maybe an interrogator chaplain in terminator armour to go in with the knights?
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>with no violence
Well some of them have taken an interest to requisitioning gear with the intent on assassination, the others were concerned with the need for AV. I think they should have a sit down and discuss strategy a bit more but I understand their way of thinking since most of them have little experience outside of D&D.
Perhaps, I was also thinking of cutting my librarian and using ezekial instead
To the civilians. Create problems behind the scenes and make the Tau crack down on the civilians. They'll see the Deathwatch marines as good boys who didin do nuffin wrong if the Tau attack them.
some kind of deathwing character to lead your terminators could be cool
My knowledge stops where rhinos begin.

Though perhaps a multimelta Attack Squadron with 1 attack bike and double Melta on the landspeeder would be nice for your termis.
I was thinking Belial for that because his special perk is really good with some deep striking termies, however he is 190 points so I'd probably have to cut my librarian for him
Just for fluff clarification the Supreme Commander would be the Ethereal and the Crisis Suit Commander would be handling the day to day tasks.

I do like the fact it's ten books and that's it. Tho' the first book was not Abnett's best. Felt like an extended prologue.
Ezekiel would be a good choice there as well, really any force multiplier wouldn't go amiss. I'm sure you can already imagine what deathwing knights with 5 attacks each on the charge thanks to Ezzie's book and the off chance roll of righteous repugnance could do.
I've been told to not bother with Assault squads for close range at all because of my DW knights, the main plan is to use a medium range and flank with my Tactical squads while my veterans stay where they are and keep shooting and then have my DW Melee the enemy with termies for longer range support
>using Ezekiel
What >>44870514 and >>44870559 said a non named terminator hq would let you tidy up the deathwing in there strike force

Though that would make >>44870584s suggestion even more crucial.

The list would look similar to the fluff list I bring against newer players or weaker armies.
One thing that has always confused me about warhammer 40k is equipment.

How do you equip equipment to a character when the models are static and can't be changed? Do you just say a certain character has X equipment and go with it?
other way around, if we're going by Taros

The supreme commander is the fire caste in charge of the invasion/occupation forces. The ethereal is technically just an adviser, even if he's got ultimate veto power.
Where did I say assault squad. the attack squad formation of bikes and a landspeeder is a fantastic tank hunter unit as well as teleport homer for dw.
Have them drive the Tau insane. There is one story where a Tau is at his wits' end because of the IG causing strife on the planet. If they force the Tau to deal with them with a Riptide they've done something right and wrong.
Maybe I should clarify that my librarian is in termie armor already
The models are not static and a major part of the hobby is changing them.

Many models are made with this in mind and allow dynamic poses and different options as far as wargear like guns, etc. Once you git gud at modeling, you can do pretty much whatever you want to the point where even "monopose" models can be reposed/equipped how you want. It can be as simple as sawing off an arm and adding a different one to change weapons, to molding a new torso out of epoxy. Also, magnets.
I guess I can't read but that does look a Lot better
Well it seems like they intend to do as much proper murdering as possible on the planet, which I've cast an amused and skeptical glance on. I did my best to drill in that the earn no extra experience or other rewards for grinding out xenos and that their job is to complete their objectives efficiently.
What I outlined as their mission objectives were to:
A: Cleanse the world of the Xenos Presence.
B: Do so without killing the workforce or damaging essential infrastructure that produces munitions and supplies. Ensure the surviving workforce is loyal to the empire.
C: Make examples of any possible remaining PDF.

Possibly I can fit some other minor objectives in there, but the catch to this mission is that a lot of the details are unclear, they intercepted a Tau Fleet, destroyed most of the vessels and captured the heavily damaged flagship. They learned that the fleets last docking mission was on a forge world that was supposedly under imperial control. Red flags are up and I figured this opened a lot of options for hunting down the red scare and whatnot. I dunno, maybe such a setup is wasted if they're going to go rambo.
There are bits for a lot of the equipment, anything overly small is in your imagination. Some people craft them personally, others aren't complete WYSIWYG autists
Plastic is great for cutting and pasting parts around with. I like to use WYSIWYG for my army even if my group doesn't care (and I don't either when facing non exact armies, I just prefer mine to look the part). I played back when everything was metal too, it was much more difficult then but there was still many like me who swapped stuff we didn't like and went through so many coathangers for pinning that our mums went mad.
Make them hunt down the Magos who might be a weeboo now, and break his toaster. That alone will cause him to die.
>tfw trying to dremel/saw up monopose metal miniatures as a kid
I'm surprised I still have hands.
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Welcome to the world of converting. Enjoy your stay.

In actuality, even though I enjoy converting, I would like for GW to offer my an official model so that I have a choice between converting and just getting the model.
>mfw loyalists dont get Autocannons for Devastators
Aren't heavy bolters better?
It's more like an Chief and an Assistant Chief relationship in a police force.

All the Chief does is politicking with the mayor and city Council. He doesn't do much with the police force. The assistant chief receives political expectations from the Chief who then actually does the work to carry out the task.

The Ethereal tells him of the expectations and the Commander actually carries them out. Rarely does a Ethereal need to include himself on actually carrying out the orders since that's the Commanders job. But the Ethereal is always in charge, he's the boss.

Ethereals are the long term strategists and the Commanders handle the tactics to achieve them.
I used to use clippers, scratched up everything in the surrounding area and blunted the blades. I still have a box of "wtf was I doing" which is full of scraps, a near perfect ghazghkull model and some really well greenstuffed (for me anyway) nob biker legs that probably don't fit the new bikes.

That's a really nice conversion there man, I'm going to be working on something similar soon but my sidecar will have a shokk attack gun mounted on it.
My old yellow-GW clipper blades are all fucked up, there's little dents along them where I tried to brute-force a limb off. Real surprised they never snapped on me.
I am loving 95% of what you got going there.

However, the face shield is just kinda tacked on there and sticking out. You might want to have sanded the front of his face for a smoother and more natural fit.
Also his right arm is Klawed, but his left is the only one that could drive-by smack.
lel no, one of the worst heavy weapons in the game

heavy bolters should either 1) cost 5 points or 2) have more shots or strength or some effect. Atm they're too weak and too little to do much.
Autocannons have better range and strength for one less shot
Less strength, more shots, same AP. Depends on what you're shooting at.
Tau/carapace vets/aspect warriors, you grab that Heavy Bolter.
But autocannons can threaten AV12, while still taking chunks out of those 4+ save models.
Not really. An extra shot, but two less strength. Heavy Bolter devastators are infantry mulchers. I use my autocannon havocs for everything that isn't killing AV 14. A summoned herald of tzeentch to help pop flyers is v nice.
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Nice Deff Dread jaw
>The one singular advantage CSM have over loyalists
>waaah why dont loyalists have more toys ;_;

It's the Big Mek head from the Mega-Nobz kit; the mask is designed to sit on his head that way. It's also not glued on, so it is just sort of sitting there.

Klaw location is a fair comment, but sticking the sentinel body on the side there let me click it into a little part of the hull that worked really well.


I still remember finding it when I was digging through my bitz box trying to find pieces to use and just marveling at how well it works there.

Very nice conversion work there mate. The arm dropping down to hold the lever for the KFF is genius.
Didn't the autocannons recoil too much back in the Crusade days to be actually effective?
tell that to the 30k heavy weapon teams
That was a happy coincidence, that damn Kustom gun took up so much room I couldnt get another arm in there lol

Anon its not like anyone plays your army anyway, might as well put it in the Space Marine book
Maybe it was just the Reaper Autocannon.
3-man termi squads that can take combi-weapons are another one
Maybe, but that doesn't cover why they can be mounted on more vehicles, loyalist or otherwise.

Heretical land raider crusader with 2 TL autocannon sponsons please GW.
Drop pod vets do the same job better, albiet costing more.
>albiet costing more
3+ instead of 2+, too

not super relevant, but termicide's definitely a viable alternative. If only because it means you get to use terminators.
Plus you can gear them up with maces and continue hammering down vehicles in the next phases for cheap.
My experience, they never actually survive long enough to charge.
still, you're not paying anything to give them maces
Depends on the army you're facing really. A guard parking lot can't really deal with them most of the time, not without moving out of formation and showing that juicy side amour to the rest of your army.
>mfw reading /tg/ be bad at traditional gaming again

Look, I aint even butthurt about this beer and pretzels game but I shiggy hope you faggots aren't implying CSM has "advantages" over loyalists, chaos termicide isn't even remotely good, wasn't good when CSM had scatter mitigation either, and nor is it in the same stratosphere as drop pod vets. Autocannons vs heavy bolters are who gives a fuck tier because both are trash in a devastator capacity.

The whole codex system is retarded but seeing you tards (and many others) argue about it the way you do makes me realize why GW keeps doing stupid shit, they have to please such people.

Anyway, the codex system is just a kike scheme to wring neckbeards out of money. In an actually well designed wargame, every rule for every faction would be included in a single big rulebook. They could have done this with literally any BRB in the past because they're huge and cost a mortgage, instead they filled it with whitespace and too many model pictures and retards will defend this because "it le costs money/ya can't fit it all in there and have fluff and pictures (>implying)/I like the codex system because I'm clinically retarded".

Space marines should just be one faction, with a metric assload of variations, upgrades, etc. to represent the metric assload of space marine lore. So let's say you start with a space marine for x points, then you can make him a veteran for so many points, or give him a traitor legion marine for y points, etc. etc. Of course these would need to work in a way so that your army turned out reasonably fluffy, like banning loyalists from the same CAD as heretics and whatnot.
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Actually, looking at the SM codex, Vets in a drop pod is just flat better. 12 points more, for the potential to have combi-gravs (No need to worry if those combi-meltas would've been better as combi-plasmas for melting a terminator squad, just take something that's effective against both), Sternguard ammo to melt whatever's left after you eat a tank/deathstar, and almost never mishaping.
But what happens when they release new models but not a new rulebook?
Means you have to build and paint another fucking pod, though. That's a disadvantage.
1) Depends on the models, if they just want to put out a new space marine kit then there's no reason why it needs new rules.
2) If it's a new unit altogether or has new wargear, include a physical sheet of rules in the box with the sprue and offer them for free download on the website. You know, like sane companies do. And I believe they are doing this with shitmar.
>Oh, woe is me having one of the best codexes in the edition.. I have to paint /another/ drop pod... Sigh
Then why not make all the models rules free?
No reason not to because people will pirate them anyway. But they could still offer a physical copy of the rules for those who want it.
They ugly and a pain in the ass to paint. As a hobbyist I hate pods, and numerous other ugly-but-good-in-game units that now populate the various armies.
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Does anyone having a link to the Raven Guard Supplement? It's this one; http://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-40000/digital-exclusives/supplement-raven-guard.html and I cannot for the life of me find it.
>and numerous other ugly-but-good-in-game units that now populate the various armies
I don't disagree with you, but what else?
I think its in the Kauyon
Well if we're going by chaos, the hellturkey would be a textbook example back when it was good.

Riptides and their ilk would be another.
It should be in the MEGA, its War zone Damocles Kauyon
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